The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February 28. THE HN"EW YORK CLIPPER. 5 gjWgjje Rome Ci$t This list U made up ■■ nearly ■«. Borate a. It la possible to make a list of vandrvlllr liooklnsi. Errors which mar appear ta this depart- ment from time to time will be Owing- to late cancellations or trnni- fers of dates, of whloh we bare to depend upon the performers for no- Flelds, W. C—Keith's, New York, Feb. 28- Meers, Sinters— Auditorium, 28. P «f«» * Craaer—BIJou, Norfolk, Vs., Feb. U4li vis 99 8 .> , a te, ?^f 0,, ! ,orl, '5 1, ... Ph "* d ?!r >h, 1' ^ e,)b ' , SMl'-'Arcade, Toledo, Feb. 28-28. Feb. 28-28, Auditorium, Baltimore, March Wood, Geo. H.—H. ft B., Brooklyn Fe '•'. . 23-28. Feg»* Barry-Empire, C.mUnd. Feb. ^ wSC^glSS^IS^^tS& *» "* ^^ A ~*' gcr).—I,ast week the Royal Rurlesquers, . Fob. with Jerk Munroe, the Butte miner, turned - ■ .. - ,_ JJ?°P |C " W, <J during the entire engagement. e. Toledo, Feb. This week, Rice A Norton's Itoee H|ll Co. Transatlantic Rurlesquers March 2-7. Kmiijik Tiiiatri im. 8. Schleslnger, man- P, M d .rchS?T' M ° n ^ >rPhe0m ' *"» C '*' "Sfc Vmrt °*- B ' * *' "»-**■» W.^„ 82 Bro«he,o-n.,market. Chicago. ^ j™- "RE 2U Mro "-^- °" *• »—M«* "WJ Yo?h raf^S - " 1 ' Mth 8,Met ' ■*•»« at« Brandt. Am.ter- ^^^J^S&^dSSSSi «S Flake and McDonough—O. O. H., Indlanaco- Mathews an'd AshiJv—i'winr> siu *t r ..» .. ol,nl ' Holland, Feb. 23-28. Wiley and Blanche Howard, played to the He, Feb. 28r2& u " u "" v ' =" """""I"- ""J'^*^^"^: 1 roc ' or ■ 28a 8trwt ' Yorke and Adams—Haymarket. Chicago. Feb. capacity. This week, "Mies iWy -Jr.." a >r». .'."P. » 28-28. burlesque, by the stock, beaded by Miss King, and followed by a Hoe olio. Is making fo^iJ.^o^.oP^te'wTrh S" and "ST T ™«»- C " c "' N * C"* **■ *»' Motoglrl-K1tb7s\ New" York, Feb. 2SM.rcb ;:r, d J'sSoa' .VfSiroe g,,:-' «'—- ^B.nclalr-Partor's, New York. March Mujh,and S.ater-Olymp.c, Chicago. Feb BggjgKg^g, Feb. 28-28. z *W"* Brnett—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28- Murphy and Wlllard—Park, Worcester, Feb. Adair andi Dahn-JacW, Waterbury. Ct., Frederick Bros, and Burna-Proctor'a 68th Mitchell! a'T.-rro$or ! s ESP Avenue Feb. 28-28, Poll's New Haven March 2-7. Street, New York, Feb. 23-28. New York Feb iisS ATenne, A, &?k n \ a n , %", l i laX ~~ Ton ' Paftt0, "'». N *» "ffltf * w «t-*'Jou. Norfolk, V... Feb. Mldgely and Carl'lsle^Proctor's 68th Street. Stage mechanics. good. Noths. —The Honda Rossa gave their matinee and a night performance last week, at the Columbia, to fine bualness Wm. II. Wonisley. for a long time connected with Ohnno'H Theatre, aa programme and ad- vertising agent, has resigned that position to accept a similar one w... the Ilarnum a York, Feb. 28-28. 28-28. vHwYiTri "nvh'on oY "~ -■■■"• Thl. H,r», )m .,, v.. k„„ ..,..„., ,_ «" J«Wi « simnnr one w.... me i A, il^B ^TllI^H«ym«rtet. Chicago. Feb. Fredo, aodDare-Hurt.g ft Seamon's, N. Y. M. 1 ^, Sean', fat Be^?i-Clrc.e. New York, «£&&*$% W&fTSGm ""'" °"" » |g the co g ,,,, seaa on. *m£& AshtOD-Weaat'a, Peoria, HI., Fleld/VnTOfcy-Ton, Paator^ New York, Me^ltb^tenr-Ol.more's. Spr.ngfleld. Feb. |S?W% "oe° ™$T\™ EffiK «»"»• Amstron* Berths—Atlsntie n.m.n «... « .28-28; Park, Worcester. March 2-7. It The flrst paper to give space In apodal IM, Mrtha—Atlantic Garden, Nor- a Morris and Morris—Auditorium, Norfolk, mention of scenic artists, stage mechanics. , Feb. 28-28. electricians, stage carpenter*, property men Horts. malinger)—"A Mes Musllner's Pigs—Mala Street, Peoria, Feb. »nd others employed In the actual labors of w'th Charles llowtroy. th ""'a Drat la ni.vionaiv in. M'llson presented "The T 28-28. son ■}. 