New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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803 THE NEW YOBKCT^IPPER Febbuart 22. Kmi'Iri TiiRAni.— a |Kirll<w o( Ilia (lock eoni- ptnj of iblH hoiiiio gave on I'fli. i; ili« nnt Ancr- Icin pi'tMntalloii o( "Htnl*Kt," t comtilf, la tbiea acu, b; linuiilonTliomaiaDil Itemy KeellDg. THU li1i>]r bu (Men » Iodk wblle lu iMclMog ihUcooDlrr, rorltwaiariglDailjiviHliicciI si llio Uourt TiKain, I/ODdon, Kdr., on iuno T, lSv2. It Is goiio lb« lOM voJcomc, linwover, and prolMhijr do l>ollcr Umo cunlil hiiTn hctn wicclcil for lin iirtMnlalloD hero, iM lib lirltlil, clcnnly Mi Roml oalured wit prnieil Tcry rffrMhlDR nflur purlaltluiv of aorae of Ibe Ramoj rcpania rcccDIIx iiiovUIci). Tin aloij lelli of ■loiiinll'' dlillnalilM nrltloB from a womao'i jmouh)'. Too principal! urc HIr Jobii lltllOD, a wolllix coiiiilr; Renilornan, and bla wire. TiK lallcr liiu bcuonio Ln<lj llelion ptin- ripally <u ttn^vent ooo of hrr foniicr acfaool* nialtK mm IIMIdi I bat pulllOD. Tba olber lad/ In ihs cane Is a acir pmaencil woman, who, illBlllieil li; lier own wx, la an ailept In Ibe art of ploaaing men. Sir Joiin lovrs bla wire, HlitidiiKb be hna at one itioo bctn atlcnllve to ber •lelcslcd ilVHl, lAdxKcltoDibsvlOK married wliti- out being proinpicd Iberelo by love, feula Ibat slie Ins no right lo live with lierbiisiMnd, and Ihiro- rore leaves bliii almont at ilie cliurcli door, l/ive fur Iter Inubaiid sunn romca, Invrvcr.bnt wllb It •'unies renewed jAaloirsj of Ibelaily whonj she coo- ^lllt^lllrrllval. iliiiiiKli ibourerliaa hjr ibia tlina iiuimtd a i<l<ilM niUlorral, the Hon. Hodley cbuinblplnh. HIr John, liaving failed lo per- HiJBde Ills wllo to live wlili lilm. beconca I'XssiKralol and niahra oJT lo HIr Uhartea Jenka, n great sullitllor, lo get a dlrorce, itnd there nieela Ixdy llclloo, who baa come iipoD tho aamo errund. Tnn ilvL-rco <>r divorco Isgraiilod,iliougli nui made alisxiliile, liutmauen un not greaily Improved. The lion, Dudley baa ynno lo Africa to Join hia dOar brolber. Ixird rowyserroft. In a nhdotlng r:(pedlllon, aon neve cnnwHOf hlH (IcBib, HIr John, iiownoparaledfrdm Ills wife hy legal liarrlera, fallH uodcr tbo apell of 11)0 ohannlogwidow, Hrv. Cliuinblelgh, butsilll baa H lingering aiTecllon for the wi»nian he tind married, lip, In fact, Hccke n rounlun with her, and aenda ber a written propohnl of marriage, but his letter paasea on IIHWayouii from Ijtdy llelion, which bmiiinclODt* ly hltlor 111 tone lo make Mm nropou marriage TO tbu charming widow, ttlio accepia bla ■ iitor. Vllh Ibo wrillcn iiropoaal In ber poi- Hcaslon Ijidy llcltoo lontltules prncecdloga agalDft lier furnor busiiHiid for bieaob of proniirt, and Sir John finds lilinwif In a venr embarraMlog and «'i|UHlly ridluiilnun dllomma. There hui been a mla. laae, however, In the nuwa from Africa, for It was lliOQidor <ir ilio Irotheii who met his death, and tlio lltin. Uudloy, now l/ml I'awyaecraft, roiuros lo Kugland wnailug a lieaid which makes bim the iu>iiiiterpan or hli doceasod limihor, aud which )>itvciilM Mm from Ixlng nwogolztd oven by hl> wife. Tbe marriage of Urjolin ami Ihoauppooed widow la aiHiut lo lake place, slid HIr John Is In a fair ivsy lu cojilraci a lilgamuiit alliance, when bla repentant wire again wins hliii la hrr aide, and Urn. i.'litiitiljirlgli iH "onsolcd by lludiug herjelf Ihe wife uf a peer. While ilie conipllcatlons of tbbi Hinry am vciy Imnroltsiilo, itioy are by on nioauH lm|>ja»liilu,aiHl, aklllfiiliy wuvanua tbor an.ibpy make a very dlvcrilng nurrailve. The play Ih ubannlngly HH'Irli-sl.uod Is rppkte with wit of the inie sori, vhlcli. like rnll, la full of navor. but dC' void or iiliieriiPSic Tlio s:ur7 la admlrablr con > ulved. llii'dlaliigiio IH terse and exuevdtugly well wrlilen, iiiu cliaiacteranre bkllirully drawn and Ihe Hcencrt lire olcvcrly arrrtuged. It la dlilloiilt lo iiredlcsin ll:o faio or a play or thla aurt, for, IlkoOcorKu llemard HIiHU's "Aniiannd ilie Man,'' II Is a Ksllru for ilie cicul. and It may lie found lij iiitny lu lack drsmallc lotereat. II richly (loxr^'ra Micrcas,bovevcr,Hnda general nplticcliLilnh or IIS iMi'iliN would lie lull or promise ror Ihu fuiiiTO iif ihi) [oral ikfago. It was falily well Itlajcd, aliliiiiiuli bulh Mr. I'rtTPrahani and Mlia Allen were scrloua wlinoul ihu Htmilng ofalnceilty. N'.> mas Id real llfo ever iHrli&vua like Ur. Kaver- ahani exi'opl tbiit gcnilouicn hloiatir, anil It is UQ. wholn liliii lo niaVe liia charncler aludlea wllblo Tbe llinlti I'l ao unsll n i-Lisa. Mr. IimIsdu and VAAe 1)0 Wolf acre, however, simply perfcot In their reapectlvo r^iIiH, and llnltcrc Kdrnun won an ulNolnio iilunipli. In adillilon lo hla reallr excel Innl porff.rmauce ho Is entitled to an especial word iif praise Inr lila careful and thoivuglily arilstlu makeup. Tlis roles were Ibiis aulgupd: Sir. John IteltnD, Win. Favcisbnni; Hon. Jhidley Cuuinblelgh, Itobtrt IMrnoii; Sir Charles JriikH, J. K. Ii.nI mm; Isidy llniton, Vlnla AUcb: lion. Uia. Dudley Cnninlilclgh, Kl^lu lie A'olli ifuayle, Joi. llunipim'yi; Wrfltor, IV. 8. Waitnun. ■•UaiaV Vaii.i'H one act play,by KniinaSQeildab KryoaodUra. i:. U. Hnllnnand, waa employed at a riirlainraiser. It waanlroady fsvoribly known lo ilihiclly.and waa nuco innro keenly cnjivted, tbo i-levur work of May lluiioui having ciiiilrliiiiled liiigsly til tbirt tesnli. It hii4 ihos caat: Uout. V,tn- •iTOih I! iri'i, II. 8. A., lluhcTt K Icanu: Kick Keller, K. V. IKckue; lliilisra lltecr, IJa Uumpiesl; llol una lleeco. (loncvlovo lleyuoUls; liiubailsia, Uay llnbMn. It may lio well Ui nieoilon In Ibis cfinaeo* ilou that a phiy onilllcd "Marriage," written by lilon llouoluuli, waa presented at walhick'a (now raliiiorV) Tlii'iiiro, In llio fall of ih;;. KcHTiii A Uiti.'d.