New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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794 THE n:ew YOBK olippeb. Febbuaby 15, THE N EW YORK CL IPPER INI nUMK OUtEN PUBUtMM Ca (LiMlM)> raOPBiETOBI. 010. W. KHIL, HuAan. SATUBDjIY, FEDBUAItY 16, 1800, mm RATES. AOVXBTIBBMBNTB. lutaM«M*«iHrMMK. Ad«4B«U0BofVptrMQtli iUowtd oa idr«ftlmDMU wbib pkld for thm moBtbi la ■dnoM, ud oa adTMUamnu m«inrla| 109 Udm fltBon. BUBBOBimOS. Om w. la fednaea, M; rii nonihi, ft; thm oiOBthi, ft fin^ga poaUflt tiba. 8lDCl*eopM,UloKUM«b. ODl nOlU AJtB OAfU. THE OUmi U UvMd tTfvr VcdAWdar BOfBLof. fbiUUiLUibaad UUi iMAwmmngi puMOOTO tua S2 lon>iT, Md tU Uiii, Ufli ad ooiir pmm oa rOBU>AT Th* romu Olostng Proaptiy at 4 P. K. rUut raaU bf aipuM BOB«r ardff« abMk, F. 0. Or ««rorrMftHwMUUar tad ADDHM ALL OOMMUNIOATIOH0 Par tka BUCarial «r lha Bmataaaa HipailMaatto THE NEW YORK CUPPER, la BiiiWad—Tia Ourm taa » obuiatd, wtaolMli ud lataQ, or ow anau, IbIUl ilaiUa A Ob., ■ Ktv* uaUa Mraalt Stnad, InBdoa, «Mra booad Urn ct ttali papar BAj ba ma, la ma«*-Tai Ouma !■ oa atia it BfaBiaaa^i oan d*pot» tr Awu da ropwa, rwii. 4rTNB RBW VOUL OIOPPIIB amb- Oram If aw^ark.^ QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPUE8 BY MAIL OR TELEGRAPH. AMBMBMOftvBuuaomivroiTii. ALLivQnvr or noa aaooLs wuts to non raoa nn die, u OAU or THB OLlPfBB roar oma. all Limu will n Apmnaa* om wna obly. ir na aona or ami fflUTBiaU OBSrABT la aDOfllT, 1^ truOT Pinoi.—Br th* unni of f. T. Bunum'i con- ineialib iuiDrLiiiaiiaauQiDnt ftU uiTolloiudbotol aiyiBiML iDd ptid bar on* uiouttnd dollan lor aieli eouaovL U* aiurwinlB hor, lo addlikia to ihU aauaat, a ihu* of ihoiitiprooMtlaorMcta ooocart- Bb« ftT* nadar hia Buagtmul Dlniir-Bfa cooeona, for wbleh lb* r*o*tT»d Uio kum of 1171^7^ accordlDK to Uia pabllibfd •UUmtDiofHr. Baraoni. T.J. U, Kr1«—W* do not koov wbothu- or not tbo toaUin U vnloctod bj law, but, u U bai boea owd m1«1j bf UiaaoUiryoauiDo, velblak U llkoir Uiat bo woolu aadaavQV to unv«oi tu u« bj any otbtr tbu blmioir. TimB, l^bliadolpLU.—Tlio itar wlU b» nndor o«w man- aionaatatitHMi, butibonaiut of iht muaiwhai not l*«B ntilo (nibllo. U. U. W.. Bu Aaunlu.—AddraM (ho Laareaco Norottj Oe.,nAnfnu«nira8u«ot, N«« VurkUlif. & J. N., DoinlL—Aoion ft«UNia itaf* oamu for Ta* rloQi rMBOD*: tuu\lf ooaaldorttioni, for iho »aIio of •opIiOBv, aad, abor* ■U, bicaui* ihor boiler* tbo aduptao aaiDO «lU htr* i arMUr tndt tsIu*. 11. K.—It voqM pfobabij' bo*BO«d Ttoturaasd ibould obtain ironi Bltj dollan a vo«k npvani, aeoonllog to marlL J. A. &, AdJwiod.— Tbo iDrormtlloo you mk mar )>• (bniKi la Ni>. o, VvL 89,of Tiia Cuvrn. boulog diio Fob IL MD J. U. H. Nawark.—Wo DAvor foralRli lofomiiitooooD* oonilor ibo a|« of proroMloQ&U, nor Iboir dotniMio W.N.O..M»wllrua««lok.-JobD I'hillp BonBawufor raaUv Uadoruf iba Maria* Band. Uo urorod iliat ood- BHtiOBa«T«ralp*anaBo, and litior director of ;a t>aud wblab baara b u owo d aoto. FLaTWeiuUT, Troy.—Wa dv not iblok tb* lltlobu b*on _. ^ Bubk.—Addiai* all of Ua partita la care of Tbb ourrsa. B. 0. U., ML 7«ra*D.—Addreu tM part; In oar* ofTua Ourraa. r.B.0., JaoAtloaOlUr.—W*do not Ihink tha^thtre la ^jr. Kh BrMhln.-^ujU Ilrwin wni lor maa/ year* pruaaduoDaar tb* Wilbur Opera Co. 8b* will liaad a eonpaay baarlaa her oaeie nesl aeawa. Maa. & B. U., llav Orleana.—Wa bare oo r«oord of tli* dtata of tlie party. Addroaa letur In our oaro and wo wlUadrertlM IL J. l>.~Addraaa the party In oat* ofTMi OLirriR. W. r. t.—rirtaeo dollafi per 0. A. B^ KooiilllaL—W* iMTer, lo r*e|tOD"e to querlee, ninlah larormatlon oonranlog tutuaien. or the uierlu 01 tbelretlrtoiUwe. K.J. W., WaurvlU*.—I. Aa •coeotilo conedlao laoae wboe* aci dllTera ttma ibe aeneral rao. While or b1«ok rfeoebae DoilitoH to do wlUi tlio daaaltleailuD. l. *'l*a* thetio" naaaaeroatlOB pity otutW. J. B.Newark.—Apply to any thoairloalcoitumer. T. IL W.. B*a(Ua<-Addr«ae letttr lo ourcara.aad we vriladrenu* IL 0. B. A^ Toroolo.—Wadeaottblsk It would euocaeu. X. Y.t. and W.-l,l,8. BaebOiiaeadollafi|ier ■**!(. TwHiiy.avedollara. Notladvnand. B. B., Horfolk.—We noTor ftmleh Infomaitoo ooanro- iBff tha doDMOtlo airklra of profoulcaala r. W. IL« Uaarer.-AddroM tb* pirtlea In car* of Tiia OLirrBB- H. UII.—Karr Aadcreon waa nairled Juoe 17. IW. IL B.—V*n*i*r, lo aaawir to qiariea, f^rauh lofor- nalloB coDoeraloB the an of iHoftMlooaU. 1. O. M., HarrlBOD.-Tii» paity lo eoUrely uaknown to oa, K AQntm.—Addr«aa the party In oar* ofTua Ourran. ^11. D. 0., Oriaoa—We haTo aol hoard of the company aaaaoB. B.ANDB,BUllBBtoa.—Addroaa the lAwreooe Norelty Oa, OB aod BO OoBtc* Bir**!, Koa York Lity. I. Bneblyo.-AddrMO th* jmrty lo caia ofTaa Ourraa. llAunao Bvim. Dbb.— Addraa Jam** A-Oaiboart, AUaaiMOity, N.J. J. V.-Batah lUrabanlt appeatad at tb* Biasdaid Tha- ' ,lnr~' ' " — Btr»,tbli Stomo tbli dvy. In Iflll, b«r *oia|ftiD*ni laauog from Nov. '. B.D. FajaiTlU*,-Waar* uoabl* lo fVirolah thoad- a City.—1 BMroDinllatlnihUliaue. S. loeaioofTukturrHH. W. H. II.. Bi Loala.—Wa Ood ao record of deaib. Ad* dreu letiar [o oor can. 0. L., Lanurtar.—Rlveralde Park. Oeover. Ool. & B. Moonip.-Addraaa Kiaak B. OvoTerM, lU Weat rony.*lithBtr*elL Bow York Olij. _ a A. 11., BpvlDifleld.