New York Clipper (Feb 1896)

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832 'I ' Hh ! NEW YOBK dilPPER. , Febbuaby 29. THE CUPPER ANNUAL The Standard Record Booh of Theatrical and Sporting Events. Its Aoonra<^, OompleteneiB and the Artlstlo finality of Its nlnstrations ReeetTe Fnll Recognition From the Leading Newspapers. HarpaasM Any PiwtIobs Iub** ynm Thi Jfeio I'ork itramaiU Utrnr. TBI Miw York ntirrm arkital lorlftSurpftuwur ^mlmii IMW of thlamoUT4luii>)6 koJ rellaMe publl- CMln. Il U IfXfff r, lundiwiintT aoil iiior« rullf lllukiraud thia<r«r twlbr*. Tba thiiUrIcA) chroDoloif of ftll lb* ICBportut •Ttou In ih* lU* of tii* Anieric«a lUg* In. u niM «f uronnatloD. T1i« xportlair (nnntloflf li llk.- wlMeoaptot* kodTmclwii. Anotiir ths lilaausiloDi, An uDuiiKllr rood, Uisr. mrewi fuoiMoms KalUr. lu ■I* Bfflvi UDUiikllr rood, Uisr. mre wmlrAlda clianoUr "»m6 Kolltr, luM Irvror. Il.rlrtrl K«lc«7t M>ad, Ilalh, Vfliia VlclorU, t'Urt lltva). poeluUdtr, Alle« J.HIi«w. Jumi>I H. anc«, moeu wiuao, Rotuti Met.- -TAc Mirror eoniraiaUiii >h lIftrt,Ani1y aat-, n, _^ —I Jtoad ud yv.iutlol)- Mit.--TAc JTIrror eoniraiaUiii Till Curi-SB on tliti pitMWortnr publlatloD.uul ukM plHnra lartooai- iMMlfiKUlo.Il pn>r«ubDiU ai Ik>ui wtrulud later «iUa|. A Vafii Fand of KoowlMlge. Til OufriR A^xuAL for IKM U ntn, in<l. m ninil. m\ firutlieUieiaialUKl firor:lo(ter«ouior ili. jfir IWB an eoamudt fomt a oobi|i1»Ui chrooolofy fur Hi. jw. It II a liaMy Tptoma^^prlDiwJ lo doaMit mia ~ >roinn .RKt. on . Tp4aroa,prlDi«J lo doaMit flM|taz.dpu«r,mahlDRad«M lod iiriduot book. Il i pnrai.17 nitiilratwl wuh Bos half t4m. ctiin or ih« laid in of lb. thaiirleal pror.MlAD.willknovaaili)iUM and 'frelUta, Id luracilvit iirle- Tli. eovtr U a Jtrj BMtllUioinpli In calur.. III. ■lioli pro««DUnii ootOQlr aD attraeiiTa api^anoce, but cooutnlof a raal fuoil of larormaUM. A Heceultr Llbmry. ■ rromrhar/ilUiaditMaUrma. That araf valeoma book 10 the i|>nrilDi and ibMlikal tntan\i^T$M Riv Vohk Curnii a^iiiial Tvr iKK. coo* tatai a aotopliu ))«t or niu.ilo mil aiiilMic parrorm* aa««^ raelnH and uotilni ncot4M,%* mil mm buHlall, criek.l and ihaatrlca) oTonU for t>-« >Mr (iravlou*. maklifi ib.*o)um. avaluftbt. andnllibU rar.r.nca, and a Btcaaaltr tA tb. Iibrvy of ov«rf lorar ofRporu. B«]I|HM All la I(a Flald* rrom Tht rhUaAtiphta ujIL Ta* Niw yoRK CLiffH Ax.Yi'AL :ir ifW, mx uffoal. •dlpau .TirflliloR In lu diU.coiarlnKtll dop&rtnirni. ormittiDaBloanO UimUIciI*. lo adJliloo iu «li«i.ra probaljlrilia moat canfullr oompllcd •uii*ilc4 obi.ln- abla, diallDg wlih HUga iDKium and »|Mtn, Tiik CLirrtin AiwiJALprM.niii a nutnlMrot flnalraaKuiad hall tnna portnlti ol Tariou eiUbrtilM to ihau llcai. It ramalon, aa or oM, th« aril of iba asDuaU. Conpletfl and Arcante* Firm The rhttailffphfa HtUUttn. Till Nbw Vohk Ci.irrRH ASNrALrnrlKM, u Qioal, oon- talu all U). baa lainini of »punloi and dramAile .T«au of past jMii. lu raonli of albl.M. |>frronii- asoai, aio-i an rail aoil a«cur.u>, and BtiipunlOK llbiarj la«OD>plau vlibouilt. It la •» VnairellMl Oaldr. i'am Tfit tWfadflfftia PemocraL Tni OumB AiKOiL Tor lOn rabllibw] bylh. tievBormn of Uie ttisitrleal anil ap<mlni worM, Tin Mnr Yoaa CLifriH, liaM i>t.n (muhI, ud ba liallad vltlijAirbf all(rl«a«l>< of Uiadrmma aatliporlii. UIhhd QUkoailaoiDlda roriT.rfililnx ot ooie ihathaAoecurred la tfaiaa dwiftniaD'.. ilurloi tti» pa>t )Mr. Ii.>ld»4i chroalde 01 iliaaa araou, Ui.ra will barouoJ ricli ud aitUUo lllunntloQiiof c«|ilf«.allati)rdfl«ili.iii i^-a asBMinaiit prafaailoD, ricloR. bitfai>ili,crlckat uid bU- llartf neoidp, ate In aliort, ar«r/Uilog Uiai la woiui i*.- uf haowobriponlovinflD. Coatolna Maoh Uaefal Inftirniatlon* imm T/u mum Tlmta. Tia Oliptbr AHHiiAL for m (■ oql Wa hara liati iliU TiJaabla aooiitl lo TAff Timet olUce m many yairx ihai «B aboald nU. Ii, fur It cuuiaina u nmeli iDinrout'on ot a Biafdi aauin. It onoialnM thflttrlotl and ifMfrilnii Bfaiwioloita. (nr inyalUl nf dMlIm In tlia proia-»iuii. aifaailoaod aihlatlo i>arf<>rmMirii, raoU* tnO tr'tulni noonia, hualMlL orlok.i, bllliftrda and oiliar ihinirft. TbM4|aiB| ItcoDt&loaponmlUior w«li bnova man and womaa Ib thaatDaMuiaol and pportlnv workt. IiUcai- UlBly a baodf and uaaiul book (n hara Ijlna about ■Bir«r]r Haaacvr Should Uaro I<« Fnm The sanuoija Katie. Tai KIW YURH OLIfl'KH ANNl'AL lOrlAMI. JUU (llB book ibat ahouM ba la th.baodiintavafTODawho has any iBiaiBBtlB tbatheiinotl fraiinltr- Evair opara houia maaaiBr wboilastraito ba "lo ir* tlioutU oot lall to poa- •aaioa.. TbBPortraha