The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February" 28. THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 3 LEADING SKWSPArEBI, fonnldrrrd from <h» Advertiser** Standpoint, it tbe title of an attractve and useful little volume, published by George P. Rowell « Co. (the well known'publishers of Bowel)'* Newspaper Director;). It contain* upward* i>f two hundred page* of valuable matter, aad I* neatly bound In cloth, with gilt edges The following extract from It may be of interest to Cuppas advertisers: "It teema to be generally conceded that to reach profesalonala Tun New York Clifpbr may be of more service to an ad- vertiser than all the rest of the 78 publica- tion* enumerated under the head of Music, Drama, Dancing, put together." Uaudcpillc and minstrel Chailbs Q. Kilpatbick, the one-legged 'cyclist, left for Europe on Thursday, Keb. 10, on a six weeks' pleasure trip, duriug which time he will look after his affairs 51th his Loop the Loop on the other side. r. Kllpatnck was for forty weeks the sensational feature with the Uasklll-Mundy Carnival Co., In hi* famous ride. mack and Abmou.1 write l "We have closed tweuty-iii'B weeks with 'Don't Tell My Wife' Co., playing principal comedy and soubrette, respectively, and Introducing our act during the piece, as the main vaudeville feature. Till* 1* our llrst trip West In three years. Our new act, 'Silver Service,' which we bare been doing for the past year, la a big success, and we are now writing another •ketch, to use when we shall need It." Ma. amo Mas. Neil Litchfield have just finished the Keith circuit, where their success bas been greater than ever, they write, rhelr new Hooligan finish, with special scen- ery and new stage settings, being particularly effective. They are wen booked up for the remainder of the season, and for the Summer they will play the J. W. Gorman circuit of parka. Fbbd Jobdan writes: "This Is only Thurs- day p. u. at tbe present writing, and I have received twenty-two answers through my advertisement In Tub Clipper. I have Joined bands with Hattle Vance, late of the Vance Slater*, and we are rehearsing a new act, specially written to Introduce Miss Vance's acrobatic dancing and my bass parodies. We open la June, over the Eastern circuit of parks." Chas. A. Wilson 1* filling an engagement as pianist at the New Ithaca Hotel, Ithaca, N. V., pending the completion of a new pic- ture act, which he eipects to produce about March. 1. Taa Welch Bros, are booked solid until May. They will then put out their Bummer minstrel company in parka. . It will be their third season for their Big City Minstrel Company. Charles Cowlis, the well known Yankee comedian, and. Louise Sylvester, a clever character actress, will shortly appear to- Kther In vaudeville. In a sketch written for em by Howard Taylor, entitled "Ye Village Courtship." Mr. Cowics has not appeared In vaudeville for many years, having been a atnr at the head of his own company for several seasons, and Miss Syl- vester ha* never before appeared on the variety boards. R. J. Dieolb, of the Al. G, Field Min- strels, writes: "Tbe little city of Fsrkers- burg. W. Va., will not likely see again soon another reunion of sbow folks that will exceed In numbers tbe gathering that crowd- ed tbe hotels of that city on Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12. More than, one hundred and fifty members of the theatrical profes- sion were thrown together by chance on thin date In the enterprising little city, on the banks of the Ohio. The Oreat Lafayette and bis company of thirty-four people laid off In Farkersburg, as did Thomas Jefferson and Ms company of fifteen. The Sam T. Jack Burlesque™ had an open nlgbt, and the members of this organization also coma to Farkersburg to Join tbe throng. Then there was the agent of 'The Minister's Son,' snd the two advance men of 'The Devil's Auction.' The Al. G, Field Minstrels was the attraction at tbe Auditorium, and, not- withstanding the fact that every seat was sold, room and welcome was made for all the visitors. Tbere were, many happy little surprises made up after tbe minstrel show, and many old friendships renewed. Such a gathering of show folks was an unusual happening In Farkersburg, and the citizens took an active intercut In entertaining them. Al, G. Field