New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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830 1 mi mm mnm In Cincinnati, O. It lui been uld bj (be "koowlnr onett" that a mlnalrf I compaoj oodld uot (o lU eipen»ea In tbU city, aud Id fad TUEBE HAH NOT UEEN A MINsiTKEL AtiUBEtiiTlON HEKE IN YEAR8 THAT UAH UUNE WHAT IN OBDUi'AUILY KNOWN Ail GOOU DUHINEHS, IT BE- KAINED FOB HI UENUY'S HINHTUELS TO COKE TO THE FOUNTAIN AND TUBN PEOPLE AWAY AT DOTU FEB- FORSANCES YESTEBDAY. Wbether It wu Um ittnctlon or tb« popularity of tlie theatre, It may hare beea a combloatloii «f botii, that va» the canseerthebDnHe being packed, la bard to say, but the fact remaliu that atandlng room waa at a pre- nlan. The flrat part iraa beauUfully monnttd, the eottamea looked bright aud now, the draperies were abore the areroge and the Tocaltals thoroughly achooled. Old "chcHU nut" gaga were made conaplcuoua by thrlr abaenee, and both the flmt and xecond edition of "end men" nere clercr rnter- talnera. "Around the World In 10 Mlu- utea" waa a pleaalug Innovatlou. The oUo portion of the prograunie waa highly eatertatulog, the HprclnlUe* oT Urmmlng •nd MoMah being exce|iUoually well re- eelred, and the comet Nuloaby Mr. Henry, with hla fnll military band, were far better than la psually heard. The per- formanor concluded with living alatuary U bronze. The ENTIBE FEBFOBN- ANCE WAS lliailLY PLEASlNti AND WILL indoubtcdly do on excellent bual- Btaa during the engagement—VINCIN- MATl EN<{UIBEB, Feb. 17, '80. Fran Sir Henry Irrlng to HI Honry la a mighty Jump, though the dlatauce between henaoa la not ho great. Uiwn the one hand the present week we have the mighty Engllabmau, and on the other the American coraetlitt, Mr. Heury. Ah to 81r Henry, we Hfaall have mere to aay anon, HI demanding onr Immediate atten- tion I and 08 for the minitrel company he haa brought with hlu, It la thsrongbly deaerrlng the many tblnga aald In Hh pralae that have from time to time been brought to uR. Why Mr. Henry haa never Tialted Cluclnnall before la a myatery. ORtiANlZATIONB NOT HALF 80 UOOU AS HIS HAVE EABMEU THE APPLAUSE OF OUB TIIEATREtiOERS UPON MANY A> OCCASION, and aa a oumol eoloht hu Is certainly a master of the hiatrumcut, and received, and dcaervedly, the hearty approbation of tho large nudlencea gath- ered at the Foontaln yesterday. It hi pleasant to add that Mr. Henry's Cincinnati dcbat waa quite aattafactory, AND IN THE FUTUBE IT IS TO BE HOPEU THAT HE WILL UE SEEN AT SOME ONE OF OUB HOUSES ANNU- ALLY. HIS CLOSE PltOXIMITY to Sir Uenrv Irving at the Qraad will not affect either houao materUlly.-CINCINNATI COMHERCIAL'UAZETTE, Feb. 17, 'UO. IIOUXE: Harrodtburg, Ny., 26, Danville 27, Le>lnglen 28. Piria 29. franhteit Wirth 2. Callicolto Oouiody Co. WANTED, DOUBLE BASS AND TUBA PLAYEfl, Alwl.