New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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770 THE NHTW YORK CLIPPER. Februaby 1. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY TRUE EXPONENT OP TUB TURKISH ]>A.\CE IN AIUKRICA, ,, THE CELEBRATED "OMENE," Specially Engaged with "White Crook" Co., TO OPEN HYDE & BEHMAN'S NEW STAR THEATRE. BROOKLYN, WEEK JAN. 27. ss'jiF^ifiartwiTiMiiBmmowiicfl. A FEW OPEN WEEKS IN MARCH AND APRIL. Address ARTHUR G. WILLIAMS, Manager. 40 Union Square. Hew York. A Tew riy Boys are ^'etting tiieir names up for Hav- ing good printing, handsome cards and letter heads and envelopes. That's a thing that counts with managers. Are you in line? Say the word and we'll send you sam- ples and prices. Chicago Photo Eng. Co./nvo? Chicago Wo Know What ACtOPK Want New Grand Opera House, HKA'i'iNU CAi-»Ac;i'rv »«o. OPENED DEC. 9. EVERYTHING NEW. A irO. ONE ON£ NIGHT STAND. Iloaie with IfpltoUtiirrri ()|i«>r« Cliaira, l.lghtfMl will. Gat and Rlftclrlolty, llvm.Mt wllh HIr.M, KIkHI I'rIvNifi Iloip., RiBht Cowinodlou* Dialling Hooma, FIftMB Bfili or Mrpiiprv «nil Pl«uly of Hat Hluir.l,ar«|s HlaBeOUia.'), 44n. to Itlaglna Loft. A Norivrii l>u <a Itatr llnoir. Now Ronklns ror the SmaoH of ■WI-'VT. FIRST 0I.AS8 ATTIIACTIONH ONI.V. For 0|ian Tlnir nnd Terroa, milrtreu •JGVi O. LOGrAN, Miiiifi(;«i*, I.iOxlitf;ton, Mo. BROOKLYW GRAND OPERA HOUSE, One of ttie Haadsonest and Most Gomfortable Theatres In America. ' FOR FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS ONLY. OPEN TIME Reureaanttng rUE * BKIIRIA A<lrirt>ia PIIANK KlllbllOI.X, (Iraqi) Opera llouae, llrooklyn, N. V. EVANS ^ HUFFMAN, "TKA.VESTY SXA11(!»." nnd CATHERYN ROWE PALMER, THK OniCATKIS-l' OK AUL. A<JItt>llA'l'lU TOK UANCUHH, Address HOWARD HOUSE, 29 Howard Street. Boston, Mass. FOR THE S I IDES s xi: o WIXH RIN6LING BROS.' WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS, Good Aot or Freak that can be Featured. PerftormlnR Aloakerm, Frrslia lhat ran b« fbr llalljho<»t, Thr** Ooort Da^ Door Talk«n, Man tuat doei Talking KlgarM, whoUrnpatilaof t»lklng on door* PARTICULARLY DESIRE SOMETHING TO FEATURE. Bf PunllloaB of Mfrana Itlvn. Maalrlana and Poach flllrtl. Addrfsa IIDUll IIAUniflON, lloadcrwB, Ky, SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE TOD BROADWAY, N. V., 0\BI DOOH BBLOW NINTH BT, <F«nilertr 4» Iblden Una), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. aolA tnil SlUor \MCM, tHugtt, SpaniilM. HIara, Tuaola, Btocidoa, Tlilita, Shiru. PkiMlnia, DaU, WIfn, Sboei Kiiil JoiroliT, Tlimtrli'nl, KoiiMUIan auil Allileilc Ouodt, Onalumon' and Bkilga Hatwi' SuppllH. F1»RS>nil Bannoni, HIlliniT HDil