New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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pEBBUABY 22 THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPER. 815 it ^^ESATESTP "VOOA-Li SXTOOE3SS OT* '■' t^a THE OLD CHURCH BELL" OlfewBoBfUlU Bf Ibe Bam* Writ«n. DESCRIPTIVE BALLAD, By EMERICK and DILLEA, minc. and orciirstkatio!* io cbstb. "KISS YOUR LISA," "O'RIELLY WENT AGAINST IT," "IN THE MONTH OF MAY," "DAISY DREW." Two Bareht.. wim werdl by KBiRRT MlLLg (Ih. hoUnt mw wrttl..), "RARTIIS ON PARADB.' 10 C«Mti Kacht IVUh OiTknirmlloni. V. A. MIL.L.N. l>otrolt. MIoli., ta WaiMBgion At*. "S1IAND0N BKI.L8." Orrktilratlosi US CcaU KBrlt. 'Wliaill IN DKTHOIT, CALL. LATH ST, "SADIE'S A LADT," WALTZ eoso. Snt tor rnm tba bridi*, oa k IUiJ« tick itreet, ' tiAo^«T»a«M ilioc4iT •lor*. Wli«r« UbB boyi ud l^e fflrli eT'iT 71iand»T olttlit meet, TiU'a 111* bone of ibe irltl ledon. R)«k««ptt)oaH lor hBr ruber and tvo MUlachlUrra. ucr iDotber !• fMbla uhl tllod, Thr remily Ia'M Badle. ao'1 'he'i a lady, Becauaa ahe'aaogaoUa and hlod. "UTTIE NELLY LOOKS AREA T«EM ALL," WALTZ fiOMO, BTOHABLEAORAnAH. Tli»f»'t * idrl Id onriti««t,'UKApl6uonto mMt. Bbo'iijDit tboat ilirMO T«4n okl. WBUe HHna ftris look for ran. not Uut port or a one Ii thii Rlrl vlth ft bfttrt pnre u koM. On » Soa nolldk/, whin the folks An ai _. ffit wlW cAre for the roaDf on«R aIoob, Ar.Jih«n0lRhboT*kQOvw«ll, thntwlUt Hweolllttl* Noll, Tlio chlldnD An nr« «bll* tlteT*n ffono. ffor»Mlonk1oopIoitTm:lL EoclrHo pUrbill. Ordiettni i)\cis MOt to the proftnloD on reeelnt nf tmn e«nu each. iSgFUUiATeDue. H.y.nny. TO LET ''The Lights of London," Br (jlecive B. Slmti. "Hailiour LiEhts," hj fleorge B. Sing and Uenrr Fettitt "Master and Man," Dr eeorge B. Sins and Heorjr FetUtt. For rlgtau, etc, apply to JOSEPH BH00K8, 1.193 Bntimy, New Yorh. IhB Golden Rule; DESCRIPTIVE WALTZ S0N6, BV JNO. QXT£3E2Tg' Author of "My Best Girl's a Corkgr," NOW BBIMO INTRODUCRD SYDNEYDEGREY In HofV» "A Trip io CblBBlown** Co. ProftulonAl ooploA, «llh nrcbeuntlnn. lOe. HROOKH A UBNTON BlUh ATooae end Thlf y-nlnth Rtrr^L Kew Toik. J. C. DEAGAN, i LILLY AVE, SAN FRiXCISCO, CAL, Inrtator end M»onrkcmr«r ot-HUillOAL MOTBLTIBS, UUSIOVL HATTX.I«,MU8I>UL D0LLAft8, ALUMINUM IIABP8. ULAB^ UUIUBS. BELLS, etc. etc. en uiimI wirli Krea ■Qrceai br ibe leedinc muilcel ttiloin, Deliorelli Hrofl, Ui6 RAveof, HAdU; ud Uert, the Almoou, Ee«t- brook, fif. "Nobody Wants to Play With Mo" liproDooocMlbf All u Ibe lalokeat bitOD record. Pbona- ([npl)iia>l bud ontAoa All hAro it In their repertoire o». A fiwprutenloDAlcoolea lelt. CflPlorpr«gr4mnie •o4 tea caniM for plAOO eonr aq<1 nrtli»stration. A-1ilr»a< Plkloly. Yoon tuvlQ.TBB TIIOS. U. BOWERS UVHIC 1)0.. 