New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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FfiBBUABY 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 791 TfaMtt* «M 4kr kat vMk. 8*Taml of lo« nn ol tb« Btft* baok«t AM brnib w*r« uTMtad uU Md to lidL 'r..,.Bilw»rd v. JMknun, owa«rof Uw Ihv)o«n«Tbw- m. 7. hit aomr lo Ibe mil nMtir bnaabt anlnit blm In th* 0alt«4 StitM Olrcalt CAorl br D»kl l|Md«rm,th« foriDW I aim* of ihitbooM Nr. Jt^k- mu dwlw All HMdonoo'i aUonUooi ud nji th«t the hill of Ml* Benltrftn fiTt klm wu ibMlnt* ud oot t oMrn cotkUnl wccrity. RMdiBg.—"Riuh CttT" Anw well at the Aodteu vl Hiut& Feb. 4. ^'Crlppto Cmk BtoAki," t roDrMtdnnu»l>rCbu. A. Maorer, of tbia eiir, wu pro- doMd for tbi flnt Uno on uy br (b« X U. MionrSiockOo^iiKlvuwttl ncolrMl by > Unto udl- «ac«- Tb* pUf dwuribu tto •iporlMni of a iipMu- bur lo fVlppI* OrMk Stookn No. I, who I*uT«d tnm rule br hU prinM HCfwurr. wbo dltrennl* hlJ ordtn br bar Ifll Orlppla Crvok fltoeki No. S, which proroi to bo a «laa«r. Tbo cuilnR wu: Jaa II. Maurtr, Wtn. B. Ilaldar. k.h rUhtr.llan^ K. Ifaaror. Monl« B.Uiilt. If. P. WlM, Batala Haaahni. H«rj- Qraoo Kaanr aod LillUn Barowiid. "lb* VMi« SIat*" did a Rood boRl- " Uiiliio Orau HouBi —lai^e Tdcker. In n^nory, at- inct«d gMd boUM wo«k ot X "Hum aod Hou" cooiw IS-lft. Buoo TauTU-—Tbe Orlutal BitraTAKUtu Co., la "filu«b«anl.**dr«« w«U fl-8,aad win a nluni on- :aa»ai 1}>U. B*ai T.Ja:k'i "Mr Uneb*'Co. la doe ^' ____ lUrrlibarg^AC tbe OMnlIouse"AJa7Clr- ciw."Fab.a.ind^''8ovlD| tbo wind." 8, both did w«n. Maado UlUmtn WMb ot l9. BDUf Mnu.—flood atundaiiM all weak. Mme. Flora. Tomar Olrno, M. Zanoa, Kord and Ulna, Caaep aod Le CUIr, Lrncta afid Barel, J. 0. Fanloti, Raymood and I« ^Viii*Aoi>iTOBiotf —Tbli^ theaptown amuMmeot place, appanattr b boodooed. U haa beoo oMaed Hveral rfmuthlBO«aaoD,»nd lororiably cloMd a few dayv later. IiwuioopooT. QOdarmaiugeiiieator BI1I7 Morrliand J, J. JesQlnie treaaarar. Oo FrMarUorrliidlBaiipeaml. Tbe peifonDaoce waa gi-na, but the receipt! were at< tacbed. Oo 8 two more perfomaocea wen ilreo, to lelr naolta. _ Sfl»iiton^At tbe Academy "RuahCltj>'came Feb.8,loaRood boote. "lAOdof the M(dolcht8oo,"7, bad a fair bouM. Coorof and Po:i, Id '-O'Plarlty'n Vaoa Uo8,"ll: l^gBnaDdBjaD,lo"PandlM Alloy," IS; Joe OtCln "IbeBiarOoer/'U.^ PiOTBiitoMav.—Ttie PeuOhanpetre week of in, uoder dIrwtlODorillaiStewart, ftrtlielHaefltofihelloniB lor Ibe PrIeiHlIeM. Tbe Com Paytoo Comedy Co. opeoed 1 toa.R.O..whIebral«ddarlnKtbeweeklDRplt» of In- cUmeatweatber, , ^„ Divu' TaE&TRi.-Jaok Btrty, Id "Tbe Talo Wrcckom.*' K^H Aithnr 0. BIdDin, la "ABommer 6hower,"6^ had good booaea . WUkealwRw—At UteQmnd Openllouse'Tho WhlteaUTe,"F«b.4,badrilraiutidanoe. "airlWaoieil." Sl bad fair t>u«D*ii« "Baih Oltr** cam* 7. tn a rer>' llRht booie. "UodofihoUUDlHht Buo. 'a. had fair bualDtaa. Nell Boraran' "I'^uoty Fair* coniea lU, "The Bur (J«nr" IL for the beaefli of uiemall carrleti; "O'Ptarlt**!! VacA- Hoe" IS. **P*iBdiM Aller" n, "Aovlair the Wlnd'^ K. HDSio Qau:.— "Tbo WAoaa of Bio," 3-ft. hiJ fair auead ance. Maehey'a Comlo OpetA Oo.$<e. The atteoilaBce wurerygoM. "ATnptotb6ClrcaB"e'>nie!ilO-l3. Rrle^At tbe Fkrk'*A Passing Sbo«r>> cacne Feb. 4, to bm baolneat. Mourt Symphony Club, 6, bad a full howe. *4iDbad," 7. came to large autodaace. Andrar Muk. In "Myle* AinoD," & bad gnod iioHlaeu.. J. B. aiiARi>^ HOBU AHD Tbiathk eDjoyed larRo atiUHlanea laat week. Woek of lU, the IfetropollUA Uetaora. Eaatob.*At tbe Able Oiten Booee, Feb. 3. *'Olri Wuted" cane to a ROod houte. "HovIdr tbo Wind" bad fair bualnaaa. "PamdlH AlWr" conei IQ, NallBarcan' "TbeCoaotrPilt" II, OIn NeiHenolelS. •^IbyMTTRobL UllUird 20, *The Derby Winner" 31. Lnnoaatar.—At the PaltoD Open Uouae "Rash Cl(r*'bad ROod hualoen Fet>.6- Baruiy Campbeirii -Tbo WblUSJaTe" did wall 0. De Wolf Hopper, la '*Dr. Bjntai." bidalarceaudience6. OlRaNalhinolelsdue 10, "SaTed Prom tbe Bea" 13. OHIO. ClBelanatl.—Tbe Roblnaon heira bave won tboir anlt agalnal the baiUMM. Bcott A OunloRt. Not oalydld tbeyBalnibe flru aklmlib lo tbe legaliiruRKla for tbe poCMtakiB of tbe opera boQ*e, wbkh haa been In baadaortbeBberlireverilnco the eoRagenieut of "Tlie airl I Left Beblod He," bat Judge Wllaoo luued an onirr reMnlolof tbedefeBdanu from removing any Keoery orperaooal pr«i»erty itorad lo the houaa. Tlia leM«e« dteerred a kinder fata, bat Ruaraoieea whieb eiceeded reeelpta. and bad weatber wiped out their capital Juei wbennltJmalaaneceaa Monad poaalble. Tbeyloiendto eanrtbecaMBpoDeTTOr.and thbmay keep the open booaa In Utlgattoa aod cbicd (or thereat of the QuxdOpiu BocreL-NatOoodwIa opened Feb. lO, In "Anbllloe," and dartng tbe week will preunt "David Oantofc/' *'L60d Ho PlTeBhllllsii" aod ''A Qlkled Fool." Oeorta BJwaido'i London Lyric Tboain Vm. appeered tut we«k In "Hla BxteUeooy*' to aplentild bnvloaaiL Nan«yMcIatothwaaa»4Mbere.iortbe(lnttloie.aod her Chrlnlnawaaaeceptad aa perfect (lertndeAyUanl re- ceived awarmwekoma. For tbe frienda of her brother, TreuurvrEd. Aylwaid. milled lomale heraojoumplana- asL AaHannaabeproTid to ha a doUbed actrau-poa- nwd of a iwea voice and pretty face. Wlib Bi>*el B/dnay aaTbora die woo many uf tbe ptaudlu bextowad. uaBrylrvlu coniea 17. Waimot Btukt Trutob.— Rlebard Hanafleld begaa ble eaaaieoMiit lOi In 'Tba Scarlet Letter." Ho pmnbea Tear more ol bU repertory, raaervlog "The Story of BodloD, the Sudent," tor the laat niRht. CUiir FItmrald and *^a Fotodling" were given a hearty re- Mptloo, parlupa peppery la ihe woid to uae. The comedy vueeodamsed ai Tolgarly broad, and areo dnv'a hick and wink failed to win augbt but editorial rebuha. De- spite thecrlifca. buel8a«:raled talr. "The Man Up StaJra" proved u attnetlTa ourtnlu raUer Prederlo Ban- croft 17. BiDOR'e Orau Hovsi.