New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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790 THE NEW YOBK OUPg^; FBBBUABT 15. World ^Pl ayers — Kotu from llio In Ilavcn GoiDCdir Co.; While In UbUllcotlic, 0„ mo KikM oiiiciUlDol the uompuj at ibelr Kdge noma. Louclicon «a>Mrvcil,ii(ior wlilch •ennl mcnii'Ois or ilic compmir renponiliid to cilli for lunpii, irniilc, iccltallnni', dc. Ncaily even number of UiU compaiir liavo for wcrk« lieeo lu llcr- IDR mill Ihe Drill nnd Iin cBMt. Ul» IM llayon ba^ ■ rlliht ailack of pneumonia >t Ihe aime time, bill nananed In ilo her work. Hlic la nearly ro- coreicd, anil liax artrlnil lirn new pisja to ber roper lorr, "Qncena" am) "LjDWooiI," prcpaiatorf 10 mnrel relarn daien. Our "ml." In Tiia Cl.ii'i'Kn liroufht nearly iwo liundreO nppliuillani. The iMmniea anUclfiaii^d, however, will not lie mads. — Kdwnrd L'lirnin. mafie nianagor or Ihe Kulij lAKaioiU)Co.,MniliilliefollowiDg:"Ht»nlii7Wanla, adrancoof ihm commDjr, wa* iinlicdiii maRliRe In Amolla Kptiluo, ulVnleiillno, Tex., nii Fed. 1. Tho oeninoDr itM performed In ijiillin«ii, Tex. Mlu Kntliie III a oon pnileiulriniil. ar, Wonle U Mill In itaTaKe, and will In teiidrrcd ii lieneOI >•> Hanaior Ani. K. aiilllot, 10, at Hlncola,af(orwlilrli ergot Ibo lirldcand Rrouni will man on a weilillnir lour lo Uie (luir. Ilandaumc preaenli were nlveii the couple liT tbe company. Marry Imj will nucroed Hr. War<le na advaoco. Ocorgo Kvcra liita iicon eDgaged forHptclHlllcii liy UlwU Katelio fur lierHouthero lour. WcHtner Iwd, iiui Imilnesa fiilr. — Molea from Mario VVelleiiiey'i playen, Oline k Wlbtoi maiMKern: Wo conclud»t our Rccnnd week at lioiUulne«, la., lo a lurkcd lioimn. iind did Die larfed hunlncM kiiiiwn iliur« for Moino lime. Tbii uumniiy played iliiuiiah ilio cnllm Hamnior, and bare liccii on Iho nuiil for furiy cIrIiI weoka wllh- oiil nlfvdPR a Halarx day. Wo are tMiiinolIng fur iirxt Humnicr In Kni Utalra, Winona anil Uhlppewa KallH, wlicro wo playuil flflcen weekaliLnr-Biimmor. — Ilio Olaire IUIko Co., under llio iiianarementnl (leo. W. PalKO, iipeiicd ilio now Oprni lldimo Hi lino iHltDd, Hluii., Dec. II, and nlaycl all llio week to ro- poile4 largo ami cnlbiinlanilc aiidlcncta. L. f. lilib U manager of ihonow opera Iiiiiikc. — K. II. Iji lluo, wbniiaa hccii plailnic Uia Iramp In \'aoce'a "Mnilioil Mall" Co. fur two iHaaone, In- fonniuaof bin marrlago In KDlaniaxoii, Ulvb., on Jan. 12, 10 Mn Wlknx, niiiiitcal illrcclrtia of Uio Mtmomnipan;. — Uali and Annie Ileo have lofi "Tho Trimpa of New Vnrk" Co. and Joined " Tho Ullllonuire Tramp'' Co. — Harry Hardycliiaed blaongagomonlwllbjamoa II. tlM'>'.lo'a"(l>lnini> Cellar lloor" Co., hi liuelneaa niaii9:inr, at Wlieollui, W, Va., on Feb. A. and Ii arranging lo placo luo Iwo conicdlei, "/.oh" and "Hki,o«D I bo road ueal aonwin. IIom\ Melelllo will iielnlhnnuw eiini(.'ily, "Mia," and ••7,n\i'i will liavo alMUltlio Mimo rjiit aa lam geaion. — HotOM and rnKior of Jubn irOrinoniVi Oo.: Wo bnrolmn doing good biiMiicaalii HnuUiom HUnola nnd Keniiicky. AgneiiFiilierroliiriied ui ibo com. pill J Jan. '.1, aflcr a lime weoka' vlnli In bor home in (inli'iigii. III. Ur. l>'Urinonil>ii urenlo produollont of "Oibollu" and "Vlnilnlui," giro grenl ullafae' linn. lliMior: Jnbn ll'ilnnond, iJiko Coagmre, Anhor li'O'iiiond, A. Jercdon, A. l>. UuKec, 0. II. Uarlion, J. lu Jachnon, Aviiea Fuller, I/>urlne Manx- fluhl, KInia Klloii, (Ifiinlllo Hinwile, A. W. Croat, liiiai. neiH manager: Ctian. 1,0 Uoinio, In advance, and l,llUe Freddie. — II la rumored llial llonri Cain will iuwIkI Paul IMIIer In making a KniniOi venlon of "Trtlby," wblr.b |8 lo lie produced at olllior iha Vauilrvlllo or llio (IrmnaHo TOuairu, I'arlH. Ii la iilxn iiaied that Ur. rmior baa nnaiigcil to liavo "Trlttiy" madf Into au opem, for which Uaaaanci will conijioaeibu niualo. — Id tlio Hiiporliir court at Now llavcn. Ot.. on Foil. ^, a JudKiiioiii of lino waa nMiilereil acalual Uaoriio 11. Iluuiiell, iFKieo uf Ihu llyporinn Tlioairc ami lli-aiid (iprta lliiuao, of ilinl I'liy, for alamler aKalnii llepuiTHborliruiiaineld. Manager lluniioll rlalaied IhaiChalllold look lllugally n aimi of iiiouoy from llio box oillro. 'Tlio Simngo Adveulnroaof Jai'k ami UioHoan. itlalb,"a iiurlivi|iiu. In ilircoacia, wrliinn liy IL A, liHrnei, mnalc by A. II. Sloauo,WHaprndiicud for Ibo gntt lluio on any aiagu nn Ibu afieriinon of Feb. 0, hyllw lloaUiu Uadcia, at IboTniuioiiiTliealro, Uoa- bin, Uaaa. — K. t(. Wlllanl announces llial ho will return to llili aiuDlry noxlaeaaon. Ilo la now luanagluR llio Qarrlok Tneatr«. l/imloi,, and la conalilerlutf ' Hodal lllghwayinun" for proilur.ilon lliore. — UcUuwon \ llnaby'a "Ten NIgliiM In a liar llooia" la made up aa followa: Win. Uclliuvon, J. H. Ilualii, Kdwin Mulvin, J. Iliike Fuller, Win. Klofer, J. T. builn, Nolllu llorahey, bla Taylor ainl licaalo Klefer. —Kate Uedliigor UhiiII apjioariiig villi Ibo Ulnolo Sowanl Co., allhoiigb auirurlng [mm au Injury re onlved aoino ilino ago. — Kduella Mlllorla now loading aoiibnilte wllb Howard Wall'a Uoiiinllauii. llolicri flalllanl, lalo of "A Uouoy Order," Jnlnml Iho conipniiy at KIkhari iDil., laat week. — Tboa. W. lllll and John W. Weal, uow ot ilio "Alvin JoBllii" Company, have funned a iiartnorablp fur next acaaun. — Ilany llnirmau lian ulnaod Willi tbo Ulnnle Howanl Uu., and Joined Ibo Kra Tanguhy Comedy Oo. — Unnagor Cumo rayton minibi tbo Informnllon Ibal hlu company bi nigblly playlnu to capaoliy buUnena, tho aliondanoo laat week al llio Fioihlng- bani Thoauv, Hcranluo, I'a., being lo record iire»klng, — II. U. ililgga la maklug prepHrailona lo inka ibo raid next aeaaon wllh a roperiory organization, o|itnlni In Angiini, iiuilor ihu tills of ibo llhgga Vooinly Oi>ni|Miiy. — iJioy I'arkor liai clooed wllh Iho Kllly Ilb04lca Ca, and la vlalUug horalalor, Kiiimlo Parker, InthU ollr. — J, II. Swaltunl la nrloualy 111 In Kakouio, Inil aiiil lo laid clrouinaianccH. Uo wuiild llko lo hoar fiwi hie frloiiibi. — John J. lioughoriy »lll realiin ritiin "TIik Fini l*)airol" Co. Fob. ». al Ibo unni'iiiilun of Ibe ClucUi' ua' I eogagoineui of lliat oonipnny. — Hanager Kdwlu 1'. Ilillun wtllea Ibal hl« alar, J • hn J. llurkn, lu Iho tlireo act cuinedv, "Tlic IKu*. !