New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuabt 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 825 Yairicty and Minstrelsy jiiiY Bin AVtf BBiTBicB Lio tuTo floUbed A roar weeks* stay In Ooetoo, iUa., aod ere lAjlOf otf Emca AMD Stklla Liioo BtreDgtbtDeil Ue "Ue and Jftck" »liow at Htoer^e Bowety Tbeilrc, la ibtfciry,!^ werk. Hmn itiD Mack ire dUjIdv » M«Bon*aeDg«KO- ■enl wlib DomoDi'A Hlmireis at tbe EleveDtb (iueatOpon Uoum, PbtlidcIphU, Pa.. Tfli ViLTONsAUte ibftt tbey taave Joet ckwed i joj pleuut season witb TPolcoti ± Ctnoo'e Fno OfcLti CLATTox ■■ ih« wild Bou viib **ni« WfalU Cntok" (7Mt«ni) Co. Ovi!ni to trt« lUQtMofLtt UoU. *ir«or Bo^br lfrd^ lh« Utn of lird* «i4 LMUwtn obllfvd to cuotl ttali vMk M fiprmiaflU, Mam. B. M. PnowLia lB In ebtm of tfat boi offlrtatJ. B. Doii>'0«l«ir Tbwire,thUeitr, onUlthtopwibBoftb* BafftloBJU'tWUl WvL *^ • UOUT AKO HABVA lotonD u (bu lh*lr ut. 'Tb« nol< uo(ou."wuM^ell nulTwl la s» rnnelKo,Cal. u vti«D u» act wu i]ad« j-*w«Ato by Um U—hj Bra. HmUt SDd Ifuba go to Lm Ao|«kii, CaL, for ibm VMk* At lb* eloM or thilrSAa FruelscoanMtoawL J. TOD fliTTitKnuxo ixp Joiiir W. /.amxom will lllOrtlj UkTO ut* '*4>ia T*DDMM«" Co. u4 Bt> to Buflklo, H. v.. to n»b««rM thf Ir new mttM aat. ..Harkt VAX ADKiNbAar»cdv«rMl fionaneMi lonl- e\i OMiaUoD, and bA> rrjoln*! bia partatni, HcPliw mad HIIL HiLi:< RCTSli-L It rIdiIob ^Tonimy A'klDa" wlili mueb ■aeoaaiDlahUv »iUi ibo **Wbit«Crvok"(W««t«n) Uo. Dak CaiMUm loronDiuHilutMnLCrtramlDiaod tks Wbr bor u« dolor v«ll asd ihat Cnumlaa ud Umo will TBitime wort about Man)i D. AL ORAia aud RoiUMi, who barA bwo plaiioffdaua vuceaaMDllj In tlialr ilntia fptdalil^ ar« (fttartAat Bjda A BMimWa Thaatrr. Biooklfo. N. Y.. IliU ^Mk ■at aowmD I* rerlou*lr lU at bar boin«k Is ihN eiii-, with paritooltU. Blia waa conpaUc<l in olo«* at Procuira Plaaaaro Palaca laat waok aod will ba unablo to woik aitalofor twowaeka. CooKa AHO Clixto:* wan itpwI«lW»D|tated Tor Vto* Mar HhalilMi'a baoeilf, at Poopla'a Thwirf, Maw Vorir, fib. tV aod warw amooi iha hlu or iha bill. Baku aid Lyxn w«ra cpnipallad to eancal Eaitb'a, Fhll*. on Account l r Uln Ijf dd loiloff bar *ole*. DAaRT J. Uowamo. witb A\ a. riald'a Mln*tr«la, Hltpp«il upon the lea «htla abphtlDK fmin a train at anad Haplda, Hid)., K<b. n, ud aanral/ rpimlnad hia foot. ICiaii HARdRiTiu, chanolar alaoar, li tnakloH a atroof poioi witha n«w a^tntriedltiy wrlttan for bar by Thao.Uaiicand Uonroa U. Jtoaaorald. aoiltlfd "Oh.Dwr ftoaductorl" Bbe nadan ibtsoog loboih EagUih tad OinnAO. aod lawtably (nloa uvaral aocorta. TnFiaTiRBOoif.dAeelof and alDiloR trlpUta. ntaru toEnRlaod •arlyln AprIL Tbayw«r« Imponed a YMf MObyVoaierA Bla'.Aod hara Appeaitd laall tbalaad- Ibk varif tf hoow of Amirlca. Maris Ricshoxo baa lataly Intmdoead UArTyA.MI)- Ur*a UtaitcooQ loar. "TfanRiofftall Co)or«d Band," «Uh Uarry MorHn' "TwoDilalh Cautary MalJV* with aaeca**. Roenn OK BnoiTtK BRw.* BiWTRRLs: W. P. Dnrklo, ntaoafar; ricaoUa aod Tatpaat J. J. Jakina, Camll tod TaaUy.P. J. Faalay.Hhoia and Ooontll, Cbarka Oaaialy Aod ll'ia Bocnaybontar. P. UtTattr l«ia advaoca. Madiir MaItuho'ii raodarloft or 'Ut Ha Tak* My Plat* at Home Apalo.'* at Ealib'a Union BqatraTbtaira Uatwaak. waanwatraTomblrraeekod. ... Eit5n- WiiAiN waicontpali'd to oloae atKalth'a Uelon BqaAraThaair*. ilibieliy,«ar)rUatv«ak, on acconat or tbtoat inniblo. ... . . EDWAHDe Avo KiRitcLL daoy that they appev«<] at thaUaloty tboatra,lhU olty. taal wnlc.siHl iiaU ihAt ibay open at Tony Paator'a, March 10, for a waak. BntRtiTO ASD Biro hnre aaltad. to prodoco a noTal cntortlon atL _ HAHAOkit Bbk Lbavitt, of tba BiJOQ Tbaatn. wu flood %a on Fab. 24. by Judita Hanlitr, or Uio Follco Court or FauniAo. N. J., rur dUplajloc adTartlalnf oftha eompAnr oa whkb wontaa appaarad [a tl|bu and wblch iba eooitbald to IM ImnudaM. TURCRnBALPOBLisiiixnCovpiNTraporttbo auea oi "Only ft Lliti* Yallar CooB" Ttry laria for a naw aonir. tbaQntadlllonbfllDK anilraly Mid, and tb«y are dow prlntlni tba lacoad. Ttia Amarlean Trio, tt Procior'a Plaa'aroPAlaeo.aro iloKiagihU aoag varr «rr«ctlTe1y. and Carolina Hall, a new eonar to tb* vaudtf Ilia Mage, aod DAlaayMayararaolao making itataklni raaniro In ibatrrepartoriaa. TBB AMMoxB-CLCRisi TRIO Ar* ploilaganaw ballad hf E. OUrk Ba«d. aoilllad Tll All I Wookl Aik Ton to inTa," torapaaied focoraaolHbtlr. . ^,,„ OiLUOBRB a:«d Wut wllldlBMilrapartiiOTUilp April IS. Bookisos— At the Warwick Thfatre, Naapoit .VewA Va : Kitty Mllkr, Paulina Uoward. Joil* DaBow NeUI* MoDn>e,8adlo Ban<ia, UaiMy Rhaoooo, VIo Marxelia.8Ani Valro, Bobbr Momy, Billy Haboai and Billy Uacnil ton A,t Hirton'aTbeiOn, Newport Nawf,Va.: Bddla aod Lotta Maglolay, Ralla Watcon, Carrta Biaplatoo and Mlobay Tlaha, W. A. Patart, Cbarll* Beaia, Billy Arem Fioraneo Edwatda, Allee Sinclair. Bulla Blaier.^La Hodaaia, Nallla fiyan and .lack Tbomoa At Hln- nlngar'a, Wanaau.Wla.: WloDloger Pamflf. maalcJaoi, TOttUaU and tpaelaliy; darar Cookay, dub nualpu* lator; DooPear^oo, eoaadlan; Otto Walter, miDik, aod Draw Blatm. duat Mngcra and warblan At tba How* Opera Uaoaa, Deioio, Mo.: The Olenanta, Jaa J. aod HIIUL. Allan and Otilmay. Trrdall and Gray, ^i* VIetoralllR. Dan Keoncdy and Chaa. Orady, mjiii* anr At Wuadartasd Mum* and Theam, Dm HoloeJk la.—Cano Hall: Prnr. Day'i oolltoUon from tbe Holy Land*. BUou ataga: UiJub Oomady Co. ne- atoriont: Tti* Burta, Tooy Varooo, The AHyoa and tbe I.a PMO Punlly At Biobaan Varietr Ikwtr*. LoulaTllla. Ky.( The BaDe/a. CoriBna Otella, Ueorge D«llou^ Haggle Th*t*. J.Webater. U. WlUoa and tbe irtoAB At tb* PUoUr Tbaatie, Sprbaflald, III. HilHr and HeConl, VTaKord aod Hatch, CoICdo aod Konwlb. RBbyHaylay, Fanole Wella. Pror. Bauato and OeUfglB and Brewar At the TempleTbMtn. Cam- deo. -A. J: BIcaor Whil ScioIod and Walcli. Baaaoe NTuart,tb* DaTUOorta. Mao*. Toc^B*rthaBUad. Hyde aod GMla, Orfoi* Ooart*t. Paony TliaiolMr, nrth vMk; Rimlta. Cowan ana Baooo. Bydata, Zoyairowi ud the Bcaobf. mOy . CANADA. T«raACo—At tbe Qmd Open HooM, 14,16. A1. 