New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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Febbuary 29. THE NEW YORK OlilPPBR. 829 ImmT* Mlnlo; moouI, Tulo tnm KnnVt Vtalo ""ffitlVlVf*-^*" bwtixhibltof fmrDtehitisadi h- Unikatf•VMd by OM«ihlMt«r. WoobjUMWladruih 'iClfAnlwChtllMii* Ca»-Forib«b«il Amsrtewbnd DMb«liaDJ,tob*a»jp«utf lor ivloi uoiuilr.ft^ Wtr- mlMWr EwiBsl Clab uil Mew EnilaM Koosel Club ibowA. Won by WbMlni»k KeoDtp* JiiHitL CUM ISI-OiaUeaK* dfgi. Flitt, Wbdruih C«OD«ri Doa Qfllxot* II. CtaM lO-Obtltenn MidwB. rint, Joho U. Mbttiit*** Poll/ niodtn. _ ^ BAB9ETT nOUNDS. Ckulftl-Dofi ud blichti. Hni, M.aTrMm^sDrtj- Bu; Meoad, a. a. Tyioa'i Tark. ro^ TBBRIBBS CiMim-nitllrax*, taooih bltehta. FInLL. ud W. RaitMrfoiil'* WtfTva rapiun; Mcond« L. ud w. RQib«r< ford's WuTta Owdout. OiwilT^PapMW,imM*hdMt. Vint,WlUI&m WTim* ln'j-B«r«)j Vlc»r: Mwnd. r J. SalUru'i BUck Lm ■ednca; uiIpI« OUtmc* lUitaboM'i BaTtnjck Ft- trlcUa. CtoM ISB—PopplM wire liklrwl bitehu. Fitvt. Tooo ud TboBMA' EMcUffa Nlnblo; Moood, A. 11. YouDji'i U»-l(bvlM.vln blind doffiwd bitcbw. Pint, Tooa ud TboiW EacUire flcordiftr: Hcood, B. U. Hod- D«T*U Jr.'i Bill Uont Brick. IRISH TERBIRRR. ClaM UO-Ctu>lH)ift dofi. Klru, V. J. 0>>iiiitiock'« MttrltOradr; Moood.Toon udTliootu' Brlfcci' B«it CUM 191—<*ball*nKe bitcbtH Plnii. a.<lonloa Uira- mtll'A Hill Top B«rprUo; Mri'Dj, Ttwii &od TtMnu' CI«Uilftlll. OUm IVI-OpM, dofv. Pint. TooDftod ThoniM* Bilfft* Blii«r: H'cood.Suikun KeaD«)*i CuidliuAuibuitdDr: tbird, II. T. BetiitVi Tarlir. Vlua lU-4>p«o, bltcb««. Pint. 0 V. Ujaur** MUtoo DiDlMo; wend, Tooo sod Tuooiu' Rodcllib HtfKi*; Ih rd, M. Hruckbeltnflr'* BUokbrook Bnckei. Olui 191-PapplM, dOK*. Plnu, <;btrle* Ljodon'a 0«eo Row*; M&taU, J. A Oftrbod'i BUnier Boy. CU« in^Pappbn, bitcliw- Pim, Tooo ud Tliotou' BrlifB' B«bl«: ueoDd, Jobo TI*rllbp'«Br«la Ido. Ouwf )0l-Narlc«. dbfls aod Mtcbei PIrvt, Taod idI Thoou' Boddlir* MK|rl«: »«coad, Tooo ud TIiooms* Brif ff Uiur. 8p«dM Pilu-Por bat •xblblc oi foor tatutd ud ovAftl bp 00ft txbibltor. VToo bp Tooa ud Tbomm*. BEDLIKOTON TEBRIBRS. CUu fllA—ChalleDR* don ud bitcbrt. Flrtt, John IlfvklnwD'B BMCb (irote Btu* Ba11«; Mcoml.o. Vr. tou> ■wCl HoDDl Vmnn TIbbI*. 0U« W-Opu, doKi. Firm, WdUKm 11. BaBHlfa Epl- oflrv; «*cood, WlUUm n. BuwU'i Brokor; Ibird, M. A. U. Tbtlberrji Oeom W. Olut tlO-Opfn, ^lidbM. PlmLWIIUm H. Rnwin PoUj Wukworib; a«a>od. 11. R. CblM'i rvlUft; iblrd, JobD flopbloioo'i Eadcllift Wwp. Olaullt—Pap|>l«i,dov>udbiid)»L Pirtt, WIUluiH. BoMMU'f Ptmsr; wcoiid, U. W. LoaBMt'A Umidi VvrQon PHd*. Bp4etAl Frli*—For bMt txhlblt of foor utervd ud ovDid by oo* oiblbltor. Woa bp W. B. Ruwtl BmcIu Prlu—Por bwi BtdllnBton lo ibo abow. Woo bp W: U. nanell'a Bpleor*.- Bpcetal Prlu-Por b«it p«lr,doc ud bitch. Woo by W. U. Bau«lt*« Enicnn tad FoUp Wariivunb. 8p«eUl Frtu—Fbr hw Amtrleu brtd BedllQitDD. Won by W. II. BubmIN Epicure. BCOTTUU TKROIBRa CUa SIS—ThtlUDK* dofi. Pitat, Brookl ud Amei' TIrce: Mcond. Bmok^aixl aiuw* Hbidunu. Clftv lia-CbtlltDg* bltcb««. Ftnt, Brookaud Afflft^ WukU OUUM. «1anai4-0Mii.doR*. FIrft. Bnokt tml Amei'\7u)il« Tui:MCoad,Biooktinil Amet* Bllcte« II; third, Brouk* tad AiMk' WukloO«dJlft. 4nuaaiA-<te«a. bitctiri. PlTmt.Bnokl tod Amu' CU' itift;a6Coad, Brook* ud Amw' UlaHTed. Cm SIS—Amorlcu brad doipi. Pint, Brook* ud An»M' Wukk ikiii: ««c4iba, Hrwki ud Amw. Klkroe II; Iblid,O«onn llucb'a KIlrilD. CUu XI7—Antftricu br«d blich«L KIrat, Brooki uil Aau' Wukia Neitio; ucood. Oronh* ud Aln•^ Wuklo Dlua; thini, Bnwkaud Aotw* MinTad. CUu ]ltt-Piipi>la\ doM ud bJtdiH. FirBL Brooka ud Amu* Wuble N«iui; mcooJ, Brook* ud Amu' WukUBcaoip. puoa CUu S2r-CbaU«o|e dogA, PIntt, Hln E. Cryar'n Rob Ivy: auoDd.T. A. Uuiraid aAl Von. UUu tS-Upvn, dog^. Klnt, T. A. Uow»d'a Yoana Faorlee: MCond, HIa W. Q. Brlicno'H Br^r^^id Mutcl' tbiRl; Tooo ud TbomM' Lord HbtlTltld. CUU ta-Cb&llooia liltcbu. Pint, T. A. BowAcd'a Hookar; aecaod. New Vork Piiv Renoera Kellle Blj. CUu aM>|HO, bltchea. Flm, T. A. HovAtd'a Drum mer Ulrl; mcobU. Mr* L. Hlvan^ Yodib Tu; Uitid, W. N UftTerfeUck'aMrbUkem CU«e SI—Pupplei^ dogt ud Mtcbes. Pint, Na v York Pni ltMoar« ntty. liUM S^Voriee. dORH eod bltobei*. Pint, Mlu W. 0. Rrlitu'a Bndfoid Btrrel: lecoDdJobn U.FIper'i Jue lldoker. WHEELING. LutWMk lined Uie rollowlng ballolla, wbloli will be mA wlUi more tluD ntiul liiereat ij wtietlisen Uunaihost tb« coontiT: • Dtttand ynVtofMn/.,—Janitii ilutU. MobiLi, Ala., uiid«reUu«i A: ubirltHllarUi, Hobllt, Au.,aD<]«rdmuM A; ubulM UaU, HoiiDd iilir. Im., iiDtlir oIuih I. At ilit nMUog of tlM ItadDB Bond on r«I>. 10, tt lloUI Itoo- Dtn, BaltliDoit, If UtmtlnD'i neord lor tb« uopaecd mil* IB Sm. *af. (pKcd lo tb« um br a laadam) *ma »• jaetad. Tba plofMalooal racord or i. P. Saao, Dopacad, Ova nllaa, waacDniUcnd,an(l It waa dtcMod tbattbUmoid kbuold alaa ba tbinire oaL Tlia Praia Cyda Club, or I)valM.iBnatoraduiaaQoilanpriillana. lovlawoitba naw aTUaoc* lubmlltad on babiUor 0. M. Marpbr to Iba RadbV Houd Ibe luipanilon placed apoa hloi has baao nMd' Uoprdf oteqpfed.—Claaa B, uDpic4d, Maodiiifr aurt) aoioat iIm, oy P. O. BirDatt, Bl Paao,Taz.i>ao.f7, ]»-lnll«,)lm.iB^i.:9 nllaa, Mb. ttit.; < mllai, lOn. <eia;>DillM, IJoL 3l),-<.;< aillia, lSai.B'a<.:Tinllaa, 19ui. 127aa.; n inUaa. ttin. S^i^.; 9a)laa,34iu.fl49ai ; 10 mUaa,]nui. SI}ii.i II mllM, aim. 3i?«4.: IS dIIm, SSol. M<a.:umlU^9IiIl. t>i>.: iioliai. am. W<..:u mlla^ «lai. Ill,; le mllaatim. U>^<.: 17 mllaa. irni. 41a.; U mUaa, (Oa. aH^t.; ISnllrr, ^n. :ll.i;4.: 20 iiillai,Uiu. SU.: Slintlaa,Uiii.lM»f.;llnill«^lb.2ia.9>ii.; Omilaa, Ib.Sffl. iSi.; M calla., lb. Hiii.4,Va.; 2S miiaa, lb. lOio. iwn m ni —A. w. Claarar, Loa AonIaa,Cal.; Jaaaa W.UuiT.Auioi^lIt: Alnttll.rrlM, Ubaal, itr.; L. A. Byar, Jmaf Cm. N. J.; Robert J. JoMd, Noirurlaaiii^ La.; II tMn Hlcb, UarciUianc. Pa- tfuAicihW.