-A'tdraae tb* Ureat Amertoan ftn. ^Tlajl aad PrlatlBB Oa, N Beebaan Hir*et, New York a*A. P. ArB*nla.-Addrau Prof. O'ltellly. 0 Obalharu Bquara, tbla oity. P.B.D,raTa»IU*.-W4 H. PortOlbaoB.—Addtaa Utttr la caraofTiiiOur raa. PfUHK, Qolooy.—Addtau B. B. Treat A Co. Cooper UaUio.N** Yorktttiy. J.O.O. JK^ Toronto.—Th* l*liar atlll lamaloa la thla one*. X. T. OhTtUad.—1. Addnaanfiyitfoureooi pub- lUblBBadveriUaraL i. 11 WeitTwaoly thlnlBUML J.aa.JerearOlty.—lla vaiaoL R. D. MoBlBomerr.-We oanaol learn who owbji the plajr. Ml. J. Blfflo.—I. Tliwe li aol luuota d*BiaDd. B. Probably twtnu dollan par w**k< T. ■.>.. KanaaaOlty.-l BMrc Addraii Ibo party, lo ear* of Tuk B. T. L a^acow.-OoL A. 0. Babel, the eowboy plan. lBi,dlejonJaB IPlaaL U. W,. Onenilllo.-Adilrew aoy of oor aoas publlililas tdrertleera. J. aTir.,Lawreaoe.—We aoTor f^inlib prlTat* ad- dr*a***or pnilaaalooaU. Addraaa Wtier lo nnr car*. D. B-t BImlra.—Tb* party lou oaM la lo BoaUiHl. B O., Boriln.-!. Bolh lotlete bata l>e*o claliued. B. Tbw* U a ooopaajr btarlna that tJUe on the road. Boa- ter ankaown. 1 Tut likely. • Prou ail**D dolUra upward. aoronlloR loabUliy. Wi koow ofnoae, 0. P. P.—Addreea the parilei lo «er* of Tiia CLirrtn. 0. II. v.—Addnaa letter Id our care. T. B. V.,Mew Bnuawlrk.-!. NaD.VoL4l. L No. 9. Tea, 11? eople* at t«a oeota eeeb. 11. & U.. Olaiotaad.—Moraan A Kvaoe, vbMocard ap- pear* In thlalerae, can fUinUh you villi anierry-iio-rouoil. CAIUM* W. J. P» llaiilDid.—Theeniwer la our U«t luuewaa oerreoL Iflbe player at poker who ncelred nure or leaatbanflTecaidi baddlp(«Tei«d aod uaouored ih* lact btfOn lintna Ma canli,|t wmKl ltiTeb**a enla- dtal, tad the earda diouM be naboOled. reeut and the dealer deali onto; bui, not bailnn ntedekoowD ili* Iketthithohad toomanj ortoofaaeaida naill ^/irrb* bad looked at hla hanti, no mlaStel necurrod. but th* ^bg*r wia Mwpvlkd to retire ftein tlie itame fhr ibai B. MoN. Barld Ollj-.—Ttie poloia cdual la Tehie la ible ider: Mlih, low,latk. fame,)>edri\ dorli. Baebpluor iiaTlDi bat one point to mate, aod a tiaTlni niade lo piaj the two ha bid, went out on hlah. Tbe fkct that B playM ktw befom Aaoetaaded la rjaklaBMorequlradtwopolau bad no benrloa oo tbe eaao P. P., Brookun.—In eullloi lor daal at fuchie Jack la blib card. iu.O. A W..TDMo.-lnthatamaorolneb,ordenble padn\e playarcan dlaoani wbataier rania be pleaaw, wbelber trump or bol and draw in oitmpleie hU band. Trump* Uiat aredlaeanled muetraaalBln thedlecaidon- l*ae eelecied by th* dealer to eomptou bla hend. J. w., Kevarh.—1. Tbe dealer lame up immp btforo neU* ara In order, t. A«ordloi to ibe rule* of ih* ■ameapUjerinooiiaheairlok beiorebaeaa eoota any mvMa that *r« ataodloR lo hla credit. O. B^TrenioB.—BeoDQtBOB* for tbe bo, there beloB ao run for iha laat canl la 1 & t aod & 0. R..Onnd*Q.—AbaaaroB offfli for tbe laat eard la «.Aa.l.l>.L«aa4 i. J. H.k..Bpr1aineU.-l. Blarlabl Ib eUtmlBB that A caBBoteoaet lor the pair, the tmierrealBe. I. TTietala ao ruB Ur tha laat tard lo a 1,1. Bkl. a, 1 aad S. Older: O.H.B.. Pert WlBnta-Mxiy-oBO polaU bare to be eootid In crlbbue before belDi ooL R. B. D.. Banfioorillei-A head lo crlbbag* of foor S** and a qaaea eooate twroir eliiht., „ . . 0. Aim L..P*itrBO0.-Tbe rule lo aoeiloo oIlchbeY- iDf en th*qiai(Ioii readathoe: "If Ute teller declloea to anXamlolbahlirbeatbld.aBd plt«l)*a hlma*ir,h* iaoo. Uilod. If necaaafol. to eeero all tbe poloia bo ui* B>l>e; bolKhe falU lomaho m naoy polou aa thehlibeal numberoSoradheraoat boMibackJoat thatoonbiror polota,end be unnot ecora aaiihlaitthat he may have madedorlei the play oftbathtod." n* name nay b« played by any Bomber of peraooa, from foir to oiKbL aod Bflar iba carda h«v* been dealt the eld**t baod (the player neit lo th* left orth*d«al*rl proeaoda to Mil tbe privllefeorplUbloflllie trump. You do ool appear lo hare bean pUyloB th* Ran* nemnllDf to role. AHAOOJtin-A Ubte Meho raeao> that eadk pUy*r plaG«aiheanoaBl he proMMi to riak w)>*r* It may b* e**o, thet ft pUT*r eanootte nU«5 more than b* baa oo ibe Ubie, aod that no peraoo an be deprived ol a ttll li ha pnu up all bla mooey. )■ mcb e»e* the boat band 0. If , New Verb-1. A full Und. L No: a rail hand baau aauih,aod a llaabbeataaairalaht, at poker. fl.C.,N*wYoik.-Ko. At Jack ootpoker aptayer who opeoa lb* pnt oo a pair allowed (o apllt the pair todraw loafnnr, flailiofitraUht, and larmfy reoolred topUc* liU dlatard when he can read lly refer to It, lo caa* adl*- poUabooU nbooqaeotlyorcor- BAflBBALU CRICKBT. BTO. J. B. O-.CIneiDBatl.-Tb* OloclooatI Rada of INO lo- elBded Braloaid. pllcber; AllUon, catcher: Oould, Hvaaaey and Vaurmao.oB tbe ba»«a; Oeorpe Wrinhi, ehon atop, aad Uooard, Harry VTniht and HeVey In the oniSeM. W.B^ Philadelphia—The baU la dead alter MttUog bi the wlciethefper** baod«. . , . L. P, J., Bflttoo —Th* lantoal acor* on record In part- BMahlpN Ihn ta made by <U|rulo Oetee aod Private PlUfaraU, Jane It, ItHO. at florra«h Camp. Ireland. ACiUATlC. W. T. J.. Breoklyo.