New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuabt 22. THE NEW YOKK CLIPPER, 811 WAHTI Tan POM> OKOVaDS. Park Co»mlMto»«rM«MIII»» Pi»yoiai to Oat • Btratt Thnagh Haw Verk'a BsU Park*. me looal tauetell eottiiulula wan (Iren i bU or luipriilDC aim teatwMk, wben Pkck Oonunlaalostr HcUUten togfcited • Mlieiii« thit lis tawluulniider coMl4v*<X>D for aonw tUM. UU tooaoatRM Ihnagh lUnliMliii Field and tlie Polo Qrooiida for ta M*T •pp'OMh to tlia new Speadwaj tint 0>» Huteni Blrer, Sbonld be be lUowed lo cinroot bU pel project It would kill b«Mb»U In tble oltj. Wberatbece li om owner o(a Irottlsg bone tbere tnt iboimod lorenotbufbtll.wbodonotpown even • car bom. From prewnt lodlcaUoiia tbe Speed «»j will not be inlibed (or seveml jun, bat Uut does not kweer to nuke nj dliTerence to tbo commlialoner. Mr. HoMlUin anpeanresdjaixl au- lone to ■acrUc* ine two great ball Oeldi to mdair a veiT (ew penont wbo are rortaoat« eooogh lo own trouing bonei. Ho aafa tbat bonemen obletted lo tb( tlae of four (eclin a bandrad la reacblog lbs new Spaedwar and Ibe annilng decUvltj o( aboat tbe ■use proportion. It saenu nttbcr airange tbat tbla oblacuon wai not dIacoTartd before lo mDcb of tbe work bad been dona. Tbe daairuotlon of Hanbsiun FMld and tbe Polo Qrounda meana tbe ditvlog oat ol tbla clij basaliaU and football. Tbere la not an- oibar available piece ofprepenr aoatbof tbe Uarlem Rirar tbat could be aUUzed for tbat pnipoea. It la a well known ticttbaiovcra nllllon people wlinoaa IM baaeball gtmci durlog tbe eaau>n,anl iheir itgbta Bhould be itapaoted. Mr. UoHUlan aid Uat Ue plana lo axlend BndUaral Avenaa nod innatonn It Inu, or, ratber, graft It npon. tbe Speadwaj bad been dlacoaaed bj tbe Park Board, bat no dttolie action baa ret been Uken. Ue InU' natad, bowevw, tbat ibera la no doubt tbe exteQ- Bioa will be made. The board la almoat a null lo favortns Ue plan. Bhould an oAldal de oMon to tbat end be arrtved at, notblog wonid noaln lo be done bat to aak tbe Board of Street loproveoiant lo order Ibe opening of ibe avenue (rem On* Hundred and Fltij'Odn Street lo tbe itver, and ibe coiiimlsiloneM will make tbe avenue loio a Spetdmr. It I* (urtber alleged Uiattbe cli; taa a rigbt to cot tbla avenue tbrougb wltboni con- demnanon oeiamonlea and axptnaea. Tbe propart; Oalongs to Ibe Ljncb eatate, and Mr. HoHlIian akja iba city Bome ftm ago waa granted tbo rigtat lo contlnne Bmdbunc Avenue tbrougb tbe i^acb eauie In retain (or certain comldentlona, bat Jaa. J.Ooogao, wbo baa tbe managanient of ibaLjncb taiate, poalilvelj denlea tbat »aj aucb agreement was ever made. Wben naked wbetber tbe work would be ooDunenced tbla Summer, providing It waa decided to make Iba obange In tbe Bpecdwajt courae, Mr. MoHillaa aald be waa not pRpnrad to answer tbac, but aaw no reason wbj It ehould not be pot In band u aoon aa poaalbla. Wbanltwaa mantloned to bio tbat iba dlipoaaeaslon ol tbe New York Clnb o( lla grounds at tbla lime would make It Impoaalble for a new gronnd to be lilted up la time for iba opening of Ina champlonablp aeaaon, onlv a Uule mors tban two montba awaj, and tbat aucn a dilemma would not onlj kill baaaDall In tbla city, but would Injure tbe oinba of tbe otbar aleveu clues, be asld tbat be la a promoter ntber tban a desoojer ot Held aports,and be tboogbt Ibatibe commlaalonen would take no aotton wblota mlgbt do permanent Injurrto baseball crotbaraportain tbla clij. Tban are manj panona wbo are bictarlr opposed to Hr. HoUUIan'a plan. Tbaj argue tbat tbe New York Olab would nave to go above tbe Harlem River to aecute a sallabia pleca ot property for ball gfounils, and tbat would ue loo nr away, In tbe ont place, aa It mtana tbe consumption of from Ibrae quarten of an boor to an bour addlUonal time bi golsg and coming to and from ttie games It also maau two car fateseacb way Insteadof one, as Is now Ibe case. It mlgbt better be old tbat It meana Iba deatta of baaeball In this clly, for tbe pntiUo would not put op wltb aucb biconvanleneea aa would bo unavoidable U tbe club la forced lo look for groonda above tbe Harlem Hlver. Beside tbe iDluty to baseball, llabonld drtve football ganea out o( tbe city, aa tbe big colleget would go elas- where If deprived ot Hanbsttfn Field, and Kew York would never gat anob Qeld exhibitions aa were tba International gamaa laat Summer. A promlneut troubig bone owner aald: "I tall to aee ine oenent horsemenoan derive from tbe proposed oewapproacb to tbe Speedway. To reacb It one would be com- pelled to dilve under Iba elevated nllrosdand cms the fonbconing lilgbtb Avenue cable car tracks when driving out by way ot Cantial Park or Flfib Avenae. People wbo go Noitb on Rlveialde Drive and tbe Bouleiard couTdnt gel down to li at all. By tba appioaob from iba and o( St. Klcbolaa Place drivers (rom the Weet Side bava an eaay and aa(o approaob br way o( Bavantb Avenue and tbe Tla- dact, and Ina West Elders can use tbo Boulevard without taking chances wlita elavatad roads snd cable can," Preeldent Freedman, ot tba New YorkOlnb, doaa not think tbat there la any Immedlsia cause (or