—The bill prcsoniedatlhUhonie week of fch. il wih fully np to lui many eicollent predcccSMii?, and found favor with a fair olxed atidlODCO on Uonday nlghl. Chsrlen Wayne, dlevrr comedian, nhoiie work Ih well known here, appeared ami luiiiid liliuwlf itniong friends, who gavn full evidence of their isppieolatluu of bis elt'irls. I'ror. lUinpion. nlih bis iwrfomilng dogs, rata aud inonkoja, ruanpvarvd siid added dIh full share lo iho ovenlng'a oiitcrlsluuu^ni. Hartbe Uarihy, i hsntenso i nnibiur, Iwhsu her fourth week a ouullnued fanrllr. I'aiil Ulni|uovalll, king of Jiig. glen, waa sllll iwpular In Ihia blanevenih week. The Alllsuus, diiollhUi aud danrera,colored Ihclr second week aud treio favorlio huldnveia. Tbo Craggs, acMlwhi, ulnlh week, were conllnuod In favor, and lloile Huiidol, iraiururniailon dsnrer, sisih week, was aim imiiiilnr. I'liul UaillDoiil's IMnlomlme 'rr.iiipo ciiniliiuiHl lo prcwni "lluliert Haralra," whlcli biia pnireil a ploahlng HiiracUon. The bill waa concluded nlili tho Ihlog pictures, laile Fuller la annouiicrd for Frb. *JI. lUuuKaaTKiN'rt (ii.vuriATiifiATKS.-Tho one ban. ilrodand nfiMh perfonniince of "Kxcelnlor Jr."waB i-o:obroled Feb. i;, and theucvaslon was marked by ibo prcMiiiailm of a ititlly wnvenir porcelain rbaik bi each lady hnldlUKaooiipon for a reaorved scat. Iho houu) waa paokcil.and the auupty of clocks waa oxhaiialcd long befdn) tha curulawot ning uit, anil tinier,! woiv then awn ritrthou),wblub an iTiltfctiialilo at tho Ihix nitire during the week. Charles OhiIo Huci-coilod (Jharlra liUuiitw lu Ihe i<»ni|tany. an-l niado a aoi-rrai, stid Kay TeniplPlon sang a new a.tiig, enililed "Ur uullesi line," which was rviicaieilly cncort*i. .ViwV llitll— "llargui-iliu'* lia'i pn^vuii In bo a a'ning I'.tnl HI IliU Iniiiie. and drew a larg* audi envo Fob. IT. I.iura Minira a'<ug the title nde oil Ih'ti dsio fur Ilie llrnt lime and luailo n ilUihu'ilvo hll. She will niieniaie the rule Willi Alico ItiKC. Willi sang It Issi week. Kilian Allen leplaml Adolpli D.ihti IVIenuin lu Ilto n>:o of UeplilHiiiaud crvaitd u favorable Impre.iiliin. The iieauUfal ItsliuiH of Ur. llaiuiiii^nieliraiipeelaoular open ciiiittiiiie In win adiuliHiloit, ami ilie ptoiluc- lion gives uYory Imllcallnu iif n long run. Tito ex* irellrnl olio was tiinilslied by Panuv Weutwonli, innnologolsi; Virginia Antgoii.lilgh wiro iiorrnnuer; Uoiia. triMst, nilmli*. ihlnl weak; Carl Iteh/,lU' slated by ». lie. li'Alloii, lirih wctk; SadI Alfarabl, ninllliiilai. nrih work, and f. i^osiiir Walt, In chat' Hiior cbangos. Uisia'a lluwsHY Tiiiathk.— I,csi«r .t WlllUmi' "Ue and Jark" (A>. pla>cd lo llghl butlness Monday arirmoon auil evening, Vti\i. 11. 'lUoand Jack, llio welt kiina'ii budeaiiuo, lias tteen lllteil up again III good Hdvanlsgp, Lcaier and Vfllllanu as Uo and Jark pMvldlngIhoroniody work, Kllly Kuraale, as Wlidiow, Kit well rvirlvrd. lico, the stilt |ier- roniier.ti|M'iird ihonllii; .Msgeo snil (^Inuulna ap- peami lu Ihidi-lauuhabic tioxutiiact, Kliii Kuraale sang and dsni'cd, Clisa. WSeaiiiiin gave file lodta- iitiu:,Wiih gnodeifect, llanlaiui.llieiniiup Juggler, |ire>euii-ii hU i|iialiil i>iHirUli>; KauGle l.tialle, a ronmihailrsuisilocouinriluulsi.iwlsrcd her botly In v.trtiii<B tordin; Hie l.^igh SlslcTa danced ban). Uiolcil, I. rtirrauii Wllllaouoirufed their iisrudles and grg'. an I ihe UIg fVtir (Suilih, Uanio, Haley aim 8rilgvlctlknih'trd «la<ut. "A HnrvlDg Willi JuM'ro Hcliwsb** vliii^d liteahow, lilusiinllng mitny Mot lisble cintri Inclilciiia. cuaa. V. .^eauion, aa Juaili'.- !4ch>vab: M 0. I.'sirr, ihe lilsiilci At toiiiy, hint J. \viiiiHiii«. Liwytr Jeiry Ul\, and Killy'Kniivle. -ts ItnhP \Vlilit>. and Clem. Uagro and riiointin Si i^gw.i-k Hpfcsivil In l>. cvc. U. Itrllly It Hie piitpiU' or III tliii riiiiipany; U A. Havens, liual* r.ess iikiiinivr; TIikius..! ^Milaalik.riago nianaecr. Ni-M wi*rk, lae lUwliiii UoivAnl Aiaeuivum .'^Mr siii'i'lali.v 1'". llKiui.D >'iji'iaK TiiK^THK. -'■ITie Heart Of Usrj- laud " iH>sni'nil l'i»>. i: Ihu chtinei-mh week of lis run.iviiii iinwdi' coUkisnllv altcsiluithe ^ |i«ipii;ailiy nf Mill plsj. Kirnil I'Kiox Snr»iigTn»»Tiig.-ln spllo of ad- vepe wealbcr condlilona anoilier week wan in. augnnledwllh a aundlog room house In attend- anca od Monday, Fob. i;, and those who braved clillllngwinds found a cheerful bouse and a xplen. did bill awaiting Ibern. I.ew Ilocks'ader, In a new nonolegie, with new songs. Is ibe bright feature of the new facea here this week, allhoiigh he waa compelled to share the tmnonwiib Ur.snd Hia. Hldney Drew, who are ittalned from last week, aa are U Bella <!armen and AdoiiU Ame<. Waller l,eoD, the brightest lid Incnrrent vaudeville, is also promloegt among the nnw comers, and llunili and Rudd, and mil and Hull fnnod friends a pleniy In Iho audience, Klnra I'lolayson, well known In oiiem, made ber Ural spiiesranre on ihla siagc, and gained an abundance of applauae fur ber sweet eloilog. Sen. R. Ilsney. auoiheral ranger at this house. Jumped Inin Immediate favor through tbe medlnm of bis genuinely clever planiallon negro Iniltatlona and excellent piano plating, and llorwIiB and Dowers retiirael to old friends and foand a cordial welcome for their clover work. In tho lilll also are U Itor and Clayioii. comedy duo; the T«o carles. vocsIWIb; W. K. Wlillile, vcnlrilo- nnlit: Knieat Wilson, cbaracler singer, aud i|jlnD and Forbes, expert danceit. There were few dull inomenlH during the creulog. and Hie programme alilkea ■ good aversgo wlili bills which have gone before. -Next week iirlngs"Tnat Hmari Utile Uli of a UaD," Hark Murphy, as a leatore. Paucrna'a I'LSinimi Psiace.— Uesplie ihe ex- irODM eirerls of Jack Font lo freu7.c Ihe mercury In Ihe thermonielen ibis bnuso waa well atlendtd afierooon of Feb. 17, and In the evcnlnR few ciiip'.v seats could b« found, while the lH>.Te« were llllod and tbe Handing room well oc.