The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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12 THE 2S5TEW YORK CLIPPER- Febeuart 26. THE ME W YORK CL IPPER ^JsJErvartSEaS^ ••* M. B., Savannah.—We advise jon to gin THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLI8HIN0 CO. (Umltsd,) up the project until you are a few years ».np„ir T ,i B « D"a\ You are apt to be sorry If €bc$$e .It It about time to bear something Durgln. He baa been.gone two proprietors. ALBERT J. BORIE, Editorial and Uusinebb Manager. BAIDBDaY, PKBRTJABY 26, 1933. RATES. Advertisements—»2.80 per inch, elngle col- umn. _ Advertisements aet with border, 10 per cent, extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One year In advance, 14; alx months, $2; tbreo months, II. Foreign postage extra. Single coplea will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Term* are Gash. THB CLIPPER la lamed every Wednesday morning. The laal four (advertlalng) pages 00 TO PRESS on 8aturday at 11 a. m., and tbe other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY, The Forma Cloalnti Promptly, Tues- day* at 10 o'clock A. SI. Please remit by express, money order, check, p. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter la at the rlak of sender. Address All Communications for the Editorial or the Business Deportment to THB HEW YORK. CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. RtgUtered Cable Atlirtu, "Adthobitx." THB CLIPPBB CAN BE OBTAINXD, WHOLBBALU AND retail, at tlie CLIPPER BUREAU. 502 Ashland Block, Chicago, and the LONDON BUHEAU, Granville House, Arnndel St., Strand, W, C.» also at our agents, Brentano'a news depot, 87 Avenue de I'Opera, Paris, France: M. Llllentbal, Frledrlch Strnsse 101 (TerminusHotel), Ber- lin, N, W„ Germany i Diamond Newa Co., 07 Prado, Havana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Bacolta, Manila, P. I.; Albert a Bon, 137-189 King St., Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes only one edition, and that Is dated from Hew York. OUR N EW VO LUME. This Issue of tbe Nsw York Clipper marks tbe beginning of Its fifty-first year, an age rarely attained by any publication. Tub Clipi-eu, from Us first Issue, ilfty years ago, has kept In close touch with Its patrons, ever atrlving to use la Its columns, only aucb matter as was of Interest to them, and always endeavoring to be fair baa kept abreast of the and just to all. It times, changing wltb tbe customs and condl- OD uged to expose his band at all you prac- tice deception upon your mother. J. B. N.. Manning-ton.—Address Prof. Ifee- han, Troy, N. Y. „ _ _ T. V., Buffalo.—Address George W. Wie- ner, in care of Tim Cmpmi. It. K., Muscatine.—Watch our route Hat each week. O. \V\, Deadwood.—We have no such list. Address Samuel French, New York City. A. H., Portland.—Address Col. T. Allaton Brown, 1358 Broadway New York City. J. A. 8., Philadelphia.—Your age would count against you, wait a few years. G. B. H. 8., Guilford.—He did. First production, Jan. 16, 1800. The play failed to win any great degree of public favor, and was short lived. II. F. B., Lowell.—Address some railroad Journal. D. It., New York.—The parties are two different persons. Both have appeared at the house you mention. C. B. M., Chicago.—A New York business directory will tbe list In this city. K. A., Columbus.—We never answer queries relating to tbe private affairs of any one. 0. H., Muncle.—Watcb our route Hat each week. 0. 8. J., Dea Moines.—Bee answer to "Chick." _ Mrs. H. Z., New York.—We have no means of knowing. Address office of com- pany, 112 West Forty-second Street, New York City. II. Q„ Portland.—We can not advise you. Advertising rates appear at the head of this department. C 10. W., Bprlngneld.—Address party care of the BIJou Theatre. Brooklyn, N. Y. N. C. R., Sblppensburg.