New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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810 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 22 THE N EW YORK CL IPPER TN E nUMK OUEEN PUBUtHUM Ca (LWM) rsonuEiou. OBO. V. KBIL, MuuoD. B. J.L, Ilolnk«.-A, UtIss bat ou Is f a, ud bnloi Btdi la pUj Iba wo b< bit, woa Um fuia wllb blfta, ol | W. J. II., Iloplllaloa.-Bud D«oalh<||am*>llkbltli, 8&TUBDAY, FEnRUAST 2% 18M. ili, •bldi oaliaakad fuaa wd icax ■<>•■> tlx two BiaaMdad toaooaL A and 0 could not coaot at all natll th*r bad mualaplar thatwoUierhld. i w «»whj» "f,"*-™'™"''-y.. J.O.T.-Ta<:lapDtor,<iaaacallUnuJa,*niTPUror bul If foo .III pot ibli oao .^''JE™ •i^JftV?,! wbolUralamaitiba'^UIiaiidtslbabaaid. I aolbofi piopOMd MioUoD, wo will kwt >l It-irioutjn BA»BAU^ CRICKET. KtC. nS;rB««o.t-Tl.. WI-iUB'. talI.P™ilpiaf.d«ll_ a.r..ll.,Nawarb.-Badiorib«twolneluUpla^ woiTo | ealloa"«Iltlionu;'ioUoMUDtoriilMklo^^^ BATE S. APVBBTIHHMIHTB. T«aatr«aupnUaa,t(iut7pamann;ipaM0i l>eli«lJ««a<MB1lOT. AdataoUooarapnoBtU allawad oo iiliaitlaaaaata wlxa paid tor thn* mtbl la adfaaM,aDd cb adtortlaaman Bia wi toi W U»«a " BUBBOBIFTION. OB* raai, in adnaea, U; ilx nmibajt: tfraneatt^ (I. ronl^ poatai* •»>. italla eopfc W—~ ODB TKUU AIB OiSB. THE OUrriB It imimnMt^ttlivnmln tbsiabjM awl iMh (adTortUatf pacM 00 m rua —t MIIDAT, Hd lb* Mb. Mb ad < OK MO . - ThaToniu OlotlngPromptlj •t4F.lL ill br upm* poa*r a4*r, «b*ok. r. 0. Or- HaiaBllbrupnMU d*rorn«ui*ndl*ti*r tad ADDRIM ALL OOMMUNIOATIONt For UU MItartal w tfea B « a t« «w II«yw1aMBt to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, r. O. Box aM6, ooOUrriB BDIIf INA r. u. o.. "'■g^ ID 0*atn Biml, Haw Tort, la Bnijto d—m Ourra j{B n, oMalatd, II* Btml, p*f*Tniajb*H*a. la ViaB«*-Tal Ourm la on at I, ir Anoi* d* ropoaa, raru. hSV VUIWHW* ^ tod ntalX of our aaoala, antllL AlaaU* A Oo., > Haw- oaall* Btml, llniid, Uodoa, wb*n boond Uaa or Ihla AV-TMB row VOBB OUPPMl P«b- bailoaT. Wbllldia Ju. *.im; WUBim faflor Oct m: Pat llooD»,llanb U,l»>,ud Bob("Sm;!!*!" t, April >, iM 4. Tbo part; waa In Ibia ollf laa lb. WapnniBallwaddraaraoodiallanl QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O B TELEORAPR 99 nam uon^ tbiti io noa tbom nrrjm*, 1* ouiortUBOLlPPSRPQtrovrKn. AiiiJnMwiu. u utmraao 00 Wftis ovtT. I» TBurmiUL oMPiLvr u mouv, mu 2' HKFr« OS isoran risa wb ouwv nn kmttm ir MAlLOBTBUUAn . A. W. 0^1, »• h»T« BO iwpd of th« liOBM. 1 Fnm JuM t lo Aq|.».lfflLlodttilT»..WeauiWMlJti 8. ObwlMT Wbltodta J«a. WUUiiii Pwlor ut. 'f. N. D.7GBSbunr!^^'>"0kf iromMHid" wu flnt brodu<wl«tBo«t«D,liui..OD April (.ins. & M. H., OblcMO.—W« at* wabU to ruraltb tar lofor* ULD BJUDH, LvDchburi -1 Tbtre li a Mr dwiud, 1. Prom rerii iv Ont dollan p*rwMk. S. AddnuB. & Tna*Oo.,Ooou»rOoloo,H»wYortOly. ^ OtaAMA.-!. Ulu Wutk«nb7 dlwl Io Uli dlr Mueli SI, IBBT. and wu burlad u WoodlavD OtmtUrj. a. Wa bftTtnoneonleDDMniloKilitMiiii. . ^ . ,^ J. 0^ 8*n ADU»lo.-Obrlft.Mun»b)r, oflha Uan ol llur- 1^ ud Nona, dlad Id Tro/, N. Tuaadar. AprU 1^ J.V. O., PuBU Uordi^Toar I'aitor moved Iraa hfa Bmdwu bouw to III* prMMUDcailoD. W. B. B., Hound OltT.—Kor all iDfonnilkn addraM Richard Btahl. IIofffaTftaaif*. Nav York Ultr L.KJit.,Daofiria.—1. Ablllir Ui act, to bIdr. (0 pai lorm aoma faaL or to play vpoa auoa loatruuiMtJ niuR naeauarllj bo acqulrad b«lor« jou can bopa to k«i upoq tba iiiJi*. 1 Wo adTlaa ron to att«pl any .roaaooabl* olTar. Wa thank you fortliv pntfarod aarrleo, bat ara oblikad todHlioalt. v*. ^ TJ.A^Piltaion.—Anuiaion'f Guide.imbllabad by W. U.I>ooaklaoa,OlnolDnail. U. „ Si)HnTiiiMu,Uart/uiU.--TlioBt«oilanlTliaalra,tbkeUr, lB,aoooralD|tothf eltjpUa,l«calad oDBraadway. Tba paaunoruoonirnaDoaiDl^H oraallDt OrMly flquuro, an«anolanaotlb«daoUloo,boo»Da« aafd onlloanwdU- tiDcUj autad Hut tba atratt nuBban ahoaM aot ba chaoiad on any or tho Ihorouihraioi bvuDdlnitb* nav uaarc and Uia BUndaitf Tbaatrv la atlU daacrlbod aa IwiaUd at l.«r Broadwar. 11. U. V^HaTada.-!. YoQ can apptyto tba oouria for as lQ)uDoUaa laairalnlnt tb* porroraiaooa. t. Vou eaa- DoL I. In DO way r«*poBalblo. JL 0. B.^ddro« ibo party In ear* of Tnn Ourrn. €. U. K-^lDiomar*'waa iraoalatad rnm thaUarinaD and adaptod for Uia BoclUh apaaklOR atac* b/ Haria I*OTaU. a.J.I*., UoloD.~Wa oannot adriM jou. Boa nleaat haadofthlaooluun. __ . ., B. 11. U , PortifflODlb.-Sa* aaawar to "T. J. A." bi Ihla li chanplooihTp lama* vith avarr dbar dob of ihaMa* t onal LMRoa and AnarlcaA AuocUtloa dorloK tba i«a- .' 11^ WllmloitoD.—Tha tbm bigbatt lod Ir Idul aeoraa _ aratclaaacrlckotmaickailBEoiUad areroapectlT*- 7: 4S4,bTA.U. MacLaFan,at1kaDioD,laJDlr. WS: SU, by W 0.ilraca,ai Oaotarbuir. Id Au|iULIbtlaad BU, by W. W. Koad. at KandDftOD Oval, lo Jon*. lOT. R. B. 0., Boiioa.—UlianatiiroroplDloa naroly, aiw wo profar not to oipraaaoan liara. anro. JiWMifi, Fort fillac—1. Yankaa Butlivao *aa ruond dead Is a call In Ban Pnoclaco.Oal. (luppoptd to bif* boon nurdarad by tha Yiallaaca OoDtniiifv), Mar 91. US0. r JOba U. lloanan and John MorrlaMflouiilit at LooaPAraL Canada. Oct. O, IW, Iha lallar vrDolDi. D.