New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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792' THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. Febbuary 15. Bioxntrir TiiiATiut.-A Terr frlenll; (d4 tn- <liii)lullc •ud(enui gaibcred al Itila booM F«b. lO* lA r.vicnd » welcouM l» Ihe Umih.iUu, who Ibea beitn an eogsicneol, preMnUSK "RotHn Bood." Tbo taouM wan psclisd lo t^erj pan, and ilogera ■nil MDR8 were elite e^nended Uie gnetlog due to old rrlesdik UiuPonild, DanieiKe, Oewlee, Jeuls Baillclt DhIs asd FrollilDxIun), all of llio oM giiird, were IQ turn ftretlud wlih airecllooale varmih, Tiiere wu iin DomUiekBiile noff o( eln- certij la CTcrr bunt ofepplauea at each or ihe fiiTortltit Bif ppcd upon theMaRe, audae Ibe famil- iar DumlierH it ibo work wore rendered licana iiott faaur witli RCDglno ihrllU or pleature. "Kobin llond" la n HilnR of lieauir, and will tbortfora he a inj forerer. Blmpla •nd old raibloned tbough It maj he, allied mote elofteljr to the old iban lo modem funm of dnmtilc and uinilol expttmlon, It appeal* la ibe bcari m eome of Ihe worke of tbo old compoMra Hill appeal, In anlio of the new alanilanla. How (nrtuulo It wae llial IbliiworXfell Into ibo btndiiof ibl« compaor, to receira alwaja tlie aanie loving ruro, Tlin work li nuog fnnainotT, and never haa tin prewntallon deTl«ie<l rmin the bigb cundatd of lla tirlelnal production. Whore rtu we find la anj light opora abch a cboma ai thle maiugemont pre- rrniar \'<>lco andablillr uiniie It are Um Drat re- iiulremeiiieln ibeaeler.ilon of tbu chenu, and 7ec a glance at tbo itane Hnirratoiihow itutcomriu lieu of form and of fice hu lieen ilolr appro- rl4ied la Ibe aelecilon. Hut above oTerjiblng n'n •ertalnlni lo ui« exi ellonce of the pre- nenlallon of iho work rlwa the overwbelmlng iivldeDco that ovorj in«nl«r of the comnaiiir can nlng anil dooH aing well, wloiilog lodlildual tri- nmpbi and preienling an eniem'ile that Ih almoat fiulUe'r, It la not worth while to weave new gar- Imlaofpraluforonrold and cheiMied frlendaln tbe coopan;, ilioee whoae iianiea appear above, hnl aomo nionlloti It dne tbo now corner* In Ibe fnld. Ilelon lltrtniii llrnlef, prima donna, proved a viloalile adillilon lo tbe cumpanv, Bbe aang mneriir and with mncL aplrit; hrllllanllr. In tact, iiuiwlihiholirlllltnojodce rtilier ilun of game. r*ne wiu too carenil of Ihe technical poninn of her taak, tod neglectful of cmiriH to reacb ibe beaitn or her aodltotH, and, In fitoi, we fuarnha Luke ibe nowrr to orcompllebililireiull. Uarold Ulake, Ibe lonor,proved verjruilirecloiT. ItlaInieblipenonal nppeamnce li al varlanco wllh our preconceived lileMof iMldflullawH, DorlHblaaciIng aoggeailve ■If pmireas, but lie hni ■ voiy line and aweet vulre, wlilcbhenwawlihdIicietloD, and be maj accept HU on tiight conpllmetil tho aaiurance ibat be la wtirtbr of Iho cnmpanr In which be haa won a pUce. <ir Ihe newcomen, Imwiver, Alice Nleliiea 1« entl- lleiltothn blaboBipml'H, nor iHbermcilt comper- Htire onl^. It la poililve and abmlnle. Uer voice li Oneaiid limpid. nowlniwIiboultbeallEbieeteOiiit IhnHigbnalllerange. BbeliachtrnilnglliUenlnger, and btr nolo In Iho Iblrd iictwaa one nf the moat MiliTjIng nnmhcra In a porfiirmancc In whiob Huccoi bad crowned all airlvlug. Tbo work waa tliuaniai: BhcrHrnrNolilDgbani, llenrjCht; Uiroii- liee: ll'iiiln llrml. Ilenld Blake; Mlile John. W. U. MacDo.nald: Will Hcirlil, Kugcnu Onwl'ii; Allan H-Dilo. Jovlo liarilnit Ihirlii; Friar Tuck, nenrge Frolblngbain; lluj ofdUboror, 0. K. landir: Hald Miilon, Helen Iierlnm ili-Qlof; Dania Uanlen, Jouphlno narilcil; AuoalKl. A>lne Nlelnen. It la unnonnccd that "llobln llnod" will bo Ihe aoleollbr- Ing dnrlng tlila enRngemenL MiHIH'a IkiwiHr TiiBiTKK.—Fred Rltler'a Night Owu relnroed to ihia hoese, opening to large ilzed audiences on Uondayafioraoon and evening, Feb. 10. Bsvenil changea arenollcedln iboprognmmc. lAWII. VarMll'ii"AI>«ckaf Canii," In whlcb are lotroUucod wtmo new apeoUouUr and terpslebor- ein fmturcs, furohihci taucb antuiienionL Florence Alllkr, In the lutdii, wm hPHriUv received. Mar Cl'irk Vail O.iton and Ulancli Waiwnrtb eang and Hc<ed well. Uabel llaxvilon made the moatoftbe tougli girl |iarl, and waa enci'red repeatedly. Low 11. Uiimll auil Hain tkiW tea' coincdr work wa> funiij. (loidon nnd Mck'n niulcal act, l.ew Uarroll'a conieilr moniilniMeHii'l aonga, Ulicliell and Jeaa, who are iiMClally cuBafied 10 produce their "Uo- Kenna atiil Ibo bpnit," ffblob ibej did to tbe iKiai advanlago; Judo baimoa, a roniprkabl/ iiloubendinz neilal contortiou<ai, la a novel inikeup; Ulidred dmnor, In aouga and danccn; Haro I'olllua anil Uay Clark Van Otten, In a fiiDaraketcii, viutn lw.ilng llolab between Uabel llHKltonnnd Mr. ODiino. rurmed a airong nriaj of Hoeikillloii. Th9 rrlnvtn Kula-Kula. Florence NIllerM prodiicMon, a lit Uldway, cloaetl ilie ibow. Treaiurer Joe/Itilo reporlH eicellont liualniiM lor thoallrauilon iliu*far IhH eeaion. H«ni Dovert'a Imtlnrat laal week ut tuihouio waa very Ug, Ibe MlobtaeaKlielng aiopped before eight o'clock on HaiunUj evi^nlug. I'lori.R'a TuiAriin —Hteve nrodle wae tho king Itln on llio llowerj uii Uonday night, Feb. 10, when In began hia aoonod engagement iblaaeaaon. Toe Inja lurncd onl In great niiiuben, paoklog tbo I'oop'.e'a to Ibe wallf, and tbe tecepilon he got uearlj alaggered hlin. Klowoh) were ro iheomrng la great uuiuber. u ivo!l at In a vailcli of devlcea. Had tba alar reaponduj nlib hlH chanc'rtUllo hrev. Uf and liior(iii|)inu<. Ttie plar "Do tbe Uowerj" liaabeen in mIIImI amuo what, one nr two aou partly rewHUcn, and a vciy pitariiublo aiory la built around ihiio.xpl.ninnr-iicve." lleakunitaaovrral ■ll<|Ul<eawllb gooileir.«'. Tbe auppon log company liiiairlr eaiKiile nnil liiclndea M*lnHI»|> ey, lleory ilensu, Al. II <iria. Qua Yotko, Win. Uiiuhell, K. U. Welia, J. U. liuoknor, lltt ry Mnihewa, Uharlea Bion- ilerisfhoDUBUIunniir, Joeph L. Keere, WallerFaley, r. Ooohran. lUrry wilauo. Helen Macdregor, K'.> MIMa and l.illli llordell. Next week, "daved from tko Be*." Aumi'kM Kii'KiLoiiviiN.