New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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774 THE IsTEW YORK CLIPPER. February 8. World ^Players — J, J. CoKmin ii "hpcrlsl Dellnrj" Oo. rcpntt ■ litR iKirlDCM itiroiiRti itio Ktftcin counirj. Tic pili)clpal> are ilio mmc w Itm mmod, and Inclarle: 7CHMe IICRilc, Kmmt Dunn K. R. UacPiuMCD, Hairy ll«r»rnri1 nnil Joe ]uncj. (Ko. r. Wnll haa Joined lo <1n ailvance work. Prank Ilarver'a Nn'-ailonal mrlndmma, "Itinir of Itod," will IM RDi on ibo road next aeau]D \if Mr, Coleman, who trill alMprodiice ibo Kniillah aucceta, 'Ttic Vlllafce lllRChanilili," wriircm li; John AddlwD, and pro iluud ihroiiilioul Fnnland, Ireland and Hcoiland, nndcrllieiiilcof'Jiiailr.c al l.ui." A prodncilon In llila cItycarlTncxiacawn.rurarun, luapokenof. — Nnoaiter Kdward K. How, <il ilicCaMle Hquare TlicBiri.'. Ilmion, Mxna,, acndi rlio rnllowlDii; "The Uamlu Hqimro (Ipcm Co. celcbraicd Ha three huO' ilrcdili conwculivo nrrraiinancf at ilic CamlcHquare Tlicairo, Jan. 3*. Tlie liuuae una Mcted lu the iloori*. Willi KandlnK room hi a promlum. — In a niKc alKuul K. K. ntoncnmcyer. rornicrij' plauUt for Coiujit^iD'H I'larerii, It In atatcd llial (he inanaKcracnl liaa dea«:rted ilic nembcni of Ibat conipany, wliliaalarleaclihlwccka In arrcara. anil everyone dcjiiliutc. — tVclrhanil Franclijolocil'-Tlic Derby ^VInntr" Co. Jan. 10. — Kd. J, Heron, who waa laid up nine daya witb a apralncd niikle. la again nlaylnx the pan of Tap- per Id "Tnc Cotton Klni.'> Xexi Hummer he win (0 lu llallfix. N. H,, with W. H. ilawklnc Sioek Co. — Un-AnaonA Aiken, horn In iwn, In Ikiaion, Haiia., illcd In New York Utiy Jan 27. The Inter- mcnl waa at Mount Auliiirn, tkmlirliKe, Haw. lira. Aiken wan the inoilicrcif (iromc L., Allien W.iai frank K. Alkcii. Ihe Inner imliisihe only aurvlvor. — llarrrUunliinan boa retired frnn the profcaalon. and la oniavcil In tbe hill poatloR liuatneaa In llolKikeTi. N. J. — Hlimnan llrown. mananer of (he New Davl'l- wn Theatre. Mllwaiikci,', Wia., la In Now York, louk- lUR after ihc liiicrcaia or hia boum;. — n. H. Karen reilred from the Vineent-Slreeicr ito. and Joined Ibn Kmnlre Hiock Co. et Alpena. HIch., Jan. Kk. to do leada. Madxe fox lolncil tdo Mine company reccnily. and la playing Hoiilirelte miea. Tho cumpany la lounnif Hlehljan to fair IiiivlncKa. — llarliind'a Crlierlon I'laycia opened Ihe new ilpen llnuu at Kric. III., recently. — Mearra. Klaw k KrbiDiicr Inform ua thai Ibo Hoiitheru t iiiraof raderuwtkl and Camllle d'Arvllle ended on Teh. 1. I'anerewiikl'a lour, under Iheir illrecilon, aUriloinl l-oularlllc and iiidlnR In New Dricana. pnilwbly afKreRaial for the niimhvr of pcrformaiiteH tnu lariteai tccclpla Ibal hkvc over iioen taken hy any uitractifm inroujih ihe Hnitb. — I,y Man ITone.aopraiio Hi nirer. Joined''Ualooey's tVeildIng" Uo. In I'arla. Tex., Jnn. 31. — Jainna W. Illakc.or Uwlorand lllake, aiitbonof ~Tlir HItlewalka of New York," "I'retiy Jennie Mkti. Icry." etc., haa retired from tbo Urvaccnt I'libllah. laRt'o. — J. II. Hlockdale waa made a momber of Yakima l,o<liie, II. r, (I. K.,.No. 3i8,atNonii Yakima. H'oiii on Jan .19 — "Uld Tcnnepaec" Noter; Major Ikin P. I'ayoe la one of tho tale addliliina lo tbo company nowen rotiir Weat, and la innklni a till Hliiiilni UundeL. I)avla< •■lllaekiiallcd In do iJme Kiln Vluli.'- Hurdc. Klla and I.lttle Mninio I'avne wim addlllonal curcla 10 the coiiinatiT at Lowell. Maw., taal week. Kro- nt llniian u well received In bin creation nf Dnnjn I'ete Jonlan. The Bbaitiick guartct la Ilia card ilib "(lid T*niiea«e." — Nniralroin UUa A llariiiu'a (;uniedlana: Tlie Klectrle (Jiiariei and tbe Manb Sliuir* Joined ua In Kyraeniw, N. Y.. Jan. n, aniJ added inaterlalli to the Hironuih of ibo yliow. The ranter of tho abow la nx tolliiwa: lllcc and llanon, Kranklo llaliieo, Uiillen and Dunn. Klrcirlc Itoariut, Whitney llrna-, Vnrlodilttllh.mewarl HIaleri. Jay (JulRley, Hamb SlHtcra, cnartea J. Nowioii and \\, II. launm. We are playluRto tho capacity o( (be liouHca everywhere. — llolMrt ilustur huH oriiiuilT'.-d a conpatiy fur ihu iicrrormaiicu of bla drAina.'ilIck Hy Karin." ilurlOK the Bprlna Hcaaon, coiimienclnR Keti. 1. Tim cnmpany Includca the Wllium HlntL-ni, rcier llinii, llcnry Ilauit, Frank Juucaii. William Scbu ben, Mcrion Unilin and Wallace H. Whiicoinii. — Corao rdyioii Nuica; Wo aro allll pinviniflo neord breaklDK iiuaincaa. On tbo uliini of Jan. 29 In Wllllaiiia|iorl. Pa., the Wheel Club occupied all Ibo lioxet, liaTlnii Ibem draped In their cidora. and after tho perfurmanro onicrtaincd the corapaoy. Klla Itoeil, leadlnR laily, haa Hlmed for nesi reowD. — KUIIh Vnm will play Tilll>r anil Heiitien fax will In iho bveuRall wlih the 'Trilliy" Co. which A N. Paliucr and W. A. Ilradr win aend to Anairalla. — A. T. Worm, repnacnlallvd of Jauiea O'Neill, alatoa that Ur. O'Neill will cluae bla totff tbu lal^ ter purl of thiaiiiunih, and that bo hud accepted an Koatern ayndlcato'n olTer to aaanine tbo role of tbe Vavlnr In "The I'aialon I'lay." — Tom M'aiera Jr. and wife Jollied tho *'OQe of Iho llrdvcai" Co. Jan. 13, at Hcroulon, I'a. Uo la j>la>IUK HeOlnty. the Copper, and aolnR a alnglag and danclnR npeclalty. — Hallo AunuaU hngel baa Okid In Iho Obloago, III,, oouno, a bill for divoroo from OuolavAniliorR. — Iho llairy Wllllama AnmaeinoDt (X>. waa Incor- porated Jan.30, In Joney City,N. J., for the puipooe of nrodnclnR 'Tho llowery (llrl" and other playH. Tbo oapluti otock, which la, la divided Into an aba tea, all paid up. Harry Wllllama baa 107 abaroa, and William U. OaflllD, Kartln Cody and John II. WhlUnn each have one obara. — Artlcleaot Incnrinmilon were died In thia oily, Jan. 90, for tbeSydnoy Hoaenfeld 0>., the objoouuf wliloli are the oonduednK of theatrical eatarprlM nnil tbe proilucUon of aiage worka. Tbe capital Hinok la MO.