—"Olrl Wantml." another Davia i Keogb aUnctlon. eama 9, with Prauk Both aa the atar. Laat week *^b% WblU Rat'*dU a very good buMDOca. Bobby Oaylor Ifl. In "lo a Big Cliy." FotrMTAix Bqitari TIBATRB-—The Waahbum Blaiera' Lett BenaatlOD arrlred P. Charlea H Yale'a newt "Davira AqcUoo" kept op the the record amaahlog, and tbe B. B.O.«lffD wai kept lo pretty eoottant uie. Ul UeaiT'aHlnitreblflt Fuuuira TuiATaB.-*'The Conlcao Broihen" waa pat 00 0 by tbe ■tech comMoy. Laat week "Teoeueb," an up to data drAoia, byEraetCBtont, n local author, waa pnaeated. Pot on wlib only a couple of rebearaala, the play proved to be one of enoaldoiabla merit and worthy of a trial on tbe rand. Tbe aeeoery wis very aood. Aa tbe title Indicate*, "Tenexaeb" deab with InclUentJi which bave lad up to the preaeot cootioverty. llovaid Ball, aa Oeorn Baflbe, a Wait Pelot cadet, aod Beryl Hope, u Donna Anita, oleverly Intenreted the lend log rolea. Bulaaaa waa Rood. If alUa De Haven 10. mnart ToiATia-Webor A PloMa* Own Oo. ap peared 9. lahaa'a OetorooDaooJoyedaproaponuarlilt laatwaek. Weber A Floldii'TaideviUe Clubll BaoKAirDAVRmra MtnaoM —Belle Carter, tbe woman with the maaa; Blalto,atroogman: Laooa Vaneria, Her- man Haoeeodorter^ enaloe eiblblt, C. A. Bonner and Oot Heoklngar. the rllte afant, were In cnrfo hall li). Poalar and wiUlama. Carroll aod Oaidoer, Cunia aod Oordno, Lealle aod Ooataa. aod Fenuodei appeared In the tbeatre. BnalneiuRood. ADonoaitrif.—"MlieS apaclalllea" make op tl weak commancing9. Tbaidaymemt>er«oftoeMadJ«ika Compaay, Obar)innR» Koehl«t JenoleHanobelmer aod Mlu MaaaokDao Rare two enrertalomenta. John B. Tan CUve bctoptd lO-l). *'Tbe Playete," MIu Haonbelmei'a pap Ifl aod Howard Baxby provide otbsrattracllooa, for during the week no lean than foarteeo are otferad. HlnoleSteTavtappennaaAdaTlRotlu "DBvId Qarrick." when piaaented by wne of Hodjeiha'a nippoit. 12. Cbarlea Oovleii lo ''a Roaotry Harcliaat," drew crowdi of (alralie. -Plie PatroT* 16. PiKiOpaaA Boma—Oracellaahell was theaoleUtat tkeBacoodconoertofihoOrph«iMOIttb,6 BafaolJoaeify ■ppaandaa tbeaololitat theconreruof tbeOlacinnau qrniphooyOrchealrm,7,B. Henry Walteraon leeturoaia. , ao«8ir or Toa Lour.—Emma Caroa baji returaod to berbone In Broohlm Hanager W. U. (lorman. of "AOreeo (hMda Hno," waa lo town during theweeh. Bettle Tertro b traJoing a band ofplckanlDDlaa bet* JohoUerfarthhaaJaatllDlihed acoitunaceae forJobo A. Siowe'a "UneloT-m'aCablD." Lewxlro Cuapaoatl, of the fVUege of Huilc. haa taalRoert on ac- cooQtof hU wife*! Ill health. Ue la goloR to Europe. Kai Uelorlch waa tbeaoloiRt attbeUfttPop Tbe Playen praaeottd "Love aod War" and "Ifl Had a Tttooaand a Ttar" at lAwreoeebnrg, B W. II. Cbap- palle, of •*nie Llcalted Hall," dropped In a r«v Oaja uo. WlUUm Fay, of Weber A Plefda' iiwn Co., ud Cud aiVMi,of**OotbeMlnIailppl.*'wereaiD00gthetfaBalMitJ. . .Haaaker M. C. Atvleraon, of iba Poanialn Buuare. baa fpae loKew York Hanager Harry Ralnlorih In hack B a flyloji trip to the metropolla NatCblMH,rep- «llng Henry IrvloiL U bora A B. Borkbardthw radnedaaprealdentoftba Zook>fflcil Oardeoa, an«r a eerrlce ol twelve yaara W. B. HcCallum, of Fr»«- aun'aTheatre. with John A. Wolfo, are co aa«umt the Buoagamentof Bo«aid Uall In a toar which will con- BUDCB at Dwlaware. 0., M. The repertory looladea "Home Crlato." "A Runaway Wlfe,""HlaveaorRu«In," "Conlcao Brotbera," ''Barled Alira," "BHihted Llvai" and "Don Onar D« Bazan-" Lanrm Alberta wlU botlw leadbg lady, but lb* roater will not be ready lor aereni day. ClaT»laBd.*At the EsolM Areoae Opem Uooae *^e FeecleR Haaier" attracted poor bailoeaa. Jnbn Hare^JoHa Neltton and Fred Terry, with tbe Oarrfa Tb*aire Co., ol London, appeared Feb. 6-9, preaeoUog "A PMr or epacuclea," with "XToDMr aod Tragedy" aod *^Id Cbronlea** forcortaln rmlaera. Mr. Hare lead* one of tha moot flnlabed eonpanlea that baa ever appealed In OieveUDd. aadblaindleeceawarecempleulycapUraud, vblbeattalocaBa for the priadpab were repaatfd. Tbe bnaloeawaaooly ItlrbQtinpiovtddnrlnR the laat part or tbe aoRagenenL "Pedd'nhaad tTllaon'* cornea IO-I&, "law I7>|ti LTCnra.—Walker WblieaMe. In repartotTi «ai the at' tmatlon for week ofa. IleaaapartlcubLrly well received aa Oaffllet, which la bU favorlu charBCter. Tha au- dWBoee were pmhably aa larRe aa could be expected, lahbg Into eooilderatloo the fact that thli waa hbilrat appearaaea, aod that tiORtdy la oarer well attended la Clarebad. aveo wb*o prevoled by actore of bnador twooutloB. Hba Leila Wolma gave a very aooapU'ile eappnn, bnt tbe other memben of the eonpanr «vr« pnlrfalr. WeekoflOUdlviJed between Andrew Hack, In ''Mylea Anon," and TbomiaQ.Seabrooke. Cbaa.B. Hanlbrd eoBealT-B. Curai.airp.—Week af S "Oo tbe HIaUaalppr pleaaed large aadbncaa alth lu vailone naliftla aUaaiiena. gbjj Oaylor aoma. lO-l^ lo -lo a Big Oily;" Saodow Hou«"'^^Tr?l'i,''.'»;7'«.1°'«'' " W.I*" '-nr. D»ir. ch.SVLIi'L£'.",'.?!t'"t a.?tor, IQ "I, .Bin u\y, ooiDMU-ia^ ^« BpM of Lir." la.nj .Mk nfU«»ll.iiion« Dmloi C»iO« ira i<h\«| i.c.Mk "riiSyrmj" K'teniiMe. I. clow wlUi n^f!l!!S.T.^l'.!!!?.'"»"'' "P*™ House De Wolt ROLDIKO' Hon TiiKtTRR —"AThorooBlibred" olavwl Aiiii'Vx. «eu 4. Hedpath(lraadC4>i]eert(\>.cniDae II. CoIambu^At tbe Oraixl Opera llourie Fanny pareopArthftd aapleodld buBln««>weekofP«tf.S-& Tba booee will le dark W-12 HIce'a Burpriae l**rty. in -Iftl" cnme n. fnr ihree nlibii. ' HiaiieTRiiTTiiB4THi.-Thoaorni«ni open lor Hire* dareandnlRbtJiK). The BUdwlDH ]iUrod to a ptck4j honaeS. De Wdf Hop»r had fair l«iilne«4 "uiS liZ bn&i^ * •"'•''"""^Wher Tr« Niw HudiK WM cloxtxl by the HUerllT y Elfortii ar«belDg made (ureopfo. but It l« an uollkcU-contlo- ceaoy. ^ Zaneewllle.