New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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FBBBIIARY 15, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Variety and Minstf cisy TBI "WBin <}aooV* ExTBLTAUAtizk Oo. kceps iiiorUiff ftloof in Itt* iTea tenor of lu Wfty. ssjb our lofonittnt HftDBgvr BaiH bu two coiDp«ntea oo tbe iMd At pnatDt,UKl Dnl«88 BllAirmfall ooxi Muon will MB Qader Us ^Idance ftt icui foor orgftomtlooi) tU of tb« apeouculAT order. TBI nKVtvmsanplAjlDft tbo UatIi circntt. M. WmuiK A Mm eelfttntlDR lb* l«nib unu TM^ifT <^ muBM pulili^lDC btitlntiu. For Uiit ooBtwr of jwi« tfte7 btv* b«en Ivtoinv Mitaucoeurul tosf tftor 4D0lMr, or»»iQR npoo the productlooi of tb« MA feaovn «faUK>n of iht United Ftut««, u well m HofUwl. Parisc thu time titer h&T« ilrMdr locreued the KOp* of tlielr bctineM nUtloD*. Iiava uede mnv rrieiHli Id tbe prefcetloD, utf bftre e«ub)(«li«a a repatft* tloa lorbelnf ip • poeliioo to fbniltb &)) uru of hodil HilAble for erery ^Ule of e(jic«r. To Uiorwihly com- iDMiontetbU ^cttflloo, (bey tanoDDcethne ImMrtut chtoeet la tbetr bmlntit*. Tbe premleoi tdjolalor tbelr old oUnl. at Al Wot TweDiy tlaliih 8:r*tt, New Yoiki bare beta Mcand. naklor loelr addreiu o uh] u beraafler., IMa hai ODihled itain to teo> der to tbeir tomnloe prafMilooal frlenja thA ni*o nr a nutovt tod freUappolaied parlor, where tber will ili^ erery Ciolllir for confort dorloK Uuir bulaeiu vidiA. OulcAjto will bave tbo Wp«iern bnndi of the hoaae,ror ibe.coBTenlooceor thoee playlof In ttutvl- ■ lotiy. and vbo an iliua viableJ lo wonre Witmark'n wiM-eatlooivtabort aoilee. M Bloom«IUbav«dbarti> wrt)ilieitabllflbinent,«Qd Pm«k H. Wltmnrk, uaeof the ' bofH," will I** hU able n(il*iaai. T«te|iU(me Cfiaooj- ilooa UT» Men futaWUhed wiDi ihefv ••inc?*, «)il-li are |.>tal»d Id llififlrhlllorBulUlDf. Cordial inillallimM n-e eiieedel to thuiiintl pcnitlo to nialu the Wltmark nflkwtibAlrliM'ttiiuricr* la I>aiIi clilf, Curr (JllAirrwTitea ibat he baa aecared Flfoa A flberidaa'a oonuMQlefland maor noTe airou aumetlnni rvr tbe ffew Veople'i Ttttalre, UaocbMttr«H. II., wbidi he Btaiei opeat Match . ^ . MiMOiaeuv T.JiCKwIrei fTom Detroit, Mlch^ thai his "Adamleae ffidni" Co. baa beea toralDv people awa* alfloe their opeoloitallbe mitlnee. Fekw at CaiopbeU'a TMaira,lnthurlir. ^ WiuiB ftuiira iifo Biaroi Ricci ant (nlnlafeietl- leoi baidwar «lta iheir Teralnn o( '-Pyioiallon ted citktea," whieh laaa '-^ ■ 1I0dQCU< I orlRlsal trartatr nfiA operatic Id UsAixar Ruaa Lorn a ewxv haT« eiublUhed tbeouelree ai Cripple OrMk.OoL.vbere Mr. Heeie liaa takea tbe taaaajieaeot orilie New Topic Ttaiaire. BiKOii BmiKBUHP. ibe LoDdoo, Boir., maak halt per- foroMr, who bem anlt lo tbe LoixtoQ ooaru for a brcadi ofproinlae aialaR Uw IIud. Oedler Ckarchlll Uijorl- btffti, eldttt KNi a( BatoD TweedDODlh, of the Arnrle aod BaibtrlaDd nifbland^rt. for £ti.UO daroa>e», baa wIlbdTmwB Iter igltaod (be eaae baa bees Milled oot of court for £5SDi. _ Borraa or lloviu n ffiw yoRi Viudivili.i Co —Tbe Ooibfaiii, Fraok and UttUe, arnbiiiio (oueOr Hketc^: Ifeae Belnoot. Tiplln sad miadolln loioht; Kiaie Uart, aerlo conilo ami cbaomact; Prof, llowaid. blub cUaa nagloUo, latrodoclDB nurel tricke oi mailc, wlib K A. Uanlaad. naoaiter. Joh:< /. Hvuv, Uta BaUr ami Dovntr. aad Wm. OaUaiiber, UteUalliffhtraiid Qrlino. bev« Joined baoda. Kom or W.-fl cuviuiiD'a MiMnrnitiii -We are tour lOKtbieajtbtheNewBoglaDd Bwieii to IsrE* bmloeat. oruoMatanloRpeepfo aw«f. a Tirr nd ucldaot oc- corred rooroug of Feb-'S, cutlnit a ■loon orertbe ea- lira compaaj. A naaiber of Hie PIciaDluDj Band went »kailDC,aodooe of the number broke threuab aad waa Jnwned. Geo. fiballoa, aoolher member or ihebiad, bad a Ttrr nanov eaeape from dinvolOR la irflloB to leeeaa Aruar Bureaaa, aie taclre jreara, who waa d OTsed. aoukOxii Urepoit«d tA ba doloir reU lo her mow- ball aerpeotlae daoce,wlib arctic etfectAin Fred Ban- ooft'a MafloBatartalniDeoL BAHiasr bu l*fk the MlRht Oala Oo. to Jola Ilorl'* "A TripinObloatowQ." MrrcRiLL iiiD JBSve fllllos a nteclaleannrnf nt ihU week with tbe Might Oeb Co. ae HIoer'B Bofrerr Theatre, New Vork. J. Pfloira, of Ptaol'oPInaed, will re lam to BoelftDd at Ibe eloaa or bli two vceka' eotannieat In New York. BauiTDvIllBalirorBoglaad Feb 19. at the eloae nf in •>|kt waeka* engammeat at Coeur A BItl a. Mew York, lie will retora to Africa aeit Bommtr. Tut noR. M. Bovera Kualo Conpanr. who puUlah tbe Mthetio Jqrenlla ung. "Mobodr WaeU to Flay With He."«rlt*: ''ttia alreadFooJorlot a (ilteDomenataaie: Ipfaor, itU Bboucallwe eudoto^aep eoplea loatocb, the demaad li So graat An i for ail thia we giTeTiia Cuppaaortdlt. YoarolrculaUoo nantlieblg. Yon will hearfroiDiiaaAla looo." niBAUTuwpiwMlRojnlYokohama Japaaefo Jag glen folDMl 8a)B Deiera's Own Co. Fak 17. for the re- iMladeroftbli nuoa , Magiotft Bimi lfcCLii.Y and wife. Frmak Sduoo. Hearr Wlnfred aad Little Jobnor. of the "Buwaoee Rlrer^' Co., wen gnefta of York Aodemoa and wife laat week. LBiisiKoaim,«atUeck A Arerr'a He* Maaevnu CtneltuaU. O.^thlH week. aniFT WiuiiJuand ueo. WoodahaTO a«parated. Mr. wlilUma Ik maaager ot iho Ridivood llouie. Beaton. Maia.,«iid Mr. Wood will workaloae. Tauk^ butnownlalUt, haa Joined tbe "Zero" Com- ^'im P. Km aaJ'a for BafrUnJ P«b. U. Boamcrmu sooraiu Covidt jiirD8PSCtAf.TT To.: Bd.U. Naicraaoaior; P. M. Torn, tnaaater; Prof.Jaa. Bernnaa. le^'ltr of orcta^ttra; Prof. B. 1. Olnmberis leaderof band: Lor H.C appaa, CIioh. MrCuilam. Eddio McDade, Dan McDade. Ed. Maaee. Uart McQrady, Alice Uaotlnrftno. Maude Towoaood and Lliile Mal>te. 8ioo Bbodaldi. or Mack and Brndaldt, In r^corerlng i*^.* IV*!* lllDeML haTlog been rtcenUy coofloed to a b«Rpl'al lo HmoeepollH, Man. In ■aii.'m niR riXiL divi from tlia domeof B. P. Kettb'e Bocton Theatre, altoraoen of Feb. 10, UIa, ol If!!***"* ^'M^l* ud Lenik blled to calcolaie ih« dramee,and«ODa*qneoUr aha landed upoa her bead, and It la feared tbat the raaaU may be aerlooa. Pro- prietor Veltb la dolDg all Uiat can be dnoe for tbe na- rortnoate performer. KtLiT Alio Ida Biktua hare returned to Mew X?*!^*^ Pltfliig a tveaty fourweebi*eagEcemeocat thePfeopla'a neatn, Bhebo7g«D,WI«..vbenlIr. Kelly waa stage maaager. jpavi TaioT, biR ahoe dancer. la rerr alck at Br. BlEabetb'a UoapltaT Dkrlon, 0. MiM Bipu. uf MerrisHy and Bleb, la nloglat '*Ihe paacon Waat AMny* ud making It -go'^moft ef- leetlrelFa' WoodrrUatl Huaea tod Theatre, nttaOeld, Mm-Carlo UalliDexiar. Frof. £»«N Dell- van, Anhar B. Senuour. Stage: Hahle Blajoa, the Pat- uu Plan and Maok, and Bealtog and Uarrla At the CmboneTbaatia, llaaoulo. Mod.: -FueayLltUe Polke.' .X ^^n^ &.Uiad and atoek coainiy: ^paobdUei by Onoa Bovaid. £a* Bantoona. Plor Freeman. Miller aad RaaaelL Ada Worroa. Annie Beed.MayLIUtao.