New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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806 THE ISTEIW YOBK CLIPPER^ FBBBTJABY 22, World ^Players — Notes •1X1 Hosier from iheOtlnne Oomn); Co.: Wa t»-n Utcl/ aMeit mvenl new people to oar compADj, ftod bftTO just oloflcd A deil wberetiy wo ■ecnr, tbe gerrlcra nr the Impertal Btoi at Or- clieMi»,wli1eli will ntko Ihlii tbo uroniieA lepor- toiT coiDp*Dj Id tlie ytt»u Un Ita. 37 tbe imtiaie- neiit leideted Mr. sod Hi*. Utldwcll a l>uqnot at Uie Moildlkn Uoul, In Colnmlxiii, Neli. Ii ww od« ot the dnetl Moquels rver Mr^'ert b; boat Piddnck, iDd WM tboroujibl; cnjored \ij tbo«e pieMDt. Tne foUowlsg II» complcto roiuroC Iho cnnpinr: 0. A. 0•lnm^ pnprtetnr (ikI muaffer; Wm. Itlcbr, til' Ttftlilai RiKDt; cntnilo Wuter, cnntiscilnit ■nil preM HCOl; w. 0*rl OiMwoll, nitgn imDtier; KmDU Muncr, I/ilbt Ckldwell, Dltnche Hajmour (M- tionit, Kdllb l.»ll, IL A. (Mlionie, 1). Ilolcnroh, Will Ooi, OeiM woirell, llonrd Huoni, Hn.O.A. Oflbome, frciBuror: the lopeiltl lUnd and Orcbe*- in »ta HiMer I.Tle. W« are liieaklfig no recordii, hot Medoliig Ttrr well. — Xolta aod roaier (it nraca'a OomNllani: We open nor leaaoa Maroli 2), In rrpertorj, Mniat KiitT lUjroond. We will catrT a Mj Und of twelve plecoe, which will lie reaiareil In paradea, ai the menbon of the iNiod will lie drtMed in bloom' en ud beaded lij Ulai llajniond on hnminck. We are bookMl ihrongli Ililnola, Inillani, Kentnckj and TemeMee. Iloaier: fame* Ii. Qrtce, proprietor and niaBaier; W. U. IfcNeal, boaloeai tnansRcr; I<oiila HMliteni, Htaito PKDKgcr; Frank Wllllamii, pnpeit; man; lien IL liawmn, Kameet fkilinllz, Obarlts Hmllb, Kinr Harmond, Jnole nowlmaD, Ooma Jmupand Ida Varlaod. -The llaiileUie* jQvenllo Hlnaircl Tmnpetliat waa prominent In the recent litnellt of iheTTira- irtcal Meclianlca' Anaoclailon nt the Walnut HIreet TDeatre, rhiladelptila, r*.. In rant mniliii Into nopuUrllT In the ((iialier Llty. — Hoeter or lUwhina' Uerrj (X: Ionian Haw- kina, Otarloiio llcrlnnil, Itnj Hex. Ollliett Oalo, Kilward Bointon and K. Frank lUwklna — Fradotict Honiaano oIim«iI wIiIi ilie I'nlirMif I- lev Oo. It HI. t/ouin, Mo., and Jnlnnl MncHii i. vtr la't '"The Dernulier" Co. at Kanun Oil;, Do., Pel). 10. — Niilu tnm ilie Krial A Kanaliawe Co.: Wo are nowtoailDir Indiana and Dliln, playing to pood bnal- nesa. Kred Kllnworib and Olara llaunKir Joined Keli, 1. Trie conipanT la liiinr rclioanlDR Hr. Kanatiawe'M ne* piBT, "A lied K<c|inaiil," a coinMly dranm, anil • roTlTal or "Agalnm tlio Foe" lloeler: Froat & Fanihave, proprlebim and maonKm; A. I>. Fan- abawe, itage illrcctor; otiaa. HcUnilli, Fred Klla- worth, RolH-rl llarrla, Cliire Kcnwiml, Uuiicl Froit. Flora Pmal, Olara llHUiiier, bid. FomaUrr, planUt; V. II. Knat, general manager, — Geurffe tlallahnrj. who waa ironilned to bla room at Bangor, He., Iij lllnca* for three weeks, re- Joluad Lincoln J. (iart^r'n "Tlie Tnmado^' at Brack, ton, U»M.t Felt. 10, having fully ncorcrtd. — Ohai. T. Hart oxpecta to lake nut n new farce comedT, "llilly llo,<i iiefore Hid aeawinenda Dan Reed and U. F. Young hare licen onpagri;. — Notni fioni tlio lialMe Marton "I). 1. <i.ii Co., nnwtnuiiugwoaiom l*enDHilvanla: Wasre iotnga fair liDalneia, btil not turning them away. Tbero haabei^unoolisniiolu iho company eliico oun.iMD- Ing. Itwior: Dalale llnrkoo, Frankle OoDM>e, Kale I'arilnginn, Addlaon Hljitrix, Harry tiieiH ii:, Fmnk Mnnrord, Knifsl Panilanian, lUrry Horan and Ueri Walkrr. — Uaito Klozlu baa recnvored rroii) an allaokof lypbiilil rover and opened Willi licr company al Oiiiwn IViIni, Ind., Jan. in, — Him. K-IwIii K.lroj, wiro or Uauagcr KImy, of A. V. ViUMU'n Binnk Co., gave lilnh to a girl Kcli. B, atliiclr hone In Kllitlirtli, N.J. — aim O. Font will place iipun tlin road n reper- tory roinpaiiy. producing aU iir.wpliiya for which lie has aeuiiruil tbo tigbi. f^cU play will lie mouniMlIn tbo beat of aiyle, wlili npeclalaconcry, andaiirDngcaalwIll In ongiigcil. A tniir of tho dlifimitieaurtawlllbu made during tlw Hummer — The Kaabvlllo BiuitonlB Oo. report good bual. iiesa ilirouffli Ihe Houlh. Al camdrii, Ark., the tioiuo or Jonit Stuart, peopio were iiirned away aiMl the colon.-il peopio garo ihe company a bauiiuet after the porfiiniianre. Jno llccker la maoaglug the ahow, Eihd A. W. Vealch la In advance. Uaxter Henaida loliien tho company al Harxhall, Tex. nosier: t. T. Wright, Cecil Hnillb, Ida tVrlgbl, Net- tle Qnir, Jaa. While, Al. P. Watia. r. a. Lowoiy, John muan, Kd. Ur«on,W./,. Jaokaon, Peter Woods, John Uiappsll, Androw Uiilery, luxter Itenolda and Voio Oair. — ItoHier or the Vancc-Shurnuiii t^imedy Co.; Frank W, Hllhsr, mnnaior; Uart K, Vance, slago manaaet; A. li-Flaher, inaHltr of tranaporlallon; John Cumn. ailvanto agent; A. Ilraekllu, property man; I'nf. F, J. FInotI, loader or oroheatra; limce Hberman.JuunlaUumo, Arthur Uepg, Waller Km- eraon, Ki. Boper, Malid Uerero, Boyinottr Uvlag •tone, Joale Ring and Karl Floaaum- — Usoauley A ration's Heloct I'layers Kotos: Wo are playlDH to cxw'llent bualncn. Bahtrtes nro all paid aetl sTeryono H bappr. We are making a rear, un ot Wn. Fauon'a comoily, cnililed "The lliahful Old Baebelor." — KiroM UoDonnld li no longer witli tho John U'Urmnod Co., having lieeu replaced by J. R. Jsok- ion. AKiea Fuller liaanijulnod alter a two weeks' Tislttiilier homo In (Iblcago, III, — We arolnrorniod IbstKllron l>eaiiK>iil laatlier bono Id Chicago, III., alowly recoTerleg from a severe attack of pneumonia. — Lea Vandyke wna gmutrd a illvnrco from Harry Davis (uon proreailunal) Fob. 11, at Yankton, g. D. — F. Bchmerbor Inon imilrsMonal) was reconlly granted a decree of divorce troiu Noello UoberlH, al I'erry. Okls. -Haiuger W. 0, llmwncot Ihe Alloe Wllaon Thealiv tlu., wrlleH: "Mr little Cmi'I-sh ail. ot last week hTOUgbl me In anawcrs onouih to have