-M. P. Oavla. ibe «i oanunao aod lOToator 01 oaoy appllaorai In cAnoectlon with uar« and boat*, dafeaied Patay Reacaa lo a match rac*. fur t]flB a aldo.oo Htlvir Uk*,at riyrootoo, Haae..OcLf IflTV. Tbad IMAM* wai four w\\«s wiih a tora. aod Devlewoo quite eaally, 1b nn. P4:, which la the beat tlm* oo rocordforaaculllDBracaonlak* «al*r,under the aame coDditloaa. R4afftn wii hlllad lo a ra>lruad acddeot while reinmlnf to BoetoD, Iho fata* day. Bino. A Sunoiiaaii^barler Mluball bnockiHl John L. Rol- llvao don IntheopoDioBroundDf their atoTecontaai at Madbn* Brjuare Uardao. la tbU citr, lo im. W. II. Ko* Yurk.-4ucb athloR may have hapMood In a reasb atid lunble fl|Ut,bul we Bever heard of It. Joho Morrlaaey aerar fooKbt n cilorod maa la Ibe rioa. U. O. f).. Areola.—Wrile lo the Amerlcao BporU Kub- llBfalDjro.,341 Bmadwav. NawVork. „^ , n. P. D., Brwblyn.—Joo Cotaura and Mike MeConle fooaht for ihe diarapinnthlpof Amariea aod |l,On)a aide oaarCbarle*toeii. Md..Mayfr. 1963. C4<bura waaaa^od*] by Jim Cuiick aod lien Wlohla an<i Hd^ool* by Jehooy RocboandAoRirallao Kelly. Ed Price wee the rerere*. Mike NorloB wa« Coburo'a umpira aod Uarrr Ulll orDclated la the aane upecltf for McCoole. Tbe A*ht lamd Ih. Kha..iliiy-e*Ten rouoda belBR coaieat«d. At tbe doae of ihauaui round tbe iMitlDR on Oobun, «1io waeniochthetiBlekaraodclaTerer (Ixhier. niM at 109 toaa with few (ibrn. Tbe reaiol the Aihtwiaeltoeethor Id Oobura'B faror. aod ai tbo floirti h* waa almoet UBuarked, while VcCoola waa w aevarely puoltlitd that bo wa* obliged lo temalo la Charleetown till ibe neat dar. Thaaui«BieBtr«rerr«d lolamucfa oiaMeraitd. J. 0.,Bt4ubaBvllla.—1. Jlin Otrbeit, alter the defeat of BUTetfDonoellby Peter Malier, praaqmad to ttalfothe world'a 1*01 loir eh amplooahlp In lavor of tbe latter—aome- ttalor wbldi. of eoarae. he hid do rlRht to Ho 1 Hardly, lor lia had no rliht lo do ao. S. Tlie match betveen Boii Pliulnmooa aad Mabar la far the boilnR (or Riove) ChaaiploBihlp, and the wioDerolH It* th* chaniploo. Aa roRBfda "the belt," v* koow netbloK about IL T. W. H.. Weaurly.-Bob ritulromooa aiaoda tn. llKla. la belihL M,On DeluUL-Joe Cbovaakl lean Amerieao lir birth, havloR l>**o bora lo Baa Pnoclaco. Cel., Nor.H, IttK DItB. DOMINOBB, ETC. M. U, Newport —1. There eve ooU two «*;a lo which 5 cao be made alth two dice. vU : i-i aod 1-^. A wlop 1. Tha letter rorvaided lo jnareommuBlcailoDofPeb.d waa not a*ot from ihio oRlce. BILLIARDS, FOOL, ETC. B. AMD A.. HrURoport-B wlea. It requlroN orer thirty Ramea to doeldi a tenraameot or eiRbt player*. aniCBLLANBOCB. R.I.B., WaahlBRUn.—I. Toa. 1. We can ooly decide elioreeeloKtliallaaa. S. AdJreaa them la care of Tut OurpiN. BoviNTOWfr.—The card wouU eoet one dollar aach la. Hrtloa. Editor, lllllrard.—Moaqu!;* larvu are d*T*1oped lo eaampa or low landu moat lodofallRabl* woTk*nIor H'^,"?!!L?iwS2* iS amoac ib* youth of K*» York la Mr. Opp*ob*lin. II* U *r*r laidy aad wlUloR to puah anything It* can for th* gnod or ehtckora. CHECKERS. Ta Camepamdaata* L. M.BiRARin-StayBianRaaaaathand 0 K; thanka W. ffnriBO.-PoBltloaa airrlaliL U. B. BDRDioi —Touraracenod aad aniwereJ. BbmOoohi— Ifavewrltteo yra B J. Biarmit.—Oamei very acceptable. BalalloH or PwHlaa Na. 4V. Vol. 43. BTO. a. BLOCVa.CUIOAOO, ILL. Black I S n B Wbltell K4 15 » Blaok to ^^^^ 10 6 10 II I7(a> U 9 - . (a) If li to 17, tbeo SS to 90 wloa. 10 1ft e u 11 U BUckwIna PaaUloa Ba. no. Vol. 43. WblU a » 11 » It 13 Wblta to play and dimw. Gam* No* BO, Vol. 4». BKUTOL. Tbo foltowloR two ganioa war«j>lir*d lo tbo Boatoo handicap tooney between a. D. BuRbe* aod H. n'Ouo. nor. Contrlbuied by Beo Oooae. Mr. BuRbee'amove. II 16 U B II 8 ir 0 17 niB Dlb 170 BU BIS B II 1 9(0) IS II II Ift tr SI IB II 31 n SS II 18 II n u 9 lb II U It n 7 16 SI f7 O 14 IS II B n « 19 Id 18 10 17 IIB 48 Sn I7IS tl 14 BO 0 S St 0 10 11 SB 816 19 A 69 Drawn. 14 WkMOa U B 18 19 II (ai la aaoih«r gam* Mr. Boiba* varl*d wlib 11 16 M 16 7 A 11 18 16 18 11 «10 t9B 69 ai7 a U U 6 » II B B IS B BB in SDS 31 r laii 4 8 31 M 16 W SI O 10 17 KM 8 II l« II 9 IS tl U 16 19 B a » SI B 11 I)ra«o. (b) Palrgrleve, la a game alik Oaidaer, played the fol. IowIbr: _ B B B II SO B 17 IS B 11 II 16 I 18 B II ll 18 18 19 li 19 S U B B IB 11 IS 9 16 14 11 13 6 9 9 18 6 14 B 19 n IS 11 17 B B 31 ir 6 9 1 e 18 11 18 B DrawD. (c) In "Lae'e Uulde'* B to Bt,aad alioB loII U glvoo forailmw, Rawa af tta* QaHO. wbll* aid* la fbrever uofeuable for maieli or tnunument plaj. Aa va bate lierolofor* aald, It redeclj gnat orvdit upoa Dr. Stajroan to almeat demooalnle beyoad a doubt to tha dnuRlit playlof freloraity Uiat the "Black Doc- tor*' (a a black win R. A. Davli^ of Woburo, Maaa., la eBdeavoriBg to prove tbo "File," alter the SO to ftjump, awbluwie. Aodeoiheworkei cnrrectloa aodreTUioo Roea on ooBtlDoallv. The "MaM of th* Mill" la ao atroua- ly In fkTorof black Uiet oo oee want* to play Ihe other eld* Wa reiuembor eome alRhiaeo or twenty yaarit acu the 90 loBluove IB (ha "flnter"wa> a favitrlie aaioBR in* eiporii^ with many chaorea lo fhvor uf while; tmi flaally It was proTMi uotenable, and today It la preclteally roo- aldaredablaokwIn.allhouRh ll laetlll* rim^ Mm to play eRaloMIha TOUORvtare Therw Ua likelihood of L H. Bieana leiulnR a WDnlhly dototed to checkei*. If tbe aeh*me malurea It will be wekomed br all eh*cber play. ere Jauvea Bh*ifi«1d has <*al1*0R«d tTharlea Uhel to plaar Tur th* Rbod* laland chanpiooahln. There la more Btale ckaaplombtp tooteau btKl lo Ititle Rlindy than In all the other Biaiaa tvfelhor.altowlog * oorameadftbie lBl*r«at la th* ram* (leu. A. Plerc*. of Chlcaio, n- coolly Tialtod aianeeota. aeil cvoteeted iwenir tamei with Dr. Tna\Uta ttoel onue beloR.