New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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CopirighM, ISM br lb* Ftwk < 1 PoMliliIng Oomcur (ItmlMI. Feundad by I FRANK aUEEN, 1891.1 NKW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1896. (VOLUME XLIII.-N». 93, I Prie* 10 Ctnli ONCE LOVED, IS LOVE O FOREVER. warm:* roftrai hkw tork cLiri'iM, BT RUmnE MONROE. Ob, uk no more l( [ Bliall lo7e iheo Wbenyetn buTa pui twjnnd recKll; Rnt loiit TipoD ibe aiars above ibcc And nmi taj Iraib Ibere, once (or sll! I cue rot ibo' onr banda ebonlil acrer, I tnor bDi tbU, wberc'or tboii an— Odoo lored, once loved, la loved forever, Time caooot tear ibce Inm mj bean! CBoRca: Tbe jaara <rlll come, and bopea oaj aever, 1 kooir bat (bla, wbere'er ihooari— Once lored, once loved, li> loved forever. Tine caonol tear ibee from mf bean i Tbe roaea fade irheD vrlnda grow colder, Bat Sanmer givea ibem back again; And bopeanayfadoaa lime growa older, For otln Joja will turn to pain. Bgi, deaitatone, ob, doubt me never, Tbj Imige ne'er aball (ado tvnj i Once loTtd, once loved, la loved (orover, Iboti'ltfooOer groir irom daj to day I I won Ibylove In bope and gladneaa. And ataiM It fade In slorm and bllgbtr Ttaa bloasoma grow ibru> Wlotrj eadoeaa, Tbe atar of love oniabloea ibe Dlgm i I care no! tho' oor Uvea abouM aever, I boed not tL-o' ell ]o;> depart- Once loved, once loved, la loved forever. Time caiiuot ti'far Ibee from mj beart I THERIDDLEOFSLAG HOLLOW waimN roH tab hiw tork cliitkr, BY OEORUE R. SPRAnUE. Indolgeni bnaband-wbat ngiit baa aha lo llvct Qlvo me back mv revolver. Doib of Ibclr Uvea be- iDngtooM." "Well, aa jou evidently prefer ihe Jail. it\t eooncr we Hart (or li Ibe heller.' Diitbam calmly re- marked, laklng Uawkctwynne by iba arm, for he had ilatnlo bla feet ai ha flnlfhrd apeaklDg, ami bail bctron lo alaggcr lowaida mo tiouae. "It'a guile ft walk fro.'O bcrc. and oa wc go along I'll loll yoa <cbr I bare Inlcifcred txtweea ynu and Ib0!te people, upon wbom ynu want mwafegood powder and bulleia. come." "I don't want to bear yoor reaaon,*' replied flawkeswyonf. "You bavc no right lo act aa )aD are doing. ' I'll not go win yoii. Do joa take me nefore the end of iteweeka airangeoccumnce act Ibe nelbcr world of Dotton uog. Tbe Carleton Clnb clored Ita doora and llawkeawynna. Iia pro- pnetor, diaappearcd from alght a> ooBipleiely u IboiiRh Ihe carib bnd opened aid awallowcti him. NooittknewwbliberhobadgoBo. Durham wuaa Ignorant aa cverybodT clae. All ba knewwaa tbe reaaon why flaamlno Villa bad loal lla Icnania and tbe Roi'alpa of the nctgbborhood tbeir moat Inter- erilnianil imfalllogreannrce. • •••••• Aa Ike Doane reined np bla bonra In front of the IIMcl Honlana, tho principal caravanaary of Blag Uollow, be received a ahock Ibat caiiMd bim lo nearly topple off ibe box. For tho Otvt llnw aloco It Ini bla bomea to a rail Id from ol ibo Kotol l(on< laaa. ■Sarno place," aalil Doc.,'■but Iko.lf yon Join that mob you and I are done. I'm ihmngb wllb ■ he hoysjuat aaaoon at I canaell out. I'm going loqiili Slag Hollow. Tbiii day'a work baa alckcnad me ('(Ibe place and tho pcopio," '".Vb> f'aald Ike. "Toll iia 'boui II." IKio. bof Hated and glanced ai Silver Jack, ' Yea. tell na. Iloo."