—Obailea iraraoaita, Hobatt Sliallr, Fred O'DalU of AaltJo. Tai., aod U. J>. Cammlafa, L. Joliu- MO. Bao Aotoolo. Tof.. bare ba.B aoapamlod rcom all tiackraelocrornlaatpdayi iromFab. 10. H*M Acoldent to m Bexluple. BU wbeelmen were men or leas loJOKd at tbe Gonsado, Okl., track, while ttjlog lo break a lec- ord,.FMi.-17." ne'aceldent irat caiiMd bj Uie bsiiuiis of a tira od Me aexiopleL Wslli waa paocd uj Uie afiiiiplel, witb Moiie, TetilU, Waafr OanM, ^binlili, Vaogtan ud Bwanbnugli op. Wta^ agar tb« IHtee quaiter pole, and golog at a I:4l«ali,areponwaa lieard.Kiid for a aecondor LO DoUUog could be aeoD ot ue wbeelaorrlilcn. ttwanbroogb wiai tbe onl/ one aertooalj burt. UIb left ajikle was brokeo. Tbe otbeis were brulaed abonc (to Umbi aid bod;, except WelU, wlio es- caped wim scarcely »loimieb. naObeiler(PA.) Blcrcle Qab last week elected Ike fUlowlog uiDcen: President, Claries PAlmer: Tlca pnsldent, Irwia 8. Iteypor; ireiuarer, Fred Uawnu; Mcceiair, Walter Msrval; dnanclal aeo rsUrfi waller P«liiier; captain, Frank lU Perkins. Tn lM|Dft ot Honongabels Wbeelmen was or- ganlied at Moteesport, p*., on Feb. 10, wltb tbe lollowlit omuen: Prttldcot, R. J. Caagber; Tice ptesldeni, E. L. livlogsion; secreurr and trrss- urer.Obsrles HaiU, Uootaiead. WINTEB SPORT Th« World's dunploB gkmters. ne aBBval coapalltloaa lor tha amateof apead aad laaarakallog ebimpioBdilpi o( the world wara Laid at Rl ralanbors. Boula, fib. 7, / nader tba aiuplcaa ot tMIatereMkoalSkialaiUDloQ. J.J. Bdu wod ell lour «Ma mtaau, vbile U. Pacfca won Hie Ogiire diuipi«o nip. Safflaerr: ^W^kundna ai£/m.-Woa bp J. J. BJao. nolUed Pacfci won Hie ilgiire diuipi«0' AaPftplkla , u. EatUudartfalfd.C.UuUarrtmnli. TlBe,ariu«. rtm thuiuana ai^m.~WoB hy J. J. Eden. 0. EilUader J, J. WiDh ihinl, O. Haller ronrtb. Tliue. tfm. M%. Pl/Tem Aintfrtti mnrv*.—Woo by J- J. Edeo, <i. b«i- Under aaeood, a Jlnllar tbinj. F. KooimUikl foono. Time. ta. itiS'- Tm lAakMnd nctref.-Woo b; J. J. Eden, 0. biUader eeenad.j.vlokUiird. U.Rom feanh. Time, 18a. FtgumM3Utna—Wun by 0. Pacing Uooleh. compolwrr flnrei, UX: fne »beUo«. Wi: toul, iH\i t«o luU Diedeli. tJ. HDnl rieenk, onopaUorp lUarei, IVTM: lreeak«tlA«. 91; wiaU, ti8H', t"o alUer aedku, aeeuDO. J. leDdir^ Hl Petenbartf, compuUorp Oiiirfi, WHl rtM eketlncin; toiel, iPT.'f. tklrd. M. Fodoekaboff. bL reuiibora. CMOpulaotT dgarat, V7; tree akeiUf. aH; touLUTJf.ronnfa. Sfaial JIfva. tot Rold nerfU-—Woo bp J. Budera, O. racbi eaoDDd. U. Uoial Ulrd. Tn Ivrra Hidil wu cotaoded for by mambenof the SaAJa, K. Y. ud St. Cuharloa'a, OaL, Carllof 01nbtatBetUo.Feb SI. BMbelobaneeaud iwo rlak* orpUp*fi,ud Ilia meub taokpUcala tbe ffloralor.iha beat uen dalketlDf ibalr I'uadlu oppoouu bp a •Hfvolltte U. Tbia Uu uaoal mei«h bttaraa ihtae elab^ tba nedal ha*lac baw pnaaoud aoma jaua aio bpas*VtpDr8Bilih.ori'alUdolpbU.P*. latbaartfreooa twa riflka et tba Baffdoaluii met a l>ke nambar of plifan batoaslog to Tborold, Ool, tha UtUr vloalaf bp 90 to 19, £n»r tba buqaii UDder*d tbe vlatinn bp lia BaAUe Olab another mmttii, of tao rlaka each, *aa aaataaftd bptbf TboroUaaad Buffaloa. tbe former eitalD vtaAtefftylltoll. taipaatutor tbe South Bbraraborr IcaVaebt Olob *M WM by yacbt. Ifanld, Fab. Mm tbe lianp, DaTaaderud Uecaola. AloTflKil<ay»ditfa£itnokpUeeoDtb«Bou>h8bt«wa* bmiT Rlrer. aaer Umm Bruch. «. J„ Peb.M.batwaM boelabaUMBlaiitotbaSoatbShravabarTCIaK Tberata vu Or b elub pwaaot« aod «u iallad of ar aivanTydra nltei «»orM. ud vu «ao bp J. K. Oraee'e Delaader. dafoaUoR dr* oppawnbL THE RING. TUB WORLD'rOHA.HnOJISIIIP. B»b Fltialsameu KmIIjt Datexs Mkher for «k« Title Wlileh Caibalt DMliaed to Dslbad. AlUionyli luunpned and blodered to a great eileiitbx tbesaiiiedlOODltles tlial beast tin man- agers ot tba last pnTloos matob for lh« ptemler bonon ot tbe modem bo.\log arena, and wblcb ereitiiaUy prersDted ttat coniuomaUoa tbereor, tbe penererlng Tuan, Uan 8tmit,sucgec4ad, after ssTeral posiponeDsits,: tn brlogtig tbe malcb between Robert FItjslnimons, ot Ansnalla, snd Peter Haber, o( Ireland, lo a utlatacUirT Issoe on Fridax afternoon, Veb. il, on tbe sou of Meilco. The IMS otibeeoDnictwassocbas wss geneimll; expected. Judging from tbe ebamcler nr the belling ou tbe TMull—(be defeat uf me Irlab lad.allkougb aobodraiUclpatodtbai bis downfsll would coins so apeedlir- nom the oonMt tbe prlnclnsla put up loelr hsuds In lbs ceotie nt tbs ring unlU Maner waa counted ont, as be lay prone on tbe noor, the elapsed lime waa one nlnnte and tblrtj Ore seconds, b/ far Ibe iiolok- OA period In wbloh s championship has been won and Inst. Maber aod ntniomons report«d lo Kansger Huart on Ibe aflenoon ot Fth. -JO, In n Pato, and ttio lesldenla and ipons wbn had it' malned la the dir. and deilred to witness ibe con test, were Informed ibat bj paring twelre dollaii and taklog a train that left orer the Southern Pa- clOo llallroad at a certain hour during the late evening tbefwoald ba eore lo see Ibe light; that waa all the Information rouobsated to lni(ulnn bj Manager Slaart, the location of tbe Held ot battle being kept a profonad secret. Along wlib tbe eX' curslonlsia want a division of tbe Teian Hangers, from eac4 ot whom the regolar tarlif waa de- manded. ' It was well nndersiood that there wonid be no Inmreivice by mem, prarlding tbe men did not attempt to Ogbt on tbs uU ot the Lone Star Bute. The train started from n fuio at lo.o.'i r, M. and anlred at Vvigirj, T»x., al 3.30 r. u., Ontral time, 11, whwe On Older, "All out," waa given, and the train was iialoklj emptied. After leaving Sander- eon tnere bad been Indications ot a lalnstonn, and it became certain that ihe kloetscopo could not be operated dating Ibe Hgbi. The management, In conieqntnce, ptopoied to postpone the meeilog till ne.xt morning, but after due conalderailon, It being fonod that ibere was decided opposition to eucD delay, onlng to Ibe danger ot loterrerence tbersbj Incurred, U was Onall; deddtd