-iipled. The nre- giisDDe waa Dane up of an excellent house bill, augnonlid by the Itusaell Urntlien' Cciiiedlans Tbo Hsrld-Unnhani Trio, aecond week, horlunlal bar perronneiB,conilnued to tai prime favorlfe. IM Seogolls, mlilfot comedlana. began their third week and were aim popular. These llule people have proved themselves lo lie thor- ongh comedlana and enlertilnera, and win rounds of applause, Hons, l,a Itoche, In Ihe misienniis globe, made his Ont appeannce at ibla house, and wasglrenagood reception. Uay Howard, come- dienne and vocalist, won miiob applause for her work. Tbe Russell Brothers, aa "The Irlih Servant Olds," were given the hearty reception usnally ac- corded IhciD. Fields and Uwl', cemodlaos, made an excellent Impreaakin, and Kivie Adair, In her Parisian and Orlenul danclor novelilc', made her usnal tiicccsH. Otbera on ibo bill were: lx> Andora, character change performers; the Donates, one-legged cluwos; Prof. lien, l/ickhart'a mined rIepbaniH (twenty.dlih week); Her, Unrke and llandall, eccenirlc comedy Irln: Ihe Uorrllna. Will- iam, Ma and llobert, aciohalle enmcillaiis; O'Brien and Havel, In a numcdr skeieli; Jobnulo Vam>ll, vocalist aud comedian; Faul Sluior, mimic; Kaike and Semon, musical comedUns, mid Kta Hwinbume, cbaracierslnger. A bur;csiiuc, cniliied "The Two OiT-Uos,'* waa prascnied and proved a laugh maker. I'HOcrOK'B TnsATRS —Vanagor Pnclor prewnle an aUiacllve bill at lili cotj house this week, open- ing Fell, i;, to good allendsnce. Paplnta, mirror and Kipenllne dam-er, beads tbo list or people, and she made an erophitlc hit nil her llrat appearance on Uonday* The mirror erTecIa which she uses add much to Ih:, aiirariivenesfl or lirrdancrs. and her grace and beauty Always clslm tbe adiiilrailon or her aadience. (iranto and klauil, giotcsi|iio wlro act, appealed and ron applauso rur their work. LuekloThorlov proved herseir to lie a clever rhar- acler change perfnrmrr, and won tull rocnghlilon for her act. The Four Uosers. HcMlmia and Jugglers, oaelly woii the favor or ilielr au- illouce, anil John W. lununo icndemd a nnw soug and was a conilnued favorite. Uasco nud Rolierts, acrolMtIc comedians, were aniu.Hlng, and Qeilrode Uamdeld, comedleDOO. was a laipiilar holdover. Oiheraon the bill who found favor werer The Ulmlo Four, Walton and Uayun, couiedhtns lialsy Mayer and ber lickinlonica, Iti planlnilun pastimes; Uolsn and Lonharr. irsvoaty duo; Kllmy and llawaon, comedians; tbo Three Don Slaters, In songs and dances; Frcdoaoddrldln, musical come- dians; Jenule Itolile, serloroinlo vocallsi; Hairy Fenion, equllllirhii: Jennie Whiiiieck, In negro mek)dlee, aud Intx I'almer, airong wo.Tan. Fgoru'e TiiSATBS.—Attloion and Ojlder's latest niekKlranittlc production, "Sived From Ihe sea, waa presented lo a good house Monday, Fob. 1 The many strong altuallons, calculated to engross the alleolloD of the average audience, were closely workedupby ll-iyd l*ulnani,as luo K,tagton,ond llenrlotla Lander, as Nanrt, bis wire, aupporied well by a company Incluillug Kmiiielt i'>mgan. Frank Drunwir, Harld IL Ynung. neo. W. I,«nien, John l>Aly Murphy, Utile Freda Ciilbuun. Frauklyn Holierta Woi. Tibbeils, W. llAtreli, A. K. Adsiiis (l*orgo Hwell, Knioa Hooker and (Irrile I'aimer. TbanoonloamingemenllseiTecllve. J. l.-iulsWulle la advance nnresenlatlve f t Aiklnson iiiul Oalder; 0. y. Brooks, bnslnesi manager; Kranklyn It-ilierta. aiage manager. Next week, "The Anu or the l,sw.<' Manager A. II. Sbeldon'e benedt. Sumlty ereiilog. ■a, piomlsea lo liecome a llnanclsl and artlallc auc< cesi. Mr. Sheldon will appear In a ikelcli with bis son. A, II. Sheldon Jr. Uoaia' Oairy TutATiii.—Tho second woik of Manager Doris' new renture opened auspiciously Feb. IT, with an audience of oxceileni proportions In attendance. "Oblldren'a Day" was liiaugurtted at the Oalety Feb. II. Krery Monday, between the hours of noon and four o'clork. Manager Horla will have the programnie so arranged aa iti make It par- tloularly allracllve and amiulnu to the youiigaiors, as well u lo the molbera and maliU who may ac- company Ibsni. These Muoday afternooti pfrfnrm' anceawlll be known heiwrteras "Cnlidien's Hay." For tbia week only one tf lut week's mimlienils rouloed, M It la the laicntlua nf the iiianagcniont to make complete chaogos each week, except In tbe event of unuaual suoceM u( any nci, aa In the cato of Lilly ilreen, who remlrrs the songs of the day excellonily. Ulas liiccn re- mains another week and pnsiliily longer, olherwlie everylbing la now. In the list nio ibo (loldliis, obatjsotoraketobes: Flo Banks.aerlo comic; Siaiiion and Iteddlng, diainatlc skits; lliiolrd niidii iypr. the two Jeaiera: ranizer Hno, conlunlnnlsls; Wills and Datron. cccentilctkelchra; IMwanIs uuii Ker. nell, Jis. tlardner. Ward and Lynch, J*H.Ciillcn, Caropliell and Heard, llugeiu and Cooper, iho HfMn Sisters and otbera. Tne uaiisl coniluuniisSnntUy cooccrt, beginning at i, and ending at Id :l> o'clock, will be UDiisually attractive, aa the regular week day hill will lie angnienled by several adJlllonal Duinbem. MiNtM'A Kiaimi AviNi'S TiiiAiai —Tlie reliira engagement bere for this week of ilio Washlnim Slslera'Last Sensation Is sure to be attended with excellent tliianclal resulla to M luaier l.niu R iblr. who controls tlai nrgaiilzallnn. T.ieir prcvlnui rii- gagenieulH here this scirton have iircu reiu^rknl,' tor the liusliioas diino.aud Mr. lloblu reiiotti ilu- tour of Ihe country aa having itoen most siu-i-csitriil, Theoperatlo exinivaganrji. "FnrtuiM, or tbe I'nii' cess Tough," oonllnnes 10 bo the prluclrml vehicle fur tlie evening's amiisemrDt. killl a i-apiial olio ol siM'clalllra la riimlohed by Nolllo Wunrs, Knicry iiml Marluw, tbe Waahiiura Sitters. WhlleUw and llyaii. U'Uileii, Jennings and U'Drieu.auil llslnes aud I'elllnalll, 11ie enedaltlea were well rcci Ivo l, and"Fo(tuna,tt«lth lis caichr music, pieliy cos lumes. gorgeous scenery and tlin c/im- luiiieraiinv- lliinaor tboprlnol|Ml roles by lllaiiuiit'ami I.U:lan Wathbum, easily n-peaiu*! I'a former siu-cosa al Ibis bouse. One of llie larffov atiillancos waa pres' enton Monday night, Feb. 17. Next week,Willlsms' Meteorn. lluniaH KidiiTn avikpi Mi-^wiii. — Cumplci elutuges In Ihe ciirlo hall atuacliniis fur thlswi-ek will piobaMy tend to tilll riirthvr Incroase the' ronsgv bore, which has lieen exivllent slucc Ihe aea son began under the new lauiagemeni. The Iran sleol resuirea for tho week srv: Henry .tiransler. oliong boy; Mile. Usrrelloand brrifiiniieor irHliird dogs; HI liowen, the btir niui; li Inu Fills, ewoid iwaltoaer, and South Sea Miiid Joe and wire, vlih Ibelreiblldtsol lltelnlhoteblaud.