>. a, Fblladaliitila—A atalamMit to tkal eiTact wij mada MOD altar tha flibl, hot tlwaadaolad by tha Hulll- ▼an pan/. Wa do not fcoow nbtihar tbar* waa any truth lo Ik* raport or oot. flUBacHiiiin.Or**Bliiland.-^ohnL eallirmniod Paddy ran Dav*rbox*d whhaach otharlo N*w Vork,or *b*- , ^Ji*r*.pr*Tloua to ili«lr8|ltt for ih* cbaoptonthlp In Hlulaiippl. ir ib*r bad It U Boi llk*ly that ih*y woaU aT«r bar* •nni[*d lo a raal baiilo. K. B. D.,Hek«eip«rt.—7h£.S)i(r(( 0/ tke nmf. 11 Prank* fort HtlMl, Naw Ynik City. BiOON. BtoobitvD*. -l.AddrHa)f«la«Ino»a,caT*orr/u DMtffntfrraid.Boitoo.Maia.2 T«oe*aU. LTilCUPrH U right;JoliD L. KuUlTao vaachaoiplonortba «orkl andar | tb* reiuUr rulaii of tha prlia rlag; Jamai J. Oprbatt «0i th*boilDi(ffIOTa)ehaolplonibIpDi tb* vurM brdarMtlDif I ObarUa Mlichall In Flortda. 4. ho. but BuUlfan hid | nudi til* beat ol ihl gloT* cnnlatl with MlUhiU at Madl- turn Bqaar* Oaidao. thia city. Id ISA tha polle* alop- plng IL T. J.P., ProfldaDca, R. I.~-l. H*a aoiwerlo *'Bacon , Haa ihaatrical aoawart, A. , Ooalpli.—Jin Corl>*tt dafaalcd Jolio L RulllTan at M*wOrlMnB.La.,K'Pl.7.1l9i. B alo*. W. II- W„Ncv York.—If th» party who bat that aacli a flffbt took i>Uc«, and thai U»* colur«u man wnn, thoo li« la aoUtlod (o Uia loooay waiarad; If uoi, M loM«,tho I buideo ut proof raaiioi upoo bim. ATHLBTIC. L. J.L-.Mt..Pulaikl.—Itwaa nuia foul odIou Rrellh I lotariatau with hlaopponaot, vblch lflii|ii*iiilon for iiia | r*lar*a to d*ck)a. Wfiao walblnR tba opiMMtt* way ol tlio | track from that wltlclt both tnvalad at ifao UvRlontuv, Sioltb,ore(>ur««,waa obllndto t^k* ilia oalalde wtien paMlof MltebaU. ' MISOBULARBOVB. ... Iflaad Oliy.—laquira at tli* oneourih* | Naw York Caoiral Railroad. B. V. qulocy.—1. AUdreaa Prnf. ArooU, 101 Bowery, Nov York Olty. SL Baa aJrortlaloK ratesathoad of (hi* | column. , 0. P. 0., lodapaodaoca. —Tm Clwuh \» placod nu aal* lo Kav York City on WadBaaday. at II o'clock a. M. Q., Usbuiiuo.—Accordion lo tin caoaaioi 190 Paorla U.T. W.. BrooklyD.—Tb*r*lia fklrd«aand, bat your toam wouU proluLly r«o*li« oot mor* tliao forty dot- Un par w*«b at drat* . _ _ O. w. U., ilobokoD.—Adiartia* la Tui CuiTBi; ntaa at b**d uf thIa ooluaia. ]|iaR.,Unb«qii*.—Addnu tb* party In oar* of Tui O1.IPPU. B.J. I>.*8prlaBa*ld.—Woeaoaot BodMtak* lo aaa £nirDuaiannaqu*rlaB,Bordov*d**ai It wortli wlillo. aa •y dlaplayan fnotaooaof the abov bualDon wbich would b* aaiHolMit to wrack any Toalun vf that Mtt 10 whieb vou might aojaga. W. 11.11. A OD, rtinadalrhla.-«*a routa llai lo tbia Moa. U. J>» Bt. PaDL—Addnaallany Darla. ATanuoThaatn, luabon^^Pa., and Joba 1). Ilopkloa, Uopbina* Thaatn, w!*Il'a., PblbdalpbUk-AddRti Davia A Kaogb, Qroadway aad TliUty-tMid 6tra*t. New YorhOlty. WiMlNtiToniAK.—"BoBBle Bcouaod" waa played at to* Ohaetoul UtiMi Tbaatr*. FblladalpbU, Pa., weak of B*pt. », im. J.U^ Boalon.~W* know ol no play baarlBR Ibot till*, bat two aJmllar ilU*a bare bean uaed. K. P. W., Chlaago —1. Abo«i fir* ibouiand dolian. _ W*haf* Bomeaniof know[a|iniaaag*ra' proOta. B. W* nr*r*r not lo •ipreea an opinion. 4. Titat la a niBtter of bnalBaaa laoL A. Yea, Vbu, Toronto.—Wa caaool tvalUialy alata, bit think tb*yar« of madluD ahada. J. M., ParlbaulL~Jaw*lL leva. J.D.—1. Vaa. t. It would. S. Ttiateanonly b* a*o*r. uIdhI through apdloatlvQ (or panolL 4. Wo think ao. 13. IC.~Addi««a tb* party In car* ol Tni (JUhrnB. U. W. L, Kka.-Aildr*M BiBiniuBda A Bnwa. 1.07 Broadway, flev York Oily. OoMr, Baadlnit—Tha pATtr you name la parfonning thnactroudaacrlb*. Wa ibink tou oouM, but w* oan- not uuoU aaUr J. J.D.—Addraaa latur looarvurTuiCLirrik. X., Obatluit*.—Addraia BlmmoDda A Browo, 1,B7 Broadway, New YorbUlly. tL A.,H*BphU.—We D*r*roBpnuaoopiolen ooDO*m lav tbereapoaelbllltyoratandlagofanrone, U 11. P., l*ouBhk*epal*.-Adr»rtIi* In Tni CLiPriH. H** nt*a al b*ad of tlifa coloiun. X-Btmoaf IIU.—1- Forty e*oia. 1 BItly conti; 1*1*0 wovdBpvrllDe. 9. W* canooi aapply the liat II.O.,0lpoipiutl—l.^l*rab^l|^lw*nti-aTo dnUati |>er ._ . . .... ....... 9. W* canooi aapply the liat jiatl—I. l*nibabli iwentr-aTo we*k. S. UonoUion'i Gnhlr, PuUlahad liy W. II. DenaM BOO, of your city, will pnbabv aoawar your imrvona. B. II.. Indltna|tolia~We do oot kaow tlie aoag. Ad diwta any of our aoogpubllahloi adTarUaera. RuaAUNP, UalMburg.—There ar* many acbooln bora, but ft* do nut oar* lo ii^ally ipoomtaaod any oo«. J. A H., Aodarauo —weoaD aupply cvpyoiTUB UltI' riHefthatdatA T. AND P., PruThleno*.—II* la oot at preaoot 00 th* ■tag*. A fUiUBR, Bddyaiooe.—Tb* Ultor baa not y*t b**n olalnad. T. T. R., Aablahl.—Brauu Bton* (Mr*. Emma Prank) waa at on* tlue uaoa^anaaof Kloraac* Bindley, l>ui waa nut beruuiber. Addrau ih* lady heraall fbr further In- formatloo. J. Ma, QBlraatoD.