New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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February 15. THE NIEW YORK CTLIPPER. 797 An Ripeclftllr VftUsbU Bo«k. /'ron TTte lia:fon i\turirr. THE KKw VauE Currn ApxcALfor 1896 li fullof id !aior«*tiB>c InrormatioD. ud will b« found MpMrtll/ '"iam)>>lrtl>Meroi»)oi laulytroTii. Tbera an mtrat ^nfllr t'lMoUhl porlraJui of bUiIvim, letAnuHl tetmucR, li,- ■BJ<liinbot-«niTaiu «ic««dlDgl; tuBdMnatail h, tdf bnok of refareoco. KiceU It! Vmal IIIbIi StandArd. Fftn TMt T/vg Kennem Jtu^yet. TtiH Cliitkr Alt.-4Cit fAf IBM. oon of Ibe moat rilukbU i. H<«flot reiaruM, ud one whictt li |o dally uMi loa Ba«M'M'«roiHto.eoin*«ro m tbUruritraaiU aDlart*) Ind iMultaed. It oicsli Ira utoal hijili ttindard ind r*. uhifitirlMrv M Uio fnnciMt auiborliv od ilitatrleal ■nrrwrtloff ilala- Durlnft lh« )fat ia>3 many oe* MrDrJlvAia niadann the floMaofvport, and all ibtaaaro rTfftii tnaetherwliii ihatulcalaod pponlonchmnoloilai, Zi/L it In baantifully IlluiinieJ wllh macolilcaoUialt raiaptctaraaAfmonaod vomoD cal«i)nt»l In lb* thaai- ricAi Vorkl.aod of loao vbo fna<l« rararJi Id athlatio t.tateit4 Tha ll)ii*tra'loDJ ate iheacnia ofartlute wnsi, AnoDi tliopleturat Uooaof Johnay WIM, a fonnarTro- lio avl will) a«D<a ratutbla farm ai fiaadlake, whan Mr.'Wild Pp^ai* liU BammarA. Atlractlr« and AVell Arrangod. Ffom The JtirrUlurv SUxr lniUpefUlinl. Tn* Ncir VORi: CurriR Ajsval I« ao aouiuallr at irtctiraftod ««)■ ananvad publ'caUnn, couuiolaitha- liHcAl and aportihp; chronnloctei for a Kit nf ftratba inihiamaiancDi profeuioa^ar)uai(c and aihlfilepar' wniiM. Ticlflit and uoUloft racorda. b3i«bali, orlekot^ hiill-vda. lawrdaof fa«t tiniftanil ban rarfannaocaa la .11 tlH>anoaaii or ppt rt. It la lltuHtrattd vlth a oumher t>i fiif iw'itaiuol loll kDOwn aciora,and If, all toM,& iiiitsiuvtul Ti>lume. Complein Betord nrr«reiice Book. /<Tj« 7I« DaUg /.wnfnjr Stairs. Tht SinltM ha« r«f Irrd wllh lha compllmenta (if tba>harATiiKNtTrV*uRK CLifi'iR Anxcal inr UM. Aa iiMul It in rapleio «iih raluabla iDfurmatlon on all Knda Id :<E4rt and lia« renrdi cf all aT«nt« that rooh pU<« Uit laar. Tiik A>ni'al alio cooulim rery noa photo an< Krarrd cuta of MV«ral iiromloent tcir-n And auntM, Hi»ot*ie Iradtni atM«l6a,aD(] ArlliurOardinor,ihoc<l«- itraitd record bniakinc bIcycllAt. A Kmtdealol ipaca li«n bMD ilavou»d tomnirkabia ItipntDloftaoD tbabai*- l.ill n«M lotl >oi«CD. and aoyonodeairlufc to Irani lha (laiaofany BnitfoaloMurranca can uoaflbyraffrrlngto iIiIh book, ahlcb Uooaof the ian»tcanpl*to raeoid ref- rrtv^ e'or iMuadbyTniKtw York Qi iprew. CALLICOTTE < OMBD V CO-WANTHD. TO MMDRtlibn Hand aad Orcb«atr». Double Rata, "wood vioUo and OarloDoi. All mnat double Bind aoil Orchan- ira. A y«Bt^8nfM«uieQtto the right p:irUai wlto alll voikroninill'alarr. Rtata all partlcuhra Qnt lattar. laltoaaotLadywbonnOo Sarpantloe Dince. I hara naaii«r«n|itlcon touKo Id conii»c<loD with daoce. Ad ilr^iafAre tajLUMBIATHBATBH. Poablo. Col. WAKTKD aUlOH, a flood Man who caa 8ell lir«Jic(na acd flarUrcan. Aim ft frond Oooiorllnalat or i>f r^onoar vbo cmdiAii{;e ocia for wf«k *ianda. Stale fnU iiiriimUra«Qd k>at*^*. ailari In ilr^lleiter. AdJraajnulcli 6A M DRANK. Ko. I.ys 6 h fit.. S. W.. WMlilnRton. B. 0 AT MUERTV-JOS. ROV, SLACK WVIIK WALKKK. alio dwa a bta<l balance uo the aln; ■liut K Ttaptx^ Wrfonntr and a II Icb Ru|>b Walhor cao be an iraitJ. Maoasoiaor nr«t clancsmpanlea iliblQi tbrae MTciig act* plwo afldresA jna nov. 9 Knox Bt.. l.e»Mon. Maloa. C0.1IGniAA'fl AND UAKJOIAT^. — B«NJO UOSOLWIVH AND IHISII ACTti. Uf TO DATE WITD TUB TlUfiil, flOc nich. wiiboata^nf. or thrte for $1. A>Mr«u J 0. WIL^.M. LaoHlDf. Tdva. P.8- J0H HUNT and P EDK IO. ihia laa b a rgain. VTrl ta. WANTRn, HUMDIKR KIV0A'UGM(CKT, VIOLIN AKD I^ORXKT SOLOm. LbADBH UP HAND AKnnHnilE-tTRA. J. E. MACK. OrMnntUI, Ind AT MBf^IlTV. PLiUK THO>IBOSK AKD 80L0 B KLAT CO iNKr. TWO HUBRR AND RELIABLE UEN. AHfllUll A. LEOX^RD. MUraiid Bi- >It.ld'oto>n. Conn, W.VNTKO. BV A KlK.Trri.AH-lTUHAJ forwanun '?