New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Februaby 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 777 #Un(ler the Tcnts# ANTONIO UiSiuz, J. 0. note, \T. r. Wlllico ui wire, Ui« Ouoa FidiII/ and U4t« Pnclt btn tr- ilTcd at aklrnuw, Ttx. Vi» »1»m imteim from (lilfalon tj boat, mklDg «ll polota lo V«n Cniz, men OTtrland bf two «beel«d bull cttts l> mo city or Utxtco, vhcro tts itorftnlztd, exiwcUog to neDd a partoC tuo printer and luika a rev toieilor tons. After two weeks' irtTcl «o nuniled op at Ameca, irliareonco nioraonreliowliad lo boetiolped for MTel la ibat coiiDirj. Boslons enconragcd to cqalp a tniD ol oae hondred buma, which car- ried tronka, proiw, MIL lop, nve aleepliig teDi>, cook teoi, lomg« abil commltaar/ aoppller, locludlOK twenir ciuii of gitaollOF, leu gaiiooa eacli. \V<i iraTded eiaclljoaejgartuiougb Uexloo, W'etboir- ed.geoemilT, but ooe da; cacli week, Uiat bclDi Sundar. AdniUakin irai t\ro, aod two doUira aoil orijr ceols, maor iloiea ibroe dolltrs for a acat. Id Biead ol llcenM we Hlw*;a fboweil onder llie au Dpicea of a ctiurcli. Wo made forlf •flvd elaoda tbal iigfer bad a mow of any kind. Oiir adraoca ageui, twttcr koown oa our courier, Seoor aqiooIoMubm/ was ooe week In advance. Adrertltlng matiercon ualed o( pnototrnpba of eacli o( llie coopant, and haodbllla primed un onllnarr enrelopea. Aliu iho agent got in Iowa, nado lile erraiid kiiowD, and bad mown ibo phutoa, piciiirlug eacb act ana got ibe ■ppToral of ibo Uaguirate, be would dliulbuie h\a baadblila, ibeo vuli each prleat In tbo larlsb wbo nude It known to tbo contreimilon: lluiwiaauni- dent adreitlalog. On Sunday, ibe eliow com- menced after ana and did not gel ibiciigb unill i: r. u. Aa Boon ae ono progriinnie waa niu ibroDgb ihe andienoe was dumloed fur ibe one valUug out side, eager lo gain adiulolon. The llist perform' aoca waatbe least •Itended; Iberetwn o( lUUwaf. ibose oaietde would wait to liear applauso and laofbler, lo know taoir ihrlr frlenaii iikod li, nbicb wonid f lwa;a M In uiir facor, niaoT Hay- ing to ete tbo slivtr over agnla. Allcr ino last Bbow we rotalied miny luviiaiion u> e>t and drink witb tbo best class ot natlres. To aco ua travel, some mouoied on tbo bscke of burros, others on two wliecl ox carts, liavding two miles per hour. It waa Hooping that will never bo for- KOtlen byanyot Iho Anit-rlcans auiciug our com- pany. V'e bad very illilo slckuns. It's aorprlslog uow Utile lUe inountalD pan ot Uexloo has bceu visitea by snows. At m dm, oiivo and (inadaluu the show eplit iDto ibrco partu, lo order lo reach toe highest niouobila parts ot Mexico; the nloo owoura aendlog InviiaUODx and gtiUIca lo the pUce: named, tlie whulesboir coming tugetber again In ibo bean tlful Aoucula Valley, at lllo Poene, where we aaw herds ol caule and sntep by llie tboutands, and be- gan one week of one day siauds along Ihe ranches. WetnTsled Ibe eniiro Urxlcsn couniiy as slated fromineOuIf of Uexlco lo the Uulf or Calirorohi; nude eveiy town lu iSlem Uadres HounMlna, anu every town west ol tbo nioumalua, rrom San UIsb to inierta Uirrtaal. The roaier or iba anew wsk: Dcnor Maaniz, J. 0. Rose and W. F, Walliccomcn; Uavo Praetl, KaelcUD, Spanish puppets and performing monkeys; w. F. Waihioe's Uouemlan Qlats mowing abow, rM7M raniily, Uve in Lumber, musicians Bcrobaia, kUgem and paotonlnjlaa; J. U, Itosc, Irrosnrer; Urt. Wallace, Jugiung aud high xUli WBlkhiK.and ADIouloMuani/., agent. TLIa coto- panywen cspabh) or giving a two bourn'show, incliidlog InteraiKsloiie. The good old IJiirrBH comes regulsily rrom Mar.x, tne news man, or New Orleaua. Ot courtio It ciiue vay bchhid umc, and coal us Ive llaus the oaual price, on account ot having It come by exprcw, but ic certauily waa alwa)H welcome. SrKhiCAri Snow mrrKcixcs.—Manager Rent- trow Is oegoUaiing for the putctanse or two Uno cle plianie, oneababy, ibathi aesilncd lo make a hit with I he hide rolts, as It U as lenile and isiue aa a kitten. The cainel team will be a great reaiore, as they are worked la a uuvel nunner. In addition lo last season's outUt iwo extra nsts and one extra Block ojr will be rerjiilred t-j i ransport the now etuif bougbt for next season. The advance already signed are: W. U. liruke, lallroad contiactor and general agenl; A. 8u Ixireniie,conlnu:tor; Fred Uc- SlahoD, exoonaoo agenl; \v, r. Uunnlogion, as•ls^ ant coniractor; C'bas. Itoiion, car No. 1, with twenty liui postere; w. UesgBi, car Mo. 3, with eighteenblil posters; Oeorge Ouuelroy, car No. 3, with rouricen bUI poetere; cnas. Webb, car No. -I, with twelve bill posieiB. No pauis or expensu will be apsred to make the Siodlcaie one ot tlie best and mostattmc- UvelT billed showa on the rood. I. V. iirttniia (III be rallruad coniractor tor tbe Uatn Hbow next season. W. u, HcFiHUKD ASD wtPi, lor the last two Bona wlUi llairu' Nickel I'lale Shows, have sinned with Sells Bros.' Show tor Ibo sesson or i6oe, as principal door Ulker, wItb isind rending aud Mexl can koire throwUig acts. WiiuBS IIUD, musical moke and comedian, has Bigoed with tbe Now (Ireai Syndicate Shows. lUrii paoK Till Sim Urui.' Wosui'a Paoaaissiri Baows.—lUe eeasou or IRU waa no more than ended, and tbo ahotv packed away, when a rush was made to enlarge anu Improve tboabowsrorlSM, and contraolB were signed tor an entire new layout of canvas. Ifalacanvsitesarc: Five pole menagerie and tour pole big top, Uclndlng all iba smaller neceasaiT teats requbed. It win be the biggest Bpresd ot caovaa inis sbow bss ever put np. me Sun Oroe. will add a menagerie of eight cagaa of animals, one elephant and iwocamehi. Additional baggage wagons,obatlotsL etc.,arenowbeingbuilt, and arrangements are befui; isade for an eleculo light iilani to light tbe Wnria'a I'rogresalve Shows. Vre are la receipt ot samples or our epeclal piclorhil paper from tba nrn or luuiell t llorg-in, Clnoln- nau, O., and Ifa as Dae as any abow can produce. Tba rhreeSaa Bros.'portraits appear on eacb and every bill. Prof. U. Emmett oas been eagaged, with hhi tronne ot roily tiotses, pontes snd dogs. OooB. A. OoDk will bave ctarge ol tbe big band. A. P. Ilubbell has secured tbe stand privileges. Qua and reter Snn are doing a paying business wlih tbelr two novelty compantei on tne rood, whlcb will