New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuabt 22. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 807 RHODE ISLAND. PniTldMM.—At lbs PtoTld«nc« Op«m Houm^ rtb lO-tti appeftnoM bf n* tad n»t with iBoelinie««i& Th« ninuDdar of th« vtek Wo. OlUklw, la "no Maeli Johuaa " aUo •sjniad looil Intliiw. rnlha lialbair of IhU vhk LlllluiRouall •llluwtvlo nparttiT' niatdnaeaKltliTeirUrKe, at«dvuc«4 prieM. roUowloiMlaBamUeafflwi'itfr' for lliiM algbu,ud tkw "Sovlai Uia Wlad" forUim KiiTa'flOrBU Horn —Vard A TottM. Id '-a Bun Oo ■be (Uek." lO-U, ^ bl| batlDM, tml lh« »how «u noeh rxMRvrUtthoDlutiMTUlL V\\» vMkftbuatr ftundlon lnoffirwl In '^rlibr." ud ihe tilvuir* [■ th» lan*M of tbe Muoa. FoDowIob UiU Moiti Mo Old '^WiflTxTjaraiTBUTBi—Flrao'i Lad<1o& dftUijOlrta mfto itH'lr uioatl Tl'lt ud htd th*u*aaiiood "dxtn*^ ThltwM^W«b«r'«01f mpic Vudtvlll* Oo. LoTHur'0 Oraiu noroBi—LoThrop'a Block Co., Id Wb. A BrMly'i '"OJd aioiT>" eD)Am1 (rood baatneM IQ-ie, aQd nT» a varv oT'dlublajMrfonnaDce. Th(i v«>«k. Jf^hn \Val h, (o'Ttie Pride orElUut.*' fallowAd bj K*t« DalUA iD "AQ Anblfto NlftbL" imnuT Bill — Od Pttb. U EU«n Beach Ya* w$ to ftTiry Uir«udl»iic«. On2eRiTanla, tIoIIiiIm, win ■ r'tdTD •anfftmaoL and la lame. D. W. Rnrea, oi RweroiT AmerlcAD Baod. will giro a fwncert In c«l«*tn- i(oa orih> tblrUetli analTanwry of hU laadentalp of tliat omnm^oB. Nona.—n«nf OaltoDdar, formertv tfuaomr of the PrATMeoMOpen Boom, batnov maaeger of PtDbmaa'a 'Tko Fatal Card.*' vaalD towi on IS for a abort call r\it ntw Major hu forbidiltn the laane of aor more t«bnol il<keta \tf the local tbfatre*. aa hn aaja that while ibarelinotaojiblDv of an objectionable utnm tn the Mrfomaaoeii. tlie child ran am broaitbt la oontaot vlth Mplewboin tbeyidioQld noi ra«atacan«arl/aae Clua. B. Monroe, of thin ettr. Is palDiloft alot of now iC*D*iT for the Proot SlreM Theatra, Woreaniar. MaM. .. lanRoyiOfthaVardeind Voke^Oo., vaacaUed to lUltlDtnn, Mo.. tL bj tba eodden lUoeu of bar father. jIKuRnywIll njiln ib* craimnjoeitweek Amott oltb<^r»U paiailng nf Lllf Langir* baa beta added to tb* lobAj of the Pp-Tldrnca Opera Hou*e. Pawtuoketr—At the PawtDcket. Open Uoaae, Feb. 10-13. two local prodoetlnae ware rerr lanieir at leadMl. "The Toraado," 17-lt, for the flrtt time here, «ill he fallAwrd t\n, br **A Cracker Jack." Ibe Btud' aid 0 an Bod (Te Ca. U-U, aad Mar«ant Hathar 37. Maa- icer Fret. W.BtraOlDdaaarTMoiDfh credit for the war Id ■^(cH ha !■ handUoit thla boiaa. The attiacilone oiTersd an b«it*r Iheo ever before, aad iha bulaaaa U ntaadlly locnasbg. OHIO. ciBclAB»«l.->Whiio "AmblUoQ" baa been Id- dorwd braadleDCta of gMd alie, thera la a well defloed ftellDg that IC It Het Qoodwln, and not the play, that b the nafnet Dorlag tba waek the comedian and hli compaoy qmit their Rtare koar^ rehaanilDK "An Aoierl eto Cltliea,*' a new plaj-, by tfadellae T.ueelta Rylej. It i« wbl)(fand that **Ainbldoo'* la tA ba abelred. QiAico Ofim Uoca^.—Mr UeoTT trrloK aod Elleo T^rrr enmioeDee their eoMrmtDt Pab. 17. pruaouni •The Hetctiaat of Tenlee.*^ Darloir the weeh '-Naoc* 01dO«ld" aD«l "Tbe Bella*,'* "Eiog Arthur** and "Becket" ■re 10 be nd>red. Theadfanfa aalvla Terr large. Nni Ooolwia plared loaplaodM boalneu, and hlaaudieoe«> ■acMaded in getting nlgtailv add ream out of *-ThefleD- ttni" befvTeibecuruln. *The Fatal Rant" 24 Wauot SmiiiT TouTiu.~Pr«derick Bancnrt, mtgl^«kea hiaHrrt local appearmaeo 17. Richard Miai- ieU, with Beatrlea Caa»ana and a well halaoced com- pasT. praiaatod a ronnd of bit old ntccvaea lant weak, to aodltocai of good alv. On tba lait aUht of hli eDtage- mul haprtMDfMl '^nie StDrr of Bodlon, the BtodenL'' PrukMaro, In "PuUd'ttbaad Wlhun." 14. PormiK RQO&Ri TiurRi.—HI Hanrr'e Mlnitreli opM»l If. The retara ancagenient of the Waahbitm Binen* LaM Sonaailon proved prolltabla. M. 0 AnJer- •on'n Owo Oo. O. HircK'aOritu HOUSE.—BobbrOayloT dropped in 16, olferlDg "In a Big Ciij." ^Irl wanted," ih» lercaooD- edflnwblch PrankBneh beiarrlDg. aurmcted audience* ofKMhl atzalaacwaeb. **IIia Wliluftjuadron" 21. FimiHiJf'flTBiaiii.—VIonleDe ua*en aad hereon' lUDrlaangaratedtlinneweraof coinMaailon 16, helPK at«a la "A Hooiler Uerolao." "TboCoralcan Bmlhert*' wupct on iMi Te«k aa tba la«t prndoetlon oftlie capahia atodccoinr«nr which haiilatMren tn fRiiblullr to mala the W«Bt Kod BUou popnUr. Prank Jonta, In "In Od Tfli AtrDiTORiDit—**11ie Pire PAtrol" came 16. Latt wftk waa eaUtlfd "Oi la week", aed lotalaitracUonahoM the bcaida arerr alttmoon and night. "Tba Players. ib*aDuweur ornnliatbiL wet» xeen In "Loto and War" and"iri Bad Tan Thou land a Year." "Oarld Oarrlek*' waiako biongbt oot, wlih eereral mtmberaof tbe Mc<l< latka cnmpiDy In tbe caat Minnie HUwart took the role of Ada Ingot and Beannoat Smith tliatol aarricb. (Aiarla- muga Koel>ler,P'anaii B/rae, FranklynQuloliy. Blinora TaondilU, John Droir, Uarir Vincanr, EmniaBrooirull aad Oraee Plahrr weia othera eatnated with parte. Jw- nie Btaanbetmer** puplla w«n oeen ISIntwocomrdUr^ "Hy Loid In Ltrary" and "Handicapped " Thaamaienn who look part Included Miriam Behaar, Ediih Hlil, niarlce Solomon, Hei»B V. Weber, Sulla llarka. Alice Saod. Baby Bfhwab, Bmllr Batter, Ma« Herman, Albtrt H. Wagner. Simon Jordtn, Herbert Mllee and Richard Balni OlRDer. "Little Mlaa Nngfei" XL PaoTLB's TBiATas.