The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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THE STEW YORK CLIPPER. mucellaneotu. Notes mom Join* C. Jacmi'b Flahta- tioh amd Jubilee Bimobbs, who sre appear* log aa features it tb- Merchants' Fair and unitary Carnival, In Schenectady, from Feb. 6 to 10.—We arc appearing to over- flowing audience* ever/ night, and bave Rochester, B/racnae, titles, Buffalo and Albany to follow. Cora Scott, the Southern nightingale, la receiving tbree and four anouraa every evening, and Ultcble and Prude are making a nit. We are receiving tba beat preai notices, and tbe Thirty-ninth Separate Co. of the Second Beglment, N. O. N. y„ under whose auspice* we are ap- pearing, bave already engaged ua for neat season. Nona raoM Roving Fbank'b Grrsr Camp AMD Village. —We will go out thin eeeaon bigger and better tbm ever. All new harness, wagona, railroad cars, tents, etc, and are booking time rapidly at all the leading parka, Summer retorts and water- and Unt.a ...son Tb. coming season wfll gjg» {$%?%%& 7%SB83i season of tbirty-elght weeks. Noteh rnoti Don Fohd'h Rotal Brass- T*iNK»n. —We are about to commence prepar otton. for the coming season, and will cer- tainly nlm to make our Httlo show tbe best 10 and 20 cent company In tbe East. De- — Jed Carlton, manger of J. Q.Stntta, Washington. Pa., n-porti excellent business through Wiscoii- of bMlne-unprV »'o7 In tbe copyrightedplay, "Was She[to of the cltv At hlsmen of which he holds the eole right In United States, Greet Britainjuid Canada. It Is a dramatisation of Bertha M Clays "A Bitter Atonement," and Is given at prices of 215, 60. 75 and 1.00. Mr. Carlton writes: "Local managers claim that Mr. Stutts la the most attractive star they have had thla season, and bave Invariably re- quested return dates for this or next season. Emma Carlton has become a prime favorite la Diane, while Mrs. Aggie Btnttx Is climb- ing to the top In Martha Ann Hopton. Our time close. In Wisconsin with this month, and wo will then play the larger cities In Iowa. Mr. Stutts sends congratulations to The Clippeb on Its twenty-six hundredth laeue. He bna been a constant render of It In. tbli and foreign countries for over forty years. He proposes to celebrate tbe fiftieth nier, presenting one of the strongest exhl- featuwT end""auwYats "n"mffiSSog' the' nigh ye " o( Tm Curns by giving• a Clippeb bltlon. of glaaa blowing under canvas, and standard which has made the nineof Oar- ggg&'P^KSOSSL aaamSSthe Introducing many new features. ,tde, Condlt A Mack a criterion wherever honoring and ^Ing In aacrrt metnonr the Nona pboii Tin J. B. Henix Comedy and they have appeared. Sle Hassan Ben All's QaDJe °» tne promotor of American drama, VaudevllleCo.-We are a wagon_sl»w_ of trouperiYrahlan^robats;iTtbeirTwonder" » na «l e « ct 5 ra , tr 1 e8t tr ^T- F ^!^3^ a il fnl human pyramid building and whirlwind Admieal DOT gave a banquet to the mem- bers of the Admiral Dot Bowling Club at White Plains, N. Y., on Saturday eight, Feb. 14. The supper waa served at Lexington Hall, White Plains, and waa given by Ad- miral Dot to celebrate tbethltty-ilftb. anniver- sary of tbe birth of his wife, who waa Lot- tie Swartiwood before her marriage. She played the part of the Fairy Queen, In 'Gul- liver's Travels," and, with the Admiral, look part In several other plays of the LIU- purl ana. Notbs mow Coxovm A Smith's Glass Blowbes. —Big business continues to rule with tbla company, and at Baraboo, Wis., we broke all records, packing tbem to the doom toe entire week. While at Baraboo we vlalted Ringllng Bros.' Winter Quarters and witnessed a herd of trained elephants being put through an act which will aston- ish the sbowgolng public. We will be Witt one of tbe big carnival companies this Sum — Notes from tbe Garalde, Condlt and Hack Big Stock Co.: At r we played to two weeks of cedented In tbe history of the city, every performance tbe New City Opera House waa taxed to Its utmost capacity, and .re- qnently the 8. B. O. sign waa In evidence. Washington Is Mr. Condlt'. borne, and be and his wife. Miss Morey, our leading woman, were tbe recipients of marked social atten- tion. Recent acquisitions to onr acting forces bave materially strengthened tbe com- pany. By tbe addition of some of the latest royalty successes we now have a rep- ertory that wins the approval. of both press and pnbllc. All of our pieces receive productions rarely at- tained by the average stock organisation, tbe management sparing nothing to make the costuming and scenic environment cor- rect In every detail. Our pleasing and up to date vaudeville entertainment la still a be a big one. Bxbon HfiiiN write, that he will bave two show, under canvas next season. Clar- ence Bldwell, hi. advance for tbe past five yean, will manage tbe No. 1 ahow. Farrell and Flaugherty have also signed with thl. ahow. Nona raou Alfamta Indian Medicine Co.