closaldatcbl. aeo.Buol9athonir,arrasglngmat- teta. We wtll open early In Hay at Toledo, 0. Kaio Wuiuxick baa been engaged ror Ohas. Yleler's band, with rerron's North American Cir- cus, whlota salhi ror South America Feb, (. TONY -LoviNDi, Uddy raolly and the Art Da Cona Family will take a idroua to Soulh America next Winter. souBtm & nutru nave engaged tbe following Blair ot oiDcera: aeo. A. Oole, ireasnrcr; Ueo. W. Oauagber, general agrot; U-iny Uann, contracting agaoi: Jnles Jordan, press agent; Jaa. W. Ueaule, prttliege manager; Uol.Qeo.W. Wood, license ad- Jnsier; Al. U. Sweet, bandmaster; Gd. Outhrle, eiineairlandtaeotor; H.J. Ual'y, auporintendent; Wm, U. Webb, boaa canvasman, and Tnos. U'Unan, boas hosiler. Tbe Ulest addition to tbelr menagoile waa a pair or baby llooa, bom In Sbenley rark, FlUsburg, Pa., Ohrlsimas Kve. Wx. iHiriH 1Kb nii-'E wUl pay a visit at Iheir borne, UuiTalo, N. Y., beroio surilng out with tbo Rlegliog Bros. (Circus. Hons nam Donokctr Bros-' NiwMoru Snow. —Ttie oew and the old wagons are all nicely psbiied In citron rellow, tbe "Jonah" ot all show colon, snit wtalob bas proved to be the mascot or iha now Hodal Show. 0. T. Walker algns lor his second sea- Boa wltb tb« DonheurBros. Jas. A. Ualcom, aong coopoaerand muBlclao, will arrange tuo music ror bead and concen. Buly UcOurl goea aa enperlD- lesdent o( canvas. Il-ic htt, who traveled wlih Ibo an'>v In UM, bas again Bhrned. Kd.Van Skill, prtvUece nun and mnslclan, has signed with tbe Oreai byndlcnte Showa for next UiRBT UooRB, tbo old llmo circus agent, U now on Tliri'uu-Expms, Rochester, N. Y., until tbo ltd wagon seaaon opens. . Binos AND AKDaBWB, hand talancen, haTO algned wltb Ubas. Lee's Qicat I«ndan Shows for next season. , „^ U. II. VonTiinbaadmcil as general agent wim Dob Huollni'B Ulrcos lor uext season. Tnls will mate Ur. Whitllet'a fourtb season nlih tbe wnie ahow. Tax FiRiKT Bros, hive slgnad with tbe areat Syndicate Show lor next season. Usunr SwiFr, K-iItt cometlist, has algned for next aeaaon with IHs'enbach's New Show. HiDix I'oissox, prvprletres* or a circus la Oustamala, la now In New York, seenrlng per- rormeiR and malarial. Uadam I'olsaon'a two sons, well known ttarongiiont the world as wondertnl lion tanan. recently died ol yellow lever, and were boned at Fante Areaas, Cojiu llica, Central AiBBrtca. A LRoraiD belonging to Riblnson's CIrons, In Winter nnarurs near UucUmail, <!., escaped Irom ltaeafeFab.2. Toekeeperaadothers tnadtoget It back lo Its noartera tn flrlng blank cartrldgea al It, bat wllhoni avail. Kmally, John O. RoblnaoD, son ol the manager ol the show. Died a round when wllhiB Iwealy-Sve feetof the animal. This ao en- raged tbe leopard ibat It leaped upon Ur. tloblnaon and almoai kOlel him- lis longs cuws lore his bead and body badly, and It sunk lu leeUi Into Bis scalp. Tbe animal waa Onally beaten off and kUled wUh a load or buckshot. It waa ralnnl at |1,000, Mr. UoMiwo'a ooidiaoa la ieftou; Wi elc wh!«S''h~,1S* '5" '»««PJninildpetf,>rmfr. ^i«rfi-sSr{S5 V ariety and^Miitliisv NOTB Tmv Uuio'a Cm- Ciiro Co—Our paai our neeka' buslocsi through New Rngland ttm been bonio record breaterv, eipecltlly Duston and >all ll'.ver. Tho Uticr plate wo bad s. n. 0. out every nl^bl. To j Nolea rccrlved llie sad news h.'rl'fSr ^,'i,S!J""'M,"'"','*''' Ini'ne.llaielj i511;i' "I* WC" were Oiled l.yM.najer Ulaco, wlio h»s not iijiiiMred on anr siaia for uXl * J-'oSW'- S a'* Huter MliMo UMirleo. UAUirer Ulivcn will ■imiiiI & ojr cl.j. Willi hUdauRhtct "tasTlo £X»,Ty '•'™" 'f TOWK," hy Annur Trevelyno. conipnaer nl "Piiveny Row.'' it ceraeaL' '<> •« """>» aeason'i anc- iiiSiL*," iS""*"- 'J" '•"'<'»• mngcr, will shortly K"?".*"'?,"? "weilPtn^eialiad, "1.11110 im,i Sl?2;h..^7.'J' riiXllablng Irm baa secured aiiriahta to the lonR. U<xi«L'iiiiino». wlih HyoQ,t Sherldnn'a City sports, has been ill ror Iwj n-eeks, but lolna tbo abow again at l/)ulsvlllo. Kr. j ii- ..» CMrSiJcVlli'rTbT"' CluI,Co.,wa«» Tna lurnoBsor "Toe l-ost CbllJ," Edw. II. Marks anti JoM. W. eierii. havn rerclteil nnmeroua letters and telrgraun ftora prorefaloaal friends predict Inx an aa«Hredwicee»-< tenhelr Uicai eifort. "No Uno hrer Loveil You More Una 1." Tbo song preaeills •n liiieresilog story, set lo so atlracilvo wain melo«lf. F. zruv-iLn Jn., nianagerol IhoTriKadem Vaudc- illles, lias esgaiieil the Tivo lliMtons, wbo are a strong realure v( tho iilll. He has also i-ngascd Cony lima, lor ibli ty weeks ts a reatora ofiho Tro- cadero Vaudevlllra nest nnaon. Tne KH«a7.R liKOiDnn wbo have been nlailng IhroiiKh Ibo West will appear at Proctor'aTbeitor, Ibis diy, next veek. CLinra Litiibr bus sbandnned the drsmailc stage, snil Is pl-ijlng the vaudeville hoii<es, open- In; a tiecond week's cngigtmeniai Iho SurTbca- Ire. Ifamllton, Usn. Mars AMD Ut'.VTf K aro plsylni "Tbe Handicap Harob" on Ihe hanjo very ctTiiCllvelr. Ilrooks and Denton and l-^d. Laiell decbtie IhU inaroh and "Tne Uontynoou" among the beatoriblsclaitaor must;. La Hblla CiBUB-v. wbodoee a Spanish dance on the high wIre.andAdonli Ames, the coniortlonla', aro due hero from Riimpe Feb. 8. The perrnrmeni are under cn;agenient Inrtha II. F. Krlih circuit, and wm make ihelr Anicilcin debut Feb. 10, at the t'liinn .Square. TnBllRonxiv.sUi'aic IUll, which waanliulltob llio site or llenneiL'-< Cailnn, Fulton ami Ailanllo Avenues- will bo onoocd i>o Feb. i; as a music hall byO. P. (lehhBrdl,rorratrDiinBgeror llubcr A Hot- bardl'd Casino. Tiiisonc. "My Besl Olrl'aa New Yorker." Ii now In tho height of Its popuUi liy. Tbe Waahbuta .