The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 LYDIA YEAMANS-TITUS, THE PEERLESS Lyric fctress, flrtist, Travesty Q&eq -AND THE K? HUIUT tUIUID VOCALIST ON THE AMIRICAN STAGE. The Reigning Favorite of Two Continents, Whose Orig- inal and Refined Comedy Creations are beyond the reach of Imitators, Her Methods are re- fined and Original, SHE IS ASSISTED BY FflEDETO I TITUS, Pianist and Accompanist, To whose excellent Judgment and perfect knowledge of the public desires, she freely attributes a large share of the phenomenal success she has attained. Her Imitation of a la without a parallel In the history of the stage, and her Personal Magnetism Simply Wonderful. Address all Communications care F. J. TITUS, Business Manager. Csre of CLIPPER, or "The Bra" Office, 40 Wellington St., Strand, London, Bng. Her voice, which Is sweet, clear and- delightfully trained, Is especially suited to old English ballad singing—an art by Itself, and one In which Mrs. Titus received the Invaluable education of a wide London expe- rience. Her travels throughout Great Britain were a sort of triumphal march, for she was admired In London, approved of at Edinburgh, raved over In Berlin, and complimented In Walts. The Baby Act belongs, exclusively, to her American successes, for It was suddenly conceived and put Into Immediate execution, as an encore, at a New York matinee. There waa never a better specialty, and Providence very kindly provided Mrs, Titus with the proper curves and dimples to lit the requirements of the Infantile frock. Her expressive little binds and lovely arms have been modeled in Europe and photographed by Barony. Lydia Titus as a plump little figure, with yellow curls and round white arms, toddled In upon the stage. Then a tbln cblldlst voice sung In trembling tones a little song about a fly. She appeared to be thout three years old. 80 perfect was the Impersonation It waa Impossible to resist the Impression that It was singing, it was a marvelous act of mimicry. It reminded one ot those) pictures of violins so perfect that the people can't but believe they really are there. After that she sang another song, In which she Introduced some pretty pantomimic*. She has a sweet voice, la a delightful pantomlmlat, and alnga and plays her little monologue with unusual delicacy. For refined humor of the highest type, tar genuine, pure, clean fun, and clear artis- tic merit, the writer does not remember any music hall "turn," either here or In the Old Country, to approach that of Madame Titus. This la high praise, but It Is well deserved. .Madame Titos, who has a fine soprano voice, which would be worth listening to In bal- lads, qnlte apart from her Impersonations, mimics the various types of ballad singers, etc., one comes across In the drawing room andjrv the concert platform. All are won- derfully clever, but the Imitation of a child singing a song for the first time Is assuredly remarkably so. Madame Titus does not caricature a child, she becomes one for the time being and her Infantile enunciation and her babyish style are exceedingly well thought out; there Is not a feature that la overdone, so the vralsemblance Is far greater than la usual In such Imitations.— the AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS, May 22,1002, Madame Yeamans-Tltaa Is a tower of strength to the programme. She Ib an accomplished and refined comedy artist of rare talents. With a voice of extraordinary "For All Thoso Who Are In Earnest There Is No Failure." power, which enables her to delineate every conceivable pbaao of character, she goes through a performance absolutely Inimitable In Its way. She depicts the Italian prima donna aa effectively as she does a child making her first appearance before an au dlence. Endowed with exceptional gifts of mimicry she does not allow anything In the Infant nature to escape her to give dramatic effect to her work; Indeed, her delineation of child character Is without doubi the cleverest, and at the same time the most entertaining performance of Its kind ever introduced to a New Zealand au- dience. She was recalled again and again, those In front being loth to part with an actress who afforded them such. Intense en- joyment. Madame Titus was admirably as- sisted by Mr. Fred 3. Titus in the accom- paniments.