The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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26 THE NEW YOBR OLI^PEB. ^EBBUABY*' 28. RING DOWN THE CURTAIN. I CANT SING TO NIGHT. Ihi Rul B*iui> lliroi 1903 SI WcM 7H'" M . Nl* Youn flipper Post Office. Ill order to avoid mistaken and to Inintt tbc prompt delivery of the letters advertised la thla list, an envelope plainly addressed mast lie Bint tor each letter, and a written order (or the letter, alaraed with the fall name and address and the llae or«» followed by tbe sender, ■unat alio be enclosed. Pleaae mention the date (or num- ber) of THE CLIPPER In which the letters sent (or were advertlacd. LADIES' LIST. AsUton. Ms; Gillette, Marie Pbelpb, Maud Atwood. Badte Ajar, Klenore Addison, Q Ulllt: Ashhy, Mrs. I. D.(0c Arden, Angle Adam*, Clara Ardcu, Edna A nder, Ang. Ardell, Minnie Alexander, Blancbe Andersou.Amy Argo, Mabel AsUton, Sylvia Alecla, Marlon Bell, Vlririo It Blanchard,Mac Boatedo Slaters Bowers, Blancbe ButtMworth, Lids IJlancbardMay Ucrry.Mrs.FW Burgees, Nellie Brandon, Lotta Bur gess, Nellie Beard, Edna Halough, Flora Brennlnx. Km. Brown, Laura Bennett, Trlx. Bloasom, La P. Burgess, Nell Bedard, Mamie Beall, Canillle Crawford, Mrs. Ed Common*. Almee Carroll, Fran Colllns.Blanih Colllna, Minnie Cotrelle, Jean Clymtr, Mr«. C. A. Chambers. l'earl Clinton, Mar Colllna. Ida Carleton, Bird Colllna, Myra Cougleton, Coral Clayton, Una Chatham Slat. Clayton Bin. Csavsn, Rutb Cowen, May Diamond, Lor. DeLeon, Mabel Dalton, Clara Del amour, Violet DeLeon, Eva DeLlale, Maud Dauphin, Mae Duaetb, Violet Dauphin, Selma Dupre, MaudC Dwyer, Lottlo - eVi Gilbert, Besale Oilman, Mild. Grant, Morrle Granville. Minnie Glover. Lee Grey, M. K. Glide*, Hose Gllday. Ida Heywood, Lot Hamilton, Mrs. W. J Hlnkle, Edith Hartwell, Marlon Houston Slit. Ilamllton.Vcrn Hanipton.Mary Hilton, Alice Holt, Blanch Uartleb. Mrs. a C. Hoot, Mao Hunt, Cora. Hilton, Carrie Heywwood.Dot Hanley, Mrs M. E. Hill, Sylvia lllckcy, Edna Heywood. Dot HealT, Ella Hendricks, Adelaide Hart, Sadie Heywood, Dot Hnmlyn, Maud Hall, Ada Hill Little Hansen, Marie Unison, Sadie Jones, Mrs.D.T. Jones, Mnyine Jerome, Clara B Johnaon, Lou. Jackson. MacE Kllinno, Cara Keene, Mnttlc Kett, Mri. Jack W. Kelcey, Nellie KetchumKdltli Klrkhnm, Kit. Kaye, Blale Kernovah, Uua Kecley, Mill* Keast, Maud Levari, le.l'rlm Little, Madglo Lavarnle, Ag. Langdon, Mat C. Lcgeett, Mrs. P. A. Le Roy, Mia. Wa't. Leonard, Nell Lawrence, Ithoba L. LcMolne, Gladys Parry, 8. Paige, Mabel, Polland, Ruby Price, Uln 1>. Partridge, Frankle Price, MaudeU ltobaon, Lll'n Uadcllffe, Marie Iterere, Annie Itaplere, Grace BoMon, Lillian la Kuitell, Ida Iticbter, Mario Raymond. Grace Kaye, Mayo Roberts, Edith Held Sisters Randolph, Gert'e Rlalto, Mile. Renaldo, Eva Hellly, Mrsl'nt Regol. Josephine Reno, Dottle Revere, Pearl llevler, I.lll'n Connor, Trav. CronlD, Mor. Callahan ft Mack Corinthian, 4 Carter, Dove Coleman, A. J. ^"""irr.nk Childress ft Roblach Connell. Billy Campbell, ., Frankle Oust (seeaery) Carlo*, Chart. Coltoo, F. a. Cambell, Fred Cbadwlck.Sam Coburn, John Cooper * Co. Cbamplla, Chaa. K. Cohn, WU. Chambers, Howard Cain, Ueo. Curtis, M. B. Craig- Marsh Coleman, Tony