The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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Febbuary 28. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPEB. 15 KLAW & ERLANGER'S MARVELOUS SUCCESSES Soasonof I802«3=s- ^^^ MO ST PO PULAR AND 8TRONGE8T DRA WING S TARS IN AMERICA, IN JOHN J. MoNALLY'S LATEST VAUDEVILLE FARCE, The Rogers Brothers In Harvard/' FOURTH SEASON OF THE STUPENDOUS PRODUCTION, QEN. LEW WALLACLM KATBT /^T^b. -WTT^^^<H WTHE JHAMATIC success *♦ HISTORY OF THE WORLD SECOND RECORD-BREAKING. SEASON OF THE 8PLENDID ORURY LANE SPECTACLE, TIE SLEEPING BEAM «S! BEAST A ERLANGEK OPEBA COMPANY LARGEST COMIC MP8ICA L ORG AM ZATION IN THE WOULD, PRE8ENTIN0 AT DALY'S R. Jb&ROME 3YKE DT HABBT B. SMITH AND QC8TAVE KERKER'8 NEW SPECTACULAR MC3I0AL PARC*, <•-■-■_■.«; BILLIONAIRE.' 1 GREATEST IN-DOOR ENTERTAINMENT EVER OONOIIVKD. THE DI3TINOUI9IIED ENGLISH ACTOR, Supported by HIS OWN M Baal 1" El THE DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH (fawn JPh I ||f II Mr. Martin Harve y agssg T he Only Way" in KLAW & ERLANGER'S TROUBADOURS IN HARRY E SMITH'S MUSICAL COMEDY NOVELTY, ME LIBERTY O E L. L. E 0 .»■ NOW RUNNING, AT KNIOKERBOOKER THEATRE, THE LATEST DBURY LANE 8PECTACLB, "IVIr. Blue Board." GENERAL OFFICES, IN PREPARATION] A DRAMATIC VERSION OF ONOTO WATANNA'S ROMANCE OF JAPANESE IJPB "A Japanese IMigHtingala." No. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. THE "LJ1MITE:J3 OP THE GREAT TRAGEDIAN AND FAMOUS ROMANTIO AOTOR, Robert B_ Mantell "CTuder tlie lk<fa.n qgenaezxt of ^<C , ^W r . -PRESENTING- "The Dagger and the Cross,' "Monbara" •The Face in the Moonlight,' "The Lady of Lyons." Alt Business Communication! kindly sddres* to M. W. HHNLEY, Manager, Care BOOM 808, KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, 1402. BROADWAY, NBW YORK CITY. OEO. E. SILL. EOQAR H. FITZHUBH. ATTRACTIONS: A Little Outcast, FKATUR1NQ MIBS ANNE BLANCHE (EASTERN . A Little Outcast, (NORTHERN). The King of Rogues. NOW BOOKING FOR SEASON 190304. Addicts all business communications to GEO. E. GILL, Room 12, 1358 Broadway, New York VAUDEVILLE CO-OPERATIVE ISSOCUTIi, smOTAtTiuuBBLOu. CHICAGO. if^Slminm. Ten Weeks' Circuit for Hi|l) Class (Mists. VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS.—Write as for information regarding our method of bouking. A large variety of Novelty Acta for Carnivals, Street Fairs and Out of Door Entertainments. CONJURING Apparent. Best Quality. YOST * COM ANY, « N. Ninth St, (Established lSTO), I bUadelphla. jsT* to Page Catalogue for sump. ATTENTION I Doctors, Lecture™, Medicine Hen and Managers, write (or oar 1603 price Hit, Just out. We lesd, ethers follow. Oar goods are the beat on themarket. All goods neatly wrapped and cartooned. Good line or advertising paper. Those that wrote be- fore write ngaln and ret oar late price list: don't dels;, write todar. Address MINNETONEA IN- DIAN MED. CO., Moravia, Iowa. ALWAYS WORKING*. JJLS. R. McNAIR, SCENIC PfiTIST. ARTISTIC BDVBRTISING DROP CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. 18 Years' Experience. Permaneu* address, care of NEW YORK OLUTER. Regards to C. L. McFarland and all friends. "CHICOT'S FRIEND." Busy with "Busy Izzy, »• ABOVE IB TOE NAME THAT OAVE GHICO BIB FAME OF PBOCTOB MAD* OAME AND BTILL LIVES JTJ8T THB America's Foreuost Character Comedian. OP HARRIS AND WALTERS, In His Oarer Monologue Citations, "Ths Lamp-Post Inspector," '-Can't Think of Everything," "Mama's Only Q& mum BUDGET HO. 8/, 80 neat Parodlee, Ave new Comedies land Afterpieces, two Original Acta fori I sketch teams, eight Grand Monologues, I Including two for Tramp and Hebrew, I new Hebrew Talking Act, besides bun-1 Idreds of Original Gags. Comic Epitaphs, I Doctors' Testimonials, etc., etc. «8 pages, ION* DtiLuiH per copy. I "Yoor Budget la full of bright parodies I and funny sayings, it's a corker." nOatcU* BtoiRBBI. . Send all orders to L. J. K. HE It, I (agent for JAMES MADISON, MM Third J iAve.,N.V. City. SCIENCE DRAB DOCTOR—1 sin addicted to becom- ing an old soak. Can ymi tell what la the mat- ter with me, and what to do to overcome my desire for boose?