-t auddefcrlptlve lectures. The second week or CniilnV Comedians began IT, wbon ihe company producetl '-Lliilo Vod- dleilns," preceded by Allen sn<l Helnialii. Fannie It'^tiluton and otbera In ehterialtiing speclslllrs. Mahaush lA>ria Roaia'e leiiluui:ilal lieiieOl at Miner's Kighili Avenue Theairx* on Sunday nlglii. Feb. Id. served to bring oul ttiia istpuUr inantger's leglou or friends, who packod the house upon Ihe ocoselon. A most enjoyauio |it\iaratir.iie wsaivn- dered b; Imogviie Unmer. Auslu Hart. Sadlr llsaa. Letter and AIIHauis, Jas. Ui-Avny. and SImpion, llnwanl and KL Cltlr, ihe Tlicrpltn Four, l«w llaaklna, Fuurnitdncr nt«s..1\iiuni> l,>iUick, Al. Oram, lliitalle. Ihyani anil lira vrr and oMiem. UAtDts Tiiisrai.—"ChlMiiiilo Faddeii" entered on Feb. IT uptm tbu tl.Mh and dual werk or lis ninatmu bouse. U will uoi leave Ihia city. Ih>w- ever, but will lie irantferrrd lo auoihrr house. It will be fiiilowed hero, -.'I, iij Sy Incy lloseufehl's •■TneTwo Kicuicbeons." Tosr i'Affniif* TuEATIik.-Man»ger Faaior has telecled another splendid bill for lbs cnrrent day», and as tbo houM waa psoked to replollon on Mon- day, Feb. IT, a conUnaallou ol proapeilly bi more iban likely to resell from Ibis week'.i etforio. WlU II.Foi.ttao clerer masipnlator of tbe piano, and Inly lamotousmonolegolst, Uilbefeatoreottbsblll, nd he rcsdily lusialled himself In the good graces f Ills old friends and captivated new coniem. Geo. Kvaos,lhc "honey boy," made hU "l™"Pp-";'; Slice St Ibis hiuse,nndby his aweet singing and billghl comedv work ^IcWT c«--»Wlshed h insdf In drni favor. DInna and Ulonn made Ibelr mnslaO act as enlenalnlng us heretofore, and Lew Dloom wsK warmly welcomed for his amusing specially rnd "ify Ulalogoe. Sbeirer and Blakely. In tbolr rollicking lilock face 'Pi'li''; clever cfilorlalnera, and tbe Weaton B «!««.'J • lively conirlhnllon, all came In for troll dMoryed encoiirageinenl. Win. and Kittle UaiWck. conlor iloulata and Black wire perfomiep"; Uessle Bearie,a melotlloos singer, and the Burt Sisters, In song and dance, were all classed among those lo vigorous denunil, while Com lloutt, serio comic, and ward anil Joalo Kvaos alio conlributed their share lo ibo bill. Neirly ell Uiooe employed are uo well knntvn In the ttsira of vaude- ville to wsirant a more extended comment upon Ihclr accompllahmcols, and It may be said that all hands gained the recognition Ihey deserved, audformciTa bIH which, Judging by Ihe amoonlof applauae, fniniled the cxpeciailuus of tboas lo at- tendance, and malnialned Manager I'aator'a repit- lallon for prcaentliig vandevllle progi»nini»a of the beltorclass. _ ., . IIiiBiH'H Paucb Ui-Kituu.-Tbe weekly ablft Id ailrai'Uon attlih) house on Monday,Fob. IT, brought to curlo hall J-is. U. Mitchell, soap eater; Herman, strong man; Fanny Dordeit, midget; Ptinco. tvrest- llng lion; 0.3. Perkeos' performing saals; Wallers, blue Btlnntd nan. and Uspl. Vlirto, who claims to devoor polwn. On the aiage this week are tbe TVMleys, tbo Olanin Slstcr^ J. J. Fenton, Ada Jones, llerhcrr, tbe Uyatbi, and Rogers and (;ieveland. The atuodance waa brisk day and nigbl, and tbe „ i„«b«st I Uln^orlhe«aglol[lss,"l»;'11ieDaulsr''»),lk,l!l.i,i,i, Sji3.'?'b'li'l*.iVSJ°ilii¥:"i^"tii. ?^^^^ "SZMiS-M ?">^ I. "glllan.., aso ,^ Kuyii5tVMIy ««Ko7Gforaav«Tl««»"^ IUTlo"''dld looils 10-U. Train Wrsekon"ku? KSiiDSadeS Mstloa Kaeola Mason sad •'"•,'fSS!; I RoVUevarfpeinnDaneaU-lS. Thaesllrs pn>ct«l>.r Cffifc la iBllallon; Uolaa sad O Brteo. 'J'J^SS »*r;iis.rJsKJ»..OT;?.SSfrdiJ;s ^?^^;5*"S^H!;L"aif» fined asd dismillo renlpn of lb* Pl«Jj Bj^gS m" c'iliitit 'beiSthis seek,aad a IW "Jl"" praseot St tbe opeoiogMrlotinjsee nltht of 17. IJSMJ Ckius lioribo "niecUMas' im;'aaO hu ibespjjM sao snap abnot II Ibtt ukst wlmIhe P"""" S? "SlVS Ma tueSss. Tbet«uVloabanaUratlod coosldsiaMo at. iFsf ot'ibe poor'lo this eltyr^Tno Prodical Fsibe'i'i comts ir*l>,Ma OU Tenaesasa" S-tt. Eaisros 0. Dlt-AVAl, of the Btoee Opel* Uouu, xu In Msa York die past •eek on bosluat. Baffalo.—At the Star Tbestre "A HUk White rlag-'comMFeb. 1I-1»,"Triloy" JtM Mljnle Najj.n, Pliks H tf. TboL u BsatHools 37>2P. John llsr* ,1*. llabudUrgesadlescas latt week,asd "gobl)o>"bi«d 'SljsTtfnAtl.-l>aBteich Opera ro M. rocav BrasiT ntiir*.-">lj Uncle frem Kew Vori- ihls wesb, to be soccaedel 21 aadwoakby "IlieXIslt ^Bbba'S MniC lliui.—Buslaeia continues gnrd oaOir Ibe no« maasgsntat, aod most of uat week's rtei>l« bold over. ^ Troy.—Tte oily atincllon at tbo OrlswoM Opera aooselastwtsk was Uoyl's "A Milk Wlillo ni|t.- rsb.H, l(,aad ICCIM iba boots to ibsdooia '■On Biln's Bbena'' oosms 17, U, -Rob flo>" 31, Mr*, fotur aail Ur. Bellas, la "OUnousCoidat'tt RASD'aOriaA Boc»a--"n)e Fatal Cant" pickid ile boQMll: The houts Is dark Ibis week. tlAisvv TnaATS«.-"lbe Whits Crook" draw Ms ho-jun all lait seek. Tbe OrlSDUlEstravsganuCo. asckunr ilZ"iriiriil5rd;iscilviwas rXMedloalj ranll^ aad li^^ comlcallda^ were la pWy aU 'brooah ibe pw*. Joha Newbnrf,—At the Academy of Music Williao ailleue, la 'loo Math Jobntoa." Fsb. II). and Ulsa Kelt, •raolt. la-Owilss," 1«, both liUyod to Itrae sudlnKv,. "The Qsr Parlslaoa" sarved iu altrsct a big sudlow^);, elatlas andtr lbs auspWs of Hudson Klrtr t'.nis. niaadecy,No.B. KolabuTfmrilar.ol ihls cliy.ADj ihi boats was packed nam pit to dome. Jeivle elitr. tu e\. earl plaoo soblsl, wlll|lveaTS<llal31,and WsUs'miviu. edy lb. Is uaderllotd r.>r two weeki, brgloalos >i. Tte Baateelaaa csoo Much p. Vtlca.—At Ibe ll:lra Opera Iloiua "IXit, iiie moor's Daaihler." local, Ftb. U', did w«)). ('Iiarlrt i. Qsidoer, lo ^bs Priia Winner," 11. vas wtll rsetlreo, and ueUllcaTumTeraIn gavesnsthlel'c esblbliloQ la Ibe Ton Fan ateea. -The Falsi Rani," l\ sad 'Tla .