ara Eaprcially Oeod* Fnn tAe Waihtnffton Pc%H. TaiNnrVoiK CLirrRX Anii^al fnr'Mlaat hand, and la tba budMroeti nuioUr yat Iwuad by tlila aiand^rd ■portlai aod draotailc ohroolclo. ThepotiralU of tha- atrical and aportloii clattriiloa an »4|<«clillj sood, tlio^a orWiUUQirOraiia,KoUy Fullar, rnok Danlola. laaba) IrrlBff. Uarb*rl Kak«r and Aadnr Hack baloatlia but ihay Ufa if.rhad. Of eour^a. Tin (XirriH Annual U tba ftaal nfaraDdttm of vpflrtin. and dnoiatio ovaDUi, aad Iba paal jaar vaa a vaiy loiaraatiag una lo l«oib llBaa. ComprohBBilvo and ACtncllvB. ynm Ttie WaMngttn T\mn. Tib Niw YORK CuvrBH ARxuALfor KM baa Iwan li auallD itaoailumaiT conipnbfnMTaandaitraeilvolonD, ItooBtAlniibaairioO aod ^puniuR ctinwoloHlcii for IM\ Bqiutio and aiblath) perfonitaiioaa, nclng aod irotiloi neofda. baaabalLorlekaiand bllllanl hUtory, laeorda of f^^t lima and Uaiwork to all dapanmtoia of apori It la bandaomaly llluBtratad aod oootaJna |lkanai*4a of aUtbadnmatl«,o|>«raUo,varlaiy aod iportlog oalabrl- tlBa. Coald Not Do WUhoal II. y/vtn The tuvton .vifMifny Ttmtf. Thi OurriH ANNUAL fur ItDd baii bofa rrcaUctl W« hat. bad Uili valuable lltUa annual lo The nmri oitlc. to mafiyyaan that w« iliould iiiIm II ticoniiltmRuniucii lo- fbrmauoo ot n'oaaftil oatun. Tttan aiam, (i la lUua- tiBUd and eoBtaloa portnlti ol wall louwa m.o aod WDBHO Id Iba amaMU).ntand iportlDgvoilJ. lilacr taloly a baody aw) UMfUl book. Tbo Btaadard AalkorHK* Frtm Tht rt'ew i'ork Kmln^ Wtnld. II aLirriR AHNiTAL fAf IM la Out lodaj. ThUpub- mIoq' ' - — .■ • ■ ■ srltrof IhlBcounlnr. lliaalir„,_„ UcoDlalaaallilta k lip, an<1 cnvan .Terj lloalfo aj aaihoniyof ihlBcouoirr. UiaalirA)aawolctii)iaaU- SlUOB lotbaaporttDi ftllior'allbniv. Uconialaaall ilta rMorai 00. baa oooaalon '" I'^tk up, an<1 cnv.n .Terr bnaab of aport, Tbla jaar'a anni'il u handMnwIy II- A Meat ValubU PabllesU4Mi* From The BU\ghamten teadtr. TBiCLirpBiANXcrAL for IM a nadynfanoea book lo all n.kli of amoaamaot and iwotl la od. of 101 moat Taloablaor coounponDMaa puDli(at|ooB.aDd tba cur- nat IMO. la on. ol uia moitalUBctlnaod uaarnl that tita bona.baa erar priniad. Tba taMacootalniamianrai »prlokllDg of artUtiolly wroB|ht portnlti ofdraoutlo asd oihar calabrlUaa. Aboands In Vntal laftrmatloB* Frvm nt Btnghamlm ikuage. TnKCufrHANNtrALUaliaodMm.pobllratloa, aboood- lag lo T.ry uuftil Inroniut4oo opon iportlOK tflidea, and oontalnlog a odnb«r of haBdaom« and utlailcally ai- KuiMl UlualntJoBa. - Tb« Boat BY«r laiaod. Fnm The WkaUato Hon. Tub New VORK C.urr*% anrval for 1800 li th. beit ar.r tMoad by that popolar paper. It ba* a con^t* rhrnonlogr of aU bappnioga lo (he thtttrlcal and ppori logwnrU.glflng dattaaad rMonla lo all brmodiaaof tba atiileilc, a'luatlo, t^cIdlof.baaabalLbora* rBclDg.ipflot- platerMordol aT«au.rorprlDi.d. TnCumgbaaal- *aja bnao tha reconlnd Ihaaulcaliod aportlog aothor* Ity lo Amarfea, and lu annual U alwaia faond 00 tb. dwh of avaiT loTor of aporw, Tha booh 11 bafidjomaiy ir loBiniad.coaLalaiBgportnllaormany of iba bMtkoowo (haatflcal calahrlil.a. K yoo waot to keeppoaiad, buy aod read.TuiOurfBi Annuau A Woadarfal BmIc. rma The PUMurg DttpaUk. Tbb Nbw York Cvttnn annual far UP0 la oow 00 tha mark.L It la ilia aportlog authority of tb. Uolt«l BUlea Raally, It la oo. of tha tmt eomiitUilnoa of lecoida In tli. voiU. It U a wood.rfnj Uitle booh, of f ponlog loronuitlon. Completo CoBapoodlam of Inlbmatlan* From The Amerian iPAMfMon. Tub CurriRAarxriL hai mad. Hi apptaruca, aod, lo pay iha I.a<>i,itU acomtlatecompeDdlum oriofonoatloo lor iliaaporiaroaoand 10. foUow.r of ilioatfk»< natiara. Tba moai aaianilT. tabl. ofneorda oTall aorta ofaponlog compotlilona erer eompllwl la a promloaDt f.atnre, and Dumtroua half toao ploturvof aportlog aod tiiuirlcal celabritlea uibalilsh Uw book. Aa EneyelopnodlB* Fnm The ninghomim tlemld. Till CLirriR A.v.iUAL for 1(60 anpaMi lo baaoty aod artlitio t'li la any of lu pndaoMaon. TiiM Annual In a; erclopa-dia of ibeatrkal aDd aporilDf n.