2 trong, ArSstro.n> a and%nyl 8 Mecha n tc'i Hall, 8a- G ««!»|°. J<««P'>lne-KeltV^ New York, Feb lem, Mass., Feb. 23-28. Grant * Grant—Orpheum, Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. Armstrong and Wright—Poll's, Bridgeport, Ct. FeB. 2828, H. ft B., Brooklyn."Warch GalrUons. Jnlea & Blla-O. O. H., Indian An M-2 n /' T W — 8,ar ' =■■«»•». Cm., Feb. Q £& tontt Lotta-DUIe, Bcranton, Feb. 23- ^ eb n 28°8 rt,e, ~ T0n7PMtOr '' ,NeWTort * Ol^Lj, James Richmond-Keith's, New eo. -o«. _ Yotk, Feb. 28-28. Goldla, Horace—Empire, Cleveland, Feb. 28- 23-28. the stage. This first Iksuc Is obviously In Clevelnnil.—At the Opera House (A. F. "" usage from Mars." . bis week. Francis presented "The Toreador" week of Mehan'a Dogs—Main 8treet, Peoria, Feb. 28- complete, as the fact of our Intention to be- Feb ' 10 - Martin Harvey week of March 2. 28. gin this column la not generally known. .,-ffiSKSi .1 J> £• ••SS^S- ."i? na S? r)_ : Martini and Mnrlmllllan—Keith's, New York, However, we hope, with the ce-operutlon of !' h| 8 n , t ,,c ,!'■ wee « ■? I'Bb. 23. "The Sign of IT'-V. no no ' * 1. - 1_» i_. ■ a. ■ ii. - . ■ . til A 1 ' niDu ' run a iti'.uitml m I r It nnntnil Viahoa. Feb. 28-28. Garon Andy A Mazle—Rlatto, Blmlra, ■< Y., Feb. 28-28, Pastor's, New York, March 2-7. Besnah and Miller—Proctor's 68th Street, Now York, Feb. 28-28. Baker and Lynn—Proctor's 28d Street, New York, Feb. 28 28. Burrows and Travis—Proctor's 28d Street, Gorman A West—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28- New York, Feb. 28-28. 28. Barton, Clara—Atlantic Garden, Norfolk, Grant, Sydney—Orpheum, Brooklyn, Feb. 23 Feb. 23-28. Va., Feb. 28-28. 28. Neasen and Nessen—Olympic, Chicago. Feb. Soamon A I.andls, Barnes. Paul ft Co.—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. Oleeson, John and Bertha—Keith's, New 28-28. scenic artlats, report 28-28, . _ _ York, Feb. 28-28. « sonB In the history those Interested, to build up a department the Cross wns greeted with packed houses « which will entirely fulfill the mission for ll,8t week "When Reuben Comes to Town" Nelson, Robert, and Co.—Casto Lawrence which It li Intended, and prove Interesting we >; k of March tf. Mass.. Feb. 2R-28 V0 -^ M '°' ""w™ 11 ™. Br ,d valuable to those whom we seek tS Cl«v«i.and (J. K. Cookson, manager).— NowlIn, Dave—Orpheum, New Orleans, Feb. F5* Contributions are In/Ited from every- ' lw <> {»)} '» Walfa week pf Jeb. 23. "For 23-28\ wriraos, reo. body congtUut | ng tne working for< . 0 behind lltt . Children's 8ako' held the boards last Nobel, Chas.—Hurtlg ft Seamon's N. Y. Cltv. toe eurtnln. We desire Itcma of news, per- «««, Next. 'Uncle Tom s Cabin. Feb. 28-28. ' 7 ' sonal notes, descriptions of new productions, <-"*""»» E"i'!'>.» (<-bas. J. Stevenson, man- ■ i i ■ i i kvii; »M»s iivivivti «ai« * t*i# a the well known Chicago Bn 28jr<r!rew n ft'ttmSSST "l ™*V .inuk^Thelr T,1 ° «'«- ton.™*wceTof'-i's. ' Bans, Bessie—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. 28- Granville, Rose—Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., 0 rth and Fern—Haymarket Chicago Feb frames" are flTcd" with rush orders', d... ._.. b..4„ « « « ^»..„ _ t ni^? - £?.._ «.._ « ■■ .. »-v .... 28-28. keep them busy working over time. ^."o 1 " 1 tonton—C. O. H., Chicago, Feb. Green, Harry—Main St., Peoria, Feb. 28-28. Ostradc^-Kelth's. New York, Feb. 28-28. 28*28. H — Ba £r , 2no2 Ca " t * r c °— Keltn '». New *•* Hall, Wm. D.—Keith's, Providence, Feb. 28- Byant fHarbaugh-Star, Hamilton, Can., i?f. FftB "" Theatre ' Portlan<1 - *■ Mareh Hagan and Merrlam—Sheedy's, Fall River. Mass., Feb. 23-28. Hayes ft Healy—H. ft B., Brooklyn, Feb 23-28. Feb. 28-28. Barry, Fanny—Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 23-28 Bernard, Mike—C. O. II., Chicago, Feb. 23-28. ^vitv 1 ' b. T k KS22*'** 23(1 dtreet ' New "a" 1 ". Chae.