New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1893. Copyright, tmt b7 Tt. rnnk Quwn PahltolUiig Oonpu^ (limiwi. NKW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1896. wmmx roi tbi vit touii curran, BT HARK MEBBDITII The dniDK of * Nktlon'a life, Willi all IIS scram ot pe*c« tod siiire, Wlib all lu beioes, bath oo name Emblaconed on ibe aeroll ot Fame Like bis wboae na'al daj we keep Wlib leTerence, affeotlon deep; And Fnedom's glow, mm sire to aon, llaloe tbe name o( Woehlnglon I Ab I how tbe sunea befoie as glide I Tne tbeatre ao vaat, so wide, When the embattled pairioia maad For Ubertj, sspremeir Rmnd I From Leilagton and Ooacord'i Held, What bmretr >h*t wosid not jleld I From Valler Forge till all was won. What gloiT manlles Wasblegton I To as the lesson Kmnd, aabllme, Oal-llring all the wreck ot lime! TO as who linger tbrongb tbln ate A proad and glorloas herlisgo I Tbo central Bgnre, 'lonnd which tbrong All noble deeds ot trinmpta song. All that la tme and noM; won— Oar honoied hero, Waahlnglon i Tbe cartaln ot tbe jeftis slisll (all. And dark OMIvlon'a drearj phll Sball bide the deeds ot tjntnla great. And natloDS wai and wane, and Fsie Sball laj IIS band on tames ibatahlne- Tbe coDstellstlons ot car time: Bat Freedom's elation still rings ou Oae nams—lomonal Wasblnftoa t THE G OLDEN SNAKE. wHiiTSK roaroK nbv tobk clipkr. BT HATTIR M. YEDNEa [COSOLDDBDI 8lionl7 Btler the airlTal ot lllllo Doctor Fletto on ibli erenUul nigbt old Rob, wbOK oidlnai; cas' torn It was to barricade bis door end pot hlmselt igto a Dtate ot siege at nightfall, baring ihls bight neglected ibose nsoal precaoUoos, went oat to the rosdwa^ and listened impaUenUy, as it expecting ihe amnl ot aome one. Be waited with maoT iiiaUaed objargallona and giowla (or (oil; ten min utes, and iben his quick ear caoght the sound ot a (oolatep approaching llgbtl/ and quIcUr upon the (roun ground. The tall maUed Dgore of a man approached and pansod at his side. "Is It yon, Bobf the new comer whispered. "Ves, I'm here walUng for Tou,Has(eraideoD," replied the porter In a tone that betokenod be was not displeased by hia Tlaltor'a coming. "Why did you send tor me, Ilobr" tbe latter asked. "This may dlspIeaEe your mlstitas, (or yon know I am torbtddeo the bouse." "Bsh I Hy mlatnss I" said ihe old mas, as be led him thnngh the gateway and some distance ap ibegraveled path, cat ot earshot ot bis garrtsoo, ibe discharged atrvanta who bad taken tetuge In lbs lodge. "Bhels'at tbe one to be pleased now. She Isn't seen any more—she's nobody here. It's tbe nurse, that pneaklng rascal Qoniy, who con. trills her ani the whole bonse. He's the one to be pleased now." "Von amau meP' exclaimed Qldrrn; "but yon know I would not dare to hiteitere —" "See here," broke In Rob, as It out nt patience, and nnaUe to hold back any longer ronie grtef' aoc« wblob he was aimggllng to conceal; "Jfaater OUeon, It's yon who have bmnght all this sorrow on the AMogdons, and put this ourse on tbe mis- tress ot the bousa." '■It Wby, yon ate mad, Rob. How could I—" pnusledQIdeon. "DIdn'tyonglreber an opal In tbe head of a golden anaket" asked the old man. "Yes, but how did you know," ssld the other Is great sniprlse. The porter did not glre a direct answer, but went ooearacetly: "Opala are a cuiae to this family, and when you gave one to tbe wife at Paul AMogdon yoa brought down mlstortnoe on bim, on bis wife, ooalltbehonaebald." "A silly anpenilllon," broke In Ibe rlsltoi; "bat II It be true, how can I (cmedjr Itt" "Ake back your gl(t—orgs her to give It up," nid Rob, with eager enibuslasm. "That's wby I ■em for yon lonlgbt—to tell you Ihls, and beg you <o giatlty my supersllUon by nmorlug this fatal Jewel. Yon can see bor, perhaps, Uiroogta