>ils- ters, who originally Inirodnced It, lUlil rouin II aa llie reatore or their acr. Hurtle (illHon, Leila Trimble, imt liivcu|iort, Annie Wllmitth, Johnny Oorran(or Ward and Cnrntc), Cad Wllnon and many who have wia It continuously since It waa llrst U- aQed,declBroUiol»othoairongeatBong luthoir re- penoiy, and alwaya Rureotnumerous eocorea. MIKIER AKD Uacx Were eiiKSgcd io omu al Pas:oil>, this city, but wero re ciignged nt earn- ciniB', rhiladelplibi. JoiisNii Saint, F01 or Abb. SmI'Ji, ihe well knowu manager, and Billy llupa have lormoil a parlnemblp. TUk WIFE 01' A. R. nnnivii. or thr; Meadow Rmok (Jiiarler, ptticntrd him, Jaa. 30, with a bsbyRlrl. Unixus IliiJ., a newlr remodeled bulldliK ror thealrical puiiHtsoa In IlraiUelnro, vr.. had Ita ra- opeolog Feb. I. nlib dedicatory exercises. Tho stage depth la thirty reel, height twentv-llve reel to the ily gallery, while Ihe stage iloor Is nrry-seven reel In nidib. Tbe sestlag capacity la blue hun- dred. Till! SiTravs aro at their borne. Attleboro, Mass., resting for ihe hnt lime In seven montbs, MsKV proresilonslB have availed themselves nt Ibe opportoDliy offered by Jos. w. Stem .t Co. to irocure a copy ot "Kathleen," Helena Mora's bal- ed, now being ore<enud by her, and declared to be a second "Au llevolr." Tlio newsboys' quln- 101, with Hyde's Comoillaoa, receive from four to nveencoreanlgbilywim ihlsaonr. TnousoM jiKR VoKBii. opeh Feb. lo, with the Watson SlBtcm Co. Qatcx IIiLi,, of Ibe French Folly Co., la doing some clever wort lo one of the leading roles In lbs borlesque. KnmR AKo MAi'Bici KapAX appeared In ihelr acroballc comedy sketch at Sliea'a Hiialo Hall, Onf- faln, N. Y., laat week. They play a return engage- ment al Tour raster's Tbcaire March 2. HiLDxTiioxu Aso Fkakx Uahhy wrreallmctloos at Keith's Tbetlra, Uoslog. MaF!i., last week. HIsa Thomas was In good voice aud her vocal nnmben wore oxcellenlli given. Nxrrii 1)1 Councm-. now singing irllb the Twentieth century Maids, reporis as her latest aong bite, "You Know Ihn Kind ol Thing I Mean" and 'You Uon'l Uave lo tlsny iho Olrl." TUB TUHic liRmniKB 70NDALX3. scrobais, are working over Ibe New England circuit. They will he with aeo. Dnrtch'a Circus next season, making Ihelr second sesiion Willi that show. Fbaxcx Foxieru, aerlo comic, closeil a four weeks' engMement ai Ihe People's Thestre, Can- ton, O., and opened at the Aodllonom Thesite, aevelsnd.U. Ixtrni OiLSON'e si'ccRSS with the aong, "l> mnlo Uoniby's Uaughler Nell," la mentioned as un laual. Not conteot with luring ber sing ibo aoniover ronr limes last Salurds; evening, at Miner's Rif bib Avenue house, Ibe audience piuaed up ibochims aud aang It over and over again. 'You Aai Uy SiTIBniUKT," Harry 8. Marlin'a laleat composllloo, la one nl tho effective new souf IIS now bidding tor populailiy. JOHHKT Oarroli., aothor ot "I l.oved lou Deller Then You Knew," has Just nnlahed another uklog ballad, entitled "When Wo Were llapoy. You and 1." 11 wUl be published ahonly by Joj. W. Stern*Co. ^ ^ ^, U. |.\. OiTp-.L. Ihe well known booking agent, ga\e hia second specbil enrcrtaloment to the pa- lentsor Bloomluffdale Asylum on Jan. 51, when Ihe rullairloR people klrnlly volunteered In enlerialning aelecllons: Kmnu Ibxallo, l-MI«u Trio (Alico May, Mirgaret Webb and flops uunls), Ilngbey Uooxri- rrty, (leoiie Ittchariln and Carrie Itoma, Chas- II. Ward. Verdi Liilles' ({'oartol and Al. amnt. Beikbrakd WiLKEfl bRVO Closed a long engage- ment wltti French'a New Sonaailon No. 1. BoOKixiH.—At H*riiMUi*« UosM and Tli'a'ro. Pltls- .I.IJ.Mis^: Cirlf. i;»ll-«ll»,nel-», Fraok Hubln fn-r. DtliTSQ ami D. W. I,«rl(. Fute—Utta Tracer. II0I.IU WaHibaroOL PsMVaiiOiUnUT. Arlhur K.»i>ii,»iir. Bm lltteaad KaaUnt >n.| llanli At Uatloii'iriutte, MoKrrr,HulaKIlM.I.1 I>» I'allll" JM«le. Kttlie l'belui.Ea««iili lAiDhun, Jolio Oritur LIUIfo Curtis. BKlla Riivatl. Alico sloctalr. Pkirmca Bdn^l^ «. A. I'atsr*, Cli»rll«_lnnl« snt Bl Ir Ar<>ry....^*l L4arr'>llriii 1be«lr».8»<i«DiIoa Bildjjs, N. t.: IMrUia Room, KiMie Vom. »«>i anil ro«l«r, fltxi:* YaaOUaa Mvllo. J- 0. Da Laser and Rmo l^afflh} At Iha WoiMltrlaad JfaMoanS Tliealra- Dai klotnaa, la.: Cono iMll-llarrT I'lOk, tb« Uack kloa. Thealoriaai-Blllr and Usui Burr, 0'R*ha aod Barnett, raullns rarkar, Klltia Vint, and Ricliird a nd Bond. WI680URI . St. I«ala.—Tbe Orand Opera Uosae did Ibe buslDtSA uf Uie vet'lr, Janica 0'.Veill |iU)Ibr IoP.B- 0. all week la rei^ettiiry. Hit uUiur houiM vera wall .Iroolied. OtTJirii.TiiaAtRa--"lll«§ie«ll»nc>"dlJaf«lr»Mk'i buun<s«. Hra- rMtr tad Xvile Be ■•'an tbli asel la rapanorr. V»oi. liar, lo "tin illot« Tml- ORANVupvaA iloraa—Jsoiei O'Halll has trtlnad lo poimlailly iMia. Iili wwk'a huiloa" 1>«I»» jeoro IIm rriiriaalbr taa housa. "The Bino of l.ifa" la tbe cirreol sluacUM. •UaUaanrlrvtnsuirullow. lUiiAl OMiii llorsa-'-rtia Dailrs AucUon" liid a good WMb's builnxa-. WixkI sad Bbeiiird will ippear Ma wask lo 'T.iaD Toplc« " Tat uU Ri. l/»aU far.,riia, Tin Uuipbr, wiu ftiUoa^tajbie lo -A Taisa SMr-" BrAXaiao TusiTaB--rba BanltMsntlav Surlwiaa 0>. aravallaokl fur Utu aMk. Iralo Brvtliaia'HIa Sb«a rxlluM. Pl)na and BbnMaa'a Ullj ilporu plsisd 10SMid IlAviim TnaAvai--"A wiiira Hat" pUitd hosHS laal aart- 'Taa Biniisla 01 Ltrc'ltilt waal, wlib EiuiBt'n ALiriasiA^Piucs Tiiaivas.-Bbaiplalsh al£lAali'ar.l.1iu-aal Tilly 1V1IU, U. A. Acasr, HIaurs &ljir. Cli'a- fltrca-Teninir Far. Wallsiaflletais, LolUa TI»im.tlUUCollln< »'r»riH..lfij'and»t«>. Kas' Ci^ivo.-I.lllia Mann. Cora Kraalllo, Habla Fimafelin Alica Taaiplp. Cairls Ploaay, laa WanMr, j£a llaWmao, wu/^iod llarria, Mlia IIKalaa aaJ luvjaT'aTtiaAraa.-Flomofldo aed Orneada. Mlonta Falmar, Ua KcbaalTan, Kail/ Bros-, llallla OoMm, Billy LaclalaaaJsucLI •lAanix rn>vTRa.-rmr. Lailoa. Mae ami M'elrr. I.^ rare nnUr, try Moaj^CoUtaa ami l^ollla^ khanlaU- tlosaip.—T. 6 TWt'n. part pmprlaler or the (l.-tnloa Tlieaink hu aoU his Inle'sH to his patlarr. llarrT Luml- V*^, 'a now Mila pmprtatar T»m Far, lumtarlr cr haCollMKin, Kanwiillr, haaiakaaibeplan at ilia PaU(« Tlwalra of 0«ir ICharna (>ila Jt Ualla'a t«nia>lr<.n. left Runilar fbvlVlrpIa Cratk. Oolo, uilas will, iliem Iha rillawlnt nnway: lul. 1.aalla, l.lllia BsiaSaU. Fnnk. Kil. ami JartTmar. R. Baltuikr, Nallw A.lBn<a, Lonlta Ua l.ll^floMlaLaTBrl.n<l Baillno. Jark niM>rnlna<lala. Ed. Laulla la iht maiianr. wlin Mm- al tha box, 1110^ win f]^, ^a tilibl aiuhla, ra tvar^ upoBlosat DiaOraod la Jalton,>D City. It ihalr tliaaira la oot readr «bcn llrtv leach iMppla Creek, tacr will ipealoalrnu " Kaaaaa Cll|-,—At Voalea' Operi Honn llerr- manp eama Jao, Xl-rab. 1. to Immaaaa bualnaaa. Uia naanlns bratblna Ua laeonl ao ar llila a«aaon. Una. llarmano'a tlaocaawrranallaaraalnraorrha parrumi- ?!!f •■ .T"* ba itlvUed hacwaan "Waor." nllh Albert Mm raaiaraJ. and Alaiaodar Balrlal. In "Tliraa 1 ""'.'SE'".'" ; llaailal" aod " Bias " Nail wa»k. Ji^ O'Hail will (Miia. pmaanllot "tSrtnn Af Maela ^oDiu'' ' "*'>rilolu«" and "Tha Conrlar of OanD Oraa* lloni.