worrying, aa be doea nottblnk any dalnlla acllon will be uken In the matter Ibis at all. He tbbiks that wben tbe subjeot bas bean thoroughly dla- casaed and wall aodetstood, tbat tbe puollo wUl have noUibglo fear in tbe way o( bavlog a lUnet cut Ibroogli tbe two most famous gronnds In tbis counny. "I lell you," be aald, "Uils ibbig never dlstorbed nea bIL I never conaldered ibe pnpo' Bltlou aailoaely. Hy own knowledge told melt was ntteily ImpmcUcsbla. Ifa a vaiT stranga matter, however. Two weeka ago I received an odar for tbe lease ol Hanbattan Field, and waa also aaked lo place a price npon tbo atanda and bnlldlnga, aa It waa Intended to remove tbeaa from the Held. I could not and out what tba property waa to be natd (or, but waa aasutad that It was no amnsement en- terprise wblcb would Intarfera wtih iba Polo Oroinda. In tbe tour yeara I have bad obarga of Manhauu Field, I waa never appnaobed In a ilml- lar way, but now it Is propoaed lo cut up tbe ground aflarl refused to tell tbe lease. At lander- atand It, Ibe Park Board, for whloh I have the greatest nspeot, conalata of a body of gentlemen wbo are appointed by the Mayor, for tba parpoae ol aoparntliVi malntalnbig, creating and beautuyiag recreation apoM wltbln the city Umlls, and noi for Ibe puipcae ot daatroylng the Inieietbi In sports and baalibral smusemenis for tbe gntUca- Uon ot one penonal desire. I have ueea In- formed thai Kr. HoHUIan auted to ibe le- Poners that be waa placed In tbe poslilon of ark Oommlaloaer tbrougb tbe Innuenoe ot trot- dug horgamen, and that be would do all be could lo aee that tbey would gat everything ttatwas com- ing to ttaem. I have been for many yean a trot- ting borea driver In New York, bavlng owned and driven tati bones till recently. I have Indulged la taat borstal have bad otbeis lo bona abows, have won pitzea at Hadlaon Sqnaie dardaa, and I pilda myaelf open being compelant to give my opinion about honea as well aa most ordinary laymen. It can eatllrba found out tbat tbeaa It not today In Ibe clly o{ New York one trotting bona where then were twenty ten yean ago, and I doubt very much wbeibar In tbla entire city there are three hundred hones ttiat can not In 2.W or belter. Mr, HoHUIan, tudglog from bit alalement, ovarkwka tbe fact that lla omce waa given to bim for tba benit ot Ibe pub- lic, and not for Iba few ttotUng home nieiL when I uy Ike public I mean the thirty tbooatnd people who go to Hanbattan Field on one dat to aee a col- lege rooUall game, tba tan ihouaand people wbo aland npon the viaduct and bluOa to tea the game free, the half million people wbo go to Iba Polo OroundB lo aee tbe ball games, the lame onwda who aee tbe ficotUab gamea, tba variooa collage Smes, Inleinatlonai games, bicycle ncea and all emaDyaports that lake place upon Uanhatlan Field, and I waa told by one of tbe Park Ooomlt- riooen that be Is aware of tbe taa tbitatone S'UM beld at Hanbatlan Field Ibera wen many ouaandmorDibaiday than would lie teen upon the Speedway In yean. It aeema to ma tbaltnlalaa caae of wanton deatmoilon. I have been toM tbat Mr. HoMllUn la alone In the poalUon ha baa taken aa ranrda the Speedway, and tbat be I* tborougbly onfamlllir with thecondlUona and poweraofbla oDIce. Ibe Park Hoard, aa atated lo ma by a com- mlisloaer, has not the powerof opeslajt • atrect tbrougb tbeae gnunda. Tbey can timply itqaest tbe Boaid of Smet Opening to open the airaeL In any event ibla woold neceaaliale legal couipllca- uona ana oondomnatoiy proceedlnga, and tbe Leg- lalatam would also be re«ulred lo give the !)p««d way OommUslon tba tight to acquire by purchaae or olberwlaa Ihcae groonda, oraucn gronnda u tbey inlghl deain; and tbey would also rtqulra mm the I«alalanra a grant of money for ue pnrwae of buDdlog Ibla Speedway through the groundi, Ibua ladlctliif npon the taxpayen anolber burden plua tbe mUllonaalKady expended. Dradbirtt Avenue Isnotpnpeny and could not be made a proper ap- pnacn lo Ibe Speedway without acqgltlni more . — lonaleonly raUiy land ataveiT high coat. The aveuoa feet b> wMlii, beglonlng where One Uandrad and Flfiy-Hftb Btnet la a aide bill, deacerdlsR at a very aharpaagletolbebed otuiealrael, wblchlallftaen feet above the level ot Hanbattan Raid and the th. i«.S?^ " »• etreat On a Una aoiib ol SS.f^L.*'.'™"?' On nandnd and ntw SJ5!f.'2?fi P"»?d Aallnad bolda a leaaa oi^ 7."i2il,°S.'' "".S*' Ju-Pceea. which ^^liL'S^ tttaclcytolbe railroad nn- bZAJ^L^"' agreement. To approach ""X l'l" Slivel would be by Eli'.^TS'S.''' t'"""*'' and onder the elevtlad imll- fSJr.fSr.i'"'"*'' ''•doot colunuis-iba one SiS.'Si.'iSI?"?'^ Aa the approach IJl.m L?SiJ?7*^ " "o'-cne can raacb It direct ^om Seventh Avenue over the viaduct, which opena Si!SS-.i'".1.J^S Speedway, avoiding the eHvattd R. uMs^S.I,'*''""?'?