The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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18 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 28. The Original and the Only Real Thing is THE L. A. THOMPSON SCENIC RAILWAY, Which Combines all that is Necessary or Required for (ty Efloifyously Profitable Ipifcstfljeijt. Having NOVELTY, EXCITEMENT, EXHILARATION and ABSOLUTE SAFETY. TUNNEL VIEW—Cl'CLOUAMA SETTINQ OF TORT ARTHUR. ARTIFICIAL ROCK WORK, LEDGE, ETC. SCENIC RAILWAY STRUCTURE AND CARS. Always built upon SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES by Experienced Workmen under the Careful Supervision of the THOMPSON COMPANY. This wns especially recognized by the MIDWINTER FAIR at SAN FRAN- CISCO in 1894, at ATLANTA, GA., in 1895, at the PAN AMERICAN EX- POSITION in 1901, and again by the LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSI- TION COMPANY to be held in 1904, by granting EXCLUSIVE CONCES- SIONS for this kind of amusement to the L. A. THOMPSON Scenic « Railway « Company* DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLETS can be bad upon application to the Alain Office, 308-4 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. ROSS AND FENTQN ROSS AND FENTON HOSIERY SHOP 230 FIFTH AVE. Mentioned below ore n few of onr special prices for Htockings: FOR MEN and WOMEN. Puro Blnek Silk #1.85 Also the Fame quality with c«tton soles, $1.60 Neat design*, baud embroidered, • $1.08 Mativ places c'-.nrgo $3.00 for no better. Lore inserted, fine silk, for ladies, ....... $8,75 Laos inserted and beautifully baud embroidered, from ■ $t. GO to $40.00 a pair. Special war.) Lisle thread, baud embroidered, neat designs 85c a pair, real value, $1,50, Beautiful French and Euglish stocking* lor men and women, in- Lisle tbrend, an (bin that tbey ran be drawn through a finger ring, cashmere and camel's bvir, from $1.00 to $2. CO a pair. One of our bargains are very turn gauze Lisle thread at 89c a pair, or $2.95 iialf doc. If 25c. BtookiueB ore wanted t'-.r men, women and children, WE SELL THE BEBX IN NEW YORK FOR THAT PRICE. We make any shade to order In a few days' notice. <S* PECK, 10 PER OENT. DI800UNT TO THE PROFESSION. 230 FIFTH AVE.- Near Twenty-ieventh SL, NEW YORK. "OEEWHIZ." 29lh Week Awty Fran rloae. "QEE WHIZ" (OUT OF MY OWN BEAD) THERE WAS A DEAR GIRL IN PITTS.MUDGE, SHE LOOKED IN THE GLASS AND SAID, "OH, FUDGE!" FOR A GREAT GOU OP SOOT ENVELOPED HEIt SNOOT, AND SAPOLIO CUULDMT BUDGE IT. GEE WHIZ—From Yorkvlllc HOME TALK. HIRAM PEEVT—■Jay, whatever became of Fred Wyckoff? LEM TUrTLE-Well, Ihe lost I heard on bun be was w«y out to Wells Fargo with some sbow tribe. THE vendome. —The character of tbe Blase "Rub*" has well nigh been played to a finish, but It took on a new Interest and attraction in the work of Fred. Wyckoff ns "Gee Whiz." He Is clever and laugh- able throughout, never exceeding tbe part. It Is one of tbe worst character parts on the singe poorly played, one of tbe funniest well done, and Mr. Wyckoff la "all to the good." —NASHVILLE AMERICAN, Nash- ville. Tenu., Nov. 4, lUOi NOW GUESS WHAT TROUPE I'M WITH. Regards to Mother. Abner. Alvln, Caleb, Ezra. Joel, Meivin, Obadlab, Jed, Hank, and all the boy* at Ihe store. * BANKS' IDEAS * '•Fifty year, fop THE CLIPPER, and cljilit ream fur ■Dank.' Idea..' Hay they both live fifty more."