—The aniftet waaconvcU but In nai ■ "- ' ' 1 It alwa d. uairaiiOD. „. , wbaiw Ui* dUcanI iill* U not kept louot, u It alwaya ahouMba until III* nand la plaTei]. It la bailer tUat tn* placer wbuaplluupMianahouMpUMhU dli a*ir. TuiCurrKH baa always deoldad ibat dleeaid by . _. .bat a playsri oot bound lo *i|<o** bli hand by aoBouoclORhladlaoaTv In auohcaat, aBd Uier* oasoot be adranced aay buW dvotnaaoowby haahoahl. ThodlaeardplleahouU not b* meddled with while tha pUy la gnlog od 11. U B.. Chicago.—To an lalerlor, or 000 end atialght, ibodiaw UMiiuatad tube aorth 1 lo 1IV< aod l«a two •Dd aualgbt 1 Ib tJi- The titaihemailcal »iii*ctatloA ol a lluab whan you draw lofourcanlaoraault la I toBI9. P. P. v.. BatTakt.—1. You apparvailj furg^t tliata plajwr lapennlttod lu dlacanl aa uany <«waaahai>lea**i,aad ib« dealer mum gU* lu him a mnolMit nnntber of eanl* to make UP Uie dpOclaal hand to ihe eorraot aumtMr (all). ItwIllnadllrUaMOtbatattiuiaa ihla (a likely to leare toe few ranlain Ihepack 10 BUlhadaalei'abani!. I. BioeaoutOiat. It waa n*o««aary thai A ahouM make to I'Uy th*tbra« he l<M Ulom be cvuU count at oil, but B'a blah ouirauk^d all uther |>uinia, putting blot oat* ai b« bid but OD* iHtInt to iiukke. 0.0.11., Brooklyo.-ln rutting for deal at*u^T*tha blob card wlaa. and Jack la liigh. OomrAKf HuDiR —AI aaeiinu rl'eh (haaaller.wbao ha^aeo*|tia a bid. acorea ih* polDta atoa«n,befDr*ao*nl la M; but Id auotloo plich th*nguUrgam*lat*a pain' and II appaan fVotn your taller that you war* notplul tb* game at all It «lll \- Dartaaary fbr yon lo letU- whaTpoInU aach |>Ur*r beM haiutew* oaaanawer th« QUOtT. H. v.. Philadelphia -In uMt eaixl nniaa at* la high la CBtilpg lur deal, but In pok«r klog Uhlgb. aod la ••ohr* Jack labliib. B. L, Troaloo. lie* at* la high iDgtooou'ot _. A. B., Nawarb. 'Thar* U no ruo or i«lr lur tb* laal eanl Oomlog—Tb* Itntt manwaanotoottbehaT- itoniutora polol. ., -Then arervaa of ihre*, four.Bveand ala lor the Itai fourcarda, • -* ' - b**Bri*y*d.4.4,s.6.r " (Xt.taTlfTT Hbadbr, ^, „„ ., rooou ror the dealer aa aooa aa iur»d: conMQoaollr. **'£.«?f*i'^.'>""*''>"\*'>*>e dealer, woo. W. II. M. Jl.. Ilu yoke.-At A, *bu had but on* p«lot go, mad* Id rlay th*tweh* |av*, h* woe wlihlilgbL Ti* HviiABvui uir«^ ivur, HI* wi MAla,j|H^ilT«lr, th* carda baring a.'^aablnjtton.-In a*T*n up Jack CHESS. To ConMpoBdaaU. Oo(URT<lciI,etIxnli.-W« W.I. oblilid •|°" to dMllo. aa axamlaalloD of ptta»r^wplaVl^pnblW)i to preToat KUiK riom aMaploit loiawUtloo, wbll. oo.aabl. Bdowbloi lh..ui.din<lTlo> it looliaap, aad Ui.olb.rdoo. tba loaa bowaiKoUM. J";,"*- all ro.r KdMlMtka -(BlUUnala" la th. tonnlMUoo, two from cbolc aod two ua compuMlMi. or coon. >onr Ml.cloD InB.. do« not Ubo 10 all ttit. ralh.t xrn. lor ll.T. w.r.od. la a plrtorMflo. "o 'A'fa'rluDWNiT.-Youi «.. dsJItalloD bai bMO luUti by Mr. IXouoor. In S.., bat bli nodu. tiu not rour ebuiolna ifmottfaMnf. _ . , . ' r Iticii.HWM.-W. are afraid lUl J,0O !•'"''^'•J bajODd i«in»l|r; M. airoo W.I.I II II»-^ UTi that bl. Si.. iul.llon,»llh lb. addtd •Upul.tloo. lioVla aquallr food witb ibat omillad ud a Blacb B plWOdOO K RK|. ^ awn B. h.. Topoka. Eum«.-BMaBiw.r 10 B. M. H. B»0.Hi»iLTO».-Tbaakiou lor tlllDB our opinion ol r.t.r.barK toum.y. Toor ipptorU I. apww'r '"iLB. 11,OrMlaj.—Saad 10Ib.InuinallMal K.w«Co. BSDoan.llL, N. ir.Oltr. Tb.prlc.UtS. KbI(i Tima-DemooQt. MY y. H. TBI*. IB lie. QKtS, IKia, KJ. OHIEjOI^iEjiEtS. To OomapoKdBBU. O. A. Bl.iBDIN.~B. D. Pr«..llajr.OIC. Tbuh.. Uhk CooNB.—Hac«lv«l with pLuiir*. Uav.wrillaa L. a. IIBiD.—Uhl lou racalv.your l.ttoia. ■alaUaa of Faaltloa No. OU, Vol. *a. PraMam Ro. Ill, Vol. 4U. Whil. a I3K3J 9 Wblu ta play lad wItL II It •4 1] a 11 9 ll(J) ti 19 U tl a It it 9 a B 19 u i u M II 7 II 9 a a II It Draw a. e 11 111 7 17 II 4 8 91 a 8 II a a • 9 U B II It IB Id II 1. D 1( lU U la II U 17 a II 1 i (a) Wrlglii loM a. Ibltcwi aaaloft Qrvror: a la 9 1. a a ii it It u » 3 8 re t It 91 ta (t)L.a llMil woulhofollowloii a * n 19 Black Winn It a tl It 17 It 9 19 a It It II 17 u It 3 10 a a 31 n 17 n 17 14 19 BlukwlBL 7 111 14 7 t 10 ai 17 U 17 II 14 U 17 n 14 (.11 In III. Bo.ton loutlUHiuil th. roUoalna wu eontrib- ul«l bT Bm Uooo. u plajad*a M. O'Ouinor ud JcLaanln. " ~ II It a o It m 31 n .! .! • 18 O 14 • 8 Black wloa _ 9 O II I t 19 II 8 It II 19 It II a 11 1 9 19 u 10 19 11 10 7 11 17 10 19 II n a II n III • 17 31 8 1 U II SI a 17 13 « i I I K4, ande. ea la four. (Editorially pimiaed.) OoDava.—ih* OaiJlog nuu waa Invented by R. „ oriadlaaa, lo lasi, and th* Onu OalT' waa manuraciurad In lodlaoapolla. la 1881. A 1 thaguBwaa Otod In tb* Pataot OAcaat WaAlngtoonn Aog. 11, USX and a paiaat waa gmniad 00 flapL 9, Wt. An aiaoiloatloo of tb* rceordaoniMWarDepartrarnt Ordoanc* Bureau ahowa that tlieflmt puKliaM ofiinr o[ Ih*** tnoa by tb* U. B. UoTemaieni, ander cvuljact. took pUo* Id UU, tb* Roreroowit havlurt adopted It aa a 0«ld arm. Itwaaaftarwarda adopted aa aniuilliaiYtu artillery In forta. YoumlabtobulB luriliar iDiomiadon braddraaalng Or. B. J. Oatllog, at tho biDcaorifaoUai' (oh Ouo Oo., Uarlford, Ol A.aMoK..MwllDa.