was a gueat at a banquet, given . by the Commercial Club of Farkersburg, In honor of President Itamsey, of the Wabash B, B," Chimminb and Lbland report meeting with much success In their burlesque boxing act Tbc Fbasbb Family Inform us they have Just finished the F. F. Sbea and Casto cir- cuits with great success, and are booked almost solidly for sixteen months. Tub Turners (James and Louise) report success In their engagements on the Casto circuit. Tub opbnino of tbe Brook Vaudeville Theatre, at Marlon, Ind., which occurred Feb. D, waa highly successful. Tbe house was packed to tbe doors. Frospects are very bright for a successful season. Following Is tbe executive staff: Fblllp Rosbrugh, proprietor; Victor It. Itoehm, secretary and treasurer: W. H. Moore, business manager; Wm. A. Morris, stage manager; an orcheatra of five pieces, with John Avellne musical director. BUI for the opening week was: Bfae De Rock, Wm, A. and Louise Morris, Randal and Kinney, tbe Uveretts, assisted by Master Eugene; the Groat Christopher, Vontello and Nina, and Fatchln Bros. Mabel Lloxd, who was to have been a member of Blanche Ring's company. In "Nancy Brown," baa changed her plans, owing to Miss Ring Joining James T. Towers company. In "The Jewel of Asia." Miss Lloyd will play three weeks In vaudeville, beginning March 2, at Keith's Fhlladelphja house, to ba followed by Keith's, New York, and the Duquesne, 1'lttsburg, In a sketch, entitled "Mistakes Will Happen," assisted by Frederick Day and Eugene Powers. Notes from tub Keeni Co.—The Nevarro Children, Estelle and Gertrude, have made many friends through Western Pennsylvania snd Ohio by their clever toe dancing and songs and dances. Keene, magician and proprietor, Is making good everywhere. Tre- wets. In his musical specialties, deserves special mention. Mr. Keene expects to play his company at several popular Summer re- sorts this Summer. Wat. J. Sullivam writes: "Clarice Pas- qaetena, of Sullivan and Fasquelena, was tendered a dinner by ber father (F. Clarke Henderson) on Feb. 12, the ere of her birth- day. Remarks of welcome and congratula- tion* were made by Attorney F. K. Sulli- van, Mum Fasquelena waa the recipient of many presents. Sal I Ivan and Fasquelena are well booked for this season, and next go with the Behmen Bhow." Hattis Vbbdibb, of the Verdler Trio, pre- sented her husband, Chas. B. Verdler, with « baby girl on Feb. o, In Tampa, Fia. Tub vbtbbam "Qboboia Mjnstbbl," Jndg* Charles A. Crusoe, writesl "Although a jWALTEft Qbacib Emmbtt write* from Sydney, Australia, under date of Jan. 14, as fol- lows : "I opened with Mr. Rlcksrd* on Dec. 20, and tbe act, I am glad to say, baa won the good opinion of my manager and the press, also the public (really the onea who can make or break you). This Is tbe third week for 'Mr*. Murphy's Second Hus- band,' and It goes stronger every night, owing to the fact that they are more ac- customed to our American ways; In fact, they are using upon the streets some of our sayings, such as 'get your hair cut, you can hear better,' 'you're not aucb a much' and 'I have the cream of the hospital,' so that will prove to you that the act pleases them, and Mr. and Mrs. Rlckarda occupy their box most every night, and seem to laugh Just as hearty aa they did on the opening night. Next week I produce my new German comedy, by W. W. Prosser, 'A Countess for Revenge Only,' and before the steamer that carries this letter sails I shall be able to tell you. of Its success or failure. I must say that I have never received kinder treatment In my life at the hands of strangers. On the opening night, at the finish of the act, I was called and recalled and presented with some very beautiful floral pieces, also an American and Australian flag. They called for a apeecb, and with the tears streaming down my face with thankfulness, and my little company of Americans—Francis Oray, Le Roy wlmmer and Ben J. Miles—standing around me, I thanked the audience, on behalf of myself and company, for their kind welcome. Mr. Illckards and wife, with a few friends. In- vited us Into hta private office, and after a Slass of wine, with a toast for our con- nued success while under his management, he said: 'Miss Emmett, you have certainly made a personal bit, outside of the fact that your little company