*'*- THa decline ipoken of byHr.HcHtllan as being too great from Ibe an- Oancaat One Hundred aud Flfiy-Otib Blitet lo Ike 2,?S^"*^ S??" " » nwe ikan Ibe grade wblchwoaldbenecetaary to have II nude abora One Uundted and SIxllelh SlraeL It la a matter of record mat hones driven tor tpccd pnrpotes are at- S.'i.llU'' '^SS" "eld""'* tblrty-nve to two hundred and flfly pounda, containing one, and ollon two peiBons. If the claae ot horaea tbat an to he driven on tkU Speedway cannot take the grade, dnwinga llgbi wagon with a total weight of Ave nnndrednonuda, tbenlhayan not worth; to go on tbe Speedway, for they do no credit to the iroiilDg bone clats-" ° diamoud pibld oosaip. I<Bt«st BaylBgs aad DelB||s o( the Basa< ball Piaterally. Dr. ). II. Stuckey, prealdeut of llie LouUvUla Club, aald In a itcenl Interview: "The make up of the Loultvllle team baa not been fully decided upon. We have a number of pronlalog young pityen who wlU be given a ulal before we bava decided inai bow tbey will be placed. HcCrcaiy li a coming SItcbar. Ue la blemed with one easeoilal glli, conb- ence la binseir. lla will have a chance to ahow what he can do during the coming season- Fnzler, the new man, baa a good repuuuon. When ha oe- comea aaatoned he ought ui pitch good liall. It la not lenerally known that Uolmca, oar brtlllaul llula ouUeder, It a due pitcher. He waaorlgloally algned by ua 10 do hla mare of the pllclilog. I ccnalder bim one of tbe coming atara. Last year he waa kepi In the outdeld becauaa ot his balling quallUea. Tbe coning seatou be will ba given a trial on Ibe InBeld. 1 rontlder Wright one of tbe beat centre Mldare I know anything about lie led the South- ern League In balUog, and alao the Fannsylvania Slate League tbe pracedlogaeaaon. He alio led la Holding. I think be will do for centre deld. Tbe greatest pitcher that we bave la UcDermotL He can pitcb good, aleady ball when be wants to. He- Dermotl It looking beuernow tban I aver taw him. Hantged right, UcUermoll will pllcb sinning ball for Louisville. Ua reallr^a Ibat It la to bit Inieml to do ao. Wltb Iba addlUosalhelpof Wayhing, HUl, Uerman, Semple, Clauaon, Leeson, McCreary and Smith, LonlsvlUe should be able lo pieaent a atrong front In tba pllchen' poilUou. It Ui eipecle<t ibai aomeolthaaeplayere will develop hitatiaia. Smith especially gives promlae. Ue la a bis, One looking reuow, ana atrongly luemblea Amoa Ruale; be may proved at great a wonder as Ruale, wbo knowa Oataldy seems to be a dxlure at Ont hate, though Fuller wUI pntb htm for the place. Tlie lailer la a One fellow. O'Brien, of courae, will play aecobd bate. He vrlll capbila tbe team. He It a epieadid Indeld player and undenlaadaall tbe One polnia of tbe game. Ue playa wltb hla head as well as with bit handa. Third base and abort atop are the weak points, for Ibe former, Uutchljon, nadton and uaxler are caudldaies. For abort atop there are Shannon, Uolmea, Eottance, Haaamacar and teller who will be tried. Tbe oulOelden are Clarke, Wright and Hcl'ariaud, who will form a irlo that can hardly bo well Improved upon by ua. Qeorge HUler can be uied as general utility nnii. Mntt of hit work, however, will be behind tbe bat. Ue will bavo for aaalatants Warai;!^ Doylo and Dtxier. LoaUvUIe will be well ud In baiUog ibia year, Judg- ing frem tbe outlook. Nearly all of the men bare good records at Ibe bat, and I expect lo aee our team well up In tbe next chamolooanlD nee." The New Yorka will pnbablr open the coming chsmptonsblp seaaon at Waablngton, U. C, while the Brooklyns will go to Baltimore, Ud., and the Bostons win go to Philadelphia, Pa. Tnat would bo a good move all around, for New York and Waab- lngton Invariably bave a lively acunie at ibelr lliat maetlngt. THen, too, the New Vorkt have many admlren at the capital oliy, and tbey ahould be given a ilabi royal welcome. It will certainly bean amusing sight to wstch Arthur Irwin on tbe coacb- log linesalgnalling lo hla players, while Qua- Bchmelz will mate hla algnala frem toe pityera' bench. Tbat wUl be a great comolnatlon for Ihe public to buck np agalnat. Tbere ahould alto be a lively uieetlnR between tbe Brooklyn aud Ualtlmora teama at the Honumeoul City. The Btooklyua ahould prove a slambllog stone In the vray ntthe champions Ibis year. Tbere was a lime wben tbe Baltluiorea wero conaldered "dead eaay game" for ihaBrooklyna, but that was before tbey were asairoogatthey are now. Tba Btooklyna, too, have beensirengihaued con- aldenbly during the paat Winter, and ahould uuke a brilliant atand agalnat Ibe chsmplona. At Phila- delphia anolber Iniervatlng event will take place. Tbe reconatiuclad Boston team will be tbe Pblla- delphlas' opponents, and tbey abould draw big crowda to wilneaa their meailnga- CsplaUi Nub, formerly for yean ot IbeBoitont, will try and COU' vlnca hie old club that It insda a mitiake In reieas- big him to Ibe qoakerUliy Club by trying lo nuke the lallsr defeat his old team. Then, loo, many persona will be anxloua to aee which club got the better ot the deal m which Nash and Hamilton were Iba chief cbanclen. Tbe Boatoot will bave a new captain In tbo peraon of Hugh Uujy.and blawork npon Ihe deld will be cloatly watcoed, and cou- patliona will he nude between It and that dona by CapulsNaab, oftbs PbUadelpblsa. A meeting be- iween these rival teams tbould be well worth going miles to see. Captain Bwlng, ot tba ClocIanaU