New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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786 THE TSHEAV Y OBK CLIPPIgB. itou^. OKEISSI B^HD O^IACBIS ^ ■^Jd^SSnJtioiu of "Hwd Time." Dl-pene. Are Wot Ccnridered Where '^.e Merry World" fcOonoeraedj ^^j^^^^a^^j^^^^ : PACKED TO THE CANARY & LEDERER'S Second Annual Review From the QASINO, New York. DOORS it THE MERRY WORLD AT THE LAST WEEK. Ilenn. Kohl, MlddleloB dt Ceetle kBow wliBt . ** WE RETAIN HISS MIELIA SOMyERVILLE, VR. nANDOLPH CURRIE, MR. DAVID WARFiaO, NISS MAY DONOHUE, HISS NARIE LAURENS, MR. WILURD SIMMS, A,n<3. 50 Otlaeir Piroxxxixxezit S«Bd oj»B TliB*. All rifhti pratMli>(l t>j IIOWB St IIUMMBL, A<l«rn*)ra. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE ^B^^^HMI^Hi^^^Bi w--— _i.-i--<!iiica«oao iMTftnBM«ee)> Rnalli TfeerarepteBwd, wc an tb. pMpl. w.nt I. .m.»m.Bt., .Bd «1«M«I The WorM'Mbr « «fl.fe»«t^^^^^^^ ta'SUgo werfsLVVBIl HDlfoBBb ARd'sixTt! IjBdiimeBlbr nlraonUBSiypBtnnage. The recelpU of "The Merry WorM rer i ffBi ^ YORK THE nnTATMAT. HEW TORK OASIirO CAST. MR. W. A. HcCORHICK, MISS HATJIE PJE. MISS UniE lAWBEHCE, MR. LE HARRISON. . ^ DrazTLAtlo, 3VL-Li»loal »n<l Si>eol»l"ty .Ajrtlsts. AddrMi all conmaalralloBtto MISS IRENE BENTLr, MR. LOUIS 6RAIIAT, MISSUZZIEWIIINER. by IIOWB « IIUHMBL., A<l«rne)r.. AdHreu ell canmaBirBiiDBi to —i#%Bi a ■ DDIMTIMO Oft Ohifxrn III OI^-^IR. IMC. I>-A.TESE, a^ctnwer, care NATIONAL PRINTING CO., ChlcgoJII. MAT ZHWZST'S BIG BZTI Aa IBBB hy Iter In .'THE WIDUW JONES," 1 Love My Honey! Yes I Do!" A CIreat CooB 8on(, hy WILL O. CARLRTOn. THE BieOEST WINNER SINCE "CUMBIN' UP DE OOLDEN STAIRS." ThMt tr< • few nimM of thoit who arc doing Hili long ind nitlng tn uiptnltitod hit with H: MAY IRWIN In "TIM Widow JOMI," WILLIS P, 8WEATNAM In "Thnlbr,'' FRANXIE HAINES with Rloi A Birtea'l Cornodiuw. IDA FITZHUDH. OEQRQIA PARKER, LILUAN HARPER, ETHEL BROUOHAM, LILLIAN LARKELLE. We would Uke lo havt you |oln than. You eu do It by tondlng lor proltillonil cdflM, with orohnlralleni, FREE! Don'l <*ll to cneloM tird or progrimnw and itampi lor MOWLKY, HAVILA.NI> A CO., 4 £Mt 20th Street, New Tork Oltf, between Ww^f and fitk Ave. P> 8(«W» forcot to ttteBlloii that LockltArU** •lephanl* are BOwrelioBningthUHag. To Moienttw Uifti oor wtll koovo iludlo of UiMUlcil dMlgvi ud eoKnTlan, under penoul iDperrlsloo oT Mr. P. HIcn- trdi (ul cMlribalor lo N. Y. TBUTII, L1PE. Jl'DflR. PRANR LBSLIBR, Etc). tiMkei A AfBCULTV OK ORIQINaL I.ETTERUBADa. B«fei*ncM tliU BMftk tor ihemtoWeii: Koster A BUl a, KiUhXToor Fuior'n, Prootor'e. CealralOptiE Uoane ud Burotiien. We «iolui(rely ■iipi>lr itit roll-iwloR tliHirlcil aieou «llh their uitlonsry: Ow. LIrau, B. BniDelle.uhu. F*dc a ro , nilnlim wllaon. 