610 Orer ATe.. Ilnitf/>D. T^ihil A Lady for Illusions. Lona aofanmaDt for th« ilRbt party, Bnctoaa pboto. ■hlchvlllberaliimal, Biate fall pinlralartaDil »bal BAtan !■ Aioectad (o flr«t letter, I imy all eipenaea. 0. W. BUNOmBD. t» Bo««tT. Maw Vorll rily, W. Y. AX LIBEBXY, JItt HHNIB BIHTIE WOODS and >VOUI)S and SLYKER DIAlBOr VOTALIHT MinSETin COHEDIAN. ANDM/tOIO. AND OKaANI:<T, ■Dina. wutlDff eip, pa4H>Ia la mad, or ball biL .rile. Kaatara pav oliibla, Adilre^ PB. J, B, »onDB, neal, nellrery, Qalncr, III, WANTED, FOR BUSHNELL'S GREAT fiOUTBBM PAVILTO}f 8D0V. VAOiniAN «bo ctn lumltb FuQch, Venirlloqum tod Rbadowffnph. Lodk AamiADML OoDd ehuco fur tlR mnnev lor omiuI r*rt]r. l]»eer«TTihlDff reAdrtoopea ihoSmh of Febru- err. Good OONTORTIOMIST WAnrrd. Direct HOSa BUflRNBLL, MigoollA, Bumpur Oo. Booth Cemlin*. First Ik Secoml VIolio and llto. RXrBBI*N0BO IH ALL BRAHOMBS, Bollable nao' agara oalr, addnia FRANK J, BELMONT, Lock Rojl l,OU, BIPRhannOD. W, Y, MUSICAL TEAM, '•edf Md leotoDlr, Id InTenequlemooniwIibTerfA- iiletketcb t«Am iDRraAUBpeoUlty Co., under outai^ for Hunmer HtMo. Mom doable bnM Id baod.umeeeve. Correepoadenee wllolted. Addreu 8BN8I8I.B IDEA, '"oTbeeire. Blooi Oily. Iota. The Aurora Budgret laAMTbook for nOMBDIANflAod thoMdola|lfD|lDK Aod tAlhloRAotA. li eooulae Ute peraJleA wplcel bodra ■oon tod ducei, ebiTActer mock wlih vcnii Aod ddiIc. TKfiT flm clAU op (o dAte MOMOLOaUES: ftll ktnda lepATiee, ivoIiAtlonH, tod Afuoor ihieetct ftroe- "noe II (Qo etAinp*). Addmu PBAHL PUB. CO.. Boi W. AareiA. HI. FOR fe-IALE. CONCERT HALL. RIliiAtadlDAcltr of aoTeotrSTe ihoatuH] lohtblttou, dolovAB eieeUeot bailneiuL Will be mM ret«ODtbir, AetfaeproprlatorcAOBotAivelt hli tileottoD. AddrMi, TARIBTT. ara of CLIPPBB. Hall's NorUiwestero Cireuit No* beohloi farlhUeeeeoatod DeiU Oon) eomptnleA ■end open tine to A. L. II ALL. AiAderay Bnlldlnr Mi;wiQkee. Wla. KEATOR OPERA HOUSE, HOMER, N.Y. Waiiad, rinl nua. AttiMlooa, popoUUoe, > OD: aaet. n* ?l*<>'lr. an. aim wut to bear rmin Vanjarllla rennlef-trawMblBArrll, OFO W. RIFLKT Henaiir, ALBINO CONVENTION. WAN1E0, ALL ALBINO& rLBlBKWlITB. AMiw. J. B. BOT, A^Ue, Fou COINC LIKE HOT CAKES. Magic Up To Date. By W. II. J. SHAW. A New Book onTrloka, Illaaloa., Setoail Bight, NplrllaBllitlo KfTerta. «lc. Pro- nouncnt by the prafeaalnn to be