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The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February 28. TBLE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. Forefauoh'b Theatbe (Miller A Kant- mm. managers).—"The Masked Ball" la the offering by the stock company this week, the cut being headed by Louli Leon Ilali and Florence Roberts, and Including Mor- timer Snow, wbo makes bla Brat appearance wltb tbe company. Another new melodrama, "The Fatal Flower " la In rebeartal for tba coming week. Excellent reanilta were acbleved by tbe company laat week. In "A King of Iron." Girabd avenue Theatre (Miller A Kauf- man, managers).—Tbe stock company la ap- pearing this week In "Sowing tbe Wind," George W. Barbler, Ilenrlette Browne, and tbe other members of tbe company being fitted wltb suitable roles. Each performance !• preceded by a aong recital by Vllmoe Tit- carl and Elaa Newman, Toe company earned pralae last week for a meritorious production of "Julius Cesar." As Casslus. George Learock distinguished himself, and tbe regular members of tbe company de- aerre commendation. Tbe production at- tracted many patrons. For next week a triple bill la announced, "One Touch of Nature," Illustrated songs by Vllmos Tltcarl, and tbe old comedy "Married Life." Grand Opera House (Q. A. Wegefartb, manager).—"For Bonnie Prince Charlie" Is tbe offering by the stock company this week. In rehearsal for tbe coming week. "Mrs. Dane's Defence." Laat week's bill, "An Enemy to the King," earned tbe usual meed of praise and proved a success from the box office point of view. Keith's Bijou Theatre (John Kelrans. resident manager).—This week, "In Mlziou rs," wltb "The Man from Mexico" to fol- low. On Tuesday every lady occupying an orchestra chair will be presented wltb a brooch or belt pin, containing a picture of Beatrice Ingram, a member of tbe company. Tbe delightful performances of "Tbe Brix- ton Burglary" last week merited and re- ceived the praise of large audiences. Colombia Theatre llgnaclo Martlnettl, manager).—Carrie Radcliffe and her stock company are appearing this week In "Tbe Iron Master." Tbe melodramatic offering last week, "Glselda," was well patronized. "Jane Eyre" next week. Standard Theatbe (Darcy 4 Speck, man agers).—"A Guilty Mother" Is put on by tbe stock company this week. The patrons have already shown their appreciation for "Tbe French Spy," and when this melodrama waa again put on last week they turned out In force. Next week, "Home, Sweet Home." Arch Street Theatre (Alexander Wurs- ter, manager).—The repertory this week Is: "Gebruder Bock," "Beruhte Frau," "Ehre" and "Relf Reldlngen." Appreciation for tbe excellent German stock company at tbla house continues to grow dally. Keith's New Theatre (H. T. Jordan, manager).—Popularity appears to be an as- sured fact at thla new theatre, where S. R. 0. conditions are becoming an exceeding- ly common feature. The excellent bill last week kept the bouse filled. This week: Mme. Eugenia Mantelll, Kouorab. theAthos Family, Paplnta (her second week), Charley Grapewln and company (eecood week). In "Above tbo Limit, Eugene O'Rourke and Nellie Kiting, in "Parlor A ;" Caron and Her- bert, Hlnes and Remington, Mark Sullivan, Avery and Hart, Musical Thor, Lawrence Crane, Imnoff and Conn, Georgia O'llamsey, Mitchell and Love, Klein and Clifton, and Alf. Bolt Eleventh Stheet Opera Bodse (Frank Dumont, manager).—The success wblcb has attended tbe current programme at tbls house glveB sufficient reason for continuing it Intact, and there Is therefore no change In the bill this week. Several new burles- ques are In preparation. Lyceum Theatre (John G. Jermon, man- ager).—The City Club furnishes the enter- tainment tbls week at this house, a special feature being Mons. and Mile. Paxton s liv- ing art studies. Next week brings tbe Tro- cadero Burlesquers. Liberal patronage was bestowed on Hurtle & Seamon's Trans- atlantic Burlesquers last week. Trocadfro (Floyd I>auman, manager).— Tbe Ida Fuller Burlesquers la to make its Initial bow to local audiences this week at tbls house. The olio la beaded by tbe Four l.ukens and Includes many entertaining acts. Tbe New York Girl Burlesquers fulfilled all expectations laat week and! was rewarded wltb a profitable week's business. Dunk's Stab Theatbe (Fred Waldmann, manager).—Business continues to be of tbe best at this bouse, tbe Moonlight Maids last week having a house full at every per- formance. Tbls week, Scrlbner'a Gay Morn- ing Glories. Ninth and Abch Museum (C. A Braden- burgh, manager).