0)iaf> llemttn A Co^ llrory Vniraolio, J. Aki. Bra«o, Etc For lh« !»•« 7 yean r*roKnlinl by th« American and EnropMin ttar p«tfbrmen a« lb» nowt rellftble antt onlrl«glllBi»te rtrelBBMv and engraven fbr the profeuloa* OerreapoBdeHceMllcKcxI. Allleltere aniwered. SAHPLKi FIIBB. TU01I&J8 ABOUN, Mfi«R«r(LMenrU]o Courier, HirowhrUjt* AflpiIoKarud Wtltf LllhoCoa.) Addmi RICIiAllDS* STUDIO OP DBHIONCf, 14 Vnloa Bqaare. New York. THE BEST SINGLE ACT OF THE KIND ON EARTH. AT LI n E li X Y PermaaeBt addroM 1(W Coldea St., Itewark, New Jeney. BuckingLanL Theatre, OmorthebestparlnitVArleiy TTiektrealn the ftiiuili. Rltutted In ih* h»ftrtorU:e Hly. vltJi»ptirooue el) the yeu toowS. Hut mtnUR* of H>| featoo t«o«r ihepnnoltitleire«ti«<tr the elir. «lih eDtruce inu foth. Tbe rUoetiUftiflde rerutfttloo, antluu.ler the pnMWt mtDtitoieo'—MBiSRfl WIlALLKN, L«BJ««i-hubeen flneuy- D| pTOMrtv. Batejla nude lo MtiteeneatAi*. Kdriher p«riieu)ara on ippllcAttoD to ni, PIdelUr TraH ud Bifcir VuAOo. Bteouior, J. W. UAViH, aUioaiOFUihStreet, LouliTlKe. Ky. HS3R£3 XHEY ARE.XHE TWO OF A l-tlSSE. '•'c MULLANEY® LINCOLN «c ilROBIU, DANOBRS AND TIIMHLHHIR. COBolMdlna with Ikelr faSBleat aad moit iBBghablearall eacona, TUB ULOXDIN UOilKRVV WKEU OF .TAN. nr. AVJEMUR THICATllV, PitlMlmrtt. Pn. Bafardl lo oar fVleadi, (iielloaevaBi, Levy aad Barker, and Saalbrd nad Lee. TEN EYCK i PLAISTED, PllOPUHSIONAI^ OAnSMUN. NICW AND NOVEL ACT. EZOITINO ROWINO RA.OES ON THE BTAOE. HKTH 'KM YKLL.INtJ. Imlllatloae ofllANLAN. TBHMRH, OAVDAUR. BTANBVRV.IIOeMBR, LAROAN, H&RDINQ aail etben. Now ulavlaa KBITH'8 UNION aOVARB TIIKATRB. Dale. Waated. PenaaBeal addre.., NELgB INKBS, BOSTON IlitilALD, Bimiob, Mbm. "WITHOUT HIM WHAT'S THE BAND." MARCH SONG- HIT OF MYrS '^A. TVriTlT "Wlxlte Flos'' OO. ProCWilonal coiilre antt oirliMlrBtion, lOc. BaoOKS A UBNTOM CO., nth Ave. aad 3Ulh8trMl, New York. n- Bead Ban* aad nddrvat and theatyle of Magi yoa ae^t *^ OPESN' TIME. A IIKAL URUUND Vl-UOR POPULAR PRIOB MOVSB, HANOIIRBTBR, N, II, BBATINaOArA<1ITV AIOl'T l.»U KTANniNll Himil rOH O) - NKKIKAI.'IIWIIKM. MANOIIKnrilK Ull'OMDTlrX WOHIIS WANTED RTANniMI H()OM KOH KH. I'HIi'Rft, la IL t&. ai fiOORKm TWO MATI ■ "'" MlLUOHAIRKOWKBKa auod ortD time lo Hftreh, April ud May. "MOUUIIHKO." Addre>B ForOrBNINtl, UAKCII In HIr BurltMoe or tUperiory (VitB|tuy. ooevilh BawI »Dd Or rhftitn piefinrml. (tlher a(lno<lann«rlle or»lre. ' --- OoniUBF _ Alio booklof Dlltefuon. "Ttili lilJit hnuM that people tUIl" ClirP. W. UHANT. Huairer. AT LIBERTY AFTER FEB. 12, SZSEKER and WIIaKZSS ASA LEW OOUBDY HKBTtlU TKAU. do l>« Mg&KMl for Firt. (;oni«Oj, Burlf^iav t.r 0.0* «b.r* mon.f I. .iiiTk. We un TorklBona. AiMitm LKH HBSKER n>a'l D.I., Claclonul, Ohio. MORTOIV REYELLE Prawnllni a17 