New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuabt 29. BJ^SEBAJLL. fokl la lb* polDl DUeb ibara >•!• ol» prim tiStti, ih* nuilnumorpDlBUtolDm. Tlwslgatnloiiaw ■ e» 0.1 ..t. Aib.>, car. SS^ SIL^'ii; Nf.!!t„X'Sii,.'""'S.*"*"- A. Of «.nm g.™ b«„'^ oh'cL ..d ^fc "^."^frct.V ^li"^»li'"i5J'i b*DT CI17 OarllDg Olnbg, tbree tlnks ucb, wu PMUTtlto or ifsowklii. Tbiiuutr, bowtn^wtU pl*7e<l It tlie TtaUUa Rlok, In UIIm, N. Y., on »« SS.^K'!'«• n««U«ir WM HlniilDC. BtlOTwaflrottaaacoRiliifQU: I <»ll«<> l*»del«g.ueU)otSr"'n»eOTiil"uonTO rafhml ud tt« foiiovlDR OuncUl coqiIiiIou were mpoaedOD IWclnbineiiibtn: B«ob c)nl> la 10 d» Inlo tbttmnr/oC iba leamie luoon or btftJJ April 1 uhHIowa: Feb. u, OtBt tniuUineiit oC UO. o( vblcli l> to b« ttaid for uuoia) pnuc: UOD, and iba balanca to go tomrJa tbo anniul doet; Harcb I, iloo, o( wblob |H aa THE ISTEW YORK OLIPPEB. 827 -IU«>1». AmiWOON-BINE Ko. 1. „,„ S-iti.™"- A.T.Wbllloi, a. w. rtf DO, r. m. CftM«r f"''*i'A_, w, r.i;Si!i"' JusHMeCr»lle.ibl)>..... e A. 0.bllibuiT, >llp .... niNK No S. 2!!!^5?«°'' BotKrtBGrdi. WlUUm Daj, B. U Moowo, A. A. HeMonar. j. r. ctUtr AodnwMoMomr.thlp.. 10 J. B. Bait«r. iklo. 8. B. Miliar Jr., w, K. Rairtr. J.UilUlrit. H.I.Job.,o£ BaDjtiDio Oothria, 0. B, Brown W. B. Elmandorf, allp.... 7 J. E. MeLotiiibllD, ulp.. ToUl SB TouL- BBO0NDSBBIES-ArrEBNOON-BUIKHO:i.°' B. A. Alias, J.ATanll, 9- HJ^?' E. L. Kaotoa. '•J'<'?adla. A.n.salliboiT. 3. MeUaK, iklp > o. B. Alko, >ilp ,.,.„ » "O- '■ 2 'J*" 5?^ ^- "arraj, WUUam Dar, H. I. Jobgiao, A. A. Ifeauirar. 3. B MoLouablta. A. MaMonar. ■kip....... B 0.8. Browi illlf. S.B.UIUarJr, w!"w: Fowhr. J. OoUirla. T. r. Molaeraw. B. aaibria, j. r. Baitar V.B.BIoiaDdorr.*klp....ll A.H.Huommi, Rklp baUDca (or uilonal pioltcdoD, |3J tor anoaa K2, iprf ?■■«•; •'arcs «, luarantta (Qod, |2W, ud ApHI I, for aama (and, flM. Tba i7°J*',^'.f '»Ui»t ma clab wlU U« cp to lla raleaandpUTODitbaaM- BCD'* Hbcdole. Tbe IMO U to tM dtpotlled In a Inut oompM/ In aioh citr and acaitlOedobeok (or Bane (orwardad to tbt inaanitr ot Iba laant. Tbe qDaailon of (uaimotM tben cama np, and, aner con- aldeisble dficntaloD, II waa raaolrtd 10 Irj rorono mnnib a goaraniea mtd at t(0, wlih Iba txoaptloii of bolldaji. vtaio Iba rlalllDg dab wiu rtcalra ta •fiS""'•^Blaalona- In tbe evantor imin Ibo vlalttsi clob will raccire »», wblcb will be de- ducted rnm lla abara In cate tbe gain< la plajed oir. Anar toaa ranbcr general dlicuaalon Urn meetug wai adjountd, to rcconTene rab. 27, ai iMcaatar, tt, I m i UsBagar IrwlB*aTwoTaRBaa« Kanagar irtbor Irwin and a majoritr o( Iba pla; en o( Iba New York CInb will Inva ibis cllr Hareb 3 (or JacksonrlUe, Fla., wbtie Iker wUl spend a DtonUi in pre|>ar1ng tbemaalvea (or tbe coming otaamplonablpieagon. UaDagerlrwInbiaanaDiac ine DaD Into two teeme and tbey will be pliied against eacb outer ererr afternoon, weather par- Viu^" I ?>'t>i>l> during ibeir aojoura In tbe Sonlb. Pieal- .. • AawSbirr iblD. II FffeH.iiiMliaadecided lo offer a pilza to ibe u.; "IP- " I taamwInolBg Ibo iirealer nomber of gtmea. Tba two taama ire well balanced and ibould plaj aama Intertatinf gamea togetber. Irwin abonid baTe liuia trogbia In picking a winner from Ibese man, wbo will be placed aa fouow: _riaarTBaa. Poanion. BacoHPTaia. roiUrtad Ztaifou ....i'alehin....WII»auil8uabopt ■{•Hrla. Bona, n;na..Plti:h>ia.Clark,B«in>oor. Kue7 D.Dirll. rlmBua W.Oaik CBBsdm Baata Raw York. S^f.'Th!!5''i2^ IbeaonaaleurUng match for ihe TbomBon-aco- Coon»u,'iltii'.V.'.V.V.'.'.Son8l!f.V.'.:.V.'.'.'.V. '.".; ' vUleHedol,betweenleamarepreaenUDgtheToronto, vSTu'Ai;;-- J*? -.-.CaT'iia Total.. William K^aoi, R. A. AlhsD. r. 0. Michel. J. MoDarf. iklp... 0. T Ooklea, a. aalbriaT A. A. McMunvj, A. ■"HoiTtr, Blip. B. I. Millar Jr., VlUlaip Dar, B. QuUrrie, W. B. EUnaadorr, iklp. Total Oimod total 31 TWal ETBHlNa-RINK .NO. I. P. L. Jooan, A. U.BaUou, n. a. BrowD, •Bii.lC^Vi.""-""-"'-""- p. J. (TroolD, P.M.CiUar, BINK NO. 1 J. B.(!arbarr7. J. W. JohDitoa, A. U. Monion. 10 Q.B. Allan, aklp.... . I) -.•7 Total Oraod total.. ...14 OnL.asd BtiOak>,N. Y, . Victoria Rink, la TorontOi on Feb. iB.'and waa for tbe twentieth time won bj tbe Oanadlnna. Eacb olub waa repieaented br (onr tlnks, and Ibe score waa thlnj-Ioor shots In taror ot the borne clob. Score: Tbrmio- Ho. 1 autue. A. H. Baloaa, j. w«bar, W-HodBloi, Dr. e. 0. Pioat, U.C. niaaw, P. Raloi, W. A. Wliiop, Iklp a p. Koiili7aklp .. """t "<>- *■ U. Valkar, fl. w. oeaiiogar. R. U. flamaroo. U. z*llar, U. A. Dniramood, P. plibar. Hop. L. M. Joaai, skip. Matiar, aklp BIXK Mo. 3. Clnba, took place at the I iHT^".'".\:.".