—Another women's go-as- you-please race Is held this week In tbe curio ball, last week's contest having proved so exciting and Interesting an event. In this same department other features are: Mons. Agullles, human needle threading ma- chine ; Sohtaokl Troupe. Oriental magic; Capt. Hlnman and hla company of canine life savers, Daisy Aurio. bag punching, and the Holbrooke, musical marvels. In the the- atre an entertaining continuous perform- ance Is given by Ed. and Rolls White, Emma Krause, Brumell and Klmberly. Danc- ing Doyle, Simon, Hamilton and Hottentot, Marguerite Weston, Davis and Day, and the clneograph. Notes. —Tbe new circuit of Independent houses being organized by Stair A Havlln will Include tbe Auditorium here, as a first class theatre Barton Holmes begins a series of Monday evening lectures on March 2, at tbe Academy of Music s Altoonn.—At tbe Eleventh Avenue Opera House (I. C. Mlahler, manager).—The at- tendance week of Feb. 10 was very large. Bennett A Moulton opened to S. It. 0.. and business continues big all week. " 'Way Down East," 17. played to capacity. Coming: Tbos. E. Shea 23 and week, Isabel Irving. In "The Crisis." March 8; "At Cripple Creek" 4, "The Two Sisters" B. Notes. —F. C. Huffman, representing the Wilt 8 Heck Carnival Co., was here 17, to arrange date for tbe Summer season.... Manager Mlshler waa In Trenton and New York last week The Academy of Music. Tyrone, tbls season Is under tbe manage- ment of Messrs. nallam and Hambly, of Washington, Pa. and la under the personal management of H. K. Hambly, wbo reports business as very encouraging. "Tbe Pris- oner of Zenda did excellent business 0. Alma Sterling, In "A Daughter's Devotion," did well 11. . "Two Little Waifs" drew a large audience 14. James B. Mackle, In "flrlmes' Cellar Door." had s good house 16. and the following attractions are booked : "The Eleventh Hour'' 20, "The Two Sisters" 27. "In Gay Paris" 28. 'Tracy, the Outlaw," March 3: "The Denver Express" 5. and " 'Way Down East" 7. Hallam and Hambly are also managing the Lyric Theatre, Wash- ington. Pa., and the Colonial Theatre. Con- nellsvllle Manager I. C. Mlshler says that a new theatre for Altoona la now as- sured for next season. He has leased the Eleventh Avenue Opera House until 1010, and he will reside In Trenton, N. J., Guy 8. Burley, the treasurer of the house, will manager the two theatres. s Seranton.—Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, man- ager).—Mrs. Le Moyne Feb. 26. "Way Down East" 27. West's Minstrel Jubilee, 20. to a good house. Academy (A. J. Duffy, manager).— Frankle Carpenter week of 28. May Flske. week of 16. to Isrge houses. _ Dixit. (Henry F. Dlxey. manager).—Week of 28: Harry M. Parker's dogs. Lottie Glad- stone. Dixon. Bowers and Dixon. Rlrhard Colin Co.. Eugene Ellsworth and Madge Burt. Bstsuma. and Tony Hayes. Business continues good. Star (Alf. G. Herri net on, manager).— Waldron A Bryant's Trocadsro Bnrlsequers. MIm New York Jr.. 19-21, to good bouses. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—A snowstorm of a goodly site visited us on Monday of last week and was followed by several days of vary cold weather. This opposition waa two strong for a big turnout of tbe playgoers, although tbe busi- ness was very satisfactory, considering the obstacles. There Is a dearth of new offer Inga tbls week, continued attractions of strong drawing power holding forth at nearly all the first class bouses. Mollis Street Theatre (Isaac B. Rich, manager).—Commencing on Monday of cur- rent week, William Faversham will present "Imprudence" for a fortnight at tbls bouse. Fay Davis, a Boston girl, heads a strong supporting company. Mary Mannerlng, In "The Stubbornness of Geraldlne," enjoyed two prosperous weeks and made quite a good impression In her newest effort. Boston Museum (Field, Rich. Harris k Cbas. Frohman, managers).—This Is the second and final week of Win. H. Crane, In "David Haruni." Tbe uniformly good bouses of the past week show what a bold tbls play has on the tbeatregolng public Alice Fischer, In "Mrs. Jack," follows. Columbia Theatbe (C. Louis Cannot, manager).—'Tbe Little Host" enters upon Its fourth and last week 23. Tbe attend- ance of last week, while not of a capacity sire, was very good. "Tbe Knickerbocker Girl" Is announced for March 2. Grand Opera House (Geo. W. Mage*, manager).