New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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February 22. THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPER. 813 The Oalarlo TsBkatdi Tteaaoiiil competition b«l««eu tb* carlenot rroTloco oC Oolkrlo, 0*n., wu eonclaileil on Keb. 13> ■( Toronto, and for the foutb lima due* in iloD>il»a, to Wi, too emUem o( Uio otitmplOBablp orihcproTlouwaawon bj IbtreptCMnuiIra o( me pnVtrrm Toroolo Qnulles, de(e*lln« ilia Bt Uirr<pU;cisl>)rfoareliois oolr Iniba llul con- ttii, Deloir ire pitaent 'Jia scorca made la ttn dosloff nmra* uraniie. Sui-Finais. >Vrvu& n.H.U«tgr»rt, q. a. Held, 11. millAmidD, U. Keir, w 0. llHUbewa, U. Hlolile, T 0. Williamson, aklp..22 J.C. lioiialdeon,iklp...I6 0. H 11 glnboltiain, J. O. WUaon, Jm RUgonr, A. Perrr, II. Wauon, W. A. lUcliardaon, C. 0. Daluu, akip 10 T. 0. UamUlon, iklp.. 38 Total.. Total Uijnrlly forOranlie, 1 allot .9. Unrtt'a, 3, D. Voore, J, w. ■omervMe, (,', II. U.icloiTi*! j,a.Oldr,alilp... J. Clfde, I'. Mr<ra, (I. u. Iloocoii, Dunilat. E. ColUna, B. Oockbum, U. ColUoa, II U. Beiiram, akIp., a. f. WIUiio, A. B«min, II. f. rovFii, W. A idrem, nklp 24 T. A. Warden, akIp.. Tolal -11 Tolal Uijoni; (or au Uarj 'a, la hUow. nmnllf. FIKit. XI. Uaru't. T. II. n'lHlsmsoD, iklp..'Ji Joa. iiddj, akip i;. L'. Ualtflo, Bkip M \v, Aodniwa, ulp... Total '11 Total Uijorlur rur Oraullu, 4 abota. unDirih. ^CdbOUTio:). Umjoril. W. Ameat, J. TDiner, l>. n. tvilaon, A. Wilson, akIp W. ll«lllOD«, N. Uclieod, \r. w. HcUoggall, i:.Colemag, aaip.... II. H. Slepben, Alex Tbompaon, A. Tbompaoa, .1-1 U.OImitead.aklp.... U. i. McUrtT, Ja«. Stewart, J. Uooglaii, .aij.s.WiiaoD, akIp..., Toul 34 Tolal, UhJoKi; tor Sealonn, u abota. 2i a. A. Held, It. KetT, ll.Ulcme, J. 0. UODaldmOi akIp.. J. a. WILwo, .\. I'orry. W. A. KicbardaoD, T. (I. Uanillioii, Iklp... IViUI (I To Unjoiiijr for Fetgua, 14 abota. 1. nicliardaon, U, BipUe, U, Poaileiralta, 20 O. A. SItlckland, ttlp. le J. r. Strickland, Uapt. Rernolda, J. o. Oojila, 2S II. u. Biilcklaul, akIp. A Cloao CorllBg Blatrhf AO elgbt link curling niatch was cootealcd by leamarepreaenUDg the Prospect Park Club, or To- riiD'o, and tbe Tbiailea, ol UaollioD, Uoi., four rlnka playloi In eacli city, Feb. 1C. la botb caaea Ike vuiung playem ltd Uielr opponeniH, and tbe tolal ■rore wua ic to iiu In favor ot ma Proapeci Parka, Tbo Hcore: /•rtW/KH ni k. AT TOBOOTO. IlilliliUOU Thlmit, U. A. nice, J. Mlaraou, J. W. KUrelle, J, Tbompauu, J. r. liCOU, J. UIIIUK9, II. U. nice, (kip ir \7. Vallance, aklp 10 II. Clanperioii, t. IV. Qalee, w. r. Unia, c. siiir, II. J. Uny, A. ailli'aDlo, i(. II. Uuuiillougb, Bklp..(i vr.Honiban), aklp :i II. Kitlrclougb, w. Duircii, II. lllUTl«D, J. H. n>iiiiigion, II. AnuHirobg, J. W. Uorcoiau, i(. 1). Kay, J. r. Koier,sklp. Totiil aklp. S. Uallflcli, It. King, J. II. QoetlDg, ..; Ur.Ualloob, aklp.... W. S. MoUraine, ILUoKmnon, J. TUorapaon, .n'l'boa. Uood,aklp.... -.40 Toul M tujoniy ror TblatlCB, u abots. l-nitpM nm. AT lliuiLTON. iramtllon nitua. r. t). CoDDor, I', l^iaeog, W. J, llayooa, W. Forbes, aklp nomas Uounve, A. Kienilog, .N'. Ij. I'aiereon, J. 0. aibwn, skip.. w. II. mil, H.n'.LoirdeQ, Joa.Wilibi, I). Carlyle, skip. O.T. Stark, >'. u. Mancbce, Air. ilayiTood, Joa. l.ugiillo, skip... J. Potilnger, U. KImalle, ICktiunu, ..16 u.U. «lllesple,sklp.,..10 □eo. E. Ottes, C. \v. uanwifgbt, 8. Kead, |{.U.Hamilton, Bklp...i; Jobn l.effgatl, W.J. (Irani, A. Qartsbore, ..IS J.Kemor, skip 22 O.S. Scott, R. Hotrlr, J. Uarrey, ..17 SI.O. Bairogr,aklp....l7 . Total !.) Total ta llajoiliy ror Proapeot I'ark,; abois. Slutea Made of Olaas. "1 bellere tbo ileatta knell o( wooden and nwlal akstea baa beon mng," atld one ol tbe largeat ■kate manaractnttn to an F;ogllsli reporter. "Streral praotlcal Inventors have been eiperlmeot log on itieso articles for yearn past, and ibe laleal result Is a slate made o( glass, bardened by a reeeaily diacorered process to tbe consistency or HieeL The cnilre skate la or ibia aubaunce, tbe upper part rcaembllng a Hipper, open beblnd, wiih aaplit Itamer 'lace-up' heel-cap. Among Hereral advanugeiiBts'.<dBre, tbai tbey are muob taster iban steel bUdea, and so e.\tremely slippery tbat ibey mil run almost equally well over rougb, snow corered Ice as npoo suioolb, and also glide eailiy over Inequalities, broken tirigs and otbtr obaincilons. Tbcy are made vary Bbaip, and owing to tbeir extreme bard- iiess It la Impoislblo to blunt tbem; and. nnlike Bteel skater, loey never want grindlog, and cannot mat. Tbese 'cryaial tkaiea' are really beaiiiKol In apptamnce, being nearly tianaparcni; ibe aub kiaoce bas, niao, wblle U tbe liquid tute, been vatlottly colored. Tbey have already beon prtrate. ly leaied. A fanons akallog cbaniplon recently iiied a pair at tbe Niagara Ice Hlnk, using mabog- aby colored one*, to avoid atttaouog notice, ibe iline being bardly ripe lor oxblblUon. A private itlal bas afao been made In Parts at an Ice link ez- ciiutvtly hired ror tbe occasion, sereial ladlei— among tbem a caiebmted l.idy (;onttnenul skater— taking pan; tbeIr skaiea were colored blue, otlffl. eon, lifovo, etc., to matob tbelr costumes." AQUATIC. Cealai EreaU. Vni^i^'^' •■■»*' ''•^l •••"'^ kXS. Sirjjf' ■"•"* *«»^'i<« ><">l"f jJJ^''-»art«a Ttcbl Clob cpw raialla, Loog lalud Jaae M-AUaDlIc Taelil CM* uiaoal lantta, N.w York llS!l*85S;5y*"°" Spriail»».IM«l rajei toderead Uia BaansbaUOtnatbUa Tuht Olub- UadBMUI. lalanaad 99 tbow^LoniC Eilffll.'* Boral'lUfaUa, Uaalay-oa-TtuaiMk r«JiMfci^Jj5.'l!i.!!!f*! Cubieeood lanof miIh , f I!*'? " 'ootata-LMg {Imai Bouad. .