«a aod lacia, aod eoniaioa nacb uaafol InfOmatloo, wblcli (a amngcd aod lodaitd in a cutiul atann'r. Ttao BMt CompltatloB of Bocorda. j Rponm.B will AodTaa CurriR Annual thta yaar ooa ot tba beat eompilauooa of racorda la all brmaebaaol vpoit poaalbia to obtalo. l^argar aad Bottor Thaa Ever. F/vm T/ie fidnfopB Awfa. Brary ywr Tkb Niw York CLifriK, the oldaat Atnarl* cao apurtJoi aod tbaaUlcal Jounnil, publUhaa an An-' QuaLaod aaeh jair I ililok It u not poulbla for them 10 proluca lu .rtual. But 00 iMbUg oferTui AMNI'alI fur lOM I an (urc^d to ballaTeihitihelrraMurcwani loaahauatltiltL tor thli (aaue la oot oaly larfrr, bat battar and Dion nloabt. thaa aoj pnrioua numbar. It liai' ITU pagaa, U alagutly I1)aalnt«i] aod lypoirftphlcallri om and attneilie. itroBUlDRarlUiin lucovan bMotl*' ul ptciut.aor Iba laadlog acion aod acirMM of tb., tlieatilcal miareltr aod * of tha athlailc cham-! pluna, iliMtilcal and aporUoi dirooologieii. Iq Ilia amuMiiicnt profeaaloo, aquatloanu funnancei, raciDgaod iroliiagr«orilfi. A L lift 01 I atblatie por- BlapneiicaUTttiB'iABdaTd aportlDRaod thaairlc- ' Tllyof '* ■ * * " ■ r 9 ji iBitiBlal, A Rouarkably Cnntpkf lo rompllatloa. From The A*. 1*. tfoll and /Ixprif. Til OurrBH Annual lor Itfi0 la, a« anutl. a nmarkabV oooplate eomptlailooor dnmatloaml Taud.Tlu.DA«a daauv produotlooik alo, beahia bolog on. of the beat aatborllHi on athtello ppona lo tha cvttniry. Ooalalaa lawalaablo Rtcorda* Fnm The A'no r«»rfc itemr^f. TBaOLirrnANNfALrorltOO la readf. Thlaiundard pnbUoallMeoBtalDaraoonUinTaluable to all Hp^irimei and folhi louieaied In tliaattleaU. A Mlao or lalbriualloa. /nun rh4 iv/, H(I<i aid /urm. Tai Nbw Tork CLtrrM Amtt-AL Tor iMilreaavldanoa of bavlog bMO comullea «liU ih. tiatui car. vhlcb haa m^aao aalliorliy oTihlawork- TiiBi-urriiH an.'«i'al (t a Dlae oriBfbmiailoD, and itia llluatntloDa ar. .looboot. rar BioeU All Oltaen* yrom TMt (IwinadU t\jil. "Belt'* li a ward that, «h«n uaad lo the daaorlpilra BMia to dealing wlih Till OLirriH anm'ai^ only la>ia a Iaar. Tha rolun. for'M.icaiaall In Uia valuatiia avrln batpreeadadlt. Hlch In ncordaand arortlnichntopK-- gte^ It ta hMullBed hy many half tone tngnTlsga. A Uoat Vieftet Volaiue. From Thf Ifarrlttvrv .Vert. Till Niw Voir CLirriiH Anni'al Imnuonsuatlyai tncUfe'aod wall arnttitail i>ublloail<>o. oonulolng ih«' aiflealand aponing cbi^ooloRlf* lor IHM allniKi dMiU Ib tbeamaaatoalt proret*tnna, a>|tiatlo and aihlailc prr- lortaaBoea, nclOK and iruiting ncrtra■^ la lliiiiini«>l with aonmber ofDB.iwiiraliaof veil iaomn arUir*, anil ]», all loM. a noat oaaiul Tulume. IntovMtlnii Urainailo Loro. FrvH The /lartfnfifoit llau-ifg^. Tkt i/didrp* aportio* ullior'a latle la proTlilnl wiih thafaltiablaCLiiTKHAK^i'AL itirlFM. itUa^liillpila- rormatloB aa an ogr !■ of ^lcal^ and II laialiulAtrd aoihti tanraaoo la aaay; BaaidM u\ Intaraating dmniatle lor*, It ooBUlna rMn^la 01 a>i<ittic »q I athlailr i<ari>miiRne«i, nalag; baMball etc.. aod ba^l iiartoniuucf ■ lo eTary na- peitioMi ot apon. Theiltnatnilpaaorf ««i<f daily con* naadablathlayaar. A llaadtome and Handy Volame^ ynm Tht rhortfitm .YMRriJirAVHV. TBI Nbw Vuhk CLtrriH A^^t■Al. for LVOli auLand, aa Swkja, la a bandaDino and haody miaoi. of Inforioa- DB. TIB ANm'ALglr.l facia anil flcunaoo thtalrlOAl. aiiBatlo, athlatlo, raclog. irotilOR. IumuIL vrlok.L bll llanlaaad otber maitar«,attdla iriaedUly llliittntad. Ha Olher Pabllcatlon PUli ttio Bill. i>t>M rAa Whrct, Balwaau tba covan ol Thi CLit-rm Axm al lur 19V aio ITU page* ul rwonli, conrloi f>\arT i>oulbla fitnii of p«T^ fonnaoee by man. t*aa«i ur bin). To tbf man «lio ovada andaniMamof ibli hliid mo r>thor iKiMi^-Niion flllA tba bill lo I naouer ao roniplai. a^ tiie Anm'ai. Tb* Boat DiBBkatle Ilaadbook. J^a The ym JTtrt Frm. Tga CLiPrai Avjval U tba Dart of noant •g'"*' dnoutie haodbooka. It cootaEa a Jin o^*^ 1 »|ara mAoSi darlof U«. logger wlib ^MtUMUl Teaekbaaldaeetbeiltaaiaof latateaiaod ia.'«fiiuUoa. Attnctlwa aad ComplaU* ' Frvm Tkejreie Vcit B*TOld. The eamBt oBmbw of Taa Hiw TORRCLirrnAJ- RUALeonea la lu BfOAltUrmtUTe aod amplau torn- I u IB) page* eoouin an anormoaa maai «J. aod autliUcAl iDfonnatloii, covarlog tbaauloal aod aoortlng .Tania during UBS, oqaaile and »Ui alk par. forotancaa. lacloi aodTnU og racorda. taoMballerlchat. blUUidr^elTandaraUllat of ill ibabaatparfonoaocai lo all departmaou of rport, boLhat bome aad abnia. BrlaUoaWlIb Inlerettlag Data. f/omTMerfe» r^rkSWi. DraaatleaDd aportlngdaToieM «U1 find a fund of op todaiaTifoimitJoo la Tbb V^tCw^'^V'^J- toT U». The Tol9o»e briaOti wlUi lBiare«tiDg dauj«. • rdaaodebrooologleal lunia,«ad 1* loTaluable aa a book ofn/anote. U la haodaomaly bound aod canlolly ad- Kad. Tka IllaatntJona an aoDonaa aod wall aelacud. thoM of Wafank Kni»ti*ch,Cka5a.8»aeMraBdOardl. oar. the amitaor apoiUng eala^rlUaa, being eipeclallj Valaable Colloclloa of Becordi* Frvm The Sea I'or* EterUnt Bun. TUB CLirriEi ANRPALforI8W,wlih lu«Iu»blieoll«e- tlon of rccorda aad nilacallaooMa lafonnatlon, liaabMo pabllafaei. TIiIbUuii oumbar II Io laaplog wlib