lh« fliiMt book of th« kinil ever pobllahril InthUcOBntry. ThI. book contmlna 100 paRumaail B3 bemtlral orlglBBi lllaam- llou. It m»t b« awn anil reaiil to be nppreclalnl. Cotit.nta R»IU. Prlre. In r.percoT.r, 73 cenla. Ilandaomrly bnniiil sbl.ckclnthanil Rolil.ti, ArtdreuW. II. J. HHAW. IM Aaaa.t. HI.. CIllcaBO. Ill.i orMAIlTIKKA ACU.,4U3 Hlxlh At?., N. V. Cltyi C. M. CHASE, 4li Cambrlila. 91., Boalon, Blaea.; W. U. I,E llOV, I0:< Court St., Daaton Maae. READ ON. MAGIC AND ITS. MYSTERIES. A iplendld work, br W. II. J. SHAW, Prict*, paper cover, 5U conle. SHAW'S BOOK of ACTS TTie rati thlnfr. If ron veot lolctra to Act for ^iiiiciiiii, Bitge, Circo*. Bldtnbofrtnd tlio Perlor. It In ihn only complete book of the hlod nrer poblkhed. It ex()UlnM how to btcone ArfolrlloqolnLbAw totrBln binl*. ht.m tn walk up t Udder of tOitrp »wonl« la joarbtre feet, how to hfcniiM t fire hlOROr i]ueen, hnw tn become t cmitor- lloolkt, >inw to piny on coidiimq |;Um«a, how tn chtnii nttker, how to utece od brokeo rUu Id your litre feel, how tu Hwtllow ffwfirdi. bow to do tho humtn pin cushion tcLbowio do the ooljCTrtcl ntftoeUo (tirl tet, tad mtoy other tote. Price, ptper coter, Ulc. SHAWS BOOK ON CHAPEAIJGR4P1IY, OR Twenty-rive Heads Under One HaL It h.a illtr IIIu.trKllon*, aliovlnff tlia fold, aod t.lme re- i,uir«d to mak. tlia hat lor lli.dlirerentrliaracler.. Trice 01 book alooaSOcaati, or book aod C)iap«iuii;raphy Fnlt llatCartl, AND STILL ANOTHER GREAT BOOK. REVELATIONS OF A SPIRIT MEDIUM, OR Spiritualistic Mysteries Exposed. ItconlelnnSZl CAgen uO Ii IlInRlrAted. Pnp«r cover, price $(.». NOTICE.—I hnve boitchMlieeotnjpleAtcck toJ moldR of lli« hte nun nf Jnhn»oo A llneKor. Wat KlBure* Mtnii- fuctureix: tlM> ihA cnin]ilele*lork end mold* of ilie Itte nrm of Itor ;rte A f>i«>r««. Wti Pl^ure Mauufiiciurer«. which mnkc' me ihefnlyiutiiiirtcturerof vAi (IffuroN Io thn City of ChictBO. I htre e Ikrce •lock of flgurea on htuil aod can mtko enylhlnK in thtt lloe to onler At Rhort notice, nt bHretlt prict*. FOn MAIjR.— PAlntlni:a,(in:AnP, Btn. Rerpent, Mer niKidn. IlliiklnDH, HUcii An Onitl'*. MediRnlcAl Wtx Plfturef, Panch aod JuJt FlirureN Vrntrlloiuht Kiifur^a, MtglCA] App«[Attta.tad All klodNofidiow prepfrty. Lliu free WAliTBD TO BUT-Llaht Btnd VeKOD. Ticket W■([n□,Clee^CheTlou «Dd ell hlndn of circux property thti jpi food And cheep. Addre*N W. H. J. SHAW. 194 Augusta Slrect, Chicago, III. WANTED. All (Imt cIaih viodeTllletrilrtH tend Toar open time, terme peiiotnont toil tnurioi( eddrofn, full pirticiUrn end where tad wliea you lut p^tyed Ronina. Now Vurk, PbllAdelpliiA, aiictfio, Bl Lotiln tod Clnclonntl. 