or- ganised a bait doaen uuni|iaiilca. We are now la our Iwenllelb week and aro phiylng to good aver, age hull neai. Tho 8. It. 0. algii apiwara lrci|iicnlly. We now have tourieeo people, and we will coailnuo all Bumiwr, playing under oanvss. We reconlly purobaieil a una miri. round lop, with a 4Utl. uild- dlo piece, tor the Huiunivr lour." — Ilsrrv and Joe Freoinaii have Joined Harry Uhnate'a bramalla Ou., In support ot Uaillu Chuate. — Uyra Lrv CIvaller baa boon ongagod ror Kdwla Ferry'aOi. Jamea F. Peylnn baa Joined iliecoin- pany as advanoe repreneniailvo. — U. OWant asannied the insnagenniil or iho Aoadomjor Uuslo al Sterling, 111., ou Fob. Ih. Mr. Ward luad dllod varlnun noalilons about Ihe house, and hli sppolotiuoui >vlil no iluubt pmvo salistuc- lory. — nolMrt ll.llydo Informs usIhslllydc'aUniurdy (Xi. will t4ku tbo roail Hay IB, Inr a Ruinmor lour, producloi "A Mtilo Winner," with l«a Leohk as Ihe alar. Ttiei'Oiu|>any will lie Iho wine aa ibat of ro'- nirr acaeona and will tour Indiana, llllnula, Ulohl- gan and Ohio. — "Km Frauocaco," au opera, lu oneael,taken from a alori by Y. h. Allliou, lllintlu by 11,1. Wil- son and w. L. Ilubbatd, ntualo by llniry Waller, has lieeii accuplod for perromiauco at the Hoyal Upeim lloiae In Uerlln, Uor. — Wllllsni A. Brady and K. (I. ailnioie will pro- duce "Under a IMIar Biar," by May U.Oroene, at Ibe Academy ur Muale next arnsun, liegluning Aug. 11. — Mansgar Oaakell, of Ihe Uadgo Tucker Co., r^ portaRooatmsineas. He stales thai the company leceuil; played In Norrlstnwn, I>a.. to B. K. (I. — "(hd liube Tanner" Kotea: "Wo an playing re- turn dales tbmugh Now Knglaiid to iinironniy large business.snd lbs show la giving aatbtractlon. K. J. I>e Vine la in advance. Instead or William Ubid. cbeiter, who Is very 111 al rillsdilil, Haaa." — Tlis Baekelt-l'|«irt thai thrlr open. Ina, Feb.*. al the lloll ( llyOjirni llmiao, Ibm^ne, Wla, waa UMdo lu the targcat audience of tbeaoa- aon Incrr, — Manager Kilwin )'. Union wrlln: "John J. Burke Is aaoeesariil III bli new tbieo act alisiir.tlly, 'The Dooior.' Ooiuiucni'lng with Feb. u, al ibe Park Theatre, IndlanaiMlls, lud., nearly the entire rrnialudcr or this aeawm U bookml In big oily week alands, and tbo alar, compsity and entire pertoim- ancc has rocrlved prHUo everywhere." — Ubaiiea l>. WlllanI aud Huih litnamore Joined Hire's l>ohiedlansailorous,M. Y., Feb.t. — Kil. ». iialler, luanamir nt Salter A Martin's "U. T. U." IX, writes: "Uur liuslnesa at the pitseni lime la harge, and 1 dont bellovo an 'Uncle Tom's CaUii' Uo. ever received such good wonts from the press as vo have recelvetl since we opcueO. We atanni uni with tbo Intention of making a reputa- tion by alvlug a nral claas alage perromauce, as well aa h gnat street parade, and we have auo- i-oedcd." — Ilarr) lliill rioaea bla engagement with Iho Uaplial Biuare Ttienlre Stock, lielroll, Mich., on — There la a imnlbllliy that Uharlea Vale's "Twelve leiniilalli'iia" will leave the tlbttea Ihe lat- ter |<art nl Jnly tor a seaaon In Auairalla. If the ar- rangeuieiila pending prove Bueceaaful this will be tne Oral ipeoiacuuir organisation that has ever iwen tatoi rrora tbis oountrr <» tba Aulltwrtea. —Noteatrom John B-Wills' 'Two Old omnlea" Co.: We have been very incceastol so far this aeaaon. Our rontes ror the past tbm weeks have lieeo through the northern part of Pesnaylvanla, West Virginia and Bonlbemdhlo, and almost every toem we have played the show has given great astltfacHog. In (Ireenvllle, Pa., w« allowed In the Opens House on a two daia' notice, the lecelpis beleg large. The popnlarlly of "Two md Cronlea" never dlMooL Manager itovralngla bonking ror neat afason Ills new snow, called The iiuadRMns. II will lie composed or colored Islent, and the ahow will be divided Into three patla-comedy, vaode- Tlllt and opera. The name or the opera Is "llono- laln," and will pertain to Incldenlsor iheanneia- Mon or the Hawaiian lalsoda to thUcoonirT. The flmt scene will represent the harbor of Honolulu by nooDllght, with an Amertcao man or war lying at anchor In the har>wr. The second scene sniihe Oneen Fjnma'a Sqnare, with the Bnyal Hawaiian lintel In the distance. The third scene wlllrepre- aenl Ihe Inierlor of Qaatn Ullnnkslsnl's palsce. In tblascenennlieamimlicr nl apeclsllleswHIhe IQ- tmdnctd. and a band or colored aotolau will repre. MDI tbo Royal Hawaiian Band. — The Woodward Tnealrn On. reports excellent boalneiai In Ihe West, pisying to the capacity of the homes st chrsp prices. W. F. Bchroth gave Iho conpany a bamiuet lo. In honor nl his tweniy-lirtb blnhrtay. Many preaenu were given. The rosier: 0. I>. Woodward, proprlclor and manager: J. Fraocla KIrka, llany C. t/>ng. Will Davis, Ashley nosh, W, F.Bcbmlb, Prol. Ham Drelsbscb, Uanle Woodwsrd, Blanche Uorgao and IJiUe Ooldle. — Klaw A Rrlanger are lo conml "The lady Slavey," and will la>o mil nhario or It st the con. claakin of lis engagement In this clly. — Mr. and Mrs. uro. U Denton hare retired from the "A Thomnghbrcd" On. Mm. Danion will proh- Atilv not go out sgsln this seaion, owing to III bsalita. — Keporu or good liaslnew rome rrom Olint 0. Kord'a "An American Hero." — I,ew Panginme. huslnesa msnsger of "O'llno- llgan'a Uaar|uemds,"repinaK"od bualntsa through ttieWeai and Southwest. He will manageOaila- gherand Weal next aeaaon. In "O'llnoilgan's Haa- i|>enule," using Ihe same title, lint In a complele new comedy, now being written tor them. — Henrt Kllngand Flom Oaminer Kllng closed Witt the Usrhle Theatre Co. at Hudson, Wis. —Jamea K. Keane opened at llsvlln's Theatre, Ohicagn, III., Fell, a, with "The Vendetta" Co., plsy- Ing Ihe gont'ol hcsvy rote. — Ume. Undjeska, who Is now restlog In Uhl- csRO, III., Is gradually recovering her bealih. Bbc bopcN to be able to resume b. r tour about Msrch I — R. M. and Joaepb [lo:t;.