-ABculp- loraDiieauBa" by Load and atook coidmbf. and mualcal ■iMBMtf br Pror.JakeBcblller Ittackei^aParler ?>aatnk.Bpiiagt«ld. Maea.: Harle Olnrd. Keoyon and Enaa, rrttF Smith, Meablt Dao, Jaa. W THompioD and Johaand LoalnTllU At tbe Warwick Tbaaira. .Sew- (fit VamLja.: Howard Slotar^ Comer Rrookea, Paddy Mabar, ICIOf HDIar, Joale Debow, Nellie Monroe. Bertha JTobaaon, Bad[« Baada. BUly Mahono, JoIiq Mack. P. J. OfrritF, BlUy namUtoo. Ion Pbyd. BtelU CUtTotd, Oaicr Bwagci, Tern Gorman aad ChulexJaeke AtLaafFTOemTb«at<«,Ba*peDalon Bridge. M. T.:Mlo- BteKeDnedy.Heirord aad Lamar. Maid L% Card. Weat aad Powler. KaMe Wooda and J. 0. Do Lucy. VIRGINIA. fttcbmead^oA Bowerr Qlrl." ftt tbe AcaduDj of Koal<^ Pjib 8, 4, drew fblrly good aodlencea, but wie dlaap^tlng. *-Tlie Old Uomeatead," fr, 0, Bllvl t|ie bonN at each of tbotbreopertomuoae. 'The Widow Ba4ott,*'.at tba BlcbnuHtd Tbeatra. 7, S bad a fair eagago. UHt, and hod tba compaap beanauoogerwooUhaTa been moeb better. AoiDikiv or Mimc-Rolaaii H—i VK 'the Black OraoV* 11,19 Ibe Baldvlna «eek ori7. BiaaoiirrHgATU la dark. .Pmtii'g TsaaTKi OomuoB-OoeQlag 10: La Petite J«iUi,8erlta KnooU and Kthel Uoidlng. Bailneae la wr. BiUT WAaD.a nlaotrel. la bore, III and lo dralttole cir- oanwanoba. Oe la. anfferlag with cbroale tbeanatlam aaaiBobleloleaTebla bed. Mr. Word lua a wife and two nail obUdrwB. for whom be euDotprovkla. The local Lodge of BIka bu bla caaelo band, and will glre bim a baaellt to addition to a baadaone dooailoo. IfwftOkv^f tbeAeadd07 ot UoBto l»at week's imiM velLnotvltbatudlag that theatteod- BowvirOIrl," which «peaed the week at- ' -aamateriallraffected byaaieadrdAwn •Old Boopwieid" followed 7. playing tnaUMi, F»b. \na nuterittllr afftcutl br » MMdr down pooror nlo, .*^1i«0U BOflp«ilftid"foUow«d 7. pltjInR to «M ol lb« tamft *a4l«DC*l «vw MMrabM ra In, Uoam. BtlQ wi'bMTlir an o»tav, doplu which ih. niatlaM dnw •onallf u'wiiL ud' iIh Dlgbt pctfornitoc* m (.Irfr wtlr calroolud. "Tb. BlUk Cmtt FMl 1« Roluid BMd II, "FltldlH All»;" II. II- ■uoD TlUlU—LutwMh'i ptoflehoU oirtr. Hvl- Bwi kt thIa ntort U tmprorlof. NEBRASKA. Oaukkm..^t Bord'iTliettre iM CtwUioni, In **▲ raol for Look," op«ot ft font dIbIjU'«Dt Feb. Qu HM|i, la ■'AT«uliuV<all«iuo,"camMl»-l>. Ikiaodn Palrlal 10-li. Dmit K Dlier did a poor bartaiMH. /amM<rMalUpUi.lloblrboiiiai>.r. TuaOHinmi.—"Iba BUtwaUa or Now Tort" omu a roar alabu' Miianmoat 9. U. 0. rlald'i llhiili«li oaaaa It, u, Joba Ollloa U-U. lUr Iiwio. lo "Hio Wl4f AW Jmaa'. it4 ao ooormooi builoui M, iba Umtt I SaBr Flafid a ralara uifaioaioal i-\ topoorbaiiaaaa. UMtf m.—Al lb« Uulof Dan SoUr, In "A ■Mhatofa Wirt," did rdrlr /as. a no Woodnnl —aOa^ror raat of n. did mod«iatolr w.a Uftpalft Ji& O'RollL la -koou Uituo,''l>taaHd a food aL ILQ.IIoU'i -fiartadABUtoa-'aaiaClo joaaa. -SIdtwalto of Raw Torb" como. U. Itl- a U, Joa CkvtlMra U, -Bl«bt Balla" V. lalloEoimatl rtna Oriu Botaa.—Tiwa A Oo.'a "ffaiC' Sl<ad ■baboaiaita-SL no BoUaa CoaitdrOo.ptarod>aak or Fab Saialamaaianaoat, to good boilaaaa. 1 aagar AModaUon for a caaroalloa, Ibor I iboaa daM at Wahoo^ taid thar nalah Ibo ■eat Al. a. FMd-i Hlaanl, eoma U OIBTRI CT OF CO LUMBIA. WaahlBBloa—Lsu wMk was one ol Uit "«""-«~«l'l««r tba tllDlor «> far. ,l.b «li h™ nl^!XZ''»*.°"" «*!! ""Mtlooa coau draw. wllhIifli."»uV'°'f'- Tllaaraa hn Ibi Sriolaoa. 5.T W.aaalloi "koMn MoSE"'-A t.MS.*. ft?*".'"* L"" ••M»'a Aoaailai'ITia lail iiTli.!.''".5?"J."*!lf»- 1i« laiur opan waabaiur .K^I™ durlaw fulnia tontmoou ii will Sbirf 'J^J""""!" f lU" «»• «U Ibvohla, •'3!bS llSu," or •w':;br..w.i.n?b°i',?a!!%b¥7iS"'""""^'' Al.iur<iii'a LirirnTa Pgoaai OraaAlloraaalMhail IhJifi.l? "•""""•I bll ainoaa Iba rarr bwria "Md, ai .iDaaker CTiipL Saoatora A mo tad UllL baalda nuor 01 lata or b.i ah.i f.m. rM« 1. .zrT^.,* "■"« " -i»....ruriipL Bfoaura ai |.aaaDd I IILbaaU, toL allorwlnoi taaned u aolaj Iba plaiagulllr aa wall « Uhvw who doadad Uia au./llorlun.. f Ma iab. w'S. f.. if,'! ?f "!?• "adaioiwl to hxal artatt. V HX'I'^I' •"><•"« l'«<iwrtk.niarlM I^lbta.' OD. of ibabaaioT IucUm otoi pruluc^l licta. ISXSiZT T"* daaioa-lfuad ihalf aSrorlt NolodraaiaLa.aorariaJaiTaal drawlaa rowai at our •»»"». W««rtborii Llahu" Cia nwwd „i5?'^ "'loir l» ll» iauroulDf atoiT. WBiai dloaiaa, ^fj?".'! 'ii' ""'J.'? ««"Plato maoMr In .T.lcb l?«i F?Mi!?,M',';,"*^.T'''" •"'.""ban IllUlald, In -na y'S!.l'.?'ir ■ l.o't-ll noank" Baaloaa' "iraw Bo' prrba 17-21. r "f.""".' " A.,a»l>iv Of Krcir hid "Tlia Daibj Wlonei" lOrlba flnt tini* ban. aad h wlaoorltaa. la aTarvn M>»- no aadiaocaa wara bl( aad tba ullaracllao con- Sn^c.?X^*:^>!^5£'• "•" " KlftRax'a Lycrom Tiiutri wia blllillr erowdnl to IfaaiMllmllll ot Wobari Vaodarllla Rlob.oodartbadlractlnaor Bani Bomaid. BrarTnom- barwaa A Iraturr, and tbaialUlacUoo «u complata fron ■tait to oaUti. TliU waat, Mlaco'a Cllj Clab. BalUr I woou 17-11 MaTuaorrV Xtwc Hitt baa Con Marrlam llowaA a Boiloo aoiiimao auLlad \ij lha Wadiloftoa (Itrlail Or ebMita,li. AoUaCUBivlnabarpracllal. ig. TowiR-H loa Pauca wu thron«d Willi poopio Ihm ■iiaaa a dar laat waak br akalaia aad ookwbaia Joo ponaahua. tbo phaoomMal fa»t abaur, waa a itrona drawInK can], aad ba coatloaoa duriaicUia piaaaat waak, diiriaii which ba wUI aodaaror lo b«al the woiU'a ooa <qll* ncotd. Nona—Alico aopnno, of " I lllnrlcb e^callant —Jodwo, a brlllUot youDa aoc ihla dir. haa nolilird ber ooaaiiaaieatwlili the Opera Co,.«iib whldi iha haa aiada a moat a^callant lecord. aad haa raturaod to tako an eoaaiiameot aa aolo- lallanno of oar bla cborrhaa NiUla UlUban. Iba LllUe M.jArof "Kortheni Llabta," clofrd wlib lliatcoo). pu> (. and baa bean aaccoadod tir Jalla BalcbaMar. lata or "IB Slihtor Bl raiil'r' Delia 8taeor,'or'.||ia Ladr aiarar" Oo.. which doaed In loUlal weak at Albaasb'a Lafarauo Opera Hooaa I, waa tba nclplaol or a maf- olflcantnofalollarlojiattha haodaof tba Ibaatrleal oia- ohaalca atlacbed lolbatboiiia,who lo tbtawaravlocad thaljhialiregaid Ibao. Bnltooatain, of 'Tba Darbj Winner' Co^ waa wanslr ffiaaiad and nadi lloobccd hr tba local bataball ftiloiaftf la>t wook. INDIANA. InillaDkpolla.