-"Ii'lifc,^^"!."" ^"A' '<^'0> 'or >l imUi. ji5X5ifeisfiaa?i'd'*'' sail so roolam—Loai lilanl tteaod. alM KliUl race for U nun •adsrtuun-tona laluil Am. II, ll-Ktllonal ABwelttlOD of Aaialaiir Oanmaa ntwaaad 9a Moun—Luni Uibi SouihI. MP> r-Lamlaioa t Yuhl aabraUnnlu.usl«l|hUi no ror 34 ntan asd s ftwian-UDi Iduil nouad. »VI„I*-LaitliauDl YtcbtClub anouil na r<ir Latoi- "■oftCop fnr idiooaan and coniolaUon no lor 94 nun and 90 roouia-Laog Iilaad Soood. Ciiaages In Yaelit RaelaR nales. Ibe Atltnllo Yacbt Oab held a meeting In Ibis city on Wednesday erenlog, Feb. 12, at wblcb seveial Impoitant anandmenii to Ibe ticlog rules ot tbeor- ganliaUon wera adopted npoa tbe anggeatlon of Jobn I.. Ullaa, obslrmai of tbe regatta committee. Tbe Int mle amended was Rule IV, tbe second paiagrapb ot wblob was altered to read aa rollowa: Aor yacht taurad la • daaa Id «bleli thin an ao oU«r aaivlM may sail la tba ooxt eUu aboT* litr owa eIsM wblcb aila, pnvldad ilia aaanmo ibo nloluan mMnnoMDl ot tbat clau. Role I on nags and nonben now teadaaarollowa: Kacb aopMlOft yaebt ihall llr Uia ptlrau ilgaal at ' pe*k Dl#llDcal»hhia Bomban ira iwlnaad to each Mlllaa racM eorolM la tba claKaod publlihad is iheraclDir amnbarariliacaditlDlbadub book claaiBntkin. wbicli OBmbenmaaMprotlded breach yacht and hiiailaaod 10 Um maloaall above iha rear polat*- YMditJoloUiarclubtvIll bafonilidiadwlibdlilioinilib loc ana)barn or lauura bj tba H^lu Commltua. Tbe amendmenta to Rale-Mil, wblcb laya down tbe counes, obange tba sianlnR line. Itnwdtobe lietween Buoy No. it, sear SwTnburae liland, and a atakeboat anobored aooibward and eastward oC tbe bnojr. la rutnra tbe lUrtlog line wlU be an Im- aginary one between Craven's Shoal Buoy and a BiakabestsDebored to westward ot aald iiuoy. All yscbta mnst cross tbia IIM, leaving the buoy on tbe port hand. Rule XVI, on starts and lalsbes, waa Rlruck en- ilrely oat and tbe tollowlag was substituted: Anauru rtall ba nybir- Tb« tlma at Iba atait aod flnlab aball ba takao vbaa lha fMtot roartiad by the loraaiut lo acboooora aad lha main. maaKlnaloala lotatad vaiMla aod jtwlM cmaaaji Ihalloe. irtblipolotiD aoj yaelii ba acrau ib«llaa«haiiihf> PfoparitanlaaalRoal Tor neb yacht la glrao, aba muai ntuRi aait laoroas Uia lloe. A racbt a« ntanilof or oaa wnrklas Into podtlun from tbe arooa aide or lha llDe.allar Iba lUrllBic aliaal ror aar dtu lui ht«n glnn,mDU heap clear or aod giva amy to all cooipellaR racfau- Btcti racbl meat croaa IbaaurilnglliiaanaTlbapi ntartlna alffaal Tor ibaclaaala wblch aba laaaiarao. A nooggv uaToii waa contested at the North Avonue Skating Hink, In Balllniora, Md., evening <if Feb. 14, between tbe Yale llnlvenlty and Jobiia Hopkins University teatiui, ilie resalt ot a good game being a win ror tbe visitors by a score oriwo goaU to one. A null uiLB ikailng race, ror ibe obamplonabin ot tba matlUme provlncca took place at Noi tb ttyd- ney, N. H., on tbe nlgbt or Feb. 10, ibe conteatanu being nitaon Dreed, or St. Jobn, N. B., and traitor Coonel, or riciou, N. S., and the rotmcr won lu am. 4a. . JaHgs HicoiBi. conceded tbo IVenob remale ilder, Ulle. Uaeite, seven kllomelrea. In a tane o( (irty kUomi.,at tbe Velodrome U'Ulver, I'ails, Fiance, on Feb. 1, "tlademolklle Uaettc, wbo waa aitlrtd In wblte satin milona s snd a wblle woolen Jacket, rode very slowly dorbig tba Unt ball o( toe dls- tauce, Ulcluel lapplug ber every (our or live laps, notwiibslanding tbat iba pace was not cat ont ao raaiu It mlgbt bava been. At tbe tblriy-aecond kllom. Ulcbael bad got back bis twenty-one laps, asd piling II on till tbe Bnlsb, won witb roar blloms. to spate. Tbo time (or (be Odj kUoms. was lb. Sol ••osa. Botb Htcbael and LIsctte rode the Simpson ctals, bat it'a alleged menu did not come out In ellbar oC tbe perroimsacas on Sunday." (lioang BiKKsn, or PlliHbnrg, Pa,, la announced to uU for Raiope, Feb. lo, on tbe American Ime Meaner leailagiblaporiontbaidato. He wUlnde OiirlDg tba aeason nn tbe Continent, and will meet IToUn again In tbe ansnal race ror tbe world's cnamplonsblp. Tn Ualveralty of reoo*ylTanla will be represent. «d St Ibe game* uf tbe rale University aad Oon- ■weilcBt National Ooard, on March *,and alao In Ike college one mLe team laceattbe games or tbe laieisrbolaaUc Aibleilc Anoclatlou, at the New Maibaitan Aibletlo Olnb, In tblscliy, Hateb 2^. AnwatLi loadracecameeiroBtbeIsteitaken- Klbeioa conne. at Aabo/y Park, N.J.. Feb. 12. Nine ataned, and tbe winner toned up In Cbadea lupbael, Ocean Orore, jm. sdl statf, whose time was3931. JobnH,D<7,scratcb,flnUbedsecond. Several minor cbanses were made la tbo details or regatta signals and tbe order or start. Therol- lowing pamgtipbbas been added to rule .\.\vil onprties: irlo lay claaa hatoaeyaditatanawucb yaehL aaarbar. laacamplalad iba caune aa above atatad. than baaa- tluid to a walkover prizaoroaahalr ILa value or lha prill oTTarad la that oUai^aod ir flva or nion rachu daitla one claaa, a aacood prlia o( ona-bairUio vaiuaoT Iboflnt prtu aball ba avaidad to Iba yacht aacood lo coniplale tba eeurae. ooiradad time. Will DanrmTea Apelaglse I V. Skene, ot Londoo, Eng., a peieonal friend o( Lord Dnnnven, wbo li now stopping In Boston, bas been Interviewed by one o( tbe Boston papeii. He Is credited wltb asying tbst, Inasmucb as Lord IMnnven Is a cool nan, wbo always sots deliberately, tbe cbsrgea ba brongbt against tbe Defender lyvdlcata were wall considered by bim, and ware founded upon what ha dimly believed to ba aotual (aots. Oooilnoing, Mr. Skene laid: "The Investigation entlnly disproved bis cbaigea. Tnls laavea only one tblng Cor me to sapposs, and tbat la tbat be waa groaaly