—Tbe managcmeal of tbli rcHirt report liualn«a aa being excuUont, and tbo bonae, under li* ulianged ounoiuona, aeenia to lie 00 Ibe lop warn of auoeraa. Manager lUwea liiB corhilnly auccceded In gN. Uylinpmvlog tbe loieiior, and Ihe onienwinuiint fuiulabed la always uiean aud of guo<lcalibre. In Ibo awuwment balu rorihiawoekaie: Yamaiakl'a lloyal ujurt Ruter Klovra, conalailOB of aavobteen Uilenbtl perform- «r*, preaentliig ail tho tpotia and paaUmea ut the FIniroiT Klugdoui. In tho Ihoalm an oxcelleni vaudsvllln urograumie la given by (lllana and Uatr, Verana, ibe wnniler: lUlty Itaudall, llirry Devlno, I'aov and llanley, Kuiim Uttrely aud Uurtouand lie Almo. lluuiH's Pauui Ui'sii.'Si.—Ua Uopday, Feb. lb, large crowdt wiineiaed tbe lioutly ahuwa, wblob ivnitllaie ibe perpeianl amuionirni thla bonae unMoli, and, Judgliig by ibo applauae, the tnler- lalninenl waa of ibo aorldralrod. lu the curio ball nro I'riDce, a tvioiilini Una; Up'. Wlirlo, who claims to cat |iolmoa; Kllllowon,wnota legion and without uroti-; U-lnio g''rttj, a awont awallower; Hoiitb Hca Uiaiid J.mi and wife, U. H. Pemiu' per- faralng aeal, ami Waller^ a l>luo utan. Tlie alago abov eugrtgea Toni Flyoit, the Doauniont Slalen, ilno'x. Ihn rtranulgan!*, Ada Jouo:!, tbo 'IVMloy*, aud FahdII and Taylor. Aaaiv'a TliBATHIi.—Siroh Uornbnrdt began on Feb. luthofounh week of her eugagviiioni, when ah** appealed for Ibit rlrat time lu Iblt cuuulry lu HirlouM"UMutonila.'*b\ribcranuil-jii of tbla event will h« made In our nent l-aiio. J.vcii-g TiiKATHa.—" Ibo I'rt'oncrof Zooda" waa, na FdU 10. preaoniod i<y ibo aiiH-k company of Ibla liouse. i.'joimentuponilio|>e.<>ruiaacowliiappoar lo our next Umio t^^iiioN miATHi.—Iluiwll limihera'Comedians nm nillng a roluru ougAgonient hi ro. Tbe buuke waa woll lUlcd Uuudir ovriilnr, Feb. Ii). Her, Uurle and llindall havii liocn added lo Ibe lilU, and Ibey pioToke many langba by luelr act. Toe r«at of tbo lirogminnii Incluilra I hp Horello*, Falk } and Semob, Jnlinalo UArndi. Iliitvll llniiheni. Hay lliwaid, ii'lirieoaiid Have), Firlilaand Lflwla,aud "I'beTMi il<l'l'nt,"luwblcliJuUn aiiilJaiuraHuaaelland ibo railni company uri. Next week, Tbe Tweallctb tVlllury Uilld.4. UiraoroMTiN iipKaa lliiriiK.—Tho ihlrieeuih and anal week of the Htuoii nf gmud opem began l''eli. 10, wllh the pmirouilno or "liio Mleiier- alaier," tbua raa': iIhub Sjcht. KI. de llenke; IMiner, II. riinmn; llerkmcaaer, dig. Oarbonr; Fil't Knihurr, SIg. Uini|iinarl; ll.<vld, Ul.>] d d'An- bUnt; Ktntr. Vo^oigcaAng, Sly. VdUiil; tuitbaxar '/'<ra. HI', nintldinl: Aiiau<ilu Hoaei, SIg. MaNIrl; I'rlrb Kl-Hilnger, bli. Vartu; Kiiiirad Nacbllgal, Mig.Uorlu; llaraian (><t<l, :^ltr do Vasohelll; llaua Kol'r., Klv. v-n\uaci<; Mailt tVatihniau, U. ile Long- prei; lUna SohAalx. i^l^. Vivlaol; Wa-lor, Jran do lirnko; Uaiblaleaa, Ullc. Uaiicniiolator; Kva, Lola ll'i'ih. KariaaTuiATRt— 'X n'oman'a llcaton" attned on VVii. 10 Hponme inlid wrrk of liarun. llovr'H TnaATHS —■ A lilti-k i>bcrp." now In Us alxiu work at Xu\* bou:if, It nieeilog wUb that full iiieaanrr of aucrc^; ii«jally won by Ur. Iluyi'aen- teriHliilnir plaja. Fii rn AveKi'BTiiiATiu.--Wi:i. II. Cnano I*now la tbo biunli wpoK anil ilie Iaki riiriiiliibi of bla rii- gageninii. "Tho i:.ivi<nior of KmlncKy'* h atlll lilaiiin-ring. KioAOiirA 11**4 will urglQ ancogage- iiii'ni IV<i. '.'1. MaNAUKn OtNKitn hiu m^de arTiiiigea:enia by \TltU'h"Ciiiiiii, a* iliu-kl" will lie pTOiiui*ed at tho IrvlDg f.are T.icaira In Uenuau, on Feb. -.11. KgiTB'A UgiOH Si)BAi« TngAT»i.-llr. and' Mrs. Bldoay Uitw, tivtb from Ibe leglUmate Held, found u apprecUUva audience awallbig tbelr appear uce at this bonae on Monday, Feb. 10, and It U donbltolU they evtr gained a meiv l ordlal gitet- lag. Tbelr sketch, "la Clover," Is blfbly eoteruln- Ing, and served as an excellent medlam for their laltnta. Mn. Dreiv received a hearty artne call, ■ad they wmcooiptlied to acrept repeated corttio caIIb. Their tucceai waa a nfreabing trliiute to Ibe dlMrtmlnatlog tasiea of vaudeville patron*. La Utile Oarmen, a very clever high wire ptrtonner, undo her American debut, and Adonis Amea rcap- pcilvdouihlatlda of Ibe iiHoy. John T. Thome ■sd ar*eeU*rletoD again t<crd their old frlenda sod mat well deserved succeas. Ur. Thom'a wli aeenis almys In lu best working order, and the reanit Is a vast nmooat of mirih ana a propotUonate degree of •pplaiite. Rota and Jlilda 1.1 rorle, Ibe iwuteam of lady vacalliia ibis bouse preaenis. were also hick amont tboie who knew tbelr ablUiy and alwayt appland tbelr work. Ibelr inceest belog an complete ta beretofore. Tliey dtett neatly, tbelr votcea harmonize lunefully, and inelr act I* alio- getherabovethegooeial run. liardlUKasd Ab Bid, In Ibelr clever cooicdj acrobatic act; Frank Litona, Ibe talented musician, and tbe I« Hunle Fatally, really devtr aorobala, nil gained apeedy itcognl Uon tor their woik, and Annie Wbluey scored oae of tbe lills of ihe Mil by her ewtet BloglDg and clever monologue, otnitle'a caalnca, John luiel, a comet vlitooan; tbe McAvo)a, con. ady duo: the Three llarvela,grolctouc»,aad<ikobe'B Troupe of Jap* alao enlenaioed. ia fur the attead- aoce, tU that need ba aald la ihat tie cmab for ad. nlBRlop coiiflomed all of the standing room, an ocennenoe which acemt lo he repeated nigbily at tblapopnlar bouie, Mr. and Un. Drew conilnue next week, and tha bill will bIho Include Flora Fin- layaoo, well known In opeia; Bonlh and llodd. Waller I,eoo, and naore of like repul«. Koenu t BiAL's.