• r,*' haa iiMdo a goniilno aiu'ceaa. UiHnnidatea are oiToniil al nearly every lailnt vlBltcd,aiid liual ncta l> oxvolloiii. — Wo arc Infiiniu'd that Helen lieiMiiiiiHl, lending lady of Iho llan'l A. Kolly On., waa taken amlilooly 111 duting Ibo iierfonnaiu'o at ^outbbrldgo, Uaaa., aiiii waa nnablo lo DiiUb iho iievfornuiii-o. She b now Tf ry aick at Ibo lluiel Wlndhani, ^VIIInullUo, Ot. Her mnlher and liahy aiu wllh bor. — Hoporlaof ronllniioil goiiri bualiieaa como from Ibo "Undo Jiiah" ilDoolaliy Cu. — Uauagor Ueorgo luiuklcr roporla the bualnraa of Iho Kdwlii Forty On., Ihmngh Toiiia, aa veiy •Kllniaoiory. — Tnii now Open lln'jHO at Otiiianka, 111., waa dedicated Fob.«. — Wo ara Infonnod thnt Tlionitun'a Optra lloiiae, lllToi)ii>liil, It. I., has dune big builucw with every atlmcilou lUDco the opening uf tbo hoiiao, liro. 24. ISM, vltb **1*bn Fouring Mailer.*' IVovluiia to tbo optnlni of this hunao Itlveriiolnl people had to go to Pnwdenco for lliontrlcal aiuuiwinontri. — "Tbo Ann of iho l,aw,"n uiolodraiiia. In four acts, by OlliTonl Deninwy, waa ftctod for the ilrat lime ou any stsgv rob. 0, at Ihe Auditorium, undgeiHiri, oi. — "ITCntiin," a ouinudy dranu, In one art, by Joku W. Alliaiigb Jr.. waa ai*ioil fur tbo Or^il time ou a«y atago Fob. u, al Albaugh*a lo'couni Theatre, IMMnmro, Hd. — Tbo annouiu'ooienl has Juat lievii made lhal llopa) lliHiib (lllbba) and JaiiicM A. II. KarU <niin-pn> fett»liMinl) wero inarrlud lice. IP. \t^i. at I'aleriioni N. I., Iho Ituv. John lloidiiaon unirlatlng. — ''ijrippio Orvukiliui>ka,"adniiin,ui ruiirncla, by Oharlaa A. Uaurer, waa aiMrd for Uiollmiilino imaiir aiugo Fi'b. &,ai ilioAi'iulemy uf Mualc, Ituad ng, r»., by Iho J. 11. HanrrrCu. — Uulo anil Aunio Hatllng lolnrd "A llaggogo Clipcl:'' at IMrtiitlluntli, O., Jan. w. — Marry A. Stovcna eliuwil wlili Dauny Mann' "Urn. Hnnegan" Co., Feb. T. — Uwhig to the lllne.<<iur her inolhor, KllCD Vorkoy haa boon coiu|ii*lled to alttimlim Iter Wcatcnt umr, auil vllla|H<nil thoreslur the Winter lu WashliigloD, U.O giving retitalaaiid iiiualraU'a. ■'The Uodileas of Triilb," an onow euinlnne, 1 V:d. willlen by illaiilAlauaHtange, iiiiikIo byjnilan waRlJ, waa originally pnHliicoiI FVb. 7. al the Aetilriny uf Huale, lialtlinuru, Hd., by l.llllan Kita soil Hid company. — Mux Hii'linaii, iiMuager of "Vho Heart of MitryUiiil," haa luiri-baai'd the rliihi to pnnluco In Kiullan Adult I'hlllip'a ileniian |ilay, "Uy N'ew Vork." rind will pnntably u)H'n Ihu aeahtn of the lleiiiUI iMpmiT* Theatr\>. this city. ne.\i S,'piohilicr. " Harry Kvi'tallcM. a iiicintvr of "An ArllatV U.hIcI" Co., which cluacd laal week a lengthy cU' gacvment at Ibu litoadway Tlieair«, Ihlaclly. died Full. 0, al tbo Warwick Hotel, fnnii uonibloo IHiUuDltig. 1110 ilH'eaiieil, aeiliig under medical nilTl\.e, had been taking uiorpblne to pruiluco aleep, aud. It U iuppuacd, bo look an nvenloao Uy mltlAke. _ Notn from Badle Haymoml'i "l>»!7i ■earl Olrl." Co.: We have lost roloracd from a inp Uroogto FMtam Kanaaa. Bnilneaa was good, ana we have liooked relora dat« for next eeaaon. While we wero In Oiawttomle ilie anpeflntendent of tbe Blale Insane Aiylum mad* artwiigemenla for tbe company to glre a matinee lo tho Inmstea in tbo cbapol of thai Inatltullon. It wsa a peculiar ex- Srienco for the company; moat of ibcm were so Kbtcned tbrough tbo nm set thai llnea, stage laiHlneaaand eveirlhlug but lunatics were forgollen. •noy anally became accuatomed to Ihepeciiliarway the audience acted, and Belslied the pettormanc* In a credlialile manner. Krcd. luymond, Iho comedian, baa Jual discovered be la an enioilonni acUir, as there waan female palleni In the audience who loaMed on crying aa If ner heart would break ereiy time he appeared on llic stage. — Oeo. Oonway la tho acting manager of nm. A. lliKdy'a Kaauni "Trilby" Co. ^ ^ — Uulae Muller, who baa been Tory 111 with grip, lita recovered. ~ llanr Remard Informs w that bo baa aecnied tlie sole nght to the prodncllon of "Tbe MIdolgbl Hpccltl" from the conns of Bsblraoro, Ud., wllh all Its accnen and mccbtnlcal cifecls, and will reopen early In March. , „ ^ — "HI Plonkard" notes: Inmlnesa la good. Frank V. Farrell, lalo of Van's Uloalrels, joined 1, and Harry II. Collins, late of Joe Cawlhnm'a Co., Joined 2. We ara running Into all klnila ol pintles ool hero, who pUy "Trtlbi," "Failed Call," "Old Ken- tacky," etc.. wllh Impunity. — Joseph Kgan sends ibe following from UcKeea- pon. Pa., nnderdate of Fob. S: "This morning, al 4 o'clock, Ihe Alimoycr Theatre was burned lo the ground. Heveral were Injured and one peraon was killed. Tbla bnllding waa ciec'ed In ISK, was opened by Iho 'Tar and Tanar' Co., and closed ■rtianksglvlng Day, mr,, wlin The Vendeila' Co. II wan aucceaafully managed by II. H. Ueaue." — Nolea from Ihe Kd. AndenoD'aTlicaire Co.: We opened a new nper« bnoae la Franceavllle, Ind weak ol Feb. 8, and played lo good houaet each night. Wo have arranged a rtlum date In Ihe near fatiire. Tho ainging and daucing speclalllea of Rd. Anderaon and Kate Watson were well received. — I'osrI K. lUymond and Mn. U. K. Tnittoo, who have twon visiting friends In N'ew York, have re- turned lo Ibeir homes in Uoalon, Haaa. — Uanagor J. C. Hundln, of Ullaaukee, Wla., wires a« fallows: "llanlon Brolben' 'Faniaanin' ■ipened here Fell. V, at matlsee and night, lo Iba largeat business Uils season: hundreds taned •way." — Moba from tbe Cbaae-Llslor Co-: Wa played Hr. ailllngwater'H home, l/iulilana, Uo.. laai week, Huslnoss waa big, and Ibo