ntlouu (ViiiedTHkotctt thai It lU^erTlnit itflhe oame. aihl eao utake «ml uy oM place. WBBK8 Ur TEB. IO-IT-14 «Ule oitu. MtDtsen with niMiey ud nrloelpta ad<lre<« (ISO. tlHAN, 101B. Founeeoilt Street. Vt^w Vork. SHANNON, MILLER 1^ CRANE TS BROADWAV. N. V.. nnei1o(>rl>«luwMnili Bl (ritrnirily 4« Hkldrn LuO MII1I«tt. TliealHral ami CtmivdnodB. <loM ud Rlher Lice*, Krinaw. R|unitUN H'an^ Tauelo. Hro(»d«a, TIrMk, BhIriA. PaAHlDC*. Ilau. WIpft. Rhnei and Jt«*lrr.T1iMlrlml, RqiiMtrlui anil Athlrllc (ImkIk. Coatnnpn* and BtdK* Mtken* Roppllea, Plaia aod BaaneTm, MOllary andRACfvlj TrImmitiEca. Annomof all klada lo oidrr. BethI Tor eUiniatea. Tbe larf««l AHortoaBl and h«ail«BtUochof tlirai |tood>tob» found U|«b*re. OlrDulan ri*e. OeoilBi«DiO.O 0. j^.NO'ruKirkrr wrrw cool.'h mio ktock co. •Toliift C4-. mi<l TA:^.yA€} M!cI>owoll, nil. HYR4. YOU NARTV TIIIMI. UUW IB PA. PA ■WTLMOrS LITTLE TYPEWRITER. ■IBAIMIVAIITBRI, SAIC WASHINQTON RT., ROaTOn, MASS, II, W<8llLB<.lotEi<sl>u|K rilM.,|U0l(\»a,|a,| Tk. AMBl. «> nrSWIlTIR oir tptcllHr. IUu.aii^InolmuLMun,panla.Jan, .141. tree. w a WILHOT. A Great Coin1)matio]L SONQS OF THE POPULAR SORT. "Tlie Gill of the TwenM Centuiy." Wordt ind Muile by FRANCIS LEON. A newaod eiceedloilf brigbt, np u> date ■onir.wlUi llmltleu opportuolUei for Indlrldaal oipreMloo. Fot- Miaea all toe happy retmreithit go to niafce op a aae- ceuful compotliloD. "Deii Uttle EsM" Sons and Chonn by ARTHUR BERKELEY. AcapllTallogaoDr, «)ilcl) telli the itory of Btther'a rapturoaa lOYor. Ooe or the floait of raceot pabllcatlooR ttut !■ aare lo nake a klt vhenrar It!■ heard. 'lfYoiiLoveMe,TellMe$ii' By ED. N0L8T. Hualcally, boUi m reiatda theme ud pluo acconpul* (D*ot, tbla wwg la vt a olitb ataadard, ud already deMr- radlr popolar, althouoh butrecullr iMued. Aoeieetd- (oilr efbctUe compoMiloo, wiib the ererplaajilof iralu refrain. "mm Famlli Band." Song and Chora by MILES F. JORDAN. "Vou talk tbMt jourtnuilo Aad the plailog of the hud, Th»re'a a funlly in the houae eltb aa, Tli«lr mulled KinieiblDff graiKl." TIIATB McNALLY S FAMILY BAND. 7arrtQteil to briac duwo i)»e lioa«e before the flnt Ten* la half ^odk. Oo« of the brijihieat, bnmorau* toon% eTtr prodactd for the dtlectatloo oi ihf fUo loTlogpoblic. Profe'uloBal c«ple« on appllcalloB. Or> eheatra parte, lOceata. OLIVER DITSON GOMPAHY, 463 to 4&3 Wishlngten Street, Boston. NtwYorh: PfelladelphU: C. H. DITSON & CO. J. E. DITSON « Co. SIEGMAN AHD WEIL Theatrical, Circus, AND Military Supplies. 