-Kd. Btohea aliot Jainea PUk Jr.,ltrrJ. He waa a«ot«oc*d ti> bohuag. bntwaa KLOtad a o«w trial which r*aulifd lu a a verJlot of nan- ugbl«r. II* r*c«lrtd a a*ot4Dc« of Br* yearn' Iranna- ontneot In tha panlieDilaiy, tlie tint* that ha vaacootlneil loihadtyprlMO boloR dBduaod.aod heaerrodouthla aaotaoc* at Rlog Blag Priion, Uaa th* unial allow. -10* for food hebarlor. W. K., BanduBdy.~l. Prom Dlok A Pliigonhl. IB Ann , flireot, New York. a. Qua IIIU haa for yaara be«n tho rvcogolud cbamploa at ttialKhtcIuba«lD|lnir.r*peKiad ' cbalMDgaa Uauad by him, and properly mippuried by a I niODoy depoaiT, not baring b««n accepted, tke titto luaii ■ulng to ntm by default. 3. We cannnt Inronn you «ho '-owna the beat flghtlog cook Id ih*UoUMJHlat«a." 4. We caoDor racmomend any particular od*. A..B. Anu J. lt.,,Bliaioohro.—looauoa* of ih* iiartlea PolBied for the ilgbt, tbe onpoelai principal ir he poated la Ooal deuoalt. wu eotlllwl to lorfolt ol llivhtooey up. P. R. W.. norldoaee—W*aT* ootawero that Iheyald | au at tb* tin* of the blinan) lo March. Itttf. bat veoture- , aou* paraona croaaed iJi* Baa Rlrer oo Uia le* during ud* or two pr*vloua Wloura. Bmiuhthot, BaatOD.—Til* drat reply glreo by B la | alMolutaly correct; tin aecood ta uoly an abbreviated form aod la parmlaalbla. BXttuiBBB.—1. 11 ta. S. Itlaao located. A HBADiB. Naw York.—Tlie ag* llu'i appIlM to tha lime of appolntuenL Uarerblli team match (aog. tvara*y la atlll In full vlgoi * ■ - - r ba DB.A.V.(IAUTZItT. itKKL KBI. KB7, K8. matlBt, It8. « ^ I t atKR, KEl, Kl KKIt, KB3.KKtl. Whita naloa lo aoroo. r..., fl'l»«»«rtlB»dar^ rtlbtbo.™^ baiad from I lo iJKrt."."'liiS n wlU bar. lb* odd »'';™ jpnean tbat lb* bbdu or lb. S.V«~aiid-|b.Tr orty l"^"" "« 'Sh'r„»S'i"bJ sH•^dS^r.vroLl^^.•^.?.i•&»^^^^ "'■ISl°ASi.bJi2iioB will b. i 'J»KJf!SfJ'!«Al; rtSloiVSbont Md^d "■»••• ,<l'"''C^'.Jj.LlidI anal laauUtlon. about unpliM. a "'•'?i„V!i'rl!l,i bJtSf amaU d.ulUall aloo8-»K»«H'» P"'"* "> "W. KbrpTb!arss'i.°B°'!Sj:5tbBiwiii b. KStSr?o™??.oiK^«riniv.;»5fi.siri^^ roll »w.f Enilaad o»»ld brln« lntolb.8aU WPW- Sp* aTa mitA*? Icllr EnllUb .a AinaricM. It U 6«t Tb. relatlT. luiai owbl to Iba woiblng of tb* nil*,at.oolwonbtalkla»aboot .iVi«'M*B!Sfsirb:'pW/» til. .Ictoriou.twm. YoaatHiiii Com A««)CUTio!t.-BndMth.aboT.tlila tb. rZuou. oM Volbidili. ABloolaUooaod Ih. Sooty 0. 0. b.« .uBltod. lnlo M. .■tronjr.bodt- Tb* WHEELING. TOB If ATIOBAIi ABBKHBLV. Pnblam No. :«,044. fnm TIU ScluulMllunt. PIfU Prlu lo "Tuiellcli.D RundKhtu.-' BT KONRAD RRLII AND OTTlfAB ]tUO. BLACK^ SS5mM»Vi'S.\"^timMtVr5l•^d^^ 4. To anaaio Monty nutebtt: I. To Miiaii. prorutlonal Ibav i»a«5ni torliit cluU i TIb. patp»l*.of liuuiio- tini: 8. To amoi* ror lb* oior. .loalT. pabllcalloB of cbM.o.wi: 7. To wtcouraae and »lollOD tour, ntyi; 8. To anani* eoii»«pooil.n» natcbw; 9. To tt- IKC rapr.HoulIrM 10 lab. put In utlonalor Intarsa llonal tonmaaiaot.; 10. Tn uraag. loomamMila for tb. ebamploariilp of Yorbrbln." Ai thi. Kb.m. ba Bro. Bn>wo at lb., It I. an auonl >ukm< rcom Ib. Btait FrBBBBBlB FOBBd. Tb. orliai won by tb. mastan at BtPjlaraborB walj- Luk.r.tlU: BuUlla, 1370: PUlabltT. «9t: TKbboria, ItB. In addllloD, U. IbtM fonlRMn rK*lr.d lb. Ilb*ial lum of»9C0 ror liaT.lloa oapyuet; for bol.l and ilh.r.ip.BMiTnrGi. P.,«»!0; u)d|10I(l«t«»»cborib. fnurlfor plo mooay. TboM nmiBar.nt.U,OiOp.ld br Iba Ruialan .Diat«ura to Ma tlM tli1rtT..I« /un." phy«] In tbelrclab, or witbin amlouM ftaetlon orftJO aiam. Mr.r In tb. blllotTDrdiN.wutb.cuia. oflMlllDfroD tb.iiam. m opMlyuid Mrloolly broutbt 10 tb. «irlhc«, and lu iliploiabl. airacii w abarply tolw WUITE. Villi, to pby .nd itlve nial. In four moroi Gtam* No. K.U44. Til. Hlslli and Utl round bad com., and VIIUNiry waa bruuEliI la', to laca wItb tba Mrlou. iiiMxlioo wh.tlier h. could win uoa aaina out of tb. wbola da t.. SLInilx. Tb. loIlowInK ilBft«nu ilruicKia I* ibeaDiw.r. gUbEN'H UAHUIT KVADBU. Uluk, 81* blitz. !■ Ill IJ 4 r-ns orxr KKt-B9 p-iiBi QKt-B3 BPX 1" KH-Kl I^Htl.. a-Kl9<| dK^ulo) Kf X l' K-BX| Q-HI OB-K x| KlXKt B-li'.i9 KR-KU| 'Klttl K Kl .K lit , KB.tJ9 B..XRXR+ XKIXR la..qB-Bi S..l]-h>rB4 ..r-KB4 I 9..KB-B1 90..KBXI'(*) I).li.r4 VTblU, rilhbory. l..FluQ« L.I'.OBl 3..QKI-B9 4..P-K3 t..KKl-B3 e..KBX r 7..U1.1IM Kfx f ~ B-B4 R-B HI lurl ..q-kT ..i-qt ..KB X r 81I-K3 B.Ktl U.KKl-Q. - -BXKt R-K m 3I..()-I|V3IM »..|'-K Kt3 R.Q2 'h.rB4 KKt9 Kt-hlm -KKtllO KB-Kl S..<lxRm) IIXU 9i..uBxq ^"-4' WblU). rilUburr. 81..K1004 tl..r-K K4 U..B.K7 bl..B4jll t9..B-K7 U..K.Ot tr..Kj]t e(i..K.iiiie a..iL-at eu..i:.g4 II..K-lil<4 ei..B-08 SJ..B.K7 ei..8-Bii 8)..B.|illb a.K^iis a..B-iSt9 7I..B-K1M 71..B-Kt3 T3..»-Q» 74..B-KtB ;t..K-B9 7t..ll.<il 77..B.hl,8 79..B-BB 79..B-bl.B ia..B-BI «I..B-bli8 8t..B-Bt 97..Bl'xV a..r-K R9 a..K-bl.l 40..R-KKt>| 41..P.^K3 4I..K8xl' + JBX H ' + R K K Kt I BPX 1" Il-Rt + X-hl> B1 8K-B3 I.K9 49..QH. 4I..F-qKt4 U..11.09 4d..K4]Bl a..By KB ..B-KtMd) I 49..11-84 t>i.:B.q8(<) —rmlRni 8BX I Black, BulDllz. BloKt? K-R4 K-KIS B-B6 B.qRi Kt-Bt KtxP Kt'B7 + Kt-ne Kl-bll7 KtxP Kt-Bt Kt-blltH- K-B4 Kt-Kt Kt-B3 K-lill3 B-Kt8 K-Bt KI-04 B-liilt KtXP Kt-BWt) K-liill K-bl K-bllt Kt-Kl Kl-bl.t K-Ke KI-Q4 + wrfbc*, TmraDatMl .... Aiwr lo. umm.j mmM v,.., w^v* w., pmibury war. plUad ra Sulnlu and neblaorin In a cop KultaUon natcli,tba flrn nam. ol wblcb wal brllllaoUy won by L. aad P. Ib fact, we do oot btlioro tb«r. ara two play.n II.Iob wbo caa do men thm iBBIcb Bow and tb«n a itfBy lun. Iiom IbMo two voonjr mutwv work- IPB toi.tb.r Tbi. T.ry lolaiwtloi matcb. Bcnln.ra "--■-■^ — •— —» .1-.