-u« waak Baj Irab. In "nia ^^lij"" J''«aa."ai.paaiwl l« phanonianat l.ualsaM. Tba a H.O. also waa nul ararr nIsbL and stthamallaeaalha lionao waa parkail. Tba alar ami ahow ware BallarlnilT nnivad. John Rica. JMia Biwka, (iw. Rarnuui, jK,),ita Kniasr. Rally Cohan nad Ada lAwla naila iwnaciira Mia. Tbiawaak, KaoRhi Uaila'-TliaHlilawalluorNaw York." ao.l nasi wa«b, Faaojr Mri. In "Tha Frrach Ball." NiSTll SvaaavTlluvaa -I.ut waak Wool a HlaraM'a rptwn Tnnira" nva a latrlr iknmI ahow, t(t ponr baalnaaa. pia Bam|a>' ooaiilnv war* Palrlr ao^l, hut Imalnaiu ilropiw) i,i(. nih waab, "Ukirlaaa." Nm weak, "Dal moolca aal C." Couall-a TiiuvBE.-JeBDla Blakalv, llarrrnraJr- Al X«wton^ Frank Darin, Baaale Vamnn, Lara Mullean. Era "Fabiao, Fraacli lltoto- ^wion, rrana uaria, vaaaie Want. Ilarr>' RwIiIaw, and sraphar." by Die aiock. CurrasiMiM ~Uofi Rr.,wa. traaaarar ol tho Coiiaa- waaon awaal'a iilp to Crirpla Riaak laataaah wlih a Tlaw to maklna lovaalmanta lhaia KalljanilBur- s«. JoloaJ tha Shaker Vadldna Co BannsarBoroaa, nriheOaiDTIiaatrv. of Paadvootl, R I)., waa toUianltr Sft.wwrt, lo«HuB ror rw'pla. and Maoa-I Iba rolloalni: Dlila rnoalnahui, Tbraraa, Barlba Kins. I'aarl Hraa •ad Airca flpaar» J. L BloBbani.ahn -aa with Iha uM NlaiS Rtraal Thralra, liaa baen appolntrJ auao 111 in. '"'oriliaaaroe 11 0. Laos, Uia roiuiwarr of ' In Ilia Fba,low of Iha Pl0ffa,'*lun ralnr.tad rmm a trip tn ML t.a>l'a II. A. I'nMHirl, lonnarly lia'loaaa nianaeitr anti iiiaot III "In OM TinneaaM" t'-ii, haa nktamfd ru Janaaa Cilv.amI wlU ba haraanar ciiiorclnl wlih Ilia QllUa Opara llonaa "Tha Wl.lnw Jonaa." altar Iha aijnaaniant ai Cbtraso, haacancalad Waatarn il«la>. ana a-lllfn InthoB Jmi. luur tllj. tor a run Tha Kaliaaa iMly Orrh.,atral Rucl-ty s'aa aniilLrr eoocarl 7. F.tia Daekna Balir will ba Uia ao:„UI 81. Jofeph.—TVKille'd Thenint waa dark last weak. "WaOK" ti^nvn Vrh. 1. to a hli; ailraora aala; lleniTK UliarO.jai. "Honla criilo."-": Jna Cawilinns II. CaiuroRna THaiTaa.—Ilanmann hut a l,lc hnnia Jan. S) Alaxandrr R^lvint In "llanilel," Fob. .1, la Uia unlrallrarltun boohhl fur tha Dearrn'iirr. Edk.v Bi'sik.— tluilDau bat waah tTaa uMtl. T1,a poo- plo ror wen or Feb. 3 ara: Tha Janjin Famllr. Bllml 7l!r.l"IJ°°' llnaabia 10,1 wile. F. K. Rllii an,l wila XllllsR,i«a. Val R. lm-a'aOrwinallrCo,lQ"Thal*h„-alx," ao<l a niiinliar iifoi^jaa ul aaiumta fiutn Laniaii »uyi: <;jr. oia lo curio lialL N EW JERSE Y. JflTMy Clly.-"ThoIliack Crooh" hnii week of Feti. 3 al the ArAiUmy. Doupllf sdJ UlnnC «hIi lu rullotr. 110:4 Tux.-T1i9Ali»plr;H. J. N. BliiliUr, U«renf« Mil Kuiniio, Willie Iftrar, TaoDrr anil n«DD«ri, Jameit He- A*uy. CUrk aaJ fit Olair, llari toO \Vl]ll*iiif. Nrllle Uw- ranca. lUktr tnd I.ron. I'mn fclJriKe. Mun'hr an.i llall, inil Ibe St. BolnioL HuiloeM niiialOH uii lo ilm nun- lUM. J. I.C—Buruw aoil D» itutn,l'rol. I'.Turolull, Mamie )Iov6,Mail«llaellafabind Fred KajuionJ. IIUHlnaw U fair. WAAiii.vfiras -LIfitiA llnwaril, Pora Pratt. TtelUe Mar- tin l!iara aia|»tlloiiii) B. H. Mindiill. BuiImm li r«lr. JiOTU.—A cerilA£fti« ot oricanU*tlon ol tbe lltrrr WillUuii Amoi^niMt tin. wm niwl In the Cnnniy Clerk'e oiHce Inn «eeh. The ceptial la $l(liajD, In iharei LilUaduuls K*ll:t,aiiiufht»rul (leo. Kellt, and Ultra tllaxton. iiiuleao rRCelloDl lniprM«lon ai tho Ke>n Tuo )a<i ueek. Mieitnei her «orh In a ir«r that would reno«i cmlli on an oldvr Mrronuer BttelU rloteilMttiie above home after itie piittloee 27, and Qen. W. Hr>oro Oiled the dito tralUrntaotdD aud TlDaiv>rri Uft f-r Bio Fnnciacu, Cat. Keb. X «li«r«t thaf All an iil||hl veekn' •Djtaeeinent, eimRluf; at the Un'baum Feb. 9. T)i«y InieDil In reiam Kaat In Mar aoil iMve for BocUnd. Maoarar Kuaenn Hobloiott liaa Mcured ibem fur Ma "fatied Cali'^Bttxl a^atoa AdfettUloK Aveot lieu. OUrkehaaalKafdvllbIliaBamuin A Balleri-lreua Tlia Balainboa have arraDHtMl lor a »liort ruad feaMHi at tan week a, opealef ai IEa»ioD, I'a., Hardil. Tha v will rvuna Uielr regular eeawo ih« earij pait orHrptenitier. T. ' Tb^ Ma» D^y* la *^e«le> the Wind" Ji rrlqioM A^fffai M. KeooeJy'a rUi#n 19-31, "The LoM rinflue" Oi&KH OriliA tlnPAi—Ttih honM tin dark alt UM week. "A Utralf ht Tip" waa Itnoknl tnr Feb. I. but (tu- rf lad. Noil*ie«urailraAttna« hare beeo aoaoDoeed by (*nL MetinD. Ihn new iitanMer. , Tint—The auemblr mom in tlie Drake OHitUoaM haxbeen lea«ad. anti will heua^l a« a bicycle achool Prank Xatlar ha« rvplacid Hr. Hpraaoe tn Ibe' lipetlal OellTerj" K\t. ILLINOIS . ChlcBgoa—mill Itaa been » vcek noInMo for Ibo fact that iinorilioUrce dt>wn lown l>raaea«eredfreitil inprftluctiMii or "Hamlet," "Heirhant or Vi<alre"ard iliit i-laaa eT pUva. (Kla nkluntr. at the iirand, eaueun etrectedljrio fill the rannlnht ri<T«hlch)lnljMka had hem l-ooktd. Hie plailOK nf HaiDlel'* won for hint ea- lliulaMilc appUttio. WalkfT Whittaldr, Id a repertory reiy ■linlUr to iliat on«m1 Uf Ur. Rhlnner.nirtred bj Iba oinparlton. ThU week wo wilt atlil hare two tra- Reitlana, far. althnufh Mr. TVhIteihle haa (tooe, another haiceuie tolakr lilapUc«lu llie penon orRieatoariuk^. A mufb teller data oT ittrert oie lure beea aeen t«- ceatiy al theomtylnR hoiiMatii» Id prerlodt raare, aed the iQlar* aliuwa bom* axrellvat bfMklnp. "A Tisaa Rifer at tha llajiintker."AUhMoa** at the LiDenInand 'Tl>e Heiry Wurld" at the Alhambrm are t>eiter aiirar< tieoa than arwoMlnarlly aeen )iet«,eicet>t it the doan tuwn placH or aniuMmaoL CuLfUniA TtiaATiii.-Della Ko^ will coDfludehfrea- memrii'.wliba w^kftf ^Ttia Uille TrMper," rInilDir ".-a. "'Wl aurceaantl eDiafamen that MIra Fui hu pU>fi,| |n t:hkaiin, ami haa addpO HSt"".Ta.*.* •'•'Wlarily. N«it wteka May triflo, In ■■TheWhInw JouM." riiirAi:u OriHa MiHitK.-.|leerT Niey bad a fklrly mo- crulQl «telt. clinloif I. ••IM*' opeaa a waek'a enipii**- iiiaol Willi a m^ilnae t. M inr of the ntd members will iMweD. laMudlDi HMMle BiiDehlll. Hom itaow. KleluH IlirlowaMlUwtaMrillianiB. F.Ia l« the ilrat lime that thNeilraTaBanaahajil>e»n here al ^Hilar |>tlr*»« awl III* Imalnetw |a certain tu (>• rnxl. RciiiLLiH TiiRATaa.-WsUer Whiieilde eleaeJ a week'i eaAKeitKot I. an-l Hunday «T*iilQi| Edwatd MariliBD ao.l cnnit-aiiy, t>P«n, lu "Okl Livetidrr." Laler lo Ihe wyelf ihay will iiUy "Uv Hun fUn." CU) Ulemeot, In 'The New DumlQlon," niilcome*. liBAMB OfKHA llot>i-OilM ftiila"er wah a deoliletl trltimpii laM wrek M "llainitt" Me will cuoilDtie ao- T'.