0. PlaU'i Ulamrali came tu big baaloaaa. **Trllby" bad lalrbualoaaa 17-19. Hlool* Haddara-PlakeSm WMh oru tbebooM will ba dark. ^ „ ^, » TOMOXTO Opira IIwpsii —'Tbe BrMkiyn Hudleap bad ralr bualo*aa IT'S. ■'Down on tb* BowanM Biver" "SmAlVHEiTti-Uctufe toll;. Hj^onia Wagnor. Baandara. Tbutr*: Bldoal*. NaokTlU* Ward. Crockett, Balta, Bella Horrlaoo. tha Zarroa. Hall, Lawraoe and ''%n.T%oVA'S^-Tb*AlbulOoottrtCo.emn*to a fergo adraace lal* for slvht of SL HAmlltoa,—At ibe Omnd "Trilbi" ptayed a re- torn eongenaot Pab. 25. "UncleToni'a Oabln" eoau9. a big bit PwWMdw*ok,a nlnj?™* 'L" " glveS coder tha nunagamant of pan ""t^'l^ ilttad bTA O.Lawreac«.B«rTTand Bmlib. St. Al va and Kaachella, Dnmoit Hoai. Eddio BfAni, AmalU V*iiioo, Bom HarUne ud Juul* Laaiy- Qaelph^At Itojsl Open Uoase Ella Oameron Co-In repartorr, had ima-l boat** P*b. l74D. Tbopiu Mcraagh 7r.. In u Itloitraled kotoie. "A CycHog Tour Tbnigh Qnat Britain" eomaa March V Ifanda lcrou the Be* IIh" (he *^rut HaU" 20, W. O. Andrata' Co., Id •'Hrwlfa'*rriand."24. <ia«b«e^At tbe Academy of Uaalc tbe Tadlei' Ooir Clob CooMrt wat ablgaucMia Pah. ». Hi* lb*A- ma aia all dark at pteaMt. and Uiay ar* llkelj lo remain 10 dnrlDg tbeLeotao utMB. IOWA MinOURL KsKMM CUj^Ai tbe Audltorlnm tbe erenl of the WMkiBod of tbeaeaacn,rorlbatbialUr, waa ibaen- gaicantBt or Rlcbaid MandaM. *'Baaa BtRnmall," "A ParUlBD Ronance" aod ^'Prleee KarV wan tha eld blUa pteeaoted, aod "Ralloo, lb* Biodani," **Atmt and tha MaB"aBd**I>r. Jakyll aod Mr.BTde*'ror tba Arte ilma bare. **Baao BivmoMir* aad **A rarlakn Bomuce" wara.tb* b**t drawbg cardt. Tbe •ngigwoant wu a ncc«M In areiy paiUcuUr. Tbe anpany U a •trong ooe.aad eontatna aecb luolllar BamaiuJobailoBaBea- neu, Jeanl* Soaucbe, Bkaaor Cany, OrrlB JoUeMS, A. 0. ADdt*wa« W. K. Oriffldi, D. II.Barhioa, EdnoDd tyoo*. Mr. HuaatldnMlTadaaoTttloBdarlBRthteo- Ure MpgtaaBt, bat tb* ontl apaacb wu not Cnnh- oonlog. UBAMoOrtEi Hotisa—LaKw**kByra*fBroa. "Bight B«ltf* did lairly vaU, the »bow liaTloi bMo ano hare u manytloM befora blgboalMia ooeMinotbeeip«ctad. ThlawMkOaa lla* "A Yunia* YenUamto,'* tor tbe drat tlina bare, and nastwMb **ATr1p to ObtoAtowo," ror the flrat ilm* harai at popalar pricea. NiiTTH BraaBr Tubatrk -Latt weak Oia'l Bully, tflar an ibaaoce of roar Maaoot, praMotad "A Bactwlor'a WIt^" lofalrhu*lo*«L Dan Maaon laa Mote la ihe cuL TblawMk Fraoh BnJi. la "Olrl Waoiad/' for tha dm time bar*, aod o«it wa*k Katie Kmraatt. OOA-rn-OrBRA UorsB.~The Apollo Clob; a local mu- alcai orgaoUauoo. gaTa a concert Prb. 17, lo a laric* and laatalooabi* audlaac«. Tba houa* wlU be dark for t cou- ple nrwMka. riiLua oriHA lIorAi.—Lt*t WMk'iil riuBkanl"dlda guod bnaloota. The hnuu bdark tht« vMk. CoLiMUM -Bemia Veravo, Ham ReokU*, Lace HUH- Ban, Urtando, Lnreita, J. J. LaUod, Lydla Urey, Era \raid. Prank uaTla and Ctiarlaa SeLMotMck.—nie Kanaaa OUy OrehettialBoclely will era another of tb«tr eooc^n* at tha CoalM ananuoo of U. A. Pappaid. adrartliing aaant of ihanillia OfraraUooaa^ wu Mvtralycuton the ne* vblla rjKtlog a noUy oagio bootbtark i roin the lobby or tha tbaaire on ibeATulogor 16.. ...JtaMB Baiakln, tnuurerni the Urand Omtb Uouaa, waa Initiated lotbelocai lodge of the Elk* 21 John J. acllaod, ol Leneo BrM'. Clrcoa, l«rt for Hot BprlDga lait w*«k Bobert Browar. niua- garor ''A Trip to tnttnatowB," paiaad ihrougli ham laat wMk w. N. Utr. HiparloiMdaat or the Amer- ican BUI Poailag ftt, " - " - '—^ CowmcU Blaire^At tbe UobADj Tbeativ tbo Woedvaid Ttautre Co. opaowl a two wteka* aacHemut at cbtap pileaa Peb. 17. Tbe conpuy wlU landartbe Btaae attacbu a benefit Zl Manager EllloU Alton coa> UuDpUtMO* onSnlatloD of a etook eoopaoy U) All UpMBor opan tiM hare dorlag tb* nmj^tr ot ^ iiMjofl.....\Workwlll won be commeeeed UMora theatn In Vllllica. r*......Jtmai Ib^imlM whn li connected witb the aiatfof the Crjlghtao nmin. in Omaha, Mab., wu nolted lo narrUga bare, B, to Halaa Laoay, a non profaatloDaL Itad ake aolTiancA. "Alrla Jodln" falM to Jr*"*!' **A BaBaan Cbaek." n pleuad a fair booae. Harray a Hack bad fair Mtlook for *L War aooii eoaean (a u- SsSoia for asr-TMIlk Wblu Plaf'Ooa "Mi* iSujtb4.......At Towo Uall O'Boarka A BeoaaU'aBpe- elaltj Co. bar* drawn fair boaiM. Oabwiae^At tb« Qraod Open Honie, Feb. 19, Heny WoHd" played to the lantoM honarof lb* BtaMO. MorTayAMBek^a''PlBBlsan*BBaU''tMDUB. FLORIDA. JaetiaoBvllle^At tbe Farfc Tbcatre Clan Horrla, la "RaynwBde.*' pbyod lo aioiUafit baaloaM Pab. U. Chaa. II. Yala'a >*Twalre TempUHooa" inet wlUi Baeeaaa2USl. '^•BlaekCnok"cotDMll.,rraDkJoaaa, lD**AOoantrT(^ailo,*'lS; BolAsd Bead, la ^^ePotl- tlclan,** March 2. AflKANSAflL Uttl* IUe1i.->At the Capital Thefttie the Mezt- cu Typleal Ortbtma came P*b IB. lo email atteodaDor. Tin Hoipbr. La "A T*iu BtMr/; came W, Ip ■ «««« hove eSTgrattiy pletaad aodUnce. B^t. DowslnB eajSTt^cSeTbeilMA*. In »Tb*aiedlaU>r."9. •<Prlai>d*'< OMBM hT Henry E. Dlaay Mattb I. C ALABAMA^ HabUe^At tbe Mobile Ttcatn 'The Tvelre Temptaikv.'* Pab. 17. IS. played to good boi t aeai Ona'aOomlo Optra ao.,l»-B.dM UHy waU. *^ tbe HlM(ulpyl**eoBuaM, DellaPoK,lD "IbeLllil* Trooper,** AW«tTaELamiiT.^orM aadwMi: Bowartaad AUM,BwaaeaitlaadJleonilaniea,D4Ba kadCAwnaaa, OewieBtuoa. mi U. Wblu. hu been appoloied chief doorhMper at the Aadltortum IfarrT Colilu aod JaiBelce doted with Pluokard" barelaawetk. aod hair plaoM were lakeo by Prank Klahlar ud W. II. I tdToar Ooa Uaege'e "A Tenaloe Vaailaau." *** Fool lor Lack" ud "Prlaoda" all puMd ibrouib bare Uat WMk....Pied W. Mttra liu ilgaad with tbaBalla- Porepangb Clreua for nait fteaMO. to Join iba adYtnUIng ftoice PadaiewakI la bMbtu at tba Aaditorluoa HarrJt P. to l»a followed br Bonaa'a Bud IS Tbe title or Al.StmJa'a piacela"A8ol*BtlAc aeai*'and not "A Sclantlflo Doctor" a* itatad Ben aad Jo* Boi*othal will Jolo tha Laoo WaahbOTaCIrcu* to AprIL W. U. Blood, roraiarly of th* AodltoriaiD, la mana- ger of th* Aod Itoriom Hoi#l "Tba Tarrlbta Tinker'* wuglren byamalOBrtoaSI JtCLalr Uurd.auiltor ofHy i;ocU*a Oaufhtar,"lJ working oo a ntw play to be produced diURprlng. BU I«OBla.