(cnocd 8llverJ«ck. ' lAti nigbi," aalil Dec, "Oopber Jaynts ami I found an unconicloua man at Ibo foot of Ibo finre Wo brought bIm hero to tno Houlany. laawihat he wam'tfatally hurt-only badly ahakon up. Adir a lime I reaiorcd htm to conaclouanrKi. lie olalmnl Tbe olgbi wind waa redolent wllb tbe acent of of the aea. From tbe diaiant ahotc came the niuRled boom of Ihe brtakera. Tbey were perfume and mnalc to tbewcary Nellea Durham, aa ho pauied InfrontofOaamloe Villa, on bla waj from Ibe depot to Carteret Coitage. Taking off bb bal, and puffing dreamily at bla olgar. be forgot tbe vexatluna of ibc day In Ibo l>eace(ulni!io(ibo nigbi. A paralng vehicle tiioke Ibe spell, iritb a aigb bo came back lo earth, and waa about to retame bla Journey homeward. Aa be did ao bo glanced caanallyat Oaamlne Villa. By tbe tlood ot light <bat streamed through iho open door be dbcovered two ilgures atandlng at Ibe header ibe slops that led up from tbe lawn to tbo vine trelllKd plaua. One waa a woman. Ilo recognized her. H was Ura. Hawkeawynnc. Tbo other was a man. He did not know blni. but aaw that It wat not Hawkeawynne. Tboeiranger wn^ blonde aud burly. Uairkeewyni:e waa aiPDilir, wiry and dark. Mta. Hawkeawynne seemed to be on prciiy good terms wllb her companion. She was ollnglog affcc. ilonatelytoblaarm.and btrbead wua rtaiing atfec- tloDstely npon bla ahoulder. Duiham waa not surprleed at ibis tabltao, a|. though be knew that tbe lady bad no relallves In America. A feailve friend of bla In Boston, whii waa pn Inilmate lerma wlib Uawkeawyooe, had tdd bIm a pntiy lliuo romance connected wllb ibo gamblrr'amanlage to aelngtrof tbe French open down In Vew Orttaoa. Tbo evil repnisiloo of the Uawkeavjnne raado any Impropriety eecn tbe moat natural thing In tbo world. Wlib a cynical I'iille be was lumlng away, when bla eyea fell npon tbe oroucbing form of a man, who, screened by tho bigb box hedge which Used tho path, from the street to tba dwelling, wasatealtblly creeplag npon tbe unconscious couple. Tbere waa aomelbing very soggesUve of menace In tbe movements of this siDlBier Bhape. Dnrbso besllsled an Insiant. then noiselessly vaulted over Ibe fence, allenily and awlfily crawled around tbe hedge and followed ibia omlnoas Ognre. Allhoogb his progress iras rapid, ha did not over- lake tbe object of bUi pumolt a moment too soon. Mo waa Jnai In lime to grasp Ihe wriatof an ont- ■trelctaed arm and wrench from the baud that clnicbed It a levelled revolver. ' With a smothered cnrae tbe man turned upon Unrbam. At thla moment the moon oaine out from behind a cloud. ■'Uavkesnynna I" exclaimed Durham, In k low lone. ' You know me, do yout" biased Hawkeawynne. 