New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuaby 15 THE NEW YORK OLIPPBR. 790 ff OH B. LAWLOH'S OREAX WITT, SINGING IN THE TROLLEY CAR H. irBshilBi. author or "Cbb I Por<r.. i> uA.. . " ~ ™ ™ ™ ™ ^ ^^H^^H^^M H H H lly John H. Paob•lB^ aothor of "Cbb I FonrM," "Onlr b H.w.k.. TlIK HIT.t Pr«lor'. with "SIpBlnB In m.^Sreiuy^t^",'?.™* SJI! C. JUbi ORCHEStRATIONS NOW READYII The Greatest Song of the Year!!! JOST A " ■ w. Li. ■'^r TfiB BBd Mr," "I Wnnti b Dollr. SbiiIb CIbbi," "KlhrlttirB" (4 M*p). •«•„ Mr. OcrlraA* Man.fltiM, Ik* llllln lHiB>biili, la tSBklMf c. HhBBnoB, P»rl Ibibbb, Chaa. Clianh. aad alh«m la the Bait, W<il, Norlb and ■«Blb, piwlalm II TilR HIT of Ik* rtar. CoplH itBt m» to in .—— ^ ll\NCOfK Pira. t o., I,ill!> Ifilway, Hornn U, N, y. I'lly. By DAVE MARION. sin; nib Sons and Hake the Hit of Tcnr LIff, tliat Is what OtA HATDEN Ban- ana She Sing) It DAVE MARION & CO., Ashland Block, Chicago. Orcliesira Paris, lOc. ''Baby, Yon're a Oood TbiDg," Dave Marion's New Coon Song, Now Ready. ProfessloBal Copies on Appllcitlon. TOT^EDO, OHIO. MOST POPITLAB SUMMER RESORT IN OHIO CONDUCTED BY THE TOLEDO ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Laat fl«aHA'f tuailaeit over 700.000 p«opl«. . PRIVIIiEQRg, iBCll at "8TRBBT8 qP_CAIRO," SGA llAILWAT,"' ••SUOOT' THE'sHOOTS; ■nd any otiisr luflllmr - ■ ■- - - Onlf reipoBalble leM«eB_ abBp«. For terma addreas For LEASE OF ALI. KINDS OP ." "HAUNTED SWING," "I'llDBR 'T- "CANE RACKS," "KiaOBRHBADS," latK prlTlleBe. PoalllTcIy ad (Bmbling prlrllsKa aUowe^. maedappl}-. ^'^j^i;^"^^l*||> ■»■•» »• Pn» «« I" Ant claaa , AmaaamaBt HaBBisr, Cart ToI»d» Elaclria Birwil Baltway Co. Cifslal Dime llusee aod Me, COLTTMBUS, O.; BACKED BT 815,000, OPENS MONDAY, FEB. 17. Freako, Corlosltles, Koreltlet, IIIdsIodb, etc; also Yandeville Artists of Every Vescrlpllon, doIiiK slroop acts aultable for lady audiences. CaiiBot use aerial acts. Salary must be low. Address A. 6. FLOOD, Manager. NOTB,—Tl» balldlag rornierly occaplnl by J. H. Olbaon ha. bren laa.Ml anil remodalcd for the parpost of maalBK a metropolitan maaaam: evarythlns will b« flntclaaa, ' " FAMOUS BARITONK SA.N FRANCISCO MINSTBEI^, BOB PRICE, NOR AH, DEAR, RECEIVES 3 ENCORES NIGHTLY SINGING Th«4«oMedllltor<UO. ETcrybodr whlatlM It aHer the ah'ow. Tba woida are bvaa' llral and Uia mntio ebarmlng. No alagor'a rapertoire la complete wllhont It. No other aoDg r-an efaeck ita marreloaa march to popalarlt^. Sead atamp aad pro- gramme or card for piano copy, Orobeatratlon lOe. BABTHOIiOMJECS BRQg., Warrenton, Ho, "BIQHT IN THB PUSH." ALWAYS UP TO OATB. TEN YKARS A CIRCUS AOENT. HARRY R OVERTON, Idr. Car Mgr., Press Agt., Contractor, Gonl. Agt WlllacceptTHBATRICALENOAaEHBIITA)rbalanceoraeaaOB. llBTahaBdledmaay Bttractloaa, inclading the whole category. Roote and book aad kaow the coaatry— —nalBe to Callforala. Telegraph or write tbU Bad next week, Rew Hartlord. Cobb. . Will place dollar for dollar with worthy N, B.