£slUi Rood circul, K. V. H Die prafnrred. Ko« lll^hau lo't- AdilraMp. K. II.. Bm 1t7. Hot»lam.y. Y. WAKTKU, VOUMV J..AUV VUUAL.I4T 'lO J»m a«>nil«u)aa of Briab1lah< U Il«|>utailon. In VOCAL RKKTCIIER. flood voice. R^nrA aod wardrobe necea Mry. Buu particular*. No obJecil<^n to cUv«r aou UanL Alto Tocallit. with dramatic lalaoi. prK.'epa<l. AdJr w VQ OAL COMBDV. CUPPERO mcf. \T LIDiCnTV»NOVELTl* ACBOBATIO'BKIBT AKD TI'RKISII UANOER. Oalr nrat clva inanaRorvaddrena ADELINE. Boom 9,19 iiaat Kourtaepih BtrouLNew York. AT LIBICIITI^I AM'NOt JUSrKRoTrOROi^, Eielaod cr France, l:ia I can ptiy acood characterana Mh »iof[ anil d«nf«: Tarn uot the iMat In ilia bailoeia, hoIiIh ntid, hut asood liiuidr oinQ. and I harea't r iI llie lilc lifad. Hat vlivrefrerynu (liroB mo 111 Hcliton my re*t, and orer> ililag 1 do \r dean aoil ocat: I am nnl Uie h>y thai rroie Ito baaloDM, and la a^ehlnioetwouM Rife you a palo. How Ir ynn ^ranta RO'd mao.latt ad* (IrrM jnnra, BAM DRAhb, Ctb fltreet, K. W., Waiti* iDiton, D. 0. P. 8.-Regat\la tn oTarTlKMly. WAS! rBU ATOVUK A FULli CU.i TUOSE VITll SrEClALTV fREPEBRCD. Bead your deTcrlp- tioo, proaruDfne and aalarr. Local raaQageia, afn<l open duea. SpecialMiwr. AddrfA^ J. 11. BKIDOEa, Maaager lid Ofio*e i1ia«e. Df nvtr. Col AT I*IUkKTV, A AO, I UIMC;K FACE AND Ihtch CoDedlao; cat c1iaag4 apeclaltlxa every oljtht for taoweeka'atavd. Bloier, dancer and aorobat Qood drM*er. Kaaiecra. vhen laooay la aura, addreu BILLV BAR1E3. Uojieworth. C^.loniblaDa Co., O. WANTBU.^A BtroafrBlDRloaaDd Daodnt Dutch orlriah Sleteb T«am;tnant be Al and up to date. Alao Al Planlai mutt undentaod variety mualo; If voa ar« iwaiHcilr f1r<tclau.saTearaiDw. Aidreaa HERBERT ARBINARD, HuJical Comedy Co., Uemphla, Ho.. Feb. 10-16. Kaltoka 17-CT. Wo. HOW TO OKCOHH; A KIUK KINU lUo. lIuMlBoma boi cuotalnlnv tnnituciioDa, IllurtraUona In co:on(.andBUFFlCIBNTHATERIAL!ttng|veanDmber of |4rrormaacea. Alaolarfte book ortrlckatAiirorSceou ttAn^. by nalLpOfct paid. NEI^ON SIKOLAIB T1IEATR1DAL SUPPLY CO ritoi 6frl. PHbburg. Pa. illAOICIAAi'll Outnt. fiiDcfa. VnDlrlloqu[«iL Marlon' «.'S.?'9!I!"' -AJdrt"*. alwup, PROP. J. U. ■ ITU, O)D0ea, H. 1. 8PECULTir, >ln nOI-E I7ALKER farouuhlt; man tiM Utla«. «rll«. D0BBIN9. m Blilh *t»dd». ho»Vort. i.ES'RJ'V''"..'"'""'' 'f*''"""' ourpira. lad. pER, tl^t Btrwda and ttCTti hov to do thUtcullOL inucin^olttwo mloiiu* tn»T Ratltoir (be naiOL ss Sis "J''!'" oalv • row hn. wx.nbl. TOM. Mmf. ISV in Nordan 3L. WW l^imhil.lrft Haaa. m»B AH IjpuN HUiJrRB man. CI par bolllaor l.o ilordwi a . VTwl CtmbfUea. Maaa. llK)9ICIAMrWANTEl>-t WA.Nr 1» m siCIASB 10 Doubla IQ BiDd ftnil Ordiaur., Tnp Ommmor IQ. i.uded. 8<m>on imna Uarch 30. Addrtai „ . M. V VAN NAMB. Boi No.tM, Wob<t«r, Mua. I ■ B.—Thia [a t9 fjtko: wlarr naro mJ iniiat ba tow. w*. j ■o'lopit to VoitlB.orAccomp.inadoroi '"^ifi.^'Odj OnAMlnorMudoUn Uoalo Arnnned. OBAB L. tEWia 4S Rkhmond Bttw, OtadnnaU. 