—>We did tbe banner business of tbe season at McBherrvtown, turning people away every night Boater: Prof. Wm. Mar- netto, lecturer and proprietor; Harry Har- rington, stage manager and black face com- edian ; Frank Hassan, eccentric comedian; Jennie Cross, black art and legerdemain: Alice Harrington. In buck and wing danc- ing and ring mystery. Our next stand will be la Maryland. "The man In white" ap- pears every Sunday morning. Notes pboii DnKitAM'a Musical Comidt Co.—We are playing to fair house, and pleated audience.. At Delevan, III., Baby Martle waa presented with a fine Cocker apanlel pup. Roster: W. D. Denham, mana- Kr; Prof. Bichter aword awallower; Resale rabam, aoubrette; Denham Bros., com- edians: Denham Tota, Master Claude and Baby Martle, refined singing and dancing. All are doing well. . „ _ „ Notes raoM Dr. M. Ofpeniibimeb's Medi- cine CO.—We are within one hundred miles of our next stand (New Orleans), where we will witness the Mardl Gras festivities. Dr. I'letro Palma Joins tbe company for a month's stand, In Havana. Cuba, as Inter- ureter and press representative. We will be In tbe States again In April, opening our Hummer tour In or near Chicago. Notbs raou Tim Hough A Howabd United snows.—J. H. (Doc.) Lalne baa algned as general agent, and will report at Winter • iiiarters, Marlon, lad., the latter part of March to frame up plans for the coming •wason. Homer Truadall has alao signed aa contracting (local) agent. These names make It an assured fact that the advance will be properly taken care of thl. season. W. B. Darrall, Paul J. Ferry and John Sack- ett have signed for the band. With three exceptions, we will have tbe same band as last year, which was a very strong feature with tbe show. Our recent ad. In Tun Old Bbliabli brought ua a deluge of applica- tion from perforators, musicians and ad- vance people, enough to bave supplied talcut tor all tbe show. In ttio country. Faor. Vanoba reports having a very suc- cessful season In the West since opening In December, playing through Colorado. Utah, Nevada, California and Arlsona. Tbe sea- son will close on April 1, In Kansas. The company remain, tbe same as when It opened. Pbov. Jamb. W. Pnicn writes a. follows from India: "I left New York Oct. 26, 1002, and arrived here on Dec. 21, via Japan, China and the Straits Settlements. It 1. my Intention to leave here for New York about April 1, with a complete company of Rest Indian performers, consisting of acro- bats, gymnasts, Jugglers, magicians, tiger tamers and snake charmer.: also some freaks. Including the 'Delhi Giant' (nearly nine feet high). I hope to arrive In New York about the middle of May. Calcutta has plenty of amusements at the present time, Harnl.ton's Circus. Prof. Hose's Great Ben- gal circus, Brough's Dramatic Co., Henry Dallas' Dramatic Co. and the Tlvoll Mualc Hall, all doing good business. Tbe Daniel Frawley Dramatic Co. open, here, at tb. Theatre Royal, Feb. 2, 1 am glad to say I received the Old Bbliablb tba Drat week I arrived here." Roster or Clipton Rbuedt Co., No. 8.— G. H. Krabree, mnnngor; Rosa Kmbrce. treas- urer ; Smith and Myers, musical act: Maater Johnnie Smith, song and dance; Norman Goodwin, dancer; lllTlle Baldwin, black face and Irish comedian, and Dr. T. P. Hill. We are In our twelfth week, having played In three States. Smllh and Myers leave us next month and put out a company of tbelr own. Kobtkr Of P. R. GniT's Co.—Business Is good, and we have had the beat of luck all season. P. R. Gray, manager and proprie- tor ; C. It, Gray, business manager; Mrs. Lou Gray, glass workor: Charles Gray, glass blower j Moss Trendal, leader of orchestra ; Lem Brown, cornettlst; Will Winger, plan- 1st; Bob Young, comedian; A. 10. Warren, comedian. Kbllmi Bros. Notes. —All are on the go around the Winter quarters of Keller Bros.' dhow, and we have signed nearly all our people. Will J. I'llmmcr will manage the show this reason. "Beautiful Corlne?' pic- ture dancer, wl',1 be the feature of the vaude- ville, and Little Egypt will close the show every night with her Midway company. Our new wagon I. certainly a beauty. All old wagon, are being repainted, and Mr. Film- mer I. painting new scenery and a new drop curtain, which I. beautiful. Our old tent la being looked over by canvaa