— (0 count tb. wIb' TiT SuTnriz. li lb b. tw.lT. fnmu, drawa to count balf, lor a pura. of 1,200 nnblaa, 800 nor, 40] to Ol. kwr .kr. Pllllbnry baa Mr.rsl oratnt iDvllallonatoTliilt cb.M cantrM and Blr. varlool bind, of eiblbllloBi of hi. ebon .bill, ooublr at Hokow .ad Vloona; ibrU'larMixclally, toplay 'iilladfoldad."...... TbeLaUMBe«.fromVl.nna lithatBorrZlBklwaalud- Icr. but that U.mB AlbiB, EncllKb aad 8-bl.cht«r wtr* wUblBliair annw ol bIm. AdaihlCB llttl.liain. IbO, Id which H.rr Z.but th* tmowdmI Haa Valai, la re- portwl Tb. annual Edinburgb-Olaasow m.Kb waa TKMitly cootouad, Oflca a Ma. and won by 0., 9 to 6; thouab, oddly .non.b, Edloburitb wm on tbethraalop u>aid.. At li - " Tut rear* mMlins B. dbl not win a.loil* Ourhom. match. Rwnaayra. Bbowallar. laoa- l.v.d Mraewhat by If r. a'a abMoc ia Kwitockr, on. pa- p*r iay. on aceouut of llto«w Th. Pblladalpllla f3bM. riubliu,lt woa, carrlNl out ft< threat cfaolarlnaa il.iBDrrar to lb» ilaod mh^nbyt^i. BrooklynCb.u Glut fa re til. cabl. mkicb. eirOMne Ncwdh haaanawaiwi lo a bri.1 but altodetbar tompaitt* note, and tbe maUJi will 10 rlRht on we lib. Ib. way the BoKlIlb aoiaUuti bar. taken in ul«t thnir cliamplona ror lb. comloa lafmatlonal fray. Tb. rarloua cinb nindal. ware Invltad to noniloale mch m«i a« thay thooBbt ouitlillo ao on th* taam; thoo a commlllM ofl** lictlon lak.alb.u.u la hand aod cnUathanco tb.eblht "Ininionali.*' Tbe Ani.rl'U champhnii will K.t Iraaled to "Iho bMt la In Ih. iliop." Tbe Franklin 0. G.'a toumam.ota are rapidly dmwiogto. oloM,and at laal raporu M. Borno wa. ludtna ror thlcbaniolonlbtp vltb ao abMlutaiy dun Kot., and coukl Karc«ly fall or wlQ' nlng II. II.IOB com. over to lb. PrugTWalra 0. 0., 8lh Tnrt.. eocounl«r.d th* .ludanl ilxte«n, nod mid. tba brilliant Kore—loK, I tlo Hr. BIg.1); draw, t; v,jn IOl Juit liilr lb. iiaoiu ware olTered gvnbita, ol wbicb Mr. U. iMtand draw 1 ..di, aad wont. Oood for Bro.U' AbeUtluBBBt by tAo Lmsbo of Ola„M ^ bbA B-4>Bl|r Pan AaatoBn bbiI Pn. fMtloaalB Soar. Tlie fUtMnlb aniinal meelliif ot Uie NaUoui a*. Bemblr ol ttit LBigae ot Anoloui nMelmtQ «|, Ii«)illoB*IUmon,lli),,Feb,l],u,i3. OnUieopeD logdAj tlie eleotlonot offlctnuid tbetaeciionoi tba oil; In wbloh U to be beM Uw next BDoaii ttca nmtlog coiaUtiitea Uw moil loporunt busioea tnUBoied. Tbe renlt ot tlieelecUon waa ihc mc ceatof llietaUowlngcasdiatUa: ITetMeot, 8icriio| miott, o( Haeaeobaaeltt; Int tIm pmldtoi, Obtrlea F. Ooesoni, New York; eecona Tice fita- dent, A. C. UonlAon, WlKonaln; tntenrar, >:. 9. HBFtvcU, Colorado; inilltliir commluee-j. )' Adems. Husacbnwtts, cbAlimu; Jobn J. Yen Koite, PenniTlvAniA, and O, A. MoQanby, Colondo Tbe conteetBnta tor tbe boocr ot belnir cbowi at tbe pUoe ot tbe meet were Uinltnile, Ky., tod To. ledo. O,, tod tbe oltbna ot acb cUy vere pitacbted br CApeble speaken, bot tbe apeeon made bjr Cd. a D. Bowdin, piealdent ot tbe lonlinue Commercial OInb, prored tbe more coovlaclag, and tbe Falli Clir was itlMted b? a rote of »> to T>. Co ibe ict- ond dar tU claaaeabereiof«rete<»inilz«d b; the L A. W. wen tbolltbed, and la ibe futuie tbe Icacue wlURCngnlianagradeotWDAUnn. Aoj rider abo doea not lire ap iirlctlj lo tbe rolea goreinlog tioa. profeealanalaportwlll beplacedlntbeniDtioltlie pnfeadonali. Tblareanltmureaobedbjtborcpcti of all tbe clauaea lo tbe leagoe couUUiUon txeailoi OliaaedAtnd B.anddeloliettbeiuiotef tbe men wbo tormerlv belonged to them. Tbe cooveDiioQ lookiblaiadlcal tlep dnrloc Ita aturooon ■es'loa wblle couldenna a targe naober ot amendnenu 10 tbe iMinaUtDtJon, propoatd bj tbe raclog board, and detlgied to fartaer remiltte and deoae ibe po- BlUonsotCUBaUmeo. Tbei«were adotenor moie otibeae ameodnenta. and teTeralottbem bad been adopKd wben Hr, Mott oHired an amendoeDt aboUaliUig Olasa B enttrel j. It waa (»nled almoit wttboni a dlaaantlng vol(», and the obair decld«l tbat It wat UDanUnooa. A ivaoloUon waa ibea adopted utbeeSccitbataL nembera ot tbe league wbo BIO at ibia time CUas B men tbaU In tbe tuiure be treated aa amateoiB, alnllir In eretr retpeot 10 Claaa A neo, ajid tbat aU otbeia aball Iw deemed proteattonalt. Tbe penalt; for an; aot ot proret. tlooallam wUl tberefore be pnodcal expnlaloo from tbe leagoe. Tbe reault gare general ntlafaciloo. Tbe racing lolea, wblcb are cbasged bj tblaaciloo, now read aafoUowB; An amaianr la one whu hu not ingaiad In. nor u- .Itad lo, nor l*uBbt*oyellog or aay olbwrMogoliad aih- letle aierclM for uon.y or olb*r raonn.rallon, nor knowlnely c«mp«ud WItb or .nlnua ptof.uloa.l for. iriia of anyd.aOTlptlou, or abo,BlUr bBTloR forfeitid h. amauar etalo., baa bad lb* urn. raitoiad by a uaanlmou* rote of tb. BkUoaal Au.Dibly, L. A. W. A 'cycllit CUM. 10 b. ao