<iea, and tbo company haa (or lla dl- ncton ttyduoy lk>aonfeld, Uonier I,. Iloyi, John II. HUlerand Hyninll, Oppcnbolm. Ur. Hoaenfeld It Ue piealdoni and general manager. — Notoa (mm Diok r.Biiitua'atAi.: Ur and Mil. (leo. \V. I'aiRO and I.lltle llellen, Frank Piper Mod W. K. Uird recently Joined at Mobile, Ala. Many obangoa b^ve inkon place In (ho way of DOW pooplo. liana Itloekor, the old tellable band leader, and iiuiiy aoaaoiia with the oooipany, fur- nlaboa Rood nuialc. Llkowlao Clarence m, loador (If orolieatra. W. Al. White, wlin planted hluiaelC with tho company In liw, mill lutndlea tbe rail- roada. Cat. Hiitinn la lu adnnco, with one aaalit- HQI ami two window workera, and they paper like A droua Wo tmvvl In onr own rullnian oar (Toxoa). Bualoeaa goud, nitil iho man In wbllo anpearaevory Miinday. Tim fnllowlng la tho roaler: liiek 1'. Sat- ton,pioprloter; K. A. (irahain. mannxor; fleo. W. I'aiRO, alago ninnaRor; W, Al. White, uuiaier or rait- rada; liana llhieker, leader nf liand; darenca Vrj, leader of urcheatra; Willie Wllklua, piona; Uarl B. lOenilng, f. 0. Wllllaiua, Olio U. QurnUt, Flmnk Tnwuaend, V. A. Uald, J. .1. Slewan, J. 1', Inland, R I). I«wla, Jim rrino, Uti. Fannlo Sutton. Lulu btatlon, Uaiid Dudnn, llni, Orabara, Hia. Lillian ralge, Hra. It- I). Uwla, tin. Anna Miie, LItilo llolKia lUlge and llaliy Joiinle Lovla. The abow anUulpalea a trip to lloiidunaa aeon. P. J. Itanloo ckiaed at Holille, Ala., Jan. M, and relumed lo bla liouu In Oelwclu. In. W. Al. While It auccoaafgl In hIa apeclalty, "Tbo Umb lild," — Noiea ffnni tbe Oocll Hpiwner Uo.: Caetl Spimner received nuiueruua ivoaenta on her birth- ilay In Lanoaaior, I'a., and ufeRrania and letter* o( ' oonRTalulatlonH from frlenda; alao a rnrtaln call landlovoly bouquela of nowcra fmm her frlenda In rmni. lltuUnoaa excellont with (lit company. — Tbe Now Ulty 0|Mia lloiiae In llralilobura, VI, wlU open Feb. 1. — 'The nioiberof Joa. tl. Jaeot>a died Jan 23, Ui Pblhtdolpbia, I'a., of heart dlieaae. — NotearrDiuUrliik.t Mvlnitlone'iCo.: Onr ad. In tbe Ui.K Hit.iADi.i hmuRhl over a hundred an- nvera, and more are oomliiR. Wo are lo our twonty- aeeond week In Mlnne«ita and Iowa, playlug all tbe InrRO towoa, and aalnrlea paid to date. Itoater of cuiiiiiany: Brink ,% Mvlnialnnc. pmprleloit; IMwln Hilnli, uiaaaier: Frank n. Llvln|ittane,aU(o man- aier: Held A. Wllaen, 0. ItoekaiVeld, ll. W. Obaia- imialii, 0. K. Kniori, licura Ijtne, Jeaale Ihlnk, Mitta (.'hanilwriatn, llatier tJliard wrtDk, La ItUle Juniata Khowaller, Florence MonlRomery-UvlnR- atone, plantat. nud the aotlng dog, Unino. — KlaautiouDced tba( Harnret Matberwill rt- turn to tbe aiaRo, atartlnR under Ihe management ofT. llenij French. Her tour wilt not tiegtn unUl next aeaavu, but abe may play a abort preflmlnary iM'aaoii thIa Bprtnp. Hho Inienda lo present on^ Mbakeapearetn ana other atandanl play^ — K. H. Hothem haa accepted for proAncUoB nex( aeawn IL N. atepbena* romantic play, "An Kneinjr to tlie KIiir." — Nellie Hclleniy la rebeanlng a new play, en- tlilod "Hatty llury, U. II.," bnt does not laiead to produce II unlit her onRagenwnt In Ban Franoleco, Cat., In March. — K. K. Itl^ haa t«aumed tbe magaRtment of "Utile CbrlallT her." At tbe dltaelnllon of Ihe parineiablp bXj-rrn Nr. Hlce and A, H. Palmer, Kimie iliue aRo.Zr. Palmer took "IJIiletliiUlopber'l M part of bla ahare ot Ihe aioeu ot tke tnn, and has directed lu lour ever olnoe, Mr. Mee lutenda to i»- vl>o tbo pteee.and will nil Ua hmkluialiMdr iiuila for ft. — Kdward W, Towntsnd and Olay M. Greene are dranntlzlDg "A Daughter of ibeTenamenta" for Wiuiam A, Brady and Joseph R.ailsmer. The play la to begin tbe next scatonataNtw Y'ork tlieaire. Aoolber new play, entitled •The Olare of Uottam," which Mr. Brady will produce next oeaton, bat a new diimatio tenaailon. —The Obleago Marine Band, a popular miatcal orranludon, condneied by T, P. Brooke, It playlnR awintert«i(e*orcooc«rtiat(be acblUer Theau-e, In Chicago, with much socceaa. —The scenery for Adelatde I,algh'a new tcenlc pmducilon wUl be dealgned and conatiucted under (be personal dh«c(lon or llairy r. FInkle, who will alto (o with HIaa Leigh at (leasuier and peiaeoal rtpresentailve for tbe oeaaon of IMS-AI. — "Tbe Progrcstlvs Woman" 0>. reports excel- lent hnslnett ihrongb llllnola. Tbe rotter: I»nlt Plrce, manager; t. W. BIgbia, B. E. Blnmons, fnat Ooultfr, Rlcnara Masters, Beatrlcs Thome, Hlle. R(loia,Panlloe8lthl<, and aialyj Nereot, putnlst. — Tbe Keator Opera Uenfe, Humer, N. V., wMcb haa been cloaed Iho paat two year*, has been kaaed hy (leo. W, Mpley. Tbe hooae bat Iweo rtno*tud and la ready to open. — Mrs. JobD J. alack, of tho "Old Rnhe Tanner" Co., mooma the Iota of ber mother, who died Jan. 7, In Han Francisco, Gal. — CHIT W. Giant writes thai be bas aasnmed con- Uol of tbe new People't Theatre, a popular price honae, at Mancheaier, N, II. Tbe (beam la sliatted on tbe ground floor, and baas aaatlng capacity of I, 200. It will open March 2atacombroailon bnuae. — Eugene Ellawortb I* playing Ihe leadlnit boat, neaa at llopklna' Weat Bide Theatre, onleafo, III. Un. Ellswonh Is niaylogcbaracterparu In tbe aame company, and IJUIe Kthcl May It alteraatlnghe twotn (be Booth and Weat Bide booses. In child parlaandspeclalilea. —Tbs Wllber Block Oo.. soppoitlhR Alice Rose- land, opened tbeir season Jan. 20, at filoox Falla, B, II. The company Includea: Alice Iloseland. Kdwin A. Davia, Kugene Bantloy, Ftkibardson CoUoo, Lee Ilegia. Geo. D. Edwsrdi, Cllirord Coiirtlelih, J. A. lltiD, I). L. Ilndaon and Mtrle Booth Itoatell. — Geo. II, Bell and Blanche Fox reqnett nt to deny the recent statement (hat ther bad Joined Ihe Wilton Theatre <k>. They are wiili (belrowa com- panv.ot wblob (be followtnR la a rostsn Geo. II, It'll,K.J. Dlgglna Jr., Oeo. L. Breltbaupt, H. L. Vanloren, Van Fnimll, lUlpb w, Kelleiie, Kd. H. Ileair, Blanche Fox, Loolte Jameson, Otace Porter and liula Rdwarden. — Htirry IL Orerton, for many seasona In adrance of Watbbnra'a Clrcua, and tale of the Hietsen Co., hasrealRoed his pMliloD wirb tbe taller coaipany and Is now st bis home. — Frank A. Yonng Joined tbe Bradley Oonedy O). Jan. 10. The company opened a new opera bouse al Mrlnlrre. la.. Jan 90, where (bar made a week's sund. 