—Hava money. r partner for next aeaaon. BERT GILDEROY, UKSCKIPXIVE TTCNOR.. IllDStratlng songs by America's best composers, trilh stereopUcon effects, picture the work of an artist. Erery -A- T I B E K T -S" Addrea* HOTBL PRIRCETON, Blm St., Claclanatl, O. Regarda to Meyer Cohem Bam Beanett, Tom TwIgR and other rrlenda. GAIETY THEATRE, thoy, IV". "ST., Open titne In Harcli and April ferflrst class Bnrlegqno and Vaudeville Companies. JAMES HEARNE, Proprietor and Manager. THE ACT YOU HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT. DRYDEK and PAGE, THE IRISHMAN AND THE LITTLE FELLOW, * Laughing HU at Hyde & Behman's this week. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. THE MUSICAL COMEDIANS, ""Barton and Eckhoff'"" EN ROUTE WITH RICE & BARTON'S ROSE HILL CO. At Liberty, to Join Coiiibliintloii or Piny DatcH, MISS BERTHA DORIAN, QUEEN OF THE IflDAIIl, IN HER DARIMO FEATS ON THE SUTOLE IXTINO TRAPEZE AND JXTINO SAILOR PEROH. loae bat reaponalble maaagera write. Addreaa nuns BERTHA DORIAN. 78 Broadway, Kokomo.Iad. MEXT SEASON "A TWENTIETH CENTUBT ATTBACTION." X II £ '^^oo<l.-w«-rcl-'\^a.nreia. Co. . Wanted, Slaglag and Daaclng BoBbrelte, mnat bo Ant claaa, aot orar SA. In htlghl. WIU pay &p aslary fbr A woaka. In Boatherm eitlea. Woald Ilka U kear mm two A1 Oeaeml Actora. All aeod phetoe, refareacoa. ate. ll.aUV WOODWARD. TaacBliwaa, Ala. I. .1 >?^et«. that (ba abov. attnclloD will be tbe bail acllar. beat coalamad and tba bait blUad vmpuy afar la lb. laoib at popnUr price.. ~HAaiO TBICE JTTGOLING GOODS, k]£?"i^OUT Alio JUDT nODRia, BWIKOIKO CLUBII.9 (tooil B< caat<la''l.m,a rir ;M |«|.i ll.ltc HI. Wfaa. Ctidsiii«(.rJoiillB|Oooda,aaba,Taauflo<niauiilM>DeebaiiilJndrrifTiMtr>.. (WLUMLA MAOIO TUCK Mrs. CO.. ailBovair. >■ T. mmmim CIRCUS CANVASES, Polea and Stakes, SEATS, FUgi, Eto. ir^urETKlDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. 9 atws-BUD CATis, iiin, nc, nm him. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS, H!a. $iXDi Slo., $S^: SaLa., ITiO; via.. tM>: ma.. ikAl); aiD.. tlOiO; Oorjurtm»nt uu*. mitu bouod,!!: U\\t olreuR iniBki, iiJA comp>t4. niil trunks .ViSilA luid«,t9J0. LlthoiroQki,43»(taill lotldv*^- Btitr* ud iktltloo foUovon, JlJft ud IIJO. Rhlnpvd oa r*- o«lpl of $100, 1*1. 0. 0. D., tiMDl OT»r Sno nllM, ihio r*- nit whole unouai. MurIoI loauunut, Uokei ud mu- tniokR to ordor. lUtLu Bwkeu, wlUt inf. Haloi:, coMF. lUL. 9lD.. •13U; Wd., 9\U0; Ou^ Ba«- katJi inlpried oD TAMint of iTlw. HIMONft A CO.. CENTRAL TRDKf rACtORT. Eiub. sue Worth 7lh Btixt, W>IUJ«lphlt. B.B.