New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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FEBBUAKY 22 Variety and Minstrelsy T«9CiDi!iia Norn.—Uenun. Saailow ud|[fcld h>n pnrcliufd from tbe Qeorn H. Culimiin Co. uDO or their bandmninl are. A pinmra lilp mil houtcDto Ilia Piiclllc coast ncil SpriDc, and Ibo eir «lll citny Sandov and conipanj iuiiug ntxl jUT'i lour til 8<a FraDdMo sod U«.tlco. From tlitiiM Mr ZclKfeld iMi amnged a loar to Aiutm. Iia. Tlio t<ro Dnatona liare bctn tuimcd for a tbirt; woeta' scaaoo, conimtnclDg SefL 31, In pdm. idtlplila. Tbe Cony Uron. lutre alu wen enjtaged ror uilrty wceka, Unvee, tbo Juggler, alu hoidi a /.«lg(eld contract (or thlrtr wwlcn. K. D. Sbulta ■lirmtnago one ot tte 8andov-'/.elgreld companies next season* Ileal Ooii (Mrj. lUn Crlmoia') gate blitb to a lali; boy on Feti. it. OirTAiN jAOg OKiiTKOHn, Ibo poet scout, la at preient on a abort lecturing tocr tbroogb (J^nada, ■od reports eocoeai. Ho bas Sissoclaled nltb bin K. I. Spencer, iloliQiit. UiTcuiu. i:<D Lovs, artcr a nepanllon o( (oor leais, bate again fonucd a panceriditii. Toi Hveiia, n'ill and r,t Feilto Ireoe, have J >lned ibeiamesA.nclliyAaeitiian Sjidlei'' Co.rortbo renttlDder of tbe aeawD. Ill Toil Wiart bi> joined FIjdu i SlierMan's DK SiositloQ Cj., and provok** niaoa inerrlnisnt Willi bla Rorllsb airell anil Imck dancing. Cuiii. r. YiiTSH's oacuaimu baa canceled Its proposed tourotibo West Indies and SniihAtnerlca. Iiiu.r WinD.odhe loan ('o.tand Ward, reiiuuis usioitaieibitheUnot tbe nilly Wanl meniloned In a previous Isue cr TrntCuiTsB iti being down wlib rtiedmHiUin. lianHY TuuuBOx (Eimann), wbo styles blmseir tbe "Kaynr of tbe BoirtiT," la to bave a teoeOt on Fob, ••^H Brooblju Mbor Lyceum, No. ois.torwblcb ire ■ctnowledge an Invitation. Ro6T«n or l''R«Kic K. Ijosa'i Co.—Fnnk B. I,osg, Joe F. Wlllird. Clus. axideld. I, II. Kewell, W. N. (jny, Fbll. Haber, Annie Tbooaa, norence Aah ronl, HlnenaS'lblo, OeenleUaber. Mill s. Collier, adracce repraenuilve. OutUiesa Is tepotied to be good. U ISIS OisNax, tbe borlesqng aclreai. wbo canie here from tugland ahoul Ave yeaiH igo, la 111 and 10 deailiuie ulrcumstancca at COT Cighib Arenue, tills city. Lrrru asoaais no.sTiNniON, whobas been 111, bta rollr recovered i>nd raaumed mtlr. Toi M lOSBRK!) bave Just closed a tiro weelu< en- gagement at tbe Tbpaire Comliiue, Now Orleans, la. Tbey are booted for nest aeasoo with £, a Price's Fioallog iiiura Co, KiuMC OtRiniF,iaii succeeded 1V. B. Allen as mtnaget of Uttslc Uall, Fnnkford, Pi., Feb. lo, and 11 will bo run as a combination house. Tot Wood Simiu go oat aheail of inoir oirn l>urlefl/|ue compinv next eeasoo, uoder the manage. Dent of James K. wood snd llirry Gieve. Tbb ■■Wiiirn ViKUS" CO. bis been rebeaii.lag, and their new acaneiy will bo ready for their open, lag, il, in l^manua, V-i. Two tveeki) of nigtai ifands bave been booted, so as to bive ercrylhlng ronolog smooiMy by ibo ilmo tbe company reacb melr vreel: stands, comoiencing at Cloclunail, 0. A. ItoTSRDciui, of OblcHKO, 111., has Mni un a copy of "The Uodon Wizard," a neatly bound boot, In which clear type and excellent lllosirailon^ are ii«d, upon good paper, to oxplali some of the neibods known to tbo practice of necromaooy. Those wbo take an Inlereal loelelgbtnl band, and icek farther enllgbienmeut upon tbe subject, will and Itatlracilve. TUR new soogs of Charles 9. Enis. now being song by blu In bli play," fhe Maatlsn." irlve pmni- iHoof surpanlog bis former eiTortsi "A Butbiuholo liouiiaei" a-.;d "Siinsblne Will Cone Again." Tbcy •re rnllilcd: "Flesse, Mr. Sautu CUun, Uon't For- i!el lit," "Uolber's Uaxluu" snd "Tbe Song for Uie Babies." Tni ORrrniinH Tobitri, Oblcaio, 111., will re. open Feb. 2± It will be deruteil la specialty per ronnances and combinations, N. U. Hoberts and c. W. Wrlcbt are tbe managers and lessees. EraiL Ka.fKBor, dancer, sailed for England but week. (IRO. G\-iNs and bis well known-'I'll Ds Trae to lIyllani>yBoy<'eongarelnaepanible. Tbey can be heard at raslor'n this week. llABBr 8. Uiu.xn's two latest sonra, "Down m llogan'a Alley" and "Only an Actor's UbUd," will shortly be Inued by Henry J. tvehnun. The Ii trioNB SisrsRS bave lost cloeed an enisse msnt of two weeks at the Colaobla Theauo. SIs- terSvUle, w. Vs., snd are booked for a teiiim dale. "Just Tbli Tdbm TUiT You aA« Mi," Paul Dresser's aong. Is noiv in the repertory of many soloists. -V . IIBIBH ni;s3BLL,ot Ibo Westen "While Omk" Co,, celebrated her birthday at llomo, N. Y., Feb. 14, and received handAouo presents, lifisldes a beanUfol bSkikei o( flowers, from tbe members of the oompaay. After the perfomiasce an eleiaiit re- past waaserved at the ArUngton Hotel, In which all tbe ciiapanytook parL Uoalnesj Is good and all an enjoying good taealtb. lliBRY 8HBLno.<<, the deacrtptire tenor, of the "Qlrl ^Vanled" Co., Is dollghled wllb tbe success of bbi new slugUig speolaliy, of wblob the feature la bisrendlllunof Qraham'a song,'Ky Dad's the Rn- glneer." Bd.<u and Wood, after a three yisre' lour abroad, sirlved bete Feb. 16. Ui IKOEAH la at Keith's, In I'talladelpbU, IM., this week. He will go wlih tbe lllngllog Bros.' World's lirealeat Showa next season. Toui NBv soNaB bave just Deen Isaned by Ibe KogUah Bnng PablUhloE Co., of this cliy. Ooe Is s London muSo ball duty, ''As boon as I Arnold Knouoh to Know," the other Is a Jolly dackey bit, "Tbe Hottest Coon In Town," Bad Ihe thud Is a comic Kagllsh hit, called "And the Ultlel'ogUog Wobbled Close Deblad." AnnoB WiL■I^■8, of Ony Brolben' Minstrels, was left behind very sick at Fairmont, Va. UonKlxils —At Wondsrlinil HuMi sad ThMln>, Dm MoloM, fa. curio and tectare ball—rrar Dav'i eoIIMtloa rrom the Holy iaoda euae-Tb* 8an^ Qsorgla Qrar, Bruy aid Ftrksr, Bobbr ^lyaal. Mils. OitaDilo. Slla. lAnillo. and La Pan Faoillr it Banon'i Tliulr*, MswpottNiws, Va.