not to prociaailnatt. Upon the arrival ot tbe train at laiigtry one com- pany of the BangeniTaB slailooed to guard the depot, ff bile tbe remainder of tbe command went doirn to tbe bollom of Ibe nio Orande, on thel^xaa Bide, but no attempt waa made to interfero wltb the ppoiif. Following gnldea in proceailon tbs crowd norbeisn a tedious, tlrtsone tramp ot about live huodreo yaida serosa the prslrle, the descent ot a preclpltousif Agon road down to tbe river, snd theu traveled throngb deep sand, mixed wltb mod, to ibo polQt where a pootoou bridge bad iicen con- atncled across the swollen and swift running river. Atier reaching tbe Mexican sids a abort walk brought tbe natty to when the canvaa en- closure, within which was erected tbe ring, had been pot up. Tbe canvas enclosure was about soofi, lo olrcnmfetence and Uft. In height. Tbe ring was made ot white pine, covered wltb white duck, and was elevated abour four reel. Tbe small tents provided acconmodations for tbs pngil- Ists whils making their toUeia. Less than two bun- dled persons were gathered at>ont the ring, the othen ot tbe vtaltom, together with llie local eight seers, occupylsg posiilonaol vantageon the heights on tbe Texas side, wblcb afforded a good view ot tbe ling. Pilznmmoiis, eovekiped In a nsnnrl bath robe, waa Ibe fliitt to respond to Ibe call of Iteftree Oeorge SUtf, and be received a cordial wtlcome from the inpatient spectatois aa be ran up Me steps leading to tbe plaifom. He was followed by his manager, UarUa Julias, lack Everbart, Jaok Sieliner and Jack McCoy, irltb Burt Bneed, of tiew Orleans, aa timekeeper, all occupying positions at the Ausliallau's comer, whiob waa at ihe Wear. Haber quickly follnwed bis opponent, taking tbe comer opposlie tbat In wblcb sat "Fiiz." and being accompaoied by bis sttendanla. Jim Hall, "Buck" Oonnolly, Peter Lowiy, Jack Qulnnand I'oierBuma. Oharley Davles kept dine for bim. The reguLiilon Ave ounce gloves were produced, examined and declared ssiisractoiT. Uaher's weight waa given as 1731b and tbat of FliEslmmons ss about lesib. The costome worn by the Anilpodean consisted of abieeohcloatotnaTybloe, wlui a belt formed of the stsrs and stripes, his legs belug ban, wltb light, close nuiog sboea. Maber was attired in short legnd tranks of sombre black, wltb a belt ot enenld greeo, regnlsUon tghilng sboss snd stock- inn, nitslmmofls' axpieailon of coonlenance u oe sat in his comer, eniig his opponent, was mucb men ladlcative of ionlldence than was tbat of Maker, who betrayed srmptomsot nervousness. At 4.'Ji the leferee called t(e men to the ctntnot the slug, and gave them tie cnstoman instructions and warningi, and f^r lbs flrst time the snectaton were airorded an opportnnily to Judge ot tbe condi- tion of sod contrast tbe sppeaiance of ibe cham- pionship aspirants. FliEslmmooa never appeared in belur condition. If, Indeed, be was ever in eo good Ox In asf of bis preilons engagements since bis anlval In IMS connirr. Maber, on tbe contrary, was not trained down asbeabonld have been to faos auchallibe, wiiT.quick.'hard bliilug aa opponent as tbs lanky lad from 'the land ot the both. Bis movements, loo, were moob slowsr than tbose ot File, aod even Iben It vaa-«yld«nt ur lb««mttniz- en that,'<wbatever he had gained in al^U. be had improved bat llule lo the essential qnality of quick- ness. After fully taistnieUng Uwm, RUeiee Biler called "Urns I" and tbe llgbters stepped to tbe centr^ shook bands, and threw themselves into attitude. TBB nOBT. noma I niid lust.—FtizilnimooB led wltb his loll, and Maber backed toward bb coraar. Fiizelm- monsUnded wltb bis light, and' a clinch followed. Maber simck Flialuuaons wltb bis light hand while tbey were cUncbtd.and the referee waned bin that (r he did so again he would aire tbe dghi 10 Flizilmmana. AfK>r a bitakaway Peter landed hts lefton Flietimmona' tuok, dose In dghtlog fol- lowed, and Haber eocpecded In landing nia left on Fllz'e upper lip, diawinj Mood. FlIz landed Ibe lettooHaber'shead.anil followed it witbaright. A cUncb followed. Maber tainted, aod Fllislmmana led witb bis rigbl, bat fell ahorr. A mix up folloired. In wblob Msber Isnded boib right and left on either 'side of Flm's head. Uaber again led with bis left, and an- olber clinon followed. Flizslmmons seemed a bit iMihered, snd broke around on Maher'a leads. Hahertollowedblmopaod ledwiib bis left, when FIIZ slds aiepped. and, ainoglng his right, Isnded toll on tbe point ot Maker's left chin. Maher meas- ured hia length on tbe floor, bbi head striking ths csnvas with gnat forte. He vainly attempted lo rise, but could not do mora than niae his hssd- Ills seconds called on him to got up, liut he failed to respond, and aank Inck tn tbe canvas. The fatal tenth aeoond waa counted, Maber was declared ont and Pltzalmmons annoooced the victor, afier one minute and tbirty-firo eeconds of lively llghUng. Fiiuinmons* admirers cheered him to the echo, and Maber's seconds carried tbe dofeatcd Iriahmsn to his coner. It waa several mlontss befon he reallr,ed what had happened lo him, and Fliz4ln- mooa walked over to bia oorocr aod ahook blui by the band. niEilmmooi also shook hands witn Oolno aad the seconds la Peter's corner. Bairiog tbe alight bleeding at ihe ooaihla, occasioned by the len hand Jab ol Maber'a, Ihe Aoatnllaa showed no marke ol injury and appeared aa freah aa al lbs opening of bosUlliles. Uaber showed no signs of ponlshDsni except a sll|bt bresk In the shin, Just above tbe left side of bis chin, where niitlainons' roaster stroke had landed. When the cheering had subsided. jQllen look tbe centre ot the ring, snd clesriag bis tbroai, made tbe following aonouncs- nmit wltb tbeatncal enact: "Oenilemen, Mr. FUzitiBuions has worked him- self op from tbe boUoin'of the ladder, and by Ibe declalonof tbe referee Is now Ihe champion of tbe woild. Be is ready la defend