\\':^Sii'r\M:: Hnlliaaa ..PnmU diahoud riBLD aossip. T.McOaw. A.ceAiiaibiioa. J. Balo, J.B. Baanll, aklp. A. B. Cauaroo. Ool- Saaor, P.O.Caplar. J.ITriifit, Iklp... Total J.BuiIck D A. Almai, Oao. Hi^ola, ...19 A. A. Ban<ak,ablp.. Ji.n Ko. 4. J. Wavlaod. J. IJaSaboar, D. Foaiar, ...S7 C. Oolok, aklp The Sllnwabarr lea YaiehliineD. The third olav pennant of tbe North Bhrewtbair Ice Yacht Olnb was sailed for at Red Bank, N, J., on Bamrdar afternoon, Feb. 22. Tta weather was iBiT), with tbe wind blowing fresh from tbe west- ard. Tbe course Isid ont waa tbe old tnangolar 00a, from a stage In front ot Commodore Uorford's, ibence In an asaierlj dlrecUon to and around a stake In Onion's Core, then souiherlr to Bojd Oove, tben home. TbIs waa to be sailed orer three times, making about seven and a half miles altogether, , - ., , „. but, owing to tbe wind's direction and necessar/ Uonald, fonr bj Bnrabam, tbree bj Oalrin, two ucling, uearlr twelve miles were sailed. Tbe | each bj Huirar, Ljncb, SUge and 0 D», and one surtere were Obarles Bard's Zip, Josepb Burrows each lir Long, Andrews, Hunt, Emslls and llnmt. Jr.'s, FIjawKj. Edward Asaj^s Uils/ and Prank These Ones and expnislooa weie divided utollnw: Pajne's Snowbird. The start waa made at 2.42 TebeauaiidDojiesuirereditartailmaasaohiahnia, o'clock, and ihe Zip Inlahed at 3.0«, making ber Kellej ^acd Borkeu twice eacb, and Haok, Me- sailing lime Stm., which waa fast considering tbe Cloakej. UcUermoti, Brodle, Ooi«/<mn, Stioob, Jco- BOor condltlOQ of the Ice. Dalsr dnlabed at 3.10, niniis, Eslog, Fsrrell, O'Hilen, Vsugban, Obllds, tonriDlDates behind the winner, ualsjloat two or Onmiti, IIcOi»w, Burke, Kennedj, O'Connor, M>e- three oinntea br as npseL Neliher Pajne'a nor kin. QlasKOckand Davis were punlabedoolv once Barrows' jaobt dnlsbed. each dnrlog tbe season. The marka of dlaclplioe were disitlbnted itaus: Cleveland, 7: New Ywk, s; I<B<a<t SaylBga KBd Dolaga ef Ui> Baaa baU FiaUraltir. The Hanard Unlvereltr sohadole of games for the comIn«saaaon,ls the Urgestever airsnged for a Harvard nine, It provides for thlriv-two garaes, elahteenofwblcb will be played at Cambfldgr, Han. nla aa (nUows: April 13, at Beaton, with a picked nine, "Hbitt Wngbt benelt;" lo, open: it, Brock- ton, at Brookton: 20, Nevton A. a., at Newton: 21, , Bangor, at Cambridge; 23, Pawiuckel, at (kin- bndie; 2S, Dirimonib, at Hanover: 2tl, lianmouth, I at Cambridge; 2a, Dartmouth, at Cambridge; Uav 2, wmians, at Wllllamalown; 6, Braao, at Cani- bridge; 7, HoljOioas, at Vorceater; 0, rrlnceiop,at Princeton; 11, Ambent, at OambrMge; 13, Wil- liana, at Cambridge; 10, Cornell, at Ithaca; IB, MewtonA. A., at Cambridge; 20, Brown, at Provi- dence; 13, Peonsjlvanla, at Fblladslpbla; 27. Am- bers', at Amherai; 33, Pennsylvania, at Cambridge: 30, Prlnceion. at Cambridge; June i, Newton A. A., at Mewloi; 3, Brown, at Providence; 0, FennsvlvB' nla, at Canbrtdge: 10, Prtncion, at Prlncaioo: 13, Oonell, at Oamlirtdge; 11, Orowo, at Cambridge; IB, Princelon, at Osmbildge; 20, Oomrll, nentral iroondf; 23, Pennprlvania, at Caubtldge; 21 Prliicetoo, neniral ground. N. E. Young, president ot Ihe National League and Ameilcan Aiaoclatlon, reporia tbst 12 000 In loss WSB paid Into tbe treaiurjo( that organliBllon last seaton. So (ar as Ibe record n( Ones and ex- pulsions from Ihe gamea an on pnbllc record, ibero are known 10 have been thlrtj two dlSennt cases. Of Ibese, Bre wen lolllaied by BeUs,rourb; Uo Ire Boating Oa tlie HwdaoB* Balttmore, (; Bnokljn, t; Loiilaville, 4; ClncinnaU Onth."nror.lngoTw«Wng.on-.7uthd".7 ar.ce fliS^SStli to'&f whlo'h Do^lJ"^^^ for the chanplaniblpol the Hudson River Ice Yacbt — ■ - ■ Cinb wu sailed over a nine mile couiae at rough- Klhe new oiUcen or tbe THOoUeglata League, elected at a ncent meeiing, an aa follow: R. R. uwk part, namelr, tbe Uisiioi, aalled b7 Monnan Wright; the Jaok Frost, saUed br Colonel Arable Rogen; tbe Bitten, sailed" ' " the Horibem Light, sailed I . Dragon, tbougb not considered a fast rscbt, won the race tbrongh the skilful sailing of CWpUln Wright, bcatlog the Jaok Frost, wblcb has held tbe olnb pennant for seveni jesn, br two minute*. Tbe winning raohfa time was thiriv.flve minutes. Tbe Jack Frost anlsbed second and Dllizea third. Bolllns, Ambetsi, prealdeni; n: w. Root, wii- llama, flret vice president; B. W. Couch, Dart- keensle, N- Y., In cold, dear weaiher, and wlib a (alnr good wind. Fonr vaobts, allot (be Ont class, — .. "nijion, sailed br Monnan 1 hr'jamM*Bl)rmldl"and I .^i?!^ '"^I^'V^^^ »«»''' »ivi{o\^ br Dr. J. 0. Baton. The I f° ™ schedule for the sesaoo Is aa fol- Idered a fast rscbt, won I '<""= ^ WlUlama va. Amberat, at Ambeist; 10, mouth, inoutb. aecond vice president; R. n. James, Dart- secniarr and treaaurer. J. J, Bradv, of Two 101TAOBT Rioia cams off at Rsgtn' Point, on the Hudson River, Feb. 20, fiw prizes offered br the Hudson River Ice Yacht Club. Tbe flist waa for fount! dasa boats, tluee times over a mils and a quarter ecnise, ibe distance sailed being abcnt eight mllea. It was won br A. Rogera' Ariel, In 3b. f "p'lto%'SS'o!.'