—Weber A PleMa' randeTllleCIuh returae 16. Laat weak Weber A FleMe' Owa played to irtat bnalneaa. Sam Oevere'a Own Oo. 23. Hani A AviftVa Biniou —OaUmlir Jao«, Harter Salburs. Eaatuoky Dlok, Sol Siona, Herman Uanaen- dorfer'Henalneeibibli aadTlille Vrandiwore In nurlo ball 17. Prank Younr, Bav Blchanla, Flood Broih»r« Anon and Oardner. Iretrb and alaiar. Rath Lyneon, aad rottaraod Wllllann provldad the Tariety. Bu'Imm wuTeiy good laat week, tha girl with tbe horae'a niioe pnvlBg q alte a eniloRltj Piaa OraiA Uocea—Hantefc, aailated by Corlaoa Mooie-LawaoQ and Carria Batlowe Jobnion, wlU l>e heard In c^cart IB. Tbe UalTaralty of Olnoinnatl Olee and Nandolln Olnbe were beard 13, and the affair waa lu iha ileal Baton of a eodal aad mutleal aacceti. AlbanI li conloBK. Qoaup OP TBI LOBBT—In the antt of the BobUuoa a4ateTa.8eoU and Cunlncr, tbe laneeaof Roblnaoa'a Open Uooaa, amadlflcd order wae glren raamrlogibe arenerr. eta., to tbe I w ein. Tbla they eohl to the eaute. aad theinmlcnre baa tMn taken awar. part of Itbr'— remored lo tba Audltorlnm, wliare Mr. Scott le l_ loeatfd. nw leeaeee eeem loraelmraibUtlielaaaevtll nrait to then neU Fall Oertrade Arlward aur "Are Maria" at St Pairlck'e rharcb on the laatday ufbf r aojuem lo Otneunatl Oertrade Hav Btein latoba th^ aotoUt at rbe nait lynipbony con«ert Tit* Ball- etedt.BalliDbarg Military Band baa been engaged for taeniyweeka at Cheater Park, the new Bonuner reaort lo be opened by tbe OlBCliDaU Biraat Rallwar Co. on tbe old iroiUsgtraah where Maud 8. Oni camalotoprooil- nance Maaager Ge«nn E. Baker ipent tbe aaHy pain eithewaakin Indlanapons I«um Danalgee le con- ing koma In Manb. and pramratlona for her weloomean alratdy being made. She «IU ba heard ai tbe Odeon Hanoa B^iOamlo, Oaorge Daacb, Carl Uahn ami Katharine MoKeown gaTo a recital at the Lyceum of tbe Oolltge of Mualo 13. Hack A Arery, baTing re- oewfd iheir leaea of the Huiiaura for Are yeare, are eon- tenplatlng ramodetlog ihe balldlngneit Hammer B.W. Brady hthlnhlngHrloualy 01 aecarlog the RoblO' ■on teen Bou<e for iha Brady A Sialr olrsult leit year, if the deal goaa through popular pricea will pre- Tall Ediih Randall, AHlaoe Ramaer and Ttiomu Martin an at Peter*' Mnelo Hall Mn Cbarlaa P. SUlJbory, who waa ao daogeroualj ill, haa recovered. Ttw Praaman Stock company hu acattered, Manriea Brenoan. Beiyl Hope, Herrtdlth Fenr, Will Bbtwart, Richard Baker and Oanjille D'Bluar all go to MoatraaL One Welnbarg le weighing three oITera. from Boeton. yUwankee andVabar A FtehL Howard Hell K»ai OB the road aaaiUr,opanlng.34 at Delawart.0. Oaorge Dauek wa«lu Pltiabur* taatwoek Mii Uelarloh waa the aololat at tbe laat Pop. CieTaUmd^lD spite of QDaBOAllr bad weftttacr, tbeaUendanoe at all nartbeatraabasbaea ntlaCaciATT- At Ihe Kndld Arenua Opera Uooae "Pudd'nhaad WII- ■on." ban for tbe tttat ilme week of Peb. 10, dra* rair food kouaae end waaweU raoalved. Prank Mayo. In the title rda. ncelTod deea^ad applauaa at ererr perform- ance. Eleanor Horaitraa Boar, and LnelUaLaTemeu Patv mcalrad their ihare of Uio bonoia. RIoe'l "liSf' willbe eeen weak of 17. Oln NeiherH>leti-S LTCitrBTnuna.-Aadraw Hack. In "Hylea Arpon," played to f»lr ba*ln«u leek of 10. Tbla play la a wa^f^*^ ehuga from the nenal run of Irlah dnma and wlib a ■troaaar eupport woaU have baen a decided "uctata. Domtby Kent and Uda MaHIUan ihared wlib^Vr. Meek recognition for good work. Week of 17 will divided t>*twean Cbaa. B. Uaafoid, In repetiorr, aad Tboe Q. Baabrooka. Id -^a Bpecalater."^ Jaa. J. Cor- bett, In "A Naval Cadet." and 0«o. W. Xnnroa, ia "A llaepy Linn Bnffla,"dlrlde waek ofM. _ ., CLBVfUHD TBKAima^Bobby Oavlor. "InaBiaClty/* lO-a nra a good ebow to good booaae. Mr. Oajlor*e ideaoTwhat laneoaiaur to make upan IrMmanibor onihly appaale to tbe patrontof thUthtatn.andthfy •hnwed their appraciailon Iwtb In numbenaQdaaua* ■Ian. Bandow aa<i kla Troeedero Veudavlllea. I5*l&, draw tbeuenal large boaaeawhIcbfollowStndow here, bo maiur which theam ka appeamln. While Mme of the •petia Iti have bean n«en berabefrre, there wen emufb nea oaaa to aire aplea to the abow. "TbaSldawalka^r hawTorh"l7-St-ThaBpanofLile"J4-». . , Hraa Tauns.—flbemMn and HoriMy. In "A Jay Oinna," did fAlr bnalneia weak nf 10. hot tbe *bow Uoot Bp (o tbe naaalttaadarl maintained br Manacer Dn*. Coaebltu'e Moglng asd Bharmaa and Moripey'e bar leaqa«lfap»ta work wffi* the beat r«aiar^i of the *nur UlanaoL Bam T. Jack'a ••Adanleea Eilen" Borlea^BO Co-eocneaweaiinr 17. ■ThaOUySpbru"M-9.„ ^ , icioiHT or Momc-Hetier tban theuaiially loodai- lenduae baa men the rale daring week ol 10. .Nearly all ofttae apeelaltlea lnirada<^ weranew and well moelved. Newfeceaforweekei IT are: Hlckeland WetaoriJUiaoDd Biraat,(ThaMareod8cBlthand BerltaCaira. "O'Bellly'e R«eaptwa" wlUba thaaftarpleea. ^ ^ . r louo Bau.—Tbe edvanca aaie of reeerved aeaUfor Mme. Albaol, U, prwntoee adeddad aaceaea. DajtoB^At the OiuDd Opera Uoose Jame* J. Oerbatt, In "The Keral Cadet," draw a bU bouae Pa*;^ 10. ;ibe Bhek Cmoh** eana IS, to a top heavy bouat. Tboe. Q. Beebnwka, In "ThappecoUlor." ■?Tf\?'.!!I ■ l«tit« aadlaae*. OMnlog:'Por Pair TlrginU" 17. "Tba Peodng Manur" 1*. . rAUM. TBiaTU.-Harbert Cewthorn, Id "Utile MUa Hogiai,** draw big heaaee week of W. Ham T. Jack'e Or«olHooBelMe,*TbaWhltefl4oedtnn"aw ^ loiDiiw-BOMB rBBaT«B.-"A Onen <*««•,'■'* dnv -•uii. Uoaiag: -nayB aad Plaren^' tl, LUHan Kaoeadra • -* ^ AaociATMJt Bauu-Tbe Bedpath UtanJ Cu neert Oo. dnwa big boaaa 11. Onrnlag: Tmlaan Tronbadeen oJl**t!l;^ri' y^T^Woo Tlie%irt "The Fatal IJfe^rlll^!? builhOM 15. -TheBpan if SKb&S'" • "opWo** TranaoSanlM pi?X-T» J?.?'" -^"??* ^I"*""'' f'*'" ^^^^^ ry-s^"'" L. M. BODi. ofih,v,|,nt |at, U In N«V«rk. Colamhai—At iht (Innd Open Unum in* . K uT?^'?-""te Whiu Rdiuadron" orntned Hilil h^.KTL le'ft "5^ ThontM O. SeahrMke hart Kll W ■ ^ Fencing baiter" did filriy TBI RkTtril. MrSBi —R. 0. piord manamr uU«r tlna to open 17. bat the Mil linot ankooScSS^ * * Srhll*"i^^'i' ".^f^t" niW il'« houi both u^ii ^w.^*J?'?« M*/*'"•'lihied a Urge audt- Sh*n*'«. " ^" ^'•*"'>'* T*m'a nowB.^»Mle Mae Hall Qnlahed a verr I?.