New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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824 THE NEW YORK OLIPFEB. Knrn'ii Vniox Bqniiu Tbiatu.— Veraont Ja- l>e>ii U tlio ptinclpti ratura ot tMi wNk'a p^o- grmnine, ud on Fts. 24, the occiiIob o( her ant ip- petniKelaooaUiuiniiaTiiuilevllle, bf litrTerMllllir ■nil tbUll^ ttie mido one of tlio blgieiitbliaem mide tt iliU booM. Le* Doctitudrr entend bli McoDd asd lut week wlili reiMerinl luMeti, end Meet Morphr made fritnda (tlofe llirouib tbetx- nellenoiorliliiepeclellr. Utioureiid liobrlmoDl,* bmce of opetuilc ilDiten, »tao nerer fill In teottat ftiiicoeMtiiblH bouie, were received wHh Urnt, and Hiinth and Itodd entered ilielr Mcood week with renewed popiiiarltr. Crorlnl end UiiTle, clever dencen; (lie Tbrco Uorello Uroib* iirv, efinlllUilHte, and John Iliffglan, Ibo nnied hlR3 Jumper, were well rowardiN] In the line otappUUM, while Uulcr Krank Wlimaii, ar«- mtrkably clever lad, w*e vlgArouil; applandcd for hlR mnilcal eirort«. Mark t/irlng aiid Annie I<e»lle, comcdv doo; Will Targe and Annie l»nlel>, ileroan comlqiie*; I'ata; and 8adlg llrannlgan, a litaco of talenied (iaita.and Andjr Uamnd Flurenc* t!vana,ln a clever iketcb, all nlned applanieln keeping wllb Ibeir elTurta. KtJorit and Norlne, Jiigalera; CarollDt Ilnll, tocallau, and tbo nonialo Jlralbeni. aililetee, aMo conirlbuied to the amnae- mem. The allendance wan up Is iba naual naod- ard. Jotin W. Kellr U Mbeduled tu head neit week'ii bill, nilda Thonan and Frank Btrrr.tbe Four Hcbrode Brothcraind Mberall, cornet virtn- 090, t>«lnff alno announced. runcroBH PLBinuRK I'amci.— Haneger I'roclor rontlnuen to Klve atiracilve pmitramonea at ilila iniiular reimrl, and (oud allcudance rule*. Tlio bill for week of Feb. u Irirlurttd tbo drtt appear- ance In Iblaroniiirr i>l Ibe rarklna, four In number, wbo perlonned a novel pantomimic ici, In wblcb Iwn enormoua beadri are made to |o Ibroiigh a cinnce and give oihcr iluna uf being endowed wilb lire. The act wan niiiuHlDg, and found Rruat favor with Ihe audience. Iook and MUle, moalcal <:iowni, atao made tneir Ameilren debut, and won well deaerved applaiiw. Tbe Uirlo Unnliaoi Trio, tbird week, gave tbeir Drat ptrfuraunce In tbla huuM on tbe midair triple b<«r1r.ontal liare, and eleclrllind tbeir aadlenco. (Jcorge iMkbart, Willi kli trained elrplianie, liegta taU twenty- elxlb and laat week a continued favor- lie. Lea Bengalla, midget camediana, fourth week, cooUnoed to l>o prime favotiua. George Tliatober appeared and enteruliied In bla iiwal happv Btyle. Una and Vanl. acmballo cora- cilyduo, wore well recelvcil, nod iteTwio IMiiKri AhUflli, vncallaia, reappeared and woo full recognl- iliio. RIalo Adair, In her I'Hiliilan and Ortenial (lancea, w.Mtllll a wnrni favorite. Otberaonlbe I. lll were Sneruan and Murltoj, lnnceneif(oni"A Jaj OlrciiMi" Urjani and lllohroond. In a comedy rkelch; the American Trio, In vocal and Initni- mental nnvelilrH; tbe Alilwna, dueitlua and dan- ran; Kllrov and Itawinn, comcdlina; Ada It. IMwole, Miio comlo hlnger; Ujlan ind I,?nbarr, Itavmiy duo; U lloclio. In tho myaterlooa sluhe; ■lay Vernon, miibrntte; ilie Ollir'rd Blmcr*. enamC' icrdiiotuita, and Uradiio, Homan axeman, each of irnoin helped to uiake up uu lutoreitloa eotortuln- iiiont. HiNiH'n Dotrcnv TnBtritl —Tbe llmtnn Howard Alhonwiim Blar Hpeclally Co. la playing a return engageniont thia week, opoulng In good boiiaea Feli.'.M. Hevural iiuiiiberaon 100 pmgraoineare now, anil a nrat olaaa perConnince li prcaented, Konno and Welch, tho acmiiailc conirdlaoji. upon ilio performani'ii wlihn ruib of fan, and John K. imwaenda It along with hia charanior aonga and rlorerdancing. I.lalo Niilrry nnd I'aarl Inmau'a "After Ibo Upora" waa well renelved, Uadolino lloaa'a vonirlkiiiHlal uxnibliliin.ln wblch ahelnlro- ilucea reretal riow ngnrea, waa •!«> voted a aiic- i:e8f. Frank Mnran leuured on the "Ihlagoeai nf Ibe la II" In bla uaual Inooliorently funny mnuuer, and the I.ivIouh provided a plcaaani Interlude of harp muMo. aonu4 and rapld.y mule crayon per- tralia. Annie Hart got homo with many now mnm, and niiiat havo Iweu graitilea wilb hor reveinlon. Tlie "Chowder" a>)ng atiii rtlirna supreme. Ueycr Uobon, deicrlpilvo iiatluioc, witli aUfreuiitioon ac- nompanlineni, liiiinlratod hiia of llfo with good eifoct. -Toe Anival of Moniiinea*," Introducing Anily lingbea, ralrick MoUrlde, lUrry Walton and Irene Uortun, ulawl ttie aiiow- N<it week, UU II lydeo'ii AmuTlcan Vaiidpvl le Co, l'iorL«'aTiiatT«B.-o>iirordliempae;'atiiue«it1an melodiama, "The Arm or Ihe Uw," received Ita Ural how York ptvducilon Fob. ::4, bofore a well tilled buuif. Win. O'liale, iianibaok rider, tbe cen- tral Agura of Ihe aiotj, lu Noble Heart, an Indian hem. Oiled tbe nie ailnlrably. Ilia while horae, Wundtr, a nna Hiwclmoii of riiulne beanty, waa alfo a great fautor In ilio play. Ur. U'Dalo la aur- rounded 14 a cati of unllurm atniigtb In every de- inli. Tlio ntory of the play, an Inlertallog one, la tuiri In aiinlher cola iiin. Ilando (IrHugor, aa Hai- dalena, a Spaiiiah nunian, waa elTcctlve In her emotlonHl aoenPi. Carrlo ii-xo, antco Bherwond, Neator Leniion, W, T. ILiyio aud Tiiiiinaa A. iluneil were appmntiaioly out, J/igan Paul, ni ilam Ixt, n Ulilneae hlgliiiliider, urtnted a cbaracler new tu the atage aa tin U'tct. vindicative Uongoilao. Frank (Hipln, Hra. Araylo (iiibett, Harry Ulane and Muln AiU Vandei (iilli«rt,an oxceiitiuunily clover ohiid aetre-H, ootnplstcd Ilio company. Tho Konio eifeouareiuiiioniiigb Iwrniony with tho prodiic- llun. i. M. Iliirat la laialncaa manager for Mr- lljinptey and W, T. UacN'iohni la aUco manager. Ko« week, "fhe Sliver King." A, II. !jiiKi.iNiNS bcn>ilc Feb. 33, waa the moat auco(>B«hiltniiiU popuUr managi't'ik career. Toe I'eupla'a Tbrauo waa aiiod by bM frlenihi, who were regaled with a pmgmnime of apeclalUra rarely o.wxilud. No diwppiiintmiinu ocuutrrd and tnetoiiowing (Mtfuraien auceecdiii eaoii oilier la rJ^'^!'",BJ?*."'*.'