and comedy have pleased every one present tonight.'" IIaimiy La It bane, manager of America's Greatest Vaudeville Stars Co., writes: "We have been playing around the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts all season, to good business, and expect to remain through this section until Spring. Roster of the company: The La Keene Trio (Harry, Eva and Fredora), Irish comedy sketch; Frank Emerson, mi.'lclnn ; B. L. Doty, leader of orchestra: Eva Drowning, singing comedienne; Daby Fredora, Boubcette; Byron Emerson, rube comedian; W. M. Ooldle, mu- sical moke; Mlna Lamoureau, coon shooter. We carry a band of ten pieces, with Harry La Reane, leader." » Tub La Vails are In their twenty-first week with Clark's New Royals, as a feature act. M. F. O'Roubke baa signed a contract to □resent his tramp monologue with the Don Ton Minstrels, on a tour through Connecti- cut. Tbe troupe playa Litchfield, Conn., Mr. O'Kourke's home, on March IT. Gibbon and Williams, the "two new koons," nail for Dresden, Germany. April 4, for a year'a engagement, all booked. CllAnt.BB Moiibi.ani) writes tbst be has recovered from an Illness of eighteen months, and bas Joined hands with Ben D. Fagan. They will shortly be seen In a new comedy creation, new to the vaudeville stage, en- titled "A Gambling Man." He bas written two new songs, which they will Introduce In tbe act. Bbatbicb Goldsmith (Mr*. Ed. O'Cori- nell), of the Topsy Turvy Trio, hss received her new costumes. Ed. O'Connell Is rapidly fatting the act In shape, and be writes that t will be entirely different from anything ever seen In vaudeville. The Brady's, James and Kitty, write "Since closing our ■ thirty-two weeks' en gagement with the Oasklll A Mnndy HI Bbbyl Hope writes of ber successful debut In vaudeville, In Newark, N. J., at Proctor's Theatre, recently, where her act was the headline of an excellent bill. The sketch la entitled "Lola," and associated with Miss Hope In the sketch are James Durbln and Inn a La Pierre. Lillian Shaw reports meeting with suc- cess with the Transatlantics, where she closes the olio, and I* booked solid unt'l June 8, Mb. and Mas. Dabby Ellsworth have closed over tbe Proctor circuit, slso played the Auditorium, Newark; Novelty and Gotham, Brooklyn, and opened on Foil's circuit, at Waterbury, Feb. 16. They re- port meeting with success. "Cliquot/' the mechanical doll, under the management of G. K. Hlgglnbotben, Is being featured with excellent paper, with tbe Murray A Mack Co., In "A Night on Broadway," now playing the Pacific coaat. Tbavbllb writes from San Francisco, under date of Feb. 10, as follows: "We, Lillian Landon and myself, arrived here about ten days ego, having canceled three months of our six months time In Boutb America, on account of tbe yellow fever, which I* raging there. We found tbe natives of South America, especially In Panama and Colon, highly pleased with our acts. We are playing an engagement at Orauman's Theatre, and are making a bit," Dai.t, Tape and Ronan, comedy acrobats. Joined Fred Irwin's Majesties Feb. 2, snd finish the season with that company. Mackby and Quinn, In their new act, by J. J. Warren, state they bave been very successful this season. They report good bookings for the Summer season at parks. Baoan and Mhuhiam are (till working on the New Engand circuit, Tbey will open at Sbecdv's, Fall River, Feb. 23, with a long list of good bouses to follow. Rosa A. 1'AiiKuu, who Is in tbe support St John Mayon, of tbe John Mayon Co., ha* nlshed tbe Al. Haines circuit with reported success, and Is at tbe Howard, Boston. Mabel Debbinokb, b performer at the 0. K. Theatre, Oklahoma City, Okla., bas been dangerously ill (or the past four weeks. Mas. Ed. Lbster, professionally known as Addle O'Brien, Is slowly recovering from s severe attack of typhoid fever at her home In Buffalo, N. Y. iiahuy I)k Lain bas been 111 In New York for tbe last four weeks with a very bad attack of pleurisy. He will not be able to work for two weeks at least, and had to cancel all engagements. Tub Oaiicinbtti Family bave closed a successful engagement over tbe Kohl A Castle circuit, snd nave other good work booked ahead. They hare signed as a feature act with the Sell* A Downs Circus, for the coming season. Notes pbom La Vbttb, Adams A Vabo All Star Sbcialtt