Crawford. Jao Collins, H. D. Clareme, Fred Claxton, Bean, Caaselle, Prof. Corrlgan, Jai. Clayton. F. A, Clark ft Duncan Clark, Har. Carll, M. P. Cooper, Chaa. 0. Cox, Geo. L. Chevalier, Cupontl, Chaa Chceaman. Win Lelgbton Lotta. Bert Leslie, Bert Lamb, A. J. LeBu*. Billy Lennon. Tbos. Lewis. Arnln Lamolnes, The LsMott ft Beatrice Leon ft Amo Lyle, Fred l<eipttger, Nat Coleman, C'.II. Keldman, Har terrain, Joe Chase, Wn.ll. Ford ft Lelgbton ft Canewell Frits, B. M. Flttpatrlck, Stephen Fisher, P. I). Fleury, Fern. Fay, Cecil Grant, C. W. Qaden, Gar. tiarrlson. Snap Goolmans,Maa Gale, Geo Grooms, W. I Gatts, Geo. M Lee", . Golden. Geo.F Lukea. A. J. Gibson, A. W. Lalleane, Bar, Gordon, Don Laurtnct, Oendion, Stephen Fred C. Lamont, Gratb, L. A. Bert ft 0. Gruel, Al. Lakoda, H. Gypaent ft Lal'ell, Mack Roma Ladon, Fred Green, L. L. LtBtrang*. H. Gilbert, Geo. Llndsey, B. H Grlffln, Peter Llewellyn, Geo Golden Rich. McLtllan. Gerlocb, Cbas. Earls Goodwin. _ Mickey ft Norm. B. Clark Grovlnl ft Mansfield W.J Murray, Magsr, Theo. J "»ui.»; ■■■■II ftUW* *i Qrahime, Ferd Mtultbys, Hub Gray ft Fisher Moore, Oeo. OUnserettl. iMartlne, Mr. Dan Meredith, Art. Goodman, Art May, Geo. R Makln, C. W. Raymond, claxton. Beaii SWrk,M.y UbJ ' Crocket*. W». Bpaun, Mrs. Byron Blegel, Emma Boulbard.Anna Sinclair, Hazel Sargent, R. V. St. John, Frankle Sinclair, II. Selgel, Emma Stanley. May Hheldon. Viola Saxon, Mis. Stark, Noll M. Street, Maud Bleariest. Win Swlckard, Mrs Khiirbcr, Lena Sayler, Olga Theo, Miss Tudor, LI I lie Thorne, Minute Talbot, Kdlth Threikeid, " Mrs. E. Turpn, Norma Tuxeen, Aug. Thorne, Mln. Tobtscl, Reg. Valmore, Kitty Vendome, Franceaka VanOsten, Eva Vernon. Ada VanTarsell, Helen Wagner Clara Dover*, Pauline Dana, Lillian Espey, LuIa Elision, Maud Ktiierald.Monle Barle, Base) Brrol, (lay ICIIIott.Paullue Brans, May Hdenen, Rmml Bills, Jessie Fay, El tie Forrester. Selma Fox, Delia Ford, Lottie DaV. Flaber. Grace Flamme.Guaele Fuller, May Fledora Slat. Foster, Nellie Fountain, Marie, Co Fallon, Helen Frymlre. Mln, Flaber, Suale Fielding, Mln Puller, Leonn Farley, Mrs. J Kloyd, Besale Ford. Mre. W. Floyd, Mamie Ferguson. Marguerite Fawn, Little Gordon _ Maude T. Grant, Mr*. M LeRoy, Claire Wilson, Lenora Latotka, Miie.Wbitncy, Em. Laurence, Dm WatsonMarlan Wrlght.NcllU Lcmue's, Laura V. Laurence, Maale B. LaRue, Bab* Laurence, Ellle V, LeB*er, Vlrg. Monroe, Vlrg Montague, Bertha Major Slater* Morn Slater* Montague, Bertha May. Olive Marbury, Elisabeth Marlowe, Mlaa Merrill. Mar*. Mitchell, Cora L. Montague. Bertba Montclalr*. Burt Mills. Mabel Mitchell, Kit. Milton. Llllle McDonald, Florence Nuvette, Lottie Norton, Susie Nelson. Otisale Oakland. Mnrlc Palmer, Leal I e Parker, Wilson, Nor* Walcott, Flor. Walker, Marlette Watson, Marian A, Waters, Lll'n Wilson, Gertie Wragland. Florence Wagner, Clara Washburn, Ida Ward, Blanch Wheeler, Eva Wheeler. Tholma Watson, Em. Woods, Mrs. D. H. Williams. Bell White, Ruth Wallace, F, B. Webb, Mottle William*, Annie L. Whyte. Bertha Whlttlngton, Mr*. H. R. Woods. Jessamine Young. Miss (whistler) Toung, Jenette Yale, May Youngs, 101 ColumblanTr'o Cocbel. Chest. Cluxton, J. J. Corbley ft Burke Cr ° Ud, wk F. Chamber*, Howd