?'',= '•■ Ur"*"". Marlon WU, \V. B, Whiiila, Uarla l.eallo. A, II, Hhrlduii and A, II, SiiHdon Jr„ l*of. H>\ Adaiiiaky.Hliayne and Wordcii, I.IUlo Freddie. Itooil Hint (laartet, Louie Thiol, Uoutagiio and Welt, lll.xiiu anil Ling, Harry Walaon and Alice lliiloh|iiu>, Uen It, lianwy.t^iofco and Uliulvii, Frank Uikealloao, Ur. Metdun'a ap- liearance on Iho aiaga waa ibo eigual tcr a lumuilu- uiiaovaiiun, and at the coni'lniiun or iho perrorm- ance tall retuarka hi aokonwIedgemeLt were r.heoreil. Hr. tltoliloii'a couuootioa aa manager with IHiry U. Hlnrrwiilcoaan at ib« oloaa uf ibe proacuiaraaiin, about Uu; i. after aaveutern yoara ■if uiiiulcmipied auci'uai in that i-ipacliy. Hr. HhoMou cotiiemplalta tho leaau uf a MnwYuikthe- airolniheiu-arfuiui«,HBd hIa maoaierial ability ahiiuld lire liU RoancUi tucoeaa. raiicrua'a TititTKi.—An excellent hill waa fur- nithoil Hi ihia bnuae Kali.ill and wuik. Papliiia, iiilnur and nrrnrniine dancer, tieiian her aei:oni| week and won applauan, lloorgeTUatotieranpeared and created laiigklar In blaiiiosuiOKiM, Tiiol'\>iir II'aiia fmind favor lor ihalr |i«RllnK and acmballo work, Tnc lluaiell llnitbermai tlio iriah aervant glMa. gavii tholr u«ual amuaiog nerfurmanco. John- Ilio Camill, vociilitt, waa woll ^tknl. ami ti'Hilen aud Havel, in their vkttch, "Tbe S>w4bov'HiX)iir|. Bblp," wtra aniuilog. uraolii and Mtiid, In ibeir oocenUlo wiro act, »-er« In Ibe full f«vi>r of ih» nudlenoe, Fielda acd Lowit, oiiiuediani, iimvtd tbeinaolvee tu lie awKl haagh pniducerp, ami llladya Van, aouim'ite. Old well. 0.'lii"aun Ihoiirugramnie wore: lone Fuller Newball, iniladiai; lun llinilall, tlamian ooniodian; :>Ailla ilay, aerlo comic vucallal; I'aid iMnter, mimic: aiiuie Lloyd, male ImiMrann. ator; Iter, Uuite and IliniUil, cvuiady iilo: Vaike and semon, mualtai cumedlane, ami the Horollui, oonipdy aorr^ilo Iho, lltaatHitniN'H Ui.vuru.—T7imiiT-"KTriialnr Jr," utiuilouea at Ihia hoiiae to good atteiidai.ce, Ndwaonga mid feamn'Haro lieiiig Inimdiircd, aud the merry hnrlaaijue gmwa lirlgbter each week, li amend Fob. M 114 fanrtecntb week, AfiwVAill- (lacar UaniiiionHtlii'a upaia hallei, •'Hargnerlle," imU'red upon tia mini week.'«. Tbo apeoiacie haa made a piojouiiml auiveas nnd hilrawlugianio i:M«da at L'vvry tierrormaiice, nbile on e*ver4l nlgbla ia<t wiiek ilio capaciiy »f tbe hnnae w.i8 lOAtiid. The ii'.tii iiioliidM: Viruiiila Aiagon, blab wiro porl"niior; i'. Oaalnr Wait, la cliaiailer chaogin; llnna. (I'lliiai, raliiilo, fourth week; 84dl Aifamlil, oiiulllhriai, «l\ih wcrk; Carl Merta. mt> Hlclaii, na<l<io<l 17 Utio. D'AKiin, al.xib week,. ud Fanny Woniworlh, iiMiiologiilal. ilAMHia TiiKvnit.-Jobu Drew hrgan on Feb. •2\ an oniagcnuMU at ibia iioiiae andreennied Iho pnweniaiion of "nioSquiruof liaiiiea," Ihe run of wblrli at aonihrr liutiw In ihla city waa unfor iiinatplT luicmipini mu weeka ago iiy ibo oialou (iraiiiilli«ratlraclI«)o, Aunav'a TiiKtTiik.-Thli houaa waa dark Feb. it, and will ao rcimdn until'jn, when ilieLlilian Hue. Mil Opera Hi. will iraaeni tho now oiicih cumlnuc, "rheilotldnwtolTnilh." Hrta TiiitTHt.-"The War of XTeallk'' ronllnuea I < dimw good aitendanoti to tbla huute. Uwrence lianleyla playing liUolil ruleuf the lieeexy Weil- irncr, and the cart temaioa ibeaaine ainiion Iba "PCningnlgbL Tbo piece begau Feb.lilia ihinl week. A i-jNctRTWaailvrnnl I'atii.'gle HutioHallon Huoday evriilnv. Fob. ai i\iiirbarp.>ar«d8auret, KiiMi licai-li Vaw anil nmikoit Uneoe aa nllaia, wi>lle iu'iiiiinrntal niiiiiiiera were fiimiahed by an urciiriiira under iiio dlnx>iion iit virior llerimt. Kai'iHH TiiaATBii.-'Marriage," the entertaining l omcij m.w ill .la arcuu i week at ilila houar, baa liren vrry fnv.iialil; OTfived. II la annniinrrd. i..wi-trr. thai iiiiiarpUya will bepiudiiceil befoit Ibe cloae of Iho acaeiKi. ■^•viv STiHDiiD THcaTnL-Afler a Met cleeint ibU boniewaa reopened totbepnliile niabcnf Feb. 24, wlib"Cnimole Fadd«n,"<ranaferr«4 from tbe Oar- den Tbealre.u Ibe attraction, and which will re- main aa long aa IK drawing power conilnnea, WliUam Delia la liie new leaaee and manager of tbla theatre, baring in • very qolet and hiiiloeiallbe manner aacceeded to Ibe iHll Intcrtata In the bonie laatweek. Manager Selli, In ooiliolng the fumre policy of tho Iheaire, aald that It would be con- dueled In every reaped an a Uieatre of ibe drat Clara. Uoiublnallnna may etenlually f.<rm a week- ly change of bill, but fur tbe pteaent atirnc- tloni that have prored their wotin In other Ibe- auea, like -Cblinmla Fadden," and aUo new plan, comedlfa. etc., may obtain a hearing on Ihla aiage. ManaierUellawlii (hnrtly eDIirely rebabi I- taio Ibe theatre, and inienda giving It an embtiilab- Ing that will vie with any of onr city tbeaire*. Tbe old force of employa, froin box otiice to ataue, baa been roialoed by the new man- ager, wbo Inloimed tbeo that tbey coold conilnoe in their puainona aa long aa they gave bin good aervice. Aa tula l4 an ainuat unpaialieled Gineeedlog when changea of management occnr, it I worthy of a paailng comnent. A change In Ihe plicae for neala baa lieen made, at Manager Bella wtaely coneldeia that rear acala In any part of a Ibo- att« abonid coat the puroiiaaar leal than Hie more dralnible aeata In ibe front, and pricea have been regnlated acoordlngly. The reopening uf the Ibea- tro, nndar Ita new nanageDrnI, waa In every way moat auaplcloiia The bunaa waa crowded In every pan, and "Oblmrele Faddon," Jndglng Imm tbla atandpuint, abouid enjoy a proHperoo* engagement at Ihe Htandard, The can ranulha unchanged, and tbe acenery uiad la Idenllcaily tka name aa waa aeon at the Uarden Tlitatte. Ctaa. H. Hopper, Maihi Dalea and all Ihe principal! of tho caai an peered to tbo aame advantago an formerly In their rtapective rolea. L'oi. Cbaa.llcele|, of circiia fame, la attached to Manager Baiia' bnilneaa atair, Fimt AVBKiik TuaiTai—Rieonota Oou began at ibia boute, on Feb. U, her aK-oud Anxrlcan tour, and aeieol/d aa her lint oiferiog "M Signora Dalio Oamellc" ("atmiilo"). The houae waa cmwded In ercTT part, and the audience waa of tbe aorttbal iBuinailrdoicrlbed by the