*i^"*&'*S*J; " "■wment I. llloridi'a French and Irallan Grand Open Oo. will bv tt*n tJ. .i!ll"5!!fr***;r*^-..""'* Memorial Open llouae The Peaclng Mwiar" gave a loikl i^rluntiauce to a peajed 1W5. lo rtpertoiy, at popaiar pncan, to pmr bu.Y *Towo ToDle**' camee 1^ Keller aJTBupetha C.«. aod Bowanl Wali'e Comedy Oo k-. «. <«n Z«neevllle.-.At Svbultz'a Oiwra lloose, R. D. flchelli. rDsoager. Otia Bklno-r. In "IIIm Unee, D- Oram- Martar" hikd tomaierlallwll fomiog: -TheCouniry VJ; ^i"",?'^'* Co- « and B, Cbarlai if. IIanfordl4,'lbeLlnlted Mdl"». «lemb«invllle..AttheCI(r Opeia Hoqm "The "PeurtMdellitbted a good hooia IS. Coming: Oonialaa' opera co. Zf-n. M«M MICHIGAN. D«Uolt.*At tbe [jceum Andrew Mack cornea Peb. 16-Zl. Last week labam'a Ocioroon'a averaged an aioeUant week'« fauaiaeaA, packing Ihe matlneea Jameo J. t>>rbett onnaoH for one nigbt tS, follow«:d by "BbartMo. S" and Uaolooa' '-Biiperba" ai-39. Manager Btair baa returned aod la kwkloa dae. DBTBOir Opbra UocBR.-Mlnnle Madden Pi^kecomei. I7-19. fallowed by the Uolmea Lecturea ti-21 Tbe Potter Bellew easajienieotdld not pan nut'n ibo palmnKia that waa eipeclM, 10-11 but "ftae Poondllug ' drew brit tumouiiaud pkaaed immenaelr 13-15 wiimire uaatfo Oriiu Hoi-«i.—Tbla week Weber A KleMa'Bhow. Laat week "The While Stiuetimn" draw very guMl Kiteodaoco. Noit week. -viaveM ol OoM." Oab MILL'S KHPlRBTllliTai —TTile week 'Pcck'a B«l B4>/." La*t wavk "ttaio T. Jack'a "Adajok-ia Klvn*' drew lUe a magncL Neat «»ek. -Pawn Tlekot :tlO." nariTDL Bquihu Tuiathk —fno *tocN rompany ihli week prxwota 'The Uaoitea"allh tbe followiDg pm- olalty people: Al. H. Martiln*. Neuio Mof.OhMa. anH Will Pertello. W. O-Cunolagbani JulneJ the itock cmop^nv 16. Prank Ruhertn appeared on ahon uoilu lu "Tli* Bureuof New Vork." WONDIHUNO TUIATHI AND MlHIIB —tlurlu Iitll: Otl- lelU'a perfiinning manhera. John U Sdnflndler. Pmf. PnakandIha Uontgoaierr Musical Tr<o. Theaira:Mlli. Alberta, Mr. and Mrt. Arthur U. yidmia, Onlbj and May, Maua and Maieitaaod Uarlaad and Ho'-lninn. Grand R«plflla.«At Power** 0|>ern llatus "flhora Acre*" cnniea 19. fti. Ptrkl'a moaualu ii, "The RfUh"f4nQd "lior March 6.7. UBAXD UPBRA UONtL-E-lllll Bilk (U "A Bllcli of Blondert." wMk of Feb. IIH ittared t' fair hdRin>*4. Idiam'a Octoroona oome week of 17, KeuiEKjntley ro. 31-?). Humrs Opbbi HoniK —Week of 17: TlieAdama, (Ua- t«llo and Rolae. Slatun Violet. Cliapin Broa.. Uie La Riif a, TrumMoBIitera, NatSoyerand Miick. 8ia|lnaw.*Ac Ibe Academy or MuaIu, Fob. lA, Minnie Maddera-Pieke nve l«o|>eiforiuancfla to aood buainra AI.O PieU'MMlii«U«Uconio2l. BoROWiLL'HOpaaAllornKckiMd l6,aDd will not open until the CAM peadloi lu Ihe Circuit Onurt ajln whether Ihe Common Council oin refuae tUeliouMa UceuMlA OeddeJ. _ Knlamasoo^Atttie ACHdouiT of K(ii>lc Mlnole Madden-Pleke, In *'The geeen ^r LUr*. * Ftb. 13, playd lA siuilInB rrwm oolr. Rooked: lloyt'n "A Buoch of Keie"l7, "f)hore Acttr'SD. OliAiiP Opbu Hona-Mcloiyrr. Btce and Melnlyra, Harry Leonard, Nat and Minnie Le Roy, Evan LswIr. the '^iraogler," aaalalad by local talanl. I««Bilag.»At Balrd'0 Opera House UlDUle Mad- dara-FIake cama to croviitu hoow Peb. II. In 'The Queen uf Liara." AI.G. Pleld'a Hloetnla are billed forM jMoMaoB. —At UlblMrtl's Hlnale Uaddem- PUke,In"TheQueeo ot LUr«."dell|htetla gvud hmiM. Fab. 11 "Lo4t *Jn hew York" gave Mlipfaciion tn a rtlr houm 13. TEXAS. Oalwaaton—At tbe (Iraod OperH IIouh) Jiilee Unu'lOpernCo. cloaed a mont aiccea^ful cnaageinroi Feb. e, both artlatlcally aad fluanclelly, havior (TMeniad ■ueb oparaa bh •Tar end TWrUr," "lodlana," "Pra DIavolo," 'Tlie Onnd Dudieu" and "The Be«gar Stuaeot" Fnf. and Mme. Ilenrnanu. at advanced price*, aucceeded In pUailog and bewlUerIng t«o crowded houMM night nf 7 and matinee 0. KoNirta. Ingertoll Ivctnted on "Liberty of Muu. Woniaa and ChlM." to tha rapacity of the houa», 8. Plri: and Weuitar. In '-A Breeir Tlma'*dld falrlj w«il 9. R>lw|u Mlllon Hoyle and a well balanced company pnaeoted "Priendf," to a gw*! vlud ^TBlMoRBUBllOWOPlLl.veionliat been dolnjt a big bualoeaa for Uie pau two weeka at i,l2pUarkeiHirMi. KOTB-^ani»i P. Pavton, oianaKornf uie Opvia llouae at Akiandria, Virirlnta,Jolned Uie Edwin Perrj Co. here g.aaadTanceag enL San Antonio.—At ibo Urand Open Uouao "Tbe WlcktowPotiman" played lo a verr Ifghi bualnen 0. while BobeitO I»eraoll turned pefple away ta Cotn* Ing: -Prienda" 13. -fli<» PaatMall" 14, Ift, "Pablo Romaol" 16 HaorrE.DIx«yl9,ffl Wahhixuto:* Thuvui -Opening 17: ^ Wheeler and Batai. Wm O'DelL Klitr Uoiiuon, Ned Harrr. Annio Howard, the Da Norea, Mlu Ja'|ua eidridge and Tom '^l?^nBATM.-Opfnlng 17: The Meitona. MIm Cald- well, th^ Reiendei. Dalioo and Boyle, li™ end Ilunu Dyer and Uowaixi, Baby PJonnce, Harry Holme-. Mamie Bnvd. rhas. Inn^tH, LIflle KlUwortb. Kettle Benin. Pnnk PercL P'llm Nellie Wllaon. LIUIan Jvroioe. Oberti, a J.nenipeheU.W. P. lIenp»htllaod the Atkloiun flla- tera. ^ Honaton^AiSveeDcr^ OooiAb^B Opera Uoiue '•A Breeiy Time." Feb. 7. r»ve three perfgrmancM u» noorhou^aa Robert 0. l\■c^rMll filled tbe bouae from St to dome 9. Onu'a Cpe aOo began an engaGMnaot la foraweek,tocn»wded nouaaa. Due: Edwin Ferry 17- 19^ "Tba Paat Maiy 21. XL "Pablo Rouianl-' K Henry E. Dlaey -Tbe Cotton Klog"J8. « . ^ PALAOI TBBATBl-Boalneaagpod. floothem Qoamt, Latnw Bleiera. Ooitlob aod Uanlu Tom Kelly. Pia Wll- llama. Quelle EMnere and Tom Bunge. TitR MlBROH Mazi conlionaa to goud bnalneaa. Fart W*rtli.—At areeowall'B Open Uouree BobL Maniell. FnbL 6 and 6, had Calr bnalneaa. "The WIcklow fonmBD," 7. had a lop heavy hnuae. "FaMn Romanl." H. bad n good mUlnee, buipoor honaa In the aveolng. Heory B. Diiey. 10 and 11. did a falriy iteod bualneu. Aneila.