1,108 Broadiray, Npwr York. THE WENSLEYS, REFINED CHARACTER DUO ARTISTS. AGNES, MAIDIE, BALLADIATtod rUAR.| PANCVTRICK DANHKUHF.tml AOTBR V0CALI8T. | STRONO BARITONKBIh'OKR. New Duett. Conn And IrUli Bonaa. tEil the irreAt "NA- PULEONMARf^B." P.leRAatwtnlmbe. MtoeneniofllrKt cttee VeuderlUe end Comblntlloo^ mldni&i 219 WINnilBBTER AYBNUB. (ThlctKo. Sisters Gough, OPERITIC andCHARACTEA VOCAUSTS. NOTICK.—Rela OoBgll haaa fully re- ber-rolco anil will All all.tigag.. nit.Bta. AddrMacanofCLIPPEn. WANT TO BUY A WRESTLING PONY Piebald. Moat b« amall.abuut 30 or 10 Inchea laa lielsht. One that I. viclona. DAN SIlEHIIIAff, »»1 E. Mth St.. Hew York. WANTBD, FOH OBTO.V BROS.' DOG AND PONT OIROUB. Feroile Perforineni. Iron Jtwed Conlortlonln' or etmoR re»turee; ftond lAltry for tAioe. Morlmnttl Htr And Brother ActTetmoretiTiDii te\M for cll^ ■uilleiicet Con- cert People, inAB aod ledr. Riete yoartcu, etc., Inwe^t rtlArr. Lodr leiaon Ponth Rmtll Jtp. Tmuiw. He^lun Famllr. write. ORTOS BROB.' UlKI AND PO.W CIB- CUa North PetmiL Mich WANTED, FOR CLARK'S BIG WA60N SHOWS, An Aeronaut, wHti or without Balloon. Mambeeoberend CAPtl'leol htedllnc tod iDdtilnii btl- loon. Aoiwer InoifOltttly to DoBtldNOnville. Lt. L. CLARK. AT LIBERTY, FRANK L. POTTS, RAXOPIIOMK flOLOIBT AIID RBFINBD nVSICAL ACT. CORNET Ilf BAUD. Car* «r CMPPRU. TOM MARTIN, TOCALIST, COHEDIAN AMD DANCXR, Bq Route FfBok Tnrker Dremallc Co. Permteenltd- drvM. TiawnANTOW AYR . CleT<*lA0<1. riMn. IDOO Waal. Maalral Arlitt, Roaa aad Daac. naat that do a.T.ral apM-faltlM. Alae loan halrad iBdlaae to lBcrM..«iBpaa|r. Addnu KiriAPOO Mel), p,. NO. I. ftwtb MootroM. Bomwhanaa r^i. p.. BAT) IHISK.%S!2^"iKL£:S»>.££»S! 9 CIRCUS CANVASES, roln and Slake SEATS, Flap, Etik aPouTorKIOD'S PATENT CIRCUS LI6HTS. * aroii>.Bi.iBCAirrA!i,axAra,nr,niuu. CIRCUS CANVASES 8. S. THORP dp CO., MO rill.TON ST„ N. V. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS, Mo. $5.00; eiD.. SAOU; Sin., •T.OO; Mb., , •AOD: cnd., f^dd; 4310. %10S}\ i^mputriient imrA neUI bouod,ai: 34tlS olrcu<i iniBfei. iSM er<inplei». Bill iraoke, StaaSiU lnaiae.99i0. Llllvotnok«,'JK>Si>3I<Hldi'j. tlt w Birtpt tud *ket«toQ foUoweni, f tad 11 JO. Blilnped nn n- celplof UOa bal.C.O. D., eiceptnTer.<UlnilleMhen re mil whole AiDoant. Mualctl iDniranent, ticket tod nua- tee.a* tnioka to otder. RetlAO HtfkeUi, eltb Irmy, Unloi, cover, eta.. Sla.. lUOO; Sio.. tU.SO; 4Aa., %\bJ/>. Ba* ket.'