'The rotter: Tbe Bradleva, Mlleaand, Frank A. Yonng, Wm. Tbomton, Millie Lo Roy, IlalUesberand Ada Vaogbo. — Ilappenlnia with ilie Gorman Brot.'"(llIboo- ttr't Abroad"Oo.: KlUlc ClarkmonrnaIbedeatn of ber falbar, and Jaa. Hobbt mourit the death of hit tiatar. Marie WIntIn and our tuge manager, Oeo. R. Tllmhia, were united In marriage on Jan. 7). — Aggie Lonaloa will be known lo the faiare aa (Mga Lorraine Hanball. — Notes from Iloyi'a Ulg Comedy <».: We art In nor iwenty-alxth week. Next week we go Into Ulnnun, playlOR (be larger cliles. Our plays, un- der tbs sUiRO direction of Clinton A. nolihlns,are Rlrhig tbe bestof aatltfactton. Prof. Rmll KUnent aa charge of our liand and Prof. Frank Fubnr la tbe orcbealra leader. Tbe company baa been en lorged to eiRbieeu people. — Frank DarrlnRton writes (bat bo baa lieen apeclally re-engaged to play tbe lead In "Sim of (be Night," H( I'olladelpbla. ra.,weekof Fel>.10, andonFei). 24 he la to tucceed W. S. Ilarklot aa leading man In "Tbe latndof the Mvlng," ownlUR In Chicago, 111. » a — Jeanneiis Ibipree, of the "O'lloollnn't llaa- ■inerade" Co., celebrated ber Idnbday Jan. 29, and received tone elegant prtaenta from ber motlier at Tern Haute, Ind.; alao received aome floe pneenta from Ida lliiimll and the Haymoan Slalen, who are playing In Chicago. — William A. Bumi, of "Tbe Two Johns" com. ptoy, and Kmma HIerent, of tbe "/.era" company, were iiiaiiled on tbe atage during a perfoniiauct or "/.era" al tht FronlBireet Opera llouae, Worceiier, Haaa., Jan. 30^ TONINA ADAMS lalbo dsiiRbterof Geo. li.Adama.lhc well known clown, and was bora In Chicago, 111., on Iieo. t, ISTO. Ilcr parents tieaiowed upon her Ihc name Tonloa aa a mark of regard for Ihe celebrated Tnny Ucnicr. who In her godfather. She made her Irai appearance upon tbe titge oeaton of ISIHM*. as Claay hunver, In "Tbo Bllver King," under Iho nian- agement of King Ilcdiey and Oeo- L. Ilamton. van A. Ilaawin playing the title role and her alater l.lty playing Ned. Hbo remained with ibe cortptiiy during tbe following actton, and ihmiigboai ihe acaaoo of 1US-S0 wnawlth Cbarlea T. Kllla, playing Horning lark In "Canpcr, the Yodler." her aluer Lily plavlDg Rmle. Durlog the traaon of lsm.|io aho again played CItay Denver la E. II. Uacoy a "TheBllver King" Co. Bbe next, aeavonof iiooei. plated tbo leading aonbielle pan of Tooitio llrant In "lie, Bbe. Illm, Her," and at the cloae of ttiat en. gageinont abe retired temporarily from tbe alige ana aitended achool for one year In Denver, a>\. Upon returning to ibealrleal WDrfc. ceaaon of 1G92- 03, she plaved Berena ioHinlosIln».>"Faniu>nna," and tbe following aeaaon played (be iwubrette part of Dolly in Oeo. II Ailama' comedy akelcb, "A Coiiniry Terror." appearing upon tbe dlikront oltrului. After (hIa cane auotbcr brier retirement from itio tioarda, during which time alio alteuded arbool and aiudlcd muaie Tni-i aeaaon aho Is aotln playingBcrena In "Fanbuma." Mlta Adama la of veryaiinctlveappearanca She has a pieur and InioretllnR face, la about live feet alx Inchen in helgbi, and la bandaomely formed. She bat a need aonrton voice, ut a nraceful dancer, and la. In ftel. quite veraatlle, Bhu If accompanied upon all of ber Iravela by ber nimher. Hra.tlco. U. Ailama, who waa formerly Roaina i^ioko. elator of John Henry aud Harry Wclby Cooke, of circna fame. Willi xnch lineago aa It hern K la no( aurprlaing that Aliaa Adama hssabowu a fondoets for a aiagu csroer and aehlereil sncreaa lhoi>:lo. Variety and Minstrelsy RHODE ISLAND. PcavideBca.—At Ihe I'luvldence Opera Iloiuo *'Ltttl« ininalopher" mad« lu tnt appaaraoce la UiIr ellr Jan. 17 aoil wMk, and ntit with a Rood racaptkn "A mib Whlla naa" conita K<i». 1^ "The Shnp Qlil" to-lt, "Tm> HiicIi Jobaaen" IS-U Kaira'aOraaa Kovaa.-Biiilnauatllila favurliohowa la Mgat all tinea, but vaak of .tan. 71 waa eic«pll»tultj lanra wbaa I'atar r Dallar vara "His NIalit Clark-" For Ilia cnMOt w»«k, Uia JelTirvAa Co., In "Sbailowi of k llraalCilr." Want aod Vekaiclll praHot "A Ran >nlha Baah" 10 aoil vaak. Waamiaaraa TiiaATiiB.-rirna A Rhtrldkn'i Bia 8m ultoa ptartd a ratara •naataiDMit vaak ol Jan 27. to bla buKloaaa. Tbla veak SaatT.Jack'a "Bull Klahttr" vlll hokl (ha boanla. and oo tha ftilloalne ve«k the Lon. ilona>llrUlrU«Ulap|«ar. Lwuaor'a OraHA Itoi'aa -Hit Kale Dallta Ce. In "llaaat Klrka." rtajail In oae of Uia larae«t veek'a re- oatpla or the aaaaon. Fi>r tka prawol vaak tba allncllon oir«rvd lij. J UovllDKaDil Mrra H. Oarta, lunportMl bv Lioihlop'aBlookOi.. In Uia "KM] Bpliler," aati oa ibaiol lovlna vaak ratnn of iba Kau Dallaa Co., lo "OKI tlloiy." Now.—frtoearialflv, atannianacerofllia niv 8*o. aatloo Oo., aaraia hIa coaoaeiloo vlih that eomitiar F»b a, al Maooltaiur. N. II Tba "Ltltta Chriaiaiiber'* Co lliatptaVMl lul vaak at Uio Pntklaaoa Opan lloix uBdar A. ■. faluiara maaaiauiral la nov aadar (ha nianaatmaBl of ktilvant K Rtta. TaBOLli-raaAaNl<ALlttB ihe hiadi ot maar ra<»l« (Qllitlotly. aodaUaaraa to taylax that It ta the "Mar Bumbtf." Pawtarhat,—At tbe Pawlurket Opeia llotiie, Jaa. fr-». "TbiTvo Johaa" played to rktrlj lonlbuu. - - . Toor Pamll or,Uila wttk BMo. tad ilurtnx lha ramalBdar of tba aaak played to bta (miilBaai. For Uio flrat half ''Jolly DM Chuma." and lax half "Tha Faai idll— nait vaak eooiM a bia proiluetloo or-lb* riad I'Irar of llaaillB," by local talaol, uBdarib* dtnctloa orManani McBaiar. for (ha beaalK of Uia ravluckel Day Karaarj. CALIFORNIA) Loa ABgalaa.