company, Hr. tlllllng- water In particular, received praise. II waa tbe flmt lime ha had ovur jilaycd hla old borae. — Ullgonl I. Venle la producing "lir. Jekyll and Hr. Iljrde" wllh local talent, In Iho WosL The aec- nnd niglita'gross receipts, through tbeliladncriior Hr. Venle and Uie K. of p. Lodge, under whose aua- plcea tbo play waa prodoced, waa given lo Uie neody poor of tbe town. — Cbarlea Msnley's "Down on tbe Farm" Co. under the dlrocllnn ol 11. Pelll l,e Brun, ojions a sea Bon of ten weoka on Feb. N, si Passaic, N. J., then go Ibrougb Now York Bute and I'onnaylvanla. Tno oaat Include* Cbarlea Manloy, Hose L,eveni, Urs. Uliarlea Hanley, Catherine Laiour, lid. Lay, W. II. Krlckson, Harry Hollo, Tboa Foley, Ueo. -axe, N, S. Cunia, Prof. Fred Osborne, leader ol orchestra, sad WIHUaytor, In advance. — Hosier of Um aillien Unmlc Open Co.: N. D. BI. John, Harry Wesley, K. J. Ixiwell, llarrvTlionilnn. Horace WaUli, WlllanI Me, Ulldred (lip. Lowell, jliina L. Ward, Dot DeniMsy, Ulldrcd liempeey, Killa Blauchard, Blella Jacoliaaud a r.honia of Ofteeu. — Urigglo liOWla, wliu baa for Ibo laat four weeka lioen aerlouBly III at licrboinaln Pblkdelphia, nO' ilerwent a dangeroua surgical opemtkiu Feu. 6, and, lillo Sim very 111, Ibe doctors think she will re- cover. — I,. Ibiolos Informs ua that tbe A. Y. I'oanon Western Htonk Co., under llio roanagement liiicliai Jc llutiiinor, waa obliged lo close. — Al. I,amar haa Jnlocd the WllbiirOpera Co. — 0. 0.1.udwig basopeooda now open bouee al Oonway, Ark. — Nuiea from the Coleman Comedy: We are hav. Ing good bnalneaj, wllb S. IL (I. lu Paileraou, La., for Ihreo nigbts. Tlio last iilglii a banquel wiu tODdercd liy the tnanagem uf ibo opera bouno lo thn roniiiany. Iloaier: Tom Colenmn. Jack Core, Chns. l>. While, Kdgar Itulfaa, IadIs UutTy, Cbaa T. Tol- aon, proprietor aud manager; May Owen, In tier longs aud dances: lilllan Qmves, Lorana Graves, Hello Coleiiian and Hra. Holla Hoot, leader of or cheelni. — Uanager Chan. F. Atkinson haa cngagol Oharlea W. Hurrlll for Ibe mpport ot IhoUouul mult-XatllnoI Co.. at Ibo Bowdoln Square Tlieaire, llusloii, Haaa., In "Harbor Mghla." — .Siitea ut llnyt's lllg Comedy Uompaoy: Dual neaa In Hlasonn la excellenu Ueeslo Uuirows Hob lilns Is succoHsful wllb ber np to dsio specialties, laiHldo playing tbe loading soubrolle iiaria with Ihlri company. Annstead broe.' Uale Quartet ap- pear at overy porformanoa, also LltUe Uea, llii anialloal living child aoueas. Lillian Dyer aoi Todd lltown Joined rocenlly. Wo will remain out all summer. — Cuiitnn Wells Iuk reilied from Hbea'a Oo, — Calllcolle Comedy Nolea: We are now In Trini- dad, Cel., playing lo the capacity of the Iboatte nightly. 0. 11. Uallleollo waa bannuetted by Ibe company \ It beliigthe ocoaalun of nia tweniy-Ot«l Mrtbday. Wo have already played over seven Stales since last August, and will ere long bo lo Iho land of over ninuuilng nonon. — Frc<l. U. ilocy has been specially engaged to play Iho part of Ihtmuu, In the play of "Damon and Pylhiaa," given dnrlug the K. of P. touma. mem, nlNl. Vcniun,U. — Artliiir U. iildnian cloaed a tweuly-four weeks' lour. In "A Summer Shower," under Ibe manage- mom of K. J. Dolllnger, at Bomnion, Pa., Feb. », — Ilostoi ot tbo Wilbor Stock Co.: A. K. Wllber, nicli Corton, Kugono Saiitley, Kd. Uavia, Oco. Kd wurda. Uario Itudsoll, Qraelo Dock, Anna Kggleston, Alice llosclaud aud U PuUlu lAlUe. — Uarlo llonienil signed ivllb Iho Hubert Ijibadle ' Fallal" Co., to plav Uatiha, fur llie remainder ol llicsenion. Olive Coolldgo closed ou account ol BtokocRi, iiud woni to her nome la Princeton, Ind. — ■'Kneuilea tor Life" will lay oir for two weeks, irauming lour laucr part ol Febniary, RHODE ISLAND. ProwMeBee.—At Ihe Pnivldence Opera llooae lliiyt'a "A urk ITIilla nsK" mulo Ita Snt ap|iearaacs Wie Fall 3-.1, soil draw well '^Tbe ahop Qlrl," aoollier haw uoa 10 PioTldaaca, coioaa ID-l'J; Wm. Illllaue, 'Too Uiirli Jiibouin." IJ-ll; Lllllaa Ruattll 17-19. Kt:iTii*8 ilraaA Ituraa.^Tlia Jalfervon Co., In "Sbadowi •a a IliMl Cily." S-S. TbU WMik, Ward and Viihaa, lo Hun Ilo lha Ibiok." ForthewMk ofPaU 17-13, "Thrtl ►r.' WbiraiyarsK TliaiTHK—Sam T Jack's "Tlie Bull t^lnbttr" save aalUUianm laM wsnk, liiiplaaaa brinx uii ■■uallv larco Jnlin T. Klyan'a Loniluo llaletr Illrb le-l^ A'rNtr'a 0ljiii|.ia VandeTllU Barlrniuq t'o. \1-it Lurnaur's OrKsA llut'sa-J. J. DohiIdk anil Mr baTM, In "Tbo Itwl Siildnr." ilhl sothi hii»lnaM s-tL II lark Wni. A. HniJ)'a-OUI IlloT)-." wllb Kate Dallas . - . In lha laailliia nOa, MiMtotlad by Lulhnp'a Kioek Co. luriMNV llALi^—HUeo batch Yaw wlhuiakehar drat tpiivamaci* ban. 1.^. Nuraa.-n. U*. Kmtu will cflabnta Iba thirl loth aoQl- TvraafT ol Ida lotilerabtp of tlie gearaa' Aniarloao Btnd br nUlus * biK oucen lo Infaalry llalL Mardt 4. TIM 0,11,r a*al»iwl hr ulbar niaatdaiia, will uko iwrt a altor Llverinurr. a funuar l^rovMaace cttrrrtroadaoi of TilKOLlrraa.waalu townUal wssk.. ■ ■ rraok AMrlch.lfea' ■aror Pi Kaltli'slliMtiallouaa, Ucandonl labia liiaiia, inf- lirbia Williai.)H>oi]loltla. ll««tpc«tato bMnulveryai. Ohaa. II. I'lTsif, (unoarlr IraaiurarorLolhrau'aOr lluiias. UnuwottuHeela,! wlui tbt F^wbtr BicyclaCo. Vaiiety and Minstrelsy ~ Rogrxu Axo Mvns from Herbert t Heynart's UuBlcal Comedy C0.-W0 are lourtng Hlssourt, Iowa and llllonlB. HeiberU Reynard, proprleiora andmansgere;Mni. Addle L. Ilerben, treasurer; Ibe De Helloa, Usrry aud Donna, chanicter song and dance and akeich; tbo Ilraiidono. Billle snd llaille, Qernian wooden shoe song snd dance. Bluie llnndon's reel and soft shoo dancing and Inab df llneaUona: llaliles Brandon, deectlpilTC and sesil- mental songs; Prof. Kd. Ilejnard, "J magician: Fred T. flcrben'a Iroupe of .