—"A Hot Old Time" Is cur- rent card. Supporting company are: Wlllam Sellery, Eddie Weston, Nellie Ni- chols, Maude Sohlke, Ada Henry, Edward Collins, the Yaltos, and Mario and Dunham. Last week "Lost In tbe Desert" fared well. Joseph C. Callahan and Helen Audrey beaded an excellent company. Next week, "A Desperate Chance." Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—This house was opened on Monday last without a delay of any kind, and Is one of the most complete ana gorgeous amuse- ment edifices In the East. The opening at- traction. "The Storks," seems to have caught on In good shape, although there are many opinions regarding Us value as a big finan- cial success. Many new and novel Ideas are used in the piece, and everything Is bright and full of color. Hits are scored by Richard Carle, William Rock, Gilbert Gregory, Louis Casavant, May De Sousa and Harriet Standon. Length of the en- gagement depends upon the business. Park Theatbe (Rich, Harris k Cbas. Frohman, managers).—Tbe second and last week of Dan Daly, In "Tbe New Clown," begins 28. We have seen Mr. Daly in a great many different plays, but bis latest vehicle gives blm unlimited elbow room for fun making, and bis eccentric dancing and peculiar mannerisms were never more com- ical. Louis Harrison, Tom Browne and Merrle Osborne do some very clever work. Good attendance ruled during the past week. Mabelle Oilman, In "The Mocking Bird," follows. Colonial Theatre (Rich, Harris A Cbss. Frohman, managers).—Same old story of crowded and enthusiastic houses with "Tbe Sleeping Beauty and the Beast," now In Its fourth week. Judging from tbe advance sale of seats. It looks as If tbls Drury Lsne spectacle will establish a new record In tbe history of New England amusements. Tbbmont Theatre Uno. B. Schoeffel, manager).—"King Dodo enters 28 upon Its third week, with attendance and enthu- siasm still at tbe high water mark. Ray- mond Hitchcock Is as funny as ever, and Is ably assisted by s good all around company. James K. Hackett, In "The Crisis," follows on March 9. Boston Theatbe (Lawrence McCarty, manager).—For an old play "'Way Down East' has a drawing power and a tenacity of stage life possessed by a very few Amer- ican plays. Looking over the audiences of the past week one would think tbe typical New England drama was having Its first performances In this city. Cbauncey Olcott, In "Old Limerick Town," March 9. Music Ball (Stair 4 Wilbur, managers). —"Why Women Sin" attracted and enthused large audiences last week. Tbe melodrama was splendidly staged and played. "Hearts Adrift." a melodrama new to tbls city, Is this week's attraction. Cast Includes: B. L. Sander, Edward Mackay, Louis Bishop Hall, Master John Gougb, Wm. A. Inman, Joseph Manning. Sylvia Bldwell, Nettle Brown and Dorrlt Ashton. "Tbe Road to Ruin." with Jack Monroe featured, conies March 2. Castle Square Theatbe (J. H. Emery, manager).—"Othello" is put on this week by the bouse stock. Some elaborate stsge settings have been provided for tbe produc- tion, snd great care has been taken In the matter of costumes. John Craig. Lindsay Morrison, J. L. Seeley, W. C. Mason, Thos. McLamie and Lillian Lawrence have the prominent roles. "Ths Parish Priest" made a great bit with the patrons, and J. L. Seeley was highly praised for his excellent Interpretation of the title part. "The Great- est Thing In the World" Is being rehearsed. Bowdoin Squaqb Theatbe (0. B. Loth- rop, manager).—"On the Stroke of Twelve" deserved and was rewarded by full bouses. "Blue Jeans," with Wlllard Blackmors and Charlotte Bunt leading, Is current offering. Week of March 2, "In Peril." Sunday conecrt 22: Bernard Dyl- lyn, Howard and Harris, tbe Laskys, Clara Adams, Parker and Egbert, Engstrom Sis- ters, Ben Walker, Frank L. Brown, and Mar- lon and Deaoe. Big attendance. Keith's Theatbe (B. F. Keith, manager). —Marshall P. Wilder features tbls week's bill, and Is surrounded by an excellent ar- ray of variety entertainers: Tom Nawn and Co., John Kernell, Raymond and Caverly. Macarte Sisters, Waterbury Brothers and Tenney, La Petite Adelaide, E. J. Bice, Le- roy and Woodford, Albert Bellman and Lot- tie Moore, Herbert and Willing, T. Warren Keene, Henderson and Boss, the Gagnoux, Kennedy and James, and the blograpb. The Relff Brothers were added to last week's bill, and with their clever dancing act proved one of tr j hits of tbe performance. Business fell off a little last week, owing to the weather. , Howard Athenaeum (Wm. McAvoy, manager),—Quaker City Quartet, Carrie Scott, Faust Trio, Elsie Bernard, Wesson, Walters and Co., Charles Harris, Will Mc- Intyre and Edith Rice. Louise Carver and Genie Pollard, Casmore and Florence. Fra- iler. Walsh snd Winters, Will Dockray (third week). Braunock Sisters and Chullta, and Pete Griffin take care of current week's vaudeville entertainment. A new burlesque It put on. "The Three Tensers." with spe- cialties by J. Bernard Dylfyn. Toby Lyons. Blllv Hart. W. O. Johnson. Jsmes P. Lee, Eddie O'Brien. Harry La Marr. Gladys Fish- er. Dot Davenport, Kitty Bingham and others. Palace Theatbe (Chss. H. Wsldron. man- ager).