—At tbe Lee Angolea Theadie CorlBBa RBTa "Haadrlek llaJna,** to laraa aadlMCM, Jaa. B-a. Tha popnlartty or Loita Janaa waa attaalal 0«. vhea "UaiBlat," "OlhaUo," "Romao and JolUi" and "RMbalh" war* pnaaalsd taalmoM (ha caixlli of lha iheatn a( aaah p*rfnnnaB«a. BebllllBa'a MlaMrHa aiabook.1 lor F»b 10. It .....At tha Boitlak iSiSJ -ABoBoribanla-'dravratibrvrahaaillBaB iiiL lU Btmit aaii rholta Claud Tniar* dapan flon Iki (llphsam IS an) t:aroD aaO llartvn an Uie oalr niv poplan. aoalBOM tool Loali Jtinaa aBnoiDwi lhal hit iroHIOTTfor sail aaaaoe vln Ineluilt "<v>rla Uana," "KlBs Leal" anil "A Mkliumniar Nlabl'a nraan. Bm» Dlan^AI Flaber'e Opera naute Lonia JaBBaplayad^ULll,B,vlUi BitUB**,tti nnl boaatT OoflBBe eOBia K%lo tw bnvr haam*. Ma' Maria WamvriabtC.»«. TV. M|i I^SaluKn rK'a NorM KHOM HAU T. Jack's "nm.L FiontkB'' Co.— Tbbi company la nowin li« iweniT-elgbth week and baa not yet experienced a lo<lng week. Tlie rente has extended from Ifenver. Col., to noeton. Moaa. Tbe abow baa givenealltfaciten and laonc of Hanag- ger Ham T. Jack'a filggeal winnen. Managrra era Biking for return dales tt all polnta. The ronpany comprtiea Ibltiy people, carrying til special «en- cry. BtaBeaetllnm.cic. Manager Jack waaa wet- come vliltor at Hoatoii. Kvantand Iluimuu cloaed at I>owell, Maaa.. Jan. 20. and were replaced by Foaicr and Uwla. Mim I,ewla Is playing tbe prin- cipal pan. Don Pedro, and htt a baort<oiiio and coatly wardrolie. HcCai.xaN0 UasiEta win iiar next icaion In conjiinrilon wlihJubn Wtlan. In an Inab comedy drama, euililcd'The Pride of Klldare." Their lime la Blllng rapidly. ^ ANSA Ksswicx. whose viaier waa married re- cently, will work alone, uting her own nagie Anna Ityan. ^ , I'KTEH n..SHiTtt.o( BmllbandF.llla,whob>B been acting managrr ofthe Uudcga Concert Pavilion, at Bi. Paul. Minn, haa ntlied. IlAPLXTANn Hart an- at home In Peon Ian, -V, Y., for Ibe nrai time in cliht yean. They gave a conccn ilicrc, Feb. 4. with the Peon Yau Band. In Bheppord'a Opera llouie. OLLti! Youho. club ^«lnger. baa been eDgigedts a apcclal feature for me amateur mIostreN to be Riven Feb. IB. by tbe a P. 0.», ot Delaware. O, llowi! AND ItEKTz bavc rcJolncd Hsm uevere's Co. LEONAllAVTBa Informs us Ibat the wai granted an alMOIntc divorce from Ililly Uayler, Jan. 22 at Kanaaa City. Mo. Bhc will bereafier be known as Leena Howell. HusTRK AMO Notes op Cohen t TooTh Comk- dIatia.-Cal. Cohen and Wra. Todi,proprletore and inauaRcra; Harry Ueic, Harvey UcVabe, William E. (^onklln. Price Uordoo, >ted La Roae. We make three nigbta and week suinda. and tbo ekov gives blR Mkil<factlon. UoalDen bat proved good since our openlOR dste.sod tbo nun In white appeara everySundav morning. TheOld nellabto Is always a weicoine visitor. J. W..4rovxii,luc magazine artlit. It lllualraling tongs with siereoptlcoo acenei for Dave llntlon, at thelmpennl Theatre. Chicago. 111. IIAI8V L. ItisnAij. opens Feb. lo, at tbeAmert- can Nickelodeon, tbis city. OZAH, French Juggler, It at Bbea's Uonlc Hall, Uuffalo. N. Y.. tbla week, and opens at the Uoward Atbenmum. Uoatoo, Man., Feb. 10 .Prof. IlKNnEHSoti Mint, bandmatier ot Ma- bara'a Ulnalrels. has been very III, aud Billy Young waa aasaulieU by rougbi In Han Franclaco, Cel.,and la confined ro bla bed. Uhuns AND claim tba! ibev bavelieen eiron- eooMly billed at tcveml dllTereut .faoutes durlog tbe tame week, and dealre It known that for tbe two weeks beginning with Feb. 3 they are booked at Bmtih'a Opera House, Grand paploa, Ulch. Jebhv IIast and llEATiiiCE LEO began tbe rounds of Iho Easteto variety booaet last week ai Kelih's Theatre, llesion, Mafa., where thcyc inllnne during iblB week, opening Feb. If, for a week, at the LyceumTbcaire.tbti city. JoitK LANCASTEn and klike O'lltlcn bare Joined bandfl. Mho. IlBNnir T. w.Air, wife of Henry T. Walt, trick vlollnlri, presented her biisband wliha baby iiey Jan. 10. THE ASNtiAL nBNBi'rrof Dullklo l,odHC. !<a 23. B. 1'. u. E., wa-i given lit the Biar Theatre, It Butralo, N. Y., afiernoon of Jan. 20. Tho cnicrlalnincni wan provided by local talent and by membcie of Ibe notion Howard Aihi-uicuro S'nrSpeclalivUo. TUB/.0Ki.t.ATK0rri: was tendered a icttlmonlal ii-neoton Jan 29,atthc llrooklyn,,S. Y'., l,aborLy- rciim. Mason ANDTitoiifk report doing well InlhUr new tpictaliieK with iho "Uncle Uirtm" Co. MIts Th^rpc'a donctng lidng a feutnre of tbe perform- aiK'c. Jons J. Kahi.r, IrUh comedian, baa Joined hands wiib Mailer An hie Laurie, and will leave for Ban Franriaro, i;al.. Feb. 23.10 fninil a all weeks'en- gageincni. NOTES FROll H- R- Wll.LIAHS' BtO BlIOW.-WO have been playing to a fair bualne^t throuxbout tbe West, and all are enjoying good bcalin. Tlie show will close Feb. 14 a atawn of twenty elgbt weeks. HAUnKOoROOKsnd Louise Dlanchard prctented Miih Kennedy with a Taylor trunk menuy. tiKORUK llAHBis.mantgerof Ibo cafe attbe 'iV'ar. wick Theatre. Newpim News, Vs., has relumed from a trip toflan Franclaeo. Ct], IIKo. W. (JUNNth'oiiAii. mourns (be lots ot his father, John J. CunnlnHbBin wbotliedJan. 