New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Oofijilelital, 18a I, by Ttie Fnnk Qoam rnblUhlif OOniiu/ lUmltad). Foundtd by FRANK OUEEN, IBSS. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1896. ■ VOLUME XUII.-N«. 49. I PrtM 10 Cmte A VALENTIN E OF THE LONG ACO. wirmM roi t» »* tok oiirriH. BT T . O. nABBAU OH. II bu Wed wniewtoi elnc* li c»me wlib He tnow Tliii (ell from me clouds Id ibe dim longaio. Hill I ireuore It eilll, ni III ihTmee are «8 iroe A«irlieD mej were wrlueii 'nejih eye« ibitwero bloc. _, ^ ^, I stc bet todaj u ibe «ent wlin * Kiw TdU ib»" 'roi" U>Te'ii(iolver-Uie peil llllle nlu; Ana borumibur I Ue»r, ifllb aneclio ditino, Wben I open Uie le»Te« of Ibis old Telcntlne. It ilDki * fond pMl to mj heari eronnore, Ai Ibe w»ve» rlpi>le o»w»td p»«t Memoty'e sbore; ig mc rbjmee ibet eho eenlUieie'ii« aelleaie Irace 01 Ibe lote llubtUial ebone on *«r lieanllCul fic*. The world of lodaj woaW meke iport of her reiee, Tlio' melij »lover bM done even *oree| Hoi to me It to deer, tor It know It le mlno, And Hemorjhallowi Ibe old valentine, Tue New Woman bIdbb In a dllTerent eirain, And Copid todai bai anoiber refrain; Unt I torn to ibe past wllb lie fragrance eo ewtel, And long vanHbed fates wilb pleasure I greet. From Ibe bearlol old Umes oomesno songot regret, Wcalled bj the page* I cannot forg»l; For Ibe love tbatebe telle In eacb mjeUeal line Wis sstme aa lUe rhyme of ber oldtalqililDe. We ireasnre Ibe loves of life's antvate prime, nofacoot aaweetbeartrelumslnarbyme; Tbe roses of Bdomer, tbe bells on Ihe mow, Diing bick bappj scenes from iBe dear loni ago j And ible Is wbf ont of tbe jeare ibsi bave nown (i)mC8 Into mj cbamber a fooutep-ber own. And lips iou:h mj cheek wllb a terror divine. And metblnHasbs to resdltgberold valenllne. THE GOLDEN SNAKE. wRimif roa TBI NIT Tosa curna. BT H ATTIE II. TB DNM. looiiniiUKn) Tbe trembling ttj mumbled someiblng about In- lending U) return It to tbe tbe porter cot him ebon wllb: '-And joa opened It Urst, to see If there was anjtblBg to null jonr faocr. flo,now— snd, mark jon, walk*straightpatb tbe real of the line jou are here, for I'll bave my eje on jon evorr oloutc." Wllb tbU be released him with a push, and Ihe cnlptit went suggerlog np the path and w«s soon aiii of sight snd hearing. The old man, wbo bad not noticed tbe Buse's absiraoilnn of ibe bit of parobment, picked op the lime Jewel caeeand went mumbling Into tbe lodge, shaking hie head oraln- ousij. as If In a state of Rrtat dlssatlsttoilon. Cora bad, meantime, nnnled to ber apartmeuts iod, baslllj thiowing off ber heavy wraps, wiib the iisliiance ot her Udy Bngllth maid, Sossn, was sooD atilred to enjoy the Inianous warmth and comfort of ber etrlcken home. Rtpulslng Ihe noisy aticnllooB of her skyc teirler. and gliing dl- ttcilone that It be Ukon to tbe lllUe tea rcom, iibcm she was In Ihe babltof dining alone in Ibess, her sad, solitary days of penance, she made her way to the pavilion, where her hnsband lay In itbal eute of comfort ihe lavish a«o of money could command tor one la his sad pllghi. Passing ihrougb an ante room on the groand floor, and pushing aside a silken conaln, she entered the OBin apartment, where PanI Abingdon was con- demned to waste away the llltle remnant ihalwss left him ot bis lite. Tbe lnv,>lld bait reclined, half sat la a leather coTcred, aottly cushioned chair, which was so con- structed that Itconld he lowered or elevated, or changed to whatever anglelmlgbt beet suit Ihe patlcnl's comfort. And who would believe this, the ilsebing, daring, meny bridegroom of three years bcforo-tbia spectre, this wralih with crashed feat- ures, wllb but one half lie b •• j preserving Its skele- lon form—tbe other, lorn, mangled, crushed ont of all human semblance. Tho shrivelled figure lay as nioilonless as a corpse, with Its one eye oloaed as In Hlc«p-a horrid atght that would bavesirioken the sioutest