men, and the .bow opens May 11, nenr Chlcngo. Kollar Brothers, sole owners; Will J. Pllmmer. man- ager; Corlne Wall, treasurer; II. Chester, Charge of advance. Ciiiur Rolling Rear writes: "We closed In Miami, Fla,, Jan. 31, after two week, of fine business. We have taken a vacation, vial ting Cuba, and will now return to work, opening at Lemon City, Fla., Feb, 10, a re- turn engagement. Roster: Cblcf Rolling Rear, proprietor and manager; Bright Star, song; and dance souliretto; Mason dregs. black face song and dnnro comedian; Prof. ■ I. Von lieslnskv. musical director." Captain Ai.nxia Gror(iian, to whom bns been assigned (he Important task of securing the Cossacks and Arabs for tbe Luella Fore- rtaugh-FlBh Wild West Shows, haa nearly completed his efforts In this line. He has tabled that both of the foreign contingents will be the ducat representatives of their re- spective races that ever appeared In any similar exhibition. He experts to reach St. Louis about I he Inst of March. Notes mom T.andon ft Waldorf's Ideal Bntbrtain.rr, No. ft.—Business still con- tinues to be good. Our entertainment 1. re- ceiving all kinds of praise from the press and people, and everyone ltna a good word for the ideals. At Pncenlx, N. Y.. we were Elven a nice little spread after the enter- ilnment, and we were certainly used royal- ly, but such things are common occurrences tor No. S. But, best of all, we almost al- ways manage to get the <>i.n Rkliahlb every week, and see the man In white every Sun- day morning. nor. J. H. earn t'M writes: "I am tour- ing Mexico for on* month, tb.n go to Chl- BosIbm. I. toad." parting from last season's plan, we will cut the big cities, although Philadelphia proved a little mint last season. Our outfit will be entirely new: Big top, 00ft, with two 80ft. middles, with one ring and a stage. We will have one 41ft. baggage car and one 46ft, rleeper, finished In nice, first class style. Up tumbling, provoke wonder and enthusiasm at every performance. Onr bookings for tbe re- mainder of the season are of the beat, and Judging from paat experience should hold for us success, artistically and financially. — Notes from the Bryan Btock Co.: Af- ter a three week.' Illness of our leading lady (Nellie Palmer) we are again est tour, and playing to big bu.lneaa. We had thirty weeks of good business previous to Mis. Palmer', illness, and bave resumed our tour through Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York States. We will not close, as our time Is all ailed up to the opening of our Summer engagement. Tbe roster: 8. L. Martin, manager; Lonl* Blomensteln, busi- ness manager! Frederick Blgelow, stage dl- — Dick Ferris has added considerably to bis reputation as an energetic and success- ful manager by his managerial career In the Wcat, where he Is now extremely popu- lar and well established. MY. Ferris Is an exceedingly busy man, for tbe direction of his enterprises, the engaging of actors, the .election of plays, tbe painting of scenery and the general management, clown to the minutest detail, come under his watchful eye. Yet he finds time to play parts in his Minneapolis stock company. Mr. Ferris has made many friend, lu Minneapolis during his short term of residence In that city. — Mrs. Mollis Beroard resigned from "The Gypsy's Oath" Co. at Mlltmrn, N. J.. Feb. IS, on account of the complete loss of her voice, which .he .uttered while playing Lillian Lawrence, lady Juggler and .lack id singing ana dsnclr Don Ford will, as usual wire, and sing and dancing In concert, present hi. clown l'^)lieCtiy\w i^cMU^^iTletome, '»•«» «*• 8 '- *»*'■ Hospital, Bast St, Louis, singing and monologue: Leslie Palmer, sou- '"• brette specialties; Nellie Palmer, sons roinlnues and pantomime novelties, and do Jerome and Meredith, sketches; 8t. Clair his high diss mnglr and card manipulation, Slaters, single and double singing and danc- and Dan Rekiaw, trick Hindoo trunk, sack and handcuff mystery, and hi. latest novelty, never before per- formed under canvas, "Tbe Magician's Dream." We will bave a clean, refined con- cert, that will be well worth It. cost. For eiason of 19034 Don Ford and Don Carra? will produce "The Twins' Trip to Lelpslc, a three act mystical spectacular pantomime. Noras pboii Minnblm Bbob. —Active preparations are being made for the open- ing of Mlnnelll Bros.' Big Dramatic Co., under canvas. Our tent I. tbe biggest we have ever used, being an 80ft., with three BOft. middle pieces. Tbe scenery i. In oil and very - elaborate. Cushioned reserved seats are being built, and every detail for the public's comfort