—The Tiger Lilies Burlesque Co. Is here tbls week. Show consists of two skits. "Her Twin Sister" and "Wink Van Ripple." and olio Including: Deonzo Brothers, Gar- rlty Sisters, Black and Cooper. McRaye and Wyatt, Hllo and Marshall, and the Three Polos. A good performance was given by the Bowerv Burlesque™ snd full bouses gave evidence of enjoying the fun. Lyceum Theatre (O. B. Batcheller, man- seer).—Last week the Topsy Turvy Co. Jilayed to crowded houses and gave good sat- sfactlon. Msnebester's Vsnlty Fair Ex- travaganza Co. holds the boards of tbls house the current week. The entertainment opens with "A Coronation to TJncle Sam." then an olio: Mile. Anl. Rrown. Harris and Frown. Mclnfyre and Bice. Martella and Lancaster, the Two Jacksons. and Nash and Lyons. Tbe show closes with "A Hot Finish." Austin A Stone's Museum (Stone A Shaw, managers).—This weelfs feature act Is the Korean Twins. Others In the enrto ball are: "Old Time" Zip, Lavlna snd Gray, McNames, Edith Richards, Barry Burns, and Helen Hunt Stage faces: Ed. and Kit- tle Deagan, Hart ana Bessie. Carroll and Larkln, Al. and Mamie Anderson, James and Richards, Maude Thornton, Gladys De Marco, Hanson and Harris, Greobert Trio. Sisters Tllaon, Montague and Jsrreld, Ber- tlllon, and Fostelle and De Camo. Nickelooen (I.. B. Walker, manager).— Bill for week of 23 Is up to the ususl high standard of this amusement resort. Curio ball: Miss Clifford's "Bpathaeglutlro," Pro- fessor Llngerman's wooden beaded family, Harteno and Vaughan, Professor Bllts, mas- ter of magic; Luno, sword walker; Junnetta, Grecian beauty, and others. In the theatre a new burlesque Is given by tbe house stock, which has made good with the pa- trons. Bowdoin Square Museum (J. W. Strom, manager).—A good show la provided tbls week. Curio ball: Race on what Is claimed to be smallest 'cycle whirl in tbe world, Inman, a man of numerous oddities; Harry Harrison, human ostrich, and the Vencenzo Isabella Trio of musicians. Stage: Ella Morrla and Co., Eugene Pippin, Grace Bel- mont, Tempest Sisters, and Katie Johnson's company of swells. Heard in the Lobby. —Robert P. Janetts Is the new resident manager at Music Hall. Janus Forbes Is In town. In advance of Alice Fisher, In "Mrs. Jack." Harry Conor, the well known comedian, passed laat week in town with relatives.... Tessle Haynes Is &h»«d of "The Road to Ruin." Manager James A. Bluke has been re-engagtd as manager of the amuse- ment enterprises at Savin Rock, New Haven, for tbe coming Summer "Tbe Rogers Brothers In London" Is the name of next season's Rogers Brothers' vaudeville farce, to be written by John J. McNally Edward E. Rice has engaged Mary F. Sher- wood for tbe prima donna role of "Tbe Show Girl." Edward E, Rose waa In town laat week, running over manuscripts of new plays wltb Win. H. Crane A feature of the New Back Bay theatre, tbe Copley, to be erected on Berkeley Street, near the corner of Boylaton. will be the number of boxes. There will be twenty- four of them, and as many lores Dan Daly's tour In "The New Clown" will come to an end at the Park, Feb. 28. He will then go to New York t' begin rehearsals In "Bluebells In Falryia-..," to be produced by Klaw k Er- langer Allen Lowe, who wrote the libretto of "The Defender," will soon return to town as the traveling manager with "Al- phonse and Gaston." George H. Hayes, of this city, Is furnishing the score for the musical comedy by Jobn w. Luce and Frank B. Richards Guyer and Daly were obliged to cancel last week at tbe Howard, owing to the continued Illness of Miss Daly. ... .Manager Isaac B. Hlch has received many messages from Bostonlans congratulating him upon tbe safe escape of himself, bis wife and son during tbe recent shipwreck In Bermuda. He has abandoned entirely bis plan of cruising through the Windward Is- lands, and will remain at Hamilton, Bermu- da, returning to New York direct by steamer early In March Maye Louise Algen re- turns to the Bowdoin Square Stock this week, after a long absence... .A