—At lUUeti'e Oper* Hoaee "The fant Mall" came Feb 10. CoL Bob fogerwjU «*me to a Urge and ■aupredillTa audience II. "Frienda- did a goM bualneJalt. •TharV>lion Kina" oomaa l4,Uwla Mnrrl- aonf7, LeraneliartleA MASSACHUSETra Lowall.—At me Opera Uooee *>Dowo os (bo 8uwan»e River" dnw aamall bouae Peb. H). RIce'a "Ifir play#dll. fvriba third lime Uila aeaaon.aodUidagead bunia. Billy Barry. In 'The BUIng OanenUon," pUfed B good huilnaat U. "Ben Iluf" will be iiaged 17 and reSk, for benefit of Lowell OeopralBnep^UI. Mtraio HALU-UUIe Akervtrom c oa^ a week of«rT tam huaki-Mlft Dan MeCarthy. In •Truifceea Lawn;' ilnd^The Rambler (rwn Olare." comee 17-19. and "Out- ai;;'/Tj:it«-Thlfho«M «ni open U. doon for theflSitlmellwIlh CUnoice II. Wilier propnelor and n. P. DunMr manager. With a cnfto hall on the groond flnor end a theatra with one gallery uwi*'" H verrM»t J*^" >'«i«»*' prarai', wiih thrve ahowa a day. ermmenelog theopaning bill announcaa P. D. Kina. Lorranla. Ueory WattiriAW?*nm aad H»rflnatt.o. BIwanlCUTMCfc D« uid Jure MoMaboa, and ling, Millie Ihimaaand U. WIL "^wSSSbu'sd avo BiJOfTTBtATmB^Thla hnnae la an- DounoKl tTopeo U. The hou»e U being changad i/var loaewbat. and wlU hare a eurio ball downMatn wHh ihe- **ffp!miro{o» UAti ^P. 0. Dodge haa a beneflt 17. Pnll Blvev.~At Ibe Academf ef Miudc '-Hio Tornado" *mtk telr baa<a*ea Feb. II. 1^ Ed. M. Faror. in^Tbe Jaater." 13l had the thmueai bouae ol the wa- So. WllliirRaiSm«Ie bia ihlid local appeariace II. "lUUia tuoenitoo," aod aaaln draw aedienca I Ibe honia to iu do tbe Bask," cone I rL" 19 »: Arthur I InTbeBUUiaClenenilob.* -.^^ ihU oiled ibehooia to iu doora Ward aad T<»keMo"A - ootbe Bank," come 18: Mian a Pjdmer. in 'TT* nlQIrL" 19 Arthur Purreat. in 'r^pta^n Iwlft, 7-m\ Margaret Mather March & ■yapbosyOr- cbeua4,'Tbe Iriab AUeiviaa" 6, "Bbadeweof a Oreat , KiCH'a TRBATBB.-Rloa A BaTion'* -MoDnndla aad PMNlta" ptaye^l a rwtare eneagemeat Fatk I3>IA and net wIthMiraierna. **A Cracker Jack'* Mniaa 17.19. Hany Morria'Rntfrulneii U-A'Special Deliverr" ll-ft '-On Brln'a Bhore" I7-W. W0!ipBML«xoTHiATnB -A ratuTn vhit of "The French OaUtt Uirla." IS*U. «aa rawarded with gmvl hualneaa. 'Tbafeariy Rinia." IO-ILchlrp«d and danceil to lair ra- tuma. Tne Uearr BarleMiue Co. will iw iheelinciktn l!"**. *'^»nt" cornea tl and week, -Trip to the Clrcui" Maichlend wi«k. Worreeter.—At tbe Wocteaier Theatre "abad- oKiofat-natri'y" draw a good h<tuio P«h. 10. Btuart RobKtn, Id "Mra. Poaderbnry'a Paat," hadahlgbn«*e II. "N|ce'a"iivr*dnw ft bla crowd at Itannh appear ucethUaeaamtll The Oieat Diamond Ruhbery^had Uriabonae* I3-15. Due: llnly t!Tv*a l?oll«ge Draoiaiio Bi>oleiyOe<al).ln -Henry IV.'' 17; Billy Berry, in "Tho RIeloB rleneratton." IB; (TIeveUnd'a Ulaairala ZKCnn- ItoiMlakellloyL la "A Contented Woman," tl,SI; the Uanlok Theatra RnrlfA(qe t^)^ In 'Thrilby,*^ O. LoTHMor OriBA llotVB.-Oarl A. Ilaiwln. In 'The Rll- ver King." draw lilg hmiM taat week. "Uom and II-^n" cQm#a 17-B "Ooo of the Rravui" 3l -19. P110.VT BTBBBT OfBBA Hotna-Aam T. Jack'aBl^tav. aganiA Co, In'Th* Bull Plahter."diew big houee* all liMWHk. LoodnaOelMyairUIT^ NoTB^aniva W. llerkliKJr.of ihia city, aalla iinm Me» lorh tl for ^Dha. where ne g""* by direclkiri 01 Manager WlllUm A. Rrady to wcure maUrlal lor a new meltMrama, to ba louBded oa Ihe f^ban If ouble. Lynnf At tbe Lyon Tbealre '*The Lo9tP.iiB- diu" Mme Frb. ll.b,io gowl bnalneaa. 'llunianiiy*' <omas18.0. ^telriOi AMemian" Marrli S Mreio Hall.— Rollly h Wml i (^wneJIana did al>l« buMniaa Fab. 10. Rica A Barlnn^aCoinnllaBF, tn * Mr- Dwille aod Poodle," St-U: the Henry Barleaiue Ci>. THBramALMiSBcooilnueeio do an Immeon bnal- neaa. r. W. Currier. «hn haa th* geufnl tnaniga nent of ih« Mau la thia couniry. wea In town levaral daya Ihe paat w eek. Lnwrance.>At the Oprra llouw, Feb. lu, 11, "The Petal Card" pb)ed 10 ■O'^l buMne'a. Billy Harry. In'The RUInKUenentlon,'*^pleaMd a big audienretl l.lltle Hadiel and Co. vnaeot'^ "The CrVtla." to a fair «fiadhou*e. no 14. uwler III* euaplcea nf Hie Ineal K. Y, 'The 'eBter."uniIariliedlractlonof A.Q 8raminon,with E. U Favor and thAOohauM, lo tho leailingralea. pleaded atopheary Itooae II Wni. 0 U-rrllL formerly nan- agerofihlahDuee, wulned a compound fraetnce of the kneocap 13. Tannton—Al Itio New Tbealre "Tho Trtmado" oatiie Peb II. to good bnalneaa. "Plnafnre" IS. 13 and IK. bj;local talen;, taR.,R. O. ;mi91" (o a lar||e audleuce. 14. tomlag: Ward A Vobaa IP, *'Taiedo" DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WBahlngtom* —Tbealrlcikla at the DAdon'n capiul «»re a Utile "ipott)" laat week, but ooeaiinc tiondoing more Hub ordinary bnaiDaM Tlie only rea- aonfurtblMtute nf atfalre la lhai Ibe pra-leatea aoclal demaiidakepttlw yreater portlou of nur nguur play- goera fram Indulging In publlo aouaenienta, nnleith- landing tbe hllln it ellourtheatreeweieeicepllMinlly fine. KiPLKr'K Katio.nii, TiiBArRB had Rni flmllh RaKaall In an ricnllant roi»erut:y. InelaUlni a dnnble t>lll, '*Ati Everr l>iy Mau"aBd "Mr. Vkl-titine'e Chrl^bnai.'' IhiiIi una here, aod "Til* Hlf Ala." Tho hniwo waa erowdad al fvery prrformaoce, aa Mr. ftunell la a great W««hlBuion r«v<<riie. aa are alte aeverai inviuii«r<( ni liia aicellent p'liipAiir. Miute of whom hare iheir hoine)i hem. «iii)e ntlirra harv beru memhera of itie (fatlunel gumioor Comedy cnmpanioi which l>avo dellnktedour p)ayg<t*ra for *«v«T«lrear« real In Uie iBtaival lietween reaular MBfona. ThU «e«b. "Howiog the Wind." "A Trip 10 CliInaUBn"P«li. 3I-2). ALHAi'dti'n LiPiTicm egUABBOi'BHA llorrif.—Bhaa ■•roMnlfd "Nell tlwjnne" and "JoF^phlne, Emoreaaof tho French." 10 [airly aooil bualooM. Hhe aenetou'ly gun a apeclal iuuliaeeTueailayrnri)iea<tiui«nivni of Uie rlilklren ul ihu varkiiiaurplian AMyliiiiia ol tlieolty. TbU weik. Mile. Dune. In fnur uirrnrniancn*, "IIauiIIU," "Ma^da." *Tba lli»teaii" Bn<1 "The Wile ofCUude." "PorpAtr VlT«lnla"il-». ALi.n.N'H Uhaxd OpkHA HoL'uM.