—AtlncUoos ilurlng Iba put vaob were of tba dmonlar aad bnllniaa corraapoadlat- ly good. At lha Qiaod Opara lloaaa Hinala Maddara- Plake, In rapartorr, plafrd lo ralr hoaloaaa Feb. W. RIchaid HantfaU. aupKrtad hyaa eicolloaicompanr, waa aodiaalaatlcallr ncolvad ^4. Tba plara pfoeoolod ware *-A Farlakn Bonuoco," "fflaea Kail" aad * Hodloo. tboBtadaot" na theatre waa crowded at aadiparfann. aacd- Edwaid ilairlfan coaaea 10-U, Jamea J. t>irbalt EtouWn OPBR.t IloiraR—'*Tho Black Crook" plared to crowded hoaeea 7, B. noa. V Beabrooka ledoe P)-lt, tbo Poltar-Bollaw On- U-IA, Palmer Coi'a "Brownlee" 17. FaRK TuaiTRR.—Tlie Valaoo fliatera were wall ra- catrad, doloR a eood waok'a bualDaea s S. "Tlie Firo Fatror oonoa lO-U the Antarlcan raaderllla Co. I5.|fl. BMi'inaTuRATRa—Oood aoilleneaa naatad tbo Irwin Broa-'Ca oach nifhtaad matlaea of the week. I'oder. llacil roraextwaek: 'IbeWhlto Bat'' end MorrUBroa,* l£<lu[oa and Canloa Caralral. Fort W>FB«.—At MawDloTdinpIc ThomiaBta- brookarataarab.?. In'ne HpeaalatAr,''tolaia»palrDa- aiia. "Ftnnleaa'a Bair had atalrbOQMB. U114 Bklnnor oomu II, "Tl aSpaa oILIlo" II. II, Jeaala Baa Hall l:| od waak. "Amotleaa Olrr S, "IIST 3raBd"Faacln(i(aa- lar" t>. BRriRR TiiRATRl.—Howaitl Wall'. Corned/ Company and Maatar Ralph and Eodallab, la apcclaltle^ waok onij. ETaBawllla.—At Uie Omni Tnmpklna' "Black Omok" did a Mr butlaou Feb e. "For>alr Ylralala" I, liookod lor ID, Frederlok Baaoroit li,'-na Olrl I Left Bohlnl Ho" IB, Ollrar Brnn B, "Tba Prlrau Bocralarr" FlorLra—"A Big RiBa Clieok" bad a Jam 1 "O'lloolt- lo-wllTat — aaa'a Mau)iierade' Ti.r» _appaarl, "AColdDaj" IB.'The TivoLt fomarly th, neam CootIqoa. waaoponad Jan. IB br R. Kenbennr. raooingararleir UUalantlr. WMk 01 Feb. 10: Da Vara and Uanan, Bjran and Lawla, MUa, Faanolla, AI. ll arrla. Iterlaii,-4eo. W. Htsib, wlUi "Peck's Dad BorV'nIled whlioM Opara hoaaa lolbadoora fab t. 8, B. O. wan uU for Dr. r0. Joba'ararlr lo BobL n. Inier- aoll,7. Morraraad Baer In''Flnalian'a BalL" eonea 1,''^wB Teplca" IB. Bord'a Blaklnla 11... .Nick Hurphy, 1rlah comedian, baa Joined "Fack'a Bad Boj" (;o. MARYLANOb Bslllmen—HinlonB' "Sopeita," ebowlog a Dao airar «r aaw itlcka and rpadalUar, atlnclad aa andlenca orhenle alia lo Bairla' Acadam/ Fab. ID. IJI- llan RuiaUcloaoJaproapoiona week R. fler laltlalpro. dntUoo efUoddaoaol Ttulb," 7, waa eminently aoecaai- fvl. fht beaaa waa packed Ironi ercliaaln to root with mtnro. Kett waak. "rha Paaalna Bhow.' FORO'a Orana Uocil.—Aa aodlenco oflmmauapro- porUooa inaled Oo Woir Hopper ID, In a rarlral or i^aor-'' "Dr.Byoua" will bo beerd later lo tba week. Frank Oanlela made an Immet-^ bit laat weak lo"na Wlttid of ilio MlVdlllna thaboueaat arory perroim- aaca. "Too Boch Jdinaon" la bllJed for 17. ALUil:(irM LYORVH TilEaiaa.-Joho L. Bl-Mldaid omu- nenced bli Iwe weeka' locloro neaaoa 10, oiienlai wlui ■Napla*' baloiaa bmo and arProelallTolieuao. Ilia ad. ranco Bale la aood, aa oraal. Jolio W. Albanab Jr. made bia debot aa a playwrlBhi 6, praeeatbiB ■^raoM," a CdffledFdiima ot tbe Borolauoa. In one act. In wbleb lia elOTarty worked ontapiatly lomaaea or lore asdwar. neaadloacawaawellploaaa.1. Oolytwomorodiamatia altiacllonanoulnloboflllad tblaaaaaon- no boaea U ranted ror neatly erery niRbt natll Bommor. ■nio Uiu.—Mai Brooh'a new oialorlo, "Hoaaa," waa board for tbo Brat lime In llaootlraly t, aad addaaaMbar loAltlonillator aoccaaafol opaimliloaa. no eololau wata Mnia. KoartKronoM, Eraa WlUlama and Uaary "BoLLiDit BnillT TnaiTRa—"ne Derby Wlonef toatod the capacity of tbo houae at lu opanlna matlaao 0. Good bo.loeaa altandod Donnelly aad Olrara h). **Tba Loot farad lea" eomea 17. UowanoAPonreaiDu.—Ilea t Batton'a Enillali FoDy Co-, Willi Ibo UlillBaul Famlli aad UoBMy ."■"I,'"'/ aaapaclalfaatnreadiaw fall boalaa day fad nlibt 10, llber'e Olympla aad bockbart'i IwaDSBL Hyde'a noniedlana e day an Wlltefe Olympla and iMkbart'i parfOrmlnk alopbania dUwaBVai Hyde'a r-oniedlana annaa 17. Kia-taR'a lloxraRRTaL TatiraB.-UanT BenlafEa- taitalneia beadod by the Roaal Brothare, cama to a foil hoaaa 10. Baaa Loehbart'a eleplnnu wataw added rea. 101% The Kaa Verk Siara doiada Rood weot). ne Cll> OlnbBorhKiobCo ladnolT. ' Cam^rB Odcoi TBurna.-llaw U: Dyde and Laola, Habal Bleo and William Ulltoa. KSlf-nomaay frUndaof Tania F. OJU .111l«m wlih ploaoara ibu bo la lo lamain wlib Nla(» A Ilni- merman aaraildeat maaaROror lha Academy oTIIaila. Abbay, Bchoelfel A Uran'r Orand Oi»i; Ool wiB wlrofoar parronuweaa at Hatrb'Aeademr Karch H. .....ThaaawBaBinar thaatxo at Atllptton. to bo man- ' orcootuactlon. It comedy aooaed irwderiekBond, abo la to dUaollliaparlonoaacaa. Tba XUriaawi alU uiialaat* atioai Bay I. In enlar to r ol allaratlaaa lo Iba lbeaUa..-;J»««Ue and Clark ban alRDOl acoQUact with Uanr B. BnlUi aod Tlclar Barbartfcra.nawopera ror Frank DinM>.tha aeaaatobalald amoaBlbaAilaciat tba lima or iba Brat Initaloa by Oonn. WE ST VIHCI NIA. Wh*allB(.—AI Ibe Open nooee Ue Wolf Hop- pat praaaated "Or. Bynlai," for lha Brat Uma bare, Fob. B, 10 an aadlaaca Ibat crowded Iba Ibaatra. Ill Uan'a Mlaatrala (allowed ». matlnaa aad althbu Bo<4baa|- aoM. -Iba Faadaic Hatur' aomaa II. John OrhBib a "Fknat" llTompkior -BlackCrook" u, "Oeaaiiy Clr- eoa" A^IIoeaaed Roaa" IB. aaiRD Onaa UooaB-Ooy Biolben' maHrala at. IruMd lair bailaeaa M, Jai. B. Haabla, la-^rioiu' CoBar Door." rellowodM, tanid boaaaa. Wabor A fuuf Faodarllla ctau oomaa l»>l^ tbo Oormaaa' -Mil- iMUji Abtaaa- U-U. Ucnaaka Opaia Oaopasy ir-H •WIe tracked "!?-^ ^ ^^^ FLORIPA. jukBMVtlla.—AI Ike Park Tbetlra RoM. DewalBf, la "Tbe Oladlalor," bad eieallaal baaloaaa Feb. 4. Bntloa'a BlaaMla »layad to md bnaIa«<B T. Tbiopeiattaa, 'WadaiaUa- aad -tlraat V«a*." •» <■ bbtapU aott aeab, by Mad laUBL "A Boaaer QUI" mmtr the Tents# nusTBH0P0ajis*8Ciici*a.-IHct Doll and fam- llj, tCD In Daraber:Aitto9 tkmllj, aerobata, sevro In nnnbtr; ibe Dark Aobmoti Famllj. acrohsi^, tire innumtar; iho Eddj Trio, airouia: Prof. Wci on udlanUj, roar In numbertWimiheir perfnnning caiB.dof»»tnale9 and tilol noolw; ihclIireeKvi SUterg, danctrs, contortloolitii and tmmzc; Tonr LowiOdr, pilriclpal bareback, BomerM>i and »I.n nortorlden Manlnfao liOwande Jr., princliMlbAiv- back, forwarrt and luokward fromenet, aUn L?f*J7Jl**2J=jy"'*« Itoltand, Jockey ami bumir nderrMbcrt Cnndeil, clown and mulebnrdlo rider; »r*PCM: May Cook, cor neUatiNinnerClifon, bigb «lie; Siiiiool Hurt, bal- anoiDi owl iLancIrtg laddor; Andtw and (lolden. dlyen: PrtafcOUfort, ataiu^^y poMi; ctiarlM ww, wire and baton expert; Uapert.headliaiancer; Ih* iwo Ifcoover*. nyloic irawM; <:4rr and iDgnn. dOQblo iraprze and aerial liar; llay Uorton, rlack wire and alMrp itaooitng; rntbaoa artnleu man; Uurpbjandllunry.triple borlumtif bar.and Itnm- ulutailmig man. Kvcrybodrla well and happy, and Ihe ftbo* rrporti doing a big bnilneat. h(niB>iio)C W. Ia. Chric-b Cinn'i-T6o show In dUogagooditualoen ihrongh Louiuna. Hosier: I ' CUrk, proprtelorand manager: R, !