the ttila against all comem at any time or place. No man la hatred and all comera will receive recognltton." nea came shouts ot waning tbat Ibe pontoon bridge was In daoitr of being waabed atray by Ibe ainng corrent^ The flgblen and aiststants hastily galbered their tiapa together snd the crowd rushed for Ibe Texas side. Allgot oversatslr. Peter Us- her and bis following were a dlasppoinled looking lot ol individuals as they tianped their wsy back across Ibe neks snd asnd lo tbe train. Peter waa nnusnallf comminlcaUie. "Well, It was a chance blow that did the work," he said, "I did tba beat I i-onld nudsTtbe clirnouuncea. My ooadlilon was not ol the beat, but, aa a (nnber peniaoneBent wan not to be coasldered I was obliged to go Into tbe ring. My eyea wera In worse oondltlon than I be- lieved them lo be, snd I fonod my gaunot dfatance atfaolL" lounsdlately after tbe Dgbt Mr. Rector, on t>ehal( ot Ibe tlaaloaeopa people, oireitdFliailninwns and Maker a pane ot to be batued for next day, FnnlmmnnB declared tbat he would agne lo put Maber ont In six rounds, hut Insisted on sslecnog his own lime snd place, lie dccland Ibat under no cUognslanoea would he aihtbefonaMnMoecope ualesa tor a pone ot 110,000 and Ifiy per oeat. of tkeproais. lie based bis ^ " ■ d bb posdtlonon tbe fact pie had peialstenti; Ignored tbat Ibe kinetcscope peopli . ^ htm, and now be wu In a pcelilon to dlolats to theB. T>e prlnNpaki, their tnansgere aod tbe nmtladcr ol the party took the Orel train back to n Paso, and after a night marked by much bllarily arrived at Ibeir deatinatlon at u A. a. 11. Klitaluimooa waa on the plalfoim ot tbe second coach and be waalnndly cheered by tbe large crowd which bad aasembled. FItctlnraona went at once lo the HU Oharies Hotel, where bis wife snd lira. Julian were slopping, Afterrecetvlng ibeir cosgniulatiou. aotompaoled by Jnllan, lie went to tbe telesnph onice, and frbm thereto the State National llank, where, alihoughihe bank waa nliaervliigthe holiday, the cerilllcdchecks npresenilog ihe purse wen wibed and Ihe larger bhsre ot the arouunt put IdIo New York excbauge- Uaheraud blstrlends tirocreded to Ibf Ir old qoarlefs at Las Graces, remaining there unill the eveolog ot n, when they left for Pituburg. via St. U>uls, Ma. FKtalmmons and hts party took the xo.n r. x- irelh fDrNewOrleanatbeaauMilaT. Befon leaving the Ansirsllan, npon being anted by a newspaper man whatbeioteodcd doing Id nterence to tbe bom- buiio challenge Issued^by i»rbeu and wired lo blm at El Paao, demanding In lather luenlilog langiage that Flic navel to Chicago, III., and mate a malcb for the championship, to be dsclded anywhere In "Knilaad, Africa or Austrslla," Bob Is reported as saiing: "1 will not pay any all*DUon to him. I've been mipiog DOW aevsn mouths or over for what I won. and I think I am entitled to eome or the fralta of ibevlctoiy. OorbelttaeldmeolTalong time when I wanted to (gbl him, and then had If Ixed when Iben wu a prospect of our meeling so that I could not get to when he was. I bellsvs 11 be bsdn'l t>een efreid ot Maher, and thought the lalter bid a chance to whip me, he'd never have made tbat »IU; break ot realgning the championship into Maher'a keeping. I/el blm ahow he's Qt and able lo wblp Peier Maher or Joe Choyoakl. lie talka about England, Afrin and Ausinlla being tbe only couninee In which men can light. Haven't we Just fought In thlscountnl Wbvi Because Maher and I wauled totght. llOnrbetthadbeenlnMabcr'splscalhere would never have been a fight, and I iielleve It both parties to a match really traiit to Olght there will be DO dtfflcolty tn nnding a place In America. But Ooibett bas become Imbued wlib awell Kngllsb ideu, snd America appanniiy is not good enough for him. A man can get u square a deal then as anywhere else, and get aa good a BghL too, but I have got a whole lot of affection fur this conntry yet, and when I do nake a match with anybody wbn challenges me here, America will be my hni cbnicefora Dallle gnusd," b'oder ordloary clreamstanccs. according lo lbs conditions governing all championship nstches, every holder of the tlile Is compelled to accept any proper challenge (providing It Is supponed with a tuliahle money oepaslt) to contend lor the d I cham- pionship wltbln a certain time from the date of Is- suance of tbe cballenge. To this rule Fliuilmn.0Ds Is no exception; bnt be is Jusllded In Igonriog a oball^pge wblcb contains the supulatlnns which ap- pear In tbs latest emanailon from the former i ham- plon, who, despite bis fornislly and repeatedly an- nounced relltiiiulshnent of (he line aod retire' ment from tbe P. IL, hat the hardihood to sign bis alleged challenge "Chaoiilnn nt the World," a po tlilon lo which be baa no clslm, and U Is extremely doubitul if be everwill hare again In v»e he liu to win It'from Filzslmmous, wbo, sfier his quick dis- posal of skillful and hard blulog Peter Haber, is re- garded by very many shrewd and experienced ring goere as the master of any iiuglllst uf the present day. It It In exinmely bed lutii fur t^irlielt to at- tempt to cast any relleoilons on Fliulmmons' conr- age or aMIIly, tbe potxeeslon ot both ol which pugl llsdc requisites be has repeatedly proven lo the entire satlsfacilon of tbs large tnsjortiy, snd It Is prolialily not too much to ay mat the majority of tbose coo- verssnt wltb ring msuen an well atilsOed ihsttha bulk of Ihe bisme for t he Oasoo of lut year loTexaa and Arkansas wu cbargeabie lo tbe bbiuni ex- ohamplOn who now again essays to belittle Ihe powera ot tbe new posseseor ot premier honore. Anrnra Vauktiiii defeated Tom Ijocb, ot Dub- lin, Ire-, Id a glove light for a pone at Ihe arena of tbe Nailooai Bporiing Club, in London, Eng., Feb, 10. The lad from tbe banks of tbs Ismbent lisey suirered dlaqnalUlcatlou In tbe second nnnd Tas BouxiiaaoKxCLua, of Loadoo, Bog., has olTarad a purra ol StLICD for a alava eontait balaaao Bob Kila- alainooaand JlnCorbeii. at ibair arvoa. alaoasTaalog toglTSfach man ^XDforaxpaoaaa. TTiaotTar l.da«Iload liy Champloo FlIuliDaaoaa, vho doaa ont regard Ilia Eaiaa aa lam* aaouah by wraral Ihouaaad dolbra, «blla orbau aaya ha will accept. The Natlootl Spoillos (Tlub baa also aaread toaeoapi tbaapol4isr olT.rad by(>arbalt lor objacfloBablo laDgoaga la resard lo Iba rlub, pr>i- vldad Uiatha rmtlfiaa ao agraamaot lo flsbt ^-rlii'' barora aald oriaolsalloo, tbe rafaraa to ba an EBglblimaB, aa unial. , Blu.rlfcMlLI.a9, the wall haoaa llsbtvelabt boiar. THE TURF. — Baiclag at Raw Orieatia. Ptih H.