-Roliert llilllard. In a d» i|<rtil>lu bill. The Lll'leai tjirl" and -Las\-1\ lloom." dkl m t receive Uie rrcounltlon Im d*<a«rvcd. Tlia h'lUM'i' w«ie |«lr, but ihe emilenrvnr the eiiler talniitent «arr«nl«] the Ulllng ofevenr a«el at each ner- fornianca Tbla vMk. Ilnn^on'' "auiierlia." 'Llltie Chrlatoplier'21-^fi. RAl>Lar'HACAUUT ur Mt'Hiu wuralrly w«|l attendod to a«e "Bvnuir HcotUml*'prea^ntcd bv a ihoruuulilv good coDipanv. Tliit auracllon. liko llilllani'^ at Ihe (IranO. dfl««rrrd oiudi keiipr patrooace. TI1U wa»-k, SVli BtiiBaiH, In 'Thi« ('oiinly Pulr." I'rimroae A We*i2l-0. Kaa:(AN'a LvuwM TiibithbIiaiI urattr gnwl i>aiioe«« at iliH return eD[fkjttiiii«tit ol T. K Uiico'a City Clali. bnl return enKagMintit, eaiMclaiiy of Tau<lerlile ahowa, ilo nut uHoailf pan out «rU in Watlilaiiton Tbla wavk, R'llly A Wond (innlher return), ilsdo'a Coioediaua. with lleieae Morp.2l-0. TowKK'H TfK Pjilaoi In aUliditinga phanonienal hual ntM. coining luneey l»r lu nwneiaand AlTordiBK Indnlie ainuMmenlBikl aiercba for Ita fairuaa. Joe OHHiogliuo ci-ued hlH fecoail end laat woek 15. KOTEM—Kumwr* hare been rife hara aoretal ttniaa wliliintlieiiaat 'noiTllireeinnnlhalhntNlianBnd /Im- merman ere n*B»llatlng f>ira ilmatre tn Wadhlaglon, but lliUH far cannot tM traced to any nllable aulhnrllr HhsM hu purchafil a homo un WaMlilnKtiMi llaiahla, Im- iiiedlaieiviiiirili of and orerlouklog the city, wuer'* aba inisifli aMudlau her time while mil 1 laying Franda Whllebnuw Joined Hoiiert lliiliud'a "Lo-t-1* lluar'" <:o. II, Dalay Dlion retiring frnm Ihe marry a ■taiUiy auiinr Francia J. O'Neill, Inraiprly elly editor nf The IPdJAInrfoe iMtU now Kruhinan'e prea4 rtpreiteota- tlre III ndvaiice of "Bowing the Wind," wm warmly unHilvd by hlaboai-of frioodHtiert laat weak Ue>irva Oenhani. of the Kol thiilth Ruaatll Co.. enlerlalriiid oiembiranf itKt orcaaliatlun al lili uuliguo lltlb> niicli at Pour Mile Rua. Va. one dey lift w»ek Hul Smilli llnaaell waa ilm laeat all taat week at Ihn hone of Prnd Kerger. hia caanigBr, which la altuated on t'Jiluinbta lldflbM. Bfar hora. KENTUCKY Lonlevllle,*At Macaulty'd Tbeatro local at- incllona held the boarda Peb. 11-12—a aerlinvf llrlnH picturaa prodacfd by young loclely ladlea for tbe iMnrilt of the Free Kfadergarteii. Edaard Harrliaa Hied out the wBBk. pla) leg' Ohl Lavender" and "My R4>a Dan." drawing good eadiencea Delia Pea la aonouDCcd fur 'li-tL TkmplbTiiiathn— "Par PalrVirilnla" wai ihe orTer* leg llie latler pan of laat week. It waa leen hor« fwr llie nr-l time, and win well recelvetl and largely patroolMd. Holiert Hanloii V-at QuiND OfHKA HocuB.—"Alabama" proved a drawliia card at Ihia hoaee laat week. Tba alandinf imra aigo wftiidlvplayed al nearly every perlormence. "Slarea of Oo>d" comee wvtk 17. Thb Avbmuk - The AlnigtfleorLire"draw |ocd Imuae* during U*l week "Oiorlene" waobof 17. Till Hvuklhuuab.— SL Pellx HUtera' Boeclalty Co. plaj ed lo good bulloeaa lau week. WlU'a *Tno Old l'ronlea"we«k of 17. Pkoplr'h THrATHB—New facaa week of 17: Eointa Lamauae, Kalle Houre, Wyatt aod Amea, end tbe rfgular uock. Boalnaaagood. Pailaealii.—At Morton's Opera Houm "llf«ll- K'» Maaqnerada," Prh. II, had a good hnui*. Hr. and . Ryran, ki 'Upe and Downa nf Life," rMni 17. Lie- coin J t^arter'e'-The Titrnadu" IV,'The Qlrl 1 Left Be- COLORADO. Denver.—At the TilKir Open llnuic, week of Feb. 10, Balvlol. In *Tbe Three Guardnnen.""Don(Vaar De Bataa" and "llauilrt," niaycl to peaked botaaa. Por week of 17. Jamie O'NellL OHriiBCU.-Por weaker 9. EaraKendall, In "A Pair of Khii." had gwol lioutaa. CuLUim —During waek of 10. Prar. Hrlatora trained |iora«B aad pobka had paekMl houaKa niahlly. BBOAOWAT THBATaB.-Anna Pay had a big bnuao9. Ilnine ulantll. In "PalMly Accnaed." Mathilob'Hconcert at theTnnliyChurcb. II, nua gr*atrace*M. The Apolki OInbilrea a concert at the Baptbi Chureb 13. Lendwllle^At tbe Wealon Opera llouge Wio. A- Brady'a Co.,In 'Trilby." playad to aood UiainaM Peb. 13. UoUMBiTB'a HAAOor —Almoo /.rioia. Came Hall. Rugera aod a^Mmao. Minnie RuaaelL Dava Bruderiek, Loitln DalDlry.Jamea Eoimenon. Annie MllaJobn Ba- gel. Will Rogara. Lariea end Huyelte. Bualaeaa aoud. TUB Ltoil'B Thiatbb 00. bate doawl iheir encage- nieni h^raandlaava for a t/^urloCalliumla The follow- ing will eofiuoee (lie«/inpaoy: Slopeoo and Saniua. pruprieiora; IfanrrHani. manuor; Utiaa. Affile,haalnaaa maeaiar: I. R Blupeon, ataga nanaaer: J. Ilelnea, treaiurar; I. Blmpaon. n. Italght. Al llanewair. H. L%wreoea.c. Drmuina. E iieiiMrl.UreiaDterlng.Hraca Lewta, Kittle Kidgewayand Ideal Plor*nc«. Paeblo.«At the Oraod Fanny Klce did well Felt. 5. EiraKaBdtlLln"APalrnr ICIda."bad a fall bonaeB. *Trhbt"ladBe II, Ellle RllaUr M RoUri J. Kur^aile, leclurer aD4 homorlai, will dellf er hIa felel^ralid iMture, •Tbe Blae and Pell M the Muatadie." 17- ToB CoLrnUA—The reiiiootu t^edy Co. dropped InU'town dirta from'i will hohl forth at ihla home for a week, begloolor 10. U |aa 10 cent atww. aad It laaur*>to bepopolarln Pueblo. TlieliiiUal perfonn- Boce will be "ne Llt'le Dncheu," oiUi Nannie Calll- coita In the le oHogrole. ^ UTAH. Mil Lnka CII7.—EfTle KlUler plajed at tbe HeltLabaTlwAmPah. 10;ll.iolalr builneta. AnnaBva Pay opana 13 Jamea O'Neill cornea U-a7» (ha Tavary Opera Co. March a-4. OBAUD —"Xlnbe" proved a Mg winner week of 9, rar- raet, '-Harraet" Helen Henry, aootmit*. le a new mem- befofiheOrandatocb. Ltcioii.— "Fringe nf nodety" drew telrly well weak of X Week of in *Tbe Bella.'* Nnn.—PaderewakI will appear at UiaTabenada March K Boaaa's Bend March <i 7; LOUISIANA. New Orl«»na.