—At Sotiull/.'a Opera House the Amenctf Batnvaiiu>ta Co. prvacDtmc ' flinbul." came Feb. i wd ptck«d the huuu. the B. R. U. iIro beiov out lOBRiMriire Ibe curtalowaiirmUeil. Tlia Penotna Martor" «<y • O"" 6^*nuT 14, "Iho Cbiinity Oircua" 17. Arion OMra Oo. (local). In "Stra.Ulla,"3l. a At Ha* mortal Ifall Sietaon'n "U.T.O." came 8, luailoeo and night, and boaloeaa waa good. 8taab«nTlll«,—At the Cllr Open llourt Fior- SPS*-™.".""*'' VieoM a R-wtl bnuao fi!5-*UJ'N"F webbercamel to lairbuilDeia. ■The OU Homettead" cornea 19. MICHIGAN D«Uolt,—At Ibe Lyceum Tbeauo "TbeTwou- tleUi Century OlrL" Feb. ?-a, itUyed to packcl houMe aaO two a K. 0. tnatleeea. Tlih week liham'a Octorooni holdatkeboanJL Andrew Mack I6-3Z. Darnoir Oi-bba lloiiaB.~Jobn Hare,3-5. did a rtae bual- nena. and Prank Uayo closed ihe weak 10 h-mJ i(«turua. Pouer A BelUir lO-li. Clrty Fltz^rraU, in -The l-'otiDd- *Af& Klanla Hadderu 17-lV, lUmea* Uccurea WiimiVM UKANu QptiHA UoujiB-^-Tiie iTodlgal Vather" 3-8. played to Uio caoacliv nf ihe hnuveL <N>in. lag: *'The Wtilie Bquadrou" Woher A Pl«kla 16-21. OAUmiU'd BBrifiK.—The Auoriean VauilAvllla Co.. 3-^ enlertAlned rooO liouaea. 'AdamUBa Kdea" 9-)Sl "Pock*a Bad Boy" lO-S. CAfiroLSuuiMKTiiBATHii.-^TIieStrveiBOfNew Vnrk." 2-8, pUted, to R. K. O. all the week. Comlog: "Uncle Tom'a (:BbIn" B-U. Emla Veronce. cliarader aliiaer: Cordin and Pbtie. Prsncli nod BoetivhoperallodueltUta; vaomla Homo Band uf Colored Jubilee StoKera. Wo.vokHLA5D TMKATHB HuiiiiB-Curio hall: 0. B. VeUoa, Nauile MillUlRo. Mile Clelo, noahe diavrnvr llieatte: HildaTliomae, a^alMeU by Frank Barry, Includ- ing tlie AqoIUd Tno, the Adanm Duo Burlewiue Co. Onnd Raplda.—At Powero* Opera Uoaso "Rob Roy'* Fob. I. tilared 10 H. H. 0. Tliomu g. Bea- brooke.5,6. pkyed to t«'n larae houun. Tho Imubo re- nalnadark uoill 19.0. when ''Slwre Acre*" cmnea. ORAM) OriHA llotUB.—Week of 3 Nick Kobart^ Rpeclalty Cu. plarad Ut only fair buslno**. Omniog: Week of 10, KdrtliEilla, In "A Batch of Blunder*;" week ol 17, laham^iOetoroona. BumruOi'tHA llotttiK—WeakofiO: PrIncAMuro, MIu Leo Uartiuaiu. Coyne Broa, I.IIllan Floyd, Vanieu Sla tere, Bruoo ud Nina, Wm. ShralTrey and auick. Kalanaaaoo.—At the Academy ol Uuslc Thorn- aa 9. Brabrooke, lo'-Tlie Bpeculator," ploaaed a brge audhnce Fob l. Clay Clemaot, lo "Tbo New DuojIoIod," 6. bad a good huut*. Book»l: Ulnoie Haddero-Fli>ke 13, Uoytf "A Boocb of Keja" 17. QkiXD Oniu UocMK.—P«wle at lhl« houM«: Ed. White, Hclnlvie aod Rice. Uat^y CUxtuu, Eil. and KolU While, Adolph QoniateM, Haillu aod Coucbiu aoJ Pi- cardo. Bnfllneaw.—At the Acadeiuy of Uuslc, Fob. 6, the HUltaey Opera Co. aang "Hob Roir," 10 ibn larfiMt thiHloen of the aeaaon. Ulnule Haddera Flake cvtoe^ U, BORDWlLL'e OrBBA HOtfllK.—Obarlei Uliaicad, Belle St Olair, Harry Wauon, the Draytone, Rote Carroll aod tbe atock. BatUe Creek.—At llambllo'e Opera Uoiue'Tlie wife," Jan. 31. came to a well pleaKvd houae. Timnae Q. Beabroohe. In "The Bpeculator," Peb. S, played to an en- thuilatdc bouea. Jaokaon.—At Ulbbard'a SaotaaellL brpnolUt, week of Feb. 3, had fair builnaaa. "Robert Maoalre.'' under Ibadlrectlonol Warren Loinbord, a*alat«d by home talent, will be preaeoied for iho beneilt of local BIka 17. I& ■.analBf.—At Balrd'e Open House'*Tbe Spectre KnlRbl," for local beoeflt, Feb. 6, had a good houae. The aa Vance aale for Minnie Mtddem-Flako, 11, le very lante. MASSACHUSETT& Fall RlTer—At tbe Academj ot UoUc **Hd naally" cane Feb. 7.8, to baoiMr bualneaa, 8. K. O. greet. Ing both perforraancea. Friday waa Muvanir niRhk making the thtea hnndredlh performance la America* "Down on the Buvaooe Hirer" met fair relume S. * Too Hucta Jolioeon" aoterutned a mammoth audhnoe 4. "Th« Civil War," ninatfated by tableaui, for the beoedt of lofal flma of Velaiann. draw poorly 6 Wm. Barry coraea II, E. H. Favor. In "Tbe Jealer." 13, "TbaTordedo'* 14, I&, -HIchael EvogolT' (local) 17. Ward aod Vokai 18, ■Toledo" n, W.J. O'Ueam, In "Dr. JehyH aod Hr. uido."y7-». Bicu'a TBBAifU.—Tuoy FarreU, In a reion enaam mrut of Harry Owro.^' uiei with big raturaa ttB. "Pbyr and Playvrt," 3-6, had a fair ehare of ilie mibllo'a eoln. Bice A Barton'a "HcDo«dle aod Poodle'' comea U-IA, followed hy"A('racker Jack" 17-19. WOKDKKUND TUB AT BB.—Harry Uorr a' Knianaloera eaae ^10 poor builoeaa. ■■Ueld loRlaverv." boohed k<-fihdld not maUrlalUa. aa the company dlabandad at Waterborr. Ct. Tha Early BIrda entertain, ltl-12. tba French Oalaty Ulila I}*i3. the Henry Burie»iue Co. 17-S, "Zero" U-©. Lowell»<-At* tbe Opera llooie llaolon Broa.* '8upeTba"opeo«d Feb. 3;,for a week,and baa done bl^ bufoeeM tbrouRlioot the enKiRenieat- Booked: "Oown on the Buwanee Blver" 10. Hlca'a "1491" II: Win. Barry, 'iD"TbeIUiiogaeaeratlon"IA: "Ben Unr" 17, for week. Htvio Uall— The Peat Hall" cauaht the pairooa ol thU lionaeS-a, an4 played to biR bueloeaa. BIca A Bar' torn eogacomeni 8-8, ti> large boueaa. Ullie Akerauvin obeoalO, lorwcek. Nora—Vorkmeo are eoRaged day aod niRbt uo the new tbaalra, which iatobenamad theBaroyHniee. The opining dale la aet down lor Feb. 17< Lmwraac*—At tbe Open iloaae, Feb. 3, IUco*m "HfT'garelta third performaace tbia aeaaAo, to a good houaa. "^he Ten Joltna" did a fair baalneu 6. Tbe noucIeanll'Mamnot(^.plaaaed a fair altnl audience 6. •The Toreado" had fair bnaloeaa 7, BL OubiIor: BHIy Barrv 13, "Je*l«n». "One of (ha Braveit" 17. *Tha PaM Hall" 34. "A ConUnted Wnmao" M, Ward asd Vokai 37, *«tadoweora Uraat City" S. NoTi.-No agreomeoi hat been made aa vat with Uie Biala Intpectar relative to openiog iha Park Tbeatre. liynn*—At tbe Lynn Tbeatre "Down on tbe SawaOfM River" came Feb. 6 7, lo email bualneu. *1lpe- c<al Delivery" did a fair bualoeae 8. *The Slflng Ueoera- Uon"eonaBl7.Wardaad VokaatML , , , HDiio UALL.