-io*B ongsgement with lllchsrd Msosdeld closes r- inner part of March, when they will Join the sl«r o>fl ut "The lllvals," limilcd by Jiwph JeiTenon. lu depleiniier lliey will lie seen In a new pbiy at ibe Firm Avenue The- atre, this clly, under the direction of the American Tiieslrtcal Bynillcalo. — Notea rnim the "Old llnbe Tanner" Co.: We are Innur tbirilalh week, and playing loafine bu.nlne#H. Dar retnm dales commence IN, with Wlnxtead, CI J.O. Woiitwnnh. clartnnai, Joined at I'lilaOelil. 14. We worolnaliad rallrriailaccident II.coming from 1, ee, Hasa., to niisfleld. In which roiirenglnes wrro wreckod and two cars tcleacoped. The nremsn, oU' aineer, atirakcman aod yardman were badly In. Jnr«)l; tba llrcinan, having both legs crushed and a deep scalp wound. Is not sxpected to live. He wss ao plnoed In Ihe wreckage tlMi It took some time to gel him (lilt. Nonenr the company were hurt, bur bsdlf shaken up. Uur baggage waa sllsbtly dsm. aged, lull not enough to Interfere with tne evening perforinsnce. In Ihe aficnioon the whole com|uny atle»leil the Wimderlsiid. — NoirnfromiboAllienTaylnrCo.: WewMI pro. duce a now blaiotlcal play, entitled ' 8in Jacinto, or tbo Hbrlne of Texan IJiieriy," at Temple. TVx., '21. Tho play will In gtveii a coniplotc Hcenic pro. dut-.tlon. Tno company was atrenathened In liiiniS' vine, Tex., by the sddlttou ot J. W. Ooodwln, Willie Itoiiard and Aetna Vome. — Nnicu fniin thn Maude lllllman 0>.: We con- ilaueindua phoiiiiiiienal builuesa. At llarrlsburg the bouse wna packed to Ibe doors. It iielngonoof Ihe Isrgeat week's buslnesa In the Qrano Opera lloiiae. Manager SmIib, or the Ijceuin, In Kliiilta, where wo aro ibia week, wired usSslurdat that we hsit Ibe greatest ssle ever known In Klrnlra, evory Iblnr being sold solid tor Unnilay night. — Niiteatmni tbo Do Haven Comedy Co.: At the conduslon of our engagement at Ironion, 0., Fob. fi, thn Uamey llroe., ot tlie Hotel Denolaon, gavo usa supper worthy ot a king. We were treated well t>y the picas and public nt Imninn. — W, 0. Tanner, who lately resigned troro "The I'odd'nbead Wllaon" Co., on acounnt ot lllnesa. has beeuongagcd by Margaret Msiber for berSprtng tour. — Thn Wollicrl A Russell's Slani or Itepertory, under the management or bonis J. Kuasell, will open their season al KlluiM)lh, N. J., In September. J. A.HoD.innell has signed as business manager. Fied II. Obllda, adrance, and tKiha llosslaad for leading buslnesa. — Henry Melnotte hss signed a three yean' con Uact with J. Iloocan Itosser, ot OleveUnd, O., lo star In "The Uroiben," anenaailonsirouraoiscenic drskna. — Hartha Conway apons, Feb. K, with Ibe Wcman ot Wr.r," under tho insnsgement ot WU Ham l>e BhoUy. — William Uonelll baa lust comiileted a tour act society dmma Ibat ha will probably produce next Virginia Trio, Mack, Finn and Harris, Jiilrcd the "Houlh llefnre the Wsr" On. at the Bob dlers' Home Theatre, llayton, (>., Feb. 12. — Tuoroas II. Bnlklo closed recenUy with Carroll's PlsyefH, having been called to Niagara Fkll^ N. Y., by I be sudden death bt his mntlier. — Ullly .S'evrns writes as tollows: "I am dsslnius, thTt>ugh the columns or your paper, to expreae my ihanka lo Kdward Kerry and other members of the ■AlaUama' Oo. for so kindly aadstlog me In Ibe aiitinianilslmsnncr they did. The ohock wssgrato. fiiDy received, lint Ibe kind feeling which prompted the Kitt was like a hiimtof Aprllauusblne,and made me reel that such gem rous Impalsoa from rrlends makes ilibi old world seem like a pretty good place aftersH." — Owing to the close or the "Hide tor Ute" Co., Catrki KiVcr, sonlHeile, has Joined Chas. T. Rills' "Alvilan" Co.tor Ibo rainaiailcrotthesesson,todo her apeelslty. — Xotes rnim Mack's I'layencOiliiialdl Malcolm's pautixniine Is a rnature ot the compaiiv. We are In our rourib week In New Kueland, and business Is good. — Nellie Mollenry openeil snow opera house at Ulllloga, Mont., Feb. 4. In "The UlcrrAe lllrl.'' Tho roatpany rosier Inulndoa: Nellie McHoDry, Ltura HeuiKti. Delia Jackaon, Julia Olover, Alice Del. mure, Ia rcllie IVsia, John Webster, Vhsriea P. Murrisnn, Henry laurent, W. R. Illoblo, James llnweo, James HoUmlb, Henry Moon and Walter Cole. — The Oral seolinn of a IjOiihivllle and Nashville exetimlon tnin, m I'miM to Kowilrteana, La., waa wncked Feb. IS, at Jackson's I Ake, ainui ten miles Iron) Hnnignmery. Fanny Uavonpon and her com pany were paaaengera on the train. The accident waa causetl by Iho engine striking a cow. — "The Msfd ot Milan," a comlo opera. In three acia, wtltien by F. Ulto Onlllugs, muslo by Prof. 0. K. liny, was given lla Initial presenlstlon Feb. e, at Uonliay's Theatre, Baaltle, Wash. — uiiiha von LIndaii haa liegun suit In the United Slates Court at I'lilsburg, Pa., tor damagca agslBst ex Judge llalbmllh, Iho sllrged cause ot Ihe action being "cruel Ireatuient, loss or time, beslth and wsrdmbe." — Pro4l Schwarti, tmslnesa manager or Ihe Marie Tarary (Iraiid Opera Uo., writes thai their tlx weeks' tour In Mexico proved a succew anlallcally aod Oiiaiiclally, and the local manaieii of a few of the principal clilra or the repuMle are now raising a large aubsortpilon lo eiiabto Mgr. Scbwarts to or- ganise next Fall, and tour In Mexico, a compaity ot leadtig singers trom tho principal an centrea or Kumpe. A hrge ohnrus and orchoaira and over ninety people will ct'iupriie iho nonipany. Marie IHvaiy's seaaon In tian Fiam'laro prombies great resulia, as the llrai week's builneas was pheniunen' ally large, as this la thn only grand opera company to villi tbo coast this aeaaon. They niake Portland, Bosttle, l^conM, Vancouver anil_ Victoria, thou [ilay Kaat via Denver and Kansas City, closing the uur In Now York Clly In Hay. — Mclniyre and llealli will leave lbs vaudeville stageafler this aeaaon and mako their tirvt appesr- snco lu leglilmale drama, under the management or Lawrence and