0. WaktKU, PAnTNKll, WITii TWO ]liouiuiJ UolUm. cudi. w lake ono bair lituiwt la i ar*i clua clrcui and managorlo. Kven IhloB r«mpl«u ««d iMdT to Uk« 11,0 null, l-artloaiDonalDR htiilooo, «til«. _BB.S0.1 HriN. IrvlnB liona. IgimapollM od. bAtK-CIBtfUN CANVAS, OOPT. Koiiod Top. Two son. BldOlo I'leM«.ronir« fol««.8ld» t'" O"!". '•ll" "d couiplota and rood; laaat ap. I akl gina wtelf. Will aall alii Mmla. KBF.BnAHDTACO. ladltoapollMod. «*poimjtwui laoiooapoiiF. log. „WAI»TlCO. V£liH*TILB CAOr lor dt Llloinr, Hualul lod Dramillc EgtertalDintola ('Mb jogi). • AlIJi balltln- wolght. »ip,rleQc«. and agnd photo. ClIAK. num.SK.'i!!, f.o. Roi Tn. Dolrolt. Midi i.'i**!!"'''—O"""^* MOltE llUtK VUHT, Ul), J** • B^od Phow Town for Good AttneltoDa, • Mb NaT Plgii. Wunl • Oooil MIntlrol Co. IVioroit ^M , Tostl gad iDUninioaul. Nou Jolltlga and McUlb. °ar.»r|i«. KUNty. » IIUOIIE<. Managara. auXSV!. •'■'Alf fod •rWKLVK VKKTH. "^^D »tt»octol*)rtnmpa rorgprlototl copjof giv gg- "nir Da> « art, g chaigotor) ranigdr Otvng. "BallloJ." • nutrlcgl wort (of oterr kind) vrltlfn toordgrrboap. M S1f„'..!.'""'t ' gniwn joor lotlor. IIARRV II ESpfc HaoW. I . an r.ongfg«« Bl, L«iil»Tlll«. Ky. riUlXoOK'a.-NKtV AI»D HKCO.'VOII UK !'•"?■ uurnrs miok to nROBR. ABOBKsioiia maxUn ED. KAURIOII. RturnU. MItb. rSfiftRiin^'''^ ntXOMMiURA ARID ACTS KRIlTE.VTOnROER. BTAIIP FOB BRPLV. OIIAIlLBa H. BARIiy. Iloi a Minoagmlla. Ulan. , AHATBum^lj,, u, Id Sliov Boalogu. ahu ACUto LWTL, BDd Mowlo LouTiTbom,PolQiBooBalgiT v^^. 'o*" Appagnae^ Llat of Hgaa«ara Llliair ui Nagd BunVm^V Poatpald.B natg. UiUig Fuh. Oo. nSiy "5 liaolal W«» l'l^u.•^ Illuilr-na, y?J"*»w.B««Hoip«ot,rfllnlln».. SlolTod Inloialg, Flog Hogk.g. B «.npforgn«. J I) BB KBT. Atl«nlaCilr.K J. whi.'V*''.*^ KVItftlMIIKU 1.AIIUK IIOOMB, .iViit "SSL^U"'*'. All roDconlMlcga. Bogid If do «lr»l. MRft BnilULTZ ICO Eul T»olti Birort, Kow Vofk. »KO. CO.—TOOTH IBX- aod to Igko To'XASJ^i*. TRAfnOR: oo« wlio doga nillni prafoirid. no or otbtr mnalcgl Igilramant. Will ■Itghglfwbg l?!,''^ <;«oJ tbuieg for gggiMlL I|.|iplo blRbgal. *w> *ant mglo ponoruiarg wbo trmral along. la M.PJVS" • bo can Kl'g ahow along. (Icod Sr^T '"S """"icM get I pgr board. Good "I" 1^1" i«l<i»lhtonih BiLlr.V""?';'".'"'- JOB BRN.1ETT. Medical Uctnnr ailTor Crggk. Ugh. An«r your wgndaring wma bomg. , ^ilTIDp, Lad/ Fgrtnrr, for Hirogg Loublg Tigpgig i.T.;."^?]°?i'°"'l«ip.; no a.ileciloo tofood gmg. vtil:J^°^^^^" P' k'^^ dMcriplliin lint latlar; bavg rir»OUag Tnp.godAI Wgidlwbw. Addrwa W. O BIB- L'BD , w.mronw. Aourw. w. It. mM lu" Fjrior. I Riark Bl. Manchtinr. .N. II. B^^SItT.'".*. «;''AniONKT PI.AVKH, POR wa andOrrlnalra: moat bo drat e'.aai. Tltg WllllgDa. II «• >Vi^i!t Pi""fl«ld 11. KoiUi Adgma l». EateTuMrCo' "rcbaglrg, OU piiy.'i.TA'.'fJ'?"t"P"'ATKt.¥, rl ANIM' WHO ngjg 1 lOlI.t, alu ptgr,rro.ll up lo TaHatf Bit, for I^'JlfM'wl- Rgf<rgoegi agd gbiolulglr Iowa«t ag|. ■•"«•' ■VCaBgroD.-litign-jiwn, Mi LYCEUM '"^7S£^«X>>»'*WS< All r. H. MgH.:^ ar..i .Sl!J..^S»». «g«gnr. All with Mtllagga v.,1 SI!''."*?,•». "gggnr. ' mallggga mmpfd agit wa«> 'niBATRcT R«.~I^!^ V '"J UOi "<n«l. Rgagrrfcl 8agt« tSc, lOc., rsc STAR "ATIKEKS KBONBSDAV AMD BATDRDAT. SiNFORiPS TIIKATRB, ^i„JZ'. —■ """""aadJdATanug. HITISBES TUESDAT AKO BATURDAV. CIlARliKS PROIIHAH'B CO., Ill "CHARLEY'S AUNT." "EXT WEEK. JOBBWI MURPHV. ffiSitliS^A^E THEATRE. Iblntjnh Birggt gitl Brogdggr. BVB. Alk BAT. HAT. I. *ag. "«WR0"ASTfewJPv' " ~ P-^ MPYLAND. MaiTlaad MUbt Tuaa.. Fab. 18. J ..'1,11. lu.p., ran. 10. I»Iloe3XOH,'S~ AMUBBMEMT DUKTIOBT. ntooroai OFBBABouaB,iuiubid,c«., AMD iaKIaUD OPXBA BODaai.AI,IIAlfV, II. V- SrABSAl(D(»MBD(ATia)(8. FROOTOB'S THEATRE, KKW TOBK. ooTglUu aU U» tbsg