—TIcasad Hi>lra,Uany MeCsoler. W. A. Fstars. fHoes aoil Coalbr. Fkirlnce Bd'ardi, AJl a Rlndslr, HelnM and Davis, Nsllla Ryan. Bulla RurelL I.t Hodtsla. Cliaclei Rinit lad Joba Maiuanl At lbs Tliiain Oomliiua, Nsw Oitoaiu, Marti Oiss E. H. Bltiiemln. proprlslor; Clitm f. Omu, aooertl biads- 9or; Tosy biirbu staiio mnnsBor: Wni. Coho, muilcal Itaetor; Irwia SlsUn, LUIIs aod Daily: Wtld Scix., Qlua. and Franli; ll%ad ftittoo. Otira Bvaoa, BIJou Evani, (niailsa P. Oross, Djnioat aod 8ailtli, PoItoD Una. and Jsmai HcXIIIan. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 60J) panr.intr.iiiiMiTp^^"'"' •* TscbJosr'n BiwL Cooi i.ll:';''iiiV.:i:';:«^;'l'j;fi7''r«v. f."*"" •Trllbi''M,„|,,„"bi5fD.Vn,?,'',"'.??," "f- ""'hnsr-. "AVJIAHK»TTtlll4li:B.J'n,, A.a «Mk «ii> A pornl on* ntrO la buai ILLINOIS . Gbicag*.—TbiDga tbeiirical are In a Terr pros- perooi eoadltlon Ju«iDov,Tltti«ic«)leDt tttracUooiiat moRtor tbAlioaww. Tbeoollook fcr Hie ImniMlUlt fa- tur« Is oictlkat, wlih Utnrr Irrlor nndtrlloM it ita* CoIdDbla, Rldbttd MunflalJ uid U«U«iU to moo »pp««r M the QTud. J«iDe4 A. B«m in u •DRsgtmeot or la- il«flQ(t« Itnith at UoVlektr'«, uid kdchJ aUnoUDoa it the oUnrhouiee. Lutweek tli«n> viu&nimor toUierfTeci th&t tbe SehllUr wooM pgiv rromllie eooliulor Ira L\ Motce,ftiKl NI ion A ZIoioennaD wrv meoUoneJ u the probMie ■ucceaaora. rrom Mr. 1a Moiib'a tiatemenu It fteni thit there I* I'uie )lh«llhooJ of the bouw rviMlDg rrom ble cooirol, allhoogli nait«T Probmana la du loainr eooutetod with It. DarVd lIuidorftMi Im pnpwInK to rre- MQt "MM-I U*rUn"oa on el&Umte Ktle attlwd^iilller ibleBamner, U'l Itlooki mIT thaiKlkor the boiM add- iDf ooe men to lu ilrwdf loofr lU orclitii([«H In preoia- iBte. Tim lubjeet mo«t iDtereJulot tn tlieatro petrooa to- day U tb*lilae«s orUaoagar HcTloher. He loiUrcd a •tfokeor parelralaUaiveoi, whl U lo « critical coodl- tloo. Mr. lloViekor UmI pUyeU ti«r« rorlr kli jw* w, WHlthlnr-irithtyeini iLiohelrtxaa the roanagemeDt lo thia eltror MoVleker'aThtatre. apoalilon tbit be baa malotaload enstloaounlr erir Riiite- • Cou'viuTouYio.—Acno tJineilila leaioa has there heea blnerhouMaUiiit Mar IrvlahMdrawo itiUwafh. Her pleriDg or the leadlog iol«In "Ihe Widow Jon«N' JaiUdeeoliThat her friendi haro cUlmed for har u a coaedleooe, and har adT«ot a« a Rlarha«e«ritloiriiie taetltDnnr of ilie ttox oillce oi to lu aacceM. Jobo n. Rleeaod tbaraaialndar of Mlw Irwio'a capable nipnrt aliaadepporttiiiUlM In Die pleo«to»buvUieraliimlea aaeomadltoa. Irrlojt-Teny II. . Orioaho onmx l]ovda.-Oain(0« D'Arrllie rM^ea to lam booMa all tbe w««k, doilncStindaf with i«o per- romaoeop. Mnodar alilitthe "Tventlaiii Century Qlrl" mroei for a waok «rtb Mollf ruller. A^oe Cnur. (laprflla HawUr, Amiee Van DrniiJohaT. Kellr.auBWIIUafflL Wea. Camaron. Uarrj Kelly aaJ uaar oiban. Hmii week, Foanr ltlc«. aauo QpiHA llotNa- -Ohlctffi hai not ^akeo erer klodlr loThaChlaltalo." but UiohouMa bafel^^n good, Tor FraacU VIImd baa maor Meoda. Tbe oav wen will cOQtlou* anoUiarwrat. aod then 'The Meirf Mon- arch" wiiiberaTlTod rnr anioofa weak. McVioKau'eTuBiTRt.—CresiaaCUrke douil aniodar- eieljaaeeefaful epgagamtoc lA. "flbore AereaMaaurt orailtxralpatooata tMvugh an lORaveaieottliai iifRiai IT aod raaa roraolDdaSolia period lo Mr. Hame'eooni- PUT arw Rohan Flacbar, Jamat T.Oallowar. rrmablio UarUDd, Brwat lAmuo, Alden Sua, Jamaa V. Oallr. Aocoataa Wolford, Thomaa loot, Hobert TriDeerLWra. II. Saaoa, HUaei Grace rilkli*. Unn 0*Fl«r01ark, IlaUa Uoold. Bell* Tbeodore, LMie (laoll*, Flomice Eo- Bekin, Beatrice Morcaa. I^Mtle (lentleood Ediib ToUf- farro. ^RoiiLtiE TiiUTnB.-Clar Olment plarad The Old PonlDHm" loaodieacea taai leer«a*ed loaUeaad eo- thnalaia all the nak. Ilia appwraoe*. oohenUad aod alnooi ■okanwD.ljaa prorro ceo of tbe nont mklon Mctenoa of reeeat yotii lo tbe lacal dnBUle fleU. Uta- lain. aott Enntia ..i'-VH'* * Tifaikt-'ThoVandeiia-' ■ laro-l to modar at* builoew tiat waok. cloalni l». •■TboVrivra B«nl- leiiiing rota. K^\t wo*k. l>^i»rNi>ctoroonN. TiiCATai-Til* paw wwlT wia a r*MM telVpi^Iir^'B^"'S* iRVirlaUracuSi iifc On Rti^i-t" ■«'^"?«of »t« ^ioK aonivaraarr iioouworobroken, and mioy Wfir» lunied awav Tha piS.?l!llS*.X*"* '«Wr*na 'ra?r,KDtror P4rla,;aiidihav4j)daTineraatBri»aw ii Include llarbari K!?'"^ ONelll ami Suthnrliort. Toi Jodeo Famllr Irwin Hroa., KIttIa Kobou aotl o().«rL '»mi'yi -ffi'lL'^i'™' TiiKATBi (WeaiaiJa) - Kor iliU verk ihe bill ConiHor. vhldi has Jut pUftd a week at ita* dovo town tiooic Lvfluii TiiaA-mr-For ihU we#k ihe pronrnume vlll be ra;rol4i*J by ih* 'Clij Hpon*" in tliicoi.ipaDy are the Tour K*lK»n aiutr*, Mark acO Flmo. ffij)f r and WalW. Uacaner and ColTiaa. aod other*. Ikpaiiui Miijic llALL-Ooera ami TaadoTllIe fonn o proOiabla coinlfloailto. Kor ibUwH>kihe orcm lo be t»re»eat*d la "Bofcaa l.t.'» la the rawlariito Mrruruiance a Dumber urclerarpeoDiA un enRaatfl, indudlnK ih» B*ro-rt fi[«t»r*, Ihre*Bwettf. UUflMle. Pongo. Oficle and Reraald*, Hotu« Wabli. TntlacliHd Iter eogaia moot wlUi la»l w»ak. • MSOiyu Emus Hi itia.-L'nder t>il« oew iliU tiia Coilou Ktarii • g well uuder the nunagtiii^iit m r.t>ula Enatoanaail 8 lly Bi-». Ki.r thUwMk iho Programme oiTfTeduaaiollnw*: Roliinaon atil Bakar. Haitol c&m day, Lamar aod Voddrr. Three Darra Sl-tin, Barth aod PI«iiilnB. T«o llow«nlawid Hilly Rice*aM[aairwla Iiitha mnvic hill will b« Crpnhhelt'a VI«aoa La>lr OrcheMra, J(una< B Wnek^. Jirnnle Stewan, Catrnll. nartloTliomioii, Ji>>laDa V«r^Hnu^eaod Rurg»a«.NDd FdirenceMarpltall. H4HT JjkCK'AUl*KllA llnriii.—T1i« K«iu1KRlltll«r(^lm nitir will conilnae fur ao«lh«r vtvk. Y^n Lear and Bar- Ion hare htn HI ftir n week, but tbey will ic In iho hill rntin now nn. M (ud D'Arcr. a nq*- and prelly aouhrvii*. vlll ^-e aikled Oilier* In tbp ' 'ilty lint Include FItlier atid Crovall and i oH'oa aad (oUla > OhPIUI-0 UVMr. llAl.1..—li.. alOwlDfC lilt Of p*OI>1| will roroUli tLrpmffrAiDne f»r i^e wtak btglnn ugl7: Tlie Ueddllloa Trio. BigoUunlt aod Kaymnnd, EttelU BeliinnL Paaoy VeJdiT, lus Ql^cP, Hora Mlirihe I. K-.Ra Wlncheucr. Emna Wt^vtv, lUUaa Jt»n*y, Chnllta, Ntllle McPhiraao, L'ule llogaa and ibe ainck oompany. I'ARKTUEiTKG.