~Tta«ro were two erente lait vcek In tbahtrical olrclaa. Bat tha Oraad. and the baDadt ol (be popolar mantger at Uavilo'a. Win. (hreo. Botbwat«aoiiualUladaoteaaie«.asdDovt«oof ihemoatpoputarneolaioTn. Anhor Oaaarwlch, treu- uier or ube llagan.and Bodd Maniz, trauurer of the Olimpic will Tie lorfaTora on March 14, whan ihaU beo- Btioccor. UiiaNO Opsra Hoou-NatCOoodwIo Ib aSL Lonit favorite, udbu packed the Urand all wMk, ihaB-R. O. alftabeloBpromloaBtat aU parformucea. llit**Ambl> t(on" wu not ao well recalf ed u "In Hlouura" ud "Tha OlUed Pool," the latter lecelTlnfthe moat commenda- tion. "Jforth«fn LIcbtt" thit wMk, wlib lallar to follow. OLTHI'IC TutATRH—Tbe iBtt WMh at thia Iwuaa bu Pfofaa ihatihi Laniea aaaaon bn no terror* fortuuire* era. Piobman'a Oompuy. preMntlog *Tba Fatal," wu wall reealved and llkvd. Mauger Ht Khon hu Keeored lor ibln wuk Claia Morrla, prauotlag "Ray mnode." "Aitlcle<7" and "CamlUe." raooj DtTuport folio wa. • UAUAgOraBA liovu.—BIcbard tfaoaflald wlU appear IhlawMk iu iapcrtDT7<pr**ootleg Itla old,aad popular play*' P«ur P. I>illay followa. ■■Delffloolci>*a at Blx" dU tlie uaal good buabeuat thiH popular bourn. BTA»PARt> niATHB.-Waber t Plahlii' Own aicelleot eompaoy Playad to Qoeboilaea^lut wrak, Ju P. Boer udLotileOluonmakiog mathlUi. ThIa wMk Plahfa A Uanaon'a DfAwlog Caraa,wlibaaa Ultra Kav Torfc BiaiefoWftwIngloaieiuradate Bavuk'h TniATBB.—"Alrin Joalyn" will carort tlila WMk. aod Obaa. B BluoT'a "A^Baggaga iTiack" will lol- low. Prank Bath ud John ud Harry DIUon ware tli* I batuiM laii WMk In "Olrl Waolad." Esnta'a ALBAwaaA palacb Tbbatrb— U'ataou and Balaley.JoyceaodUrnnlLDoleoaad Alloa.Barney ud SuaMU, Bitter* Eaber. Wallace B(aten, Tommy Pay, Lot- Ue Tboro. Tlllla ColUna Pruk L-Oay and atook. ■ Mbw UAaiNO.-The MlUa, Oa Vlit and Vue, LlUla Ma*on, Jim Adaou. Hable Parktr, Cora Praahllo. Mamie Kelly, MlkaDliigloa and aiDCk ^ „ ,., » ^ Oahpbx Tuiutrr.— Colltot aod CoMoa, Tiydall aod (Ir*^, Btb Radmond, MoMr and Parkar, aonnin and "BRviurt T||BATBB.-Tb« iKh*roa,Plthar and Wall. Le Bola Broa, Kally BroB, ibaShafair. Uaid* Uoidu. BlUy Laelede, Halilo Adama ^ „ ^ , ^ « - , Niw CoMiqoB.-Hurlay and eorlar. Jack Mooo. DM Pltber^lBi urotby, AUz. Klrk,KUty Atlily. Hill* Cob w, Harry Eluwortb. . .„ - Goeuip.— Tbe bweCt loBderad Huager Oana. of Hat- llo'a, lAtt Hooday nighL wu a remuorratiTe trlbota to th* popoUrlty and altlllty of thenawnianu»r......Tba BU Uoola Theatrical Broiberbood. M. A T. B $, Local Ko. e. gaTe lu Qfth annual Mardl Gru mMuoettda tMll Tue^ daynliUL MaaooloHallwubuudnilly deeoratedand much mooey wu realHad^by the ataodai oo.. - -.. Baglo- olDgHarcbliboBagu Opera Habm wIIIOI alOBBfalt want, that orproTldlng a rcgolar Hondar matinee. PaUr P. plllay wlU atari tha ball rolHng B D. Blcanlo hu been elected prMldutor ibeActoiaTrotectlTa Unlop, tooal Mo. 4. bi. Loola EmMt Albjru fowfl' «f At- Lonla,bat now tcanleartbt tt the Cblcaso(IU.)Op*ia Uooae, wu lo town Ian wMk. St. Jof6ph^AtTMtt«*8TbefttnaiulIeeBe, In >A Yuoln* Yenilttnas,** bad nod bot>Beia rob 21. inat- Inw and night. Morrlaon*a*-Pauat" corneals. Got. Bob ud Air Taylor Manb 1, Blobaid Muiflekl <.Hoaja*a Band IS. OBAwrORD's TnuToa—A. .T. Peanon'* Cn. doead a IlAAO'ti Tatiuon Bdotb opoo BboQl Mar«b 11 at OberllD.U. Tbe show will reetonCept. J.a Far- lej'e tnope ot genuine Tackapa pooleii. llerrr Howland8» band leader, aays be wlU bare the bot* teat tDiall band out Prof. Red Barker bai all prltl- Kgea. AT nil Winter qoatten or ihe North Amertcan Oiront, Aince Jan. 1 MenrL Wtlcome and Lcedham bare kepi eTentblng bnmmlof. It la thdr toten* tloa to baTO, not the blflfteat, bnt one «f the beat ehowi on the road next eeaaou. THBHlAcoFaoUyan eDffaiedwtth tbnBamam k UaUey Sbov tor tbe coming eeaeon. LBONinDAHPtA llAB b«ve agalB Joined handf, arierasepamlonot tvojeara. Tbey go with tbe George Burcb New Beiuauui 6bow to dn ibelr triple ban and breakawar ladder bigb ptrche Bote, C0A8. UcDbidi <Old Hack) wrtiea aa follow*: 'Having epent tbo past ten scaeou tnT«llog iioder canTSB, I will rellie from the tentlog baslQca end remsln In Pitisburg, I'a.. all neii Botamer." HofTU oy W. 0. CLARK'a Biiow.-!—\r. i). Olarb, itro- inetor ud niuager; Lum. Ulark, treuunr; CliaM. IIIOL ei|ae*trUndirector: W. P.Brjan, bouodlaBjocker act; Ellai Bro^, triple horliootal ruii: Willi* Clare, iooi juggling; Teddy Rsberta, h*Ad balaacmg and blgb wire; uiliMit BiM.. poiiarini ud btothar act; Carrie Uea. aloflle trapeia aod dyloB rioR*: Mr*. Bnaa, rulUoi gloDO; Eddler, otDUittloolBt aod cluwa. CoDC«rt peo- tie: Eueraoo and RoMell. anog and dura: The Oitat lATalk, Bun ud batoo Juggler; Mrrtla Edillir, baojo aod loog and dure, and (ue Biowe BroA, clngoaorer*. We cany a tuad of iwalreplacek uadar ttoadlrectlon of Prof. Bhellbammer, aod a one buodred fnot top, with rifty Toot middle plec*. L*w CUrfe haa tha aldailiaw, aad Hra. Clark th* cook laoL Hr. Olark'a dog* aod ponlaa catclMt thtin •v*rT«liaf«, u doaa alao our aireat parade, where we uMi«ooud«,i>aTaa cage* andtwelre pMpla, mouBtad. a calliope aod downoarL Waaieplaylag tu EDd butloeta, and are bow lo Ihe •onihera ikarl of nalua. l>rof Bbally. ballooalal, tolotd Fah. IHL WiLi.uH BROWLbi, barabaek rider, hu algotd roiofil aaaa«>n • lib the Baroun A Ballir Boow. K. L. Brakkah hu tlguad with the adfucedapan- iu«ator(h*UrMtPorefauBhaad Balla Bidi.