-Howard, Boston, Feb. 28-28. Baner?nlS^C 8 0 8 H.. Rochester,. Feb. 28,28. Ua ££ 23 d .28 U . n,1 • 8nd ^^^ New York ' Prevost and Prevost—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. 28-28. Paxton's, Robert—Lyceum Feb. 23-28. Powers ft Freed—Parlor, Duluth, Feb. 23-28. ParroB Brothers—Sheas, Toronto, Can., Feb. 23-28. Permane Hros.—Auditorium, Philadelphia, Fob. 23-28, Auditorium, Baltimore, March 2-7. which Among the contracts they are now executing are complete scenic equipments for now thea- tres at Hudson, N. II.: Gladstone, Mich.; Liberty, Neb.: Rockford, la.; Hammond, Ind.; Btoneboro, Pa.: Knox, Ind., and Chnrles- Phllodelphla, town. N. H. Tbey novo nlso provided scen- ery for tho new Scottish Rlto Cathedral, Portland, Ore.; the State Normal School Hall, Moorebead, Minn.; tin Theatre, Chicago ; Memorial managers).— The oponlng number represents the High Rollers on a trip to Paris. Thoro are some good special- ties and novelties In the olio. The bur- lesque Is "The Heart of New York." Harry Morris' A Nlgbt on Broadway Co. week of March 2. Notes. —Thomas I'roston Brooke, with his Mnriiin Ilnnd and Orchestra, gave two con- certs at tbt Lyceum Theatre Sunday, Feb. , 22. Among the special foaturos were the ■ the tusndsrif r Lh two soloists, Lilian Iteld, aoprano, and Bert irlal llafl Frank In » ro "' n ' cornattlat ...The Pittsburg tie ThraVre iin.tni. Orchestra. Victor llerbort, conductor, with B.nn.^and Blnns-Haymarket. cfh.cago. Feb. Hayes and Snlt—C. 0. H„ Chicago. Feb. Po^eil. Paul-Cook's O. H.. Rochester, ^mo'rt Md. Vb. n 23-28 t ' 1e_B^,Pl^e, Balt '" twSO ™#d&»xJ&!*K ^b. 23^28 -* Buoman and Adelle—Bon Ton, Jersey Feb. 28-28 . Feb. KSM'SSS WS& S-raSJ Sert V 'o , ; C X (f ZV,a b n n ""m 0 i,sfc nV a°t WW '-"•- Iianen A ruiicr —OIJ0U, Atlanta. *eD. ZO-ZB. Pnrkpr'a Dnirt—hlTlo Rerant«n lS.h o* oa ... . .u . '. •" .. Cty. He 2 D 3 d 28 8 ° D lnd n< " S - k « lth -" Bo " tOD ' Feb ' ^^S^pWSS^^-Sa !H e c r .. 0, S,age ,D i.frn n ;, , , C .« "?!'•_ 4-««"h:«. Philadelphia, Feb, 23-28. P.Vklns and Calvette-Audltorlum. Norfolk. SS^SHL^SfflS Lee M. nart, general secretary and trens- Arniofy. T bursaay night. Fob. 10 . lonal Alliance of Thea- _ , . "~~ '. ' „ , ~" _. es, has promised to Toledo.—At tho Valentine Theatre ititlons to this column, (Otto Kllvua, manager).—The week_ of IB Burtons, Four—Parlor, Duluth, Feb. 23-28. BMlia^^nbSmS^mSSE^wS^Et Pe ^ k L n8 o an >a Calvette—Andltorlum. Norfolk, covering affairs which will be of Interest was given to local outertnlnmonts. Booked: Baker and Brockway—Tony Pastor's, New 28 *Mpn-nni-, wm^a, na mm beb. 28-28. to members of tho several singe unions Hlchnrd Golden, In "Foxy Qulller," 28; York, Feb. 28-28. Haskell. Loner—Emnlre Hoboken Feb 28- SifiS*-**•*£= P T lo Il.P! lluth v , ' e J„ 23- ?. 8 L which bis alllonce represents. Secretaries "Hky Form" 26, Friday matlnes, 27, Press *, Feb. 28-28. nankell I.onev S'lnnlro Rohoksn W.h 9H il^S 1 ^" r A «•—™nor, Milium, reo. aa-XB. i. Florence—Proctor's 68th Street, New jBi keltn ? sT Boston March 2-7 r "S?!tS Bisters—Audltbrlum, Norfolk, Feb. 0 f local unions are particularly requested to Clu6 benefit (vnuiloviiio) ; "Florodora" 28. k, Feb. 23-28. Howard and' Bland—Tony Pastor's New ™ .?'"• ,„ .», „ .. „ "nko frequent reports of elections, meet- L*c«uii TiiSATitn (Frank Hurt, mann S M.._p™^.e-. ifirih t.. v.- .""JL"!? „■?".?!! rB - ' Patterson. Minnie—Atlantic Garden. Nor- | ngg 0 r social functions which would con- gcr).