ataataor by compatlBs with 1 pm- luolonal or maklaa the pac* lor, or barlog the |ibc« inade by lueh In puolle or tor a prize. An amw.or may not compel* In uy race could, of bl, own Btal*, at adUtaac* fraater than one huadrM roll.., by tbauaual line or roac.ol mvel,fnmfalRhiiil i«ijd«Dc«, .leapt at Matlooal or DItI.Iob or cbiMd col- a..K-QBl K-06 ai..B-Kt7i K-UB tt..B-B|.t' K-Kt3 »..K-Kt2 II7..K-R3 B9..K-Ktl 8)..B-Kt7 n..B-q4 ei..n-bus 9I..B-Q4 n..K.St.q M..B-Kt7 U..B-Be »..B-IIl7 97..K-R|<| i8..B-R8 9a..B.Kt7 IOD..B-UII 3 K-H4 P-Ktt + K-HI B.R9 B-bome Kl-KBO KI-Q9 + K-Kte B-Ktt B-<)l B-lfll7 + Kt-B4 Kt-R3 B-Qt K-B 8. aad ' 4 R KB-blil Kt-Bt + X B X Kt Kl-K9lt) Kt-Biai P.Xt4 + I WblUrmlRBi- uuxdaiBO'e xorut, oo.iDBxato. (a) Tbe um. poilllon oceurrwl In a proTloa. _ wh.naplai-*119..QBtoKKi,«l 14..K B tot]9, WDldi w. think ba ought tobaTedooeheta. J (t) To bar 1, waa much b«tt.r: and bli a., wuadia agrartbl. altaraallr., alway. daaaeiuuiwlih both ad' V.IM B. on the board. (•) irh. turning poblt In llill Impurtaat game, a>we piauat It OB d lagtani; ' BLAOX (Br. Btalnlli.) Ko, SI, Vol. «a, BWITOIIKB. , riaT«l In Boibw tacanlly b.t«*Mi W. U. Punw and Ban t^UL Hr. I'anvw morod drat Rowa of tia* Gaoaa. H, \r. I'atUrMin aad J. 1\ KMd rlay«l u> .ahlbllloa I gam. al the Ont Olub rnlerulomeat, Pltubulg, Pa., re- OMily, In which lb. llrlng rl«e<M war. you.B UJIm, tw.lT. blondu and iwtlia Tli.Mrw.rk. ■Til. N.w York litnilleap Th.r* i*«m. DO .l4t*muil of iDt.TMt, and tars rawbata .lgBll.d InlautloDuf Bot Bnliblni Jordan tKat the uu that hnhl. Ih. .purlouB tlU* 10 tb. world', chunploaahlp. tVbll. Fam. IBOD. of th. world*. fotauHMt |<bhj.ta,itlll liii bobaflor la not utlMbclulT eran to h(a awn poopla. U. pt«imi.M] to play Barber, aad ainwl th. cooOlllooa. ud wh.n Buk.r CAllOil fatm, ba fluk^l. Jordan, on th. oonliary, ba. acUil Tory uianlr, ud no dnubl l.vallalil. to lu.ln- lain hiB poBllluB u tha BcvlUlh draught chaaiploB. We aiv palu«l to annooDe* '.bo d.ttb of Ihli rl.Ing ' law of I ,. trOir r , b. dlW oB TuMday Bliht- H* had a ratwiDabty Ubl^u. .r ta.dly-oa.. Poor Boi pr»TlouB al tb. club, u Toang I'lator al Ih. early .- Varky. wa uw him Ui. HalurO: b.dlW oBTuMday Bliht- H* IB many t*ap•cl^ rarr Baaaatlr. ut *o«ra*oli,'y.t iVllI .r.f glatel^il ror pial... III. aatur. wu a curuiua mil. turaof liop*aand fMra. Wf^ th. pbty«t* who kniw him mtaonally.aredMplyirt.vMlalbladaBlw. One of ear Ihmlly IB I WIIITB (Mr. Pill.bury). Mot. mBdo—30. .K U X P.l TbI. t.aulm oiplanallon, Up to thI. pulul ATbll. had .uccwBfully battM with lili dllQcnltlH; b.r. h. had many maru which would hav. laniiW blm an .t.b sain.. We can oely ekplalo bta t to play a niure Ilk. R to g .4, or B10 IC 4. or R 4, — .J g R \ olc , by biB duira to lun Boaia IIIU. rlik In onlerlu avoid adraw, which would aot ,ult blBHor*. Jc) Tbil IbrUi.r ihov. howWbil.bad b.ra.d bUiblp. blud hlui, and wu d.umilnAl lo win or lou. (I) ThiB w. cABDot nnd.nuad. It woabl have been luilMe II While bhl a pioqiMl of obtaining tbrw P. lur hiBplK.; bulb. ha.nut .T.n lliit Miftsr lb.OB. or g. Blaok'B thrut or R ui g 7 piarutB ih. reallutlon af tb.t Idu.«ith*Pb.rota playlagPtoK It4,tb. luUBurak tbough imdiquata, wuuhl bar* bMB iBlal. llglble (I) IWebave now a Tarluble .Bd gam.: « 1 ^ t ^1 M 2 EKtS. gBS, KHft. giCll gBS,qH7, S. EtieKRl Meter wu th* uuallty ol chau |iail*BO* more grmodly rxlilMled lhao Io Iha (bltowlog handllexol hll acaoly Inrteabr lh*uraihl uM hvro.—MlHOX.) BUck inoT«d 47.. Kt lo K a. ebdilug lu pnToDt th* t>oa*lblllly of •ichang- Int hiB r. W DaalAAi. 8uppo^«..KtoKt3: Nowtoproreottf.. I'lo q H «, which wouM probably draw rr>rWhll«,aa It wouM aecute ihe victtaoge of Black'* uoly P, BUck woukl hare to reply IS.. 1*to Kt«; then «tf..P to q H 4 would give WhlUdiawint clitncta (0 II* might etlll pUr lor (h* wne Idea by U.. B to B 7, PutM4+:ftl..Kto Kll In any caw Itwaa to Whila'a adianiai* IO traoafbr theP to H'a die. owing to Black haTlDiawbiteB. (1) [Une mot*look at ih*poaltloa: « 1 41 I I « 1 aiKBi. gbt, gxti, I. I , aigBS, gxta ir anv iin. thiDk. ba can wlu thl. gani.unkk.r llian Mr. lt,dkt,l.tbluahoa Imw.] ni« f^abl* Hateh. It li uuil. unnmeuty to alv. .11 th* aioul* rtnla. tlcoB ror thiB niBlchi, IntrrvBltDN u Itwni ha; aod tha main polnlB ai. all that lb. arara(.cb«ii aniataur and r.Bd.T will car* ror. Th. tuniiu. to coo.lnol .Igbt^dn.1 RtlulaandlialBadva VnIln] Btalu. Tb. d»l. lli«l I. FrUar, UUi pna., and It uy gamu Bra BadBlihMl os thai day Ui» ait I. U Plajed out oo th* followlDg day. Play h to ooomiBi* al w a. a.. New York lima, cuUnua tilllr. ■■: IhMadjourn on. hour; thaa playltomt 1.1 7 For Bolter Game Law*. Tbe anonal meeting of tbe National Dame, Bird and Ftab ProteoUre Aaaoclatlou iraa beld at ObL <»ga, III., Feb. 13, at wblcb mattere relating to ibe paatageof better laws for tbe piotecilon ol game In rarloiia pant ot tbe conotr; were dltooaaed. B, Baird, tbe attomej ot Uie aaioclatlon, baa drafted a bill wblcb la Intended to amend tbe Inter-Slate commerce act. to at to regnlatetbe