— ARODS, MELBOURNE. Last Saturday's special feature at the Opera House turned ont to be Lydla Yea- mans-Titus, Instead of the Florenx party. Of all the people who have ever happened In a Richards programme when somebody else was expected, Madame L. Y.-T. Is on' doubtedly the brightest. In fact, she Is the brightest singer, mimic, and essentially fern Inlne humorist who ever happened anywhere in the district under any circumstances. Her sweet, penetrating, educated voice is like the original youthful voice of Maggie Moore, with all the little bits of grit taken from It. Her Imitation of a child singing a song is celebrated because it Is wonderful, absolutely wonderful, and the humor ot her entertainment In other respects Is as pure as her singing.—SYDNEY BULLETIN, July 26, 1002. Madame Lydla, for In- stance, Is a company In herself, and next to Clnquevalll ahe came In for the reception of the evening, and waa recalled not once, but half a dozen times. Aa a mimic she Is su- perb, and kept the bouse In roars of laughter with her Incomparable Imitations of various people. Her Imitation of the first attempt of a little girl to sing In public was In- tensely funny, many of the paasages being drowned by the uncontrollable laughter of the audience. Madame Titus has a loug list of travesties, and It Is difficult to say which la the more amusing. Notwithstand- ing the vsrlous efforts to which her voice Is subjected In the Imitations she hsa a re- markably good singing voice, and gave some songs which caused much applause. Mr. Fred J. Titus, who assisted modame, la a "Let Those Who Deserve Honors Richly and Rightly Wear Them." brilliant pianist.—TUB NEW ZEALAND GRAPHIC, Saturday, May 24. 1002. Madame Yeamans-Tltus Is an accomplished and refined comtdy artiste of rare talents. With a voice ot extraordinary power, she Imitates various styles of singing. 8be de- picts the Italian prima donna as effectively as she does a child making her first ap- pearance before an audience. Her Imitation ot the child character Is without doubt the cleverest and at the same time the most en- tertaining performance of Its kind ever In- troduced to a New Zealand audience. Mr. F. 1. Titus, who assisted Madame by play- ing the accompaniments, Is an accomplished Blsnlat.—NEW ZEALAND SPORTING AND iRAMATIC REVIEW. May 22, 1002. It Is extremely doubtful If any artist, In such a line, we ever bad here, came within a long distance coo-ee of Madame Lydla reamans-Tltus aa a perfectly refined and Ir reslstlbly funny lyric mimic, and It Is pain ful to read that she Is in bar last nights. What for? People who hars heard her and her talented husband accompanist severs' times, yet go Just for her turn ; so why move her on J—SYDNEY HERALD. Madame Lydla Yesonans-Tltus appeared In a drawing room entertainment turn which consisted of Impersonations and travesties on opera vocalists, etc. She began quietly and unaffectedly, but before she concluded the audience had been quite taken by storm. The lady's singing; so beautifully clear and sweet, was In Itself a treat to listen to. while her acting waa delightfully uncon ventlonal and peculiarly charming. Among her Imitations that of a little girl was per- haps the most effective, creating vast amuse- ment, but her other Items were also exce- llent in their way and stamped Madame as a refined, cultured, and capable artist. Tb* accompaniments to this lady's songs were ably played by Mr, Fred J. Titus, who Is ob- viously a pianist of rare attainments.