110-112GreeneStreet,N6wYork StDd I cul lUsp for oer NEW CATALOaVB J.M Una). Lwiwt, compMait itock or GOLD u4 BILVER TRUmUaS, STAOB JEWBL- RV. 8ATIN8. PLVSHEB, ARII0R8, BU., Id Itet, eniTtblDi nqilied for THBATRIOAL WARDROBB at Lower Prices Than Any Other House. Joit a few Iteaa to glre u Idea of ou prleei: nOHTBorSBIRTB, mm 9Se« ApaIr, apwmrd. BPAMOLItS. lo BoU ud allrer, tl.lOapooad. W108 mm 9Bc opvard. OOLD or eiLTEB TBIMMINa tnm Sc. a yaid op- Tsnla. OoodiMst O.O.D. A depoalt required 00 til ofdm. BatUfAfttloD goaiMteed or money refanded. Jean White, 226 WASHINGTON ST., Boaton, Maaa., AaaoBBcee the (blloivlaa New Soaaa by O. M. BLAKOFDRDl 'SWEET MOLir HiCHBEE," "DE MANSION IN DE 8KT," "I LOVE TOU IF THE OTHERS DONT," "CA8EV ON PABiDE." Tbeaa are all good, and lare tomakethemMlrei mmtii. lar. Til* Ural nused bta a melody auch aa ve all like to llatan to; tbe lewod lea coon aooB that May Irelo wnoU ■et ^TerjbodT to atnelDx: the third haa apathetio atory lolaed to a wloDloir mtkray. aod lh« lait baa Joat the tdI- licking swing that aaie«T«ry one lo alsihig. Mr. Blud- fonl'a Miiavlllaooo ke eTeiehere auog. Pnfeaslooal toplea. iQota. it WORDS BY MUSIC BY HARRYA.LAWLER. 6E0. L. SANFORD. AO up todate Walls n«oR with a atory. Uood nwiDHiag melody. Boogud Ar4 elaia orchenraUen.olnejana. In 0 or B nar, aeot U> reongntced proleaalonaUONLY, open receiptor lOe. AOJrau SANFORO A LAWLBR, P. 0. Lock Boi. W. Feorta. 111. REPERTOIRE MANAGERS, A Pir.t Clau Loading Maa, hoIdlBa the beel metropolltaa eagagemeata, wlaliea poallloa Itar hlueelf and wife with a iboroaBhljr reliable repertoire conpanf, wbere ula wife majrliavetbe advaatage or playlBg Juvaalle aad light comedr parte aadec hie talllen. HMlara waid- robe. Oeod appoa ranee. Caa Jola at OBOe, Re«pOB«l6le naaaagera oal^ ad- dreaa, .tatlng Yory heat J.latealary. lba1>in6 MAN-A. B. O., Care CLIPPER, Are Voa Looltlaa fbr a Real Good Boaal Here Voa llaTall, Jaat Path II AloagT "THE QDIXN or HARIXH," TUIl Muar ORKIINAL,THB flATnillEAT, TUB LATESr AND TUB BWEBTIWYor ALL TUB WALTZ BOSQS. OnracelDlof alvoceaUpiMUm.laDipaod addrMk*. .Ill raalluraonniimlprolMaioDali. me of oharae, thia UWLURrASSBDtOKa.slihordmlnpam (air. brH,r- roaa llcMo«»). B. NATTKH t CO, gP «r. Illh St, Na. York. Miisicliiiis for Dicfenbnch New Show. UBRBBRT BWirr, Ua.l«r, Bo ronl. m Hanrr MlGaliala. THE ENTIRE OUTFIT OF THE 6E0. B. COLE AND LOCIWOOD ALU NEW UNITED BUOWA vlilch i* compleiefAr toad «otk eieeptdraagbt hora«« andnuagerf*. laolTeifd for aale prlvaUly qdIII Uarth I. iritilltindlaitQ^ of oQ that date It will be wild at auction lo tha til|[he>t Mddar on Tdeaday, March 10, m thefalr grouiHlaai rAtadam. N. T. Addrru HBaTH a BCOTT. Potalam. K. V TUB LABOIBT AKD FINEaT ASSOIIIIBNT OF Ladles' Street and Evenlr{ Dresses r,!i.''&'tf^"aVn5ii'5gtrAti;.".^H'.»