wordrenreaen- tattre. Tbe wetcome which greeted tbe famoua actteaa aa abe came noon the atage waa exceed- ingly cordbkl, Ibo applauie lieing ao general and ao looguntinued that It aeeoied to anrpritelbe te- olpuni, and even 10 canae aone emiiamauneni. It waa evident tbal the andleoce waa In moat ftlendiv mood, and tbla waa further demooatmud throngboul ibe periotmance by lltxral bnnia of anpUuae at f'er|uent Inurfala, >>eatowed at tloen diKrImloallnily, hot olten far loo liberally. Bigoora Unas haa nrceaaarlly brougbi tor her aup- port her own comptov, but In its aeloclinn baa oildentiy not had artlatio perfeciloa In view, for not only did none of Ita mennora win diallnolloo, bnt they even failed to dUplay average merIL Of tbe company, and, moreover, ot the eutire per- formance, wo wilt have more to ray later on, for aa Bigoora Uuae will appear thia wrut in a repertory of playa we will defer comment open her acting until our next iiaue. Wn will Uerrfore content uuraelveaatsrtMnt iiy giving lha followingcaat: Ifarguerite (laudor. Kieonura Hoac; Armand liuval, (^lio llnaaaplna; Uoval, Araiand'a father, Eiure Mauanil; Ktmlola, Antnnloua Itarloldn; Oaaton de iUeux, AnionloaallianI; Frodenco, (lluacpplna 8olaz/.l; BalnlUaudeuH, K. iio Qoudton; Uuiiavr, Clro Uaivani: Ntnctia, HarauemnM niald, (I. Uagauail II ililani; tbo Ooiinl Ue diray, Silvio Uonl- vanin: Uamn Do Waivlll', liluto Utiieill; Olyinpe, Non llopoln; a l>jctor, Napo'eone nianco; a Foot- man, AirredoUeil. Tlio lour la under tbe manage- ment of llonry 0. Miner. liani'iM TURaraB.—"ThnTwoKicuichtona,".<:|d- nay itoaenleid'a adnptatlon of the ainuaing pbty, "/,«el Wapneo,"liyUjcarU:umeulh«land UuaUv Ktdelbum, latliu attmctlonhere, and It wan favora- bly received by a faihlonalila audience nn Monday evening, Feb. n The pl^y waa orlglnaiiv pro- duced at Ibe i,«lngllie8tre, Uirtln. Her, Nov: 18, IHiM, waa lirat acted In Ameiica at HoVlcker'a Tbe- aire, Uhicago, III.. (ML 0. Hioj, nnd waa tint aeen In tbe roetniiolla at tbo Irving llaee Theatre Nov. ; of the aame year. Mr. Iloaeofeld'a adaplailon waa Riron for the Urat time on any aiaia Jan.; laal, ui lialy'aTheatie. la una city. The only membera nf tbepitaeni compony who worn in ibecaatatDaly^a are Maxino Kliint and Frank Worthing, aaanm- Ing the principal Mira, and they were both warmly welcomed by IbeIr many admlrera In tbe audleui-o, and ibmugbout ine minb pro- voking, aprlibtry, amooih running petforniance were the reclplenia ot merlled pUudlla for Ibe enicnalninent whiob iiidr niercr acUug aiMrdod, The oiber characiera in Iho play weie well auaiBlned by tbo capable company, and tbe perronnancolhniugboncwaa eron and fniliful of enjnyment. At the cioae ot ibe thini ant. In re- apooaetuhiud applauar, HIn Kithit, Mr, Wonhing and Mr. HoMnfeld appeared before Ihe ourtaio and bowed Ibeir aotnowledgmenia, Ibe laiior aiao aelz- liig Ihe opporunlty 10 make a apeech tbal waa brief and In guod Uaie. The caat: tin. Sloveiiaon, Uaiine Kilini; Captain V. Vinok, Frank ironhiog: lUmn von Weitiiigon, lloberl F. Uoiloo; luroneaa von Wetllngen, Uia. Toonuu llan v: itudnlpb, aoorgo Raokua: Tnonwa Foaler, Ci. :..- it>waer; Man, Marie Valleau; Oouot Von D'/.iuu-dt, Hugh El' wood; Counieaa von Darmaiadi, laai.ll Ilaaklni: Hervani, H. tr, Honlgomery: Fraiiooia, Kdwaid Uc- l/iugbiln; Wemluk. John Ware; Uald at tbe von WoilinacuB, Urace Hatter. AuaniciN NiCKiiAPiioK.-Manager Uewea re- pine builueaa na e.xccllanibera, andlheproapecia for a aloadily Inrroaaing patronago aro very blight. On Feb. 31 he nut In eiTecl a new buelncaa acheue, which mulled In the prraence of about two huidnd IbHl Uen and Foreatera In toll iinlliimi. Kxtm featurra were added and all heartily e'ljoyed tbenunlves. rtb. as wUI be lloyal Area. Hum nigbt, and ao on throughout toeaeasun toother lienoQcial organbiatloua. In Ihe cuilo ball IbU week la Billed Ihe return of tbo four Aiuirallan Black Tracker*, tbe two Hindoo ilianla and IbeIr wivra, HMrUmo, the Cniian wonder; Ctalg and Uralg, mn- alcal team, and UromwV Punch and Judy, A Iwby clrphaul liae lieon added to Ihe menagerie ball, Thratro-Harley and ■mjtor, Uona. Prober. Jeannie !> Are, Uariy Uitrgoyne, Uuyd and Allen, Ullile \ rre, llae and llniacho. and Uollie Walkt r. DoBia' UaiiTV TtlKiTHB.-Miiiag<r Dohatepoili that be U very well aatiadeil with Ibe bualneaa be- ing done here, ami aialea tbal Iho fmura pmapecia of Ibe buuie. uuiirr Ihe pntaent p:an of giving con- tinnoua potfiumaiicea, look more than lirtgbl. Thia in tbe third week of Uo new oMor ot entutialnnieul, and Ihe iheeiro on Monday uighi, Feb.-M. bold a Bnod »i/.ed au ilenae. Tho people fortbia week arr: lile. Illtiiilr, ilie Nelain THo. Iltnlry and JarvU. Honon and Hack, ihe Bland Blaicn, Venua, Flo! Baiika, Fannie l«ill«, ibe Hyaiia. Ward and Ijncb Whitman and IMvb^ and tbo IK-aiimnni Siateii The Sunday coucortaaiD Urgely ailcndcil, Tbe follow- ing appeared on Fab. 'JJ; Tbo Quidtua, Stanton and Itnlding, Lillian Oreeu, Flo. lUukr, UueaiM aud Untor, llould and Burl, Wani and 1 yuch, Ueeban aud lltyui'ind. Whittle, t^anpbtll and Heard, Ka. tl trdnrr nmt Jaa Oulleii, I.UMHUN TiiiaTRL-For the Ihinl tinie thia aeaann fUca ,1 Uirlon'a (Mraediaua, In "Mclloodie and IM<idie," tn tilling thia houae niihUy, Monday atlomu,in and avening, Feb, largo audlcncei wlioeaaed tho perforuiancoa. The pninrauime dit- tora In aeveral Inauncta from ihoao tnnuerly pre- aenied. Tho genial duo of ntara in tho line relea In- Clio tbe uaual cuntlnuoiia iauihior. Franklo llainea la abu wail rciiiemlicred in her nth and Hpoolaity. J. K. Mullen and Annio Hnnn, favialtea. ahared the favur lo which Ibe company la bekl. Tbe Sieivan Biiietv, In liicU apecially, aiimliabli coatuiuod, createtl conaldcrab.e e.voii.'iueut, and were gm- croualy rewanlcil wilb nurai irtlaiioa. Tbo Klec- trto ii'ianoi, lately added tu nice .t lltrlun'a forcea, rendered vocal enniedy; HnwaM Fowera, Charlea l^doll, fM, Kcir and tiro. Kerr conipuae tho four, and they piuio u<elul aciioialilona. Tbo Uanb Slitrra, In an atimcllve Bouicb dance; the Whitney llrolban, wha>e inuairal act la number hrlabt feat- un, and Made anniib, acmiwilc and character danrer, cumplelo iba array nf lalrnt, Mauy now marahea, cbmuiea and chancier blla an Intnc ducetl, auil tbe eniln peifoim.tnco baa nut a dull nioiacnt in li. J ly ii<ilglr.r iienionaiea the heavy villain with BUCcvM. Ke.