New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febkuary 22 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 809 Variety and Minstrelsy TitociDimo Hons.—Vtmn. Saoiloir Hd|!rcia hsra pnrctitwd tmn llio (leonn H.rulliiMnCo. one or tbeir bindflomeflt cnn. A plearare (rip ttIU IM taken to llie PdclOo coin next Spilop. and Itio cjrwlll ran; SiMidow and cooipany dailuR ntxt rcir'dlour tn S*a t'niiKlica and U»lcci. From mtnca Ur'XelKtclil hai ananicd a tour to Aiutn lla. Tlio iwo D(wton« liave Nwn eDimcd for a tbiitj woekB' acaioD, conimtnrln; !:epi. n, In rtill- adtlpbla. The Uortj Umr. Iuto aim Men eumRCd for tnlrtr wceka. Urairn, tho liimler, alM tioid:i a Kilgrtid contract for tblrtr ynetn. K, D. Btiolia wlirnunagoone ot tbeSsndoir-Zelgtddcompanlta next naaoii. Rou aoBi (Vh. Din Crlmmia') gtn birtb to iHli/tMTon Feb. II. OarraiN Jaox OHairt-oHK, tbe poet acoiit, la at proent on a alinrt lecinrlng tonr Unugb Canada, ■Dd reporta aacoess. Ho bas aatoclmcd vltd talin K.L. gpenctr, vlollntJt. UncuiLL AND LOYs, atter a Kpaniloa ol roar jntr, ban again romieil a partDcnbln. TBI UVIR9, Will and U l»ilto Irene, have J >lne<l tbe James A. Rclllj"A Qeiman sndlcr'' Co. roribe rmalndcr or ibe amjon. UiTou WAin bu Joined FIjnn It SUerldai'e ni Senjitloa Uo., ana proTotos niaori merrlnisni wlib bU Koilleb anil ami Imck dancbir. Cuia. 1*. YiiTtHVi OauuimiA ban canceled Ita proposed lourorrhoWeai Inillea and Sniiui America. UiLLV Wann, ot ihe icaoi KD.t and \r»rd, miues'a ut to eiaie Ibat bo la not tho Dill; Ward menilosed laaprevloaeliauecr TnnCLiiTiB tu belpgdovn «lib rhenmHilfm. BtaBY TuousoN (Eflnann), vbo aijlea bimseir Ibe "tlarnror the Botrrrr," la to bava a beoelll on Foti. -.nalBrooliljii lAbor L;coiiai,Xo. liiS.torwblcbiTe Mknowledge an invliailon. Rosrni OF Fbank K. Lo.vo'sCo.-Fnnk F,. jMta, JoeF. WIIUrd.Chas.aataeld.J. 11. Newell, W.N. Urnr, Fbll. Halier, Annie Thonaa, Florence Ash- rord, Hlnerva Nliilo, necale Uataer. Will S. Collier, advaiice representative. Duabieia la teporied to tie good. Miati DtasDU, tbe borlesqae totrcai. wbo came kere rron Eugland uhout nve jeiuHtgo, U III and 10 deailiuie olrcmnstanccs at coi lilgbib Artnue. ihHolty. Lima OEORnia nvKrn.-i',TOx, who bas been 111, baa rullr recovered and reaumed norfc. Tai MiDPiBKS bave Just closed a tiro week*' en- Kgemenc at tbe Tneairo Comli|ue, Now Orleans >. Tbej aie bonked for nesi acoion with E. A, Price's Fioallufi Oiiorn Co. FSAKii DaRPSKjHn succeeded w, D. Allen aa niiDogeror Miislc Uall, FrsDktuid, Hj., ("eb. lo, and It fflUoo run ae a combination buuae. Tng Wood Simiis go out aheail or ibclr oim iiuHeenne compiov nekc seaaoo, under the manage- meol or Janies K. wood and II <nj Creve. TBI ''Wiiin ViKVS" CO. bas been reheartlDg, and their new scenerr will be read; for their open- ing, SI, In l^nianua. l*j. Two weekii or nlgbt A'anda have been booked, m h.i to btve ercrythTbg rnnnlog araooiblj bj tho ilmo the conipanj reacli their week stands, comoienclngfttcinclonail, 0. A. noTsaDunn, nr Cnicaio, in., hai sent us a copj ol "The Uodora Wizard," n neatlj hound book. In which clear t;pe and excelleiit lllosintlons are uied, upsn good paper, to explain some ot tbe neibods known to Ibo practice or uecromanor. Those wbo lake an Interest lo ticlgbt of hand, und ncek runber enllgbtenmeiit upon llie enbject, «UI dndltaltraollve. Tnii new songs or Ohsries 3. EHIIs. now being snog b; bloi In bis pisj, "fbe Alsatian." irlve prom. IM or BUrpatalog bis iormcr eiroris, "A Uuuonholo liouiiuei" axd "ilunsblne will Come Again." The; nre rnllilcd: "Flease, Ut. Ssuia Clau.'i, Don't For- Ktt Ue," "UoUier's Uaxlms" and "Tbe iiong ror tne Usbles." Tna URiminx Tobatm, Chicago, III., will re- open Feb. l-j. It will be devoted to specially per- rorauincea and combinations. N. 1>. Uoberta and V. w, Wriebiare the managerd and lesttes. Brail. Kbmkbdv, dancer, sailed tor Cngland Ust week. Uko. Bvaks and his well knoirn -'I'll Re True to Uj Uonnj Do;" song are Inaiparable. The; can be beard at faalor's Ibis week. ilARBV 8. Uiu.Bii'8 two laleet songs, "Down in llogan's Alle;"and"Ouljan Actor's ObUd," will aborllj be Issued b; Hear; J. trebnun. The l.tTioNB SisTiBS hare Jaat doted an engage- nSDI or two weeks at tbe Colnmlila Theatre, Sla- terSvllIe, W. Va., and are booked for a roiura date, "Ji'sr Teu. Tata Tuat You oak Me," raul lireascr'a song, la now In tbe reporter; of inan; sololsis. UiLEH RcsSBLL, or tbe Weslern "While Crook" Co., celebnied bcr blribda; at Ilome, N. Y., Feb. II, and received bandtomo prestnta, Ijsaldes a beantiral basket or nowcre, rroni the membon or tbe oompan;. Atter the perfomiance an elegant re- past was served at tbe ArUnglon Hotel, In which all tbe cii]ipan;took part, Uuilneai Is good and all am CDjo;log good bealth. IIABKY BHBi,no.'«, 'ihe dascrlplire tenor, ot tbe "Qlri Wanted" Co., Is delighted wlili Ibe success or Ills new singing speclali;, or which the feature bi his rendition or aranam'd sosg, ••llj Dad's the Rn- gineer." Rdna AMD Wood, atlor a Ibiee years' lour abroad, aiTlved here Feb,it, UbIkobah Ih at Kellh'a, In Philadelphia, Fu., ihla week. He will go with ibe IlloglUig Bros.' World's (Ireaieat Shows nextseawn. Tsbbb new so.vos have Jiut been lasued b; the F,nsllsh Bong PublUhlCi (»., at tbbi cll;. Oae la a London moalo ball dllt;, "Aa Soon aa I Am Old Mouib to Know," tbe other la a Joll; dacke; bit, "Toe Houeat Uoon In Town," and the thb^ls a comlo KogUsb bit, called "And tbe UtUel'agUog Wobbled Close Deblnd." AimoB WiLiiKS, or On; Brolben' tUnstrels, was leri behind very alck at Fairmont, Va. UooKlxiis—Al WondeilBoa Hum* aud Tbaatrfk, Dm MoloM, la., curio tad lecujn hAll—Frar Dai's colleclloa nomUis Uolr Lands. Blan—Th« Scrii. awrglaOnr, Brad; and FArktr, Babbf^rjul, nils. OrUDila.lllla. Larrstto. and Le Paaa Family At Binon'i Tliiatr*, NenoiLNsn, ri.