—We are not In a position to advise you, Pnor. J. E. W., Olneyvllle.—Address Robt. Glrard, St. James Building, New York City. B. A. I?., Ithaca —Both letters have been claimed. BILLIARDS, POOL, ETC. J. R. D., Rumford Falls.—A wins. When one or more balls, In addition to tbe ball called, are pocketed, tbe player Is entitled to all pocketed. CARDS. P. M., Cleveland.—Tbe players whose count waa 07 score tbe point, A. D.j New York.—1. No; 160 trumps having been first melded, the player must have another king and another queen of trumps to meld 40. 2. In drew poker a Slayer Is allowed to split bis openers to raw to a four flush or straight. B. D. W., Bristol.—As A bad but one to go, he won the game when he played tbe ace, as blgh outranks low and game, and the fact that the bidder mode In play tbe two he bid did not give blm precedence In the count. 8. II. 8., Sldnaw.—Each player needing two points, A won wltb low and Jack, which are superior In rank to game. J. \v. 0., Detroit.—1. A'a hand, composed of jack, ten, nine, eight and seven of clubs (a straight flush), beats B's four of a kind. 2. A straight Is a sequence of Ave cards not all of tbe same suit, and will beat triplets. A. B. C, Elmlra.—By doing as you state be fulfills all requirements; be is not To Correspondents. BsO. Mirmi.KTOH.—Answered to the best of our knowledge. Geo. B. Cabpbntbb. —O, sort of gusrdlsa ad litem, eh t Thanks; in good time. W. A Siiinkman. —Itro. Spencer rather took the wind oat of oar sails that time; well, our Intentions were good. Thank you for Improved version of tbe "" ' toren" "Schacbmlnlt 7 r JSn£%.^SS^^SS£ «faVh^u rt H « 0 ^.u?t M Bom. « P r^to be'.ddrVied, each ajcordlag^bl. {^,,1) ||)t Dil l rO SKlS^ This department baa been established for the purpose of interesting those employed In the Increasing Industry of displaying out of door advertising of all descriptions. Many managers of opera houses have eon- '■•" posting piam« In their re- sphere" o7 doty."are: Chairman. Hon. Max ftdd'siO Olive'Street, St Louis; treasurer, Ben R, Foster, same address; secretary, Dr J. L. OYnYsbes, 1862 Springfield Avenue, Bprlngfleld, Mo.: _. /,-__... 'The Seventh American Cbesi Congress, North vs. South, corresnondeuce match. Free gress ! ill the game., but to get _ BtflS t,.B» »e - ■ ggggrt ^SK b fnpo,Urs in general, and amusement bill for Judgment of tbe event PrUes, the congress cbessibu"on to sm wm. dim P°--™« „ ftrt ? cular . ]„ this department .ink'it S£per to give most SS Df m Af^W»«S BPVl«Ji>m«JlPa^n» attractive mate. Two games for each contestant. Referee, Dr. C. B. Clapp, Moberly, Mo. Players are requested, upon entering, to send the director some Idea of their chess strength, so they can be matched against Just as they are spirited; It does not seem necessary to give S fair standard 1 as a whole we think of them. Bbo. Spbncbr. —We've cast that old, rusty pen Into outer darkness, and Ink flows from the new one with delightful freedom. Our own and Mr. Sblnkman's views were to withhold the eolation of No. 2,400 till some of tbe foreign sulmate masters bad taken a tilt wltb It. Toubnbt Playbbs. —Please excuse the passing of your favors for thin week. Notice. — If we bear nothing further from our problem contributors for two weeks we shall drop from our box every- thing In that line of doubtful vitality. Knlgmo. No. 2,407. From "700 Chess Problems." We have been looking for some clew to two or three of Mrs. Baird's best sals, and find one, at least, good enough. In Leeds Mercury. The following are among tbe en- j t test comla: "A very pretty 'trlpper-up;'" w. "Some fine points In this;" "Full of deep q b( beauty." Now let some of our young solvers, who have not gone very far Into suls, try their "prentice band" on this: BT MBS. W. J. BAIBD. Rules, same as In correspondence tourney. aside this space — as will be meat Interesting and valuable to cars, descriptions of new bill posting plants. Items of personal mention concerning bill posters and out of door advertisers, and we Invite contributions from everybody con- cerned. players of like ability. Play will commence March 1, 1003, and entries will be received and opponents fur- nished until July 1. 