\t tviek, Illacu'aUity Uub O). Mmager Janiea DonaLlain will Ivave IbU week lor a monih'a real at Uount iJctuena. Ulub, Hi.HiH'a KiuUTU AVBKt'BtiiiiiTMk.-Tbe .Veloora liegan tbe w«k here, Jl, with an aiidiem e of good alia In aiiendani*. More the iaaltlsit nt IhU o^ nultatlon 10 ibU rl'y II haa lieen tniireiy reurgan- lied, and In Itt preaei:t make up la a moat complete and well halaured company ul enlertaln'ra. The aeveral acta, which miiuraio acmbauc, muaical (vocal and Ini'rumenial) and i haracter aketobaa, weierecelve<l xut tho bcanioat denioualntloiieo( appmni, nnd were ivpeaii'dly eurored. Tbe com. Eany la no* amiivwd 1 f (^iiiplicii ami Hoard, tbe leiRipoiltin T.I", Ibo llarbtcta, Pliton and Riroi, UolbaraCiti i|iariet, Dryden and Page, lliinnaud P-ihee, and Atnea LtatoiL Neil week, Flina i Hherldan'a IligStniaiinn. J, M. Uti.i. baa a-iM ble ieaae of the Biandard Th>- ai|« to Wllllain driia. nephew nf the aell known clrt-aa managera of ibat nauc. Ibe uaa>rtr waa computed Feb. It. Tout P*no«'« TDgiTir..-Minager r**!"; week giraa more than aa e»ao •«J»n|»''J,,'"? Dining anm Invatted by palman of bla bmncn 01 Ibe conilnnoni ooUon, tbe Wll tot tbe cniient daya being one ot the moat neitlorloaa be baa yet we- aenled nnder tbe new rule. All day Monday, Feb. U, tbe hooaa waa packed, and at nfabt there waaan oveillow. weniedandveraatlle KitUe MH*''" i" tbe bright atar of tbe anni^doti, and her relurn waa the ilgnal for an aodnot of anpUnte callUig fnraalBgiogof hor full ttpertorj of catchy aonga. Ella Weaser gilocd an immedlataatatlonamoDgihe favored onea, and Annie Oaklei'a abarpibooilog waa ao atiiifaiiy eiecnied tbal tbe aodienco gave her an abendanoe ot applaua*. Agnea and Ncuie Unirman conirlbotod their portion In their cnatomatT pleaalog manner, and won favor, and Rice nod Elmer won appiaofe for tholr comlo bar act Uon Rome aaog aeveral tonga which were ibonaghly eoloycd, and gave way long enough for a aweei voiced Ud In the btloony to have an Inning at ihe cbntna of a pieity ballad, wblch nvtde the bit ot her acL C. M. Leaur and Jack WllllaiDt, In aharp lalter; Tony Faator, in a round of bla favorite aonga; KItile Kuraale, eaod dancer and ainger; AI Iteavea, banjoitt, and Chas, V, Seainoo, monoiogan comedian, all prominent en* unaluera, contributed IbeIr coflofflary porilon to tbe good work, and gained applauae In accordance. Thot. AbboU, nuglclan, la a clever lad, and bit aaaialant. Wo. Hammond, comedUtn, aided him materially along Ihe pathway to favor. John and l/iiilae Tili'H marlonellea,tba MImndo Trto,muM. clana; Harry and Tommy Mayo, vocalla'a: (;alhetyn llowe Palmer, a very clever dancer, aud Frank and Jennie Roberta, aketch duo, tvera elan 00 tbe bill, the programme daiabing wiih "Kmnacmeyer-a vialL" an afterpiece put on by Cboa. V. Beamon. RuMell Drotbera'Ooinedlana uke poateaaion n»t week, and furniab moat of tbe fun, Kosm k Hrai'a—Tlila bonte waa crowded to tbe doon Monday nighl, Fab.S4, Ihe late comera being unablo 10 gat even ttandlogroom. The occa- alon waa Ihe appearance of I/)fe Fuller, u> ber fa- moua drapery and aeipentlne dancea, Mlaa FuUer waa given a hearty reception on ber Artt entrance, anddniingberdancet the Imnenae aodlence loat IbeIr beadt lo their endeavor to demonttnta to the fair dancer bow fully tbey appreciated hor work. Seldom haa an andlenca become mora entbntlatiio over a peifonner. Applanae, whittling and bnvaa were beard on evjry alda, and at tbe close ot ber dancea tbe waa caUed upon to reapond to many cnrialn oaiui. Her dancea were: "U NulL" "La Fen." "La Danee Blanche," "Le Flrmemeni" and "Le Lya da Kile," all ot wblch wen marvela oC beamy, lha light ef- fecta anrpattlog any ot MIn Fuilrr'a prevtona et- fona, Bli or aeven Urge Ooijil trtbulet wen prc- tented to her at Ibe dote of her dancea. Tbe teat of Ibe bill Indndtd ifot. Monia and hit pony cln:na, loclnding Banner, the wreailleg nony; Lea Frerea Deltorelli, motlcal eccenBIca; I'anI ClnqnevaUi, king of ]ogEi*ni, eighth week; Roele Rendal, Inma- formation dancer, aevenlh weak: tneCn*gga,acro- hiu, tenth week, and Paul HattlneiU'a ranletnlme Trnnpe, In "llobert Hacaln." BiNFOBD's TagaTBB—Aa a retnlt of ihe high aiandaid of attrsctloua weeklypnvldid by tb|gra- aon the attendance locreaeedpnpoitlonBiely, and the managerial enbna 10 provide Ine V^M oiTartnga In tbe tbealrical narfcet have plovrn benedclal both to patront and oianagemenr. For tbe week Don- nelly and Unrd preaent "The Hainmakfn," and the ceielirity ot lit tiare, and the local repnte of UMoy ot ihoae with whom they have aurroonded themaelvet, give aeaurance of a proOtable outcome. The apecUliy iiat la made up ot Roea and F^n- ton. Ibe Itogen Uroihera and Imro Fox, and bcaldea coniributing worthy etToris in Ibe vaudeville line theie prrtormon handle tholr allotted rolea commendahiy, Tlie caat ia; Perclval Alrilghi, Oenn V. Uonjieliy; PheUx Bot- Ilea, Mward flinrd: Preaa HMIre, (IbarieeJ. Iloaa; imoWlnkeliplai,lmnFox; Dietrich Hcbmldl,<lut Rogeni: 81m Bawduat, Max Hogera; Bendum Up, UeniT IMua: Willie Weltb, Wia.Llghlel; Ut«.Oea- eral Flper liledalck. Mabel Fenlon; Bolivar, Nellie I.tncb: Pearl, Once Ltngiey; Roby, Jcttle Qanlner: Emenld. Florence Ularke; Sapphire, Muy Warren; nana', Agnea M. Palmer, Next week, "The OoNon Xing," FuUBTBiNiH SniBtT TniiTBB.