—For llio waok roaiiienclaK 17. in* l>ti| will he fnrolthwl liy ilio fnlUiwIaK people: Ida It iMrll. tha Wbltlnin. Auliy and CalLigLcr, M>aole Burrcll, 8t CUIr and Lorana Hlinehe Le Chlr. Liach and Loaea. and Ihe Moct compaoy. Tiie curooJy fur tbla wf«k l« "A Dangaroaii Wniqui." SOni. A- MlODLKlUX':* CURK GinKKT UcaivN-EIbi R«lng. Iho UiHWHtrl glAiiteaa, Will ba Ilia iBAtllng alirac- llon at thin alaee ihla we«k. Cape AII>arll«l)ldfllTrr ao llluitnued I'ciare on 6II>eria Othnr leatur'fl will be EtiA litke, Kan-T Jooea andUlU. llartalle. U^tuliiAce parroriDnacaa will be aivan. « iiKOHL k Uioiii.BTQVii(ii^HRMniii-H.—Ablc;c*erace. rjrwhtehauutnberni ritwoniaa am eat4red. will Im a r<>atureIhlawaak. OtheraiiractioanIn ibacjrlohall lo- clddi LlllU ffray, Iouk holnd womao: LuioR,amiI«M wonder; AUroon, MoNlnn mlnlaiuro maker; Rodney, dnokeoftlat. and other*. ffairi'd |j»?[|}OS Dimx MrsKK.-Io Ihe carlo liatl tbla week iho principal attraction hDaodaraon'a Mariooeiie; other atfactjooa are Xho Alplwoioa, liuinao ralaman. dara; Prer. Buid* and hia porrofmlog doei; Allbrlitbl, iheo^Hiiledman; Moalira, ihemtnNrar. I iiliethtaue, tba perroroiaora will Inolude Tarlaty aeia by Oracle BiAiit. Pearl Alleo. P. O. Aodrera and Harry Falt^o. Adilod to tblH win t>* tlie Midway daoe«^ wblcli aeio) deailned u> run on rmtror. Titete are ali d«v dancem on thl4 ««ek. with i!«laka aa the atar aliracilon. NoTKH—Mr. Mereo iiu )>■» lovlied by a Phlcaco clerayoun 10 tddreiii hia coajTreBatlon on ihe auiijict oi idoile las '"Tlie Ann n| the Ui V* will aoon U aceo nt Ihe Academy \V. A. Hrady laya that ha haHcl<Mod with n FariHlii mananrfeir the apprjraoceor Corbeii (0 paiiinrniioenext Auiamn 0. a. cUberi, mtnacer ol ilioiiilb^rtopi'rero.. win prntjihiy lutn Canada la a lew daja lor aloDKaniraKeaieDi la ihe prorlncea. Docalar.—oa Feb. lo, iiut nlnoly dA^a ntm ibr grrat fire, tbe new Powera uraod vai otMne*! by lllra'a "HHi"Co. to <a4orihelargsat and maalfathlonabloan- dlanria arar rten In 0*catur The bn^ea, aeata and atantllnc ronia aoare wAre all IlUfd to oreril jwlng. "The 8p«o orLlre" lollftwed II, ti> noly rulr hualnea*. Air and Bull Tailor eiui9 11 asti "traDH" 15. lo (ood builoeoa. Coming: Fannie Rice IT. Murray aod )Iack 19. Tbe aew houae II exactly Kko tbe oU one, ticept tbe loaldedaco- ntloo aad Aalihliig. Dloemlaiitoii.—At Iho OniDd Upem IIouu Biffbt BalU" did a vood baoIflfiM Feh. la "ffaiig" Kk«dthehnaeel3. "A Scrap of Paper." hy HloomloK- DnniailcOlub, draw alariie audlance M. procieda lo no to the Deacontu llfuiptlal. riay Clanaot comea 17. A Trip to Cbloatown" lt», the Fllota I7-n. 4iaine>'.—Attbe EiDpln*'RlKbl ntlWplAyeil to f). R. 0. Pat). IS. "I7anjt** packed tlie liwe lu, aod da llahted the audience. Radpaih Couc«ri.<:o hn/\ etcel- loot raturaa M. "Plonlnd'a Bill" comaa 17. .In) Caw- thorn 19, "AUla Joalln'* 31, "A Btffga |e t^lieok" IL INDIANA. EvaHiwllle.—At Ibe Qraod "For Kulr VIrgliilft" drew oolya moderaui bonw Folk lu. Prtderiek Buciort come«l^"Th* Ulrl I LiQ Behind Me" 16^ Ollrar Byroo U 'ThoPrlFat*See«ury"J7, •'CharUy'a Aaof'^CarchJ. riArLi'H.—"n'llAollBao'a irabinamtle" attr«clcJ a lama auHteece 9. "A Cold Day" It vipectad IS, "Torn»i)o" ZL "MoCartby'a Mlatia|t«," booktd for Mardt 1, har* coo- eM. ErjL5a' Hall.— Remeoil drew a bla lioaae 19. TivoLi.—Yarleiy bill nCibtly. BuilneM fair. Fort Was-Be.^AI Hoaonlc Temple '>TTieBptD ofLlie" draw fairly weU Fell-14. U- J.Vill* .****f'll' cornea 17 aod weak. "An American airl" 2X "1191" 77. **TTie Peoolag Muter" 0, "Lost lo Hew Tork" Mardi i X ati)artnob*on4. _ ., EMPmiTKiATHe.—Weak or 17 Lynoi' Coniidlan^ la npertorr: the Americao Vawlanilaa2i-». P E. RroruKR. manaaer of Jiiwinle TampK win be the hauaololBtla the prodnctlon of "Fbe Mauiah," at Ada, o..a , Akrloa.—At Wblto'a Op«n House. Feb. 12, Uar- nyaodMaek. In'-PlDDlgao'i Bill" t*ated tbe capaelir onrie hau»e. •Town Tople«" bid fMeljent patrooiBell Boyd'a MiutreU canie is. ll»'ard Wall Muplcal remedy tio iraD>1 week At thaRAMIara' Home Opera IIuu'O "A Buoch of Kayh" had a w«tl niled hnnte 13 Oeo. llusheA of thli clly, baa Joiotd the SIpc and Iloltnan dliow K Ifoctrk. ovnernnita Mra (Ian. Torn Thumli Show. Bold III* loteraiL (n Manaier D.uronli hare yeb. li, aod will rwlum lo Naw Tork. Mra. Moxark laQ |h« com tiOTatKawCartk* Ind., and applied lor for * dlrorce, ut thaatatutoaor luillana did not crivgr li#r raao. Alter herhURbaad had eardied hia conneclIoD wlihthr com pany aba rajQloed at Nobleavllle Maoageia Herrllt and Darlt of "Plonltan'a Ball," bare alanad a Ibrat Toare* eootract with Tarry Fwgnano anddeu. II. lime- rick, aod will reaiiire Uao fa Maoager Marrln'e new comedy. "MeSorleyaTaloa." XaiMwr Manlit haaeon- tneied wIthBovnan A UndKofrhlcaan. for a compteia aoanlooQillt. Tbeyopeo at lodlanepolU AufJI......M R. Etlmlaton ha« ukeo the naaaiamaoiof the Re« Alleo ' nieatr*. end will op*n li to Uia pabllo M. n:ay Oeioaot, 0 "Till Nav Domlolon," ■111 dedlcau Ihe houie. FLORIDA. jBckeonTllle.—AiDAlean prfrtentcJ al llark Thaa^r* Hie operetua or "OInderalU" and "Orent Ty. cooD." toerewdad liomep, Feb. 10end II. "A BAwarrairl" pUiedioexeAllantbuiluaia H. I^ltA^flo","'".RT*^.".* i'Marltana"l7.0ara MnrrK lo "ITayniOBde/'lfl; Chaa.II. Yale'B "Oroaur Twelve Tamplatlena" SUSS. . »««M An iBvalaaWle Record. Fnw TAf y<iPMMle (A-rt-y-l rbnntfU. irbatharihaeanae of (1 b* lack or en(«n>rire'xi the part of Briclah inibiialier«.orprai*ic*ef niMno«aon the nail of Uie RrllUh pabllc Ibe laci rcmaioa that ihey naoaiethaaeihloiaUntrlotbaRutea. For ^uanilty aod careful tabuUllon nfpArlleaUta, ror nualliy ul paper and cl*amf«4ortip*,andrortriab«aotliolrlaarDeM and arUiiie «olah of It* pboidgmHi reprwIaeiionawaLaye noil^aod wa aay Itool wllhoat a fMlInc of Diaaia-ODy fponioK pubileation that coroaa wlUila aome V' atreataollhai at p e«ot eedar rerlew. Ab laralgaUa ull |nt#r*>iiBg recAHl to ill who can jrM hoM of It la Tab Mow Vobb CurfiR Anst'ii- for IW. eontalnmir ihratrlral and aportbig ebronoloBlaa for iw. a Hat of daaibi la tba amaa^meot pti.fauwoa. ai|iiaiic and ath- loliepeifnrtnwf#a. raclog aa<l trntilBgf*c#.rda. bA<«tiall. eilckal. l»llilird».»i*.: F#«rdi«l fa«l*ii time and ba«t parronnaoceiln all braatbaa of aport khn the aatvilika lo fnll. aodwe^oeeJ onWtoi^lft ■latVlbil it la TOMlabid by ihe ^TCV^'^'J^^y ■« 'vT. Ltd.. Cui-rst BiiMlBB, (fd awl to Centre BtrMt, Kev Tork. sunder the Tcnts# _ N0119 nou room * co.'s Obiat Soitiiehk l^nlitd Shoir.