la being considered. Our repertory Is a splendid one, and particularly adapted to our little atar, Mlna Gennell. Tbe Mlnnelll Bros, have engaged a very strong company, and are confident of a repe- tition of last season's big business. F. W. Wtookit writes: "The German Medicine Co. opened In Shaws, Miss., Feb. 7, Lillian L. Smith, Kenneth Warren .nd Myrtle B. Warren are rehearsing in Chi- cago in "A Day and a Year." — Notes from tbe Hlckman-Beasey Co., under tbe management of V. F. Parker: We have continued our record breaking business, and have played Sioux City, la., tbree times; Bloux Falls, So. Dak., twice, to 8. it. O. each engagement. This company has, without a doubt, been doing the largest busi- ness of any repertory company Jn the West, Ing specialties, "cyclist. — Manager W. B. La Rose writes from Tl- tusvllle. Pa., under date of Feb. 11, as fol- lows l "Last night the Nelly Lyons Iiealy Co. produced, for the first time on any stage, 'Within tbe Hour,' a sensational melodrama written by Miss Healy. Tbe bouse was large and enthusiastic, and tbe play proved a great not having played one losing date alnce we success, Miss Healy scoring Immediately aa started out Our company numbera thlr- Kato Bennington. We are doing a fine bust- teen people, aa follows: F. F. Parker, man- ncss, and bave a great show. We have ager; Jack Beasey, Guy Hickman, Frederick lately been Joined by tbe Tbree Dees, whose Reynolds, Edward Stewart, Oliver Btorpa, specialty makes them great favorites. Miss Marlon Tarlton, J. A. C. Hickman, Daisy Healy plays all of her leada, and always Asbmore Parker, Katberlne Lennon, Helene Uarte, Mrs. Tarlton and Grace McLean Hickman. Guy Hickman, one of the pro- Srletors, waa married on the stage at tbe rand Opera House Feb. 10, to Grace Mc- Lean. The bouse was packed from pit to dome, and the S. It. O. sign went out at 8.45 sharp. After tbe performance of "Tbe Diamond Mystery" tbe audience remained seated, and when tbe curtain rose again makes a hit. She 1. supported by myself, playing all opposite" — T. H. Winnett writes: "I have secured from J. II. TUIotson the exclusive rights for Ave year, to: *A Young Wife,' 'Lyn- wood,' 'Dens and Palaces,' and 'Queens;' also tho absolute agency of Myron Leffing- well's latest play, The Land of the Caplns,' which will have Its Initial production at and Is doing a swell business, and will be Phillip's Lyceum Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y., a " rhe h ere two weeks, and then for Rosedale, Miss." this season. I am also the exclusive agent covered World of Players* — Frank Robertson, buslneaa manager of the Payton Sisters Co., send. u. tbe follow- ing: "Cornelia Stafford ha. returned to tbe company, and we now have fourteen acting people. We are playing mostly the large cities South, and bave the satisfaction of knowing we are making good by the com- plimentary press notices and requests for return dates. We have several good parka offered us, and this Bummer will find ua In the beat of them. Time la ta.t filling for next season, and It will find us with our usual strong company and all special paper. Tub Old Reliable is alwaya welcome, and la read from 'elver lo elver' by everyone." — Notes from tbe "An American Hustler" Co., Gus Bothner ft Geo. F. Hall, managers: While playing Itlnghamton, N. Y., Saturday, Geo. F. Hair was especially Invited by the lllngbamton Press Club to attend tbe ban- quet given In honor of Henry Watterson, editor In chief of The Louisville Courier- Journal. It was attended by an assemblage of representative citizens of Broome county —nowspaper men, lawyers, U. B. government officials, and, in fact, notable men of every {iromlnent walk of life were present. •'rankle Ht. John and Johnnie Le Fevre put on their new act, at Utlca, laat week, and It waa well received, tbelr Ivy medley song and dance being a hit. Tbey are now In their twenty-ninth week with this at- traction, and answering several encores nightly. Tbe .how I. booked .olid until June 16. — John B. Wills write.: "The Will. Bros commenced their Canadian tour Feb. 0 at Ottawa, being especially engaged for race week. Pete Coleman and Barney Demarest called on me at the Opera Houae Feb. 10, It wna quite a surprise, a. we were partners In 1882, and launched the May Adams Japanese Minstrels. We talked over old times, and spent a very pleasant evening. The member, of thl. company are looking forward quite expectantly for the memorial number of Tub Old Reliable." — After a tour of the South with the Ethel Tucker Stock Co. for nine and a half months, F. B. Flood has Joined the l.aurs Winston Stock Co., for advance. members of the company were dla- on the stage, and when the bride for 'The Little Magnet,' 'The Maid of tbe Bnd groom made their appearance, to the Mill,' 'The Man from the South,' 'Blue wedding march, It waa the signal for ap- (Irass,' 'Slaves of Fortune,' 'Gold King,' P'ause from the audience. Mayor Caldwell '81ns of the Night,' 'On tbe Frontier,' 'Bea- performed tbe ceremony. Mr. Hickman and con Lights,' 'Gary Owen,''Who's Your Wife?" »*■ '.."i..