-Tlc*>iHl Nolrn,jjariT McCaalay, W. A. Fstan. Mines and Ooalbr. Pluiiacs Bdvaida, All a aiDOlAir, Haliou and DatIi, Nilllo nrta. Sulla Roitsll, i>\ ModeaUL CtiATlej Raati aod Jobo MayosTd Al ihaThattra Coulnua, Mav Orlnni, Mardl una week—B. M. Bichsmtn. proprietor; Chafi. P. Omu, |i«aertl naaa- 5«r; Tooy Dnria. ■laao nuoaser; Wni. C«)id, mQiIeal IrKlor; Iriria Bluets. L>Mle and Dairy: Want Broa^ niaa. and Frank; Mlud RuUon, Otars Eranl, BIJou Brani, Ctiarlas P. Oroiu, Djmool and ftoiltli, Poltoa Broa. and Jimis McHIIIid. ILLIMOIS . Cblcag*.—Things tbeatrtcal sre la a vetr pios- paroQi eoDdltloD Jostoow, wHbex<sll«Dt altrictloiuat nostof ihAlioQiaa. Theoollook for IliaiDoiadUte fu. lura la eicallint, wllb lliary Ittlof nodoillnsd tt Uit Colambla, RIdiaid MantflaUaadUoilJeskatosoeDSpptar at tbe Oniid. Jamei A. B*m« la tn •DEaiamcnl of to- deflQltalaeElbalKeVlckat't, tadaMd tllraeUoDiattba othtrbouisi. Lartwaek Ihore waaamnior toUitflTMl Ibat IbaRchlllarToaU pais from the cODlri>l«r Ira L\ ■oua, and Nlioo A /.loiuHriBaQ mra maalloaed at the probable tnccaaaort. Prom Mr. la Huiie'a aioteawDU It ■tami Uial thtr* la lllila llkallhooil or iheboun iMulog rroai bla eootrel alUiouati flaoar Probmtna la oolooaar cODDtctad witb IL DATld llaadersoo lapraptrloBtupr*. "«at "Jfait Harlan" od an alabomla actla at tlis d^lilllar IblaBdmBiar, tn'llt looks u li tha ulk or tiia hoiva tdJ. iBE 00* mora to lu alreaity loag lln or chtases la prama- tnra. Tna aubjaamoat lottraitloa tn Uiaatra patrona to- day u Uiallloaaa of UtiiKar UcVleber. Ut aultaitd a atnktor partlyalalaat weak, tod U la a critical Cflodl. iloo. Br. HaVickor drat pbyKl bait lorty tli learaaip, aadlblny.alBhtya»ra agoliebexaa tbemtntgaiaaDt la tlibi city or iiloVlcktr*tTbaalr«, apotllloB tlut be hta ntlatalaedeoatJououalyararalae* • coLcaauTuaATRa—AtooUiaelhla aatson haa tbera lieaoblEsarbonaaatlita Htylnrlobudrawa thUwafk. liar pUyiDff or tba latdioa rola la "Tlia Widow Joaaa ■ JuUaaaalltlittbar frianSa bare cUlmad for bar aa a camadlaaae,aad bar titraat aa a alarhaiieanalolrljia taatlainny of the box oinea a« to lu aaccaaa. Jobo n. RIeaamt Utaramtlndar or Miat Irwio'a capable lupport allDodopportiinlllaa In Ui«placataabovUiarabi1iUaa aaoomaJlana, Irrlnt'Tarry II. . Oaictiio oraaA Housa—Oaoillle D'AtrlUa vUyedto laraa hoaaaa ah tba weak, doalniSanday wiUi tao par. fornitacaa. Mnoday nlalit tha 'Teantlatli Cantuir Olrl" mmaa for a weak with Holly Puller. Aieoa Craur, tfeorila Hiwlay. Aaila* Vaa Dynt, Joba T. Rallr, Oaa WlllUnrs Wn. Camaren. Utny Kally aad mtoy oUiera. Naat wtak. Paany nice. Oaaso UPiRi ltovHB~f!hlciKt bai not fafeaa orar kladly ta'-Tbe Cblartala," but llie bouaea bare been good, for Praacla iPllaoo baa miay rrlaoda. Tba nav opera will eoatloae tsotbar «aa*. and tbea "Tba Bairf Hoa- aieh" «iu b« rarif ad inr t roo ore wtak. McVioaaR'n THBiTRB.-CrattoD Clarke cloaed a nodtr- alely aaeetriTal eaaaffentaal U. "flbore Aena'* la aare orailharal patoaace thmaRh aa aoBaeeaieDt ll>at bealoa IT aod raaa for aa lodadnltM period la Mr. Uarae'acom. IHay ate Rabeit Plarhar, Juiiea T. Ualkiway, Praofclla Uarltad, Eraeat tAmioo. Aldea But, Jaman r. Dally. Aasaatoa Woiroid, Ttionaa laca, Hobert Trinacr^ia. ■■..Biaat, Ml.aea niaie FlUlea, Uiue Oiykr Clark, llalaa Uoohl. Bella Tbeodnra. Ltille Uaotle, nvitnca Be. oekle, Beaulte Morgaii, Ixstle lleaUa aad EdIUi Talll. (erro. Maiu.ia Tnaivaa—day Olemaat pttiad Tba Old vonlalna" toaadleaeaa lAat loetaaaed laaliaaad ea- tbaaltm all Ibt seek, niaappatranea. oaliataldtd aad ajooat aafcanwa, bu provrB ope or tba taeat atitkloff sanettta erraeeal yaaia b> me local dnaiaiUfleld. llaa- pany. In (raiiiian llpiti. wacbanar'a Block foia. l.fcnVa.'nl'l'ff^-;'-!";;?-^^-^^^^ Pl.f»^ .o r.,y •Trllbj" cnonaor bcBlna » i„!,n^l^^.. • ' Al'»afa .'"{•••k.ltrtlcola.l, th! IL". .lioVli"IK?;; llopKi.v*' T(UAT«E-Tli« fan wttk w«i a rsntn] 1 Aria,'atMHtiftTkbilevillereuuTMi will includ* llartMri IfviD Hr<u.. KltiUNolnoaaoJoiliert. CornMDr.vlileii hu Juii pUytd ■ v«ek ai tbt Uowo wwo nouM. LTriuji TjiiiTHi.-pDr iMi vok iliarroinmini vlll arr Ihe four .Votion sImhtl Muck iDd fIjbo. Waller aod Waller. Ltncaaur and t'^ltloi. aad olheni. lurNRliLMttiic llALU-Oeen aoU raihloTllla lonn a piuOlable combiuaiU D. Kor Ills m«flk llie onvra lo be pre«euicd le "HovrActlii." lo ibt vaudeTlim pcrrortuince a nuroi>er eUTer pcnpie are eoic«<«<l, inclii>l|na th* neroanl ShUrOlire* B«TT«t(e,Lailnldle, Pobro. Oracle tod RerooU^ Matue Webh. Trpja cloned lier eanRe niBOl wlUt U>t «e*k. • 'AMixojixu Ei»icN 111 Hii.-1'ixlfr fiilN o«w tliU (Ke Caxlou Htaiit 'ir well umiar ue nunenenifir m LauU Er>»lQan aoti Billy Ki-e. Kiir tklR» Mk ihe pio^nnnie ofTcrad I>eilolbiv«: Rolnown ntil Baker, HaUl Ciue liar, Lamar aod Veddrr. Three Derra BiMen, BiirUi aad PleiiilncTen IIovardHiuid HHIf Rlce'aMlanrpli In the miific hill Till he i;mihh«[t'a Vleeoa Ladr Orelit«tr«, J«nte«B Vaokialeiinlfaianrt.Onrroll.derllqTliuralnti, Jikile Oe Vere. Hnoreaod Rurew^.HOd KloreQce MarHtall. SauT JArK'AUriRA Hor«B.-Tli«* KPiniSintlerCiim tnnr *ll] continue (or aaoirwr rtck. Van Leer end liar ton hare be«Q III for a vcek, but llwf will ir In ttx> bill from onw on. M lud D'Arcf. ■ new »iid prelir MdUelle, vlllhea'Ided- Olliereinibr* 'illi- Umi Include yixher anilCrowellaQil • oll'oiaotifolUa: OupiiKiD Ui-Hic IIalu— 1i. tlovlnjt lUt of people w|lirun)liJiUirpm|;r«niDe fur tho unek beRlen nic 17: TIm Med4ll[oo Trio, Einetbardt awl Raymond, EnelK RvImtnL Penor Veddrr. the ai««P. Plore MilrJ|^ 1. It4« W|ricfce«ifr. ifiome We»tnp, llBten* A^ne)*, Chqllta, aScUle HePherana, L'niellOfan aod the ntnck companr. I'ARRTiiiATkK.—Portlie vn«k commencba >7. iLe biM will he funiUhwl by ilio rolln«-(nK ■•eople: Ida U iuell, the Wliliinn Sully ami aallnxliir, M>QoIe Burrvll. 8t Olair aod Lorena HUnehe l.e OUlr. I.Mrhaod boieo. and the aiocV compaoy. Tbe comedy fur tbia w««k le "A Diomroui fTnman." KOIIIa A- MlDOLnoX*K CUeK BlUKKT MceiiVH—R1U RwlnK. Die Uiutniirl RlanteM, vill be tlie laadlnc ■itrac- lion at till! niece Ihla we«k. Capi Altierilwllldrllteraa Mlitlinued I'ccure oo BIbirIa Oihnr leAtur*A will Ue Etta Ltke,llarrTJoae« eod >llle. Jfarulle. UaiuleUffe perfonDnQcei irlll be eiTen. • ilKoHi. A UiDUUiToyMdwiiRlfi'iiiVM.