benefit will be tendered Sberrle Mattbews at tbe Colum- bia on Sunday, March 1. Programme will consist of a minstrel first part with Wm. II. Crane as interlocutor, ana tbe following end men: Dan Daly, Harry Bulger, Happy ward, Richard Carle, Raymond Hitchcock, Joe Caw- thorne, Harry Conor, John Slavln, Alex. Clark, John Hyaros, Wm. McCart, Gilbert Gregory. Olio: Travesty on " 'Way Down East" ("'Way Up Yeasf r ), by Richard Carle snd Co., and players from all the musical shows In town Sunday hill at Music Hall 22 Included Dolan and Lenharr, Qulg- ley Brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robyns, Dorothy Neville, Three Lelllots, Jobn Ma- hon and Co., Lillian Hanson Gray, Hoyt and Neff. Hart and Bessie, and the Whang Doodle Comedy Four. S. R. 0. assemblage. Charles Edward Maltby, a Harvard student, and son of a wealthy mill treasurer, snd Helen Tudor Danzlger, a member of tbe chorus of "The Little Host"' Co., were mar- ried 21, at Providence. "Her First Divorce •'• Al. H. Burton, Clo- tilda Antonio, Geo. \V. Stewart. Luts Broth- ers, Collins and Reynolds, Diamond and Hood, and the Golden Gsts Quintet. Boston Theatre (J. H. Tcbbttta nana- ger).—Packed bouses have ruled the past week, and the bill waa very good. The Bros. Hermaoettl were the stellar attraction. The burlesque. "Escaped from Sing Sing." was very funny. Current: ToddJiidge Family. Ozav and Del mo, Laura Brandsbaw, Somers and Wible, and Lorraine and Vinton. The burlesque number will be "Klnnucsne's Wed- WASHINOTON. ding Night People's Theatre (Billy Nelson, mana- ger).—Business the past week was of the B, R. O. order, and the bill was very pleas- ing. Current. Tbe Biggins Bros.' 20th Cen- tury Minstrels for a first part, and the olio Includes: Powell and West, Nellie Mason, Morsn Bisters, Laura Bradahsw, Lucy Kel- iey, Lula White, and Hlgglna Bros. After- piece, "A Night In the Bug House." Mention.— Merrltt and Roiella were Joined here by Ben Hastings, for their new comedy sketch, "An Interrupted Proposal," which they produce on closing over tbe Caato cir- cuit. Tbe trio will be known as Merrltt, Roiella and Hastings Tbe Caato Thea- tre will close during the Lenten season, as Is tbe custom of Manager Haynes The third of the series of muslcsles by the Lowell Orchestral Society will be held In Huntington Hall, 22. Mme. Rosa Llndo and Jacques Benavente are tbe stellar attrac- tions,... The recently known fact that local theatregoers are to see some of the latest metropolitan luccesies In the near future Is received with much pleasnre Jack Connors, while here with "Muldoon's Picnic" Co., was visiting hit many friends The attaches of the Casto Theatre are to receive a benefit, by the klndneas of Manager Haynes, March 1. 'Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre <Felix B. Wendelschaefer, manager).—Tbe Worcester Lodge of Elks gives a sacred con- cert Sunday, Feb. 22, and tbe following f>eople appear: Cherldab Simpson, Gus Wit- lams, Marlon Manola, Johnstone Bennett and company, Charles n. Mackle, Thomas Clifford. Will H. Fox, Lester H. Clee. Hollls and Howard Malloy Bros, and Brooks, and Miss Norton. Ethel Barrymore comes 23. and will produce "A Country Mouse" and "Carrots." "The Mocking Bird,'" with Ma- belle Oilman, will arrive 26, and on 28 Mary Mannerlng will be seen in "Tbe Stubbornness of Geraldlne." Last week Rice's "Show Girl" played a return engagement, to an excellent house, 17. William Faversham, In "Imprudence," drew a fashionable and ap- ?ireclatlve audience 18. "Pinafore," under he auspices of tbe Wellington Rifles, a local military organization, proved successful 20, 21. Lotkrop's Opera House (Shea & Wilton. managers).—Week of 28, Katberlne Rober and her company are due, in a series of plays. 23, matinee, "Doctor Bill;" 28. 24, "Roiana's Claim;" 24, matinee, "Madame Sans Gene;" 2.1, 26, "Sapbo:" 26, matinee, "A Lady of Quality ;" 27, 28, "Nick Carter;' ! 28, matinee, "Kathleen Mavourneen." Last week, "In Convict's Stripes" drew fairly well. Coming: "An American Gentleman. Park Theatre (Shea k Wilton, man- agers).—Week of 28: Charm Ion. Collbrls Midgets, H. V. Fitzgerald, Zelma Rawlaton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young, Is "A Home Wooing:" tbe Niece Twins, Yeager and Yea ger, Devene and Bhurtz. Business ex- cellent. Gaiety Theatbe (Jos. F. Qulnn, mana- er).—Week of 28: Grace/ and Reynolds, ulla Wood, Marie Ames, Laura Ernkabsw, Dick Rlckton, and Lincoln and Shields. In the burlesque. "McCarty's Mishaps." Busi- ness satisfactory. Noras.