* CombloM Sliowa lor tlia afaaoa ot IBS. A. H. Mahmx. trap drummar. hu algned to go with the LoDca Broic* Olreut Beit aattoo. ALBi. H0H.1IXIB, alaglog aad bar down ud enntor- tlOBlti,ana tantMi* alagar lo Ibe eoooert, baj aignMl loroau aaaaon with tha Big. Baattlle New All Puture BItawa. UwriB LowiivDi, back and forward priarlpal anntar- atnitand four horM rider, la togaged wlihtlitBioger A Leet Phow loroaitaeuoo. CiiiHLn A Hall, wboae death wa« ehronltiad In our laaiUaoa, wat thirty-two yearaof axe. TtierenaloAwere lakeo to EruiTllfe. Wla.. aad Intarrtd Pab. hsud ilia roaeral wu largely aitanded. lie leaTcaa rtibar, uoihtr, two altiara ud a h'cth ir. WAtRRB BROei.'Blu Bhuw will lour<Juab#A. New Bnini- wlck aod Nora Bcnila the coiulou aeaMto. \f. G. Lewara baattgofd to Wad ibaablie bud udorclteaira. Tub AaniYR lofom oa ihat they wlU In with the Bar- inim A BalWy Bhow thU aaaaoa. ToNr LowASDi wiltM from tha City of Utiles Hai., uoouoelog that ha It aogaged to nuny Blaotbe Leah. Lovirt BARTBLUBn hat dgnrd with tho Bamom a Balky Bhuw lor uvit aeaaon. FOREIGN SHOW NEWS wMk'a angagetowt U playing to fair builnau ooly. - - * *-i cornea li, to tite largeat adruca aale or the Kaile Pntoam 9. . Edsji Mcbbb.— BatlneM oentlooea mod.,The PMpIr .jr wHb nrsi ar* Jeooba Family, Prof. UoaglDaaod wlft BllTar Star Quarut John Orun, Roae Htrreiu, Piol - • »■ 4«ire.aadEQB]UbaBdAttderaoo. ■ t<rBtfcHo.d0,Tbu Aaaociatloa, meal* tm aeeoad ud foorth Bueday eub monlb. Tbe foUowlag offlcen ware alaeied at laat muting: W. B. Hajtla. praaMul; L. C. Hartln, tIm W. A, KenmaU. Mcraiair; J. A. Arair, pretviui tieaanni ir. INDIANA. laaimaapslU-ynis fairaltnotloiii piCMoled tlMWMkiwtMtb raJojKl • filr oMran or hcmm. XeilwMkvtll b. • burmth. qo.llt;>f op«n.od amtij nadwUMd ball. tmclMj unod. OiiKDOpuuBoni.—wianlnticpUo. ortaraplo of leeftl ftUnotloa. IhU bonM ntuldod eIo«d lut WMk. •^TTMiitu OMbiir ai>r' i. da. p.b. >i-m, pmu y. D«ll«f,to'11i»I<lgl"tCI«'l',"»-f». , , „ , ^ Eloij.H-. Opl»AaioN»."--Tb. BraailM" ckMd. bTlUlmotlr.uc4«Bnir«i..«iaeDt3J wn. Or. tundrM colltt* UiiiluiubMplsic Mr. DwbOD la Ui.Wuli[n,ua-i BInlKl.r Mtobimwa KMunl.! olfhu "T». Ytf^S.' Muui" wmM 11, li. Tb. ladUupolt.ljUdi.or Ellu wlu wpAtr In UMlr uooil cliai1tjb«BN)c9. tlit Din- ''?;Sr."-5ij?5fii.u •(.«*•■ «iw thfir-b IT-n. lo r4'r hiiilnm. U.rtortr.«iboni. dr.«r.lot mUI muiloa. iTJ. Baik., la "lb. Doour," oomu ^VlSV^iSSi"-^™.!! * UotUan "AJW "ir- eu>" pU>M»iu«iwa(al«Mk'«wiiM«n«<tir-Jt Tbli a—ntiitt popsUr boow hu Jul opuM « y.iT bud- or lu bdr palfO M. TDliw.>k.Ui.ll«wV ork sun. BtbimtIU*.— AtUieaniid Fndertok Bancrott nra iwn p.i«>niiucM to imaoimu boilnw P.b. JSlf«.JlMi.lo "Itl. Up. ud DJTO Ut:"ladt SlnMUDduMm TtmrrlnU bcrauir" coidm 17, r.lL U. -nHToiudo" libost.dHObirlMA.audaor ■utbt. Fori War**—At Iba HmooIo T«inDl« Juale Hu nia daai •pnoubk VHk'a boilMu Nb. O, lo nMrtniT ol pUrloreooMwrnbto n.ill, rroD U). PfO of llMklo.o. "An ADtrlaa olrP'oomj.JJ Jl«f'«i • Tb. FUoloi y WI.I" ». -Lo« li la> Tork- M.rtb t a, •Utjon^ll'T. a" «, W. 0. Andnn». UUUa g.nli«lr "b'ariiii'Tuurii.-AnKlou Vud.tip.. oon. Fob. HatfaB—Tbe Dowtrt Will Otmt^t Oo. pl»j«<J lo aood boaliwo Fob. 1M>. oqd loit Qm ram.lOilor ol TOkoolaT 14 > buH Srala Uw.buiaMt ol Wblu'i Rmiir^di nooiioltuol cImIii Ic for mltw duT VlnlaWlaappooBWB .Itn ow lUra Tbo. UnwIBoSwa. Ilha bwUr.l lltU4lioooa,oiort.ra In «.S pwtlaiUr. a%f 01.m»l, I. 1b.II.. Djnin. on," Ulbo •tl«rtlo«......l*il Al«Mdjr inbnono ^ofr.-lll«Ku>"n TbO'Hoowd Wall fMMdf ro^mntfot^Kl rma tli.Wblu to:ib« SoUloin^ Ot«l»gou» IOJl PEMN5YLVAMI*H*>» Alteeaa,—II On Banatb BUert Open noDM 7bM.B.aboodoaod >aonaatfalwaak'aap«omaatrab, a. "Iba CooDtir Olmr conaa M. -llkado," bf kna laUol, a, lb. DMbf Wlaaol" r, a, "Mr Wir.'o pii.Bd"a,Uaaa]dola<«aakori>alckt-7. worn mMad br tall hoaaao vaak of r.b. ir-u Tbia lVy*!SS iUSLXlTfA tti Jwall. |k« «Ma, ■j—1«, wi MaCala aad ua,lar. lUarlioaTgiAni.-nMliowaid DiaaiaUoCo. Ooeal) (Twaaial "1M Wblu n.Ta,'' t>,n,\a load bulMaa. #Un(ler the Tent$# La Doknb Ublbsb," a two act corned/. In vorae, bT Jolee Lemilire, was produced Jan. 81, at ibu Yaadevllle, l*arl<, Vr. "Lb Voyaub dbUabbilloh." a roiir aot vanitevUle opera, bj Antony Uars, rntialo by Vlotor Itogee, was given at tbe Tbeaire Oluoy, P«r1«, Kr., Jan. 30. DEATHS I N THE P ROFESSION, LtN:iBFRii»i:(niB,aw*U hoowa (lamito telrarp.dlad Feb. IS. at har home la thIa chy, from heart dlaeaaa. The decataed wu aboot twuty-Are yura of a|a aod wa^ a oatira of VlaDiia. Hba made bar debut In llambum a1»out dre year* ago. and laUr appeared In Vlanaa, whore aha aaumcd leadlsg ioIm la ilie prloclpal ibeaina, fiha made har Brat appaaraoM Ib tbIa country at tbe Irrlng Place Thuira, ilibtdty, udN>onea(ablIa>i*d haneirua fATorlta. 8be had tlace bean oae of the leadlag roam- bar* of Huag«r<'-ooi«ld'aCeapuy. eh* waa eoaalderwl toi>auabl« ud Taraaille tctreaa. aad.Ulaataiad.hail acted 10 four dlB^reot Uogutgo*—Oarman, Kraoch. Italian aod Uuogailan-^nd waa atadylafc wlih iha riew to makliif bar tppearaoce oa theEagllah apwhlaguafe. Among har rveeotncea^Bware the title rol* to "Van- uU"Ua," theelda't daugbiar le *^e Battle ol ihe Bui- teT(lie""LMorelii"Dle Khre,"aod Hi*. Staphen>oBln ■ Zeal Wappan." Hha luve* two broUten*, i>oih of whom era To Uiw ooaBtry. The famaloawara laiamd. A), lo Calrary Cemetery. EniARWitMS (BILL) Ntb, tbe wall koown humoritt and playerlgbi, died Pab, li,at hi* home, In AahaTllle, N. 0. ttxm paralyala. The dacaaaed wm bom Aog. 2ft. UML at Bhliiar, Ha. Ill* paruta mored to tb* Weat when he wu alMot two year* of aga^ and laoat of hIa life wuarMtihat*. U* tudlad Uw,aodwu admluail lu thabarlo WyamlogTerTitair. He lalir became aditnr ol nieXoranJc .SnidMJ. lie iliu enured polltlAt, and bald MTaral oBloaa at one tlmelnLarmmle. He after- ward foanded TAt Boowurang, a paper whieli beeam* (amoD*. Blioruran y»an ago halo«ai»dln thlaolty aod coBlrlbaled to rereral of tbe large daillM here, llfi (amoD*. BliorMTan yean ago haiocai»dln thlaolti aod coBlrlbaled to rereral of tbe large daillM here, llu nr*tdr«mailoworkwaB"TkeCadt,"atijrM acteomady, which wu tint praaanted Bepi. Hew Badfonl, Haaa, aod wufint glTan la Inlaclty on the tweniy-dral of tha lama mooib. Ula laat play, "A Riag Party, or a Uatw lo ftplle of Ulmaelf." wrltun In colUbonilon wlib Uaroloftplle PaulH.Potur.wuprodoead for tbe Bru line bee 17. lSS,at the (laidia Tliuire, tbIa oUy. Nalihar of Uie plAiBpnradaaeeafMB. Mr. Hye lUTia awldowaad ter -aehlldrao. , _ . ^.