Co. —We played Bos- worth, Mo., last week, to tbe biggest business of any company playing Hoaworth In tbe last three years, we packed them to tbe doors and stood them up, snd part of tbe time turned them away. We nave one of tbe best vaudeville shows In tbe West, and we are looking forward to a long, prosperous season. Roster: La Vette and Adam*, man- agers and proprietors, and novelty sketch: Frank Varo, contortionist, wire walker and silence and fun; Corlnne Plalss, singing and dancing soubrette; Rude Adams, narltons soloist and illustrated songs; Geo. La Vette, stage manager, and comedian; Mrs. Daisy La Vette, pianist and fancy club swinger; Jess Adams, comedian; Geo. Pino, gymnast; Paul Williams, buck and wing dancer. Cuas. II. Shbpfer, formerly of tbe well known team of Shelter and Blakely, and Chaa. K. French, of the old team of French Rf»Tv?l l C^^ n nav."»^'nlSS« j&g&JF *** * V"*'™* to . In and around Pittsburg, and doing nicely. Law Carroll writes from Norfolk, Va,: "The Manhattan Theatre here Is doing a lilg business, and the sbow Is given In belter form than generally given. Myself and Maude Ellston opened last Monday, and made the hit of the ahow In our act, 'A Vaudeville Pop.' Last week I put on the first part and the burlesque, 'Roale Holly's r'lat.'^ Edward C. Yeaqer, tenor balladlat. after twenty-nine weeks with the Qalnlan A Wall Minstrels, tins closed, and will lay off the rest of this season at Boston, Pa., through temporary Iosb of voice, caused by a sovere cold. . . _ Eddib B. Hayes, formerly of Casper and Hayes, writes: "I bave Joined hands with Mamie Lafferty, and we are doing a refined singing and dancing act, with Franklins Switzerland' Co. We close In March to All a few vaudeville dates. The team will be known as Barto and Lafferty." Olorinb, tbe electrical transformation dancer, under tbe management of Harry Clark, business manager of Blondell k Fen- nessy'a "Through the Centre of the Earth" Co., bas been engaged aa a special feature on the J. J. Flynn circuit of parks for the coming season. Mr. Clark bas arranged for an extensive European tour for Glorlne, In ber new act. Williams and Weston opened on the Kohl & Castle circuit Feb. 10. at the Chicago Opera House, In their Irish singing and talk, log net. Garden and Sombre write: "We are In our twenty-olxth week with naverlya Min- strels' and the act has been moat success- ful during the entire season." John Dblmorb and wipe are engaged at the Colombia Theatre, Baltimore, Sid., for the season. Tin Eldonb have closed with the Glas- gow Stock Co., and bave Joined the Lillian Lyons Stock, as the vaudeville feature*. play vaudeville. Maddbn has left tbe Oriental nurlesquers, and Is now playing the Ohio circuit. He win join tbe Robinson Circus for the Bummer, to work In tbe side show. Nbla Prbnticb, of the Prentice Troupe, writes that she was taken 111 with la grippt, and was compelled to lose two performances while playing Providence, R. I. Harry C. Prentice was similarly affected, but fortu- nately lost no performances. Everett Kbmpton, who for tbe past twenty weeks has been with tbe Rose Sydell London Belles Co., closed with the sbow Jan. 17, snd Is very 111 r.t the borne of bl* sisters. In Newark, N. J. Tub new iiomb op Noeristown, Pa., Lodob, No. 714, Benevolent Protective Order of .Elks, waa dedicated on Thursday evening, Feb. 12. Tbe building represents an expenditure of (80,000. It Is situated on Main Street, near Swede. The building Is furnished throughout In mahogany, and the decorations correspond. The local lodge, while less than two years old, hss already 24B members. Jennie Dn Weese writes that abe Is mak- ing a hit with her trick violin and banjo specialties with Henderson's Vaudeville En- tertainer*. A. L. Ettibn, ballad singer, Is visiting hi* parents In Torab, Minn, lie Is on the way to San Francisco, Oil., to visit a brotber, who is In business tbere. Vabin and Tubenns are In their eleventh week with the Oreat Barlow Minstrels, and report meeting with success. Thompson and Sebida report success with their new Irish comedy act. They are In their tenth week on tbe New England circuit, and open on tbe Kohl-Castle circuit April 20. From Got Bros.' Mimstbblb. —"At Long Branch, N. J.. Feb. 14. standing room only was sold at 7.30, snd tbe same at