0,a(bla home In Ixiulavlile. Uy. Uay LuNtKiHiiKH. ot tho LundgTcen!!, presented ber bueband with a baby girl on Jan, 20. Warren and Hotoid arc playing an eDgsge- iiient of Bve weeka over tbe llavie circuit, after which Ibey ictum to New York, and play telum en- Ragcnienia In the Kaai. THE Old Standard Theatre Bonding al Pteblo Cel.. wssdettioyed l)y Ore Jan. 24. Hart Wiixiaus, Uiie of Ketter and WUIlatnt, la spending Ibe Winter in Qillfomla. MONBuui AND HugaEix bare Jnsl Joined Sattlar'a Gaiety Barlesr|ueOo.,ataipeclal feature. TiiR PBiaa CLUB of wnrolngion, Uel., on Jan. It gave a stag loclal, and were entertained by uie fol- lowing perfnnuere fiom Iho WondeMaud: Larry Tooley, Burt Howard ,Ma Mllllon.Mr.Marab,Fnnk Cook. Uogh C. Whiting and Wm. Dockttider. KXMNO and Wblcu are a feature In tbe bill with tbe Boston Howard Atbeoicnm Oo. They 'will sail for Kumpe June li, to play elgbi weeks at tbe Albtmbn, London, Eng., and are booked for twenly-foor weekt on tbe contloenc HivkRi.Y's Mastodon UtNOTaxu doted In Now Orleans, La., Jan. 2i. Tbe company was orwanlted In San Francltco, Ctl., wblcb necesaliated paying high wlorlee, and when It was found thai ibelr bualneas In tha South woiitd not warrant tnch sal- aries, a pnipoalUon was made fora reducUon, which tbe membem ot tbe company declined to accept, and the closing wai Inerltable. Al. L. DoIiob, who was buslneta manager, eayt the show wlllrcergan- iMandgoootsgato. YvcmODiLBBRT, accompanied by ber manager. Ted 1). Harks, sailed for Europe Jan. 20. Bbe in- tends to return to tblacounliy nexl liecembertor HD extended tour, under ibe management of Mr Harks. Umaik BBt-iwoon waa to have sailed tor Bagland on Jan. '.S, but aiTlved at the dock Just as (begaog- plank waa hauled back, and theblgateamerwhleh was (0 have canted the popular Kugllab muilc ball aliiger elarted on Its voyage wltbuui her, I.BSUR AMD UiRDiNn have Joined CooRioTe It Grant'a "Hauler" Co., to bitroduco (heir dancing apeclally. ^ HOHTON AKD COLBiiiN, IHsb coincdlant, are play- lug a return engagement of four weeka ovtr the Davla clrenlu Mahir Luin baa canceled all of her Eaitem en- gageinenu. UiLi-iR UcLAiN,of "Down on the Suwance Hlver" Co., gave tbe band of that company a baoaiet at the llouglaaClub, New York. u-aifwi at KoniRCouiY AND Pearl lUmoNn are again be- reaved by (be death of tbeir little eon, wbo died Jan. 27. lltLLV lULLkAN, ol Neodbam and Uallmsn, waa presented with a baakelot nowers at (be Boward Albenicuni, Botlon, Hob., laot week, by biolber Elka of tho Boaton lodge. ■""•■i»r liBRMAHD Uyllyn's engagement at tbe Orpbenm. Lot Angelea, Ual., has been extended to three weekt! Jambs IttcimoND It doing a tingle tpeolalty tbla week at tbe Avenue Theatte, Plusbnrg, Pa. Ik>n Scuu^'LiH Is racovorlng from a teveie ttisck nf llloeas st Hiddletown, 0., and wUlshortly resume bbi Rattem engaRemenit. UiNBaANnRuiNuioN'seoetaract Is a sbcceattnl feature of "The Jsv circus" Oo. ™~». N. U. HORiv Is now musical director of the "Joshua Simpklna" O). orchestra. Kn. OAuaonxR baa been re-engaged ever Ibe Hon- klns circuit, ecmmenclni Jan. 2*. BiNNsr AND CiiarxAH Introduced (beirnew act In Jeraoy City, N. J., last week, at Ihe Don TbnThea- Ire. 1)11 CnoiiiN was pitaented with a bandaooie gold waleh and chain by M. Teller, of Phlladelpblt, Pa on Feb. 1. ' PAriNTA, the dancer, hat letoraed (o NewVork mm her aueceesfiil ongagemeni In AUaila. Ga and haa enUrely recovered her health. ' MarDB IUtrokd prteented ber hntband. Qua Jan*s>' ' RuD(>Lru noSLVSiT iDfomu nt Ihsl his once waa recenily visited by a thief, wbo purloined letter besdlnga, envetopes and blank contracts, and wbo ^ now engaged In uUng these artlcKs loawlndle Mr. lUiUntkv'a pabona, from a number ot wbom he haa obtained auma of money. Tbe tbiet baa also hi bit poateaslon tutlonery ot tbe Uipbeon drcnli of Calltomla, uken Inn the *tne otneeT^ Mabri. BmanN bu |0M ckjeed a pnennia two weeks'engagement al Ftoetor's, tblsdb/aM vDl ahortlj npan al RhwCa Moale naB, BalBiS, NT. mST' Ightb Avenne Tbeatie. «W;^'"?ft: iTpiomlaS to he one of ins "•^S* botueTTlie llstof TolnntemU already avewla^ Sne and Manager Robte's legion of IWondB will doobUMMOkilielbealieoniEeocculoB. jSiTnSviT U 111 Btherbmllier'ibomelnObL '•Siraanabeence of three Tears IheBeMjObU- ditoTTv! reTiSSl East, and Java Jn* jtalsbed an iiHgenenl at KeHb-s PhUadelpbIa houe. go into vaudeville, a< announced. Bhe l«*^irnM ^tb Weber 4 1T«'<1«J» e'~'«JSf,lf25R " toi, lole in the faroe w™'/'"*T^'I'i'SHWaber Ibey ate to pnt en tbe road torch L ,i<?g^,'™?2 irillsMna the Summer In Eon»Hi,forttapnii»so ofptAtagnpannnber of tinimiumMotmt. Ttey areslgnlng lb« best American vandevlUe talent for next season. W Bernard and Uole B. nsjnlond SSl hSlSelr VsndevUle Clob Co. again ""iL'SHfiacroUtlo comedian, and I^nlte M- wari. olngftg and danolag oonbroue. In thel^ rpeSsitloB.are atti»cllvefeaoire« wllb "ATilpU) "f-WB dIucoh W«kt Aotwt/' one of thosncceta- fulpnblleanons Itooert by a ^"ttf •Soufctjey announce as being In tbe front isnk In popnlarlty. Tboytiata that tbsy have received over elRbt boD- dred appllcaaiins for the tong mm piefe^oua Mople Tn respottss to their advtrtuements hi TBI CMrrBR. ^ PENNSYLVANIA. Pblladelptaia.—Tlie altendaBce at the tbe- atraaUia paat weak wai laaarally (ood. BeTtraloflka eirooR atlncUODB bold over for ibepraaamweak, bat nOTalUaaararav. ACAoaar or Meatc-For tba onriaat week (ha Hlo- rlcht ilraod Opeia Co. prsaeau Uie followlag opeiaa: "Ubeaxrln,''vlUi Uaia.Hatana, Pab.3: -"LacU," with Karadt, >; "ffllllain T*n"«, u popnUr pricaa, aad, ba- ivaaa tba Bittand iMODd aeu Viola BacbavjlltrGna, ptaalal, vlu make barlrat appeaiaac«barai"'Cavallai1a'' and • Pagllaaal" aia to ba Riraa 7, aad "the Barber of 8aTllle~al Ihe muiMa. B.. Laal weak "Lajrma" vaa alTOB Xoodav, vllb Htrada bi tha UUa nl&^na auaod- uoa vaa fair and tba opaia waa baaacifaUy dooe. Then vaa a lame aadleaca oraaanl Wedaaaday u bear "Don aleTaanl." Dat raaals aa tha Don and Xreoold as Donaa Aaaa appeared moat In favor, but lha opKia vaa vail aoar all throDBb. Friday "La Oloamda" vllb Tracey. Piavoal and pel ruaoia. drew a roo4 boBW. and a norabla cast Incladlax Lovaou, Loirain,Traay, Da Baehar, (logny. Rahao and PtemlBB. vana "Tba Hoinaoota" at ihaBatsruiy matlnaa- 11iacoBc«n1faundiy,atvhlehJoaaliytnada blaflnalap- PMluea, vaa a BnatartlaUo aucoaaa, bnt tbt audleBea vaauialL BBanBaadiTavctovdedthaboniaBataiday niaht It waa arldent that aha vu rasanlal more aa earioalty tbaa a« aa arttit Naxt weak, the laat or Iba tllortcha' iaaaoa, ''P'.allo,** "Romao and Jollet,'! "La Tliavlata." "Akla7' ■BlfblaUo,''"CaTallaria" tad "Pa«ll- accl"vltlbag(vaa. „, „ .v ■ HaOAD ttraacr TasATaa.