soul with terror It come upon nnawarea. i^ora, however, llirongh the long days of tier atone- ment, had familiarized herself with the dreaded changes that were heing wronght In lUe doomed inan, whose dreadful passaire to the grave she wss combating Inch by Inch wllb a hopeless deapera- ilon, Hhe approached the Invalid, lie opened his one liisirclesa eye and beckoned feebly with bis booj hand In tbe direction nt a dark comer, frvm which emerged tbe nurse Henry, whom we have already "ion under oiher ciroomelsnces. He lalsed the L'bslr so that the sick msn wss In a sitting poslilon, where he seemed to hold blnNlf uneasily, as It ibe framew.orkof hia paln racked body were not snfll- elcnily sliong to hold hint, nis wife came close iKslde bim and bent down herbeadlocatsbibe feeble whisper thai came from bis moulb without a mrviion of tbe thin bine lips. "lias he como wits your" be asked, sllndlog lo a famous medical specialist who had, a rear betort. delivered his dread Jndgmcnt on this hopeless case, "No;" lepled Com, "he has encagemenis thai pre- vent bis coning now, but will vlilt yon next week." Tbe nnUlsied tsce ot Ibe Invalid was eipiesalon. less, hnt Ibe long pause and Ihe steady sisre ot Ihe eingleeyewera mfllclent lo eipresa his Incredu- lity. "Did you go 10 hlmt" be sdded. In tbe same hor- rible gaap. ' Ofcoune. I have Just Rioraed by tbs evening iraln,"ehe replied, with atslnily dtagalied petu- lance. "And OldeonRydervroon hasn't coma yetri' As he aaed this the Uaaing eyeaot Ihe nnrae, standing un Ibe opposite side ot tho Invalld'a couch, wen nicd Inlenuy on hen. She knew not why, bui ■heir intense look, which she bad nsTer noticed liefon. aecmed lo Intimidate ber. She parried the qncaUos with, "Always ttat talk about Oldeont Wbat mstur If be shoaM oooe hack? What la he to ust" She caa« down ber eye* nnder the alan ot Ihe nnrae, and, «enaiag over, klaaed the bnwn-wblta cheek ot Ihe InvaUd. nu eye olosed. and. obedi- ent lo a aoUoD tioD.hIm, Benry disposed hln again in his half reclining position, and, wheeling bIm nearer Ihe Ore. beseemed losink Intoa death like sleep. Con was assured that Ibe patient's condition was no wone, and so, afier eunlnlng ihe nuiae tram bead to foot wlib a careful aerallny which she bad ncv<r deemed bIm worthy of, up lo this lime, re- celvlngobsequloos bowi and soft assurlaganswen from that Individual, passed ont and Into the ad- jacent tea room, where her neal was awaliing her. Hho coold not help saying this man was repulsive to her, and wandered that nho had never been so Impressed; before but after renecilon, and nnderthe Influence of the want open lire snd tbe rich meal, sbe shook oir Ihe feeling. slon—sonelhlng; jon wU. (renember, Iwasbever guilty or before." "Ob, no eionses, my dear old IU>b,'<aald Oora. "How could yon give otrencet Yon now that la Impossible. Mow, go on without anoUer word ot apology." Ihe old man shlhed uneasily mm one tool lo the other, and scntched tis grlzsled head as It ha wen putalcd how lo tiegln. "The tact Is, you see, ma'am." he tnally stam- mered, "I have a very unpleasant doly lo perform, and I don't know how to go ahool IL" "An unpleasant duty r> she repeated. "Yea, very," bo declared, and iheo. anddenly diving his Ughl hand deep down Into Ue cspaclons with Ihe nioal omlooua wags ot Its Jiead which always marked a stste ot concealed disaatlsfaeilon ooklapart, Noaooner had he gone than she made haala to^opaa Ihe'oasktt'and |illp Ihe qealal, bulky gem on hefi Onger, when lis aoaiN glittered with the ntmellotis of rare diamosda, and the great opal gave out a baleful changing glow fnm Ihe head of the guttering npille. Bhe sat for some timo ad- miring the Goabenone Jewel, whleh vrelghcd down the dhger with Its heavy tddL The dog had sprang lo her lap and neaiicd then again. She careaaed hln with the Jewelled hand and noted the glluer ot the aeipent as sbo twined It through his shlBlDg