-A naw and aluacUve nnmber on tbe bill this week, commenslng Feb. 10, li Paul MarUneUl'* new pantomime, "Robert Macaire," with l>nl KanioetllaBJackBiropand A.HarilnetU ai Boben Macaire. It wh excellently suged, and the conedy, allboDih at tlmea somewhat abiw, was laogluble. As the irtoky Utile Jack Biiop, a role made familiar to us nnder other ililea, Mr. Ham- nttil was most loienlons In bit netbods. Tbe death acene, wblcti was made comically palheilo, pioved an cffeotlre flnale. The Uaitlaeiilt were ably amiated by John Heard as Cbarlea, Railla Jos- set as Bergeani Loopy. K. lapuccl as Fleirs. Mr. Uiegnole at Uon*. UumonI, Josephine Hlchrlla at Maighertts, and Clara Angler aa Clemeniloa Uu- moui. Tbe vlliagcrt, etc., were plciureaqnely tr- rafed sndamngod, and a pretty qaadrllln waa In- troduced In tbe wedding fesllililea. The Alll- Bona, wboie atiraoilve aloglng and dancing act haa been • auccoit nn former occaaloot, are alto new. This week Ibe other fealnres re. talntd are Uon*. nemlto, mualcal mimlo. eighth and Mat week; Hoate llendel, nfih week; Mona. Ui Roche, In hia nyaterlona globe Baceoiloos, fourth week; Mlla. Uarthe Haiihy, who develops new and ■ttncllre re*tnnH earb xucccedlug week, third week; Paul Ctoqnerelll,spectacular Juxgler,alxtb week; tbe Cragg*. who are In iheir elgiiih week, and Fnr.Woodwanl'atmlnedaoaU, which wlUclose tbelr entagemcnt Feb. ir,. uie Fuller's new danoetare announced for Fob. u. PaoorOH's I'liasuhi Palace.— Dntlneei con- t-nuoa good at Ibis house, and the management con- tlsnea to pretent excelUnt at raoiloDa each week. Tbe islll for week opening Feb. lo was up to the bIgb atandtrd aei b; IJanagcr Proelor. The Harlo- DanhamTHo. triple horizontal bar txpeila, made tbelr brat appaannce at this resort and won siormi ofapplauBo lor tbelr clever work.' (Iranio end Maud, eccentric wira performcr,>, were alto new ooniert,and ratalilUhed tbemselretjis favorlles. tM BeegallB, midget onmedlans and tlngeis, began their second week popnlarboldover*. The cooche- coocfael)ear,alM Id Ita aecood week,con*lnuedtobe an auualDg fealnre. Tie l)on*io% one legged alowo), were lianatcrred from Mr. Prootor'a down town houae, and wero accorded full recogolilon for Ibelr excellent work. iM Andon, In chamcter cbanoes, and Mile. Frtsotty, acrobatlo dancer, alto iranarer* from tbe Tweniy-ibird fitreet houae,found favor. Othen on ihe bill were: Ueorge lockbin aid bis iMlned elepbanis, twenty-fourth week: Hiibeirs and Uiilger. parodists; Qus Iltiino, dialect Hiory tillei; Obmli and nindes, blaol^ face come- dlana; Three Blaler* lion, In songs and dsnces; Frank BUIr and Edltb Hurllla, In comedy skeioh; Oharlet Limon, atmng man on the wire; tbe Four Uoecn, aorobtta. rlxth week; Jennie lbible,«ooe' dlenne; B*dle Utjr.ln tonga and dancea; Ada B. Uownlp, vocalist, aid the Balambos, In tbelr elec irtcal sot, each of whom helped to make an enJoy< able ptrtormsnco. Hisin'B Eianrn AvgNuk TukAnk.—Sam Devere and hit excellent eompany of vaodevUlen moved up here for ihe week Feb. 10. Tbe opening boiiM, Monday night, waa t orasher, and every act of Ihe long aad decidedly entertaining programme waa applanded to tbe echo. A review of the seveml aeu of Ihe bill appealed In our lut lane, so It Is ou'y neceatary to tiaic bete that ihoy were received with esnal favor by Monday nlgbfi large audience. When Mr. Uiveie appeared in bli well knoim b injo loloj and nnta be was greeted most cordi ally, aud responded^ to encores nam b>o tired to oonitnue. Tbbi Is « reium vlalt of the conpanj, aa was Ian week'* vlili to Ibe Boweiy Tbeaira, when lb* oonpanj biohe tbla season'* record for large reotlpls. Ilia site lo predict that ili4-"take" ror this week will oome cl.ia* to eeubllahlag a new rroorrthere. Next week, Ibe relorn visit of ibe Waabbiim Slater* Ltst Sinsallou. On Sunday night, l^ Trill oodar Utnager Lonla Roble's letil- moulal benedl. A Ug audience It tlraady aanied, and tbe lUI of volunieer talent eobraea tbe pick of Ihe vaudeville nieatbeia of tbe profeaaloo. I'aocrOBH Tuiatu.— Tbo bill for week of Fab. luvnaonoot tbe beet of tbe season and mat wllh Imomjlate favor on tbe opening day. 'Mous.aid Mne. Bmet-Hlvl«io,ilueltltts. dnpllosied their ano oetaof last week at FrocU>r'* Ileatare Falace. Tbe R'tck PaiiKllsleietia Jonor). John \v. Raneooe, aa "Ibe Huier of New York," and tbe Pbolie-noaud intupo nf paniomlinltiB were alM traaefeired from Mtengar Prootor'a nptown honte.and early became prime favurltra. ITatjon and Uuiobluga, Oennan ooowdlans, were well liked, asd the cooohe- onoobe daaolog ttear continued to Iw popular. Boonle Thomtoa was ailll u prime favor- ite. Uabiy Mayer and ber plckaolnnles oon- llnued In favor, and aeiinide MaasOeld, coaiedlenne, was a holdover favor;i«. MsMon Rile, modeler la soap, appeared, and found that her long abtenc* hail not otuaiid bar to he forgouen. llalnes and PeillnslU, In a tkotoh entitled "lloole Ram v*. John UaU,"raundtaTnr. OlbemonlbeNU: Ualhewa and Da'ger, urodlets; Uonoa and SItier, come- dians: Mile. OUvetie, nilud reader: Motion and Slater, In a akelch; Kva Swioburae, obaracler Chang**: l.llllan Ackerman, aetio rnmlo aloger: ileonia Hotatt, In aoags and dtnce*; Mile. Dentil, contonionlii, and Clara Ueckwiih, In ' aiiaatlo •polls, each comlnii lo for a abare or ibe aspleaie. HAKFOkD'n TusaitB.—FoUtnlng closely upon eevcral producilon* of cousldnable note at ibbi bouts come* anoltaer of excellrni report, "Char- lo)'.< Aunt." who made, on Fob. 10, her drtt bow to an Kail eldo audience. That her appearance waa WfIcumo wta proved by tbe demootlratlve manner In whIob a large aadlence greeted her, and Ihoy In re turn were antenatted lu a manner which left no doubt of a regieifnl loavo takbig. Tbe oaai Blephoi Bpetllgne. Owon t^wceiiiOol.SlrFranol* Ubetnri, Frank Ituroeck; Jack Cheanev, reroy l.yadall; Obarlea.Wikebasr, Rdw. 8.Abele*; l,ord Kanoouit llAtiherly, K'leooe (lliardst; Hnuset, c«l- Ipge ncmtt,- Ilarrr l.tufunl; The New Footnao, Jikue* Waiaon: Unnaa l.ncla ll',\lv* Dorai, Kills Wilton: Amy 8nenlyii>, K'hrl DIanilc: Kluy Ver- dura. Nanaelle Unn»look: K'a Debibay, Lealle Uaa- kol. Next week, Jo.4«ph Murphy. ' llSHaLtiBgPAMnTnKtTaa.—"The Heart of Uary- htna" entered ou fVib. lu npon tbe aeventeenth week of It* very *uaoeaBtiil nin. A apeclal louvenlr mall- are It announced lor I'J. Lincoln'* Ulrlbday. UAaniN TiiiATai -"Onimiiile Fadden" oeian on Feb. lu Ihe nfih week and last fortolght of llama. II will bo fUlowpd 24 by Sydney RaMHfeld'* prodiic- iloo oc "Tbe Two Kvuicbeoos." ACADiuviiK Mivic—"Tbe Bponlog Ihicheas" It itlll Ihe aiinioibvu at this house. The plar, wbleh enterwl I'a twenty-llflb week on Feb. to, gives way OD March 'i lo ihe liatinarb Opera Oo, AnnucAN Thkatis —"Uarmab" began luibIM week Fab. lu. llenileUa Croatmaa, wbo ba* been p'ai log the role of Korab llaaUn. leilre* from the mn 13. and will lie nplaeed by Amy Baaby. llAHHici TuiATi(R.