„T,-»,—w. r—-,— -*i. ™..i I Dsnltr.'' 14. draw fair hootea "FInaloro." by Wil S'l.'Srorlf.iiSfla'SSA li-^SJJS ^^"^^ 1 W-'-'-AI .'>•• I^."".? T6e.l,» .Kcnar .,- _ _ sad llatrj IIeDoaoai|li,as so Irbh wide*, slleoet'iiiuied to UiaaauslngsnJ lilahlf l""'W"°««5; urulnmtnl. Tbe olber priocipals ara^olsadoWalUcj. Ueirr LtonI sad Paallsa'Ttaln. whe ats very llood. Isul .erti^Tb. I'ssslogBlio.-'plaitJtol.lgboesei. asorjo c. Hihi alll begls a 1*0 weeks' eogsieaieot la BhUss- ''SSiS.-S'a'Stlim C. K.ansdr b.. for bis alttae- lbl,iMs*eS -'SowoiVDIile."s.d abl» sudien" wss pre eoislUisoptiilnxHniwmsnce.l;. I" "? JiiW,! plow wblcli Is Ed out lo the Buony Soolli. a*}Jha lbs tf Iba eotored people la pertiayod la a very reallstle naa. ear. Th«r* Is moch bi Ibe ple« to plwe aa aodleaot. olftring seemed to please Imiiicnsely. I/)NnoN THgATBi.-Uairy MoirU'Twenllelh cen- tun Maldaopened Ihclr third engagomeutlhlsaca- non at this honse Monday, 17, to crowded houses, mo pngraoiine remAlned unchanged. Owing to Harry Kuierson'a Inability lo appear Harry Morris took hit place in tbo ekelcb wlin Aonle Carter, and Manager A. II. Wnodbull played the role or Fred Hot In "Toe (ilria' Ibicbelor Slag." Johnr. Hanson, l«Pa Trimble, tho living pictores, lectured upon hy Toddy Patiiuolena: Nellie UeCouraey and Omklcr and Uonaio have all been reUloed. "Too Mocb THIby" was made funny by Mr. Morris' Slang Val- ley, and Ihe lively Onlob proved aa elfiicilve its ever. Monsirora Uoirid and Wuodhnll report eitraor- dlnirlir big biitloeta all aU'ng ihelr loiilo. Next week, Birion'a Immense Co. SiNFOHD'sTiiBATiiB.—ioarpli Uurphy Will present Kerry Qos" and "Sbaun llbue" during the cup rent week, which wis oncoumglogly liegiin on Feb, " hy a well ationdcd neiformaoce of Ibe former play. Mr. Uurphy receives ilie capable anppott of the same people who occoudcd bis eiTuiia during hla recent elay at the Star. Neil week's bill trill be Uiinnelly and Olrani, In "Tne lUlniaabera " Tub TwgNTY-iiiiiirit ANNivcRSARir (f Now York l/tdg,'. No.*.', II. I'.0. Kiks. *Ai celebraiod on the afieiuuon of Feb. lii. at tbe New Uaubaibin Atbleilc Ciiih House. DelogailoDswere pr^eent from Phlla- delpbla. Ua>ion,Un)Oklyn,llanrord,(icnnion,Rlcb- nioiid, \'a.. New Uninswick, N. J., and Turrytowu, N. V. Amnng the pnesia were William 0. Myeis. 0. II., or I'blliulelpbia, and John (Iraham, K. R., and KredClsrk.P.V.. II., or lloaton. Exhiiiltlona of Hwlmmlng were given lo Ibe Nataiorluni, and a aiidevlllc colerlalumcnl was given In the theatre of Ihe club. Tho aifrilr was managed by Exalted llulor llrogsn, Jiimra J. Armilroim, I'. R. It,Tony Paaior, NIc. Kiigel, Sauiitl Tuck, llicbard I). Scbol, John (1. Ilartaiid KoDrrlR. l.ui|Ue(r. Thevlslilog broiherawcrsenlorialnedbyarecepllon committee, of whlub Mward lA»cb was chairman. Many incnibeio of ihe proteulon were preient, and in all several tbonsand people attended. I'iUiSK's TiiBATRB.—Kdivard Vroom's produc- tion of Coppee's "For tbo Crotm," though not a success, did not lack patronage during Its flrst week, which has Jnst dosed, for attendance upon lu performances seems to have been deemed a so- chtiduly. CisiKU.—"The lAdy Slivey," whinh began on Fob. IT tbo third week of lis run, baa proven a succead. FltTii Av>.<<UBTUBtTnE.—Wm. U. Crane. In "Tlio Qoveroor of Kentucky," liegaa on Feb. IT ibe Ofth aud Oust week of his cngageoieot. EleonoraHuse comes 'J4, and nlil be seen lu a reiienory of plays, btglonhig with "Camllle." Lvcxcru TiiiATRB —"The Prieooer of '/ouda," as ireseuted brtbo atuok (Company of Ihe house, en- ered on Feo. 17 upon Its second week. The per- formance bsa beeu airongly ondursrd, and tho re vIVAl given promise uf good financial rolurns. llnvTH TiiBAThB.—"A Ulaok Sheep" starred on Feb. IT upon the neveniu week of Ha mo. Iilsan- nounced that on 'J4, the occasion of ilie flltleib per rormince hero, souvcnlre will be given. Tho buol- neas remaliu al high water mark. UKUAhwav TuxATHB.—The Uialonlans, In their ever welcome opeis, "llobln Hood." entered on Feb. 17 iinnn the second week or Ihelr ciigagemeoL Their auillonces biet weekivera largo and thorough- ly appreclAtlvo. (:ibhi(;k Tiixatri.—K. U. and Joseph Holland, Ip A Suchil Dlgliivaynian," liegan on Fob. IT tbe third and last week of ihclr auy. Tliey might proniahly have remained much longer, but tbey are obliged to give place In Johu Drew, who beglna an ongsgemontzi. In "Tho Squire of Dames." UiitVAi.iiia VsKUicK.nuoglclan, began on Feb. II n aeries ol dally peiromiances at the Casino, He waaasalstedliy Mile, lu i|iuy. AXKHiVAN TiiiATak.—' Bunnab" began Feb. IT Irs roiiith week. Amy Uuaby replaced neniletia Cmstmsn In the cast i:i, and won great nnbie for her pnriiHyalof N'orab llanlan. Ai'Aiiisiv OF Ht'UK'.—"Tbe Sporiln; Diicbess" en- tered Feb. IT upon tbo tweiity-alktb week and last rorinlgbi of Its stay at thio homo. Cora Tanner was unsiile lo appuAr I'A and her role was asaumed by Agnes Booth, while Agnes Proctor replaced Mrs. Booth In the Uilo role. StarTiikatiik.— "The Warof Weallli"beganFeb, : lis second week, to good Imtloeaj, Ou Hi pro- ilucllon laai week It Jumped at once Into public lavor, and Is llke'y lo havo a lengthy stay at thla bouse. During iliu nral net of tbo play on Monday night It waa apparent Ibat lAwrence llauley, who has been playing the role of John Wardcid, was nn- ableiogiiiab the pcrfurniance, and JohnT. Buriio wan glvru III! rule. Mr. lUnley baa ceaaed to lie a member of the company. Forrest It-jblnson having liecn ongHged in his nlaco. FofRT«ii.\ru STHk'HrTiiiATRR.-Ohanncey Olcoli began Fob. IT bis lirth work In "Mavoiimeen," Nrxi week he will preaODf'Tho lil.b Anlsi." AnoKVa TiiRATHK Sarah Uemhardt began on Feb. IT llio Ufih and nnsl week or her ongngement, rcialning -'Qlsuontla" sR ber oifeilug fur ibat date, l.biiau llustell will follow M, In "The (loddcasof Tiiiib." Ilartem.