T.ale- Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Bbibn write: "On the occasion of our silver wedding we re- ceived a silver punch dipper from Tony Pastor, half dozen teaspoon* from Mr. and Mr*. George Jackson, hand mirror from Mr. and Mrs. T. Cook, and from Mr. and Mrs. Charley Harding, a Jewel case; from Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ryan, a soap box; a pair of engraved teaspoons, from Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lavender; from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodge, a tea pot: from Mrs. Jack Lancaster, a sil- ver thimble; a silver hurt, engraved '1878- 1U03,' from 8am Bennett; the Ramsey Sis- ters, a silver collar button, ornament and Jewel case; a sliver soap box, from Harry Edward* and Daisy Kernel I; an Ice cream cutter, from Uugble Zarrella; bait dozen •liver knlrc* and forks, from B. Carlos; • manicure set. from Mr. snd Mrs. Psul De- ven; band mirror, from Mr. and Mrs. hi, Wil- lis ; bon bon box, from Mr. snd Mrs, Fred Fuerber; silver mounted pocket book, from Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O. West; stiver butter knife, from Messrs. Pyden A Nelson; sliver butter dish snd knife, from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyer; silver paper cutter, from Mary Jones; a clock, from Julia Wuulen. and sliver berry spoon, from Mrs. Adler. Saiiarbt, tbe dancer, who has been play- ing tbe vaudeville houses since closing with Anna Held's "Tbe Little Duchess" Co., opened at tbe Grand Opera Uoubs. Indian- apolis, Ind., and has since ployed Cincin- nati, Youngstown, Boston and New Haven. This week sbe Is heavily featured at Hyde A llebman'a, Brooklyn, snd Is tbe beadllner of the bill. She will play four more en- SagemeD!* In this country, at Shea's, In luffalo and Toronto, and at Detroit and Cleveland, and sbe will then return to Eu- rope, sailing on April 28. Sabaret will re- main abroad for live years, and Is already booked up for one-half of that period, open- ing at the Follea Marlgny, Pari*, In July, and remaining there the month of August. Tbe Wlntergnrten, Berlin, will follow, for a two months' engagement, which will be her fourth engagement thero In five years. Cuas. Hoey writes: "I opened si tbe Crown Theatre, Fort Worth, Tex., and my song Illustrating was a big success. After I play Dallas and San Antonio I am booked for a return date here, I appeared at the F. O. a., Aerie 02, Forth Worth, and the proprietor, Phil, Epstlno, conducted the mu- sical programme. After the entertainment there was a One spresd, snd the occasion was a grand success." Howbll AND Euerbon, dancing come- dlans, are In their twenty-fifth week with Ouy Bros.' Minstrels. Tbey were given a rousing reception when the company played Mr. Howell s-faome. Long Branch, N. J. Aptmb i-laiino the West, with reported success, Lillian Monies played a return dato at the Dewey Theatre, Utlca, with Schen- ectady, Troy and the New England circuit to follow.. IlANNBr and Doanb hnve closed two weeks at tbs Chutes, San Francisco, and are now on Orauman's circuit Tbey were both made members of the Actors' National Pro- tective Union, San Francisco Lodge, No. 8, In that city. Johnson and McDowell write: "Have Just closed a successful engagement with the Cosmopolitan Comedy Co., and, In spite of the weather, we packed them In nightly. 'The white man' never failed to walk. The ros- ter waa: Frank McFarlnnd, baritone; John- son and McDowell, rapid fire talkers; Mnude Cll/ton, ballads: Archie Delmannlng, black face; Chas. F. Ho wen, acrobat; Borrota De- vera, coon abouter; Sir. and Mrs. Geo. 8. Gregory, sketch; Prof. Lenzberg, musical di- rector. Tbe only worrlment the company had was waiting for Cliiter day." The Ramsey Sisteun have been playing clubs In New York for the last three weeks. They play tho Empire Theatre, Baltimore, this week. Dora M. Hall announces her marriage to Frank Heynes, a hotel keeper, In Now York City, on Feb. 10. Mrs. Heynes will appear In her future etage work a* Dora M. Heynes. 