* anipped oa rM«lpt of prlo*. RIMOK^ A CO., CBHTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Ealab. 1»*. tytA HorOi 7tb HirM't. PbllAdelphlt. B.6.&B, Professional Trunks. Hand to: Nar ll> FRURIIALflTH AI.LF.UIIE.SV. Pa- NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEAT.' STEAM HEAT IN EVERY ROOM. CIBSOIM HOUSE, CIKCINRfATI, OHIO. FlritCliM Auieilcao Pita llvtel. Relo*,a30D toU-OO i«r dn/ .Voted tor Ibe eice)lene« of in (tilalne. Lomieil wirhin ooofiquAre of three HfBl cltM itxetree. Mr. John O'Donnell, lornierlr lietd wtiier tt tba Humet lloute, now htN chtnce nf uieillDlaa roMn In thin hotel. II. B. nUNHAR, Preiikleai end Ntntnr, SPICER BROS. Beit wonted tl|htA,redDCod io9iWft •et: Kood outlliy, fl.OD; per •et;eoiion, |l.dOpertet, Id tny color; Io bltck.plak, ■hile tod otTj blue, red, tky blue, Itfen* der, preeo and wloe Bilk URhie, tU.OO periet: ProBRUItAifr.O to Bi4.UJ;Ba>ke «illA$)O0>To tViv; Purope, SotA.; all- ien, fl.OD. Send for u'jOomietodttn)- plei of tiffhti. EatlfDitee bp mell. De- po»lt remilred. SPICER nROS-. MO Beerireen At#, Brooklya, N. T. TRICKS IK liimjLLUMS aod mm mmm\. New effoctii In MIod Reidlnv, fllltet Reeond Rlfht, Thought Trmnifennee end HIXTV OTIIKR BFPKOTR. PmfatJilooAl* ety It It t dtndy. Reoill 2A centx for Ifall and moil orlHloAl MAgletl CaI-a-1o« ersr leaaed. Rtllt- [KciloD ituatAOleed. CILA0. L. BORLINOAMB A CO., B«K »1. faicAgo. III. TO RENT FOR THE SEASON OF 1896, LAUREL HILL PARK, On the lloe of fltreet Rtllwtye, tad t topolttloa of 3CQ,(10U wlthla A rmdlue of teo mllee. New Ptflllon Opert lluuve. With MADerr tod ptrtplienrnlle. wINi eettloR uptclty[or8,ugutol0.(n)oe>>pi . ol t'enty tcre-^ lof^l!^n.^Bl'l*d Adur«M til torn Amplilthetlre, ,av oeople, tod ptrk muolcAtinn* trtJOIlN BRNOHE. Tniw>e. Bcreglon. Pa OUR ''BLUE BOOK ff CoolKine nererAl thouatad llluilnlloat ol DiAmood Jew. eiry— ouaIdI tnd iilyllih—Onld JevelrTi Wtlchei, Hter llojcSllrer NoToUlei, UmlirellM, Cetee, Rich CuiOltM were. ClockH—eTerrthloB tbet le oeeded erery diy la ilie yeer. Thenitkesp ofthUvoik of ere li orliloti, torn |xc(, btDdy til een7 la Uie htod, ookt pocket or ul«bel— chock full fit the cholceot llLermlar*. Prlce> ere ibto- lulely Ilie joweet cooMnteot with qeAllly. Bead ynur ntme enil addren fnr t w>f tnd pleue raenllon "CLIP- PRR" OHKAMP. NOLTINll A C6.. MtirimoUi Jewelere of AmerlcA. Vine Bl, Cor. ath.rinclnaeti. O. BALDWIN BROS. Lndlng Aerarautt ol Hm WoiM. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ARE KOVr OPEK FOR REABON OF IW. AJw mtnaftcturen of el] klodi of BaUoooi (UtA or Hot All). Rend for price llat lo BALDWIN BROB.. P. 0- Boi 111. »locy. 111., 0. A A. J. H. Cakes Go. ALWAYK TIIK HKRT AND MOKt XEUABLK. Tba Co that ha. DOTar mined payloi aalarlM or prlolliir bllU In al.htaan r»r>. Addr... HOOK «I7, BoDlLLKK TIIBATKE juribPIWIl. Clilt.,", Ill SIJBK FITS. Write for Estimate!. APfTIIOlVV BOCII, Wi Boath BleTeothHtreet. PhlUdelplilA. Pa. MRS. L. SGHEUERa PrntAMkiniU deelriair to perrbtM E^EHIM or RTRF.ET OREmEB CAO Cud A verr EUkuI Aeeoitment nf iheHioiceAt ntrmeouei Verr low Prieea. Oiir 10 OenU' Fell Drea Holu for »tle cbetp. 9n-nmu)\STH m.. Phiitdaipbu pe. / yiglMl Appintii, Tricks, Itloilou, Etc. Rev, fuUy nioftnued iMb caiA' loffae,ererTlhlaK ap lo deU, UctA. Ptilor inibe eAlAlocae rtee. ■AR-imCA jno.. tfa Rlilb ATeene. New Torfc. Tntiif AllDuerl|tliulliii(ietin<a M, »■ ICHKPiT, IC Hoalj Wnat Hmm Tori Oltf, SCENERY AT LOWEST PRICES. Bkeicheemod ModeU teraldied on ApplleeUoe. OOLOMB A niUMM, Ul MUi BL, *vw Tork. NEW! ANNOUNCEMENT. NEW! TROCADERO MUSIC HALL, DAI.TON 4c CO., Proprietors and Manacers, No. 115-117 Wmt Tirentj'lhlrd Mtrecl, Mew York (Formerly Konter A BIhI'h). MAGNIFICENTLY RKCOrVSTRTJOXED. OI'EIN M:OIVr>^Y, MA-ROH O. lIlBh CliiSH ArtliitH Onlj addrewi i. ENUEl, Dimlnotii Mannger. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUNI TIIH PICTIIRBSQIIB SOUTIIKRII C«>MBI>V-DRAHA, DIXIE LAND By JAMKB M. HAUTIN. Anthor nf *'Thf> lUrveat Moon,** "Orealcir Nnw York,* **S»piihlre nine.*'etr., lalroeluelBii MgINTYRE and HEATH, The Vaiuone DIsrIt Face Gomedlaae, In rh»racten epeclally wrlllea Air f hem. Special Scenery. New and Novel Effects. All rainuaaBli?atlon. LAWUHNCR A IIAMIl.Ttm, HooB.. tu, UU, Ml, 8TANI>AHD TIIHATIIR UVII.DINO, New Vurh. BARNEY PAGAN'S THREE LATEST HITS. "A RSD SOT MBMBER" (OR "OH I THEH OOLOBED LADIES,"! Aa KUBII by PBTK UAILRV aaad JRNNin VHANANN In Thvlr Ureal OAKB WALK Plaalah la "TUB NIUIIT CLBHK." it HOGXnSB LZTTLX AiCAKT, Orac.ral Rotig aad Damca, Till. I. b.yoail .lawtloa Ih. aaoat .B|illvatlBg toag anil daac. .T.r aar.ltlea. it ff I'LL FZCXS TBS WZXTXTSH. lleerrli>(lve Raret Hong. ProfeAelonale eenillna l<li*., wllli rant or proKraMimo, will recelvfi mny ONRoribf* alHkve konae, or AI.I«TllliKIO lor Urir. neiHeniber, tNey are enlablleheU hlte. UATKH U UBNOIX.UN Urrheley MIreet, lloeton, .Haae. P GEORGE EVANS THE "ORIGINAL HONEY BOY,' Author of "ril llfl 1'riie to Hy lioiioy lloj " un«l "Stuiullnf; on llie Cor* iirr, Didn't Honn No IlBriii." HAVE