-R. M. anil Jotepb Holland, are now In Ihe aecond week of tbelr return riurage- inonl at tbl< houae, aialn winning auccen with "A Boclat lIlghwayinaD.'i Fnuimnra i»niBir TniAV».-Chauncey Olcolt began 10 Ma fonnb week In "Mavauraeeo." KrAHDaan TuiAntL-TbLi house Is dark for week of Feb. lu, TOUT PAnoa's TngATii.-T4e most exacUog derotea of the conllnnons could not fall In JnillDg an lomeaii< amonnt of good amnsemont In the ogeilog of iinlght variety Manager Fattor pie- senls for Ihe coneot days, and In proof of iho eon- llBued popnlaniy of ibl* resort, under the new order of Ulagt, It can be said that Momlay, Feb. 10, nuncd lbs addition of another big day's bisiieas to the right side of the ledger. The show It long, stiong and evenly i>alanced, and coataloa a Hit of nsmu which would carry conviction wliboat ex- teoded comment upon the abllliy of those engaged. Follle Udmes, handsomely gowoed, as ntatl,aid with a brogue splendidly dlted to ber title, "Tia Irttb UacheS"i»ogol"Cl.ncey'a Ml.t.k«."d*r»d tbeaodlesce u> "Come Ontmihe Alley," and watb cd otherOelilc dittlen in amannerlocreaioenough dis- turbance to stamp her tho hit of Ihe ebow. (»ger and Fanile Hldgely, whose characur act la quite alone In tbe lulm of vaudeville, repeated ihtlr luatly deserved past uinmpbsand gained an Imme- diate lailog among tbe favoiilea. Mdle Bhayie.a comedian of ihe real comedy sort, and Uae Wiideo , hUableaalsUni, retomed to friends gained ihrpogh previouagood work, and wen promptly echeduled for aaccem UUa fforden was lo psnlciilariy good vole '.and the team meiltsd tbe cordial weleomeac- cutded them. Tony Pastor conirtbnted hi* rinoia of good songs In a manner all his owo, and John and Koma Ray created no end of hlUrlty by their fuinr- iBsis. Maior NeweU, tilck roller skater: l>l.xoa and Lug. cbamctervocallata; Klaiell and sultana. In a musket drtll; lb* Neweboy*' ijiilntei, toe UarUoelll Utouers,cleverpettoimen;(leo. E. Austin,on the vrire; Leoaza, the Juggler; Lottlo Rugen, In a round of comic tongs, and Joe Lewlt, conttiriloaltl, all cane Ui for their portion of the prevaiilogcbeer. Fanny Horn, a very sweet voiced linger, gaion) au abundance of appbnae, and the dancing 0< Utile Dal V created a perfect foror of well earaedpUndil*. Kext week bitof* Will U. Fox, Oeo. Evens. Com Houit,J.Aldrich Ubbey. Bbeffir and Bbtkcly, Lew Uloom, Wm. •nd Klule Uarbtok, and oihera of pio- Porilonate meni, thna giving promli* of anolborblg a llAHiiiurxiM'a OiTMni.-nien/«-"Bxcetelor Jr." contlnaee at this house to good atlendanco. It began Feb. 10 lu twelfth week. Yvette Vlolelte re- placed Theresa Vaughn aa Deriha In tbe cast I and scored a bIL ne one bnudredlb performaaco of the piece wlUoccnr 17, and will be marked by the preaentaUon or toiivenln. Jfualc /MH-"Margaer- Its," a speclscolar opeia and ballet, In one set, words and mualo by Oscar llpmmersteln, wis pre- sented for tbe flnt time on any ttage Feb. id, at ibis reiort, before an audience that fllled tbe big aiidl- toiliim. Mr- Utmtneiatein selected for bis ihrme the old legend of "Fautt and Maigaerlie,"bulglves a new veislon of II. Ue pictures Fansi as a jonng. amlililont, but dUappototed artltt, who It wedded to Hargnerlte, and whose aim In life Is to palnta flolurs In Ihe nude which will make him famona. be opening icete of tbeoneiadlscoven Fansi lu hU studio, surronnded by evidence of his nnsnccenfiil efforts. Ue It indeipalr and laments his fate, when Mephltto appaari beiore him, and tella bim that bis dlMppolaimentle due to tbe lockot properanbjecia to paut froia, and olTera toinpply nlmwlth ideal Biibjecl* wblcn «lll enable him tu execute works of an that will brlig blm fortune and famo, proiliilig Fauat will become "bis." Faust It aronicd from bis deHpondent mood, manlfeaia Inieteat for Hepblato's words, snd Is beedles* of tbe pntesta- tlons ot Margnulte and ber ipoiher, Manila, who have entered the elndlo and overheard ih) pro- poeed compact. Mephlsto, In order to conviace Fanat of nla lapeniatonl powers, prodecei a dmgonheaded itair, which, when In tbe bonds of Ifephlato or FansI, will conlnie ronb any onbject tor polnllog that may lie wlibed for, liut, ahould It fad lata the handa ot a pare weman like Marguerite, It wonld coojuro pic- tore* of a holy nature and desirpy the power of Me- phlsto. Margoertts. horrlQed at tbe awful danger of her busbaad, coatlnnes to tftj lo Fanst to re- turn front MepblMoand his lurtolo temptailons. Mephltto meanibUe waves the faiaglo stair, snd sa evidence of his power makes ploiores on tbe wall or tbe studio turn Into life. Faust,no longeraiileio reeltl Uepblato% alluring Indacemeuts, agrees to enter the compact. Tbe ecene Is tnnafonned to Uephlito's Bomncr home, "TUe Palace of Floweie," a place of daollng snironndlogt. Uere again Me- phlsto bflngi forth, with tbe aid of bis magio wand, a lertes of ptlnungs la whlcb the Onres take lite and execute r*ala*tlo dancea Noihwitbsttndlog all these conlnailous, Fanst ^xpicaaes dlsnu*- facUou and craves for tbo Ideal nude sohject. Marguenie appean on tbo scene, acrompaoled by Manba, and fonontly Implores Fanst to cait aside his mad purpose and Inclination to follow Hephlsio and return bomt with her. Tho latter, tesrlog tbat Hargnerlle'a pnyem will prevail and that be will lose a victim, pitparea to conluro the clluux of bis powers and bring forth to Fanst's vision theex- tnme In nndlir, when MatgneTlte nishe* towards blm, eelzes the dragon stsff frun his hands and wtvea It U> trlamph and pnyer. laatead of a node fialntlsg the interior of a grand eathednal la bioigbt n view, and the chanting of aa lavlilMecholrIa heatd oliglng lellgloua atralns to the occonipail- meat of a graod organ. Tbe apell Is broken, Ue- pbbuo, foiled, disappears, and a Joyous reuiloo of Wnst and Marsuetlta takes pisce amldtt soigaad general lejotoligs. Every fine la the piece Is put to music, and of necetflly tbtte bi muoh re- citative. Boiha or lbs numbeiB are rather pleasing, tbe bast probably being the waltz song, which was well tendeied b; Alice Rose, who aatumed the title