&B. Professional Trunks. I Saoiiror N.vCat.loaa. HSFRDBIIALST., ALLKQIIBNT. Pa. NO EXTRA CHARQE FOR HEAT. STEAM HEAT IN EVERY ROOM. CIBSON HOUSE, CINCINNATI, OHIO, rint CUM Amorleu PUo Hol«l. RalOK. (lOD tn Aid) Mr dny N<)t*J for th« «Kc«lleoe« of lu culilao. lomWi kiihili DO* w]i>*reor llir«« llni cLuutliffttraii. Mr. John O'Dnootll. lormerljr Iimi) waIi«t at the Humitl IIoubv, cow chtriv ori£« dlolOE roooi In tliln hol«l. II. P. UUNBAB. Frenideni and M>p>R>r. SPICER BROS. Bml wont«d tlKhUk. radncod Ui|ft.(Dp«r ••I: ffood qa&llij, ILQO; |>ar Ml;c4>tu>ii, p«r Mt, In uny e«lnr; In bUck. plok. po.w ^vi nvB^ lu wv# hwt aa va«va. |>.ub, «hl[a Ud DkTfblue. r«d, tkj blu«, Ufea- dar,ffT«en uo vloe Rllk tlvhu, 116.00 perMt:FmDiiultft,iT.UJ tw •U.OU; Hnako •all*. tlOAnTu IV.I0; run)|>«.Sclii.:nftl< r»ra,$|.d[). 6«nd for ca*.Al<<||u»u)d wnr P'.nt or lichu. BMllmtlei by mill. 1>a P^Blt r«q>ilr<d. BflURR BROS.. tSO B>enfT»»o Atb.. Hrooklyo. ». T. ATIAMTA, GA., IMPERIAL THEATRE S«Blliis capacity, 1,100a Will rent or •hart*. Centnlly IockImI., elc. I<llieral iDtlacemento to right pBrty for t«ru of 7«»n. Addms W. D. uniTII, 34 DMKlar Btrceli TRICKS IN AlAiJIG, ILLUMS and MENTAL PHMENi K.> elTacu la IIIikI Rwllar. BII.Dt BMonI Klahl, Thonghl Tian.rennca and BIXTr OTnKR KFrKiTH. ProreMloD.!. U7 It U a duidf. Remit 2fl (or thi. .Dd molt orlaloal Magical C:al'a-l0|r er.r IuumI. Ball.- racllon tn.talllMd. 0UA8. L. BORLINOAaB « CO., Bo. Ml. CMcano. III. TO RENT FOR THE SEASON OF 1896, LAUREL HILL PARK, SCBANXOIV, FA.. On thrt llotorflirMC RaIIvkti. cod k pnpiilttlOQ ottXtSXfi triibin & raJloH of ten lalli*. N«w ravlllon Operft Uou*4. Willi Ncatrr ftml pariidiamRllR. Aniphlitrtiin, with HMtlofi CAi«cll7lorll,(Ultol0.(O)Mopl«, ftod lArk ol t'oorrtcra . In*pictl"0 Invited AdJr^M all cvm- mnolcAllMiR tn.TOIIN BENOHB. Tfu»l»». flcraplOB. Ta. OUR '*BLUE BOOK" CootAioa MTeTmltliouund llluilntlooROf Dluiood J':w. Birr—4ioftlot and ttflUh-OoM Jawilrr, Watch**, Bt«r- IloRRIlrar NotqIiIh, Urabrellaa. Oaaea, Rich Uutaiuu war*. Clock*—tvirythlaMlliat Is Deeded Avarr da; lo tlie rear. rh*niah«ip of tMiworh of art la oiIrIoiI, CDtn- piei, baodf to aanr In Uii haod, coat pocket or laichol— chock rail of the cholc«*t llieraiure. Price* u* abw- lurelr the lowett ctiaalaiAOt wllh <iu*lllr. Read four ouiieaoiltitdmuror a cnnjr and pleaae meailoD "CLIP' PER." OSKAir, NOLTIKO * CO.. Manmoth Jeweler* or America. Vln# Ht. Cor, fltii. MlnclDQati. 0- JALDWIN BROS. Ludlnfl Amnauli ol Um Werid. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ABE now OPEN ran brason or ». _ AIM najiaraatarara of all kloda of BalJoeaa (Uaa or Hoi Air). Bud for price Il.t to BAUWIH BBOB.. f ■ 0. Bol III. Qulpar. UK 0. a A. CONQUEHINQ THE WORLD. Knw en roale llirbuili Karop*. WILL B. WOOD, PanouaPrectidlBltaioraod Veotrll- oqulit, and eoiitpaojr uf flnl claae arthU (II people), headed br ble Qraat BeafailDD,the aceooipllahed bAiva. tiiei/apv wiiopliiw. TUB LAROR8T AND riNEBT ABIIORIIE.VT Or Ladles' Street and Evening Dresses ATONBQDARTBIITIIBIR URAL VALUE. MRU BUCII. NAN. ZN Wa.t Sd aUML OMT 7lh AT.nii. N.w irorb. . / Miglcil Appiritii, Trlckt, illations. Etc. B*w, lullr lllueuated txwk caia- loffue,«vf rrihlnc up to dale, lAcU Parlor tricka rauio«ue frea. HARilNKA ACO., Wiith AToau*. New Vork. MRS. L. SCHEUER. rroletaiooale dealrlof to pnrefaaae EVBHIMI or HTREBTDHEIAE0 cu fl&d aver/ EUaant A»f>nD«Dl ortbeCboieemOarmeataat VerrLow prices. Orar SO Qeau' PuU Dreta Sulu ror file cheep. W-WflOlfTH rf.. PhiUdelpibla, Fa. Circus Canvasosi Tnti If All DiicrlptlNi Hwrictarid. M. BU1INBLT. M Boat. Blf«.u »»» Tarb ylly. SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTIN6S. JOHIf IIKRPVHTH. WTODJn tU ut6 to W. Tw*irih llifM>t, ripfiBBBti WATCHES, JEWERY AND SILVERWARL BOITABIJ rck ■EDICm, ETA; OIPT roCA nlaj timled ca1alo«ehi&^ nuiinr 1 oaui. utnL kV-ib n. I 1 (Whisper!) The Soubrettee Say —that i.s, tlu: wise ones—th.nt good printinj,' lias half to do with gcttinjr good engagements. Arc any of you actdrs over looking lliis fact ? Oiir stationery, designing and printing satisfies in price and (luality. Chicago Photo Eng. Go./rtv""Chicago 1; ENCYCLQPEDJA'f COMEDY, J.MELVILLE JANSQN (00>£E3T>IAN.) von |'R()PI-:!tM(mAI. KNrRllTAINKRH AND AU. Wlin AHR IS HRAnCIUir WIT AND IIUUOR. KOTICR-Homellilnfl new In a lllerary wi^r. b.iInK Die Uai <il all Uie rnnnj ihlnRi lu author haa run eomu Id alirit derntrit lo lauiliivr tnakinK It la nnt *lrani*. thereforv, Uiet lliereU alaeiih In ever/ paracraph. A book lo lii>lp lirlihifn imr Drreklnaa wrll a< lia iiRrniln«ie lit the mem- t>«r> or all Order*. Httrlela, Hamiuola. Clmrch Rnlvilalnnimiu. frlvaie ThMtrkaU. ric Kn lutiif, ilreery alulT, but •ler/llilDi Klmrt, crNp ami Uf the mIdI. The entorulnnr maj rrnilrucl Iniut Uio iiialprleUieTe riiioUli«d.aQ aln(4t uallmKedcombtaallnn or wit and nnnmraiillablaror nmr)- mxaelnn. <|1'4kTAT|0:%l IPHOM NOTRI) NTAURI , / MR rRAN0IRfflI.flQN-**T1iaii*eluTne'«i7yftur >KHik| MR. NAT (MHillWIN-'It !■ a wmk ronlalolnf niKh nnnuealloDOd. There Is varUlr nf malerlal eoouih ■■• merit, aud ftliiiiUlhtl sliuiild >■» eotiihlantr." ai(H9k uveral inlaaira) aod larce cnmrdy roDti«nl»a." 1 lUilieat t*«tlni)nU?B r«calre<l rmm ALt> ibe oni*i| pArroniinr'. Prist*! in lari« ivi'*, liatiilinnielr UtuotI In col- or«. NoadTeitlietiiiinu In it A referenni imk for ri>iir hbrarr. H«o%'nall i>ariii or iiiit I). R. and Hrltlah IhimalBs on rfcmiil of price. 