—(Aanncey Olcoit changed hiablll 10 "The Irish A>ilai" on Feb. 24, and tbe box onice reutma inil no donbl beawalled In contequenoe. Tbe openiag nigbt aqaleooe, which waa large and clearly dUpoacd to btolow praUe wherever Ihe opporitinliy waa given, fbond mnob to Iheir liking aa Ihe plaf pngreaaed, and Ibe ronalcsl numbenor ibeplece wereaU deservedly redemanded. Mr. Olcoit waa In floe form, tDd- those preaent wen aA)rded the chance 10 Judge bit vocal abilities at their heat. Tbe cast: Maurice Vronln, Cbanncey Olcoit; Sir llobert Dean, Daniel nilfether: Edmund Ueao, 0. F. Ooitbnid; Oormac Cronin, Frank I'eUira; Father UenU Mahone, J. w. Haenc; Jerry Sweeney. Lnke Martin; Paddy Blake, Hot Clarendon; Mike, Ibin J. FInglelon: Gardener, neorge Wallace; KateHabone.Roilnda Balnbrtdie; lAdy Kalbertne Una, Etta Baker ManIn; The Widow UUbe. Ktlie Oermon; Haggle Cronin, Louise Cioeaor; Bildget Cronin, Lizzie Washburn; Mary liean, Itnogene Wuhbnrn, The llftt producllon of "The Ulattreiot dare," the new work now being prepared tor Mr. Olcou, la anoonDced for an early date. AotDiiir OP Ucsic—'Tbo Bponlng Dncbea" began Feb. 34 tbe tweniy sevenlb and last week of Ita pntjiernna ma at this house. Kelt week, the Damioich Opem Oo. AviBiuN ToitTBK—"Bumiah" entered Feb. 24 nn tbe fifth and laal fonnlKbi ot JU stay at thu house. OisiKa.-"rhe Lady S'aToy" began on Feb. 24 tbe founb week of Us run, witti good attendance and with a fair pnapect ot a lengthy run. Hi'niH's Pai-aCB HntDii.-Ilualneaa Manager Anderson baa aeieoled another enwrttlnlng bill for Ibis week, and a crowded bouia wtaeased Ita In- induoilon 24. On Ihe tiage an Allen and Uelmaln, Theodon, Barbara Waaton, nogen and Cleveland, Ada Jones and a team styled the Urot ben l>'Jnu. Curio ball alfiHda a bootiuaoking cenleal, CapL Vitrio, wbo clalma to eat polaona; Jaitaraon, Bimng man; Mile. MoreUo'a trained dag^ Fasoy Gurdette, midget anahe encbantreas, and Alllno'a boxing monkeya. The bill aetmed lopliBaaeall handa immenaely, and tbe weak pronites good lesnMa. Ltcbusi Tbbatri.— "The Pri«oner or /enOa," pieasnted by the aiock company of this bouse, en- tered upon Ihe third week of iti run on Feb, 24, it ia a cbaroing play, well ac:ed, and la meeting with wellraei lied aucceaa, riLMta'a TuKiTBR—"For tbe Onwn" began on Feb. 24 the third week of Its nn. ltdoeanotaeem to have been a paying venture, and, although no oillcUl annonncemeni haa been made nt itswiih- drawtl, it will probably not linger long npon Ihe boatde. lion's TnuTtii.-"A Bitck Sheep" began on Fen, 24 theelghibweekof III no, wi b a crowded house aiieatlug tbe conilnaince of Its popnlarity. On that dale Jesnneite Sr. Uenty auccoeded Aoa Dan In the rule of tbo burlesque queen. Uwuowav TiiUTBB.-The UutuoUns, now In tho third week of their tuy at tbU hi>ate, an meeting with aucetss wilb that old favorite," Hobhi Hood," tbe two iboniandlh pcrfonnance ot which was g>ven Feb 24, an occaalon wblob was duly com- memoraied. llaaaLU S<|UtiiB TnianB.—"Ths BeaitotKary- Und" begsn on Feb. 24thenloeleenih weekotHs run. U jilu lelalns Ita prmnlnenee u one ot ihe geuulne tucceeaai ot ibe comnt leason, and crowded bouses nigoily pay tribute to Itemerii. Tbe one hundred anu Ofiletb perfotinance, on Hareb 3, will be made a touvenlr occaalon. THBllirtsio.aOraaaro.alil iitej > four veaka' an. <wi;iiieat ban aau rall,opaiie| al lha Acadauy of H-ialo lo uatober. Ir la aonouQcad UialT. UaQly rraach baamadaoTar. laira lu niaMiuiar, Mr. Xabraaabl, with Ilia Tlav of dla- fwlos of bla lotaraat la ua Broadway Tbaalia. ,. ".•.''.•?'-"r,-y' •'»''•»» Opera Doute Fnnk tliQlaladlJ wall laal weak. "TM tbi<|. llirl" maila thair lli«l Uartau apiwioc*. to a aood buaaa, Fab. 11, aoH, Jadaloa iioui Ilia c|.raiDB rvaiaioa, ahoiild do a lis ••M'a liMalaau. Kail a*vt, W. H. Cnina. ' l on »Hi-a-'-niaWhlw Btava" did i^iiiy wall al llila houx dofloB Iba laal weak. Mtll llniI•a^ In "Ilia lokolrr ralr,"«i»»aO 10 a pMkad baaeall,aaduihla la bla am apiiaaiaDea at ihia livnaa b« »houtd enraa oaar braatieg lbs raoirj, aa ha dM arMoM bnakloB b<ialoa>a al lha Uatiaei il,«ia lloaea aavanl yaara a«a, which waa Ilia dm and oabr arpuraae* bi tbla aeclwn or Iba ally. Ila abooM laal litea-Ml al bla warn iwcipiloo. ahowlfia ihat ha baaluat ausaol hia ivpnlailly. Nail weak, "Iba Uavila AOMIua." ULTsnc-Hwa IliU'a (^ikdld a bigwaak'a bollnaaa, lanlaaiiMpH away on KauMajBlabL Uany W. triV llaaia' Own (to. baau ibair aacoBd •oiaganiaiil ihla im- 'OO al ibl< houaw u a lar« aodltD<«, avi will without doubt do w«U alt weak. Naal waek, MuvaU Iroa.' Co. llaaLia m-aavii-noaioaaa waa DavM baiur. Ihla aaaaoo will liaal all pfoatoua twMnta imu afloaeelal aua<lnilaL Thia waat'apacpla aralioaaad Itatilaaiarp. !* Hl'V*"*"- <"»«• aad kisllvWall.N.U. Walloi, Uaa Mc<>ilhy and Ami Raioalila. Ilaalb aad Bllbor. Dr. Jullaa, llannaD,analbbaa lalaad JoaanO Baao. Aabarr aud Rw|janaoD,rior,<laBotT«o P«Ta*«aad BdJIaToon. NE W YORK ST ATE. Biaeklyii,—Bnsineti last weak wu good ail *i«iBd.a&dUitaiinctloaslbtibU.«ath ladkale a con- InoaBea ot good altiodaaca. One ol tba priaclpsl avMU JuTaSaVt^orforeanea, Fat. 24, by Baiab Bafohaldl, ■■'SiSlimiwUiffif oifl.'OT'^Ts MfO. Jobag^" la^ "«alii bare tbla "n*;. • ."'Vr'aiuSfi Rrl¥siiSbi"'AToS;W^5r'^^^^^ 3i!:I«.%iiiiSr5s'ri*^?s'uM S£Siiu7llaraD .haaoc.ortaTaraliaaii. Bj tlfrJSiSJ Willi "naiBlot," «. bafctwa|ood aliad aad ; aoca. Ti»aday oljbl tho bill wiU ba • BlftK' III;" tv°ffoJ!;avU|-<'!!i«»»I\.?S2?^^^^^^ Wedniailay matloew. 'Jllliallft' B.laidrT nutln.i. "Haiol«.".(n wblcb llr. MiuipJM oKht, "Hlcbard Hi:' wilt inae hia not apiwataoea « Uamlat. "r. Mfio, who •ara aa aicaliaol iinMraoaalion or Hiinlat. waa repeal- Sir aae'ied ud Oouly conpalled 10 roata a apaach. tfa'hifVorreoSJd bimaalt "iK " ai«Mtoat ampany. Rka'a Bariaa.ioa Co.. In "LltUa Chrietopliar " mat wlib foTaV IfMll weak. Qaorea O. MIto In a arsad n«laeu- Ur«altalofJatiQaC«)»aT." Bijoc-Uaoaset Hairy C. Haonady baa lbs jnlyiiOT. alfy flat la bSkad for'iba .oak (n Haa.**aBab>dnna that aboooda Ui raallam. Than wa4 Iba oaaal Uooday nixbl'a crawd at Iba opaalog per- KS,«. tbi «oa la tow loa V07 •I'ooa. lo]•■••^ toe nueer, arkiia Ihe aiMlIaol macbaalcal elTaeuare ainblnaly altractlra. Last week ' Down in ,I>la^ Co- did a (ood bnaioaaa bare. Tba nait aiinoihin will be l^rinirDael Waai'amoMrala. . _ , «, , _ OaASO uriRA itocaa-WUIiam Bany, lo "Tha RlilH acnaradun." cama hara fora ralorn easagrmaot, opao- inc 11 bafore a large and aalhoalailic audijoca. THe olav. all.'