.;?nhirt1b*£S°»i'V^'^.j I R^^ evMt WM lo??bid cuiJ hS^^ Bavls at third, snotherpenon ears: "Wbr wonld it «SL".?dSuUedia'l(S'sn'?;aS™ loMl^ I ?«'J*A9«»?.P^>.P''.'.«?q»"» <5W. ™!"at le, Amhentva. Darimoulli,at Hanover; 90, Aotaaifi va Wllllsms, at WUllamstoim; 23, 83, Uartmonib va Ambeni, at Amherst; 30, Ambent vs. Williams, atWUllamstown; Junal, 0, wllllanmvs.Darta>onib, atUanoter; 12,13, Darunooth va. Williams, st WU- llamstown;20, 36, Ambentvs-Williams, atWUllams- town. The Mew York Clob has all of Us plaren under coninclnow, except Rnale and FWrall, and there an few persons who believe lhat tber wlU not be In line before tbe beginning ot the ckamplonsblu sea- son. It la a matter ofoonjeoinre as to bow the team win be made np. Since It waa proposed to pen's Norlb Bur, In 4h. 22m. lOs.; John Roosevelt's Vlxsns«cond,4b.23m. Is. Iiwaasspectedtbatthe tsce for the ohamplonshlp pennant would have been aalled during tbe week, but oncks In tbe Ice pre- vented It short asd Oleason on second, and Oonnaisbton, Oeorge Davis and TIersan In the ontOeldt That woold leave Banr Davis and Wm. Mark to Oght It out tor Irat base." Tbe mansaement of the Media (Pa.) team declare ?!'_'»'!?'«' on Feb. M, when be eatllr Leagn^wlih dubs located at Cnaaier, Ooalesvlile PratAblr no oibcr joung plarer has, In ibe aauio leng'b of ilnie, gained tbe nnown on the green dia- mond ibst Fred C. Osrke, lbs clever nulllrlder of Ibe LonUvllle Club, of tbo National Uague and American Aasociailon, has. lie wss bora Uci- 3, iei2, at U<s Hulnes, la., and learned to plar hall at an eaHr age while aliending school at his native place. Uo staried on bU |Ho(e»lonsl canerln IBM, belore be bad reached bla tweotleih biribdsr, when ha Bccenied an engagement with the llaalinn (Keb.) Club, lie liegan Iho season of 18S3 wllh Uie HI. Josepb Club, or tbe Wesicm l.csBue. and re- mained with IIS team uoill June, wbcn tbe league diabanded. Manager HcClnsker, who tben bad charge o( the Monigomerr team, of ibe Houthen League, began negoilallus wllh blm and Onallf ac- cepied ols terms. Clarke Onlslilog the saaion aa a member of the Montgouierr nine, and be did such Urst class work that MiCloaker signed blm for tbe saason'of 1SB4. srter Iba former bad been engaged lo manage tee aavannab team, of Iho Donihera Asaoclallon. Clarke's excellent work wblle wllh ilieBavannabsatiracied tbe alienllon of Manager Casbnian,of ihe Milwaukee Club, of ibeWeateru l«ague, and when the Bontbem Aatociallon dls- Uinded, In Jono of that rear, an agent o( the Mil- waukee Olub vlBlled Savannah for the PDrpcae of ■inlDg Clarke, but befon be conid aacceed In hia mission tbn LoulavUle Olub, wblcb bad began scgo- dailons with Manager McCloaker, capigred Ike pla;er. At lhat time be had onira minor league experience, and mere waa no telling whether or not ke woold be able to bold bis ovu in Ibo najrtr league. Us at once Joined Ibe Lonlsvilles. sod took pan lo bis Ont game on Ibe home gnunda on June BD, against ths PbUsdelpbhi team, who had n'ejbing pItcbliiK (<>r Iheui, and bo niarlo a safs hit. Including a triple l>agger, eacb of Ibe Ovo ilmea be weut 10 the bat, while Ibo real of Ibe Loulillle Iran made onlr six nfe biu among ibem. llednUbed lbs season wllh Ibo LoiilsvlUo Uuh, laking part In serenlr-slx cbaniplunalilp cunlrsta, and doing ox- ccedlnglr well; In fact, his work waa of suoh a sailsracloir nature lhat he was resrrreit fnr the season of IKvs, taking part during that) car In oiio bnodrcd and thlMr two cbaniplnnaLlii gnuiea, and lleing Tlernao. of tlie Now Ynrka. rnr sl.vicenili RIsce in ibennirlHl hailing avoragrs or Ibo niajor isgoi*, wllh a uercentage of .3M. It was ilurlug Ibia campaign that be gained bla great reniiwn aaa baisman, base ruuner and fleldrr, ami hail the proud difliloclloii of liecoming what la kniiwn lu liasehall parlance aa a lio.floo plarrr. hi ulnar words, tbst amount lias been uiTarod rtir hli reloAM, but so fsrlhe LnuUvllle Cliih baa dei:lliiril in part with hlin at but price, lHi:Aua« ho will pnivn a great drawing card to It, aa he has lieen nnn of tka beat adveri Is-dpiajrrlo Iho pm(psalnn all retlnrlri^e of tbe paat season. Aiiiohg aoiiin nf hla iiniewnitbr feala In Oddlnir and Inning, can l>e nuntlnned Mit accrpllng all of twelve ot'sncea In Irfi Held, In Ihe twoBamrapUrait Julr 4. IMil. si t/iula>llle. apalost tbe Balllmorea In iho three games aginai the Cht csaoa, April 23. 24. 