>. Parker, treaaurer; Harry Janes, bandratater; Q. V. Par- mna, stenanl: Old fleorge Dfarey, t>o«a I'auraiinun: P*^ properties. Tbo band: llarr* ^*°£^ fi*nwt, Levi, Joe Rnoi, Krenk Morris, JoelUohardand Hexla. rerfomier*: Dob KonnUo. Joe Hlckard, H. I.. Olailc'g dogaand poolea. Will hl Areo, Bob Parker, Uany Debell, Wild mil, rifle ex- pert; Mm. Harry Jamet. llaiile RictiArd. KlU Ilo- nalzo, Joels BC Arno, Pearl Clark, Annio James, Lee Ciarfc and Mra. Faaole Clark*. Trblbmakn UiOi. announce ibat Ilipy will put out a ten and twenty cent clrcoi next acaw n, and hare engaged Bobbret MeMmm, Clld rnrey, Wliley Irey andine Dngan Bros. PRJINK AHoi'R bag algoed wltb Lce'a UDdoa Lir cua for Ibo coming season, F. \r. MiNORur oasglgaed as general cootracilog agent for tbo couilogeeaaon wlib ibe Hoberi Haul Ing Sbowe. ToNiB l)aAKB,who ban been Ul for Ibe past tour tnonitu, U recorerlDg. In a coMHrNtCATioN signed nemian A. lloiraan. sapcrloundent. we an Torormed mat Willie Kd- wards Is ont an lamato «f a lloston losaiie asjlum, wltb a total Ion otmlQd.u was reiKincd reccDtly, but, on tbe contrary, la ReeplAg lu good condlilon at ine Union aymnaklom. In ibai cliy. NoTttraoM La PVAHI.-II Wi.<CTia ( iiifi'N-TlieWlnifr CIrcoe fr«tlou«a lo do big hailoeio. We are glvlog ehowa every olght In the week. Tbe ooom ol aotue nf i<ur late irrlrali are: The Manine Panllr, Hen., i^le and Bre yp; UKovood BorrH, tripl* »Mr prrfvnn«r«:Ne<ila, AbJoliaepn.abarleaOdeIL Pred Ledcert. the Do Bella, HocuB, (heUmeia. aad iheflvifU. f.liarietOdeiKRhern breailog atoeb, four horae oeia. har^ile, principal, and nanege acu, for oeit leaaoD. TlieilinwwtU be RT«atiy eolarged a[ib oreTyihlnji new. Daddy Paikhnni, the TetermaahovwogunbalMer, lahen Mldlog aeven new wegvni. PaloUTK, wcndworkrra and blaekatntihi are baaytromnoralDirio oight preparing for ibo uhdIob eewon We liiTeJeat added iirieto cogea of aeliuila andblnlafortlie ktde ibow, wblch will be atrong and leatored. Will aleo put oof a nioQDied peraile, wtth tbiriy-flre bead of atoeb, bealdcipoolr^ goaia aod irtlnAtl doge. Will hare MTin can, a bran new Inn, iioft. with tao Sit middle place* and one UMI. mkljfe pUi>». Tlie comlDg loaaoQ wlU make tbe aliib tootlog aeaaoo for the LaraArlSbftw. JAunKnxoiaALS. enallibr'allciutglar.haioQ inaalp- ulalor aod club Jugfler, baa alaDni with (lolluarUnM.* CIrcua aod Maoageria, oablng hla QfUi iwon wlib that »hew. OLivKABRaci.cloHHlt)ielraeaaoDat CbirlMion, P. 0., Feb S,aadahi|vpedtoWlouriiaanen,Butrale.N Y. UKo. U. IIiLk bai alBoeO aa geoeral ■uperlnteadeoi ■lib ilie Kig. saatelle'a sbow for am ieae<«. Tub mTajiB.<rT that U. 11. WbitUer had algaed ai Seaeral ageni with tbe Uunilng Rbo» wiea mlaiakr. . N. Wlancr li teneial agent, f. W. Mlodrop cuuiract- lnflagcat,aBd II. II. WIiI'.tleraieDiorCorNo 1. Ueo. O. gAai.iVAii.x AND win bare algoeJ wlih Leon W. WaaJibnni'N Clnun tor the aeaaoo uf lUd; Clio, ui a Koako avi. aad Kirlavign, elMUlo uiooed mau and oiiad rradlogoo. hut.. Uii.Lia AND RortA LivmnivroNare )>nctlclng a doable trapfoe aeifor oexi eeaaoo. Mr. Mllitr hu been with Cbao. Lee'a iMdoa CIraoa fnr elglitaeaannii. MM. Ati:iBa LoTANDB, »lie or Tony Lo■aad^ cole- broied b«r birthday Feb. 6, at hrr boiiie la Uroeblyn. N. aad nj tba reclpleat of rauy raluablo preeaai*. aoioDR wblch wer« a noe Pearl and eneraU itnt. a diamond ring, watrh and chain, aolld gold belt end buckle with lolilAla, Dnaoelet, goU coala aod nuineioa> eiiiall Noras raoa nti Wilmih incAio OHtATBTOviH. land Show.—We hare ooQgbt la tbe pest three wreka for tblaaliewone lario etepunt, ncageoi moniey*. furty larKedrariltoraeaand nine wagoni, mahlDg a total of oloetaeo vafooe aad atity-elgbt honeM. UaK»b.3 our UrgaAfrican lion eiraptdaud got to the «oimI»; after Are hoanhegareap, and reionied lo hliowii i|uirtera, tired ooi,uo one beiog harmed, (lajlord U. laAifQino. mioatiel, and Robert MulraDV, mualcal act, lave aigiml wlib Ibla Hhowo Waller L.UurU haa recurc) for Uie kid ahoWaSemo, adOKihat hu been aronDdilie world, and MoiiDialo Roae, (be le^tpaid Inill«a mald«n. Ola Oelioeoad MaailLeaw wlllnotgo out wlih ihlailmw, aereportad. The aUranee wtll be under ihe nperTlelon ofA. A. CblM»,and will Con»Ut of three wagvoiand a twoburae eanlan, corrylDgunaicn. Tbe aiTraoce will begin aboot April IB. and Ibe »tnw opena aboulHar ll^ a*l*erTyaTlllr. U. WiHer L. Buike ^dl b« wlih ibn ihO'r ontll Augeai, iheo hejniaa liU bfoiber'a Wild Weii Uiow, of wblcb tie la tqnal owner. W. W. (' fiuo**) 1I0R.V, calliope player, who waa wlili Laoo Waahbnm'a Oircaa I at Hummer, la Wlottrlag at NashTlU^ Teno , wliere he la engaged aa alvirt'alag egent ai the Hew Maaoolo Theaire. During hlalelnurv be hai eocnpoaed a onmber i f pieces for uie calliope, ba'aerabewlUaleayaplaytheoli reliableCLirrinrolba. CuiA. ti. KSRROM baa punhaard ibe horM, Kepiuoe, for hU Konb Aoierleao Cireui, which ulla ihortJy fur BoDih America. Tuori. J. MoRUT hu signed with tbe Bamom A Bailey Bhowforthe coming aeaaoo, to lake cbarae of the aide ahow caorou. GEORGIA. Atlania—At Ibe Qrand Robert Downing comes Feb.lOLll. 'Tbe QUI I Un Behind He" did a doe Im^l- aaaa,ngiwliliataBdlni the bad weailier,?, S- Clara Murrla omea ii. is. TOR LiCKUM—Mabel Paige cornea 10and week. Lewis Morriaoo, m "Faa*t.*' ^Ia)«l toK K. 0.9,1. SATannali.—At ilie HiTaunabTbeatn Dobert Dowalag played Feb. 6.0, to anaU but anprecntlre au- dleeeoa. ruocb Robeitaeo Co. cornea 10*11, "A Bowery alrl" li, UabXi ralge CO. 17 and week. THOCiDSHa—The coDpoor at this hoaae la drawing large aodieocee everr week. The new people are: Ida RuiaelL Maggie Morria, AdaHulliTao and HteUa HI. OUIr. Oah lfARr,tbeob)iiMrodellaeat<ir,wbo taubeen hers i>r tbe paat year, ii to uto a tMneflu MiSSOURI.