—Olaa Kethanolaaimaia In "Cannao" aU tbla vaak aieapt Friday, whan "Camilla" h (ha alar, and Saiuiday BlB^it, vban "Dantaa" vlB b* JIvan tor uia Oral time ben. flrowded bovaae attaodad IB parformaoee of "Gamaa" alt laat vaak, and com- uaot 00 (ba play bu baao taoeially Cavonbla. Neat vaak, John Drev beftaia a loitatfbva angaiemant In 'L'hrlatopbarJr." , „ _ ^||LST.^CT BratBr Opbka Boesi —"Ilia Old Homa ataad." with Danman Tboopaoo, remalna for two vaaka mora. Frorasood loenvdad hooiaa attaoded thapar- romaneaa laat vaak. The niit attmtloo ii Da wolf lloppar. 17, In "Or. Svatai" aad "Waax." t^aavNOT BimBETTOBATas.—"TiUby" nmabia tor thla BBd aait week, which viu make a raa of aaran vaaka, fAat vaak (ha attandaaea waa good. "Aa Aitm'a Modal'' WAUroT BraXET TBUTxa.—Bobert Hllllaid, In "Loat— 14 Hoara'' and "lha LItUaat Olrl," bag loa 9 ma aaoond vaak of bla fortalnbt'a eoxafaroanL Onwdad honiaa and unfalgaad applaaaa van bla ravaid laat weak. "Northam LlRhtar^ aeit week. Pabr TuaATBB.-'T^a War of WaalUi," vith tha veij popular lucai favorite, Faanr Mclotyra, la tbecaat. la tha attimettoo for ibta weak. Xaat «v«k Rolaad Bead, lo * Tho Politician," peeked Uia honae olxbUy. Tha damaad lor aaaui vu a« Rf«*t that tha oicbaatrawu removed under die auta. "A Tripto OilBatowo" 10 AODiroaicM.—RoMoll Bm.' <3omedlana wfll fbralpb tbe aalartalnmant for tha carreot vbbIi. Laat weak Dyda'i ComadlaM drav exovda vhlcb vara Ihsltad oalr by Uia eapaelty of tba hooaa,S. B.O. behtga nlgbtlj aniiT. N-atvaak, H.W.Wimimt'OvBCo. NaTieaiu—"llQmaBflaatta'*la thaeairaat waak'aat tiacUoo. Laat vaak Ward and Tokeo, lo "A Ban on the Bank," drev ciovdidhouaaa aad axeltad kitaot lanah- tar. Next vaak, "^Down la DIxla." OaARDOraaAHoosB.—'TbaBpuTOV'hu cloaad.and tha company bu dtatended. The author. Quo Rick, talka orivorvanlalor In tha near Aitnra, bataodadnita aiTanxamanta hava aa yat tiaen made. aiaanD ATtini TBiAvaa-"Tba Jilt," with Hra. Dion Boodcaolt, la Manaffar Bollaad'a elTarlnR tortbavaak- Lut vaak vIcuiiTjMiebad upon tba bannan of "Tba Oraat Unknovn." Tbabonaa vu packed aranravaoIOR vlUidellRbtadandleBtaaLaed tbla popolar necBM vu datarvad, for a more aolfonDly vafl plaved produetlen hu not baaaeaan ban tbla iaaaon. Farhapa taa graataat hoBor la due Mamie Ollrav u Bm^ nam kalBban u O'Doonell aad Emma Mtddem aa Auat Peealopa, bat nearly avaiT ona Id tba cutdaaarvcs fkvoiablv menlloo. Neat vaak. "Iba Sea oflca." Poaaraeoa'a TaaavaB.—"Oliver Twin" la pot on thta vaak, vlih Oaonta Laaioek u Pagao and Haitta Ford u KanoyRrkea. Lutwaah'i piednoUonof "All tbaCoo- fotu of Home" la aotltlad tn tha moat nnquallCad pralia. RobanwilaonuTheodora Baodar.Belao Beanmontu hIa vtfa, and Jania Bonitalle u thair daaihlaractad vllb aitlMla iBlallkiaeea of Uw klgbaat onler. a. J. Orady and Joaapb Davna praaa^rad Boat blti of eharactar comedy u Dabnay and HoBaath. and (ha whole play vaa vellaeiad and racelrad with thallvallaat aiprauioBa of plaaanreby audiBBoaavblcbonvdcd tbatbeaire. "Bloa ot tba Mlxbt" naxt vaek. PaoTLra TlBATaa.-Jamu J. Corball, lo "A Nanl Cadet," vlll doobtleaa bring (he Kaadnxtoo theatre aoare ent In fort« tbla vaak. Cbarlea A. Oaidner, hi *'T1iaPrlaaWlBnar"and "Fatherland,"dld a eoodbnil. Baaalact vaak. aad maQannaalaTnraverelQ aadaqolia a b^U |b Uw Tnrafut Ktna. Naxt vuk, "Iba wbtta sraKDABD TaaATn.-"ilau and Bom" la Uieadoei auracUon at Manafaia llltachlar aad WaU'a popniu thutretbla veah. '1he Btowavu'' proved vairattrao- Uva laat vaak. and fnllydcaarvtd (ke popular appreola- iton vhleb It ncalred-Bait walk, "Land of (ba MHnl^i KmiRiiTox TaaATaa.-lloHinr]'a BaaUah Bvella la tha attiaoUon dili vaek. Lutvaax tha Blaaeaaid Bni^ laviaa Co. did fairly wan. "Ma and Jack" cnralO BLtvBNni BraaivOrnu nocaa.-Tbare la tha lanUr mlaaual aniarialBBaBt u thiabooaa. Amoaxthabar- tapu'iaaan -Tnlbr," vhleh haa baao aaoecaaalSraavaial veaka, an I a nev eSeitenUUed '^tBL Paul la tba Band or Buck on Jaiaar." iaalnaa> laat vaek vaa taed. Thb SM00.-llr. aad Mca. Hldoay Drav ramaln for tha cniranlvaak. Savant nratappaaiaaoaan mida,nama- Ir, Baxomnar, tba vaatrthainiM- iba Avolia, uTpla bar umoatla, Uia Kniachluk vaitleal bar rAbVm ud the AnxaU Slatara, roialbu and daaeare: Fki banka appeara fir (be Bnt ilma hat*. Tba other auiae- itoBi on tba pngfaaiBia hicbids J. W. EaBy, (ha Navna. W. J. Uaooy, (be Tbraa MarraBea, La Boy and niailoB, Pany aad Teabnake. Ltl Kaialahe'cedaeatad plaa, Taaxe and Daalal, aad Colhy and Daviu. Eooaea verepaiiadlaat vaak. and Mr. and Mia. dldaeylhiir ma^aanuipnnouBced hit, keaplBglhsandlane* In a dfJuSS'V^o'BVer" *'^°'*"'"° TBO lvCBea.-Tha ipectaenlar bnrlaaona, •^are," la attianlan. laatvHk IbaNev Torh Stan annnladplauuralo the erowde vhleb aUendad thla pop- ular thutre. Tub BCBBux -Tlia lit womaa'a bleyels race U Uw leadlag nav auiactloD In Uia carlo lall In tba Iheatna eontlniKiuiMnonitiiee li Riven by tba NawTaikCem- edySlaia. Bntinaaalailvayainoa. {RoTBa-Oaort; B. AUIaon, uaaaarar of the Walnut, •bo hu aeqatrad adeaarvad npnrtl on rorgcod bnmor and coartaay. baa a baaait Feb. M at vblcb "Mri Si- deibarr'a Put" vlll ba.playaJ AcUva prapamiIw arebelnimadarorUieAouira'Fund banaBt atUaCb» ?X'"aK}'?t"»'l"»l5. Joko Drew aad Oei,^lbr Sti -SS, Oo.aad aoma utiMlona Ikon Kav York an to ippaar Prapanttoaa in babiR n" Aeadamy, of Ilia AbbJrS rS .SS^fSS " "filar OwBanaganwat or & Babiau. Tba vaek of Maieh t baa baaa ulactad t Rlvaida eoooorl la announcad to take place at Odd FaUova' TS?",' "f,'>^"""f*J^«'' '"••>'UiaAoidai^, „ PaUiarland," vu takaa auddanty lu '"'•!!