<.-Wo aiilrcil In Now Urlcaoa, I.,., F<h. i, for SD UDllmllcd auj. Tlio bis tcnu wti» erected on l«s's Circle, Hod STti^teDt irss tiglil; deo'tatod wlili Inimonsa nigs ot all usiloiu. Tlio 1>I» lent iDildo wiu also niceIj decoraltd«lih iliga, sircauwM sod liasneis ot all color* On tlio open- ■or niglit, Feb. 3, tlia doors were closed and admit- tance refused befiirc the peiformaQce liegan. Many peraona wcra standing and acorea of »inaU hojs wct« fiiiiDg on aod around tte nng lianka, Tba sbow hag done an Iminenaa liuidncas, altlot two pcrromancas daily, and are liilcd to loinaln on l.«e'a CtrclB nnlll Uareh 1. Tiia roaior: r R. W. llennctMj, nunagsr; W. K, McHlolmj, oharge of l<lg show ilctois: T. K. Fanning, ctiarjo of BfBt, concirt and aniie.x llrkola, witb liHI'?'* .*"!.'= O'lnian, «|UOstilan dlioclor; rrnr. s. I'. Uuwnian, geneml oraior; B. Allien*, wlsiant owior: iieir lirajion, lugRlor, kicking Nrtel auil dumli lien crras; IVo. \. Heno and Kva ..").*'• "»?«• and rsrolring Uddor; Hlalr, Keair and Iteno, cluwni; P*»uuoa' Urienial TToum of Jaiw, saveo m nntnoer, doing elgOl dlircrent senaH- ""If?"! ITof. Kano, whh lilt trained elopbanii i»f\.' "J.'.""'.'""!!'"'!' '■aonou balls andkeavt welgbl.: ilie. Uila, Willi ber trick bonwMp,.; ■me. Buwinan aod bar troupe ot trained dogs, ibe Harrotia .Slateiv. UliUe, Rfa and Annie, itaiMi); T. J. UAimap, iTlih bis educated horses, iranles, and muip; Aldine and Alda. female conlonionlsta: Huo. Millie, njlog percbo: Madelln* Mnriay, meuaga act, TS 'y "fi I'ocliing male, Jotcmlah. Toe con- "•»»• Oua Blair, Uadlo l)a. •Iilsoo, Mill mil. Bob (itonaell, Sallle Lincoln, Hen Harren.Aldlne and Alda, Blllr Ulkasstl, coocliid f"-"'!" "J,*"^"^"- ""Od: T. Cooney, trader; ^•J- "•'»'«'■• KlmerSiwara, V. B.ara. f*",'.^^:"^-Veager, Dcrt Wutson and 'oedealr. Tbeanne.x coniabii cagea ot animals and Ijlrdi ot the raieat kinds. Ifof. M. !'. Bow. U*"' ."'?"*' ™«lol«B aod Panel! and Judy; Bra. Julia Bowman, aerpeni queen and lady intler; Banej Usldmn, tbe man with a omken neck: tiska /.unia, utinocd wou. djr, and rauda Custa, tbe buman pin ciisblnn. >vo have bad aoue very aeiere winds, but have not Onil a blow down. I'a Frencbj baa cbarge of tbe canviis, with elgbt asslsianls. Wni. Jacoba, boss l>n<lii-ity nian, wlili tbreo luslitanis, and U. Sto. vens bas cliarge o! stock, wItb two assbiianis. Tbe Miow has made a veiy successful Houiboru trip, u. B. union wan geneml conlnactor, and had cbargo of tbe adrance. Tbe show wsa wall adnr Used and rrnresonted, tbertfora we base bad good liuslneaaallVlnlar. Allarnroll. IkiKuiuR UwM. bave engagid |ieoplo tor tbe lout- mg suson ot [Km as follow: j, Sloan I'l'nr, iiiii. alcal director: Jaa. A. Ualcom, composer ana aong wriier; Sloan Kdwanli, bauo; u. A. Illbbard, slack wIit; Dtda Walker, soabrelia; U. T. Walker and Hire, comedy atctnb; AugnalUH Tuner, alto; \Vm. UcOurl, IH»8 cauTOs man, and two nmlsiniiia; W. O'llom. Krcd Kvans, urooms; I'rot. Win. llonjamln and wife. In cbarge of anue.v: W. II. IHibo, uiHtor and dull swIOKor; Doc,''lloi«l do llonheor." rnif. lllbbstd vlll do open air wire act and W. U, Uiike II club awluglng act for free open ulr attrac Hon In front otsune.v. Sereral praresslooal rlslion called recently and were loud In ptwbio ot tbe new wagona Tbo drcoratloua an pronounced splendid. A nolo wagon li In nroccsi ot completion hero wblcb will lie a novelty. 'Ibo front baa elevated seat, Willi bandsome snnstiado, and on cacb aide of scat crane neck drsgona project, elalnrately carved and glided, over a rlcli blue panel, from which ap- peals a bugr tiger bead, wlib red inoutb o|ien, wbiw tasks gleaming, a perfect picture ot magnlOcent feiudty. Tbe name, "Bunbeiir lima.' Now Hodel Show," e.'clenda fall IcdrUi of tide, and by an Ingenious arrsngoment, atur poles are unloaded, two long seats, to Hicommodale ten to fuorteen moalclsns, can bo Insiaiitly put In position, and two »lik ilamlngo colored diapencs, emlilazoiied wllb Ibo Oral name In gold, adjusted to conceal the frame of iho polo wagon, tiaoKfurms It Into a very Hue looking bind wagon. We will bave nine wagons and twenty beau or slock. TUE si'ir of U. llsrnuui Soeley against llie e.xecii- tore of ine P. T. Baruom eaiste came up Feb. 14, In llildg(|iort, CU, befoio Judge Ueorge tv. Wbcelor, in tbe ouperlur (kiurl. Ur.ileeloy i lalma (r.,0«o ai proOtsof ilie llarnuin A lliltoy Sbow durtag 18IU. rne eiecuioia have lefuwd to allow lila cUliii. The dupctlor IXinrI decided ibnl Ibe execnlon had dls- cicilosaiy power, and tbo Huprenio Uoun uplicid this finding. Hr. Seeley's cunuHel areert tbai Ibo rxeculors arc evading nia claim and wlllfally ihls- Intarpieilog tbo decision. bbsB. CAsmoNi has signed for tbo cotnlog season 10 un with Ibe Great Wallace Bliow, to do her orlsTnsl ring master set. UiLFoati Oinctn Notes.— Mr. ilelford purolumed a tloo span of horses Inst week, to be uactl for tbe iiand wagon. He also second a new ticket wagon, Kveryono abont Iho Winter iiuaitcra la working bard, as we expect 10 open the utiter pan of Apill. Prof. Untr's band wlU bo a feature no.vl season. II will Includu twelve u»n and Hullle Belford as comet aoloiHi, Norca KBOK HcCOBllUI BHOe.' BiLViK PLITB dhow.