'Look and see If you koow her." Durbsm glanced In Ibe direction of Ihc piazza. Tbo man and woman were emcrlog tbe bouse. "Tbsnk flod I" be exclaimed aa Ibey closed Ibe door bebind them. "Eb r" rjaoulated llawkoswjono, aa lliay dlaap- peared from view. "Olvc uie my lovolrer; glvo It tome, 1 ay." "No," replied Durham, allpplng Ibe weapon Into blspockeu Wllb indden ferocity Hawkeawynne clinched with blm, and alrove lo (aaleo bla linger,* around bli throat. "You won't, eb f" be snarled, as they wrcallcd lo and (to npon tbe lavm. 'Then I'll take It (rom you I came bare lo kill them, and you aball not prevent mo." For a long lime It was a preliy even contest Tbey irtre aboni equally matched aa tar aa weight, riinacnlar prowraa and aklU wore concerned. Dnr- bam had tbe moat endurance, ibougb. At leoglh nia autMrloilij In tbU respect began to tell. Real. l3lng Ibat bis advcrsaiy'a sireogtb was waning, be eienedblmseKIn aaupreme eonn endforcedblm, hreatblfas and defeated, lo the gronnd. "Hawkea- wynne," ba aald, when be bad recovered aulllrlent. ly to ipaak, ' now lake your choice between ibc Jail •Dd ny room at Caneiei Coltaga." "You wonld have me arrcaied I" exclaimed Oawteiiryone, -Tbal man In diere baa broken op my family, baa repaid conlldcnce with treachery, and klndncaa with Ibe basest Ingrailtode. I toond blm, are years ago, penallen and fritndleis. I gtTo bin food.abellcrand employncni. and ffnaUy made blm mypoHner. Wbysbonldnt I kill blm tbe aaoa as I wonid mj other anake I Tliat woman. l«o,ii9WU»-la wkoKlbaTS been a (aUhtuI taid. t orn for a child r' "Ko,"aharply exclaimed Dorham, "I lake you for what your are, a dangerous fool 8ce hero. I'll have no more of tbla nonaeDso. Ynu either come aloDi with Die qoleily, or I'll call mat preclona psrt- nrr of youraont of ihe bonao and get blm lo help me put you where you cannot barm anybody for BOOK lime to come." Hawkeawynne lomed wllb a low cry, looked bio (all In Ibe (ace, and. reading)t«m molve In Its every llneamoni. bowed bit head and Horrcndcrtd. Dgrbam did not apeak again uolll they reached the iTdowalk. 'Shall It he my donor ibe Jail." be qnertedr 'Tour den," replied llawkcawrnna dejectedly. 'Tbla way, then,'' aald Durbaiu. "and llnleD. loa chmcbyard nn Ibe onlaklrlaof BTlllase In Norlb- ero Now York ibcic are four gravea. One of lliem tieara ray brotber'a name, anothor ibat of bla moai Igtlnale friend. Hy brolber died \ij blaown band, alter having abot Ibat aelf aame friend. Tbe other iTogtavesaretboseof myparema wbodled Iron ■rief over Iheir son's crime and aelf dealrocllon. My brother became a luurdorer (or Ibe very reason that pmmpicd yoa to try and become ooe li)nlabl— a falibleaa wifo and a treacberoui< friend. What good did Ho accompllabt Hone. Ayraragofaaw a woman of Ihe at reels dragged out o( the water near tbe Fall River pier In New Toric. It waa ttaa creature who had wrongbt all ibla min. gbe had been pnnlahed for her ain. 6o wonld bla tIcIId ban been bad be tint walled- So will those two wbo have wronged you." Itoy reached Carteret Cottate aa Dnrbam IID- Ub^. Hawkeawynne hrsliated for an lnatanl'an'1 tbea, witbool a word, accompanied tba man who ^ad Interreoed lielween bluiiiid lb« commlialon of a crime Into the bonae. TThen Ibo early morning train for Boalon stopped St the station two men boarded It. One wai Pn^ , tbe olbet llawkeswynne, had begun to atop at Ihi p.i llcularly lively mining camp Ihe arrival of the w< ' l>onnd aiage waa, oa ihla particular afiemooo. - aili-nded by any wel coming afeemllagc o( the Inremostclllzenaof Iho place. Kicrpt (or a few VhlnameD, not a aool wai risible. Ikebegsn locUnibrrdownio itaegioun<l.Bmsr.