bom ULU A. M. ulU ni£fu Sj£ PROCTOR'S PLBA8VMB PAUICB, «>bBtand9dATg,KawT0fk. nBST 0US9 TAVDETILLB ABTISn «T<I. br «atM. aaa<ldgralln<.apolltgDa|gUrg. Addraatall ommonleaUoaa r.T. TBOGIOK Ptoettl'g Ibaaua. Cd Slrggy nmr&An. B. F. Keith's AimissffltRt Enteipilsas, E, T. ALBEE - • - On. tSgr. B. F. KEITirS NEW THEATRE, Bcilon, Hus.; THE BIlOU, PklfaidilphU, Pa.; B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Pra»ld«nc*, R. L, AND B. F. KEITH'S NEW UNION SQIURE, UOKB OP MB. KEna>8 QBKIINAL Continuous Performance, KOON TO 10.U. MO STOP. STAR PEBFORMERS WRITE FOB DATES. Hammersteln's Olympla _ . BBOAOWAT, «tb BT. BrgnlDsg&U. Mat ITgd. gad ^ BIIISIO IIAJLU EUROPEAN VAUDEVILLE And 0»carI]iminent«lB*a Siteciacatar Opera and Bailer, "MARGUERITE." THBATHK, RICE'S "EXCELSIOR JR." CONCERT HALL, PROMENADE CONCERTS. go OKNTH APMITM TO JVLLi PASTOR'S •=*'''"«%«A.««. la.SOIollP.H. BaMtioBlyMUSBaaOcBU. . Jaat wMat VljItaratath.Cltr Want. Come mttj hoar. Bbow alwan aaiBK on, A NBW BIIOW BVBEV MONOAT. THE RAYS,.' rOLIiIB HOLMES, TBK iiioaiLBya, litzib dalv, OEU. E. AUITLV, BBAVMB A.>I1J WORDEN, B'XO!; AMUCaSo, LOTTIB HO«BRri KISdELL AMn aULTANA. MAJOR NEWBLC LE'WZA. TUWV 1-ABTOR AXD OTMERB. GAIETY THEATRE, br6aowav ABO amh sr. DEVOTED TO GONTINDOUS PEBFOMttNCES. VAMTBDArALLTTMBa,Binn CLA83 ARTISnWITU NOVELTIia. - Addrgtt JUBK B. DORIS. Ugngiar. OABLB AbPBBm (DOBiai. KOSTER & BIAUS, 34tli ST. TUB BANSaOMESr MCBIO BALL DT AMERICA. PiaMallAB gt All Tfang.. Hlgb OUm Pngnamg, UOR. .UUoi of AMBRIOAB ABD SDBWUB VBodcnU., BjMclal.lM, Har.IUw. Bt«olni«AIA BgwidgrMgUawtld. HubeVs '.T Museum a. H. HDBER, Pavp'r. ncBBB-a arH ate. museum, j. m. jaksxb, Mtnugr. WAHTED-Bmof Fggtuigg, Urliif Uikloadg. god Prgak. tor Onrlo BgUi; Uljib OlaMVgjIgtjr for TliagDa. Addiwag laugi. for both nooagg J. II. Aodarrgn. Mamigr. Amoplcan NIckleodeon, ' STU ST. AKD »TU ATE. Fgalarga tn Lgerai. Mail gddrtu F. P. IIBWBS, Dl factor. Noiolllggwgatgdgtglltlmaa. THE WILMOT DUO, ir. D. WUMOT AND W. B. BABBBL Ba mu with Ufdg*a Congdlaag. Pgr.gddr. a Brig BL. ffcmbildtgpon. Magg. C. S3L TJnfhn.ri, AT LIBEBTT FOR FIRST 0LAB8 TAUDETILLB THEA- TRIS from Fob. U. Addrgacargof CUFFER. S COOKE $ CLINTON, s irORLD'S famous BBARPaUOOTEBS, Can of CUFFgB. UURLEB<tUB KINOB, KENNO AND WELCH, En Roala. Boatoo Tlftwanl Alheiwqm fift. M ILLAR BROS.' FAMOUS BIOBAMA. En Rotita PRIMROSE A WESTS NINSTnEUl TUB ORIOINAL U. N b L B R O O K 8 LIZZIE PUBOIIBR BtBICAL ARTISTfl. AddrgwegraofNEW TORKliLlFFEB. The Pattens, AtmUTD ttUKIO.IBq'gAHETllEATBR MAHCU 3: Antonio Van Cofre, TlIB ORE&T UEnCDLBAff, Brery KTeolna. Alhanibra Thaatie. London. Rngtaad- THE FOTTE MOSEBS, in TIIBIR TWO DimSCT nVMDERa, FInt dga. Acmbala gad g liagt JaffHag Maaleal Act Iw alpanlglibar. Al prggant algbt wigaa wlit fRai ggoceaa gtTRACT0R-8.FLEAllt/»K KILICE, fiw York.. AT LIBERTY FOR flRST nijiu TAUisVlLIie TUB tTREO FBOMllABOa*. Addr»a»li>Bg»lMlbBt^ Row York CHARLES WOLF Si OO.p TIU LBAOMU SHOW PAINTERS HI Eionrn bteeet , kk ab b boadwat. PIRHrCLAllM atAttlOMBTTSsiiUM' ruK BALECHEAF. WboUorttpgrgtg. Biaaprorpanlcular.. PAIILOW. Ill Thoreg flrragt. J»r«»f (:ltr. N. J. JUVVUB MUMO BIHI>, l>r Ftuala a. Dglggf. iSlia: •iggollfal/l"A nnl," "*> calcbr.'' "A bit," alllhtlal mglodj," Tbgworiabgul la<p(ilg»,""Joat auoRfornFaaalo pgplU." FrligfOegot.. To pio- ilooali, incgota, lIU iortbgr gollog la I'LIPl'RA - ». U>WIIDEII.«olg)lug»BI; addrgag. Madl ^io. lad. Opli •to 7H^I<T<lll.4MtllIAL, HARIU.HICTTie AN^ " ml Eat Hloib BWI. Hgw York. toMUa, BklCll'tll.«, BUBLBt4(UBR7Bn:. Wriuao to oidgr; boat work: ""Pfwlt "J !.