pnrl* on* T.loniaa. A Vaefal Book of Raeoida* Ff9m The A'<w I'erk Ttma. Trb Mnr YORK Curria akipal for IW cmtalaaa complaca record of anuailo and ">> y*"' I^^orajaoeiM, raclog aod irotting re<ordH,btieball, cricket, bllllwda, raeordaof fAM.itttbna.aad beat perronnaocei Lp allde- •artnanuflraport It laa oaanu booh of leeonli foralJ ouraatad li aporta. A Rpoiilnf Oiaole. Frvm The Bmklgn CWcaa. TRRCurrBRAiRtrALforiaM la oat. aod (a more eoiD plate aod bandaoaie tbao arer. It eeotaloa TgloabU and otarMtlngautlBilalo ihaatrial aod qwnloBmaitara. All the racorda aad bMt parfonDa^coa loall tbeqiorti angtren lo lorn taflnd. TBRCurnB,tbe ataodard auihorlly In apertloR and amnaenaot onatun for forty odd faara, alwaya glwa Ihe bwi. and It bai hapt right In lloaooco nor. vtth tb. 1899 book. Tbli _ Jard auihorlly In for forty '* " yaar Thb Anndal la gnatly inUnrad, haying thlrir alibi owre pagaatban lut )oar, tad contaloi aqoalle aod alblaUo peifornuaea*. imclaJiaDd uoitlog n^rd& ud baaahall. blUlanlaaal criokitnTlawB. A FaitlcalarlrAUraallwo Edition. Fnm The BaUtmare BeraJA. WItb lu oraal aatatpHae Tri Niw York Cuptir bai UaoedtbU yttra panlcnlarly atiractlre edition oflu ANRUAU It K BTec. a perfMl mln. of TaJuabl. lotor matlon, both fron a drmmatla aad aportlog itaodpolnL u record of ^ya aod thaatileal bappanlngaofthajMr a no*t corapWe. aad lonloabl* to 00. lotonatad lo thi arL Thi (ler Ale. of aporta of avirr Ttrtatj flada betwoan lu bandumely daeoni«l corn. loforoatlM of .Tory daacrlptlon coneamlng all tba onou of Ui. yrar lo ajarv dtpartimnt. Tba Toluma la proioialy lllnatnud «lia pictorvaolweh hiovnictora ud actraaaM and pcoml- oaot nconl braoken lo ibi wo rU of fporL . Valaablo Bofennco Book* Frvm The BoOon Hm^lng PuL TagrLipni ANNUAL forUB6,aa loTaloible nfonoca book, cootaloi all (ba Uleii ncorda oo the «atar, turf, liaaalalLpolo, puglllain aod eury other branch In tba aportlni ana. Spaclal attention In glvvn to tba aiageaod tb. aaaieur aponlng world. Half tooe cuu of leading fltnrM 00 the atag. make the edition a Doli|ue aooTeolr. In yachting and amauiur rowiof • full llat uf all tba In* *"irtaot areou la tb. world an recoid*]. "Bemla" Tbe Only Reliable Aalhorlty. From The UnuUm Adrertltrr, Till Nkw York Ciii*i*ib annual for IM liaa tfeeo! reraliod by The A4vtrtUer. It oiuat begrailfytna to tha putiiiaiiera io titartbe wunlaofpraUa both mm tn.preaa ■od pabllcaiMui aalt taloliaod. AInadr tbe mairo- pullUB pnaa have pamd ihi verdict that tbia yaar'a; ■"vra la Ui._peer iif all otb.ra. It cBUlaian Imuaoa. anionnt 01 laboilova work lo the ceoplllng. Tbe amngementof the reoorda and aianu la iipfiaeaod; aaaily fbuod. Tb. aotm book Inni ilnii to laat laa' ei«llt,aod oottalDg coold eqoal Ida oare aod general; arrangemaoi ul the conteou. Ibe lllqatrotlooi an par- leoL ni.Hclaciloiiaorthi pietoraiwaa made villi Rood: iuOgm.n'. t«ih In itte dramatic and aportlog l>«Unlty.; 'iiB ANNUALaliould baTeanlncreaaad aala. It dtaarraa (o go lortfaid, aa It lacerUlnlf the only nllalila aulhor-i Ity nn eraou whieb ocour lo toe apoitlag aod dramatlo ~ Ulld. Bacb Page a Mint or Infbmatlon. >VoM n«/faiTljfrMrp ifomlnir CtalL niuhton lima Tui Naw VoRx CLirrRR Annual for! IftO baa made lu appaaraoce. Aaloionnerrean,thla raluab). puiiUcattoo U atrlcUy up u dau. uon no tliao ever. Tiia CLirriH annpal Incnaaaa lo value eacbl Tiia Uu»»t oumlfar cootalaa ITU poitaa, and eacb ;e la a mlntof Informatloo lo liaelf. Aaaiertonnce --jk It U un*|Dalad, for Iteoataloa th. moat oimplete thaalrleal and aportlog cbroootoalea lo ItBL a Hit deatliB lo the aauaaoient proieMloo. drRmaUoaodath*' leUo parrnnuaocaa, ndng and Irotting racorda, baaa- ballcrlokei,, reooidii ol faauat time and boat pariuriiiaona id oU drpontaeoia of aport. Tub ANNt;AL la llluMrm'ad, oa^tly prlnttd, and dMM graatcradltto theokleal. Hie beat and moat r»- llabla BDUHmtDiand aportlng ptpar publlabed. Indlapenaable llandboolK ftor Bportamen. Frvm The fAllddelpAIa Sfortlno Life. Ttial IndUppnaabla and thanfor. erar waleomit hand- book of the »l>ortAmkO. TiiM NRir York C'LirriR annual lor 1890, la ouL Aa oaoaL It la coaipieie aod coneci lo •vary r«*ptot, Tba voluma open. «ltb a theatrlral clirunotogy, folloved by a rary thorough aod Intereatlng aportlog cbroDoloKli euibraclng erery dqtartmaot ol aport. naat «a have Ihe ooneet noorda op to date In .Tory lloa ef aport. together with a BMolal departmwit devoted to tha tkatat ncoided tlmaa lo borw nclnr, Koil enmpleio college recorda. Tbe reluoie la beauufully illuainted. Replete WItb Bpottlng Dolngi In VAMy Fnm The /'AlloddiiAla Catt. Till Nbw York Cuithr Annual for tlita yur la replete witli the aivrilni dvinga for ISBS. Krary record In any bnncli of athletlea eao be foond la tbIa uielalbooh.aa well aa cmaMoroble tbMtrlcal oawik A World Wide Roeognlaed Aatborltjr' Fmm HoUen hUu. "A. A. A.