nUurotmed. He scied open lorormallon uat be supposed was entirely irne, not bo msd« bij cbargea apon tbis Inlonnstlon only. Lord DonnTsn wuTapeloglte, I am sue. He can not AiTord not to. Be woold be killed In society, and besldn, with all bis eccenntcltj, be Is a tbor- ongta gentle man." Tai N'lw Tong Yaonr OLon held Its annnal meet. Ing and eMcdoaotontcers at Its club bouse In this cliy, on Tbiiisday BTeDlas, Feb. 13, one ot tba moat loieresUng eveiiti sohedoled being coosldenuan of tbe inpon recently snbrnlttad by lis speolsl com. minte appolatM to invesUgata tba obaices ad vanced by Daniaven. Oiptaln Ledyatd oOered a resolution calling for lha resignation or tbe IrUb Earl (com Ibe role or bonoraiT membenblp of tbe club, bnt before action conid In taken Secntair Oddle read a ineaaage tiom Unnraven wblcb stated tbst Isiten were In transit for tbe club. Plerpont Horgan ssgieeted tbataoilon on tbe Udysrd too- loUOB be deferred nntllsucb time s* tba teit of bis "Lordablps" commnnlcaUons oonid be plaoed bo. fore tbe club, and In rcaponse to bis saggeatlon Ibe olub decided to postpone aoUon for two week*. Tbe eledlon rcsullec thus: Commodore, K. H. Brown; vice commodore, Uenir 0, Ward; rear commodore, Lewla Utn Ledyard: aecietaiy, I.S. V. Oddle; treasurer, F. W. J. Hunt; measniar, John Uyilop. TUB Inrerlake Vaobllng AasoolaUon mat In an- .oal sesHoB at Detroit. Hlota.. Feb. it, Ibe election lesnlUng tbns: Oonnodore, Qeoiie II. WoitblDg- ton, or tieveland: vice commodore, 0. J, IJobten- borg, ot Detnti; nar commodore, Beniy Tracy, of Toledo; fleet captain,Oeorge Bliss, ot Mle; sscit- tar; and treunitr, Flsnk It. Fray, of Toledo; meas- aier, Joseph lleebsm, of Toledo. TVe anaoal re- gatta wu set for tbe Irat week In Augnst st Pat-lo- Uay, Late F^le. TBI NanlUus Boat anb, of tbIs city, will be tbua olllceied daring tbe cosning year: Jobs Tbompaoo, prafldeni; Lester IL Kent, vice president ;aeorse E. Bmlib, tieasurer; llany J. Dora, aecreiaiy; Walter Urintbs, drat lleatenait; Henry Vanelmann, second Uentenaat; IL K, EauBlns, capuln. TBI navenawood Boat (.'lali, ot tbla city, will be omcered tbua during IIM: Fmident, J. J. Hods- sbao; vice presldeat, Lonl* Ooyer; nnanolal eecre- lary, W. Bpeatb; recording secretan, T. II. Weeks; iieaaurer, J. W. Kennedy; captain, /. A. Uiay; lieu- tanani, F. J. Lougbras. Tai Dflxbniy (Haas) Vaobt Club bekl Its aninal meeting last west, ibe rainlt being tbe choice or these oniceia: Commodore, Helbogme McDowell; vice commodoR, Join A. Irwin; aecreiaiy, D. Ii, Dovereaox; titassror, A. E, Ureen; measurer, J. IL Snow. Tas Knickerbocker Yacbt CInb.ol this oily, will he omcered aafoUowidurtni INS: Voomodoie, J. II. BUlaid Jr.; vice commodore, a U. Iiavis; rcsr commodore, A. F. luper; tnasurer, Oeorge II. Cooper; secretai7,i.U.HIiiklnaan; mesauier, Oeo. M.£e. Coaaoooss CBiaiaaCATiis. praaldaot or tba KalloaU Aaioclalloaor AmalaorUaniaiaa. baaapfuloKJ lha li>l- k>«log ngalla camoilllM: Rabart H. Nloa, IrooUri. N v., cbalHoaD: Wlltltm O. Jonp. Dilmll. Illcb.: Jluaa filkloiun. Xav Yoia; il«>rgaw: biajuiall, pblbdaWila: Jaa. B. Dojle, Boaua, Kau ; Fred B. Foitmajar, New- art, M.J. Tas gaalara Yarbt noK or Boaloa 00 F.b. II dboMlbaaaoincanroria*!: Otainodor>.WIinun Armory Oaidlaar; vloa aomiadoia, llaaiT W. laaob: rjarooB- noloia. Asgaataa Uwnaawarj aaerauir, WlUiaio I. Katoa Jr.; inaaiinr, Patrick T. Jaekien; naaiunr, UaorrTagAid. Tea Zasum Tacit Clob, or BmIoi, Maaa. baU Ita >BBDa] aaallog Fab. II. aofl aleetad olBeare Ibaa: rooi. mudan. Wluum Aaorr Oaidaar; vica cooDodora, Uair w. Laab: raaraiaaiodon, Ananilaa llaoaawtr; ••mtaT, WUllaai t. Eaton Jr.; tmaaarar, Falrleir. Jaskajo: maaaorar. Haaiy Taigajd. Tib raU'i Polal Tacbl Clab, of BallhaanL Md., 1; iboa ollearad: i/oala B. Italaaeacbl. praaldaot: Jobs Jaraa. viae piaaUaal: John rbllrlp. irenltrr: Charlaallatb, taaac4al aacmaiy; Joba Lably, inaianr. Thk raaank (L.1.) V«,-kiriab vlll l« Uiui ailleara-l ihlaratr: ('harl«« 0. Hart. ri>niiiirtjnr«; Tnok V. Ue- Oaa h i H , vira comra tdora; K,laanl Moltarllt, doaorlal ■oeraur?; John TAjlor. racortllog aacra'arr; Jatnra K. Alaiaadar, uaamrar; u. T Bigl.y Jr., niaaturvr. Tag ItugurODl Vacbt flalt.or Ihia oliy. will iHt'ihiii onirwraddurtog l:m; i:oninladi,r^,Cli«rl«aWliaon; ilea aonmodura. U. M. OAonollr; rear cuntmodijT*, K. K. llor- kau; aariaUrr, B.T. Harivlay; traitnrar, A. Lauk-ita. THE RING. THE CIIAMPIO.tSIIIP BIATrll, Tke Bad Condition of Maker's Kyea Caaaaa a Poalponaineat^Tlie Vlfftit Saw Fixed fbr Friday of Tlila Wrfk, Tbe pasisge at aroia betircen Hob IHuliuronns and Peter Malivr, wblrh w.h In bnvo taken place iin Friday, Feb. It, waa poaipiioed owing to a^ tv- cuirence tbat waa cnliRly unoxpecteil. iin tbo ovtnlngcf Feb. l-'i a iioUco waa poateilalwiit Ki Paso, Tel., reading Ibna: "Owing tua tenipoiary airccllon at Feier Uaher'a eye,< Ibo conlcsl will bavr tii be postponed a fewda)K" This cniiEod bitter dlnp- polntmenl to ihe naiemtilcd aiiotis, ond eapeclally toibou who plnneil their ralili nu Ihe Cell, but a pftilponemcntwaa agreed to alter Julian and File- Simmons hnd exarulnftl llio ryes or Ibo Irlati Isd, wbo arrlvcil la tbe city fruiii l-ii* Crucea early lu the evening. Ul.'i eyes wets ilgliHy flosed, and he wnre a iireeii ibade over them. Over the green shado waa a traveling cap wlUi tbe vlsnr piillod down close upon tbs iioao to prevent the llglit tmin mnk- Iggblaeyea. He was compelled lo nilow l^)noelly agd Mall lo guide bini to tbe carriage, as be waa usable to open bis eyea The carriage was quickly dilTentoalllilebrlcKballillng^n an alley Jiiit oir tbe llaza. The newapaper repreaeulallvea