**!'' "'l'"* that had bernrea^nrl Mnllukv 111* aiittiaiiOFMhiru Imwu lanteenJ eaihu aaMlf, emi ihe irl'li'.< lull tiliii aa a roeiralMil iwtn. rr^nrla U ||arn. In *-Tli(i CldttftNtu," ■ III rome 111. ami Mf. HlIaon.Kr*e Trioniu aod ihn loil an aure 11 an etilhu- ilmtlo aetconio. lliHji.hVilTHKaTRR—Till-, tlielvt week ol Ur. (ImmI- ■lire eiiva.rmeiiu will bei'.h'iil^ devotkl lo * lo Ulr rwiira." Y'nr llie ImiI aiabt * AiiihttliMi * will b4 preaeotf>d Ur rTt|ue*l urnome»l Mr. (lm>dwlo'e admlrera, ahn re laid It aahleboairole. Ilei haaalinrtl cuDtrao a nor 0»>l »wa«i»o ami the <ine to lalhiw in eifwar at lliiidev>. Ktil- loaloK Nr. (ImmIvId will mine "Ilia K^cellanor.'^ rur un* •eek. ltwllln|i<>D|ii.iii.|ilirweaklhailtwl|fnio li to i*.n«7iaelrd Trum lh» iiiii« gf Ihe 'Tillh>" eDMaRemeot Mi-Vli-XKHrt TlltATHK-Hanrron, mailolan. Jl.l nut hare a ■larllinc atKCMa l.ut arek. fiiienloir HnmUy cTcnlop. I. CniMon(;urhp l*iiau a laoweeka' eaRaie meot iMtthalvrparoait rntr^. Li.ii-tiLy TiiRAiHa.—(Inn lleeire drairROnil hnnntalait wrtli, IB "A Venuliia Yiiill«iaun." cMiqm I. •■Alainma," uuJer iHe DiaiiaKemiiit nl Jolto t). Illlchle, opeowt«. an>l ■ lllcnniinu* lura we»i. I* iim ottuiiwiiy am lltemeBt H«lobr»iR«, Frank a lianRN, tiwirse H. Hliler. Kdwanl H. kellr, KtJiel Irrtnit auil nihrra. Keil week, Katie EninetL lUvviHKicr TilRATBR.-IInt Murpliv and ccinpany gave a Miter perlorpituce ur "A Tesas Rl illJ laal w(teh, whro there «ei Riindayerenlnic, Will. Miidy Rieer" tliaii they ilU laal w(teh, whro tkereaern uikmI ii<iti*«a Openleg Riindayerenlnic, Wui.y. Iliieyttiri l>e«hia«eak nl'-TM (llehe Trotlar.'^ In the mmi^ny arn Mettle Vlrkera. U. lIoboli«n.^liM. A. OAnloor, who bM been a »iraDser to ilila aecU'w for a number of aeaaon^ ui^ene i hU thren nifbt*'llay at the Lvric Pel>. 5, lo "Tiie frUe Wlooer." vlilcii wom pr«««DteJwltha detail ani mnaii thatiiiatle It moat enjnjabletoalaniehau**. unftnod mailnee be will preeent -raiharUnd." AtMuit*vrT)m. lean alo|en a>v a fealere "tthure Arro*," haTlnic hy inutealconaont iraoited lor a later date, llirl A. Ilaawin will tin theilmeSKwIth the-Bllver Klu«." Torullow: lt)-U rrlmroee it VeM'MMIaaireK and U-t), **TheCotioii KloR." Bualoeu lut week waaewida Ualv'b Btar.— Tbe Karly Bird* o|ieoel ih*ir reaaon with a iiiailoeo 3. V Kilwanl iNUy aoil R-J. tloodnian have reauiaoal coairol oTllila title, and will eodeavur tu reatore the iihimtce Turwhlrti the "BItda" were ai one lime noted. The peo|4e ore: Parker and Hetanin, Howard aud Rarl, Three Boiroaa. the Uucrewa, Ida Lin- coln aoil a cfaunia or iwMir. Bniloeaa lut week mIUi ihaAraericaiiUalrtyUlilawaa font. iHl'aHiAL—Manaier CblllHau will, aa uanal, provhle a ■trwig variety ceoiTogeBt for lila pairooi for liie current week. tiBirro:f's If alu— Mabel Ward. AanU Rendtin, LonUe Talrvrt, Marie Ujoi|«ey, John union aad Fror. MuUera Builooita U RoiMJ. NuTE8~Tne AmerleaDUaiaty Olrlawlti reatuaill Feb. U when tliay reaome at Baltimore, M l. MarlDO Balaley ■ in Join. Frtd llarrer haa wU hli Inlerea lu ilie above aitrMCiloo, liut vlll remala aa builoeu tnanejicr hldorado t^no Rlrea Iha uaoal variety fn Kiturday and RuBday nightfl. Ilatlle Mvjrera, Iro Waiton, XalelU Ronltaaod Alta-oaed Deliiianloe waathe bill 1.1. niaa. Naa la the maefeal diraclur W. Morrlwn haa laA the Ifatfltoo. Pa.. Opera Ilouae, acd reeumed aaleailer at Oaty'a Rur Frb S F.J. Fntler, coniecled Willi lU (Jnnd Open llouae. Beaton. Maaa, l»t eeAiiio. la now doing the adraDce work Inr iha Noaa JolU y Cu. The com- pany baa canceled all nf their Weaiera daiei aad wiu cflaDoetbeiii«eUea lo Ihe Kaat Tbe Walaon Blalvra' BurkMiue reat Una week. Mra. Juan De 'Aviwn baa ffooe to her home, Chicago, III., i>o accoam of an lnilatn*d knee. BTewark^At Uliier'a "Ttrllltv" mgtlo a rerr rarmmble Impreaaloa la« week, and aitricled good houaea every Digbi. For Uie preaeoi week ^e Oay Farlilaoh" will entertain. Tliay were welt received for - a etormr Dlafat^ 9^ aott a good week U aotldrated/'i Kathryo KMdcr. in 'tfuie. ftaoa Ueoe," will itil tho-* week or Feb. 10. JicoTLs'.—rtiie Brodle, In "Oo tho B«w(r7,"drew Roed liuaineia tn ilila hnu«e Jaat week. Ihe preieui weak t»rlng«''Dnvn in Dltl«L" whldi haa been Multeaiirreural li«re befira. Klomi laUrfMied with tlio ti|>eolng, S. ■ftnalifMiy" c<iiioiber* 10-13 WALbNarn-Klr^i daaa utiendaQce waa glveo aTery pfrionnaoce of "Hoiiih Itefure the War" fail week flyde'aCnaedUnavlU probaldy flud Uioir audleoc«iaaa Urge aod at>pt«cl»llveaa erer ihli week. They ofmntd te a bIghnaaosroraMorray olghL Uoa Ultra NovelUa* tron weekoi K). h'Kwa ^4il, W. M. Morloo, who maoaged Mlaer*i New- ark theatre eererwl vtara. aa^ntned llie oiaia'einaui of iheA|ierahoiiulDR<it»beUi..\' J.,F«ti.l. Afiera^hmt aeawo the liouia will he aJiered eileoalrey. |i the dAnaKBaullwlitcliCel. Mnrinu hroaght Bjialeai ihe Oori' Treranloii, Ada lluoier. Uooa. Wiley. 11. V. fUg^n, Bur ■ do aod t'lyda Huoley, Chu. (J. njlwrflo. Mlonle (leonail, Fan* La I'HilOa KoiiiaA Mipiiu:ti>:«'i (Ilom Urvwa ~Amoag iha at- traclluna tlila weotr will lie IJnile. Albino; Kalabo. wlib raideBDalaa; lUrr Rchmdll, clay luodelar; Birfpay, vnekeartlai; Uuogarlan Uypey Band, OrlanUl danceiik 'KOIII.A HiDni.TTOM'nCMHK^HRkTMt'avuM—rraknlty alaae haa had a Rrtat rec«i*llun durlog Uie raat npek au<l wll remalo. Uilier aliracUooe locliiaeJ(ihnReatb,l«ag iMided man; Willie Tucker, ing puncher; UiKing Kont- aroeiAdatna, arailfMcraynoanUt; Rareppa./aiui oblef •an4 llie apoiinri wire: F It. WiHUma, in»uih (mniaa. iilia ataea prugmairoe will coaalaiui farce cuiaedy ind Ta<4dOTllle. ViiirB H LAXDOiT Dime Mi'aitiiH.-Ie the ratio lull will - ha*npend- log for anno ilme.the Jury reotUred o venlki or iiyjO furtheplaloiliTlaelweeka TTie aolt waa limiiihi inuli Uln ilamagtafor injerlta ra^elvcd while illdhilog fmro a trolley car Ileory i:. Miner haalaated hIa Newark theatre to Mr lfyd«.or Ilroaklvn, and tt will lao run un- der U>0 nunacemeotor Hyde k Hetimao. iii eonnerll aO with Ihelr oiher thiitroa. The leaae will la'ieelTrrt al tlierleieof the preaeot aeaaona TbetheatieMiU beiui aa a legiUtnaie hoeae. Patenon.*Al lie Upon RoaM Wllligm Htrrj. In "Tbe HIalBg tleo-*ratlcni," played to the ci|>iclir of ihehuuaeJao.S'.Pri. l. "Beaale'aTrtpto Woa*1artiiK-" had apiendtd burlava9. SO. 