-Flrat race- Six rut1on|a, aelllng-Oalley WeM, loi, Hcberter, 19 to I. won; Port, loT, Irvliig, 3 * "■-song, 101, Ttoipe. 3 10 l, Ibln .Sccoed nc«—lielt a mile, two sscDsd; Vaiiong, lOI, Ttoipe. 3 to 'J, Ihlid, I, I;)iV Sccoed nc«-llelt a mile, two oMa—Hussella, 01, Ptnn, to to I, won; Hamlo I, ST, Huphy, i to l,saeood; Ironatooe, ins, Ulil, .Mol, Ihlid. 11me,0:MV Third noe—!Ux tur- longa-Begoe, w. Illoka, j to I, worn Ban, ini. Ham, 10 10 1, aacoad; liaioh Amw, lo7,Akar,t to i, tblrd. Time, iMn Foniib nee—One mile, handloap-Oeqrge W,, tOB, Brhemr. 10 lo I, won; Pulliier, 101, ilam, 3 to 1, aecond; Jakr /-Inuneiuisn. 113, Penny, T to I, tbitd. Time, i:4]>, Fifth race—Seven and a half furiorgs, aeliing—rrlucMB ltoee,lol,Bchemr,Htol,won;llas»blc llomr, no, Onrion, a> to l, secooO; Alto June, m. Illll,; to i, ibltd. TIsts, I;M Blxib raoe-SiN fuilongs. srlilng-Mlnerra, 100, Hart, e lo t. won; l.liile tiliir, 101, Tnorpe, a to i, aeeood; JohoBiewart, lui, liuny. ltlol,tbM. Time, 1:17.s. Feb. 10.-Kbal racc-ileven furionga-Uaurice. 100, Bltnint, 3 to i, won; Tartarian, loo. Murphy, :i to 2, second; Usvid, lit, UaywooO,4 lo 1, thinl. 'nnie, v»>4 Bsooad nc«-Slx hilonjn, selling —Krilale, lu3,Sohemr,0 lo a, won; KUIe Perguaon. lu, t^ywood, 9 to t, eecond; WIncuealer, liu. Now- com, 13 to 1. tblrd. Time, 1:U'. Tnird rare— Haven lurlougs, aslllsc-Seal Uver, liM, Boheinr, x lo 1, wns: lAilii T., IK, Oaywood, a to 1, eccoud: JiKoaot, IM.Tnnrp, dlol,lhlnl, Tine, i:V>', Fuunh race-Mile, handicap—I'sjloaln, wi, ilair- wood.aiiol,won; Uockauder, IM, Hcbeinr.• in 0, atoond; Hlasco, tw, Hloks, a to I. tblid. Tvav, VM\ FIfih race—Meven luiloogs, selling— llannan. 104, Uamti, • to 10, won; Harden 1*01, lo-J, Uavla, 10 tu 1, aecond; Helen ■„ 101, Bums, 7 to-J, third. Tnie, I:3I'4 Blxth nce-SIx nirlniigs, sellUig—Ulppngrlff, liM, Uavle, 3ii to I, won; Jnlie, 100. u'Uonnell, lo to I, ssoond; Twelveility, ox. Murphy, 1310 1, third, 'now, l:ie<.-. Feo.'jo-Finlnce-Sevenand a halt turlonis, selling—Utile Billy, lot, Bcbeirer, 16 to I, won; Van Brunt, lot, Koss, s to i,second; Bpringvale, lot,T, Uniphy.'JS to I, third. Time, l^tS' Becond raceh-slx fartoogs, tour year olds—thd tleolloman, 107, II. Wiuians, 10 U) I, won: Hlnnle W., lu«, llaiu, llto 1, eecond; FesUvaMoe, Pssn,l0 lo l.lhlnl. Time, l:ie Tblrd nce-Mvsnfuriong, sslllng- Ban Johnson, 107, Nsvoom, it to I, won; warBnng, 101, norpe, 11101, sioond; Newhouse, lo;, J. Illll, 7 to I, turd. Time, IriSV Fourth race—Uap Vear Handicap, >l,o«i added, one mile—Bun Up, 109, Blmos, 7 to i, won; Jim Flood, lu-J, Uavla, I to 1. stc'ODd; Uockelader, too, Bcherrer, II lo 1, ihlnl, lime, 1:41 FIfib nce-Beven furlongs, selling -Masonic lioDe, lot, Han, b to l.won; Mutrr Fred, loe, Ulll, 0 to 1. second; Blacklwll, nil, Bcherrer, I to I, third. Time, Irn Sixth ncc- Hdven furloop, selling—Hlngmuter, lu4, Tboipe, s 101, woo; Dobbins, t04, llayea, 40 to I, second; I'au- way, lu), Itavls, 7 lo I, third. Time, 1:30, kab. II.—Plr.l raoa—Savao and a hall nirlooga-^oc n ■ol, 114, Tbome, S to I, «uq; Plur, R, Mautn, 4 In I, ■aciind; HIr JuhD, Il0i Oa Long, SI to I, Ihlrd. Tim* \ :%\ Haenod raoa-llall a nilla, iaIllBg-Aesor. lis. Ilili,ato0,won; Bur Tobacco, lot, Uttrphy,riul.aaooo4; Lllliao Wilkaa. 101, clar. 6 u I. Uilrd. T1iiia.u:IOU Tblrd itaa—>eraa fortain-Baiala NIchola, HI, Uan, m to I, woo; OoB.taotlea, ICS, Uarpbri IS lo 1, patmiil; Uilila Bllla, lui, BaTvalt, I m I, llilrd. Tina. I :!»>. Pourlti laoa—llandlcar, ua* ntUa-PrlBCa Impailal, in. Hill, 4 lo I, woo; BuaiiBB tirvao. lit Uurpfiy. 3 lu I, •aoood: Payloola.1i7,Oauvofid.fllot, Ihtrd. Tina. 1 :ll^ fifth raM-41«V(0 fiirlooia—Lvlu T , 107, TTiori.. aTaB,mD; LaVaraa, K7.K<b.rT«r,4 liil.Mconil: Arbtii- >ai Traralar. in, Uirt. 'U lo 1, Uilrd. TInia, t .THi Hitth nea Raraa funons^ mIiIbj— OuarO, 107. llwirp., s lo I, «ob: Rarlota, 107, Scharrar, al lo I. aaeood; Lyij.1- hur.u SIT, 1lan>.A lo l.lnlnl. Tliiia, lilvii. Fob. V—Plrvtraca—Safon and a half forlooaa, llirve laar aUa-hlo«D>r. in. Illll. S lo s, •i>u: PiIki. III. Ilun, 4lol,aacuod; Alharlri, IILTborva, ft lo l.lhlnl TIma, l:3S'4 Beonatl raca—Haifamlla,two yaari.M. —Paroioaao, IIS, Banall, 7 Ui lU woo; Kollaira, im, HodaD.Wt#il,artoaJ:()iara.lOJlUcliarrar,4 In I.Uilnl. Time. OilSli Iblfd r«ca-BiB nirloog., Mlllus-Knu. IHa.lUl.llill.Slol,voo; III llaory. III, Mc<l'.uDf. t in I, aacniidi Bovllai OrocB. lUU, trrlns, a ui ft, ililnl. Tliua, I:l4k Poailb raoa-Ooa nlla, 101,11 art. 7 to 10, w.d; Tarrmplo. lut Uavk ft lo I. •Ktin.l; Patnrlaa,K. Hdicrrar, II lo I, ililnl. TIma, I :<!.'( .. Pinb iie'-4>oa mlla and l.aoty fardi—aaalar Krtd 110, Uin, SMul, woo; LllilaToai. Ilun, 10 u I, wood Ran BUa, ill. Praauaa, 10 u I, Iblld. TIma, t:i]H HIkUi rw-a—.Hli ritrlnnia, ralllBS-l^ouaek, lUl. Ilaiii. ft Ui iwno: VardMio. Inlr- ■ -■ ' wall BBoaa llghtvelsbt boiar, .. P4b 20, d.alhlialBg atuibttted imoblBs, tba pbralelaBa *bo at- dladiBWa^lilasloB.D.C tatbt allMU or opIUB) •oioblBs,tba pbrak taadid bI)BatatlBglbacbtalBDs.voram niladvllb Ui. amoto ii{ the dnig tbat tbap aora cniiipl«t«ly eo8|o.lBd. SOLLV a^ivs BBd Johnay Lavacb fODgbt dllaan rouBda atuawsu No«loB(Maja.)auta Amoryoo tba raaaU balog a draw. Saisa Una aad pUca, Joo Oau. baat Jimmy gaaBald In ila rouoda. Jack Paaw kaookad oat "Bid" Ryao la a thraa mand flsblBt Rot Bprioga. Aik., fab. n. Tliaybad afiaad to Oihtflllaaa iwiBda. A.QUATIC. 