—At the lludeui Upeia House "Shore Acir*" aiM sail rt^lrvil dunna llie l>itt«eflk. Tbs Prank lluiUk' i*iok tflwra I'n.. In 'Tits Wiiir>l ol lliii .Mir." ,i)i*ntd lo snrAicbM liuu«e Frb. 17. ninililer loa tr.ovAAihar, aqd will Out bis atck's liutlutta. Kelt week. -Ilirtllioiitllrl." I'OLl-aiiva-HutlDtuiwsaienI durln* Iho put *esfe. "IlipVtli.ltf tUsv«"i.|.tar<l toarrowiltd boo** and lusdr a siH^l iatpr«i*li,n. awl mill, allhuut donbl. Ii.,|,I liiowi. ilnrnia il,« tnaiKrinsuL XrM «eck. Kelt BuraeuL lo ■lliai-ii'Mly F4lr" IlLVario-tlio '/.T," Co. br..ka all records fur llili •essuo. paeklairllie hDui« Ihs etttpsrtorihs *e«kand !I'™'W,l'S''''f, ">o clotln* perroimaars. Tbs l|,i«alllllEDiilIth Fi>l1rConi|«nyintdslh«lrnial Usrltni AM><Araace H, lu a cin*il«d Imnso. irnuei-imis tnd prvilr Uro< have ni<l lust ll,«lr dravloa roser* Ihts comrany «III aliii(.Kt biyak llio rteord. Tlie comptnr •are •AlUfsrilna (rum Ihrrlailnlhsrsnoribe eortiln. tli ialn* lliai Iher »»re •p,'>rceltli,l. Vsntger J. Her iM-rt Usrk nii'Tla Ihii butlocaa hsa ivc 0 ft Ih* liest dur- \?.f..'!" 1'," "I •ngiKfiaoalt. Kest **sfc. Uarri Wlllltaia' Own Co. ' llASLin Slisi's.-rroni thisheoroconesIbansuslr* pon ul cnisilfO hou^r.atvj lliillltigi.tultlb*.4slbUlalhe only pei^lsr piicarisc* nf ■ninkaDitDl In Hsrieni. Thli TTi' l-"^ Oar'll" Olid N>|:U HoTllla. Frauh i'hriule, A S-'''."''*f'.*!!L' "snileil^snbio. Iltrry Faninn Ull • lUlly, J»;. W. Thiinipfao. llie WaUBBlx•^ B'Ms. Wild Bun sad Llllls Sor* dhoi. C. W. Mack, aod lijdii, Thorn NEW YORK ST ATE. Ilttiakl)-n.—Uuries(|ue and comedy predoml nale si the local Ihsalies Ihlt wttk. Oolj out ooTsllr . UH'ktd lonhsarek.sad lbatlal)lBa.Volbti*ola,lo "Car men." al lbs r>ili,niMa. Iieoro FaoIIdI, a Ultaltd ).>antluliSDtelor. (ho Is > capaLlsand vUlcltatpoplI v( Wis emloeat (rsatdlsn, Toniiso BaitIbI. si ptareO al lilt AUiol t oMi on Tutiday alclil, P.u II u llamhl, h» rote a lAtc* au-1 appraclslir* luJNnc*ol l-tt rsllow cobo- Itjnttit. Mr. l-sollol'trandillon or lb* cbarsclsror uib nu-odr Uab* sAt •■etcdmslr aoi>d.UBI lilt work *at nisiliimiirwutincuU iluD ii wnnM batsb^eii bad be beta turnolcd |,>- a mni-tisBt rSAL Mm. A. IWt, «bo look \hr i4Tt pl i.irlislls. «st verr soo*l The Kuodsy Bisbl reri'imiAAces bste Itectiin t ao eoi-uUr Ihsl ibry are clteo au* lo tbn* ul Ul* Uiotll*<, asd tsieni olbt ra at* axpict. pleolyorslBilDgsnd dAnelax LatI wtek IB* osrtlM Barianiul Co.. lO '■Iotllbj.''dld a good buslasss. Nest •leS.'-dtvedlromtheBta-'' i,,. m.™ Obako OriRA BocBS-'Tbe Fonadllog;" »lUi nissy PllilaiaU at toe ebltf baloie. U lb* stirscllon Msna- Rr FraDk Klblbols pntMls to bis pstrota ibis weak, a piece was sera earUir la tbe seatuoat u<a ColuDbla, *bsr<lttlU*cud «ood sudlooros UpioBilHS to do u •oh Ibis taiatemool. If Hooday nigbi'i aadlaace U any ailarlon lo go by, lbs boos* befog lelltd la lu ssailng aptcliy. Last week "Bhart .So. X- *ta ptsseBlod to rrovdtd boutea at tacb performsnte Ntst *e*k, wll lUiB Hany, In "Ihe Bltina OeBOrailno." „ , , MoxTAVa.-Hoit's "A Trip U) Cblaalowa" Is Ibe at- itsnlon prassBiid bti*t»lswHk,aBdalaig* audlooc* assprB'BBtatths opaDlopparrortnaBc*!?. ibe |>ltc«u too » all hBo*B aad bsa boea s«sb too rrtfiaeotly br the olregoeis lo re<ia ra a very langUiy comoeat. Agaos UtradoD, In the title rnk Is escatdiBgly good, both sa a ■Mow BSd a dst'ilng liussar. LbuPb OaIIovs^ Oaill aed oUieis lo tha cast did wsiL Fraok DaoItK lo -The Wltanl of tbe Slla." draw laret aiidlaacsa Iwt nek. The nait sttncUon bar* wlU lieOilaBklooor, la Tsptrlory. SrsR-A Tsrlaly Mil la ptsMBted bite this 'tek lo ilos Hill's Notelllas. Two|i«rforasacattrar«altea b*- fora lams aiidlooces If. A spaelal leauieoflb* blU b MrlMl tad Aihrnoo. wresllprs. who olTar ISO ti say msBwhom tbey csawit tliniw lo BltaenmlOQiasat soy ptrfotmsor*. calch la eabih rait, aad llto to aoy maa «bo ran ilirow tlilitr of ihaui. Tbe ouiar people are: Law Havklot. nlotiral; Ilaason sod West, oiosksl CQintdlaBS: Frad Laallt. with bis parlsnnlBsdogs; Me- ; Orav aod Cooway, a IracladagnodBtadboateVeb. II. JoiapbOltptsHsi.l "TbaStarastsr" l&to itood btialnsss. Tbe Wsuda Uili- man Co, la itpoit«ry. open 17, lor wtek, esctptlsf l$, whea Bob flioilb Bsstcif will prssaot -Tbe RIvaIs." Osb QalBlsn's AolstearNlattrcb^f^,ttas a decldad tue<*t*, Hsrty CortlA ollhtt city, has doted with Ibo Sldraaa Oo, and livIsltlBf loBleghamtoo. Osoewa,—Emily Bancker, In "Onr Flat" cane to fair bosloaas rab IX Kalbir pleased a btrce aadience II. Beokad: "fna Dtiaisr" 17, 'The Hllvsr Klos"SI,Robi, a. iBiersob tl, Plot«Bc* Blodley, la ' no t>ipitla'i MAte,''H. WISCONSIN. pruBUbh \ EilK lu Oil* and btnt«)«, Irinb touriMVL oiidIo »^k*l<>)i imid: BoodU UtU*. dtoor; Dtly lMf«n. >a IrUli turn; aaRlllll,rlitmp|po cliib»lDfei; LliU« Dieb, ft boy Jai|s*r, and n RMidt culctl "TIrt T«-«ol(«lhn«Dtnrr Barbtr." Utdi ABiiiMArCe -Jl tnott 6ic«ll«iiiblU lipr«««Dt«d ber« Ihlt WMk bj ih* BmtoD Mowanl Alhaon'om Co. TwAMrformaocaiw»reiiv«D 17.tMioratvo cM*dithai ncle i thi hoDie. Tb« bill Uhttdail b7Uid«llo«lioaa, leotritntjaWl: Uplph Ml 6uiil« LatIdo, In a eomtdf Bkli: rrMBBMrldtv. iliaNawQp, lo trl*b*keicb; AdhIs lltrL Id MDit; LlfzleMalv»7aiHl Ptarl (amiD, onrtlty dioelDc; iToRd Diar. Irl*h enmadUn; KaoDa aod Welchj arrr4>auc parforaen: lluihaa, Hortoo, MoHtMa aod Valton, In "Ttia Arrlral of McOulaoaM." Naitvaelt, ifiriox.—The KoilUi burlai<iue, "Hia Shop Ulrl," Ul a wMk'a aBBaaaiMiit litra 17. uotler ihe uof aui- ..JounclrcuniiMiceL 1tieaudl»Dc« vultrxe and u- ilDiad la lu applaua*. Rhea Ih bookaU for oexi we«k. Kmi'ihb.— Tha boune vaa onwJeJ 17.0Q Iba opeolnr 6Dg>sam*ot of "Tlie dnoD Klor.*' "iluman llearta" u iha uailarllne for na^t vaek. Ln AviNUi AciDUY.