role. The most Inurttilng portion of the perTorm- anoewBStbe gnnplnga and Ogunsor Ihe ballet, whlehweie presented In a novel manner. Qroups rcpieaenting "lbs Uuiaan," "Clrcna Uaictr*," "The Oooks and Oblmney Sweepa," "Uvbig Fott- en," "Tbe Wedding party," "Ibe Peaianis,"'The OHental Danceii" and vattona others appeared as tableaux Bist, and then In taniuiic dances, many ot wblob were new, and all were aitiacilve. The most loteroBtbig were "Tbe Circus Dancers," four lo number, and driven by a girl made np as a ring master. They executed a very prctb dance, coaslsiing ot their Imltatlug tbe steps ot horses pnncthg, UoUlng, galloplag, etc., and were re- ified. "Ibe llaaiara" wen also altraouve, but then It would tiave been dimculito eelect any Qgure ot the ballet Hut was not pnt'y; Tns cottumes were hand*one,and tbe eettrng or Ibe second scene vru gotseous. Uf Ibe four princlpsis Alice Ibiae carried ng the boncn. Toe oast: Hargueille, Alice Hose; Hailha. Marie Utandlt; Faust, Tuomaa Uvans Onene; Mepbhiio, Adolpb DAho-Fotenen. The olio which preceded "Margneriie" Included Sadie Al- fanbl, eqolllbitat, founh week; Uons. O'Cost, mlmlo.sevond week; Carl Uertz, magician, attliteil by Mile. D'Altoo, fourth week, and the Leaisy Troupe, aertallau, twelltb week. OAiirr TaiATaa.—This bouie Is again a bidder for metropolitan patronage, having been leased by John U. Uoru aid reopened 11 tbe puiillo on K ilnr- day nlgbl, Feb. a, as a vaudeville Ineislrc, giving a coiUnnous show from noon to u r. \Vbllsihe veitun may be conaldered by many as a bizsrdous undertaking, Judgtag from toe atandiiolni that the house hat never been a suooc**, s'lll 11 Is by no mcanaoenain bat that Ur. UorU' managcrtal ablll- iy will ultlmatrlr place tbe bouae on g payingbubi. The prloeaot admlsilonan Iweity^nd thirty ceuta, andeoatooupomaro given at theas rales. Blues Mr. Dorts aosoined pcaaesslon, hlmielf and a scorn or ironic aitlsis, upbolsteren, workmen, cleanen>, etc., have been at work night snd day on ihe stage and the litertor,and Ibelr egon* are very mgcb la evidence. Oonmendng with ibe eiage, then bos been furalahed so entirely new scenic outQi. Now upholsleilag, lailefol In tone and texture, greets the eye, while lirtRkt new raipeis, a pleiiilfol ute or palut, and, above all, a geueraus supply of •osp'aad water, whlcb -tbe occasion domaadbd, UW convened the Utile theatre Into a bright and obeerfol place of amusement. The pertonoere who appeaivd at tbe opeolug of the houae continue tbiaweek.snl an a* follow: Bios. Iilanil. Muan, LIUIan Oreeir, CanOeld and Oartelon, Haldwia end Daly, Hue. Pmo,ClaninSlaler«,8 swaitand OlHin, King Blaleta, Ilan7 Fenion, BIgnor IbKcl and INik Leggetl. Un-Feh-'IO Uarvy Wildam*, in bla Iramn act, waa added to tbla Hat. Tboae of tbe above wbo*e acta would permit of their app«aranco on Sunday, under the Law goveroing cueiuaws, etc., appeared lu Ihe Banday enienalunient, wblob be- gUa at mad endaat IIMD r:u. Tn« following were addad to the Sunday Mat: tjueen Glly Trio, llany Mootejhe Hates, Hattyne. Layman andTlmC'ro- nla. tbe opening, under the new management, waa an entire aueceta, and people were innedairay oo Sunday nlgbt. Cium.B II. Ilorrni, who baa gained an enrlable Kpulatlty In "Unuunile Fadden," at the Garden earn, was treated to an eojojabi* snrprlte by tbe nembera of hi* company, Feb. i. It wu hit Ihliiy-ihird blnhday, and In nonor of ihe occasion ihey pRecoicd him with a •olltalr* diamond ilng after tbecnrtaln bad fallen on thelaat act of the play. VtstMO^-'-The Mdy Slavey," which befan II* Beiropotltan csner al ibbi nonss lau week, he* been favonMy ftcelved and WUI probaMi make a leoitbTsta;. 8rARTnB.Tt..-"Tbe Warof W«ltl>.^»««" «' melodiama of a seniallonal c'*"*"''* J Incidents an! native types lor Ihe iwT was given II* inlilal meuopollbiti beailbB al !hto bonse "n F=b. lo, and, nnloss all signs fal, lu gnn eiUblUhment npon the pedeidalof suceemlsan Ltured thing. Chas. F. l>Moy Is It* •nl^Jf.""'? wrklnSlBprodaoilonehowsihattbereeUllrem*^^^^ f.Hii* rau In the «eld of me odrema, and Ihe por- ttr5o"gbrt by btabaa yelded "-T SSfliftA At the Rojal Theatie, notion. Eng., on m.^ isJsVbit pli^ w«i played ror^^^^ bpon any ii«8». being acted at that tlme^elyhr roovilabi sutioies, and on Feb. 5j or tbe aamo ;»'?TtsoriS3A™rtc.nproducuou w^^^^ the Chestnut Street Opera Uouie, •'blltJIPh"'';- iKallogasltdoes with stirring and not always ^ua"lelocldont«. and "I'P'e'I'f "'^.^'^Jf or existence In a more or less exaggerated >h'°ner. It raav readily be scon tbat no eevere teals of crlil- areuifoaflon iSy be put upon It, bullis cUlos SSeTognliInn are made only "^P?,?! Itscuts, snda8oivpresenuilvoof this cl«f» beionrdonbt enililed to a plaeo In'b* '«"; mMt tank. One of the ncenes upon which panlcular slreas Is laid »bows » run on tno bank, and here tbe snthor has brought to bli afd every concelv«ble device lor ibtat- ilcal Bifect, nnd by their Judicious employment bat wrought a tcene ot exceeding mterot. A company of ranch merit bs» been enrol «l, and the staging of the piece has been liberal In every way. ibna Inauting a performance tbni leaves mylliUe to be desired." .\rs, IJprasn. as .Jjnford Farley, tbo villain of ibe etory. succeeded in making the chancier suniclonliy repulalve, and earnei considerable credit for keening bla ociing well within Ihe boiinda of naiutylnera. l*"™.'" Ilanley msdo tho role of John Warlleld iiuKe entertaining, and John B. Maher was uwlul as Flavins llamteo. Credit should also bo given Joseph Wbeelock for hU work as Robert Raymond, which wasachamcter that called no Utile natonl acting Into play. Followtog Is the cattlutnll: John Warheld, Uwrence Uaole;;iUnrord Farley, A. S.Llpmao; Major rinckney Polndexler, Tbos. A. Wlae; Phillip Korw'od, Uticolm Wlllbams; Robert Raymond, Joneph Wbeelock; Flavins Rem- SSI, John H. Maner; casslus. Ben Cotton, James Uodd, Fred Jerome; Police Oitlcer, Dariy Wllllaos; MMCDger boy, A. U. T.; Helen Raymond, Fanny Mclntyre; Harula Dudley, Madeline Uouloo; Ballle Worley, llel>e Biickllo; Uts. Worley, Uarloa A. Erie. IIuasB's Kiouru'K Ui'SEiii.