tiaioc In wild game, makbig It uniawtnl for tn; nllroad or olber compaor to reoeire for ablpmeal anr aoit ot game tmm BOX part of tbe United Slaua to a point out- side of tbe United Siatee. unleu tbe name be con. aplcuoiuly labelled "wUd ninie," wllb kind and quBlltf of Bucb atated, and ine cooalgnora and con* Bigneea nauiea giren In tall, tbe penally tor Ibe breaking ot tbe law to be tbe raiie aa tor tbe other panaot tbe lnler.Suttacommirce law.viz.: Aline or from tloo to (1,000. (kiplea of tbla ^ilU wen or. deivd printed bj (be aaaodatlon and tent to eacb member to be need br blm bi eecurlng tbe adoption of tbe eald law b; Oongieea. ■ i»i TAoBoaghly Covor* All Departmeata. TheNewOrtnuuDtuldteZeUung. TUB NkwYoRK CLirraa.tha clabratad iportlBgand dramaMo Journal, ha. luued Ju ANXOal„ which will h* accordMlaburtywrlcom.. 111.abladbooktborongbly cuv.rlojc all th. a.partfflButa, ud oofiUla. dulrabl. rM. oiOa ToMlricallittldoctloni, drat appaaranc**, but raC' Old. Id tb. a.ld, od tb* track, lb. diamond and tbe BTldlron cBB be r«adlbr rafenid to. A Hit ot death, lo tbaproronloa laanotb«rfuture. TbbAxnoal l.haBd' llluitialed with numeiou. attlitlc half lone euu of calebrila.. A Complete Reeanl of Facia. n« A'ao OrteoMi Ftccfwu, TU ruafUM butaclTwlaocpy oT TUB New YoaK ULirfBH AaxUAL lor 198. Bach year tbl. Taluable pub. lIcatloB ha. ImproTed, until dow It baa become a com. plat, lacord or tuu coDcaralog ludbg .t*du Ib aU da. paitmeBU ofipoit and tbwtrlcal dolagB. BtaOBltl be In the Hsade or AU. Fnm T^c San iyoncUtD ihiKrftn. TUB CUIVBH ANXUAL abould b. iB tb. bud. or ariry .porting mao, tie he aa amateur or pnlbeelooal. It con. tain, raucb lorormatlon touching UHin erary line of .porta. BapecUllr Ib Ibe Toluae valuable for a re[.r.Dce le looking up rKoid.. iBwalaable for Rer«raBC*. />om 771c Aouon frenlao AccoM, Tub AxxiiAi for iiao, IuumI by TUk Haw YoaK niirria, Ib a complau craipeodlum of allklad.or ipoitaand U iDvalu.ble for r.r.r«oc* on all upka .r tarC track or water. Flaely EXBCalad Portiatla. FroM Tkf. BMtoa Cbiirtir. TuaCuprBaAs.tOALforlen la full of Inlarwting In. foniialloo and will ba found eipeclally vduable by thoa* fund of tbe mulv .porta. Tbet«ar«Mm.flD*ly.aMot« poniBlu of albute^ Bolon ud utiaaiM. .1*., and the whole form! u eaoaedlDgly hudiois. eaa baody book ol ralerenc. TOi CulfaR. M.w VorL KloCBBUy Ulaalralad »tm Tht San frmeUt^ Call, Tub Naw York ourraa AxrtifAL loriest la to bud, ud coouIdb ihB.trical ud ^Mrtlog cbrvaologlM for viii a llitofdealba In theamoumeniprofa^loo: eqaatlo, trot ting ud blcydloB ibcciUb; hitvbill orick.L blllUld., ale.; rmtdB,-frut.lttlm.aDdb«ttFer1(iraiuca. lB.ll d.paitmuti of .port. It l< altgaotly llluutalad, ud u abo«k for r«adlD|ud raletBoce iBlnralDabl.. Woith lu Weight la Oold J»4 .Vno orlraiu AtiUnp TMcpraB. Tub Nbw Tobk Curraa hBBpubllakMl lla axsuai for IS8. ud Ui. book I. abooat worth ll. ..Icht tn aoU. con- talnlngacconl.dauorav.ryivor' —* '— - -■ or olh.rwlu, occnrriog durioB uie conulo. lableaoriuccuilv. cMmplou ofatblalic., row~ ega cbainplonibipmeetloia, or by rpadal permluiun of tile moGkber of tb. raoing boanl or ibu dl.ulct A 'cyellit doe. not bli atatae by tucbloit ihi elMD.nta of 'oycllog Mlaly for tiie porpoa* or tgMliog tb. aal«ora 'cyola; but racing men la uie employ ol 'cr- cllog uubllinmenu may b* tiatilfwT.d to tb. pnir«;h. ■lonal due. Tbe amendment offered by Oblet Oonanl Poller, of New York. aboUablog racing, waa defeated, tbe Anembly deciding by a role ot l3i to 40 to rcialu control orerall departmeatiof 'cycle racing. An attempt wiu made to bare rotore annual meellnitt ol tbe acKmblr In tbe tnoDib ot January, bui tbe move failed, alinoogb ibe dale waa obaogtd from tbe lecond Hondayla Febniary to tbe tecond wed- neaday. It waa left optional wllb tbe aatembly lu Belect Uie place of meeting for Ibe nailunal aaum. bir, or to confer tbla power OU tbe ExecQtlreCom mlitee. Tbe value ot tbe ptlzea to be awarded In ama- teur eventt waa reduced rnm tM 10 Vi, and It waa decided tbat any itaaieor wbo neglecta or retutea 10 anawer quatUoiii touching bla tiaiua to tbe aatlilaotlon 01 tbe Riolng Board, and wltbln tbirty days, aball be tranateinia to tbe proteatlonal lanka, aod aball bare no tutber oppoitnnlty for beaflngor appeal. Tbe tolloving appUcaUono from racing men for rebiautement were acted favorablv npon: H Farker Rich. Hirrlabnn, Pa,: B.;. John, Heir Orleana: L. A. Ryer, Jersey Olty; A, W, CUaver, Oblcago; Albett H, Price, QbentiKy,; Jamea VT, Oairy, Aurora, 111. TbeappUcaUona of W. B.FaUlog, BaldwInvUle, N. A; EnieitBlggt,aeorge Asdenon, Uanoon Beet, Uavid Reed and E. W. Roblneon, Qutbile, la.; Henry Peny, Oregon; C. A. Diamond, Iowa; K.A. BnutiKaniaa Olty; B, 0,Roblnaon, Ptattabnig,.N. Y., wererefoaed. Ublet Oonaol Potior, ot New York^ieaented an appeal to tbe Aatembly fion Fred Tllnii, ot Ne«r York, tbe Olasa B racing man, wbo baa bean per- maneotly euapended by tni Raobig Board, teeking lebutatemeot, or at leatl a itdnotlon ot bit period ot tuntenalon. Tbe metlia