coaL The aninal aocnicd to Shan old Rot's dlallke tor the opal, for It anarlod "Why should I expect ibo graces of a nobleman In one of his citesi" said sbo, sod so dUmlseod bIm from her mind. In this, her boor ot relaxallon. If oie might be said to bo permuted lo ■ orealnre so wretchedly at- dieted, she might devote herself to Ibe slick Utile dog which, at least, she waa sole loved ber, though even Paul, for whom sbe wasucilllcing ber yonng life, might doubt hrr, as be undoubtedly did. In. capable of such lacrlllce nu bis own put, he conid not understand her lldellt.v,and tonnred himself wllb black suaplclons ot ihe rival who, hs bll- icriy Rliected, was In the sdvanlageons poslUon after all. Tbe dog needed hnt sUghtenconngement to leap Into ber lap. where be nestled while she catwaed his silky coauand thongbl-thonght of Ihe bright past, of the dreary preaent, and. In herown deaplie. of Oldeon Bydervroom. Uow dlffeient ber life might have been It ahe had only been uue-lt ahe hsdclnngto her promise, and tnraed her back on Ibe templlog besntj and dashing oh«tm which her aunt had said came from the BtII One. Was It an old woman's loperatltlon, or might It be true t Wheiewu that manly beamy now? When, loo, wulhelovelthadvowedt oone-all. all, snd left only the sad spectre of woe. breaiblng, noi love, bntbasaeosplolon. Oh, If ahe had— A lap on the door annsed her from her nverte and Ihe maid enieied. "Please ma'ao," said she, "old Rob, the porter. IslnibetalLandlsMlbalhesee yonatoBceon ImportailhuslMaa. lloMhlmtomoinwBnado, bnthelapodenily—" "Admit hln It once," laierrapted the Blstreaa, and lbs girl, reilrlng aomewhal abaahed, wfcered In Ihe porter, with a sniff and a teas of ber head at him 'he went ouL Old Bob looked after ber wllh a snlle. "8ke1 a good girl," mntlend be; •'aha waa ready to flght like a IHtle Ugtrcatbefvre she wosld have her nlMieas dlstohM, and I honor her for II; but I knew, madaa, you wotid not buns oM Rob l(,yan eoold bear hIa aicuastor lUs Hire- pocket of his gresi coal, he ashed out, after some •earch, the llllle Jewel case. Oora ilarttd. "Ah I" said aba. 'The golden snakei Ton found It. ihcnr' "Yes; but better that It had tmn loat forever thsntbatloryouoranyoflhlahonse should be lis Under," said the old nan earnestly, "What do yon mesat*' ezclalned she, terning pale aa tbe events ot ihe early evening flashed back across her mind. "This, ma'am, la what I mean. If you'll pardon the baldnessofanold servant Thiaheregoldensnake, which Is lu right name, baa In lis head an opal which I do not dosbt la very mre, and worth a fortune, ptrhapa; but this I mnit ny at the risk of offending: thai whoever bought and gave that lo you, even II you have bought It joniaelf, that penoa la no friend to you nor lo this family." "Rob, how dare you aay this t Kiplaln youraelt at once I" Von had sprang lo ber teal, halt en- raged, half confnasd. The Old man'aconnge seemed to rise under the sling of sharp words, tor he repHed lo a Ormer, bolder lone: "There's a cnias oa epala toeveiyone In Ihe world, but especially lo Ihe Ahtogdona. Then waa nsver bni ons came Into the ianlly-a long, long while ago It wis-and that brought ur* rlMealBlctlon. Ithona nethatpoorotdBobyoBea, al ihia lima of hIa life, mast be th« bearer ot soeh a cnneloyoa. Thcrelils. I do not give II; Heave It In your sight In piootot my hcaealy; hot If yea will be waned by Ibe lapentlllaas at u old man, yea win never touch It Bor keep U a singladayla this Booae. for dread of Ihs awfal cone that goes with It." With Iheae words be placed the caakat on the Ubie, and ahoddered aa she taaeked over and look It up In dcdaaos of his dlaoal tebodlDga. "Poor old Hob P* she eiclaliaed, wtib a laugh, "I thank yon for yoor soUdlade aodaObclloD, but yon eauot eipaet na la shaie la year tMloaloBaaapar. liiil as ihii iliinilaal hln, iba oM aaa dsyaitlaf aa the Jswel was drawn before Its eyes, and