—Ererytblog Is golsg on finely nt bOid(|iiar- Ion). Prof. A. W. llcO<viBlck liu purcbaa:d four more Arabian stallions, making eight ho has trained, not Including lbbe,llio pony that dosa rope walking. Wo bave secured Leo Bros.'side Bbow, a nliie pole double deck, and a OOfi. top, FuLuwIng Ui a C4>rrect rtister: Alex. UcCortnlck, manager; Frank UcUomilck, Iraasuitr and Ucket seller; Wa|. ler >lci;onnlck, advance, wllb four aaslslania; LoiiU rolbort, boas canvas nun; llolacber Family, reinm act, double liYipa, etc.; Pnt. IKIIly and troupe of tweiro educated dogs; M. Uunklin, Juggling and balancing; liovlne and Booth, etiulllbrist. Hying rings and conlonionlut; John and May derail, slag- InK snd talking clowns; Albeit Uaston, knockabout clown; Air. Morton, niasager ut concen; W. U. Boidciie and band of ten muuthpleces. We carry ■ uofL round lop, two autt. inlddri pieces; have ea- larged 10 eighteen wagona and slxiy head ot stock. Frsnk McConnIck baa gone In Masalllon, 0.,|.isee alKioC buying a band vsgon, pole and Uckot wagons. Lou tiKsiiiu, aide sbow omtor and announcer, who has bern Identified vllh IbsBaniuntft Uilisy Show for reveni years, baa been re-esgaged for Ibe season of l<<t«i. I'li'L L.t UiKui, opeiallc bass", and Johnnie nngbis, comeiiln, boib of III Ueoir'a tllnstnls bave ilgned tor the tenting season with ibe Dlefsn. bach bhow. ASNs Wkst, llgbl wire poifoimer and race rider, bas algned wim Waller I.. Main's Ciroua fur ntxl season. Korn nou Moijjk i. niiikv'a amor.. Mollis A. Bailey, sole proprtetoi: We are playing to large boilneas In Texas. W'e bave twenty wagons, sixty hesd of horses snd Iblrty'Ilve people. We have among our attrsctlons I'rot. Daylngion and his trained ponles,alileen In number, the finest trained stock In tbe world; slao BIrdle llany aod her won- derful trained birds. Nuns t'Buy tus Wxian Ilioe.—In snswer to our t'i "sd." we received over two hundred lelteis. Lale addlilnna for nest season are I'rof. II. 1'. Ackenunn'aCbatlenge hand, of twelve mouthpieces; Ibe lielsaboa, king aod iiaeon of tbe air;- Mile. Urltn, ladreqniiibilit, daucing barrel and magic ■able; Prof. J. K. JUot, trained dogi, ponlei and uick nmwn; rrlnce Kimmlskl, ibe loan ol uuny tonni, and James Uorsn, equestrian director, Ke havealinnd new oulOi.tufi. top, wlih two auli. middle pitcei, aod evenllilntwlil ablns clean and bright from stake to bale ring. No expense or Islur will be sparnl la put the llolden Bbow In con- dlllon tor our next HCaaoD, which liegina at Un- cssler, 1^., April Is. OsxL Ci.aia'a Miutirt Uikd will ho one ot tbe ttatona or tbe llaraum A Ualley Bbow ilie comlog atason. Two complete acta of new aod cosily usl- forma have been nnrcbased by tbe fflanageuient, and Ihe band wUI lie dressed second lo none on lie road. An entlRly new oanuscrlpt pmgraDoe bas been caitfully smiged by Prof. J. A. Kmid/ and lu. Ohallaway; besides this, all iba very latrat popslar aira and best pnbllcstlons for inllltsry bsnd will be played dorlog Ibe aeaaon. Hand con. rcns wlU be given upon an elevated slags In the rrntre ot thu Urge canvaa prevloua to each per formance, teatuilug Iho young lady comet Mr too«i«, Jessie Millar. HuiBMAN T. Wiavcn. enpbonlnin player, bai signed fur next season wllb I'mt. T. U. l/uiig, mnal. cal director forHelU Bros.'Sbowa TBI KsBL 8ISTIU will close shortly ibeir four moaiba' eng.igomenl wllb ihe tirrlu Circus, In Mexico. KANSAS.! MinOURI. Wleblla.—At Ills CiBWford Oisnd Mnrala J. Oari«r.*'n>. DsfaolUr" BS*. a (f»>l pfrfumitac. lo s «.ll fltlsd dohm fib. II. *V.stf.d" |.'.r. a r.tum as* gageoast 3, aod Him*. "I'bcIs Ton'sCsbla" coaasS. 81. {.oai. —Tbo ibMirtcsl event o( Iba season Wis tha .DiaRYuifBI ot lUsry Itrlog aod BllsnTatrr, but Di>i*iiii.i.aolDs tbi. .:rdoB siirsciloo tba otbsr biinmi ilht Imrly vrIL llHiMitii'SNA l!oi-SB.-llenir IitIdii and U.teaT.rry did ainiiiinJuu. butla.M lulwMfe, Ihe HTsn iwrorui. anr«i I fnilnK n.t>n>uiiiacy lain ih. liiMifsllian avsr ba- l.r*. iii|i.itnn-«.*; ' Tha u.rrbsBI or VsBica," MoiUay; '> (iun.1,1" anl "Hia Mis" TasKlsr: "Klsg Art.iir," IVnbiaalaj, Tbuiklay unl rrldir; "U.r. dual ol VmiIcv." Batuiil.y maiiiwo. and "BmVh" Halor dsvnlslti. Ths|t.rlurai.Dc*i* «.ra ta* c.lvf«l, .ivl 31r. Ir.l.a calM nut ri.r a B|t.ocli slMeh on.. tiMlif.iipporllnB com)i«D^ fimok i^Ki|>.raiHl Julia Arthur rmtlvsil lb. inu.1 pr.1.*. TfiU tm., N.t (t. UnmlivlD will |.r«*.itt "AniUtlnii," • |.i tilinmrl," "A (IM«1 ro.1" aati "UstU llanUk.'' "NoiUi.ia LigUu' folios ^ tiLvsriu IIIBATBS.—"Ills r.i.l rsnl" I. lb. corfval slinolluik Willi t'Um Moifl. 10 follnw. Wni. Itnay, la "Til. OkiU Tnui.r," ilKl a Ikir «««k*. buMewM, ihouBh hi. plar VIS illMPiMtlDilaa. Bob iBBarsoll iMtur*. f.o. ISoQ "rn.n.UnoB. 01 K.llh " llitlix OrBBA llavita.—Tin Uurphr. In "A T.lss Bl>.r." rin.dwl 11.* hi<u»e .11 vwh. so'l vs. wall I*, cslvrd. This a..h, "Oolmtmlco'. SI All." Rlchald M.nMIHO. la r.Kilo'y Jl-ls. ftT.:<PAiii TUHATHK-lrvIn Bra..' Bis Ppselsltv Co. did . naa hu.lo... 1..I .s.k. .nd mad. a hfl. Webor A rtaVlk'^iii furatidi^l l>r MBnu|.r Ball-r ihiB wffrk. I'lshl. A lUumn'. Draalos Canls follow. llAviiyi) TinuTBa-KnnLBo.b, In "fllrl Waalad." Ii the drawins mil lli'. *wh..Bd will boaaOl Naassor tlairn MonU.y dIbIiI. IIiao. L.Oa«ll,sa Ahln Joalla, 'llhlB.. •HlHVM Il7ll0).l" did A (PMvJ WBOk'. bU.lBSA.. K«H1H*. Al.HAHSaA rALAi'S tllBATaB.—Mu.lcal MA' MiiL v.raoy Ba<i Ku.f»IL Uakn aod AlUoMlonnan aod na'di^ vr.liAr. mnsr., Tiiay ray, John Wlll'smv Viol.l K.h.r.uiili Tiiora, TllllaOolllBS, Fiiak U irayaod lbs slo<k, I.AHDB5 TiiBATsa—The VlriorollK Ihs llnmlH. Lids •nipk Ivf HOfU, IMIIn. awl IMlIai^ WiM. lod Ifsr. H.<Mi. 11.11 aod Talool, Mlla. Kills MIm Knimosd, aad llrloBPlclurai. hAW iVNigi-c.-llurl.v aod llurlar, the Kh.m*. Ih. la imaHUn.ns Ihs Oll.a l^lldcwl, Dot KLUr, Jlio Craabr, il.i kirk, glllr AaIiI.7, llsary KlUvonb. BSTixrs THaATRK.—Ptomendii and llnioado. N.ll's Adam.. Ui« HdiBaS.r^ llsllls IlirUoo, K.lUr Broa, llol IMiiiAy. Billy LacM.. K.w l'Aki.\u.-Ths Mill., Mll>« Muta, U.Ma Psrt.r, I'mm Pnohlln, Jmm Adaut., Ma Wsrosr, Usude !..«, "arrl. PfM.)-, Mlho lllRBlD.aad .lock. uiHwir—Mn. W. A.RoU, lon>i*rtr propri.lrsM of Ui. Nov Csjlno, Add ahn liHib a oaoili«ri)fp«rronn*r. from hoto lo i!rippl. i; roiKiru Ihst .It. oiBila a suontMhil trip Ih.i., idAyloaoD.olBhl.IiodB, And h looalwl lo a ■lAochallal Vli'tor, tnurnil..Irooi CrliiplsllrMh Il«i. TaIIkii Iib. ratiirnkl fnint K.tiAAA Ollr. Aft.r so sli. ■i-.c.oronayrnr,.nil will JoIb band, with Tom 11.11, op.aliiirAtili. UAid.n TliAAir. 7..B0 la UylDK on li«m rorprsollr. W. J. TlTnin.rniAa, Iroaauror fur lh« h.wUomriuo. bnalwMi OB Iho alok llal Ihe put l«o VMS. lolin M-ty. ror nny fSAna M.olcarti.l. dl*] I.\olcu9ca.don of Iho brain Mrs. Kah.r ha. com- pMtad air.nR.m«nlArur)ia.loKlhal'AlAr. Tho.lrs pslau rd and out. lb. work lo Da fomiiloi.d April I. Tlis Ksaary will .iMt hoiviialulal. niAlilnB IhlA Tarioly Ihs- AtralhenB.AIaod lan.