-The new stage departure lo giving n drsina, which rnoa over an hour and la cast wllb iiulle compiteni people, is proving successltil here. Ths drams for ibis week IS enllQed "Uncle lletibon," and Is Inteipnted by the followlDg: R. A. Urollui, Chas. Itlcharda, Frunk Rcadlck, a. A. Buck, Florence U«ll, Usitle St. John and Uanil4 Katly. ThovAOdevlliepeoplearo: Bates and llitct, Vaude St. Aubrey. Frankly and Foster, and others Tbe mnaeuiu nail feature* fur this week are: I* of. It. I>. aisnton. bypnoUat; Fannio Uuidetio, midget snake chnrmcr; lilack Diamond, who claims lo have tbo biggerl human mouth on earth; Mile. Valleila, Jack knife iiueen.and ller- nun, strong myn. Uualness comluuee to tie excel- lent. I'AUigR'a TnRATU.—This house was dark Feb. 10, to pennll of Uual prepanilons for tlta production hy EJward Vroom of Coppee's "For tbo Crowo," announced tor tbe following evening. Ilnrlein.—At tbe ILirlein Op:r.i House, last weak, bualonia vaa rooI. Jamra A. Iteroo. In nU play, ' BtMir* AcidV' opaoaU lo a rn>wd«d hon'e rah. 10, and ahooUdoTellallUie naak, abovloK iliat hU l-4is auy at a down toao hooaabaa la ao way atrdcltd hIa Htflaiii po^Urllr. Kext weak, Frank Uaalel^ la "Tha Wizard orUieNito." (^Li'MHi^.—"tb* Cotioa KlOE" did a big waak'a tiaal- naaa. cooaldaflDi; tba ireatliar. 'lluiaan H»ru" made a lowl hnpraailuQ at \v oiwoIdx lu It liaptayjaat auiied lor Uila liouM,aod aa 11 Ta HiUcomtiaoy'a drat llailem appaaraoce tbaj can c«unt oo dolD* a Rood buila**a Uie b«4t part of tbevMk. b'aic vetk, "The White EUta." Ot.YHFtr.—Tlia London Oalaty nlrla did their uaoal buitnaaa laal waak. Joe OfipaotiailDar'a finotaoular builaniue, "Zero," made lla nr.i Na* Vorb a|tp«armoea ACihlatioDfa lu. and waa grratad by a paakcd to tha duorahouia. "7.aro" daala widi an accantrlc Iriabmao, who loharltslmmaiifa wealth oa tha conditl&n that tia eiiaipan axpadlltoo to dad the Kortb Kula. Tba Arrt ■caoe la laid In tha rteaptloo rouni or tba M. A. O. Roomt. wtian tliadlffarootnwaioeraoi tha companjr ara ttranao opportiiallr to dlaplay aoma alricaiit coatmnfa. Tha iMODd ac«o* la aboatd tba alilp Ziro, wbldi. by tba way, taooeof Ihe haalataita aatllnp, eaao at ihlitiooie thii aaaiao. AcoDc*rtiakaaplacaiiboanl,BlrIa*tli* lollow- lor vaudoTllla patrumian a chance lo duplay thair alillltr Id Uwlr rtapacUva liaea: Urraot and Clerar, In a clever aioglus torn; Pl»h and Quite, eecao- trie comadUna, who wrr* waU recaircd. Vaklo plMfed Willi hla prcallar act Maddan aad tjur- rao'a Irlah ilonloir aad talllog act made a big hit. Mnnroa Slatara Jo a cltvar looic and daaca tuni, aod wara tha rodplant* of f;r*at applaoae. t:baa lUnaa. In hta portraralot aaoM maid, vaa one of thahltaot tha coaipaDT. St. Flonoca Iul«a^d^ la her pretty daneloa apaclalty. rotltled '^a Uanca a la Phautai Uagorija," mad* Uiaaucewadirtliaareoinir. Savrialjirour narehaa ar* latrodnead during tha eraulng. The Udlaa ara pratly, illaplar flnerumii and baautirul coatuiaaaand tlia MaoeiTla Uiaflnait avaracan at Ibta boaaa. Tha coa. tuBiea vara dfalgacd and mada UDOar the aupenlajon of H. Ploraoca Kdaanla. aail tvllfct great credit. To* com- F«ay BiiouU couia near brrahlng tha record, a* U la ooo ortbahaat ahowa pUylog thia bouaa. Naki week, iha Ro^ lllll Co. UiRLaM MtaiuM -Crowded liou'ei at avary porfom. aoca la tlia rapurt ur Hauagar Sinitb. alw Ibat Dualoaa* waa oaf ar belter Iq tbahliiorvorhliiiiaaacenieot. The fallowlo* ara tlia Dew ricaa ihia waak: Cel. tneaan and Jennta Honon, NalUa Parker, Bobby l^laUa aivl Jeflle BallDa, DATii Whittly, Joo. J. and Ploraacolfnrrar,<:haa. WallaoO, tvbala Oil Uua aod LItila Uoaday, Ctrnm. Flatcbar. EddleTboraaadthaCalp BroL' V:auDa Band aad Orehaatia. Exriaa-Joaeph Harohy la th* panlculir lur il„. «l*k. lla brioga wllb hbi UiM* In time lrl».lTii.| n n i>oi«l*riliaa»aa,'flhaoa Bha*-'aad "ganr Ho..' 2," upoDiDa honaa wa*lari*. "tlia roll la glo|" I7.|i OAvrrr.—f at«r F. Uallay la lien-wliii "im ),:,^, nark" ibia saak. The alu ol Um aud lane* which ct»M hiDiO ahowabehaamaorrarnliaiilolbUMreiir uJ.V Doneally aad Olimld wlU brlag 'The HaliiDak'ra'' bar* 17. . _ Laic ATasoK AciDi«r.-"Dr. Dill • la ravlred iiil>»>,b with Baatoa daraaUiail lo III • title role and Agoia li, rn doo aa Mra. Ilorua. Tbe atoek oooipaar eauy tiia i.iinr chaiadera. Tnera vaa a fair alxeboaaaprit^ent It) Tha uodarlloe aoat weak la not aa yet ana.iaac«il AHSaicaT—'The PrivateRacrstary" lapmaan'M i„. caoipaay lorlodin? J. W. Bsoaaon Jr. Oao I'lrkaM VorbfiCoitla, HIcliud Rharoan, Ue'aa OatIi. dariroda' 8<aadwo<d. Uia. UarrE. Bankaon. Hr<.I)oibaru,l M,' Iliila. TliaiiMnlngliMrawaaof (oirirmml proi«ni™,i: •■Landol IhaMldofght Ban" la tha fallowlDiraitractino Ltoio* —N.B Wood oaena to hSTS a araalfoodiKn for tbla tiraae. Ilahaaaoaoaaced aeretBrilmailiialtKi engagirMot, but hla ropnlarlty liaa aiown wlili puph rapid Btrtdoilltat ha bat coolloued oo. Tlila mt*k ili* aioek coaipaar aopport him lo "lb* Orphana of Ke* Torb." "Jack ebarranl" week of to. Ultloua—Tharonna*crowded hou'c prwieotlo wbro tba Wation diatara' r:o. baaao a veoh'a atwy. a ona act akil, •««llog* Daya,''rprxct *« a velilele to latrnlll^c tlip people. The oiin la fiimlabed liy Thaa, Rnoiei^ii it,. Ilvaui^ Lo^lT And Ilaalay. Wlllard aad Dro*n. il,« VllJocaR. the walaoD Blaterw and JunYDe 7.Hinnrm. Tli.. Freoca folly BorlaMiiio C" will bo hero voakof 17. NOTIH-Nearly all the arrugaiaenla for lha IwariU matinee lor Hi* Brooklyn Maiaretty Uoaphal lura b<,D cAnDltlid. The perfonnane* will be gtran at tlia Oilun,. bla Tkaatn Tbaraday anaronon. Feo. 77. Tba llai ,.| voluoleara alraady laelodca Otia llartaa,Agaei Booil, YvatU Vlolatta, W. B. HcOalre, aeon:* r. Miloaaad il,i r|ipp*r <aartf t The grand ope a, '^Carmao.'' will ba gIveulS lAoopoPaollolaod an I'alhiB omaiaur Ota matloCAWlll praaaat "Itanlal" II, at iha Athao;t.-aiii AO uouauallv atronl bill haa baao prepira,! fur nait Suadar olght at tba B Jou, locluiling Bannn Hanoh, Jaok Maaoo and othar^....!!. A.WItley,ayouoL' tnao Ovonbly known In Ea^-ere Dtalrlet tJi>atrWa, Im^ aueceadad totliaaaatatAottnaaureiHbipot tlie aoii<IiIoii. Albany.