'MULLEN AND COHELLI, BCrObatlC Come- dlans, are In their thirtieth week with the Qulnlan & Wall Imperial Mlnstroli, and their new act, tbey state, Is meeting with success, On Sunday, Feb, 15, by permis- sion of Manager Dan Qulnlan, they were engaged as a special attraction at Bobmcr Park, Montreal, Can., together with tbe Gaapard Brothers, also of the minstrel com- pany. Mollis Ariiott, formerly of the Burtlnos, la now playing date* alone, and reports making a bit In her wench act. She will be known hereafter as Mollis liurtino. Marvelous Qrboory reports a very suc- cessful season with the Mark* llro*.' No. 1 Co., doing bis club sod hoop net, a* a feat- ure. He ha* signed with J. W. Vogcl'i Big Minstrels, to Introduce an act with twenty- four hoops, "Looping the Loop." Habbt Feldman, eccentric dancer, with tho Irving Frcncb Co,, state* tbat be Is In bis forty-sixth week with tbat company, and meeting with success. Next Summer he will present a novelty dancing act la tbo park*. Adair and Daiin played the Machinist Fair at Hartford. Conn., week of Feb. II, and Dorks!ndor'i Theatre, Wilmington, Del., Feb. 10. Their act, they write, met with success at both plsces. They are booked solid to December, A. O. Uabnbb reports success for bis Ani- mal Actor* at Peoria, 111., week of Feb. 0- 14. Jos. Bedabr, of Dedard and Bedard, waa called to his home la Montreal. Can., on ac- count of tbe death of his brotber In law, Cbaa Caspard, wbo was s well known mu- sician ^uunri a. wiuaw. hiihii AHUUUBa paralytic tor seventeen years I am happy lo announce tbat I am still In tbt land of the living, and will at any time be greatly pleased lo receive visits from any member of tbe profession In reminiscent mood that will call on me for a cbat at my residence, No. 224 West Heventeeutb Street, New York City." Haioiit and Dean report meeting wltb success In their new act, "Wanted, a Pair of Trousers," by Ueo. Tottcu Smith. They bave several good weeka booked for same. Johnny Nalon, trick violinist, la In bis sixteenth week with Zimmcrs Vaudeville Co. Mr. Nalon will shortly take tbe management uf Dave Zluimer s No. 2 company, which will play through tbe Wcatern amies. Tits Two Fantas produced their new act In Boston, Feb. 0. It Is entitled "Have a Peanut" Carkib M. Scott, contortionist, cloud * four weeka' engagemeut at the Star Theatre, Charleston, S. C. and opened Feb. it) at tbe Atlantic Garden, Norfolk, Vs., for four weeka Roster or Zimmbii's Vaudeville Co., now touring Nortbern New York.—Dave Zlmraer, mniingui and acrobatic comedian; Alice Zlni. nice, coon sbouter; Milt. Allen, Irish come- dian ; Juhuiiy Nalon, trick viollmat; Mae Horton, soubrette and akirt dancer; Ed. L'leo, magician; Prof. Lo Roey, picture ma- chine. Tbe company, we are informed, is doing big business everywhere. Tub Uahi-ard Bros, are In their thirtieth week with Qulnlan A Wall's Minstrels. On Feb. 15 tbey played Sohiner l'ark, Montreal, Can., with the permission of Dan Qulnlan. They open tbelr park season the first week lu June. J. Bernard Dyllyn Is In his fifth week at the Howard, Boston, and Is playing the Sunday night cooceria at tb* Bowdoln Square Theatre. ■ i i »<ssBSSBBasssssaasBs*SBBassaBB^» Under He Unit. Notes piiom the Welsh Bnos,' Snows.— Iho season for the above show to opon Is rapidly approaching, and It will leave Its Winter home wltb au cutlrely now dress. Tbe Welsh Show is one of Hie tented organisa- tions of America that baa boou for tbe past sixteen years under the same management that created It. and can present a record aa unimpeachable a* truth Itself. He n.etliods have received tbe blghest Indorse- ment In every town or city It has ever visited. The 1003 lour will again bo con- ducted upon the sumo basis of respectability and financial responsibility. Tho roster of tbo "bin sh»w" performers has been com- Dieted nml the management can lay claim to have "a galaxy or star*." Besides the many big nnlnnil acts and tbe spectacular offer- .ng, the following people will appear: Mr ami Mrs. Jack Cousin*, John Wbito Jr., the Flying Valentcens, Frederic Wolcome, I.e .Marline Bros., tbe Kltnuiura Japanese Co.. !r,?. r8e .. L '°, u, - r ' ,:u ,« rl «« U'ngle) Ollrleu, tlio Hills, Mnckey and chirk, Miss Swift, Slgnor Uuscocal, John White and Chas. Vslenteen. equestrian directors. Herbert Swift will be the now musical conductor, and will bay* twenty American musicians; a feature Will Lo m.ulo of the musical programme provloui to tho beginning uf the main sbow; several soloists, both vocal and Instrumental, will participate In Ibis part of the entertain- ment. Tbo "aftershow" will