'The MMolght ipecUl"had ralrlv good hmiMii tr, 11. Bnoklnia; Actire Athletic Club'e Riaga Peti. X 'X'liarlej'a aubi ' 4. ft. "A':rack*r Jack" ^ "The New Boy" II. 11,-flovlag tlie Wind" 11, ''HniroaeA Veat'e Mtnaireli Ift. BiJou TlllATRH—TbeWaiaoD Btaiera nurle'riuoOi. had gnod hiiiiaea 77 anil we*ka Raoi T. JACk'a Creole f la Ihe bill at ihia hooeetor Pcb- S aoti week. For vcekiir lU we have f.eavltl'a "Htrlder and Pir" Co. BbKH TttRATiii —Artlvale for 3 and werb are: L^nla aoil Dolllf Kuaeell, Lulu Thiee, Morgan and Flaherty, Prince fliaranh. the Keegane. Jaa. R Adama, ihr Miyu*. F. W. RarlolL Ida Van noortland, Morphy and Kiiraale, <niaa.V Haaaiun, Magee aiKl Crluimina. Le*i>ra^(l Will lami, aod tlia Bli Fear. Baalorta coniloaea gool. TnaloBa—it Ttylorg <lperm ltoiiH« Talltlan Ruaaell came Jan.T/, loth* largcat aod ro«»al rAabliaDoMe andieoeeoltheaeatoo. Wto. Harry J^*. bad gor-ilhuil- OKA. "lluBian llearta," 31, Pet. 1.did well. B^iokloga: The KoJak" r». LB. "Paradfo Allei" k. '-Biwloe the Wind" U. (ttga Kalberfd* It FfImrAM A Weat K "lave'J Prom tbeHea" II. U. OntlU Xf'Artllleao<l "Ttie Mu riaeradem" have eaqceled. TBBjrro?! Mi'ABrg.—Baaloeu nmllnaea >/■■ al tbii hooMnoder tlie Dew foIbo of eowiloonoa renurmincea, Tbe paopto wbo work bero for 3 and w»ek are li«w Raker, ten^rdetl. Jea. i:. Hngbea. C ark OibU.(:urk UlhiH Jr.. Brllllaat Oian«t, chaa llelMmb, llarvy Ar.en, Riuhio and BlUble, Tlievlere, RaUMay.and Morten and gUier. BllufMtfa—At lb« J.jccum ThcftUe "AptrAai Cellvery" caice Jao. A.forthoijioefit of the ltti»r Ctr- r'era loa peylog bona». WHllain RairT «*ma »j tr fair LvoM. ToarTii«;'*ACratk«rJair*r«l.6."nii K-Oat" Kifoocdy. Thanliir* Halicnrn, l*aiil jurata, ll*rt 0. Thayer. R. 1). Ahiiey. Prank Lnhlen, llennoe fMward^ RMirlceMnrebttHl. aNaxt week, -Th* Tereotietii Century Ar.\nsHT ny Nraia~"IVi;k'a Bad Hny" hid raoilerain biialnoH liAt werk. Tlita wrek Ihe hooae will LeocMi- Ple4lhy'*flltvaii or lJo!tl."wlth KInior Orandlnnnd Ma Unnntr.>nl In the lenlliig nil*a. Neil eoek, *'A llai-py Llltle liniiir." Al.tiAKiinA TiiRATHi.—(tenr<o W M'inn>o ii?»n% i.tor aw«rk'afii|"A Happy Mule llome." Ihihby llA)hir cloivd I, ofler a «eek ui fair bualoaaa, "Tim U^'ry World" cornea avek ttrMinning V. IIavli.v h TiiRATiiK.-Tbo lait week** hiialniiaa wM gml rur*TL-aK|kmi of I.iik." "AnAmarlraii Hant" npeotda, wlih Clint Ptint at lhehaa«l. Neat week, Tim Vendetia.'' lliirxixi'TiiMATRR-For thiawi-ek tlie vaudeville pro- icrainnie will Iwfurnl'hed by tlie ftilloalngmjiil*: )tdva Triu, Kiiil-h and iVtnpliell, JaifriKa Mack. HnaUod and Koeoe, Wahlo Wlilp|>k, rtinlih aud Couk, Vereatlte IhrrH. tlioAlitama, lV<|imlltiB The ilrania lo be praa«alfHl by thnaieck compaiir In "The LwnvHTrlire " lloi-KiNri' IIiBATMRIWet Hidt) >-Thla week Iho etaeh conipMiy will ^rvHtni '-Jiuvi; a laaiHllng." >HBm*l vt roa«ir hlare<l tii iiiiHlerate lia>lneaa laal week. nr.VNi-ir TiiKiTHtf.^Rualne'i la oxenllent, and the at- tnirtiiiDB oirerwl are the Iwai tn Iw liail In the way t>f rauiUvllle. Furlhleweek tho prngraDitne will Innlaile Mlui«'aBrrla|liallei.tUdieJlaaMin, Htlrliinl aiad llulli. Paleard Leiiell. Barileltand Hay, Frank Mnran. Ibioetti end Hpreio, (feorge H. Wond, Annie aod Pfora MoKffo, iheTr Bella, Harry oad IMly llua«ell. I'r«r. K. (I. Joliu- af>n. Olliiitire and Hu«h*ll, Mou'. tialler, Uiadfuhl and Niinn.KvrIyn Rritlon, Juhnaoii iruiine. I.vrki M TtiRATMK.-BiialnerM haa been vf ry fair of Uia, wlih foine OTraiUnt, liictuillng the Watli- liiim Rlaieni laal wMk. Fwr llila we-h the pregraiuuie *lll Upra»eiitpd liy Mario HiuaH, Henri Cauiiao, Mile. Kloaale, P. F. Bakar, iPdiinaon aod Hakar. HtioaMi and Merltii. flracleand kejnblda. Waller J.Tatliol. lutuHiAL Mi'iiir Hall— Tlie Block ()i»era(!u will pre- aeoi 'Pra l)<nvni<K" with Marie Hell lu the priiielpal rule, rite TAUdevlllehal liidiideMTr(>)a.Laaupl and Heo, Uave Marlen, Ma Unwell, KtIM Carter, Kuan Wtoclieator, dla RuaMtland Mi/an and Arllogluu. Builiiru la goo J aod gmwIoK bvtlera Ua'I.'vii.— iJrawrord'R Mliiatre'a will l»e tbo pilnclpal attraciloii ihu wopk. (libera who will appeirareihe Thrae tllnlellea. il*tin*llean. (luiiiian and Ptelda. Van Tihlerand rihloey, Karoy VeronI, Uraue Celeate aod tlie Bpeitiah Pitur. Hah T. JACK'ri r>riiu llot-ai —The Tbtyil Rurlae^oo Cn..ooooi Manasrr Jack'a urgaulritlniia, will plaf lino week. Ttio leading iitauibsre are Kmiita Warir, Babia Winter. Franci* Krrani. Harry Amiainiog. URriiRm m-Hic llaf.i..—Ihoprnirainme Uilawwkialll be liven hy Ilia ftiiliialoR irenpl*: caiiiilnella and I,u- cilia, Brethera Knsciaui, Allen II. Wata, Harnwi d Mia- ur*.IVineo Mtnoand l.i<o llaiioiao, ileiirga ntanry, lo- gertello aod a lady orcheatra. Fahk TiriATHB.-Fur ihia week the prograinne will cnn»Ut oraonn actromedy by Burton HunferaBd epctl alilea by the foloelng people: Hhater aod Monti, tfjoad BDd Kerahaw. Mn«. Leiia. Hchaelf^r and Clark. PefTlB and ba aeen BonoieUelil^a, rat woman, aod Farcy AllhrlBhl, living abeleuin. Handoraon'a (Tnni^ly Un., loctaalog MUea<>lBaaib Fannie (lihbe AiaeTla lllce, lleonla Wal living abeieUin. MUeaf^alaaaa. Fa . late. llarryKt. Jukn Mllirunitvli the aiege perlureinnea Tlie uBual Midwarilaoco will be glveo. KOTiN —Kouaa hid two treuititduualimiaeaat the Audi- torium laat week and care two innioroocarialfetidBy, one at Iho Haymarhet anil tnu olhar at Hoolfy'a Mr. aikl Mra. Ma fl. iTurila have (<repered a Cbinlon'ikl ier»lnn or "Kam'l lit l*aJ«o" r<ir raedevlile wmk. ''The Hiraoge Adteoiuirf orMlaaBrowo" haa beao hooked for Ilwlev'a. P«orla.«At llie tiraml Opfra riouM ' TItft Blark Cr>«k"pUird loa laiRtihinia^ Jan. 17,. *'l'flnr«ta iun- nle" playvil in a lan;e audience, at a>lvanrai1 |itlc«r, tf "TbeHI«JeHalkB ol New Vuih" pUteiltoabiphfKvrhojM SU R<d Hiiilih liuiaell pUrtd Ui the larMvat rt. H. 0 liou>n . f the aoavfl, at ailvancaO price*- At iha aid uf tha aic cMJ act Mr. Kuaeell uiade a epeecli and waalnndlr Bp IdaudMi aotl r«icelve<l B«reMl curra'n ci'Ia tJuialuu: •Tlie Katah" Pnh 10, "Waog" II, "Alvlo Jofllln" II, "A litnuurm IVieek" Hi, ATTiiR Arotrngieif, Lap, Il>* hypr.ollit, pl'P*d to fair tnuNOA during the week ending Peb. I. L'eining: "A Trip to Chloaiowa" 1.1 Decaiar.