^ , HB8.CABBIBL. KSNDAU^u Bctitaa. diad from coo- aomptloo Feb. II, at the home of her aUUr lo Galeahurg, III. Btaa wu itairty^oe jean oi aga. tod utarad tiie pnfaaaloo daring ina aaaioB of UB^, u a member of George KeodairaComadyCo.ntaylog gaoeral baaloaaa. Bhewucooiidfrad Teraatlla. but wu ai bar bwt aa a comadlaeDe. Bbewuaflarward eoooectad witii the Ida VuOoartludUe. DulalBoUy'a Co. Marray A Huk'a *Tlanl|U*BBairCo., fibUL lAder'a "Oh, Whtta Nlghi I" Co, and otTcral r*p*niAry nrgaoUttlooa. Bli* alw mat wlin aocc*a« on tba raodtTlll* atagn In Chicago. Ill- lo atoitog ai «claltlai- Bhe Uavw a hntbud, Oeorge Kpo- dalt a yonog dadghiar. father, mother, aUter and Mraral btwutta. nai«aialDawfr«iotarT*OinIloii«Cwn*(*ry, Qalaabsrg. HirftAKKiyLW*!! hnnwn uaial wnraan. died Fab IS. u tbeflardto Boiel, Clileago, IlL. rrom ^oauBioola. Tbe deeeaaad wuboro In Nawpoit, Ky., teeoty-rour yura udmdebtrflntappeaianM aiafat woman with ihomBBrDtbai«rulreua,wbaoaae waa ninatean yaan ofag*. X^BiiHimerabawuwIthtbeLemM Brotheia' dreavsad at Um elou of th* tutlng aaafon aha wu 'q- land by CapL John White for bit Loodon Huaaoiii, Ch!- ago wnara aba not oely eihtblUd ta a fat womar, bntalio look part lo a boilog mateb at tba boaily ataga abowa Althongh aha vw Terr MouMUewucooaldared pretcyasd wuRoownattb* Kutacby BMHty. There- nalna wan latarrwd by Maaagar White and tb* atuchM ef tb* munum. MORRia AfluRV, a Mil poaur. died recanily at hia home lo Brooklm, N. Y. He wu vtll koowA lo ilie abew boalDaa*, haTiog bMo at Tarloaa umta connaclad wliU the W. 0. Coup, (be Batcbelor A DtTlt. aud ti<e Adam Porapauib fhowL Ft»r many yraja be wu wli|| Broadway A Tiaiaat'a Bill PoatlogCa. lo Chicago. 11.. but at the time ol bUdaaHi ha vu coontottd with Uie Amarl- CMBIllPoitlogCo.of Brooilyti. JDBiRUatMPAT. Taiteir feokired), died Feb IA at har boBf. 10 Detroit, Nlcb. Bhe wu on* of tha llaUaday BU tera,iiboharebteotbiaieaaoD with iMum'aOcionwat. Oamillb TowgaiJiD (Bra Harry Wlkoi). aetreaa, died Feb.lMn nilltdatpblaPa. The daoMfedoutfuiada lever while toorlng Boaib Africa, with wblcb aha waa III fur Boma time, and h«l narar folly r*coTar*d from lu ' pjot AitiB (ICaImf). »/"*»»f djad Fab, at the Belte«OB HoaplUL Uila city. The daMaaed wu bom In Baltimore, M J., aboni forlr ibru yur* BM. and wu at oa* time wpil kiiowo u tba oartHr of BUly LcBtar, Ibe team l>«Uig Laaier aod "um. Tbey ware orliloBllf of Ue Big Four (Bmlik WaUroo, Laaur and AlUn),lMfIog ahlcli thay formed tbe team thai bacama vary popular oo the raodaf Hie ataae. They btcame hanwnutoe "Ten Kew sporu to TowB."wlileb wu tlia tltJ* of a tbaich In wbloh they ■pnued lor aometlmei Tbty liMdtd e mloitxel coo,- Mnr ud aaTaral faudavllle companlaa, which tound tb* oouoUTi ABd It wu u a member #Iviiscellaneotts# llABBY M. llRtHR. maglcUa and Jogaler.nat w\\h a alightaccklaoiwhileplailogalth Hr^Oeo.TomTbamb'R Co. at PiaohforL lad. Vbllawalklngoutoaao eleTatad run or loeliDewblrhtaitafti fitr waviolana u ntainong udlMfe to bDrniwpbJiciB far iiloka, liaaddaoir gave way- Mr-llelrotfrUlBiAt^eeraheatra Hl> Ua badbia baod hidly cut, alao ntcelved brulM* abuut the heed. Ma^aiikr WiLBi'H U. ii.«Lo htL* H»n iittiie ill rbruvenl wMkt la New Urieua, wkar* he weu:«l bagladtohaar from hlarrl*nd«. Prop. II. bnioib wiltea: "1 have rwoorerad fVom my re- rent iiiaeaa and am tr*lologranredoi:arermy(;*Btral American l>DgCir«niforihecoDiloat*btIaiaoMoo. My *ad.' In* nMotliaueiifTiiBrLirriR bruttint no altiy- iwoAatwer* The Old Hiliaiilb Ib ooe or ttaabettad- Tartlilog niodluma (* the woilit.'* Norn PHOM AHB-iTd CoMBiMBuBiiowrt-Iamnowat home Id Wlaier no*rttTa, uiakini rramrttlmiB fnr my new ahow.which 'mIII be on a uiitrh Idrgtraod baliar •oaleihinltAivear. KvetyiklogwJIl be n*v nuin >uke to caoua pole^ ami ih> t*lu.% or eipaD»a will be aparod lo make It tha SaeBi equlrred ahnw of lu hlod on Ihe road. I have Joat arrUni iTomChlrago,wliereI algnad •omaofihe bftl penple lo llit proleamtii. CArn-.tluHr H. IIh-rr aiiJ Naoatah reportauocaulo Chicago. IIU anl Iha Weat. KasTia or Oki^novA IIill'h HXTRRrAisiR^.-OhU- bomo Bid, iiroprUiur nod mtnagtr: PralrioMay trutnr ar; DuckkkloJloi, naicbiu^tn; (ina Parrlo. laojolat; Billy Trlpi>, llghl nij^ walker; Tejior and tJuMO, uualcal par- rormera, and Jului I), annvn'a Block Head Family. MR. AXii URrt. OHA(;Keav HuRUK TciHirt muling wttb auccauoo Ihnir Buropran l>«ir. and My thty ara bonked U|i pnlld notll .laoaary, lA',*. Na.^i Buiumtrtbeyarelo make a tour uf Huvda. r>B. R. H. KHirii, «elentllo iKiurer i»aanatuiiiy aod exp-rt litntb avtnirutr, hMcloatd wilt Uoliaak Hadlcal t>i. to put uui a new compaar. . » „ . MiM'ii.usiorfi Buowa —.Hutat rroBi;Dr. Ra)*a RMcltlo Co : WelitTal>rrntBTeKurUiMDweekii,and bualoata haa b4nn gond rrom tha lUrL Tha roupaoir dtiaad Pak 1&. Ur. D. V. flilllina. our maMgfr.wlil lake Iba eatlrac^mpuy lo New (>rWAam where wa will opMun dercADTulo iwovMka We will reuiala lo the Bouih uotll May I Hnieiud inaurof the Amauo BruA' BiMtrloBalt Co.: Wear* (aurlog Penoajlranlaaodda- iBgagood hualtieaa. Wa alah lo »tat» lhat weareoo limfer ouo'Ctad with Toai Jutuub, a* wa« r^ivrti^. Waoow have ooa or ihe ban cami»Anl»« oo UierMil. Hollar: Amaioa Brua., itreprlamn; Uoaa I.a Plaoe, lecturer aod maBager; Hn. Mamla Amaion. iroaaurer: Chaa. Amatno, conedlao; Jawaa Auiatoa. Juggtar aad trick lUDibUr; Moaa. La Place, nnrally barrel Joutper: HnuLa l'lace.B|tanl*tirtD| aipert,Btant awloit h* the fMt,aod Udyclowe; Walter F.HliHtA, uutlcal cuoiedlan. aod Mnrria Mctlaaiood, mualoal diieci«>r. Pauy Carr, r>iilch, Irlahand black rAC*eoniadlu,J«»lu Pvli kl Iloauruf Keeualridlu Hedloln* Cn., Ko. 1: Ur.G. U. riooell, proprUtor; ilau. W. rickena. aiuager; Mm. Mary llulHier. piaotal; ihn X*ru«. Uie Kltehlea, the BllU UblWren. lodlaoi: Uhltf Kvwua, llalu In the Pjca, Ha-raara and l.tula HMuty and pappMM. Will opan at