Include these attractions: Emerson's Boston Operatic Min- strels, sixteen people, with an elevated first part: Paul Klutz, uionofoglst; Mackey and L'lork. comedy musical act; V. J, llanluy, ec- centric dancer: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hwlft. sketch, and Plnco's wrestling and cake walking bears. The dally Urcut parado will be much more elaboiato In mako up than la past seasons and will be quite a,pretentious processional affair. The season will, ss usual, opou at Lancaster, Fa., early In April. * Wm. Fay, superintendent of cars wltb tbe lllngllng Show, should be addressed at liar alaio, Wis., not st Madison, as erroneously stated In Inst week's advertisement J. 0so. Hudoinm has signed *■ geuoral agent of A. II. Reed's Circus. Tbe Ketrows. wire act: Waldo and Klllott, aerlallsts, and Joe II, llodgo have also signed. Everybody is looking ahead to our opening, March !f(f Walter L. Main Notes.— "old Glory," that float* from the largo flag pole In front of the Winter quarteraat Oonova, 0.. liter- ally speaking, waves over representative* of every nation In tho world. Never In ibow history has tho spectacular exceeded tb* history tins tho spectacular eiceeded In s rapidly Hearing perfection, to be.launched by Mr. Main during the coming season, Lvery recognised nation will be represented. and every representative has been secured direct from the nation ho represents. Not only will It be a congress of the world's soldiery, but their military tactics, drills, modo of warfare, etc., will bo Instructively demonstrated. This Is not confined to tbe armies of tbo civilised world, hut tbe bar- barians, whose cruelty Is more pronounced than their generalship, and whoso cunning Is moro evident than their knowledge of modorn wnrfaro, will bo strongly represent- ed, It must not bo Inferred that In pro- ducing this grand military attraction that tbo other departments are being neglected. One department Is never weakened to strengthen another. Contracts bave been signed by the leading American and Euro- pean performers. To sum tbe enterprise up for 1008, It will be a consolidation of Mr. Main's enormous shows, with tho grandest military spectacle evor attempted. The ahow I* rapidly ncarlng completion for the open- ing, and tbe bead* of the various depart- ment* all report that they are "on tfuio." "Hcotty." the host hostler, lint returned from his Western trip, snd with him came four car loads of draught horses. Tho stable of work horses this year will bo Increased over ono hundred bead, whllo the military spec- taclo will necessitate tbe use of fully ont hundred more. Tbere will be no material Increase In the ring stock, which has always been fully stocked Tbe wardrobe floor I* one of the busiest departments at present. The whirr of tbe thirty sewing- machine*. presided over by as many seatnatressea, can bo likened only to a spinning mill. Hun- dreds of pounds of spangle*, thousands of yards of gold and silver braid, millions of various colored bead*, sequins and concavet, piles of pieces of various colored silks, sstlns and plush are rapidly being put In *bape and together to mako the new wardrobe of 1110,1. A. Emerson Jones will bo treasurer and accountant. Mr. Jones has Oiled simi- lar positions with the Powers, Chicago: Keith, Philadelphia, ami Herald Brjunro, New York. There will be no material change In tho eiecntlve department. Captain Danny ntzgernld, who baa been seriously III at bit home In Manhattan, writes, that be Is on deck ngnln, and will answer "present" when the roll Is called In Geneva, Notes prom Geo. W. Hall Jr.'s Circus and Menaoebie. —Among the people signed so far are: Prof. Hlbbard (making bis sec- ond season), John Johnson, Vern Holven- slot and the Racnrdo Family, acrobats, five in number, Jim Cherry will bsve charge of the canvsa (making bis fifth season). Tbe show will go out bigger and better tban ever before. Mauie Haoan, a member of tbo Great Wallace Circus. Is dangerously III In St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit, Mich., with peri- tonitis. Edward Conklin, the old time Juggler and balancer, has signed to play bass dram for Carl Neel's Band season of 1003, with Hells A Down's Shows, making the third season he has been with that show, He It ; " st present laying off In St. Louis.