^: tn Ihs ally. Kasiaaa Cllf—At Ooaloi' (ipeta House last wMk jAin.s fl'N.ilL In "Moola irrtiMo," "llAiuUI." "l.'uarl.r or Lron." siij "Virslolu.," aoJiiyMl a fair wMiA'A tiiialnea.. It WAA Ih. flra Urn. ha Iiaa prea«al.d "lliunl.l" mid "trntirlor or L|on." Ii.r., and cobm- <1.rallyllierliroiiK)il uul hi. larASM hoUHa. Tli. hoUM will ho dark Ihla woob. Willi III. nicidhiB of 17. whoa lha lilub.a loTBl iiiu*lcal oraaaliAlloii, will iiiro a caootrb uBioa —Tbla ws«b Itlctisnl MBBBAold. Ahsr sn lia«nc«or thrra Muon.. will N>l>aar in lil.ohl auccawM, B^Au Rromm.ll," "rriiica Karl.*' "A raH.lan Kumaoc." aatl "Or. J.byl snd Mr. Ilyda." "Anna soilUisa.o" aair*Tla Rtory of Rodlun'^ A big ws.h'a IwaIosu I. aatldpalcil. USAMD uncRA tinriia—tJial wa.h Psnnv Hloa. lo 'NAoor al Ihe Kraocli Hall," liAil a Tary wsab'a liual- lAio. Th* Tliunday iiiRllDie aa. an aicapllnh.llr Iaib. 00*. Til. WMh .Byraoa Rro. * "Blshl Ball.." and BSAl aoab, flu. Ilaaso, in "A V.Diilas V.nilaiiiaD." M\TS RThSBT TllBATRB-l-aal w..b'■IHImoBlco'. al ' AtuietiMl raih.r pmAll ThI. w.ak llsn't Holly, In "A Uaclialor'a Vlva^" and D..I WMb rrank Biial,. lo ' Ulrl W.nlrd." IIILUS—l«.l wafk A. V. I'oaraon'a lUoch (!o., Ib ijia.1 iif lh« Mhlnlshi H<ta." '-Toe Pollfia falroVaod Th. «blli>lli|ii.dron." wasb. Ilila WMb 'Hi I'liiHkAMl." And B.xt WMb BaAcb A Btiw.rW Mlnalr*la. Ciit.i.scii.-^onnI.Cl.rb, HaoklAv, Laa MllllK.n, OrUni!.!. Lorallik dray, IjoIavI. Vafiioo and Ward. ITUITBKIMIM —Uiinaa.r Ixalsa and "Tlio Uofaulur" (Ut. pABpod ihroiiab 13 Al Wllllaiii. and AL AliMH. twn Kao... nlly N ifA. nl.mhorA or lbs llAahAllao ViiHr. ar. Tl.rilnB Irl.nda h.ra llil. Tb.r loAva bare for HllwaukM. Wis. tt. lu rrJnlB Ihalr Kiluara. JAMin K. Ralabtn, lf.iaur.r ol Iho Uraatl, who lias b«in ill for III. pa.l l.u d.)A la onoa olora allil. po.1. fid.fllrniia. Ill "A fonl for l.ilab." .Iiaot laal Huc- darlu lha rllv "rii..BllKlr of LlfayaAbowlaban oul of U.t BMaon by Al. Rlrada. will S" i*ol aaalD BBil lOAViR. tiBdar Ihs namo of "A SrlwilISc Dootor." ... .'The Ultlsr" wa. kIvsr bora on 16. Iir kioal ulani. ....Til. KoloniallbibirAro aconeartal Ifia Lii-ouio IS. ....III. lIuiruuB gaarl.l bads ai Woalpori Iaai WMb. R(, Josaiib.—Al Tuolle'H 'Hieatie Jno Uwilioro, ■J "A Kool for Luck," plwaail A .mall Aii'llaBca r.h. U. 'FlabI HoUa" com., lu n l>lg Rilvaiica Rata I.. Iloa. lloaso, n "A Vaouina VoDtlamaa." 71; Horxluili'. "Kau-t" SI. *3l.^lco" soil "KrI.oda" play a rttuin .OBaxSlii.nt t^, mAILoaani] oislii. i.'Hjirrfi.p'H 1 ii.ATRK.—Tbo bootnl to Its Man.aer Noru>B. ol lliw Mow.. .1 llila houaa. IS, prom. iMa lu ba a sranl .ucc.... Tli. ail.anea .ala I. Tory Un«L BBd lha B. It O .Isn will no doubt ba dl.pI.Ted. A Biiiini! apKlally bill will l* sInn, wllh llio OiIiowIbii voluoMira: Vuiiiis awl Trso. Hllr.r And Lllll.n UruaR. ntin.Hllli. H.rolla. Alll. Wabwi.r, Prsok Jacoba, Jofca and Oarroll. jQl.a OlTonr, Koocl. sod yullaiton, Maria Pdoi, i:iiA.. Thompson. Maal Uandollo Club, Bdoa Hoa* liacb. and r.aaion Bnia * B'iiIbk Kans'iroo Krank. A. Y Paaiwn'R Ht/>cb Coiiipaay coin.a 17. lr>r ona wMk. orw- wnUna "Tbo IVbllsK'iiildion." "Land of lha HPIbIbIiI Bud," "Tho Pullc. Palntl." "Tba MldnlRliI Al.ini." "Til. Ihirkr Haaeol" BBil "Tba I'lostsr." "HiBbad" IR booked torSI, Kaus PouamflS. Kba.i Bi-abs —BubIoh. laat wask wsa >ary Mllafaa lorr. T)i. |.«o|d. lor a.Rk of 17 aro: Jaco>ia Pamlly, Xiyfo and <;Rrroll. Prol. Iliiialna and wir., Bihar Hlai ti larl.l. AO'l Ubioo Srea.* bviloa Kaokaiiio "Krank." KorKM -I. M UrawfunI U In Ilia oily fur a law day.. KraBk LoBoo, ui Laiiiuo llrua.' IMraiifs caiiio up Iran Kanaas City Ui altaod Mansgsr Harlla'A bauaSt. Hprlagaeld.—TBS Brand bad Milton's Musical Courdy i;o„ hi poor bullnoaa, Pr).. 10-IS. Ilobl. II. hilar. lIlKltiiaA IS. nn HhahaapMrw. Bubarl Uownliig roui.a TbB llaldwlu lus h«.o dsrb lha pa.i waab, bal will nroaanl lha flh.rwo^l CuneanUo. U Hu.lo lisll bAR li.d aica:laBI pstlQUAgs Uia past VMb. No oaw ^ TENNESSEE. Naalivlllai—At tb« TtiMlr« Veodomo Vnnnf Darenport aoil ber feprrb ppxlaciloo of "Qianiooda" WM the aliracilon Kab. MAi. Tbe nrat perromance waa loliare, >*h«a place II, but oirJoic Ut Uie fact ilial naa unlr la Died on lha iiaieer ihla hitiiae,n0d Mlia Daven- pfvt'a pruducilcn re'ialrea ihe um or eteoirlclif, toe oMolnirerromiabcn ■aai>okipone4 unUlia,aou to gat ihaatnye lallv e<ialpp«<l •lib aleeirio llghia. The bnil- oe«a (lone was i«mI. iiat O'lt na UfKe a« the merlii of iba (•mldctinn warraiilvd. Tie aiaalDB naa Uyoeeded lo b» lha moit atabfirai* erar pot on here. Nelbouroe Uicliovell am blllr ei'le to appear at uoa perfurM abcM, oaacomai of aarar* alUcburrheamatJkia. Hie r«Je»u Ukan liv (^aureoi neei, vho uccuplaaamlaor ututtluolntiieoiiinPBnr. He bad rtefar played Ilia part Mailt and had oDiroMa raliaanaL'rtii recalred math pral*e Ta^r iba capable manner in vhlrli ha auauloed il>« rvl.>. Hoht B. Manirll coniaa 17, in. MnOjaafea vaa baoked for 19. aX but, en aecooBl or llloaia, baa ehaniail liar dm* unill March. Ilerrmano la due ^oUxi. ll,UaUs K«l Bl. Nat (luodalo 1J. "The f rlraie Itorratarf" ti. Naur MifHi:<iu TimiTRK.—fio tbe Mlailailppl" cane 111 II. and had Wftvi UtOM*. Ollvar Doud llrrna had bir iMvlneti 13 "Tlie (III I L*ii Hatilod," 13, drev wall. Uflbi. Oo«iiloi pntMOttvl "The nU'lIa'oi" and "lofu. mar." II, 15, to fair Imtlnaaa. It<laan] llarrlvan mmaa 17, It. Clara Nurria n. "J/VOd oftJie LlflDr'77. KiiUnd Nm4 91. t). <Jba:ii» Ufkia TlortR.—I'lihet'e "Cold liaj" ooraea IT. IV'rheTornad(.*'JMI. . . , . ^ ,, . ^, . rtnufLHT Uovjiiiisi bai dellaltalr dacMed oo hia plana aod rwHrtorr for nmv ftiaMia. All ol t>ia plat a wblch ha li pruduetnv nov will he r«i(rnl,aadliia reperinrr ■111 9ioalai irriinljr laojilar*. Thar are "Tba Wire oi Mllatui" aod 'The Cati of Ihe NarraiaDialt'." Tlie 9ioalai nriinljr laojilar*. Thef are *^iia Mllatui" aod 'The Cati of Ihe NarraiaDial- . fiirmarla arlwHcal Hraelao druna, aoi tiia UUarIa a U»r laid durloR lha feriuo daya. and deala wlili ihe Milr hUtory or Aniarlea. Botlionhau plecMwIll Im Sitan ail fUt/ira'a prtdoetJoa, ud ell) be prodiioad at raahfaium lo (Wipiepber. H«mphla.