1903. J. L. OsMBBtB, secretary gl>ecker$e To Correspondents. Db. SchabfbrI —Not a squeak, thing must be satisfactory. J. H. Robinson.— Have sent yoo 8bward and J. db Lima,— Take notice, Gbobvbnob. —Pleased to hear from you. Bvery- the QB8,QR3, 6, KR6, Ksi 1 & t s ,QH6,QKt2,Q2,KKt8. # « I 1 * t ft ft t QB4.KB8, 2, KB6q,QKt3,QR6,K2, 4, KKti. Pretty complicated, but Phenla and I have both made sure It la right.— Miron. White compels sulmate In two moves. Problem No. 2,407. BX GEO. B, CARPENTER. BLACK. tlons, and ever aiming to prove Its friend- ship and loyalty to all members of tbe pro- fession. In keeping with Its progressive Ideas new departments have been Introduced from time to time to meet the requirements of Its patrons, and wltb this issue we begin the publication of Beveral departments, which we believe will meet wltb favor. A VAUDEVILLE HOLTE LIST Is One Of the new departures to be found In this Issue,' and, while our beginning may be modest, wltb tbe aid and co-operation of tbo legion of performers we hope to present each week the most complete llBt of vaudeville book- lugs published. The man behind the curtain bus also been remembered, as well as tbe outdoor promoter of publicity, and In seperate departments tbe BTAOB MHCHANJC uud the DILL P08TBR will find Items of special Interest to each. Looking back upon tbe half century Just closed we find nothing but pleasant reflec- tions; the loyal support of our numerous friends has enabled us to reach a position In Theatrical Journalism enjoyed by no other publication in our class, aud our efforts to give to tbo amusement profession a clean and trustworthy representative Journal have been eminently successful. For the liberal patronage which has been bestowed upon us we are truly grateful, and we hope, by steadfastly adhering to those principles which have won for Tub Clu'moi tbe sobriquet of "Tbe Old Reliable," to merit a continu- ance of the cunUileucc and esteem of our patrons. ^^ 37 F. L.." Cambridge.—1. Neither; the hands are of equal value, and the pool must be divided. 2. He can do so If he desires. See answer to A. D. J. B. T., New York.—The best way to de- cide tbe point In dispute, to tbe satisfaction of the bettors, Is to put It to a practical test, Poker Player, Wilmington.—Write to Dick & Fitzgerald. 18 Ann Street, New York, for a catalogue of such books. "The Ameri- can Hoyle" Is tbe most comprehensive pub- lished. A. R., Ottawa.—1. In two banded pino- chle a player Is out the moment his score reaches 1.000 points; be does not have to take a trick afterwards. 2. There Is no such *"* RING. H. B. F., Bradford.—John L. Sullivan waa born In Boston, Haas., Oct. 15, 1868. D. D., Phamlx.—The announced weight of Bob Pltralmmons when be fought Jack Demp- sey was IBOVj poundB. _ . F. M„ Atlantic City.—Yes; John L. Sul- livan became champion of l he world, under tbe old rules, fighting with bare knuckles and on turf, when be defeated Jake Kllraln In Mississippi. July 8. 1880. ATHLETIC. F, W., Astoria.—We have no record of the party mentioned In your letter. It Is not likely, however, that he ever performed eltber of the feats you refer to. MISCELLANEOUS. W. II. F., Newark.