* I'lerca.8; Truai. S: drawn. II. While Dr. Truii waa defeaiod, etill we ihtnk he did well, ll naat Itauken loto coniidemtlca tbat be get* varylliite praotka, aod the wiher rlayer oomea from owof iho alrfagiit checker eeairaa la the worM Ua New York hwdlrap toamey U proRtuae. InR Aoely. loliroat la Mill at afal|h pitch, aod maar aur pilaea aroc«Btloually bohMogep. Tha V, fl* O. A, Haadlcap Tnmnaj. with the baatty eupporl of Alfred ritlchoey. who do. aatea til ih* prtoftk Harry Oppeahelm baa laaurortted a toaraay latha tealnl braach ol thla aaeoclatlna. Tbeta w|Ub*lhte*elaaeea. Meaert. lluRbeo aud Varley will b* S*oalyeooleeiaaialD(beemrUM. Tbe hanofcap w||| ; one gam*, and play foer b«tw**Q earh daaa The WjJ?^^1!?f**l? Portialta" one Parrlo Match Uamaa," aad a^*Laa'a OaM*.*' Oo* of tb* OHE8B. Ta CerrafpaadoBta. Bro. PRvn, Fana—Oor aoalvata bava doa* mucb better ihau reportod laat weak- D J. l>*5™«'?^f? •f, n..a 0 10 niBs: is..^ iwab * -r,' mala. Black'o move* are all foreod P. BKiiAHDeoit-Mr. Oaounoredeellnu to taehi* tha Job or "baatlBg" Problem 1011-turaa It or*rtoyoo,or aofbody thatcaodolt. « BRO. BROwjf, Uoda, EajL-Thaoka for btformaboo of thaeircoUr.wliKbwoghdhuUlte*. J. r LiwaiROi -It waa Bnlg. ».0». not Trtib.. that va BaldfornioaottOBay)yuudh] ootooravel; tbePnb hu bolh the keya yon meatloa. You nuat have aet up Bnlc. 1,041 wroog: aoybowyou kav* not hit tbe veryiBbila and anlaUc ker. ^ «... r « m «<. .w J. D. Kcawitrk. Correa Bac'r PromraaalvaC. 0 -Tbaak you for Ibo alieoHoa of the loTltatlon; •orry w* eouU not aoc*oL W* afaoold be glad to bHP up witb tbedolBp or_ronr llv*ly dab. If yoa would keep ua lofomad. D. J. DanaiiOBi —Tliaok a for prompt aolutino*, abouM* n't woBder If yo* baaid lonttblog fton Mr. Helm*. BkO. UtLM—Tbe dadred ooplei of The EaoU oame prompilr. thaok yci: hope you «ero not qolu over whelmadbyourRarrallty. ^ CiaaA OiLBBRO.—Tbe tkrieaand fonrtlDieawelooD* packasoa bad a pleuloRly aurtliog effect; ihaok yon vaiT nacb. W* raocy roo look opoo yonrraiuro from «au-Eden" a good deal lo Hi* natur* of ao < vary nacb. "QaB-Eden" - -— L.D.BU>tKlltTO)f JR, K. D.-00* I Mm Id tb* abeia nootloeod waa a copy of that aaparlatlvsly dainty cb«*a bookl*i._yoar ''Boavsolr." M. B. TSlir. BeU* PlalBo, Ia.-To aoiwer all youroo**- UoDB would botowni* an alemeotarr treatlaaon cheo, tooblcb oor apace would be utterly loadequato- 'Apply toDlokA FlliRerabl,publllh*ra.lBAon Blr*«t.thll eltr. for OoMlp'a "Cboaa Plajon' Tait Book;" or Haracbe'B *'Miou»lnrCheM."7ftCta ^, ^ Wa BCHAPin, Newark, K J.-Oar 49", old friend, lo leatlfyour jrreetloa on yoer reiure. Bloc* Mr Babaoo wai fn Bouthem Callforalawe have not, v* our r*Rret, heaiTl Irom him. Come aa often aa poealbte; EolRoia 2,1)11 eorrecu ^ . . . . K.U.TKKD.-VeMi th*nportwaa mucheoad*oa*d,but waaall oor apace admitted. Ealgrna Na. !6,043, Chttt MmMif. ^ i. ^ ^ •tKt< KB, qi. K>. aiKR8^ B. EK17. 8, BUck pR E B 7. K R 7. _ Willi* roat*a In elitltL(t) NOTIM —Aa lo Pari I, turn to TA^ SduuMxttlUMQ. March, *B, p. 81, and. maklOR Del Blo'e 6m mova^B to bla 8, K to Kt 8—w* bavo a ' Btudy by Yam Tuicr, of Loadonl" Tbai la brloRlog a cboaa tb*h to light In a criap aod aatla factorr EoaoBer. Del RIo'n enloUon Ukea tweiT* mov*e Part 11 —TbieleflrealaJVon^ Vrmja,tnn an old Oaraan paper, by ea onkoowo aatbor. A aolutloo lo einht moToa*pp*ar* ImpoMtble, uole** a White P at IC Kt S la added. Aeotutioa in fourteoBmoraeba^howerer, bfteo fouad u It ataada. ArfiUA f'iuu tiagailne, nV aMCOlH OIL RIO. Miii.i, lent, K4. « t I « alKKt7.Q\ BI. KR7. Vltlr* tn play and win. Problaat No. Sl,043. Frrm The llrUUk Ouu MOQasiru. A rcx2LR—bv a IV. raiMKBitaTRiif. BLACK. WIIITB. "Burt aa lo a game aod pmlBea the given poaliloo lo iweaty-four mora*." The B C. M, olTera a eopy of WII- IIboib: "Oben Krobleme" for the flra correctaorutloa- dmoout-BDl*** there baaoodd nomberramalnloi, la «i>B haa a iMdlQg woro afflOBg tha droppea, eo a* u \\mhji£i duBpUndil, It U lo b, vWti off; b<tlr tbli k InplMUaUo .B Ib. Bd.Un eomnlrlM viU •>•» > Mmt, for Iho oibir pr1i« IboT imt SLSSK oSii Ih. pUron nuf ifTM. Timo Umlt, lhli«»inoT« "nS'pihM will b.: lo tb, cbimplooiblp, ifC^iir EirSi (Ol boll loonmnott cloo. od Un gtftaSTil 10 r. «. Iboio U 10 b« » probtoo •OMIPI "■SlrciilraZlor Iho Coomllia oo Wwi ll Dt?Ho«M«rMppoit»<l br Mour.. fuiMbMrn, Do OSBO !)a. Ii,043. Stolnlu'p DolyTlctonronr Ualior; but in exblbltloa Of ifelU wonbr of hU belt diT.. quBuira oambit etaded. wilu, Bulntu. i..piog4 t..P-llKt J..Q »-B3 4..11 B-B4 S..l'-ia a..r-q Bxn) T..Ktx Kt ...2 B-B4 H>..P-« B9 II..CUUM I1..P-KBS lS..g B-Kt3(ll Btteb, Lukir. pioq4 P-K9 KKl-BJ KB-Kl Cwllol KKI-Ktr OFX It P-KB. QKI-B9 1 H,^laSW u..gx<i2iiriiBPx B' ij..ruKB4 BUck, Lukor. KRtoBMc) KK-Ktl K R X rid) KK-Ktl ■KB> B-KKt . P-K Kl« »..0-KR6 a)..KB-QJ 21.,K Xt-B9 U..r-K Kt4 I1..P-E Ktl KR-Illll rKRI K^r qilXH+ K-Kti4 floilltDa KH^ll KR-Ktl tlq Qxa (9+ Irxk Cb-b< ll..l)XKtr QB-Q9 NOTBt—riLUBDHT'VIBIillTt. (a) Oi^lDirlly wMk; bulboioproTonu lAik.!