—Tba work of roimlltllDt th* Pnwcni Orand IlialaroMrtaaMl wooderlallr.and It li ananuncod thai the r^reiel opening wlH be Pah, I, *lih H'<-«*a "ll^r' t:o. Prod ilfron. ihe new maoaK^r, haa niovad hla Uinlly lo l)ni»i(ir, and wtil lafen chargo or tkn honM at *nc-,tliu (ttlrlag luanairtr. P. W, IUIoee.BaiUling blm anillKrif.trmlmr Wllltim Hrtun an I eir^. elm were ■trande*! here, arfl wera II) aod In deatltuia elrcani- Man-ea. wnrenHod and aaelatrd orit uflowD, ^fl r^^fa to iJblreso. jBii.:n -William P. NilUpaiivh (lllll MIlU) and mlfm are litre, vialiing raUllvaa .. ..K<t, Oxiper, e variety pkrforco*r,died In tJila oliy Jao. V,t'um rapid coiiBgniplkiii. llloouilni|luB.—At Ihft OniDil Op«n IIouw 'Tho H^dewalki of N"w rorh"pia)eil bi gac«lhnaloeiA Jan. ti ToiniihlnB* • Black C'rwh** had a lilg hOBBO 19. Knl.Hmllh lldavrlldran oat one of lt*m leririt and liio»t faablonaHoaudlenriB'd Ihe aeaaun 31 Hnokloge: Tbe (hirdiKi tiihonyrfi.. at iMMrtilarprlcM.week coiuioanclng Peb 9, "KlRht llalU'- 10. 'Waog'- U. Un<ne>'—Al tbe Ktiiplre "TUeHldawiIkirtf Haw Toik" r-lated to good liualneu P»h I, *-rrlar«lB B<ib- llie," 27. drrw au api-reciailva audltoee. Ilarriiitno hul an var«ller.l iKiuaeM- '-Rajeli 'dld laltly well »>. -Uel- itionieo'aalF'oamei Peb. 1. "Wang" JO. "BlglilBolbr' 13. OREGON. Porllftnt]—At Hie lUrqiiADi 0r»n4 ''VAt'olttt" wan glveo by Iccelacoateort, under tin ou^lcee ooi for Uie bentflt r>f thefiragt-n Rot<l Cleb, ooder ibedlreeiloa of Wa P. Klcreae, Jab.tStutt. Iiwaao markid \UC4U, Ute hbo«o lolog (rowdad racboftliB rour panornaacet. BIUW«HBed9r. In "tJemU'Oa" Tliocoaa W. Kaeoe (omeaUL aoil Ket'e Putnam Peli.S. ('0M0HAr> TiiRATOi-—"OreriliB Oatdeo Wall." by Iha BBfioDBiNTk Co.,*agprod(Mllrt ol |aoO boMBMSveeh ofUL *Tho llarrasl Voon" waa piilnn nnJ wllllto rMlnirad hy "Oirranl Caah." Till Ntv Paik TRRlTHglidark. A!iHII*»BN.—AnIU l.\mnoL K*l- Rhintlell, llUnchn LantiBBt, Radia Dewej, LUblallonilell, Riltey Rt*t*r!i. LopVRi—Pielaniwre Latly Orchaaira. CHXTHAr Mmu llALi. Ann TiiRATii—Rlh Hall, L*wL Klhel Cllttna Woaly and II. ChiUm jn, \Vu.\okHia:in.-Varl*ty conllaue,). WYOMIN& Chftyeiane—Tbe RudIco aoCMlrlcIt Co. apiioitrccl tA good hu«lneAJk week btglnning Jao. tT. Ilnvmnn ,k Vnung'BMInalrelaareJnM Keh. |l,Bnd Kaltlul for IT. FOREIG N SHOW NEWS. *'UicuAiia AND Ilia l/mr ANuflr.,*' a pUr, Id (tvo •clM, br lieory ArtlinrJoUM, wait proitiii'cil Jun, At Iho Ijceom, Lmtlon, Kqu. Ttio iiiit; was jint* dticoii 111 America etaiiiltHnf nuii.j. *'OiPFRH Jar<ii.**h one aor lueijn giutlj, hy Alicin IUtuR«;, WAN Rlvttb At Uio Coiufdr, li 'iiilitii, Knffa. Jan. Ua "JiBRt'Rnn," an opem. In tltrfo rcIk, imtulo by ai0D(>r liiulrlo l*cll(Rnnl, llhretm itj Blfrnnr AiMnri, Kogllah AiUplallnn by Frod WihhI, wbh ptxhIucciI fitr Ibo ilmt iltiio nl Ihu i.clDater IIaII. Dubliu, Ire.. Jar. 11, DEATHS IN THE P ROFESSION. Ai'iii'itri-ia r<irA")H. l'RX.fmRn, a woH known m^n- at«r«dleilJan,Si,athlahoiiiain Fhilailelidila, IV,rfi>iii poennionia. Tho dnceaaed, who waa uno of the iittlt«4t atxl beat liked budneaa Bianagem etmnn-ieJ with Dm »h>ii- wark), waa bom In Muniitniilh, N. J., Juno I, IH^. Itu fhllierteiooTH) lotlwHouili, and tn » ua rap- lain or n Btoaetidilpntnolagout uf Hnn ftrlenDa. At Hi- leen jBarBoraio I'eanorer raoawa) froiii hunioandinuk up the lire i>ra Bailor. Iiorlng the Mril^an war hi> wae n trumpeter. Ilia Hrelappearance In tho prnreaiilon win hi IRHl, at the Rt. Charlie Tlt^atre, Now Orlanna. b< r.\i| Imiv AaauehheappMrwl uwler LnUlow a Hiiitiii> lueiinflrt- meni In Na•hvl^^ Mt>nlphl^ Mobile aiiil m, l^iila Aboiil 1*37 he wat marrlnl to a iwly alio U now konen aa Mr*, a. A. IVniioyer. and ahii an* In iho Block comiwiy nf t^ Hi. Chariiu TluMtirw. Snar itrljann In Ifatia. Th*r wait. dlriiroMl al^tql |<4r)|, htil liiAilAdy Itae Itern rnirra>(i»nilly kiinan ea Uib. M, ,\. I'Kiinoirr alllumalt iiiarrlctl to II It Knrnuin. Mr. IViiuiiynr waa at-Batea'Thealre. I'Ina Rlrmii, nnar Fanirlli ahrii WltllA:n t^nrll l>*nioa« leMi#, Nov. \ t^). TIia iMllnw- leg year ho beoantaliudt'OM inanager fair Folnr ami t.'er- ollne Itielilnra. anil conilnuni hiiIi Hifiu) inr llulli kbo- eon.!. Than ho Irafeled aa hitaliieaa niaiinaer ii>r Cliar- Inlte TlioaiplvQ, and the ndlowlna >ear lie nax irexaiirer roribe WalUek-pMienimrt l-itmiiliiallnn. In irirtllmwaa ntairled Uifllara ll*(Hl,daURlilerii| John Henl, amlalBiiir nl Itftland Iti^l. Tkeyhad fiuir rhlhlren—Nrllli-, iVirrie. Alire end WHIIant. TIm latirr waa iri*4iitirr fatr tlm llniad Hirael Tbeatie, l'lillailel|dilvand al |ir«*rnl Nirea- Burar of the lloiiitMoo Tl)eairo. PlttBlmrp. Hlian l)ao KIchlnga KnRlMi Ui^ira iNi.nrganl/oJ. lu ISAV Mr. IVn- nnyerlivcaiiia luaoauer, and rauillriiiftl In that ixxhjitn r*r ruiir eeaanaa. He vlalleil Kiimi* In IM/ »iu\ UKO on bHiliie«N ror tha' i*rgaiiluiion—fair lilirnlil andrnatuinea. IiarluKtbBara<«ui of IMP-Tilhe liavp|««l with LolU w lier twaroaia aianaeera Hloca that Kiim hn haalieao nianBgevftiranma of the i|ti*at i* Ninr<« lu the country, lie Iwaiiie tmaiirer litr ItoUiul ll^il abonl alB aeaaeiia ago. While In tlilraaiK III,, ii.rm weikiain, Irt ciiniracttil a hrnryiuld, whirb nuiilnufii lo ||n>wwnr«e iintli Itvelllnl Into imibuuiouIa. !(■ tmiii to hia hone In flitlailelidila Jan. 77. enti iirrjiiiB »a III thai hla lamlly and dnnlnr were at hla bwl'ldu ranilim. allyuutil hla ilnalh. Ha wea a iiianitjt<r<il ilio FliilaiUi- plila bnlge or KUa. llowaa never an arlur, hut iilifii wlih aatlalerlloB la all Mm (Hialiltma ofiull hnf, iiroidpier, ataao manager and hualneaa mknager. lie waa llknl l>\ all who knew ltliii.and tlirrearn r^w whimi dMihwDulit raure iRure ^nneral regrel. Tlie fmirral, wlilrh (K-t-iiirta| F«1). }, waBBIIer.lMl hr n'mut b|i|)' hiPiiila^riiiif I'hH nlpi. yhti laolur.Na 7, H. I'. (I. P.lka The pnH Warer* were- r,.d.T. Allainn llrBan.Jnlin JaoV, Wnt. W. Illiirkf ii ami I.«w Htninii np. Tkn lonialna ware luleiroti lu Klko' llmi Mt.Mi.rlah Ct>niol»ry. llAtHT Uii-HiiMT (''liiiwW). Iiarf4«rh rhlnr, dlr<l frnin Hilghri dlaaaie ua Jan. 1L at the hoiiin ol Imr nioiliur. In "hiraoo. 