were KtDt tor hy Connelly, and Uancr'H ojcs were In- spected. Tney were rtwollen almost abut wltb niild fmiu the coroem. A nilalog ot iliollda allowed that the ayehalla were gfaily luiuiutd. U«liiT bus beeo iralalng la an okl adolio rink at I,es i.Tucaa. Tbe dust waa ao thick whea bo waa going ihrongh Ills tralnlog tba; vieliora couiplulncil of It, agd warned Habcr agAlBst conilnulug work In an atmosphere of dosu Suartay ogo or hia eyes bejia n to him. Tueiday both ryes were siTooiod, and a condition ot tbe dgbter kept gclilOK wnrvo until he could not see. bhber'a Irouole Is not uncom mon to tbat region. Tho alkali dual creaica an Ir- illallon ibat leaulta In lilluilnean and great pain, but It usually passes nwrt; In a week or ten lUya. An smy surgeon who cvauilneil Uaber'a ryes hIiI ho thought ihty would l« well In a week. Dr. Van- dell, city health onicer, wbo looked at Ilie luir.^rur, •aid Mahcr woold not bo alilo to enter a ring tor a week. Julian and PlIxalmnKiiin were sput Tor aa soon as Uaher was placed In a room, luiih cxaiiilnnl Ibe aufferer'a eyes, and txpresaed Iliclr aympatby ror bini. Julian and Hack Connelly dlMuaaed ihsluruu or poslponement. Tho couference ended nt a Itte hour. Julian then announced ns rollowa: "1 have agreed to give Mabtr onlll Huii<lay to gctKcll. FIttalmmoas will be prepared In Hgiit any iliiie at tlx bonis'notice between nowaiiriilien. lailllrc- aerve our right to claim tlie ruircltol (l.oui, aiiJ ivIU not asy at this tlmo wheiiier wo will cIhIiii Hint money or not." Un Sunday, lu, hnwover. It waa an- Donnccd tbat Ibe ntayalclau who had iiecnaiiciid- log Maher derland tbat ho would not lie able to enter tho rlDff \nlon Friday of ilie riirrent week. Another coorerence or ibc hlirii iroiitmctlcirpanlra was held IT. and tbo followlog lelcgrittii gives a full account or ibo procctdlogs at lliat llino aud Itie lO- aiilt arrived at alicr a very alonuy aesalnu: Tbe conference was liclil In piilillr, Julian iipened It hy declarlai! tbat "l-'ii/." waa ilirro, ready lodgbb lAinnelly aild Mabercoiild notl1gbi,ab.i ssled Jollan to conunt to a imaipoueinciii. The latter reruKd to dbicu,>i a po4ipnneniriii or the dgbt ontll the iineatlon or tho f i.oimi bad hi'eii aei- tled. He waa ready. The articles aalil iliai ir either party was not ready lie wini'il rurfvit e l,itt>i. Uaber waa nut ready, and he (litllan) wantcil lliemogey. When thai bail licen aeilled lie could discgss any new propoallinn lliat ilie Uaber inrlyor DauSloarl wished to niabo. IVmuelly goliiiad ag<l accused Jgllan or only wanting llio f\,«00, and Fliz for wlslilgg to secure a lllllo cheap glorr. This made Fllr. mad, and bo called the whMO I.ns Cruces crowd, from Ualtur down, a lot or cun aud welctitni. Connolly told hlin llicrc was nothing ciinldi about Peter; lu facl, be thoagbl Uaber wouhl have a aort ililag of It wllb Fliz; wborenpon Fli/. oifered to bet tl,i«u Uat Jollan could lick Connelly Inalde tuur lonnda. ''Ob," modestly aald c-jnoelly, "I'm no Ogbtar." No," rejoined Fli/, "you're a Ultler and a welch- er." Tben, turning to the crowd that packed the lilgofllce, he lald: "It's all oiT: there will bono ngbl. Tbe cur doem'l want tn ggbt, and the; aro tiTlngtosklnme oot or ^l.uoo. tientlciiien, that lilgstlirtbere, Corbeti, can get a Oglitaiiy time he wants It, anywhere, for any money. I non'i bar anybody. I'll dgbt any man In the world ror any amount." The crowd cheered, and FHz left the mom. Julian then returned to a dlacusalon of Ihrlrcaso. Con* nelly gndoubledly wished to dwlgo lliu payment ot tie forfeit, aud Jallan knew il Tho latter ohio knew he had ibe tieat ot that part ot tbo nrgumuot, and slock to It. Finally Connelly dochired ha would Dotpsytba (1,000 anyhow. He bud no reason for not paying It. He limply declined lo dn ao. Julian aald a few bsnb tblniaabont tbe I'litsbiirger's hon- esty, snd, turning to Stuart, said ihe Texan would have 10 be teeposalble tor the money. Dan retiiKd to accept tbe leapooslblllty. Julian told Ooiiiielly be wonid agree to lire men being picked wbo would decide wnather FIti bad a right tn the $l.uou. Von- nelly demaried at. Irst, but Julian odered to letilie PIUHburger pick tba men lilosell. HoroapiiUuBe from the crowd and anolber anag ror tbo llahor party. Connolly retaaed to pick ihe uiod. hut would agree It Hluart did tos picking. Julian agreed to llihi and went further- lie afao agreed, no msttsr what lbs result waa, whether be got Ilia II, 000 or not, to Oght Maher Friday. More ap •lauae. Stuart nalected Oeorge Slier, Ihe referee; Tom O'ltourke. tlo slakebolder; W. W. Naugli- too, l.igls llomman and Hugh FliTEgcrald. Stuart waa selected to explain mallen to Ibo com- mlttea and It went Into aeaaliin. Tho result wua not reached tor ten nlnutes, wlion Ihe comraltiee ro Inmed, and It irai announcod that tbo srilcles ur sgreemeni wera abrogatedlait Friday, when nelllier man entered tbe nog, and thererore ilie commlnee decided neliher nun waa enililed to a rorfelt sfur Ibat dale. Tbs vote of Ibe coinmltlee waa ugaul- mona Julian never felt more crrtnin of anything lo hia lite than tbat the committee wonld decide he waa entiued to tlie tl ,0x1, Tho declainn seemol lo atun blmtoraBecond.andhlaface turned all the colon In tbe rainbow. "Dock"amllcd uomiilsccntly, and tbe crowd gave a lew blaacs. At wion aa Julian re- gained bis senses ha turned tn Stuart aud aald: "Then you see ibst Hahcr'a ll.iKu la up tor bliii 10 dgbt fur Friday, and I'll ho there with my man." Connelly agieed lo put up another ll.iun to In- sure Hluart, and tba conference broke up, wllb >1tz and Julian Block alMvepar