lUinilion, who will fealnre them In the ntcinteniue Southern comedy drams, "IHxIo UsBd.'' tnm the pen of Jamea M. Martin. — V. J. Uelleker. or the Ilamllion rblUlpa Co., waa made a K. or P. at Fmnhrnrt, Ind., Jan. f. Ills sella trcenily retebnated ber birthday and n. colved a number ot handvime presenta, snionglhera ahhSMlet, a pair or diamond earrtnga riwn mem. bers of iho company, aod also s gold rtng. — Vmt Lamar, ot the Vinton Drainstic Oo., WTlie>sthathlaonmp«ny la continuing to saiurao- lory taialneaa, having lieen nnt since last Augnst. Variety ann Minstrelsy TD« BDUT SiergM will lake the read Feb. 24,ror s sli weeka' tonrorNew York SUte, with ibe fol- kiwlng rosier: Florlne temar, cornel soloist; Prot. llany Marahall, Juggler; Fanny Diamond, male Im- personator; Frank A- Lyons, German comedian; Alice flile, drum aotolsi; Watta snd Horrla, black face comedians; KltUc Diamond, lianjolst aod dancer; Jamea Manln.cnnloiilonlst, and the JUny 8lsiora,ln a moslcal raooologue; Prof. Phil. Kiel, eondoctor of orebeaire, and Ben Qark, In advance. Jaox AjiD Ross BoBii inronn us thai they are do- ing well In thelrsparrtngactwltb Fields^ Usnaou's Drawing Cards. TaoinAiiT ikD KKHHgBT, kuockatwol coneduns, are still with "The White Crook" Co., and have lieen engaged tor next season. POLUS IIOIJIES, "Tbo Jrtah Dncheev," has been compelled lo close wllh Hyde'sOomedlana. ronnder- go an operaUon tor appendlcllla. Ulsa llulmea will reel at lier home In pmvldence, R. I, before enter- ing a hoapltal In New Yorii. MiMioK DLiilla Irviked foran engagement at Shea's Mnslo Hall, RulTski, N. Y., ror two weeks. I)itijiYAMnWii.uA«Breportthatth«lrrewsketcb, enilUed"The Sininge Bom," lakes well. Theyas- nnunct that they wli: head their own company next lesson In the new rarce comedy. "On the Rnab." Tuacs, dancer, has Just clOMd a two weeks' en- gagement at Hnalc Hall, KUgsn Falls, N. Y. Fkuci J. DrsB, Ulckey Howard and Jessie Csld- weU closed, Feb. 2, sn engagement st VIo Theatre, Han Antonio, Tex., and Intend to sail for Europe it. AniiiiAHsimuiKn, known proreaslonsliy u Addle Moore, loriinna ii.i thai she was msnled to F. A. Aliebnndt at Su Louis, Mo.. Feb. t. Higi lUni has rormed a psnncnblp wlib Manrlce Baker. Till! Wii.i.iAiis Taio, musical act, closed an en- gagement ai Moore's Tnesiie, Ibicbeiler, N. Y., Feb. a anil were retained ror a week astlie bnnseorches- ira. under the leadership ol Pror. J. Honk. KgN.m ANii WRI.CII sail for London. Kog., after their lour wllh Tony I'asior's Own Co. Tbelr scihas i«on an ailmollon with the Howard Aihentcoro Co. OviHO to the lllneia of l,«a l,cola, of Hyde and l,eola,th« team canceled weeks or Feb. 10 and.IT. Ulas i«ola Is auireting rnm ta t/rtvvf, aod was obliged In lay alt after matinee ot 12, al the Odeon Theatre. Balilmore, Md. l.ii.iiAN HuHHiB le at present singing In British (X>lombla. llAMHvSr. Cum and CaAaLia llirHmis have foniied anartoanhlp. Ml IIuyUlanu la Willi Haham's Colored Hlnatrel^ now touring California. FaAKX bwAiK AKn Jacx MAoan havo Joined hands, and will work Easi in their new act. NotiskhohtiibIaindos OAicrr uiria— Wean now In our tweniy-ntih week, and builnesa has been big, playing now all return dates, and the business Ulietler than on our first trtp. The com- pany comprlsestwenty-four people, ctrrylng special ■cencry and niage aeulngs- We opened al Pnv|. dence. It. I.. Fob. lo, to toe biggest Monday ot Ibe aeaaon. Tira lliniti.itvs sn playing In the Fngllsh music halU, and aro Inoked up solid tor ibe year. Msnu ItCKiBi.L has closed with the Barry Co., a-'d will play a return dstent Proctor's N<!w York hniiavs In M^rch. FuiRA and Anna I.. Ilale^ duoiil«t/>, are llllmg engagemeciH ibrniigh tho Smihem country. Tlioy expect to play Kail abonly. IlADi.BT AND Haht, uiuMl'sI perfomirm, playing At Brickner'a Music Hall, Rochester, .N*. Y., were re- eogsged tor week of Feb. IT. Ubkt llowAsn ANn Liona Blino write us Ibat they have lieeii engaged tor the alnck com. pany al the tlrnnd Opera llitusc, noaton, Mass., com. luenclog Feb. 34. J. W. Davidson Ii musical director wllh "The K-irly Rlrda" llurlctique Co., playing on the New Kngland cinuli. IIBTA flouiin, of Ibe Coughs, wishes us to deny Ihc aialeroeni thai she bwt her voice recently while playing In lluiie. Hon'. She lays that Hhevontreol- M a aevero culJand mira Ihroat while jibkylog there, and as a result canceled her engagement. She further says that aho has lullyrccoretcd and will IHall hrrdves. OUANiis BOBAiit. ot the Uoranl Bmthers, con- lonioiiiaia, aud Mlillo Bennett (Mbia Olivette) were married Jan. 28, In Plymouth, Rng. NunruY AND Oii.nBRT, skeieh ream, hare left the salMar'a Biirlesijue Co. and Joined the French Gaiety Olris. Uankiko ANDCtisiiiNo writo us that, although re- tired fmni the profemlnn, thev are always glad to welcome their pr.^resslnnal rriends st their rarm, scar Nnrrlstown, Pa. JoDN F. RncKiTT, character, descriptive and topical vocalist, opened lo San Franclaco, Cel., Feb. IT, with Franr. C.A. Qoera' Co., making bli third season with that company. Tux Dabi4n« Sisrgns have Joined "A Bsggsge uUeck"Co. *" • Ida SioDOsa snd Williams snd Barton open on the Davis' circuit Feb. 11, ror rour weeks. BBi'ui Bvanrrri writes us that she Is Ul snd ■Iranded at Colorado City, Tex., and dealres to lesm the whereabouts of berbuaband, Burt Bnrdelte. AKTBUn 0. Sidhan and wipb, who has Just closed with "A Bummer Shower" Co., opened Feti. 10 In Hoehealnr, N. Y., on the Moore circuit. llAHBT l)B Hxiio, ot Ibe team of He Hello snd Tariton, who has been very sick for the paa two weeks, haa fully recovered, and ihe team la again al work with llerben and Reynanl's Musical Comedy Oo. WiiiLB playlngau eneageinent lo Syracuse, N. Y.. Haggle Weal and Hlldn-d Hurray were rendered a banquet at the Yates Hotel, Feb. \i, by trtenda In that oily. Matt J. IIarhinotoh, late