—Uollly ft Wood's Show gave a good cern tbelr locals or others Interested. Gill, and wits well patronised, Ift-la, Billy The Daniels Studio, Chicago, seems to Van and Nclllo O'Neill, In "llollvar's Busy hare mastered the secret of producing "dye" Day," gave a good performance, to splon- secnery, which neither cracks In Imndllng did business, 111-21. ''Pock and His Mother Burns Yorl Bryant, May—Proctor's Fifth Ave., New York, Feb. 23-28. Brandon, Lottie—Bllou, Atlanta, Feb. 23-28 Baggessens, Tha—H. ft B., Brooklyn, Feb. 28-March 2. O Callahan ft Mack—Keith's, Providence, Feb. 23-28. York, Feb. 23-28. Pn f 0 t |k re0 Feb M 2a , 2S _AtlantlC Qarden HU i?ehT4 2« h * tfour-Haymarket, Chicago, Totttr ' and ' Harris-Atlantic Garden. Nor- Hoye, Tony-Dixie, Bcranton. Feb. 28-28. Pol?*,,, Three^Temple. Detroit, Feb. 1 28, C. 0. II., Rochester, March 2-7. Tmhoff and Conn—Keith's New Theatre, Pascatel—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 23-28. 23- Philadelphia, Feb. 23-28. Family The- atre, Portland, Me., March 2-7. Robyns, Mr. and Mm.—Mechanic, Salem, Feb. 23-28; Orpheum, Utlca, March 2-7. 2-7. Cape,,. 8 Ml.l.e-0. O. H., Indianapolis. Feb. I^JSSS^'iS^ H. 8. W., Colin. Richard Co.—Dixie, Bcranton, Feb. Feb ' 28 " 28, j Capltalne, Alclde—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. Jennings and Renfrew—Tony Pastor's, New Reyoa'rdT" ¥d". —"AudTSrlu1n""'PhliBdo , |phla 28-28. * York, Feb. 28-28. Feb. 28-28; Auditorium. Baltimore, Marcl Caswell ft Howard, Garden, Lynn, Mch. 2-7. Ja H e8 4 o Davis—Kensington, Philadelphia, Carmen, La Belle—G. O. H„ Indianapolis, Feb. 23-28. Clnquevtilll. Paul— Bn route from Australia to England. 8arson Tommy—Parlor Duluth, Feb. 23-28. larke, William—BIJou, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 28-28. Corbley ft Burke—Keith's, Providence, Feb. 28-28, Proctor's, Albany, March 2-7. CaBe, Charley—Proctor's 68th Street, New York, Feb. 23-28, or fades In use. At all events, the studio has In Law" 22-28. been successful In making a number of com- Mmimub Tiiavrni (Lnko Wells, manager), plete productions, tbo latest, and probably —The stock company presented "The Crust Rae and Brosche— Keith's. New York. Feb. their most hnndsome work being tho com- of Hoclcty" 16 and week. It was well pa- 23-28. plete outfit of "Tom Tom," now ruunlng at tronlsed. 'The Wife" this week. the La Salle Theatre, Chicago. Hiht'h Tiibathb (Frank Hurt, manager), There aro ninety-two local unions In the —The patrons wore well pleased with the Feb. 23-28. " Rlanos, Four—H. A B., Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. Jordans, Juggling—Jeffers, Saginaw, Mich., Ramsey Bisters—Umpire, Baltimore, Feb. K TtHcy and Hughes—C. O. H„ Chicago, Feb. Karseys, The—Poll's, New Haven, Feb. 28- 23-28. 28. Roberts. Four—Arcade, Toledo, Feb. 28-28. Kentons, Three—Temple, Detroit, Feb. 28- Itoyan Sisters—Star, Cleveland, Feb. 28-28. perted. 28, Park, Youngstown, 0., March 2-7. Rantza and Arno—Proctor's, Newark, Feb. Newark Lodge, T. M. A., la going on a Kennedy and Rooney—Auditorium, Phlla- 23-28; Keith's, Providence. March 2-7. special train to Toronto, for a week, to at- dolphla. Feb. SS-28, Auditorium, Baltl- Rossow, Charlie—Proctor's 28d Street, New tend the annual convention, tho laat week International Alliance of Theatrical Stage two dramas, "Human Hearts," 15-18, and Employes. "Tho Heart of Chicago." 10-21. Booked: There are twenty-live lodges Of the The- "Winchester" 22-26, T Tue Counterfeiters" atrlcal Mechanical Association. 28-28. New York Lodge, T. M. A., has a social Aiicadb Tiihaths (Cook a Greene, mana- sesalon on Monday afternoon, March 1, at gers).