BiMiiarcfc. III. Pet>.1l. fnr twowMka irer; John koaier'of Dhankce ihdLaa Madlrlae CO.,Ho. II: HrB.M. K.Uoal*y, proprietor; Pruk J. Cullloa. lariurer; P. iTuoninihani, atage iruoapcr atHi camadlan; OollloM'lanlaia aod daa<er: V. A.Wblia. Toealitt ud duoar: lodlu*: 8|illt Mumi and Man Aihauiail of lllm- aair. wa ware vUliad by I'matllla Company U.oooBlti- log ot Ur. Pardy. Chai. Martlo. Hilly Farnll aod Mr ud Mra. Jne Kullag Roiur of Oregon ladlaa Medloloe|ttwdbualoatB: Dr. Jamea ll.CalUlecturvr aad mtnagtr; PaallBrut, muai- eal team: Haale Call, faocy rin* ahnt; Mr*. Jamull. CalLrocelUt and AWig aiHi due*; JaiuaaHalUy, Irtatf comedUa ud dtuotr. aod Jick Lawaoo. Dutch cunie diu aod woudu abu dtucer Tha Kiowa ladlu Medltloa Co, No. ti, report* thIa niter: llarrjf J. Bl Clair, lecturer ud praprlator; t).. J. Bacbar.Buuar aud I'mih eiiractor: Har Rt. Clair. cMtortlbbUt and rlarb wire walker; lUue BL Clair, alaalag aod dancing uubreiu: Billy Lee, Iriafa oomadfAn;>raak I.M,hUck face Noi«i from ili* Ln-Wao tlo ladlao H'dldn* C».: Or. W. W*«t, mtnaaor and lecturer; Mr*. Dr. W. Weal, tnuurer: Laura Waai,or(anlBt; Billy MctHlntock, Blllr Btraca and tbe Waau Blaoitio OonMrtCo.: A. Galloway, proreuor ud leeturtr; Ou.flMltal bual neia tnaBASer; Plora Rcott, planlat; Bkli* AUriial tod MlDBle ud Billy Dena'li Itoaurol the Umalllla lodlan Medicine Ct<., Ne.D: Dr. H.Oiinitlttll.itrDpfJa- tor; Ur. Barl WIN<tR, Weiurer and doctor; iieu. U Vcdlt, tnaoagar and all 'luand parfuroitr; Jo*. HuaaalL idach faoacomfdlaD; (ho. L. Beoit ai*ok wir*klaM; MriGao. L. tkotL lodlao club expert; Jud. DlaiiLlrlok l>|(nju|it and mualelan; lodlu dilaf Vallow B>wV imafflltyri ud papooae, Huralog Btar. Wa ara uurlog Nurthsm Mlclilgu to gond bualaeu Nolai fnim Dr. Rlua HuuoiAln Joa: We are lo Naw!«rry, H. O., ue mure weak, roaklog fnnr wMhi beta. Bualnau wu alack laM weeb.due toould waathfr. Tlilawuoar Br*t eoM aoall thia wlnur, au wa are not kicking. Raiurday nifhrt crowd wu large. .^.-.^ ]srE\y Fi^ AYS, "The Arm of ths Uw," A melodrama, In a prologiie androur aots, bjr Cllf' rord Uempse;, wbh sriad for itae flrjt lime on any fllage Feu. fl, at tbe Audltorlnm, Bridgeport, Ot. Tbe storj: Jobn llolbrook, wbo Is disowned bt blsfstber. Lord lIolbrooB, or KoaUnd. becsuso be bas married so aotress, whh bfk wife and ohild emigrates to Amerloa and seeks bU rortnoe in Ibe WesL Tbe emigrant train Is attJteked bj iodlsos, and every odd uf iLe psrijr Is kllletl excepiliig tbe cblld, l.mian UoHiruoB, wbo is rescued iiF Noble Heart, ooe of tbe yoiing warriors of tbe tribe, who afrerward hsa bU loogue cut out \tf bis people for hti act Twenif sun are auppoiid lo elapM l>at«MO Iha prologue and the flrat aei, whieli opeoa at (Jol. BronB'iUio'a home, at Part wililanf. Ool, wliai* Lllllu titan brougbtuti. PranklioiiolllawMkl,aoRnillat)adT*Btarar, liraceWra Into CoL BrouflituL*4 hcaie. lIer*pTa>eau hlmaalf U vtalthy. and loUoda to lutry Lillian, wlin la Iliacuuain, anUiathe aiar come iBtdUienroperty Ian bv bar grandtaihar, Lord llulniook. fim doei not rataal hlB Idaotliy, ud falllog lo liia acbeme. hiraa Bam Lee, whom he racognliei u u eacaped conTlot rmm Auttrtlla ud a lilgtiblnder, to uh* LIlUtD'a Ilia. Nob'A llaart, lo tha rauatlme. hu bMO accuaed ol munlerlaH tha lltlU aon uf a Hpanlih « umu, tlia wife ol Culllnevfiud, ud alxi tMbi hlallfe. Lillian ladi<rii|el lotn the kutol ihd CIiIuaioab by n li<ller hunilog Dm furaol ai^oafura ti( Imr birnr, Oapl- lliilniai, aad Juat aa tha CaleUial la nlwut to laka her Ilia Nnlila llaait apMara tile Ufna i«tir<n d»ma ihediiorofilia hut wlih hUliMfi aad Lllllao Itraicuod, The third act rlmwa ilie rale iil raaliing wat*ra. CiiL Bnuihtoo and UipLll>dme« ar* Mardilpg fur LUIIu, wbo ba« tiMO rarriod urf by Nabia Ibail.tha latUrbalDg puraurd by Ihe If. 8. troopa, who wut to airut bin oo the cliarge of hllllni the eblH nf the RtiuUh wnmu. Collloirwood and Ham Lm nia*L aod ilie kCoglUhmao irlcAtubuyihe rorgid leiUr, wMck hu been found hf ti'B Ohlaamu. Tommy JonaiL a Buitor — —"—'* Haguire, atarvut, apturuu aacare ti>a Ohlaamu. Tommy JonaiL a BuitOD bof, Ud Maggl* Hagulr*. atarvut, apturud aacare ilie wtUr. Kool* llf art appotn on ifae acaoe. ud u ilio M>:dl*r* are aboat UiBiiootfilm Lillian arrival^ and la ihe eielumeot the Todian eacapea In Ihe lut ut Nebla lluit reluroa to race his accuaar^ aad lor iha (tret lime oau Ihe Chioa- Du.wliom be trial to kill Tbea be rapidly ihaidiea OB a rock, and makei It uodanuoud that tb* higli binder hlll^l the dilkl. Collloavood U arraatad u a fagltlva rmm Juatica. aod all aoda liawllr. The cut: aitraeurela th* pmlnjuai Noble Huit, Wm. O'llalf: John llolbrMk, NeaiorCaoaoo; Miry llolbrook, Carrie Hqe*; LIHItn IMyuvk. Ad* \^aodan UUb^rt; Huh Erlowlp Mr. Alkn haddonpa JnaJetura.rallL- , yorof flbw Blrar/ud IV'bfcb fie lecam* knoeo. ilia mother fUfTlrcatilm.ana Ibe reiuloawlU be adotlo herb^t|o*re.M.l..forlourmagl. Bl>BlprS,«ho^uhopen u tha Callforola( laot, wuieiSSHFab^ fe,irM!Arf«''*»,jn'! ''"Tfj wbo wu rerty-ali yean nf ua. had iraTaled tlimugh ih^ eoaotiy vltbctRutoa Oii ih*oiibiol tk* monl*rMr. Bro«B aod a TbotM* Hall war* drioblog aod ware allgbtly iBtoilealaar Mall la diariad with tb* murder and la nodtr arreil- TkaatrUalsBdHportlmf Awlh«rltr« rmm Tkt Kdntoi t'U$ Tiwut. Tab CuPFia AS-^rau poblUbed by the waU ^oowb orguoftbe ihMtrlealaBdsportipg ••'rW.T«Bsw,Yp.RI CiJKBS. hu BMB^taofil. ud K K TaldkVli EofM ■ " "^*PoA _ niiM*ai*a!paelallreTa7orr>fa Aairil I. pMleaU^^ Uia Ibaatilolaad apoitlng aolbofll/ ol tba eoonur, Tkt Mart CaaaploO Rr«r lararf. Frfim nt fMim tltd^ft. rm Curm A»»'il for UM li a niotl poaploU baod - book, Tbo aorb aoaiolnl llMo ol daalba la \jia amoM- Hw: Lllllin IMbruok. Ai» Vmim uUban; lluk Hudlnif, Fnokllllcio; Mr.. J'liliua H>lia>, Araila nil- ban: Oaonl. O KoiA. Tbo. Huiaall: Kaibarloa linllao b«riiar, flnto Shaisooi), i.1iara.t.f« In lliaplar: Mobli ll.ati, Woi. D'Dalaj CapL IhoaU lloliiiai, KaHor Lao noli: Ffaoklio uofnnawiod, w. T. Uujla: lin Laa IiOffon Paufi Toinor Joaat, Tlio.. A. KuM.ll: Ifol BnuahtoD.VrukllllploiUi.rln l(a.kloa, llairyCJlarka IJIllao llolbrook, Oairlakoia; Haialo McOulla, llnii Hli.roood: Vn. KrlilsJooai, Aifila QlltMrl; Maidtlaa* HaaUnllo.1, Maad (IrtOMr* "MoMy to Burn," A conx^i, lo tbret .cli, I17 Otoiln T. KIndl, wu mclwl tor tbe flrat Ilia, oa moj nan Fab, 11, it Uie Uanli (lp«a Uodm, IMvtnpoil, !