-Tbe Preocb Polly BnrWqne Co. blayed to big baaiBBH S-ft. Baiilar'B Barle>'|ue Co. bad good booeea TBI JfAXa baa been 00 eihlbltfon bar*ooa week, and the aitaadaocebaa been largo Bprlngflvld*—Atflllmon^B Oonrt HqiiareTbea- lia. week of Fab. a, ibe Wilbur Opera Co. did a brae bod- o«>a OwioB toakkoaa of Haiile Bichardaoo. "Tlia Bo- bemlao (llrp* waa rabetiiuted for "Hanba" 6 APtlve MBP'ratloaenra being made for the fluale Ilrwin opera &, which will be put oa the road oeiiaaaavD. Booted: "The Len Pandlae" 10. "The (Jrea* DIameod Robben" II. IL "Bhedowe ol a araat city" I&, Damroach Opera Co. 17. OiLHOBB'eOrBBA UornB.— "UbcI* Hiram" 13-U. TAaaUa—At the New Ttacfttre "Uamaali}" fame Fab. 4 10 Rood bnaloea#. "DowoooiheSawaaee Bivar."9. aad'TliaJeetar,"?, had light hoaaea, Conlai: Tbe Tornado" II. "Plaafofw,^'by local uUat, U and ; -mr II wisaouRi . BU Loala^Bualneii wu uolformlr (ood Uit wMk. ihe pteoiler aitiaclloa belog Hra. Poller and Mr. Bellow, their Friday night panotmance being witnaafed br tba brgeet audience of the eeaaiin. OLTBPicTnBATBt-Hn. Potior and Hr Belbw pUred to eniwdfd houaea Pob. S-a aod wvre well received, ^ihoujtb HtN. foiur'aactlna waa uorkvurablr crliieliwd. ThU waek William lloey. In "TheQIube TroUer." "Tha Paul Card" oeit. aBA5o QpBBA llor>a.-1laorT IrvmR aod Bllen Terry hav» an ImaieBae advance aale for the week. "Tlia H(«n 01 Lift" piaye'l to poor bualneia laat week. HatU.aooj. win week or 16. Daiun Opvha lloraB.-Wood aod Sbaranre "Town Toptcy- cnwdAl Ihe houie laatw^k. Tfcla week Ttm Hurphf, la"ATeuiilt«er," with "Delnionleo'a at Ms" to folbw, flranoAHO TtiBATHi.—WeberA FleM*' Oen Co. la the aitraoilon Uiiawoek. FleU* A llauei^o'e Drmwinc I'anla OanoKX TllBATiit-Onllloa aod Oolllna Ivy Moaa, Cltmanta and Cleuenta, Hay Hoore, tbe ARnirtlaa, Wlkla and llarriaan UBH THKATRi.-r>-car and Pallle Kehema, Payaa and DeVaoo, Kutr Aibley. the llurleya, Ada Vaughn. Uirry Kltworih, tlieUlioe OttMno. n . j ^BBVAyfH TuKArnL-Mellle Adanm. Rally Broa. pni DeUmy. ilie Bchaelfrre, Plomoadn and Ormooda, Mattle ilonjoo, Billy Lacbde aod atuck. lUvLLfli THiAViiL-"The BiruRtle of Life" dU the uaaal biir bolneeii at ihla pottiiUr houae Uat w*ek. 'mvea uf Ciold" la the current aitraction, witb "(llrl Wanlad" ti> foltow. EitHin'iiALnABBiiA Paucr TiiBATBB.-tleo. L« Hora, Deroaoa Da Wilt and Vao, Hiaoion aod Wolf, WaUa<*e Rl'tani, Tommy Pay, Fred La Sour. Lottie Ttavra. Illlla Loll Id*. John Wilbaaia. Frank LUay and aliKk. NiwOAltNo.-Hlk*l|lRiilDa,JnhD Noon, Billy I^HOoid, La ^ in a. I.lllla Mann, Con Frapklin, Alice Teln|•t^ Mabbi'arker, Ida Warner, t:errle Feeaey, Jea Adama and flock. Uoaeir.-Manacer VTm. (lafeo, of llavlin'a Theatre, haa a beneilt Fab. i), with Frank Huali, in "Ulrl Wabtad. Ma:iamlliu UotUteh. known lu the prufaaaluD aa Wu. B. Woud, nf Wood aed Oiepard. waa married 6 to Jeaalo N. Uarrlleea, uf the Three Herrllev!! BUien, a uieoiber el hla compaoy. Kaneaa CIly.^At ContcH Opettt Uoute hut weak "Wang," wliti Albeit Hart featured, waa the attrac- tion lh« Anil Ihree nlRlllJ^ lit lair Itutiw)*. A a«uvoolr iiiatlDte waa Riven Wednvniay. Aleiaodar BalviDl. hi *TliiTiin4t (luaideaien," *-Ku) HIaa" aod "llauilf>t," An- Itliiil out the weak to hie huaioeaa. Thlt weak: Jw. O'Neil. 10 "Bunto l]irl>U)." "Hamlet," "Vln:lcaw" aoU "Tin Courier ufLiooa." Tlie houte will be dark for a weel, with ihe txcvplloti ol 17. wiieo tha Apollo Oluh, localniualcaloraanlcatloo. wUiRire a cuoceri. Mtnole HadJeni.l'lthe :il-39. <lRA>u(>i-KHAiloi'ai -Liat week *Tbe Hidowalka of New Viirk" bad a very lair woek*a bUNloaaa, much Latur lhaDv*Mftaiicl|tated. aamelodraina la ootu«uatlya Ru hore^ Tliia wieh Kauoy Klc«. lo "Naoty at tho Praoch Ball," B> rue a "Uiiht Belb" will foUnw. NmiiSTHRiCTTUEATHC.—liAAt Week "aiurlBiu"hada lltilil wevk and the -diaw did out daaarve any better huui«M. TbIa weak, ''Drlouulco'aelti," with Nellie Duu- harreaiuied. Dao^ Bully, lo 'A BacheUir'a Wlve4," will follow. iliLLiH* UriiHi llotni.—Thie theatre will open for a alioit aaana 9. when A. Y. PearMU'a Blook Co. will ap- pear In "Tha White'(juadren." "liaod of Uia HldnlRht 6uo." "Fhe Kulice Pauol." *Tha Hldnlabt Alanit" aod The Derby HaicolL" "Si Flunkanl" wilTfollow 16. ACDiTORa*H.-HicharO Haoalleld la booked for naek of 17-Ji. CbLisBUM.—Harry Brady. Beaale Vernon, Lata UllllRan, Utury Beckbw, Lmle Parkor. Lean Hayu and Jetiole Olaik. Cut*riKLiutL—The Kaniaa Clly OrehealnlRocleti- gave their ailh concert at tbe i;oatM afiemuuo of 7. ten packed buaae. Ttie aololei waa Blla Backue Belir, and aha icurwd ahlR hit Harry Dnil, of thin chy. la lo the Rtock at Detroit Harry Walbtr Jr. la eulferlof froio a a^iTrre bum un tha liiiiid. whldi he received wiiTle handl- Inic red Ore Will Demlog, turnierly uf "TIip TomnOu," liul who liiia been roJUlDK lo the city, Julood **Ul<iriaaa" iiere, lo take Ih* lewliog part, formerly I'layed by llarrie- ■OB Hall Ed. Dohony will Uke a ai>eclally ahow, U. touturooeniBhtera. Among the metiiueia of llie com- Bioy are Al. Newmn, John Morrta aod Mole Faibtr uaaer Uarry Walker Br. ol the Uoliaeuio.haa leaaed the ground lurmutly occupied by the Theaire Coniiiue, wblcji waa dvalrorvd by Drr, and will bul;d Uiaretm a model variety koue Vop LliiUlle luinel iheAhua L« Papa Co. al l.awrene«, Kaii., C and will go out u bual- neu maoager Hurria Haoley Join^l tlie Hay Daiun' iHrrt 1^1 al Pitt»bunr. Kao.. * Tieaaarer Jatnii E Ktlehio, ol Uie UrauU, Iim been cunDotHl to a Rick IfOd for Iha pe«l w*tk. aifl during lila llln«M Mioager J udah hanlled thr |iaat»boarOfi 111 a very biport Uiauoer. Riaite Hnan|ar(^la«.Bach^ ofthel'iOKroea Olub, la preparlog Greek »utuary, 101« given al the ol'ib ruiiine 10 Hard). Bprlnaaeltl»—At the Unnd BslvluL Id "Don Ofarde Mua,"dre«aUr|ecrowd Bob and Alf Taflordld good boHloeaaeveoloeaiil Feb. 7. D, In Uielr lottureaun "Tlie War of Rwaea" aod "Kiddle and the How." Hobr. 0. InRoreoll ledurea on 'ttbakeapeare" IS. HlltOD'fl Huidcal Comedy Co. come* lU-14 "The WIcblow renlnan" appeared tu Rood houaeal Baldwio'H Jan. 31 At Hualc Hell eioelleot bualnaaa wai done the piRt week HanaRer White baa added to hla lilt ol ooralilio a Wioter circoa, whldi aeene to have cauglit tba popubr eye, JudR'uR from Ihe patronage le- cclved. Fonilda 1«bo.