'Cosalag Bveata. Matob 8—ABBBal Uolvacvlly natch laaa, Oaford va. Oambrldia UolTaraltlaa, Fomay to Uortlaka, Tbanaa Blvar, BBBlBBd. «* Map 30-Paattle Rlvar Amalaar Bowloa AsaoolaUoo as. Boal caaalla Faaaale, N- J- Mar ao-AUaallo Yacht Clnb aaooal Bpring ragaua. Kow York Bay. ^ . . ~, ■ay an-llarlam ItaimUa AaaoelalloB bbbbbI nvlBg ra- ntla,irav Tork. May SO-HarloBi Yacht Clob open ragalta, Long lalaod flOBBd. Joaa M-AtlaaUc Vackt Club aanual ragalla, Naw York Bay. Jooa 9—LarcbuoBt Yacht Club fpriag ragaua, Lob| ItlBBd Bound. JBBall.s,>4-Trial laeaa for tba aalaetloo ol a bait ratar lo daraod tlia Saaaaabaka Conotblao Yaafat Ulob'a lala mal lo n a l tmphp— Lobb lalaad RouBd. Jely ^lArebmoDI Vacat Cleb aBBoal ragalla; also Iral race or larlaa ror Bl ralan aad SO tooiara—Long 1*. land Sonod. jBly7,^a—UaalayBoyal RoflaUa, Bial4y-0B.fhama^ Boitaoo. Jaly IS-Larchmont Tacbt Clab aacoad raeaof aarlu forS4 ratara aad 3D tbotar*-Loflg lalaod Soand. ' Jaly ao-lArdiiBODt Taebt Club iblrd raco for 31 ratan aod So fbotara, aod rpacla] tmcaa for XI toouiaaBd baU rata n Loag lalasd BouBd. Jalr Xt-Larehcaonl YactatClabrouiUiraca torSlrataia ftsd 30 footank aod ipaclal racaa for It Cooura and liair ratara—Loos lalaod aoiBd. July S—LartbBioBt Yacht Clob apaelal rasatta for Klioonara—LoOB lilaod Bouod. Jaly 34-LareliBioBI Yaclit Clob dflli nea for 14 ntara aad 30 reotara—Looe idaod Hound. Julys—LarettiBOBl Vaebtrlab fasalta for aU daaaaa; alM .lalb race for ai talara aad 3UTooIara—Loog lalsBil Soaod. TUB Middle Btatea Kegatia AasocUtloo held lu aoonalmeetlogiotblacltyFeb, HI. umccnchoaen were: Presldsol, A. H. Hopper, Paasaic Boat Club, Ifswark, K. J.; vice ptesldeni, w. II. nnkney, Kew Yorii A, C; secrelsvy, A. O, Ballard, Palisade Ileal Club, Yonkers,}!. v.; treasurer, D. V.. IllanhardI, Hiaten island Boat Oub. ilegaita Commltiee—Jas. PUklogion,Harlem, a0..chslimso; J.J.Mnrphy, Nonpareil IL 0.; W, II. Vandeveer, i'asBalc lu ll., Newark, N. J.j Judge, James a. Tighe, Vanna B.C.. Urooklio; E. J. Kcans, New York 1. C.; Oapl. Jenka, Ot«aceDtA.C.. Bnouyn; IL W. Waller, Oauntlesa IL 0., and T. il. Mabony, MctnpoUun M. C, Ten Onrinlhlan Fleet, of New Itocbelle, N. Y., held its annnal meeUag in ible city, Feb. 17, Ibe electloD resolHagUius: Uommodon, Cbartas Piyer, sloop Kurybia; rlre commodore, Charie* I. Browne, sloop Tempest II: r«sr connodon, Charles K. BUd- mons, schooner (hprry: trcuurenOhariesOhamber- laln; secnlaiy, J. ll. Bparkman; oeaaorer, E. K. Bourne. TBI I^rebmont Yacht Club, at Its annnal meel- ing held In thlacltr, Fet>. le, chose Ibeseomoers: Oomioodore, lUiry H. Olillg; vke commodore, Clanate A. Poailay; rrsr commodore, F,dward 8. Balch: secretary, ttailea 0. UiUe; Irtasnrer, VU- liaffl Hainy; meaaarer, John llytlop. llAHiLnM MOBtxn, aged ninetynae, one of Ihe oldestBenben of the New York Yacht Clnb, died feb. II, at bis boms In WUie«one, L, I. U>,I>aTla,10lol, third. a. 4 to l..«cOBd; tdardao fat. Tlina,l:liK The Waalfkaalar Rating AassclalloB, Tbtongh Becreury U. Q. Cilckmcra, la out with Its llsl of Dxsd evenis lo bs nn tor this Bpriog at Mor- ris Park, They toluwr Way IB—fuTsolla, trn.. B lurlnogp, $4 OCD. nny two en irlaa: Matrnpolltaii Uaodleap, 3>ra aad upward, Hit mlira B3 000, Bflaaa aaulea. Ha^ 14—Bouqual. syra., 3 furlonRa.Bl.iflO, aavaoty-lwu IUyie-Oal<ly.lrn.,Blllaa, 4K fUrlooi.. Bl UO, forty. BlBoaoUlaa; WIthaia, lyra., I mlla, as.eU), alxbtcoa aa- Ulaa. KaylS-Uilly.ipra., B fUrloBn, Bim Iblrlyali an. laa;, '~ ly-Bvaasirlaf. Irlaa;, ^tn. and upaard, T^orloBga, BI,aJu, laoa- *f-avaasirlaf. Maytl—BaychaMor, Byra., 1 mlla, Btixn, BlBalaas aa' trlaa. May 2S—riolbam Uaadleap, Syra. aod upward, I mill, Bl.aaDllaeolraBUlol; Ladlaa, 8yra,aillaa, I iiilla,«,OJl aavaa aauloa. Maym—Laaraata. tyra., B furloofa, tiJXn. nfly anlrlaa. May B-PoeanUco llaodlup, Byra. I.'i mlla, MUK roTBBlaaa anlrfaa. >lay3V-KcllpM,ln.., )i mlla. •B.On. onr aalrl..: To. boggaa Haodiesp, Bjra. aod upwaid, \ mlla, ittlSl, -'- laaa •BIrlaa. JBoaB-PrifOlllr. tyra.. SllVa, M larioosa. B|,o:o, III17- four .BIrlaa, aad IMiDonl. Srra.,mlla, BI.UJO, Iblrlaaa aolrlaa. Tbs Dilores announced by Ibe !tew Yurk Steeple chase Aasoclstlon will berunoo Ihe following dales: May U-Naw York Waaolacbaaa. IK milaa, BIXDO; 81. Nlcbilaa lliiidia KacaJU iiillea, glvT riiatAaip^lUaai Uaadleap, mlla, 81 JoD. Hay V-auipIra Bula Blaaplachiu. SH mlla.. 8I,S0S: Wa.lcbaalar llordla raea, two mllo.. BLCUl; Bacond Ala pblbloua HaBdIrap. taraB rurlooaa, Bl SUO. MarS7—OraBd lalareallooal Naaplaahaao, fiKir lalla^ npoO: golckarboelar !|ardla K*^'^, jBllo*. 81,11)1: Tblrd Amphlblooa Uandlaap, oaa 1 The WaahlBfloa Jairhay Club llaa annonnced iba following Oxturcs for Its lint mcellng at lis BennlDgs Inck: April is, Wathlogton Uandlcap, 3 yean and upward, I MO miles, 8l.'Ao< seveateeo enfrtes; IB, f^aaier Sieeiileohaae. 3 iitlle>< tiou, sixteen estnss; m, Tbs Arlington, 'J yeaia, mils, 8l.a<M,foni<two entries; 91, The Pol«inac,:i yean, a mllo. (, twelve entries: -a, Vlrgiola llnrdle Hace. Hi miles, leoo, tweoiy-oos sotriea; 13, The Mount Vernon, 1 yean, miles, >; mile, iseo, forly-ooe eBlrtea; 14, lbs FedenI, 3 yean, an fur- Inogs. 81,000, Oflceo snlrisa; K, Blue and liny Uandlcap, 3 yean and upward, }( mile. Isoo, twen- ty eatriea; 1.'., Belling Bleeplecbate, Vi tnlira, (TU, twelve entries; 71, Belllog llnrdle Hace, U<' miles, 8710, twenty entries; 3s, The UoDgresslonal. 