*, o-oal PuQBl.ind olblrvlioTOTkkw.ll on MCODatofwbit w, ooMHlor , wMk riplr. (t) II ll)..rtoE Iti; II..q BtoKt 3,PloB (; Wblla woahl 11 OM, aierifltt tha plaoe la a wmjr ilnllir lo tha ODaaooD Bdoplod. (II nn.ud waU oooiUnwI. If I3..P x P, Pto K4U ODc uhI BUok opiai bb same idTiDltooDOlr. Tha in.«,r la loniowhu la th. oatun of , timp, and ool Id Luk,l'.uBa,lMuod atria. Batlhocoaloitaowuauoio. roiuuiaa of loaiarkibl. Intaroitt aod la wall •aHilaed Ummhout. BlukwoukI b«uar IV.Pxr: l<..KtxP, PtoKi,ou. Ih A mlauko: ahouM lOtanco P lo Kt 4. (4'nbxblr iblnklox u> wla; .Iw. 17. .R lo K Kt iq; x r-fiilx n: ia..Q xB+.()u>Ktii a..o toRl f, .to. Olid It la doubtJkl vhaihar Whilo would hira ouad lo Toatar, on mora Ikon a panotual ehaoh. (41 U..PI0K4: l)..PIal!t^ BXP; ll..rxB,q xKt r; n..P to q A, vonld birobMO bailor lliou tha uxt, but TouM huiSl7 aro tha guui. Tk» Plrst O.m* la vbleb PllUburr ahowibU aid rolllni off. 8AHB OPBNINa. nilabufT. - I..P 10^4 It-R] Jt-Hl 8..ili<lla.<t) ...P-KJ t..p-a i 9. .oft. I..Kit ia..K-Kia<i II..BPXP U..K Kt-Q. U..UIIXR U..l]-I(1lll Lllt.r. ptoq4 P-Kf K KI.B9 r-a B 4le) BFxQP SKI-B9 B-Ka U-b.rR4 K rx p RE-Ua. K R l(/) It B X B • Ktx Kt 3l..(]R-gi 2l..itR-ga| ti..o-K sa.K-Kti ( K A, Dotaa In llTO. Nornv, £M4on naia. (OThareal MrratoT Ihedtaaiploa'a loccaaaof Ihud,. laDco. lod ha fUUr iMliua lu (I) Unwiaa, lo Mr Iho lawt; ba baa no Inmodlil. praa. poet or , oouotornttick. (/I Tho pUualblo looklDi brllllinor 19. .B X R P: olio 11. B lo B1. boUi laid lodliulir. (Ill SMptrolanUladl ir P x B,mtlo, or nul kwor malarlll, bTllllully followi Id • Tow tnoraa. Laator. I..PI0K4 i..K M-BJ 1..K B-XIS t.K 1-R4 Ak>Ib Foarth ReaBd. Ruv Lorsi Krs oamk. Tacblaotln. rioK4 >..P-«4 X KKA) KI-B3 ■Kit .B-Rt l! Bx Kt U..K Bx B P-QKl K KI-B9 P-q9 K Ki-qiip) ?Ki X r Px Rl B-g9 Raatlaa ... - J B , B 4-KI9 ^K9 g-KB9 iIxgB URxI Taehliorlo. ail?."" 85-155 8Bx R^ -Ba, P^KR9 R4BI, R-Blltl P-K Kt9 K-homMI) Q-KI4 Kpxr --, -- - . .._ , _„ . Haalaaa. (tf) TkIiIboiIo'i lODontjMi; Irti^uantly luccMahil Id hi. hood, ,<A) Tbo nanianu. aickoagw |.aio Uia piMltlou pno- llcaJ^oquaL ^ (II Tlw poaHUIOD or Iho opan lllo DOW flTaiWhll. a «.nilD aopariorlr (ki NacMaiTT, outunplMHDt (1) Lmtu Ibo I'l .111. noeh too uanratoelod; R lo QI wma mora dMinhIo, ovm Ibiiovb WhIU mltbt Idlow .Ilk q 10 B I. e..P ta I It 1 aotmi Ih, Kat illSj. uallTo. (II Aoaplulitnka, Ihafureoof whldi Tieblnria eooi. pl«l.ljoTerlook.d. N. Y. aial, CkM, AiOMlMloB. TklalmooiunliDdilowiaplfliod aotlatiwlll hoMlta anoulVlDUr tonraamuiu. la araiL oa rob. tX.Diob. •bto1n th, hiUol tha Uollnl Cbarlllaa BalUlat, Tw.,!.. aaoMHl filro.u thla dir. Oonanl namhotiblp IK 11' •auuc^o^amploDdilp uonar. It; to Bolklob.i-lu«loa.TaoKngl. BalmnU will l« poind 11 t S A. ■..OOBDMOOO pUrOt id A. X. ud Um UlUl noihod or acotloit wlu ba nard. Tha oomaltloo will armai, ood pair tho «apollloi, tn Ihtw loopda br aimb*n. Tboa OU In ih. chABploB. ahip, not hoTlai t oa>i* tval to iho Ibnr bMw, and In th, mwnl loanar.ut „oAI to Ih, lT^likMI,wlO br 0. II. Huhiwar, HCaao or aovra. h*uw«, v,. BronibMJIr^ A RBoditoa. Iho m- anlMonurj. KIk to Iwnol/ Hooon A, A p,iiriTnio-Oo tha lat loit. A. B. UoJiaa aaaajod a armillaaooua miuh ri lUlooa Pro Rolilroa U bODO, IK 9mfiMri\M.JlT.a^- (and four I'l aunbllAall of which war. oradi^ with inaquolKonariwowSb. Tb.rowuistauUiiTUloCT iripaDloin. Ihoa»r»wi,-Ji»wB,l(lfr.OrOMbajnf loal^^w..;«. thouauor th.wlon.i»ar,or Inurou aa Uiowlai, probohlr. who ua amonalho Uad.ljof UiU anlartniloi rouoi chb. "oam. (loodmtt Copi»k>- wItKk, OoldUfar, Boraadr, Bdioonbauo and WIntor. Bier. M.BlloB. «o aball (<l at aolollonl lOlD In a woak or two... ^ ■r.Shonlloi bu hooa eolM horn, lo lonlnckr.nod ben oblllMl to roifalt hla poalUon In Iho BlDoklrn uu- DOT nior hid Aooihoi npM mailt ourdtfiim In ihoBraoklinO. 0., lu liat, with alitoan ootfonia, thiitr ■Mondi 10 a ntoro. Tb.r, woi a tirlad acala of hoDdl. capping put up on Iba •Inniiar pUjMi. Mr. Dolmir CAiD. out Int. Mr HMphrMcooiI It looha,at thli wclllDg, Uko 1 nra rlcurr lomr 81. OUIr In tho Cohiin. blaarommir School, eiho had nloo ainltht rletorlol, DO ttinpotltor atondlua naarar than flra laaa......A auB- nan of daulU of Ihe eabU much wlU bo (Itm noit weak, 01 ll li not Imoalloulr pnialoit ..Our ohl coo- Iribuur, Wro BthiTor U «1IU0> a chwi coloma la 7>« HewJcrufFTttt ZeUunt. Hr. 8-loTl: "11 tou hare d<A boird Irom no Utoir, I eouM not h.lp baaiiog Irom joa, 11 lolwiva bora TBiCtirriR.ind am iiUd lo koow or Ita pond anee^ Yo. wlu hair fron m« u oftAO u I cangattlmotownnlJeTlthroarchaaaonlA lomDOinO' IhlOK or » pcobUm flind, koap a »Uoellon of all th. D01M authora, and. neadloa to aar, jour Uno proMomi and aolnnia on amoog thom." Tbaraan fonlin ItOD. galore, but w. on only ronlnra oo anting with pocnIUr mlalhction that , milch la oa. SchKran t«. BtehillE. PonleoUn hiro not tnnaplred, p.rhapa or. DuiMttUd. OoaBulDlu mak.anMlcbucbaiiwIthoat 1 long OTtrture of pair^rUrMf THE TURF. RaelBg at ITew OtIobb.. Feb. 4.—Flntnce-Slx mnoDipi-EUIe Fergnaoii, 103,0»}wooil, t to 1, won: Rowllod III, im, alll, 7 lu 10, Mcnnd; aeorgoBmltb, 102, Law, It lo 1, tblid. Time, l:ieM Sctond nce-OM belt mile, for two rcr oiiio—PtnieuD. llB, Feno. 7 to 1, von; uxoie, lot, Thom, I to 6, lecond: Siar TObuco, lot. Unrphj, 7 to 2, third. Tliiw,OM!