—Gnu Dank.. Just Issued nd the Bitmum of them all. It contains8 Parodies ithe lie-t), 3 Nonologucs (one for lady), Cross . Tula, Comic Epitaphs, Toasts, •ketch for OiiK'tcl, End (lags, 8k tub for lm. I 1 No. 6 Rocltuttou,Short (lags, Patter, etc.: enough to paci out any act. This book wl I make a bun act goo and a good act bcttrr. __good It Is Ibc largest I ever put out, tint t lie price Is the same—sue. prr copy. Every line a tilt. Nothing Old or Worn Out. One pago aloao worth four times tbe price charged for all. If y^u use my book you know all, If Dot, get In IIiilmiiuI lieu iveone. Doth book, for Mir. tills BANKS, 221 Lockwood St., Providence. R. I. it BANKS' IDEAS + Free Rupture Cure If raptured writ* in ■ Dr. W. N. Rio. .196 Haiti St., idsnu, N Y.„ suit h» win semi f rre t ins. ..f hit woo- derfui rofthod. Whether *kent1esl or n^t irrt thtifrss method and try lb* rtaurksblo invention thsl cons with »ut p#\tn. dsujrsr. opersttnn or detenuon frasB work. Writ* to-usj. IHin'twslfc UP-TO-DATE JOKES. .Monologues. Sketches and 8tump Speeches, for Vaudeville or Minstrels. Price 23 cents, postpaid by mall. Send for our new catalogue of dialogues and sketches, free to any address. WALTER II. DAKBR * CO., K Hamilton Plsre. Bawton. Maws. RAND, HALL HAUHUKU. SUSSEX CO.. N. J. C. E. THOMPSON, Msoigtr WRITE FOR OPEN DATES. PRICES. Etc. JOHN E. CAIN for Under the Management of GRAY and HECKERT. (Western), A BIG HTT EVERYWHERE FROM NEW YORK TO CALIFORNIA. JOWr-4 E. GAI1M ** BLANCHE NEWCOMB „ Aa Owen Tourbem. As Bertha Ashley. THE SALT LAKE HEltAI.D, Dec. 9th, 1002: ■ ■»■ *mmm> "Hunting for Hawkins"—When the fame and cleverness of John E. Cain, otherwise Owen rourbem, spreads abroad In tbe city, the bouses will be larger, for Cain li cer- tainly a good comedian. As tbe much related relation, be la excruciatingly funny, and hlB pet expression. "I could use Ave." was Immensely enjoyed. Miss Blanche Newcomb created all kinds of good will by her catchy singing of popular songs, and she did Just enough of s dance to make tbe audience call for more. _««»«. j»« THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE. Dec 0th, 11)02: That successful comedy. "Hunting for "Hawkins," which proved to be such sn Immense drawing card, was again presented at Ihe Grand last evening before a good sized house rue ploy Is simply bubbling wltb ridiculous situations, keeping tbe people convulsed with laughter the greater part of the evening. In the present company there la one member whoBe work la really good throughout, and Ibat Is John E. Csln. who. sb Owen Toucbem. a professions relative, won more "fives" and applause than all the rest of the company combined. His spec nltles In the second act were good, as was tbe Ringing of Miss Blanche Newcomb, whose "Song of the rump" aad "Rip Van Winkle," made decided bits. Arthur Dunn AND niS SISTER, Jennie Dunn (UBS. EZRA KENDALL). -s^-IINT VAUDEVILLE.^, ATTRACTIONS WANTED. NEW OLVMPI/i OPERA HOUSE, MAGNOLIA, MISS. All modem Improvements. The Great Conkllng Show played to S. P.. O. three nights. If you have the goods, we nave the money. All companies coming this way this or next season/let ns book vou. Anv one holding contracts or wishing contracts at tits town, address SAM WOLFE, Manager