°- WANTED, PEOPLE IN JILL DRANCUES OF THE SUOW BUSINESS. WooM Ilka la haar maaBaaellh a iaod tmpeoKoia AT L.1BKR.TY, HARRY R. YICKERS, Agent, Muimger or Traisurer. Familiar wlih all diUlta of the bli. Ift yean of practical eiperianceglrea ne ample ecope rordoeeeoDtract(a|i,u kcqoaloiaDte with manager, aod a thoroagh knovledg* of ihe oooffUy thoroigb oewppaper writer and caa nmta udbook. JOSIE HITCHELL-YICKERS, Slfifing ind Dancing Soubrette and Boys. Nloe years of atock, opeim ud repertoire eipertoDca. BiiAoalvo wardrobe. JniDt or alogle eogagemeoL Jolot prefamd. No oblKtlon to good t*feitolreco. Balaiyla kfeplog Willi tinea. Write or wire •^ARRY R VICKBRB. Plibklll OB Modaoa. V. T. WAIVTED, FOR GEO. YT. HALL JUNIOR'S CUCUS, MUSEUM kVD MENAGERIE, PEOPLE IK ALL BRAltnUBB OF TUB OlBCtIS BTZ. Mnu do two or more aeta aod aalarlea moat Im low, aa we pay weekW. Wut a hnullog Advuce Man, who le not afraid to paite; want Baedmaaler aod Bo- alcltoa for band; good Bou Ouraa Mu aod Oook. DniokaTda ud bama don't writ*, for yon won't laak HATE FORBALV,a 78lt roood top, with SOft middle- plpce: alao a aMt-dreaalog room top. wUlaell ^eap If sold at once. Addren OBO-W. HALL JUNIOR, BoK n. ETuarllle, Roclc Co.. ffU. TO THE PROFESSION COMING TO CHICAGO, HOTEL WARWICK, 2M 8. CURK STREET, will niahe rata at tt.OO per weeh, loem aad beard. CoBTOBteattA all theatxaa. T. V. DAT. mwi mm. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Rlrat Claaa OROHBBTHA LEADER to Doable Barlloae or Trombone la Baad. Alao a Donble Baa. and Taba Player. StrloUy aober aad reliable. Addreaa DR. O. W. HIINTLBV, llaaager, OrUhaay PalU, W, V.. Feb. M. AT LIBERTY. GTPSY BARLOW, INGENUE AND SOUBREHE. Kxperlenced and Reliable. Qood modaro eanltobe Aiidrau KAMBAB CITT. MO. OEWBtALDBLlVIBY. Unanimous Choice The New Ywk MomiMjJour- nal recently offered ten leading makes of bicycles as ^es in a guesslnj; c(mte^^;ivins[ the win- ners free choice of any one of the ten machlnes.TheresuIt was ALL of the ten-winners selected Columbia Bicycles The Journal ac- cordincrly bought ten Cdumbias, pying $100 each for them, without discount or rebate. On even terms few will choose a Incyde<Aher than the Columbia STANDARD OF THE ^ORLD Unequalled) Unappfoaclwd. * GREAT WALLACE SHOWS WANT, WANT lait Stuat'tnal Aeral Riiuni Act in Gounin, HUIITBELADTIIIAOT. A^dw B. B. WALLACB. Tam. Ipj. AT LIBERTY SEASON OFIB96.97 Olga Lorraine IMarshali, Al BlDRlDgaiid Daoclng BoobreUaud Boj'aParta. Thos. IMarshali, OrckaaUB Uailer, Double la Bwa. Ati»o|[»f. ,ta. eOOD ALL AROimo ACTOR IHTU 6O0D iriBDBOBE, FOR KENNEDY PLAYERS. MOnjOIHATOXCB BTATBRAIAAY. OREB.iwinH, K. T.. rafcnmr M. FOR SALE, UkMB WITH 3 EYES, 4 EMS n™'A5?? ^Palatlnn. eno. or Lamb; Trent, ?St ''V?!"; H«"il Oman. 11 uaaa.«lth caW HO (or abOTo loL Ooahaird^M. C. 0 D. Addiat.