^At tbB OrEDil Oprn Home Oliver Brron.ln'lha Vpm ind Itowoa or LIf"," bad mulefala t«iroDatie r«li. Itl. II. ' Oa Uie Mla«luippl,"». IS, rire<l no i>eiiar ihao the prec4<linx aliracilon. "Frlactae Bon- ate" «a« veil recalvd.aDil did an aieallaotbqNlnia«r, r. 'Ibodirlf L*rt Beblod He" came 11, for twoolabU ind fnanml tiaRMMl hnyra. Uae: MaaloiD Tip'CM Or- thaatiftir. lM>t. IKiaitlOf 11, IP, ISdvard IfarrliM »• D. Iivuae dark U. O, Holaod Heed », IT. "Ibe UAtTof tt»e Ll»lni"S«.». ... NBV Ltcbch THBiTaa.—IfeiopljU aioauora oceapted Ihe bui.M U, It. Dafhoiaa r*l|0«d fl-e. Robl.U«Blalt upeDid IB, In ^'Muobara." lo a fair huaaa. He If bi pre' Mot"rhelloaiwi'1"l4and "Nailile flean" at m«uM« It. Ittreciloiia blltai: Tlid Murplif 17, llernouB U-W CliBflB»«og».*At Ihe Keir Open IIoom Pnnrh RoberlaOB elo*ed hb«eak'aea|<|(eBaDI Pah tl lo ftUrc*h')uea. IsMlian Lewla piajad to a fuUhuaaelu. •Tliffdlrll Left H«biBd Me" drew a hlr aKeDdaae* lo Ihe fnallnaaaod varpfairIQdlaoee Blabtof 13. Robt. llownlntfdldago«MbaaliiMa|]. Ro'^ed Reed eama to * w^IIHUmI hoaae U Tbe Dikmoad (Jiaai%iVi.. booktd for ■eekofSi, caBceUdbacAqaeel lllaauoftbeleadlDiiUdp. Tha 9ml BMh of thm XIad. f/vm The .Vocvar AMdap Tlmft. Whaa fon rm\t In TiiB CurrRH. Ii'a ao, TiiB CLirriB ASki'At I'tr "M la a valuaiila rrietauro boAb. euoiaiauii UmuicjI, uoalflAl aad tponloi chrmibloglai for IM. If U the iMOi look or Ibe klod pabllabed. #Nlscenaneoos^ nt'BID!! .% OJIBBAtCa VHUL^ 09 KDVILTIU NiUU —ITn are BelllQ(readp (nr Ihe romlue tonilnff vo-wm, Wit «UIhere k lew TOIt muad top. wlUi a UO. tiiMdIa place. W% win uiaa aiai* Inataad ota rloR, on-l lutre new acen err. Roaier up to iho praaant: Burton A Uarroll. pn*. prletnfK; Pn>r. Bloat, maakkl director; Olajrlun Kaaiir, btacb bee eomedlan; Vlrnle MaKroy, roealht; tA Poiliit Bddla,cblU performer; Ute Adami Htaiara, mnaloil per- iomera;S L. Burton. b*ri*«rrorn)ar; Juhn (birrpll, tluh a«|dR«r; Wm. Aawrer, Dulch aid lri«h oomrdian; ilmnt JA&dUa •tack wire tteri'dmer; L% Pearl Bluer*, enn^ an.l aaoa team; Bulr Wf«H, bar i«rAinner: llMrp Adam*, bow piDpertr man, wllb i«o aMiitanij; il. Land la, bo^:* eUTaamBD, wliU initr auiitanla. t>)ta.TV. r.i'Mux haa MiomI lni>t nasniUtlona wlih (lor. RIeliania, of WpumlnB, Iri rffuninrp in ihe iliul amD|ahi«alatbraci|ii[rlPg tlllti nn<lar lh^ Car^yjiAMii tLUIaereaol lABdloth* Bis Horn Uaiin, whichdd. lU^y and hlaaaaarlalaa wlllpuluodor Itrlaatlon aod odnnlin. tlie Interirr DeMTIiiient haflni appntvad the avlecilmi. Xnrn i^oh PHaM'n'HiiixiiATin.'v, 1 —We rlikaad In Now nrleana. La, Pe)>. K. aa many or ihe perfunn^ri* wUliad In erjn* llatdl tlraa. and wIlnM lha ntarloit pelade aa<«u Ktni Mex m ih# iraie* ul ilmoMy. Va [leotu on kananba Hirer. vhiiwIoB III the lov\na on this do. Kaniiioky, (irai*n a^l lll'aln(|>|d Hltf rc Wo i^vn 0 huodtetl ind ona parfiirmaocaa. Wn had In hand nod ordiHtn thirleoo perMwa, with lhlrla«>n on . atan, and alt *fntiH«cn*M a inarrlaKo laajii. Thrro har«ii«enila hundretl nou ri>viy per*nna«n«aB«il nn iNn naoaalloni, tnakloB ilia tflpKnuili, with nu l<«^iii lire i>r llmh, aatl all eaBerly ini\«)<lni thn>e itiouaaiul elKhtlniu* dead and alahly haw yhik CurraHK Hahbv OAi.uni-<( Norn.—Allrr a ihrr^ w»«b«'re«l nt Winter iiaartera, wa lake our ilapailiiia ror Virkihnrtf. M(M.. lA, wheie wawlll o|>en our enmReiitrutlhrro with Mr. tTilhoun'a caonon ici. We haii> >M>un>«| inrnrM ^ilit ynunaeat lamale aervniui on aaiih. All arn aiOATiDR ffnoit liMltli anil anllcl|«ta pro-pvrliy. lYlwortORa PutiTR aod broihnr had Ihe iiilinirlune f*l hulni aome Jewelrr aod lanry anlclaa hy ihn burnlnn (>r lha Hterllhi llot»l. Lititanipart, Ind., on Keb. 11 Tlivy niantKoO In rave iheir iMBitRe. NiircN muH TUB l.<iTtH.'«ATM».f ai. Pocn ~T1ili la nur aaToaili week In llatnllinn, H'liiiuda. nn'l huilnou ■rawa evry ul|hl. (la Hatnntay nUlit la*l i«i>j>l<i onwdail Iniit Uia tent aniil ltwaaa«iritllihai Die tU\* wall had lo be dri>M^> xh) urar lira liitiidreil tinrti - - thli If. . - ..- U Utranaaad HaRortr* In ibair return art. AMntuHlilt „ -- ... WW.. _. . _ _ tumMlaway. The 81 r four, thU yt4r, eonniaia nf lliin- lar. Ltimoa, Krink and llairr<r - - The ftitiiip nriiiovhow hlM botn rerv laiiiy and ooM, hualnau haa tmnn Mt(. Wo raium to New York nMut April We Hie (lie Her miiJjana xftf luurli. aihl Irani ilie Itualneaadune ue |iin> ■unia Ihey are plaaaiHl wlih iia. tJRBTIll'liR flUHtDTTA i'lA^Kl, B lloit Uliiar, VM clanedODil ■ennoibr liU'rftI h> Neni, an n|*il linn, dtii. loR an eihlblllwnle nUlnneaiHilla, Minn., nniMiiiti i<n Pah. II. Tlie alTalr oiutwl apanh In Iheaiidllnrhint, %n>\ tbeenrtale WAN niiiidovn. rruniplnriinn on ihe part or lha Bttandania, pntKatily. *ri all ihat aared Nni*. I'latika. It lannniiunnad that ahe will uiuloutiriilly re. eovfr ttiilfw htoAil jiola«iiln4 ahmihl uccar. TltK llR.flilRiHi.t A IIAIBB Co.are roiilail Ihmuiih Marr- land anil raoitiylvinlfc The K. of P. L»il|i>, of Ml. I^anuel. Pa., held Iholr iiinUamry on Keb 13, end liirl- latliioiwareextebtird in lha nmireiif. Uaiiiln Hakrr, rendered aaiina chuleoaalerilone. whlrti nern hUhlr ai*- preclaind, and »)ie vw praieiiiftl wlihn handaoinaimi- ale ca*a. Nanaiiib IIili.t RiittitL and hia wife, of Itniaira tUn\- ireuoiHoraltUa na Kab. IB^ save a inniplunue vpreail lolhemanitiare of Ihalr ciiai|iaiiy, lha occanion i>alri« Hm Ural annlvarmry or ihalr marrlaae. naHTilfiMiliBV NoTBM.—Hy iiaw almn ta now (lin Ilna«i no the mail, earryloji leeiuy hor4ea, iwaniy pe4i|ilii, ttnki band end orche«lra, and a nral claaa C4>iiipni y ni prrri<nii- era. TIta larieat oara In Auwtica, Td Tpai In lonulh, liulll to nnlrr.andcoit •.^■iOloach. hrefyihlnw la ii^w. Iliw-BU.aNBni'HHHiiwti.