£ TliM nee—Six ra^loEg^ bMiillc»i>—RvnnMca, lOl, Thorpe, 3 to t, won; FaoDle Howeiu, ItO, Tulxr- Tllle.S to 1, iKcond; Fanoot, 107,0>j»o«l, 8 lo 1, third. Time, v.UH Fburth nce-One mile, tiBDdlcap—Oeorgo vr., M, Scherrtr, lO to 1, von; OrlDda, 111, Irving, 410 1, Mcnnit; Dooksitiler, lot, IHim, so 101, third. TInie, 1:42K Fifth lace- Six (urtnom—PrjilanB, lOJ, 0111, a to 6, won; Bag- pipe, 107, Cajvood, t to 1 wccnd; Trlxle, 116, Udft, a 101, third. Tlme,l:l(>i. Feb. 6.—FIna nue-Serrn torionis—Doable, 101, Hill. 7 lo 2, won; SiBdervtta, 03 Otj, 4 to l.mcond; Unmle 0., 97. Scbemr. 0 to 1, third. Time, 1:33K. Swonil ra<»—Mx turloDge. wllInK—Teiraplo, 110, renor,8 In e, von: VIda, 105, Hill, 6 to l.sM- ODd: Hark H., 107, Uailhem, 10 to 6, Uilrd. Time, l-.ltX Third mce—lUir a mile, for two rear oldg—KeoDlRon, 108, Wlllhtnu, a lo 2. won; Iron- stone. 111,11111.4 to I.aecond; Aiue B.,108. Joan, 16 tol.ttilrd. Ttme,0:69 Fburib fact-Mile and a qnarter. Merchant,' Handicap-Emln Bei, 113, Thorpe, 7 lo 2, won; Manrlce, 114, Slmoui, S to 2, wcoui); Florence P., 110, <^7«ood, 7 to 6, third. Time, 2:ie>x Fifth lace—Six (arlongo—My Uebe, 100, Tiiorpe, lO to 1, won; HcKw, 100, HlU, 1 to 3, accond; Fecdnan, III, Bnrni, 30 to 1, third. Tlnr, Sixth race—Seren forlnnga— Stanza,03,0lav,4 tel. von; Ondagne, 100,Thorpe, T 10 2, secnmi; Pallizer, 110, Pennr, 7 to T, thbd. Time, 1:33)<. Feb. 0.—FliM race—One mile—Dlok Beban, lu, Ca;vood, 2 to 1, llral; Little Blllr, 102, Haltbewa, 10 10 1, second; Ohlcot, 108, Hill, t to 2, tbltd, Ttmo, 1-.40 Second race—Six forlonga, maldena, sell- log-Una, 100, DavU, 12 to I, lint; Tonj Day, 102. HiaoD, 8 to 1, aecoDd; Kavlola. 102, Scheicr, 16 to 1, third. Time, 1:19}; Third lace-SIx fortong^ aelllDK—War Bong, 112, Thorpe, 10 to 1, drat; Bla ulentta, 119, Blmos, 1 to 2, wcood; Qeorgle Rmllh, 110. Ulll, 10 U> 1, thin). Time, 1:18^. FoDitta isoe—One mile, btodlcap—Tanerwl, W, Davli, 16 lo 1, drat, Claraa, 101, Ulll, 25 to 1, aecond: Eagle Bird, 104, J. Hill, 4 to 1, third. Time, FUth tHce—Serea furloDgB, Belllng-Balk Line, 107, Thorpe, eren, dial: Oomet, 107, Morpbr. 10 to 1. sec- ord: nmillce. 107, Jones, 90 to i, iblrd. Tlrw, liXj.ij Sixth race-One mlle-Onondague, 102, Hunih;, 12 to 1, Ora; Pert, 80, CDair, 7 to 2, eecond; Uulbert, 101. Thorpe, lo to 1, ihlrd. Time, 1:47 Feb. 1.—Flntraue—Fllt«ea-sliieenihi of a mile— Hiurlce, 114. Slmm, oat, won: Feaat, 106, Cty- wocd,io to 1, neooed; Hailer Fred,ii4, Newcom, 16toI, third. Tlme,l:a9,'^ Second race—Hair a Dlle, two yean olds, Mlllna-^Angrr, 103, Bill, 11 tot, won; Ethel Fairall, no, Dairoit, • tot. eecond: Roeolgen, 101, (Ai;vond,« to 6, ihlrd. TlmcOdlX. .Third race—Seven furlong,—Ohatlanooga, 109, KcQlone, 4 lo I, won; Lochlnnr, 112, Bimms, S to 6, eecond. Cctro Qordo, 112. Sweeney, 40 to 1, thM. Time, 1:33 Foarih lace—One mile, handicap—DIok Behan, IDS, caywood, 4 tn 6, won; Uatota Arrow, 00, Itnrney, 40 to 1, wcond; Terrapb, 110, Penny,6 tel.thin). Time,iM« Flfibrace —SIX fullonie, nelllog—Tartarian, 107, Hnrphy, qto 6, won: Marx B., lOT, Thorpe, even, Konod; UaT' man, in, Bamu, 20 to 1, third. Time, l:lt)i Sixth race—Six nirUmga, Belllng-Ooaack, 107, UUI, 8 to 2, woo; Maiden Pet, 109, Otywood, a to 1, recond; Jim Comwtll, 106, UatthevB, 7 to 1, tbiid. Tine, 1:17. Fob. 8.—ylrat nc-BOTM fnrloDK.~Blooin.r, W. Thorpe, I to 6. won: Bonioir, 109, Sodw. 90 lo I. aocond Uiwihoin. BoUo, 107. Donor, It to I, Uilid. TInM. IXii bacoo. IIL llarphy,8ua.won: Oiayo, 108, Thoiv., a tat, aotoDd: Buiaoll A , ICa, P.on,e lo l.lhlid TImo.Oit! Tbltd laco-Saraa rurlonn. a.Illog-Bao Jobnioo, >7.Bui,II.II 101, woo; Klnnl. Hickln, 107, Tubirrlll.^ 8 to I, aoeoadiChMOi. llfl,T.hor,8 lo t, ihlnl. Tin., 1:98 rnoruiric—Oo. nlU and aaranlr yaidA baaj. lci|>-OUnii. 109. Birnu,7 U)l,won; RqulToO.,{|Lllar fif.3t«t.aacond: VradurflaM.B. Oafwood.7lo I, ihlnl 010,1:"" ' ^ ■ - — Thorp«, ond' Bl« „ , diawa, U) lo t, won; Tmo Donohao. HI, (llnk.r.8 to I. ■a^>^: Rlgbtmoro, 111, MnnU, 19 u> 1, Ihlid. Tina, TBI Hioa WIND vhloh pnvalled In thla aeotlon Feb. 7, played havoo with property at tha race tiaots heteabonls. The Bmoklyn Jockey Olnb loat aU its fence at Oraveaaod, and much of iha tenco at Bheepahead Bay ma blown down. The track at Dilghton Beach auotred aerlona damage fnm Ibe rain, and the grand atand and a porllon ot the (lueea'a Coonty Jockey anb, at Aqaednct, were raised. TBI Baalem Panuylvanla Trotting Clrcnlt Aaao- olallon held a meedng at Allenuwn, Pa,, Feb. 4, and taloDtd dates (or the aeaaos'a nclog. The KprlnB cltault la tn conalat of Allentown, Bethlehem, Wllkrnham and Scnnton, and la lo be foUoved by the New York clroolt. The Fall nlrcalt will com' pilae Waverly, ScmtrvUle. Bethlehem, AUenlova and Trenton. Mthon K, Bbmbt, ot Mllwaakee, Wla., a well known reloanian, haa algned a live yean' connact wlih the Imperl,! Bud BlaUea of the Cur of Roe- ala, to dilve In Rnaib and train aa well. He will leave for Rnaala aa non aa he can aetUe np bla a(- faln In thla conntiy and dUpoae ot aome ot kia atook. .... w. Humr