•^'^'J canines, iweaty Innumber,are "^JTIf'"'""Jf'i" are a Ono troupe of trained dogs:Hyrtie Brand')", neat song and dance: Fred Herbert, mnslcaj set^ Qannco Allgler, hlscV faceiong and dance; Ua^ Durand, lofly tumbling and triple borUonial osr, Prot.andJ.W.Oook, muslral dlrecton. Thoiihow giving sallsfsoiloD and making raonejr. fioria K«OM (ilia Ilit.i'aNxw Yoan 9tih(i-Wo are doing our usual big iionness. At Baltimore, Hd., over Qve hundred people wen tamed away at the Tuesday mailaee, anil every act on the pro- gramme went big. We are on our ivealera trip sad ilay aa far as Kansaa Clly, Ho., where we have not leen for four yean. Ai Plllaburg Lllllo Baby Upar- row, our niascoi. Joins us tore abort euy. Ilstnr lllll haa Justck>eed anangements to do ibe hook- ing lor ibree Summer nsona- Tbe Evelina Sloleij have signed for Ibe Vanity Fair Spectacular sod Comedy Co. The season opens Ibo latter part of August, and time Is all iiooked. Bccneir, mechsol- cal and eleclrtcal effects ate under way. AUA YULI made her profeaalonal debnlhov.ZT. IMS, at Colorado City, Ten. She has been engBied for Ibe eeaaon by lloscoe * Mlllon, who mn a Ibe- aire In Dallas, Tex.: also one at Ennla. Tex., where her liusiatnd, Phil. Gnsleln, Is leading the orchcalra. AHcniK AMuKosanovKRicoredacoodnsrkatihe Aadiuirlum Theatre, Toledo, 0., Feb. 3. Tney nave InlToduced a new Oulali toibelracu N0TB8 paoM HiBssaD'a lliau Class SriciiiTV Oo.-Builncss baa been lioomlng. A. U. Blodgetl, our advance, never uhnen a dale. Our new adver- Using la a good Investment. All the membcra ara lining well received. Iionella, Jnggler, baa been Bick the past tew days. All the rest sre well. Waluo WniHrti was well received at UopkluB' Theatre. Chicago, III., week of Feb. 3.aud Is playing at Ibe Olympic In ibat city Ibis week. OiiABLBs F. Wautoh, for two jean tbe tall con- splreior of "1412," and John Mayor, formerly of llarrlgan's- have Joined bandaand will sborily ap- pear at F. P. Proctor's bouses, ibis clly. Uahtox and KvxnorP, miwlcal comedians, with nice A Uarlon's lUne lllll Co., havo Introduced sev- emi novelties In the muilcal line In their act. UK. AND Una. Sav Lix-as, after a tour yean' vUll In Kogland, will soon return to America. At tbe close of Leeds they were piwenled wlib aubsbtnilalreniembmncea. (liw Hilton's Dbi.l Hihoirs are playing week elands through the Souttawesi. no. BANi8,the Rogllab TocalUt and specialty dancer, caught Ihe fancy of the audiences last week at Keith's, Philadelphia. She will sbonly sail for England lo fulUIl ber conirtcis In thai country. Wii.L II. Stanley luis dissolved parineishlp with Annio Stanley, and has Joined hla lirolber, Harry S. Slaiiloy. CitAH. P. Ktxiorr, wbo lias for tho paattwo yean Iwcn aaauclaied In the management of the llopkloa' clrcultof Western cuiiilnuaoce performance buuiea, has taken a nve ycani' Irsae of Iho Onnd Opera Uoute, Boston, Haaa., and will auon open 11 as a p«)pular priced conllnnous performance bouse, pre. (tenting drama Interlaided with vaudovllle. The buiibo will bo arranged to suit the reiiulmmenia ot tbo stylo ot amusemeni lo be preaeuted. Tiia O'Bhibn IIbotubhs Joined Harry WlUlsms' own Co. Jan. 27, al Ibo Dlymplc, Chicago, III. COI.LINH AND COLLINS liiIOHU Ua thai tbo poTform- ore al tbe Osrden Tneairo, St. Uus, Mu., did not re- ceive their sahirles for week of Jan. .T, Hansger Liindlierg leaving ibe performers ou Sunday alier- noon wllbont notice. DBursY AND HcliiAHV bsvs Jolucd Leouue lalsr. HAKeH, Oinns k MnciixM.'s TtvBNricrii cxkivry Minstrels la theUtleof a company formed lo play tbo Harlem, N- Y.,. and Trenton, N. J., mutenou, and which will disband Fab. 16. In tbe comiiany are the llrtlllant guaitel, Theodore, Joseph 0. Ilughea, Clark Qliiba, lUlohIo and Ultcble, Harlln and Slater, Baker aud Buydell. After dlabaadbig, tbe Brilllaul quartet will play Keith's Theatre, tbla city, and J. C. Hughes and Baker and Boydsll wUI till engagenieuts In Uoslon, Han. Wu. F. Kahl writes from South America as tol. lows: "The company 1 sm with at present. CebcMos k Taiall'a Inienuilunnl Variety Co., ao far, have played Caracas, La Qiiyrs, I'orl of Cabello, vslon- cla, and wo are now onoiir flftb shind, the Island of Uumrao. From here we go to Haricalbo, Venzue- la. Iliialbcaa bas been up to e.\pectallons, nnd all Ihe company are In good nealtb." Obokoi Uohbii amo Lulu Wallaci were CLirrkH callcn Feb. T, Hr. Uouier having but recently re. covered from a severe and protiaded lllnesa. He la making arrangemeDta lo lake out a lent ihow during the Summer. 0. OLAU KisiiLUAM isD J UAH DK Xahoha, man. angen of Ihe Weiaon SIslem' Co., Intunn ua that their show bon been a complete success thus far this season. Tbe Triaagal Olmlorio, a new elec- trical aerial act performed by ibe Watson SU- lers, bas proved a strong drawlogcard. Tbotupsen and Uunnel and Tbomsa Roblnuoa Joined Ihe com- pany In Brooklyn. (ikiiKTAL AuBiiiCA.—John W. IsbAm will launch Ihe comluR season a decidedly novel eulerlalaiBent, to be known as "John W. Isbam'a Oileuial Ameri- ca." and he will book It In nrst class houses only. Ills success wlUi hla Octoroon Company la a guar- antee ot Ita excellence and the aiaence of oifcnslvo features. Oriental Atneiica will be plauned on a muob more sumpluous snd a larger baalt. The progrenitue will w repleio with taree, vaudeville ach), specUcutar eUbcis and ballet dlvorilasemcnts. concluding with one hourol opem, wellcottnmed and wllh a large cbonis. Biicclal aileulton to stage setunga Is promised, each seleeilou being mounted In a most allnctlve manner, wllh special scenery and all tbe necessary Hdjiinots that lend to make a ooinpleie and aniallo performance. Manager Ishaiii slates that he has srllaia engaged who are wlibout doubt tbo moat lalenied ol luclr race. Tbey will lie announced later. The company will num- ber sixty .Die poople. Eddii Uason* haa sopantled from Ned llyan and left lbs Wiudibnm SIslcra Show- Ur. Uaion Joined tbe Hose Bydell London Billcs Show In Umokivn, N. Y.j laat week. DiHiciuR P. ZiBUKBLD JH. announces lhal every acl of Ibe Trocadeto Vandevllles will be new ne-\l season. All of this seasou'a petforuera will be re- placed by Kunipean novelilea. saudow will remain the star of Ibe company, proilucing a now acl, which he will giro la New rork for a season ol eight weeks ai Proetor'i Pleasure Pabice, com, meaclag Harcu o. Fhank llBro bas cloaed wllh the "Tuxedo" Oo. In A NOTB signed "Hr. snd Mrs. J. A. Leslie" we are intoriued that Flusala SL Clair, late ot Ibe Rentz- SanUey Co-, was married lo Joseph A. Leslie, ot that company, ou Jan. i ot this year. -. - ii" , - lirbia Willi aitpfodtoltla. Ilvatocctato Iwinul very aouu. . ..Ohaa.