team, laid re- cently: "I expeot to take ibiee^tcbera, aaven pllchen, three InSelden and tour oaidelden along 10 New Utieana on March A. While I do not want to Indulge In any boaais, I cUlm tbat our Item la ttronger In three etaentui features mis year tban it was laat season, and this ought lo make ua Improve ourpoiltlon. They are hatling,pltchuig and calob- Ing. I'll aumlt mat latbam u a beuer haiauan than It Irwin, but the latter Is bit luperlorUi Qeld- Ing. Vbat we loes In Latham la baiung Is more than made up by the resppearence ot Uolllday, wbo waa oil ine team three qnanere of lam aeaaon through alokness,and Falls, wholsu good a batter aa there bi In tbe major league. As lo our pllchen, we are bound to be belter than we were lattyea-. Tbere la no chance of being worte. 1 don't know ot a team tbat waa woras off In the box last aeaaon tban we wan. Uwyer, who did aplendid work, waa never at his best. Ue hurt blnuell In Ibe Spring, snd It bothered bim sUaesson. Patrou wat erTailc and conld not be depended upon. Phillips was ton. Foreman was Injured, and, while Ithlnea pitched good baU, I think he will do beuer Ihla year, ruber waa the iiest piuber Ui the Western League last aeaaon, snd Davis may provo to bo a wonder. J bave great cooOdenoe In cbret. Uo baa taught oia 10 teipeot him. Wben I waa with the Uavehind team Ehnt uaed lo fool ua all. In one aaaaon be pltcbed seven games for tba rituborgs agabitt na, and won tlx of them. It he haan'l lutt hla cunolog he wui earn his wisry pliehlng agabut tbo Cleve- lands. I Iblnk we are fully one hundred per cent auonier behind the bat tban we were isataeasoo, On our laat uip Kaat laat rear ourcatchen wen awayoir. I don't believe Iheycangbt hal(ado»n bate runner*. Tbla waa a big baudlcap. I don't Iblnk we win be that badly off during the approach- ing campalgu. ltPelli,Viiaghnaadareyareupto tbalr naual form, baae ruunen will be very careful about uklng Ubeniea wltb tbeoL" Haiager Bnckanberger, wbo will have charge of tbe Toronto team, ol the Eaatarn League, aald In a recenl Interview: "Wbv, then la lolaolbaaebaUen- tboslaam at Toronto. Wben I waa up tbere a abort time ago, I met acona ot people wbo loM me thai a winning team there this year wlU make plenty at money, and I'll try my beat to give tbem a winner. I bava a One lot of playen already from an Eaatern League alandpoint, and I thlak uey wUI be In the racetromalanloaoUh. Tban arelbouaaodaofdne people In Toronto wbo adoln baaeball, and Ills my gnaiaat ambition toglvetbemtba beat tbat can M Fomlabed by Ihe teama of our league. I wUl reium to Toronto on Harcb 1 and commence work In earnest wltb tbe players. Tbey will bave ahont a monih'a praoUca before the ihanplonahlp aeaaon b«lna. and they abouM be In pniiy good trim l>y IbatUma." John OorkblU, ibeex profaaalonal player, who for some time past baa been In ibe grocery boaloeaa In Bloctlon, N. J., has been appointed chief 0( police of that town. Ootkblll waa at one time a meoiUer of tbo PblladelpbU police force. Bloctlon la a towa of nearly «,000 Inhabltanta, and lha people Iblnk they bave agrtatcblef la OorkblU. "rets" Browning, the veteran player, la anxlona tor anotber trial during the comlog aeaion. II la mU tbat be baa bcsnn lo tnln, and bo expects to TlnoUiy Hunt, Ihe welltknownCand popularum- plre, WlU once more handle the Igdigalur tor Ibe national League aud American Aaaoclatlon. He has been rcsppolnled for the (.-onUog season by Preiltlent Young, aud Ihe laiier could not bave made a belter ulecilon, ua Uurat la generally looked upon aa being one of lha beat and most fearieu umi>lr«a In the butloeu. lie waa born June 90,18SS, at Ath- laud. Pa., and aurted out as an umpire In tba Penu- arlranlaBinte I«sgua In ItM, anighing Ihe aeaaon taere. In ISto he went lo ilie Southern l/wgue, which, however, dialaeded la July ol that year, and he Onlebed lha teasou aa an umpire lu lbs Westera AaaoclaUon. lu l&90be waa engaged by iboonirlnU of theUloneapoluClabtomanageIbelrleam. which had an exciting flnltb that year with tbe Kanaat Ottysfor Ibe cbamplonahlp of that aauiclatlcu, llio taller winning It by a few points, In Itul Hum waa ilgned by President N. £. Young at oneolibeoill- clal umplrea ot the ataitof the .National League, and has u«eu re-engaged at the bcslnulug ot each teasoo aver aluce, except ihat of I69i, when aouo of tbe cluba objected lo him becauao lie wka tho oniclal referee of profuailonal btixlug maicbea. Wben It became kuown Kiai he was nut to bo a major lesguo umpire bo waa Iminedutuly engaged by Pretldent P. T. Powore, of tho Raateru League, and remained wlih tho latter until hist Auruhi, wbon smuffemeuta wero completed whereby he waa rel>*aed, to enable Prealdeut Young to re- engage him (or the major league, and Ur. Young'a aollou waa bcarllly cndiiracd by Iwlb Ibeprciunnd tbe patrons of Ibe game over tbo entire iiiajur lea|uo circuit. While the public bas not alwayi aipecd wltb tbo doclalona given by Cniplro Hunt, It but conceded cue thing, and that hi that ha la striuily boncil. Impartial and fearlraa. It U no eaay matter (o follow a game through (rum taslnnlog lu end anil make no lulatakoa. While It hua lieen done uiauy ilmea, there are plenty of people who will iioi admli It. etpaclally K liio buiiiu tuam la liOAten. An Ihe iiniptn neceaiwrily liaa tliu lieai iHiaNtbln poaltlun Iroiii which In Judgo tho play, and, knowing tho ra- rpuoilblllty ibat reals iipuutiliu lo aeo everylhlog e.var.ily aa It occura, ami tviitlor an Inipariltl riovla- Ion, It would aei-iu reaaoiiable di auppoiia ilini liia Juilgincnt would !