Anally, mahing ■ sudden snap, bit at the flnger on which II guttered, Inflicting a slight wound, then, springing tram ber lap, loot nfnge nnder a chair In a oorner ot Ihe room, wben It lay, showing Its teclb and anarllngfnrloasly. Surprised at tbe ilnnge conduot of her get, Oora nng tor Ihe serranis, who, with their united loreea, were unable lo coax or drtre tbe aolmal trem ila retreat; so It was left then, Vn. Abingdon deter- DinlBg that It sbonld be looked In all night, tor Ibe safety ot Ihe household. ThSMrvanisbadleftaftsr their fralUeas stnggle. and Com bad arisen to go to her apartmenli, when she wu eonfrontad by tbe •mirklsg and deferential Heniy, who had sneaked baok after lha ethan had gone, and. cloalBg the door, waa advancing towards ber wllh nolseleas, catUke tread, "Fardlog, ninn,"aald he. wllb a eoeree English InOecilsn, "but I "are BOmelhIng blnlircsllng to ted you." Bhe ihrenk from Ihe sinister serrllliy of hIa ap proach. and angilly waved tin aside. "I have no coafldencea with serraota. sir. Ad' dieaa youiielf to Ihe hniler," said sbe, haughtily. Bhe would hare paassd hlo, and no out lo Ihs hsllway, but ho boldly lelsMI her by Ibe wrist and detained her. Before she coald cry ont he apoka rapidly. In phrases Ibat senl a shadder Ibroogh her very sonl.aad qnelled an thongbt ot reslilMoai "I saw you ■xatycoagaMeoa tonight, I knows you are a-de<elilB' of yoor wrelebed 'uabaod. I hnowhilt-lhe gift of that ibengt>ldenanaks,and haD,hevso to IIM dgial that was agned on Is brtog Imloyoo. WlalwMllI A leap bornlng doae is Ihe pasea In that Ibon loBg wrlBder-the one towarda 'la asoM'a naaaloa, when 'e 'aa now come to live." Bhe tnnad pale and stagfaigd back lo her chair, aeUhg It wllb hit bead ud soppoitlBg heraelf while engaged In a alghty struggle to ngaln her oouiifa. "Bow dan yon MkBOwMga Is my pnsanea hat you have Iwen a spy on my aollonsi" she anally broke out. "For meddling wllh affhlia that do not oonoera yon, what can jna expect but that I summon my servant* and have ynu flung from my hutband's house t" "Try hit, mum." uld tho Nmlrking regno with a Inld change of manner. "Jnit iry hit. HIng the hell you'are your'and on; lint before llioycoran I can Fhocl In Hlslcr PanLand tell 'Imhall I hnowa and lei Hm 'sve aomo volno In this 'era flingin' houl buslneM. Wsyho, I waa a ihlnkln'. there might In Mnicone hehw lu danger of a ningln' hont—yon, for binslsnrr, my lady. 'K's not a hamlsMo hold wreck, that ohap, when 'In Jealousy's toinhed, as I hnowa, for I've hotien sounded 1m on that point, and I knows Just what I can do with 'Im when I 'as tho hovidonrcs In, 'and si I've got 'em now. Ring, and I'll ho bsok 'en wllb 'Im In a 'nrvy." He moved toward Ihe door, bui aho sprang for- ward and olung lo hisarm. "No, no," she oriod, "do not Ipll htm thai, II will kill him," "And pui yon In a Imd light jtnnnelt.obt" uid Ihe wnicli, wlih amsllclous Inr. Bhe had not iho courage to reply. Her mind waa too full of the honor sroiucd liythn Ihnughlaof what a torrtlile weapon Ibis knowledge might pnve In the hands of the l>s«« wretch who had thus bold- ly aascitcd his power. lie pauaod a long time—a full miniiie, porhspa, lo enjoy her confusion, and Ihen. In the lull flush of his assnred irlumpb. went nn: "Hut that's not all I wants in say. Yon cut me hoff wllh your throat to 'avo me kicked bout, but now, as I see you'vo ibonght boiler ol II, we'll go nn wllb our llUlo hintorvlow. This Is what I wants to sa.T—about that 'en golden aoako what was give inn tonight lir illilKon Hydorvroom, There came wllh It a plpco of jrollow ng with wrllln'on li-a son of 'obanclor' for Iho ring, like sorvauia 'ave." A look of terror rane over iho foatures of tho woman, which ho did not fall lo rcoognlu wllh a coano, uncnnceslod cbiickla, and then went nn: This Is hli, hiint lit'' Ho hold up the yellow Knp be bed taken from tkernskot. Dora sprang forward, as If ahe would sdio