-N. Y.OlirfIR ANNtal^Fobllo" ayrabolliei Ihe l<ond ihtt Tni Niw Yumr UtirriH An.ntai foima be- twMD actor, aetrawt, athlete, men fully betvten mualc, drama, amrU aod the grnaral pablio Al nKularaala tba New Year la theaipeotaacf of all toranoltheatrtcala and athletMforliiRAKNuaL UhaaAearadiobealutury, aod la DOW an aaubilahed oe«ae>liy for aoy ooa who Dtikta anj nntanalotB to koovladge In tha Aalda 01 rauHta,dninaor uporta. Each rear it liaa axcelled Ita prodeoaaaor In eil.nt and thorouiiboeaa, ootll tbe rreaant Imuo of IbM liaa aewolnglT rrachnl th. aoiiie of all miulraoiMta. loiroduced hy tha parU- colurMl ooT.r wliirli haa bacoita ao familiar, th. oMrly au pagea followlni an aliupl/ Olkd to the brim with Jukt the lnf>irmailoo that la deaired. Than la tlia tli<>airlcal chronoioRr. the yaar a deaiha In ih. auiuaamaoi pnfawloo. th. ritontoR chnoolDgy, tba btat OD recurdN(lorwhoa. accuracyTllK Cliitrh laaworld «ld« reoogolieit aulhoritf }.an<t iitioy uthtr aub head«, whtohaaen contain lull iiutMaitffaela worth know- ing. Not Ilia laaai dMlnbla uftha contenta from an ar- tl*ilo aiaadpolDi la ibe eiceUantptctuiea ol uaoy proiol nant acti>n, acinaaaa aod athleiaa, while tb. trpegnpbl- cal apttvaraoce la m ptaaaing that It holda lortb aa unuaual Indncam.ntto rMdtneaelactcd adi;«rtl>«B which appMT at the aod. No Room fbr Improveiaent. Frtm The Ctnetmnail Ttata star. Till CLirrBR A<iNUAU thelaadlBg Anierloan aportlog alitiaoar. Ilia beeolaauad forlW. It chivnialaa all tbe otpdu Ul note tint hare ukan piece in all lloaa of at^^rl, aawellaa 10 tha tbMtrlcal proreulon. ThU yaar the book la larger tbtooTer tod lia atnreof loforuatlon moncnmptcu thanerer beftn- Nuihlug Ulaoklogi. uiako Tub ANNt'AL the luoat otwiplate chroololer 01 aportlog anou arer poMlabed. Mocnmce la d.roted to lofurmatloa on baaei>all, wblcb laof lite moat Inlereiit log kind ani unelulio writan of that bnocb of apurU It laliopoiuihia 10 Ma wh.n thar. la room for ini|>ror.- DieOt OD THI CLirrtR AN.VCiL of W0. Bellnble andGerrect4 rmm Thf McKmfttrl BwrffTf. The /iHrfprrlnarenlrcd acopy ofTnaCLirrin Anntal for 1690 ft U th« be*t arer laaued. It oooialoa, bMidM many llhiainiloni^ a eomot aetoont of a>inatk aod Atliktltl prrfoiniBiirea. racing aod irolMoi ncord^ tkaae- tnll, cilcial and blUlarda, and a record ol the luteat time and bMtparfnrmaDora Inallbranchaa ol aport. Ihe AN m'au like TiiH t-LirriB. la nlUbl* and oorreci Kl, aod fell •liouM Hod lu waj loto tha ItAOdl vf aU wboarelotar .ated lo appiuof any kind. Knonaaaa Unia of Infbnuntlon. yrom The /htnll Tribute. Th. onrreot number of Tri Mrw York Ci-ipriR an- Nt'ALcotora to Ita oauat ailnctln and c«Mniileu lorai. lupaiea o^duId aaeoonnouamaa. of obnooloilcaland auiliuctl Inronneiion. oofarlog tbaatilcal and apnrllog vvaot« duitog IM,aijDatlo aod atbletk perlbraaoeea, nolog aod truttlDi reconli^ taaabolt,orlGket,bUllaida, <>tc., and a lull llat of all Iba liaatpeifomanna 1. allda- partmantA i«f ar«ort, iMtth at home and abraad. lu PRIOE. 25 CENTS. TU£ MEW YOllK CLlPriiU, Clipper BnUdlog* New lork, TBRCuri and amoaenaot natun ]knr^~. .- - — Vrfrn, Ihe diomploo abort dtatance mnner; Cbarlei Kllpotrlrk. the half mllechaai|rlon; Atei-ben Obaae, ama* tear ebampioB bordler, and aike Swaaoey^ mahlDg a [Mr COaiOpiOa numiar, buu om^mf, uiaBwa m high Jump, are pktorori in their athletto doibeaaa ibey oererwanhirore- In th. prlxa nog aod tha wbeellDg world tha edltlDo Ua featora Pall and Accarato Compilation. From The Beta OiUanM Timet-DtuucmL The rfatfaDrxocnix liaajun rKelred fnm the pobllah- errtof ThbVork Cliitir their Annual for MBS. The uablleaitODII nuedwlth loforaattoo which laof gnat oteraai to thoae lo tba thaatricai prafaailoD and derotad toaportofall klnda. A fall and accarale compilation of all the auuatle and atliletio ptrronoancfn, nerni and trnulDB records haaebalL crltket, football, bil(la^l^ glTlnc iiiefaaeat time and belt performance lo all de- inuiinania of aport, la locbwed la a laaUfoUr bound TOl- uma. baodaamelr nloatrated, tba whole making aa lofat- oable refenoce booh Ewery Rrcerd la All Bpoita* Fnm The PhUaMpMa (bU. Tub Cliptrr Anxctai. for tbU year la repleu wiib tbe Bportloi doloia for IHtf. Errrr record