snd Connrlly'arep. ntallon lomewbat laltercd. Julian afterward de- clared be considered be got tbs worst or tbe com- mittee meeting. Stuart explained there waa api|. wate agreement between tbo Oghtera and tbo man- agers wblcb bad never been made nubile. When Ihe committee tret got tngolhcr It waa almoat iinanlmaualy In favor 0' Julian, but when the pri- vate agteement was explained It put adlircrent face on niattem, and II cmild not ei|Ultalii; de- cide In Jallan'j fivor. TbIs sgreeoeot, by the way, wa* made to evade tbe law, and li silll a secret or agreed by tbe comndttee not to male It public. Tbe old articles between smart and FItz and Maher were amended lo ii:ah« Ibe date read Feb. 31, and wen signed by Julian, Vonaelly and Stuan wlihin twenty minutes. Maber'a eyes were so much tieltor tbfa motuing tbe abide waa taken oir. and to-morrow he wlU begin active tnlnlog. Connelly aaya the iineattonofcogdlllonlinotihe principal uuo with Maher now, nnr will It male ao much didereme. Ue expecu tbe tight to lie a abort and forloua Imt. lie. atld will not last much mora tlisn Ave rouuda. It It laita Ibat losg or goes much farther, bla man will bettadlaadvantage . ATHLETIC. cosuif o ■vium. P«ti.S-CumMQV I. Twtirth IUiIqhoUN. aS. K.T. inJ WVMKU* AibltUfiClab Jolall»lgor |uiU|Wmoi7. K«» York air, t6b. 7;-l^ilitl«l|>hU (I'A.) rftlcntlooUa Club Ixloor Kfii XT-UTluilon r«DelnB eoatnt, tMnii, BbHOap, Niw Yurk Alhrvlie riub. tl«n ftnnufti liiJoor Kuawk knnonr or PouTtMDlh IU|I' Uf ot, N. 1). H. H. Y.lbooklrii, " A R«r«Uilloa of FacU and Dmttt* The yeKJTtrjf fwnraetor and uatfUt. tH CLirrMB Af!«riL for LW. IIIuMraivJ, lil>9r«r«ni. Iirlibur, cruifr nwf rri'ltu. if \Xm. \m mmIUI*. ■lihAeomplutlaBor vportloi »t*oU ihaD«r*rb«r(iT*. IlimfiMtmrof Ulailratl'poiftn'l ti«ir li.oa oaU. tfip- plof Ita* cllBM iBphotuirtptilrwi*! Mufimfiart. T^• Nwi dtllr iTbio'ft rvll^l'l* r«rfr«ac«iDd cemp*mlloiii oriboaponlORUid thwirlcAlvrtolatir out oulr Um pk't fMr. tnter <UU«»i n<«arriae«a prior. TolLslUsl- iaituA fponlBi vorbl Tin AmtiLiisitroUlloo of PvvtnilUorillitlBKalatarA ThHpUni. Thi Ci.irTB» knsx Ai. Ufonor r«oof.N*ccS u •iwr ■portion Dttn r«<iulrai, Ibo nftD/ Oat p«niuu ofilli- UoiaUMd Uitn'luii. March 7—Aoiual laSoor dihUbp of Iht TftU I'alrtftl ly AUil«iio A«jwei»Uuo ftod (3»anMileat KkiloaaJ tiuuU, Hfcuoil Hauinitot Armor}, N«« Hrt0D, Ol. Marrh lw-Ihi«rclub tvoviag eontpaililoB, N«w York AlliMloClalk. March S-t-UnlTArnllr of PtDoarlruU opMlof Pprlog hioaicap llfhl urellof, rhlUilal(i))(v Fa. Arrl) 4—lavltailun i«dcIo| conipoUUon, rMC«n' Onu, Mow Vuik. April xt-P«ncloir fomrtllUoo, HoaliK Faootn* Cluis Ka« York. April tt-l*nlT«r«lir of r«aairlTMl« Moootl 8i>riDV luUsiirapdahlmteilDi: lttUreull«|laU u«l lOltrMliOlu lie r«iay ra.-«a. l*hlloilelpht»t fa. Maf r-JaTlikittMi (Miolof ooBlantt Saw York AlhUlIc Odtb. Majr Ic-Diul n«M mattlOR. Ilarraf^l l'nlT»r«ltj t«. t'olToi'liTDrraaaaytTHU, I'talMalphlK, 1'a. U*y Xi.lai*rcull««Ui» AihUtlo AMoclaUon unaat cliinipliKi>hlpn«hl tnMiinff, N«« York. Jaiif )7-->(vlll*>h Auialrur Alhlalio A*ii>c'illoDCkkm' i>:aatiaiil|i titltl utMilitff, AUaharfh. July «—Aiiitifur Ainlaile Uoioa lodlvMnal all anaoJ cliKiui'iuanfilpcomptlUloa, Ktrtvo I^ll0l, N. J. The AltaletM of Old DmwM. Au ludoor compsilUTO mouUDg wubolil «l Brown Unlvciilt;, I'rovldence, R. I., on Salurdfty evonlog, Feb, 16, Ibo contcsit mulUoff m foUow: /v/7nii (/nnM 11(11.-WoD bv 1>. K. O'firttn.lU; S. A. UHi-umber, *«rt, Mcoiid; F. K. I^tte IM, tbird. I'vui- niwihra uita/iniu yartlt ritn,—Won br K A.&MockvcIl, 'W. V. K.Tiri, fw, aacQnd;U. K. Olin, m;, Ibtrd, tymn, UK. j'lHihui mm k/io/.-Wod \\j p. k, Bmlib, im. icrAivli, :>T(i. iMn. Slnyh' filik itiM/m/.—Won lijr T. 0. PhlDDAj, "M, B pulnta; 0.8. Utiunblit. *0ii, 6 wilnlit tocooil. P^iinwi coniriU.—Vfon Uv 0. K. Onfrhlll, DO, A and 3 jKiliiiH; U. K. lIutlnoD, », !> and a points, wcoud. Itiiiiuiiiu hti/li Jiimii.—V/tia bf H. A. HoUoniMr, "iM, &rt.ti.\iD.; a\. A. UArrova, Olo,, 6rt.8Mo., ■ticonil. nuaio rtw.—Won by flreon. '»7. WH*. />v/ii(r.~Uliambflrlaln, *»), and Mllt«r, *»T, dnv; HtihliliiH, MT, t>Ml Jniiea, NT. /fr/;xt (f/iti£f.~\Voa bj lliillArd,'07, 13\k.; <iunn, Ut, bCCUBd. .\N B.MUHirtOK MACXIT MiTCM WM playiril Bl lIlO courtnor the ItomoD (Maw.) .Uiilotic AwicUilon on h'rldny irifrnoon, Feb. 14, Ihe cuiileaiaittt h«log (henoicd export, Cleorao Htiiidlofs of Noir York, and Tliomia reiiim uf Iho Clly * uf IlvaDa. Hjo runner l« concedm lu l>o iho tiotler pU}or uf the in'u, and lio |Tnv« liH oppoiif nt an exim bund, 1 tie littndlrH]i, howcTtr, pruvlnu mora than ho muld L-onccdd. r<ir llifl nwn nl Ibo cloao waa l&—I* l.',-li, i;-):> lu fivonif r«ullt. Till ADUiial WlDMrmeoHuHot ilin Vale fnlvendlj Alliteilo Aftioclailon and ilio i^uutfulluiil Nitiloiml liiiHrdhiu lio lirld tliU Tvar un Unri'liat ilic iiniioiy or ihu Htrond llrKloent, Sew llavvD. Tbo proRrommo eiiibncoeliiu uuaiomarr ewuM, nod ibe entrance fee tu eicbnpun event will Ihi (iriyceniH, whirh imiai ncmmpAny Iboenirv. Kntrloa dono nn Ft*i>. 'j;, Willi I,', (ililetie, a.v> While llall, New Uavcn. TiiK ASNt'Ai,HAi'R r«irthe UldlAndOountlm Junior CroM Country clntDplonildpoameoiTa! Noritiam|) inn, Knir.. ri*>>. I. Tho diriliiiiro wan aliitut Mfrn nillPM, ivi) niliON Hnd a hHir i«lng ran over iliu rlnder rtiih HiimmndlnR Ablioy I'^rk and Fmnklhi'a (iiinltiii. Tbo Nurihrtuiiilou niid I'uuniy A. a\.0. won b; tweniy-elRliL ptilnia, tt, J. Hoblnsun fluUb' Uivnrflt, hi :i<iiit.bU9, W. J. JxKKiHMM. 