\OVftr 8liai>BNTIS(B DANUB. J. W. OAlLlllurrE. Oolanil)!* TliWra, Wmblo. Ool. Wanted, Sober, Rellabla, Experienced eKJTOB. tfuitbeagooilUeiurarkDJ oitlo* worker. Ko jt wutoJ. l*r»ftr«iK« (iItvd laoupailractlntlMtli. WuM. IrUb wd BU«li Kam Uoinwllu^ klM Hualiwl Aot; i<«rforTU(iri who qau cliuiit* «oulbr(«o«Mkt«atl piu onto Rlreo iho pnfoivDoo. Nu ran* wivuml. fitoUlovMluUry. AdJnu 0. B. ULaXTON. JU NoT» MtJ.Oo.No. 101 Y»rk BL. Tor«ulo. Oat IIAVB YOUU PICTURES TAKEN Ij J. B.WIL30!*, bmllQ, » BUU Bu, Rliluiu. Tlw •nut work U lb« iDweil vrlcM. l!AI.L AND niB OUH rUOTOBUVOllLBllBlTllg. fU^TURliBOOl'IBP. KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTS ImNQTtd utl rftlfload. Houtl R>r olraaUt. gEO. TATLOE, Bond (o n Ollir Sumi, N*w Vork. SHOW CANVAS. Bvlll t* onltr «a ihofl Htlo*. Writ* (or mtUoiUu*. iu«ia«i<a t>uiof»OM. J. aaoasaoo.. 10 Atw«ur D%mU. aieh. SGENERr AT LOWEST PRICES. ^Uhl ModaU luTDltlittI OD ftpplluUoo. SPECUL-TIs Liretst Fltist Aisort- MENr or LADIES' BTBEKr AND BVKNINII ORDUBB ATUTUEmaSALVALUE, M MIU. BUrllMAN'H. mJ4 T»»olv-lhlr>l SL. DMr B.T»olh AJ%., N.w York. STAGE DANCING. 6oD| ud Dftoos, Jlr, Cloft, Iriih Jig. HmI aoil Buck DuolBf lAiibl, roruioaunoruauMtotnt, OlrcuUr* m»ll>d. J. MVHIAN.aaad Atmuo. V*m Y»rk Nellie 33arls.e AT LIBRRTl' AFTBR HABCII I. A riod niliA. TOMr, Houbrviu, tliAiMUr OU WomtB, MdBoy.' PilM.lK OUUBII. UTAU. BEtlERAL MAN FORHEAVIES WANTED. Will* faV rtri(rBl%T«*LluwMttaliry; ntvir olna*. fHOiT A FAKaiUyK CO.. nwtnfUl*. DoUkIN^ .0 WANTED, MEDICINE SHOW PEOPLE (.r 0.1. M. CO., to OM* N'rhllAO April •. Adilr*» DR. A. LmVP.I.IID MvnU Itmuh ltalllnior.L Mil. WANTED AT ONCE, 600D HEOICINE LEG- TUHBR.TOOTH B.XTHACTOK rRBrBRRRD. Oool Mm. pur LODII ••■■■.B.iiL A<IOr*w IIAHRI ■'. IKAOIi. ■ UAI.r ■A'MU.TA MKD. CU.. Vunt.luaB. Uol. TRAP DRUMMER AT LIBERTY FOR TBNriKQ 8BABUN OP lAl AdUrau JUUN NKMMAK, «»n*-OouBUr Circtt*** Co., TnillA, *Mk oi kl«r«li 1 THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB, Febbtjaby 29. I CIRCUS CANVASES, FolM ud Stakcf, SEATS, VUgt, Etc. A^oujroJtlDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. 0 u«>iB.Bi»rAmB,iBiia,Rc,n)Baut, S. S. Stewarf 8 Celebrated Banjos PRICEI FROM 910 TO 1200. AUo H«Ale ftwl Books tor Ulo Ba^Jo, iB gmt Tsrltty. BlilBft, lUodi, Etc 8wd for lUaftnud priM lift AodcAUlofQ.. TliM. In- urwud tfioald i*od lOo. lo .uap* for m mclm.D copy orTHB BAXJO AMD ODITAR jfiUBKAL. AddrM ■. a STBWABT, NMBludmnhorchBL, rhilnl.lfrhlA. vtaam. LEATHER PUMPS. HomalblDK ftll titck wire w«lb«rii litv* b««ii lirokioi; Tor. We wry u ImiDiDM nlock of (hf m> uiI itll kII ont«ni pTomptlr. Hdd'n lira, from « luO, pnc« tlM; by tnnll, MMtiara. tiM. Cioraa Fumin. cluitlo top, 26c rtch; I2A0 p«r Uwo. Hti|ip<irler«, fllMile Id ntlfli. 