—Tbe LalaodOpcra Ilonte offered "The OrVAC Diamond Rohbavy" Fab. S-S, lor loor parfomj. aaea*. whlcb complataly packed Ihe boaaa. "ANighfa Frolic^ waa praaeolad 10 a goodatiadaadlancae. Ilm ramaladar nl the weak Cbaa. A. ilannar appaarrtl in "the Prii* Winner" aod "Palbarland." to cxcvlkot ho-i. naaa. -'Uasda Acroaa lha Baa" com^a It, It *Tbo Prrdi- lal Father" IX Howard AUiaoa'um Oo- It. lA. Haoaanr FTF rroftor baa booked tba lollowlox specialty paopla forlTaxid weak: Jula* Levy, Bonnla Tboratoa Wat-on aod uotctaiDgB. Ctvtac l/irlogand Laalla. Oeo.Tliatcb^r. Biatarj Beaninont, Parroll and tllodea, and Kay Varnoa. BaRHiaca BLllCKBn Uau. held * very targe aadlaoca U wbanAlhaaJ appealed locoocart, togaiher wlih Mi,a Vao Der VeerOraaD. oontralto: Mr. RAlanhia. Inrttnoa: Mr. PniaBe, vlollnbit, acd Mooa. Radacuf. nollit. "Too Hucta Johoaon" waa given li aad a houea oruwd*ri in th« door* enjlied tba play. "Tha K«tal Cant" comat 10. II, "A MlllTwhlu Flag" 13. IX LIUIan Ruuall U, -Hia Kaw Bo}" 15. Damroaeh Oennan Open Cemfmay l\ Poller- Bariew«>.>l. JlRHAiH UALLheU * large and appraclallrsaudlcDi-a 3, whaa OartiuJa May Btelu aaog la coocerL OOD PlLl-ovH* HAtu—Praf Wm. Wlodaor, plirenolj. ■Ut. CDDilonea opoUiar week. TuKQiiart TuvATRa bad a pioaparoat vaok wliii' Tlie White arniok" t)o. Haxrr Morvla' Twantlalli Caotury Mahlaeoaie 10 aod week. NE W YORK ST ATE. Brooklyn.—Qood atlncilons sn piesented at tha varloui houiea thIa week, and ahoahl prove winoera forlha aeveial uinagaia. The Sioday nlgbt eoncerta have haaa vail patrooliad eraraloca their recant loauga. lalloa la thb city. Bonla' Band raodared aama choice aaleetlooa at tha Uoalauk. while tha rololitavare Hma. IrfMlaaLinden. Mlaaaa HarlaJ. tVi.hniao aod MartbaU. Mlaer. The cniaf featoip or Buodiynlght'a eotarlala. neotatllia BiJou wai Alleefihaw. ihawhlitlar: maale Scholt waa aUo wall raoelred. Othera oa lha bill wara Al. Wllaon, ror*Bt(;bao*y, Mumy Brotharo. June Read and Italen Lauiaoo. Tna Bur gave Ita Orat Banday nIghl'BOntatuloiaaat Feb. 0, when tha r.illoalog paopla appaaiad; up 10 dale aooga; MewaboyQnln. tat, Win Fox, Dalooor aod bebrimoar, laodarvd aavaral French duata; Qordoo and Rlcb, lu roaaical aol, aod 0. A. DuDcao, vantrlliKialBt. O0Luanu.-"An AcUu'a ModaP' la lha attraolhn hare thb waa*. and waaaatn for lha nrit lime lo thIa elty Feb. 10, by a large audleoc*. Tha place promlaaa ta do wall duriug lu brief aiay liere. Mario Sladbolma aaog aad daacid well aod w.\aglveaBeTeraloacor*a. FradWrlglit, Jr. waa axreaalTaly droll and made 'lUluabIL Percy tilr Ueonia 81. Alb lo. waa eacellanL NaUle Blewail, who pU)oJ lha modal; JnhoOoaiea,bBrli,rer aodoiliaraln Uiacaat veragooa. Theaudlaocawaaaa- tbUBlAMle, an* many eneoraa were ilvoo duriOK tha per- foraiaaca. *-Uma. Bibb Oeaa" did wall lait week. Olga Hatbaraote.Jn "l^arnien," U tha oamlog atltactloa. Pahk —Xaoagar Knnwira haa ror hla atlrmctloo Uita weak "Tha Pawing Show," whlcb wnt wiuaaied by* lirge audtan^ III, when It bagao luaogagaaiaat her*. Miua Ithea.aa' No.l llwynDa"aU4l"Joaaehlae,Enipt«aaor lb* Fraach," met with rifcaaa la«t week. Neat wcak'a aiuaedoo wlU b* l!.E.RIea'B Barlaaque Co.ln'LllU* Ctirlataphar." BIJOU —-rhrllby," llarlian and roirnei'* hrlibt bur- laaqu*. la Uaoogar Harry 0. Kenoedy'a atiractloa tbla weak. It w,.a produced for tha drat llina In Uila city 111 with tha oriilaalB-eaarTandeoalamea,** aien at lha flarrtok rhaatre la Naw York. Tha large aadllorlam waa dlleil toltautonal capiclty. aod tbe plecawu llberaltr appUudrd. Amelia lUone, la tha part of Lhlla wjllleL reodeKd the ioiig In the aacnad act aildrataed loThrllbr wrh eicelMot afreet. RoLAltluB.aaBpagbaul,waa vary amaaleg. Uarrle I'urklna, aa Tlirtlby. aod Lonin Waaler, aa J..cko. raeelTffd ninch applause. Blare Brodia, bl' ()o ihanowary."pU|(d to big houaea lut weak. Thaooni. lis attraction will ba "Down la Dixie." OOAXO Of*BA Uoi'ai--Biatl No. 7'la Hta aUnctlon Haaagar Fraak KlhOiola haB'orhlauaireiia Ibla weak, aad It waa Itia maani or Olllog Ihia Bpaclona bonne 10. '*^''.'!f^ "'1.'' -taw Boy" draw la-joaudbineaa. Nail weak ulBai niijar*U, la "The FouadUng," wlu h* Uia atlimcllnii bei*. Mo.'«TACK.—"The Wluid or tha Nile," gmtlh aad Der ben'a comie open. In tbe attraclluo hare IhiB weak, and waa frcalvetl by a Itraa and appnclallr* aadlcoc* 10. Tha etory U aa uouauallr aiouBlng oae. aed the plvca la liaodaomely mottolad. Ur. ObdIbU* characlariaation of alianip luaalclan wai very aotettalnioff, aad waa ae. canted liberal applania. Julia Marloaa Talier and Rob. eitTabfrntetwithauecawi liera laatweak. Thoaextat- Iractliiowlll ba lloTra'-ATrlptoChloalowa." Braa.—Wrbar'a ulympla, a burieBi|Ua conpiayoawto Uiliclty. made Ita drBl appeAraoca liaralntw,i perrjim. ancea ta b«r>ira a large aadleace. Ilia laadioa bnr- laaiiaarorihaontanlutloa laLattaMeradllh, bruBrtrot "the Diaoh Ciwih." Olliera on llio tilll are LaClalr and Lerlle. Rla]iB,aQ eleclrlr arad«nter;ThomaaBod Uolno. miiiiedy aSaldi latoi; D..I Davaapor^ Mlla. t-'atrla, Harrr llAJtlnta aod oihera Tlie campanr glt«i aa eparetia called "Til* Nauihly Dutchata." aad a burlarnua called '-I'aooaJrj'' In whichllBiri LeallaplayaTillhy. IIVDS a saHHaK'K—Tlieroanagamenl preaanta oae of the iBpal aUborata bllla aaan hrra thIa Baajon lo the ''Hfloora." Tworartonnhncea war* vlvfo before crowded houBOvoo Peb 10. The I, U la htaded l,y PitronandBinL In * Woman va. Mao." oihera are; The Ualbam City tjaartal, Vaa Auhan. Mcl'ha* and lllll, on tha horlionial tiira; tho MalnpolllaoThree, Nellie Mcflnire, chaiaclar Bloiwrand chaag* aniBt: tha UaibaekB. Janlan and coolonlooliu: Dridro Bnd I'alg*, lu acomedr Bklt. *Bd t^pball aad tUulflcU, Iriib comedlaaa. ftAaralax —Thai Jolly ritnvaaaaB, "Lllll* Chtlalo. ar," drew an aedleoce bare lu thai ftllcd tba houv. a lodleatlona ara thai It will play a moit proBtabla aa. gagamaoL "Ihaaopairr'aaakolt;. BalTalo.—At Ibe Star Tbeain John Hare anil "Bob K07" divide weak of fab 10, laapaclirily. ".