—KInkaiwMi In-llan Hivlialpofii., No.O, tiiorlof Hu»i|tHliinnK niHl Hrailinnl riiiinili>4, 1^, lo hiB bualneie, liaio Hie ridhnrlnR maipr: Ihwv /.htiya, iHclurvr; Ura. Xhaya, aouhrailn: Lnhi llrnwrn, chlbl i-ci- rumiPi; Hljr Alrlmi. luurikal dirtmior. Indliiia: lisiiuio KM, HtJir LIrIiI niid Hdritr Hixm. Wo hat n Ihwii nut ("f Iburiaaa waakaanil (ha man lo vliliamniinuaa in put Iti an npftMraoco on Hitaday It-atar nf /. iril IdiIUh MailUlnaCo., Nn. SM, now iimrlnji .New Vorh Hieie; Ur. K. Halaa. Ivolurer and miiutfar; Hia. K. H«la«, irrawirrr: Ltn KloTaneir, iiildK*t oiiiiiwIUu; fllnk I'jm*. IriMh iml Oalrh eoniailian; Mailer Wllle Slniiluinr, llittir^w hb>1 VanLae nunedlan; lUll Hkllllii, alank « Ire and anml«i, atMnanl danra; Wllllariadn. rnninrdoiiUt end lra|xM, and Murray and Hyen. ekeirh laniii. HuainnM Iukc-I, coniMerlnBthoktiiniir weallmr. Dr. K HwUr pravrnlMl DIcb I'yne wllh a nna pli>e VrU, lu In a h<lliir rpHii rnriiiprni«iul»era or llm guakar SImllrtiie llo. ilmy rr)iii. pUlo Ihat Dr. W. V. %H*inu»» daaeriMl and lh»iii Urnntlete In Arkaaaaa Noiea irviii Dr. llliio ouoiilo Jifo: We are illll In canip al Nnwburv, ri U. fluiliieaaBfioil. La«t work hanl rain nn 13, rliirtt than the aoaihar lua liean fine. Tlio di>rioi*a liiiln Iny, lire ninnlha nhl, liaa lha hiHiidnu rmiili. Mr. Do PoriaaihtaonhlairpAae iralni Bfaln, harlhv nanrlyrn- corer#il liuin Ihe nil haRLt but HiOHlnr "aeh. llmlui Bad Uurton, unrnear lMin<l and mciiaiiiK IvadniH. liKro aotrrdquliaahli hare wllh their mtiilralacl. InatKid i,( pkylnit anlneUieywriia dueia from all the Uletl niii aleal aatoethtni aod |4ay Iheni on rhdlna. wuilara. l•40J•ll^ nandolliiaand ooriieu. liiiiiaililBit new In ihU armhui .n Hlflala Hiiorly ilrlllln, who waa prlnrlpal oodim. dlan *llh tlila Miuv for ihran yaar«L and wIni hna Itaen abaant fur nine ntnniha willi ^unm blia ptiitWH, returoe4| lut uynk, and rnnlinrluil ror tbo Qiiiittnar. lie Inoka allahtly dlillunrmi, hut aaye he U Mill In the rlBK. M. T. Muran, oTrronn ymirHltbun, haa had a Hra weekk* reraiion, and reiurno I ihta wreh, llorara More, our alaaani Tir naarlr Itra years, hnahail hut ihrro ilava* vacallon (he enlire ihnn. Mitalanu Wet- lar and wire, uy ao atoldant laat Haiuidav, aildnliiiilie a nurally Uithalrari. While klvli* their |iart of (lie ireu Wild Well, a^ Waller waa piping hia wire'a li'inte, while rannloB al roll Nwd. (he iiMip wont around a iiMxrira nook at the aama llnta |i d|il lha linri«'R. Oim pull on i>in n>pe hy the cuwl^iy, and th« luuro ainl horm tun aocurely laahnl (f>|niber. Tha Imrwe beraiin* frlilKaned. aad b«)itiid lha Udv'a coninil, ilaahol ('tr dimO theaireal Tup imatly a blooa htrora hn waa aliippwl, vKh (be iiaicrn handoi in hta naob. It waa )|iille aonift- inK ler ihn larra crowd ihat aiw It, ami iho neuro, whii waa tally choied and acarad, aeeatad to Im lha only'tiin wbo dtd uot eojuy lha fan, CEORCIA. laraiinBta.—At Iho Havtonali Theiiiro IMnoli Robenann'a l^i., Kih. lU-13, cams lo lame hualniM, at |N>pulai1prloea. "A Bowery Ulrr'folhweil lit, (iinroirhnh. iDaaf. Cuuiloi: UrIhiI I'a'iia Vu. weak or 17. Thi TNiMunkHK-New iwiple (Ida week: MaHalatlor. rla, Ada Hulllvan and Mlu Moore, lllg huuafn arery nljht. TintLi Ut'alL'IfAU. —Tlie Haeba aod Ihe Da Ith Hlalara onenad nlih Iho cvaipany ihla wp^h. Tha a(«iidin| routii aigohaa t>Mfl liunHUparery niRlita Tlio hualaaaalalliH lariiaat lo tbe bubvy or tha huii»«. Tbn Haeka r#MltB<l aaTera' calll fur Ikeir trurk. Tlie Ihi Jrea en* prlmt rarorltaa. Jolm Ptndy la ■ hlif hliwi'h mtr mag*. Manner WIntor haa a airiinK cnmiiaoy. the Iwat »arU(y abuwaran har* Id iunie time. Uiek Tnrnar lUapity UIek) baa cbarie or tlie auite. AtlBiilB.—At tbe(lniiiU"Allowcrrr(lrl." Foli. 17. U. Kobart UowolflBcania luwtd II, In Rooil ImaUipaa, Da II llia conpioy Kara a I»eaai1i N> Ailaou I>hIo. h'^. W, K. of r, (llirairnrrla waa Ihe altraediin H. 10.10 lair atirodanc*. BoobHl: ' rrlocoaa Honnle" IP. 91. l.vtiit'M.-TliaHrrervtNNlUrand Opera (lu. 17, VI. Mal>el ral«e ckiaad a lOMiiaalnl waeb )&. rOLI'HltiA.—'l^tlarler.iiriUrtarrllle." III. Prbtrh a DiutAsv'ft HR(:ir>li. Ilai.i, •Song rocllal, hy Mr. and Mra. Da rawjiuli, 17^ OREGON. PoHlBBds^At (he MBniUkm aratitl Knilo I'lit- ■oam played to fair bualofil Keb. I, |. In "Fife tM hUnm Kite," "llBOla JofS Korocehi" wniclreo for oan par- funnance i. Marie WalnwrlRht waa taan C-fl, I'raunilnic 'Mn tloeiiual Match," "The Irfsva (IhaiM" and '*D4aRkler4 orBre." llualoeia waigrMMl. "in Obi Kanlucby" (•■•anvil lb. Tiia (iarlcin Opera (hiiuirany will Im mmmn 11, I&, and Iba Fnwiar Htnok ll<rin|<«ny (a Iwiokod for 17-n foRUHar'a TiiRATKR.—' A fair Kolrtil" waa Jilron hv lha Hac^nKI'icb Coinpany^S. Haalne*a <vinilnii»l vmid. "Unole liiolel, or a MaiMDier rnmi Jarrla Hectlito," waa potnn 10. Kbv I'ARK TiiiiTHB.—Tlie Oaorftla Mlnilral (Vrnipaor la hooked ror M. Wo)lblR(.A.*(n -HIrdle Uarrla. Jiilla tflnrhell, Hellt Lampre. PrenbU ntariori, Nallle Lanorp, May Min^r, UarrlaWlDchari. OukIo f.«nv>ri*. Mrrdo VeniMi, ti'ldlu Darla,Cliaa. (llhUen and Ban Vau ilora. A!«HRraiH -Hvlla Dewey, Valla lAnioro, Jeaila Roesi, Laota llnaard. .NelHa Lamnre LfiLirBB.—Tb* UHirra liBdy Orclieilia. ilBMinai. MuRiri Ham. akh Tkrathr.— VarUi/ eon- tiauaa, Biifiu'ii Ra.iorIII appiu^ I7i 1*. at Ilie Pint llaihtiant Armory. VIRGINIA. lfarfo1lt»«At lh« AcAdcmrAf lliulo somi biial- ■•aa preralled thapaat week, A wall n|la<l hfHiaa wli- naaaad the imwtarminetitf "fba Black Crouk" Prh lif, nblcb wu a dliappfilntuiant la arery way. do^l huinur vaa reiiored br fbi'.and RMid.aho nlaiMl a rainrn en. ofaaiaol II, iiraatntlnji "tba PollilaUn," to a mok^l bona«. ConllnaoMa appuo'a neeaBaluie<l Mr Uani eearlDK Iperora tbe curtain Vt make a rpM^rh. Lllil«n MBli,M >4JI«flM|ira."rbiaad Ibe waeb'a atlradlr-ii* li, ■bare ahe waa ir*eled hya aiwisi viimI and kor*. t^'M^k^*l^. :P4ndlia Allai" H't», (t'O HakleloB waea nfll. BU'iir THfATBI.-.Xaw |.wipte rippnlna t>e#k 17: Rarrr. Da»h1n|i»n and Barry, and iba Uo Ira lllk(er«, Baal Boea good, ^^^^^ RIeliBonil.—tbdAiid llMil. In '-Tio VVnninn Hater," waa nt tha Anadrioy n( Huahi Kwh. lU. end mI- iracied a larin aod d«1liihirul audiaoce. "ma lllack i;rwik,"ll, 13. eraw t«u ■''ol ho iaaa. bm Ihalait i<ar- rrroianea waa iilihdy atiandad oalni to aaTnre.rdi Ichm irihe P<-el I'reva. tflMani Werti*i4 imiafli, II wa* a rallur* InanBlAlly. Tli^ lUklwInaotXOM wmoK i^riTt "Pir- tdlae Allay" 21.3ft, "A Niahi'a Prolla *». V. RirnMn'DTRr.tTMiirainihiaiiAik. pi'fffAua TiiraTfli i*(iiii>tva--f>peBlnc ulaht 171 KraBiaBoult/*e, BIMIe riynar, Mamie KIloe and Jubn Brooha. MarlaraalaintrJ. onKrfitriD ON PAOB ma.