6iQ. wida, |l.UU Mch. t.'KDTAa RallTM, cloih mh^ lid); lMih«r •oUk.II CO All Uaihrrhlah Uc*d Trtpfu 8lioe\(llO: iMtlltr LUPlOK HiMta. %itU. CaDTU ruiniii. Uaili>r« ud 8upi»rtinp«iitpA(don r«c«lpt oi prlc«. BB HURB ftBd wod >Im. e. B. CALU 229 Main St, Springfield. Masi PROF^TBUNKS. •1438 BROADWAY" A£¥ yOKKBHANCHOF J30W^/U)JSO//5T: (///CACO.- CIRCUS CANVASES; hy 8. S. IIIOBP &, CO., MO FUIVTOW BT.. It. Y. "CENTRiL" TRUNKS. BID., tjuo: aiD.. irjxt; Md., taxo; «Hn^ , ilOJKI; CMnpftrtaieDt tnrivraeu] bouad, |l: fiiilB eircua tniaki, 4a.2» cqnijtleu./lini tnokM, »iOil6 .-ninl , •9J0. LIUiumDka.a)ii3BiU IdrMa. BlliO. Hinpt letouo ^oUov«n^ $IJ3 and Bl-U. Bblppvd oo ro- 30Ocnil»i,th«are- And p.i wlpl or UA, bol. 0. b.' U., •ie«pt bv.r . mil whou unoanL Mu.IoaI loMruiuuit, dek.t uhI nu. u«'.a*truDki 10 order. Kaiiao RukMA,wllii Irsy, liDloR, oiTar, au.. Mil.. lUlO: SiD., IIUOTwo., IIUU. Ba» k.U ■hlprad OB l«Ml.l ul nrlM. 8IH0NB k CO., CEHTRAL TRIIMI FACTORT, KolAb. mi Korlh Till miwl. PlilUil.lphl.. STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS Galloplop Horwg, Floe Imported Or> gani). Attractive out- fit Frkes on oppU* catloB. Terms easj. NORMAK & EVAKS, Loclii iort, N. Y. BALDWIN BROS. LeadlflB Aereniuts of Uie WorM. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ARE NOW OPEN rOR SEASON OP IM. _ aIm muiuiMluran of kU kloda of BtllMoi (UuurUol Air)- Sood for |>t1c« llM to BALDWIN Bum.. P. »■ Ma\ 111 QttlOBT. 111.. U. B. A. ffiiC lULl TO mi Lofttdl oD AD| of ihamoit proiittnvDt curnen Id Brook ijn. Qkfo, Loilinvr Bllhuxl Rooma tod Bo«IId> Allajm, —. iJo«w. For ptrilcutan call or wdroulo OTTO IIUHKR BKEWKHT, •II outnpltu ftsJ o«w OTTO Bualiwick Ate, wd MMoroUBi.. Mrooklyo.: THE ENTIRE OUTFIT OF THE GEO. a. CULS AND LOCKWOOD ALL NEW UNITED eiIOV& which la cttmplBlo Tot road work •iMpldntuiht h<tr«M aod luintRtrl*! la odTtivd Tor ulo prUftlolv uotll Harch I. irftliUuodlaMRtd of no tbftt data It Will beiold At auolloDtoUiohlfha^t bidder on Ta»Mltr, Majcli IUlod UiorftlrarottoJafttPctaalaiD.N. Y. Aildtvia IIBATll A HCOTT. PoUJiini. W V. &0 O. SHINDHELM, ULD BBLlABLE HOUSE. N«|tfu Wlfa, «)e. UP; Clrc«a«liA VlRa. tA up; Butua Wlm. 13 up; Boubntio Wlgis It up wlfi* o( oTarrdeaerip- UoanadaTO OKDHR. Band aUmp for prlc« lut 118 Wtt »h Bi.. aaar Uh At* . Naw York. CIRCUS CANYAS, aSCOMD HAND. IN at>OD CONDITION.