—A good bill of vnudovllle was given 8 P. M.. at their Indue rooms. Twontr-flfth lost week. Tho attendance has been fal Street Philadelphia, Newark and Brooklyn are ex- more, March 2-7. York. Feb. 23-28. Clifford, Billy—G. O. H., Indianapolis, Feb. Kelly and Vlolette— Empire, Cleveland. Feb. Russell ft Dun bar—Pastor's, New York, »nd the slogan Is "on to Toronto. p. »i., at their lodge rooms, Twenty-fifth last week. Tho attondnnco has been fairly rcet and Eighth Avenue. Members from good. For 22 and week: (.'apt. Webb and Ills seals ind sea lions, Mrs. Wynne Wins- low, McWattors-Tyson Co., Hilly Link, the Four HnrloiiH, Heed Hliaw, the Semiaary Girls, and tho vtliigrnph. Num.—Tho Empire Theatre la now con- In July. They are booming the trip now, trolled by Hurtlg A Honmon, they having 28-28. Corrigan, Emmet ft Co.—C. 0. H., Chicago, Kelcy, Mr. A Mrs.—Poll's,' Bridgeport, Ct., Feb. 28-28. Feb. 23-28, Poll's, New Haven, March 2-7. Crawford a Stanley—Bijou, Atlanta, Feb. Kelly and Kent—Keith's, New York, Feb. 23:28. 23-28. March 2-7. Remington. Mnmlc, and Picks—Circle, New York, Feb. 23-28. Rentz, Cbas. B.—Auditorium, Norfolk, Feb. 23-28. ■*■♦ DISTIUGT OF COLUMBIA. OoUbrls Midgets—Shea's, Worcester, Feb. Keefe, Johnny—Tony Pastor's, New York, Klxford, Mike—Atlantic Garden, Norfolk, _ 23-28, Bon Ton, Jersey City, March 2-7. Feb. 28-28. Feb. 23-28. Corbctt. James J.—Auditorium, Philadelphia, Kenna, Charles—Bon Ton. Jersey City, Feb. Raymond, Carl—Parlor, Duluth^ Feb. 23-28 Feb. 23-28, Auditorium, Baltimore, March 2-7. Carr, Neva—Parlor, Duluth, Feb. 23-28. Cotrely, Emma—Proctor's Fifth Avenue, New York, Feb. 23-28. Cr ?p n h win* Mcln,ont — n - * ■"" Brooklyn, Lambert ft Pierce—Orphoum, Dtlca, March Keb 2'{-"8 Crontn. Tim—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28-28. Cressy ft Dayne—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28- 28. Clark, John F.—Avenue, Pittsburg, Fob. 23- 28. Claudius and Corbln—Proctor's Flftb Ave., New York, Feb. 23-28. Claflln Sisters—Tony Pastor's, New York, Feb. 23-28. Coleman, Al.—Tony Pastor's, New York, Feb. 28-28, Keith's Moston. 23-28. Costa, Stelln—Main St.. Peoria, Feb. 28- 28. D ivn viii"iiii, \,uii— t nriyi, i-iiium. vvv. ^., ..-,. u , rt _,„ ,:» ^-i„ „,.,, .,, , - 28-28. Bapoll, Leo—Shea's, faufTalo, Feb. 28-28, To- "i°" Q . " f . r "l" ,* n n l," i ,co '„?, Klelnr Ott Bros, and Nlckerson-H. ft. S.. ronto Mnreh 2-7.' N. Y. City, Feb. 23-28, Chase's, Washing- Raymond and Caverly—Keiths, Boston, Feb ton, March 2-7. 23-28; Keith's, Providence, March 2-7. • Russell and Locko—Keith's, New York, Feb 23-28. bought the Interest from J. II. Oarson. I SprlnifDeld.—At the Grand Opera IIouis I,. J, Dalle, manager). —"Human Hearts" \v„.i.i„..i..„ >riw, ....„.,,„.., ,..,„,,i.„. „# was well pntroulied Fob. 7. Brooke's Chi- waaningTfnn.— i lie severest weather of „„_„ xinriii. tinmi hn,t fnlr Imalnou a "Hoi. ,. u'l.ii,.,. i. \i„ui.i„..i, „ I,,., ..„„,i. .11.1 „,., fogo Marine liana nau inir nusinoss s. Dai- ly In Our Alley filled tho house to rapacity II. John Draw had B. R. 0. 10. "The Two Hchonls" iinil light IiuhIih'hs 11. "When Reu- ben Cornea to Town" tilled the bouse 14. the Winter In Washington last week did not seriously luterfure wild the attendance at tho playhouses. On the opening night a storm of rain and sleet and anow wm so severe as to Impede urban and suburban street car initiic, yet tbo houses were well filled, nnd during the remainder of the week the most severe cold prevailed nnd assumed 2-7. La Belle, Asia—Atlantic Garden, Norfolk, Va Feb 23-28 La Cado Sisters—Atlantic Garden Norfolk, Va., Feb. 23-28. Lloyd, Mabel—Keith's, Philadelphia, March 2-7. Leroy, Talma A Bosco—Orpheum, Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. Lane A Suzlnette—JacobB', Peoria, Feb. 28- 28. I.askeys, The—Tony Pastor's, New York, Feb. 28-28. Lawrence, Al.