2B. irat. at Uulavllle, hn wa. endued Willi making len safo klis. Thsn. on Jiim 3, same rear, at WashliistuD, be made a ssfe hit, In- ulndlnga double liAsger. each of the (ourlliii'8 lie went to Ibe Iwl In the flrai nf the two aiiracs pU.ved on the attamoon of Juir ao. at l.oiilavlUe, aralnst Ibe New Ynrka. ho was credlied wllh cap taring cighl nr halls In left Held, some r,rihehil«iii nade of what appeand like lungtafohlis. bair, coveiisg ths distance Ui om. 3s., according to the timers. TBI (anor skating championship ot Cuiada was eontsnded for at Montreal, Feb. 13, beUig conllned to local men, and Moss* Rnbenslein winning, wlib J. Dnmaa second. Bcore, «tj< 10 Wj poUta. Tub aninai oooaai.'ra Haanita at Pormbp. orat Llrar- pool. Bog-, eommaocod on Pab. 19. widi thlnf-l«o drawa tha brorlloa balos Tboostitlaaa Baaalp (last Paara wlaoorl, Pabulooa Korluoa aod Portuoa Pavaale, ulorabldi ivrrlrad tha opamnr noad. Tha bouloa 1 than raM at • 10 3 aaalnal TbouBbl'aaa Baanlp. S to 3 acalnat Pabaloaa PnrtoDe, and S u> I axaloat PorUQa Pavaola. Tteaa tbrao alan aorrlrad tko aacood roond. Id tha third roood. 00 so. tha lattor waa baalao. the aar- vlTora of thoroaod bolDC TlioiijibUaaa Baaatr. Pabaloaa woi^oa, Ulopia. Blroooka, Jasvaniaat. MeUomoor, WollblU aad Waatharalaa. TliouBbUaaa Baautr, Patau- Joaa Portana. Utopia and WolOilll aorrUad tbe osil Toand. when lha battloB waaS 10 4 asalaal Pabolooa Por- taBa. 4u 1 agaloat ThouBbUoaa Baaalp.Sro I agaloat Utopia, aad 10101 af alan Wollblll. lo Uia SlUi raaad, oDfl,PalralaaaPoruso boat Uupla,aD<l WollliUI beat tbonafaUaaaB«4Dtr. ThaOoa] renod waa voa bp Pabn- Mas Portaot^ thus capturloa tba Waterloo Cap, A Piosoiv SOOOTIKU VAVCR botwaao Joho L. Braver ud PiankClaaa, ooahoodrsd blidatach, rarglOlaslda. ■rawer ataadlosal IblnrUirao laidiaodhlaoppoaanl aitbbtp tarda, waadtcldad ai Daitar Park, Loni Iiluid. Pab.ll. OUia won wlUi aata,klllloaaareaiy.rearbllda to Bravar'a alair all. A ainng noilhvaal wind was blowlnffdarloglba abooL A HiiVB taoov at plfaoga boivaan D. 0. Brailaa. o( Baavar fkUa. aad W.8.CaooD. or Naw Ou,N.J,aaeb Baa to aaa but ooa aim, cams off at Baavar, Pa., on Waab- L',!!!? 1 Bbibdap. Tbo aukaa wan tsoo. aodaach maa klUad alalpev* ont or nloalpslabtblrilalkalaachabot (R. 11 nbie some ume In April The flarera of the Boston team will go to Obar- lotiesvUe, Va., on March 23. and will remain ihcre for about two weeks, pnnarlsg Ihenuelvea for the championship stnifgle. The roUowing sobedule of eihlbilkin games nas been amngnl for them: April s, S, at NorfoUr, Va.; 7, at Foriamontti, Va.; a. at Rlcbmond, Va.; 10, Princeton College nine at Princeun, N. J.; 11, at Bridgeport, Ct.; 19. Ilatrr Wrigbt Dar, at Derbr, CL; 14, Wealsran College team, at Mlddletown, Ct., and 16, at Bptlngdeld, Manager Uanlon, of Ihe Baltimore taam, has coo- pleied smngemenis for gamea with tbe New Haven team, o( the AUantlc Aaaoolalion, for April 11, at Baltimore, and tha Brnonae nine, ot Ibe Eastern Uagus, for April IB, 14, at Balllaon, Md. Thomaa F. Boras, of the New York team, It Is nid, Is wanted br several minor lesgne clnba to plav Hist baas and cantsin the nine. He would make a sood man for Manager Ellis' Newark team, of the AUantlo Aaaoclallon. Ban D. Johnson, president of the Western League, In answer to Ihe qnesilon, "You will not denr that some control must be neceaair bi order to have nnlir hi basahaui" said: "I don't Uke a stand of ihatklnd, I know how much ths National League and ABMrican Association haa been to baseball Jnst as well as ths next man. What I want la more- enuaUlr. The Weatern League has passed the stags where It should be considered a minor leagne. Ills notMpertmental;ltdoeanothaveto depend npoik develOMng plsreta and aelllog Ibem to aa; In bud- neos; lllsa Bntclasaorganlzallon.andsbonldnavs at, aad la ihooUnii off at laaoiiIro birdaaadii^m I Id*cosalderatlon tbst such sa ofganlcallon war- wonwilbaaeoraoflStoU. I nnla." ?^'?!lT?.l'.'*tplab of Anarlu bald lu aooaaleke- | Fetar Oonsor, aged twenlr-llve r<an, a minor , „_„ Hone aserateip aad traaaonr, W. D. Braratoa. TBS ABarieaa gaaaol Olnb last vaak abetad Ibaaa SSS**' "*™ *»*' Aanst Balmaatj visa pnaKaat, a. ■rooks; ssoatarr aad tnaastar.A.l'.Tndaaban. Fiaritet Tonng, of tfee majcr league, kat been Baked to nmplis tha gaae between marans and OBCtaaatla on "Hatrr Wrigm Usf," April It, at Vana;er Uanlon, of the BalUmon team. In ex- plaining bow he came 10 Invite Uotletn BaUlninre, recenUraald: "It waa simpir Ihia, I spoke to Un;le about coming 10 BalUmore when In Now York aliha lime I mads the ttade with Prealdent Pnedraas of Uia New York Olub, bv wbloh I exchanged Uleason (or Dorle. At that lime Dofle asaured Treasurer Von der llont and mjacK that he would be verr glad. Indeed, to coma ben, and wanted the trade msde pnbllo