-ooati laao a ouintw of ilmaa lolhlaclty. la alwa|aaniualDf.aod Nr. Banj-'a loniady soik. alogloi aoddaaclexfilfaa aollra aatbraetiun. cl-ay V lagaraM mat«lih auceeaa hare laat weak. Oaorga w. Hootoe, lo "A Happy Llltia llrme," will la lha coolae auiaalloii. Uo:cTirK.-UUr8lioaar, iQiapanorr, ia lha allfactioo baralbUaaak. Uebaaaddad"llaiiilal"ubla hat aloca ba waa laat aaeo iiara, aad It ana bla opeaiox place nigot or 14, l«r<ira a Unie aodlann. Tntadar avanlog aod Wadoaalay matioea ba will M aaan lo "Bla Oiac* Da nrauiraoDl;" Wadoaailay aad Friday oigbta and Bltur- day matlnaa."Villoo, ibl Vagahoodi^ Tbunday Ofenlaa, "tlam'al:" Bilotdajr nicbt "Tba heicbant or V«lca" and "galbarinaaod relracbio" Uoyl'a-ATrio Ist^hloa- town" drew Ilia hottaaa baat weak. The comlog attrae lion will b> dol Smlih HuiaaU. In "Tba Blvala" aad "An Bvary Oar Mao." , , 8TAa—TbairaabbaraAlaiara' Laat Bfoaatloa la tba at- timcHoo for Uilaweek, -Portnaa" baiag Uia chief fealore or Iba programme. Tbe faodavllla part loclodea tba Waalibon) Blalara, who alnc ibair nawahoy'a aooa o*Briaa. Jooologa and O'Brlea box who 1)0 a ahelcb. Kallle fPalara, lo aooga; Ifaloai nod HetUoailL in a akatob; Mafoo aod Ryao, dIalKi eoBcdlaiia, and Eoiery and Harlow, In a akelob, - HroaABauHiya—1 lanra aod allraetiTa bill U pre- aaoted ihla waca lo Caplalo Samm'a Majaatlca Two crooded bouaeawlioeiaad tbedoublo parforaanca givao It. PfOT. WoMlvard'a traloMi arala and aaa Itoaa bead Iba bill OUien art: Oioh.laltaka, female barltooabar Aralappaarmaoabars; Maud Uotb aod Billy fl.Ollnord, loakaidi; lha Cortv Brutfaan, on boriioaul bare; Al. Qiant, la moooloaaa: tbe Tbraa Nlgbu» BioUiark In gymnaatie taata; John Parly aod Jamea TSnbrooka, la a comedrakit; HlnaraBnit, ueHnadway awalla; Baoliay aad Caoiaron, muaical ^oadlaoa; llaltia Stewart and Tommr Od'ao, to c'ubtalejrtogaod atoveonataat; Rao* dulph aod Bluarc acrobala; Biillnga and HcNally, Iriah coiiiodlana Lait week tba Boama Howard aibpoicam Co. drawhifboaaaa Next week, Railly A Wood'a Big Aow, will] cbaapion Bob Pltiaimraooa aa the cbiafat- Iradluo. wiu tiaoare. AapjIIO!i.-Rh«a, wbo recently plaved an aogaiamaot lottatf^barMilol towo, la bare Ibia waek In her two iMst liked playa. DoriDgiharnTaoaitof Iba weak abe praaaou "Nail Owjnna" aad Ihe httar part of the weak will he giTea up toa porlrayalot "Joaapbloa, Bmpiaaaof Iba KianCn." A tarae aod appreclatlva audtaaea giacad tba opaaiBaparroiTnaoca, 21. A naw pUy. aotiUad * Hack' ooioa." wiltbaproducao weak or Marcli 3 Bsriat: -I'Uamaa Uaan>," a raalodiama, originally taatad aa -Luaan'a Lock," b Ihla weab'a clfaitng. A eoodalxtfd aodlaoca nadaltveleoma Iba fol- b>winaatlncit«o la "Tba Naw Bor." nivlTV.--lhiili rity." aMcb opened liara II. for a waak'aatay.iaonaotlboaafarcoiwblchoafarrallrtatoiicli hTaapoaalrechord loUnheavuoribehouaa'apalrooa. A bjg andleaee. uaaltatad lo 1 u appUnie. waa pnaeot 24. Vint. Ranni'K Majaatlca" are biUtd for n».it weak. AaaaiCANl-TliallhBialaa place In tbla part of town for a piarbouaa auch ai the American la p ovao by Uia audience which 11 latbarawlUiln ll> donra. Tbiawaek'a auraciioo. Baidcy Cainpball'a malodtama, 'Tba Oallar niava- waa araaiad 24brs ■aodaii^l aiidlaoo. "Del- mooleo'a at uli" will bo tba auncUon for week of Maleb I. Bkooatrx Mceic nAli—Tka manaiamaot aapraaaaa ItasiraavaiTWall aatladad wllb tba naw vutora ao far. tbU weak Uiara la an aollia chanaa of Mil. Tba par. ri^nnail loclaua iba Nanoadaa. tba UolTmaoa. Foraman "fJl-Vf"- KS"*"'. »J<' aavan, Val Vino and Baaria, AtoSo RllJll °° ^"""k- AdalUa Roalliao, soil LTCloa.-tiia Fray R;ock Coniwoy pta<tnud Ollvar Btna'a Balodiaiiiik "Toe Upper Hand "21, to a big ao- dlaoca. BigiMiatoaaalaatwaaa. "rbaC«aal(luajd''^wlll baUiaat wlloe waahrrKa><li>. """"'"""o L'aiQBa-Tba.TwaoUain Oniory Malda Co. waa iba iiiagual ahlcb draw aa iionieaae andlaoce bare 11 Tba paoploarelairedui*! lo an nriiloal roneeptlon of Uia "now •noiao."ealiUed "rHeOlrrBacbalor'aeiag." Tba plbi: Joho T. IIuioo,naiTT_Emaiaon and AnolaCar- ur. lalla Trtaibia Nallla De fv>aiaar, i:«aklay aod Qaoaro. Living productiooa of famoua paiotlOKi and ^ilS,','',""'!'^"* T"i Preaantad br niariaaTaiTT. Oood Oaaiaaaa laal weak. BamT. Jaok'a Modal Borlanioo Co. labonkad for vaekorMareltl. LaiiAva.iuaAOiOaav.-lt la eipectad tbla boose wlU roxpen ai alui oomio opar*. P.:pnlarBirdav ol|bt eoo- carlawiUba giraa at tba B JaaThaaln H<tcb I......The Booday coooanal tiia GaraiT. 11, wai wall auaodad. Tha nirroniieia lochideO J. W. Rally. At. W. Fliaon and Laa r.S o.'^* Nawat Mark BnillTaa. Ocoiga U. WanI, Wanl and Biowo, and Maya aod lloour. Newbarg.—At tbe Actdemyol MntloWalte'i •^^i""' "'nrnsd Feb. 31 for a ta 0 waaka'stay. In. clidlof didly mallooea,platloa RpanoiT,al le.w>ad yjVa, 't,"'^ •? bo.lnaa^ wblcb wlii 00. doobtadly follow iham tbrooaliout ibair aotasamaot tha JiSl'iKl'.'h''!?"'?- "f FVlalaaa'tpKiadad I., •Jli Moalhia Abo" aa a «inalo relaar, proved a drawing SrJJ?.'?* ""•"'» ^'•""a Party^ aiatn bare 17 ly Hodaoa Rlrar ConmaodetirKo.sS. Kalabla Tamplar, of bla oily. The bonis wu literaUr oackad. tboa laallilng tbara a aood mood aom. Jaaile iQiay, a davar plaalfia. oatlvaoruila dly, aavaa raellal tl, uapaimtniy to aolog abroad toeomplatoboratudl4a......CoiuiboaHall laoc- copied tbla weak by Uia M«S VotkHOrSSrco rin ioS- lioaeui vaodoTlUe parforaaaraa,at ia la and tOcanta. Boalar: Curkaaoof^mplaL Nolan aod McBblneBobart Laalla, Prof. Wa'lay B Klog, mnalcal dliactor; Una. uvn Jaaiuia traaaunr; iiaory P. Olatke. maastar. Tbey npaoed u eicellaac bnalooH. and In all pioiiabliltr will do vail dardig Uielc brief lUr, aa U:ay aire a really oeriloilua parfoimanca Rapertorv of Iba Waltei'omadr (in. duilac Uialr angagmutbaie* ,pa Blank rUii/"TJ.a Inilda Timck,"'%"phini!"! 'From Biro toSon,'' -LOTo^nd Law,"—Tbaf»Mi£" "*°.*)LlSHl.^"A Boy lYon BoaloD.** "A Noblo-Oal. cast," 'Tan 4Ma,>;.>Tba aallay Blava," --Legalli Dual," • CMI,^',' "Mlrtiajl BtrogolL" "Yoiini A5aHca;''^\a mfa,'"'PlatNa a NorUi"''aiffigbur." "Tlie DIamood Mialerr " 'Tlia Pnncaor Llsi>"BOd "A f •Ui"*J'*.,E!9''> , alio nlrodociog lo aach nUy ape olaliluhyAllradKaleay, tt.l'n La Rm. Hal wTBroTn, John and Banba olaeaon, Ka|.