some scheme we can bit on by potting our beads to- lether, and —" Tbsy bad walked np the pathway tor bait Ita length, where Ihe grove ended at tbeclearedmouod like lawn lhat Runonnded ibe hense. The old man iirokeolfeaddeslyln hia enthutetto speech, and, poUiilngoQtahead wlib irembllngband: "look I" aald be. '-Whal does that meanr' Qldeoo looked aa directed. A lamp was glowing brightly In one ot tbe windows of a room on tbe ground floor. The younger man gave a start ot Tlolent sorpilae. "It la a algnal agreed upon between ns," lald be. In a stale ot growing sxcltemenL "She lain trouble or danger and anmmona me to her aid. For no other leason could that signal be dlsplsyed so boldly." "Oo to bsr tbsn, at oncel" urged old Rob, "and I wui remab) within call." Tbsy bunled forward and hastened with careful step* along the broad plana to the window when Ihe lighted lamp alood. A glaoca withio ahowed ibem Hn. AMagdon croncbUiff helpleaaly In an arm obair, and the nnrae attnding beton her with a til- nmptaant maer on his face. The window gare way to Gideon's touch, and be entered. The man and woman both looked towarda bIm. "I am an gitd yon hare come," whispered Von, ** he approached her. Using and selsbig his aim with tbe clutch of a drowning peiaon. "And I, too," aald Heuy. "I'm weny glad." He gave the new oomor a Btcanic amlrk, and, (oUvtoihe window, tailored tbe lamp and re- leaad the thick curtains, which fell In beafy folds, akstaagontalloailoai lupecUon. Then, a<1di««- (VOLUME XUII.-N0. 91 I PriM 10 CmH, logOldeon, be went on: "I'm truly 'spny to 'are yon In our mtle pany, tor «o must 'arc a lltue business talk, and ibis, I ibink, la aa good a Ume tor It as any bother." "Explsln Ihls, Cora," aalil young ItydermwD. with lhe,bot blood mounilng lo hie brain; but. re- membering Into whose b-iusn lie had Iniriided, and how dliusictui his presence would be In iia Invalid Blaster, be spoke In whiepcis, and bUd a Orm rein on bis Oerce lodlguallon. Tbe nurse had coiinlcd on this adranlage and smllfd In grilllled maliceai bo continued: "This 'ere gent don't like my lone o( auiboilty 'ere, I snppose. Well, now, my dno led, yon Just llstenand maybe you'll he tbe 'iimlilest o( the 'ole back, from the (orco ot vblcb be pinnged headlong Into Ibo anna ot Qldeon, who proiiiplly aeluil bliii liy tbe throat and choked blni unill he begged Ihal lil.« IKe might be spared. "Yonll pay for Ihls, yon and jnur robber frtenil. ths porter, who hss stolen my property," gasixil Ibe nurjc. "I'll beirey you both. You can't buj mo boir (or no money, I'll send you both lo Ihe gsllowa-ibat'swliat I'll do." He arose frnm Ibe cHalr Into which he bad rank, and alnral awnjlni: unestlly, wlib a wild slare In bis bloodshot eyes, ana a greenish iiallor slowly spreading over his face. Oora and nideon gaiied at bIm In speecbleas horror as bo went on mumbling iDcobereolly. A tool tall and a slight cough behind Iheni caused Tbe nnnio sroeo from bis chair at Ibis point, shrinking allemalfly cnnra and prayers, "(.■an nniblni bo done, doclort'' asktil Con, bor- rlOcdal Ihe sight, "Noihlng," nplleil Itelra, coolly. "Ths Uorglaa wi'io Ino clever tor us." "AirI Alrl"acicamni Ihe iloomod man, lushing at ibo ciinalnol wliiilnw, ilashlng ibmugh iho closed sash, aud falllbg prone wlihoul In Ibe mldet of lloii Jones' lairlion ot diecbariitd lervania, whom bo had iiu,lo hold lo summon to Ibo houso, Tbo old pntirr knelt hcelilo ibo poor wrtlob, but ho wa^drad. as Iho doctor declared when bo had coolly examined hiro. Addreeslngnidooa andrelncianilykndi'ilnghlm lot when I leu you Into tbe secret of 'ow you're got younelt Into the preclona pickle that gives me the hupper 'and hover you and th« 'ole family." Tbe sneaking nures paused to wave off the