—HABBY. Too are suffering from alcoholic gliard. The best that yon can do to kill those germs, would be to get a rope about four fe«F long, tie one end of It to the cross arm of a tele- graph pole, place the other end around your oeck and Jump off the top of the pole, them hang there until yon reel the desire to drink has paased swsy, then cnt yourself down. Do this whenever you feel like taking a drink and yon will not crave anything but coco-cola. Eat plenty of pie and eiercleeby sawing wood. Minstrel Billy Clark ROYALTY PLAYS. MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AHO RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BTERS, 44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL, Managers of First Class Summir Resorts. British Guards' Tie Host, UilfiiMi Bind li tbi Wirt.. IK.INBB Al Ur.UAliU DVjUAU tIJ.—No higher compliment can be paid • in to say that It Is ss good as Bousa's, and be said of I'baasy'n — NEW YOHK I'BBBB A FEW EXTRACTS FROM THB NEW YORK PRESS. PIIABEY'S BBITIBH GUARDS BAND I'LKASEB AN IMMENSE AUDIENCE AT UiSHALD SqUABH THEATRE.- Band than tbla can be aald of i'basey'. FIFTY STALWART BEDCOATS. — Passey s British Guards Hand gave their second eonoart at Herald Square Theatre. Tbs Band la a good one, and played with vim and a cheerful scqulsscenc* to demands for encores. The programme included a wide range of music. When Phaser struck up SotV — ss's "Stars and Stripes Forever," tbs applause was lIANDEL V. PHArsBY (Bandmaster), deafening, — TUB WOBLD, New York. A GREAT ORGANIZATION.—Fie wsa able to make hla Bfty elaborately uniformed men produce music that aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, and made It welcoms Bandmaster Phasey and bis British Guards Band with cordiality.—NBW YORK SUN. ENGLAND LOSES A WELL KNOWN MUSICIAN. — Handel f. Phasey Has acblsved a Kreat success In New York with bis Drltlsb Guards Band of fifty St acted musician*, most of whom have served In the British Army. Mr. Phaser's genlsl disposition has made blm deservedly popular wltb Americans, and be has taken out bis naturalisation papers, and thus become an Anglo-American cltlien.— THE BBA, London, England. NOW BOOKING TIME FOB FAMES. For Terms address WILI, ■. ALBBDHT, Msmaajer, KLAW A BBLANQBR BUILDING, Suite 11, 1440 Broadway. «■ T. City. Fred Raymond's Attractions FOR 8EA30N 1903-11504. The Missouri Olrl (i.,t.m), TholVlissourl Oirl (w-.t.rn), Old Arkansaw, IVIy Rris-ky Dad. All thoroughly equipped with elaborate scenery, and a fall com- plement of attractive, up-to-date printing. They get the money sod please the public, "That's all" BOOKING. Address FRED RAYM OND, Sycamore, III. —~—■——«»^—■*—-—~—— gs TBS BBHAXABLB TRAMP AOBOBAT, WTH JOSEPH HABT AMD CABBIE OB MAB, IN THB BOXY GRANDPA CO. In tie part of WEABV WAGGLES, tb« Only Beat Amerloan Atptot, Mossstf with know!- edge of ths real Oriental ami European Iok-raatlonal Trick Tunbllng, tbanks to tbs Traauar and Baiter ol tt ecu all, ;~l j ts- j_^ g^ gat paj j± fsi O. t=* isj A. T I. Managers and Agists. ratDember the name of BEN BA88BN. For farther oonvtnolasi evidsuce, see the Poxy Grandpa Co., Ho 1 Mf scrap book li SflgmsisSM bat I believe in scums beiteT than words. lours trulv, BEN «*»»«• In the part of Weary Waggle* the Tramp, with aToir Grandpa Co., Be. L