-I^FftS«ici) BU JMpph^At Toolls*a Tbeatre Henry R. Dlseir, lo **Thw Lottery of Love." had gond baalaeae K^b. 6 Jaa. 0'Nrlll,ln ->jl»ata Ollalo," conieatlL to ablgad* Tuea ooIa, Jo* Cawthom, l<i "A Fuol fur Luek,"^ li; ' Hlgbl Bella" U. UuK lleeie it, Monl/ou'e ' Kauat" S4. CaAWPoan'sTjiairHi —daltiol. In "Ilainlet." play^ to agoodhouee, ai advaoced ptIoaiLB. Tbe bouaewillbe dwk eoill I0,whea a tieoeni will be tendered Manager Maitia, ot tbe Eden Muac*. Eoa.v Mi'HBa—Bojriaau coatlBaea good. Penple for week er lOarw: Tbe Jacoha remllf, Fiof. Iluggtoi sod wife, P.KBlluand wife, aad Vol B. Love'a Aromailc Co, la "A Noble OetcuL" W. Ik LrKS^is, foniHtly muBger ofTooUe'a Tbeiln^ tbia cliy. bet aow naaager for Ilinry ft. Dliey, hui beeo Tlaltlog frieada here the pMlireeh. ARKANSA& Hot SprlBBs^At Ibe Opera Uuose, Fob. i. Wrigbt*ai;olor«i*V»niedr Co.aBd tbe Naidiriiie Utud*nu came to hgbt bealoeea. CoL Robert (I. Ingeraoll ledured ion "Liberty of Mao, Womoa aod ndU,'' m an audieace tha' packed tbe hoaae rren pit to dome. Alter the lecture Oil lageteuliwaateaderedarecepiloowhltb waeat<efriid bymanyofihe leading man of U'>t Kprinii. Booked'. ■TbePr<raieKecreUry"7. R»beri MaateU lor**rbe Tor oado" II. "A Teau Huor"aJ. Lllgla naehe-^At Capital Ttuatro tbe Naghvllls Biodenu came Feb. 3 lo a top IteaTff bouae. BobotidAir Toylordjev acrawded houu 4. Ollrer Byron did a fair bualBeMfl,nutlaeaaad olgbt. B. B. Maatall comae 11, ll.*'rheToroido" 1.1, "Hie Co^Uib Kiog" U, HodJeakaSi **KrMada"0. DELAWARE b lVllailwglOB.*At tbe Ortnd Open lloose "Kaab Cllr 'drov fairly veil Feb,A Ula Netberwle eomu II, Itell Burgeaa, in *Tlie Coaoiy Fair," IS; ' Faro- di«e Alley" If.S). BiH)0. Beai T. Jack's **Hy irecla'*waa a good aliow, anddMeKoel|«atba«Ieeaal-s. BidsU'a L^doo Bellea orwdea U-lA Noaa JeUity vo, la **Iodafc." IMS. WogOBSi^to.—For w«*k of 10: Lecture hall—Mile. Betro, aarpeeu; llaWo. maiIclon. hauorlat; Prof, llow' ard'a Fnncb and Jody. Tneairo: MorUio and Ketclle, Frask Bmereeo, Elleore liaiera, Ttieodtrre. Mille aaJ i;nrdr.Balaly and 8lBeeda.aad ueyeiieaod Nerllle. PENNSYLVANULHBse Page tm.) AltMaa^At tbe Elexenlh Arenne Open Hoaae "MIobe" did well Fell. A **AJay Clieor'came 7, S. JoeOttcomee W, *'daved from tbe Ree" II. Mr.and Nra. Kobort Wayne,>n rtpertoiy. li-iA UAaar Davia' uii Mcsoo^Tbe flooiaka Opera twelaeeeweek ol 3.L Ibla week, Fotter and Armatrooib Kvis, ~' Uovard, De Vere aad Le OoMear drew Large twelaeei be Oewletita. Lowaada, Fotl Celab aA Welsh, Warm and CUr, #Mis€ellaneoas# FMR.xi-ira Kkw Hk.\MTirtR. Kn. t. clorfd a eoaaoa of nine nieniba at Vlrbitiarg, Ml'^.on Jan when Ihe lolhwlag pNvIe loft lor iheir re*r<^ilre po»li(Mie: K<aoi iweathl lhatteekera in rieclonail. t>; ih« l^arle ion t*liirr<io iialre*h>o,T»T : fleerge Weinttotil and ton to New OrlMna. l/t; R«tlhi UttiUn to rhlcijin. ||| • ||i« PaticoRluAiilei-tm. Ha^^: h rk Leggeit to New Vnrk Ciir, U»nB. l>a*iilDBi«B lo New Of)cao^ Henry Batige to H(.L4Vta,Mo: Wnh^r KallKHklcin and wlfo to IHitoo, O.; Joe I'riiiiek i-> Riiivhamion.N. V ; Juhn Kuhn in Miihiwafci. iiKl WUfy UrSalr *f Otcrmn, Tei. X II FrenHi ha^cnne iuNewt)i:rin« I4 Jnta hm wire, who la la(hirf» bl :j<>niRiktn No. I. nn tlie lover cna^l. NnTiKrhi>MTUaBi.i:inFiKi.vK t'oM-Rar t*u.-nar Imal. at-ai lliMuj:!! Inwa. IlllnoU at^d Indiana hia l>eeo (lot. Blliitl Boone, ttie rn^iify. lo riayirg ihi* reaion aa nerer otfort. .MTerro Ihiit*. InO., «• li^d an lolPreailovt^Bt for Uvnoe'a puver ul Iniiiniion Ttof. Ilerintn Leiblng ■awulMlrnntiheauillene^naitiilayril a Terr dilttctm c)aa»kMl |ilec« of Kiihru4teln> liiiitrotlalng llie nrniand laaliuritf,aiii] Pnoee reprriltiml ifie pipe* immidliioly S'ler. D. Barpfit roM^rU tiniow ihe adrance wi>rkand we are nrnitil ihrnueb KvuintUy and Virginia. Mr. Ung. oiirnianawor, will l>itlld a reahleaoe at Unbarly, M<>., Ihe rAulnM • e^wtft. VAX Tklt. niRilouo, (a amuilng the people of Mllvau- kee, W>a., ilila Winter, at tlo Wonderland. May 0. 0RYMoi-ii,«ireoi Kiiceae K Heyntotir, died Jan. II etPavanMh. iiL, from i>n#uiiienla. RoiiriH or nnra KirrthTaiiiiaK.—Oalla. oiagoei; Franii (lartlner, aerlalUi; JtH> (Hark, TucalUt aod daooer, aod Tom R I. -nti*. ^^lll•Mll-t^ and manager. Thi NRv Ml a\aTiiaiTMk. urO>himbua,U., lann mure. A Dumber of atur'iinrnu witn^ lerved. tnortgngea were M'ea u«ed. olu.atHl tli» miiniaemvntwu OMupellcd bi ■Iveup. Memrw. rioMi nud Eldretl have piirohaMK] ibe lM«e, and will iTiiiib.lnl Ihe holldlng In aiieh a manner lh4l Ii vt I ha better aileptrd fir hiodling ihe oiowdi. _ ... UltiteMaeeeanil I new manlier* ore Thehutiae willbe bnnvti aa the rrtetal UltiteMaeeeanil Theatre, ami elli c^n Feli. 17- Tlie new maoaicr* ore piuKoln* nt Mirce»e A ntiinbitr t'f profeMlonal i>eople were left deetliuie «lian ilie bnuae doaed wees, and the aev maoaReiuent larnrti iltehouie orer to them lo live four beOMilt perfiirn^nceB. HiNAfiKH Ji'i.u Tjin aqii party, now touring Bnry. Unil, rmv Ilie NarytaBd iteople ate ureat aliowgoerp. The newaddllltiae to onr eilrarllon Hdack am nora n«ll. Kollowlog litherealer: Manager Ven. Teulrilihinlnl, and hU live dttiitmle^: Minn. Vau, mind raa*ler: /elelA, lA<ly Japaneae inailrUn; UoJIno, Macneile womler; JeK Menillloo, trapa and rinii, an<] Leia IlninlllOB, planu plater, HuwaiLAKmni Riiowa.—Itealar of IH. F. rirant'* dre- eon Indian Medicine To., Nn. Knnw la Indiana: Harry urvllle, leclnrer aod manager; Rulh DrTllle, lady miRl- elao; Hiitar Kmnk OtvliK nov anrohtt and wire waller: (leorgo B. Hllketlee. conlurtlunlit, elleneo aud Hid ami lrBreie;JeBnle |iiKlie*lep. Mrlocnmlo andjiganti bvfk danc«r; Don HarKlvtfll, muakal aot; llallle HaeKlwel), orgaolatat*d b'ack art KoMor and nnlea Klokapeu Be4l«lne Co, No. 4: We are now touring HIehlgan. in ralrlnialoeM. <ldr leottin>r, Bort Inieon, liia ■«» laid up with la irlpiHtiher^Ki two ittk*. H^ier: Ubai. Hu ler, miniger; Ben Inimn. Iremrer: Kl>a V. Monlino, otnf worker; llliaa. Ile"ley, itapJnUt and mnia- dita; Run IniMtn. |r|*h oeinetlian: Jne Hiofhrd, mualeal; Frank Itayninnd, general Imperaonalor, and Indiana PtAoiy Wniiidj anil Yellow lli>r«M. The llinalica ImMan Me<lleloe No. i), Dr M. Caaipbell, prepilemr, l>r. AI. 0. WeaTor. niiDaRor. la muring N<iribero MluAuri rtatl doing eirellentl>uilnaH. Tlte rniter: Uiant DrAoe. btDj-iiat and black facn comeJIin; Hert (Thrialr, Untih eoinbiue aad wondeo Bhne fliDcer; Fmr. Kdtlle Moon, mualcal act, llahtoing gun drill and aworl vnlhbr; Radio Chealbain, e«rlo coBik aod orgaolal. lotllaea: toiler l.lllla Heaver aod niiomlai 8ur NntAt imin Ur.A F. iMwey'a Kl«ka- poo InJlan Medirliin IV. Nn. »i: We are In onr eUth week le i*eniral PcniiBTlranla, and, noiwltliaiending Uie rain and nmddy alreeK <>ur houae la crowded nichlly. Leit veok wan our iMooer week, and liMalneu matlnaea ggod. Itoaier: Dr. Drwey, Ufturer; lle|>|iy n»b Robla'an. Dutch and blark facr contiKll«n; Lew Morrlo, liKi ami iilaek face end buck dancing, ami riilfl l.ltlle B«ar.