of llarilDston and Aubrey, and Bobby llolte, late ot Carncrota' Mln- atrela. have Joined hands. CootiAN, Hand and Tavs, the Cslltomla Trio havo been compelled to cancel several weeka ot hme owing to ibe Illness ol Mr. Rsnd, who will soon he able to return to work. Howard rowBss, Chsa. i;dell. Rd. Kerr and Reo Kerr, comprising tbo Klecirtc ijuanci, with Rice snd Rsrton's Comedians, an Inoked at the Em- pire, London, Eng.. commencing early In June. IUta DDRANn writes that owing to her ratber'a death, which occurred last week, she waa obliged 10 cancel ber date at Keith's Union 8<iuan Theatre. Jahbs M. IIYAM, the veicran gymnasi, la In Ihe hoapltnl In Kansas Clly. Mo., In. destitute clrcum- slances, and would like to hear from friends. It was RBrotrsD thai Wm. K. Clark, of Clncln. nati, O., waa killed In a rallrosd accident. It la not tnie, as he Is aim sllve and connected with Free, man's Theatre. In CHnclDoatl. HiiRBUND, Tnoxrsoii And Bi'sn Hate tlui they havo lieen very luccea^l as s trio, having lost bui two weeks since they have been together. nogrsa OP llABBY aoonUAN'S IkllORID COSB- dlans.—Usrry aoodraan, manager; Hilly Lang, sisge manager; W. R. Kane, leader or iiand and orchu- tnt; W. OhaUnan. T. C. Jones, W. Don, P. larkin Hla Spencer, Anna Abbott ami Sisters Once. The ell >w will cloee Feb. w. I.i'ciBH'sHtNsrnxiscloseda amson or rony-nve weeks on Feb. II. Tbey will reorganize and take Us nad again Mareh ao. Mbhhitt and Snii.noK are playing over Ihe Davis drcnlu Their sol, tbey write, was well received al the Avenue Tbeain, Pllisbnrg. Ps. Till KciBB IlRiH.. Julio and Lew, have Jut nn- lihed a SIX moniha' lour In lha South snd West They wen made memben of the Qalvcslon l,odffe erivlksJan.-JS. " Onsa. 6. KNiunrlnrormi us that be was granted a div.irce tnm Itoby Knighl on Feb. 10, lu Olncln- nstl,0, TUB MiLUR Bros, an galling up an enUrely new apparatus of tbelr own design, with many Impmve- nwnts, for their diorama, by means of wblon they will prodnce novel mcclianlcal oirecis. They are also making another nuvelly, whloh Ihey state will be a sprotaole quite new lo the stage. Tax HxAnow nnoni ijvAmn' are laying oir this week In Albany, N. V. TUB SrBKCBR Rana., comedians snd dsncera, while playing In Bosmu, Mass., last week, appeared HI Ihe concert or the Young Ladles'BodaUlyMocleiy. J. ALDRICB l.tSBBT Is DOW SlDglhg St TON Psa. tor'a Theatre Cba*. K. Ilanrbi'lateal song sncceis, "There'll OonieaT1me,"whlch,ths composer slates, la proving another nrioncr. Imogene twiner Is In. tmdnclng al Oilman's Audliotlom, Philadelphia, I's., Chas. K. Ilarrta' drscriptlve songs, "Oast Aslds'' aad "Heller Than Onid," which are aUn lieing feat- wed by Mover Onhen, Joe B. Howard, Ola luydea, Bmns and Nina, the Sllvrrs and nibeir N'om raoH Flvnn A HiiBsiDAN'a Bio Bxnsation Co—Wo hsd a narrow escape wllh our Uvea golsg fnim Mancheeier, N. II., to Montreal, Can. Ws airack a breken nil. and had we been going st the regular speed would have been dashed h> plecm orer a precipice aaventy llvo reel high. Anlvedat Montrral six houre Isle, hustled up to the theatn, oSLY'^lSnSsny^n the, '",n»„J^hlrt rourteen weeka, opening «. nia>l»g Ibree While CiJook"coD.panlea'Mr. Rush wlHhaveon 1^ kU. iioppn iND M'iBR report a saccea in iDcir Kkyicb'^alog, « a doK.Paul D^^^^^ "Jnel^ell TSem That Von tow Me^' Mr. Hopper will lOon pnblbih his lalesl bsllad,"Some One loves *°N™'*Si)'N TDB FRBH-'II OAIBTY OtBIA-ThlS show hsa been entirely reoiganlzed, J'J T; Grimes ss manager, and Ue lollowlog Pjojje Joined: Usiont and Love, HnwaiJ and 8L Oalr, iomedy sketch; Tom and Oertle arime.. plsjton and flfant, mnslcsl; MlUle Tonmer, aertal llvbig pictures; Helene Frabaun, RonianiilgbllDgale.and a ohoraa or twelve pretty girls. Frank C- HoOinan Is boalnesi manager- _ w v. Uattib SniTABT AND TOUMtiflii-ipi have bWD engsgcd ror thbi week as a epeclal restore of the Watson Sistere'Co., st the Ijceom Thestto, PhUa- ''°ll!wrniR'*op WiiaoN'a Bbscx art and Spxcitfrr Co.-n. J. Wlbmn, proprietor and manager; Mn. B. J. Wilson, treasurer; MasL Wil»n, Mme. Art He, neo. Fowier, LllUe Emma. H. J. Wilson, WWlam Oiinin, pianist, and Ray Bmltb, advance. Now touriog Nonhem Now York. Manaobr w. & CLtvBUND sesms to hare ten nothlDg undone In recover the body ol the boy who was rccenUy drowned at Oardlner. Me., having given tbo colored memben or the company permla- slon to adopt any method they chose for llsrecoteiy, A diver was secured end Ibe river bed seaiehed, but without avsllj _ PENNSYLVANIA. aaeiirad other people la plaos of Rinman Waila see SSaUne¥»ishdl,whowenthspai;lliia ant Oranp^, da ooBpaif, sal who eipeot to leatelhlasael!?; ' WaKsTllamioatbglwiwo •iplaulory lectaraaaiuii Kaw Cenurv »«»'■«"«','?•,•?.'•,; » «n "Dti Walkore" aad Tba P eariel Lsuar." Plttabarf.—BoBlneaa last week waa good an roood. This week Ihe Inurastukea In the moglclM al«»ionmay affaet the eatrooanatoarnUrbMii«>. NSW OaA»o Orsai R<>o»B.--IJank Maro aini „ •PDild'a'hoad Wllsoo" Ibia wsak. for tha am Umo hen, ■ 'glnbad"pn)vsdadaolln«aiiace>eIelAitweet '■Prlj. eau Bonnls" la the asderlloe for U. HASav WIUJABSf lOAOMY or Mcsia-aaia D,i,r»', Owe i;o. la Ois eaivent attiacUoa. Tha New ToTk auti ilayedtoaplandldbubiaaalaatveek. Nolhlnilaunilsr. budasyslforli- East Ban TBBATiis.-The lewis OMiedy o,. ij .ni week. Tba Oonsalei Opera Co. closed a apleadM ntntt. °Alvi?r THaAtls.