—Rice's "A Show Girl" Company met with misfortune on leaving here for Waterbury, Conn. The company left here on time, but soon after It was learned that the scenery and baggage had been loaded In a B. A M. car Instead of a N. Y„ N. H. k H. car, and the latter road refused to take the car through In time for tbe performance. R. C. Taylor, a local real ealate mag- net, announces that the "Sherwood." a local sporting bouse, recently vacated by P. II. Hurley, the baseball promoter here, will be turned Into a new theatre. Tbe one under construction by blm In Franklin Square Is progressing rapidly, and will be reody for the beginning of next season. ! Lowell,—At the Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. A Hosford, managers).—Tbe Fenberg Stock Co., in repertory, featuring Emma Bunting and Cbas. Leyburne, made Its Initial appearance last week, and played to a capacity business. Specialties Included: Marie McNeil, Mallory Bros, and Brooks. Grace Hsllldsy. Marie llarcourt, and Elleta Page. Due: Royal Hungarian Court Or- chestra 22. and Daniel R. Rysn and com- pany, In repertory, 23 and week. Academy or Music (Cbas. F. Pempsey, msnsger).—Tbe past week has been one of prosperous business, snd two very pleasing comedies. "Muldoon's Picnic" 16-18. the Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Frank O. Harrison, manager).—Tbe Katberlne Rober Co. came Feb. 16, for tbe week, and played to good business. Tbe Fenberg Stock Co. Is the current attraction, Nell Burgess com- ing 24, for one night. Booked : The Rutfrow Comedy Co. March 2-7. Gem Theatbe (C. W. Sbeafe, manager).— Business, for the week closing Feb. 21 was great, considering the weather. Tbe bill this week Is: Collins snd Rice, Lewis and Del- more, Kingdom, the Taylors, Hlancbard and Blanchard, Alex, D. Butler, Lottie Sanborn, and the bioscope. Bishop's Concert Hall (Major Blsbop, manager).—Good returns were received from tbe business last week. The Violet Mascotte Burlesquers this week. Wonder World (Sam J. Howard, mana- ger).—The management Is again making Im- Srovements here, snd novelties will be Intro- uced during tbe coming week. The stage performances have been dispensed with for the present. New Mechanics' Theatre, Salem, Mass. (William H. Hlckey, manager).—All per- formances laat week were witnessed by big houses, and another attractive bill Is on tbls week. It Includes: Mr. and Mrs. Robyns, tbe Flying Rathbuns, Vernon, John and Ilertba Gleaion, Jobn Heley, John Mayon and company, Letto and Dello, and Reed's tomograph. Salem Theatre, Salem. Mass. (Harry K. Reed, manager).—A local show, given for the benefit of the Second Corps of Cadets, occupied tbls theatre tbe first four even- ings last week, which was witnessed by Isrge audiences. Tbls week Nell Burgess presents "The County Fair," to good busi- ness, 22. "Lost In tbe Desert" comes 24, and "Why Women Sin" 28. Rooked: "Saved from the Sea" March 2. William Crane. In "David Harum," 5; "The Burgomaster' 1 7. Grover's Gaiidcn Theatre, Salem, Mass. (0. II. Atwood. manager).—Tbe business laat week Is reported good. Tbls week bur- lesquers are presenting two skits, "A Night at Hotel Waldrougb" and "Photographer's Troubles." The vaudeville Is: Coates, Grundy and company, In "The Watermelon Trust;" Ksrlna, Allen and Hamilton, Mile. Latosca. Owley and Randall, Shattuck and Barnard, and Felix Martin, s Fall River.—At tbe Academy of Music (Wm. J. Wiley, manager).—"A Modern Mag- dalen," Feb. 16, played to fair returns. Nell Burgess. In "The County Fair," 17, had a fair bouse. Tbe Catholic Club players. In "The Power of Friendship" (local). 18, had a large audience. Hungarian Band, 10, to poor returns. "The Dangers of Paris." 21, bad a good house. Coming: "The Climbers" 28, "The Old Homstead" 24. "Tbe Mocking Bird" 27, "Jerome" 28, "Foxy Grandpa" March 2. "Why Women Sin" 8. Y. M. C. A. course 4, "Over Niagara Falls" 0-7. Bimu Theatbe (Henry Myers manager). —"The Little Church Around tbe Corner" played, to fair business. Feb. 16-18, and gavo satisfaction. "James Roys In Mli- ourl," 10-21, had good business. Due: "An American Gentleman" 28-20, "The Road to Ruin" 26-28. Casto Theatre (Al. Haynes, manager). —Business at tbla house week of 16 was to tbe capacity. Mile. Theo and the World's Trio scored heavily. Week of 28: Prof. Martin's dog, est and monkey circus, Lorl- mer Johnstone and Caroline Frances Cooko, Leslie Bros., Seville Sisters, Dorothy Neville, Minnie May Thompson, Pettlnglll and De Forest, Williams and La Call. Hicii's Theatre (A. E. Rlcb, manager). —The Dainty Puree Burlesquers gave a good show, to good business, 10-21. Booked : "At Gay Paris'' March 0-7, Parisian Belles 0-11. Sreedt's Thbatrb (D. R. Bufflngton, manager).