—To our knowledge, 1.350 miles, elr line, flown In tblrty-one days, by a bird belonging to R. B. Blaney, Denver, Col., to Grafton, W. Va„ July 20 to Aug. 20, 1800. Position No. 52, Vol. BO. Bnd game, between two New York ama- teurs * Black 1 4 6 8 9 11 12 15 21 E 26 WHITE. White to ptay and mate In three moves. Game No. 2,407. Played In the final round of tbe Plllsbury Corres. Assn. Third Tourney, between H. Plenge, of CnarleBton, S. C, and our con- tributor, Hermann Helms, whom not to know la to be unknown In chess. BUY LOPEZ KT'S GAME. Black, H. Heliiw. 1M«K4 UKt-113 P-QR3 KKHI3 KU-KU 1S-R4 P-Q8 White, B. Plenge. l..PtoK4 2..KIO-B8 8..KB-Ktft 4..B-R4 B..O Kt-B3 e..Kt-0 5 7. .Castles 8..P-0 8 9..P-118 1D..U-Kt8(a) ll..QKt-K3 12..B-It 2 18..PQ4 14..KH14 ltn.QKt-Ho 16..KPXKt B-B2 17,.B-Ksq P-Q4 Q II- Kt 6 P-Q Kt4 K Kt-0.2 0 U-K3 Kt-K2 P-KBB B-Kt8 KtXKt White, Black, II. Plunge. H. Helms. 19..l'loKR3 IMoKtS 20.. Oil -H II Q11-K6 2I..KH14 IMJIU 22..P-HU4 II PX P 2S..RPX P ()2dPXP M..BsuP> 1* KRPXP Kt x Wl jj II X Kt 28..0XQI' It-' 27..KH> - <i H X B H-n 2 Kt-K4 II 1> X R K-Q 2(6) P to B 71 K-lisq K-Q 2 und the guiiie was drawn. to It 2 at once XP 28..0-R& + 29..KRX «l ..RXKt 1 31..QXP + 32.. II-I!4 „o-liere+ 34..Q-KI8-: 3.V.Q-U<:rl) :, White 6 10 13 18 20 22 28 28 81 E 8 14 Black to play and win. Game No. 52, Vol. 80. CROSS. BX mi, DOBAN, QLAHUOW. From Olasoow Weekly Herald. 16 0 22 18 6 2 18 15 2 7 14 0 7 2 15 11 1 5 9 13 6 9 18 6 2 9 Drawn ANOTHER COMBINATION HOUSE. QUERI ES ANS WERED. No Replies by Hall or Telegraph. ADDRRBSKB OR WllEItEABOL'TB MOT OIVBN. All in (Juhbt ok such should white to those whom they seek, in carb ok tiiu Ci.UTlili Post Ornva. All lbttbiib will DB ADVERTISED ONE WEEK ONLY. IK TUB ltoUTB OK ANY THEATRICAL COUl'ANY IS SOUGHT, RBFEU TO OUR LIST OK ROUTES ON ANOTHER 1'AUB, \V» CANNOT BBND BOUTBS BX MAIL OB TKLEOlUriC. DRAMATIC. L. R., Sprlngllelil.—We have no knowl- edge of the present whereabouts of tbo party. Address a letter In our cure and we will ad- vertise It In The Cliitbk letter list. Misb B. M, C, Philadelphia, B. A. J., Dion, W. E. Men., Kansas City, W. B. D., Scotland, Mns, B. M. Li., Lcomlster, A. C, New York, O. M. S , Morton, M. It., Charleston, H. D„ Washington. J. E. L.. New York, W. R„ Ft. Dodge, and . L. D., Montreal, see answer to L, R., M. Fj, St, Louis.—Address Dr. Gray, Osone ".' L.' W - !. Bolivar.—1. Yes. 2. Address the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, ofilcc, 112 West Forty-second Street, New York City. Chick. Fnrragut.—Address M. Wit mark & Sons, 8 West Twenty-ninth 8t., New York City 1 M, P., Bugcne.—J. Madison's Budget, 1404 Third Avenue, New York City. C. P. D., Bristol.—Bee answer to "Chlcu.' A. McD., Amherst.—R. K. Fox, Polloe Oa- , "r* , C N M W B Y «Bon.-B. Walker, 285 Eighth Avenue. New York City. B, 11., Bphrata.—Forepaugb-Sells Bros., o!'j. U 8., Baltimore.—Watch oar route list **B. J?*B., Philadelphia.—We will publish list of parks as usual this Spring, Mss, G. A, Boston.—Watch our route Hat each week. Mr. Proctor Announces an Important Clinnue of Policy for His Klfty- elitlith Street House. Announcement was made last week of an Important change In policy at F. K. Proctor's Fifty-eighth Street Theatre, which bus for several seasons past been devoted to the production of dramas by a permanent stock company. By the uew arrangement, which Is expected to go Into effect In a fow weeks. tbe more pretentious class of popular priced traveling combinations will be played there, —Ber 18. .Kt-B 8" P-K 8 (a) In this position, B saves a move. (1) Our contributor Is facing a man of Ideas, with tbe courage to put them to the test. Black bas now to exert himself right smart, to avoid falling Into disaster. (6) Tbe sharply fought field looks thus: * fr I I § t § § II n KKt, K 8,0. Run, Kilt),, K U 2, K 2, R 3. *fIII)i best. 15 6 1 10 16 12 10 15 28 8 11 23 16 11 20 To which we must add that It would be a pleasure to receive a contribution from Mr. Plenge, when agreeable to blm. 5 9 27 24 9 14 22 17 13 22 18 22 8 11 23 26 