811 aniAtuiir Qtlilfllf, who gnlnvd conilderai>lu reituiAtbiu ai » i rrm I'nnnirT raaner, and wlui warioboof ilieorgHOlMriiuf Iho KlogHtowo llaro Hhd IIoudiLi. In Irrland, dlotl at hU Mddonro In itilR «'lty iiD Fob. Ki, from piieuiiionlii, aged Uilrtj-elght joan, TiiK ttunoral Aiblello AuouUUon of Jnbu Hop ktDM UQlvenlly. lUIUinore, Md.. baa naepied Hie luvliatlAU lo cQltr a toini In ibo lolerrnlloglalB relay nFicoM Hint aro lo tako plane Id Pliludulphla, l^., April aj, tindtr lUu ftiupkoi of tbe rolrviBllj ol ronnsjlvrtnla, A BfX'U.ND (lAUk In Ihn iKrlei for ibe AnnrlaUon fiHiibHll cliamiilonHhln wai played by itio trainaof Ibo InleraaUnoal Albiello Oliil>, Jeraoy Otty, and tho HuolUkti AriiorluD Albiello Clnb, Newark, N. J., the Liller viDOliiff by a scoro of four (oata lo one, Tub Colunit»lB Albiello tlub. of WaHblDgton, U, U., laai week rlecled Uie rollowlng oiilccni for tbe uoMulnir ypiir: rrcaldent, A. <lriini; viro preHldoot, J)r. W. H. King; ireaaurer. It. K. Boll; captain. UH. Weill; UeultiiHDtN, C. I). Nulau and Ubarlea Baker TiiRTwoiiileib Annual IntonwUonal UuRby foot- inll nalch l»etweea t*ie ploked playera of KnjtuDd and Ireland waa contealed at Uede, Kti$., Feb. 1. the roiuli iiebiR In favor of tho vUltore by » Kom or leo poioii 10 rour. KoRTv-KivK cAodldatoafor inemt>onihlpln ihe Oo< lumbU tA)llege track team aro ouw in trkiologlD Ihe Uanbutiao Aihlellc Club gyranaaluni la ibia clly. under ibe direction of CapL Fearing. TnRir!iiTMpHrATinKiKt.uTHiiuiCi.ra haM ikalrnnb BDDua. irUU al W«il roint, Mlai., Vmlt. S-T, «Ilh tlilN ro- ftilt: riilaUrlHrby, Tor pupplaa «bel|i«tl on aod aflor Jaa. I, lFtn-4niartnti««tlllo Konoara duK Wraaltar won. Nab(iOi*cund, f{I|iaav third, Tiiry Jaaaaiiilna reorOi. flia- tor Hiia null. K«lt«r Darlir, for Mllara wli«<p«4 aOar Jan. I. lllldicoek'AdoR Tury Kaah oii voo, llarwlck MKoDd, MarlA'H Hport ihlrd. Hob Taylur Tuurtli, Aec«lo- raiidonrui. I'ulaivrHukM, fur polBlor« uf all&iM llial n«var vuo anr all as* aubaaat aoy raeoanlud dald irlaU In Anarlca—Oliirliiliearllla tCoDnal'ii ilny Tippo •oo. Tamarack Jr. MKOQd. V»n nulMbIrd, JIdro foiirili. rt«!il Diana lirUi. P«u«ra UMhu, coRdltloiia fan* a« for jHilDiani-N. T. llarrU'duR Tony Ihiv won, Torr IhrfUl a«cood, Tory Kaiblua thlnl, Lady Mildred fuBrib, Titaya Ualo rrui. ■THaA.\.it:tAL iDtnraatUHiil pitfana abonllDa toarDamonl atHuiUMftTio toijiiiiiDcod un Kol*. I,and wu ■illl In pruKr*>aoo iliadaia iirour lawt mall ailtlua. Tboliii Pinaat flxturoarhcnilecldvtl w«re *on aa fullo*: (Iraod rlx du Caalott—M. Jnuraii kiltad taolv* blrdM,aQd wud Cuniu (lijollaad M. La dlTdlril aecood aotl llilut prltv^ and fourtn waa dlTtd«d hr HlRDnrl UalomU>, Olira and Calail. PriK D'Ov«r>uro-H. Ovarl woo. M. Vordavatoaa look Hcond prut and II. J. fPibrria third. Unnd Foul* D'RmI-II H. ■■•fRBi* woo. M. Farcard Mood, (Jouot TrautimtoadoriTUilrd anil M. llorodaKkl rr>iirili. TiiK vr iii.'vptcii' of lha HaltfiDora (Md.) hIimUbk Aa- aAclalloo waiakotat llio ffronoda ot (lie aMuclaliun tm fab. 17, tlia cooitat rafulllBK In Uia nae«r«t of Oajtt A. W. JJooar. fall aeura ImIoii 31 uat of S ahol ai, which waa ff'iaannd bj CapL Brawrr, but, a« tho Utiar h out a man- lier of tha olub, bn «idM ooicAinpaia for ib« illvpr Iptpliy. Tha purve waadlfldrd balwaan Ihom. MoiiaralOMlil twcDir nloa raid'. Willi* Hrewar atood at tliirlr yard'. Tha Liliar »oirMw«r«: UiaridaiL 30yda., 23; O.A.Hacal- ••l«r,3i)da.,3i; KloffMrtiry,3^fda,II. A. ir. KiAH. or Hltubur*, aad Dr. B. If. (Tuodall, nt Waahlniluo.aaiiaied la thalr aaeond pliaon ahnvt, no* hiindrad birOn urh. for aaiakt.atlli* fnrnitr plan- Fab. 13, wb«n III* local aboutar rarariad tha fumMr tordlct by wlaaloK by a aeorw or f I tif«. Tns fjilllard naich Utwaan OaUtRhar aad Hplolra (■ lo )t coaiodad al Ilia AiiillLDrliiiii Itaalial llall, la Chlcaio, III, vu 111* aTanlDMOf yab.2i. Tlie Deai DramAlle Ifandlioeki From TM< Xne Vort- prru. Thi rLirrm A^tsciLli ih* baaiof rfrtnl addllhfniln dranade haadb<HikB. It eoataloa a lirt uf iba larluoa play* prvducad durluR Irt4, Uinilitr wlili a tiriif awuot or oiicJi, bavidai oiher lUui or loioraai aad loronoailoB. Atlracllve and Complet*. f/oM The.feu yurk/ifrald. Tha eorraot ouBil*ar of Tfia Nbv York CupriA Av- Vi-ji. CMnta ra ll« uautl ttiraellf* and Minplala roiDi. Iia tid pagat e*atalii ao •aunnoiik maaa of chronulogletl and aiaiitllcil lflr>rnianr>n, cororlnv Ihaitrlral and aboninx avania durlay IHU, I'lualln aad aihlallc t^r- rorffaacaa. rarlnK aod irutllair rtcvrda, Uaf UlUcrkbat, bllllartli. tic, and a roll Hat ur all lli« Ijoitparruruiaona lo all daparlowou ufaporl, IfOUi al brmia aad abrt«d. DrUilao Willi iBferoallag Data* ynm Tke \tio Ymk Httn. Dfantllcand ■pnrtlnjidfrniaa* will find a rued ut op toOalalorntUillloO lO TUB MkW YoUK CUf riH A.^IL'ai. rurlWti, TTiarolunia brlillaawlih laioroillngdata. rtc- t nl* ntrJ cbrur•d'<sleal llama. aQ<l It InraluaVlo aa a book r r«r«rtae«. It U haod>«ni«ly UHiad and carafally ad- TliO illaaliallnoa ara nuiDorwna aod wtll aalactad, ihuM bt M'ol•^^ Kllpairicb, (.'liu«. Hwa«Hr aad ilardl- nar. lha aualaur aiwitlog caltHHiaa, LtlOi* tfpvclally Valoable Colleclloa ernecordB. rmrn Tht Xne J'orl Zraifav^an. Tbr ri lM'ta <(.Mt'iLrfrrlM,wltbl(aTaln»hl«eolt*«- Uoa u( r»u>rda nod iiiUfOlUnf^a* larorraatka, haa baaa puMI«h«>l. IbiM lataat auiiibar U la kat|rloi with pravl- oui Tvliinaa, Vflll aad Complele* frm Tht AVw y«rk Prru. Alfoqt ili'a lino of Ui« yoar iho aporllnf vilo'ailiiniBhia lurnioTHB Ci.irraa Ak^ii aL Tnia paUleaiutt lor IM baijn*tliff«a laauod, Il la aamflUot toaay Ihal tba cur- ffiLi nooirwr la rallv up v> Ibo Mali aKadard of lU ^rtdo- caiaor*. It II lllvatrBlad bandaonalr. aod la tJi* mattar of rawrda aod iDi^nui bappaa)a|a it la riUisd evn- plala. THE-A.TRIOAL.. DELAWARE. Wllaalagtoa.