<:d and Indlgusnt at Ibla unexpected dipplsy o( Indlf. fcrenc. The door o( tbe Hotel Montana opened, and a aiem, dejeclcd petaonagc alrolled Into view, II was l>oc. Demsnl, wbo united iha profeialoo of RaculBplnii o( Blag Hollow wllb Ihe bualnesa of honKace of lla premier boetelry. "Whar bev ihe boya gonef' Inquired Ike. In an Injured tone. "Craiy," aonlenllou>ly lepllcd Doe., going lo tbe stage and opening the door. "Well, Doc, If that a Ibe case, perhaps I d be'irr keep right on to Htnellervllle." said a alender, wblic haired man, wbo was Joat dlaembarktng from the coach. "8b," eicUlmed Doc "Why, II It Isn't Hllvtr yack." In anoibrr Inaiant ihe paasenger bad leaped lo Ibe ground, and be and Doc were ahaklng banda vlgorou'ly. ■Whar air the bo;at" rcptaud Ike Doane. ■Nowbrrc. now," replied Doc. "Bee here, ike Uoana do you mean to aay yoa don't know Sllvar Jack. Ibe tqnarett gambler and belt ahoi lo Mon- tanyt" I're nein 'honi bun." lald Ike, -bai laln't never aeed blm." Well, here be Is." raid Doc. "Mr, Hllver Jack, Mr. Ike Doane; Mr. Iko Doane, Mr. Mlver ;s(k." Iks Doans iromedlaiely ibook hands wllb Blag llo.low'aacqalalllon. '■Wjsr air ibe boyar' ta« inqnlitd, bawsver,ks be eiiendcd this welcome to BUver Jock. "AI 11 sgalD," replied Doc, "Wbar, wbarr> abonted Iks, bnrriettly ttibsr- lobeaproapcciorwbo bad lo«i his way nod fallen down Ibe alopa wbllo wanileilog aliout In the dark, neaa. ThI) morning Dubuque llarkina and Dan Young (ound a man and woman on Iho lop ii( iIih alnpe, near ihe spot where the airangrr rouii bavii mlaaed bis fnoilpg. They ha<l both bean alablKd. Tba woman wa^ drad and Ibo man nnconacloav. The two war* alao brought down lo tho Honisny. Tbe proapector. wbo was up and about, aaw them. TTiny were evidcnilr old acqualnlanreH of bla, for be turned pale and acemcd tudly broken up by lb" alghl. The boya qurailoned hlin. ilo relernrd evaalvo snswcra at llral. and Iben aetllcd down Inl'i complols alienee. Tbatalaried aoroe of Ibo camp lawyer! to work. The reauli Is iho iwya ate beep. Inga dais wllb ihs gentleman down In tbe gulch. sndlt'nau(e gamble that before annrtae (omor- mw tbero will be a niw grave In lbs bnrylna ground on lbs knoll. f.el'a hsve a dilnk." Hllver Jack and ike iMsne followed Doc. Into ib<' bar of lbs Hotel Monlans- (n a few moments ike reappeared, wiping bla Upa. He looked carefully ai«ut to ace wbeiher anybody waa watching, esamloed the haltera of bla horaea, looked again lo aea whelber he was atlll oliaerved. and then alailed on a rapid run for ih<> gnlcb. Re needn't ban dlaplayrd ao mneh ran. lion. Doe. andRllveriacb weie