•„ b/ Ui« Hail* W.llnl.7 Oo, Tba plaF blam npoD a iKliem. adoplfd lir viUlBm KawiOD wlienli/ ha cao atcora riom tlia wKa. wbo Rivaa tain obI/ a amill allow, •Dca of ipi nillDi nMoar, a lliua monar to iiom wlib Ibe boja, Iba acboma cooalaia la lir, Newlos miklDf bli wir. belloia thai ba hu a aon by a foroer nurrlaia, lo wbon a lllieral allowuM U BCD! tach weal, wblrb la ap|>ioprtalail X>j Hr, N.w- ion for pin monar- Juncila Nawi^Di DaugtiM omr. and J|n. Nawinn, lovraaba laluTCil l(r Jack Roai, * cbum of bar huaband, with wboiu ba iioia- iloiiaUT |oai oi|l at olgbt. Mn. Kowlun la auKloui 10 Bca iiarbiiabaiia'«aaa,iud vUcnJaukanpeanaba niUlaboa blm for tbal panop, l|a U aulurlaed at bU .i|ddM aood lock. I'.liarlua [kalapproral uf hiaitill FROFESSI OWALS' BUREAU. WbrU of MBMgtn and PBrformart, OpBn Ditet, BtCb ^Sw AdvB rtlnffiBntB. DIUHATIO. "TbePa>alas8bow**l« olT*nd for taU byCAQaryand '1)ombl'eatlpu can book time at Iba Oi»*t^ lloo^e, Jaunatie, Pa- ^ . , •'fha Midnigbt RpMlaV uodtr tha atanng*m*at of llBtry B*mard, ran h* bookeil, , B^tihy (laytofa Loodoa addrou li ladlcatad In hit caftl. RetiloBAn'a Opera llooaf, Olaolnoail, cto be r»iii*d. "A Trip to live Olrcutf'will b* taonVMl at flr*t claia bou>eitir Welter 0. Hack. Drauatle i«)i>le and citcua aouaronaotled. ... Wurera Komtdy Krww. which wlllprwluc* flrat romoJUa, la under the nianagameot ol W. II. Waaver. l)raniail«|iaopUarawantada ... . AliractliinacaaaacurvUmeRt the Vot^Umv of \\\\*U, Olun, N. Y. Jobn F. Htnwe A Co. want p«opla fur Ikair "UorleTpii)'4 rabln'M?!). . _ „„ HarkM wuiaa ptrtnar r^r an "I'nclaTom" ('>>. Dramailo i*o|i|e are wautarf ' *- Walktr. Lnula iSerre, u»banV Dramailo i40|>)e are wautari by J.W.t^illcuii*, J r ralktr. Lnula iSerre, Unban Wayna. Albert Taylor. Rtci loQ'B "rode Ttiin'a irabin" ('•>.. rnHt .v Pnnahawe, TbiMiipaon'aCoiiiaOUo'* RrtmC. Iluni .\ l^>, F. Bcward, Hoiluu *'U. T." U»., P.T.TwIlohaU, MaMifar, Tarry IMlBii '*At Mbertr: D. OourUnay. Ilarrr M Rlakr. Will T. Il-dge. N*lllo l>rk*. Mn. Ji^. A. Ulolly. Maalor K>ibl>l«^rg«k.MaTphy. , , p. ■. lirlRU« vantarepartnry venpla ud nunlctain. ■UltOAL. Til* TliiMiiu U. Ilowar'a Maale 4b., l|i>uf<(on, Te^aa, alale lhat thay kava a *-i(«l goud tlilni" in Ibelr popular long, ■ .Vub.idy Wuu to Ptay Wllh Be." Tlmy wrllA that It la now played by |diooograi<bt, ntanr linwabanilaaoil a law hand orgaaa, aad la baing luag t>y uiaay 'loti llMr'." "Llia'a (lama of Ru Raw'* can It* onlarod ftnm the Atneilcau HubIc I^ll•ll•klnR(!o. Ihe Kainntermei*rl'al>ltahlag('ii.litTela»iiM "There'* Rnnm fur ()nlr Uaa Wlililn Hy llf«n" aod 'Ma llonair Luha MeTrue'^nee to proleaa'ooala >ciat Atnaril the IIwaTwly TrDllf>|.**''llanDah, iln llhht Yuur BMiiHtienk'* aod "By Puau. Ny lUck Kynd Lady," cau beurdaredtran U.S. (Inrtlen. , , "TbeHlfyc1oOlrl."anewBongiiyLtoa It. Ilolait, lau beorderoti *tmi\ iheaitihAreu. "Hnw Ifl May!" U latDail hy Iha Pkelfe Huain Cu. Aithur tlillMDle advailla** hIa mw mma, eotlllM *t;(tma Back lo liit Oaat WIik l/tve T m." -Tha Ueactia Went Ariray." a new cMtilo «ong. apnhpii olhlthi/by tbeClitfltan iitaaa aad aaog iiy Pjidli Put. lltrry (ftino«ir aod olkar oomt«nu»,in la^iied by tlieH. Kralnard'aHoDi (\>. Munlelaoa aie wanted liyrharlaaH.MtrTln. Haach an>l Howen Fred Rayntooil. P. Muk. Farntir riielpi. At I.IUrty: MT.A. HMdamB,Mulin Gruaa, tl.K.Ma), Jolm Nahniui.J. S. BltiT, "Dear Kiielle" can ba ordarail fVMit llairy IViiper Ji Cj. Joa.Tbomehu luuhl "llappy Baai. il.e Btwlblack.'* aod -HwMl KdoaHay." Tha Bogllah Itoug PuMUlilag Cck. adTortUe aeraral Tocal noTeltlaa. "tiutaldeaMllllonalre'a I>oor" ea« ha unlonul iniiu Jainea flilUman, wbo alau ItBUai "I I.«ived a Uotinin lAaala Lung Ago.'* "Now t Want tn Play In Vour Varl" anti "t Hid KiX KOdw I Levad Yiiu iill You'd Uont" are iMiietl by Iha Baaav Miialo llnuio. "alrla,"a oawaong hp tiarry B. ttartliHlt,can Ixor. dareiirromO. K.K. Kaooady. , , "My PeullM"larecammeodad aAaaoiiir hit by A. A. Ilurgreo. *-n.nTa Vnu Ho" la Uauf^t by R. It. (liilM. Bruler A Hrhlaju, the Han Pruolwu ptiMlahara, will aupi'ly enplMor"Mie'i Not Like Otlitr illrU" iraa tu frix haalooalB. , , "LtTara Ib Daya (lone ily'* ran be crd*r*il Iroui Lladar. 0. W, n*>d liaa Inutd aiwiio iiew Hogg*. MJoly ALlUlaYallarC(ion"ia a oaw annr, wllh whirli maoy leadhty alegeraaraaoorloKa miccdm. It la ImumI by ihoCrolnl PuldlahlnBt.u. ■'irVonrpaM Wu Hldi Like Biae'* and nilier aonga ar* |)uti1l«h*l br W. J. A. Llwlor. t^iBM. V LeoB BlataMdtUilptlve mig la retily fur ihit maoitMra or the pmreuloo, and will Ite vent wlih iiroh*>- iralluB to lliaaewhn ramlt Uao*nt«lo Henry J. W*lnii*ii. u_p*r ndv*nlBaaMnL J. Plah*r aod Bruihar have luuid "I'll Tell Pai>a i>it Vou." VARIBTY AND BUHBTUKLS. rina mil. Ilia popubr niuager, wtHJW two alirarlhina, Tim Wuihl Df Hnrettla* and tba Naw York rtlaiB, am Bought after bv ih* muagara ol Ike leaillna vaud*Tlll«* houaaa, u eirelleotlj drawtog allrtethina, will |dAC* t«<* oaw eutarjalpDtanu upon tba Uiib neat teaaun. Tim ular Paroe Contetly ihi., u ihn I iJilag Br)vr and Iwiiiiy.cnd. wllh berdaiiatiUruu**i Mra. Kawion in addntihlm hy thatandaarloallilt. niami<ihrr.whu iM fm^vi ute bar IhnoHce wllh Mra. Newiun labia balltTed liyhariolieararttiarlnie ol MrNawtoa. Juk'afailier Iperiepppiraaponilteactior. and mailera ara lo a Toiy Qlifd cmdlt'iio. BipUoallooe Anally Birel|lit«o tblnga ouL but Mra Ifantoo liecnn^i oiore aniloua tu im Iter ttepioo. Toc"tn^1lr«ie raatlan allll morr, har biiabaod fnrgau tli* nauia uf hi* lioailoarjy vtn, ud vbrt tomeredl . by lili wtra