(l. l'iTeif,IuruiarlrlraaiurarorLolhrau'aOri.fa OilHclij Tltuio allltt« no nioraSuadty eTonlnx cno- crrla In llila clly ol any Ihealrioal ntlura. at laaai^oul fur Mimatttua Iti cuiiie. wa Jlia iiawhlnilnialiwltpo haaakul ditwn ulxm lhain. . ..uava I'luier anti Fanoia L«wb l«vajnlii«.l Ibo Siiii T. Jaoh'a "Tkp Bull IMxbter"Oo Htmat. ul 01011101,14 and tunfa, i.|>n1ntd hU aokl* wlilia lhattaut wrrwdulOR ibeIr lam nt Hit Weatmlnuar t^Htrw hui w«ek. Mr. Olauianu UUI a tingle lura for Ibe r»n vfwMk. Pawlarkel—"Jolly (Hd Cbnma" Co. came to nir bii«lnPM S-A. •*Thf Fast MallJ' as, had tatr luialoe^i *-T1ia IMratea nf reaunre." hy Incal laknl, ll^ll; **Tbt lied I'irar of llamliu," by bieal talaat. 13-IA. ALABAMA. Moblla.—Al Iho Hublle Tneain siguorina Hor- rikaaadSlg. dura gave two |t«rfoniuarcs F«b. 9 and 4. mall autllancwa. OUira Morila will be Oia altraclloa aa<l 11. TUK WniTB BtaruAST—Tbla hooaa oeaaad Jan. Willi Ihe lidluwinapaoida: Itoaanland Alloa.EvaCoan land, (leurcia Prire, Uaao and Ltwrenoe, Oeorira Biifoa and Piul. KJ. W blla. Blvmlnpham,—Al O'Brleu'a Opem llouae l.ll- lao L«»Uwaaa«aD lu "1-laupAlrt," Pab a, lu iwo racked beutaa. Lewit Murrlaoo, to "Kanal," haj lha a H. " alaaoQtf^ Oi'inlaa; '-ThaOlllll.«n Balilod Ma" 10- -. Nollla I'hriatloe lllll. aa llla la ibe Linian Lawla Co. maile ber dTalappaarancw aa ao aelraaa lathe oily wb«v« aha waa laaxwO. Blw waa Uia twlplant of many Ooial ulbutaa. KIwTodandtbe otianlzatlonlBa anccess. no i':4fti'5-HM^S IJlllao; O'Urteo, Jconlngs »;« « Watet^Jllca Emery an_d bW. >'\«^r^^'^ Rd. Baiseu, Abble ran,. 1» Norih, Adek) Pol- ,o5rHiml«rckeimao. tiam n^'^^,^^^ do Homer, May logalle, Ethel May, and Arthur PENNSYLVANIA. UU" ""n!;'.rt!i'''Billan' and Rd. BaiseU, Aboie r.Vr\Ma11SSjlUNor.b,Arf2 iStai,r "a» mia. represenuUve la adrance; Edflbenia^ecWcian;' Wblmey, carpen- '•'li£KjYTD'JiiXi;A''h7ve"t;l?^nced .«D. new fe?i?rM In^ttSrgroiesnoeacrobailo act In Ban FrenclSo7cS Tby opened al the Orpheoo, and nwt Slib^iuccesa. Ar their second week tbey nut ?na bnriSqSrof "Trilbj." Tbey temalnon the orpbeiitncucnllfor eight weeks, ""ff Surn East, opening at Ihe Olympio, Chicago. lU. "oBACxiBXNB VBNii Iblsweekclosesafoorweeks' engagemenlat Buirslo,S. Y., and Sytaonse. She sSSr only booked for one week In Byraonieand Buffalo, bntremalued four. nnamfio Tog HILL SiBTias are with U" KJ""*''J?; FsANg DbOahxo has recovered from bui recent "s^'coLLiNS baa rejoined the Weatora "Wlilte °T^D P?PBB, ol iBbsm's octoroons, to uhrn sick at wiilbtms' Theatre, Fusburg, Pa., 6, and was enable to appear tbs latter part ot lbs week, but was able to open with ibe company sun- day afienoon. In ClnclnnaU. 0. Obo. U. Oabb, ot Carr sad Jordan, while laying off In New York, week of Jan. 27, eubmltted loan operation upon one ot bis vocal obords, and sa a re- sult he hi singing beueribsn ever. Wbobb k FigLos promise a One caslfortbeir farce comedy, "ATrolley Ptny," which opeos In Chicago, ''WiLBUB Bacx, of Hack and West, Is again work- '"Idaa! ErguNB WmsiBR, mother ot Ella \reaner, male Impenonalor, and the Wosner SIsten, dan- cers, died on Feb. 1, at the residence of ber snn-ln- law, Harry Bernard, In Kewark, N. J. Among the nonl offerings were ronrheartsreptesenllng the four daughters Hary, Hla, Sallle and Haggle Tbe funeral services wen held In Kewark, and the re- mains were taken to Philadelphia, Fa., 4. to be In- lemd In Ibe family lot at Olenwood Oemclen. TxoJA, Ihe nlnger, will be a member of Weber k Fields' Own Oo. next season. TBI WILLIAMS Tnio have Just closed an engage- ment of fou' weeks al Ueuoli, Hlch., and one week at Roobesier, N. Y., J. H. Hoon's houses. ALDiRiiAN Louie 1. ErsTEiN hss niomed to bis drst love, and bi nowmssagerot itae Caslno-Adel- phu Uuslc Hall and Eden Hueee, Chicago, III. i.x Clair AND LnuB have signed vriib Weber & Fields for next season. TUB Oalbs. Jas. and Jessie, were well received al the Temple Theatre, Camden, N. J., last week. Tbey abw pbiyed on Feb. 1, In the afternoon, for tbe In- nue al the PblbHlelphla Bosplial, and In tbo even- ing for the Naval Aaylnm, and arrived In Osmden In tlnio for Ibelr new set, wrillea hy Wm. F. Car roll. KATit '/.ANFRirrA bss becu very 111 for a few weeks, caused by pan of a celling falling on ber bead, at her residence In this clly. 'A. 0. UcEacubon Informs ns lhal he waa manird to Dagmar Temp^ on Jan. 6, la Deflaace, O. "A SOI.DIBR boY IN Dlub" Is ibs title Of a pairi oilc song that the publlslier, U. I. Hunt, has re- cently put before the public. He slates tbat It Is meeting wllh nKMlgrotlfylDg snccess. lAtiTiK WiLUAMS hss cMsed wllh the "While Crook" Co. and Joined Weber's Olympla C >. E. H. Bacubmin has taken tbe insnagenentot Ibe Theatre Oorolqne, New Orleans, La. LixziR n. ItAYSoND Is singing successfully a new song called "Oh, Poor DridgeL" Itbaajujl been issued by J. 0. Grotne k Co. JonN llowoRTtl, tlie vetertin msnsger, for yean proprietor of the Qrand Ulbenlca, bad a paralytic ■uoke on Feb. 7. and Is conlned lo his bed at bU home Id Halden, Haa. Hr. Ub Hoka, ot Ue Hon and MUe. Anils, while practicing, spnlned his left srm by a fall, which compelled them to poitpone their engageneai at tbo Casluo Theain, Chicago, III. HosTBR OP Uacb's Pi.atbiu.