< wiiSt. Flake ami lbs B innra Bialrra. Anolbor pteuing railuia. aid which artaiyhalpa in maba Ihe anuitalomabtaa pomi- ur,latbeeoocartorcbaalnof foortoan piacaaioaMo. nUr program ma ol niiialcal oddluaa, latioduclos a nnrn- bar nfaew necbanlcal aau electrical davicea loalodlna a -ntoralacine eslfflaB^ wblch ate placed la tuIoiib paTts thA aaaafltahrlaaaww Aaaal mj^ah a^ •^-.^ a.^_.Ha Rochester,—At Iho Lreeum Theatre Uie Dam. reach OparaCo.. In "Lobeoario." opeoad Uia waek Fab II- Illaagaaalaanunealtiaatfor Uiia uwa. aod lha aaleofaaaiawuiaige. On 21 a the hoo^wiUbiidub •lib^ ibJTVt tbtii nljhfjf tlia, weak. Tba Wliluay Opaia Co.,™a "Bob Ror." dM wall 11: IB. TliaPolurBaUaVoo. h^ llahthonHiIt B 'Tha Binwolaa" coma Mardi l-a "Old RumaltMd"a 7 Cooa Orsaa lloraa-"1be Rlltar Eiag" opaaad lha weakrab.14. BsklagaUictenlabta'auy. ''Huallanm aaniB • a blllio tor iba Uit karror lhaVaak' "Diikm Kaaaia" did niealy l7-t». "T>. SlarOaiar" puitegw Mnt.iD "Pnrfflrui." plir*d 10 Mk'bt butJaaaUilWMk. "OnwDonlha ►'inn'Mi da* wmiwatL Tub VTo^ohuno thuthi unonoeMtli* rollowlu pro|rMni» r«Mhliw»«fc: WtllUin .ihI UlBole Blcktlt^ T«Bpl«tOQ tDJ MtMar RobbU lUIUj. -«■»•. - v for 111 ■ wnk: Prwi ^K*llhof»r'ii Atpin* YocftJk 0*off« Moud A. A. Mkc\. Tbe Vait«8liit«n «n«l llftdtoyud Uftitdrav UriAHOIoDwslutWMk. Albany—Tbo LeUnil Optim Uoum presented T«ud«TllN 10 lu p4*n>fliBU hM«Mb dlnetrmoi Hu- •g«r FnKlorii Kvw Yurk bouwi. Hi* bill iDelodad: RuunU TboTDlPO, Omi. Tbktcbar and lUy Vtreen, vbo recalTM bdmIa] iccocnIiloDa Altnor LIbanuappMrad In plat* or Ju)M L«Tr, vbo *»« bllM. BIf boua«t *u tUm rata ibroovbnui Uia weak Tb« fuUovlDtf M booked for Feb 31 ud waek: John «. Baoeoaa, ibe MImlo Koor, Roial YHdo JApaaaM TrDap*.CUnBaeb«liba "Dark- Mt RttB<U"ooitaa Harth L wcd. Banr, la "Tba ELl*loi 0«Daniloo,3 aad 4; DooaaUj aod Ulrmnia,"Tb«T«iaa tltaar"e. UiMMARn BLfiCKaRnALi.—IhUBmchO«nDiBOpera Co., la "LobeuriD," Tuaadar, IB, wat Uie cnodan ma- ■leal f Teal of iba aaaaoo. A nrj latia aadlaooa waa ta aiieodtBca. whioh wa* )ltNnl la appiaoM aad malla, Mhl pDiur aa-l Mr. BtUe* pmeatad *Ob*Tlona Cor< du'* bi an eiMUwt ftudUtce 11. Tba WblintTOgetft " — v.... .. a .f^^^ :BarBh FEBBUABT 29. JmOU, lo **Tb* flUr Oanr,** oon«a U. Col Babatt 0. lonmU AJoe lUi%ln»Aaaj Old Jlor.''aC,n,"Tbe BiBTAUaS THkAT»i-—Tbe Potter BeOe* Co. did Mt aiTlTolBcJmito ^rl7s OBanonolof a wmkabaad of ibtir tmlBabat pr«Mated*'Cbarloue^Oorday." to Une boilocM. UL Tbe Wtaitwr Opera Co. la > Rab Do;** dn« wtn U ». CiiDlII* D*ArTlilo da)l|bUd Itma u. dlm«sl»"*'»^«^!5*-'.'a^''*'' TJ^P*™"^ Opera Co.. toTlii"ni«wiiutfor ib«Hii«i,**j».srr7 D. B. JACOiM'TuuTiB-Ploraooe Blodler proMiiud KwinTd^a wM »-2L Jida Botb'a • White Crook" UblUid.rorai-tf; Carl ,A. Hanta. la**TboaUr«rElor' Baffklf^At the BUr TbutfB llliuil« Maddera- 7lakecom«i Peb. 24 fnr ibr«« afRbta, Tho*. 4) Aeabmoh* 17-9, *^«Idii tbe Wind**Marcli X-l, *TbdBr*wal*i"5-r, LiUle Dao MeCartbj bad a bwAt bare XL Mtmic Uji14.~— Tbt last of I be f eaioo'a Baffab BrntpboDT CoDcaru oeoar* 37. wllb Mmo. MiUraa, mMil Mauo- pobiaa OpitaCa. Muth 11-18- LTCiUMniaTiia.—*Th* Bldewalkiof Nev Tork*>thla weiL'Tbe Oouoa KUn^week of March X Now Bqr"hadaiwlBirolJowlDgv . „ , ^, noun BraikT tiiathl— Tb« Nigbt Owb ihUweik. Kelt waak.rrba WbiteOiook." Biiu'x Mceir Ball.— Utr Uo«7. Uwl* Neboo, Bart Joidaa, Atftlioe Wudaa. wm. JaCooaoellir, Kanuuid«£, IaabeUaCalT*rt,JoHpb A rnllUpt. ■ oaav "Rob Ro|" lolvoblfhotifwtB. <>>ibIo|: Fraok Dtsler* Op*ra Co., In "TbA Wliard nt iba Nila," H: Barah Benbirdt, lo'CamlllVU: 6eba)ltr AlMetIoClub vUl tire a boilD* lonmniaot >Jl THB OAiiirTaiATRC-Oocd bsalDtDi preralWd atlbia boupw laat waek, wlih "TTia Anerlma rao«taTma'' Co, lo lire tba bill Oomlair: M laoo*a Clif Clab BorleMaa Uo. fl and weak. VatMHi filMen' Batli«)e* Oo.Mar^laad waek. TrD7»—At Ibe (IrliwoM Opem Uoofe, Peb. 17,19, *H)o Ecio'DBborea" did fairly wrlL Tb« Wbftoaf Upera Co. la "Rob Bor," hJ<l a bis booae II. at adraacen priceH. Hr».ronar and Mr. Be'ldWjo "Otaariou* Cor- pricea. — - . . - dar." draw a larwo boaMtl, at adraaeod pricea JoHph Halt oaoM 34. la "A flay Old Boy," a rvtaro tI '- Caallla D'ArvHK lo ■■Vaifalalne. or th« Migle Kla," Id "A flay Old Boy," a ttuva vlalt. K lo ■■Vttfamne. or th« r " (Un T Jaok> •Th* RjU rivbter" 37-0. Bino'e Ofnx Boru—rraah Daatola -- orihaNlle."CDmeiX&. Tbe hove waa dark laa weak. tfnx Boru —Fraah Daatola In *^h* Wl/ard "comoiXft. Tbe hove waa dark laa weak. OiiKTT TiiBATRR—Tk« Oriental BriaTatteur^. (11.1 rood bualDOtf all laat vaek. M. Ba Leftviu'a • B|iidar and Ply*' Oo. comet 34, for the w«»k. Utiea—At tbe IMca Open IIoom iIm local pio- docUoaor' PinafoTf,** Fab W.itdaodPloraaea BlBdl«y,ln * The Capulo'i Hatr." v»ie ili* oolr auractlooi hat week and both did wall- l>«tHl: •■Town Topka"e«n*a>L "Tha Wfiaid »r lha Ntle" tfr Tkeaaiaa Tboaipioa'a "fba Old Uflmwiead'* 17, * D«rl»«lRuaaia'*38 KOTia—Th« old Paml^TbaatrelaVechBDlciUilllLaii been nApeadU and«r iha namt of People'a Theatre by P. M- Cootop.or Ibe BtJoQ Tbeair*. Bloihamton. Ponilar pr1«ea 10. 0-BO c«Dt*e wlUprerall. ^Ibu Bium*'"Playa aBdni)cra"Co. wlUlM tbeopeologallneil«D34-S, BlB|limWk(oB.—At StoDo Opera Eooee "Hj wife'* rrlwd" eame Pab. 17. to fair atlendaaMa Ctmira D'ArtIlle.lB* Had»'elD«,*'<]alisbird a paoktd bog«)0. "Tlie DiBiar** had fair boslBOM fl>. BolBiiilib Kontll. lD"IbeUlTalB.'*dre« to the capael^ of ibo hooaa 31. *-Tdwb Toplal" pleuadacood elud aadlaae* n. Rrallr B lecker coma*lo "Oar Plat" St. "Ibe Black Crook" tt^ * Orine** Ctltar Door"38 Bijou Tbutrb —'Tbe Pmdlfial PaUier" RtTatxcoltwt BailifuUoa to pond ba«lua 17-13. ' la Old Tanoeiafe" had fairly iiocd tiicodoiea W-tL Bva T. Jaeh'n "Mr Uoela** Co. eomei fi-M^ **I>Anitera or a Oraat OU)" 3;-9. Oe»Taa*At the Bmlih Opera Hooae Roben Iai«iM(ii leetared oa"IiDenln" vroreaBBB]lb"twell platMd audience Peb. tt. **8LlTer Eloi" bad loodbual- naM 11. **The Daiiler**nuaaio ralrboalotul7a Boolad: Ploreace Blndjera la *Tbo Capiala'i Male." 34; Joerph Uirt. In **Oay Old Boy," U; *^eOld Uonutekd" March 4. Elmlnt.