- received many costly presents, 'Gunner's Mate,' 'Resurrection' (Chase's among which waa a handsome black ebony version), 'Wlfo for Wife,' 'Cross Roads of tollet ■**- trom Manager Beall, of the Grand Life,' etc." Opera House. The Stage Union presented them with a solid Jewel case, with their compliments, and the name of their order handsomely engraved. Manager Parker pre- sented them with a check for $00, and nu- merous present, were received from other members of the company. — Note, from the Nellie Lyons Healy Dra- matic Co.: We wish to state that wo opened at Kane, Pa., Feb. 12, to tbe largest house — Edwin Arden Is out of the caat of "Ths Ninety and Nine," Buffering from tonallltl... — George Fawcett'e attractions: George Fawcett, the actor-manager of Baltimore, will probably Invade New York, or If not that city, another of tbe great cltlea of tbe East, thl. Spring and early Summer, with a dramatic stock company, formed from the tbree companies he has now playing. It I. possible for him to get either one of three theatres offered to him in New York City, but he Is looking for one which would be more suitable for his purposes than either of these. Negotiations are now under way which may place him on Broadway before many more weeks pass. Mr. Fawcett has been in New York within the last few days, any repertory company ha. ever bad In that bouse.. We are doing fine business all along the line. Have changed some of our people, and the roster i. as follows: W. E. La Rose, manager; N. Alvarex, stage director; Char- ley Thomas, advance: Nelly Lyons Healy; second woman, Catherine Currier; aou- brette, Pearl Wlntbrope; leading man, W. convinced that a company made up from the three companies he haa playing woulu be aa strong a stock organization aa New York baa ever known. Such a company aa he would place In New York would be adapted to the production of Shakespearean plays and other atandard work., as well aa the modern drama, and It would embrace practically all tbe principals of bis three companies, Including Mary Whaw, Perry Haswell, George Fawcett. Frank Qlllmore, De Witt Jennings, Frederick Lewi., but not Grace Kimball, leading woman with tbe Frank Glllmore section. Ml*. Kimball Is to go starring next season. Mr. Fawcett wantu New York, but going into that city would not interfere with his future plans for Baltimore and the Jake Well, circuit throughout the 8outb. — Note, trom the Dot Karroll Co.: Bu.l- ness In Lakewood was bnd. We opened mat- inee Feb. 12, In Chester, Pa„ to B. It. O., and at night, with an enormous procession (firemen) against us, played to good busi- ness. Saturday matinee we turned them away, and at night had 8. R. O. Manager Hargraves Immediately booked u. for a re- turn next season. The great Plerpont acro- batic trio Joined 0, and made an instan- taneous hit in their wonderful acrobatic — Notes from Rowland A Young'a BIJon specialties Seasons 190304 are booked looking over the situation there, and he la ■"• k* Ro8B '• heavies, Arthur Metcalfe; char- Comedy Co.: We played Kincardine, under the auspices of the fire department, and packed houses were tbe rule nil week. At the conclusion of tbe performance of Saturday the committee of tbe Bremen tendered an oyster auppor to the company. We are all enjoying the best of health, and the roster remains the same. Manager Young Is pre- Fin ring for the Summer season, when Row- and A Young will have two companies, with a possibility of a third. — Anno Harrison (Mrs. W. Dick Harri- son), who has been with the Spooner Dra solid, in week standB only. We will bave nine royalty bill, and nine vaudeville acts, and will play first class theatres only throughout the Eastern circuit. Have al- ready contracted to play the Cahn A Grant circuit of theatres. Oliver Doud Byron was a guest during our engagement In Red Bank, and rehearsed the company In hi. great play, "The inside Track." Our repertory the present season includes: "A Night In Chinatown" (J, C. Welsh, sole owner), "The Inside Trick," "Cinderella" and "The Kid- acters, N. Alvares; comedian, De Loss B. Bdsail; general