Soilpi; Trlmmluga. Arrooni nt all tinda lo order. Send ror oatlmaiea. no larseal HMivruncnl aud liMTlcat ainct of Uieae gooita to be found aojwiiere. Cli\]uUn tr«e. Ooodi eentU.O. II. n yOV WANT A NOVEL HU8IOAL AOT, DONT FORGET "•"iFARRELLand TAYLOR, LATR OP "LITTI.R TRIXIK" AKD **ENUI!IIBISR** COS., INffTHUMRNTALIATA (1IMRI>1ANR ftn>l RINURHA. A HualfAl Act anllk« »U other*. Hood ihlnia nikj mnift IhU n»T«rr«ut«lMriirf>. \\> rftinr u* tmili rli Kinl \U>iut>. l)p«Bmii», r*b. )M4uitl Ulor Ikah pUjSTHOKO (^oratdv FArlt. r«Tniui»nl atKlTitmi. IMC> |ln>atUa)-. New Yitrk trtir. 1*. H.—Ju*l CAnifnTfir ih* |<lk*. ftml th»|>lhf tivtlll ihtn. Frask l«l HPKCIAL.IH1>t 1«* Kwni Sliltrt' HIppodrcm* ind WIK Wtil Congnu ol Fancy Re«(h RM*r« uid Cratk Iktto. TOUAUKRT rKHALR HIDIIllH IK AMBRIOAi AuM, Sand lOraara. Waat to bear Itan nllabl* miaann of Ban. mar llaaana, ruki, ata. AdOnaa n. r. UlT, B rws, m. AL. lEEIIES LAND BISi BIG SHOW will close a Successful Season of Twenty-five Weeks at People's Theatre, Cincinnati, Ohio, weeic of Jan. 27, 1896, on Account of Having No More Time for This Season. lly.1.. « Delim.n. Tony Pa.tor. Hanr Willlami. K»n.«. A Sl?;,^'Dr^lraSTe'li andiri-r.! othJr flr.. rl..a maaag^n. all ~"P'''"'"'"''if»'5, ;Kr..iI.^5 Th. fol" ■tranR... and rlrannt vaadevllle romponlM they have played thla aeaaon. The fol- lowing ttreihaoiemherBOf.nKcompany an.1 to arcept good angagemeaU on and afler Fob. 3,1HU0. ACNES CHARCOT, TIIK IIVHritrriNO WONDRR OF TIIR WOnLD. SCYCOCNlSM. IN IIBIl SKW AND OIUUINAL. ACT, CAI,l.BD WW I wr%«l»awawa, Awi-tl Htod t)y PEARL SXOB ER. SMITHS CAMPBELL, Two Comedians. Think Qniok. HUNN and BOHEE, The Gre atest Ctolorcd Shetoh Team o n Earth. THE GREAT JUDGES The Supreme Masters of Aorob ata. MITCHELL and JESS, A Great L aughing Aot. MoKenna and the Sport. DELMORE and LEE, The Origin ators of the Aerial Revolvin g Ladders. THE HIATTS, California' s Clever High Class Mnsioal Experts. C. W. WILLIAMS, T he King of all Ventriloquist s. AL. REEVES, TtL© Ba,33.30 Fa-dearexvalsjl. FOR ANY OF TUB ABOVE ACTS TELBORAPH <tIIIOK, PEOPLE'S THEATRE. Clnelnaati.OlilD.or JANES J. All3I8TRONa.lV Union Square, If, Y. City. P. H.—Look ont for Al. Reevea and tola Dig Show next aeaaoa. SIEGMAN AND WEIL Theatrical, Circus, AND Military Supplies. 110-112flreeD6StTeet,NewYork KenI 1 cam itamp for our NEW CATALOOUE JuMt luued. LaneM. complataat it«ch orOOLDaod SILiVBR THinNINOS, STAOB' JEWBU l(Y, SATINS, PLVBHBS, ARMORS. Ble., lo raot, aTeiTllilaK reqolied for TIIBATRIOAL WARDROBB tl Lower Prices Than Any Other Hoase. Juki a f«v liemt to Rlrfl u Idw oroar pHoM: TIGHTS or SHIRTA, Dnm Ota. k p«lr, apnid, SPANOLRB. In KOld ud vlUer. tl.lO ft poand. WIOA