— Prof. WllsoD, ma- glolaa aad second sight; John O'Brien, Irish com. edlan and dancer: Ed. Bryant, musical set; Al. Snow, eiiulllbrist; Ratio Slalera, Edna and Jessie, contoriloo dancere and high klckets; Lanna T. Thayer, comedienne; Sadie Ulddleton. song and dance; Julia Clomeni8,cornet solo: Nellie Rednionl, pianist and directress of tbe ladles'orcbesint, which Is Iho fealure wllb this show; Joe Curioy, In ad- vanco; Herbert Palmer, treasurer, and Jsmes J, Hack, manager. Lb Brab, cnntorilonlst, waa preaenled vrlth a dia. mond pin by Sheehaa and Doyto at the Qaleiy Tbea. Itr, Fltchburg, Hass. TDB Pabtbllos repoit snccess In tbe WesL ON ACOOUKTOt Ibnatlronblsof Ure. Emma Davis, of Iho Davis Duo, tbey were compelled lo lay off for four weeka. Hanaobr cdas. Uildbr, of tbe Bljou Tbeain, Heading, Pa., will remodel tbe theatre, nuking s balcony of Ihe present gallery, extend Ibe flnt floor. Phllsidelplits.—Tta Uieatrea geneislly did t voiy good boaloe'a laat week, la aplle otaoTanlilltanta- BbleannlnRa, Tbeeorreatwaak la markad by Uwwlu go of the regolsr grand opera >eaaaD,Uis Siai tM, aoea of John Draw In anawpUr,aada|oodllnoluiiu. t:oaa all along the Una. ACAOSMV OP Hosio -For Ihe flnal week ot Ihe t'ltn the lllaricba llrand Open Co. piatanl "Otalki" for il» nr'l time in. "Romeo and Juhac,"UMnDlari>rlcM. n: "La Traviata" and laai apnanneaor Binna Narule li • Alda" 13, "Hlgolrtlu- at tbe oatlaea IL aad ttaM rt/J: wcIL wllh "CavallariaRuttkaaa" and ' IlTTOatwe 'mi Iba aUaDdaaca laat week WIS lalbar abore Uw ic,i,J;' A BToal parformancs of ■'Ubaajnln'' waa glyn Moaii;, wllh Mma Matenia aa Onrod. Hatada, lo "Loclt 5l Lamoienooor," Wednraday, hid a veiy good hoopa. m Twcalvad UMaameappUataaadcbaerawhich iraauriiT: runnel appearance ID thta wv, Tbonday tbt tery iil oaaalol rvpraaaouUon of "Wlblam Tall'* vm reiiMtAa •■Cavallart" and "II Pullaccl," Mr. HlDrld,'a7.«Se combloatlon. draw a bir attaadaace PrMay, and -Hm BaibororSavlUa," with KoTaila,waa iipaatad Salcrdu atlaraooD, to a good atlsadaeca. TwaDty.DndOranni laraa hare bean aoni during the aeaann. Ken weeL 'altar Damrcaeh will preaaaL'Trlatao and Tiolll^" Walkore." "TaoobaaQtei" and 'ThaBarlal Latter." BaoAO eraasT TBsma-John Onw, In "Cbiliinrber r," cornea lor a ronnlgbt's engunaienc. Latt wtak Olaa Nethenole, la "Cannee," "Caaillle" snd "iWi. laa." drew enwded houaea, and cloiad. pnbaMy. ihe matt PTollable fortnliht'e aogageoent of tbe iea><in at ibla ihtaire. Saluiday DlahL at tbe only penoraunce ol "Danla^" aveiT seat and eveiy Inchcf itaadlncrnan wu occupied. It la but Jaat to aay, aa lo "Caimao," ihit aofarastbeperfonoaaea Itself la eooeeraed, the tlToru for notorletv teem to hare oaeo lealtloiate. There waa DoUiUig.aalaoIonaor anduir troUo In the perlonaanca hare. E. H. Bolhan, lo "Ine rilatoeiofZeada." uoiei OBBsmoTBTaaar OrasAHoesB—DaomaoThornDtoo .J -The Old Bomeataad," baglni tiia founli and lut weak ofbla alar bora. Crawdad booaai last week lanl- ded 10 tbe dmwlog qoallUea ol tbla celebrated i<Ur Neitweek. DeWoirBopoar aad company, la "Dr.Syn- J. W. FOHO, ot Ibo Four Fords, while playing ai engagemenl at ihe Casino Theatre, Ublcago, 111. waa called home to Cluclonall, 0.,on account ol tbe deaibof blstnoibcr. DtTBS AND Hatbs bsvo Jolocd forcss wllh Ijt Hoy illllanl, the munlcal ntbe. Hakt 11BAI.Y AND Kuji Baundihs Celebrated tbo iweuty.alxih anniversary of tlidr marriage on Feb. II. Tliey abio sbile ihai they have appeared before tho publlo as a leain for the same lengtU ot Unie. U. J. AMI L. Danibls sailed for Triuidsd Feb. i, klADDBH AND ADAUS rCCCDIly ClOSCd SU Chgage- mem al ibo Warwick Tteetn, Newport N'ews, Vs., aud left fur Waalilngion, U. It., for ine season. Fhbdbhicx Akbss, publisher ot "Pride of Iho Kitchen" nureh, says that Sam Speck'a latest work la taking tbroughoni tbe country, lbs niUllary band amngcmobi lielog especially good, and Is nowlieing played by some ot tbe largest bands of the day. CHANB DsoniBRS. known as Ibo Uudtown Rubes, and I/npold and Sllvo loform us that they drew large bouses lo Iho Wonderland TbeaUe, Erie, Pa., week of Feb. 3. RosrBB or UcKiNm BBoe.' Sphjialty Co.—v. U. HcKlnley, general manager and lieaaurer; A. c, UcKlnley, hooking manager; Uonvllle DImmock Im IMS. advance ageni;Jobn Buck, musical dl rector; Jack 1/irenzon, will ]). Hams, Pauline HcKlnley, Kmle HcKluley, LetUa Ooliou.I'aite Los- es and Ja Nona VloloL Caiihib Ft'i.i\iN. of the Clly Linh Co., did a alogle specialty In Fall niver, Haas., week of Jan. 3&, snd nutde II very efferllve. FiBLDS AND WoLuir hsvo Signed with the City Club Oo.for live weeka. snd will then Join Tbny llAsior's Oo.lor Ibo Spring tonn nusTBSonuB Jambs Fasily Swiss DiMHiKflBRs. who nnort playing In Minnesota to crowded buutes: Stella Jamta, sonbretle; llarilo Jsnies, comedian; l\my Z. Lass, Jnggler aodslack wire; Ilany Vander- slols, plaalst; Ounnle James, skirt dancer, and Xed James, comedian and inlsed dog*. put In a new gallerr, raise the root over tbs slsge, making fully sixty feet In height and fony-llve feet In depth; lu fact, remodel Ue present Uioatre Into a modem playhouse. Time Is said lo be lUIng very last for 1890-97, week siaoda only. Vivian Wood, chancier Impenonalor, will ssH tor I,ondon, Eng., April 1, to flu a four monihs' en- gagement. FlossibSt. Cuir(Oox) Infonns na that the was married lo Joseph A. Leslie, ot Leslie andTenley, Jan.'2,al(;amden,M. J. BBHTQiLDBBOTlafannsus thatbs hasclotedwltb the Ollderoy Bros.' Eotertalnere. afier msktsg a success wllb bis llluvtratcd songs. Tbe Bongs are "Loved Ones" and "Cost Aside," "Ills L< Thougbla Were of You" and "Lost Uappy Days." S. a. SrxwART's Aiitfa and Ouliar /ouninl for Febraaiy and Hanh bas Inst been received. Like all ol Its pndecessore, ll Is well lllled wllh mauor which should Inierest perfonnere upon lbs banjo and kindred Inairamenis. The usnal exercises tor the lianjo and guitar are also given In Ita pages, conveylug Instroctlon uponpnoilcal Oogetlog. Tbe musical selections of the number consist at ''Spsn- Ish Donees," aimuged for lbs banjoby A. A.lir- land;" '-Rosy, Sweet Rosy," song and dance, ar- ranged for mandolin and gulur by E. II. Fny, and "Tbe Trilby Dancer' for the gniiar, composed by Hr. Frey. TTie JonrnnMn puHlstaed by B. S. Slew- an. 211 and ta Church SIreel, Pblbidelpbia, Fa. WBbSTBR AMD (ttnxN closod a successful week's engugement at Shea'S'Hiulo Ball, BuiUo, N. V.,aDd play a reinra date In April. WBSi.BYAND CoaiNNB NoRBis anlllllngengage- menia In Oanada, In churchea snd Y. U. 0. A. nars. NoTD PROM Db Qrapp's UiNSTKBis.