A LITTLE OPEN TIME FOR SALE IN MARCH. Toar Paetor*a thle week. Permanaal addreii, 4 Rait HtMlk Hlreof, 5f«w York Oltjr, care llowlay, llevlland & Co. ANIMALS Will aell at s Saorlfloa, HONKBYB, ALLIOATOBB, BZ.AOK BBAB, OIV. BTS, LYNX, Eto. Also a quantity of aDFBBIOB SANITABY 0AOB8 IN BXOBLLFMT CONDITION. Adtlrses XON Y NMIXII, irs-lr Foiirlli Avt).. Now Voric Olty. "JUST OUTSIDE A HILUONAIBE'S DOOR" "XH IC I^ITT" ■• a IIIT. a.t It H«rar. It i. Ilanf by BSv.rylmlir. MISS LEONA LEWIS, iLlBHlnn Itarltla aarc.B, aad II nov.r Itelia ttttnBl.«a lilt. ProrMitea, lUcoBb, with oreh.Btralion. JAMKM aTlLLMAN, Maiii. Pybliataer, mit nitll. Av.Bate, N, V, City. 0. Aa Kennedy's Great HIppolyinpiail. <!|Ki:U8 PEIIPLK Ib til brAnchfi of the profeulon. MuilclAnn tnd llreiiInK Khmii peiH)«. Hlttii ultrlea Id lirt letter, nuinker uftcia, eti. Will open In Duhu<|u» alcrtil ihe mld'lle nl Hty for one wMk. Wtntt Mtn wllh Trtlne>l PoDlei. Ilortee end Uoka Uncle Joe Llohtiita, e«iueelrlin tllreet^^r. FverylliInK >trani new. Will inrel ov iletm- IroeL LAa|t*ee« UlrsctbiU A KK.*4.WK»ir. (leo. MtaiRer lilpi'ilympltd, rhihuiue. fowt. nVElXV OOOIV SOINTO-. "A DOLUH Ai A MIQHTY HANDY THINH." UIFPIEniCNT KnOM AINYTH IN« MLMK. WORDS AND MUSIC BY JOHN HUMPHREY BURKB. PHOPEHSIOnAL COPIES lOc. ROMR ritlCB. Jaal Oat, K.b. N, 'VO. J. H. BURKB, l,V)M B«B.aIlo Av... !«. ABg.loa, Cal. AT r.IBIi3RXY FOH, 'OO, Abelardo and Josephine Lowande, FOR TIIBIR PniMCIPAi. illOIMU ACT* ANU TWO IIUHMB OARRYINQ ACT. Addrcwa HUIJNI) IIIKM>K, N. .1. '06, SEASON '97. IK RBPICRTOiniC. XA liAPPV PAHILV." •THB RIVAI.H." ••WIROU' HROOTT." "MH«. JOalAII AI/liB*," "A naWBnULAKD IIONB," »Hr MKIOIlaUIlM WIVB." MAGIC TBIOK JTrOGLDTG OOODS, TBifTiruMonr and juor nnuRU nrmniitn aixmr Xaid s e.nici.-.iBniFa ror m pMaa i>a«io iii. cai» (;MJoce. rer Jasilloi Uood., ClalB, Taotrllooolit uid'rooeli and /odr n.nrM rraa. (yiLumilA HAnm th|i-k «ri,. ro, ni lio..rT. N. r. SHOW CANVAS. BoDl t. ortfCT oa aboil bmIm. Vrll. (or natinktx lUutnlade.l.lonafta.. /. 0. OomilS, n il'awM.. Dalnrir, MIcb, O. B. Til. Caaady or a.B. Raa. MBS. O. B.TII.DBir, .Ibt.bIIm •T Claaractwa. Ballafela. Oaad watdivb.. Addfaaa FUIBA, lat. IIAVK VOUH PICTURES TAKEN ■r J, I, miiMjM. Min.iin, a« nui. bi., diicaio, ma naMt worh at ih. Ini*..l prlcM, (lAM. ANU RKB OUB yiinrn. itnr.i.vMnxTiK* PI'-riiHpwiviFiBn, FOR SALE. CIRCUS STUFF AND 6000 BAS- OAUKCAR. Very ebeao for eaeb. Ctr lood ee aew; air brebea, ala Uare'e t MriAio for t emill ihow. Ad dr«H i ir.ndoK'iiiuowASetiiAaf, Ho