rrom 50c. upwud. aOLD or BILTBR TRIMUtNO rrom 9c. ft jui ap- wftrdi. OiKXli MDi C. 0. D. A (l«popili retiulrsd on tU onlert. Bftil»r»t(loD piftnntMd or inoner rtfaiidBd. LEATHER PUMPS. Roma'.bloft ftllnUck wire wilken riir«t>MD looklne for. W« arrr »lmm«DM i^ttK-k or xhw ftiiiJ cad 01) ftli onlert pntiii|iilr. HsD'ii rruin I to9, nnc* $1.90: by mftlU IMMtrald. tl.O). Curaa Pumpt. vlwllo top, Xfro. e«ch: irw p4tr ilwn. Hupporter*. eUille Id ■lilM.ftlQ. vMt, II.UU Mch. CAQiftk Rtll^n, ckilli Mleo, |l 00; l«tlli»r •ul^K, I) eO. Al) hiAlherMBh )m«) Trap^u mioe>,t)(D: lr«lli«r Ii«ftrlo|t HhoAn. $SU. CftorAi Puoips, asilflnt anil BupportmputpftldoD rmipl oi price. BE BURB Mil HHl) tlU. 8. B. CALL, 229 Wain St, Sprinflfleld. Mast. B«tBd Yoar A.ndlemAway l^aaglilBy. "THE KING OF THE KANIBAL ISLANDS" (rOPVMaHTEO DKC.tA. U A on«i act lIurlrMidft Orarvtu thtt talli ft fuoor itory lo riahl Ter«M ftotl pleftalaii inn»lo. Wrltieo with iiwclftl r«rer»De* Tor i TiiU uft)* pmdueilon Tnr MioPtn). woiilii ftnj inuKlo IjPRUP OLAdDR MBMKBB, ftuUiorof Qm ptrt Or«nur«, '^TIieHlitHlnl KIdih," etc fiBVBN ROUHmO COMBDIi PARTS. A GREAT CIIANCB FOR rOHKniAKG. A ORBAT CIIANCB PGR fllKGEHfl. A ORBAT ClUNCB PDR ADVERTlfilKQ. A Orftal Chaikre fbr SfaklnK Big Rerelutf. Mr«. U*ftlh«rlD|r« or B*1J[di Onerftllouw, P%w ih« irltl 6ntilucllr>n, ftftd wmle: "WITIIOLT RXCEPTION TUB EOT AND BRinilTBST CtOSIKO ACT I EVER RAW." I WARN ALL riRATBH —TlUe, wonla ftsd maMo rtillr pmtr«t«d b) )«w. WAKTBD, lo hfar Irom LmiJIiiiiIIId. MlTvl ftQil Barle^tuf muftiart. Will aeod LI^^•ttA tai Hu«leBoor«tnt«*pMi»lhle panlM forptniM). Pa)l riibtfl in ant part Orerlur*. "HinMrvl Klon." fiirult. AiUr«M ftllcommuniralloaato PROr. CLAUDE HEHKEB. P. U. Bob S», Or••QTLll^ MIoh. 'niFPEr H&BCil AID TWO STEP. Rr J. C IIBhD. IWeuloDM |>rlc« for full Oiehutim. ISc ; 10 PATia aod riun, Wr.; PI«iio Bo)o, )0c. "Sunday Gall" March, rnrOielHain, lOraiuaad Huii,mc; Bna Baa.],Be; Flaw Bole, Ua.; budollii tad Onlur. Ua JOB. THOME. aOMDi Bl(h BL, Xavait. N. J. WANTED, FOR DICK P. SUTTON'S COMPANY, A DOUBLE BASS AND TUBA PUYER, And Otiier First Class Mnsicluns. AilJraM DICK P. BUTTOW, Mmihoiihit, Alibamt. WANTED, MUSIGIANSb 26 BRASS AND REEO MUSICIANS AND TRAP DRUMMER FOR lEIEII BROS; BIG SHOWS, To open bI Argtntlne, Kanus, Bbonl May 1. Hull hare allrer pUtad iDKlramaDU. Addrea « ?: LEMON (Band Kamei), Ho. 17 Roulh llani BL, DaaflllK llllnoli. At IjllDeirty, SOL.01HTS. E. F. Bearden, Isl Tenor; A. E. Muller, Basso, rOHMKBLV OFROCK CItT gUARTBT. PIm cUiu mln. ■u«l or Gvmedy co«.. iddran A. E. HULLBR, Wen Naitirlll,, Teao., Or In care orcLIKPBB. FOR BIO. SAOTBLLB'B CIRCUS, MU- SEI'W AND WILD WEST., PBOPLB IK ALL BRANCIIEB OF THE BUeiNESS •irapl ridarm. UyioBa.K Aerlallaia ur aur act that Ji jaw and noTtl; iflda Bhow aod Wild Wa«t l>eopl,. Rough lajllaaa, etc.; Bill PoHatu, Caoraa MeorOTOmi ¥""^SU'°;"1.'