—Ablcfc'erace. rorwbtclieiiuuiberni ritwonuaare entered, will W a re<«uire iliU viek. Oikar etincUooa Id ihe eurlo hall In- clad* LUll* Wny, lonir blind womeo; I.uie^ ermleM wooder; Atareoo, He\lcao nloUture maker; BoOoey, unokeeitUL and oibar*. ITbitb'ji I.ONUDN DlMK HnKK.-lo the curlo liill ihla week the principal auriciloQlAtUaderuD'A Marlooeite; Cither ftitracilooa are thu Alphooioa, huinao Kalamto* flem; Pror. Buina aod hU ittrronnloR Joci; AlUirlfihi, iheofKitledniio; Mu«lir«,|bein«ii '>«er. !■■ ibe ifceatra, the perroroiaoce will Include rarleiy acM by (irade BtAnL Hearl Allen. P. 0. Aodreva aod Jlarrf Pelt^o. AiMm to thU will bttUie Mblvay danc«<, whldi meoi OeiKned to ran on rtrerer. Tliere are six new dancom on thh wrek. with itoleka u Ihe itar attracloo. KOTBl—Ur. Heroe hai bieo iaelted by a nilcaio cUreyoiantoaddrenililRCQarnffailonon uiefuijeci oi plnnle lai '^o Arm ni Uie Li**' will aoon i« veeo Mt Ihe Academy W. A. Hndy atya that lie ba*clomtl wlih n ParUian inanaierbir the ippfjruce of Oorbeii lo paoiAninae oeit Aaiunn C. A. (::ib«rt, lutoiBer ol the i:llbf<rt0pi*n Co.. will prniMiiiy ■» m naiiaJa lo a few dajn lor a Ions eoaaKMieot In ihe |irorloe«8. D«c«lar—Oo Feb. Ift, JiiAC nlneir d<^TS nner tbe dreat Are, Ihe oe* Porem <lrand waiopi^oed by iKre'a *>'Co. to«D4ortb«laTReit anil moetfA^blooableati- dleonii erer moo In Deuiur Tbe botea, aettAand a^odlnv nirwi nace ware all llUfd lo nreriliwlDy. "The flp%o ofLire ' lollAved 11, m Aoiy fnir biiBlne««. Air and Belli Taylor eauif II aoil "Waoh" 16, lo ^ood baeloeaiu Oomlog: Paaole Rica 17, Murray aod Mack II. The new heuuiiieiactiy llko tbe oU cne, except the lanUedeco- ratloo and nalihing. BloomlngloB.—At ilio (Irand Upera House Bi^t BelU" did a aood bualmuv Keh. la "VanE" packed the hnaao 13. "A Somp of Paper," by niooinlnic- uo Dramiile Chib, drewalartte audience 14, rrocetde to Kiotbe OeaeoorM ll'^ltal. riay Cl^noot comee 17. nTrlptoCliiaatown" 19, the PllDta27-». (^alnry.—AttbeBaiplrA"RlKtit Uells"plajeil to p. R.O. P«b.ll "Waoff" packed tlie Imu'e liA aod Je llahtad the audlenit. Redpaib Cooceri.Co hM ORcel- hot retora« H. "Plenlcan'ii Ball" comei 17, Joi Caw thoro 19, "Alvio Joidln'* t\, "A Bafgaie Ciieck" xl. INDIANA. KTaii«rllle.*At tba Qraod "For VaU Vlrglula" drew ooly a modent* hooM Feb. ID. rrcderlck Badci oft cone^lAa'Tlie Olrl I Left Behind Me" 18, nilrerOyroa U "The Prlrate SecreUry"T7, "Charley'a Anot" March 1 noi'LB'e.—"O'HoollKtn'e Ifanineraile" tUniclcd e tarveaudleoce^. "A ColdDty" lieipeoled It. "rmoado'* D. "McCanhy'e Mlahap*," booktd Tor Mardi 1, kare cao- BvA5a* Mali.— RemeDil drew a bli hoa«e 19. Tirou.—Variety bill olghlly. Butlaeae fair. Fort Wayne.—At IUiodIo Teaplo '-TtioBptD ofLlle" drew fairly will Pel'. I«a U. JomIo Ha* riell comeiil7aad week. "An American Olrl" &, "lt9t"V. ^rpeoeloK Muler" 9, "Loet la New Tork" March 3 .1. St'iertRobwol. , - , EMriaBTiitATHiL—Week of 17 Lynoi' Conwllao^ In leperiory; the American VaudetlIIea2i-t>. P E. Brocnia. Diaaeter of Hamnlo Tetopl*. ■Ill be the haae MloUi lo tbe prodneiloD of "The Meieiah," at Ada, o.,a. ^ . UarloB.—AtWblto*60pem House, Feb. \2, Uar- nyaad Mack. In "PlDOlitaa'c Bill," tinieil the capaclie of the hAu*e. "Tova Topl4«" bad excellent paironaae li. Boyd'e HlDRtreU caine f.V Howard Wall Murlcal Comedy <Jo.l7an<lweek At ibeRnkKere' lIomeOHrmllonfe "A Bunch of Koy*a" bat) a well niled hniiH 19 <len. lluthei. or thli clly, hae Jolnrd the Blpo aiul Dolman dttow E Honrk. owntr of ilie Mra (lea. Teni Tliumli Rhow, aold )iU lotvrealtft Kaoarer DADrorih )i*re Feb. 12, aod wIllretufD toNAwTork- Un. Monrk left com lOr el New Caaibt Ind., end applied lor for a dlrorce. .,dt the autniee of ladlui^ did ant cowr livr faae. Alter herboabaod had eereied hta eoooecllno wJih Ihn cnm oaar abe rejoloed at Nobleavllla Vaoaqwa Merrltl and DaTk of "Plnnltan'e Ball," bate aleoid a three reart* oootnct «l(h Terry rerfnaon aod nio. II. Etna- Hcka and will feature ihHO In Maoacer Mvirlli'a new conedr. ' McSorley'eTwine." >lani|ier Merriit ha* eon- timclM vlthBomao A Laadl«.orrhlcaan. fore eoin|4ete •eeolooaiat. Tbeyopen ai lodtaoapDlla Auf.3......M R BJmletAn ba« ukeo ihi maDeireinentorilte New Alleo Thaalre. and will open It In Ihe public M. CHaf Clemaol, la "Tlie New Domlaloa," 'III dodleate ihe hooae, FLORIDA. Jackeonvllle—Acaateara pre^tnlcd at IMrk Thea're ihe opereitnof 'TlnderalLa'* and "Oreai Ty- coon," toorewded hcaBar, reb.lOand II. "A BoweryOIrl" plajed U»Me«nenito»ln«M U. l«««l»*'«t 'Jll pretenl ■■Harltaoa" l7,0UrA MorriP, to "Re;niHde."18; Uliaa.lf. Vale'a "Oneur TweUe Tinputlooa" tl-21. An InT«Ian1*l« Roconl. From T/te .\etca\tU (/.rty.l rhnnUU. Wbiihirtheeanae of It be leek nf ant^rprifofnt the part of BrlUah publltlieriL or pre•*ne*of niaaBG*»a on the ban of Uie Rrlllah itobKe. iba lact nraaioa Uiat Ibay rnaoaie >hHe tbinia betrer la tbe Riaiee. Per 'loaDiHy aod cweful ttbiilallou DerileaUra, for nuallty *,\ paper aodcUameMofiyt^aniforthe beaeiliol deamewand artbtle floWi of It* phntuineHi reprwJoeik'Di.webare DO^odweaayltootwIlbaeia feelinc uf ahame-aoy apenioK pnbilatioD that coma* wlibln eoroe ro»a i.i elTMlaolihet at p eaeol oader revlaw. An loraluable ud nur««i>aK TM'trd t« all who cao rM l.o>.) of li li Toa Maw Yoai Ctiri-iH Aiin-Ai.. for l«l eonijlniea ihaetrleal aad »portbin cbroooloiiee for IMA. a lUl nf death* Id Ibe amaaftncnt piffeMiooa a-iuiiie end a^ i- laiie perfofwianw. riclniaa-l irfUlof rectrfda. bnyhall. eilckei, tillilanl».etr: reeordaoi fattaii Uraeaod U»i perforwiBeea In allbraachet of aport. Th$i*.^f hare llreo the aoh-iltki lo Ml^^'L'*Ji*'±!!^2lS9S^:" Hate tbai It la robilthed by |tie Frank ggata PobUaJJoa Tork. #Under the Tents# NOTBd I'ROU TOOrBB k CO.'d flnBAT Stll-TIIBH.1 United Stiovii.