business, Wm. Currier; re- sponsible business, II. Bardcn Lefferts. Our specialty features: The Three Dees, Bdsail and Wlnthrope, Bonnie Dee, and Zaro, tbe magician. Leader, Paul Foster Case. — The Melton Twin Slaters, the two Topsys with Stetson's "U. T. C." Co. (West- ern), closed a very successful engagement at Salem, O., and will play a few vaudeville dates. They go with the Great Wallace Show for tbe Bummer season. — Frank Uarcourt, of Harcourt and May, is a patient In tba Baptist Hospital, St. Louis, with a severe effectlon of the throat. He woe compelled to leave the "A Million- aire" Co. at Bast St. Louis, Feb. IB. — Chas. W. Benner writes: "I bave sev- ered my connection with the Klnseys, aa manager, and am devoting my entire time and attention to tbe booking of two well known people, who will bead tbelr own company, In repertory, season opening Aug. 8. Nothing but royalty plays will bo pre- sented, for wblch we will carry special scenery and mechanical effects for each pro- duction. Time Is being rapidly filled. Will play two weeks of fair dates in Ohio and Indiana, after wblch will start Bast. — Richard A. Wild haa Joined Robert Downlng's company, playing the principal comedy, Bud Newsome, la his new play, "In Arkansas." — Frank M. and John B. wills' Comedy Co. has maintained this season the enviable reputation it has won by sterling merit In tbe past, and the result Is that big business Is Invariably the report from this attraction at every stand. The stare have Increased their host of admirers by tbelr capital com- edy work, and tbe supporting company ma- terially aids tbem by uniformly excellent work, In the support of Frank M. and John B. Wills this season are: A. B. Webster, nnppers, or a Waif of the Sierras." Ada matlc Co. for the paat twelve year., has Lawrence Joined for characters IB, replacing Walter S. Wills, Kate Helston Wills, James been obliged to retire from the company for Inda Palmer. Leslie, the Great Richards, Louise Mink, a short lime, owing to 111 health, and I. ...—.M»"y Gordan writes from Qulncy, Dick Thomas, May Butler, Pearl Perry, How- now In Corpus, Tex., undergoing '•'■ : The eeaaon of my production, 'A Royal ard Webster, Jennie Llnd, Chas. J. Shea, slave,' far exceeds my expectation, and baa proven one of the melodramatic successes of the year. The season opened July 27, and with the possible exception of two weeks be- fore the holidays, and the past two weeks In Kansas and Missouri, business has been special treatment for stomach trouble. — Maud Allen (Mrs. Mart Stanley) la meeting with excellent success, she Informs us, as leading Ingenue with the Cincinnati Stock Co. Last week, In "Fancbon, the Cricket," she received numerous floral gifts. Kant — Kvan. ft Ward Note.: Manager Evans pig. haa added the Columbia Lady Band, which A <! la a big hit. Alice Cole, who has been 111 ?4, S rll with grip and waa left at Tower City, has Joined us again. Llbby Morris and Garger Aahton Join us at Cluster City, N. J. Manager Bdward P. Bvana paid u. a vle't at 8alom. Both companies play to good business. The Kvans ft Ward Stock Co. will go to Texas for next season. — Harry Nye, business manager witb the Mamie Fleming Co., writes: "Business con- tinues very good Indeed with this company. Wllllamsport and Klmlra gave us large ••*•»> ».»>.■>«>, -..„ .»«. ...,,■«,. ... nutsutv. houses during the two weeks, and the first After a brief tour West the company will I have booked three companies to play Royal Slave' next season, opening July 24, 20, and Aug. 8, also a magnificent pro- duction of 'The Holy City,' taken directly from Biblical Incidents. Also the popular priced melodrama, 'The Great Mill strike,' which we are playing week stands exclu- sively. The water of'A Royal Slave' Co., No. 1. thl. season, Is a. follows: Harry Gor- dan, Clarence Bennett, Capltola Marshall, Margaret Neville. Jack Sherman, Otto Koer- ner, Earnest Robinson, Tom Tomllnson, K. O. Henry, Teddy Thomas, Isma Clifford and Irene Ducket, with Ed. Barron In advance. George C. Raymond and Leola C. Raymond. — The Bar! of Rosslyn will take out his own company In a new play, "The Young Miss Fettlfer," by W. Gayer Mackay. Start- ing at Peeksklll, N. Y., on March 2, he will tour through Canada till Easter, when he hopes. If successful, to bring bis play to New York. He will rotoln hie stage name, James Brsklne, and will be supported by William C. Owen. Btlenne Glrardot, Charles I. Bell, and Beatrice Irwin, of tbe Bmplre company, who Charles Frohman has released from her part In "Tbe Unforeseen." Mr. Fedrls will be the business manager, and Percy Sage