1 years, H mile, 8B00, foriy-three snirtea; S.Tne Capliol,:i leaii, 1 mile, 11.000, tbirlaen entriea; .10, Msrylaod Buidfe Ilace, t;i nlles. |l,oao,seveniSFn enirits; Hay 1,Tbe Kuttm Branch,! yean, 41. furlnnis, 81.090, ihlriy-avesntites;-], Amy snd Navy Usnd'.' cap, 3 yean and upward, 1 mile, 8l,tw>, twenty-one eolilea; 3, Bhertdan Btecplechue, 3 milea, tl.ixu, fouitaen ent ries. . . • The Joehsy Clab Held a Biesllng Is this city on Tbumlay stiernooo, Feb, 9), al wblcb tbe followlog geniiemen were sp- polBtad nee otnclala for tbs coming stsson: Jndgss, John Uoey snd 0. H, HcUowcll; auner, TboDss Flynn; clerkof ihsscsles,ti, J-Fiisgerald; timekeeper, W. II. Bamtto; hsndlcspper and fur- felt clerk, W. U. Voaliurgh; s'swards, to M;ipe wben needed to npcessnt Ihe Jockey Clui> at licensed meellniis, Fianrls TYsvelysn snd Hutieri A. Rwlgert. Tbe posiUons of patrol Judge,anil ataiiiog Judge wen abolished. Tbe Rria Biable was gnnted pemlaslon 10 ctaugs the asms of ilie two joar old cbeslout colt, hy Prince Itoyal-lnp. Iletoloe, from ironraven to fadrone. The foilnwlog stewards ware preaent at the ineoilug: Aiiguat BelmonU Aodre* Miller, F. K, SlurgU aod F. IL illlcboock. l U rr Tbe Metrapelllam llastdleap Tv La ran at Morvl. Park, May It, baa 1.040 ihua sIMlcd bf llasdicappar Voabarsb: Blamloo fltabla'a cli. b. llaory of Katam. S, 19*; N. L. loaa-s b h.Cllnon), B.IIS: ElaaloB aubta'a b. b. Dorlaa, a, IIS; Plalachinaa a Maa'a Ib.b. Halma. 4. 117: J. Ruppart Jr's. eb, h. <:oaBUr Taaor. 4. IM: W. «. Ilobarl'i b.b.jlrislil ndbv,: HI: (Mack HIabla'a b. t. Sir Waller,*. llSi BflaSiaMa'i lir. b. kukl rooh, 4.111; W.Lakataad'a b. b. Ilnrnplp«.i. HI: Paakana Biabla'a gr.k. Balmar.a, 10*; vr. a. Wallaco'a eb.b.Tba lv>BBieo.r,4, lO: Plalaeliinaa a B40*icfa.b. ac Mavlm.ft, KH: J. E HeUoBald'adi. b. RoMeon.S lin: Biota garaochtn'i li s. Uiy llampM, 4, UH; O. II. P, BabBonl'adt. h. Bimooywlaa, 4,1(0. TBB CIrtsli Court al Hosfitimery, AU., on Feb. 19. pronounced uDconsUlnilonal Iba Alaijamalaw whlcb psohiblia lbs sale ot noola In that Mau 00 raeea ran ootald* of tbe Male, but aUowIng pools soM on nces ran la Aisbama, BicMsan <^Ba sailed tor Fngiaod Feb, IB, to resnms aeUvs command of his airing t/f recsrs now IB Mining St nsDgat* tor tbe oonlog seaauB. TUB Millonal Hon* Show Aaaoeltllna heM Its aaaaal utaliBB lu ibli alir,aud ehois tttafa omnia: Pttaldaal, CoreaUBa Mlowoa; air* peaaWaat^ Law. rwaca Klpaad Utona Paahody Watmora; tiaaaarar.U. B. faolllalar: aaataiatr, John O. llackatlMr; asabtsal aarnlaiy, J.T. Hide. aarnlaiy, J. T. Hyde. JocRBT Job UiLL,, iliniad ao In David (IMi^. Binutu rida J^THLETIO. COHlIfO ■VBim. Feb. r-Fhluaal|>h[k (Pa.) CilendoDUa Ohib ladoor athlailoapnrta. Pel>. rr—loTlratloa hnclnir eooteM, leema, Buw Cap, Ka« YeikAlbUlie Club. Feb. 0-u>nff laUo4 lDtar»«holaaila AihUlle Aiaoela* UoDuoual ladoor puoef. armnrt of Fouiletiitb BmI* maat, H.». 8. V. Y, Bmokljo. N. Y. ■trrh r—ABooal to^oor meetioi uf the Tele VDlTeial< - Aibltiie AvaociaUtM aad ConnecUaut National UuaiiI, ba^Dd RaatuieBt Atnorp, Na« Havaa, Htrvd Iw-lnUrclub lanaiuv couipatliloa, Kav Yurk AUiUlloUUtk. Marob tt-UnltervKy of PanuMlTula opaDloi Bprtai hudlcan daU aiaatlni, )*hlUdati<1ilak.Fa. April*—letItailoD itnclOB coDi|i«ilil«e, Ftacertf Otab. H«v York. A|>rll 23—Paneinc toupttltluo, Ooala, Fucere* Ohib, M*« York. Aiiril ZWUDlTenliy uf FaDDaylvula aacud Bpriaf biadlrapOahlmaiiilBi: IniainOircUie ud loterecboUa- tie ra'tjr laoaa, lliliadiipbia. Fa. Map ;-lavliatii>Q faiiclaii eobtvKt, Naw Yutk AtkUlle Club. May U-YrU t'alTfriilly Princeluu CulUae, dual riald meellbiL New lUvia, CL Mey 15"-I>ual Haiti niMtlaa. liarratd riilTatilly Vi. UnUaialiy itl Petioaflriola, FhlUdalpItU, Pe. Mey 3ii-luitrcu1lailaie AihUUe AoMHlailna aaouil cbutii>lMiahlp n»ld luaaunx, Nt» Yurk. Juoa fr-*>colllih Atnalrnr AlliUliQ AMcolalloMbam- pttioul|i Aald m«ailer> Rdlnburfili. Julye—Aiiuivur Atiilailo Uaion ladlrldaal eU anaad eliatypliMithlp ootu|i«Utl»n, hergan Point, N. J. A Jolnl AUiledc Maellug Van held by coin[i«nj K, Twi'lfth HcgliMDt, N. Q. B. N. Y.. anil the ntv Wtti Blilo Alblello Olub iDtbn armorp niUoiurobu Avcniio Aitil KliljuecoDd Birttl, ibia city. Tbo «vcbta iirogmiiiittcil wcro InltrMlBg ibrooaboiii, and Tiro wiiniMiuil bp lb« riiatoDftry lATgo crowd. Tlionno thuiirand yardi nro pnTtU ftauipilM Id Ihftt U vraa HOD Willi fiuA hy IbolBlM B. UinQon,ft llohoktD letter nrrior, wbo wu In rccolplot fnTL| ar» jardM iuri,»D<ldercftteiliucta Rood con M Knil* lljertlicrg aod (I. Q. UolUndir. Uo vau arirrwAnli pmlMiifdon Hid siimbd of pro- fcatonallein, abd Ibo prlM wan wlllibeld pCDOliig iDveetlgalldii. Tbe gatnu were followed by » n- cf plIOD atid diflclnff. A aninnmry rolUiwn: NUtg rinfl mo.-WoD by Wllllaiii (Nhae, Na« Mu* batun A. 0., IML; t'. 11. PJurknaiL h U A. O, Mt, tfcuiHl; P, A. Hi}hP. Fa»l<nie A.U., l4n., Ihlid. TIma, en*. Ont lAoiuiiid iNirtfa lun.—WAnby Tlmmia M. CaDBMi, Natiuiiai A»iiiaUil«i Isatier Carriora, llvlKtkao, Uyde.; A. II Timilln*i>D, Kt. Iiicl<aa)'a A.0.,BOtti*..heeed: 1. VC. Illariberi, NawJrnay A. U., li))ue, third. Tlnt.lui. iVi nllft I4cit<tr raiv —Firai hm: H*ua by F, P, (lood* man, KiTfinluo W.,aoTa(cb; R. K, FUliar. Klahtb HmI* iiiaai. Uhda., aeeuiui. limp. Ai)i.4rHe- H<r(iodl»aall WoD iirH A.HIilaMltiin«lchW.,tti>ili.:W, H Hoah»r,Tork W , I Jlvria., MCvnU. Tliiitsaiu.lilV' Thlid baat: Wou by f. V. Bahaiirb. It (In no A ll, l75)dB. l |l. J-Naw, ilieaualrli W., ItBtdtf., a^ouLil. Tliitf, Am wKt. PobiIIi KbsI: Wuiilii J. W. JuJce. HIvenlda W., fiiqd#.| 11. *. .••hi(i|>. Miliih RaHlniaiil, lIAjUa., »t<tuiid. TlDia,lm. -JH«' PiDaihaii: Won hy (iMiilmeii, Kehrwk ueoed; I.. V. 1. V. Mt^kililK*. HuiiU llaiBliia, 17Ayd«^ tbrrd. Tliun, Am. M>«a. vne mile mrt—U'tm hy Ji-lm Layer. Kaw Weat l(d» A. C.:J.j.UtiMilii, Hi Raniii>hHiia«'« a. (\,aeroad; i. A* Warn. Fankaiil'a Uga nMiCtillfaii. Ihlrd. Tlnir.Tld.tlMa. KtUht huMmlnvl riohltifiuyti rwH,nnvlo».