- Wo arilred In Now Urlctni, l.a., K«h.tor au UDllmlled auj. The tlR Icnu were erected on LeeVi Circle, Hiid ertijf lent nat kiglily tleoimieilfflltilnimonao nigt or all uMlonii. Tbe big Irnl luldc vaa alao nk-ely decorate<lwlib lUga, elrr^inm and liannen of all colorn. On tito open. Ininlght, Feb. 3,thedooiv were rioaedand adnilt- lance retiucd bernrc ttio perforntanco lieiran. Many penone wore alandlng ami auirea of anmll luja wcr« rliilog on and mound Ike nog banka. Tbe abow bat done aa ImDenae btialncat, gltlDt twu peifonnancea dally, and an billed to leiiula on Ufi Circle nnill Uarcti i. Tbe ttaier: J. R. w. Uenncuej, manager; W. K. HcWlnlmy, charge of Wg aboti' tickou: T. ¥. FMODlog, charge of eeai, cnncttt ami tiiiiex IK-tett, wllh fouranlaiania:T.J. Ualman, ri|oe<lilan director; Pnif. S. r. Huwnian, iieiienil oiHlor; B. Allierta, aaaletani oiaior; llerr Draylon, lugslcr, kicking barrel and dumb hell crrai; tVoi. X.lleno and KvS llaUday, trapeze and rerolrliig ladder; lUalr, Keale and Heno, rlownt; I'ekiiiioa' oriental Troupe of Ja|«, ceren In nunioer, dulog elgbt dlircrentecnaa. tloaalactarl'ror. lleno, wlih lilt tivliiel elephant; "'»J)<>''i Jujgllog lannoii balla andliuvy wclgbir; Hlle. l,uU, wiili bcr triok boiwTnt»r; Ume. Buwinan and ber troupe or ualncd doia, tne kIarn>luSUt«M, Ulille, Kn and Aiiule, inp(n;T. J. Oilman, wllb bla educated hortea, iwolia.anil niulp; Aldine and Alda. fcmalo conliinionlata: Mine. Uime, njlog perclie; .Madeline Miinay, nieuagoact, and tbe great bucking mole, Joiemiab. Tne cult- cert: Uynle Day, Wni. R«no, Qua Blair, Sitdlo lla- rldeoo, Billy Olll, Bob (Iroonell, Balllo IJncolo. Hen »arTen,Aldlnoand Alda, Billy UlkencI, coocliid Ing with anemlPcea. Tlie hand: T. Cooney, leader; 0. ^. isiiroll. F. r. Ueliur, Kinieriipoara, V. B. Um- ham. W. P. Kngllab, a. Tcagor, Dcrt Wataon anil Joe deely. Tbeanne.'i conulgt cagea of aninula aod lilrde of tbe laieat klodt. I'ror. S. 1'. Uaw. niao, orator, maglctao and mncli and Judy; Hia. Julia Bowiuan, atrpeni queen and lady poller; Barney Baldwin, the man with a onikcn neck; Dika /.unia, iHlioocd won- di-r, and I'aiida Cuaia, tbe liunan pin ciiablnn. n 0 bare bad noie very aOTero winda. but liavc not bail a blow doivo. I'a Prencby baa cbargo ot ibe canvne, nitb elgbt aBUInnta. Win. Jacoba, bora pmprny nuin, wlili ibrea Hnltiantr, and u. sie- vena bat cliarge o! ttnck, wllb two aiabiiaaiii. The alintir baa made a vety iuccea>rol Houtheru Irtp. u. 11. Illliun was gentral cunimctor, and bad charge or Ilia advance. Tbe abow waa well adrer tiMd aod rrnreaonted, Iberelote we bare bad good liunlneta all Winter. All art troll. UuKutuB UwM. have engtgid people fur Ihe teol- Ing arawn nf iftwi «] folinw: j. Hluaii I'i'iry, iiiii- alcal director; Jna. A. Ualcom, compiiaer and aoOK wnitr; Sloan (MwanU, laaun; o. A. Illlibard, alack K'Kr; UeiU Walker, wubreiie; U. T. Walter and irire, comedy akcu:h; Augoalua Turner, alio; Wm. UcQurl, lM»a canrnt nan, and two aarlilania; W, U'llom. Fred Kvtna, grooma; IVtit. Win. lleojaniln and wire, lo cbaigo or anurx: W. II. Iinke, unitor and cliii) awlDgcr; Doc, ' lloul do llonheur," I'rur. Illbbard ivill doo|i?nalr wire act and tv. u, Duke » club awluglog act for free open air Mtrac. ■Inn lo front or annex. Sareral profemlooal vlaliom calkid receoUy and wero Imiil lo pralie of Ibe new wagons. ThodecoimilouaaropiunouncediplODdId, A nolo wagon U In proccaj of complotkiu beio which will lie a novelty. Tne front hna elevated aeat, with handaome iiinabado, and on each aldo of ■eat craue neck dragona project, elalmralely carved and glided, orcrurfch blue panel, from wblch ap. peam a bugn tiger head, with red mouth n|ieo, wblto tuaka gleaming, a perfect picture of niagnidcent reruclty. Tbe name, "Buolieur llma.> Noir Model ;ibow," e.siouda roll lengili of aide, and by an IngenlDue arrangcmeni, utter polet are unloaded, twu long aeala, to ai-commodaie ten to tonrteen mutlcUua, can be Inaiautly put In pualllon, and two alik ilamlogo colored draperira, emtibt»iieil wlilt tho Orm name lu gold, adjutted to conceal Ibe rraroe or the pole wagoo, tnuiHrormt It Into a very duo looking bjnd wagon. We will bavo nine wagoiia antf twenty head of ilock. Tuasi'iTor U. Uimum Soeley agalnattbe execu- 1011 of tne r. T. Barnum ciinle came up (^b. 14, In llildgepon, Ct., beforo Judge Ueorge W.Wheeler, In the supcitor Court, Ur. Heeler t laluui tr,,ooo aa pioOU or llie llamuiu A llalley Show durtog 18ir.'. roe eieculoni have refoaed lo allow hit cUliii. Tne dupetlor(X>nrt decided that the execnion had dia. creilooaiy power, aod tho Huprenie UDuit uplicid ibiB nndlog. Mr. Sgelej'a oouuwl aiaert that llio ■■.\ecutor> are eroding bla claim and Hllllully uiU- InterpietlDg the decltloo. Mbb. CABrHom bat algned for the coming eonion to HO with Ihe Qteat Walbice Show, lo do her original ring maaleraci, BkLTOBii ilncfH Notfts —Ur. Ilelford putobaiitd aflooapanorhoniea btot wook, to bo need tor Ibo iiaod wagon. He alto tecured a new ticket wagon. Krerjone about tbe Winter iiuailen la working hard, aa we expect lo open the uiiler |iait ot April, rnf. Uurr't baud will b« a reatuio next uaaon. II will locludu twelve uoo and Uullle Boirord aa comet BololHt. .NOTU KKOH UCCOaMIUI BkOS.' BlLVIH PUTX Sbotv.—Ereryiblogia going on finely at hoidifiiar- ■era. I^r. A. W. II .-Oormlck haa purcbatid tour more Arabian atalllooa, making eight ho baa mined, not Including Babe,tlie pony thai dosa rope walking. Wo have lecurod Leo Biua.' Hide Bbow, a nloe pole douldo deck, and a oofi, tnp. Following la a correct rooter: Alex. McCoimIck, inanaier; Frank McUomlck, ireaaunr aod ticket leller; A'al. terMcConnIck, adrance, with roar atalalanti; Ixiiila rolbort, bote canvaa man; llolacher Family, relunt act, double Irapa, etc.; Prof. Hellly and tronpeof tweiro educated dog>; M, UunkfiD, Juggling and balancing; Ualne aod Uooib, e<|iililmit, dying ilDgtand conionlonlat; John and May iicniu, ting- ing and talking clowna; Albeit (laaton, knookaboiil clown; Air. Norton, manager ut concen; W. U. Burdctie and band ot ten mouthplecet. We cairy a wn. round top, two auru mlddlt plecet; have en- larged 10 eighteen wagoni and alxiy head or atock. frank Mct^rmlck hat gone t/i Uatallloii, o., ti aee about buying a band wagon, pole and Uckot wtgona. ljuv tiRADAU, aide abow orator and announcer, who hta bern Idenimed wUb lheUaiuum,t Uilloy Show ror reveni yeara, bu been re-eogagcd for Ibe teaton or li>9n. I'AUi. 1.A Loxiii, opentlc bate", and Jobonle llughie, comeitlal, both or Ul lleotit Uliiaircla hare tigoed for tbe tenilng aoaaon with the IMefen- bach Bbow. AKNA Wi9T, tight wire performer and race rider, baa algned wim Waller I.. Maln'iClrcua fur m xt toaion. Nona FBOU UoLUB A. nitiir'a oncn. Home A. Ualley, tola proprioior: We are playing to large liUiineaM In Texat. Wo have twenty waguna, tlxiy head or honea and thlrty Uve people. We have among our atmcilone I'ror. Uaylogion aod bla trained poulea,Bliteeo In numlier, the Ineal Iraloed slock lo the world; alao BIrdlollurty tad her won- deilul trained birds. NirrxB man rui Wii.iiii Oaoa.