—TheflTirtiioribe nuaateintni bere have Doi met with iha aacc«u ihar daaerre. Aaa rvulc (he bouae la dark ililavcak. Thir viUnakean- oihar tryoritveak. wbao mar *W praaaotcoraloopara. AXiBiCAN —"laiwl of tbe ftfidolalit Bid," tblR verk*> iiloa, waa witaeaieO I7bf aralrlnood a'M'l atidl- tDMi * Tbe Oallar PUva" U booked Tor veek otU. BROOKLY.M MViio 1JA.U—TnU linaie WW laaDchad 17 with the roaic't of proepeet^ Tto peopl* for tbe opaDloi ■«ekare: The QnakarOltj Q iarut,ue l.anreaiMl Do brlmoDCtbalie Poreatii, Leavlii and NoTello. DelioreUI and Uil«*ndo, Worth ud Maraball, Adallna Roaulao, lla.eoe raroDlA, Uabal BUnler and Mibel RuaaeU. A liMoaeolbllt will be hItmi next week. TbeDewTontate UronbyO. K. Qabbardr.wbohaiMCured Laureut Ilev- aid aa baalofn maooier. LTt'iun—N. 8. Wood euara tlie llil« part )D"Jaok nieppanl" ihta irtak. Hi it aiiir nipf iiHfd b comiMny. Acmvdedhoaeewii^pTuarn" llaml" wUI be Ihoaitrtctiun woik nri4. llAVSTt.—"Tbe nalnDukfr^*■ made popular by Don- nelij- and Olraid, la bete ibU week. Beit) of tbe prin dpan liarit raanr warm fHeoda amoog ibe liODW'a patioo*, aod ibey war« preMnt In largo nanban 17. Tba lollovlnit attraotlon In "Rofh CUr." , Uxiqui—The liou»« wiR crowded 17, when the frencb I Pollr U( beuan ewaak'Ninnittmeat. The olio: Oarter ^ •ul Clark, wari and JtmiTbum, tbe llarbart Brotban. Oeoria P.Uarphy Jr.,T(«i Ripley. TbeTwaotlaih C«d- tarTM*ldiCo.34. hOTB.— Ad eitrtArdlnirv bill u belnt prepare for •xtHuDdijDiKhtattheBfloa. Boma of tn psoplenl- .Mdr enoKOd nre: J. vr. Kally. 'the Rolllnir Ulll Man apkunfon? band, Lev Dooktudar, mlnuni, and Fora< man nod Wcit, In a aktich Uanafar KiMlwIx will ntxiSuoday nlfbi luauftrate tbe alniadr popolarcoD- ceni at- tba Uraad Opera Uou«e. Ue baa amoBOd an eiocllaot Mil. headedHjr Haiiele Ollne. Hir af miaiM will be Win H. FoxTniMn and Brrol, A) Orut, rannla , Mora, Llllla Wtititre, Uettaam Oity Quartet and Brown an-l UirrliOD. Pral. Slarer*a Orcbeaua will be preeant Popular pricea will pravalL Ullwaalie«.*AI the Davidson Tbefttr« U'lilinm DoeypreaoDltd "tlM Globe TroUer" Feb. 10-19, lliarflr- roimtnee ol IT beloi Tor the benefit of the (%arUv Paiid of Htlvaakeo LoJc*. No. *0, B. P. u. B. Palmar 0«\'< 'Broenlea" drew t*l fair hoaiea la«t week. "A MlU While FlaH"L«cniT«Bt. _ BUOD Opha UocsiL—"A Btppr Llillo Home" bsloa ahowo ibia weak by Qto. W. Mnnioe and ooitipinj. Uantoo Bn>than"-F«ntaNma** played n highly pn Itemantat tkia linuaa lam week. UhaiuT. E ._. AUailan." II «Td week. ACibuv or Hivic—The druu for Ihla week, ap'dIdk ISilaTbeOanltai." Ttaeepeclidtytamaare: TlieKorti Jvaneee Trojp«,tke Vematlle Trio, BariJiitaod Ha), ud norvDce Berntee WrlRhi. "But it^noe," ai pn- ■enled br tbe uotk. hMt week, found ntny admlrtt.a lof iliUokl drunk PautTukatiik.— Tlie mnilcil c4meOybyB JACoi-ua and lb Ely, "Adam aud Ere." waa glien by ihe ntxk company 16. Tba Ailon Mualoil Clu>) aeatad ibo capiclir atuialrcoaoantl. Theprodnetton by tbo 13. u * l>erBtbn>enter,'* vaa al«o well atteodtd, aa la oio^t eTorypnaenutloa by thla xood oito^ny. Ani3cerr*i.i be nuen u ililAliAuaa 31, b/ Knu iiatema, (ho n'lKittr loealUt, and I'ruz OtdrleaU. vioUnlat. Wu:iDKHiasn Mriai'u.-HIII for «e«>li of 17 la: Caih hall—Hair hotte and half man, IhiRo, inaKlelan; Cupl II. R. llltka, acout: l^koch RIiom. Klem Jobiiwn. Innjol^i: N**NeTftb, Indian ptlDceu: Wolf aiid Bnrreu'i bUctnc UrchHtxa. TkDair«-Uen. ll. HcConnick, UunoAn * OarwoDd.ETaBrudt, HIckwood end Morley, Ktiil Veu- oore, and Connen and Staler. ■UTio.v.—Tbe Muqoeraae kI*m by t}ie TlieatHnI Treaaorora* and L'abark'Aeaoclatlon oftbe Bijoo* AcaJ amyand PabMjJ^ wu a auceeu Inereryway Th« old Bludaid Tha&tre bolUllog,nD tbe Houlh Bide,hA)i teen kaeed u an armory by a local mlUiiry ornQUk- lion A. II. UtlLof UaU'a NorthweiumUlrcuit,ha< penuADently bcnia*! In tbe Academy bolldlDt. Bonip of the beoklDin orer bledroolinre: "SaureAcree," "Tho Derlra A«euon.""ATeiaeHUer." "AItId JoiIIo.** Jiiha Dillon end tbajobo Buploton Oo Manafrer i^bti. l*. BalUbary, ol FreentD'a fhtatn. CInolnnati, O-, wailiere on a ilalc It MnoAger fluniiln end tbe llanlon lirotli- er* Invited Tkt Kttniny witamftn newnbora to tbe l)l|i>u M LegpoM tiodowiky, a Pollah pUnlA, iflrea a rt- cltal at toe AUieomm 21, and the aerenUi eTenlOK ra- dul of the Monday JIaiical CInb wlU take place thoro 2<. Secreury a K. Kuney, of ihe luierRtate Ulll Poatera' ProtectlTO iMMlatluo, waa here Ian week. Hfdby the home it 17. 'The Upper Baa CUIre^nauloiUi* "Fttatasma," Pelit c, vuKreeted hy a Urite aadl»ac«. AtiAndance at'Tu Land of tlie LlflDff," It. waa llabt, nving to ba-1 wealhar Comlnit: 'Ulattfraad Ura->her*' and '*Iohen Maealf )T Br local taleai), 'The Merry World" tZ, Murrar f^^^ aokfit. CANADA. Albmojr*—Ttittti«(o«ra bad » grf^t virietr of aiinciloDk 10 rlimro fi uo laat wteb. LxLiVDOrikA llorai—"Uande Acreaa iheSea," for .11 oiienlbK* lu i«ry B«d tnilocaa, *H>e Prodliial Fathtr*' Rare oce petfoimance to a flood eiied bo<inl3. The llowaid BoatoD Atbeaa:un Bpeclaliy i^o. ToroBto.—At Ibe Qraod Open Hoiuf, Feb. W-M, 'Rob Rny" had rtrj lante Dualaeaa. Plald'a Mlutroli It, U. Trilby* eomw IMV. TonoNTO Or«iu Iloui(s.—"Parlteet RoMla" onened in big baalnaM 10-15. 'Hlreat Brooklyn Uandlcao^' rometi WMk of 17. Mamky Mr»ic BiLU-Tlie MeodelMobn t^onwrt, II, waaRMcanlnL AlbiDlconicNSl. CRTurAL TBUTHi onntlooea wUh nod bualnea*. Lectnr* Hall: Oapc 8. BInman, Mlaa V. Koapp. and Prof, Bdmoada. Thoatr*: The Iwmpaeyi, Eeiert and Hick, AL Lawrence, HlUard, McOoren, Ball and O'L^nn. Oltmwa.—Al tbo Qraod Own Uodm, Feb.8, EfflllyBancker.lB"Onr Plat," had good-boaloHe. Oa III Pleld'e Mle>tf«l« paoked the bouie. Albaol eontei IS. and every eeat la im at big prIcM, Joetpb Hart, lo -A Oar Okl Boy," comai 10,0. OnAKtB HALL.-1hn llany Llndley Co. reaied W-M. Ibe ball tNlnarentad. Tbe company opena 14, and will mnaln aotlls. tfarki Broa. come wrek of March i. dolabed the Wnb, with ablK andlenc* at eacb pen'onn- ■■ ^ P. I " ■• - tbu wee J Uutdiloia, n . — I Roman aierMn; Xtorlsi and MMIe, uee..Tbatolieri | I'roctorbaa enjagcd ilie i-eople for tbu week- alolea Lery, anee 14, Ift. Manager Y. fvllowlnc epet'ialiy i-eople — — .. , Bonnie Tbomton, Wai»«n and Uutdiloia, Ortdoo, the HOiun axcnwo; itorini mua i^^ira, uoo. awtonor. BUtem Beaumont, Phaiman and Morluy. Carroll end Hinder, and Bay V«moil. HiRMAXt'rt BLiKi-KiR U11.L —"Tlie Fatal Card * had fairatttudanco I'tb. 10, II. "A Milk While Flag" wared brroraaudieoc^aariUiitprorortlona la, 13. Llhlan Kaa- ■all u^raCo. taDR"ni»urmnd Dacheir,' toan Immenea o(dloarybaalnpn(.