—Tbls Com- pany IS now In liatwenty-fonnh week, and haa been doing a good builness. 'The company will close Feb. It. Hanagsr M. H. trilllama will Mke out a musi- cal farce comedy next season. Uamib Datis bas Joined hands wliH Frankle Hoi- rose. Lovis Lako, brother ot Flnrence Hurray, ot Ibe Hurrays, John J. snd Florence, died In anelnDsil, 0., Feb. 4. KiTTBLU) haa cloaed hla electric belt show, and slopping at Uumboldc Nob. He wlU give bli spool ally again with comblnallona. Bos PntCB, baritone singer, wlib lbs Ssn Fran- Cisco Ulnslrals, Is IgtnduclDg wllh good elect tbo song, "Nora, Dear," pobllabed by Bartholomaeas Urea. ALLBM QOTRTB WBS a OLIPPIB cBller 10, and reporis largo buslnea for Salllvaa'a Dramallo Company, playing three night stands Ibroosb New Jeney. LioNABD AND DBRNARD an engaged lor tbe Alhtnllo Oarden, New York. Hat Florbkcb ntumed from Sonth America laai week. She closed wllb Tobias and Tkiall'i Inlemational Variety Co., at Onracoa, Venezoela, Feb, 1, being compelled by HI health to leave tbe country. The company has been playing u> good bualnesa, aod Hiss Florence's singing and dancing specially created a favorable Impression witb tbe Spanish Donn. Abacbl'a Troupe ot Arabs are also great favorites. The Lavelles,/.an Osballos, Cole- man and Uexla, RosaUe and Arion CehallosTand J. w. cari. TkUll, who Is billed as ths flying sstnsnt, snd Ibo All Brolbem, inmblere, sre also wltb the company. "DBMNiB HuRpirr's DATOBna Kill," tbe blest l**fD'*;.7'°*'SI 8««r,l« being snng UiUeOllaon, Oiartoite Bay. Little B. TuymouL, Daisy Randall, Emma Uo Ctsiio, llalon Sloane Lnle Vennee, Louise Edmunds, tbe Niner Slalen. and Lotde Noyd, ot Borton and Uoyd. Hadob Haitlaud, coDlnlio, Is singing 8a Speck's altnodve ballad. "1 Ksver LoredDnUl i Met You," and la miklog It a ven aOMtlTe luabcr ot hei repeitoiT. tax" snd "Wang." CassTStrTRTasBT TnaAraa.—"Trilby" la now In Die saTeoth and last week of lie run In ihta city. Tliett- lendaoca laat week, altar Monday nl(bu u>ot aomewliiu ol a drop, bot averaged fair Next week "An ArlUra Modar cornea for a fertolgtat's aoaagenant- WAUtOT BrSBIT TeKATSB.-"Nortbara Llihla" la llie eomnt almclloo. laat weak Robert Hlllitnl, in -Tba illtlatt OItT' and "Loat-SI Uoarw," cloaed a woodartully aocceaaful fortnlgbt'a rebira tngageneDL A good play a good company and popokr appreolatloo laade a rtrr happy romblnatloD dariDatbltengagenieoi. vtu weeh SluanBobaon. In "Mia PoadarbQiy aPaat." PARXTaBATBiL—"ATilp tn Cblnatown" la the aunc- lloo at Maaager Ollmom'a haadaoDM np town thealra Laat week *Tbe War or WealUi" drew well. conaMerios the Inelemaotweatber- There la hardly a yoonx aclnaa more popolar In Philadelphia than Paaoy Mtlolyre, who appeared aa Ihe berolae. Neil week, Felar P. OAller, in iflkaNlthtOlarh." AcomaiOH.—H. W. Wllllama' Own Co. fuinlth the eatarialoDiant for the eurreDt week. Laai week Ruiten Rrothan' Comcdlana gave a capltalaolertalnmeDttod draw crawdad hoeaaa. Next week, Otaarlaa H. Yale'a nawett "lloTll'a Aaolloo." National THXATRa—'-Down In Dllle"latheoireriDB for tba cuireot week, nal Bald'a "Baraan llearta" bad Ita flrvt local npnaonlatlon tait week. It ptorad Inter. eaUoi and draw large orowila aveiy olihL OlRiBD AvsaoB TnaiTiK.—"Tno Sea of Ice" la Uia current prodoeUoa. Laat week "Tbe Jllc" wlUi Mrs. DI«o Bonclcault aa Kluy Woodatoek, waa played to alaod lognwmooly Mm. Boaclcaolt onatad a Terr favorable Irapreialon. and waa ably aupported br Harry DareDport, aa MylaaO'Uara, and by Ibe raatofibaaioeh. Next week, "Ibe Deaeon'B Danglilor." FonsPACon's THBATaa.—"Bins of the NIgbL" br Frank Uarray. la Mia. FoTapaogh'a offering for uie cuneni week. Laat week "Oliver Twiu" waa played erery anaraooo and evenlow to erowda which uted iliaca- pacityoflbabouao. Than Is tome talk of patilogltoo again. Neat weak. "Tba Oreat Melrupella" PaorLs's THBATlta~*Tbe tPblla Slave" will prnre a alTonxaUimcUooforlbepiaaantwceb. LaalweekJanet I. Corbett. In "A Navia Cadet" draw good alted an. illeocea. Next weak, Tonphlai' "Tbe Black f>noh." Gtaxdaro TBBArna—"Laod ol the Midnight Sao" alhecuiTODtaluacUoo at thla|H>pulardaini lowniba^ .re. "Haaa aod Hoai^"IaBt waew. pleaaed a large bqb- berofpeopla Next week, Any Lee aod Frank Duina, In ''Hlaa Uaium Scanim." KsKsisaTOX TuSAraa—"Ma and Jack," Laaier aod WlUlama' burleaoue. bobla tbe boanla for die cuireni week. MoReory'n MoglUb Bwella waa ibe allractk>n latt wtek. aod botlnata wwa fair. NIbbe'a Borlefaue Co 17. ELlvBXTii SraBET OrssA Hooss.—DnnoDt's Hloeuela iireaMit tbla week new aooga, new Jokea aadakelcbeL rbe biirlafnoea. "Tba 8t Paul In Ibe 6aad,or8taek oo Jenay." and 'Trilby." an cooUoucd. Tba atteodanca laat week waa big. Tbe popolar priced uiatioeaa Htta pmvad aucoKaful, thahooae being genatilly enwded pn Bucbocosslons, Tiis uiiou.—A number of novelties an preaenteil to ihia week's pioenmnie. John Maaon aad Harioo Manolt Mason make ihtlr fliat apptaraoce Sera In vauderilla. Tba r:ony Bntbara LeaTrola Pnrea HatbUa aod Uury L« Mara alto appear forlba flnt tlmaln UiltoUy. Upoo the piognmrna appear also Plata Bid rldaa,Baffonimer,Uia .Vswot, Haoler aad Jarrii. l^vy and Barlitr, Faoola V. Rayoolda the Two Oracva, the Dnnbara. Iteneted ao4 Onyer, aad Morgan and Plabarty. Laat weak'a bualntta waa very greaL Mr. and MTa.Hldney Drewcontloue In popalar favor, and can aow lie reeoenlted aa ooe of Ihe atrooaaat auraeUuna on tbe vaudeTlLle ataga. Segonimer abai made a greatauceeaa. Tits LTCSDM.