^^ H. a BEKO, m 71b A.aau.. Maw lotk Oltr. THEATRICAL BOARDING HOUSE K.o ..J!?!? BBABOKABLR. MM. TAVLOH. ni llih ei n tt, W.w Voik IXtj. . . ••m m^- w^ HTW IJl VJ. Wute4,Lidi or 6«t, ilU )200 or TolOTaal ID U UploDau AuruHoa, A BUIIB WINNIR. IK>Qtwiiulr*ou don'r meae bu.lnaM. Add. Htr. loalc. al Comtdf. Doli.noj'.OpaiK HooH.Conocil Blolft,Iowa! BetntJIul Alt Catalofnie ot Colurabia aod Hart- ford BIcydea !• free u you call upoa any Colum. bla agent; by mall mm u. Ibr two .•cent stamp.. POPE MANUFACTURING CO. Factorkt and Genaal Office, Haftibfd,Coiiii, Branch Ston. and Agenclea in alnoat evoy dty and towm. If ColumbUa an not properly Tcpracnted in your vldnity let n. ImoMr. A. SOODRICHi LAWYERi m£!S£kSuk' BulfinS. laBUaadqnlaL BiaaehaaandlaemMwiaoltarBUIei. OPIUM ■oipblae UabltCarod lalU to HO dare. No paw tlU eared. Dr. J. gtepheae, tetwaea, O, NEW lirBBItOO. rORTOBS. Bam. plea, inc. atieatBaUeria^»)aadap.raororo..Bd«n,Pa. FUTURE HORPHINE AND OTHER NARCOTIC HABITS roUTITELT CUBED. Core palolHa. Ber,rMCM|lT,o. ConeqtoDdrDte Mlleltad, Addreaa PATTEBBOK HOME. Oiand Eaplda. Bldilran. .■VELAFHOHBI LOCUS" BELLI AT BIOUT BaoplMiree. RemltpoMaia, flTaSaitampa. OLinoira mam'PO oo, Boi irt cmiog Pa. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per thoaaaod |3M FPraBB 00., 71B. Tbirteenth BtraaW Tort iWiSCELLANEOUS. wias, WHISHtHB, i:riySiK2T: LNHO_.aHa.BB. m,m^,^^0. g. MAMHAia, L.,fcpw»H.T: H^SS?'-*'^SlSSs''fS.- "endle—iwanplor njirareoi. ib rut yjj^ WBL«a BBtBUIania—, Fa. COyMOU SOSE ELECTRIC BaTS ARE THE S?da&A7;{fffdToVT#ij?«r"™"*'~ BLBOIBIO IBMUT OOu Deta^. DL ELBOTBlO BBL1B, alao Pne Ranploa ol BLBCTBIOINBOUa IOo.roi ooa. or So. lor bolL. with par- . ,^ Ucolan. L*te.t (binit In E. Balta. (taarlO. Bllimoo.r. BIO Af PLIAMOBOO.. BCRLIKOTOW. BAJl. EDMUIVD XL PRICE, Oounseiop at Lahv. NEW TORK CLIFPBR BUUJ>Ilia, n AMD t> OENTRE STBEBT. New Yorh Cllf. Pnetlee lo all tba Ooojia oItD aod OriaUuL Special a lt antloa rlvai to the eoUaoHooof dalmi aad dobuol all klsda, l^e praparalloD or afieamaata aad otbat iHal DOITPAYACEIF^JJ' SEE IT. OorlateatlDiiortedBXaM puadot diamond eipcriA You ;anDOt doUct trom Un grnulnp. 11 lotxoduco this new stODo wo nlll send for 80 days Ihta ring or ntud bFcxpicaaa0aD.fiir|L6S. Yott tiamlM, Uiuteqeal la appiaraMetDa a«riMifaati*k.iL irwtiffa(to(7P«r ^^^H^^lVtlM ami SIAX Order tpM Sw W ill llMklfHanrterAnvinnnmia rkla.«««* Fn*. liTIOIlLJOBBUOCO. i0e>m>ekTtmM».Olnf«n"«* OA^ME COOKS ABLE TO ms AGAINST AMmilNe BBOUGHT AOADIST TEKV. Fowb ud Eggs F»r Btk, bj U. r. ORAM. Ooidalla P. O.. Ueeaetor Co., P.- THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLDpl THE BRUNSWICK.ilAlJ(E.COLLEin)ER COMPANY, No. 860 BBOADWAT, NEWTOBH Howe.* aad mart ateaaat atylaa, wllk Ike UNIQUfLED MMRCM CUtNIOm. Billiard ■aterlal., Olotk, Balis etew ef Bar »mm, ——aad fvlatfaa^^ J ~-UB-O01UIISBB 00,^