-!lsncy Mclntoah. In "HI; Eiat Itner." which la being eons hers for the dist llnic. »iq hold tlie aiu* ihia week. Palmer Coa'i "Brovnlai - am snlTslt. D<ltaroaeloaedairn>dasguenenll9 DroDBsas TUBATBa-Oraad opera, by lb* Hlorich Opera Co, wlUi Emma Kevads unrlma donna boMi ib< boudalhraweak. WalharWhIualdedoMd isooiorihi most artlalle eoBSgameots ever pUyed ban la tracMj. The local erlllcs vera onAnimoea In pnooBBcioe hu llamlet and Bbylock folly eqosl to aay readltloapiit ■riven of Ihoaspaiu, and lo oiaay pelnuapp^nortoao;. le waa called out at the doae of nesrb evarj an la which he appeared, aod lo aeveral loauncaa la the mid. die ofaecsae. A Uical pipereireoeou<lr autri thai Xr. WblleaMe will doia bli aaaaon hare snd dbhand bli eorowuiT. UelororaiaDO ibat on iha eontrvr hUvta. aonvlU eantlnuenalllaaniaUnMln Hay.and ihal ii hu heenbyrarthanioatprolltablebohaaoter enjoyed. Hi win rail bera the lisl Ihrea nlghla otthlaweav.aml n- nima h|a lour at McEeanon. Pa- O. Rlbeil nil. Hard cornea Jl.lo"L«at-2lBoora." AvsNOB TnaAVWB —A pndnouoo or "Onr fUBlrarDL" bl Uia Dramallo Block Co.. la Uie prlaebial rialnreorihu wMh'a bill. The play la the work of Denry llamllimi, author ol 'ThalijiortloB Daehais." Tbsvudnlila olio iDclndaa CPthUda Anlonlo. Ssvaraa Behlttrar. Smlih and CampbolL Crana Broa.. Chsa. Hel>onald. tba Da Pora«u, u r. , u_„ O^twrMmA Tti« ■ItaiiifBnMt ,■ FhlUdelphUi—BQBlDesa durlof tbo put ve«k litH b««n K«D«nllr Rood. For Ua cnrreot wMk Uitn U % chiDROoi ftiincUoD KtBTtr; Ih64ire lo tAwo. «itb tha nlogla sioepiloQ of thi Brad, whan Jolio Dr«v bolds orar.ud. vltbHvanl «Dt(ra norelUM ud muyROod drmwlDf titncUoDi, pnuDiweth fhould provt ooe or n^%\M\r\xt In UirolrlnlmtlUrt. AOAOIHY OP ilvsiC-Tho Wtlur Oimnweb Oanniut Up«n Uo in ih« ftitnciloD thli wetlc,pr«a6DUnj| TiltUo snd IwMo^rob U."Dlfl VTilkun"!!.'^Dha<B«r>*at cbe niftUoM B tnd "Tht Bctf1«t L«tt«i" od tho •▼tolog ul IL Tlio ■oftAon or Ui» UlDridu* Qnnd Opon Co. vnilodwlth lut weok. "OUIIo" «M prodund ooUod- dftv, ror lh« tm timo, vUh rreTut Olallo. Dol Pionta aaUgoiutd Kroooldas I>«KlciiMn». "Romoo aod •Tollal" wKHglToii Taoadav, with L«Teoli,ror tho flmt UiD«.aa Jollau "Bljtolatto^* wtsfilvao WadOMday lonead of "La TmTlalA," which waa Ont aAooaocad, becauM Mm*. Na- TMlA VM too 111 to appear. "Alda" wan aanft mi Thuiaday oTonlnft. "IdTraTlata"waoiilT«DBatardayartoraooa for Ibe raiOBol) appeaiaaeo or Mmo. Nsrajla, and tho HnttihTM adaof "JITroTatora" and "VaTallerIa Roatl* cAoa" wen ilit floal porfonaancaa of tba oompujr on fUturdaynl^t. Tlioaiioadaoca waa good all toe ¥Mk, AQi) at tlio iwn porloiniaocoi on Baiordat tholiwiai waa crowded. Hnenpopuiaf ootboalaainvMolaptajcd atUio rarovell MKonu«DC*a,iLo kadlog p«rforaiar«wonpr»- •enlod wflb maor floral od'orlaRii.aiM DIrootor Uinnoba recolToda Uuni wronUi. Jan twrorotbo b«|lQolDt of "Cavallaria Ruuleana'* Dr. Porairur Pniari ono of tho orlgloal tUKkholdara of tha Aoadvmj, cama apoo the hUrOi and la a Torr gncorul tpvocta or commenditlon proRaniod Hr. IllDrlciiiwlihat««tlaioB(olonbohairortho guaiantonortbaopera- Dr.rraur*atdhohadconatuil: aitrodtd lha opoim oloca the orectloo of thebouae,aaL waarauilllar with tho opera in tho Baropean eapltata; ifaat Ihe proHDt waa tho mo*\ nic«aa*ful laamn ovor gtvan In Phlltdolplila, and wnald conpar* CaTombly with RlmlUrwork aoywhoTM la the world The loatimMilal tmtk tbo ronnof a leathor pocket book woUQUodwIih choice rpoflmooa 01 "OoToromonl ODgraTlngi." iho taIukoI whlfh wa« noiMaiod. It IJpreetlcallycertain that Ibo opera will be conilnued noitfoaooQ, iho aove- moot to (hatond beIogilr«adr ondorway. BmiD BTHiRT TiiiATRt —John Drew, in "ChrUtopbor Jr.,"contlouaittboatiraetloQror tho proient week. AU Uslwook Hr.Drew ptarod lltoralty t«tlie capul'r of the houfe aod attr, plaj aod company rocelrwl ibo prftUo of tjioprouaud tho n^pla'l(eorlhopu^"- " •- " " tboro. In "Tha PrliKiatrof Z«i ibllc. Noxtweok« E. H. .._ l" CuiLAT.xtrTGTMBTOi'iHi llotKB.—Do WuUFHopporOJtd . -ifcr'.."^^"^ "^17 Jol»*«l *'A DO dloner, cuitalD went up at ^ p. v. ftod pi»cd Jfty Olrotu" tt>. ID OlereUad, U. RMont tddlitou noe of Xtt Mueet weoks Id tbe btftorr of tbeTbM. Vk»« Hhnn ftBd«Edv*nliiud ite tnRojtJ. OniueqwrnUy VaiuierMstuJ.Fljuiii luppj. company cone for* roriolgtii'a oogageraont. appurlng thlB«ooklQ'*Or Byotax" aod doii week In "waog." Ooninan Thomprou, lo "Tho OU Homo>ioad," hiH been lioro a month, aotl latt weok ihe nitondaoee *u an large aa when ho oooaed March X Sanh BoraharOL CiinrNirT.srRin'TutiTBi—"An Artlat'n ModoL" pro- WQlcO by Bdwerdo'a RoKllah Burtoiqaoni, to the eurreot aitracilon, which roroaiD« lor a rortolght. 'Tnlbj" cloMd laat weak a very auceanral mtoo weoko'oongo* niooi. March2,"rhoiniopOlrl." Wauiitt Bthiit Tobitub— Stuart Robton. in "Un. Pnnderbury'i Pant," comea for the week Laat week *'North»mLithia"drowraU hoqaeo and •eemoUtoglTe cunplolo natlnracUoD to Ibat largo cUm thoatrvfoera whuirerondoriDOlodnma. Noit week, Sol Smith Boa- R«ll. lo '*An ETery Day Man" and ftilDglo porronnaoce ur-TheRlralt.'* 1*ARK Tilurmi.—rotor P. DtlUr. In "The Mleht Clerk,' le Manager Ollmore'a Aroog drawlDgatiimeiloD lor tho proe«Dt week. Laii woek "A Tnp lo Chinatown" draw good lioniio^ Bon Cooia, lo "Tho Now Roy," U the at* uiciloo fdrll AUDiTOBIt;il-Chartoa B. Vale'o newoft "Doririi Aao- tlon"U the attiMtlon rer tho current week. II. V.VIU- lama* Own Co.. for the »»conil time ihiiooaaoD, drow orowdid hou««o Ia%t woek. Saadow and tbo Tncadero VaudeTlllea play ft rotora oogagemont next weok. Nationil rniuTHi—'*T1ie oreai Dtamoad Hobbery' cornea ror ihla week, being lia aecood preitoatuloo In Flilladelphia thia naitOD. "Oowo lo Dlile" latt atok drew the uitual crowded howos to thin popular itaoatn. "BoDol* Bcolland" comeii Si. Qramo UrkkA Hotnii —Orcttoo Clarko, aupportrd by Adebido Prince aod hU nwn eotnpaor, comae ror ftllm- Itrd kOCTRomeou Tbe profraume iiiii week In "Hani' let" 17. 