rldtor with a deprecatoiy gealnte, tor nideou was adran- cbig wlib a tbroalening alr- Yoa'd better Usieu to me, and drop your vio- lence," said the menial, who momeniartly turned very pale, and awayed as It ho were growlOK very dizsy. Oon caught Ibo yonng man's arm and de- tained him. lleniT, thus reassured, recovered his slrengtb and counge and conllnued: Listen now, and no ouilln' up rough. You two 'as a code of slRuabi, and meolln** on Ihe sly. You makea 'er presents, loo, lo keep yonraaK In >er mind while 'er 'osband In a-dyin'. And better than thai, you grows Impatient and prasenU 'er a ring which Is msglc, wblcb kills dogn by the llevll lleye, and might 'urry a sick 'unhand on the eame way to ilie 'ereatler." Gideon tiled to tree blmaolf, but wan calmed with dinionlly by Oora. The blackmailer spoke In a Iremulona voice, and was growing very psie. Yon can't do no good by klckln' np a tarn, now, sir, and you might as well give In drat as laai," he peralsted. "1 'ave 'ere tbis lllUe ysUow wrlUn* which, 'avin 'ad Iranslaled Into llengllib, I'm sure Ij worth 'avio', if It aint beanllful. Now what I wants to tnov la, what you're wUlIn' to pay It I promise not m show It to them as woulil mske troubls for bot<' of yon." FaytFajrt Kotonecent,you blackmailingtbiet. Iieium that pn iierty to me, or 111 stnngls ibe cur's Ills out ot year exclaimed Oldeon beside hlmstlf with fury and i-.- iservlgg hIa gnsrdsd lone wlib the greatest dioionl'/. He broke sway from ihe re- slialning gr*«|i ot the Umid womsD, and darted ■awards Uenry, who gave a cry and backed awsy 10 tbe cntiaUied window, boldlu tbe parchment scmp above hla head In tear that bis punoer iblght seize II- Aa be backed sgalost lbs thick cntlaln, a hand appeared from among the tdda and siutcbed the vrrlilDg. Tbe band disappeared, and before Banry oonid recover from Us nirprlse tbe cartsln wia vIolenUy agtlaled and tbe none felt Uis blow' of a poweiTol Bat administered bi the middle of hla Ihemloluroand liehdd ibo dgnte ot Ibe dapper 'Doctor llein advancing'Into the room with due coolness aud decorom. He saluted Ihe company gravely; then hla oyea fellion Ueory. "Ah I" said be, "I wsa looking for ynu. You should have been ihere." Ue pointed towards iho Invalid's pavilion. "Uy husband I" oxclalmed Core. "At peace. Uead, madam. A shock did II, aal mid It would—tbe cry coining (roD that fellow'a Ilpa when, 1 snppoae, you taxed hlin wlib dishon- eaiy," replied tbe Doctor, pronouncing tbe dread- (ul worda which, on any other Ilpa vonid be lerrl- (ylug, but, coming lo bis lOft Italian accents, were einolllent, soothing, cooiollng. "And Ihls rogue neglected him while pnwihig about Ibe house for cuHoa, I suppose." rielro'seye fell on lUe ring glltieilngnn the nurse's floger, and approached blm closely. "Ah I llere'a lbs vsry Jswel sutbenllcaKd liy Ihe ptrchmeiit I refused lo Innslale for blm. A Borgia ting loaded with deadly poison—a Jewel gnaianleed aa having belonged lo that celebraisd family. Vouis, I suppose, sir, stolsn from you I" ne drew It oir the Onger of Ihe nurse, who made no resliiBnce, and addRBSod blsi|uesUOD lo Oldoon, who nodded In reply. "A Ircsfluro." said ibo doctor; ''priceless Indeed. I knew he had alolen tbe ring aa well aa Mie parch- ment, but be denied II." Henry bad been vainly Irying lo speak, but now a loud, hoarse cry burst from his swollen Ilpa. Thi- doclor, draws from bli coniemplsllon of ihc cnilous gtm hy Ihls cry, but silll onnjflled, and preservlug bis doe measure or decorum, exam- ined elOHly Ibe aeralcbes on Ibe nan's bauda and ltd. "Well, well, well," said be, "Ibls polaon baa pre- served IIS virulence all Ihene ycara Now, my man, didn't I tell yuu liijl ring waa a dangerous object to banlleT And alter all