-Ooa ODfL roond U»p.OD«A0iU, ODO UiUO, ooaUiITU, ooo MUltLoDofthlO) ud omODiIiOl WlUmak* ap«cl»l Prieea lorintamoolh. JAMBS UARTIN A BON, 9 MMl ff Rlrtioiftod Rtrot. BoaiPD. Mm. KEATOR OPERA HOUSE, HOMER, N.Y. WftOtad, Pirtl niMaAUrmciloDB. ropaUlloo,AQa): irat- Ini eaMclljt BX). Alv> «aiil to hw rruni VaadoTllIo V*Q\<^ for twaoklB April. UEO W.HU'LKV MwMtr. JiDastown. N. Y. Allee Open Honse, ISM Uld UW. BmUdi eapMlU, Piir opao dataa, AddroM U. r. JkLLRH, Oaoor and Maoaitvr. Jm>»lowo. N. T. PLAYS DIAUKIURS AND RECITATION BOOKS AND ALL DHABATIC PA. I'RRS AT niAH. MAi'DOHALU A CO ■& U R. WABUINUTON AT REIT, nllKIAlK) WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARL BUnABIiB FOB MBSICINB, BTD.; QXfX BUOW rUB- moa, lUaMr«t«d oaiaJoffu* IT**. OB PRINTEI — Ta ao ccNfnE it. I lOI THE X R A Y S OF DOUBLE CONTORTION, BEMNEHO AND RETO. The most original act of the 20th Century. Open for first class engagements. Address 135 Foortli Ave., New Yofk. AT^ IlXrST.AJVTja.NE10XJS THE W^RM 'UlNtS, KILROY RAWSON. If AN ORIGINAL IDEA, PARODIES ILLUSTRATED, COMEDY VIEWS. Till. w«ek, PROCTOn'B PLEASURE PALACB, W»vr Yo rk; 81»rth a, OAIETV THBATHB, Brooklym » and 18 OPBM. BENTLY # CAMEROK, California's Musioal Comedians, Hyde ^ Behman's, iBrooklyn," this week. Have signed wltli Gns Hill's Novelties for balance of season. Six weeks in California on the Orphemn Circuit in May. TO LET "The liglits of London/' Bf Ueorge D. Sims. "Hailioiii Lights," By Qeorge R. Sims and Henry Pettitt "Master and Man," Uy Ueorge R. Sims and Henry PetUtt For righti, «tc*, npplK to JOSEPH BROOKS, 1.193 Broadiwy. New York. B.B.&B. Professional Tnniks. 6ood for Now CuloRU. •SFElDERAIiBT., ALLEOIIENT, Pa. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEAT. STEAM HEAT IN EVERY ROOM. GIBSON HOUSE, CIIVCINNATI, OHIO. Pirn Olmu Amerlcaa PUo Hotel. RaiM, BS.OO to U.OD par •lay Noiad lor ibe «xc«)t»Dce of Ita cuUloe. LocMod wiihtD OD* lutuarB uf Uirto nrm clua the«tr«iL Br. John O'DooaelL lonnarlr head waliar at Uie Bumel Uou*, notr titR cliargo of tlio dlnlne room Id thia buul. H. H. DUNBAR. PraatdaDi >nd MMfcier. SPIGER BROS. Beat *orat«d tlgbt*. ndaced to|3.(Dp«r ■tt; good qutlllT. B1.0D; per a«t;colU)», 9)-Q}porMt, louyc«lor;lo blsttplok, «blu Uld naTrblu*. red, akr bin*, uvaa- dar, ftraoo uxl wloe. Silk tlibta, Alt.00 par a«t: Frog aulii,jr.lU lo •ruD;BDak< ■»lti,Bliunio ta).CiO; Pump«.acti.;OAi par a«t: Kn>gaulii,J Silk till ,00 lo BU lUD; Boako .(D. Bead for cA*.AlofU6 and um- ptoi or Uitbia. Batluatoa by malL D«- pMlt rmulrod. BPICBR BROB.. MP ETorgrooo Atq.. Brtwklyn. N. T. FOR THE Groat Aniorican R. R. Shows, P*rroiD)«ra luid UuHlclana Id all brmocbea of circua biial naaa. Want an act to r«atur9. Cao uao RO)d laok acL Bvalloe. Wnler Oueoo. »rlt«. HualcluiB mtMl b« flnt cU*a. inr ihli »Uow la aacood to anno. Bow CaDraa Man ud Workiuao lo aJl llueL Alao Bld« Bbnw Penpla. Addraaa W. P. XIRRIUnT. l.Oa \ToodUDd At*^. Dm MpIumi. la. OUR "BLUE BOOK Coalaiaa MTorftllbrtunaod lUnaintlODa