■« far iMitier aud more tniM wortliy ibiii tbat u( Iho iiiuro «xi-ltabl« iienona on tlin atauda. Ilurat baa » good oyi*. plenty o( wind and alroug inurtclea. HcatdCH, lie la active, liaa pluck aud theat;llliy tojudgo i|iilckly. wltlinul tl,o lliuugbi iif conaeqiieucea. ana tluit It wliai inakoa liiiii nco uChe boiiiuroptieailialovnrHtotKl liehlnil iliuliniiirt plate. Hume people ihliik ha la auiiieluinit u( a tyiitnt on tho linll llold, tint if U waa nut (iir IiIn proiuploeas lu cliacking tlin iielllguront acilona of UDnily ptayera, llioro are iliiira when ganirri aiiultl end lu aroalt rlois. It li tiU kto'ptiig tho nii-ii lii their placea, and niakliiir llieui atlutut airlcily lo their work, that ban luado tjlui ho MuccciiafiilaDil Btoenlly raspecled, lla la popular wltb tbo iiubllo Ma wall aa Hie players. VresMenl Fretdnian, o( Ibe Mew York Olnb, wUI spare neither talwr xr expente In giving the local palnns a| winner Ibis jesr.aid be Is leaving no tlote nnlurned lo accomplUta that rnd. Ue baa de- cltltd to cancel Ihe exhibition games that had been tntngcd lor the Kew Yorts to phty on Ibelr way bono from Florida, ader lhay bave dntabed ihelr iralnlng. When lha men leave ibelr temporary qwrlcn at Jaohsnnvlllo. na.,abnnl the laat of neit nootb, they will come rilreolto Ibis city, when lha ■nltblng louobea will he pul on at the l<Dloaroanda, Ur, Frcciliuan aaya he will lake no cbaacca o( the ni» getllDg bun or lielni Incaparlttieil li> any altar nieana. It ho ran piwliily help It. Bhould the learn fall by Ihc read aliloilnring Ihe coning acaana, no one ran lay tho lilanir at Pnaldent Prcedman^ door. Kvety Uicenllve will lie beld out lu the nlay. en to do good work, and ir Ibey tall lo proOt bylt ttatn they will have only Ibtnuwlrca to blame. If tba men oould Im Imiuahl in undereuad that their talailea inma (nmi ino box oiilce rtcetpta, they would probably oxtrl IhoinaelTra lu Ibelr ntmoat In hare thrni aa Urge aa potaliili'; (or the greater tbo annunt Uken In at Iho galea, Ibe Iwtlar Ibelr chance* will bo for getting an Increaie In aalaty whon asked. Uanagcr.llaulon, nf tho llaltlmino CInti, haa con- ohided all of hU ■rraiigcnienla for IbeKprlogpnic- tke gaiuea In Virginia. Ttieao will, ul courae, be pttynl by the charaplona on their war home from Macon, lla .furwliluhplacolho train will elan on •lihtr Marab 14 or l.^. At Utrim than will ta tort or twelve days nl iiiilnlcrni|ilod pncilre, after whloh tken will probably Im gaiuea a*. iMIiimlma, Alheu, ■ad porhapa duo ur iwn uihrr lleiiralan polnta. Bo- Sinning Amil 3, whon the tram will play lha l,jncb- argaunllioKrouiiilaur ihK ltiter,lhe prosranime wlinio aa fulluna: April 3,al llonnako;«.al Norfolk; Ol at rulcraburii; T, at lllrbmond; t, si Pelcttliunr; V, at I'nrlimoiiili, anil 10, at Noifnlk. After < hU Ibe team will Icavo (nr llalitmi'ie.anil will pmlialily play at home with tlia New llavi'iia, ol iho Atlanilr AiunrUtlon, and tho Toniutoa, ii( tho Kaatern league. Manager Ihttia, uf Iho Ourecll llnlveially team, haa arraiigcil tliu (kIIuwIpk arlieilulo of gamea: April-J], iliiliait, al Ithaca; ii. lihara;3fi, I'ulvaraliy ii( Vrrnxinl, al Hilars; Ua; 3. 1'rinurlun, It lihaca; a. Ilnlvorally of Peiinntlvtiila, at Phlla- ilelphln; u, llnlveially or l*cniuylvania, at Ohar liiKeavtllo: I'J, Uonracinvrii,«l WHiblngton; IS, llar- raril, at lihaca; 'J-i. lintvrn>lly uf Ithaca; ^, Unlvrniliy of Uti'liigaii, al lluiTalii; M, Lafayette, ■t Kaaton. Pa,; :iT, ritlitoluri,at lYIIlreloli; a), UdI- rcraliyuf ronii>ylvanla,at lilmca: Junn J, Unltvr- Mly o( IViiiiailvanla, at riilUiliil|ihla; 0, iiiwn; II, llamid, at (jHiiibrliige; 1«, gnilwiii team, al libaia; ai. Harvard, II ikil, noiiinl araiinda B. P. Kiluk haa xild iho fraiiclitteo( Hon Uolnri, la., hi Ibe Wealem Auoclsiinn, ami trio team to W, l>. liiiiineli II la lulil lint ttio anmniii paid wai (3,7M), irblob (a a liiruurmilil tliaii hna ovor before bein inlil (ora (raiu'hr>o lu that aHauotatlun. Tlio national ganio la aRalii iHmnilng at WeM- nilntter Oullege, Thoio are tiinrlrrn raiiilliUIri for lha nluo, all u( laat yisr'a iinni, wtili aoveial new nuaa, who will niaieilallr aiiMiiitieii Ibrni, Tho team laat year won ilio Iniernillraisiu uhainploE- abl|i, deleatlug all llio aillego ullira |ilayeil wllb,Kli>l It aovineit lo Jiullly tlio rxloluliiu i>f Iho achnllllu ol ganins lii cidicgra ul iiMior ainiiillng In allileilca- Thero(uru, Uaiiiii(i>r lUiiliy haaarraiiged lha (iillus- liigavlnidiilc, which will tiicluilu ganuii with ninny pniiiilnont I'lHIrpu tcania: ivnnajivln Hiato, la- rayrtie, (iiicrllii, lllr,ini, M'nulilnaion