—roll's, Bridgeport, Ct., Feb. 23-28. Saharet—Hyde ft Bellman's, Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. Salvnggls, The—Star, Cleveland, O., Feb, 28 Vaudeville week of 10. "The Kntieujntnmer Kids" 21, "Hky Farm' 1 28, Eleanor Robson 24. almost blizzard proportions, yet the theatres J**— 0 * 8 9«**»- Timatm (Cum- J. kept well Oiled, nnd only good attractions IIIIIM "', could have done this. At the National (W. : ' M "' II. Ilnplcv, manager) N. C, Goodwin nnd Marine Elliott added now Inurals to thfllr . 0, business, . nnlrnnlzcd 11 (TAIN BOIMHS! 1IIEATKB I1.1ISI. J. manager).—"Wormwood," light busl- , n. "The Convict's Daughter," fair s, 7, "The Hoosler Glrl r> was well "A Country Kid" drew, fair Dressier, Marie—Orpheum, Brooklyn, Feb. Lecnedo Sisters—BIJou, Norfolk, Va„ Feb. 28-28. 23-28. Dixon, Bowera ft Dixon—Dixie, Scranton, Leroy and Clayton—Tony Pastor's, New Feb. 28-28. D'Arvllle Sisters—Weast'B, Peoria. Feb. 28 28. Davtelle,. Madge—Star, Hamilton, Can., Feb. 2B-28. Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart—Proctor'i 68th Btreet. New York, Feb. 28-28. York, Feb. 28-28. Lewis ft Byan—Keith's, Providence, Feb. 23-28. Le Coy A Leo—rarlor, Duluth, Feb. 23 28. Levy, Julea— Main 8t., Peoria, Feb. 23 28. Lester, Dan—BIJou, Norfolk, Vo., Feb. 28- 28. already excellent fame, In "The Altar of Friendship." This week, 28-28, ft 8. Wll- Shepard, Caroline—Keith's, New York, Feb. lard opens a Wimlilngtun's Birthday matl- 23-28. nee, with "Tho Professor's Love Story," Snyder A Buckley—G. p. H„ New York, w hlch will bo repeated on Bntuiday night. Feb. 28-28, Auditorium, Philadelphia, Tuesday, Tliursilny and Friday nights, and March i-1. Wednesday mutlueo, for the first lltno here, Schaefer and De Camp—C. O. H., Chicago, ••The Optimist." Wednesday night, "The Feb. 28-28. „__... .. Middleman," and mntlnee on Saturday, Bcott and Wl son—G. O. H„ Indianapolis, "David (larrlck." Illchard Mansfield, In Ind.. Feb. 23-28, Columbia, Cincinnati, O., "Julius Caisar/' March 2-7. _ March 1-7. _ . _. Columiiia Tiibatuk i i.uckett ft Dwyer, . Sully, Lew—Circle, New York, Feb. 28-28. managers).—Ijiat week Mrs. Lnngtry made "Audrey," with F.lcanor Robson, 21; Jas. Scott Bros.—-Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., I'Cb. ber llrst appearance for two years, present- ' 23-28,- Orpheum, Koneas City, March 2-7. m K "The Cross Woys," to lorgo and Intetl-- Svenplls, The—Apollo, Dusseldorf, Ger., geDt audiences. 23-28, Kollor, opening with Feb.. 28-28. .... _ a matinee pcrformnncc 23. Lulu Glascr,.io I touses 14. City Ham,. —Jcfrrlcs-Fltzslmmons boxing rontcst, with preliminaries, was well pat- 10. Notb. —Fountain Square Theatre burned to tho ground 10. s i Dayton.—At tho Victoria Theatre (CO. Miller, manager).—"Sky Farm," matinee and evening Feb. 14, came to splondld busi- ness. A cnpable company presented "Her Lord end Master" 17, to a well fllled house. O'Neill, In "The Mhnxinan," 24. Davis, William Cahlll—Proctor's Albany, Leater, Harry B—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28 Savordnlo Oulntettc—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. 23-28; Columbia, St. Louis, March 2-7. Smith, Doty ft Coo— H, ft B., Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. I'aiik '1'iiKATiir (Harry K. Falcht, mana- Ker).