18. tt and matTDoe U, and "RIcholIen" a, SI and O Uiaiao AviNUB TauT»—^the Z>oacon*o DauRhlor" In Manager lloHand'a productlou Toribocurrent week, "The Sli ul lee" laet week wai a Boandal aooccoaathe entire hooao belov eoM out noaily orory ulgliL next woik, 'The Llitta UetrcilTo." FORirAVUirs TllBATHB—'^e Qrut HotlDPOllH," lO' lervreied by the farortio Poropaogli Block Co., la lbeeu^ rvotptodociioD. LaM week ■4lon orthe Nlgbi"nued tbe houvo at no%rly wrery ptrfanoaoco, and waa recelvei wllh f^naklorable riiTor. PKOrLR'o TiiiATRU—ToiDpklna* *-Blaok Orook" will dituiHlm tea the capaoliy ol Maoagor Bradfabunh'a iMputar iii>to*n thcairo during ihia weok. "Hie miio Bbiv«"dld a aptendld buiJoeea taut week, aod oooeln- »lToly prated that iho geoloa nf BanUy OamplMll was not^DlJ foraday. Next weok. "Tho Cotum Xing.*' Rtaxdard Tmuthi.— Any Lee aod Pimok Oaaoe, In "MIm llarum B«inim ** come for tho carnnt week Lut wo^k "Laod or the Midnight Bun" draw well SUod lioooea every oTODlni. N 8 ffofri, lo *-Out lo lhoSireeti,"M. KhniiNOToyTiiiATnB.—Nlbbe'ii Frooch Buriooone Co. agonl* the weok'a antuaooioDiaiUaaigBrUan'oTbaun. Ltatwookth»play wai"MoaiidjAck7*and Itaooned lo l>e wmII liked by Ibe fair altod andleoooo preaoot. ^A TripteiheClrcuB'*fi Klkvintii GTRKgrOpiRA Oonui.—Dunioot'oMloatrela, with »li end men and tnaay well known ninairol fa- Torltoa. coniluoo oo the high ilde of miecMo. Thta weeh'arngrammo ludodoa a now borloauoo by Frank DoniDol, aailtled "InetalbDOnt Funltnn Agooiar* • aeilr*. eoUtlid "Lore and Trbuble," new tout* and ene- olalilai, and a cootlnuance of iIm popilar ■Vtraul lo tbe Band." HouMO wore citiwdrd laat week. TdkBiJoo.-For tho eurrent week Jrhn aod Marlon Manola-Maaoo aod tho Oortl BioUioia hold orer. Ola* eloio Delia Roeca and Uie JobDMoTmope make their (trotappeanoce her*, and iheatuaoHTo bill abo Inctodoa <lBrtler.oebran. Prank Latona, MoBrMeaod QordoB,tha Balambop. La Porte BltUie. riicglhboo Trio, Cook* aod UilninD, Ward and Brown, Annie Wbllnoy. Lee loaiham, and Dixon aad Lasg. Laat week'a buelneaawaa oor- niouR,aQd all ih* new attractloni were recolred with tieat raTor. Tlio CortI BroUiem, Lee TroU rnroo athlaaand Ilanv I^moro wore all ncceiarnl In ploao* log Ihe people. Marlon Manola and John Maaon made' ■pi»cUlly narked hit. TiiH Ltcxum.— Tbo WatooQ SluUit, with their bnil«Mno tnupe and tbelr "Trlaogal Olmtorlo," make up ifao woek'e ettmciloo at Maniaer Jtrmno'ehouee. tan T. Jaek'a Crenkt were a big hit laat «o«>b. and pUyed to tho capacity or tho houe*. Next week, aoa lllll'iNoTelUoi. TBI ■i:ui:h.— Tho Fal Vwraoa'a Rowlog Rac« le the ■poelal atirauloD In the curio ball. In the ih*am tbe TaudoTllle eooilnuoua eaiortalomeal Ii made up of Larrar and MorrlMey, HoilhaBniih. Uocan and Baant, iiioZoyftrawi,pAey aod llaoley.UttleJohooy raiser, Florence Zollor, HeaiTT and Parban, and Prao blln ojh MidolL Theeoat nuouaohnw.wlih idralulMidirect ta the theatre no Ilie gmand doAr.haa bit the popttar ''ft''.'^''*!^'* »"onoui|y crow(ftd eoo. dlllMi or the audltnrlam la*t week. KoTBO.—Tbe trial or Jamea B Oen^rorlbe matder of MvJae Yorke. at Z«la>o'a ai>i«L tbU ciiy. juet a y«4r ico, hai been Axed for » vrilllani B. aIiob hM reiifa frvoi the DRBaniDont oribe Frmokrord Mualc llolL wblcb haa bf OD loMd ror Bte yeara by ■"tarbioo Joonlnaa, pro- irletor of Iho llmol JeDDlng*i, at Wllnlogton, J. LanU of Wa-hlD|ton aod Pnok Boie«ford of Chlcigo. Mr. B«r«a* ffird la to be actiog maoajtor One of the COrU Broiherahart bli knee darlog tho perfonnaoc* at tho RUoa bat week, and wta obliged to lay off donna tbo w«ek......NltOD aod ZlDmerman bare porchand aa Dterat In the Cnlumhti TbottreL Btoeklyn, litn Al. Hayouo aod Daniel Frohman. Thia make* alx tbaau«a S "at'**!. ?''^.I"?V*J?*" J!"* lot»"*t*J. loolttdlo "^^.f^T?'" «»Ipki;......Bl»aid*.iho d BtlDgnl^ TtollnlBt, aaoUlod by M. Uchaamr, plaolet, amlB.E. Irvto, tenor, dveo a oooeoTt ot Odd Krilowa Tmpla KaO B HoBagu D. D. MowolLor *Tb*lll«Ak OTnoV* haa Murphy aod Hal), aod Seigrrled. Tbe attendance u rnlly up lotbeatanJanl of thiapopularbouH. Victory rrcM« Beteinan'i dramaLliatloQ of Oatda'a "Melba" m warmlr commanded lait week. She won freeh laarola by ber «]. iDlnbiA rendlHon oftho role ol Tore Horbert Buoo TBiATm.—"Nortbem LlghU"ihlno forth et thli houaellitiweek. Andrew Maekcoioea ln-MykoArrwo" Z<. Many blddora attended tho "DoTira Aadloo" lui TSrir WotLD'fl MtTBBUM TflUTB^Tbe Ida SMttooi Biirtooae Co.. with Emma Wood. Trllbr danter, Is the prInHpaWeatnro Ihla week. Aliai^onee large. Harry Davib' Edi» Mcsib.— Saianella. wire-ba'rvd ■ -- ■ —■——— niobo Tretfrr, or* lb* , lo Ibe thrattem«-laltlra , J. (5«lt>7 wilt. Jerry aod Looloe Onnnlngham tbo FItcpatricb FUnlly aod other*. BnelnetiexcoUont ^ , , OUMHiaixaa.—An Important iheatrlaldeal wax coo- notmatod laat wrok br wblcb NliODaodZlnni*nnxo, tho well koown Fhltaaolpbla naoagoia, became a"o- clatod witbNolion Roberta lotbecoDtroloribeDoqur»aa Tbeatre, tbo Brm to be koowo aa Nlioo, Zlmoioreuu k Rohoria. Many Improreoienu la thli already eleexDi houie are promliad for next waooo Pmal'ort LodROL No. II. B. F. O. or Elke, promin that oweir aitrac- tionla town thta week will bo tepreaented at ItM elght-euih aonoal beo^Ot. al tbe New Oraod Opera Hou*e. altera noa of 21 An aocilon tale ortbe choice leati will lake place at tho Kow Grand altomoon of IS Many of pnr )ocmi maoagerA will bave tbe rotumarroD tbe mooMpal eteo. Uon, In which lotoooe Intoreot cootroa, read from tbe stage 18 John Wllllania,a pcdaitol dancer, waa ar- laated lordrunkeoDoaanlahtoflS. Bone of Ms proFM- Monal rrlonda hoi« had wbecrlbed a fbod tn Md him lo Now Tora. hot bo imbibed too freely while ot rwu to the ral I way iUtloB. Ho was releaaod U. man. aod Dick Whlttlngtoo, tbe niobo Tretfrr, or* prIoclMl corlo ball faaTorea. In >k*a»re(wli ar# arTon by Poarl Raymond, Colby aad Do wilt. J .'m 1 .^i.. ft Bk& 0l>«A» Wafnll> IlaiTlabarg.—AttheOpeift Boose HMid« Hill- man and company drew highoaaoa all Mat week. Biwk- loga: Sol Bmlih RuuoU 17. ''Rooolo Bootlaod" IS, Bamry ForguPonSa "ailhooloys Abroad" 33. . _ . . Eoilt HmtB.—BnelnaRJi cootlnaoa good. Weak or Fob. 17: OU Robe (Ibe big vakf}, Jamea Richmond niooroy. VToleh and Welch. Lowande. and tite Elite VatidoTllIoCo. Norgs.