loo boay to take any noilca of bis moreoanla. "Hoyonars daurmlntd to lesvsHlag Hollow?" nmarted BIlTer Jack, u be plarsd bU gisars npon Ibe bar, after their iblidnsndlnabool aa many mlnnus. '■res, air." replied Doc. "I tiled lo eonvloco lb,! boya tbal baaglog a nun on aoch Inaumcleit evi- dence wunolblngabnnotnarder. TbeyirenldD'i llalen.and tnally la(oimed ma that 1(1 cnnllnued to oppose tbe popniarwill tbey would iDd room for aaaeoodrepe on tbe aaas bitneh wUb Ibe pros- pector —" Wbsft tbatf Inttmpipd Silver Jack. "Whu'Mo bat I''queried liof. ''l,ii'ion."aal,lBll«rJ«ck. Thnmgb a dnnr ibatopriinl out of ihe lisrtoom omi waa |iarballr ajar ihrra ranio Ihn aniind ol Hn innanlnir and the ahuflllng n( unrciiain ferl. "Ilo'a coining lo," ahoutcil tiof. ■ I tolil ihrae Ijnohora ihal ho would, and aaknl ibrin in wait iiiilll be illil and hear what ho liail In any. I'tiino and l)ear wline'ft." Hwcarlng ann apluiirrlng. Iioi: daahul Ihtnagb: Iho dniir ami Into ihc mom Imin whence iho moan. Ins prucceocd. .tllvrr Jsi'k followed hini. Iliil he did niitonicr ihr rimm. He a ood iipun llir ilirrahuld iranKlicd with horror. Tbo woiiutb'U innn liati mauHgtd lorlaotronihla. own hunk, anil aitprosch sniiiher otic, uiain a hleh ropnicil Ihc (orni of iho ilrsil wiunnii. t'llngmi to lla nlio bo had ilraggnl aalilr Iho lilaukcl which covi-r><dlhociirpao. "Ynu dsvll," bogaaiHKl, 'yiai aho devil, you made ilfoa hell lo yuiir>cltaud ino.nnd llion, when;nii derided to go In Ihal other hrll brynDdlheiinvr, rnu Irleil In Inho moslnnHwIlhyou—Inityondliln'l, you dliln'l. Ynu killed ynutMlf, h:it I'm allva In apllnntvou. Take that. ' The ansylsg, Irrmliling wrcich tpai In ihe (aco of Ibo deail wumnn. "Ilnlfloii," ithniiioit l>ou.,"h()til on. She may Havo ant ynu —'■ "Tliat iho dill," nhrlokrd ihn iiuin, lurchhig amiiiiil: "irtod m hill mo." An ba aald ihiiao wurdf ho rsmo fseo in fsro wllh Hllver Jark, pauaed. gave a •liilll alirirk ■>( Icrrur. and lunihlnl (aee (iiri'iiirt^l u|inn Ihu dirnr lino, sprang l" lila aldo snd la<nl over bliu. ■He's drsd. Hllver." ha qiiloilyHsId, sder sine-. in«nlary cxauilnoilns or lliii Imly, «•«•«•« Thn gmiiii In ilio gnlcli hod ilulahndall Ihepte- llinlnailra. 'H'ai.air.uigi r. hovjiiuaiiyihlug In aay t" qiierhd iliii hir Jatura. an he ailjiialril iho nooau nriHinl the nrok o( Ihu IhiiiuiI nml lii-lplCM man, who Mood' jia^^lvc but (rarleaa, tirnrrtlh the Ituto irci which iK'qurni iiMur had iiiadn tbo acciiptcd galloarn of .Mlal llnlliiw. Only ihni I am Inuocnt,'* rrpllrtl ihe proaiwc* live vli'ilin of Judge I.) noli. ' Whi n ynu havu lln. laliril I wi>h Ibat yiiii wniiM iliillvcr my ilmil hnly tn ihiciur Dcinaul. wllli niy dying rvqiii-Hl Ihal htr wrlio In ibn addreaawhich bo will find In Ibo lag auapciidcil niHiiil my nark. Aak hint lo mbiI Ihe (nil parilcubirH o( my ilealb. That Is all. and mar (1(hI (nrglTO you for ibo criino ynu am atMiil lo rouitnll." Thcruwana lunntenl'a lirpliurtny un ilie pprl oC the iuni>,liul It wa>ipsrdllyrr|>lai.'iHl liya i|ul(ikeiied ragrniraa In accinpllah (Iia