*.',.•'•''»">^ Bala, ol Oaorn BoUud'a Oa. aaiumed the pari on abort aollca and pbyadltvluiBnat ""M-.- --RMWWbltebouwbu'hS IhataSfiiA. »>*,'SJtt2?;'. "li:^'^?¥ Nltan,aa atblal«oe tba atalf SliJ ^^f'™' 'aa baao an|BR«l to tiavel M oaa orUM BrnaBniban niilaaaaoB Tba beaant of Ua nwtJiialMBdianlca'Aaaoelatkn atUMWajiBt lulFTl. dayattanoonvuabtianceaaa Tbebonaa vaienvdad, and a lirxa amonot vai raallcad for (taa aaaootlUoo !!jhI'"'P"{ '^""V far Baland Raad. bad a boat of mandaaed ralatlvM Id thla city, and bta duth aOi la Smf'.: -fobaauiDa. of Ma» Tork, Had a blllln equity In llie CtrattCounaxalnKOlia NaUanola andNllon and Ztmmennaa lo laalntn Uia prolnelloD ot ■carmin," olalmlni (bat Uia aame t« pliatad ftnm a drunatliaUon other oni.viliun la liBt, oopyrlRblad, and patfunnad at Nlw Bncbell^ N. Y , Daa iTotBTThe potion for IqJaocUoa tares bafore IbaConcton Fridar, bnt vaa poitpaned oatll Tuaidar of Uili vaak Haan R. Baydar, of mil ellr, vaa Ukao lU at ma Etivanlb Buaot ppaia Bonaa. Jaa. SI, dnrinR Uia parroraanea. aad died altar balna neoovid tharefrem Tliwtola Blaait avail known loeal amiuor, wllb uma pnhailoBalai- Wrianea a( ib*olreid Avanna Ibaali*, haa paMbaaed "A Oman or War," by dan. rallxAfnaaand bntoMalkir. aad iBtaada to atar la thai plar. b*xlonba.nfnb^ Fab. IT. William Da BwUay tSim^SSiSttiS'. fSTi'SiSyl" " "•••'»«•»• ""^ „ p'ktabarBj-StTetalatliiollenslhal an estab- I i!I"^£f*5? 0'aaA'"lpraa.--'«aA Ha. r- b IhU vaak'a bill "Iba War at WealUi" elaaad an axaltlaa tmrnmlZ manll. "BInbad"Ubooked iSria ""™« V {IT!" !!'''^-*°>' Bmltb Baaaea la npaiteir, wfll .%*J!!B*.t'<*'Ok. DalUFnxwlBRlvau%aa^ Amm T»E4ru.-Tb«it U BO CUUacoff la the Um •iBMtiSou. Tb« earnnt bill locladw MciaJtyr^'?! Mwam, Mwtlotnl Bros, ud tbt lltiiAUIck rlanik th«*tAet>. , „ TMonnd for uiothw WMk. ^ / o wsm Buoa TinuT«»-'«ftTed rrom Um Bm" U ih««rf#«i optol" "Tbe K«w«t DeTlfeAocUoD^y tbenideNln! forH). ino litii, lt>.LlDroU MUl pnref blnMlf Ibe trarap ovd Id U» whUe Ihe ttui that eblne Iq the tbeetx* we Ch M»ri«IV«»lIfcC}J»T*ndUCI*U,iheB«wI*i^„„„ VoUuner. ud Muod isd Huk BadsMB Inntnte lUBBT WiUJAJU' AOiDnTOvMraic.-V«b«r k rmt Own Oo. tbii wesk. Iihem'i Octononi pkjed to •uui lag nam onlr At ereiy perfoin>iice lut v«ek, eod thebe«t|t»naiM Cdlond peopto'i ibowtTer woha^ Tbe New Tork TaodoTUlo sum ue eoDomud for lo HWW WOkLD'fl Mosnri TaUTHI^Tle Eoillt ZoU Bur »BnDlnlV'iBumlaoinjt Hu WwdeaEollr Zfll^JohS MerioD. (be E4noDii,M«lTiUeud Canon, wtdoihftra. BmsTB.—W. J. PieMlniT U hen. lepmeenUor "Sio- bed."... ..N»l O.OooiwIe'e neeni «D(ttRemBDi ei ih. New Onnd wu eoch a iramendonAmcMMiliuhotiu been booked for ft ratnn one et tbet bcuee ibeprMni ■eeBOB. when bo will rerhe "In MImnn" IleDoifa B-flugMt. UIO *fJ|'j^J«»k»'« epmpeoy. hu been »o. mod b7 Henr Dftvli for bli Areoi* Stock. Durioi ■wUuke'e recent eDguemeotbere MinfimeDi nuAl •neb en Immenee bU In the cbemctor f*ii of Aunt M«r[L en oU meW, In tb« play of "Magda," tbu ehe flrmlr aMabll«h«d boraetf u a Pltubanr fwoilie .7 fl. LIpman, who brokAtale leg wbKo itajlDe u tbe New Qrud Oper* Honea earlr In the rrcMnt eeaaoB, la now eatlrelf reatorad to hmltb, and hy i alonlar oolneldence renmed bin put of SadIori rarlar at the Ne« Oraad.Opam Hovo Jan. Si. m the vtrr tug*where bUft^ldentoccorre], and »lilcon- tlDoetopIay ItlhnmiboattliefHinaliidcror ibUMaMo. Bereiml ebugeo were made hy ib» BoetoDlenii in theeutof^BobinHood" Jan.90.wblU tmvloi atiht AlTln Theatre. Jerome flyku T«pta»d H. a Ban>abe4 utbeBherlffotNoUtnghan.AllcoKeUwnrepUced lleltn Boitram u Maid Marian, aad Cora Baina^ appeared u Aooabel. tbe part fonntrlr flUed br illte NleUoi... ErerTthlogaeemacherTT ripe for Flitibvg'a Bymthnoj Ordieetim, wblch b to gtTO rebeamla end concertu at iH niw Carnegie Mnite HalL A lam nontMf of Incal mnal. eUnaandoibtitnomdlatanteulu bivebMo oogicMi The large naiftotoo tnnA wblcb bu bton Mbaeribed l4acaiheoruiiiitrmona«»conflnanclftirosndKUoo....Tht weat Poon Hofpltal beaeflt at tho Alrlorbtatre. anemooD of7. wllllDUwface Sol Bmllh BnM4lU"aafl No.r Co li^*L Banetoft, **8ared rrom tbe Bea^'Co^ Weber aoJ neldi^ Btavart AUen and W. U. Mniplr, One of ih* meet attnctlre feaioreawUI be Lo Grua Wblte,baftl- neaa iDanager of tbe Duqaeme, io a xjlofbone aolo. Rmdlna*—Tbe Mftckftj Open CimpanT catoe to light baalDeM at tbo Academr of Ma*\e Jan.Z7-D "Oqo of tbe BrftTW* drew wellSo. I*iaian BataelL in "IboOimnd DnohHa," pftckod the hoise^Si.atibehfih- eat prIoM erer cbantod for a tbeatneal pctfonnaBce here "Land ofthe MIdntgbtSon*'bad alarroiudlenceFeh, |. *'Buah OttT'* oomea «,' Tba Wblto Slave" 7,6. auiTD Onu BODSB.—Gllchrin'a "Ckrlatmu idrtl" wu *nng tbe RaadlDjc Choral SooUt;, before a large andlonoo Jan. sr. '*A OiBCker Jack" did i large buiilD«m 80-rob. 1, Madge Tacker, In Toportorr. it nnoerllDed lor week At s. BUOD TBunv.-fiatUei'a Bnrlaaqae Oo. did a g^ boelneu weok of Jan. 37. "Tbe Jar dima" la daeTeb. 9-& Bloabeard Borleaqoe Co. 6-B. TBI DlOKinaoif OOLLBOI OROHEVTM, ANPautRCLCH drew a good abed booae at Rajab Temple Feb. 1. Wlikeabam.