—In anawer lo our "ad." we recelred over twu hunlred leltera. Laie addlllnna tor next leatun are I'rur. II. 1'. Ackonuao'a Challenge Band, or twdremoulbplecea; the lielaabot, king and ijueen or iko air; Mile. Cerlto, ladrriinllibihl, dauclDg barrel and maglo labia; rrof. J. K. Rice, trained doga, poulei and trick □inirs; I'rlnce Kimmlikl, the loan of many romu, aod Jtmet llorao, cqueairtan director. We taarralinind new ouiOi.wru tO|i,wlih Iwo 3ori. middle pircea, and evetitblna win ahloe clean and bright ifom Make to bale ring, ho expenae or lalior will be apared to put the (lolden Bbow lu cmi- dlilon for our next aeaaon, which begins al Uu- caiier. Fa., April la, Oail Claib'h HiLiTaar JIaxo will iio one or ibe realunaof lOa UarautuA Ualley Mhow ilie coming eeaaen. Two cooplele tela of new and costly uol. rorots bare been pnrchatcd by tbe maoagcuteni, and the band will lie dreasod aecnnd lo none on the road. An entirely new nunutcrlptpingrauime baa been ciretully amnged by I'ror. J. A. Kmidy and Ja>, Chaiuway; beaidea tbia, all the very laical popular ain and beat pnbllcallODn for inlllury band will be played dnilog tbe aeaaon. Hand con- rent will be given tipon an elevaleil ilaga In the rehire of the Itrge canvaa prevloua lo each i>er- tormance, featurlog the young htdy cvinei vir- tooai>. Jeatle Millar. HnatHAN r. WiAVia. enphnnlnin pUjer, haa I with i'ror. T. II. l/iiig, I MISSOURI. ', mual- algoed fur next leaaon cal director for Bella Una.' Bbows. Tub KiBb SiertMS will dote ahorUy tbeIr fonr monihi' engagement wlih the Unlu Clicut, In Mexico. KANSAS. 1 81. lAula —Tho theatrlctl nveni ot Ibeieaaon iria Ilia .Daastintat ol llanry ttTlogtad RllaaTaTr)', but nutvtihalaodlax thlt .'.tvag attrtetlMi Ui, otbar hniiaaaillil tatrly wrll. t;HAM> OrtM I r.ui'Hi —llrnry UtIux tnd lllleo Tarry did a imiifiijuiia bii.lo.aj laatvttk, the tereo l*eiruni. Aiii'.alr-nEliiRii:ii<i' mtinry Ini.i lha himia Ibaa artr ba- Ur*, 'Tbvirl.|.«ilnT>-«a.: 'Ttia M.rThant nl Vtolc" Uniulay: -.Waco IlilOtM" ami "Ilia BtIK" Taavlay; "Klaa Arthur," W^lnaalar.TburaJayaBil rrhlay:"^ar. cbaat ol Vanlct." (Ulutitaj matinap, and "BaoVal" tfcatur darnlitlit. Tha tiariotwaa^Ttf aara aaihuitaitlrally la. raUnl. anil Ur. nuth.f aafi««<hataach ■m*. tn Ilia Mipimrtinx cum|>auf Kiaok i\toi.«raad Julia Arthur rvmlvad Ilia aiutl iirala*. Tbla veaa, Nat C. tliMxl«ln will i.rai.iit "Aiiililllitn." *l-i HIrriiurl," "A tIMed Fool" aod "liAild titrritk." '-KorUiaia LiRliU" tbllo.\ ULTtric TiiiAiai "Th, Kalal Caol" la tba cnrrani attimolloii, with t-Urm MoirU In lolhiv. W'lB. Itnay, In "Tha Oltj|« TrAttar," ilM a lair waak'a bualBaaa, thoalb blaplATWaa dlaarpnlnilor. IMi lORaraoll latturaa ftti. It on "rouD.lallnDa ot Fallli " llAiUN Orili llovaa.—Tint Uorpbr. In "A-Ta4aa fll..r." i-rii«d..l ll-a Iiiiti»e all vMk. araa vail clrid. Thia vaak, "DalniiinlGv'a at Bit." Rkhald Htnantld. ID rv|.rllii*r :fl-ly. RrjtXDAho TuaaVKK-lrwIn Broa.' Hlg Bpaelaltv Cii. did a Anel.uilna.a UatKark. and luaila a tall. WeOar A KI.Ma'ft.iiru. lathnaiuacllon nirDldi^l l>r Utntaer Biitl-r Una wt«h. KltMa A llaiiaon'a Draalog (."aida rulliis. II.Mi.i'i. TMKaTHa.-Franl. Buab, In '■Olrl Wanlad," la tba drawiita raiil lli'a »e.b, aod win baaatt Maoafar ilaraa Uunilay alalii. <1ia«. tj-Oatli, aa AUla Joallo. folhtai^ • HlavM of tlul.1" iIhI a amil vaak'a baaloaaa. >:i4)iiH*a ALUaaaaa I'lUra'TliaaTaa—3lualcal lla< aiiiia, Tarn.)' aart KuaialLUalaB and Allao. (lonnan tad Pla'da, Waliara Hlatara. tiay ray, Jobo Hllliama, Vlaitt K.I.T, Luiil, Tbora, Tlllla ISolUaa, Frank U llv and th, atock. AHDR.Y TiitiTaa—Ilia Vlctam1ll^ lb, llarralal. I<rda - -uula. Ivy Hoaa, Itolllna anil t^lllaa, WiMa tod liar. 'I«<ii. Ilall aad Talbot, MUa. Kiln, HIaa Beduoad, aod llTloaiilchirta. Naa iViMlijiil.—Hurler and llurlay, tba Rhama. lha La Fan Hluara, Hit lllaa IthlMraa, Doc Flibar, Jim Croabr, Alai Kirk, Kitty Aablay, llaoiT Kllannli. BavANT'M TiiaATaa—noinooilii and tlmiialdo. Nall'a Ailaiiia, lha Beliaatlaia. Italtia tlinloa. Kally Broa., Hot Daliiiay, Hill)' Laclodr. Kaw ctKiNu.-Tlie Hill', IJIlia Maaan,II'Ha Farlar, t:nra Fraoklln, Jaaa Ailtma, Ida Waraar, Baudo Lm, c;arrla Faaaay, mtn lllBXlaa aad atueb. tluNiir—Br*. W. A.(!ola, roniiarly proprlrirvaa .tr Ilia Naw l^aalDO, tail whntiM>b a auiiiliarnrparronnara rmni to tTnpiito t>aah. rainHU that alia rnaila a auccoaanil trill tb.r».)iMylaKonaalBblitaQilt, aod la loottad lo a danca^hall at, r.iur miloa Irooi Crliiilatlraah llou. Talliolhta ratiiraaJ rrom KauaaaClty. tflaran aii. apneouronarrar.anil will Jnia banda wlla Tout II npoDlnaatiha Marxian Tliaalr, Xaao la laylna Ilall all, oil bora for pracilra W. J. TImiuaroita, Iraaaurar rur lhaMairUoin|i|uo. liatUannn tita alob llat Ilia paat two waaki Julia ll.*y, for nfty yaara a acaolc artiat, dla.1 la, III cooruailun i-flhobrala Mra. Kabarhta eoin* pt.t«l arraniaulantarorliarlDg tba I'alara Tbi-atra palat- rtl In.'ida and ouu tlia work to oa Mniidatad A|irll I. Tli, aeanary will alao ha ivpalDtn], niaklai tlilo rariaty Uia- atra ibanoaalaBd Itna*; In tht city. WIetalla.—At tha Crawford Oiand IJnrnIo J. Oarlar'a "Tha Dataaltar" gara a go'il ptrf'^rtntota to a wall filled iioflia Ptb. II. "ll.bUd" i/ar. a rrlum aa* (aBanaal a, and Hlca'a -I'adaToB'aCtbla" coBttaO. Kntiaaa Cll|r.