*AI tbe C'reaceDt, Feh. 1, "Alvlo Jeailo" pbred toHaht bualoaaa. llobort Uafli>r, Feb. 9, In "In a Big Oliy," waa i:reeie'l by a larRo aodiauce Party No. 12. of Uie Klckaptio Hedlclne Co., opaiitd I, for two weekft* Btay, and are urawiog larRO craHdii. CALIFORNIA, Loa AbK0lea«<-Atlbe Loa ADgeles Tbeatre tbe Marie Yatary Orand 0|>era Co. presented "Aldt.""Car mea." "Bohemian fllrii" "Fauat," "The liuauenola,*' ''Lotieogrln," "Hli^on" and "II Troialore," to Boderaie bualaeaa. week ending P«b. 1. Paderewakl appeara at ihli houaa eveolog of 7 aad niatlnee 8 Tbe Barbank Theatre waa fairly palroolcad fur "Lore aad Law" week ending Peb, 3. Bill for 3-8, "A Han of the Pevpio," which cloaei Die aauaffe- iiieut of Milton and Dflllle Noblea nt thia houae. They ru from here to Bieramento for a alx weeka* easaaaiKenL The Otphtuui llnea up with tha foUowlnR pwple for Peb. 3: Maaon and llaaly. Slatara l)e Vau. *Uroo and Herbert, nilbart aad Oohlla, aod Bernard nyllya Or dioaoee No. 3306, paaaed by the City Council of Loa AORelea, Jaa. tt. la fortbepurpoeeof regubtloi the poiv lURaoUulNtnhatioRorblllii,aod la uedanioiid to raMao a warfateon thediaplay ofobaeene hlUa aad poatera. Tha aRlutlDo which resulted In thepaMlogof tbia onlloanea waa brouihinhout by Ihe Oaarantadvertlalocof a ceriaUi brand of clnn .Alarie WalBwrlgbtand bercouii«ay ptajed ihefionthero Califonia circuit, with i/i* eicapiloo ofLoa Aogelee, tbe latter part of Jaouary Bemloe Uolmea ra-enian tbe profeaalonai raokaaa a namber if theHaria Tavary Opera Uu. Oo abort ooUce bIm very aucceMtfullj aaaomed Ihe partof Urbano. lo"Tba IIuru** nuia,*'durlDC Ihe company'! engaRemeat (o thie citr. aod aa a raaalt aecoreal au engaRement Joeapli Patrleh. reeldent manaRar of ilie Orpheuin. look a rno upu>8ao Fmaclaco, Jao.O. for a weeh'a vaoalluo. lie anDouneaabliintaotlooof eEaciioR hereaftara contrl. botlonof aduUied ^ Hartia . . _ . , with a view tuoegoilaling with tba Royal Itallaa Ojwra Co. (orabriareoKaBemeat 00 the PaolOe coaat The rblhl ofJamaa H. Woodiborpa, treaauraroftlte Borbenk Thaatre, dM recently Albert L. aalSe, of Uia TavaryOl'ornCii., iiavaaaupper lofrienda Jaa.3D, upon thauccaaloB of hla birthday. Ban Dlego^At Pisbqr'a Opera Uouiie UmtIo Walnwrlght caine Jaa. 37ib to Kwd baalnetit. fadar- ewakl wmdoee.Bdiiller'aHIOBtrabia, Freuerick Wanla 14.16. WASHINGTON, aneaaniiiniaoiionoi eiaciioR nereanara contrl. D of ten tenia for the Aetora* Puod ft^r each ii«raoo ;ied to iheOrphenni withoat purchaalBgatickei. Hartia Lehman la olT lo Now Orlaaoalt laaaM, ri*Bt41e.^t (»rdn7M Tnevtre *'Tb« Kald of Hllan." a conk opera, hr P. Otto Coillna aod Prul. a. B. Bray, will bngiveo lu loltlal priKlaoUon Feb. 6-8. Tlie Bffilih Lteb Cbmpaoydld a very aaiiafaciorr baaloaaafor their laat week. Jan. 77, when tliey oraBentad ''The Flar real Hnoo," "A Fair Rebel," "A Hoop of Gold," "Arablao Nlihu" aad '^rea Ilata.''^ BeatHc* Lleb waa landerBd a beoedt at ihia houae Fib. 3, when the eemi«ny pre- aeatad "Eaat Ljdne," with Hanager W. M. Huaael To Uia role of Sir Krancia Leviaoe. The hooae vaa well nilad aod Uie wpalar aeueaa reallaed a aoug acn. Ileitle Bernard Cheaa IrtRloa a four waaka' eogagement V. BBiTTi.aTaBATnB,—The Carlatoo Opera Co.. nlnna a chorua, opaoed I, tor two nlBhta. lo a bla hoaae. Roaia'a Band tr>tab» IS. "In OU KeaUchr" 14,16. TfVOLiTflBATNR.—Feoplecoiiiinueio And ihe capacity ofthlahinaa. C.B.Baker. NeUle.Howard, UelaneHlg- ooD.MIch Wllllama, Hay U Hoae, PyaeHliiera. Iflckey Weleli. LamootHUieta, JoeHartwr Rhlara the people. PaCnL-B-B. French leftai to Join "The Dafaoller," al Dentar. ( oL, aa maoBRer Kraocle Mebon, or the Rollb LIabro., baa ilRiied a cootnct wlthThoB, Ktooa for oeit mwtn. TMotBw.~Tlie W. T. Uarleton Open Uf>aipanr plarad **Llly of KllUrnay" to a good hoaae fab. 3^ Marie WalDWrlihl le boohed for 10. Hooaa'a Baod II. "In OU leniochy" 13. "Joaboa Berueeby" 19. Nellia Hd feory au^ Cnriane DperaCo. 31. tt. Frawley HiKk <>>. 14-91. NiwTH mNirr Tiibatbb.— The BmiUi-Lleb (Vi. pUy for tbe praeent week, wiih chaoRe of bill every alglit L OUISIANA . Haw OrlnABW.—Wlib tbe near approacb of HardlUrma ibeCreacaet City la hoorly coming crowded with atno(er«.and. In conecieeoce, plaeea of aunae- nant receive liberal pairooage aad are reaUcloireRcal- l*nl boHnaaa retoraa. OBABD OfRNi irrHmi.—"Friaoda** and "Mealeo," pre- eentad br E'lwln HHtan Royla and hla eiaellaot eom- paoy, were bvartliy aaJoyed 'by the ho«u of peopb wbo witaaaaed tbeir preeaoiatlon. Uerrmaoa cpfoaa Feb. 9-U. Hr. CiaaLa Tbratbb.— "The Cotmo Una" attracted lane beaiea each eiRtat ^ ble nay. "ThaTwelve Tempta- tloor will be aa«o 9-lft. AoaMnr or HcvfO -Clara Horria, eappofted by a omm larer aenpaar, won marltad pralaa aad ae«e«M. rrtoee« Boonla" la daa 9-16, CONNECTICUT. Rew IUtob.— At Ibo Uyperlon "IJltlo Cbrta- lophet" wu praeeoied, le aiaodlog room enly, Feb. 7. Tha renaliderorihe waek waaderoleil mainly 10 local raiertatotaenu "Rhadnna of a Ureal C(iy" comae II, Htuan KohMQ 13k "A Shop tlUr' li. OBA:ioOrBRA lloraa—"raratllae A^ey"caat^ toainall bualoeM,3-6,aodwaBfoUowed by l4arlit'a"tk>Meraod Ply" Co., to excelboi retnraa, 6-8, Dao HrCarUty contra KVItaBtl "t^oon llolkiw" (return eogaRemanl) IVIA. POLi'a WitxnauMb Thiathb— Buvloeaa here tt*n- tlnneablib Ihla weuh: Four Angela flltlen. Mttntland aod llarvBanlnand Hnfti.Fi|rtBanha,Ammon*BCIarla«o Trio, Roalna Veoua, (^mpliell athl Campbell, lUonte Uooit.aoJ Baker and I^yooa. Il»r(8bnl.