because, he said. It w< uid gnillr hIa friendaat Uls home, at Uolroka. Msas. Some weeks later I sent him a blank contract and received a leuer In repir Inclosing the contnot unsigned br Dorle, aajlng that he thought tba mauer over and had come to tba conclusion that he bad bettor nol come to Ualilmore. Ills reason waa Ibal he suppnaed be would be dislasieful to some of ths Balilmora plaren and to the Daltlmore public, and he seemed so oonrlnced of ihls tbst I de- cided to canr ont tbe sngsesUon of McOmw and InvUe Dorle to come down hen to ahow hini be wsa mUtaken In bis Ideas of how he would be rsclved hero. I bellere bs Is nnw con- vinced Ibal be will be well treated hr ihe plajen and lbs puhllo from what be has seeu while hen r«- cenilr- I will give him everr opportunliv to aailsfr blmseK on tbst matter, and let nim decide for blin- sdt before ssklng him to sign aconlmct. I have no appreheoslons about him now. In (act I have not doubted from lbs flrat that be woold be In line when wanted." Fortr condldaloa for the Princeton nine havs re- ported forpncUce In tbecanon tbe couege grounds. J( course onir tbe best of these will beitialnedat prmcUce, aa the management baa decided to devote this month to "weeding nut" the Inferior men. In tbemeaniime thevelennsof laat rear's team will conOns ibslr work hi light exercise 10 ths g;m- naelum. The coachen have entered upon tbe wore of bonding up a tcaui from the old material wlib a eptrit which augun well for success. Fonr of ths vacaodra on Ihe team can be Ulled, but aa r<t no effective catcher baa been found, lo view of ihe dinicnilr anticpated at Ihia point, Maosger KllloU haa Instructed "Blllr " Karie, the prolesalonal coach, to coEdne his attention to tbe candidaira (or this poaliloo. Tllns, ts, and Smith, tli are the oust promlsInB men enllslsd for catcbeni, hut liolb are considered far below the standard. Smith has bad far mon eipsrience, bnt la handicapped bv a weak ahouliler, wnlch wlU locapacllaie blm for some time. How that the fnsbmao class haa rirluaUr failed to fnnlah anr valuable men, tba ultimate make up of the taam map be more readllr seen. Alunan. Eaaton, Wllaon and Jorce will do Ihe pitch- Ing, and It Is safe to aar that no other college will hessr bailer Rpresentsd In ihst position. These men nave protled bp several reara'experience on the team, and the undergraduates are baslog their hopes of recovering Ihe college cbampkinablp upon Ibelrpiloblngabllltr. President Ilan, of tbe Chicago CInb, Is oppoaed to lbs double umpln sralem. and annouscea that ha will vole sgaUial the plan If It la brougbt op In Ibe meeting, which Is being held this week In this citr- us also sara that hs sdvocates the ruling off ths coachen when ths latter become bolalenua. Ills Idea Is for esch tsau to annonnce lla coachem be- fore lbs game—two of them—and tbeae men and no one else areto be allowed on tbe coaching llDea. if ellher la ruled off 00 one can be appohited tn take hit place. I( both meat lhat (ale lbs team must plar the game without anr cuacbem Tbeae coach- en mar 00 plarera engaged lo the game or not, as lbs csptali a choose, but ibar ninat be In uslforu. Tbe Onuge Athletic Onb Is makbig great pre- paraUons fnr the approaching ssason. It wUl have aa strong a team Ibia rear aa It bad laat aeaaoo, aod bu arranged an attractive acbedula of gamea to lie piaped at Onnge Oral. N. i., which Is aa follows: iiprll 2>, Princeton College team;Ma}0, Yals L'nI- ▼eralir; lO. Wealerao; 22. Cblcago A, 0.; Jons 0, Aohnist; 13. Newport A. 0.: 30, Princeton; 71, Cnban Ulsnis; AOS. 23, Cuban Olania; BepL i, Cuban Olaota: 20, (Juban Ulsnia. Oharler Fanell, for aoms cauaa beat known to hlmacir, kaa refused u> sign a New Ynik Clob coo- tnol for ths coming saaaon. Farvell, of all the club's plarera, ahonld be the last one 10 rebel, as hs was treated In a veiT liberal manner lest rsar by Iks club olBclals,piobablrb«U«r than ths drooB- (laooes mnaated. Bergen Field Is tbe name given the new tall grounds at Jerarrcnr, N. J. If Ihe preaeni p'am are carried out that clir will hare one r*f ilie Hiii-al aUiletIo Delda in this CI iinirr- Tbe grouiirla are lo- cated at Waat Bergen, near Cumniunipaw Avroue, and will be east 01 acreaa,as aoveral (roller Hofi and railroads paw iirar lip. It la asidlnlieiinlr iwentr-hre lulbutea'ride (rum ihladtr- It la pro- posed tn erect a gmnd s'and with a aeailngoipac- Itr (or two tboiiaand penotia, wblle Ihe open stall will accommodate three IbuuiaDd more. Tlieaizs o( tbe entire Held win lie three hundred and (oiir Ore (eet wide bv six hundred long- Ths dlsmond sill be located In (nnt a( the innd aiaml. Uaaldea baaeball tha Held will lie arranged for ths uaa o( othsr oubloor sports, such as