111. armllventy rlvii yeera Tlmdrcanrpl. «■„> Waa tlia wife tim'llilain Rlinwiee, wa^, lii*lnTn .lio wbm t^ken 111, Ihtoe VMra agn, pnonlneiilly bikihii m» a rlaler. Rlie iitailo har dnbtit dnrlug ihe aeaaon n| l.sti alih ilm llarrlaNlrkBl Plain Rlinoa. under IhoiuUhin uf iMn fn^. t*llo. Tliari)l|i)WlngB»aann ahn traveled allh llipHp1la,v Hairplt ClrdHB. Ib IMV alia ■*■ wllli iIib Vnii Aiiiliuni HIhiw, enildurlaR the Wloler ^f thai venr *lie tiMmkat thrnuuh Ritiih Ani*ilr4 ePh I>tiniivan^a CIrciia. lihe iit- tumiMl in HiIh nmniry In PM, anil waalhflii fur l«o aan- enpflwlib Ihn Aibni PurvPBiiRh Hhiaw. Hlie hImi rodn m MedlBMi fM|Uam llepUn. MiIb nlly. ilurlng ihn ninwillila. tiun i>r til* Baniiuii i Haller niHl lli« FnTiiiiau*h Hlmafi. fulM4rtRhelraT«UilwPb Ihe H«lla llnw ' Hhow, and ilur- liiilllia ridbiwiiie vearwB* iiiatrle'l lo Willi ini HJiit» Irp, Hrmthen aetitl'tKumiMiand n-ale In It-iidionliiilrig tlm eiey ol Uie Kamuiii A llallty Rlmv al tlie li yuipla. Vim waa the pi|pi-l|>nllBdvrldar with tha H-liii Urn*.* t^rcua Heaaiina nl |tf-»-l-3. eoliig tn Auatralia with the *faow. M,i< wa^ 111 when *k« rotumed to thia country and tiator rmin again. Her huakand oml inmhar aiirvito liar. Tliero- lualna «ere liitanml al IHiiailBle. II). HiR JiMiril BABhliV, iuaiBkkii,dlo'l Jan 3*.at T«imilon, Kog Tlia dacaaaBd, «liu waa one nf KiHlemra fi<reiiiiiki tiiualciaiia, wu toni Anga 11, mm, at Yurb, and at aavaii 'I Mra or age waaa cIhii laur In UieRallimlral at that vlaCM. lealteiward Btadiod al U o Itoyal Armlpiuy nf Mualo In jnndmi.rroiiiwMcli ho RraaMiaii«l lu iK'iJ. Hn aaM aiib- Boiiuooily uigtiiUl Itt Revaral Luodoii rhurclie.', and later wa« apMilaicU ctiidiiemrtif liielir>ii)rlo l^oir»rtaai Hi. Jeuiaa and Kiwlir Halle. l|e<irgA>tls-Hl tho Viiral K«cltitr BlHtut IKia, aiid b IS7J lie attcrtwiMl iliinoiMl a< rbiiductur of the Itujal Alton Mall t'lioral Hoaivly. ||d waa on* i ( Ute luundere or the Lundiui Muilcal H.H3lBiy In IH^i. aoil waa It* oiflilBOlor until IH:fl. In ItUJ lie Iwuaiiia iliaili- rECli'rortheiluikl llall HutiiMil of Mualo, ami he rnnliail the honor (tf kDl|lithirii>i during tlm aanie >ear. While lie ■aa ilioautlwrpr auuiiil*erui churel norhfl,ahlrb It- eamo ituyular, lia reudrml lila gi»Bt*BiN*i vlre lo uiualntl life lo l^udwt BB oiKidaiciitr, and It la alauued Tor him that he lud ibtruluced tu tlie lauodirfi publlr oiirra bow or preelvuBlyuokBoeawerka tlian luulauy other Knglleb- '"pu'iu v.JiHBgir,anaclnr,diad Feb. I, al Biraalmrg,' Va., aged Uiirtytware. The doveaaed waa Iwro In J^jn- dun,£Dg^ but liad been In ihU ctiuniiy a nuinber ut ■Mra. lie bad tiavvlwl with a iniinlier ul r.<tiiii>anlw. eod at una lino bid a nttnatiel Ci.iiii*any nl lila o«n ott Ilia ruad, Pur the laat four eeajHuia h« bad l»een a ■neratwror ib«>lr»oeTarlurt%i., and waa «ionaclat| wpii Ibat orRtulMtkiD at the time ho waa ukeii III. The re- iubUb «*ia luiprred In lauUieran Ihmieler/, KlraaloirH. KParool*Rtt,a railely pairomitr, died Jan. 2t, at Vr. ealur. 111., iruiA npHl otnaumiAliiu. Thadocaaa»d wa-i taktn mat PalaB,To«., In June, and waa hroiight back t«i hia nitlvw otiy tO die, flewae iweoty four yoara uf aga,an4 had Weolo Uio lioilneae alHiut Wibl )eNrB, platlngdataalu tkaAouih and Weat, l«ingur llin l*Hin>4 Fauooa and (kioiar. aod Mllla gndtrooper, I'afti'f Un time Uial be WAP will) Billy Mill* llie laajn waa wllb llai- l.nd. Bowman A UfLaughUn'B rireiiB. Tlie renialBn weie iBterrrtI ttl,iaflretuwoodnaine'erf,nlncliinntl.O. Mu!fH. ItAt'BLiaA U'riin Tairt). Jnuglar,dlid Jaii 73,ac Hloektou, i:al. Iron onoaHmytiidi He,wae tlilriy->U tearaoraoe. The renialDa Ware Iniarrid undar the aua- plcao of the Hlockioo faodge B. Pa O. Klka. TosRV Htm HiiyiR, a variety periuiiiior, dlml Jnn.a^l.Bi Hi. Mary'e llvpltal, UlofthinBli, O., riuiii typliuld f«v*r. HhewBAlweaiy learaoiale and waa well knuan In tho We»t la a nerlo-ooiiile atoger and daucer. Hernifithnr aniliiiieBlBiaranrvlvelter. The remalne «ore takoo Ui FODU, loit., ri*rlnleraienL ^ , IIRRRT B. Itsvm. an BlUcUe ft iha Klevanlh KtreeL r)»«rall'iuiw, FhlMehdila. I'M., dlnl inuii neuralglanr the heart, Jan Tf, 'ii Ihn JprTfr/'iii IPiapllal. ihnl rity. Ilowaaburn JiinBltr, IW,ln Him Ibdlhlay HUwlTlioatro, Ualtlinnro, Idl-. oliern hla lather, Hani f.lnPiii. vaM Topertr ralnr. Tne docpaBeil wae (Bkoa III ahlli it ilawori Id iLaKiiera liouee during the i^rluniiaura i..' Miiinteit'a MlnMtola. lln wab lakmi tu Urn h'-apllnt, where Lodl*l awn efter hla ailiiilaalon. Tbo ilareaivl waa the liMMbarlnlaw uf Frank lluiuoiit, hy aliont lot wu empl^ela The reinaloa were Inlerrwl In f.«unl im: 4:«meiary. . . „ „ . , HAA Ji-ffl RTKrilKBH. a ret ir*l F.nHllaIi ncirrae. dle<l ..jOaUk, In l/,fiMliin,lo liar eltiity fuuitli year. Hhe ra* tlie«l fruiiiUie kiaiB Jul) f.ltfi. A GUE ST OF HO NOR. An ar:ior ntn a iitrniiHrr nf a t-o:n|>anjrn»wb innl n nioHlfrrag tvlillorji ivjuri* frnm t^MlifnrnU in (hit l->Al. ea/B Jmlu>'. Hcforu lliclr Intln wn^t pullntl oiil orilietftirtiilit)/liR'l Iwii r*iiliii:itd to omlDKiim onm fare of tho rAitpwil I iimrerM, aimI K"tlllMii ^notiflli evni or tiul'.mjibdttbtynll liad a iiutfcnl- flcent liunfor on whnii ilio tmlu roAcitf:d n Miiitil alalhio at Which lliorn waa A rcMUuniiil, ami llin grfir wan lliu nrnt to flfid a ar nl nt Iho Mblc. '■Jlrtng n», In u hurry," lie Hibl Ui ihn triiirllnnl. „ burly VVcBiern man, ''a itortftrboiiHi eiiuk, wiinn flevllfii kMiioya, n liracn ut cliopn, plenty i»i vogu- tablet, ntid twu tmlUca nf \Hw liltfi-r licur." Tho lauolord alurk lila Pnail mil of ilin illjiinu room <1oor, anil yelled lo RuiiiQUiily In Dio r^nr iiHkrlmeni: *-rtay, llUl I loll tlio Iriind tn pliiy 'lliilo llrllaiiulA.' Toe rilDcofif Walna Ituconitt." ENDURAN CE OF TH E CAMEL AcAmdha^v Iwlro ilioirairylnR piwerr^f noov. Wlih all opllftary I'Mil of fuiir biiinlreil (xitiiHlH lio can (rarel llilrUMrii or rfnirlncii cnjg wllhuiil watirr, golotf rorly inlliMM dar. Tliry nro 111 to wnik hl QveyearMold. but their BlreiiKHi l>«Kliin lofl^rllnu AC tvenij'flve, aHhriUBli ihey iiaimlty ilrn tiMiirtr. TBeiartf olteii fallefifil nl ihlrt; (Mrilni btiicher. lUllr fteib lAhtlng like liref. Tne TuriaiH Imtu berda of Ibeaa abliiialB.ufieii a thonnahtl iR-loiiKiiiiC to one family. Tiiey areDnnirrourtlriaiiilniiliy, fi r ho (MitrlarRli Job had ihrea tliouBHiHl. The'Mm- hiicbMi or Heharrl hrnfitl H rciDarbaiilufor rp.-td AwJ litDvd oDlr fur rouriora, guliig ctRhl hundiiil nilltalikilfliJtifayR, wltiA niaiilof datcn or Rrnin ot olRlklfaTl. NaiHilcou toiivoyed niieiii inrDdreil Infantry on raDKla arroM ihodticitfruiuCBiru lu Bi.-ieia-d*Acrc.-/.//'j'/(tivVI Xv.