lo aoy brmacb ol atliletim eai be (ooBd lo tbla dmIoI book, aa well aa cod alderabia tbeatrlcal newB. Attnetlwe Half Tone Ptotaree* From The c'JncInwul Ckniiwrcfdl-(7ax<tr& TBI CLirriR ANNUAL for IBM la ooL asd, ai nioal. coo> talii complata ibaairlcal aod rportlogchronoloaleafor UK. It la a hnodr Tolumeot ITUpagaa, profoaely lllua- Iratfil with doe half tooe CUU of atarw Id lite tbreauica) pnftaatvo. wall koowo albleieaand 'oyduia. Staadlng Room Only, Frvm Ths TTuJUfifUm OapUoi. Then la no foot that tbe apart waou to know that ha eio't Aod iBamtnute InTuiCuirgR annuai. It la tb. .Dcyctopedla of apoit But tut La not all; It la a dr»- matioeDOielopcdra alao,aod It baa die pictnni of tbe Iwdlogdromatle people. Tb.M plctoraa an lo charao- tar, aomaoflbBm, aod tWyaio the beat that coeld be pro- cured, all of thoo), aod th.y ire basdiuDe. I bare care- rally «BT«llbl. booh. A Pleaiant Vliltor. mm rA« AMon ^Tuning Trm^ta: TRI Niw YOBKCurriB AinirAL for 190 Haa before nie, a pleaaant vlaltor. No dramailc or iportiog wrlur'i deal would leein i|ulie conpiau without ibu haody nfannce Toluma, wblcb lor acconoy and dlieree ebano- terolraeonl and loformatloo. In oot aufpained brani almllar publlcotloo. ThU yaer It la roon ample In dl maoalobi than erer before, aad ui praluioly lUutnied, Wortb lie Weight In Gold. The new OrUwu Evminn TtUvntm. Till Niw Vohk Cuptbr ban pobllahed Ita annual for .M, and tha book la almoat wonli Ita weight lugold, coo- UlolBRaccantadataofeTcry fportlng arent, (mportaot i—J—'--fine DBit ywr. Tlia book _ bunplooaofaililaiica, row- ng, 'cycllog. the ton, and, lo net, .Tory bruoh ofFport It aUoeoomloBa ihtatricalchioiiologr for ina: a Hit of dMthniBthaanDaeffleotpiofoailoo: nolncand tmttlng raeurdiL All througb It an half tone «ou of fUoooa aciora ud Bcirarea and eiblaiea. It la wltheotdoabt Iha moat raluab). booh of Ita kind la eiUteoee^aod The nUvnm ntunu thaoha for a oopy. Thoroagbly Cowera All Depnitmenta* The Hew OrlAina DtuUhe ZeUunj. Till Nbw YORK CLiprBR.ihe celebnied aportligand lailo Jonraal. baa laiaed lU annual, which will .be acconird ahMrlr vrlcome. coT.rlei all tbe il.pertiD.n _ . _ Old.- TBoatrloa] prntacttooa. dnt appaanooea, iMBt lee- , ItlnaliawlboohtlioTODghly coT.rle|all tbeil.pertiD.ntA, anil ooouloadMlrabl. rec- orda lo tba Behl, 00 10© track, the dUmondiood Ibe gildlroo o»nbe ttadllynfariad lo. A llaiot deathaln ibaprofUaloa Uanotlterfeatun. TiiiArnoal Unaod- aom.lyllluiimtodwltb Qameroui aitlitio half tone caU ofrelebrita*. WAITTRD (BY VOUNO COUBDUK), eOUBRBTtB - ■ L-OMB • . raKCOHBDV RKBTCll; moat be joaog. good tooklog, . ^ J ^ J . . V...... P. \t. H STINll] TIEtTII BBOADWAT AKD SD BIBEBT, HEW TOBt WILU&a 8KLCS, Pfoprletor. COL. JOHH MOBKAT, BuIbmi llBBager. Honday, Feb. 24, CHARLES HOPPER, IN "GHIMMIE FADDEN" HuDtnn »t 11.15. a«nri«r iMUnw «t m. HERALD SQUARE THEATRE. OBABLEa B. ETAN8, Fnp. £TB.e.U. BAT. MIT. t. W. D. If AXN, Huiftr DAVID BKtiASCO'B HKW BOVAHTIC PLAY, JEART OF IV HuaATi'B av FAAA ■ 4 MARMm KOSTER & RIAL'S MUSIC HALL, 3«lt BT. AND WWW. FEB.» 10 HABCU II, ti. LA LOIE FULLER. VMid.TlU*, BracUMlM. IIstsIUm. BTWIoinB.11. gtwrttrllMloMlIt HenryJ.W8liinan'si: ANNOUNCEMENT, N»v Readjr Tor the Frofealon, Chas. V. Long's^ iBlnltalile Boag Cnmtloa, "Let Me Take My Place at Home Again"! th« wonderful yoang barHone GEO. P. MURPHY JR THBATRB^^^^ and IS»h fttnet Boaened Beau, 250., EOc, 7ftc STAR Ml KATIin "THE WAR OF WEALTH." MinagBmant WALTER SANFORD. katimebb wedn&jday and SATURDAT. SANFORD'S THEATBE, SlitBtiMtudSd ATtnafr MITINBEB TDE8DAT AND BATUBDAV. DUNNEIjLi'Vand QIXtARD, IN TIIE NEW ■ me^moa ■ Ata.lSRharr. 4tlt Ar.andZSJBt. LYCtllM™liEROFZENDA Jb»ItOC)TOIl.'S AMveamt ddlboiobt. moOTOa'8 OFBBAHOD8K,llaHtofd,Ct., AMD UUiAJID OFBBA ROVBB, AliBAIIT, R.T, STABB AND COMBtNATIONB. l>ROOrOR>S THEATRB, RBW YORK, OBIOINAL OONTUIDOUB TAODETILLB. Bllh dan noTtlUw ,11 Ibe Uma tnm lOJO A. M. ulil a—itr IIF. M. PROCTOR'S P1.EABUBS PAIiAOB, Hlh Bl ud ]d At*, Xaw Talk rinST OUtSB TADDBTILLS ABTISTB vilU for dt!w. OoDildertllfDWftpolltflniffsUTe. Addna all eonmoDrcAtloat F. r. FaOCTOIt TONY PASTOR'S iV^^x;. CONTINUOUS Balcony, 20 Cents. PEHFORHANCE • OtcheKlrk. 