•'"!;«. InntbwiUt" Mc togli Joa Ignbaw ria I*, .tb, Fblla. MAGIC Mew ralBl.«a* or all lha b.w Bad alABiiara frlehg span rwrslpt of glaaap. Saaa ftar aa]r Fraa IHOenaamelli ■loch aiitol, (ODlalalBK doarrlplloB of kaadrala or bl| drlweona flas aow Bad Bg<4l fBaglral appamag, lablH, BiailoB' .tieagar.., Hr. Addreaaorcall, A. IIOTRRDBHO, U.IIIIInoU 8ue«t,Chlr.go, III By A. R0TERBER6. HWBOOKOINEWTRB lllchly rwooiaa.Bdnl b7 all pramlagBt prorgggloaal aad aBaat.arconJarora. The book coatalaa IKO pagea, I. prtaled OB flao v>l>er aad liaailaomrlp boaad IB rialb aad golil. Pglc*, poglagg prepaid, gi. g.tlglkcllOD goaranl.Ml or Boaajr ehMTfallp r.raadrd. ObtalBabie at aU Brat clau niaglcal rvpoUloile., Bud at A. ROTBIIDBROM, KB illlael. Htr»gt, Cblwago, 111 NEW SONGS, lot. Kach to Prolkgglon>Ia,OrctlMtrallona KM'. EitiB. DoB'l Forget Vonr Card. "BOMB, SWEET IIDMK. AND UOTIIER'S ABUB," br FrI dgf. Wgakgf 17, BR.<(I»T WiUlOX ain<a lliliiiaglooaBgl Kglib'g Uakn itiiiatg Tngalcw, N. Y. If ;ao want a li«at lObaarliliB. MI.IE VERA DORKl> maklnag Irgmgn. dog* lilt will) IL qoartatgrraafooiantor IliU aonf 15c. "WHICH VArsniLKin. KATKr now Uig. bgm. "ONtUPTIIB UAIRTY niBL^." oiaof Uia holU'f BoiuBgrerwflllaaroraoalirallg. 'i LOVE YJU TIT," ir BoagoftU, an goawar to "1 Lorgd Yog B.tur Tbaa YnoCnav." (^>mlngto tha froot with g ruidi. "THE LITTLEUIRl.)IBirOQOR."br BoilUi. a bagiilinil do acrlnllTO looi:. "raU NF.trftBOY AND TIIK Rn.4R." brHcb«ckr«r.l:gp««cb. •'DDM'T LKAVE VOUR DEAR OLD BnillHKRM HOME." br Ronfarg. Fing mioairal B«.>r. |gind,ielO{[»rUE ULU KOLId AT IIUHK." qUABTBtS wrHa. FrargiglongU call. CHA8. W. HBLO, jn W. aoth Htreel, R.w York W. H. FRIDAY JB., Maaager. HOBOKEN, N. .7. March 2 and 9 Open for First Glass Ctmbinatlons or Builesques. F. EDWARD DALY. N. B.—Write or wire. I^A Popular Musical Instrumota UllCini CI ACCFC wnaUiloR or » iwret lonad ■UdlwN. DLAJdCOt Ulaaae*. chromallo acala f'oni C to 0, pttycd by rubblnR the baodi nver rdga of the Blaaaea; luDod with water, the iiuintltj batni dealinaled by thetiurkon the Rlaaa. No trouble. Racb muaia plKe easily laimod. Fined to every lojtfuaiant or ordieitr*. Sold for A5. A bov ot material anil all iDformailon. bow lo play tie tluKef. aent free of cbarie. Oolyeiublfit- meQtorih|> hioif In ilia aorU. SaadlOeaourerric* tanaand iprorauUon. A. BRAUNEIB3L Ota*anphon Factor*, m H(|b Bireel, NewarV N. J. Band lOoanii foribeltflaatiruland catclir LAUIEfl' OLUd HABCU ARO TWO BfEP. Baiy t* play. Suitable TordaoM and locldenialniailc, conceru, aie. CireisProprietors.NotieeTtiis. Wovld like to 00 fliloK forT leeiue or prIvlleRea. I bare ilm claaa prlvltoM car. rieep lAlitr-iwo peofile, and eaa autanwni. Would like to liave iirlvllega car, prlrUesi oaodyntanilaaad any other ll|bt or legitimate prlvlleni that *hoold b«< e|iao. VIU luanntae tu Oi roar uTcaoae cheaper ibta eoy otliar prevloat yair, a« I bare tnade miaa Llreoaea a bualneM. Am familiar althaUBtaiaa. Will handle iirlrllege oa r*K*BiAil«. or ■111 Y»nt tliem. Can bring car on, orvlit Jo baelneaa otbarwlie. Wlraorwrlu W.K. Ut'OD, Orfro nulchloaBonaa, lIoaatOD. Tex. FRBRI FKlCKt F'RKlfil The FBErTIE9T walii aeoR publUhed lo yeanieaol free to the PROPKasiOK, Juaieff Uia pnn. "SdE TOLD ME SO.' TbIaWALIX BONO la a Jewel In ll^eir. Fall of bcauti M hmriionr aiid capable ol pIea*IaEall clM«et. The ontlcalmBalc^an wlllba Iniijilri meetormcalDtBalcian wlllba I Ired. The words are BotTRignv. butofamoatFLBARIhd characUr. Itl«Ua amoltBBAUTIPULatory. It will lake like WILD PIRR