^W«- f«rfoniieniand bill Dmle™ ail. dru. niO. 8AUTELLK: c>otb« mcD, K WILLIAIIS' l^fllar^ GEO. I BAIBrLbE: Wild Wa;t Pm>jI* BAflS EVE. iSI South Waa Blraat, Biraeuaa. N V WAKTKD.AlBo«.H<U|llar. Jaf» BKlf^h.'^oiiaMer l.o .eali.' illMca a polite oanll'a. I will wU oaa brSi or tha whole AfiltQw mvuwubii (gticura WORKS In curlflK tortaring, dlsflsurlng, hu. mlllating huaiour« of the skin, Scalp, and Blood when all eU« tails. B«M Oiraatheat Ihe irotM. BillUb Dtpoli r. Nn. •nr a Boia, l, XIai Idwaid^l, London. Fottu Dan AID 0 UH. Coir., Sola Prapa., S<aloo, U. B. A. AT LIBERTY, Harry LSmltli ADVANCE AQENTb Odo Who li Hl>«r KDil re1Itbl«. Am not nrrkid of jvitte I'reler (^nuDl«a wlio Iwrtli tb«lr orni route, wlla'. JOIN FIRST ^OMPANV THAT WIRBflME TIilRETAT DTirOT. COUB AT ONCE. A Rfttch of B<ao<1*rfi and wiUJoioyou. AOdr«a]i HARRY L SUITlt EftU LlbartT, Pa , cftr* Bftit Ead T1iMtr«. NOTE—I hare lafllcloaM wllbftCompaDylhntdld U«lr LEVRL hmiv pty italMlM. For Heiiderson's B'^ Comdi Ik, EmotloDftl L«ftd[Dff Lidr, muit b« nice lookloiiaod liDowhoir to act: CbancurWomtit, thoronslilyeiiMri- »Dc«d; Han for Ueavlu. aod a Comedian w)io cao Eidi and Dane*. All man b« dr*t cIem r«p»rtolrB p«opl«aod hftT«p]«ni7 of ROod wirdrobo. Edler AUan. «|r«qalck. J.J. Oliim. wnto or vira. AddrtM JobnittowD. Pa., w#«tiJ«D.27; Uartlnaburg, W. Va . Feb 3: IlasAntnrD. Mil.. Fab. 10. W.>. HENDEHaOK MftnaRw. BUFFALO, Ne T,, Theatre to Lei Centrallf locnfedi n#wlF'fitted Dp. Rent re«flOBalile for balance of ieninn. For partlcnlan addreti LOUIS P. JULQ, Wo. aw Main 8te« Boffalo, W. Y. liTEST WALTZ SONG. A Ro rroD tb« ftArL Ai briRbt, cut*, and iloitaUe aa IntF TDBke 'Nn. Wondarful how qalrlc ItbuHpruoRloio popularltT. Try It orsr aod joa wlU »e« why. Juit the thlDft for lOQbrtlcep. ProfBaaloDtlft, Kod c*rd aod profmtnawforacomplimADtaTT copT. PriM VkAn.: Or- ch«fitratlfni )OcU LUDDBN * BATEB. RaranDab. Oa. MISCELLANEOUS. i eOODniCH, UWYER, »'aT5^.'?u'aKi WfiJand <ol»t Braocheaapd faelllUwIa oUitr Statu. OPIUM norphtne Habit Careil In ID teliOiImTi. No par till cared. Dr. J. Stepbena, Lebanea, O. FIIHIDC HUBBAND OR WIFE PHOTOB. NEW rUIUnC STTLEN. *1 PER lOCD. FORTUNEB. lam. plM. I8e. etlMtBatt«rioa.tMaiidup. PHOTO'^.Edea.Pa. "ITNCLE People Wanted, Fnll Cost. WAIwmiM Pia, „oj, hall.. Molt b. Mber. rmi\nmtn J'" oon'tlia>au>double In Biaaa. TOM S 5i^^°?'*"'-^?'^'"->^''''"> CABIN' Looa.