sthleiio conlests. fout- tall, 'crding and lawn tennis, it will liave a i|uar- lermllolnck (or wbrolmen and a bimdreiMsrd* tirslgniawav for fool races. No eiprnse will i< spared In the laring out of the ffmundasndtla erecilon of the stands and other bulldloga. Presldrnt Brush, nf (he CInclnnstI Oluli. said In a re^^ent Interview: "(do not think thstanp verr Irs poriant changea will i>e made lu the nlsrlpg rules St this meeting. In a gams wben there are ai manr changea as In t>aaeball, and tbe necasslif nf baring a rule tor everr poaalble cbsngs and pnlst of plav, It la alwajs esar tododopportunllies f(r smenilmenis to the rules. Tbe proceasofchsnie bas been going on for so maiir jeara, and alwaja In one dirccilon—that Is, alwaja In the direction if trrlog to Improre Ihe game and Iheroiidlllrinaaw rounding It—that aa thsr nnw stand tberaenni lu have reached nearir. If notqiillc, the acme of per fecUon. Of course, there are dsbatabia poiiila In manr of tbn rales, but In sll esaentlsl snrt lRip«>n ant boaringH the prepnnderanre o( evidanco asd opinion seem lo rest wlib conditions aa Ihep now ate, Uauallr the Comminee on Rulee haalnrltiil snggasUons o( change (ram tha varinua club maa sgenienis, hut 1 have heard nolhlog of ihe sort I bla jesr, and I lu(er Ibal tbe couuulileecumtemplatra no radical ohantea.i' There will lie more aollvHr In baaeliall aifalra ckia week than hu laken place during snv simtlar period since lha annual meeiing last Fall. Tbis will be a week o( meallnga. Tbe Naiional Lesine and American Aaaoclallon wsa lo aesaWin for iku purpose of adopting a achcduie o( games (or tbe coming seaaon, heslde attending to olbrr nisitara of Imporiance, when we went i» preas. Tbn Aiian- llo Association and batem League will follnw wUh Iheir schedule meellogs, Besides there are lie Western League and AasiiclaUon, New Knglasd. Psnnsrlrsnla Biste, Soulhern.TexaaHoulhrm asd msnr other minor ieagoes, wblrh have acheduleauf gsmes to be amoged. The Virginia Mate League la the Brat orgaulxallon Ui couipleie lis cbamplon- ablp schedule of datea. Two aeries of gaoirs will be pisred for the pennant. Tns llrst aeries will end on JuIr I, and lbs second on Sspt. 16. From Ibb ou( there should he no lack o( Inlercstlog nsws in iiaao- ballmauen. Even wblle Ibe magnaiaa are now at workadopllnga aulrahle schedule o( games lu lie piaped during Ihe approaching campaign, lbs man- agaresn bnapgetilng logelhcr tbeir men (or Boulh- trips. snd be(«re lbs close ot annibrr mooib ilie plaren wlU i>e bard at work preparing Ikemaelrea tor tbe championship race. Mansger Irwin, of lbs New York team, has cntn- {ilelcd lha following schedule of exhibitliin laaies 0 be plared after the team reloma from lha Bi*Bib: April 4. Jaapera, of Manbalian Oillege, at Ibe hilu Uiouods, Ibis cllr; B. Ihe New Yorss and Jenrr Cllpa will open the new grounda of tbelailcr st Jr-r- espUlr; 7, Brncuae at Polo Grounds; a.Jsrser (It; at Polo Orounds: I, Brockton at Polo Urouoda; 10, Pawtockal at Polo Urouod*: ll.FrtnceUioCollenBi Polo Qronnds; 13, llsrrr Wrtgh' Dar, terser vlfr at Piilo Orounds; 14, Yale Uulraisllr ai ruluOrouada TbIs la pnbablr Ihe most Intercaiing achedula of exhibition gamea aver anaoged fur Ihe New York leam and anoold cerialnlp nvat wlih auccess. A Cleveland enthualaat offered some time sir> 10 wager IHO against |2S0 tbst lbs Cleveland tram would be plailug Bundar gamea before ibe leiaiin was four waela old, and, at last accounls, no laki n had put In an appearance. Jamea B. McDonald, who oKlclaled laat rear sa a major isagoe nmpln, has bean appolnlsd to Oil lbs same posBllon In ibsWestsm Leans dorlsgths comlsf saasoo br Prsddeal Ban & JohnaoD. W. (1. Bsnmls,or Br<icklrD,la verj enihntlsstio over the spprosching ohamploiMhlp seawin, and Bliss voice 10 hlarlewa Ui tbs folluwiogmsnner: ■■ (be praspeou for a sucoessful season were never so bright as ihrr are Ihls jtar. Kvcrrbodr on this sidoot tbe brioge seems to be laking an Iniercsl la baseball. Yes, llrookirn Is all tigbl. We are solng tubave a areal team Ihbi rssr, and should oa up BBOog Ihe leaden all through lbs race. Oonlreota bsve heon ariit to the nla)cni. and nearir all ot thrm have napondrd In lha inoat obeeilBg manosr. Tka man aeeni anxious for Ibe liatlle lo begin, and aome of Ibem will report In good shape, while all ot tben will lie In ibo beat of trim after thsir Itip Boiilh. Tbe pisrera will go loCbarlolis, N, 0., lor their prellmlnsrr Iralning. making Jonrnera to ntlgbborlng lowna (nr rxblMIInn ganua, and will rtmain lu Mm fitiuib iinili tbep rniurn probablrto BilllnKin fur lbs opening ii( (be obaroplonsblp aea- aon. Heveial new fai-rs alll lie aeon on the team whan the men Mum tn KstlFra Park, llrookljn. UoC^rihv, who iilajcd for serpnl sesaona In the ooldohl for the lloiuon>, win bn one, and pnbablr Bonner and Jnnra iwo mora. Donn«rqultnllkelj, while Jouca is a iHiaslhllltv. Ibero will be two new # Chen In Harper and i'ajne,and a catoksr In Alex. Smith, who waa wUli Iho Hcranton CInb, of lie Kaslem Msguo, last jear. in Ucl'artbr tbe dub should have a gooil man. piorUlIng he baa nol Itatanr «(bU (orniaralilllir. llu has slwaiaiankcd kigh an a knin; and olcvcr pisrer. 