OiADDT, a veil knotra honeman and bleeder ot thorooghoieda, vaa ma over and In- tfanllyhlllod byapaaaaager iiatn near VenalllH, Ky., Fjb.». Be waaaeventytwo yeuiotageat the line ot hli death. DiMRT J. (Xhtox, who wu bulled la Oieenwood Oemeteiy Feb. i, wai foimetly a well known anoit- log man. Be waa anoh laterealed In troulng horoea and It waa he who opened Ihe Faahlon traS atOorooa, L. I, RiCHABD DovHTNO, itoom Of Augut BelBiont'a wnd at Uzlniton, Ky., vaa aertonaly Inlnied Ihrouah the vldonaaeea ol the aUlllon Kayon D'Or. Ue threw the groom lo the gtoond aod then tried lo pav him lo dtatb, ELwnorBU., 2:18, a pnmlalog trotler, died Fab. 1, at Parte. Tex. Iau aeaaoa, out ot thlrteea atana "SSi'" *• ^"^^ iKoaa iwtoe and won third money once. iu. MoCuuAMP « 8Qiia,ot BoorhoQOoonly, Ky.. pnnlDeni ttufmea and hnedeia, tailed for |S,OM oaFeb.4, MallOBsl Bteeploebsu AaaeelBtioa, The steward* ot the N. B. A. bald their iMnUr moslhly meetlog In thla city on Feb. o. The moat ImportBht hnatBCta tnoaacted was the appclnin«,t ot Keana. Forbes, Oieen and Oebhard as a conmiL tee to anpervlsa aleepleohaalng and hnidlenclni • the vicinity ol New York, and 8, 8. HowlauTS Washington. The ameadmant toBecUonl, Kuleii In votda as follows, vaa bronght op and i-um^ The amendment will have lo be bronght op itibi Hatch meedng for final conllrmallon, aa reooirM by_thoM.aA.rsle8otiaoIng; ^'™' Tha MilloDAl etaiplochaja Ajwciallon wlu not lluau neallngibtf'i br annur dnb^ or hnntolnbi, whin tb. malorllr ptih, tacoa onaach du'a pngromno ii. oaT Onod to hoDtaii. lallowari, ponloa, huki or lo naoi noD and qialieed rklara,lwrlni nch nootloinlob. coadnol*) br tho national Hum AaudaUon, ■* A Niv miuiliig clronlt was formad Feb. 8. at In- dianapolis, Ind.. composed ot Terte Banta, Bkhin and Indianapolis. Racing begins Hay lo, at Ten, Haute. SiKHONBithe qwedy tnUer, was sold at public aaciloD Feb. 4, at Lexington, Ky., tor t3,300. TUB Ohio Tallty Pair Olreolt mat at WoihlsgloD C'oaii Houia Fab. 3t_M alocud Iboio offlcon; Pn.ldanl,w. L. CoUara, Chllllcotb.; rlc, pnMuil, WIIIU I,. Alkn' Waihugton 0. H.: McroUiT and tnoaurer. Ednr p' Diapar. Th. MDlng aooaoo waa thm allotod: Potu! nonllLjnlrn-SI;Lincaat.r.JnIr 14; Clre].vllla, J.]* 31-14: RhlllliDlho. Aug. 4-8: Waiblngton 0. a It; nrthaaa, Aig.18-0; Xanlo, Aag. 0-a; ColaoihcA Ang. 31 lo Bapt I; UcAribur, Bopl. S-lt. ^ Till Nonb PmIIc Trotting circuit hai clAlnad tho fol. lowlog dalw: CeomI Point, On, Hor It-It: Eaana Or«..9l-ZS; Alblnr. Or^ 17-30: lDdop.nduc,OrOiin^ MlBolam. Or«^ t-ll: Poitlaad, Oi... 18-37: HlUaboro Or,nJulr34;Bp«>aDo.Wvh, 11-18; TlcloiU, B.c. Avg 1: ToiMoaTer, B. a. t^ineomo, Woih., Brpt I l-l»: North Yak Ino, Wub., IMcL 3; La Oiudo, Ore., 8*pi. S-Oct.3;luloin.(}io., 7-l3;Th. Dollu, Om.,l»4<; lltep. oor. Ore, 041. Taa LoulnllU (gy.) DrlTlng ud Fair AnocUtlm hu OeoldMl to kohl oDlyoDo mooting Ihto Muoo. aod tbii from Bopt. a lo OcL 1 Thore will bo a apMlll lUk. foi Irollan Mch dor- PIro of ihMn will b. for 13,00) Mch. and ihon will h« «n. of $9,000; H.n. jB«iTr,on.r of Ih. Rtock Fam,nMr B.atAoron, N. Y.,hAi dMld.d to Md hi, caxMi a. a broad.r of iroulat honiM, baring ■hipp.d hU (nlin atablo 10 IbU city, to bo aold to iho hlgtaMI hidd.r. TBS Llnu (O.) Drirlog AMOoUUon holt lu lonual mo«tlog Fah. 4, otoctlog J. 0. Line, prMMont; Charte. Kaulng,Tlcopnaldut; J. M.Swlu, OMrolair, ud Vr. D. Johoitoo, irMianr. TBB OrerlaDil rark Club Aiioolatlon of Danrar, CoL, vUl boldliaRpruignw.tlng Junot-13. ItlathuaotflcrMl; U. B. VTolooli, prailduil; J. B. P. Torhoo., rlcopr«ld*nt; 0.0. (Todmon, aMntaiy. BnATSHBiTe will nOTor lico a itanor anin. H. Ii Tory lamo lad bin owner, drew KorrU, oayi It U out ot Ih, qn-Btlon to bring the old gelding to tho post a|iln. DiNBOBLT. a co1ihnt«l bieknoy tin, dioj auddwlr lo BoRUnd on Jan. 391 altar an lUooai of onlr one Hay.- Jogx B. OaxTaT, tho piolng atallloa, will bo olfwod at paMlo Bile In thla cltr oo Fob. 13. ATHLETIC. Sohoelbo^a Compete Indoon* Tke Banard Soliocd AUileUo AbsocUUod beld lo- door gmmee atUw armoiy of tbo ElgbUi R«glmeDi, M. a. S. N. Y., iB tblB dtj, on SfttnidAj eTdnlog, Feb. 8. tUd eTenlfl betDg partlolpated Id bjrepre- nniatlTea ot tbe dllTennt preparetoir acbooli of luo meliopoUfl aod BrooUjo. Tbe Bllver cop, com- Kted Cor 00 tte »c<at ot polota, wta awarded lo tbe rkeley Bobool repreeeDtailTee, aliboogb tbe Uds from Banard scored bj far tbe greateai namber of polota, bat, coofldent of tioioit, tbey agreed before- nand to preseat tbe tropby to ibe eobool Korlog Ibe second Urfcst Dumber ol points. Several fonoer acbool tecorde were broken. Soaunary: FW Aundndcutd ftiTt^ forO* run.—^ou bjW.B lllp- ble, Baruid: c. Invln AvUo, Berktltj, mcowI. H. BTUR.OKiord,ibIrd. Tline,Mw. _ 5lji|r yam run.—Pint bMt: Wtw br B. W. l^«o^^ Bu- tunl: W. BiulUi, BrOubltD IaUd. teoood. Tine. 7k Secood h«At: Wod br ti. HMllerColQnmiur; P. Uu- rla. Caller, wcond. Time, 7i. Tbtrd bett: Woi bj D. OodKfta B«rk«l*y; 0. Brown, Col. Oramaiu', aKooil. TlmB,7a. Fonnli b«Et: WoobrF.CowpenhwalLDvlirtiU; B OoottlDf, Brookljn Uigb Bebool, wiood. t1idO>^*- Pinb but: Won by A lUunim, CoL Onmiur; V. Uiuun, WoodbrtdK«, Moond. Tim«.7jit. Bimllluli. Oruhtit: Woo by C UvrU, Ootlor; H.vr.