—At Onaloi' (ipem lloiiae last waoh Jainaa (VNoill. In "Hoalo tirlalo." "llanilal." "i;ourlor ur Lyooa" and "VirulDlua." aployad a rair waok'a liuilncas. It waa the dral tima ha Ma iifeaontad "llaailat" au-l "t.'onrUr ur Lyona" liara. and cooae- nu.nlly tbay limtixM out l.ia larjaal bouao. Tba houaa will ^n dark lhl4 wvak. wllb tha ploaiilloB oil;, wtiao tba ■•lab, a local mu.lcal ortaolutlon. will alro a eonoarL oklliM-Tlila WMk nlcliard MaaaAald. aflar an aliutoc.ol Uiraa aMvoni. wlllapMar lo lilaobi auccaaaaa, " Rrommall." "Frmca Karl.^' "A Farialan Romaaca* and "Dr. Jakjl anil Mr. Myda." "Anna toil tha Mau" and '-Th, Htory of Hodloo '■ A big wo«li'i Imalnaat la antlclpatcil. utaifb urktA llni-aa—Taat weak Ftnar Ulea, lo 'Nnanyat the Fraorh Hall," hail a vary lair waak'a fiual. naaa, TlifniuradariiiitloMwaaaaaxeaialonally laraa on,. Thla weak .Byrnea Biua*"BlBbt Balk" and oalt Book, tlua llaaio. in "A V,oulo, Vanilauiaa," NikTll KTHRkT TnaaTHa-l.aat waak "IHlmoalCD'a al ' atmclail ratbar amall audl.Dcaa. ThIa waak lltn'l HuMy, In "A Baclialor'a Wiraa," and naat waak Frank Biiili. la 'lllrl Waolad." (IIM.1H.—I.anl waak A. V. I'rarion'a Mock Oo., Id Laoil lit lha Uhlnlahl Hiio," 'Tot Fallca Falrul" aai ThaWlittoK.|iiailrau."liailaralr waak. Ihla waak 'Bl Fliinkaiil." koil B,xl waak Baach A Bowacf MInatrala. f'jil.laauu.-J«nnIa OUrk, liarrv Kaaklaw. Lao UllHitan, OrUnilu. Loralla. lliay, Lalaad. venuo and Want. i;ul'i-ani.Mia—yanaaar Lodga aad "Tkn lluraullar" Cm. paarod iliiituab liara 13 A|. WDIIaina aod Al. Miaao,tun Kaaiiaiirltr li.ya. mambaraor lha Uanhatuu Four, ara vlaltlnw Irlanda bar* tlila waaV. Thay laav, h,ra for Ullwaubaa. IVIa, ei. lo rrjolo lliair paitoara. Jaaoo B. Ratakln, tiouuror ol lha Uraad, who liaa baao III ror tba raat l.u uaja. la ooe, Bioia at hIa poal. Bd. UiroBk. ul "A Fold for l.nob." MolUal Hub- day lu lha city "riia.BllBlr ot Lira.''aabowtakao outof bare laat aaaaon by Al.Btroda. will auuut bbbIu Bait Mnwin.iiodar tha nam, of "A Rrlintldo Dooior." ...."Th, UUtar" waa RiTaii horaoo It, by local lalanL ....Tlia kBt.niaOlub aava aconrartatIba 1.) raum U. ....lha lloibuanguanataBBfl at Weal|i«rt laat waak. It. Joaaph.—AtTboile'aTliealre JoeUawllinm, In "A Fool tor LiiGk," plaaaad a aiaall tii4l,new Fall. 14. "KIhIiI Balla"enin.a to alilaailraiicoaalaia. lina. Ilrata, lD"AVaBuina V.Dllaniau." TI; MnnlMiu'a "Fwuvl" 31. "Ma^lco" anil "Friaoda" rlay a rcluin auBtiaiitanlSS, mallnaoand Blalil. CKAwniiiD'H liitAraK.—Tba baarnt ta ii, taodarwl Uaoatcr Morton. 01 lha Moaca. at Ihla bluaa. 1ft. pnirn. laaa lu b, a granil luccau. Tlia advanca aala la vary laraa, and Iba B. II O alan will no doubt tadlaplarod. A aiinnc rnaclally hill will li, Blvin, wllb lli. fullowlog aoluotaara: Vuuna BBil Tano. flilrar aod Lillian Uruaa. man. Mlllia Maralia, Aide WalMlar. Frtok Jacoba, Jojoa and Oarriill, Julai tllToar, Hiincia aod Fullallon, Maria Vt\ai. t:iiaa. TtiouitMon. Idaal Uandolia Club. Bdoa Hoa. buck. BBd LainuD Hma ■ H'talng Kangarno Frank. A. Y Fraraoo'a Ktork CoiiiiiaDy oimaa 17. lor obb waak. pra. aaotlna "Tbe \Vlill,f1.,uailroo," "l,aliil ef Iba Mblolaht Rao,"'Tlia I'ollca Falnd," "Ttia HIdnlabi Alarm."'Tlia narliT Uaioot" and 'Tba Floaaar." "Nlobad" la booked lor3l, Katia Fataatille. tfliM.t Hrall—Builoaaa laat waak wta vary latlarae tory. Tlia iiaopla lor waak of 17 ara: Jaco-ia Family, Jiivca and Carroll, Frul. Itiigalna aod wire. Rllrar Hur Qiartat. and l.«nwa flroa.' Ii-jiIbb KaBaaino "Fraok." K(JTM-1, M Craafurd la In Ilia dry fur a lawdaya. ITrfik J.omnn. or LaiooD Hrua.* Clraua, caitia up rmra Kaniaa City to atlaod Mtntitr Nanlo'a baoallL BprlBgllaM,—The Uraod bad Hlllon'a Hnsloal Coiiipilr i:o., to poorliBalbeaa, K«li. 10.18. n«bt. II. Ingar* a ill lecliitaa lb. on Miak«i|.aara. Hnbart Uownlna roinaa 31 Tba Hal'lBlu haa liMB dark tha paal waak, but will praaaot Ibo Wiarwood (\ine«rt Uo. U Mualo Hall liaa liail aica;iMl patruBBga Uia pait wvtb. No new (acM. ■ ^ T ENNESSEg . Naahvllla.'At tb9 Tboairo Veadomo FHtiDj [>aTenport aod ber puj^rb pmduell'ii of "Olaiuooda" vaa the aitracilon Kab. It-IV The Oret performaooe waa lobare takeo place II, but omIok tu ibe fart that ksj oolr Uuied un iheaiSKfof tbli houae.aod MIrs DaveD< pon'a (iruduciUn requlrea ihe use of elMtrlclir, IM DiktDloRf erforwanc* waa wwipeiied ueill IS, aoaatofet ilieeunially •'lulppt'l alKirle llitbu. Ttie b«ial- oon done vaa icuda Ihii nut as larffe a* the uerlia of il»e iToductinn warrer.ied. Tlie ataaloK «u eoaoeded to Iw the raoat elaborate erer pet oa here. Melbourae HacDovell vaa oulj able lu appear at tine perfunn aiictt, eo accnani nf a atrera atiacfc ufilieuraatlajn. Ilia role «aa Uheo hvLaureos lleaa. «ho uceuplsa a mlour ii')i>llonlntbe6i>npaaT. He M naier plar^ the i«rt (perore aod had Milr ooe rebeanal, iiet reMired mach liraUe f>ir lha carMtble iiiannsr in which he aiietalood llio r»l-. HnbL H. Ifaar«u comet 17. K Uiidjaaka vae hooked r>ir IP. ML but, oo aecooDt nr nineia, baa ehanied her time uoill March. Ilarrmano lertae reli. 11. II. liella Koi V. Nat OtHMlplnn.'Tlie frlraie HM-relary"», w. Saw Hitui.ftti TMiaTia.—'<in tlie lfii*l«aippl" came lU. 11, and hsd ri»trt house*, f Hlr^r Daud Dvroa had fair hu»lneM 13. "The (I il I l>*it H«lilr»4." II, drewasIL Hobl. DoviitoK iirefDtvd "Tlie ^Ha/lla^ni" and *'In|u- iiisr." II. 15, lo fair hutlnesa. K<lvan1 Marrlpan coiaea 17, m. rUra Murrla 7i. "Lvod uf lJi«f LlriOR" 77. Kutand ''(TaA^ii UraRi lI'^i-Aa-llahare *'(:<>kl luj**eiHnesl7. Ift-nieTurasdM-aHI. . . , . ^ ^ . )i<jH>:aT Uoaxiiet iie< dafloltelr nicliled oohla plane aod rapertnrjr for oei'Mianio. Alloriheiilaia which he laprwfucloi now will lie rellm I. aa4 hit r«perinrrw||| c/ioalst <tf'>iilr tan Plar*. The/ ara "The Wife nf Miletus" aod 'The La*l of Hie NarraiaoaeU'." The furintr le a rlai»|eal (Ireclao drama, an i the latter la a pUy lat<l ilurlOR the Porliao daya soil doeli wlih iho •ailr hUlorr er Amerloa. BoUi AT these pleCM will Im ■Ifen eo eIstora'a ipnriactlvD, aod vlll be prtrfiioed at \raaliloiiiio In flc|iieiober. Hflmplilf.'At lbs OnDil Operw House Ullrrr Hrrnit.ln'llrt Upa aai fhtWDS nf«." had tnialereia l-aironaua K« II. 