you've gone and scrslchrd yourself wlih II, and from tbe symptona —" He itanggcd bis abouldem. and, turning lovaida Cora and Uldcon,-Terrible people thoas Borgia^." said be. Hn held np the ring, eumltlogll cnil eally,and wllb evident appreclailon of liaqnalnl, anlaUe wo manablp. Iho ring, llclM raid: "Your properly, sir. Ttko II qulr.kly, or I tuay Mcielly flip II Into my pockeL" Cora restrained ibo hand lhat Hyderirruoin would have extended lo lahn li. "It le yoare,"fald (lldeoii. "You will sell III'* asked Ihe Doclor J^iyoiialy. "I idvc II. Take It away; I dread audi a danger- on> curtoslly. Yun see what It bai aliraily done," replied llldoou- "I accept II, thou," said llelro. coolly pockcling II; "for. as I told Ibal (ellow Henry, II la dangoroua In hands ibnl aro noi expert." "And here'a ibc parobmont scrap Itai goes Willi I—lake It all." lald old Roii, peering InUi tlis window and bandlnx blm Ibe llallan writing. 'Tliatendalliu Klgn of Iho gulden >nake, himI io- mnrrow Iho cnrao of the opal will be laken oir lha bouso." And HO II wa^. llrlgbler daya carao In Iho courso of passing yearn, nil even Cora, ssciiie In tho love ot llldron Itydorvrooin. could boaal with him that Ihe orii spell ihai bsd fallen on ihom In Hjelr youth bed been nbaken oft when Ihe golden snake, Ibal hid coino lo blm ID bin berllage, had been cast out odhclrlKe. TIIS KHII. HIS Q UEER PRAYER, Alleorgia exchange nays lliatata prayer mcellog held In a new churcb over In Bolts Uounly a good man preyed thus: "O Lord, Tbou knoweal that we are Ibankful lo Thee that our souls sre sals from 'he lire lhat iiuencheth neb It a man lo o lili boras, Thoo knowest that hs can Imy aLnll;er; U be lose bis house, TboQ knowest that bo can imlM another; If he lose hbi wife, Tboo knoweal that b« can get an olher; but If he iooe hla aoui—good hyc, John,'*- Allanla UnmUutkm. LOVE'S LAST RE QUEST, BT MAWn Amtr IIOLB Ha BATin. The parting waa neatlng. They ilno4l In Ihe glonai nt their Ihoughu ami the lamp humlsg dimly; Weirt fhsdoivs were niltorlugabont ihe greatrooni, naylng tanoltnl Irloba wllh thrlr yoiilh ami ibeir Uoorn, Ami a sulue of (ale smiling grimly. Ho spoke, and his voice sermrd lo come from afar, •Twaa ao ahaken and lllled wllh omoikin; "I know you'll he Iron an Ibo buoy lo llie liar, Aa the needle lhat oonitanily inriia to ibe star, Aa tho lido lo her lover, Iho ocean," "But one thing I'll mention; (or nobody knnirs, How fair and bow pUiuiiiio will be Toe tempter. I pmy that ynu never will pnae In a Ubieau far freoblra, or high, bony noao. Or the great 'allogelher' of Trilhy." "You Bsri no anceslry,"sald Hr.BInu 'ud lo Chollle Noo, who wished lo marry Hlas BlueUnd, "Yon are a nso ot no family," "That's wby I wiab to marif," aald Cbollle. "I wlab toalarta fainUy,"-nic*. ANGELA MoCAULL la a daughter of the late Col. John A, MoCMull, Iho wall known Improaaailo, She waa l<irn In lUoh- iirairt, Va.,ln HJI, and will In Harah next oomplele her ninaleenlh year. She made her profeaalnnal debut wllh tho Hanola-Haaon t>),. In l^xlngton, Ky., In Iho Springer ihm. Tbe following season, 1SM4), she wsn a msmber ot niobaiil Mansfield's Oo„ and aerved an appranlloeahip aa an aclreaa pUyIng malda. Thla aeaaoii alio won seleeleil by David BelaaQ) for Ibo rdo ot Nannie, In "The Hoart of Maryland," This la Ihe nnt rote wblob Hlsa MotMull hss orosied, and Ibe anccenobohss won therein Is greaUy lo her credit. 