<-Not o&lj ma; tbe nilera ot Ibis yaar'a I'anlral congraiuUi^ iliAmulvea at liavlag aL Iracted in Ihia olty larger craada of ainngan than have Tialied hera (br yeara, hut ihey may exiierlenca a reeling ofaailafactlon when iheyraaliia that In an iMllrect way :hay have made nmepamnathecntraut theatrical leaion. OiurtnOpiNA Hocaa.-Racellent bualaeaa waa vpjtiyHl ben during llemiann'a engu«ineBt. Penny lhtren< l«ii win be the anraetioH Piib, le-tL ACADBBT OP Mcnic—"Pr I urea« Bcnnie" did an eicat- leni bualnea* during lu engagraienL The cuwttaay'a aonga, acasfry and ooatumea ncelved meilled approba* llna. Rii'end R^oil ci>Qieaweek nf Id. Br rBAHLVH fHiATni —'TheTwelieTemptaUona"waa recelred w|ih evary luatk 01 enlttualailinapprnTaland did good buaineaa. "On Ihe Mlaalailppl" cnmaa ia-2L NEW YORK CITY, Last W*«k'a Rv«ats.*Ttie bnppfnlpgn of ttio pait WNk wera coiiipmittlvrlr UDliii|Mniint, (i<r, •li|iou(b the atimciluu wrn cluogcil In aetcnl i<( iho principal boUHcmtmt iliwluta nnrcJIy wh» pmtnltd, knd ihitt rtllcil )o win upproral. Tlicro ■ere, lio«gnr,i«olotamilagni'ima>nU Ibo Unit iiitUopolIMn pmenlitllon ol » mtloilnBiik «t ilo- arndlf good lepulo. lUilneo potfoinwni-ea wtt« Riven It nioit ol Ito lbealn~(<>ii Fol>. 13, Llnoiiln'H UIr1h(Uy,.ntl allboogbtblii wuthe flraloIiMrnnce ol tbii bolldij Ultra waa ImnKiuo allemltnco both d.jr »nd Qlgbt all along (bo lino, and lato m>maia wandnod rrom taouM tobonto unablolu gain aiV Dlllanco Tba coinlnurd atlcacllona (or Iba OHk ending Fob. la wera: "Tbe lloarl or Harj- Inuil" al Ibe lliKiLii :)gi'AHi, "Hie Uovcraor ol Kenluekf"at IbePimi Avbkui. 8amh Bcmhami alAnmcv'ti, "KiccMorJr."*! Ui.vm'M, "THO lj\dy !jUvrj"ai tboOABiNO,".\ Social lllgbwajinan" al mo OAHnitii, "Ublmnile l^iildan" at ibe lltanaN. "K Ultck Hhnp" at llorr'^ Chaiincej (ilcoit at iho IMumimn HrMin, "Tbo Bpurilnii Duobcwi" at Ibe AciniUY or Mi-8ii', "Uumub" al the Ahuicah, "Uio Uoiiulim (linikl" al llAUVa, "A Voisan'H l<m»n"at Ibe KHrmi, and gmml opera al tbe MtTHorouTAN Uriiu llainii, Ibo Iwu laal named bavlug oloiod upon tbat date... .Tho uuo ive«k ■landa oloalDg FoIj. 15 wera: "The a»j ParliMana" at Ibe Ohahp uriaa llnimi, "iin tbe nnwoty" at tbe rmirLi's, "Obarle;'a Auni" al dANroHU'a, "Shore Acrci"at Iho IIahliu UrixA lloivk, anil "Human llratui" at Ihe Cui.i'vuim Varimr uQienalninoni waa riinlatied at Tont I'AHTnR'H, Kiiiirui.t Iiui/ii, Ibe (iNioii SguAHi, rau<7niH'a,OLYUi'ii,lbo(UitTir, I'HOCTOH'a PMAHUKI PaUVI, tho lAWDOK, Ills DI.VU' no and Mmira'H Uowtarand Kiiiimi avkniii I'erronnancca In Oonnau were glren at iho iHvixu Plaoi and oimiakia, and pmrormancca In llciirew at tho TiiALii, WiMiwuii and Aulih'h Al Ito IIBUAIIWAY TlllATHII, OU fell. 10, Ihe IIOatonlBDB ,bfg.ii an engagtDieul aud onoo more preocnttd "lloliln llunil," whlcb Ibrjr announco will lie llitlr aolo odiiilng iiurlutf Ibelr prtmiutvlalt "The War or Wealth,!' a rour aol nii>k>drama, lif. Vharlca T. Uaur, waa > een fur llie Drat I'liia In ihia clir Krii. lo, wheu llwjB puluiMn IhoalagoarihoHTAHTiiiATHK rur a roil At Ibo l.vcmiu Tiiiatiih, on t'uli. lu, KdwanI lloae'a rninanllo dmina, "Tho I'rlauner ii( Mndu," iraa revived, wim JanicH K. Ilnckoil In ibo rolca prevloiul; niiaunied lij K. M. Bnlhci ii, anil willi tberunialolng rolon Ullod by ntoiiiii ihuI lliuaiurk L'oiniianror Itae hnuioand othom efiwclalljongagrd riir lUla pmiluolloD. Tbla plaj, II nlll In loiiieni' liered, proved one of Iho niiml coiMpluiiuuii Miccna- oa or Iba preacnl aeanuo, bill nevoillieleu lla revival lu Iho huuu i>r lia original iiliiin|ih, and with an en- tirely new cant, waa an cxcccillUHly tolil iiiovu, hot wo are bappj to ulalc, which baa keen crowned wlih aucccaa. Ur. Uackoit bi yei a very joung luaii and baa bad only fmir yearn* experience upon the aiugo. Ilo haa, htiwovcr, made giaal uao or hiri lime and haa lo hla brier profotaluDal caitor played more Ibiin ono hundred niloa. He la liut 111- llu known In Ibo molrop«ll^ Imtiiicli work aa ho baa diino here ban ccealed a ravomlilo IniiireiHlun, ami hla recent cicalliiu or an Iniporlauiiole In IL U. Ur- lun'a"Tbo]|omoH<crolary"altblahuiiaij garoprvni- lae ur tilumptaa tu come. Allhiiugli Ur. lUckoit ban lnlhbir«c«oi elTnri given further pruufof alillliy, llie hour of inunipb baa mil yet arrived, ami wlU laiTjr until he la aeon In an nliaoliiicly now and original urtallon. Neverllieli»H, bo baa muoh reaaon to red pronU of hla proacnt work, fur It aliowa InlelllKenco ami virility and givea eviiltnco ul venatlllly, Ue proved hlmaclf ipilio couipeieiit la UKel llio al«olul« rei|ulrouonla iif Iheimrl, al- lliongb be acldom added Ihow lllumliuillng and adorning louche* by ineana of which an ncKir may grcaily liicnaae Ibo cbann of Ihe aulhur'a creation. Mr. Ilacketl laokt magnetlaui ami falla Ui augieat llip poaaeaalun or rcacrvcd powci. Ilo aceina lo Ihi loo conalanlly near thu llmllnr bla alritlnicaiiil conaei|uenlly Ito plane of bla emleavora la luii even. Ilia voice Ualrongandaouoruua, luii lack, iteilljll- liy. Illaapeeoh would be gnaily Improved were ho more camlul lu rnunclailon, whoreliy lie lolghl loan Home nC blj voluma of voice, lint would gain greatly lu oilapnen and clearaeaa. Thcae, l;iiwever, are onlyauggtatinna made In the hupo Ibat lliclrcou- Hlderailon may lirlug hini nearer lu that hi iii i.l trl- urapb wbleb really aeenulo be In ainro liirblm.aud while thme ahortcomlnga have prevctiied blu lo tbla cane from giving a lliuMughly excellent prr- funnauce, Uiey have not byany mean* oliwurtd bli menu, nur hindered bim from deaervlDg much praUe. Ill* preaent work ahuwa prugrew In hi. art andauggeilii excellent poaaltdlltlea when he ahall have learned lo bcalow at iiiiicb atuily upon hinucll aa be nuw gIvea to the letter and