1( he Is the Hc- Uinbr o( old then llrookl;n nsa secutnl a Jewel whoae lustre will light up lbs iirililant nlars msds iblsiear. Bnih o( (ho now pllchcts will heglren ample opporiunlir to show what Is In Ihrm. aud l( Iker turnout III lie tieiierniuDthan snrof Ibe vet- nauailier will iw glvro a ubani'S for aregularplsce au Ihe lesm. Bonni-r tnarrepuim Ihilratsecood base, iiul that will lie snitlcd atlrr Iho prallmlnair Haaon. If Dali'a arm Is nut gnno lie mar w. placed lirlitiHl thn liai. Mr ll;ma ihliiks be Is one of (ho Rreairai i-Michrrs In the l.ualiicsa, and 'iiuld Its kept in (list |M>aiil"n If his arm were All light. There will Iw no ariiilnirni shown In Ihe make B|iu(tbe team thla rear, ilin lieal nlartrs will be liven Ibo ived n-M-ti. Of I'DiitMO. l^ichanre, Cor iiinin. Mbliidle and (Irtniu will lie (uiiikI lu ibeIr oh! CMiiiniia. iiiilp*M w iiiu III Iho irew men aUnw up lo a .tiler ailvshlitur ibaii (inir tin. Aiulrraoo aboulddo Ur liptirr ihiitng ihp rninlpgriiiii|mlsn lliau he did Uat)i-rtr. llni'M viiip lU'll. I>iiiiippcait'il lobe a little hoivoiia. wiilcti hiiiiiilil mil iHi Ilie rase ucxi Hum- nier. ('nlesH Jhim h prnvra tiliiiaoK 11 wonder he wlH havn H banl ilnin lirsiliig mil ,\ndrnuiii (nr A place ou thu leaiii. In raichoiM ihe club hnslliiin, Dnilej, Riiin-ll anil Hinltli, and this nnarlrt should tin well stilo to do all Hill wiirk reiniliod lu thclrllne. A numlier u( liitpniveiiionis will Ihi iimilo at h:aslom Park in ihn !t|iring, wMoli will add grrallr lu lis ap- pearance. In tlio tirat placo, Ilie sisnila will be rc- paluted, Muil the pnninil will In ovuiliaiiled and put Into plajliig coniliiliiii, Tboie la ninio lalk of re- moving ibu ccutto llelil (oncehiiowsrdlhedlaninnd at least niio liiindn-il (ri't, wlilrli will sllll Icavo It ono n( Iho Isrgost nelils In the niaii.r Irsgus ottoull. It will then iiiilo all Iho rouuh anil wild look at that nud ol Ihe groiiiid. Kver;ililiig will bo put In such shape Ihst it will add to ihn beauir aa well as ihe ailreullvenesa of the game." Hume n( the niliHir leagues sre nut satladed ivllh Iho Irralnient thsr rr ceIvu at tbn hands n( Ibo insjor league. Tber ulaim In par (i>r |irolnrllon lhat thej do not gel. lino I'aae, wliloh la cllnl liv i'realdent P. T. hiweis, is (bat inn nujnr Iraguo (Iralia plar- era (roni his organtsaddu and slvns a Iriul to (oeni, and 1( (her do nut come up lu expcoialtuns Ihev csu return tn the cluli ti<rr wen dnficd (luui. If. Iiow- over, ilior show up wrll ilien ibo iiiBjurlesgucpsra fiirthaiu. I'roaldunl IViwuncxiilalns Ibo iiialloraa fiilliiws: "Tbo l-jiHiern l,rsBiiiirlintnphinshlparason cloaca uu dept. lA, and tim Nalloijal l-usgue and AnHiiirnii AsioclnilMii caiiipatyn ends oil Ihe laat of Hep(enilK:r. In ihn IiiIctiIiii Ibo major Irsgiieoiulia can lako our playeranii Irlal, wlii-ihrr we consonl or nol. and do nol Iraveliuiira cent Iiirthe ptlrl- Irgo. Fur liialnnce, K liiu lliinalii I'liiii haa a prom- lalug jilicher named Junes, tbu Ibiainii Club tahos hliu afier Br|ii. ir> anil gives lilni n irlal, If he doea nut nil Ihe hill liolH diiipiitd.oml Ibu llumilo CInb la theiohjr the liner. I( lie la a aiiccrn ho Is draUcd ((ir a cfrlntil ainuiiiit »( inuhi-r, wliluh Is |inld lir ll(>a(uii lu lliiirrtiii. Nuw. nij nrgumtnt Is lhat If we rrcolvo iirolrciloii iiiidrr tbo iiatluiial sgreoiMul Sllll par (or II, wn alimilil liu Hlliiwcil to have (nil ciiniriil iivor iiiir iilayuna, suiliat In rasa anr msjur k-aguo ehiii wanis (iiio (i( ilieiii hn iiiiui liedrehed and |Mlil (ur In tlio iiausi wap. I( un ^Uaioni iMpiin ptaper abuwa alillliy ilurldg Ibu aeaaoli, ha la iu- varislilr appniat'lirtl lir n Naiiiinal Leisgiie snd Aninrican ARWirlailnn club aguiit anil recdvn a fiminlseul a (rial. TuwanI tbunlcao iif our season Ills iiiarer lets up 111 hIa work aiitl saves bliiisi-lf frir a trial In Iba iiialiir lusgue. I( lir clianco be haa bard liii-k In lila ifrai Bniiio In iiis iMreiit orgadxa- Hull, Ihe iiiansBcr whuiiloalilin lanfrald In put Mm In again, and coi'seiiiionilr iliups him. Other cliilia nuiluu tills Hiiil keep bninfa uif, ao ilmt be Is forced iiiroiurn lu hlrljiattm I.eaguo cliili, wbluh bsaa uhanru lo mako a neat aiini nut nf lila rrloase. To an unprrjiiilli'cil persun ilih la niaiilfrailr