on tbe KAffa. and plaaaa ihoie In the tiome. The MINOR chasReloibe RBFBAIK in»k*aa«r*eabla«(rect. Itlaa lorewlaner. Bend aionceand ncelve your ordiealral pana JOII.HR. PURDV Aro..yni(lwtTiclaBt, Buflalo. K V. WANTED, SpecialtyPeoplcof nil Kinds for Comedy Coiiipnny. Addrea E.B001N.3aCbatlTBl.t>olri>lt, HIch. WANTED, COMBINATIONS, PEOFLE^S THEATBE PORT mmoN, moH. 8PBCI1LTIE8 WANTED FOR WEEK FEB. 17. gddttaaR.J. ERWUOP. THK SONG WRITER, AJoanal of ipeclal lotereat to all aloien aodprafea ilooal iteAple. I*«uf<l moDlMy. Send lOc. fnr uniple copy efVebniary noin>>er. ■ TUH WHO WRITER," ilcInirti.FrtJar A OO gaOWeatPth Wrter, Wew Vork. BORESONLONNBORG (Tkg BwgdIrli .S*ll|blla|glr), lanighlflK a bit alollar "LOT£BS IN DAYS (lONE BY." PLAYED HY PRINCIPAL DRRIIKSTHAB. I'fofg. lOc; ordi. lOo. gitim LlBDKfl. n FgrR Row, M Y. JgHgOakesGo. AtWAVa THK BF.ST AND MOST BtLllBLF- Th. Oo. tliat b.a oarar mlaagd paTlai aalarl.l orprlotlttr bill. In olaViSn rnra. Addrao ROOM <I7. BUIIIkLEB TIIBITHB BUILDINII. Ililcagn. Ill HOWABD BENTON, CBABACTEB ICTOB. L'agfal and rtUgUg all *roagd oue, BEdT OF WARD- ROBI. UUIOK BTVDY. Addrgi. B> NortA BUrgoiB Bt. nillaoglplilg.Fa. SHOW PAINTING. E. Jg HAYDEN & CO., io» to 110 BfoadfFSr, Brooklpa, W. T. AIL WORK UP TO DATE. WMtd, A Oh TralMr to Breik PhIis ii4 DOOL lfpgiirdgalrggwlll«l.g..gaM'awort. DaoCga l.lloi tgURraph. Addrg.a gad wnia, PBANE W. WIL LiAlfaBgliigwdHhow..KP.amoodHtt.gLriiubBT<.rg. WnM, A La<| N 6nt Citckir Isf i Rilm ACT. Oee *bo nadentaadi their hailoeat. Qaod en ■•simentA Tbll PMaa u» llrM cta»» lyainavl* Ad- unite IaADV UVMAAF.cueCLIFl'eB. MANAGKRH, RE AO THIS CAREFULLY! I.KOIII & nvBRBrrg LAUixr clob pj,*troto a bio, PROFiTABkJi uaAOK- ■BUT, ■BDIMa KB, A. FLYNN AND SHERIDAN'S BIG SENSATION Plapadtolk.baBBerbaalnenlalliahlatorrorihf boBM. TI«k.l.Mldat Bai OB«. BP to B o'eleck OTorp Bight, Itaadrod.tBra.d away alghllp. HBTT FliTNH gal pormlaaloa fMm Chl.for Fir. Doparlniaat Id pat camp ateela la alalH. Cmkotlra alttlBgaB napbaioi. PeopL.taBdlag ia IwinsBd barelp room fbr iMrlWmen to iHOTn cm .IBge, At Gorman's Theatre, Manchester, N. H. If Ikero WB. aap fl>ar of tbo m called bow voa tlalab 111 ago poopl. woald book rolarB ihig loanal FLYNR AND HIIKRIUAN'g CITV OPORTa Plapa bar. oao week la April laalaad ota algliti. Al.o reiara of BIO BUHBATION Ibl. asd Beat MBgoBi Will laahe opoa lime Ibr the Dig BItowg. I To lUaaftgera of Theatrrs, CUcuiea, 8lr«*«l H»llw«7 Coni|ian|r HarkM, 8aitim«r RtMits aad All In ««d Out Door Aitiaatrnvnt RMorls. THE GBEATEST ACT IN AMERICA. WM. Andree @ Golden l i. THE WORLD'S CUiHPION TRiPfZE ilND IIIQH DIVERS. Marloi woa that tlile la rompelliloD wlib the wnrU'a moft fbnioua etptrt« at CapL Paul Bojinn'a WorM'a WAlsr 8how,BatraCourt, LoBdon, Rag., July 7. Mti- B:<rrutliiv tbtllllni eoineiwillii aod beiidlPDi dlvi<a (YvM thlflyltR irmp*a4UdooeolodlB( vlUi tbeir dariagand >eoaailoiikl hiih dlvaoflQ FKKt intoa aiuallbody uf «aw. Hara Jmt eloaed »taccwtbi PeuoD wtihUrrln Broa.' Clrco^ Maileo. UanaieT«d«»trloiralM)T«ieL uidraaa J.L. MARKK ManAPtr. I.irj nti>A>V«iy, New V«rbUliy. TEE EMFEHOHS OF THE WHEEL, MARTBLL FAMIL?, Signed with Great Wallace Show Season *e6. Few datee open April and Hay. Managers desiring a feature address WILLL^ MARTOLL, 688 Blnme Place, Union Hill, N, Ja, Or Agents, FEWZ CO., 103 East 14th St.. Ifow Ybtk. ThB C. F. Prescott Co. Great Eastern Sliews. Fertile Iblnlanaaal toaroraboTeRhowi, FBRFORMKHH In til liranrlies of olroti^hlr.. e^c^iiiirMlnj. Arllaia alio doBore tbanoMUrapiafarrad. Alao wut