—Business last week was up to the usual high standard. Week of 23: Burke Bros., Rocbfort and May, Fagan and Merrlam. Zora, Hurley Bisters, and Phillips and Hamilton s New Bedford.—New Bedford Theatre (Wm. B. Cross, manager).—Nell Burgees presented "The County Fair" Feb. 1A. before an audience that filled every available seat. Ths Royal Hungarian Court Orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. P. K. Mattus, rendered an excellent programme 20, before a smalt but highly pleased audience. The current week's attractions are: "The Old Home- stead" 28. "The Climbers" 24, Msbel Oil- more 28. Dsnlel B. Ryan Co. March 2. W. H. Crane 18. "'Way Down East" 16, 17, "The Burgomaster" 18, Sitp.r.DT's Theatbsi (Theo. B. Baylies, manager).—Martlnettl and Grossl were the headllners Isst week. Murphy and Wlllard were warm favorites, as also were Flslkowakl, animal and bird Imitator. Tbls week's offer- ing Is: Mr. and' Mrs. Litchfield. Burto, Lowande and Wilson's Bijou Circus, Ala- bama Comedy Four, Lelgbton and Lelgbton, Castellet and Hall, Margaret Webb, Henry T. Walte, and Francis Harrison. Flowers' Theatbe. —Closed Indefinitely. Seattle,—At the Grand Opera Bouse (John Cort, mauager).—Murray A Mack opened Feb. 8. In "A Night on Broadway," lor three nights' engagement, to capacity. The Gordon-Shay Oraud Opera Co. finished out balance of week, to large business. "The Heart of Maryland," 16. two nights, to sat- isfactory atteudance. On the way: "Lord Stratbmore," and James snd Warde. Seattle TiiEATkE (J. P. Howe, manager). —Week of 8, Harry Corson Clarke, In TO Wife's Husband." to good business. Last week Mr. Clarke produced "What Happened to Jones," to fair attendance. Coming: Week of 22, "Corlanton." for week'a engage- ment. On the way: Boston Lyric Opera Co^. week. Tinao Avenue Theatbe (Russell A Drew, managers).—Week of 10 "The Burglar and tbe Waif opened to usual Bunday night house. Next week, "A Man from Sweden" Co. Madison Thbatbb (Wlldy & Qodsteln, managers).—New company opened 10, to largo attendance. La Petite and Kuibon Theatres continue with same bills, to satisfactory attendance. Facts. —Manager Hayward, of the Audi- torium, Spokane, signed a contract this week with John Cort, general manager Northwestern Theatrical Association, which places lbs above house and the Auditorium Theatre, at Wallace, Idaho; Wardnor The- atre, Wardner, Idaho, wltb the association for live years. All the dollar shows will play tho Auditorium, Spokane, and tbe $1.00 companies will bo taken care of at ths Spokano Theatre. Thla gives the North- western Theatrical Association absolute con- trol of all the bouses on the Northern Pacific It. It. from Livingston. ...untana, watt. In- cluding British Columbia, and on tbe Short Line from Portland to Ogden, Utah. s Tacoma.—At the Tacoma Theatre (Cal- vin Ilelllg, manager).—Tho Gordon-Shay Opera Co. drew three fair houses Feb. 8-10, presenting "Carmen," "Cavallerla Rustl- cana," "I Pagllaccl" and "II Trovatore." Dan Bully, In "The Old Mill Stream." 10; Mur- ray and Mack 16, 'The Heart of Maryland" 17, James and Wardo 18, "Lord Stratbmore" 19, Kilties Band 20. Florence Roberts 21, 22, Henry Corson Clark 2U-20, Zella De Lus- san 26. Lyceum Theatre (Dean Worley. mana- ger).—"Tbe Burglar and tbe Waif" drew good houaes 12-14. Knute Brlckson, In "The Man from Sweden," 10-17. Manager Worley announces that next month Is booked solid. I. a Petit Theatbe (K. D. Allen, mana- ger).—Business at this house Improves weekly. Week uf 10 tho following are billed: Tho Thompsons. Chinese comedy act; John Jones, comedlsn; Sam Singer, magician; Allen Dooiie, songs, and the vita- scope plcturea. NUTS.—Manager Calvin Hclllg left 10 for New York, on a bualneas trip s Spokane.—At tbe Spokane Theatre (Dan L. Weaver, manager), — The Gordon-Shay Opera Co., Feb. HI, 17, came, to good botiHcs. "Tbe Heart of Maryland," 18, 14, and Dnn'l Sully, In "Ttbe Old Mill Stream,' 1 11, 12, attracted average bualneas, Frank Daniels, In "Miss Simplicity," played to capacity business 0, 10. Warde and James are due 28, 24, At'iiiTORitiu (Harry C. Hayward, man- ager).