^At tbe [^ceom Tbeafra tbe Uande HUlmanC&e In repertory. cKMed a dTonlibt** May Pib. U to biK boavea. Rol Smith BanelL (n "Tbo BiraK" attraned k jtocHt i>lz«I hoaie 10. Totopklna* •'BUek Crook" eonea 23. *-|>*laH>aleD'B at Bli' z0, BlIoB Seacb Yew 37. NEW JERSEY. lloboken.^-UaDBgfr UoilEoiIien toblapatrona, F*b. 24-36. 'VowlDi; tbo Wind/' which opened at Iba Lyrle to a largt aad fathlonable tndlaaee, who mtairMi* ed tbtlr appTDTBl lo a cordial muner. Tbo itaftog of tba play aaa mo< eonmeadable, the out a ■'.rooR oo«, tod curtain calla rem aamtroai. Tbo Fiatal Otnl" come* 37-t9a . Noit TC4k, "HcCailby'i Miabapa" and Jaaepb If art, la. "A Oaj OU Bor," tbrta aJgbU «achi Waek eadlBf 2J wu of iiooti noMinj. OaLv'a erAR.—Tbe Roea mil Polly Co. laaavarated tba ««ekt4«ltba nutlnto wblch wai well atlended, Tb* houaa vaicrowdad (nibaaTaalnt,and the8.B O. eln wuoatetriy. BoalaiPH lait wtoi wu lood with tb* LooUlaoa MUutatl*. M*Kt week, the Maj 8baw Bor laiQU* Oo. lMraiUL.~Irena Kara, KellleBeldUr, Pveak Maaalop. G»raAnD«nd. Am*lla*B«ma and Maod Bloketta, Bui* DMB la Krvd. _Bbiit41i^ Uall— Vay MedlMmDora Leoaoo, MelUa Motartaod John Ulllno. Bn«lDns In irood. KoTBS.—tfanafer P. Edward Daly will ptty only bo?■ laiqae iroupef.and hia booklnta op to due ecBprfn many of tbo beat Ai EUnrtdo Cailna 23. n. tbtw Mopie •pPaarcd: May BdUno. Howard aod Sail*, Martha naoM). Mlonte McBtot aod WalUr B. Blem Faalln* Bttcbeller la confloH'to harny»mand OfArrle Lame- raauiU taking berplacowlib (be Bono BllfPolIyf^o. Juk Oimwford. of the aame company, thnaih aone on> «xplalntblaaoold«ot rmlved a oat OTer Maeyeootht rpaoloB nisht wtilla votklog In ihebnrlemoe Pd. Conk, Will Blaok. BUI Prukaothal aod Ju. BUkewllllM mad«Klh«in tbe Hnbokan lodge Mn waek Leader WaCMorrfaon. of Dalp**Siar, U arraaglng mualefora MW bnrletqaa oparaibai be iJ eompoalngU coolane* tlonwiihTloaalpUywrlihL Jmer Cl«^.^Bo1)bj Qa|lor, In "Id a Wft dtr." Ii lha aitrictloa a: tb* .Aeademy weak ofM. Maat weak "BoDole Scotland." BOS Tos.-Tbe paoaU ihla waek are WIB U. foi. Iba BaitonaJ. J. PoniQP. HlPattBm. Leonard and Bernard, Aanla WMiney, •hree Halttooa. Marion and Peari, Bijoa MInoB. Jodga and WllUami, Morton aad BUtar, Qun- flald and krank Laion*. J. I. C—Llllle A^ma VaySmlib and mbm. WjauiN0TON—Olararh«Te», Clara Call, Hand Borlar too. Uf rtl« Picnitiite aod E. B. HanhaU. -Uw Nr RoTBS—Thn Nonpareil Banjo Trio, oomprUina WaOa Rofb. D. W. RobetlaoD, Uaib J. SaoMtt, and Diohtna aad Moore,elooalleni*!*.are hlllM for atocaleiTiIrl?. ir«warka~ALHlwr'6 "T%e Old Ilomeetetd" aaami to crow popalarwlih age la ihla cltr. BLcorowd* attended each p^rforvaoce laat week, ami oa Batuidar nlilit lha hooae baM aboat iha lariieat andleioa In Its bta- torr< W. D.Orana In "Tbe OoTamororK^Diocky.*'thb week, la a traat not onen aean ban, and abonid oe gen- •TonMjf aperedaM Tha opanrnw alt^ndanre wu larae P»b 31. Olaay PliigtraU, la -Tho Poandllng,*'oomea waeknfMtrohS. jAOOBB*.~Prlm,n>«eA Wrnaliodrew moi honopalaa waek, and aapcclaUy on tha hnlldar, vb*n jha Ibuin wu.twioa-.pukeda 'Tha Orut Diamond £bb(n" li th\>aitradtontblBwe*kr. A lai«t hooae vttaaaaed tbe obnlnt.34. "Ratad from the flea" Manh S and vwk. waldiuiih A.—Thiaboaaebail aocaaae foroonplaint laatwMk.uB. W Wllllaina'."Uataon>' atiraetad ibeIr ahaieoftbavoodboalBMiliatpreTailad. PlyaBARber- ldtn*«BlwBbDvraiuratklawaek. A Taw cbangu ba«a occurred *lnr«tb*lrta*tappaarmnce. Thay ■tart'd vltb afnilbouteSi. Twanllntb Centory Malda Haroh 3 ud waek. _ P«leFwa.^At tbe Open Hoaee "Rtieta Clip" bvl poor baalBBU PaK 1M«. -lloman Bearta" had fair- l/.cnod bnalneaa 3U-ra. Tba bonklnga aia: PatarMta AOilatte niQb Bug 24. lUchatle Ranaad. la "Bait Lyooa."2t JB:"TbeI)ajBlar'*n-2»,R O.InietaollMarch I, "A Ranch of Reya" 3-4, Donnallr A nirardB. 7. EoxNTnRATiiB.-Anf ma for Kab.3l aod we«k: L>ttoo, Cioalay and Polar, Harrr and BnmaRnilth,AhaaBooth, John J. WaUh. Warren ■a<1 Howard. LU Eanilake, Anna BarwoD Loonborg, Reddlae and Sunton. LmIIo aad Cnrdr, Joan Rahiio, Amaa Cvttft. tha Mamya. the Con- nlagaan Slater* and tb* Poarlauarda irnlnui wai bir 17 and week- BiJAD TitBATRi—The *'Zero" RptctaeoUr Odmpaoy chweda fairly aucoenrkl week 31. The rieaehOalatT GlrlaBorlaMiue and Hfwilalty Co. blh«b|]irbr 84 aad waak Por week of March t wa hare the Heuy Bar. UaiaftCo. EllBab•tbr-Atl^« LyceiunTbeaire Kei)lM(1y*i PUyarn weak of r»b. 17. had large NoalBeaa. "Iba Loat FarediMa*' eomea 3a, "Tha Dautar*' March a, "Dr. Oreea" 54 -Trilb;" 7. "The Ralamakenr; 10 DBiRBOnu Tlorsi.—"Tha Two BacatcbeonaP* utoa Pao. B, mailne* aad night, to large aodleaeaa, fTbo pUr waa aitUtlcally plaaad on tha atage and no4 ad- nlrably Inurprelad by aa eioellant caaL Tbe ^rfbrvi- ancewa* tbe fnaonral openlngoftJieihaatiwDDdarOol. W. Ma KertiHt'a maiu|ctmtoL Tba thaatra wu ricftly daeoratad Inalda and nat for the ftteaalno, Lonlalasa Uinairalneome2a. 2»,**On tbe Bowaiy" MothH,'"Tbr nado" April L TreBtoa^Walte^d Oomedj flo., at ntlor*< Opera Doiae. Peb. 17 and weak, had eaomoai tnuiaaea. Tbe Spooler Comtdy Co. la tba atlraeUoB forSI and waak. and opaoed Handay algbt to a B O. PopBlnr ba TeryallractlTe ha'eJaiinow.^Tbe Oraat Dlamood Robbere** eomea Manb i, BobL UUllaid SFncai«a-Al tbe WWlor Opera llooje Prtf. BeyaoUi, wecatriit, had llgbt twain— waek of Pub. 17a 0, "OnibaMlaalaalppr^JoeOltr TnixToi lir«Bpa.<-1ltnag*r Prank naaaoa rmrta bulneaa good. Tb* following people ue hem for tiaad waek: U*ny B. Harioa, Dofl> and Banetla. Oanle Cochimn. /arau W. TlKcnpBOii, Stanley ud BaaloB. Bany Pento o. LolUe Dally jad Bany iDaa; DELAWARE, WilmlBgUa.^Ai tbe Onnd Opsm Bomb "Fandlaa Allay" did atklrbailaaaa Peb. 11^ D. **Soula Bcothad" wu an eiceUant pertotmanea, b«t bad a andleacati, "McCBr1hy'*MUhap*'*badaBOod boBWN. Jo* Ott, le *nM Btar Oaier," eouta tt; '*A CenaliT "Oa Iba ■iMlaalppI" 4. "TTHIbr*!. Buoo—Tba Hel*B Basell Barh W*UoaBl4erwl«-U. 1 Borlaaqae Oo. la daa fl-T. WoiDBHURD^totetleoa for week of M: Lactate ^'i'^4^S*^^'^^'V**ut^aid, Dbb