MCriUM^NH, wHIup tn thnlr lioaliidtit. Mmih* rnvi Mbaafl will be feauirod. novkrarel^by wanLopenlogearly in Niy. I'a'ltivolr no r4n>4 a>lv«nciu|. I.AHHV MliApnY, write- ._ _ jHh)^; nuithefn gtHMl ctiitOllloo. AUuaauifew mora DILL riMT^Uri anil WOEI- Weald bay mpcd aecoad hand _ _ INQ PEOPLE. Can u>e another oaLtldeattraciliiii. nuitbefn gmid ctiitOllloo. AUuaauifew mora DtLL rtMT^Uri a illiiii. Addreu RhDlP.f.A BAIIItK, Heniger, Roi 111, tloeklantf, ITalno. Al OUTSIDE A MILLIONAIRE'S DOOR. TUB MABTBRPWCB FROM TilF. PKM 4IF OIIIMIB I,. DAVIB, AND THE lilT U*' TlIB PUBHIRU IIAniTONH, EDWIN H. DEAOON. «<I LOYED A UOL NIK LASSIE L(^N<iiA<iiO.'» ■ftTtr ItaodyouwIUlike If. A aute >•>■ R^nw*. alDi iiiclifnirail<-na lu cpiiia earii i«i tire i>rofpHliin, JAHIU BTIIaLMAN, Mnalo Piibllaliar. 1A1 Rliih ATaoite, Nav Vort Ollr. friends lo Canada eao aeoure ibewnna of Wliairy, Itnyre A f:o.,TuroDiD, t'aoaila. WAITTED.FOR THE GREAT VAN AMBVROSHOW. 0XR01TS. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE, Oengral AKsnt, UmbiI, Ifeada of UoiiArltfieBte, IlMeni, Uyuinails, A«roba«j, Wlr» WalkMw, Hop* Dancsra, Cemr*rc l>n|i)i( Curioalllss, aiitl i^erfbraiianriia fbr III4mImv, and 1M> Ladiss for Uarebea, Llvlag l*lelar*M, Ktc* LaiUns,aenil plaoluarmiilia* AdHrras KRANK A. nOlllflNS* OfiaerBl BIana«er Grsal Van Asubarg Hliotv, Nrtvberne, Craven Co«i/l«Oi THE BOSTON THEATRE COHPANYp BOSTONIAN BAND and ORCHESTRA, AnAlHtOHlDg and Danelog Oomedlai. Mu for (lenara) Buatnes*, aUo rihmI nitaraoitr Nin, Jurenllf Lsilr, UtT HmtllCblld lodoapeolilUeaand play oiilld parte; Leader for band and nrclitBlra. "mutt hare fine colUcllonor ~innaklana wriie. flood ni«BlnMf»rilie tDBt|«ufl« si qni loiorrinl. N<> farwaadTanced. I'll' " - WANTED FOR ipeolilUeaand play oiilld parte; Leader fn mu>lcMen for Clarionet. Han lor Flule and Ticcoiu. Utlier all tlmea. lDeouipetenUdIuutaaed*lilio>itontKe. Jlrunk^ni niXCIIKLL A ZAIIIt.^I, Vnlon City, w«*k of Krb. 10. AT ielBERTY, SCabelle Leslie, BOUBBETTK UR JUVENILB LB (US, Paul L. Aiken, UUDaaBAVIBBOR OENBRiL BDBIIIIA4, AI MAX. /(IIROII ADVANOB. Botli do op lo data .paclalUga Bobar god raltglilg la gtgrr wgr. n WEST THIRTY BECdNDBTREBT. Kgw York. Wutri InaidlitelT, 16«o4 Capable and Ei- PEBIENnBD ACTOII, lo plgr .golgol lullga lirary In ■tMlgd Bgck,"d|g|gcl Iggd lo "Alooa la Lii,doa,"aad KlUligd QU Mao. OombtggtToo of light coingdf gnj avF. oao alnllar rolg. lo hlph elaaa rapanorr. Boo*! full panloulara aad lowgat Mtarr lo flnl I.Ugr. Mgn- .Ramgat pgj. board gnd trgrallar aaiwgagl Moar i« laadr to lolo oa rgnIM gf wira. Addnoa II. F. MKLDflR, Mgoaior, EUialTaekgrDramuleCo.. Roiua. H. Y. For Sale-Concert Hall, BItaated loaeliy of •eresty-flre tbouaand Inbabltanla, dolegas eicelieot baalne>«. Will be raid reaaooably, as lb* proprietor caa oulalra It fall sltaoHoo. Atlilreia, VABIRTYa care nf nLlM'KIL FOIt S A. L E . TlIB WELL Knows PRINCiPAt, IIOUBB, ■ Porpgf1lcoUra,«)dreg.MnR.P.II.RTKVEKH. ' .MBI Faul.Ara., Jgraaf (iliy.R. J. HAMUBb KUHIBBII, AarlloBeor, » WERT MTH BT., bglwaoo Broad war god All) Arg. TIIBATRIIIAL COflrl'MIIH OF TUB ENTIBK FlmllUCIIIIN OF jV LAUV OIP VMNICIC, banl lir Hl-R KATIIBRINJCIII.RHIIIIIIL MR. FRANK CAKLVLK ANII MIL MAI'nlOR Binir. MUHB and uthora lo iIm cgal, AT THB FIFtIi AVKHI.'K TiJeaTIIK, gnd \ty HKItKM A-NN, CinprlalaR Vaiigtlgn (^aliiaaa of tltg .XVUi caolarT, f/ourl llraaagi, F.lg, I'gaa and tlagnJaTaatnaig.: Uoin. Igga, Ologbg, gto.; tna^a gp lo rich Vgoallu Valr.l.