—Plrtthwl: Wun hy H. KUllaiier. Taaiity lhlnl Hlipel V. M.O.X; flharUv II. Thrra, Hi. (Uofan A. (l.Baffiad; OblHaa 0'ltourk^ Trlhllp Hrhiml Ihlrd. Time, Sm. OJia. iamd heal: Htio hv Arctiln MrIiIpii. H( lUMhoh'Wav'i A. 0.; W.K (irailf, Y.M.u. A . M(iinil;J. P. (Hiatniu. Tweatr* llih'l HvKlwaDl A A .iblnl. Tlmr, lui. tU. F* al bul: Won liy Hraiiy. B. Hullhiar tcouud, llaaUy Ikira, Tim*, iJ^. iiiur AunrfmidMrf/brf|r inin'f inn —Fliai haal: Wob hp t; M.CiBltcn, New M. A. |I..I3)U*.: H. A. (^hjIiiUl Nav Jatray A. 0 , Mrraieli.taroftil; fa. II Fardariaal, JalrarMB I'aik A. A, 2I)U«. Ihltd. TIma h^V Katftpd ¥vU: H'mi liyWilllani IIiiIkiIii. T^fiMr Uilid ItfHlitUt A i.; JeiUTiiaHurk, llnhikao. Sjira. M-s-ro : t livrlaa J. Bnaa. Hl.H. A.<l,Uid«, third. TlniK.fHV. Plfitniaal: Wou by Huck. t'^Hiii'baMniliil. ruhrii ihtiJ. Tlina.lCM. Hunnlni/hlvkjumH—M |I.HJiiih«all.fli Haripbloiiiee'a A.n..ein ; Kuaniil J. Kern. Inatliuta A. 0. IKlD., aid D. J. U'riolllian. Vailvr A. U., Ala., all roaile an aMnuJuuip uftiL Jin. Oa liindloap allnvaoc* iirat pilia «ool to HJvrkvall, lecunJ tn Knii and tlilnl lu (I Huilltao. Tkfi Indoor Claea Uatnaa or iiieaiudeninor (bu l'ol)tcchfilu lDiiliutfl,lJnwk< lyii, N. Y., wcf« ilcclitcit III lU'lr gytuDailiim ou Wodnuday, Vth. in, wllli Ihu follnnlng ntull. Uie Ulaa* ot M winntutf ilio nip wllh a icon ot llfly'etgbt poliilH to IweDly nuo for llio Beolon, fourleeu fur tt« Kfeiihiiioa KLd IwuforllJOHopbo* morci: .sia»iHiiifl.rtiU/umf -Wi n hy Vvth*, '97, tn. 4ln.;firla tol. *»;. a«Mii<i. M.i^ln ; I', ihlrd.fh, I\At rtiuU—Won riy rihiiiiiuna vr,Trunin.; biui ■aronil. 7ii. Bio.; lluattoiloD, tv. llilnl,dlt.VlD, itvl, ir7. PAlf/ffpirdf ran.- Willi by Maddien, Itfi Walklaa, afftirnd: rliHviffL *M. Uilid. .s/dfldiiv htvhjutHir-Woa by Hnitol, '07, tn. tta.; Wui- OitinH. V7, aaL-ansi, Sli. llln. t'ulllnv HtKl», Muf.-Wiin hr lliiTfa, 'W. »n.Mo.: IiitcliaDKtaIn, 't«, lacuDd, SirLMa.; Ltramaii, 17* ibIrd, Sii. lm. tltarmwiaht vrfifffiKf,—Wiin hr I.lcliteaaialo, 'H: HrardfUr, V7, aar^^nO; llavaa.'V7. UilM. fWdlff rgco—Wun by lluDtlDhlui, tlU; Wtbh, t9, leo- Mil; Knile.'W. ihlnl. Tlipe.«jfHp. /fuiralRff Aftf/*^lallt —Wnb bv Hrliiul, "VMn. IIId.:SIU' niini^ 17. aruiH). lit. lu>Jn.: Webb, w, ihlrd* 4n. Ho. Htlhtuflffht ifTr«if/n(r— Wmi hy HIiiidiuu, •vi; Aeker men. W.afcnnd; Htiillvan, 77, Ibtnl. yrtvt. niud—HTi.B br HiUtnl, Mt. irU'n ; lluaea. vr. aaouod.ftll. Miln.; Hriniiinna, VT.lJilid, flIuflJjiD. Iltu- tntioa •lihdraw In ravnr ot IIuvm. aVtVK/yjlfvr Jkoi iKrfM.-Woo hy M«hl«r»lalp. "M; Oouiheny, fb, tocbod; Ackainao,'09, Iblrd. Tloie,BM, g|Nrle Oa Long leland. Ambrose I'arb, Hruublyn, N. Y., vaathaaeaeaoraaarlat oraUilatk leina* un Haluidey, P*li, n. lMU Jolotly by Die Bay BIdia AililaileOlubeod ihA Hnunt VUv Pool- ball Oluh, and ll baluR W«ililniiii.D*« niriliday, ud Ibe aeailtar belDK dear, wllh a hraclog aUiiot^bare^ there aai a soallp ciawd oralhlallcaolhutlaau lo alleaduet. The rnialar atmaa waie hOloard hy a fiHithell ahiHi 9um wmiby llie f lilllpalrialiinrii. ahoaia bare for ihr pDi|4>p» ui bmklDK albur <i( iha n-unirp. lanmarr: On* hunilnd tarili tvn -Won hy Marlln r. LiDch, Itey KIditaA liumtrlirajt. Ml. Vlaw P.M.U., ittvni. Time, li"g". Tun AinJrrJ rind if^ity nanJt run.—Vua br Jobo Tracy. Ba/KMfii A.O.; 11. McHimay. Mt. VlewF.H.O., moniA. Tliii*. n't*. /bur hunarnittna/tirlM yiirJj nin -Wirfi bp Klaey lluv- anl, BayHldcaA ll ; Mkhi>al L'lihvll. Ml. Tiev P. H. 41, Mrs •ihI . Tuna, 61 H4. /.fvAl AwndrritfiHd furJi rurt.-Wnn hp HIcbard i. llarvaVsllapKidM;A. (Hiruii, ML VlavP, P.U., liiCMflil. Tlii-n.Iin.l^aa. lintm\U ran-Wuuby M. K Ifrelay. Rip HMga A. U.; John H)ao. Ht Vtaw P. R.U, >M-i>nil. Time. Sei. Ufa. Ufii Mite hU^\e raif. -Wuo hy Wm. 1'. Klltv, Hay Nhlia A.O.: I.Hirap.HLVIawF B.lf., Mcuod. Tliiia, Ini. Ba. ' MmlM Mn^m ra<r.-it II. Uarpao, lair Hldia A. a, lUfrp lieaMr, Bay NMaa a. (I. lA 'AllfHon runnlnff Af(f/i /uai>-M. F. Heaaoap, XftTlir UM9 ud 1 K^MlUlt . . . . - . , A. A.. Iha ettainpion, eUarM ih» l*ar at liri. kj^la. t:/kiMh,n tkret'itioThr witu mn-KioM lljarlberr, Naw J«r>ep A. L'. ud Bay HMia A. 1'., ru Uie dUUfica la Jill. Ila, Hikmumhaif nib!ma.-r^iula MehiuU vilkad Iba Ttia Mtire uf the riM>niall leiAa waa uoe |Oal lu aolhloR lo raror ur tliw Mfiunt Vlaw i;iub. ATlll.kruJ iiiMW lonuail tait rif iha catfbralloo ef WkablptbiO'B BIrdiilay at Fnotalou Ciilleia, tbe vlooefa orthed|fr«raMlertot«funiilo||llia |TU|rauiua halop le LlMblwflvhl wiB«tlloa-T. H. rrrlne, 'in. FuU fault-A. (). Tyler, imr. ala. Uidtliawnliht ■raitllni-ll. H.IUlt*r, W. Illgli luui^W. M. iJaar.Ai. 7ln. Ki.iBarllnt4a«-ll. fl. 8Urjiiiorp,'vG. Ilearyvaiihi wiaalllaK-A. C, Ayr«a, Tiili>fH' ri»LTlB In the chaini>lon*hl|i earleaof ISe Aiiifrlraii Fo«rfl>4ll Aa-ifrlailMi aaa i-Uyad at Olimirk I'arb. Vm\rtt»*. N. J., "ii HiturUy Bllvmiiou, Kab. zMbe Uemaur Ihe lalaraBihiual Alhlallo oluh aiid the Traa Blda«1ah balof Uia cuniaftlaara, iha rormer balaf with ftut lheaarrle«i uf ilirte nriha laauUra. Tba True HiMa won by a acora ot ihiae goaU lo biie for lhair ei»t«oaola. Tbe liilarnuluiala niad a prdlaat Isehjra Iha caoie oa lo- couol id Iha Iwl c4iiidUI('tt uf Iha iroutid. Til aladrnii u\ U'llambtai h'olti^raliy. at Waalilnatae, D. U. Ii«vf>da<ldad foria aiid nialnuiaa uacb aialaiir dull, \M. H. Ward baa been cbcato luaoaaar. OioiuaTdwirifLLViK, U. n . huaeceptNl ih« larlra- tloa lo cniu|Ml« Id Iba UuiToraliy of FaBeaplvuU'a reUy raea. Ua B-M.r;c»DiU.out>lwjtA. ll. Kloaio ilia tblrd ud laatcuoieatoflbalr lualch.aach forf l(U a llda, ooabaa- dred blrda ea<b. el RradUftck F*. P«b Si. Hc«fa, U toH. Coodall haa d«« wob ibraa of ihe fbor iiiatehee m abldi tbay bare ea«iirtd. Tm Fria DaCoaaoUiloe, a roU medal aad ne iImmb. end rruc*. add*! to Baaaapalahaa of tSftatb, *ai ahol for at Mnnia on Feb. in. M. Fulout woa Hrat prim, Hiasley Fearc* eecoad aad Mr. Haielirre ihlrd. Tifi rol'ia Olbb l.aa alatird ihe roflowlfifi iTleera for Ihe^Biulnff tfar: Fi*aId«ni.J«iibfB8VuHcbaieb: tIc« br««l>Uoia,T.If.Terry act! J. P. M»rgu; tiaaturer,J. . fhMweit; Hcraiaiy.Jamfa Waiaoe. II, Oiora, a ooiad KoiUab taenia pUyir,dUl etbit reeldeocelo Uatcouotiy od PeUo.