11 15 26 80 and the bouse will present practically the same line of attractions that play the Grand Opera House, on the West side. st# Pou i T<# winnlpegr. ma I n B ger, U J UQ A C «s?ln ll J,V C e h sr slld^bu^Sg'fb? The promised game in this .nternat.oual r^mv^s sbjsrS mtttcb ' B S55 S defbncb"' H " u M. Smith. F. A. Hill. I M. Smith. F. A Hill. 1..IMOK4 PtoK4 ln..RtoKtnq PtoQ R4 2..KKI-H3 QKt-BS 22..1'-Qli4((/) I'XPf""- 8. .K 11-114 K Kt-118 2J..Kt-ll2 0-her3 to so often by the managers of combinations that It baa been dually decided to turn over the bouse to that form of entertainment. Tbo bookings will be made through the ouencv of Stair & Havlln, whose extensive chain of popular price theatres throughout the country glveB them exceptional advantage In routing shows. Three or four matinees a week will be played, and tbo prices for reserved seats will range from *1 to 25 cents. The continuous Sunday vaudeville concerts will bo retained, as the? have long been a popular feature of the house. Tbe stock company now playing there will be divided among the other stock companies controlled by Mr. Proctor In this city. It should be distinctly understood that this change affects only the Fifty-eighth Street house. At Mr. Proctor's Fifth Avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street The- atres the permanent stock companies are iilnvlng to capacity business, and will re- main indefinitely, while at the Twenty-third Street house, and In Newark and Albany, vaudeville will be continued as heretofore. Mr. Proctor and his family left for Pnlra Reach. Florida, several days ago, to spend the Winter. <■> — Dan F.vans, who left the "Pennsyl- vania" Co., on account of Illness, some months ago. will rejoin them this week Mr. Bvans Is the leader of tbe Bagle tot Si » Twenty lloun» to Chloagro. The train on tbe New York Central and Lake Shore making the 080 miles between New York and Chicago dally In twenty hours Is appropriately named Tbe 20th Cen- tury Limited. 4..QKM13 KtXP 6..BXP+(C)KXKB 8..KtXKt P-Q 4 7..QKL-Kt8-r K-Ktsq 8..P-Q3 P-K It 8 .Kt-R3 P-Q 8 bJisT K-Ktsq KI-K2 Kt-Q.4 Q B-K 8CT) Q-RS Q-R8 24..P-K Kt 6 Il2dPXB 2S..QXQP(ft)K B-K2 26..Ktl'XP Kt~hls6 27,.R2dPXPKtxKt-(- 28..QXKI Q-berS-r- |2»..R-Kt2 R-H2 lUI..Kt-K2 QXBP 81..P-K8 KRXP S2..P-R6 R-B2(<) 33..Q K-Ktsq KB-U4 84..QR+ K-llsc 3S..P-R7 B-Q 88.. K-Ktsq P-Q 37..R-Kt8+ QRXR S8..PXR + 4KX2dQ s»..Q-her2 Q-K«,and White resigns. It so ibJ B-K 2 W..QKt-KtsqK-R2 11..P-KR4 R-llsq 12.. B-K 3 18.. 11-0 2 14..Q-K2 16..C»stlcs(e) 16..KI-K»q 17..P-K Kt 4 18..K-Ktsq 19..K-Rsq 20.. P-K 18 A few of the winner's notes, from 8t. Paul Dltpatch: (o) An old time var.. fa- vorable to Black (d) To prevent Kt to Kt 6 (e) We think 16. .Kt to Kt 5 check, followed by Q to K 4, would give White a very promising attack (/) The way Black wrests the attack from White Is curious (p) If 22..P to Kt 0; the advance of Q ft P would be fatal a week (h) Must have overlooked the work of Q and le Quar- R by Kt to B 8, when be snalyaed bis 22. ...... W Could not allow Q take P. Black puts an effectual stop to White's schemes, whose last moves are extremely weak. Timely mad Spirited. Secretory Ormsbee has furnished us with the following olrcular, In MB., which shows In a strong light the activity and devotion of 7 11 22 18 18 16 28 24 27 31 10 6 20 27 18 15 6 9 81 24 81 26 6 1 11 16 15 10 9 14 23 18 26 28 18 16 20 11 7 15 11 18 11 23 18 S 9 (C) 26 10 12 10 24 19 7 14 8 4 15 24 16 11 10 28 28 12 8 12 10 10 14 18 11 8 6 15 4 8 Drawn, (d) In 1809 International match games this 21 to 17 move Is supposed to lose, (e) Submitted to correct game 117, page 68, of that book. News of the Game. It la said on good authority that Dr. Emanuel Lasker, when at the Chicago Club, In 1802. said: ''I think I could master the game or checkers In a few