„ Plaahga ggd Brnradg<| Tlihb^ RuiagtMoolg aad Mgea. llgu, RaaligA B«l|g, Kiiltaor Araor,Tbgatrl<g| Tnulia, glo.: orgrSDIola. TO BE HOLD BY AIKTHOK, FRIDAY. FKH li, AT 9 inlLfKIK, KXIIIIIlrlON WKUNEBDaY ABU THUHIIDAY, r.l.. II and l«^ WANTKD IIHEDUTELY, roil ; Carrie Stanley Op., Woman for deoeral Bu'., muM do iTnglDg jkt^ltlly: alu> Actor, ludnuble lu Hand; alao Hronic Hlfils Trotri> iHine PUfer. Addrta*. •taiing Inireet aalary, helaliV, »ie , <!IIAH. B. nUHHW. Utr, UMnuotk Pa. Tks "Wann 'Uns," Kllioi aod Rawson. irrou a gllorbaard IIInouratllllaOrHB. (Urgof CLII'l-KR Sfielal Lillii. Stiidi-Sind $1 iid copi Koraaamplg Dor tlahggl ImL Mtho. H'gnd In cnlola Naw ptoogag; igrroliowi. IKlWAliD SIIOW FKINT, HI>Vg«bloiiloo HI.. Boatoo, Mg»a. WaBtid,3 0irls(orllldilouaHdLlilnf PIc TURER. (Efp.rlgBcaaoloacgaagrT.) AlaoSoaJigCbRniigr, ~ rtoDgT'llorgad Flrg< ' " ■ I bargtanigd. L Bgraol 7)AU<<Ba_ fMtm aged photo, whicb ,n.1MalDllt,B«r .,Hptlo«naid,Ma«a. GET YOUR MUSIC ARRANQED Br the "Old BellabU" W. n. PARKKR. 47 W. ZStli Bt., Bee VorN iHlf Orderi b y mall recolre pr<ni iirtat«>ntiea. Wanted. Meiliclfla Lttliirers and Spec- liLTY FBOPLF.. iilalgjroorlfailogunnttallgr. OLIP. TON'RWlrnil IKKEL RRBAM CIK.Roa 171. Ogafm. I'a. DURING MY AIISENCG J. W. FUSTBR. 100 «lla Awe,, N. V, Clip. Cablg Addtaa<|d "JEB8B" wlllrggc l i lagQ. E. FDASALtON ACCOUNT OF BAD HEALTH. if leol. control and tvoihlrOx lolereat l| - rnmoany Dowfnuib. doing flea ht oeaa. A.L. OABWBLUl/irr.. Ifll Rim Bt, VMm^ tt>t eaiira maasgamei. . beet B4[>*rto)ra.(Vip AT LIBERTY, ADVANCE ASENT OR PROBflAII. llBR,ao*ieraBd rallableandadoae eentmter. WotiMIIke to hear from circa, repertoire or orHoady. A4drou TIUM. P. LVffCn. MaUea on lluda'-s. K. V., or »re of < >i,|PrRI. IVAMTED, AUVINCE AGENT, WIIOOAK DO FABTE VOIIX. Moaljolo gtonco. Lor. MtMlarr la drallgtlgr. Addra«« ABRAMB RBUBL. Konb Balllrnhgin. Hgw. H. A. MeADAM8, Ilaiw and Tuba, «1 or). MATmirRF.Bt,WILllBRB>BHR. PA. MOST CENTRAL FUllNISHEO ROOMS, WlibboaH. MandMWeat tSdRtreet.frewrwb. Veiy O/VU^C iArraoffd (asiallK olaeS p*ru.l <0 cla.; WANTED AT ONCB. HIBH GLASS VAUDEVILLE A6TS, AI THE TEMPLE THEAIRE, CAHDEI, N. J, Addrea. QRO. W. BTIUTO.W. MANAGER AND TREASURfill, WITH 2-3,000 DOLLARS TO INVEST m FMT CLASS COMIC OPERA CO. VILL OI/AHAhrBB TIIK MONKY. air Willi and niNgfiii builntigaaad aaag.r, ADOI.FMILLKR. I.^IBlCcond Aranug. Kg» Vnk. A WOBBBB Iter Jar.ialle Lead, aad a Sn< clag. Taba Player, inagl b. a MltlH, to doabl. for .tage, Aitdraea, IIOVTO'll mu CUMKMV Cll,, Ma>a »llla, Mi,.. U ila w»>; B«tlia»r. Mo .MEK^Jft. m m TO tocAteil 00 oiie of lha raoai r>rMi) eoniera Id Iroob. Iro. irafe, latnlieorHllliardKcoma and Buallof iueya, allcumpleuaad new. l^oriiarilaitBiicall - ' OTTO IIUBKH HIIKVKHy, Biialiwlcfc Are, a mi «e aerolelH.,Brookl)s, B. T. 6ABS, PARODIES, MONOLOBUES, NKBTaiEri, ArrP.RWRCES WRinRN TO OPtDtH- Ifynowaat gnod aimni rnrapdy and up lo dateaiurr^ iBaihtfkmeeTsr. I'm uielittle goy cab glreltiojOM. KocJii«e Biaiitp. (IIUIHUK IIHIKB, *r«u Sflth nireel. He* Teik. SCENERY AT LOWEST PRICES. Bbiktiea asd MedeU lurali*i»l on appllrallnn. (JOMiHH AHILLKM, 111 r.MUi Ht, Nov Toib. PREPARED BURNT CORK MADE BY MRS. Bp. MILtR, MRDON TIIMATRX, K. Y. CITY, Uf. FKR FOI'xil IN IPi CARH: lub l-ACKEU II OHt BOX AT IT.. A FODWD. WANTED, A eOOD DUTCH OR IRIiM ALL AROUND COVBOIAN, for mad, hli.; lo-htra n-boour* aOT.aUaipa. Writ. CR MABRY/.HT.IXllR, KoJOII (thBtr gat Bolitiat;, Fa. WANTED, COHEDIIliS-EKCLOSE A ONE Dollar irlll for a BI.'KR riRB Rtotnp Bpeech. Masolegis ut Trimp Act. Twr> nf itiy acu ai Paaior'a tbu wetk. U, A BBUBBT, Mtutti Cbink, CsrUm Ce.« «