&. Comlog: ^mioeeb UennanOpera Co.. In '■UtbeDarlo.'* IS; Poiur Ballew Co. Id n:harlotu Coiday," 11; Whiioet Ufera Co., In '-Bob Roy,** B; "The niuidofUieNlle" M. U Al n V Til lATRB.—ThU I10UM bad big bnalnen all lajt acek wlthUarry Moni^TwiQilelhCeniary Malda. The A.ILO. alfo w»a ihcwa a'mokt every slut. Comlan: Tbe Aniffilcan VauderiUe Co. 17 and week, Mlaoo dfr UubBnrUmue Co. tl and week. Spracaae.—At WIellog Oper» UoDe« Den Dir- HlRh and a aiopany of aaateora pi eacnied Mr. Darlelgh't Jwee. ''In Old Maine," to aood bualaran, Feb. U. Mr. and Ira. Dartalpb and Ur. Biroea making aipeclal hit/, bully Bancker, lo "Our Flat," came, to big baelneea 14, ». Week uf Feb. 17. rrof John Reynoldi. meiunerliL BiBTAUU TuRATHi—'Hy Wifo'eFnead**dldfairlylOL I II. Llll4nRaaBeliO|)«raCit.bad B. R O.IS. JohnIJaia. ln ''Cpmtdy and Tragedy*' aud "A Pair of BMOtaOea." daUfhttd a large aodientt IB. Dr. Loyd Cook, abliltual- Ui,rd;Hia. Potter and Mr. Ballew. In 'VharloiuOorday* ud ' ttlie Sioftpe to roDHBor.*' coue 17, IS; Wbltaey Opera Uo, In "Reh Roy." 19. W; Camllle b'ArTliU, In "Made- lilne, ortbeMMMlCiw,"tl,M. II. a Jicou' TtiEiTU -The Boiton Howard Athe- eK'uin Co. came lo big ttiilneaa lO-it. i;baji A. Uirdner, la 'The Prlie WiDoei**'and"Faiberland,'' had laree at- lendince l9-)». To cone: Pkirnm Bindley, In -Tlie CipulD'aHate," lT-19; ^-Darbeai Buaala' Ukti. Koran—Maoinr A. A.Oratr Iniendi lo make Jaooba* Theaueainioa oouaenoiCBeaaeii Barokl Mcnraib, , rurmanyiaartldtntlCadwiih ibe local preaa, luabvea appointed ]>T«u agent of iha WUUnir.. Cba/. Danlota ■Ul teomnltea oompani to play bla piece, "Uode 8am." TbecotiiHoywlIUpealnMardi. UanDaflelgb and wlfei and Bd. Woko:L 01 Bjracuae, barealgDed wftb bin. ' Hamlltnn*—the Oread "Sowlog tbe Wlod." booked tor Feb. wm canceled. Al. FleU'e Hloitrcla »tne 17. 'TrlUy** olifa a return eniAgemeol tS, Btove'a -U.T.tV'emoaO. ^RrAk THBAnL-ror 17 aod week: The WhltM^ La Roy ■Irani, tbe Deaguu, leabella Boaaiieau, and IIooTer aiwl FortiL , A8aoriATio^HiLi.-Cai.tttD JaekOraelbrddallghlad a fair acdUncAia,wlUi ble lecture, enlithd "Hie Cainp KIre and tba Trail" ^ G««l|iit.-At tbe RoTRl Opem nome Btow^M ^Uocle Tom*a CabU*'Co.played to fair houne Hll* Caweroo, In npertory, cornea 17 and week. not. MeVeuh Jr,of Detroit, In Itlaurated ledara. **A 'Ce- ding Toor Tbroiwb Great Brtuln." bi dne Mtrdi a; ^Randa Acraai tbe llea'*7 MaoagerTaTenlerbaA JolDed,tbe Ida Vaa Oonlaodi Co. la Iowa to reheane twu new plara, "Dorli" ud *'A Wonan'a Power," which ba kaiobuinedtorher. LoBdeBa—Al tbe Qmnd, Feb. 11, Uie Trocadero raadarlllea plaaaid a Urge bonu up eialra. Booked: Flald'a Mlnttnli B. Btowe A Co.'i *'U. T. O.*' XL W ASHINGTO N. RestUe—At Cordiey's Tbeetre "Tbe Uild ot Milan," a Ihite aetconiloopeTa,byF.OtloOolllDBaud Prof. 0. E. Bray, wai (Iren lu Oret prodnctloD on aar Mage Feb. S-d, to etow'ded houeee. at adranead ptittK llie Uitlle Benart-Chaie Co. relnraed 9, lor foar week^ and preaenied'-Pava Ticket IHT'na ibeiropenlDiroiTrr- Ing to a R O. '^eTeuptatloD of Money" wUl be Ibrir neitfllTerlnit. SaATn.BTDUTU.-6oaaa*a Band cAm^■ in iblahooM. nnder the dliectlen of ei-Manager John W, Hantia. ll and will play arelarn engaaementU *'Id Old Kenturky" II and U, Marie Walnwflgbt 1T>U, Frawley BtMk Oo. 31 Roc)ieat«r.*The \Tblinej Open Co., In "Rob D*;."' 'wey* »'B5t«:«?T»t tb* Lyceum Theaire ^ab.l7. bra PotUr ud Eyrie Bellow an annonnoad lor 19 n Lillian Rua*eUlefi)». doing well John Hare IaJ\ IS, doing oDly fair. Tbe DemroacU Opera Co. will gite one peiformaQce 11, and Minnie Mvldera Flake U aDttOonevd forT7-& CMK ortRA Uoi-nH.—*-I>aikettnanla"Taa am 17. for three night*, to l« loiloaed by Joe Oti, lo "Tlie Star Hirer,*' lor the la«t half of the week. Lan week ^'Oor FUi" and "The Qiul Bronklyn llandkap'* did well 'The Blher Kinr'conai 34-U,**Miea Uamn Baanun* I7-i\>. AriDiMT or Mrvifhail BdwlD "ronrireD.' 17. ^te^Ini ror the entlte aeek. I,aat veak Flonoca ^JSf ^o.iw^ buiineaa Uedeilloed for week ofSI, "While Cronk" BitnvaRasiaOo. WitxoiHURpTiiiAThD^The foilowlng.peocle are oa Ihe protrafflme for ihevaehbeglnnlnii7!ll>ldaTliomaB, Fnok Rarry, Marbelte Rckert, Victoria Eaulle. Two Ofmc«*. Lorenie. Fliti " ■ -■■ lUiBKar Imi: a* ■ vB.a •n«ssKB\MBi,uu«a Ht s,Bi« w«ai■■Valium asuiti-.--. reoplt U: O. B. Babtr, Nallls Uenrd, Dab OotaD. Vsy U Beta, MIet miUsna, Fibs Stalais, uickey Wtkb, ramoet SitlsK, asU Jo* OBimlibL PAOte—JobB aiJalBO. oltb* ABdllerloD, Bpobsse. eSBie u tbls elly n to b* loltlstad with Pent BoeBd Lodn,9S, T. M. A. Jobo P. Cordny bat besB stiaad- IB| toboslaatl la tbU elly 7-U. Tmeosaa,—Al IkcoDia Tliealra lb* Oarlelon Opai* Co. bad r*b' bBslBses Fab. •. Msrle Welowilsbl aoieleimllaiilMsslOL II. Hoosa's Bead, 11, bed bit stt*odAnc«;t«tufa toftu*ot*Bt 15 "Is OU tteoiaeSr" U, "Jaahua 8)it*c*li|''^ U, Hsllla MeHMitT D. IXiilSBa Opsia Co. II.a, m*I.F Bioet Co. u-n. Louis Jtsie. llueb S Aod 4, lallnsd Tlet.l" It. MiPTU BTHBSTTsKATaa—Ths Biollb-Llsb Co. plsytd to poerbosiosssBMk aedlBf BBoday,e. ARMNSA& It*. FlltitntI Bad lt*lly sad riaab Bil*y. ■NjtOLi. l*rlar«astlb*Ljc«Bran. UlB(k«ealam.—AlUteBtCHOpcialtoueOon* W""'.'-''tr"'t'..''IB ne*ttory,bsdB R. O. > at>. la-U, BDd Iba audl«*e*s «*r* «*u pltaAtd. "Mr KIlB's Ptlsad" coBi*s II, CiBlll* D'AnQls, la -Med» Hot SprlBBs.-Al tbe Open Bonae, Feb, 10, lobert Maatsll prmotid He Hssbaad," betot* *b sodleBe«thBlp*ekedlheboas*toBtsadbi|t*oai. '^* Totaedo," wlib lUBo* Btecbaalos] affeeta sad «e*bh or se*n«ry,dr«ttsfalrboof«ll. "ATesaBBIeef'tomssa). BakLOo*Blo|ll."/tlaadB"ll. I.IIIU Reels,wAt lbs Oapllal netlra Robert Ilsaull cam* r*b. II, ll to Ur botlaasa •^orasdo," IVbsdatnallbo*.*. "IhaOottoo KlBB"eeiD** lllui MeiTbr, IB -A Itiu Blaer," U, lobL Ooailaf ai> "FilaaO-B.