nml JtlTonioD, Iloiioira, null s luiiiMiiiroiinii with llio Unlvertliy or Punnavlvaiila, aa well aa una wltb tlio I'ltlaburg Alliluilo dull, W. ilUui*iii Jr. algnoil a .Sow Vnrk 1,'tiili conlnul nn Pell, I'J, In tliu utir. 11 ta iliniightlliaKlleaaoii will {May hciiimI liaw anil captain Ibu toalli, A alio (nr ihn Joiany L1iy iltiili'a giiinnila has liceii practtinlly aolicti'il, ami Uaiiascr Jiiliii Irwiii la urianglng rxhltililiin ganiiu. Folo Onundb Ihere an also tenemeiils on do as good work atu the dsys.of yore. A ipecbil meeting of tbe Atlantic AtaoclsUon waa beld on Feb. It. at Ibe PKib Arenua Hotel, Ihia clly. Preatdcot Samuel N. Cnne pretlded, and tho (dlowlog delegates wen preaeut: Itobert Jordan and Arthur A. Irwin, Jeraey City; Oeorga K. Ellla, Nevnrk; W. S. Wright, Palenwn; l>. A. Long, Wll- uiIu|ton;T. P. Sullivan, New Uavou, and William barola, llarllord. Tbe queallon ot Increaalug the circuit (rom six clubs u elgbl was conaldered al length, but It was decided Ul remain as a tlx club league. Tho appllcaula (or admlnlou were Albany and Troy, N. Y., and Uerideo, Danbury and Waler- bury, CI. Thomaa York aud lha other applicants were very ouch dliappolntod over Ibelr (allore lo ohism(mnchlses. Itwaaanuonnced thateaoh club put up a guarantee o( fMO toOnlabthe ohainplon- ahip aeaaon. Hanagcr Uarulo was sppolnied on the Schedule CommliKs la place o( A, U. Buck- enberger, snd the coomltlse was ordered lo report to the next meeting, which will be held on Fob. 30. In Ibis city. It was decided lliat lha cbamplontblp aeaaon thoold begin on April is, and ahould con- sist of one hundred and tweulygsmeaforesoh club, Blxiy St home snd sixty sbroad. Each club will make four Iripa, playing Uirte gamea In each o( Hie olUerclilea. The dUipuls between New Uavenand Pateraon over playen Boyloand KlUacky waaaetlled by Iheaaalgniuentot Boyle to New Haven and Kit- lacty lo Paterton. Racn player was lined IM for sigoing with both clubs. The umpires will be sp- Eed at tbe next meeting- The deleiptlos ad- ed at about seven o'clock after Onlanlng Ihelr ess. AtameeUog held Feb. 13, at WUIIsmsport, Pa., the Central Peunaylvanla Leaauo waa fomialli organlzod, wllb cluba located alLookllaven,Mount Cannel, rollavUle, Uhamokin, Sunbnry aud Wll. Ihtnapott. The onicen oleoied are: 0. P. Usifen. ateUi, ot Shamokin, prealdent; Uavld Spence, o( Wmiamapon, vice prealdeut: VrederlekA. Ulcklord, ot Lock Haven, aecRlary: J. U. Young, ot MounI Cannel. treaaurer. The cnamplonablp fteason will begin Hay 3, and close Sept. U. Harry Polllam, butlneea ruaoagorof tba Looltvllla Club, while Oh a recent vlilt lo Clnclonall, uld: "Thla la Ihe place tbat the Luulirlllea are pNrllou, lariy (ond o(, lor here la where Ibey have a ducb un wlnnUig games. Uo you remember last aeaaon) How we Toal Ova alnlghl to the Clnclnnslls snd tben won tlx outer lbs next aeven I Next teaMin we wUl win lha alx out of Iba laat aeveo all right enongb, but we wlU not drop the Oral Ove, Loul» rllle M batebaU craiy, and tbo CIncInnalla will bt one o( Ihe principal drawing carda. Hy, bow Ibey like 10 win games (rom tbe Cinclnnails at Loula- vUle." At tbe regular monthly meeting o( the New York Intsncholaatlo Atbleilc AaaocUilon, beld Feb. II, al Barnard School, Iblaclty, eleveu luaUluilonaanlsrcd Icatna (or the cbamplonahip trophy. All lha games wU ba played at the Berkeley Oval, under ibe major league rules. Thetchedula «( muKS adopted la aa (oUowa: BecUon l.-April e, btlaler va. liar- iiard; lO.IOondoo va. Culler; li, Barnard vi. Ue La Salle; 'JO, (»ndon va. Urlalrr; 24, CuUer va. He LaSaUe: 3>, De U Balle va. Driller; May 4, Condon vj.Baroard; t, Barnard vt. Cutler: 13, Condon va. Vtlsler; U. Culler vt. Urttlar. Becilon ll.-April I, Woodbridge va. Uamlllou; 13. Columbia OrBiiimar vt. Trinity; 17, llamlllon ri. Berkeley; 33, Cnluulila Ummmar va Woodbridge; 3). Woodbridge va. Berkeley; Hay l.TVlnlty va. Berkeley; 0, Culuintila tiiammar vs. llamlllon; II, Trinity va, ilauiUUin; U, Oolumbla Oremmar va. Berkeley; 30, Trinity vt. Woodiiridge. "Tom Uaiya name does not sppear In Ibe lateat naler o( the Brooklyn team. WUai'a Income o( tbe aaoond baaemant"—0rnc4nnari-rfr;vsJitiir. He la mining al the Y. M. C. A.'a gymnaalum In Brook- lyn, and luoka to be In the pluk o( condition. Wim hla utoal ssgacliy Manager Uaucroli bas to- lectcd a team of well known velcraoa to ineet tho Unclonallaua ■'Uarry Wright IMy,"atCloclnnaU,(>. Iiwlll not bd aurpridng to bear that an Immense crowd wat preiani, and tbat Prealdent Uruab will have a nice aum U) coninbuie aa hla ahare toward a monument (or the late laniaulad chief u( umpires. Fred Boat, who waa once uienlloned aa a poaaible candMata for third base on the (;tnclnnaU leam for thecomiog aeaaon, baslieen reengaged by Uie In- dianapolis Club, champions of Uia Wealctn League, when ho played Uat lear. The Bt. Loula Llub will have two pllchen by Uit 'ameol Hart on lla pay roll thla year. One la W. Uart, who wat last aeaaon wllb lha Plllaburia, wbUe lbs other Dsn plaf ed wllb Ibe AUanU teain, ol lbs Boathem Astoclstlon. Tho Ulchlgan