advance manager. — Horace V. Noble and wife (Teasle Lor- raine) bave been signed by Manager Henry Relmar for his big melodramatic production Be of "Tracy, the the Bast. half of the present week In Geneva, N. Y.. haa brought out tbe 8. It. O. board. W. P. Hurt Joined ua at Klmlra, aa comedian, and Maater Fnrrell alao Joined, to sing Illustrated songs. The company now numbera eighteen people, and la certainly on. of the very — W. F. Ms son and Marie War field are In their third week with Fits ft Webster's "A Breesy Time" Co,, doing their special- ties and playing parts, and report meeting open on the Stair ft Haviln circuit, and the season will close on June 0." — William Ingersoll, leading man of the Grand Opera House Stock Co., Pittsburg, waa married In that city at midnight on Feb. 14 to Sadie Arbuthnot, an non-profes- sional. _ — Bum. and Bloomlngdale Join the Southern Comedy Co. at Shelby, N. C, Feb. 18. audit," touring Thott. L. Brower Is In his thirtieth week, playing heavies, with Hoyt'i Comedy Co. — Frank H. Btowell writes: "I received eighteen letters, tbree telegrams and one postal from my recent Clipfbb 'ad.,' and have algned for the remainder of the season to pilot Neeblt Scovllle'e 'A Country Kid' Co." — 'Will Harrison, of Harrison ft Bitter, proprietors of the Herald Square Stock Co., haa turned over all rights to Mr. Bitter, and • February 28. — W. H. Gracey, manager of the Mamie Fleming Co, write.: "We are In oar twenty third successful week of tbe season, with fourteen more to go. After onr engagement at the Kensington Theatre, Philadelphia, we went to ML Carmel, Pa., and broke the house record at every performance. At wll- llarosport. Pa., we did another tanner week, and started out on Monday night In Blmlra to 8. B. O.. but, unfortunately, MIsb Flem- lng was taken very suddenly 111 and could not appear at the performance Tuesday mat- inee. We were compelled to lay off till Fri- day, when we again opened to 8. B. 0, at matinee and night, and continued tbe same Saturday at both performances. At Mt Carmel Manager Joe Gonld tendered tbe en- tire company an elegant banquet after tbe performance on Saturday night, which all tbe member, of the company enjoyed to the utmost. I. J. Fleming, Mis. Fleming', father, was a visitor from Philadelphia, and also participated In the festivities. Our tour will extend through New York State, then Into Vermont, and back to Philadelphia, for a four weeks' run during the latter part of April and beginning of May. We are booked nearly solid for next season, and will have a larger and stronger company than ever, Maa- ter Farrell, the phenomenal boy baritone, and Hermann F. Robinson, musical director, are new additions to our company, and will remain for tbe rest of tbe season, Mac and Mac and their trick house ia one of our many feature acts, snd are an Immense hit everywhere. We bave signed them for next season as a special feature, and' they are booked nearly Mild In park, for the Bum- mer." — Notes from At. W. Martin's attrac- tions: The "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. has enjoyed up to now the most successful sea- son It has experienced under Mr. Martin's guidance, with every Indication that the re malnlng week, of It. booking, will bring equally as strong proofs of Its popularity, while Mr. Martin'. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" Co. ha. appeared to most emphatic success wherever produced. W. C. Cunning- ham, general manager for Al. W. Martin's enterprises, announces another attraction to be added to Mr. Martin's list of well known productions—"The Lyndon Bank Robbery," a big scenic production, by Melville B. Hay mond and Joseph Le Brandt. The scenes are laid In Lyndon, Kansas, and many of tbe characters drawn from life. A large number of States have been drawn on for atmosphere, and tbe foundation of numerous &lays laid In almost every section of the nlon, but up to date Kansas has escaped. The population of tbla Western State be- ing so varied gives, perhaps, more scope for unique characters than almost any other locality within the borders of this broad land. Of course, the robbery of Lyndon's bank Is the big scene, but the robbery I. committed by a couple of Chicago cracks- men, and not In the old fashioned Western way, when bandits swooped down upon a town and made their escape on horseback, under fire from tbe conventional posse. The story Is new. A car sixty feet In ths clear will be required to transport the scenic equipment, and a cast of more than twenty sneaking parts, besides supers, will portray the roles. — Marie