* _ ^ ai par roDIa, Collloawnod, Oatarla l^ula. Pel.. J: Bairin •• - * OtIUIaP.b.j. ' 3; 'Barrin Feb. Ij BbaTOh"n. r.c'co. Full Beard Free. BOX OF EOTt EOn'TIAN OUM wUl",i„l,rirdU b»i>l. anroolo,. Tlio.a .Ubla«annall boa will „«", 1 «l <.r aolf Malloi whi.ken. PRICt-Larm Boi 10 ••nu; Small Boi,Scanu. Bump, ukaa. Addiw ROY 0TTB8. Boi n>. Baltlmote. Md. STAGE DANCING. *iD« and Damo, .III, Cloa. Irlih JI,, Re,| ud Buck MlftC WHISKERS, ":5i:¥^£^ rVI bu4a.lO<ti. n«i». ftcTkbaH, Uwn,nUut. UU a UAa 110. l>«a.aMh. >aT«ot«r. oemjtU. Caialm ef WlA TriiU Noi«ld«B.H&, nM. n w.« ; .wptfIaE.MAHBIIALL. LtkpH,TtT. BOOKS, FHOTOfl. ETC. Sttod 1 e«at itanip for clrcTBlar- O. OONROT. IP Part Bftw. Waw Ynrfc MORPHINE AND OTHER NARCOTIC HABITS POSrrrVBLT cured, OarapalDlao. R«r«r«DceiBUea. CormpoDd»oe«toUeltad. Addrsa PATTERBOM HOME. Orand Hapldi. Mlchlgaj. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per thoannd FPTPBE CO.. 71B. Thlneemh Btreel. Raw York. WAHTFn Blactrfi: Bait Co.'a to write for Banpka ol nun im, ELEtTTRIO BELTS, alio Flrea Bamplu ol BLEOTRIOIh'BOLBB. 10c In oaa, or 2Sc lor both, with par- tloulan. Latent thlni In B. B.-U per lOO. BIO WOKET I THB BLByrRrO APPLIAKOBCO.. BDBLDIQTOH. IAK. CURES QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER REMEDY. Tai¥ant*e BUtamct of Onbeba and Copall)a li a iafft, oettaln and qnlck cam, and li an oM tlmo ramedr, ana- blDlBB In a biKblj MOC«ntiat«d fonn the ni«dIolnal rlrtnu ol oub«bt and copaiba, lu porubls ahape, fintedom tnm Uite and •pMdjr action (oonoB In leM Una Chan asr otber pispantloD) raalif It THE MOBT VAIUABLB KNOWK RBMBDT. To pnrral Iraud, iM that aveTT ptdtaft* baa ar«d ttrlp acroM ih« ffece oP bel, with tba ilnutare of Tar- Taot A Co., H. T., Dpon IL PRIOK EDMUND £. PRICEt Counselor at Iiaw. NEW YORK CLIPPER BVILDINO, S AND to OBNTBB STBEET, New York Cltf. PnoUca lo,>ll the Conttj, OItII aad Orlmllal. Bteclal •ttMiloo Kiroo lo the eoUaotlon or claim, aad deMi ol all tlnda, lha piepantloo.or afraamenle end other latal bealnaaa. ABLE TO WIN AOAOiST AMITUIKG BBOUQHT AOAJDIST THEK. Fowls and Efrss For Sale, \»j B. P. ORAM. Ootdalla P. C laeoMttrOcFa. THE MOST EXTENSIVE UANUFACTURERS BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLD,' THE BRUNSWICK.BALKE.COLLENDER COMPANY, No. 8ft0 BROADWAY, NEW TOBH llaweat aad aaort eleflaat rt^lae, witktbe UMEQUALEO MONARCH CUSHIONS. BUllanI Haterlala, Olotk, Balla, Caee, eta^ of oar owa maaafttetan and la* poriatloa. THE BBDKBincl-BALIE-OOLLBllDBB OO,, aileA«o, daoUinaU, Bt Lonia, BaaPraMlaea WILMOT'S LITTLE TYPEWRITER w- a.11 "■'**»*«'*«IT»R8, SMC WAtHIItOTOR ST.. BOSTOH, HA8I. We S.lI. H,a«^ or KiobM.* t»MS, 93, M. t», lis «3B, Mo. •me AHBH. in oar SpoeTalty, Illae. Speelmoa LotteraJ partlcalaia, etc,, W. D. WIUBOT, In type free.