—"Weary Willie Walker' 1 opened for two nights 16, to average business. "Corl- anton," 12-14, attracted only moderate houses. Cinhoobapii (C. H. Peckham, manager), —Capacity bualneas continues. Rlchardand Maggie Leonl, tbe Wilson Family, Lulu Fawn, Olvlo and Leslie I'omeroy, for weak of 16. Ccicur d' Aline (Jacob Goeti, manager). —Phillips snd Sharp. Lyndon and Wrenn, the Esmonds, Mildred Barrett, the Loretta Family and the Wilson Family, 18-21. Busi- ness Is excellent. Cohioie (T. D. Holland, manager).—The olio Includes: Jeanette Lunette, Dolla Ken- ben, Malan and Howard, Msany and Ander- son, Mozelle and Owens, and tho Gilbert Bisters. • i t MARYLAND. Baltimore.—At tbo Academy of Musis i Nixon A Zimmerman, managers).—Ulcbard Innslleld will be seen Feb. 22 and week, In "Julius Cnsar." Louis Mann had a prosper- ous week wltb "Tbo Consul," closing 21. Next week, K. 8. Wlllard, In reportory. Fobd's Oi'eha House (Charles 10. Ford, manager).—Mrs. Langtry, in "The Cross Ways?' Is the attraction for tbs current week. Stusrt Itobson did but fairly wltb "A Comedy of Errors" week ending 21. Kellsr Is due March 2. IIulliiiay Street Theatre (Kernan, Rlfs k Houck, uauagers).—Howard Wall and Nina Morris. In T 'I'hc Man Wbo Dared," be- gin a weeks engagement Feb. 28, "Ths Ravs' "A Hot Old Time." 10-21, did good tees. Coming: "Tbe Limited Mall" 23- buslnets. 26. "In Convict's Stripes" 26-28. Casto Theatbe (Al. Hsynes, manager). —A very pleasing hill the past week, with Valerie Rergere ss tbe sUr, In "Blllle's First Love." Business waa to ths capacity. Current: Mattle Keene snd company. In Lawrence.—At tbe Opera House (Grant ft Cahn. managers).—Nell Burgess, In "The County Fair," played to good business Feb. 21, Including matinee, coming: Walter K. Perkins 28. "Why Women Sin" 27. 28. "The Burgptr.aiter'' March 8. "The Climbers" 4, "David Harum" 6, "Saved from tbe Ben" 7. Casto Thbatrb (Al. Haynes, manager).— Business very good. Booked for week of Feb. 28 : Mile. Theo. Seeker and Wilkes, Rus- sell snd Buckley, the World's Trio, Little Red Riding Hood, George Yeoman, Bardie) Langdon, Master Robert Nelson and com- pany. Casino Theatre (W. L. Gallagher, man- ager).—Business very good. Coming week of 28: Vice and Viola, Gertrude Zola, Btd- dons and Blddons. Geo. Platte, tbe Ran- dolphs. Haskell Slaters, burlesque, "Hotel .light Before Christmas" drew largely 10-21. "Only a Shop Girl" Is underlined lor March 2 and week. Chase's Theatbe (P. B. Chase, manager). —"Prince Karl" will be put on Feb. 28, for tho week, with Frank (illmore In the title role, to be followed March 2 by "Siberia." Last week's business was good wltb "The Christian," Auditorium Music Hall (Jsmes L. Ker- nan, manager).—Tbe new musical farce, "Busy lazy, with George Sidney as leading funmaker, opens 28. The Lole Fuller Co. drew crowds all week ending 21. Tbe Em- &lre Vaudeville Co., headed by James J. Cor- Dtt, Is underlined for March 2. Monumental Theatre (James L. Ker- nan, mnnnger). —The Transatlantic Burles- quers bo!d« the Lonrds week beginning 23. The Rose Hill Co. did tbe usual big busi- ness 16-21. The City Club Burlesquers tomes March 2. Kmphik Theatre (Louis H. Baker, man- ager) —This latest addition to local amuse- ment enterprises will open 28 as a family vaudevlllo bouse, and Is a cozv aud attract- ive resort. Tbe attractions for tbe Initial week include: Cblqulta. Frank Cusbman, Allen Shaw and daughters, Hughes and llnzletoii. Iirnwn Brothers and Lillian Wright. Ramsey Slaters, Daniel P. Harring- ton, Miller and Kresko, and W. A, and Lottie Ilohme. Oueon Theatre (James Madison, man- ager),— Kadis Leslie and Mile. Car- rie are the topllncra for the current week. Tho wrestling contests, which have become so popular a feature will continue, Lew Roberts, banUm weight, meeting all comers In his class. Convention Hall (Jsmes L. Kernan, man- ager).—Larkln and Patterson's colored com- pany will be seen 23 and week, in "A Trip to the Jungles." "The Three Musketeers did fairly 10-21. "For Home and Honor" March 2. Notes.— Burton Holmes will begin a series of Illustrated lectures st Music Halt (Bern- hard Ulrlcb, manager) March 4. continuing conaecutlve Wednesdays Mark Ham- bourg will give bla flnnl piano recital 27.... Ernest Thompson Beton will deliver his second lecture at Ford's 24. s)»s) NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte.—At ths Academy of Musis (Jno. B. Blburg, resident manager).—-Lewla Morrison, In •'Faust," played to fair bust* ness Feb. 18. "Arizona," to good buslnsssv 19. Richards A Mngle's Georgia Minstrels 20. Si » Lawebkce Williams has been .sassfM as business representstlve for La Lets Fuller.