—At Frontor'a Opera lluuia Mnmrt Robeoo, lu "Hra PontUrbury'a l^ail." cimei Feb. H>; HAyi'a'-Ar.oi)lMled Woiiian''^ll,l3, "Hhadowanfa UrMt Clij" li. "The Wioii (llrl" II, ban Hct?arihy. b "Tlii* i;ralak»en Lawn," 16. B M. Favur. In "Tho Jester." had amall atidlencea 1 "tthom Acrea" played to H. H. t>. i. e. "Paratilee Alley," with Harney Faaan and BantJ. Hy«o, Pbaaod a laran aiidlenee 6 *'Cuitn lln)k>a" drew fkir aedlanoaa 7. 8. Cumlnf, Wilbur Opera Co, aeek Fab. 3t-9. AroiTuatttH —An aihbilo hoilnr exhibition will he heki Peb. IT. "Early HInU" oitme tl, tt. FoOTdrABDlliLt—rrof. Ouoley'a Conaulldaled Hln- alrab 17. df a|Hivt.«At tbe Park City WlllUni Uatry. B HlalDft tIenaraUun," Peh.S,had (kir bualneaa. WlliiorOiwrn Briiii In "The „ . "Little CbrlalDpber "H. had a Urge Im\ Coiuiiaoy cornea IU-I5. AcoiTvaiUB — '-HIm llaram H«arum," S-S, lihi rmI re- turoik 'The Arm of the Law" bad moderate bualneaa. "Conn Hollow" romee in-lt RianBio'H Mtniu llAti.-OeorRia Helooiie, Rana Baodei*. HllaDarand, Joho Manden, Baiiiuel Hnrmeur. Tnn Cuiyo.-Hadla and llarrr Daly. Billy ami Hyrile HuaRruvf, Loul>a Velenlliie, Hlaa Bantogtoo, Jaunle Lawreoce. ALRXAXnan -Larry and Franelik HelU Cllnon, K<lna Bnrnvit, Julia Bauihern, Willieui DunUr. MINNESOTA. aUtauaaiaolla.^At Ibo Molrnpoltlah Oiwra lloo^tlaa Pn»hmao'a Htoch INutipaoy u|iancil Feb. 9. In "Tlie Wlla," and witl alui pUy "Americana AbrDatl" dur- lug Uie wmk. "t^arlry'a Auut" fulkiwa 16. 'Hhore Aorea" did ahlR bualneaa. ev«n larger than laal year. 3-A BiJOU OPKHA UuimB -Joa. Hart In "A (lav «M Ruv," bvRau a weta'a eiiRaRtfraaiilU. U.T. Cilia, lu"T)in Al- aatlaJi."will baaoen li-tj. "riie Land of the LIvIuk" Waa thuwn In lair aud lencf a t-d. KOULA HlOOLVTUyri l'At.Ai:R HlUNt'll.—A b04i|tV allow U tha attraction lo ih« eurio hall itir the week heulnnliiR ID. Da Ihe auaaa are Oclavio, Hurrlann an<l Marker, Hariueriteaud the H. tf. llanley DramailotVi. Hu^loeta la biR. BuCMA*i Band played before'ideudld audianceaal the LyceuiB Tbeatre 4. 8t. PBal.«At the Melnipolltan Opom IIoiibo hualnon waa varyjrunl wiUi I'aliiier tini'a "Rrownlea" week of Peb. J. ''ffhailcy'N Auni" nuiiea U, fur ooe weok, m he fnllowodweek nf I6 byiheJolinBtapIntuaOi>., in "Til* Wife," "Americana Abnitil" and '-Hweet laven- der." OKA fro.—Bualneaa waa very Rood week tf 1. Ktir wi«ek ol P. "t!wMr, the AJaallaii," fultuwed waek of 16 by '-Tlia White Rat" BOPlflA -For waah of 10: Rllly .NnwoU, OalUeher and Allen. Joale Oaoeao, Knwcumh and Juuaa. H«dlo Hleala, JaniMK. Oevllu aod theatiMik. HnalnMala hohI. OLTHrio.-Pur week ol ID: Wllllama aad tTarlatoa. HeaulceUaraieo. Duiiyaad ShoMon, MayOeU andlUr- deii«r,tlie Nannan HlatorMand Mm Btuek Cu. UaliBili.*At (lie Lrceiiiii Uiu Joliu Hlnpieli>ii Co. B|<rear<l In 'I'lte Wife" Pab. 7.8 llnnbiiu* Pan- laama ba • fair aiteit aiidleiicea n. 4. aod |ia vn roiiJ anil* facUuB. Routa'a Baod had gooil bualneaa 6. "triiarlnr'a Auai" will arrive Vl, 23 At Iho Parkir Thaatni Um weak opened to fair biialo«d. with Wllllnm llcliiiva, Kitty Wahloo, Billy Wad^ Hand llaNtliiaa, II. ll '""11a— —' -■- '- - . .. _ _ TEXAS 0 Ml V net on.—At Iho (ireail opora IIduno Kulforl Haoivll prehenled "Monbnr*," to fair palmnaRe, Jan.9l JuieN()rairM()fterat:o ,at pujHilar |lrlce^opruell an elRht nlghu' vngBinment 9, with "The Black lluaaar," lu a crowdwl hnuae. The week waa nilod out wllh *Tlie Beg- Bar Student," '*Thv Uraiid Oudieaa" and "Tlie Maacul," tu eieeliffnibueinvaa. llASLlN*ii Uancot TiiaATHR.-Now pouplo Weak nl S: Hilly Biln and Alico Ttllle. Bualneaa fair. Sab Amloiilu,—Al Iho (Imml Opon lloiiHolU II. Manlellwaa well r«r«Ivail Jan 31, Feb. I. IuIImwrI 3 by Padarewaf 1,10 ri. K. O. Ilobt. II. InRaraiill will Irciuro lU loliawed by "Prienda" ISaud "TliePaai Hall" IS. Wavhijiutuh Tiibathb — Annia Howard, KlUy llmiiKun. Anna Batea Wui. O'UalL Nail Marry, Ft*>ra Wliaator. the Noraa. Ella HtMuiaiid Pearl Fay. Viu TillAlHB.~May l>>dy. Ileaa ami lluul, Perrx ami Oiieili, Innwa ami WHIIaiiiii. Dailtui aiii Ihiyle. l.lMIn PJaworlb. Nellia Rawlo. Jn« ^rutty. Maitiie B<>)il. Nvlilx WIlaw, Hairy lloloiea. Lllllao Jaroeia and Warren Bunker. -— -e- IkaattiB.—At Hwcblicr A CtHJiiiha' Opum llouio llerrmann. Fab 0, hail a blit h'luao. "A HroeAy Tliiin" twni«a7,a. KubL T. InRarMiil 'j, iha (Jrau Upara Co. |i^-lft. AVbiTVRiPB-ro'jarewabl, Jan. 31, b»l an liiiineoae houie. PiUOl TiiaATHB-Bualneaa fair. DoHUand (leueva U Tun. Wlaute Adam*. MaiRle Walalr. Pluraiioa Cliaater. Flora IlaatlOK^ Fred flulilub. Jack t;ouuolir, Tom Buuge anil Annie Oali. Fort W«rlh—At Uroenwall'i Opom lloitsii Richard A Frtogla'a Hliialrela ha<l a lob heavy liuuae Jan. 30. Iilncnln J. Caner'a "The Tnroado," 31, Feb. I, did poor ouainaaa The weather waa very |Brbn:«iit. Ilerr- maan, 3. hid a packed liouae. Ileary 1£. Ulifiy uunai lu. M. ilol Ibibt. (I. lOBCraoU 13. "A Bre^ay Time" 16, -Trlanda"ltt,UNia Morrlauo 31,31. "A Tviaa Blear" 34. EinaElbler37.3H. Aaalla—At UmtlVt Open Uoiiie "A Urefxy Thaa" c»inoa Pitb. I. Maiilall Rave two petfurmaiicea, tu ROAl bualoeae. .1. "Tie Wickluw poalnao" came Ui |K>ur lieitneaO. Ti e<ime: "PrIaiidM" II "Falile Huinanl'' r;a. III. l(eurv R. lllxay*e iUt. 31 aud 13. "The I'ay Train" caaeeled. WISCONSIN. Hllwankaa.—At the Uljua Opera IIuuia "Fah- tauna"tMRan an eoRaBemenlnfonewaak Fab. 9, Hup- hlair Trmaa-Ocaanlo H|>»olaliy (k^mpauy bad a cuud al- UadauM all laat week. The rpeclalllee were allgiAd. the Boaaow Mtdgata aitractluR tlie uoit atlanliun. (leo Oaviimon TMBtVRK.