8bo baa addnl Inlsraat to Ibe n-le even iwyondihal oonferevd upon It by the author. Tho pUy baa enjoyed at Ihe llfiakl Hiiusre Thealm, this oily, ■ very lengthy run, liflng now In lUi elghieenlh week, and Hlas MnUiull'ssprlghllyand IntelligentpetformaniM baa won (or her ths hearty approval o( all. She has lieen ronngsged tor Iho aanio relo for next aoaaon, when ilie play will bo aeen upon thu mart, and It la safe lo aay lhat the many who win give her kindly greeting aa the ilaugliler o( llieir departed friend will add many plaudlU for her own aake, a^ they (all under; Ihe kpell o( her iiharinlag persunallty. Til her nalumi ability Miss McUaiill hss adilod earn- neat altlving, and, she doserveeaiicceva. JAP ANESE T EA. Tbe tea ezp(ino<l from Japan tii the l.'iilted Wales slono bi cKllmatod at forty uillllon pnniida every year, which fomianno-balf llio leaoooMimeal In Ihls republic. Thiiiigh tea Is now regarded aw one o( tbe two mail Important arllolea In (onlgii trade, yet neither lla prodnoUiin nor Im buile wan known lo the Japaneae iinUl A. I>. WM. Its oilglii la nnt exaoUy known lo ua, but moat likely, aa Is believed. It was flnt found In Indbt and afterwarrta oxienilvely oulllvaled In China, Then Is a aaered atiiiy told alwut Ibo origin of ths tea plant. lhiruinah,afgroat Buddblsl lalnt of India In the sixth century, the founder of the 7,en sect and one who la aald to bavo spent nine yean In silent iiiodltelinn, slept soundly ime night, Inlng overcome by menial nedllailon- 8o great waa the mini's auger when he awoke that he out oft bis lazy eyelids and flung them on the ground. Kaiih lid waa auddenly tranaformed Into a plant, whloli we now call the lea planl. Whatever tlie origin of Ui« plantmay have lieen, lea had l>een Ibo favoilte beverage or the lliiddblsta ot Ihe Aalallo continent long liefon It came Inbi dally use among Ibe cnmiiiuu people. It may be reawnably auppoaed that lea waa used hy the Uuddblibi lu a medicinal way In keep them from (ailing asleep iliirlnglliBlrnildiilghtdsvoUiins, It wsa Orel Introduced Into Japes from Ubina by a oalslinied Japannao lliiddlilst nini, known as lleagla, llin real teaolicr; then, at tbe olime of tho twelfth century, by anoiber Uuddlilst, who had rauimed from inilna,-J, Kumi'KI Matuboto, in Jutu UpiAmiU'ii, AN AC CEPTED JOKE. Hn knelt at her feel deolarlng lili paaalimala love. For nioniha be hsd anllcl|iaicil IIiIh luoiiieni wllh conOdence, but now, aa ha gaxed Inin her garells- llke eyea, tbelr diaiant famen oblilod his verv aoul. True, ton Inie, liad l>een ths lauuls and aneeni of bbi cuiiipanluiial lluw oould be, poor, unknown, and wlihoul even Uie time honored "pnspeola" that lielonir to all pennlleaiaulioni, ever expect In win Ibo hand ot Iblaaoconipllsliod lielreea, l^llBllne Van Reinlinndt (Vinid II lie as tbsy had oild r That aba but drew hlin on lo order to revel In Ilia death throea of hla tortured Invsr Nay, by Heaven, It ahould uol be Untabiyi abs was sbout to apeak, Wllhsstfsce and elluchsd hamla ha awalled tab doom, "llr-iiulller,"tbe silvery ancesu «r bar dulcet loon sirock sirengely oo his esr, "ynu speak lo me of love. Know you nnt that luvo Isbuta gsmsol clisncs T" A msislllu gleam glltbirsd In bbi sleel gray eyes aa be made his laU stand. Without a second's bssl- lallon be replied, wlib strange smpbatis: "|4 It irns, my darting, but with you aa Ibe aUke itlsagameutKalr-o," A auapense of but a lireatb and then, aa be wrapped bar In his manly ami*, Iba otliineaa of Ibe nlibl heard him iiiormnr, "And I'm a aure winner 00 Ihe i|iiaenr" Three boon later, aa he deacended the marble slepa ot her palatial boms and lurned toward bla hnnblegamt, be Buttered: "Asd to thtak lhat I sent that Joke lo Iwenly-tbree dllferent papen, and would have sold It (or Miy centsi"—mifA. ALTOGET HER TOO HONEST, iloriL Cuix Tliat lawyer Hopping wllb ua Is tbe moat honest inan I ever heard o(, MBbuwh—Whyr Oioi.-He alU up In a chair sad Bleeps at nIgbt. UNBUtBD.-Wbara lhat got lo do wllh lit VLBIB.—He says after bbi day's work U over be doesn't Iblak he ougbt to Me .In bed.-fMro« /Yes