pur|Kjao for wnlch ihnjr bad naartubleil. Tlio mpo waa thrown nvrr a limb of ilia irns, Btmng lianda piillvd It lam. "Now I" HhoMird tlnpher Jayno*. "Ilrack I" rang Ibo abarp rep<<n u( a revolver. The riipa waaacvrrcd inlilwuy iHtwoen the llinli o( tho irro. and (bo matt itaiigling In tho iiooee. Tlin mm nbii wein iitgglng at tho ulher imd aiaggcrod for an Inalanl. anil then pllchoil luck, nnnla one on lop «t ilie other. In a onnlbn ilheap. Tlio iHidy of thn aui|wriilcd iiiaii fell hearllylo lbs carib. WhL'o iholynf'lHiiHnfHIaglliiltnw recovered their •'iinllibrliini it waa lit and (hajnaolvca conlronieil tiyn tall. whKo halrail alraiigcr, wlili two n:vulvora and a quii't. iiiit ilrlermlned minnor. Due. IH'tuHiil wiH HupiMirtlng and tryliig lo re* vivn thn half v.t\\w.\m* vlrllnt of their vlolenoc. Aa Kip imwd al'iwly wonili-d their w.4y in the ramp Hilvi'rJni'k(urced(o One. How la hn. Duo.P'* Ije aaknil, * (doming Hroiind (aal," ropltrd Ihiu. ''I.i-avi: II' lngi'lhur,"aald Hllvor Jnck. Dm:. liHiki'ii nl blm u a<;roiiil, roan and »lowlj (ul. inivi-d llio rrnwil. NilrcrJiirk linnl over (bo |,rnatialo man. In an Inxinni iliii wainlpilng gaiw liei'aint, llxcit ami ilio iliill. viicjint oyi'i lit lip with InluillgunRU. "llawkirawyiinii f hiiararly laapcil fiu ■till fcnbia pmaiienor. "Diirliani l' iTXrlnliiinlHIIvir Jack. They rlaa|Kil Ibo night ahuiluwa gaiber* nl Ihrro licneaili IboghsailygHllowa ircuiif Hlag llnlluw. "HaMhnMwyniii<," aald Diirhain. aa tlio gantljlor hi-l|M<il lilm Id hia foci, ''illd yon aco tituai-ilu yon kiii,w —" "Ve^.''rrplled llawki'Rwynn,'. "You weru right tliai iilglii iiiick In (lin Ka«i. Th'y bavo Iwin piio- lalll'il." The iipxl ndrrnoon Ihcrn waa a diinbln laiirnteol III Ibn biiryintf ground up on ilio knoll. Adernii wan ori-r two inon rioikJ over the new tiinilngnivca. It'jic'h liifHrdi ^riroa'inkrn In Ibe ground at Iha bead nf Iho iiioiinila. Wliilo Duthan watched llawkeawynno knelt anil carved aoiniilblsg upon lbi> iinrnlnlril Hiirfacn. .S'oxt liar Miiiionr tho mintra virllinu tbeliurylog gmunil rr»i\ Iho Inirilpllon. "IVife," wua wbal It aald. Willi cm Ihal word In lliai rough hoatd la, and always will lie. the riddle of Hlag Hollov- 1M E TROUB LE. HCKKS: 7Y/m(a lUlw or WlOauily. UIm frlnut, Imtmimliu, littM lUMt callnl. l.uas«iMST-llello, old insn I Tlioughl i'd com* rniind and ciinil"la with you. My wife Is alsu away, WiiHiwLT-Don't Iw aatoaallc. It'a nnt lbs lone. linen that wi.rrics ma, titit Iho matter of letter writ- ing, Ui>r.soMBr-llowaot Wiimwi.v-Well, II I mi ray loitsra with declara- tlouu of love, and lell licr bow I mlai ber,sba'll looiu huiiis to enjoy the aeutlinenialH/ at closer range; If I writs an liiilinkreni letter, ake'll come hoiiio lu aes wliii's tho matter; and If I don't witts at all, Bhnll cime hnino loaeelf I've run off with aoiitlior wriinau. (Vi wbat'aa man bi dot''—TTTit/i. On tiir. (.'iiiCAOo MmiXD.^/visanicrn- (in dining car at breakfruti—llctr, wslter. Ihrae erga are much loo sot', troKer-All rlgiil. I'll Ijoil ibem another mllr,-f/u;(«,