months." Since that time be has changed his opinion, and when asked recently whlcb game he thought the more complicated, ana. In fact, tbe greater game, said: "They ootb have tbelr ne points and combinations that are be- yond the possibilities of tbe human mind." This speaks well for tbe fair mlndedness of the greet chess master. We have no doubt that If Mr. Plllsbury were asked the same The recent death of Mrs, John H. Whal- len, wife of John H. Whallen, of the Con- solidated Bill Posting Company, Louisville, Ky.. may have some bearing upon the loca- tion of this Summer's annual convention of tbe Associated Bill Posters and Distributors. Mrs. Wballen was at last Summer s conven- tion, and wltb true Southern hospitality Joined her husband In many Invitations to members and their wives (conditional upon tbla year's convention going to Louisville) to eniov their "open house," which it had been Mr. and Mrs. Whallen's Intention to keep. Tbe board of directors may, under theclr- cumstances, and In deference to Mr. Whal- len's delicate feelings In the matter, decide to obviate an unpleasant reminder of the plana which he bad formed, and which the lamentable death of his wife will make im- possible to carry out The tongue and groove system of building boards haB come to stay, according to the testimony of an experienced out of door ad- vertiser. There are very few towns, par- ticularly of association members, that have not added this Idea to their plants. 8. C. Rook A Son, of Youngstown, O., have greatly Increased their plant during the present season. They have recently added some fifteen or twenty locations, be- sides a line line of bulletins. Tbe business Is managed by Gene Rook, who also manages the Opera House. . _ __._ Tbe Associated Bill Posters of the United States have recently finished a very rigid Inspection of the plants of members through- out the State of Ohio. It is understood that tbey will take up other States at once. Frank Burt Is remodeling the plant at Steubcnvllle 0. The plant at that point bas always been In a neglected condition, and this new system will no doubt be a great acquisition to out of door displays In that section of Ohio valley. The circuses are having a merry scramble for bill posters for the coming season, of- fering them, among other Inducements, sub- stantial Increases In salary It Is safe to say, however, that whea the cars start they will have tbelr full complement of men, as there seems to be something alluring to the average knlgbt of the paste brush In life upon the road. The scheme of blanking in use by tbe American Posting Service is. perhaps, the best Idea yet brought forward by bill post- ing Arms to increase tbe efficiency of post- ers. A liberal display of blank around the sides, top and bottom of even an ordinarily attractive sheet of paper greatly enhances Its advertising value, and the Idea will prob- ably soon be In universal vogue. The Amer- ican Posting Service show great taste In their displays, and their bill boards are real- ly works of art In their way. George L. Cbenelle, manager of tbe Co- lumbus Bll Posting Co., has brought that plant up to a wonderful degree of excellence since be assumed the management. The filant, which was formerly among tbe worst, s now fit to rank with tbe best In the United States. Mr. Cbenelle also bas a fine bulletin service and has lately secured sev- eral large paint contracts, He also owns bill posting plants in Washington Court House, Lancaster and Wilmington, 0., to which he 1b constantly making additions in the way of new and up to date boards. He reports that even wltb his Increased ca- pacity every Inch of space Is kept filled. The Parkersburg (W. Va.) Bill Posting Co. have recently added a number of new boards to their already large holdings, and have been billing a number of country routes for several of the large national adver- tisers. , n Pressed steel signs, with the firm name 1-8 and beading, are being adopted by tbe pro- 15 18 gresslve bill posters throughout the country. 