—"Man to Man." 10-18, did a paying uslness. Edward lie Wade's production oil "Winchester," 10-21, was a paying engage- ment. Mansgor Felcht gave his finely il- lustrated lecture on "Oberammorgau" Hun- March 2-7 28. "Dolly Vnrden," March 2-7. Flvo Tuesday matinees, Burton Holmes lectures, comnienc Ing nt this house 3. I.AKAVEiTB Oikiia IIoihh (Ira J. La Motte, day, matinee and night, ID, to overflowing manager).—Last week Lottie Blair Parker, houses. Coming: "A Hoosler Daisy." Shaw, Mr. and Mrs.—Proctor's 28d Btreet, | n »fj n der Bouthern Skies." was wel n- Sdi.uiriis' Home Tiiuatiib.— The veterans New York, Feb. 23-28. .. celved large audiences. 23-28, the Baker of the home enjoyed the production of "A Davis and Mocnuley—Auditorium, Phlladel- Le Claire, Gertie—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. Silvern and Emcrle—Tony Pastors, New Thentre Company opens an extended en- Country Kid" 18. "A Hoosler Daisy"comes .. gngement, presenting, for the Orst time here. 27. John W. Vogel's Mine' Atlautlc Garden, Nor- *"fh e Climbers," at popular prices. This the Old Cross Roads" 10. phla, Feb. 28-28. D'Rstes, ' 28-28. , Valerie — Auditorium, Baltimore, Livingston, Franklo— Auditorium, Norfolk, March 2-7. Va., Feb. 28-28. Dauphin A Rose—Star, Hamilton, Can., Feb. Livingstons, Three—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28*28. 23-28. Day, Geo. W.—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. Lenore ft St. Claire—Star, Hamilton, Can., Feb. 28-28. H, Chicago, Feb. Link, Billy—C. 0. H., Chicago, Feb. 23-28 h company appeared at this bouse for several weeks fast season, and gained an enviable %-28. De Luca Troupe—C. O, 23-28, G. O. H.. Indianapolis, Ma'rcn 2-7. Dlllan Bros.—Orpheum. Brooklyn, Feb. 23-28. Deloys, The—Alcazar. Denver, Feb. 28-28. Doflloy, James Francis—Proctor's 23d Btreet, New York, Feb. 28-28. Doyle, Edward—Eost Liverpool, 0., Feb. 28- 28. Drawee—Haymarket, Chicago, Feb. 28-28. Duncan, A. O.—G. 0. 11., Indianapolis, Feb. 28-28 LltchBeld, Mr. and Mrs. Nell—Shwdy's, New Bedford, Mosb., Feb. 23-28. Lockhort's Elephants—Keith's, Providence, Feb. 28-28. Lozeros, Princess—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 23-28. Loder, Charles A.-—C. 0. H., Chicago, Feb, 23-28. Lowcry ft Lowcry—Atlantic Garden, Nor- folk, Va.. Feb. 23-28. M.rv Ilnll Evolvn Brown Orae6 n - u - capacity houses at every porfsr, Kmfu-a Mr'lvUli , Fli ronee I ialle week H " ch - »• """Itcst Coon In : innner 1 n Itavomo llvron 10 - ''«--t l'"Hlness. "Liberty Bells," 17 iSSSP'mJlzS? JSXS22' bHS* house? Vogel's Minstrels 'l8, "Alasks is porfermance Conn In Dlxe," York, Feb. 28-28. Scott, Carrie M.—-.-». folk, Feb. 28-March 7. Sutnunia—Dixie, Bcranton, Feb. 28-28. Stetson, Walter, and Co.—Bowdoln Bquare, renut atlon for the cxcell?nce of Its produc- ,JP" n •BS_S A ' ' n ha r ^ ran . rh " p n 0 . m n H ^* B Ma e rc 0 h'2^ ' Pe0pl< " , • LoWe11, tloU g The roster of_tho company 1 ^|, . ffil «1 EBPsJSS* }*Z3!*ELeJS& Sherman and De Forest—Auditorium, Pblla- iindHcli' delphla, Feb. 28-28. Dorothy Sul ! l y an „A n I ' n " , - ue,enB—H ' * B - Dfool-lyn, Douglas, George Farron, Thurlow Bergen, ..ST-*- * 2&h _ _ _ «j -k o. oo John It. Mohor, Hudson Llston. Wllllnm A. 6teuber, Fred—C. O. II., Chloago, Feb. 23-28. n ac kett, Itohcrt Milton and C, J. Hulne*. T This engagement Is for several weeks, with Thome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry—Poll's, New change of bill for each week. "In the Palace Haven. Feb. 23-28; Poll s, Waterbury, of the King" March 2-7. Academy or Music (John W. Lyons, man- Dufln-Redcay Troupe—C. O. H., Chicago, Lowe A Edwnrda—Avnue, Plttaburg, Feb. Feb. 28-28. 28-28, Toledo. O.. March 2-7. De Witts, The—BIJou, Atlanta. Feb. 28-28. Lee, Henry—Orpheum, Brooklyn, March 2- Dunn, Arthur and Jennie—Keith's, New 14. York. Feb. 23-28. Dunn, John, and Co.