li, liul hs aaallj re- pulsed her, anil, ihnraling It mm ibe pochoi of his jaokel, continued: "This 'ore's no gnnrt lo you. Ynu couldn't hnndeniand It nn more Ihsn mo, for It's wnto in lloyoiallan. and yon dnn'l read that no mora than I does. It's all sliont Ibat 'en goldsn snake, ihnngh, aail I 'avo no doulil It would be worth lolsof nionoj to you lo get It bach again." ■Name your price. I will buy It now," ex. olalmod Oon, eagerly. "Well, juat wait a lill, mnm," said he, coolly; That hain't Just business, that hsin'i. I'm a-goln< to And lha best market tor It, flnt of all," What do yon mean liy thiti" Inquired Un. Ab. Ingdon, a deathly pallor spresdlog over ber face. Bee 'ere now," he replied, coanely, "Rnppoae yonr'uiband ahnnld be wlllln' to pay twice unuoh tnrltaayont Hain't I a-haetln'fnrmy iMathlnler- eats, and In a stmlght bout and bout boalneaa-like way.ltlglvea'ImachanceT And thenUiere'a that young chap o' yoora, yonni nideon-maybe he'd 'avo Bome hinlsreal of Is hown to keep II out of Harator Panl'a'anda. 'PfSliontd'aveachaace. too; halnt that sol" "Why, thU Is hUnkmalll Hcoundrell You dan to threaten me In my own hiiiiset" lirokeoiitoon, Intnrtalad st llnding herself entangled In Ihe web of ao baa« a plotter. "Yes, mnm. I dares do It liecanas I hnowa my power, and I'm pretty sun ynii hain't goln' lo kick np hany scandal ao long aa ynu can hny me hoff," he repllsd. nis words were only too true. Bhe dared ont let hln free lo play on tbe Invalld'a susplolons, or In Innas Ihe world's evil tongiisa against her. Hhe waa weak ami onmeshad, snd rvsry niomsnt ad- ded to her weakness, until she found beitsll at last BlarUhlr hanging on tbs flat of thia liaae menial, who waa wringing har heait with hIa ornsi threats. "Rpeski Fjid this snspenao; tell roe what ynu want I" ahe exclaimed, hytloilnllr, at Ihe climax of her dsai«lr, foregoing all further realatance and bnwing abjectly to hIa wUI. The lilaokmaller, evidently an eipert al hu liaae trade, aaw at once Ibat he had won the vletory, and that ahe was his slars. lie was prompt In taking sdvanuge of this dhooTsiy, "What I wants, mum, ilneo yna ask, dial, laatand all Ibe llms. Is money. I wauls It now, dnwnon the nail—a mile of forty pounda, two 'iindred doHats, for hlmmedlaie neceaeltlea band In liind Ibe liargain between us, yon know. Bhe drew four bank nmns trom her well fliled puns and flnni then nn the lalile Inwards him. "There l" Mid she.acnmfiilly, "Ihavobought you. Row give nio the ptrnhmeni, and wbM ynn leave this bnuse and my employ, tnmorrow, f shall gUdly give you half that asm again." "Not by any sort n' means, mum," replied Henry, with a luld Ungb. "Thhi ^sre halnH full payment, this Is honlys beginning. And aa forleavin' this 'ones, not by a JngfnI. I knows whsn I'm comfort- ahly bolt, and I hain't a-gnin' In kiave any inoh good rich payin' property is this, nohow," "Scoundrel I" aba exclaimed, aa the fact dawned on ber that by thIa flnt snhmMnn to tho wreteh she had bowed her head to a yoke from whleh she night never be able in free heneir, "No 'ard names. If yon pleaae, mum," said he, with an Ul atUngassnmpllonof dignity. "I'm honly a apeenlator, that's what I ham, and aa anoh I knnwa a good thing when I 'aa II, and I makes onl of It hall I ea". Itnw, I'd be a Moomin' Idjnt to gtvs np hall my hadvanugaa before I knnwa wkat thIa 'tn fleriallan writin' irmna Bni, says yon, yon doB'l read no lleytallan no more than me; and I atys right yon are; imtDoclnr Plein, who yon want to the city for today, nan read It like a hanget. It's Im that's gdn' to give nu the (tasan'a KngHah ot II whan 'e cornea <tn nest week, and Ihen yon and na and yonngMr, Oldeon Rydervreom an a-gola' to talk hos'neaa" •<0f what value oan Ibia Illegible somp of paroh- n)enthei"(lanbnkelB,plsadhigly. "Olvaltms, pioDlas to leave Ihia bouse, and I will quadnple lha no yo« have altaady wrung from ne." [TO BB txisriHUio,]