80 Cents. TONY PAMTpil ANU NEW RHOW. ANKIB OAKLBV.CIumplon RHIoBhtt: RIRE AKD BLMAB, KirrlB MimilKLL. BVAK8 AND nUPfNAN, (-.nRA BOl'TT LGRTEH AND KILLIAUB, Xr.LA WEoKER AL KEBVES. flRAa REAKAN. KITTIB KURBALB. THR RUUERTH. HIRAMBO TRIO. TBE NAVQB. nATIIRINE BOWK 1>A11IER, TUK TILLD, BABMOilD AND ABBOTT, BoT M««lcl»D. Hammersteln's Oiympla BTaBlog«6.U. BBOASTTAT, Mlh ST. MtL w.d. ud eu. MUSIC nALIk EUROPEAN VAUDEVILLE And Oacor BimnenteiB*B Poectaoalar Oparm aod Ballel, "MARGUERITE." TBBATRB, RICE'S "EXCELBIOR JR." C^ONCBKT HAIjIj, PROMENADE CONCERTS. «0 OBN'ra ADMITH TO Brf. Keltb's AmiseoHnt Enterprises. E. T. ALBEE Otm. H^'r. B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boston, Mass. THE BIJOU; Philadelphia, Pa.; B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, PravMence, R. L, AND B. F. KEITH'S NEW URION SQUARE. IIOUE or MB. lElTQ'd OBIOINAL Continuous Performance, ' NOOX TO U.15. NO STOP. STAR PERFORMERS WRITE FOR DATES. GAIETY THEATBE, BROADWAY ABD 9Sth ST. DEVOTED TO CONTINUOIIS PERFORMANCES, WANTED AT ALL TIMES, BIIIB CLABii ARTI8TB WITH KOrSLTIEB. Addnu JOHN B. DORIS, lltiiu.r. OABLE APPBEBB (DOBIII). Huber's T Museum O. II. HUBBH, Pn>p*r. BDBBR'fl no AVS. HUBBUM, 0. H. JAMBEB, Mananr. WAMTBD-Stroiu r»Blnce^ L1tIu« CarlotlUea aad Praaha lor Onrfn flalli: UUh Olaiw Variety TorTlieatre. Addreaa lotlere for twth ttooiefl J. n. And»r»<Mi. Maaa«r. nuat Bloff ud duKB and be ah^ to do a vlnala vpfeclAlty. - " " ^ttz llg.Lal'aBOo. Ky. WANTED, Tn AOvertUo Msdicloea for VeteriDar/ Companna Am a Vaterloary 8urK«0D. inrellov, |lTiD|t )«ciur«« OB the uftiomy aad dUeaiwa of tbe boiM: leacli •lem of hreakloR aod tnlalnn; Rlre laetarea In ball* orerahfta*o«: itTeat opportunliy tA adrartlie Tet. medlclaea. fmf. Rolile «llle, Ointuploo All Rnuod llorae- i of Aowriea. ffl N. CnlKno Bt. CharloHa. W. n. ItBW PLAY, TWBNrvSIX CENT& B<ndl3(t«u oaaui ataiDps fur a priQtfd cnrr of my I«iut(4acLft chartcttr) comedy draoa, *'liArrLED." Thrauioil work (tffeTwry kind) wiltian lo order, cheap. 1 elii answer no Utter aaltMiunp U aaat for reply. IIARRT HBKOKHBOM. 1.810<:«iMTe'a Bl.. LonliTllle. Ky. ^ ^. COMUOIANH eodoH a OoeDolUr bill for a Bar* rlre Up to Date Biamp BMech, Uoeolofiae - uiiny tbaohi foj tnarjtlad WARTBD. .1)1 roraBara rlr _ or Tramp Act. II. and P.. _ _ recomueodttloo. OoDiaaiaia. U A. BRoBST. Ma»ch Chunk. Carbon Dn., Pa. AHSIOUR OPBHA IIOIIBB.Arraoar. Ro. Dak. WanuPlntCla** Rrpertoln CoioMnlMinr wetkataBdiL or anyaoodCompaar, foronenlftot. Beatuhour town In no. Dak. Heatloaeapaeliy.ena Oood>tARa aod aeeoary. Piip. i,ijpa RetanlB tn Willi* Mrloilr*. UWEH D. TI6- BSnU fomterlr wnii W. W. CaU'^Clrco*. BONOS COMPOSBD. U88. CORRBCTBD aad Rarlted; Muila pat to worditorActomp. maaafu ~ Jr: Baoo. OrchAairaorMsndolIn UoMC Airmond. ■*Afl L. LEW IB. iS RlfJiBond Btrett, OloclpnatU 0. BALLOpNR^IIKW AND ABlXtMM O? HAKO. uurrm madb to nROBR. ABaStvnioni njlWIBIIBD. MABHTCH. WturBia. Mtch. NUW UPlfiltA IIOUtSB, New UmsvliK Ark p«atla«fl(D. Book atmrdooMHoalhwMt, oQ Cotton BlU R R. Oood *hne town. Fla/lotB A McKkh. Leu»e<. Uwn. OPBN l^lti, DAY DUORTALlL Id clrcai builntn. ai Dallaa. Teita, umi mbmd wiu the Bla New Yor Muieum. B. V. JORDAN. MonUUMoea. ~WAHTlCl>.«-HTSt Clwe Lecturer to work onptr c«niMe. CinuaeyouatuBi:«. Alaowlihtoenncefond All 'Roond OoaitdUnt for cimplDa naaoD. Ilaat pby MtharvlellB. comet or omn. w^adtnork fbr aober, re llttolepeople. AOdt«uCUirPE\VA MED. CO., Haaorar, Jickaon Co. * . Slleh. %VANTl£l>. fv^OllTe'Vi^otueiti- Co . Cavaila. Onod roiRfdlaBR dn|q| (|t«tlaulMt. Hktirii Te»m. Piano tir Or CanPUftr dolDf •peclalUra Only loodall'rrmod rao- tlt. WBMl»r. ■itllaB»r and T»«d. write. Ixtweu niary mttsller. OLIVER BRU.4., W Monb DlfUloaSt.BBr IdK B. t TllttMBV.IK^WaBt itlde TlUBtHMie. AI lUiB r*nleBlar^ dlaaitre of belL Bt«. L aooAnr, ur w. 1Mb Anm. vt* toki oiif. fttichsae wDdltleo^j^ lew ptice, American NIckleodeon SOTH ST. AND >TU AVE. PMtDCW for LMtura HlU >d<lnM V. D. nEms, Dl i^MUr. NAteUI«a waoied tt all ximm. THE WILMOT DUO W. D. WILMOT AKD «. H. BABBBB. Ba noU wUb Ujde*! ComedlanL Par, addr. P Krla BL. fhmnridBewt. If aaa. C. TTf^ ■■<•>> a.1^ AT UBERTT FOR nRST 0LAB8 VAUOSTILLB TUVA- TBBB from Keb. M. Adrtraiwcaieof tlLIPPBR S COOKE $ CLINTON e WORLDH rAKOVS BBARFSUOOTEBa Addrmi ATt of ; otlPPBB. Bimi.R8llUB KJUIOB, KENNO AND WELCH Bn R«Bta. Boatnn Ro^aid Atbenmm Oa Millar Bros/ PAMOnS DIORAMA. EN ROUTE PRIHRntB A •WEBTB MiWHTBBU. THE ORIODIAli i-H. NOLBROOK8 LIZZIE UBR MUalCAI. AHTIBTn. A«nu<mn of NBW TOBK OUrrEB. The Pattens • AT imrgB UNION BHUABBTnEATBE. MABCH1 ADDRB8S AVU COBMUHICATIO.VB F«R CORNMIA BROS., ESTELLE CORNAllA OR COMIALLAS. TO PITS CORNALLA. W Centre Aie .ChlCAPt orcareolCLlPPFR. KILROY AND RAffSO n|tal!IAlIDEA.rABODIBS IlLUnRATBD. COBBOr TIENB. ThI.w—I^ProdoT'i.riwo.Bl'.law ^N*»Totk. WANI'KU, l-UJiPAHIits l>l.AV •dThrw aliht >ua«L AMnMW, r. B( U|U' OPHl