RlTM the AaM* ~ fiirgar who fa at Cripple Creek. Ur*. Nr.wtoq wriUa the crr^'k. aad ttte leticr reluraoH, wlib th* nava that he haa iklppad lo Ctwda. Mr. NavUra WRoi* lodltowobli<;ir*i<rtng. 1(01 Hralfawton ntlau oi^t hU iaty.adihlogli^gi togu loCaoada aadra3**iA 1(1* boy. [aaodiliniyr*mtiub*iBti4tvilb((qla«im he wotUd be WlihoatU'iAwaak. YlaMao) rafite (un wljb (he boy* Bti*; MHia lu>a(.iteBilil«aordoa: Aooa U*<k*r, P*ur Baymood; Jaantiia Hentoo, Jaaale Atblnaon; Agow Mawtoo. Maria WallealaT. Om ot Iha lla|;Qail||ff arUlW* fiXi TTta ftiKf du tat fit^orttr. TrfR CLirpta APfOAL U reH*u with Ialbnoatk»q o pr(>f«ialqrral and smauorB|oriiaB*TanuihAtoc;ttrM^ dbriog Ihe peat jw, aod beihlaa 1* ^ vtrt^M* Aiio* of ._ auriui _ _ TBBCitPMRrtugiveBaTMaBM orgraaienurprlMle ItaprOdocllAaor aauBOAl In ute nBt.l/atlhlayeai*aBambarifan«aaMall preTto*a*BOTU, Variaty Fair" RpattaouUr Paroe Contetly tUi., u ihn nam* lmpliia.wlll b* a lliiog of iov and h«Aiiiy,*nd, aecordlog U Mr. 11111'* pruroiaaa. '-The iHldatI fouiii'i will b* itruJuerl by tbla ooptiitnrln a moat aUtinr«(n muoer. "Tli* InUmatlnoai \ aaiUTlll»N l« Ui* ilil* i»f bit rouiUi ailruiloo. aod will preaaul a tirugrainnin made upnrpeifiinntrB frain all paitn i>( ilia iil'ibe, with Bcenin erfeoa portmylag dlirnieat natliKiallilea. The NoralllM aad tba Bun will lie hapl up tii th* aUiidanl nf eicelleUM ta faraaaUlned hy Utam. Mr. Hill w||| car- talBly haaa hU (Inia fblly oecupleJ loi>klng after ibaae ptoduoilnoa. Tom Hli'lay.alnglog oonitdlaa, bdulugwall nllh Ihe Preooh Puljr On. Bryan (;elllna can Im engagad. AL (Iranttifl Hnielle can (III oih9 date*. Leon, the Wlianl, U at liberty. (;omtiloaNoDaarewuiadfer ihi Kanalugten T1i«alro, Plilladelphla. Pa ilaurg* (IreKury wantj a tariaar for triple bar*. Th* MoUoouugb Brnlliera' Trluliaie cluaad wllli III* 'Puiunit" Cn aod ou l>aenia«al. Moitno aad lUvell* oan All datai; A-J. Iluitieaeaaut/i Rll Uitwukaof March 0 and XI Willi Ilia BoatAu llovard AUianKua tlo. Kllruy ud KawBon'a orlalqal llluatn- -^ a hit at Pmclor'a Plauorn ramcw ibla wMki iloal llluatrated i>tri>dlpaare Bennatto ud Haiu, lu a Juabk cimiuriloD aot, liiiri»* du^log ntuy nQTaltlM, can lmauiaged, (Iw. lliiwani wUliM bl aell a oaw aet, autltlad 'Tb Baraatonntra.'* KalharlDB (lylea, wliou graaefdl club Juggllogaci la pralaod by Ui* pteia, cao nil nptn lime. Tha Weatoo HiaUra are irfie af Ilie rulur^a wtUi Jithii Plelda*. Urawlog (lariU. Thar do nut wlali lu be cuu- founded *ilh aanlhar turn ul Wuitnn HlaUn. Puwtra end Wabalar, oomedtaaH and dancer*, bav* opootlio*. Aorvbata wuta a top mounUr. Rpeolaltleaar* eaiitad by Dr. ll.Jidin, A. C. Ma^ehani, OlWor Bmiliera, W. 11. Rrani, il. H. (llail'in, Wllltard llraham. Dr. A. IJ*iyd, J K. I'. Ifcrgaron, L. K t.rawfbM, UobI, Nat'uMi AaitiaainaatH;ndlule. AtliUartr: Til* Vlllooa, III* BtnU. Wm. HliltVlfl, Hi* Zerutlii^ Billy Bewara. th* Henra aod OIllmorTrlu. Var* Ick. Triivar and Taggart, Doc L I'numio, F. P.. Bendan, llaU M. Bandtii. IK ll*Br]r 'luotea Mr*ral i<r«aaBntlcf a from CInalnnail, f>., flwrly iDdlcallag Ilia laionbl* Iniprnaalun oraaud by Hr. Ifaory and bli ulaoiad tnupe uf Mrfurniar*. Oraceyano Muroalt cu bt aicurad fur their ouiitedy ^IddleQuInn, who ku beeo ilUi Hnor* aod Rurgau' MloatrelC London, fur the put ten yura, will return tu America In July ud can b* ateared. Juha A. HortuB. funii*rly ol Merbm aod Eckhuff, waol* a partn*r for muilcal oomwIyacL Capt.fHdo*y UlainAn'abunewitieHfeUTlng ut un be ae^urod. MartoB aad BcUwfTa mualcal ut can bu aun wlUi th« B4M mil Co. B. B Strut offar* nutkal Roralllea fur tale. ToeBnncer Brutber*, IflabowiadUaa, are at lltierly. Tll* Wuod*rUBd Tbattia, HocbMUr, cau ba rented fruni J. If. Moor*, ftiiao- II. Kbnay, barlloe* moillal, eu be togagad. MlaaCooH warila apartuor. (leorgB UmaqwaitU fanial* cnloreil ilaR*r. Wai*uo aud Uopra an b*(»had aulld uuimooal.aoil can III Bommerdaua In Ne* Tork City. VarUiy pwpl* ar* vutad Inr Ui* Temple TliMlr** OarndM. M, J. NII**oo*flA*rltl Ballet can tMangBflod. •_p*opjr_ toHrTfieaiia, Biw Vorlk uSt wtok? ^Olrciti »*opl* »• waoU;d by fi. W. Belford, lJullnar aibUiMB, w. F. KIrlhart, II, Aadrawa. Uel Puago bu signed wItb th* ItubloMO A Frankllq RllUWB. MltOBLUAinEOUI. Allractlua are wanted Ur Annnnr Opera IfonM, Ar* ritour.A UlOtera llooae, lA Plata. Mo.: Hualo Hall, ifranBfbrd, Paj Harllrtm, M. V., Hall; Hew People'a Thaa- itP. I/Hea, N. Y. ForBaU; Te4t,eu., by B. A. Dart; oholographa, ale., Itf Ihe A- T. M. B : Uot. tiy A. J. Watdi; aid* ahow, hy Look BuvHl: Uata, nadltloH. elo,. by Or. F. Unot Horry ud Prad, vaa tie aun at Tuay Pat* daga. by Pro/, W. A. Mrabaa aad U. F. MMhan; bUck art, eta,, by Wai. Halaoa;aaliaali bv A. f. On. At uUity: W. J. UhappaUt, adVuu; 11. J. P., lao^ tiirer- . Pruf. B. Iiertna can rarniah hollonna ud aidnalonH. The KoblnaM Houu, Bofalo. N. Y.. aod Hri. Taylor'*, New York. oAar profamloul aernmmodalloo. Fraah BurtvuUKD nitaraclialni. Beacli aod Bawera waatt taor, etc. BalleoDB aad aaeaoaloo are aoppllad by Itapnar Brotharo. I|utp Blackmvre waals lo Imf Iraloed horaaa aud - Bharmu won la a wreatllog paoy. H. WolfACe. romUhatreeiman'agi^a. Tnoa. pudergaat wulBa UrlBB picture ouuiu U.A, UlBBMroboruejeclrwudy'Boutfit. W. A. CoahHa oBOn aeala for aala aod a tUfog uookar fOr bir*. Tkls ABHwnl Is Always Accorala. From Tki Onmm /eiiniai. ThOMwhoar*lBtbsbaMiorr*r*rrla« to Ih* ranmr* of tb* paar %*ow of what graat aoitatMce Tub Naw Yohi: putTBBJ^ISaaLfa. TheToUimefur IM hu juat Ip«hi lanadaod eootaloallw aamlog aad theatrical chm- ailMM for toe pan year, maaab eal la alwaya accurate, aad fta arrasgamMi t li a nawl oae. lU<«lTl«fl VaamlmooB Pratsai |>Vt rA« /otUoh Advirtl»€r. OiinsB AxvuAi. n.r IBM laren*lrhigiNaaoAo(. miaaortl>*pr*Mand |<ror«uloa. Tb* f*fdlct la wat It u the bMt Avar laiaad, PartrmtlaerilUllBflwtoliMl TheeplsBs. BWBB rA*A'«wl«rp lU^luer. Tib CttfnB AwkDit Urutl nr raeurdauch aa «TarT yni^ y^y M^ra|gfe*, ali* nsaj So* ponralu uf oiw