-Paliner i;oi'a "Hrownlea" are a««n here la ataga fonii fur the llral lluie IbU week, open- iDievenlag 9. 'Tlie Heriy WorU." under Uia uaoaa"- maot uT tllair H. Patee. drew fairly ROod hoiiaaa laat waek. Woi. Iluev, lo "The Oloba Trou^r." 16-19, Id «i««t)i0R »t 17 belnii the aiiHual Ifaiialll uf Hllwauhee LodRB. a P. 6 K, Nil. 46, lur which tite Mtin haa aoM the houaa capacity. FAiwr THBArHB.-Thno>lnre Rethiel, conivdian nf the atock couDany, waa tandMeil a UoeBt V, m h<«ur uf tliu taaih annlveraary oMila coonectlon with Ihe company. The bill waa a unw farce &imadr, entitlwl "A Pi>orfllrl " AtUOBBror Uonlu.-Knr thia wMk, oeenluR 9, "Baal Lynoe" la lielnKPlayed l>v theaUfOh,anil Ute aitraaere: iCilva Trio, Huillli and (.'ainplfeli, Chaa. Diamond ami Patlta Krauceaca. "Hyrlla Ferna." credliabiy prmiiied, atlncT^il Riiodly niiintiara laai waek. aoRURBi.aRliHirHRUM.-WnaaufW: tivit'i hall-^^pL Adolph Frietach, wIh> elalmaiuliavacroaaeillhe Allanila laaaaiall boat: Ne Na-Tah, Indian PrlnMsa;Caau H-B. lilcha Koui: Waek Oweaa*doRcrrciia.3ta All iUii.rbI- l«wa chaaUr. Tli«aire-T1i)* t'arlallof. Henry Frer, Owen and fl inllo, the Yanla. Billy Dray bm aod O L. MaiaUr. MBariOM -TTm Heberl Oaylor Compaay played iha Na; tlooal Hobilrra'Huffle, naarthlacttr, I Palmar Cub, of "Brnenle" fame, waa here lael waek. wanning the Ceaa for bla aiiractino Thb i.'LirrBB r lu Ijeat laaue, la being i'TBlae<) hare upoo all aldea. KENTUCKY L«iilaTlllB,—At Uacaoley'R Tbeatro "PrlncoiH Booola," aeeo lor tbe Aral tine here, ereatad a |uod lui pveuiuo and aUracta<l large aadleacaa during a tdrea ■Ighia* nay, Feb. 3-4. fhe Vaedarbill IJnlveralty (Hea niob Kava one perforraaaeeB, drawloB a crowded liuuae. CumlnR: Kdwant Harrlun IB-IS. ACDiiOHirM.-IIeory Irvlno aod fUleo T^rry ware frwetad bv Iha lareeat and moat brilllaol aaaenibiaga ihia Mtuee haa ever hekt. Tha cuitaiii calla ware ao numermia UiatHr. lrvlORreap(»aded at the eonduilM) uf iba rirurtli aet aod made a abort apeadi. TIteplaya preaeniad were -The Merchaift of Vanloi" an*] "Tbe Bella," Kn na>lnaa waaRlrrnB ona/coaoiur It haloR iinpoaaihle lo iiiove Ihfi aoeoary Iron Ihe alage In ttoie lor the evening p«r- formaoca. ORaiOOJ'BBAHucaK.-llAyi'a"A Hlinrh of Kaya" waa waM palrooltad daiiog laat week. "Alabama'' week of 19. TBMrLBTaBiTBB -Ktciiapl HanaAeM waaaeao In "Thn Btnry of Rndloo. theataiienl."4. Iia flrat apfKearaoce In iblBolir. AHbmiRb Ihe prkaa were advaoead fur Ihia bfoductloo, Uir houae waa dllad almoellooverftowlnR. Ka anaouocameBt fur «e*k of 10 THB AvaitJB —"O'lf'KillgAo'a Haanuerode" pieaaad B'i- dieacea of fair or'>poni'ioa Uat weak. For week of H), "Tha ttmRcUol Life." TOB Bcc-HmiiHAB.-Fliiin and Nliarldan'e flllyRp<iria Co.'tie* rrowdfli ItooieBat every perffnnaaoa laat week, Ht FellB8bier'Bg{«cUl>vCo.wpekofl9. PBortrri TBRATNB.-Kew Caeaa week of 10: Teroy and Lae. Laa* weak'a people hoM over. Baaloeea rouI. Pa4eu*li^Ai BaitoD'a OpenllMM "A Haff gega CiMok." Feb. 3, had a foU heiue. "f(oollgan'a Maa* Hoend*" CDoee n. NEW YORK CITY. Laat W«ek*a BToiitB.—ThPro wore but two obADae* of altnolloDS at tbo ptjorliMl ihefttreii dor* loff the pnat week, and of ibORo nno rciiillcil In a rt* viral, icATlng but one no«r oilbrliiR. Tbo noiy addl- lloMBl OTont wonhy nf nolo wan iho llrkt prnducllon 111 ibU i*oiiolr| of A (iciraan farce, tlono In tbe oilg- loallonKne. tbo rdixI wcaihor which had ibustar proviilk'il thniufihrtnt two Winior nmniha illRap* Itcaroil Willi Iho mlvrnl nf Fithniary, ami alteroHllDK andw anil nilii Norlou<>lydAn)MKCil iniglncas thrnnnb* out the wc«k, nIthoiiKh thuiio farorlle altraolloDt eoDilnucil to draw full hmtNeR In aplio ot tho warrloit elenirnM The I'onilmitd nliraoKona for tbo week nmlltig Fob. 8 wore; Qnml open at tbe Nn^ Boi'ni.rTAH opRkA fltU'iiR, "Thn Heart nf If^rf* taml" at Iho llRiiALn i^gtunK. Harah Bomluirit Ht Arhrv*?, "Tho novontor tif K^nnickj" at iho" FuTii AVBMHit Thkathii. "A Wiiiiian*ii Itvna-'O" Ht Iho KuniiK, "K.Yi'Olali)r Jr," hi Olyupia, "A lllack HtaiMit'* at IIuyt'm, •'Chliunile ttiiMen" at Ibe OAHiiKt, uhiiMucity Olrnit at iho FitniiTgRirru KTHRrr. ''Hio sponltift t>iii^hciw*'at llio AOAttiMr OFMi'rtK'. 'ihirmali'* al Iho Ambhu'an. "Thorount- em tiiioki*'nt Halv'h, John IHow Ht I'ALUiH^a, Tho llfiicni or Iho Ihuiiit" at tho l.vcm-M, "An AniRl*H Undcl" at Iho IIhiuuwav, "ThoHlranne A<1- vfniiir«)) of Ul:irt Hmwii" at Iho .*htaniiamii, an<1 JiMcph Unriihj Hi Ihu Stak, ibo tlvn laat namett havlnR vXmuX n|Hm that dato Tho ono week Rlainla oln^lnit Fob. R VLtt: "Tdrllltj" At Ibe OuANh HiiHA IhU'M, "Hoinilo Hcollnml" nt the rK4iri.R'i(, "Tito nital card" hi Snnford'n, Sluarl Ihiliann at ibo llAHi.RU (U'BHa llnttHg, ami "The Cotton KlHR*'Ht tlio irari'Mtioi Varlniy enirr- talnmoni tah fumhiheil nt TitKV l*Aim>R*8, Kostbh .V IliAi.'K, Ihu Union Sgi'AitR, rKomtH'R, Oi.ympia, l*llfKm>R*.tl*(.BAH('HRFAI.At!K,MlO f.llNnoS, IhO Ol.YH- I'lt', Hnd MiNKH'S llOWRHY AUll KlUliril A^1Nl■B. ..rerforiuHnci>ri In OrriiiAn wem U'voii hi thn litviMi i'ut'K tiiiiHlKRUANiA, HnilpflrfoniianceR In llOhroWnl lilP TllAI.IA, WlNltHnHHIld Aiu.Rit'ri At Mm Cjhino, on Fol).Ihoro waii iirtiJiicod, for llio ill Hi Itino tn Ihli cliy, "Thn Uilj HIavoj," un iiponlle comwly, In iliron hhIp, nrlglnalljr written by (l«oT}(o Ihtnni'. wllh itiuitii^ Ity John Uniok. Thn vcriiloit proHciilml hort< liitil boon AnirrlrHnlznl, ami a iiovr viH:al ami Itminimonlrtl leoro Imdlxeu cnnirlliiiiM liy (IiimIavo Korkor K. kl. hihUo- Haph llnliand reinriiuil in Ihn (Iahhiuk l*nRATHR Full. n. ant ngittii prflviifoil "A Soulal Illiiliwn;- nwn," wfali:b hnil wimMiii^ccw at that liiHinoftariy In iho N«atuin At tlm Irvino PiJtt'RTiiKATnR lhan> triu priKliicod on Thimulay cvnnlnR, Kuh.o, fur iliD dnl ihun In ihla rniiniry, "Toiit Uiiaa or Holn wler Karlinihm" "roailiiinHnia Faiiio"), ii cnmoily, wliloh, bowpvnr, lian nn umlorlyliiff RlrulM of iraKPily In IIh prliu'lpat Hoeno. It M oviiloiiily liiionileil hy itniinrt Mliicli. tliu aulhur, III convey a MailrirHl roiirftaRnlHlhui of lbs ox- ueoilinxlr liant nml Kmihia ban In iravuiM Iw- foro It galiw |ini|nr roi-ognlllitn, ami luahnwlhat H inii»li.