—SacH an oatooartog of tbe pco- pie to Ibo Grand Opoia Hovao, Jan.», lo too Lillian Ruk aell, lo "The Graad Dacboia,'' waa noTorbofore wiualied braof theatrical enteriftlDmont In tbli ckr. TbanUoi BoaUboaan three daye lo adnnoe, aodtwobouraartar the lale began eTety Mat In tbe parquet aad balcony and twohandred Mate In Ihe gallerrwere leld at adraaced firieea. Thlaiatheflnttlnelntheblatoryofanyiheaue D thli town that aeau hare boon nMrred among tbe "gall6r7goda"andeold lo adranee. Boildwbelngpacktd to the walnaeotlng, bundredawere tnriHd away, Maaqaendera" had good baalneuFeb.1. CoaiDE: "TTi* White aiaTO'* 4. "Olrl Vaniad" ». Mdoo HaLL— **A Craoker Jack." Jm. 97-39, bail fair boaeoi. "ATrip totheCJTeua,"ffl-f«b. 1. played to good bndneaa. Coming:'Tbo Wagva of Bin** M. Baaton^At tbe Able Open Bonn, JaiL 28, tbe LIUlan Ennell OMrmCo. cametoapatkel boeae. "Olrl Wantfd" cornea Feb. B, "Sowing the WtBl"7,*>FaradlM Alley" la Nell Buneaa, In 'Tbe Conntj Pair." II: Olita Nothemole IS, 'TrilbfMr. PaiaiOB TBaarni ajiD Musbif.— ThU bniMdldagnod boalneu lut week. Thla weoh'aftttraoiloDian: Wllllami and Barion. Ida Slddona, Lullo and Cuidr. tbe fliaten Elinor, Bd. Rogara. Stanley and Seaoloa, end DaTe Foy. Erle.«>At Park Open Home "Ito New Boy.*' Jan.aSL bad largo baalneaa 0. B. Uaafocd. lo '*Vlrf:ln- loi," 30, can* to good attondanoo. "Tbe PencIoE Maator,** 91. wu aong to good attendant. "Tbe Oaz- tier." Fab. 1, had a paying booBo. Ooailsg:'The Faa- log Show** a. J. B. OiauD's WonosUaUiD TaairRi a.tD Moiii bad large baalneaa lut week with Alt'a fcrolcT Co. Com- ing Feb. 3 and week: Oiaoe Broa., Leopold and SIIto, tbe Howatda, Oormaa Boee, Delkaoe/ aad Orta. Meyer, Harrlabnm.—At Uu Open ^oaa LUUad Kus- eell, lo "The Oraod I>iiebe^,"Tob I, prored tbe blgce«t ereot id the blatorT of ihe bou*e for n DUber of yeara. At 7.41 on tbo eTonug of the perfomwnea. OTorr aeat and alltbe atandlog room bad been aold. "AJajdrciu" Bdbi MtvUa—Buelneae cootlnoaa atod. Iifanaol, Barr and Bvaaa, Wamn and Howard. Em Monla, Anole Aahley, Brant and BaTlUe, DeT«re awl I<e OUIre, and Oeorge and Minnie Soodate tbla week. AltooBA^At Ibe EteTenUi ATenne Open Booae BI UeoiT'a Hlutrela drew good bouaaa anemooQ ,and eTeolo|rJan.». Lillian Kennady did vel 31. Coming: "Nlobe" Feb. a, Sherman and MorriaerTand R,JoeOtt, In **n»e StarOaior." 10, "flared tmn the Bta" II. HAmaT DATia* Koa.<f Mcbbb.— Tbla ve«k ihejOoualei Comle Opem Co.. m r*partnry, la the ttoalorlun. and Taiaa* Banpaan Wonder* wfll oecnpF the TaodeTlUe atage. ^ BomntoB.—At Uie Academr ot Uado "Tbe Wblto Blare" comee Feb. 3, Frank Buah, In *NJIri Wanted," C TRBPnoraigOHU.—TbeOoree Peyton Co. week of Feb. 9. Pn>f.BaynoMaeamelAUweek,lafalrhouMa. Datib TBBAnB.-Halte Roonor, In "Ibe,Derby Mm- COL" Bhermaa and Morrlwy, In "A Jay Olreni," Jan. ao-Feb. 1, bad large booae. LttBoaater^At tbe FoKon Op«n Hoiue Cetll Spooner, In rapoitory. bad good boatoev Jan. <7 and week. •'Rnih(5ln"eonwaFeb.a,I>a WoirHo|»er8,Olga Netheiaole 10, "^Ted ttxm tbe Baa" 11, "The County OHIO. ClBclBBAU—lUdHie ModJeaU to falrljoD tbe mend,and Manager Prank Ferler.whoburetnmed fmm Pltuborg, la cottOdenttbUihe wlU be abl« to ruooie her nutriagtoar In three weeka. ThenfTererwuabletoMi nprorabriefperlodaadwriteannmboroflettara. Mam ben of Ibe eompany bare haan noUfltd to bold tbemialre* lnr*adloaBafi>rft'*eall." , ^ Qraitd OrBRA nocBB.—Oeorge Bdwaiaei* Conic Optra Co.eomw Fob. S, Introdnolng "UU BKCaUener." ,Lut week Da Wolf Uoppar fonod that "Dr. S;nua\'dld not wear out bla weleinie lut year, aad ba eojoyed a tolar ahlrproBpeionavlili^ NatooodwlneoneilO. „ ... Wauvt Sranr Tbhatw.— "The Foaadllng,** «bkn wu booked foraeojoam earlier In tbomaaoa, cune 3, with Oluy FltigeraM fealuted. Fanny DtTonport la one ofUiamoatpopalarartlKBwho are emolhd among Cio- olooaira faroritlea. and aodleqaw of nugoiflcent pro- KrtioaawluieaBodb«rpnHntatiooeof'*0(moooa." 'm aen" wu rerlrod for tbe laat OTeolog. BlehaidMana- fleld 10. FougTAi!! SqaAKiTBBATiii.—ObarlwH.Tale'a "Devil > AneUon" began 3. "The Paaolng Hbo«" »Uy«d to mero money than wu orer handled befor* b> ikoboa ofltoeat thla booae. Tbera wu a nliebt Inoraau la the lariff. The S. B. O. eign wuupateToryperrorauuie«;lBdeed,pM>Me wen tnnwd awny otoit nfgbL Tbo nbieooa oi Jwia Uenahaw, VemoQa Jarbeaa and May Tot Brooek from Ibe eatt, oerialnlf had oo effect on tae ftueodaaeo here. Beymoar Ueu made an aooepiable Xaj Qnlokatep. Anala Meyendldwell. Weahban8letoniuoaQ«e. HkOOE'a OriBA Hocai —"Th^ Wblto l|^" a Davla and Keogb pioductJoo, waa a«en 3, Iw the tnt Ume here. "Bared from the Bea," ono of thoioanle anutlonaof the yaar.dldaqilandldl>ailaeaii. "OlrlWaBied,"0. Tan ACDITOKIDH—ChariM Ooolon letiodocad "A Cotntrr Mercbaat" 3. Joe Ott, In *Tbi Stu Oamr," played to fair boaloeM 1aat«eek. FRBiMAii'a TBVATna.—"TeneneU" va* the name of lha play that waa girea lu Brat maiDiaUon 1 by ihe atMkoompuy. Itwu wrliteo br BrnoiteioQtaaOlnoln- nail newfpapar man, and la roonded* af ooane, oo neearraoeu of rooant date. Fnoklya ^alobr, lace oi ModJaika'a eompony. enntad tha role oflAd Kolaer,.aod Stephen Wright, alao of tbe Modlaaka UROt^ hu Joloed theatook. Hr.QalnbrappoartdlutvoafiiBCoantFedor Kanieo; In TbeBlareeorBunla," ralUwbg Prank Ken- dall, wbo wu taken lU. PiorLr8TBaAna.-JobB labam'eOctonoe'aapMarad a. Al BaoTM* Big Show played to good hnilnnia Waber A Flolde' On Oo. t. Bkct AUD Amra HoBgni^-OoL B. Dnnnt Boene'a irferBlngwolToaend liOBa,wlth"MenBd BIm:"Pn»f- perfen „ . . - Leoo« Baamon'a Band, Qna Ollmom nad torn D. Caaf^ boll'B Indian eihlbll ooenpied enrfo haUS Caaarand U inalea, Marie Brana, Uarrinn and Bla«h. BWMela- gm^judBlUr and LMft Arnold appeand In the theatre. la good, OF TBI „ , , week that Maaagor John H. Harlln bad gtren Barl Tbeati««, at RL Loola, to bla daogbtar. Kaiherlne. who la aboot to be married to Ranbaa B. Pane, of ATOodale Paler Olark dropiwd In lata in ihe Ooaair op tbb LoBBT.~lt wu annouMed daring the - ----- - «aek Sol W. Bndy bu writton tho llbrotto and epm- poaed the nnale tor a new opora, oaUtlad '*Tbe Three Maaera.'* ItwinWrnaaatadhetoliMireh. Banr Onea,or**Tbo Fnowtilng."»^ Darld BavmaiL lepro- —' l-nfa BaoaBao^wm mmt futweak'atiaB-