ol Diamond J'.w. alrr—Oualat ud alylUh—OoM Jewelry, Waichea, Bt«r lluRBIIrer Nurc)il«>. Urobr«lla\ CtDaa, RIcb OulOlau war«, Olocka—•varyihlDc tbatli neeJod erery da)- Id ibe )-ear. Tbemakeap ofthlavork of art la orldDal, oom- pact, bantir to carry Id the hand, coat pockoi or laicbel— cboOK full of iba cholce>t llieratura. I'rlcea an abao- lutaly Uta lo«eat coDalatant with qualllf. Bead your oaaae ud aUdren for % cony uul nteaaa nieDllOD '*0L1P- rUL" OSKABP. NOLTINJ a o6.. Hammotb Jewelers of America. Vlo^ fit. Cor. ftUi. nioclDPatl. O. J. 0. DEACAN, 4 LILIT AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CAU Inrentor aod Maaufacturer ol BUAICAL MOrRLTIEO. UUBlOiL KATTLM(,MUdli;AL DOLLAlUk ALUHINUM HARP& aLA&i uni^BB, HELLS, eio . etc, ai uaed with ■rut Pur«o.ii bf tlie l«adlnit oiualeal artlatik Deliorelll Rrwa . the IUT*Q^ Uadlej ud Uart, the AUdodU, Eaat- brook.etc. PATTERSON'S TRUNKS. Pint qualllr, 80 rireu ud bum lo each tniok, 36 Inch. ILto: S totb. fAB; 9D locb, U, locludlait a lull lhaallleal traT, 7K Oeev>. nielal bouod; aeooDd qualllr. ISrlret* aod burr* to each truok, 30 loch, BAJ5; SI Incb, BITB; fl lach,$4.t)i, iDcludlotaSmcli irmr, mtuU bound. Tenna cub ia aAltuoe. 0. PATTERSON A CO.. IM W. WIrtUi Btreei. PhllailelpMa> Pi. BRASS BAND Iminimcnit, Dniina, Uttirormi, Equip* mtitit for UaiiiU :iuJ Urum i'orp^. Low- r5lpricescvrrtjiiolcd. KincL'ataloff, ^co Hhifinilpn^. mttiUii frit; llgivc-tlland Musicl^ Iminictloiia Tor Amateur Dandt. iin * luu, soivrit«ihAu..niure. CIRCUS CANVAS, AliMOST HEW. ttftnd ICDfL lODDil top.; 0Di9O kikI inHlU, lOIX. »oll* Ohuf. A«dl*u O. J.BAIBK, IMTT.TliinimiMl«CH7, Moll MAGIC LANTERNS Oj'A ytifl^Ut ei(iar*«/*r SM* airA ■ Mall <«pilal. AtM ■»At.LUTIM, xt[ uru.>t..49 NaMau ■t.,il.¥ Son§rs FRB8U FROM THE FRUlia "AS SOON AS I AM OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW." A OiniOTT. Rplcy. F«in.)« aod 8oubr«(lo Specialty. llielllTOrLOKlX)^. Rnllable lor uiy toic ud ur i>{«<lllly. By 1I(K)LBNK0K. "THE HOTTEST COON IN TOWN." A RM IloiCooD SoDg, lull or nr. and ptpHr. By IB- VINO JONES. "AND THE LITTLE PUQ DOG WOBBLED CLOSE BEHIND." MADELINB SUIRLBT'a ImmMlH Hit, «■ nal to t £NCaBh.S KlRhtly at Uio TIVOLI TnElTHE. LONDON, 'ftie fuoiilfijt wnc or the hour. d3*ADy or th. ahoro Dordltloa. with orc)ia.tra parta, 00 rK«lt4ori(ta. .acb.toprofeulooalaoDly. Koatt#Dtloii paid to cotuDunlratlon. iintronulolaii nboT. prlM Id alAuip.. TUB EKOLIHH FUII.CO . M aoil in Sorth Moora 6t . N. y. FARMER PHELPS COMEDY CO,, FHOy THE HAYSEED DISTRICT, In laU four act comedy drama* 'Wantod, UI/SICIAN that can doubU In braaennd Atrlng. Managers of op«»w«a In llll* noU and Indiana, writ* fbr open datet, an |wr roate. ON BEASONABLE Tbe Baranm-BaUej