Htato Ixaauo waa nrKaiit/.cil at a oieellng beld Feb. I^, e, al Itetmii, wltti cliii« lom- ird at Adrian, Jaokavn, KatauuKoo, l,aiialng, Maiilrt- tto.l'orl Huron and Hagluaw- Tho aelectlon i,r luo elgbih rliy waa led lo a ouniinlttap, cuiulatliig uf Hunby, Uo and l.iiich. Hay Cliy, Fllni, Uiukvgon and Dwoaw, are the lowna meoiloned (ur tho iit- cancy. Tbe league aduplad a reaoluiluii iiinlilMt' lag (arming. No man can play wllb a team In that orgaiilxatlon, unlcaa ho liaa been ivuiilativ aliiocd, and bclonga lo Ihu club praaeiiilng bnii. Tlio guaV' anise (or each game waa raided (rom liA iii 440. TneaaUry limit waa Oxed at lona inontu, lucliialve of tbo manager. Each club In Ibe league will lie required to put up (aw aaHgninntee lhalli will Tuiaaln until the oud ot tho cliamploiiablp aeaaon. nie leu per cent, guarantee fuuil haa alw btL-o adopted. The league adjoun-rd to meet In two ■eeta, wben It waa lialluvod that tho eighth clly would lie decided upon. At the mme uxeilog tin election of onicon will ba held. Unlraa aonitlhloi unforaeen luroa up, Cliarlea W. Ileuneu, lha ex-pro- fSMlonal catcher, will lie aeleoled aa tlio pnaldesl of tbe leagne, Ihe Pblladelpbin Club's iilaycra will start for Hampton, Va., on Uaroh 10, and tnlu at Iho \M- ditra' lloms unut April I, when iho team will ntsls working ibelr way home, playing al Norfolk, I'urlt- mouth, Lyncbburg and Hoanoke. The ouenlDg game of Ihe preliminary aeaaon at phllailelpliia will be Iplayed on April 0, when tho Phlladelpblu wDI bare (or opponenls the Atbletlct of the Pent- lylvsnU male League. A aeiloi o( lliiee or n n games will be phtyed with Ibe latter team, aid lamea will alto In pUyed Willi Iba TuronUM, of tbe Esttern League, tlio Uulvenlly a( PeuuajlvaDia leam, and probably 000 ur two other Icama bofoia the cnamplontblp season opens. John W. Wal/, vice nrealdeal uC llio llalllniixe Olub, aald In a leceui Inturrlew: "I never knew baaeball proapecu lu be Miicr than ihey are bus. In Balllniore wo are all rigbt. Onr team will Im Iba aame aa Uat teat: o( courae we will liavo lloyle on Dm bate, lie will be with ui all right. lltauialMi Tlio m'licilulo u( oxIiIIjIiIiiii (.ullira III tio Mayeil liy ihiil'tilliutuliiiiUioHiii priiirlii tho beginning of tho chHiii|iliiiiklilp M-iunii tmn iici'ii nrranguil ai hilluva; ApiH t, Niirriilk.iii Niirliilk; ' I'uriH iikiuMj; .1, l.yncliiinia, at l.tni blmii; 4 Itiiaiioko, al llualliibe; li, AllilMlrii, at l-lillnilclulilii Hall park; 1, llnlvcrally i,f I'onnatlraiila, al rbltadclplitii llati Park; a, Toinniu or Hyrrii iiai-, ul I'lilladclphla hall l'ark;u. Tonmiiiur Hyianun, at rLlimlolplila Hall ParkT'io, i:iiivrraiiy of Poun>ylvsiila, at Philadel- phia liiitl Park; II, Athluik'H.Hl I'lillailulpMa gall ',^,"1','-.'l" I'll" lla)), Atbltllia, at Phlla- dolplila Ibiii I'mk; 14, riiilailoiphla llall Park; Unlvrniiynr l'uiMia;lmMii ' lurllgllilia," that the Balllmon plajeia an oppoaed Ui htm la nonaente. Why, tliay would In glad lo luvu lilm among Uiem, (or he la Just a Tlgorous player like tbemielvea. Yon can put It down aa a cvrtalaty Ibat lloylo will be well treated In Ualllraure. Han aior llanlon U not (relUng In lbs IcaalalHiuthloi, nor U Ur. llanlon cailog about any particular player, HcUabon la all light, and will do Junlaa good pitching aa ever be(ore, and all or tbo b<i|B will be In line when wauled, llall phiyera play Ivbi tit taill (or tbeuuelvet lu WInler, but nrely briltaie to report wboo Spring coniea and play fur the direc- tors. Tbere are some caaea, but Ibeyarelawand tar between. I tborougbly Iwlleve In keeping good extra men on band all the Uine. When plavrrs know thai ihtre aro men ready al any time to lake Ihelr places, Ihey keep In inui much better. Laat year Uleaian aided ua lu thh reaped contldentjiy, aa all the Infleld pUyen knew that ba cuuld replace them at a moiiienra notice, and play good lall, Helta waa looled In thla reapeoL" AdUpatch from Haacoulah, 111., raya: "Tbe long pending laaauH beiwteu Ihe Haacuuiab aud IMIa- vlUe Cliilia haa lieoo thrown out uf court on the around that lha contract lielwecn thetwoclule aaa niegsl, for the reaaun that It waa made lu he caviled out on Sunday conlnry to law, Tne aull wm lha reaull ol a wnogle ou the diamond UatSuioDier. Belleville refuaed to abide by tbe decialoo of the umpire and left tbo Held. HaKoulab than refuwd to divide gals receipts and tba aull foltuaed. Tlie retult Is (avoralile lo Haacoulah and will be of gen- cnl luiereallu apurting drcln In the aiats." Hugh Jennlnga, Hie tirtlUni aliorl atop o( the Ibil- tlmore team, cnamplons or lbs nttjor league, laid In recenUy ipeatlogabout Manager Llupmau: "If then la a Doer man Ui pUy iiall under than Jobn O- Obapnian, I don't know bini. Ue will do anything (or a ball player who u honeaily trying lo do bU rerr beat, but be haa nu uae (ur aucb aa endeavor Ul deceive bim. Tbe ball player who Attn not hka 'Chap' la the one who drinta al night and conoa ou Hie Odd uoOi (or play. Ilbi disllks la quite natural, for 'Chap' U pretty apt lo roast him. iit euurae 'Cnsp' mav bave roaaied tome