1360. AddrM* J. MKI.VIT.LK JANBOH. Aalhor and Publlalier. l.llM Wahinl Hi., fhllulelfihla, Pa IDon't Forget ^THE EDISORS^ WHEN YOU WANT A SUPERB MUSICAL ACT. Addreaa AORIfTN, or inu WRST PirTIKTil BTHKRT, NRW VORK CITV. The llanlpulitor. j Tlia Iflmtator. The Unlqoe. I THE |TlieTrllhyju{glr. j The Eccentric Juggler. I The Trinii Juggler. XHK XRIOKIitXKH AND WOMmCR WORKIiJR. rial Hal FfOple wilt talk alHiutme: I cao'l bnlfi il. I oarrr Pi*e Tlmuaaoi) Didlara* worth iirran|rtMnial(& I Ro aniuDd tbreiiin ilie dar and Kalli'r up boille', et'i-ha. baire) riooita, hiiree»hnea, rmltiere. wevoD wbe«te, old eolTro pot*, cliar boiaaanil paiU wiirifiuLbotinms. etc.. aitil Jnai bvMuae i cliania mr *ct everj nlini ili«r aey tlul I am deffry. Even Uia iii«mbera or the cu. rrowd Id llie anlianois when I era ditlDi my liirn. aod thai nniark aiMl ur: "WlialU lhatOraij Ja|«ltr Kolna tnd<t looUhlt" ilundr^U and tbnuaande coma every nl|bl to MThf OraBiy Jugaler. The/ ro niriaiiahlni afler the eliow and say: ' What runnjaod (|ue«r Ihinf a ihe Uoly Jalvrndoeal" Ra- ■arda lo AlbertI aod all rrlendl. Haaiiontlblt* manHK^ra mklnf tnr aReaMtlonal Miilli and Mjalary Niiraity vtU do well frarereihla art ror aeavina nr IK4-7. Pernianent addreM two or CM PPKR SECOND SBABON WITH R. A P. MIMitTllKM. THB OHU\ JALVAN* Grand Opera Souse, B O S T O IV, FlltSr CLASS D11AM4TIC and VAIJDIIVILLK A11TI8T8 (Vone bat the v«r|r ht»t neod eapply, AAdroai OHAB. P. ELLIOTT. BUiuit QrmnA Opr* Hooia, Bo»toB. Mmu. ANIMALS Will asll at a Saorlfloa, HONKBYB, ALIiiaATOBB, BLAOK BBAB, OIV- BTB, hlSX, Eto. AlBO a quantity of BtTPBRIOR SANITARY OAOBB IN UXOBLLFNT CONSITIOR. Addraaa XONY MMITH, IfT't Foiirtli A.v<».. Now Yorit Olty. .JUST r»XTBr^T«iiii:i>. "PLEASANT DREAMS OF CHILDHOOD," ITRICU. HAL.L.. Price no canta. AfBBleara 49 caBta. PreraaeloasBla fraa (I'laaae aaflri prearamme arcaril). UKO, WILLIU * CO.. Mann Publlabera, llaillmoae, Nd. LA MONT FAMILY. TWO GENTLEMEN. ONE LADY. Eicapllenallr clever aen>ba<e, Weak or Feb. Ill, KRITII'R l;.VIO.N BliUAIlB. Ad- draaa UBO. LIHAH. 1U« K, Itlh it.,or I.A SKINT VAMII.V. rartt ofCLIPl'KIU AUDITORIUM THEATRE, TOLEDO, OHIO. All Brtlite holdlBg csBlraeUBt the aboaa Ibeatra for the areaka ol P.It. IT, Peb. Ki, narah 'A mmd liarcb V, are nerabjr CBBcaIrd, Ba I plajr cotahlDBIInB.. airapl Ihe fbU lawlng acia arbUh I bare arraagad lo alraaHtliaB varlnaa caiBblBBflon*. Tbemaa B. Ulf BB, Jaaepb ilardiaan. Law Uaadall, far aaaak ol feb. ilt, rnnr acia hold aood. Ail othara ara caacelad. PIIANK OtinT, naaaiiar. A HOWLING SUCCESS. THE GREATEST HIT YET. "LZTTLS DT7CA2jT/' Tba Uraatect Robe aod (ImroB since ih« ranona'-Uaiay fUlL" Rao« hy all kadlot siaga Taiorliee, and wbtiilsdbr •Teryooa ea leavlflg ihaalre. Jut out aod bruid aew. Prof, cop, 10 cu Ureh. paruiOcu. aatra. ^. . lEA MOOtt OOUHLU, iC^OiSwis AT», fcoofctfn, W. r WlUUsebtoprotCrcalOtol