Shew of Ctao Drama- tto ProfMiloa, CANARY A LBDEIIBR«8 Cyclonic Bncceii, FOR SALE ow" Scenery, eoetnmea and all paraphernalia. Can be bookvd on tremendona gnaran- teea, eneerlaa a lar«e profit. Apuly to CANAllV & CsDEHEIi, Broadway and Thlrty-MlnHa Bireel. Ciaelno, Www York. Houston Heights SuionierTkeatre.HoustoRjei. WaoiaO. far the abore, People for Block O*; two plara fuob week; Ladr Prloclpala, Boprwn Mnxu and Alio Voic*a; a]H« a lew cood toIc«m for ibocborua, ooewho cude aerpMtloe dance; Uenlletnen for Juvtnlletwho can rintr tenor; BarUoae and Haaiowbocu plof parte; two EIoclDBADd DuciDKComedlaoa; all muai do apKlaJ- tlis; a Qood BiiRe Hanaterwlth muuaorlpu. Tonch who will woik for a fair Bunmer aalary, can olTar 70a a p)ea«ot Bunmer eBseRemtnt; eea*oa opeoa In May; eeod lowtet eaUry In flrat latter. Addr«>a. unlll Apnl 1, B. MhMDBLBOH.23Cainp8L. NewTiileaoa. La. No farea adruced. P. B.—Cu uae a L(«derwLecu anmnce. WANT TO BUY A WRESTLING PONY Plcbald. lHaat bo ■■wU.aboat 3e or 40 laches la holght. On. that la tIoIou. Alldreaa DAN SHERMAN, !»} E. I«lh St.. Now York. You Know the Ynlueora LETTER HEAD ""•CROSS. ^'S^^SSi.^, CHICAGO L"4?>r. Eicluslvely Tlwalflcal Prlntliig tnd Enarivlng. CAN BE XSirOAGED, "THE ZEREETHS" "Ed.,"8ioirlDgaDd DioclDffComedlu. and Hulpulator nf tba BaUia. "DaDDalla," BloRlog ud D«DCinff finu- bretu and nontortloDlat. "Ida," Character Vocallar, DaoraraiMt flkeieb Artlai. Work aloile. doable ud trio. ZBRKETUB AUdrefta7BPRINtinELDAVK..WewarK.N.J. A Piano Player, Gentleman. Addreu CHAB. H. MARVIN, Horton. Kanaae, THE ONLY DEL FUEGO Hu .Inod (Hh THB GREAT JOHN ROBINSON AMD FRAHLIK BROS ■ SHOW lor 111. ramlna MaKO. r. a—Now, lo .tiip all talklag, HTRTLB DAT ll Dot my wife. Imp aolllARRlED W ANTED, A FIBST CLASS ttEAVY HAW, A GOOD JWENUX irOMAN. Oa. «>iO ttJD play aoffl. old aonieo, alao Cbumctar Actor aal Nu.lnlDlrwlor. ]iu.tb.riTalClaH,wllBwvdn>bM forrvportolr.. SiaufallMrtleulanaJDdMndpbotn. (idn aotp.ybo.rul. AJdrrullR. ANOMRa. ROBkRTWAVNE CO. Tamaqnc r... 11 tn P: B^ratilftn. Pa.. M.trh 1 ro ». Gags, Parodies, Monologues, Skstclies, ArTBRTIECBB VRITTBN TO OBDBB. Eodoea attmp. Oalj ODe chap In lhla work! Can wri'e the proper cheeee, BIB aiulTa a lauRb. a dead aara hit, . it vooid make a aonkor w\mnm. J VST POB AN ENCVRB. QEUBOE H ICIta M Wait 3BUi Btreet, New York. GOOD SKETCH TEAM FOR VAUDEVILLE CO. (Maa aad wife preferred). Alao A 1 COMEDIAM. Both moat be able to do two larDa. PlnncUaapiano pUiir aad eiperleac«d aKenL Give full canlcutara lo dm letter. Salary low, but aore. No ilckeu ailranctd t9 ■UmoBtie. Addreu WILLABD ORAHAH, Ma Collage OroteAT>Due.