8 8 They are lasting and artistic, contain the 18 23 fl rm name and address of the bill poster, and 8 7 add much to tbe appearance of tbe board. 28 26 Aside from tbelr beauty and the story which 7 10 tbey tell, tbey are so Inexpensive that every Drawn bill poster can well afford to use them. St. Louis Is going to make a great fight tbls year for tbe next annual meeting of the association, and as tbey will have tbe World's Fair as a special Inducement, the task of capture should be comparatively easy. Tbe Iowa Posting Service, which pretty thoroughly controls the situation In the larger towns of the Hawkeye State, have the best of plants, and are giving great satis- faction to the out door advertiser. They have galvanized steel boards, and every new addition to tbelr plant Is of the same material. The Iron plant Is very expensive, but the added security which It gives the advertiser, and tbe satisfactory way In which tbe bill poster Is enabled to post paper upon it, more than pays for tbe Increased cost over the primitive methods. i 4 »> 14 18 9 14 18 28 21 17 18 22 14 18 Drawn DELAWARE. Wllmlnsrton.—At the Grand Opera House (Jesae E Baylls, manager).—Prof. Kellar on his arrival here found a telegram announcing the death of bis mother, and canceled nls two performances, Feb. 21.. Booked: Corse Payfon's Comedy Co. 28-28; •"Way Down East" March 2. Dockstader'8 Theatbd (W. L. Dock- et nder. manager).—For the week of 23: Luelletta, Wilfred Clarke, assisted by Theo. Cnrew and Co., in "A Happy Pair;" Bar- ton and Wakefield, Tom Moore, Armstrong and Holly, Newal and Nlblo, Zanfretto and Mnnaflcld. and Hal Merrltt. Lyceum (Frank Burt, manager).—The ex- cellent manner In which this house Is being conducted, and the high class of attractions 3uestlon he would give a like answer being offered. Is drawing; a large patronage. oe Malse was In Washington recently and had a long sitting with Henry, the Chinese checker player, the total scores being: Malse, 6; Henry, 2; drawn, 6 In all likeli- hood there will be an International match tbls year between Scotland and England. Recently, at the annual meeting of the En- glish Draughts Association, It was unani- mously passed tbat "an Invitation be sent tbe Scottish Executive to participate In an International matcb, to take place at New- castle-on-Tyne during Easter week." J. W. Dawson, of Newcsstle-on-Tyne, was elected chairman of the local committee of manage- ment (to be chosen by himself), .to act In conjunction with tbe officials of tbe asso- ciation in organltlng and conducting tbe proposed International match Corre- spondence play and tournaments oa this Slan are quite popular. A tourney, now elng played, under the auspices of The Ayr**hire Pott, bas on* hundred and twenty- eight contestants. The championship of India Is held through this medium of play Annie Oakley, In "The Western Girl," 16-18, and "Tbe Boy of the Streets," 10-21, both did good business. Coming: Rebecca War- ren, In "East Lynne." 23-23; "The Little Church Around the Corner" 28-28. «•» UTAH. Salt Lake city.—salt Lake Theatre (Geo. D. Pyper, manager). —"Arliona" played, to good business, week of Feb. 16. Coming: March 2-4, William Gillette; 5, 6, Daniel Sully. Bband Thbatrb (Jones A Hammer, mana- gers).—"The Peddler's Claim" played, to good business, 7-11. "Ths White Slsve" d'd fair business 12-14. "A Gambler's Daogh- ter" did good business 10-18. Coming: Week of March 2, Murray and Mack, In "A Night on Broadway." ■»«» — Arnold Reeves has Joined "A Romance of Coon Hollow," to direct the stage and plsy the leading heavy role.