#lack wire, rlnga. Jurallng aij war ilaoclng Knrtorand nouaof Uie H|»>ncer lleiiirtly (Jo.: Ur. H. B. gpenrer. ntauiie-; Mra. H. H. Ri-encer, LllilA KoMt'ud.rfalM rerforiiter; Oeo. FlUveinU, lilali R<id Dttlrh perfuniier: >:ila ril<-iara|d|. eiiiiUrnlIn; <niaa. Knuner. hachlece; rpif. Ja*. llnrLniaglcUii; I'ruf J. D. Kraocl*. planla,aDd fleo. WiAvrr, nionoloKiiei. Biial- n Ad lair. All our people eelt Uiir curve. I>y fiehealer, -urL Ilie people 111 rruvda. I'sniile ilay up all iiluhl lo ho'il their pbce in Ilie lom Hid liaaler at liUi<lllce Nutenrn.iii ihattenilnolelmliAii Hvdiclae f'o.: Tfeeoiii- ■•AiileMareali ilolnga uttnl linkliirip,niid Ihlugaaie lielng prepared at ilielira't'iiartemal StprMng. III., for the aj^ vrni ol Hnomberor paidei toiahr lha nwl In llieiieit few da)A. NevAdn Hrlninnl, or I'ariy Nu. 17, hiaJant add- ed anMher dng in her alreeily lario tmnji*; ililt Wmm a He&lcan lielrleii duv. Thp tnmpe give a nne p»rrormaoRe. Dr. Har'efclacirleHelKte .Sn 4, le ailll In Teiu dolBganlcebualneu Rig. Ilarr<i Joined the company atlUrkTei. A'o op*tn In canvaa Uie lut uf Fei ruary. Tim OMiiraay will pierloiialy lay off ooe WMb. Mr. I1iirii)e U meoaicr end loolurer rior. F. I.. M(g- slna. aumaiorofKIakapAoOii Nu SS.wrllealhatliliniiff Pjilrit cAliliiet act and hao<lruiri«au area ' go" lo nanailoe llualiiea«laguol and ill are well. Rumellniea I hare trooblelB grtilng TllR Ctll'rSR, but It oleayv "geta there" and gUei ua a new kaaa nf life Nolaa (Vihii Ihe Karen Nailona Bla Bbuv: We o|>eoe:l uut Wlnier aeaaoB at Cnliimhua. 0. KifUttwIpg la a llat nfour coiii- l«ny : Clilef Had Jarhel. proprielur. Uoiurer, elllce worker and llililQlnv titolli eiuamor: John Buxhey, manager, nuiodbin and TooalUt- Mre. BuBhey, alngtug aad iline- lag eoubr^lte; Itnrrk atage manater and lrl«h and DfliHi roraedlao; lhr*e Ihilgearain Hm«., eetiAlUu an1 l«r i^Tfarmen; Adi Brlglit, Htmnlah daacar and mDtotl1iial«t.aad ileorge Harclinno.aiWaoreaitd ullllly BrerTone hai>ry, and eA2li HaUirdavllniUuBwaltiiiv fi r ttiooM rellattlA. We are inuring Ob'o In irnodltualn»«a. Dr. Blue Mtiuniain Joe'e lledkal Hlinv and Free WIM Weal, will miula lo NewlMrry, fl. (]., ten more v#cba. Tlie UMtu>r la recovering fmin a Mrrreaiiacb of irlp. De fotfl wan Itailly hurl laat MuSday iilglil ftuin a fall on the Klage. The fhnw hu had many cltange^ llila verk. The p'aeea of len of ibeold rbrfoniiem ami mu. ilelana hare been fllM Imm entwera to niir adreiliM- Dieot In TllS CtirriH nf Feb. I, elileh lirouRhlnrer ino hnndrH appllcanie. Boalne** gnod and weiUier varnt; hire had no eu|d weather ihia Winter. We are on our i itb year In tbe Buuii. DEATHS I N THE P ROFESSION. lliRRr KviRfiKici.n an arinr, died Fth. 0^ al th> War ■Ick lloul, thti city, from tbe crfecla ol an nrerdoae uf morplilae. The deceeaeil, who waa about thirty yra a of Age, wu a native of Kogland. and waa aulo Itny al Bromp' ton Oraiorr aad at Uie Italian Churcli, Ilaiiuo Uanien. lie modebla iirofeuhnal datiutaaa plouglilHiy In ' Aliel Urate'a Wife" whps Ahoat iwtIre yaare of air. In De« ceinber. IMTV.lie Played Ihe role of Dalfli Itafbitraw In Ihe cliiklran'a ''lioirore." at (be Opera Oonii<|iie. I>(>n. tliio, aail tnurfd the prnvloeei wlih t)te ronipauy dar< lag IIS4>. Ilia Tolce iituka while wlih tbat orgaiiita' thiB. and Im waa oMIged ti retire. Me relumeil IA the aiafta In HepUtntMr, lifl. a|»reaHnf In "Mil- Tpr 01)1" and "VIre-Vfr>a" at (ha Rtrand TliMire. Tbefulktalog Dtcenibet he creaird tlie role m Jannr, in "Mu'M KlraJ," at the OM Tliealre. Otf'tnl. In Februtrr. IW4. he appearwd ol Ihe Ilaymarbi4, London, (la)lni Vctty Oralton. Ib "rerll." and a lev innnUia laul n weal to Ibe Nnveliy Theaire. appearing In "Nlia'* Flnt"and aburler<i>ieciMed -'riieHeaUail Mack." Fram hi>re lie returned to ibo njwia Otml'pio lo ttia H|irlng ot im» he played la "The L-uIy nf the iM-bat," iL Oie Km- pire, aod a few veeka Itlerlie neentd el (be Ooutt niea- ireee Oia Farrinaden, la 'Tba HeRlatraie." llewu iba Mr. Itealoitd Faulorer In 'Tbe Hchnoimlat eia," pro dneed at the eaiiis liouae on March 17, UM, and on Jan. 71 of Uie rollevlnH year Im played (hemlool Lleuienanl Oarhy, In * Dandy Olcb." Hewfui ilm Harry Kloeavlll In Uiel1ntpio.1untlna ifr*Tare',"al tin rrioMei WaiN TlHaue, Jen.81, IB-H. andon JoneB), ol iheaatnu yaar, lO nUyed dW, In "'■ - ■ * - "Run WlU." at ibe Ftrond r. kf eredeM then raine to Ihla couoir* to uUy Mob In li. , FawceU'apley. "Keill. Uie Fauilly lleTp,*' appvering at the BIJou Opera Houae (fluw Tlieair*^), ihla eltr, 0:t 1, ISr. He nl>a«<inantly Jolond NaiO Ooffeleln'a cooiiiaiir, emarloM In "(Jonlkal'in," "Turoed Vi>," aad "A 'I'lU ■uie," plailog In ih« fa<t named plere at the Flfdl ArenaeThaatiw. ihlaelir.ln Marrb, imo On hla return to Holland he oMonl In "Our Flat" at the Opera (.'on- l<iae.laJ*ityofUiatyeir. On July 7\ Ifui.h«appearrd aitheOaleiy lo Mr. rirtodwln'a prodacllcn nl "A (In'd Mine." He wu ihe Hercy Fnriei>nie In Uie orlal- nal produclloa of "Our Angela," at llie Vaad* Tille, Xorch 9, IHI. He cuatlnurd pU)log lo iiOMeo DBlil IBD, whea he went on a tour with Willie ft'loqla'a comp«ay. Oo hla return lo f.nn. don. In iVU he eppearod. on Juoe BJi at Ihe A'lelidi), lo ■Itball We FnrgIre Her,^ end on BepDS lullowlnvhe Kayed D\ik IlamiiiTBil la tbe llret itrulnriioa uf "Tlie irbf Wiener." At ih* time ol hla death Mr. Kvararte!«l wu e mtinUrof ff*<irgA Itlwarile'i "An ArlUl'a Moilai" Co., ptaylDK At Ihe BroeJvay Tliealre. iliU cliy, vhere, la Ihe role ef Alieroim Rt. Aihini,he liecaoie a favor lie. Hie wife, who wu a daeginer ur the lau Oi"n Rooej. caull and twoclilklreo Adrvlie h'ln Id f nflaod Tliar» .... • plot la " Cemetery. roaloa vere lalerted lo Ihe actor** | F.rergre*a II. J, HiftriMr. ei-achr aod'raanagrr, d'ed Fe>i.0^la (ha v'irhhuaaaat I.eHe, Kog. TLe deoea^ed waetHfrnio Bacbla*p>rt, Me .Jan I, itflLand when lour yean of age Vkalafceuirt Bo'1>b, Mau, where he waie«laeaied. Aae iuuDg DUO he wu c'lBoect^ wlih aeveral amateur reniailc Mdtilea aiid inafle hla prureialunal debui u oiHIty maa at ilie H<MiAn Theatre during tlie aeaaoo of ittH-V. Kbortlyafterwaida he weoi Ininiiieri^uiileifiO- ot-ai^ and lo IWU liacania lutlilarliy. AlUiehruhloi out of the cirll war hee'jllded Iri UiO F'Hirteentb rt*Mr neat, wlili whlrh he eitve'l f-tf tbro«t yeare. lu IKI ha returned lu the atage a«a niegfcltn. aod i.tadealMjr nl tbo emialry. Hla la*t enragement aa on aclur wu In