player liehbiil hU hack, but I never beard hlui. I hope to tea bim agshi In charge of a iilg league team." Mercar, the Waahlnglou Uub'a pllcber, loit con- sMsreble weight during bis late lllnea. la fact mors tban ba could convenleslly spsre. catcher Hcanlra baa ditcorered a promltlog young lell handed pllcher'oulla HIchlgso,iovbi>m a idsT wUI be given byihs WsabUigtonClublaihe Ibltllcr, at riiilailoiphla llall n. n, .... v.,,,*,,,.,,/„, l'uiiiiri;lviihlii 'lurllgllilia," I I'hilailotiihin Hall P,<rk. •Mut>Jecl In aoceut- aiiiru liy iLe Irnlvi'iiliy ol I'tniitylvanla liateliall nianagouont. Itegarilliig Hiu atiirr recently glri-ii mil at Read, lug. I'a., that Mi aaiH. Uracil and lliiguia, nf the l'hlla<lcl|dila iliiti, iiigiihor with I'ri'alilant Kreed- man anil Uanagtr Irwiii, i,f tiiu Now Vol ta, and ntlicia wliuwvru liclilLilahcbi-iuuld (orniaiilnler- alala l.cagiir, riiii>lilliig<il New llavan, Uriilgopurl, Jrraoy Clly, Newark. Hraillng, I'liltadrlphUk, iklll- iniiro iilid Wllu.lligluu l luba, >lich orgnulaallou Ki tie cuiiipfiiitii or rcairvuil major league playen. Cobmul John I. llugeniMild: "IhK la uowa loilewl (ur UK. Vim call mj that Ur. Ilcach and uiyaeK know iiiitlilng alaiut it, and will lava nnlblog to do wltliaiiy aiicli niginluiiiiii. Homo lime igo wa ta- cclvcd a loiter lioni I'cnidont Fiacdinaii, of New York, aikliiii ua in place a laaiii of Piiiladelpbla Hayera lu ilia Allanllc Aiaiiclation, aajlug that ho WMMld (urnlali iilayoni (ur llio Joraey Cllyiaaui, We ilucliucil wllb ilianka. Wu will never lurnlah baiik- tUH to any club except the PblUtci. Aa (ur IbuAlh. letlci, Ihey haru iinr giaxl wlahca, and wo will give Ibciii audi playcraaawo mat iiiitnicd (nrnur rcuu- lar IcHiii. Wo prefer to do Inu rather lhau rcltaae them, aa wa may bu rrlutiliig a aiarplater alio haa not had the ppiiurliinlty in ilnvultip.'' V/. II, Uiirpliy, u( last year'a Now York leann, baa algoodlortbu coming acaum with lha Now Ihveo Club. o( tbo Allauilo Aiaiclaltun. It la piuballo Ibat bo will captain llio nlno. Tho playeraiil the Synciiae letio, odho Kailem Uuguo, have iKOii nuilllcd lo rrpiiit at Palenoii, n. J,. AprlU, wharu Ihey are biaikod to bruin the prtlluiloary seaaon. Baniufla, who pluyoil biBl year Willi the bt. Ujuls llrowos, lua •Igiied ti> pUy with the Hpririgdeld team, ul tbo Kaatern l,eaguo, durliig Uie coalug aeaaon. Jako Drauliy, (nnncriy o( Hie lluiiaiu team, of the lUatcrn Uaguo, haa licen algned by Ihu I'riivtdanca Cluli, uf Ills isnie league, (ur iliecuining aeaaon. T. J. K»(e, llio eX'pnifeaaliinal Lltcher and major Icagiio uniptro, la i nai liliig tho pllchen at Harvard Uulvonliy, wlillii Thumaa lionil, lUa exprnfeaalonal pltebar, latralnliig llw real or the catidlilates (nr poaltlunaon the team. Ibe Intrraiato l,ragiio cluba ais nuking great proiiarailniia fur Hii< conilug itatiin. Maveral ot Iheui are liuay rngaging llieir pUycn, anil prouUo bi have auoiig iraiiu, and a cliae and liilorrallhg race laexpoclod. H baa been aiinuunced Dal ILe aurplua phtyera ur the Cloveland club, uf llio iiiilnr loaguu, will lie "loaned" bi ihe Purl Wayne (Ind.) Club, aud not lu tba (;olumliU8 tuaiu, aa prerlouaJy reinried, The tad that the Meaaia. luitdaoii hatoaniiuoyluloresta at Fort Wayne wuiilil lead lu Ibu hcllct llial tbey the Uuvelaiid Cluli'a extra iilayera, and will lie under Ihe eye ur Hie ulexUod management m (ar aa these niou aro cunci-niad, TIio prealdent of the Fort Wayiio Cliih la William Heyera. ManagerUsck,ol llio I'lUbiirg lesni,btnilgned tllngniao, who played llilril taao pari of Un aea- aon. Cllngmaa will In uaed thla year at gtniral uMlltyioanun lha team. He will not accoiunany Ilia playen In lloi Hprlogs, Ark,, ss Hanagrr Hack baa agreed lo allow nlm 10 cuarh Hie Wsablnglpn and Jelltnwn College team durlug the period nf Hpiing pracllct, ' ThoCnIvorallyof l^nnvylvantafoollall team en- gagcil Ibe Polo grounila Ual Pall lor a game wllb tht BoaUin Athletio vlavrn, and Ibeu csecaled II. Prealdenl Precdnuii sued fur (3,100, but II lua been decided lu aeuie the caw by arlillnllon. Manager Hlcheriiuii liaa Jual laaued Uia (uUowIng acbeiluleol KamaJ(or llm lailiigh Unlvanll; leaui: April I, lleorgoUiwii, al Waahlbgion; 3, Ualtcnlty o( Vlrulnla, at Cliarloltcsvllle; n (puatlbly), luoh- nvind College, at lltclimunil; 4, llnlvenlty nl North Carolina,at Cliaiirl lilt'; a, cmunibun I'oKerally, at Waablngton; a, vac ': ll,vai:aui; 16, Huigen, at Houth Bethleheiii; la. l-iilveraliy u( I'eoailvanls, at PblladelpbU; n, Urayeite, al Kaaionj U, va- cant: 9, Prlncebiu, at Princetui; Hay 3, Wtaleysu, St Hlddleuiwn; e, vacant; u, l«(ayeile, al South Hetblrbem; 13, UnlveialiyolPeiinayivsula, at South Betblehanj 19, Naval cadela, al Ahnapollai 'JO, va- cant; -it, Weal Point, al Weal pulnl; 3T, vacant; Ul, urs)eiie,sl Ksaion; June 3,rsoant| e, KUsabeth AtbletluClnli, at Kitiabelh. John J. lloyle, wbu was exchanged by Ibe New York Club (ur HIeaaoii u( the BMltlinore team, Waa banqueted Feb. I], at Balllniore, Hd., by namben of the champion Itaoi, Uoyls has come 10 lenns with Usnsgcr llanlon for the coming s