\ HIU Whitt PUg-' 17-19. -Tnlby" JO-M. Uaalard a Bpaoear'a Co. oare shakaapareaa pUya In a very aailrt- factor} manoar, 10 good baaloa-a. ■TDSIO Hall— JoB«gy eppaar* at lb* a*xtBioiphooy OrchrBtraconcert 20. DimroaehOperaCo.ll-». Lvcit'a TllBATRS—Routh B«loi« the tVar'' la lliii waelc'a bUL "Toe Naw Boy" next week. "Darfcant HoBalA" ioBlalned Itadravlncraualltle*. OouaT^ssTTooaTal—flaida A-Haaaoo'a Drawing Car'*.to ba'aiieceaded 17 aod week by ttamT.Jaek'rt "My Undo." Morrla A WooJbuir* "rwentlelli t^ntory UaMa" broke tije entire vaudaTllle rocorl of thlahoaBe la^t week, babdrade halog toned away nigbtty and iwt- rona heleg obllaad 10 alaad at the tnatraeea. BliKi'aMraio Oali. —Tbla vaeh'a Hat U; The DowDte^ DaPoreslHIaleraBleBrrled, UavtUmpbMll, Wm.O'Daa, Victoria B-UUe, the BortonaaBd Mario F*noa. Rorlieater—At tbe Lyceum IjUllan KobkII. lu "The Qnud Duelieaa." began a three alghu' auy Peb. lt\ to be followed hy John Hare, hi rapenoty. for the ta*t hall or tho week "Tha Paaalng Bbow" dhl veil 1.:.. "Hob Ro;" cornea 17. IS, Pouar-Bellew Co. 19, a Cool UP*Ki HOD**—Bmlly Baockar. In'OjrPlat." waa pat 00 10, to remain for three olghta, "Tbe Qiejt Broibiyo Handicap" eoolag IS ror th*r*Biof toe week. "Sooth Bafora tit* WaT"lelta. playlagtohig laialoeiu,. Aaoounrad for 17-19, "D*rii*al RaB«la;"a>-U,Joiapb Uti. TiiK ACADuiY OP Uceiu eurtod th* w**h with trior enoe Bloatey, lo -The Pay Train," forth* first half of tha weak, asd "Th* Capuln'a Mate'' for th* Ual bait. The Rofl* UiD Eiallah Folly Ca did a large bualoaaa laat week. Usderllaed for week of 17, Edwm Foraberg, lo "KorglvBO." Wo.'^oOBLAHO THiATHa annoaacaa tha foUowlog peopla for ihbi weak; Tbe Four Laaaarda, Carr aad Jordan, KennarJ Broa. Mr. and lira. Anhor 0. BMmoa, Bartand and Ralliaioo, and Barry and Blla Oray. Srracata —At Wlellng Opera House "Tbe PAs- log Shoo" dU wall Feb. C. Conroy and Pox, la 'tyPlar- Iry^a Vaeatloa," came to ia«dlnni bualneaa 7, 8 Dan Darlaliband A company oramal*oi^UpraaaDt"lB OU Maloa'U. Umlly Baockar, In "OarVlal,''!!, IS. BisrAOLa TnKATaa-43adrle«k, viollalat, did wall Kellaroasi*l*goo<lall*adBaca7.8 "My nlfa'a Frl*nd'' 10. II. Lllllaa Rnaasll OPM* Co. U. John Hon 10.^ _ „ U. B Jicona' TuaAVaa-'TiwBjoth Safon iba war" earn* lo a R. u. M. "IM Danlat" hid larma boalnati 64. Tbe Boaloa Bowarl Athaacnm Co. tO^XChaa A. Uaidnar, bi "The Prix* Wliaei" aod - FaUiacUad," ll-ir., Blaghamton,—At Stone Opeia House Andrew Mack, Id "Mylaa Aroon." p'a*e*d a Ihlr *li*d aadlanca Peb.S. *Trliby''drew larie hnalaaa* & <^nen>lou opened *wcek'**ogagamantlO. Bijuo TUOAT**.—Arlbur Rhlmali. In "A 8omro*r Btaower,"did good boaloaaa 9.3. "Tb* IMrby Maacoi" eve eirtltaol aallaiaelloa to big traaloaaaM. Una: J. Toole.In "glllaraeyaad lh*Rbln^'■ U-U: 'Ik*Train Wi«ekar«" IS-lft. iheeotlra rocalpla of which will b* do. natad by Uaaager renyreaBy lo be dlatrlhulad amoo* tho pcorof tba city. The Uoiau are Bold by the local poUceneo. Troy.—At tbe Ortiwold Opera Ilonee good bonaei greeted "Cooa Dolhiw" Fab. 9.4. John 'J. Barko, la "The Doctor." had a lair houae S. **lhe Giaat Dia- mond nabhery" packed me hoaae S-B. **A Ullk White Fbm" eo*ii> 14, Jy . Rixo's OrihA nocts —William niUett*. lo "Too Mcch Johoaon," DAOkad tba hoof*. "Tb* Paial Card" cornea 12. Oaiity TnlATRB—Flald* A B*naoo*a DrawlagCarda playad co big bualaau all laat week. '-Tb* a'hItaOiook" can* k), for w*«k^ nevpkarg.^At Ibe Academy or Music Wllllsni aill«ue and lila exc*llant company w*ie accorded a royal wat'olae Jan.KLln"TooMueb JohoaoB." Olga Na:h«r- ■oleladuell. 'Tbe Fatal Card" waa well eeealved 4. aoft "Cnarleya Anal" dU fairly waU 7. "Tba GOI Parialaaa' comae 17. ploylog uadar lb* aaipfcaa of llndaaa River CunimuMerr. No. .V. Knlghu Templar. Jeeale Shay will fdve a plAOO reclul II. WalU'a CovMdr Oo. ll uadar Inad tor a two waeka'aogagemenr, beglnnloggij Blrnlra. —At the Lyceum Tbealre Wane's Comedy Co. ebMad a two waaka' etay Fab. R. Boeloea^ waa Inaana*. 'Trilby" wa* th* attiwcilon 10 Kalla Roonay.lo "Tb»D*rbyllaacot,"camall. gallar Udue IS 6l Jama*'Ball ama'aor rolnalfwlealartalamaal. under lliB auperrlaleo ol Daa Qabllan, U. Ullea,—At the UUoa Open Houae "Bowing the Wlod," Fab. 9. aad "Ihe Paialog Show," g ware tha only attnotloaa loBI weak, and holb did well. Dated: Oharlea A. Qanlner, la 'rna Prila Wloner." II: "The FWal nuiV' a, ■Ttie Damlai" It, "Flaaton" OpemOo. (loc*l) OeBara,—Al Bmltb's OpeiaHonss Joshns Blmp- kloB cauiB to fair hnBloaaa Fab. a Ojo MoCail/. In "(^iBkeao Lawn,*: played to good buaUl**a 4. g*llar com**II, Bmlly Raaekar. lo'*OarFlaL"ia,"IbeIlazilBr" 17, "The hlver Klag" tl. Col Iog*noll 31 OREGON. Pottland,—At ths Maninam Orand EMS Rtaler played to fair bniln«u Jan.17,19. preaanUag''Camllbi' aod "Aa Vou Like IL" Thomaa W. E**n* wo* l**n ^ Fab. I, li "Louie .VI." "BlehaUan" and "Rkbald III." Boalnea* vaa fair, gatle PnUiAm opaaad 9. In 'The Old Lime (lla." Marie Walawilght conae "In Old Han tnehy" lO-tl, tbeOarlauin Dpeia Oompany It, 19, and the Frawlav Stock CoBpaoyir-n Coataar'a Tiieava*.—"Th* D*rv«tt Moon" vu pm- H*nt«dbylh* Baaoe Htoek Company weak of Jan. >7. to ralrbnllseaa. 'Tb* Fair Rabal'' w** pnl on Feb. B, and "CnrraalCuh" win lollo* lOi , WoieDaaLASD -BInlle lloirla, Jolla Wlookell, Ml* l.unon. Pranhle Orettoo, NeUl* lomom. May Mlaer, <:atTlDlTlechnli,Oaul* Lamor*, MynJ* Fomon, Bddl* DavlB, Cha*. Ollddao, Ben Tan niave. AmiioiH-Badl* nawar, Zd. Bb>adall. Blonab* La- nioot, L«ea Bailer, AIM* Bailey, LIbhl* BloadaU Loovni.—Th* Loovr* lady Orcb«*li«. _ _ coimAi. Mcaio Rail aho TaoATSs.—Ella nail, Laxon E'h«lCllnoaWaa|y. MaWlun Haiuu.of Uia Maronam Oiaad, eatam*-! lailwa*Kiyomatrlpto8aaPv*ael*co,B>adaferlba par* pofeof DBkiog arT*as*ni*al* whieb wlu l*ad to th* halldlSR of a th*»ln to ba eootioUed by bin In thu city. Tha localloo baa aot baea anally d*uimlB*d apon *b f M. bat Mr. Daltlg Ml* eonDdanl tbu tha plan (111 b« a UTAH. Salt Uthe Clty^'Slobe" bi Ihe onrisnt bill atlhaOeand andbtdnvlagietU. Gao. Bdeaon la win. Blag taarala In Iba tola of P*t*r Amaa* Daon, which b* plaiadlBtb*oriilaAlpnidaelIonor"Mlohe." "Oar*," a BOllllair conedy. drew wall v**k ol Jon. 17. LlcauM—"A Uuitmenlat Mtu" de«w fair boalnaaa isaak e( Jia. n. Cwnwal, "lb* Frlog* ofBoo-'oty." Salt Una TnaAVna-Pt*d*rlekwaid*.lanpaetaiT. Fob. M. pal lUr baalaaaa. Mr. Ward* l**tae«d on "TbaOaaalaDrama'' aiuraooo or 1^ to a l*enbea*a. BOa Bbalar 10^ It, JtoMa OMaiD iU/.Tavary OpaiaOs,