aplilt of hUi rule. Ttaauppurt waa aatufaelory, allhoiigh tiul few u( the company aeeni deallned lo win freab dlBllnclInu In Ibelr preaent aialgnuNuta. laatiel Irving, how. ever, found In I'rinceaa Flavia a rule admlralily aulled tu her leroperameoi, and bar porrormancu waa full of gnacloua dignity and admlralily ilrau- laud feeling. Stephen Ur,illau alio waa happily caal In liMb ol bla role* and did capeclally elTecilve and convlDclog aork at OlllKrt, Karl of IhuacDdyll, lo Ihe prologue. Ilo I. an able aclor, wbo can alwaya te depended upon to avail blMaolf of a good opportunity, and only iieeda to learn bow In Improve a bad one. Katberlne Floreuce, wbo waa ae«D only aa tbe Cuonlew of lUaaendyll In tbe prologue, waa ao Ihoroiigbly cbariiiliig we conid DDI iMit tegral the early nolab ul her laak. Herbert Kricey labored aaalduoiialy to piirtray the vlltalny cr Black HIchael, and mot wllh conablera- ble aucceaa, altbougb be failed tu cunvlcce bla ad- alirr* tbat beavlea abow bla powcni to Ihe tieal advantage. Kill* I'roclor (Mhi wa^ Miiiicwhal iin- aaturacloiy In tbe nile of Antnlnelle Ilo Haulian, and none other* In tbe caat require riitclal meuUon. Uiuldertng the performance aa a whole It we* veiy contmendatile, aod Uiera la much reaiou Ui believe that tbe play will eotny anoitatr leoglhy aeaaunofprotptrliy. The lull cast fotlowa: Uhar- aclei* lo prologue: Prince lludoir, J. K. Ilacketl; Olllien, Stephen aiatian; Horace Olyn, W. U. Ilan- bury: Jelfreya, iobn FIndlay; UIITan, Kdward WUka: Uoke 17oirgaog,lltniertKelcry; Anells, Kalherlbo riorance. Ubsmclera In tbe playi llodnlf the Uf lb, Kndolt Daaaendyll, J. K. Ilackeil; Cnkiuel Sapl, W. J. Le Hoine; Flllt Vun TtelbDbelm, Stephen Oral- utu; Vaplsin llenitau, Waller H. Hale; Uelcliard, rnzar (iouluri (Mrtrara Beitimnd, Prtiz Wit- llama; Maraball SlrskeDcz, Ubstlea Walcot; LnrooiTepplcb, ItIluitu; FranzTepplch, Ferd. Oollactialk; Lord Tupbao, Hervyo IMIaa; Itml, W. I>, lUnbiry; Uidwig, Kraeat T*rlelun:loaer, John Flodlav; Michael, Uerliert Kelccy; Frlnreaa Fiavla, laabel Irving; Aalelnelle Ue Hanbu, Kllia rniclur lltU; Fran Tepplob, Btillit Uaaall Al Ahmt'h TugATBi, on Pab. to, Barab Bemliardl appeared for llieflntUiiMliiililieaiulfTlnH*idoo'*"UluioDda." Bbegave an excellent ptrfonnance, but dliplaycd no new nor uuexpaoted powera, allbongb her "Qla- monda" nwy well nak atnosg her beatorcatkiu. H. Marmont waa very Impreaaire lu ib« tola of Al- meili) At rAUiii'a Thiatm, on Fob. II, then was ptrformed, for Ibo tlrat Ilme upon any aiage In Amorlca, Ubtrlea HeoauM'a adapiatloo ol the much dbiciiaacil mnmnllo tragedy, ">ior the Cn>wo," wbleb wa* annonncod aa Ihe lieat work that haa aa yel titen cnaied by Ita author, ("nncola t»ppee, aod for which % prlia of ave hnndttd fnnc* waa given by the Fraoch Acnileiiiy. lie tnt produolinn In Ike KoglUb tongue ocourred on Fob. ti>, al the Ijcenm Thtatre, l/milon, Knglnnd. Kxlenilvo herald- log bad cauaed great mulU tn bo espcrltd of Ihbi play, aud Kuioptau eiidoraemtnm ot tbe anginal woik wera of a moat enthoiliiailo na- turo, ablcliniitiirally lenilnl lu attach mate than nnllnaiy Inlcrrat lo lie Unit melropoll'an boarlog. Tbiiae who bail nllnweil Ibelr bopea too live a rein, however, found nothing liul diaappiilnlnirnt In atora for ibriu, and even tlinao who hail not given ao read ] a crrdrnco lo Iho mlaleading annonncomtnta aeeiuol dUtpi<aeil to koalow lint little pralM upon the perfiirinance. Whether lie adaptor had ovtreill- mated hU alitllty In atleniptlng Iha traiulatlon, and failed In carrying out the auihnr'a ldcaa,or whether tho fault Ilea enllraly wllh him who ihaped Ihe work, cannot bo ponltlroly detennlned, but the pro- duollon aalt Li now tinircd,aBldo lioiu the poello amoolbncni and ohaiiii uf Uio language, whiob le In lihiuk venc, la In many waya Inadequate aa a dmraailo prrnenutlon, Forthcrmnio, the more chi-erfuluhaiiiiria Ul whioh putillo taaUanowiua iwccludo any piiaatlilllly cf playr nf a Ingle charac- ter aitnluing laalloR aucceij, no mailer how inerllnrloua Ihey may tie. Tho alory flowa amooth- ly aod evenly enough, and la ciiniprohonalvo lo every ilctall, Ibiiiigh Ha tfoHlinont la lertniiaand ilolclul iliroiigbont \\a cniiro loiigib. Aitoiiianumih prior lo tbe opening of Iho play an Indepen-'ent kingdom In tho Halban Mounlatna ■nininiailM Inai iiMla king, and Ibe •clfcllfln nf lila luicceaaor la Iho abaortihig liipio of tho lime. Ao aaplmnt fur the tbnino. who liuilda high bla hope* lor aiicrun. la one Michel llninconilr, a valiant leader of hbi poopir, whone aeivica* aiialnal the Turk, with whom a ouuilnual warfare la waged, baa won bIm Ibo nanecl and irgani nf hl« lelliiwa. lllHrngn I. lerhtlc wlicn Ibo ncople'H chiiloe dnallr aetilea nimii Kitciinr, an aged htahnp, ami It la only wlihi le nrcalvHi dlillcnliy that hu (a penuadcil In payhlamprclatoihe new king and acknnwirilge nliiiaelf aiiliaervlent In hi* rnle. The lilow falla with oven greater force uikui lila aeciind wtfr, llaxlllde, who frnle kenily Ihn Ion uf power and wtaltli ihal nilrmin ibo alatlon. Iiiiring ihrao rxrillog iliiiea Ihora liaamlnfleil wlihthe peoide Itnnko.aTnikiah ■py, whDihrewilly niirnilMia that tbu ainrk of dia conieiit III llranconir'ii bonaelintd nilgbt. with very Utile cIToit, tin rauiiod Into a tlinio. Ilo ac- cordingly galna an atiillonco alih Itaxllldo, and an woika upon bur fooll.h pihln that ho iliially oti- iiilna bi*r aa^tirance of co oprrnilno In hIa plana. Ilo Icavra In her caro the Suliaii'a .caleil agreement to iHMtnw upon wItoMoerur aliall permit Ibo pnaaago or the Tiirka ihroiigli Trajan Arcli IMm llio crown of theconqnrnd klngdon, whore ho will tie prmltlod tu ri ign aa Irtimury kliiir. Ilaillldfl auoceoda, by