¥oon, Bar- nan),MCODd. riffle,?^ Socood b«u: Won brP'Cow. ffinhw«lcDvilbt•; 0. Brawn, Col. UniDmaj',MC«oU. ni«,7i FlDt] k»at: Won br Moorft, Hairli Moood. Co«p«iibw&li third. TfiD«,7«. £lzfrvar«f rvn.Junlor.-Pimli«u: Won byP. Fibr- rla, Brooklyn Ul|b Bdiool; D. Looob Jr., CoUw, Mcood; •V. WItaoo. B&ibtjil, tbltd. Tlmt,7>i;L BitcoDdheat: Woo by D. ArauiMil, Barkler; B. UevliL Biookln Lulu, ■MMid; B. MeCtua, Bterena'Pt»p.. tplnl. Itm^lH'^ Plntlbfeu: Won by Armuead Wllion ucood, PobTnca tbltd. Tlme,77£t. SUtif irordi hurtU nue.-Plin hoat: Woa br D. BairU, OoUeri S. Plum, Kevark Acodemr, Mcood. TlmouSKa. Beoond heat: Woo br H. Lord, Brook^n Latin; W. Jlo- ru, TifnUr. wcond. Time, 9k*. Tfarrdboet: Wonbr L. Uertlck, Brooklyn Ul|h Bcbool; W. Btlekner, Bar nanK aeeoad. Time, 0>2i. Pourtb beat: Woa or E. Moeian, Berkeley: O. tUDlth, CoL Oraamar. M«onl. TlueTu^fs FIIUi beat: WoaV A.Beeiv]>elaail>«; P. BleD,Beikelaj, eecond Time. Ba. Beml-flaele—Kjm heat: Won br Uairia Time, BH«* Second beat: Wud Merrlak. Time, t^L. B. ■oorao waa allowed Id Coai. Tblrd beat: Woo or Beeit. Time, Be. Pinal beat: Woo b; Been, aarTlekaeooDd,HwTlatblrd. T1ma,8L One note nm.—Woo br B. Bedfoid, Banunl; U. Manuil. PiDfrr, aeooud; R. Obrlfteneea, AlUn^a Art, third. Time, 4m. M9ia. ThPD Aundrai a$*S twenti/ mnli run, Jiulora.—Pliet beat: Woo br W. W lUoo. Barnard; J. Pornej, AdelphU lecond; W. PelL OuUer, tbiid. TlnM.3^«. Aeooodbett: Won by W. Vniaid, Bnokija Ulwb Bcbool; V. Earl*. Baniard. aecond: BL Tomlof. AdelphL tbiid, Tinie,2n£a Flnil beat: won br Wlleon, Ponier eecond. Pell tbltd. Time. AttFidretf ami Itfenlvpanll ran, ,,01011—Woo bj R. W. Moore, Bomud: B. Qo«ulng, Biooklrn Ulgb Bcbool, aocond; 0. Rubor, PIoeit, Ihlrd; TlnHL2t>iA £loAaAijjitfmaaadd0MirlMrdrrvfi.-^on brW.B. Bip- ple.Banaid: B. V. Bodroid.Baminl,0Mood; M.Enn^ Orbrd, tbltd. Tlm.,am.ta. BvnnlngUah ^np.—Won br H. Pall, Borkoler.ifL (In.; 0. Orewo, Ooiuoitta OmmauT, tfL OUi.,Moono; B. Ww- moo, Dilolir. tIt.Uo.. ihlid. PtttUng Itft IA4I.—Woo br R. Shippoa. 8Ur»i Pnp., JffL llliln.; A. taru, TllDllr. atlvaxln., ncond: 0. Bochlol, ColumbiaOrammir, Hit. aXm.. ihlid. Iho polDU aeored woro: Barnard, St; Barkalor, 13: Brooklin High, I; (hiUar, I; D. La Biilm, t: Biotoo. Prop., t: Plogir, i', Colombia aiaaunar, 4; Adalphl, 3: Triolir, 9; OofRd, 2; DiUUr, 1; AUIdi'b Art, 1; Wl|hu, 1. AuuotxiH L. W. Cooa has letlnd trom the paper vlth vhlcb be vaa toimerl/ediior, lie will cohttnue 10 pfomoie the Ameilcan pioteaalonil obtmplon one bandied jatda avaepalakea, and M. J. FIhd, vho oiiulzod the ereol tbe ptM three 7ean, vlil, aatuntofnie, coDdact the ixiirapoQd- ence ajiil airaote the detallt (or the ooiologevtni. Tba aveepauk<t vUl go to the blgheat olddtr, anil all tbe preWonilj pnoUahed condldona will hold good. All cooDnnloatlona will be anawend bj U. J. nnn.NtUot.Maaa. TBg Uncoil Athletlo Ataoolatlon, ot Onnge, N. J., on Feb. 4 elected theae olUoeiB (or one j«r: Prealdani, TIioniaB LIpalt; rice praaldent, Patrick Kloneall}; lecofdlns aecretiiT, Suptaen HoKahoh; llnanolBl aecietair, James HUton; treagorer, Denis OalajJr. Tag annoal imematloul football maioh betveaii tbe ploked teami o( Valea and Bcotlandcaoia oirat Osidiir, Walea, «a Jan. 2i, and a banl (onghibaiue, tbat was wllnaaed bj aboat thirty thoiiaand apec- Uton, retolud In tIcuit tor tbe Welshmen bj a aeon o( two tilca to nothing. TBg London Athlello Olnb, accoidlBg to ■ cable- mm dated feh. 1, haa abandoned tor tbe pnaeni ibe Idea o( lasaing a obailenge to tbe Nev York Ath- letic Club for «D inleraaUonal Held meellog, lo late place In LondoD, Eng., doting tbe present r«ar. TBg Tofonio<OoL) Athletic Club eleolsd Ibe tol- loving oiSceia Isti week: FnaMent, Uoa John Bereifey Hoblnaon; llm rice prealdont, 0. H. Nel- aon; eecond vice pretldeni, JoBn Masale. Tbb Now Jomar InunchoUiUo AlhlMo AudcUIIoo waiorgmnliod it lit. Ulsh School In PUlntoU od Fob. i. IhofollowlDg bolog cboMO .fllcore: Ptwldwt, Ooorw P. amiih, Pulomid High Bdiool' rico, A. H. Kalon, PiDirr tjeboolLjociourr, T. M. kllchoU. N.nik Aeadwar: irMMtinr,waliarPn)nioo,8t.nwlailliut4, Bobok.u, K. J. ' Tbb UnitKl aiuo. Ooir Aiuclatlon hold lis moual m.atlDB In thiaeltr oo Fob. a UialoUowlogoffleeia balog alwtod 10 wrr. oo, jw: Pra.ld.nt, T. A. Uarwioror; Tin praoMttl. Lannac* CunU; aooood rlea pruMuu Cbuha B. HcDmaU: ncntorr, HulT O.Tallmailg.: tlwoMtw, Bamael L. Pirrlib. Tn PtacUoCottat Field Tilsl Clob'auimtl ulala werabaldncai l)akei,aeld,(;al.,Jan.SO-a, WInnen: Tbe Verb;, J. n. aobnnucher'a Rogllabksller blich, Haiold-Iinid: J. W. Keeoe'gaatttr dog, Su (Janoa, aecood; H. R. OardlneA aetUr blicb, Peaob Hark, third. PaclOc atakcs, 0. Bdwatda' EDgllah Mtter dog, Nlmrod: B. J. Saniii'i >>lotcr dog, aienhelgti Jr., aecond; J. E. Tetrjia aatier dog, Mon, tblrd. Tag fourth fait ot Ibe aeilea ot alibOUDg plc- tarea, from the bmah ot tba oelebntedaillai, A. U. Froat, pahllabed by Charles Solbna's Bona, la In keeplog la artlitlc anUb vlUi .Its pradecesaoia. Tba acenea ponray In a mannvr troe 'to life tha apoitot UUliii|ttaetoothsome4ncknDffl,A'haiieiy and tram a bUnd, and abonid flsd • pIsM, along w1tbolheii,OBUMVBJlaotST*iT.apoilfatk% dob laihslaaid. - ■