im. It Uia Mobile (Ala ) Theatre. Iloth'amanagel a anober-ol traveling ir<taKe. aod lu IW he i/ecaine liawe and otaeager ef die Lycenui Tnetlre, Bor- l^n. lie neit vent tu Iriijlaaeuulle. lad, aod be- eaus awoclaiad with Leak A l>.cbMin in Uie uae- Serotntof Ihe Metrnt«|iuo Theeire and ihe Acadmy Mule, lo thtt cl*y. He aiiarvarda inanaaeil iin .VoUoael Theatre, cindooatl, O.. giving variety and dfBmailceourulamaaia. From Utere he went t» lUA- omliae, vhere lie uiaoaiei) ihvAUieon: ini for Ihr^e B*a BOO* oudlrt iflMlieiaairM Hannah B. Billay, hla IvaJ- Inglad/. lolST&hewaa encegrO u buain««a niaoagar awl *la|(* director fur Dion BouclcauU aM armrqpaiilel aralpeua. lie nest bnaghtJanlah to ihlsrounirr.l'Ot herloerdldnoi prove pmStabIa, aad oooocioeeti. Mr. RargaBi (ben went to Loodoa, wnerehe tried Ida bead hImtoCgroH- Durina ihe lloia tiiU Br. and Mra. cicault vere iravallag In luly Mr. Hirgent wu eogagftl brioifert Heller, th* magician, lo accompany him VjtM- Iliirflla.and thevetakeUie DianaKomeoi ofhia lHiBia«w. After Ibe <k>*e<'fHr. lUllai'e asawo Um couI Mr Rargeat organlted a laioairel company aed made a togr of ■'ironi of Ihe loierlcrr iowa> Nine. Ho^Jaaba at that llnewueppearlogat Uie t'elirxrela Tliealrr.Han F/ae* el*» Mr. UarsenteDiegrJ L*r lor a ItFur of ibe c«ib> try. Under hla m*ea|*>iaeni*lie awn )>ecain*a iftpulir aur. Wbeo ebe aeeurrd anullier mtnafer Mr. Hirg<at went loEoglaod and teiuroed wiib Meie. Hiiae, who olav aeea bereioe popular lo Ibla couoiry. When elie SoaJly CLaagad uaaageiaHr. Hargent wu not beard ol fur aer- at BQ»I« ball BUugenviK but Called. Hie laai eeolnre lo thUeoaairr woanaoe la llw. when be bmugbt MiikOtiurehlU-Jedrell oreraaa aiar. Rhe prrTediobe aa aiMolitia lAllui*. wd In a abort tlaie their reaourcea were eihauatril. Hhe flnallr returned (o Baalam), wher« abe bO'l InheHied a Urge hrtune by the d*aili or her tnniher, Hr, Bargeot alao reiurneil in UDiUnd, where he weat lr<^m rod in wiiib«^ until hi> died hi eiireinn penoiy le lb* Leeda Wnrihenae. Hla wife ud tbreo cblUi«n aurvlie hini le ihla couniry. Nut fct-Lt.r, e well honwo ncior, died Jan. Ml, al Aapfii.Oui. trntn hemorrhogeol the l>taln. ThederAAMd, whnwuihlnr-Blneyraiaerue.WA* horn at I,a IMrle, Inil. andmidehlepntVaalooiliIehiitln IK7P, at Indian* Ant*l^aelrA«kabaw. la "Tho Tlrhi>t nf l,eave Man." He thea teund theRonth with a rwpenorr company, aad In iMl he went to Rt Luubi, Hn.,anJ played In ahvil atook cuinpeny lor the Rummer aeoion. opeatng aa Hnh Pritrlr In thOftaBeplar In which he hid made hla debul. In lR(Jh»wu with "Tbe (IfiM Hunter*" IV, and la lM-4 he riami Marka wim MaeonA Monan'a * I'acle Toiu'h CatJo." Tno folbtwlDv laaavn he wn« pUylrw HAlradon Bob with 'Tbw Cblinea Af l4\etlpn" (^t Duiluj Ihe Beotmer of Ifttt he plaied fliiuon Hlncoe, (n ■The I'lanter'a Wife," throu|h the Nortbveal, and for the aeaaan of iKftW ho waa engaged la U'RnuTke, In "The felehrattd (!a«*." In Hie Hpring nr l«r. In eoojaneilon with F. i\ Welion, Mr Hcqlly op«aed A einck araoon at tha People'a Theaire, Oiaaha. Kel>., oloalng Jnlr 4 of that rear, and on the ililitieih of the uiae tnnntU ha ui«nml n lih ihe etork ai recceOpere Hoaae, Minneapulla, Uluii, und*r Frederick Bwk'airaoagewent. He eleied at thiihniiae l)ct..1\ ni lhaeome year, andJnlne4l the atneh atlheNewl*«npU*A Tltaatra,lntherAniecliy. at ilie einto nr which eniae*- meat ha waa ibe reclpleat of a veiy ilitteting tieneilt. He r*(um«4l lu the I'eoce Opera Howe aioek fur the aeR- eon u(itm*p,and vnaagalDtinuured wlib ai-auedi aithn eloee of hla eniagemi>nl. He (hen came trt thIa city, when lio hail the iiilafiirtuew tu auateln a iMrlUl paralyala of oae of hla eyea. Rntarnlog lo Hlnaea|>«i|U hn rejnieeil the Pejce iteok, opening u ihe Itoid Mayor la "Hiehard IH." The aeaaon rioeeil prematurely laOoiober, and Mr. HeuHrai naoe Julne'l the "Mreeu nf New York" Co.. playing Pniry QnUrUio md ft iha tour. In Juuarr, UW. He tbenalgne^I lo pUy Ilhl Oed WH- lUmi In *'The Derira Mine," wlih nlilcii mntpaiiy he remained anlll Ihe eeoaoo oTlHttCL when liojulnrd A Y. PearMO'e"The Fire raind'Tu. Ifehatl atft been coga neeted v|ih aiockoooipaaleaindaULake Oliy and olher WeeierocKlea. At (he tlutenf hie Ueeihhe vsa a mem- lierot (JnculoJ (^rinr'a^Tho nefaulior" , eml had ilayrd at (HenwnnI Hprlnca two Ua>* prevlttaa in hie death. He learu a widnv. The body «a« emIiabiKd - ad aem (o bar lioue In diloogo. Ill, HLSHT lUrinttKfLii.a veil knnvn Knallah miiilul comioeer.dled F*t>. t, attkoeairy, Rlintp^hlie the de< r«aa«<l «u bum Judo 18, }W. In London, and recelreil hla edueatlonal (ho Falarn Ki'linol, KnOvbl Al (ho agw ol eliioen he beiao hla tutiMral mudip^ uitjnr ih* dlier- tlunof CharlAi letiCAa. and pntvml t« Ihi an aptachnlor. Al tbe age nl twenly llre he \tm amduUd Imnnraiy aec- niary efiheAmatnur Muakal Koeiaiy, and oisbi reard later he liecame lia coojBOlor. Later he furmed inu lAalteUhuIr, eoniprUlnttivm h'lndirtl voicra, whtoh lie- came notS)! fnr reuuvtlni nadrlgaU anil eiiier nnaecoin- Mulad part muala, and whlrh gained itrat priae at the In- lartullonal coinpettllon nrchoira ni I'arla He wuprln- dpal otthe NalloaaKhillfHanfHiialo, whtrh wu Iniindetl la lAli.and ■aadlre^lnraoil con-hirior uf the ObIM of Ain«ieir Mnalrlina lo litrs. In IA^7 ha wrote * HiMtunee, or Bild OlcbTurpio," on opereitn. and aeven yvam later ' Ida," aa opera. He waa alao Iheaulhurnr many om iortie.onUiBnii, raolata^ tinga, dueia, ulna and plaoo- forle iilecoe,uiirHuaaiii»lK>rurpetiadnf!* and nudrU laU OuvnR Nahiiii (Doplaoy), aa aetor inil ale ^er, die*! Fell U, (b Londnn, Kag " - a aetor irtil alag* niBn> QI-, aged fnn/ «li year , Fr. JIa niaifo hladobi -jaai*l wuborelnFarla, Fr. 1la nivro hla debut i< a chorlaicr at (be rorna Dramatiiiuei, In ilm rity ot hla blrib, waa (hen enlru*ieil with minor rotai, aod brmne a raiular niemher of ihe company li isri^aoil a year later aiade iiU nr*i BfpMUMce In Lnn- dna. to IHN he niuriiMl to France antlaerveil In Um Freich anny ditrlog the Franco I'liiBaliD war. liOier he reinmed to lenndon, wliere he tliereArieraiteninioatur blHllfe. Ilewae acapahle chsrocier nclor, ami waa al»i» veil hoown M aronipcKiol aiaga manager lu thIa conn* try, aa well u In kngland. He wia a member ni llnaltia Vokee' 0'>tiipeay, In (Lie counlry,a Idv ieat*aco.And aiN) iJared In olhrr ooripanlea here. He eailbehua. hoDil of Flurenoo Rt. Jtifrn, whuaeoureiladlTiircelrani hiM atKiDLUve year* ago. Halth W. WAFTLa writer nf aongi aod bniler<iuaa. dltd Jan. IS, at hienoma In Rroeklyn. N. V., avNl Biily- Sti years. Tiiadnceaeeil vu lAm In KngWnd, Imtramn It) thli oauniry ihlrly *li leaie aun. He «a* hell known lu Ihe MniipaaloD ami had written lerveirviorHeinT. J tek. Hxrm A flarion, Fr*<t Halinn and otiter Mually well knowo manager* aod lerf-initere. Uhohiir I*. NrHt'iiT (Plarce), well knnvn a« a nerinin ilUlert ciimeillin, died reh. A, In Fateretii, N. J , Inwi Brighl'a diaioee. The dereaaod, elio vaa thirty nluo years uf oie, was liun ui Oermaoy, init cauie lo ihle ciMiniry al in eaily aae H* made hla prnreMlnnal ileiiul In IMQ u HMter Mnrphy, at Caiilerlmry tUU, Ihl* cliy. He afkurward fonniil a pariner- Hhlp Willi Oeurge Hliaoano, with wlmni he romalntd for ifalrleen yearn. He alHiwaaouenf llioc»iiirdir fonr. Murphy, Hitiunnn, Murphy and Maok. unditr lite manage nient of Henry o. Miner. In recent >eara he had bean ^lili varloaa larce comodlea. 