— SYDNEY HERALD. "Cheek, Brass and Gall Never Got Ahead of Merit." Amusing Sons of the Desert. Had] Abd Gonzoutt, Had} Ahmad Azaary, Laawad Osldl Mhamd Osben, HadJ he Hansen Oatta, Laawad Hmad, Bo-Neet, HadJ Dahby, AAsrayn, Mohamd Ben Aairayn. Bice Boho, HadJ Basha. Muzey Oggellol, Haeeud Ozaary. All Ozaary, All Shando, Ahmed Ben Brahem, HadJ Le Hassen Mozey. Laawad Abdullah, HadJ Le Hassen Mozey. Ambark Ben Mahneen, Muly Ambark, HadJ Brahem Amkhezeney, Had] Gana, HadJ Lhssen, Mohamad Azedo, Brahem Ottahamot, FaradJI Ben Oanga, Yoslf Tahan, Solayman Ben Dawood. Had] Brahem Aouzal. HadJ Zlblck, Mohamad Oben Gamod, The following are the names of the ARABS and TROUPES organized and introduced to the public by the Famous Arabian Manager, SIE HASSAN BEN ALL Urahem Ehlhl, TROUPES. 1. Beduln Arab Troupe, 1884. 2. Royal Moorish Troupe, 1802. 3. Hen! Zoug ZougTroupe, 1803. 4. Tawarlck Arabs, Troupe, 1804. 5. Tbe Stars of the East, 1805. 8. TheWblrlwlndsTroupe, 1807. 7. ToozoonlnTroupe.1898. 8. Tbe Berbers Troupe, 1001. ». Hindoos Troupe, 1002. 10. Coming (7) jesters, 1008. HINDOOS. A. R. Hawwa. ■ -••-- A. R. Kalwa. Danda, Pales, Psna, Nandawa, Kalwa, G„ 1'ennah, Ualka. Mhamd O. All, Urahem, Oil, Lettlo Moliamed, liarygo Tip, Abdol Asms, Hfiill Ambark, limn Mohamad Amor Kublan Dabdob, Hand Dabdob, Haleem Nassar, lirnhem 1'attosh, Hlmon Ilonomer, Abachl, Carlos, C. IP, I In Mia 11, Hussayn, Toyo Kltchl, Auilolla Dersl, Nnmy Abosaleh, Ameon Abo Hmad, luuly All. ilnilj Mohamad M0M0, Amunrlc lien HadJ llimmil Ben Yeder, Jalimou Abase, ARiiram Abdelmsllc, Alxlnllnli Hen Omar, ilnilj Ahmed. Had] All Old Man, Halain, Hasan r, I'rUl HadJ, Augosty Greek Hoy, Astamattl, frank Kir Kit, .Molmtnd Aygnss. Hussaln Lemba. REHX/IEHVIBEUR Can be Introduced with DRAMAS, SPECTACULARS, BURLESQUES, VAUDEVILLE, COMBINATIONS, CIRCUSES, PARKS, EXPOSITIONS, FAIRS, WILD WEST SHOWS. One of the troupes now with "Lost In tbe Desert.' When you have SIB HASSAN BEN ALPS ARABS In you bills they cover all tne faults In a weak programme. Address 11T W. 13th BTKBIiST, NEW YORK CITY. iTew Fiiocicipls of 33em.ovljag- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR The Only Method Indorsed by Physicians, Surgeons, Dermatologists and Medical Journals. SURE, SAFE, QUICK PAINLESS, INEXPENSIVE FAR BETTER THAN ELECTRICITY X-RAY, PEROXID, DEPILATORIES OR SHAVING DeMiracle was evolved by much Chemical experiment, and a thorough knowledge of the productive conditions of the hair follicle. Heretofore this remarkable preparation has been offered to the Medical fraternity exclusively, and discussed in Medical publications which were not accessible to tbe general public Now, however, we wish all to understand more about it; hence our reason for presenting DeMiracle through the lay preea DeMlraol* will be sent sealed, In plain wrapper, to any address in the U. S. on receipt of $1.00. lour Money Back If It Fails to Do All that Is Claimed for It. BOOKLET AND INDOBSEMENT MAILED BRALBD ON BEQUEST. COBBJDBPONDENCE 8TBICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. DeMiracle Chemical Co. 66 UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEW YORK, V. S. A. Very Prominent and Noticeable Among the Musical Experts of the Day, Are Mallory Bros. AND Miss Mazy Brooks, Tliis miikou tfaev have been engaged by MANAGER GEO. M. FENBEBU, for THE FENBEBO STOCK CO., AS A SPECIAL FEATURE, And with tbelr Great Talent, Pleasing Manner and Sleodid Work, An Making ° I Decided Hit, ana Tbeir Comedy Finish, The Hypnotized Chicken, IS A SURE WINNER. The; sre re-engaged for tbe Summer at eorne of tbe best Western Parks, including Sana flouci Park, Chicago. Address as per romte of Fenberg Block Co. Permanent address, 718 ASHLAND ST.. Jacksonville, III., Care of MALLORY DUOS.' COTTAGE Kingston Knitting Go. No, 37 Kingston St, Boston, Mass., U. 8. A., Manufacturers of Sllkolene Tlibta, $2.60; Worsted Tights, f 2.00; Cotton Tights, Il.OO; Equestrian Bblrte, same price as tight*, a special discount ot 10 per cent allowed on all foods. Oite ns a trial, that Is alt we ask. Write for prices on anything In tbe knit goods line. Deposit required on all oidtrs. HOOP ROLLERS. Send lOcta. for tb* Latest Catalogue and Beautiful new Jugglers' Book. Jost ont. EDW. VAN WYCK. ClDClnnstl, O. ^» LE A HEW LIGHT b;^t™ Uvrl ^EHDFO^ CIRCULAR ^rio'rSTEBEOPTICOHA FlkM EXCHAH&Ej No kerosene W.B.MOOR £ MANAGER, f «m >hm/.ijTlL !• 108 FRANKLIN ST, CMICA&O. 10" ■