'Oo U>o Mls*UalppL"lt, 13, farail iintMllerlbaDlhe proMdinx allrattlao. "frloceM Ron- nie" vaa veil ricslr^d. aod iii4 an eieelleBtbnaiDss«7, f. "The flirl I L*ft Beblod Me" canrt It, fvr 'wo olahta. andifpeni'd ta>ai|'H«1 h"U'e. Hue: Nailcao Tjp'cal Or cbesifa 17. ICoM. fhivblnv \K 19. Kdvenl Ilarrlnn ■»> V, hiiuMdirh 14,2), Hotabd Heed IT. "rhe LamTorihe tmoR"r<,V. Kiv Lrcicy tu>aTM.-llnaphl« areateara occupied the liu<>*a 11, 13. Dafboeaa rei|o«dfl-«. Robt. Maoiell iipeord IS, In ''Moobara" to a fetr ht;sae. lie la Ui era- scut "Tlie llail>ea<r*jl aod "MatbU Heart" at maUote It. Aiiraciiuaa blll*>l: Tlio Murphr 17* Ifernuaoa U-ftl. ChKdanooiiB.-At the Kcv Open IfnuM rnnrli RuberiBOO clv*ed hli wfeh'sMf sietnsat Fell a to eUrxahriUM, LMIian Levi* plaiad lo a full hoese lif. "IhvdlrM Lefilfehioil Me" drev a fair alieiwaooe to Ihe tiisiineeaod ver/fsir ai|4leoe« Disbcof 13. Kobt, IMvnlne dida gond 1iniin»ael3. Rn'-and Reed came to a vHinilMi btrnseU TliaDiimbndCJiaeiai>t..ho<iktd for «e«k 0731. cuceled beesnsa el I11b#h ofUie Isadloa lady. The BMt Booh ertli* Kind* Whsor^uwiltln Tuinurr»B.U'aw. Tmi Onrrva Aiki'Al fortOlea Tshialda fMrae^^e bnok. eooieloLDf iLMlrtral, looaloal aed aponlaa vhmioloct** fif IM. H U Uie beat boot of tb* kind publUbti]. ^Miscellaneous^ ni'nmx A OiRR(H.L> World ok Ko\ iltilh N*i>riL4 —Wa are ietlln( ready fnr tha Mtnlnff tenilaf sniann. Wit wUlhaToaaev TiKL nmnil le)>, with a .^JfLittlJille plero. Ve vKlufaaaiaietosiaad of a rIoiTi arvt hate new aeon err Hester up to tho present: fluclun A Carroll, pr^i- prielerp; Ptof. Nloai, modioli director; CtaytDii KaAiii;, bUeb Dtee cornedlaa; VlrsleMeKTO)', tiioi1I«!; M reilie lEddie, cblkl ferrortner; Uie Adama Histvn, mualnil pvr- iiiniteia; B Uflnrtun, tkarperfurmer; John ('arriiD, citih saloiter; Wirt.fltv;er, Ditielia^il lTl«hcomn)i.\n; ilrant iaod la. tiach wire perrdrinsr; t.a fearl Rliior', annv en.l aoM ream; Biilr Wi>at, bar i>erritrmer; llenry Adama. boaapfvfMrtrmao, wllU tvo aMlslanU; ll. Laadle, buM oentaa man, villi toitr auUtauia. Uui. W. P. i:our ha enieretl Into neiniUtlpni wiih Dor, aicherda, nf WTomlntr. rprerrntv in the llnal anrnDRaueotatbTKMelrlrtR title under ih^ tur^r a^r m ILUUaarwiMt Inod In lha bT« llure Daatn, vhleh CA (V^ly and hlaaa«orlatea vlUputuodrr Iirleatlon aod onlnnhr, the Interlnr I>ef«iiineni heTinir spprnvKi the svletiiiiiii. NnrRM raitN rRiNrn'fiHt5AjkTiu.f, i —Wo rlvseil lu Kaw Orleans, La, feii. H. aa nianr nr tiia nerfortniT^ wlalird In erjnv Haidl tlras. and wliuMa the marlnn au* A.laa AAMaaa ^twkm IIav la^ tttm tfKlAd ..t iLa^llB %r_ patade eacoil kinv Itex In the iaie< ul llm elly. XTn oi>entd no Kanawha HUer. shuwlnn in the toa na un llm (Hiio. Keniiiehy. tlnii'nani] MUaU^lppI iilrrr* Weatva tvu huodreJ and one peiliiniiaocea. Wm had In baml eod orchaklra thirteen |*sr«tna, with itilrteen on tho aiave, aod all veiitnierrras a narrlafe icaai. Ttiero hare hetn all hundred ami fnrty pere^naannBed on Ihn Renutlcns, uieklna Ihe trlpKtiulh, wlih rh Ins* n| lire i>^ limb, aad alleeRerirrra^plna UirHt ihnisaiidelKlithiiiia Winter •laartera, we lake our ilitpariuie r«>r Vichahnre, Ulwu, lA, vhete vevlll i»ren nnreojisiieiitriii ihtrewtih r. iialhoun'a caonoo ari. Wo Itan* *arureil itn ii»\i •eatentlie youniestieniale arri>nauioRaatili. All ara eulnriaa locil heelth aod aotlrl|i«ia |iriis>orHv roiioiiuR« KiKtra aod bmihRr had tbe mlsnirlune f<t bialna some Jevelry aihl lanojr anirloa hy ihn burulnu i>r the Hterllog lliitaL Lit|(anp|>nri, tnd,, oo Keb. II. Tliry nianaatd to fare their iMiiaue. Nnrra rnoM thi l.tTRR^fATioMai. Furn—This la mir seventh weak In llainilion, Honntitta. aod bnalnrM ■1DVS er^ry olihl. Un Halnrtley ureht laat peoida crondsd Inla Ute tint nnul It vaas<» full ibni the ahln wall hsd lu ba drop|>eil. and urer iWa hundred wero lumedavsy. Tha Bin Keitr. this vpar,e<>nsuisnriiun- ler, Loraoa, Kllnk aad lluer'r. The feiiiue tif ihe iliov la Lorena end llaierty. tn tlielr return an. Alihituihti liart be4n very laiuy and oikl, hmlneu baa bimn Mr. Wn return to Nev Yurk R>Hiat April 10. We lUn the Hur- mndlsus veryiiiDrli. and Itum the bualaesadune Mepiii> siinie iVey ararlse"f«l wlih na. UiRTnt-iiii fitiHLUTTA flihKi, a linn iRPier, waa elavedSDd serloualy injiiml by afoni, aa apt»tl ittiii.diiia Ing an eihlbltlun In a Ulnoeaittiila, Mian., nintenni un Pfit. II. Tub atT4lre%used apanlj In ili*audlii>rhini, and the enrtnla wan TiKif down, rruntpt action on the pari of Ihe altendaiilH, pndialdy. ^as ell Ibat saved Ml^^ I'laiika It laanonuiifted that she will undouhttdly re- onver unlew hlnoil rol^oiilntf shuuM octnr. TilK llR.iiiRrjin?! 4 naKXH I'o. aro rniiinl ihroufih Mary* land an<l raniiiylTanla Tim K. ol' I*. Lmlir-, nf hL Ifarmel, I'a., bold their aonivtrsary nn Keti. IS,andUi*l- teilnnawsreexiooiM tn the ciini|<anT. Uaiiiln liakur. reniHrrd aonia rhnica Mieoilntts. Mhlriiwem hlHhty a|« prMlated.and »hn waa presenied vliha handamne uni> elo ca*e. HANAiiin lllLlaT nmMl.L anl hIa wira,(if Itniell'a (?nn. Kaaaol rtOTalllM no Keb. la, para a sanipiiinns iprea*! Ihe nirtnbera af their ronipeiiy, the ocosMlnn beInK tlin Ural annlvaraary nf iliBlrmarrlaie. n«HTliniJiHaH' NoTRrt.—My nee ahnw la miw Ihe Rniut 00 Ibe mad, RArrylPR twiiity hurnei^tvenly people, pnlil bami and nrclie>lre,Rnil a first ela»a ctiupai y nl in-ifurm. era. The laraait care In Aniorlci, Td ffsi In lenalh, liulll "iiirlrr. and coat iiVW'enrli. Kver/ihlna !