unfair, and (ho Nailuiml llusrd iIkuiIiI n inedp ibe evil lir reiiiciiliig Ihe i-umi ii( ibn n liuir :ejigiii'S st iia com- ing meeting. Many iiiluiirluagiiurluhsarnaalbnud III gu iliniugh a aesanii a hit iiohliiil In nut receipts, (uriho chaiiun uf rci'i-lving ilrnfi iiinnrr (rom tlio niaJurtrsKUKriiiln'. Inibsi war ibeMitiailrrleHSues are held Intaci, iiiitwiili thlaliHiphulalu-iiieenHepI, 10 unil Oct. I, ilii-rare llio'y lu Irisp msnroppor- Iiinlilrs to niuku tlirlr aurntinia i-iiiisro-" There am snp iiiiiiilier u( the llroukljn Club's iiainiMa Willi luva nni (nllyriciinrllod Ibeinaolvea III Inn fanl Hint lliii iiliili ill'l lint Iik:sIu auinowbere iioar lha liiialneiM (Nirilnii iT Iliii ilir. Instead o( re- iiuwlnglisli-aaitai Kaaloin l^rk- Ainuiig Ihemnat pniii'iiinrrd of tbo L-liiirn' routera" la Jubn tl. Ward, whnaald In sfaaklng ur ihn iiialirr: "I Ihink tbs i^Iiiiiiiisdna iiilsiakulir nut Icanliig lla ultl srounila In Huiiih liniukliii.ur, it 1I117 uuubi uiit iiDurfrslnril, Ihn vai:siii|ilrce ii( prufirrry In lhat viclnlir- Dn- iliiuMedlr It wiiiilil liHiii nindn a dlifuiencn u( ddy didlsraa ilxy (11 iisreiir-liita, l( It did not rranb doubts lhat amuui.i. T>ilie lire ailrmlancu st nid Washing- ton l'«rk. ami ciiiiiiuini 11 wllh ihst iil Kselem Park rlnru (lis dull iii-ivi-il uiiiilirre, and iliat aliuuld Im avldriicn eiiuiiah lu cuiirlnru anyone. J csonut help thinking iIibI Ihe rliih nisilu a nilslskn when It muved unt tbrre. Th^ro sre Iiisny rrsauos for dip thinking Ml. r npu( tbenlijuriluua (u KssteriiPkrK Is Ibal It bi tno (sr away; hcsldns, ibu gamei ate aiartcd luu lain. It gpnernlly Iskea twii buura tu play a game; iheii, nail la nut siailtd unill four u'cl'iuk, 11 is nearly seven uVluckliefoiu una rcaubra bis hume, and iliiiii iin miii riilier hare lu cat s unld illnoer or coini^l hIa fsrullv In wsli uiiill be anivrs. There are many r.iiiers Ualdi-s iiijrrir who bold the aaiue rluwa on lhat aiiujeot, and wu were cungratu- ladng uiiraelvi a wlitli It waa rilliiuirii Ibal lbs cluli Iniriuleil Imrating In Ihe vli-iiiliy of lla okl bead- iliiBriars, Wattilngtun I'srk. I giinvs, hiiwcrer. Hut wu will have III liiakn Iho l,o»t i.f It. Hslherluli aj>> lieaniu lie allitiiin where It la huwdir Ilia next Iwnyrara. I( nul luiiter. Kihu insnatciBoMyalsit ihegsniesalininrurilnr,andtlin (esu) playawinn- ing 1 all, Ibe pouplp uf linMihljn abuutd give them lliieral supiHirt during tbe cunilng season," I'rerlilenl N. K. Yoiinir, nf lbs Nallunal I,esgua and Amailuan Asafa-iailuii, lisa baiued Ihe fullow- ing liiilleilu: Cunirania (nrlMio-WUb PUiabotg, I. HIeriiautr, J. Hei.ede, K. W. Kip. K. K. Hrdih, J, ilschler, W. II. Hcriiii, f. Klilsu. Wllllsnrr.Ullng- man. J. Hugden; Nnw Ynrb. William (llcaMju, J, Hiekln; Hi. Uiula, W. P. llariiOnrlncati.TtNllsni Hi lirlvcr, (I. J. Hnilili; Ksnws i.'lly, K. II. Lyscb, II. IlllKS. W. It. iialladl. J. Ilarnelt. J. WelllHilf; lle- iriilt, J. P. FlOrlil. H. Ullkli. II. Iliirl'nlt, H. Hilia: Cu- lumliiis, Jubu Oiux'iick. Wllllsni Wilsiin; Milwau- kee, <l. Nli'ol. J. V. Nmitiusktr, II. IlKiigrr; llu- liui|iie. W lii-iiler, J. i/H>g. c. Hmllh, J. I. ilraver; lltB Hulnes. K, llii:key. II 0. Ui-Klliliun, W. Piesluo, II. Humeri IVilar IU|ddi, li. HIalrr. A. II. Clark, Luke Wtlch, H. mil: iirui:lun, C. L. Nrerkentldge, K. Uue- low. J. W. M'Kcnia: Uaniur, P. Illhira, T. VcUon- uugh; liCWIaiuwn. F. J. Shea; I'urllar.d, (Iro., L. Haltz,T. Truy, F. K. I'BlKrsou; Headle, IMMvU,J. Hulilnaon, C. C. Cslnlan; TSruliia, J. M(/rrlner, T. IHiOuvan, I,, rtgdeu, 11. Ilndeniiiirg: Nuwark, Wni. Hniink; New Haven, I'ul Huyle; Pairnun, J. Klibirr; Pawiuckel, II. H. Widling, K. HcUann. Teiuaac- csplrd: With I'uriland.iirr ,T. A.McauUeilhcuina, Hen P.liub; Iliiliiii|Ne. Hen While: Han Anlonlo. U. II. FJrvy. Andy rurier, K. Cuil, J. Ciowlej. Frank lacuiimge: l.e«l>tuwn, Juhii II. Hiaffurd; Paw- tucket, William P. Ciiughlln. Thomas News. Ile- ieascd: By Kr.cbfurd, J./. Tnlnur. The Central I'ennfylvsnIa l^gue. which sas or- lanlzad Pali. 13. at a ineetlug held at WlllUiniapuri, s uuw siiuoger ibsn li has iieen since IBtf. and (hereappeara tu lie uo rraaun why ilis conlog sea- son, which lieglns on Hay 2 aod ends on HepL IP, should not lie a succcsslul onu in ever/ pel ticular. A game was played Peli. IB, at llnl Bprliigi^ Ark., hatwecn two teama orgaolud (ur ihst purpose liy Ueckiav, Urst baxrasn of ihe Ililalurg lean), of lbs asjorlesgur. Manager John Irwin, uf tbe Jersey City Club, of IheAUsoilc Aasudatloo, announces Ihe following mskenpnfbla tesni (or IhecnnilngteasoBi Wan- hope and ZearfnsB, calchrrs; Neynour, Kagrp and Uiio, pliohen; Bannon, singer and Bnyla, on tlie baaea; luilam, short slop; Csvelle, HulUfSn aad WUllsms,lBthsoulMd.