ot tbe care were dlt- cttS8eifatlengtb,aDd ibe nneeilig tbowed a dlapo- dUoD to condder blB caae favorably, Itwaaeug- Ealed that, la view ot tbe rdnalatement of Obarley utpby and tbe fnnk confeadon from TItnt ot Ua conneoUoa wltb tbe caae, a recommendaUoo be made to ibe Raoinf Board tbit tbey Hz Ibe time of antpeBslon upon TItna and L, B, Otbanne, of Bl. Loola, bit lam mate, wbo Is ilao tnapended tor one year, to a petlod oot to exceed one year from ibe data ot tbe Inttaodon ot the niea. Tble modon waa unanlnoualy carried. Tbe qteetlon ot Sunday nc. log bioDgbt loitb conaldertble ditontalon. Tbe RacUig Board recommended tbat dlrltloni receive tbe power to oountenance bicycle racing on Sonday It tbey aee lit, but Uie ABaonbiy deoMeo tbat anob a role would be a violation of ite pdnclplea ot tbe L. A. W., and Ibe modon waa lott. Tbe Ceatary Boad Clab Laat we«k announced tbe aocepunce ot tbe follow log State, conree, yearly mileage aod American tec- orda made during tbe aeaaoa ot mi: Ffoe TnHes.—11m, llKa.,aeorg* Hamlin, caUtor. nla, Nov, 17; American record. Ten rnfln,—zim, tia., B, D, Byrne, OcL »; Call- tornla record, noeiKp-^lea tnila.—eim. set.. A. B. MoDonneii, BuiTalo-Corfu coune, Oot. II; American record. Srnntv-Uiree niOa,—'.lb, Mn. Zla., A. B, McDon- nell, Ballblo to Rocbeater, V. Y„ Oct 22; conrgc record. Ont rumOrta mfl0.—Ib, 40m, St., A. B. UcUou. neu. Eile to Boffalo, N. Y.; Ameilcan record. Jftoioe twonlt.—14,178 mllee, R. E. O'Oonoor, llUnoU (ecord; 11,439 mllet and 18 ceninrlet, T, W. Rea, tonlb Vsgoua record; 10,311 mUeaTw, A, Rabey, Kentucky record, and 02 centorlea, Amerl- oan lecord; 9,491 mlleaand44ceninrte8, L. T. Brod. etone, Nebiaaka record; «,3n mllee and 13 ceu. tuilea, J. A. Fauiater, Iowa lecoid; B,eu mUea, B. M. MaiTtil, Maryland record. Tbe olub centnty banner baa been awarded 10 tbe Lbicoln'Qyoling Olub,ot Oblcago, IIL, wbote memiierarode flOl centurlet duilngiroft. Tbe Hoe Umli tor ceninry riding baa been reduced ttom alx- leen to fourteen boni& log,'cycling, tha tori, ud, lofKt..v«ry brueb of .port. It alBo cODtaloi a UiMUlcalchronology for IBBS: a llBt ol dHth. In th. uiuuBHtprofMBluo; laolog ud tnttloB rKolda All Ihnugb It ara bair toH nnu ol ramou. atuia aod acuanu ud .thl.ta.1. It li wllboat doubt thomonvalutbl. book or lu kind In .alBtan<«,and TAc TyicgniBirelutaalbubraraaipy. Haailaam* llalfToae Portrait*. >'nm Tke nlea Obttrw. Tb. ohl rallabU Miw YorH (XtPrxB'a A.iltt>At lor IM bu mad* IIB appaaranc* and I. more (onipleu thu aver wlUi oinclal rNoNB orauuaUo and athletic Bpona raolea buaball ud thealriral nawa Bandaome half iobu add much 10 the work. aeplale Wllb lB(bnaalIoB. Frrm IA< CVkKopo mur-atan. ram CLirraa ASNOAL for igot I, u itntcUre. compact and lUuilrated pobllcatkiB,twpl»a wliha TulagiouDtor inrorm.tlon. It contBlna tbutrieal and eponloK chrDaologles tor ISSa, a llu or d.ub. In Ihi S5?'?!;i'-J^£irt"^,i""'"*' "<l "blatl. p.rlom. ut«, raclog and troltlng tacoida, bautidl, crich.1. blUlud., noom. of raBtaat tim. ud Ui. bM pirflm- uc*. Id .11 d^iartmanu orapoit. —•I'nora SBrpitM** all PravlOB* Ruabega. IVva The 87«Bhmr01r gkvnlap s$ar. u?!?IIS\«l"f,'' Kit, a lalfBlBcaut public*. tlOB Uon our UMa. ItnipaUM .11 ptevlsn. niunbws ol tb. Abbcai. In mnlwt. aad buuty .r lu UluUraUoaL and conulD. Talnabhi biformaUOD S >li^ii,ma SSl luPortJBluoflMdUlgpiofeealoiSi ai*ane.p*dmKUoflh..ngiBtu'l*it TBb OOBPIBBMOB ot-motaal accident lotuiance companlea beld ki Boeion, Hata,, laat week, tor tbe pnipoae ol ditniiaing tbe Mcyollu aa an accident rltk, niuulmonaly readved ibat bicycling la a baiardoua oeoopatlon, wbleb tbey ooula not maun agalnal at the ptetent ratet ot premium, and ibai bereatier me 'oycler wlu btvi to nay double tor bu Intoiuce, or receive lete lotleininty, or give op bi- cycling to far aa bla accident Inanntnce la cou- cemetl. Billy Uaidbn haa projected a ladlet' IntemaUoo- al alx <la;a race, to be conduwed on coodlUooi Bimllai to tboae goTerning the recent tourney ai KadlBOBDqnare Oarden, tua city, to take place al tbe Royal wegtmlnster Aguailnm, London, Cog., beginning April a. FnnUe Meltiin, ot Brooklyn, tbe wiener at tbe late tonnanent ben, will he one ot Ibe two nden wbo an 10 npittent tbe United Sutaa, Tax Wea>ebealer(y.Y.)Oycllng League beld lie annual election laat week, ibe foUowleg oUcera being cboeao: Ptaaldent U. K. Priea, Uugaeooi Wbeeliwn, ot New Rocbelle; vice ptealdeat. Dr. Adaiiia, Tuiylown Wbeelotn; aeoniary and treaa- ni«r, Onarlet Burabam, Yotkera Bicycle Olub; cap- tain, Oeoige Wbeeltr, Hoenl Vernon Wbeelmen; lleotenanl, a T. Kuobler, New Boobelie Wbeelmen. a B. Wbub, a member ot ibe Byiaonte Racing team, la taM to bave iMden tbree-onarieia at a niUe, from a Hying tiait, paced by two "qoada," In 101,18c, In a trial agalnat Ume, at Ootonado, Cel., Feb, 12. A.E.McCUA,amember ot Ibe Biiaouae ladng team, la npottad to have ndd*n a bicycle agautt time, paced by two "gnada," from a atandlng atari, ooexOlebilnLdaM,. wblob btaitardmeUiantbe dlBtanee wat ever baton itddan ti.