11* wuwIUi Uitnimlly and (llrard, ln"Nalnr«l(lu.''rur (*oBe*anoi.anil alarrni In "lloBiLl'ind "lt<idol|>h'a Aiuhllluu." Ita and hla wIIf, Hilly Kunale, had been UayliiHdatM Ihla »na«ta, their laiCappejtaocelaUiliicllr lielogutaile al TnnyFutor'a Tteaire, where ihey clened a twn wreka' eegagetiient Fali. 1. Ilia laat apiwarant* waa midn r*b. 3, at ilie fAl-n Theaire. Paierxio. lite v|fk anrvlvea him. The rcinaJna ■ III lielnterro) undenkesuaplad*of lli* ArUiia* Fund. Tub iiiiliYul tlientaa vbndlod Feb. 0. at tha HamllUni Ferry houi*. waa Menil Ap I u that of Janei !•. I.amber(, nrarlolia>»i of the FarkTheatre, Hrnohlin, .s. v. MiH. W. Ii. flriwaar, an antra*a,dM Feb.S,a( her home in I'Mirulia, Oni.,Can, from conaumptlon. Her lid*l«*(l auirlvcalier. A Pleaaaini Vlallor. t'/vm Til* lUHCm y.rrnttm TrartUiT, Tub Niv Vohs CLifria an.ii'ai. fur IRU Ilea iMfnre me, a pieauni vUlUir. Nu diamailo ur eifuitiog wHter'a deah wou^l aeeiN 'iMlie complete elUtuiii tliTa bandy reference rnlurue, wiili:hiur aoonrocy enddlverae chara^ ternireoQrU and lofornailun, la out anrpuaad by knv ahiillar pBbllcalloa. Tble year It li mure ample In dl* neialooB ihen ever bef'^re, and Upruiuaely llluairiled, A Most IsaralHBbU Owlde. yroak Tkn tfttrinnafl Tr\iiitw, THBCurrBR AdMi' tou uU a work to need ipecUl conimeot but to (Iteae whohaveuccuKm toconault |ia rage* frniueotJy, u duu a man Intereaicd In all eimrHna eveoia, li le a mual livaiualile guide. Record* In all broodiwol rpurt era iiren In full, au eiiraanMHini of paeehu Imcii devuted in bsswball, and nulblng,ie faru CM eee, liu (Meo ontlllvu. All H|»et1liig and Tliealrleal Itawe* ynm nko UarrUbunf TVInfra». Thf It4rrl$^r^ Tilfunm la In receiptor Till Nsw VuMi OuHi'SH AHXUAL fur UUI. It cunuiua all iiiea(«itlag aad Uieairical inforuiallun ao ilear lo Ihe lieuiuf tbe aportlog iraumlty and lorera ol the drama- A P«rlfcaUrl|r AlCntelIre Killllou. i'mea TAi tUUtmort //uuU. WIUi liauaualenterprlae Tin Nsw Vuhr OLirrSB liu laauod Ihla year a particularly etiracilve vditiun ol lu AsauaL Uia,uavor,ai*eriectiiiiiieor raljable laior- iiiailon, boihrramaitnmailo and MpMilDg iiandpolsi. lureovrdofplayaaad thiatrkal bappenUigaurifaayMr lenioalcuroplaie, oial lovoiuable louiie Inlereated lo (bo art. Tliedenitaeurepirtaur every variety nnila between lu budeofnely decuratad eofere lnfiirroailun of stary ilucrlpllon cuiicSrnInf nU Uie erenta ot (iie year In svaiir deperuaeoL Tbe fiaieme la p^>luaely llloairitad wliIi KIctureaulweliknowneriore and aetrea<ea end irfuoil- eat recopi breakera hi Uii workl oTepurL ValoAbis Uaferenca UmIi. /'/net rv tlaiUtn UomiMii If^i. TiiBCMi'PRHAHXVii. forlW. an Invaluable refereoca iMuk, cnuuliia all llie Ut**l recorda no ihe voter, taif, baaetreil, polo, puglliani and every other ifraovh la ihe »fnrt\ot line. Hpeckal aitaoUun u given lo Uie aiagaahtl Ike BUileur eportliiHwurW. llitr tooecula of leadlBH rtgoreaon thaauge loabe theejiilon a uebi'ie eoureolr. lo yachlloi nn<l analour roviuM a full llet of all tho loi- inrtoat evenia lo tbe world ar* recorded. "Hernle" W'fara, the irbainplca ihori diaiaooi runner; Obarlei Kllpairktr, the hall mile ebantplva; Kiephen OhoM, iieo- teur diauipino hurdler, aod alike Heeeoey, inaklos a blgh Jamp.araplclu'ert lo iheir aihieiie rloiusiu ibey never ear* helure. le lha pilie nag aod Ibe wbeeUDg world the edilion la a feature. Fall anil Acroralc Compllatloa* /*fVf«i rA4 A/w Oiltam Ttmtft tMmnrni. The Ttm'i tumttrrnl hA«JiiU rerelvad froai tbopalilbh- eraor Tde Vkbk itLliraK U>elr A.^ii ai. for IM. Th* Kildtrailnn la nUad villi liirennatiun wlileb laot great lerMi to Uioee lo the iheairkai prnreaiioa arnl deroted lo aptirt f'fall kln<l-i A lull aod accdrele cunipiiatlOD of ■H hie a<|ieila an J elblelle pfifbruiaocea, rarliiH Ud rio ting taconta. inaeifell. crieket, roulbaU, bllllardr. iltlox Ilia la tot ilme*Ml iMat perhirmaiice In ad ila pAitiiiffiiiMor epurl, U liiebrMd lo a taaiefuHy Iwoo'l viil< uin*. handanBcljr iiiaairoiad, the whole naklog aa larol- uaiita rrfMrence hook Bttriiaaavi All Pravloas Isaoas* rrvm TheAttantni^itHltumn. Tiis Nsw yuRi CLiri-KH AkXCiiL for Ible year nr- pauee all previoua luaeaol ihle valuable and usl'iie pubileaiivb. TheUnnlrlcalclireuiilogyor ihemaoy Im- poitAeierema upon tne Ainrrlcaa aiage la very carelull^ e<iltaj, aeiciaaiva;a,aDd ta brimruful uaaful loroinia- duo. Ula baudKHocly lUuairateJ aoduiniainaUiilike- neeaeaofmany of Uwooiabla* lo Ibeuraiiiaiie, »Hratl'*t varleir ami ipvrtlDi world. 1; la a uaefol Uiua and prob- ably Ihe beat authority oo llhlello auirli In ihla cnuoiry. ThIa annual afauuId oro|nrtat tbeutakof eveiy lorernl ''^'^ Tha BoMt DiMk oftho Kind. Fam The jTfracvM .vundeg TImfi. When yonaee It lo Tiia<:LtmR,lt*aao. Tun Clipprh AnnvAt. for lie la a valuable reieience book, cr-oialnlog tiieauical, Muel':al and aporilng chionuluglee for UK. It Ii tbo beal book of the kind publlahrd. A Bpar^lag Oractai rutm Tki A/ooHyn CUIun. THRCurrsa AnOALforUM leant, sod Is more eim pleleaod liOOdiuaelbiDever, |i coDleloa valuable aOil InitreailngauUeikaln thaitrleal md apurting uuitera, AH the reeerdoaed beat p*HoRBaocea to all th**Mria era liven IB incA coovaoifnt totod. THRC'r.iprtHiili* Btaedapl aethurltj In aportioa aod amqaemeui naitem liir foriy odd v«aia,aiway* olvea tne beat sad It Ha* ke('i rIghtiD floeooca more nlib (be Ite U^x Tide yaar Twa AWtiAL le greatly anlarasd, havlDgihlrir- *ISb( Birre paiaalhan liat )ear,and eooialM SiuaMo aod atlilaUe |4rforaao«e«, racing end trotiiDg rs.Ofda, %ai baseball, biaiudi and crickst IS vlavi.