-Bam T. Jack's Oreola Co. Ibrahib Ibit weak't show at tbla oTOr popular IbeaUe. last week Ihe oenaljam cooUnued. "Zero'* belos tbe auraOloo. Neil weak, Watson BUuiw' Burlaaoae Co. Tns Ucasoil.—Tho fat woman'a blqyde lae^ Willie Ab- bott boy maxlclan. and LeTlaa sod Booth are amoos tbe attnetlooa In Uie eoho halL lathe theatre acootlnuoua irformftoce le alren of a atrDngTaudavlllablU, Incbid- .^a Lamar ano Moirltaey. three TVrlghc Blalera, the Bbteivit, Oeorgw B. Pliher.Munn and Stabb, Maile De Leoo. Dowley aad Baxrlnglon, Monon Brolben aod Blle- Morallo, wllh ber tioape of trained epanlela. Large erowda alteoded tbo penonnancaB laat week. NOTxa—Tba membeta ot Ibe "Tillby" Co. went lu flolmeaburg Frioav aftoroooo and gaTaaaeotertalomenl totbalomateaof lha Forreal Rome OoWcdoeaday ofihtt week ao opaalsg reetiptlon will be ylven at the Uotel Walton, which baajaat beeo enctad apoa Uie alia oftbelate Empire Theatre. It la oneof Iheoneathotela IntbacoQotry Mr. aod Mra John Jack are to giro a aerlot ot dramatlo notlcalaa at the Scuplar Drewlnx Booni. Ther will be aaalaled by Frank nowaid, baritone alngvr, and llerman D. Oouar. Tbe pragnaiina of the Brat rntartalomenc indndea the qoaml arane from "Rehool lor Bcaadal," potion aeaoe from "Romeo aod Juliet." and Uia ^arc^ "Puo oo a Ranob," bealdaa a num. bar of musical aelectloai An Imbraatlve mutlcal ■ervlce, la mamorr of tho lataObarlea B. Janls, waabaU last Monday evening In Uie sndltoriom of the Drexel Inatluta Tbo application far a pralbnbiafT In- JuncUon lo the "Caiman" aolt by Batalla John- alooe has been abanilooed. Her atlarnar aaya tbe ault, however, wUl beputfaed for an aaiaaameot of daoiagaaand an accoantlng of profits. Tbapiognmma for tbe Acton' Food Loaani, 13, haa been aboot com* plated, aod lododea the"Trllb\"Co.,ln "Borneo's Hrat Lore;" the "Old Uomettead" nuartel, realtalloo by Wil- ton Lackaye. aonaa by MathUde Cottrelly, Maria Lonlto Cany aod Bath white;piano eolos by E. E. Btmmont: Piani Dumont, Dsrry i). Bhunk.snd Meeker and Mack, Irom DumuDl'a Mloatrels; lha Nawna, Ihe Oragga, Paul ninqoevallL Maud tlarriaon and Mauiloa DanymonL lo "Tlie Mao of the World;" Marie Dreialer atid Loola Uar. riton. lo"A Black Rbe«p,"asd probably some other at Iraotloni. PlltabBrB.—The Important events of Ihe past week were the producUoo ol Bockaune'a detlghtfol com- edy. "Married Llr^" by tbe Aveone Block CMnpany. and BolBailth Buaaell't proMDIatlon of Bherldaa's'RtvaU." Proprietor Harry Davie haa gathand together a rary eicelleat compsoy, aod "Harried Life" ttaa given In a nianaerthatwouu havadona credit to any of tbe Mock cnropanlea webava hadhere In Ihe oalmt daya of lone ago Mr. Kuaaeira piodadlon of "Tba Blvala" Uiouali aomawbat dlaappolnUox. drttv Urgo awllaaeea IIASRV Williams' aoadbhy op Mono —The New Turk etani this woek. Weber A Plelda* Own Co tasted the capacity of iha houae last week Sam Denn and hla new CO. ara uodarlload for Feb. 17. East BNoTsBATaa—Tba aoouiex ComloOpen Oa. la nUiuR a nve ntghbi aod ooe matinee eogmiamanupn. afDiIng a change of opera at erary perfonnanca. La Molts and Olxa Beleo 6«ge uraed people away laxl week. MaoagarAdaiaa'aoccaaa at this bonaa hanbeen phenoineoaL The Lewli f:omfdy Co. IT. AvsNcs TnsAvaB.-spedaUles by Bevoins Btbairer. Pruf. V. P. Wotniwood, with hiadoxaand mookeya: Lloa MeaOrewa,tha Workl'aTrio, tbe lAvioea, Laopold aod Bllvor. aad Hobble Rallly, and a prodoctktn ofOuluaa "MoUia," dramatlisd by VIeurr Oiaeoe Btlamao, and porfonuad by her aad the otbtrmembera gribedremallc aUMk coupaoy, make up tbla week's bill. Miss Batamao and Uoward Kyle Bleared to gnat advaatafa In "Mar rled Life" laat week, tbe fenoeraa Mre. YonnghoabanO. and Ibe latter aa Mr- flamual Uoddla. Baaloaia conllnuat very gool. BijodTbsatrr.— Cbarlw R.Yale's "Davlfa Aooiloo" wUl hold the atago tin 17, when "Nonbera Llgbta" wll ablnefor the Oral ilaae ben. 'Baved liDBthaSaa" doaail a thrilling weak 8. AtvLtTnaivaa.—Delia Foi sings "PleardaLls" lb t week, fur the drat time beie, aod will pnt on "Tbe LItue Trooper*' for two parfunnaocaa. Tea drat producllon bera of w. 8 Ollbart-a "BU Bioelleney," wltb Kancy Me- lomeb. an Allesbany slrl, aa tbe alar l^arara, lAkaa place 17. BoLEmlUi Ruaaell played toataodlngroomonly laat weak. Doqoss:tB TeSATas.—Walker Wbltealda plava "Ban. let" all Uilaweek except IS, when be praaanu "Tbe Mer- cbaototVenlea"al alxht and "Coaalo oftbe Rlog"aod "gaUirlne and Pelrnchio" at Ibe uaaalTboiadaymst- loee. Banoron, oaglelao, doatd bit fltatenwageDantbcre Ik bating ettahllihfd himaalf as a FlluBoni favorlia. The lllarlch'Unad Open Co., with Ebds Nevada aa prima donna, cornea 17. New uaann 'OrsnA Rocsa—"BInbad" la tbe enmoi auradloo. *'0ban No. T want down oe«p Into the favor of local IbaalreRoeia lha pait weeh. Prank Mayo pn. aenta "Puild'obead Wilton'' 17. for tbe firai time here. llABav Davis' Edbn Mreis —RIallo, Mailcaa ainng nao la kinx pin of tbe carta ball, while rbsllea tod MIn. ale Barroosha. Morion and Colonan. and nUien give ao •BcelUnt ahow In tbe Uiealn. Alleaflanca ooounnia very laiwe. , , Naw Woato'e MiaacM TllBAvaa-TrftaUa garland. Zella ClayioD. Helena Maalagne, Merrill and BhaMoo. Janiea Taagart. John HartoD and olhen praaent tho our. laanoe oF-fbe Iritb Filace" Uile week. IdaSlddona- Co. lannderllned forl7. Bnalneta axeeUant. , ^ , DoTLBra—Mia Sol Bmldi Boiaoll Joined her hnabaod baraT. Mr. and Hra RnaaeH were thaaoaala of Bamnel Ohnith Tba benelt at the Alvln fleam, alUraoon oft. for Uia West Peea HoapltaJ, w>aaaaeaaaa......Tnen was qolu aa esdUog llttis allBlsk batwstB rind bill petttua of lha Maw OraS Opera aooaa asdlhaBUoa