ilin-aiHond cnn-xtng. In gaining Uli:bel*a reluctant cuiiaeiit lo Iho miUoiiio, and ho anixea till algiiatura iiiihedocunii-nl that niabva liliiiH tnltiir. Ilnn- i-oiiiir'a Intenilon lo lieimy bla country, biiwovcr, la illauivrrril liy bla aim. Uonaianiln, whii ti> h aeen hbi [HtbnrHliin Ihn Hultnii'aplrilgo. THucomimrt wllh tlie Tnrka iHalHint to Im kept, and llraticoiiitr »- Itevra, In pnnwin, Iho giiartl at Ibo I'aai', aitd la linilcitilr awaliiiig tho cniiiliig (f tho Invaden, when Coiiaian'ln, who haa followril htm, lelU hini that bukiiiiwa bla guilt, Hiid Iniphirca him tu light the lK'«i:on the that will call Ma oiiiairymi'n lo anna, ikiid hi-lp bla people roiivl tho fm*. Ilrancumlr roliiiw-ri, wliluti III euragea Oimiiniiiln Ibnt hekllla hla faiher, anil, llghtlna the litacoii, aavea the laud. When Ilia lioily bi diicovereil llnibuiinir la niippoaed :o bavu fallen In defence nf hiacuiiiitry, aiiil,anOou- Mlanilii niaidulFly koepaallruco, the people dn not HUapcct thu real auto of albitra, and rear lo the mem- ory of Ihe deiMrlbil warrlura iiMuiiltli'ent bruur« nuiiir. Tormnnta fur bla criinu anally prey upon Coiiatanllii'auilnil Uianchaunxteni iliaihe lirga rur iluatli. and la cuii.lilerliig aunie iiivaua fur ending Ilia Ills wliboiit ruciiiinio to aiilolilo when llaiUlldo re(|iK>riii that abe tin allowed tuacubliii. llrrmlK- ^liin la hi have bIm carry mil the lank lila father aet hliiiwlf to do, but (Ainaiaiiilii Indignantly nfnara, iii.ll lelh bur fur tho nrat time lliit bla futlitr'a lire waa IMkiin t>y htm. Tlionuh an iinacruiinloiia woman, liorainHJIoii lor horliiuiiand waa alucerei will Ibo naturally ttccotot^ bred with a dnlru tu avenge liliii. A iirllllniit prnjei't la auggraicil liy Ibe Oiii'iiiHn'H iMiier, which la aillt In bur iMHucaaloii. and ilila hIiu placea In Ihu king'a lianila, with an ac- cuaailon agaliiai lliu loyally of Ci>nainnilii, wblub oliargulaauataliied liy tiin algiialiireuf the houaouf llraiiuoriitr. A word item (.'ouataiiiln would explain nil, tiulhU Birociloii (or bla lather U too gn at fur bliii lu pill Uila lilenilih uiaiii hla aiemnry, ami, reo- olllll■lt^g tbat ho wlalicil fiir ili-atti lull HBliDrtlline iiuloro,no uniepiHlila rate. Iiihtenditr bi-liig ciin- demnfd In lniiiii»ltiiio uaeciiilun, liowovir, Iho coiiiiL'll ilrcn-i a thai tin III- cballiinl to tho tieie of hla lailiur'4 aiatuo for illo- Happily IbU diagreee la >|iared liliii iliniugii Mllllrji, hla favurlio tliive, wbii aulia lilui lu iliu hcurlnwl then klllahoraelf. From a llleraiy aUnil|iolni Ihe play la worthy ol rauuh cuuimeudatton, tiiil bora Ita merit cuaaiai, fur the eleruooU which go lo niako up Ihe auoceaaful dramaUuabiryare aadly lacking. Tliuro la luu III- tlu arilim liiihe unfrildlng of the Ihruic, and ver- Iioally la ono uf Ita moat coiwiilciiuua faiuta. Tbe leiliiiiii of Ita lenglUy dUloguea dmdeiii the polenoy I f iii.iiiy of lia accnea, and, tbuugli aoiiie of Ha IncMciita nro excecdinily aimug In Intoroati Ibo general luob of tliu pbiy la far luu gloomy tu war- rant Ibo Kllgblcai hiipcaof Ha lieliig received wlUi any favur on tiio Aiiiurlcan coniliieiil. Kilward Vruoni uMilr.vod lo make a lalrty enlerlalDing charitcter of (AiiMtantlii, and al ilinca waa >|ulle tmpienlvu, Uiuiigli hla eiTuria wiaild rucelvo far more appreciation wcro hla ftalurra Haa aiiluniallc. Iluao uoglilan, aa lUtllldc, haa coiaiainllvely lltuo tudu, liiitilldllialMliloBuwellaalucauaeregrelihat alio linil uo greali-ruppiirluoliy to dUplay ber ulenla, Johii .1. lane played Kilonue lu Iriio Sbakeiptareau alylr,mill liroogiitaul clearly ibo few good poinu the rule cuolalm il. The oibi 111 f ilo caat were de- acrvliig uf no apcri^l pralar, imt tl,l< waa iiMlnly liecHuau their rule* arlmltled of i.o '-icul etfuri. The caal: Conatauilu, Kilward Vrooiii; HIchael llrao- comlr, Cliarlea 0. Clalg; Kilenne, John A. Una; lleuku, Vharlea Koul; A Tuikiali Cblul, F. U. Fagel: laiar, Ikiujaiiilii Homing; liuiukcli, Harry Allen; Watchman, F. H- I'agei; rnneuu liniilllde, lluae L'ogblan; Hllllxa, Uaud llarrlum; Anna, Olive WciL Too Ihlrloent li ami lliial week uf Ihe aeaaon of grand I'liera al Ihu M*T*ur<ii4TiN OriNA lluiai be- gan Fell. 10, with a perfuimaoce ot "IMe MelaUr- alnger.o aa mcuiluneil Incur laat laaue, "Lea llu- gucii'da" wi# given I'^wllh tlmatar caat, Inoludlog Hmn. Uellia, Uiiie. Nurdica, Mme. ScalchI, Jean de lleatka, Kdouard de Herzke, H. I'lancnu and Vlcbir Uaurel. "Faiitto waa brard 14, wllh Mme, Helba, Uii.u. Hcalcbl, Mile. Uauermelaler, Jean de tieazle, F.duiurd de Heixkeand U. Uautellnlbucaal. "Uar- ineu" waa given at Ibe tnallnte IC, with Mme. Ualve In Hie Mile rolo, and "l/jheogriuo wee beani even- log ol Ihal dale, wllh Unir. Nutdlu aa Klia. Irnaminuncad Ibaf'Tha Vlilaio Foatinaaler,"* ciiDCdy drama, liy- Jerome H. Kddr and Alice K. Ivea, WlU Iw produced March ID, al the Fuurleealb SirerlTlieaire. At a meeting of Ihcalrical iiianagera ul IbU cliy, beld on Fell, II, II waa decided lo employ A. J UII' leuhwg'r lo Oght ibe Henate hill liilioduccd liy Dry iHillar Molllvaii, which, Ibe Heoatur aaya, I* Ui "aecure prolccilou lo life and llnib In Ihealrea." Tba oioit ulijecilunable clauae In Ihe lilll, the luan- agenaay, u ibat which legulaiea tba alia olaiag* nrwalng nainia, aud direcia tliai aiich aball ba not lOMi than elibt reel wide, ten reel long, nUi* feat lo belghiand made drepmof. It I* rumored that Atihey'a Thcatir, alter IbU a«a«in, will lie devoted lo operailo performaoeea Id Kngllab. According to rumor Ilia cotopany will tia a iiennaocnt one aod llghl French aal Kaallak operaa will In given. ••llHB.8AaaUiNi."whbKaihr)D KMdef latka lliUrote, will be played al ib« Uardca 'Ikeati* l(« two weekr, beflonloi April t|