Tempest will open at the Hud- son Theatre, New York, next November, with her full London company, Including Gilbert Hare, lo "The Marriage of Kitty," The play has now passed Its two hundredth night In London, and is Btlll filling Wyndbam's Theatre. After her season In New York Miss Tempest will visit tbe principal cities, returning to England at the end of May, 1004. — Gertrude Cosgrove, of Pittsburg, made her debut evening of Feb. 0, In "A Chinese Honeymoon," at tbe Casino, New York. — u. B. Robinson Informs us that Jams. L. l'helnn, late heavy man with Lacy A Lyons' Big Stock Co., will atar next season In "Tbe Man of Mystery." — Notes from ''Casey's Troubles/* Ken- nedy ft Gray, managers: Mrs. B. A. Kennedy has completely recovered from typhoid fever, and rejoined her husband at Kansas City. It was certainly a treat for tbe two little Ken- nedy children to see their mother, after a lapse of Ave months. We are now In Mis- souri, and will be In Iowa In a few days. We are booked solid until the second week In April, and return dates are aaked for at every stand. — The attache, of Chas. H. Yale's the iilrlral studios and warehouses, at Phila- delphia, presented Mr. Yale, on hi* birth- day, with a handsome clock and two beauti- ful vases. The doners were: Anna M, Klmes, Clarence D. Greenawalt, Arthur J. Overpeck and Owen Ferree. Al. H. Wilson, after play- ing New Orleans, will bave three weeks In Texas, and then start North, going a. far. a. Minneapolis, Minn. HI. houaes bave been uniformly large. Mr. Yale paid a visit to lloston, Mass., last week, to spend his birth- day with hi. father. — Joe H. Lee Is In his twenty-fifth week with the Perucbl-Beldenl Comedy Co., play- ing parts and doing specialties, Introducing tbree songs and dances of bis own composi- tion. He 1* playing two Chinese comedy parts and doing a Chinese song and dance. — Mr. and Mrs. Claude Kelly are In their . — M. B. Lsavltt sails for Africa about is at hU home la Baltimore, Md., under the March IS. ears of bis doctor. thirteenth week with the Lllllnn Lyohs Stock Co. Mr. Kelly Is playing parts and doing his specialties between acts. Mrs. Kelly is musical directress with the comp- any. Mr. Kelly writes: "I received elghty- elgbt answers (and more coming every (lay) to my 'ad.' In your valuable paper, from people wanting to purchase my flying lady Illusion. If I had had four or five Illusions I could have disposed of them very easily. Tub Clippbb, say I, for quick returns." — Notes from the Irene Myers Co.: We still continue to get our share of buslnesB, and although we find It difficult to exceed some of the records we established last season, our business up to tbe present time amount, to several hundred dollars over last season. Manager Myers is busily en- gaged la securing ploys for next season, when we expect to present an entirely new repertory. Negotiations are pending for three metropolitan successes to be used with the Will H. Myers Stock Co., which will play tbree night stands exclusively, next season. " — Frank W.8anger has secured control of H 18 "JS* E h . lch "'chard Harding Davla and Franklin Fyles are making from Mr. Davis novel, "Captain Macklln.'* — Charle. C. Robinson writes: "I have Just arrived from the southwest. 'The Bankers Clerk' is a big success everywhere, and manager, are thoroughly satisfied. For more thnn three months I have been under the care of a doctor. I am Informed that I have lnslplent paralysis, which will prob- a .'. l} '. , Iny me UD eventually. The Banker'. Clerk' Is well booked for 1004." a "'" rt .i-T"" I i?. tcs from J °hn Huftl. "D. T. C." and "Ten Night. In a Bar Room" Co.: We are In our seventh wjek, and busmen is very « ; °! r u C0 PP* D J' numbers ten people. Roster: John Huftle, proprietor and mana- f? r ;„ Net .'^, UuMle ' Ke "> Huftle, Myr. Huftle, Addle Bowen, Mary Rush, Chas Cole, Geo. Stahl, Le Roy Boswortb and] Nick Render. The Huftle Children are mak- ing a hit with their Illustrated songs. Every- one l ?5{ IB ,, for .. T ! ,,, .P M> Bbxiabm every week. — "O'Flarlty's Vacation" Notea: Business continues goocf through Indiana. We opened Jhe new K. of P. Opera House, at South Mllford, to capacity business, and booked a re ™.f n ,?* te on R guarantee. We are booked until May 16, going Into Ohio after next week, and closing In Michigan. Manager Lambert has Invited several of the members to pass the Summer at his Summer horns at Crooked Lake, Mich. All are well, prosper ous and happy ' p* w p"^ — H. A. Tousey, Allan Peare*. H. B &? ,lman ...*2.4 Ksthrlne Nleber closed with FlL. S* T. 8 t*W"»»" CO. at OalnWill"