■ txtn. HiM RM.AM(>lltHliiiH-A—Klflhap'Hilnllen MeiliolpeCn., No. 6, l»iirlOiHa*4|uehaoPa Hiid Urwlmnl rituoiiii*. Pa., In blR biislnefi^ hare tho ndlnvlnii rnaipr: Ihio. Xhays. lenlarer: Hra Kfiaya, aoubroHn; latilii lh>nsnn, Dhlkl i rr. fnm)er;lllR Alfluii. iiiii».lral illreolnra Indians; lltifTslu Kid, Klar Llllhl sihl Hilinr MiHin. Wn havn Impii ntit Pir fbutteen weehsand the man la ahlle cMnilniive in inil In an ai>pearanca nn Hnndiiy .It-atrr nf /ml (adlaii MnlklneOt., Ho. V, nnv inurlnit .N'ew Vnrb Hiata; Dr. K. RelRs. leoturer and nuttRRor: ara. K HvIsm, (rrasurer; Lao Klitranee. nililjtet rwiiiwllan; llloh I'yno, IrUli and Ihitrh eoniedian; Msriar Wll Is Mnriliii#r, llnhr«w wl Vankee oitinnllsn: lllll Hklllln, ala^k aire and sernlMi, sons Rlhl daoco; Willie I'lado. r'>niarlli>iiUt and traiDM, and Murray an«l Hyau, iketrh loam. Hnalimu U iiiHal, cnnahlerlnitiheatanity vealhrr. Ur. K Helaa prfscnlHl niak Pyne villi a Una pliw fab. lu In a Initnr fmiii rnmtprmtiiiliera of llm guaksr UHllrliie (bi. ih*y mui' plain that Dr. W. Y. Uunion ileanrltd and Isil lhaiii Binollesa In Arbaons Nnies rnmi Ur. Illiin Minlalo Jite: Wn are ailH In ovnp at Kawhnrv. H U. Hualnesa^oot). laaslwerb barkl rain on l.\ rliini than the aaaihar has lieen line. Tlie doclnr'a lIliU itoy. lire nitmibs ntd, haa the hoiiiiliiit riniih. Hr. Do rerrsilhiaonhlayit^se peliit aaBln.haT[nK nearly rn- eoremi Irom the fall he K<-t laat HuRday wesk. Ilnilm and llurtun, (inrnsw liand and uroliastfa Iratlna. Iimvm aenr*d nutte ahll here vllh Uisir mualral act. Inaieed nf playluR aninathajwrlie dueta rrom all tlie lal*«l nin- steal apleelluoseml plar Iheni im vtolloa, ■uilara. Ii4njita, Randollniandcoiiieta HoinelhlnR now la this aretlioi I inos|& Hhoriy llrlrlln, who waa prlnrlpal mmn- dUa vllh Ihla sliiiw fur tliren ysar«. anil vliii baa Iteen absent fur nine mnmha with Mimi kite sijiiva, raluraetl la«l wank, and cnnli.-tclvil fur the Hiiiiimar. Melmihs sUahily dlnlfumal, but saya ho \* etill In lha rlega H. T. Niireii, uvfr mm yMrwIlhuw, lias had a life weekit'varaiiuH. and mtiMiint this vrek. Ilnrare Mora, our staaanl fur nearlr tlveynars, hashad hut ihrrf ilavs' vacatlnn lha aniire 1iiii<t. tfniiflnp Vfml- ter end wife, by ao accident last HatyidaT, sddNli|ullo a norellr tit Mislrart- While alrlnR lliair part of llm iratt WIM We>l,ai \V>llarwaa mploR liU wire'ah'ir«n, while ronnloH at full Biniad. ihe biip vuot anniiHl a iiearn'a nook at tbe note llma ll did tbe hursa'a Oiin pull un Mm nipe by the enwlny, and lh« im^ro aii>l hiirsn aura soenrely latlml loanibar. The li'irae beraiiiM fVllhtaoed, and l>e>(idd Ihe lady'a cimtml, dashtd f-lt ditvo Ihe Rtrael fur iiairly a Unaa iHfiirs he waa slii|if oil, vllh Iho uaHrohanalDi in hlaneok. It waa i|nlle airnik. lOK for ihi* Laren nmvd that mw It, ami llir> nenrn. ali-t aasindlj clioVed and Beartil,aeeinai] tn bit the only one ■bu did oet esluy iiie fun, GEORGIA. laronfiftlia'Al Iho HavADnali TlieatfO rnnolt Kobensnu'H iUi„ Keh. lu-ia, came lu Inrfle liualnaaa, at popularfprloiia. "A Bavery fjlrl" fulhwe<lia, l<ia fairlms- tnesa. t>MnlRV: Mahsl ra<ue f-o. waili of 17. tHI TawunilRd^Naw ii»o|iIb llilt wseh: MavaleMnr- rU, Ada Rullleto aud Hisa Moure, llltf bnusta every oljht. Tivni.1 Mreic MAi.t.-Tlie Ueeka apdllia Oa IreHlslPrn ooensU alth Ihe company this WMk. The aiandlOff riNun sIkq Itaa tiMd henji up every olaht. The busloNU la tlm laTae«llolhehUt<vyor lhehoii*e. Tbe Macba rtcalfsal aavera' call* lor their wtirk, Tlie IM (vaa aro priinti farorliea. Jnlio fondy U a blahliwHh hl« unv Mini*, Maoaierfflotarhaaa atrtinn cnnipaoy. Ihe hast vsrielv ahowaeao here In Nuhie Hint. Ulok Turner lllsppy Ulok) liaa cUaria uf lae staKe. AtUstB^At Ibe ((rami "A Ifoirory dlrl," Foli. 17.14. Kelfert bowninv came lUand 11, In k'hvI liuHln*«ia (loll itia cemeaoy ftvaa beaerlt In Allania litHljie. H<». II, K. nf l*a Olsra Mnrvls wse Ibn aUnctliin M, IS, lo lalf atiendance. BenkH: * rrlocoasHMinle" IV, 91 l.vracM.-TlieHherwiiiMt Uraod ()i«ra(;o,l7. IM. Hab*il PalRe cl(i>*l a aureesahil weak Ift. f'outMlitA.—"<>>l. I.'erter. uf INrlsrvllle " IH. rakyaHABaAuiaHr'n HiuriL Ilau. —Xouiireclial,hy Mr.aodHra.Del'a*|uali, W. OREGON. Portland.—At Ibo ll*ri|titm aritml Kalln I'm- aam pteyail lofalrbuHlnrH Mi. J. 4, hi "Tlie nid Lima Kilo." "Unete JosS Hprutebr' eaailvau fnr unn psr- furmaoraA. MarU Walnnrlflbt was sesn C-^ iireieoihiK "An lIooiRil Ifalcli," "Tlie laoia (lias*" anal '*IMuiihlnr4 fiflive," JIuKlacaa aaa KiHriJ. "iq Old Kenlucky" kuquhI Ip. Tba flarlti/n OHrathiMtnaoy vlll liM SMn ll.l&.anil the Kravley HVkIi lliHiipanr Is UwkiHl ri>r I7-»I. rnnOHAT'e TllMATNa.—* A fair KoImI" was dlren hy llm Hte^n NUkch I'mnuany S-tf. He»ln»iM nontlniiail aiHKl. "Uncle fiaetel, or a Moieaoier rniin Jarria Heciliio," waa pot no 10. Naw Park TiiaATHa.—Tlia fJaorila MInilrel r^>mpioy IthookfilfurlO. Wif!ibBRU:(n-NlrdU Harris. Jnlla WIncbeil, nettt Lenipre, yr«a|ilo Ororton. Nellie Ifanmre, Mey Miu»r. Sirrle IflachsU. 'luute Lamr>rf>, Mr rile Vernon. Kddlu avlB,atea. (Ittddanaod Ben Vaa I'lera, A.fHHreiR-Hvlle linvay. Bslle Laniore, Jeiale Beivl, Laou llnvenl, .Sallla Laninro Lnuvai-The L<m*ra f^y (Irdiaaira. (liRiRAi. Mtr'UMi llAM. A.tif TiiRATHR.—Varlelf eon- Unaaa. BnCHl'ii RaxowIII lpi»««r 17, U, at Ihe First lUMhuent Armory, VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At lha Aradcnir of Uii»lo kihmI biiid- oeaa pravalltil tliapaei weak. A wall nila<l hiiiae wit- uesaid the t«froraianca flf "fba Black Crwik" ¥mU lu, •bleb vaa a dlupp"lui'"»ul h> srery way. flood humur waa restored hy Ibfland RmhI, ebii nlatMt a ratnro en- niemeoi ll, prM«qtlnir *^ha fullileUn," *i, a f>ei^hn<l bouse. (VrnllnuoM eppUote ose*sa|Laie'l Ur. Ila*d Marina Ufore the curtalo to Miaks a »|k*^h. Llllliii Livls,as * <;i«in4(ra."cl<isefl lbs wenli's aitracUrm* li, wherashewaeprMiad hya eimisnMl amllanri*. Htfiktil: ^f^rsdhs AIU>" ai-ai, the HahJslns w*«t nril, Bljr>l' THlATHla—X*w p—ipu (ip*nlaa i>«ek if 17: Karrr. Da>hlnftuio aud Barry, and ihe Ue Ire HUier«. Baalneaifood, ^ nieliBOfifl.—Iljitaiiil tle«d. tn 'The Women H«ter."ia« at the Ar^drmr Mual.i Keh.ltt.aiHl st- tripled a Ursa and daliihtful audience, "fbti Hlscb 1^oAk."li| li.drev two vmiI bo<i*as. but llielasi par- ■mnaoea weeallfhtly a?hoilnlovln« Uiaeraie.r'lilelun ir Ihe Peel iirnM. ifllilaiii Warn'a* in-nrllii II va« a fsllure Oaanrlallr- Th^ liiililvlqs coni* vM«aof I7, "P^r. adIsA Allay" 11. », "A HIalit's Vvtin " »,Zf. RicaaosiiTiirtTH*! remains datk. friNAMa THrATMi I'oVHjra.-OMnfoc niaht 171 Kntna BoaltT'O, nir>ile riyner, Mamia KIloa aad Joiin Brookn. BDslofai !• Bo*^. ootrrfHriP OM rAoa ma.