—--Proctor's B8th Street, New York, Feb. 28-28. Dnryen A Kennedy—Orpheum Brooklyn, Feb. 28-28. ■ 23d Street. Unthan, C. H.—Olympic, Chicago, Feb. 28- 28. V Ylllnrs, Madge—Bllou. Norfolk, Feb. 28-28. Valleclta's Lions—Main Street, Peoria, Ftb. 23-28. W Wenona and Frank—Orpheum, New Or- leans. Feb. 23-28. Ida—Star, Hamilton, oger).—Last week Howard Hall and Nine MorrlK, with a fairly good support, present- ed "The Man Who Dared." to line business. Feb. 23-28 Nellie Mellnnry Is presenting "M'llss," which, though often seen here bc- . good gel's Minstrels in, "Alaska" 10, "Convict's Daughter" 21, Isabel Irving, In "The Crisis," 23; "Beyond Pardon' r 20, BtetBon T a "U. T. C." 28. OAiinK.N Tiikatiii: (Frank P. Hpellmnn, manager).—Week of 10: Hill Trotino of acro- bats, the (Vntnon Sinters, Goldie Leror, Franklo Attrldgo, and Harrison and Wood. Business Is good. On Feb. 24 the house will be utilized for tho annual banquet of the local board of trade, on which occasion tho regular bill will be given. Atlantic Gaiwhn (Frank J. Burktiart, manngor).—Week of 10 : The Taylors, Hat tie (llmore, (he Dolys, Fred Dorllch, and llurk- hart and Berry. Business good. March '-'-7. Terrlll nnd Simon—Proctor's New York. Feb. 3IKW, Thornton. Bonnie—Tony Pastor's, New York, Feb. 2.'l-'.'8. Toblns, Two—Umpire. Cleveland. Feb. 23-28. . -. --. ----.- . Terry ntnl Elmer Co.—Olympic. Chicago, fore, Is drawing lorgo houses. "McFadden's Lowe ft Shea—Haymarket. Chicago, Feb. 23- '^ "3.28 e ' '' «"™*°' Itow of nats''_March 2 ; 7. Latlmore and Leigh—Proctor's 28d Street. New York, Feb. 23-28. Leech. Al.. and 8 Rosebuds—Circle, .New York. Feb. 23-28. Eldridge, Press—Proctor's Fifth Ave., New to™' * Lozel—Orpheum, Brooklyn, l.cb. 23 Mareb 2-7 b ' 28 - 28 * VKCt ° r '' 128th St - 3 0. H.. Chicago, Feb. 23-28. Earl ft Wlson—BIJon, Atlanta, Feb. 28-28. M Evans 4 St. John—Hurtlg A Seamon's, New Morton, James J.—C. O. II., Chicago, Feb. York, March 2-7. _. __ 23-28. Bllnore Sisters—Orpheum, Omaha Feb. 28- Madcope. Four—Comcdv, Mnnchonter. I'ng.. WllllaniH. Trunk A 28, Columbia, St. Louis, March 2-7. Feb. 23-28. Can.. Feb. 28-28. Elliott. Sadie—Parlor, Duluth. Feb. 28-28, McWatters. Tyson and Co.—Arcade. Toledo. Willi Bros.. The—lllpnodrome, Edwards, Alice—Parlor, Duluth, Feb. 28-28. Feb. 28-28. Fug., l-eb. 23-28. ,„•■ , ,.„/ m . . n „ . >u . . ^.,. ,. u .r„ n , Ellsworth ft Burt—Dixie, Bcranton Feb. 28- Mansfield nnd Wilbur—Empire, Cleveland, Wood and Bates—Olympic, Cblcsgo, Feb. 28- Wilfred Clarko and company, Klein, Ott 28. Feb 28-28. 28. Brothers and Nlckerson, Agnes Mahr. Ada — Reba Tyler nnnotincea bsr marriage In F Mason-Keeler and Co.—C. O. H., Chicago, White and Simmons—Empire, Cleveland, Arnoldson, and motion pictures of Venice. Brooklyn, on Feb. 18, to James Caldwell Fay Bide—Empire Cleveland, Feb. 28-28. Feb. 28-28. Feb. 28-28. Lyceum Thxatbi (Eugene Kernan, mana- Jackson, a non-professional. Znneavllle.—At Hchuitz Opera Bouse (II. W. Ross, manager).—"The Liberty llolles" came Feb. 10, to a good sized au- London. CitAnr'H TliiSArns (Miss Wlnnlfrcd De Witt, manager).—Last week Mmo. Herr- mann, the Clayton Whltc-Mnrle Htunrt Co., Josephine Habel, Lotto Gladstone. Eva Mndgc, Brannan and Martini, Hal Mcrrltt, Yankee and Dixie, canine actors, and bio- , graph pictures of "The Prodigal Bon" proved dlence. "The Two Schools" pleased a fair n strong attraction, aa the house wns crowd- "Ijted audience 18. Juvenile Minstrels 18, ed nt each of the twelve performances. This Ift "nd also payed 10. on account of Rose week. 23-28. no performances at this house, Coghlan canceling, to a good slxed^ audience. It having be annunl cons. Revolution.^ Girl from In "The