*liii anil ciinipitaur iiioni Ito dunil tn lt« HpiirtrlMtvO. Thn ropniml urHIca wlm ant calloil upiMi ii> Jn(lKuMiD0|trm np<iii whir.h ilin Ulunicdnhil Hinbllloipi cnnipMKPr, llniia Uoland, haa fnuniloil Ilia liupM ot Hiiri!tiaH pninniinru It cnmiitonplacn, t'ltiiKliiif liliH t4i ilitnlil hU own alilllly anil Uicomu ilofpondeiil. WhonlliufMll knnwlodgo of hla fall- iirodawnrtn|Hinhint Ihnro rnmiralltoBcnnowbluh, fnr rcniovtiil rniin fiiniHly, t'MOi<iqt an eluulrli: llirlU of Byni|ulhT tn rumtli itvurj luiari. Tliu nturj of Iha pUy CH11 lio brlcdy tidil. liana It'ilrtiiil haa licon oklnifoiii a airnnl llvlntf fur liliiiiHdr itnd wlfonaa lUiiHlc taai'hor. Ho ilnvniua lita faloiil tn conip«>Hl- th»n, anil nt laat u«ni|iluieH ho ii|H)n, whioh lio la ucrtalii will IM a aiiiuiFiw. Iln irloH In vain to liavo It proilucod. Ilia wlfu, wliiilauf a piaulloHl turn of mlDd, provallM iiihui hliii lu acci'|>t Mio poilllon ar dirfclor uf itio liicui bIdhIok BOcluiy, Imt he OlfTun inalerlnlly n|Kin nvpry point with ihn pri'Hlifvnt, It pr^iluhiloiiM piuap ilaiN:r, niid falbi lu Kill liiu ap|K)lnUimnl, A rcliutirrial of llid o|wn i>y Iho uiiihitr la niioniluil by thu loiral crlilcii, piililUbun nnd ilicairu illrendira, alau KniR, IliiUnd'ft frlonil, ami JnHoplia KuMlcri a VIoiicMO piipll of ItiilAnd ami h Rrunt nilniltor of lUa meIhiiila auil btlonl. Tho iirliliV iinfavoivhla enm- nwniHin luconM Kriiir thm liu iinnrTcIa wlib ttictn. Tliln naiiHCN Itolanil lo rtiprlnwnil lilni iinil bn Icavea ilio lioDHo III a rago. Tim pbinii wblali hu lini iDanod In Itoltnil Ifl removed by hlaunliT whllo uoo of Ihe orlilcH la plHyliiR nchnnnlnft walixcninpoalllun by Kolatid. The crlllr, litmevor, hulluvuB It tn hare licco only a copy fmin hiiiiiu gronl ctiinpnaor. Ilo* laml l4 In ili'Mpalrnml luavi-a hla wiff, evlilanllj to comiiUt Mulclild. Ilulfavtaa fnrawnll Iblter to ilio wntit], wbloh In ritiOHlmly olruulaleil tn the niiiilc- al ptipont It IH thf II Ihnt tbo ini:rli In tila corapnat. lliibH U nicitgnlxoil by the pulillatinn, lili openi U ukcnupaiid prnduccil; IIk faino aprouita through* out tin land, and lUiland'a nainu Iwomooa a hoiiu* hold vul^. lie, linwuver, Iihh altrroil htanilnd and oinlinatcd to Hunlh Aimitlci. Uihiii hla anivnl Ihorti ho Irilumii liU wife and moiber that hu Ih ■tlUalliro, bat ntineata ihuin (o let tho worlil think Itlin dcail. lie Mccnrea a pmtllun wllh au oputH coinpHDj lu Huutti Antorloa, nml nllor n yoar mliirna Oer- many, cil knowing of IiIn tMnn. Whun ho arrtvoa, nolKlicr oH In pookct tliuo on Ida ilopartiiro. bo ae«ke rofiifio wllh A frirnd In MuDlcb,iu]d there li B<:i|talniO(l nUh tbu facK and ruiurnM lo hla home tu eojiiy hln Hiiccea«. The lnral chamriara latro* duool aro irue 10 life, and iho plnj iiilght CMHlly Iw dcenntloDoof UliiirluR II. Iloyl'a playa In UerirMin. Uatbteu Pfcll, na liana Ibiland, portrayed Ibe ner* vouM, innioao ko'iIhi In a niaHlurly ownnor. I.ucle KiclUnger wan naiiiral hb lilanDthnataRtlopiipll from VItiiinH,aiidlbeaupiMfiiliiKciiinpaby worr iintroriiily capable, heluu t»Hl aa followB: UncliOD, lloland'a wirtt.AunM llngu; ■'aula Itnlaiitl, WilhulmhioBohnl- ter;Krederli:k Kruff, lludoirHonltiR;Uolli,CarlHIrk; f^t:klof[er,AitoirUMk;norhhiirr.HenJine7 ller/.inan; KItiiniii, Hhx llaeiiaclbi; AniHtedl, Arlliiir KgUteKoK: IJnlKtni, JiillUH Hlrribj; Ualii. Jiiaoiihlno Neuhaiier; Anna, Una llaunaclor; t'orior, Win. Vollmor. Tbulwuirih wnek at lljn hmmh uf t(nu\t\ oj^n lboMirraimM.iTANOPKKA lloi.'fiK imgnn Kali. :i wllh a preaonlHllnn of "Carman." "UHnon" wu rIvoo fur tho aoconit tlino f>, with Iho caNt tincbaoged. ■TBonhBDaor" waR pruacnlod n, irlUi the raiuo caat aa Ttien flrat hnanl Ihla ocaHnn. Adoii'ilnhlli, In* dijdlng "(Mvalleria Iluallcnna" and pmtt offAicla dl lAiiiim-nnmir," wag thu oiTorlDif T. "1 bo iluguo* D(>U" WBB lienrd al the matlueo 9, nod "VaUtRlT' waa Munn ovenliig of tiiat (lain At AbibVh TliiATHR Hanh liemhardl waa Mon, Kelt. T, aa MAKda, In BuileriiiBnn'a "lldlfnath," fur tbo Aral lime Id Ihlarouniry^ Thb i'BMmKHANi;Bi(lvon Hunday avenlof, reb.9, at the Uialno, fur lue hviwdl uf Marvin Clark, a hllfld luurnallat, waawt^llailundrd. Tbepr<«nina6 lududtrd fruiiuonl numbem hy Iho Orpbeua Orcbea- Ira, ainalng by Hlgnur Uarifuoo. Oulaeppe ItuHaltauo, CltnunUna He Vero, Uiiinin Uelhot nod Korrrat 1>. Carr, ami nclUtluiiB liy KHU IVuclur OlU, Ulandlft tt»/*n Uariu. and .N'clanh Whaalrmri. Vlalnr Uer- iMfi rendered a aoln un the 'ccllu, and lluliert Arnold (fare a violin aolo. J. K, Dodnon aud Max O'ltnil wire abto atoonff the entiTtalner*. A ruIh auuilal Biiin waar«Bll/4)d br theijeneflolary. TUB ANNUAL MBkriKo (if the Treaaufcn' Oinbof ABwrlca waa held at tho Meirtypolllan Open llouie, Keb.0. TnefnlluwIUKonicflratrero flievicd: Preil- deut, K. H. Klnif; vice prcHldeDi, iamea Hi:ulllon; ■«crelary, iiihu OfioncItT; nnaoclal aecnfary. K. 1. lUr^; Iraaaiir^r, Kdward Klctchur: tHMrdbf lOTer* Don, Ifax lllrech, 0.1'rell. W. 11. Paluer. JuuN IIUBW, who ckmeil hlnenffaaemental Fal- titer'a Tboaire fob. 8. in tlio mhlnt of bla aao- ceaa, "The Hijulreuf UauiM." will ralum tuNew York Fall. M ami reaumo Ibo run of Ihe play at Ibe <Mrrlck Tbeaue. BBBTK;z'a"UI)amnallundo Faiiai)' wai repeated Bl the HetropolllAo Open Uouae Feb, 0,