^At tbe ar«Drt opom llouao OI|k Ntibtrwla, le *'D*nla«." draw a Urea aadlaBca Kab. II. Kali Banaaa. Id "rbaCoDBty Fair," |day*d loa f«ry laif* bonae 11 "Pandlaa Allay" la doa 19. 0. "Boeale BeotluJ" 11, "MtCanlif'a MI«hapa"tWo«nit. In 'The Htar Uaiar.** 17: "For Fair Vlrilola" Harch I.'On the Mlial«ri>|»(A 4, •^llbi" ». BuoO.—Roaa irdall'a Loodoa Ballea did incd baalnaea 13*lft HoaaJnilliyCn., In "Kwlak." bail aUrfa atdltnco In opaalot 17-I9. ViiNPBRUnD.-MBBaiBr DoTkaiadar edkr*lb* follow. laRaironRiilllibfvaakoriT: Lacturahall—MIKaraUkva* FIf Clmua and llabaaha'a Tuiklih tmupo. Tliaaiia— HImmoaa and IUnoiim*a MlntlnK Ineludlai Uvntin- nious Brllllaat Uiurtoita. Wllla aad Barron, Finn atd Mack. llBBlltoB &ud llanillioB, aod Mila Ptnchollo. TEXAa-l3«r»B«M'.J Oallae^Al the Opun Uouno'Tbe 1>DTnado," Pab. 10, II, dM (kirly. Ilaory B. Dliay cataa lu Kt»t»1 boalaaui It, U. Lawla Morrlaoa 11, U, "A Br*«/y Tiiiiit' IT, -Frloeda" Hi Knta BlUlar tl, tt. Oahi* BmiBr.-Twtit Cailtoa. NIaa tHinon, Loary and Han, Pay llarftU, Pavy Barraii, Kaia Laajrov Hianl^y Broa tQao. Pranra, Lola Bmoiid, J. A. Halawaitr. Bull- aaaaiMMl. tiaa TuiATRB.~MIUuit aod Niton. Ja<iu» KhlrklM, l.a- Tada Maura. Kiity ilraat, Baraay Klyun. Uot Plahar, Ulii- ala Borha. Biialnaaa Biwd, PENNSYLVANIAr-l^ i'»g« '^I Alleaf owa.—Coming atiraoUoDi at ibo Acadf- rayaroJaaai Ralloy, In "A Uotman Sukllor," P«b^ W; ■■rrllby-' IM. BebMt lllllianl, lit "Loai-M llottn." B). . MloarTaBDitw pnitaatad "NIvbtV 11. lu a lair aliad audl- aaro. "ThaConaty ralr," wlih NaiiBurcfiaaa Abigail Prua. dnv a nill bwuae "FaratliBjAiioy/'wIiha Lii*t ol bid laiurltaa, |>Mkad i*ir hudaa Ift. DEATHS IN THI: PROFESSION. ALLBJf T. IMliwoHTil, who. ni\y yoara iro, waa tha laaaar (iDidaorih'a fkmoui band lu Ihlariij-.dlnl Frb. 11^ athlabotue lo I'aaadana.Cal, rroiu pnaauioala. Tha dtooaaad, wbo waa about tlgbiy yaaraoraio, aaaloia lu Shtinold, BBjr-,aad, aloni wllb falabioiLor llaiiry. waa LtouRbt to Ihiacuuniry bj htaiaih«r.Tl.ii|iiaabudtourili. Altliuuak only atHHl aiihl yaira ol at* Allao waa iiutiv a HiUklciaa, and he and bia fkilior b«caiHo luamliara ul tha Indapendant Haoil, wiiien thoo jdaioU at i^bU* tiarilan. Altltaaia of Bnaon i-a onrantaail \hn Natluoal Hraaa Hand, khicli aftarwaid oaiiin In l>a kutuB aa llc«l- ■uitt«'«,aad ul which liawaaitiiithiiiiur. Illafalhtrand brulkor llarTay, who iita )rora hu Junior, wera niaiuiiara uf ihla uiRanltailuu. I'ur a tiloa It waKilini«ultUirtli«o«w baiiU in ubiaiu |-uyoia. Iiui lha IKidvuillia waro araiit allj ■iiccokalul, bihI ibo Indtpro diQtagtfwup ihalr l«nd, aa tha tip|Hi»li.iin iT*>*ti) lw» airuBH lurihvui. AbtfUt lAil AllaD itutwuiib roncaivoii lliaidaaut uvlog talfo Iu»Iiuuibui* ciillralj, allb Iba uijaol uf tbroaiiJit lha niitair luck luaaitl iin iiirn itiai ■aro manliloR, and Now Yurk *aw ttia uihl R*>rD«t traml and Ul* drat aat oi liai-k Inairuniaatu thai »>ro avor iiatd, •liiai, Itlaclaintad.wrrvibo mtauimu ollhn jonait Itawl* OMttpr Til* MrvNt II IniHim m lii* latnlljr iUIm iruiii that lint*. Tli*Miiillli*ni.-t>n»iai*u «■ l■u|•M)•t^Bl^l larluUnl AllaiK III* UtiiaraiiU hi*lhr** lir^tii)*r^ ll*rr*ir,l harlta anil Tiiwiua, ini (t wa* aiinn InuioNicil la iiuii«lf*r. fur >*oT* It wa* iv||iiid«ii *« III* iiirouiuiiuiBatiliatlutt tif 11* kind tnilin cuiiUtijr, anil liiiiU* irar lllKil rnkBRrinoBl* In tb* iti*i«*ul fiaM ll*iii|>*liirr. Vainidni, BaaiadiuMlia, lUiuoatiiuiir. r«bii*>iuuia, imlu. Viiklola anil Mary- Nud. ihr uanil «*■ in aii*kdaU(e HI ail ot lliadlnuoia lilvtB lu h<>aM4tli, aiMl w«a migami nu iiiioy othor Ini- I uit«ui iH-i-*iaiwU'. Til* iiiUkli- piajoti Wha laruily cuni- puMd uy Allan aiid bU l«lhvr. Ailrii bail In lha luoaniim* iak*u up ill* aluUjr ul tli* Tlullu, abU liq pi*) td mat viollu aim til* ritliiiannuuid Movlvij, i>r «i,iLb Lo «aa orin u| Ilia uraaiilwn. lu lHi7 Ij* «a\« up ti.* It«lpr»hll> nl llinlmLiI aud vaUMMittl nla lllhi (laiiilliM at-adoiiir Mi UiwiiiMP Htiact. lliU oliy. Il wa« * ^ncc*** uniii llii> aim. Mini liHu ibwi* l«r iiidttid lu a ii^ll n*kl lullrai «t.huirli. lAi*r lio uivicd tat tiia buUiliiH i.uwi-HUpiLil h> bal- iiiuiiiHi,at T*vBlyaUih Niimii «i,il Pliiii 4iv«uuo. Ha rripsl ivilhaio li.r llltvoii )n«ra, auil liuiGliaaid Ihn ).ii.|-pr-r ntUll Kl.lli AvfiiLB, hli'iK lis cubllntttd lu twii tiucihia UallclUit Hradaiii) ublli »*(«u )va|a a|u, aliiii lin rMllrtil irvin audvB wuik. IiIh «| u aud l*u atiu*. A<ltu H aoil rrank bialamili, iHivit* hliii. LIlARLRil UIII4 AJallilnlNI lUilHil*, III* I'OloliralOal iiiuaUai c(>tii|4JM-r, uloil »«b. 1^ iii l*»r.a, ft. Ttia Jvcra»«d wan uirii .\ur. A, Isll, lb al* /, and *a> the ton uraditilBRulalini |<ru.*Miir nl' inuiir. iia ■iii*radlha i.'itnaarraicry at faria lo lJ*Jii, aii«ro iia wan iubb> pnta*. luuliidlDg lb* tlratid fiiivil Hbiiie tn lut. Ih* nr>lupBra»a> piutluead rtr* )«arai«t«r. bi«I heiuidahi* ilrtiaiiccaaa lu IMI', wHIi ili* |>ii4iui-iliin i f "i.* i;ald." luliUili* wai alacltd a Uivmbar ul tiio Aeauamy doa riahiii Alia, ami lu urti U* wa*aii>ultiiad uitidvr d'lu< airuuilua f ubiiijua. lo iMkI "MImoub," lib uii<bI iHipuiar anciuiM, wa* inuOuriHl, niid "liainltl." itbicti haa alaaj* b*«n cuoaidvrfd Ida l«»l wmk, oaa suok rur ttiu llri IIiiib un harsh B, XfTA. IliK oita nnndrodlb t«rluruiauco ur thi* v|*ara aa* in baTo Ukan i>lacu Uct. U. iVti, at lb* i).i| Opara llouaa lo Iba Itu* LopaiotUr, ran*, bui iht )•*rrnrnauca bid in ba pi»ii|>ito»d, aa tin liouaa waa dtallujau b; uia nu ibai dat«. a. TftMiiu bi>e4U«aoumiu«nd»rof iaoL«RluBni flounr 10 iBttJ aud a Rrmad oiltoar lO imi bahiii oo* nl ala clTlllaoa humMfftbat dBCorallun. In inM, u|«d iliadtalli orAubar, lio waa BpjKiloiail hia auecw>aor ta dlroolfr or lit* i;vBaarral»ry ui itualr. In May, imi, lha giauil ero*a ullliaL«HluB Ol lluonr waa tmiuirau upiHi iiliii, uu lbs iic«a*iuu ul iliaoiio liiuuaanib MriiiiiiiaiKavi '*Mlauuu." wblcb, Willi lha BucBiillun ur IBll, baa bt oo inoR lu I'Brl* BTaryyaar aiuca lu oiai prounailuo. Jl. IhiMiiaa waa a votumiooua willur, anil "U Puubia Kchtlla," "La Par- niqular do U," "La J'aiilir Kianri," ''Lat/krna- vai da VfDL>«" and "Laflypay" (ihB laat baioaa 1b wl- ihlHiralliiB altb HoBUull), aia auiii* ui hli iMBt kaoBii aurfci. 