BOIM, BMbf, I«n, BOULANPUi At sung by tht wonderful young barHone, 11 OF TUB FOLLY TRIO, To Repealed Encoreiat Every Perfomunct. "U wu the toi'are ol my act al Kelth't( Union Square last week," wrRei | UADGfE MAITLAND,;! The phenomenal leniale baritone. WHhIn* the compass ol any ordlniry voice, Ihe I music, sweet, melodious, and sure lo please I ' the multitudes, the words strongly pa-i' thetic, descriptive, yet simple, this latest 11 effort ot a pfonlnent young Amertcaii con-1 ptser is destined to become dear to Iha burl, and linger long hi Ike memsiy ol the masic loving tlieatro|oert. ' Piano Copy, and first class orchestra-' lion, o( this sonn will be tent to Proles-1 tlOMls sending 10 cents bi stamps or silver. I ADDRESS HENRY J. WEHMAN,; 8 East 16th SL, 65 and 87 E Madison SL, i New York Sam T.Jack's Opera House,! City. Chicago, IIL When in New York call and meet yoar^ Prolessional Friends at our MUSIC PAR-' LORS, 8 East 16th Street H Is the resort!' ol tte Cream ol the Profession, and you I are always welcems. Our songs taught by ( PROF. 8E0. A. CRAGG. OPEN TIME. bdeiy of Music, Oleaiiy IT. T., WeeksofNareh23an(lipriH, For yinatioiisorllepdoife. 'Ill Split Weeks When Necessaij. Bome of the attraotloDB played this seaeon to aatiafactorr baelnees: Fred Hobbln'e "Utde Trlzle." Donl A. Eelley'a "Outoaats af a Qreat Cltr," Foraberg's • •Forgtven" Co., Howarth's ••Hlbernlca," Cliftoa ft Mlddletoa'a •Bonoh King* Co., Jas. A. Blelly'a ■Broom Haler," John J. Blaok'a •Babe Tanner" Co. We only book one month ahead; always have good Open Time. 'Write or wire OEkB&iT Music co.. Owners Academy of Mnalo. WANTED, An Electric Ladi's Outfit. HVarOB IN rEBTECr ^ORKIXU OBDBR. A<1dr«M ■ 0. * . can* nf flLlPPBB- . Wanted iBiiieillatelf, Foir Ootid Cireis Bill- POSTBRB, hapl fforklni At«nt, for four car B. B Bbov. SeaiiAa opraa March S. Rereraneta. Addreu u.An- UHBwa Salpn. N i\ V. B —Frank Cooper, write. For Sale Cheap, Side Show Tent 25i5P, lOtt. WALL; l-'l.VEaTl'NBUANOOROANaDdBhlpplflRTnoi: wtmid aicbanna lor food roanri tiipou)Taa<'r»Drmr baK. inia wagon. AdOr^H A. J. WEBB. Olen^rallt. H. i- DAVE HENNE88Y, TbaFuwlr Uaiil^r, daalm a 8i:iOIXa rAnTNBR. I writaibaUotiatt UptoDAtdSioffaiolo*. _^ AJ ir»M eara OLIPPEB. _ WAKTKU al*-Hartiiora llalL"on)r HrttClftN^- tennloara, with Imnoialltlai eicloded. Boaoarr: »taR« aSi37:ctpiclir60D; piano. All data* opan uodir ni« nan- a|nimnt«ioaptFeb.39. Locaurtoo VMtBborBR. B-.)«- twMD Kawbuntaed KloMtoa. Nnia—Tbiimilr tnurilon. AditrawiR II.Pat*hlD.IUni g»r. UarlboitK UUl»ri:o..N.T. kU AAVHOyO (ilUKUHT. lilDMHTVe Eipoilancod HiMrtary Actor; B*H>d w iMrotta. Anilre'H tuanilERMRRnOHH inREKr. Broohlm. N. T. %VAKTifiD. nJH WKKK HAKOli «. TWO FKMALE flPBCI*LTV ArtTiare Man do two turpi|f^ta. .Ad- drwH ffHlTE * yttur, B«ffc>hlr»lll'Mi'% htUflfM. Maiw. HAlalC OH KENT, Maclianlcal W»x Ktsu'ta. lUntlona, □boat Show, Baa Utrrant, l*aloilpn. BtnfTed AQlmili^ Ploa Bn>fc»a. H-an>pfor aow. J.D BwKET. AU»nlloClty.N J. ATijiBifiKTW, amm; Lm fccaicbum. oumi AND BLAHK KACB W«BUlAN AilD MUHICAL ARTIBT. Palaonaftarplrrta. 8k yurt'oxpfrlauo lo mad. baa. Btrictlr aotMr. K*ipnn«lbU mtnisara nnir, wrlia. DWl L. PBARWIW. Aoplaton. Wla. MttK-i-CIIK!!. BONUH, COWKUIlCIKe BUR* LK^UKriWRirThXTllORDKR. BMt iroik nnly. Bump Tfply. JOi. KKRBHATr.7JI N. Ko«nli fit.. Phll aJotrb'a. WObLO LIKK 'I O IIKAH KHOM VOUNU AND fRRriY MUBRRTrK. (laa llflog In V. Y. pre- farrad. II. B. r*rPOf CLU'PER FOR B.%t.K-4INBnAN UliKHHAAT Al^kj Donkey. OaUtaK Bii>i anil Biatittoo. Botra Draai lor Doc Act, VaBlrlk>.|q(alFi(nTMi ItyPl'ABl'BX'Br ScBd fttaoip for r«p1v. E. WALREm, Pnpariy Bood. LOT BrwlwaT. Haw Vnrk Clly. A. HONKHMAilLT IMU KUIt BALM-TAia Oo0 throw* ■ naoilHr i>r »tiil|tbt hUb, qoick backward KomarMoIta. Ila li s dot yon rao eail a duntplrn. Ha alfo dooi eltbt iiliUcult irick^ rrca for hloi. BT^- Rac^M auniD for ifply. iMnnlaP, H«*liaa,l(».4 Farm BL. Troy. K Y. ARTNBH WITU •10I*.--MDT onal or Amataor). bnvlo| tbu u> lo; WANTKU, KAIL. OR aBKT(rrDiD*«l«aal or Amataor). bnvlo| t-_ ^ ■ Tait« cao leeore oaa-fourth Iniaiaat, ami poaltloo fi TraaMrarorActor.laafOOd DrmmaUa Co.boohaa rwio TorRpilnf andBaunertoar; pUylofl two n«v playi; twn olRbt standi and carry paupla. Will (aack a R- ((anar" to liKiiintta "capablo'' tf^xr. Addi*i« "WIWNER."18m ' .t'dur. AddiTM , _ RnMTMw BwoT. LooUtUte. a.*"-. PItHTUM BHif W. WANTBU, gUlCK.BAIf rOR PUIHRA^ TO DOimLE CUTK, Al*a PUoUt Lfmttmmfa. mttnmm^trf. ttilt* or «lra rock bxtom aaUir. Vo ibM lo knntar. ACXCUMMinOBwIr*.