<1iloiRf*.lll. am. BOUNDTOP. WITB TWO SOPT.UIODLP. PIECEA. Muat be ID Rood COD-Iillon; alao filQ BAUOAOC WAQOXa lor caoraa, etc.; alio 6uPr. PLAT UAR No obJecUoiu to box on one end. Hua'.berheap for ca«b. Atfdren BBACH A BOWHBB' MINSTHELa Lioeob, Keb. f»h. a aed O; Pea MolDfi. Iowa March 6 and 7. W^:iVTEI>,FOIi STETSON'S "Undo Tom's Cabin" Co., HAK FOR UARHIa AND BT. CLAIR. A.NJ) A PHW OOOD ALL'KOUND rou PKOfLG. Addr.a. Dotar, PalS WANTED, A nan, for Leads and Heavlea, and a Woman for Character! and Juv«nll«a. Addeeaa TII0MPj>0.^*8 COMEDIANB, Ed- gevt«tt,Wle*,Peb. :4ftand weeki Oregoa, WIe., March !8 and week. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, TOfLKoQDd Top.a)R.nildd t.lOfL aide waUa. lu flntoUM ordpr; Inew8irli>ed Uariiaet.lS leDgthaeeata, B tierbigh; e LAmpa; all Polaa, Ropea. PnUeya, eTarjrtbloi roady V> aet up: Saet Band Uairorma, wfib cape aad belmate; 1 Biake PuUer. Tom Bceoeir, ICabln, 1 Ugbt Band Waicee, I DooUy, ITomDoR.S TrapeteNeia. WiUeell forooe- tblnl lu value. B. A- DART. EeBdaUvllle. lod. AT LIBERTY, Barry M. Blake Heavies, Characters or Qen. Buif Nn objection to good repertoire. Addt»aa* Oei,eral DellTary. grmud Uland. Nebraaka. FOR SALE '^'JII'p'lY.'?'' ADVANCE AGENT. Bald to be Fairly Good. Addr... W. J. CHAPPELLE, Grtit Bend, Pa. WAHTTOBUYASTRINB OF WELL BROKE HORSES, LIKE HURLBURT OR GOU'PS. Mnt lea tbao all nor more than t*D. Btate price and Alx> rood Intooe D008, notleaa thao HENHV BLAOKMlHtK. Fonliae. IH. what tbay can do. K\^f four. For "t PiipsiYe Wiiiiiaii" Coi, aOOB ACIOB for B.o.ral bualaow. CpMBBIAif who cloi. Ad<lr«a LOUIS FIBRCB. Honmoolb. IIL 10 Toi lAiT i m m\ To walk on tkecelllni head down, tame ae OB the floor* A pair of t;elllng walk- Ina Discs, wHhfalllnatnactlonehowtodo the aact, sent on receipt of Addieei J. OMtBILLY, aBB llllnoU BI.. Chicago. CHAllLES WOLF & CO., SHOW PAINTERS III BItlilh RlraoT. ooar Bivad.ay, N.v Vork. rupzRiOR PACiLiTiia i-RoanNEBiauASAhTaED. ir PATB TO pgr THR BB8T. : O ^ x.. IIUKTINO'B NEW KAILBOAD fillUVB Opeoi Is BicbnoQii.Va.,April %. AekaowiedRsihlicallbrleiur AH ^enilenieD perlomera moat bare Doe top boota for parade and eoifee. Mn Pete Jenklsaboota. Yot oni»t welCr tbeeama waidrobe with thia »bow that yon wear on ibe lellhCireelL Blanket! will noldo. ROBERT BU.STIIVU, career Bipoeltloo Otoaoda. BtchmftOd, Ta. M. B.-fM> Clair Hotel Bi cbmoDd. flTta baai ratee for elrcua peocue. NiiTtldt. NnlOOPtKiPlctOflilCittliini, with eitmraaoruadlngproreulonala. Lateai Sarefees noTafiiti, maala second aigbtand antl-cslritaalba, M todala. HeadUeente for tame. Moftveltai.' . >■ W. r». LR HOT. im Ortor* Hneet Wn^fiia—. ■ S0N6S ARRiMBED FOR ORCHE$TIU<.: .Qr- cbeatrallona dopllcstsd. Lola. U (o l/Dfoplea^^eap. " localizer for RarteU Polka, lnDle_l ~ " plSDOa ... -jeinrt, wltk ED. A.DICBT. 16iBeseo^ BsflAKM. 1.