111b aaillorallurtam>il Willi llltla«uoiuipiiriiiipi, and iiiBiiy or iii«ai bib kuuwu only hynaina, butiruin tba data uriila dr*t triumph hounjutrd acaroar iiiads u|i ur aucoaaaaa. Ha wuan acnwiiipiiiliad wriiar. Blliai lOtl l>u«t,aad»a a cmopoaar or niara* li* dlaplaytd a haau I'aroapiluo ol diauiaue art ror aituaiiun auu aclluo. Uua- iavoi.)iuui|U»l haa aald of hiiii thal"Wlifaa)ftUauiuro ladlrklualiir la uoludy, aou a buhlOBti lu plBaalni hi* nilBlflalun** to tliBlr uaturalpoailcal, aaa*llaJ IubIcbI lliait, thla inaawr of aloiuit all tin biixhIi ur art, in Iia f arloua idiaM*, lulibt lian lankid ihiomK wlih ilia Uad- ore uf tha mgdvru aclioul uf ooiiip('»«ia, ahorabla naiilu* aa a draualUt bad Iook bru iijacfd bIm," Mhb. Uhhuh UNiH (UB* Uiiu^h funnallya wall hBBwu opera ainHor, dUd >*ii. II, lo i'*ria, Pr. iUi« waa bora ri»uL 7, laM. at Valinclaao*a, and waa iha dauiliiar oi an md oolear urtlia Koaplra, wIhi iiad btcouio diiacioruia MdiBRoroaaaira la ihaoliy uf har LIrib. Ii«r rliai inii- alcal Inairuetloa wu r*colt*d fmui bar faibar. anil al lb* Bfaor BiRlit j*ira aha waa aanl lu tho «Koaarraluiy ai Paj la, at tlia aapBiia* uf tb* lajnlolpal hudial. Tholu)> lowlDjT loar all! auQ ilia tirat prl/« hii bIiirIor, Ahar RraduallBBalt* aaai toBBlgblin, whal* tlioarhlavad auo- ~ aa B cuocort alagBr, Hh* (Iibo atiuiioa Jjrrln daclB- Biallon, and aiaJa bar d«but lu u|i*ra at lha TLoali irf tba VolRlaa tHvuluium aii* raiuraatl -- . - iRaRtd aUha(i|i«ra llouk«,whtr*»hr wagiordvo yiar*. and wbiia uiaia uioIblii inirrM H. dra^ a diBileaubdtod rlulioUt. Nkt. lluuaux KiHBT, a wth hooBu and rtllrid Bciri*a, diad lo LIforutoL KuR., Jaa. HI. AaHra. Ilmlaun H(tlt>, dio wai wall BBowo lu BoatoD. ihia eliy, t^llfuinla aiid Koilaud, and wa* cooaidartd a rtry olarvr aetrat*. hub ■aanarrlad four tinaa, *li : Kiru/, Wluifird,ifiBik aod (.liarloa K.Th'>meBr. Ilarnrtt h aitaod dftd Id Lundun, Kai, lo IHB^ aod abaaouB altar cBJiia to Atuiiica, nab- log Bar difbat In Buaiuo. Iba wont tu iMiiuroU le IdtV, and uiada bardaltut at tbe F.aHla Tlioatra, Haoraiaouiii. lo Jaauaiy, UU). iIib tlalt«d Ban PrancUco with bar buatAw), Mr. Wlajiardt a uun prviataioutl, aod ajipoarad al Il/iwf* Ain|dililioair* aa Paulino, iii "iirt Lady ol l.yoiia," than pr^lucad fur itn* flrai tint* ub Urn Paolite HIqihi. In Maidi, ISlv, In coo- Innctiua Blih J. B. AiMatar, aha L««.ain* l«aM* ul « loaaira lb Haoramaniu. In NuranilMr. mu, alta waa lo 111* Bluch cumpauy lliat Tliuiuaa Maiuiio OBKBRail lur lha drat Jaoatr Liod Tb»ali«, Han PiaacUtti, ar. WlBiard waBklll«JNur.lM»^,BOtl»liawaaniarilid lu Janaa Hlark Juoal, lUl.aod luROllirr thay tUliod Aua- Iralla, wlirra lliay bacaina iraai Itroilivd. HJib llrat aciad la Now York, bar ii*ilia r.Wf, April 0, Itte, at WalUBk'a T)i*alr*, Broadway and Mujuia HtioBt. bh dru ftavtriy. In "Tba Uanikator." li Uio Pail or ^ri^ afiBwODttu Knilaiid. ttlil.n lu Vii*|ii|*uitr, Not.. ar.Hiark wu aukkon wldi par.Dal* May ll, iw. Il« diad fML |], ins. aia. H ara * la>t Brpaaranra lo Kau PranotaouwaaMalcJi Id, iHA HJi* waa uirurnU fium Mr. Hum aad waa losrrlad to Cliartaa R. Tburna Nr. Kept. W, iwo. PitrlBB a luDR prtfaaaional r*r*ir of halfa eao- lurr Ufa. klibjr Idlrlllad luany luptirunt tntaHauiaala, ItiiL in IfBRUnd and tbtacuutiiry. rlia will li* wall maoberwdaatfeloR lo tha uiiiiuanlia iwirad by berry Hulliraa, Cbarlaa Boiiurd aod wilaoo Hanait WlUi Ibia laai oaoiad ■•ntlantao aba roiiialiiBd at-ont rour leaia, aod ihao rollrad rriMo theaia;!*. Bra. Khb/dlad al tha OR* of aavaniy fudr ysar*. Tba r«ifialBa ear* loioirad la Aodshl (IfiiKtary, Li**rpo4;l. Jan. ii. L'ltuHK.vmraa (Ur^.KnpliU Wbli(un).or ihaHtlra*. tarTrud|4 of TrapaiUia, ditd Pali. H. lu thiaiuo, Nai*., iriioi bdurl«ar*c«li*drr(>i» a faiiuu tiiB artarDuon of Itj, wblle tli«ir<ia|«w*ra|ulaMibruuih thalr act atloltb** TfitBif*, la that eliy. Tha qie»aa«i waa ildrip two yeara — wllh tlifflilta- * - uraRB, attl hid bs«a i It oaiar iruupa a anrabar Iley fibow inr Uia Hamniar ur ifc.e. and aiur the ubiiur OBUoo waa btirUioy ware coontctad wlib « vauda^iito ciMoMoy, an«r wh.rh thay laiuroid to KarLpt. Iboy bad Joai isiuroed tu till* uinuiry and Uio ratal accldBDi uccurrod un ih* opeelBR dau. Tbe ilacaaand haTta a bviband. tlio rouialaa ware laionad 1ft, In Ualvaiy Camolory. r.'MAMLu II. JUll, aanlur proprlalor of the llall k Mr.. FiJna P>ialaafll)i.w,diad Pab, II, at bla lioiii* lo Maildan, MhB. Mr. Hall aaa the i»oor iM. IJ, W. Ilatl, of eireua raoie. Uia wiroand latbar aartlTBhlia. JaaieU. Pauar, aDaeior,dlod Pab Id, at bla borne lo thlBclty,lm>pa*aBioala. AtthaiUiaor hIa dtaib ha wua oiaiiibar or the Joha irrawTo, llowu e mtnbar bfiiM Naw OrteaoaLodfBorElha aod BbIkIiIi orptihtaa. tllawiroiurrlvutlm. ' —- ■ A Uoefal BMir mt newrde. F/vaa XhM Kra Vtrk TtM. Tee NiW TbNK CliPPia AiBUiL for JRMeMiialoBa cMDplaia record of Viuatlo end aihlatle parrormaDcea, rafloB aA4 irettla/i rawrdai baaaiall, trteket, billlardii, raoofdaaf fkataatlime,aod boat parrnnaaaeeBuallda- BrtBaouoraport It ua BBeTol beek of reeoidJ lOr all leteotBd u s|«iu.