—Fraok Wloatelo, plaoUt. baa dedicated hie new mareh.'*The 11 O'clock Toast," to the local Lod|e or EUa. EmmaOardlnLor tbbolty,haaa«nimodtt<eToloof • Tboreoa la "The Foodog Maatvr." ' McCarthy'* Mi»- hapa'* Co. will lay off In ihia city Aah Wodooaday. 19. A. II. MatUioTTp, ronnorly w[th the "Jack Harkaway" Co. Ii DOW dolog adraoco work rorBaroey FergnooB'BAgiirr- gallon WlUlam Morrow TaiL fomorly proM apeot with the Baa Fraoclat'o Mlnttiela. It now lo the real oau^e aod loauraoeo buslnea^thla city WlUlan Noogfr, who, with J. W. Ritchie aod P. W. Uodgea lo lDltro»i»ft In the *'DoctOT*rf Soorot** Co., whidi wUI uke tho road Aogntt naxt,waa home wlib hia family forarewdaji Tho Oooree EdwardfS BngHth Opera Co. will be at the Oi>«it lloui>e. Ibia clir, 34. Tbe eompany conoa here lo a spe- cial train nfflro can rrom Pittsburg, and will learo O for Now Rogland atatea, whore the tour lo ihin cnnntrrand*, Tho company loavoa for Eosland March S, aod will im- mediately begin tho prodncUoo of Gilbert aod BulUran'o latoatwork. , ReadlM^*Klobe*> drew well at the AcadeoiT 01 Munlo Feb. 10. Noll Rorgesa. lo ^Tho Coaoiy Fair." pleawdao Immense audience 13. "fisvod from the Sea" biul a good sixod bouie 13. Jamea A. Rollly did a onod husIoeuli.l0L "PanJIso Alley" eom»a 17.'The Derhr Winner" IB, "Booolo BeoUaod" 19. Sandow 31, Rub'l Hll- llardSZ. ^ Qrahd Orau Docri.— "Hoas aad Hom'* auraclM Urae audlonca^ IS-ift Mr and Mr*. Bobort Vayne, lo repertory, areduo week of 17. . „ BuoDTaaATRg-satn T. Jack's "My Uncle" Company dkl a largo bnalnoM 10-13 The OrJenialSxiraTaiaou Co.. lo "Bluobeard." plare*! a return Mg«gen*ot U-i^ to excellent bui>lno*a Rose Rydoll's London Belles aro DOdo^lIned Tor wook of 17. Wllkesiiarre.-Tbe auendanceftt thetlieatTes oootlnuoa noliormly good, with hereand tbman excop; ilon.orconne. At tbe Qraod Opera Honae Nell Borgaas "CooDiy Pair." Fob. 10, bad good baoloeaa 'The ftar Gaxor.'^ll. ror tbo beneflt of tbo mall earTleii,had bU bonae. -'O'Flanty'a Vaoatlon," 13, had poor bniloec. "Pamdlae Alloy,*' IS. bad lijibt atiaodanca. "Sowing the Wind," 14, came to very good bustoeea. To eonw; Robert Hilliard, In "Lost-31 Hour*," 18; "My Vlfo'a Friend" 19. ■Trilby'' 31,92 and matloeo UcsiollALL.-"ATrlpto tboOlrcaa" 10-ll.lud fair at tendaneo. Jaok'a "My Uoole" Co.. IVU, bad ROod bu«l- DORp. Oomlog: Tbe Oalely OlrU 17-19. Berantoa*—At tbe AcadeiDj "Sowing tbe wind'* came Feb. I&. to a good hooaa. Booked: Wm.O. Andr«ws.ln "Mr W(lo'RFrleod.''18; A.H. Palmtr*iCo., lo* Trilby." 19.». Tna PioTBiKoUAH.—The fete ehanpetie lor fbebon- oBtortbo Ilnmoof the Frleodlen, last week, had crowd- ed houaoa, aod tho engagement waa oontloued for 17. U by popular denaod. Baodow and tbe Tncadero vando- vlllos a. Jon. T. Watkino* ToiUmoolal Concert 31, Bol Hmllb RuaatllSl Davis Tbbathr.— "In OU TennesMO'* 17-iv> J* L. Toole, U-IBl delighted onwded bousei. BlsitoBa—At the Able Opem Uoage *'PiimdlM Alley" did a fair builneai Feb. la Nell Burgasa. In 'rTbo County Fair,** came Xfi a good bouae II. Olaa h'etheraole had nwid booao 11 Coming: "Trilby** 17. Bobt UUllard 3DL *-Tbe Derby Wloner"tl. "My Wire*i Friend" SS, "The Oazxlor"SS Falaci TaaATRB AND UcsiBbad good atlaadan^all lastweek. Ml lea and Ireland, Hay Walth IreUod.BTa. leeo. tho MoAroia (Dick aod AlfoeX MoLean aod Hall, Lambert and Wllkoia, aod DaTO Poy are ibli week'H P»opl». AltooB»^At the BtOTenth AvBDoe Open Hoase JoeOitcamo Fob. lOL togood buslooRf. '^ledfroiHthe Sea'* did ralriy II. Mr and Mra. RobL Waioe, In leper- torr. did well 12-IS. TbUiwoek: TboM.Il. 8b«a.lo roper- lofy. "The OooniryClrcna** cornea Id, *TbeHlkido," by local talent. 3Bi, XS. _ , harrt Datir* BDiy Mt»iB.-TblR week. Iba Paria Qaleir Olrla Laaeaatera^At Itie FoltOD Operft Hoose Gin NoiheriMle. In "Denloe." dr*wa crowdrd bouse Pob^O. "Saved rrom tho8aa"dld will 19. Nell Rurgaat, lo "Tbe County Fair," had a large bouse u. Hlnerra Dpre, lo "NIobo," came to Tery good boalneaR, natlooaind orao- log, IS 'Tbe Derby Wlnoer*' 17. "Patadlse Alliy" Itt. s^^^ CALIFORNIA. Lea Aagelea—FaderewBkl appeared at tbe Aogeies Tbeatre oroolng of Peb.7 aod matinee & lo big money boalnea^iliougli Uio higher prkeri aeala In the house were only fetrly filled. Ftederlok Warde U bookrd for a week, 17-U At the Barbaok Tfasatia MRton and DollloNobloB closed 8 Feb. 10 the Dally Stock Co. headed by Mar Naonary, itarta In on a eaaaoo. «lih "Queans" for tbo opening bill The OrpbsDD nhl ii- R. O." bnaloeas woek ending 9. Now fkcee lO: Howler and Doile. HenleySlaioTsandFonte-BoDlllroitaer*. HoM oTors: Maaoo and Mealy. SisUro Da Van aod (Jilb^n and OoUle fianw and Uerben aoored aaempkalloanc- coia during their togagomont al this bou'e Waah. Norton aononoceo that he haa reioraed to tbo otago aner two yaara' reilnmant on bla ranch In BbaataCnooty.Cai-. and will begin a tour of th« mnall rowoslothlsvidniiy II. wllh a oompanr compopod of tbe Oonialee Family, Maud Ovoo, Mlas Klogatey, Uany Rrothsra. Mni Norton aod hlmeoH A porformaore of "My Oeoaiar' waa gtreo by Siepbaole Formter aod olbers at Moilo Uall^ moat of the tickeu for aame being sold by petveoal sollottallon.aod oo tbe repreeentaUcn ihatthey woraa eonpaoy that had straododuWataoDTine. tbiaStaie..^ Bouaa'B Band la Mlkd for perfnraiaaoaaat DaisTd'ara- tIIIod aftaraoon and ereningofSS aod arestng af 34...... Tho lleaoaeoTiho Thalia OoDoen Hall was ■wTokid by toe olty antboriUea Feb. 4 aad the place eloaed. ■•B Dlaaoi—At Flsber'e Open Beaoe FRde- nwakl. Fob. 8.^ good baMuMa. Behllllaa'e Riom^a. B. had fkir boslnoaa. Prederiok Waidecomsali, Ifl^ El- dredge Stock week nf 17. Hoosa'fc Band a SOUTH CAROLINA. Chsirleaioa.—At Owoiu* Aoedetnr VtiRlo *'Tbe Bowery Olrl,'* Feb. 11. draw a good bonae. Foocb Robailm, IS-IA had nod b«B)aa« at pepator prieoaJHe bold* orar 17-4, wlA tbe aaeaptloo of MX vbeajTbe Black Crook" eomea. " " ' " ' " T»nplatVwe''HHai