Carloa, C. B. Craig. Marsh Curley, Peter Cunningham, Carpenter, EJ Castleton- Otls Co. Chandler. Geo Culver, C. B. Cousin*, Bobt. Clcmlngs. Har Crook, h!dw. Corbley, J*i Dekalb. Leo DeLtina, Walt Delmar, Jule* DeMlIt, J. Delmar, Jute Dalrymple, DeMack, Blllle Davles, Bert DIcklnson.A.T. Dale, B. W. Donahue, H. J Dublnakv.M.M Doyle, Bert C. Dal*, Alex. Dawson. Bam M Decker, Geo. Devlne, Jai. Duggan, P. i. Davis, C. T. Dlgglns, C. C IKII' ..the! M. Nellie V, Young, Purtell Jennlel Mr*. Edwin GKNTl.HMUN'B LIST. Andrews, KdwiBurnham.lI.M Allon. H. 8. Ilarrlngtori, Armatrong. I . «■ * "^red Arcarla.O. 10c Allen. Har. Mama, Kd, V. Atkinson, _ Spaff Alf, John "Adv. of Mlaa Brown"Co. Atkins, R. J. Alexander. Perry Anvo, D. V. Ashley, Har. Allen, Frank Andrews, B. Aehton, Frank Andrew*, II. O Allen. Frank Athos. Frank Andele, OttoF Alblnl, Horb. ArsumarUvn, C All. Ab Aubrey. A. J, ».«ln, Geo. Adell, B. B. Apda!", Jack Arniln, H, Ahern, Emll Adair. Wm. Alberty, _ . Frank Ashe. mS~~ BouronletV.B Hrady. J. H. Bragg ft Ash ton Barton, JeJT Rates, Fred Bradyi. The Banghman.I.G Breed, HcuryS Bowen ft Wultvrs Bate* Musical Trio Barrft Ilediird Brook*, Cor. Bolten, Bert names, J. S. Bond. liar. V. Blaladell, Wm Barton, l'rot. Breed, Doc. Beckman, Fred Raiaett, Mori Beck ft Reycr lea' Know Beeman, C. F. Beecher, W. 8. Beane, Fred Brown, H. D. Bryan, F. D. Burn*, Willie Boyd, Wm. Barrett, B. L. Blanchard, Jea Bowera, L H. Bowen, Fred IhirrUl. Chai. W. Belmont, R. J lloaco, A. B. Burton, Frank C Beck. II. L. Bernhard, Tuba Itnrlowe. Hilly Belmont, C.K. Busby, Jaa. llunce. C. W. liurko, H. 0. Ilntt, Robt. Harnett. Itlch Ben All, 8. II. Burden, J. R. Hair. A. R. Brown, T. R. Bulla. Fred Bragg. Col. Blodeck, Mar. Brooke Bros. Horn, Har, Burton ft DeAlnao Carruthers, i: J. Clarke, A. W. Carleton, Berdle Claire, Harry Caatle, J. F. Cooper, C. II. Chandler. Jo*. 0. Chenowcth, Chae. B. Cenyon. Peter Crandall, Milt J. Chrtety ft Wlllla Conrad, Fred Christy. Dr. B Cannon, A. W. Cohan, Geo. Christopher, Frank Cavsnah ft Hamilton Bllti, Oeo. W. I Couture. David DeRiili, Nick DeVcaux, Har Davis, L**lle Dale, Barn. Davl*, Oeo. C. Dumas, Felix DeOreaua, The DeMardo, Har Decker, J. H. D'Arcy, Reno Dee, Tom Dillingham, A. W. Diamond, Oeo. H. Daly. FredftN. Daley, Agust. Davis, John Dupree, Oeo. DlamondjCba*. Devlin, J. B. Davis, Frank Davenport DnvUoti. Oeo. A. Ducrow, Wm. Dougherty, 6eCarlo Downer, W. L Evans, Maur, Ellis, W. M. Easton, F. A Eldrldge, Press Emerson ft Bmerson Emery, C. R. Ehrhart. B. II Eclilln, J. T. Barle, J. L. Ellsworth, Fred B. Emperors ot Music, ■. Kddlcman. WF Kdleman,W.F. Emory, 0. V. Emerson, L. Bversole. Wm El don, Har. Field, John Forrester ft Floyd Frankl'n, liar Fox. W. H. Fox, Oeo. . Finning, J. L. Fulton, Ja*. Fields. John Fox, Roy Farrell, F. F. Falke ftBemon Kant as, Jim Fantas, 2 Forbes, B. F, Fountain, Robt. Froeto ft Hamy Fltshngh. Edgar (8c.) Foxes. 3 Forrest. A. J Farnworth, Dud. Ferguson. J.M Ferguson. Mnr Gardner. Jack H. Gov, Geo. B. Godtbow, C. L. H. Hart, W. J. Hoyt ft Neff Horan, John C Hart, Jo*. Hall, V. ft J_ Hawley, LewW Honevwell.C.M Hawley.Fred t Handy, A. W. Horwlti. Cbas Howard, J. D, Henderson, David Hanlon, v. Hind ley, C. W. Home*, Fred B. Helm, P. It. Haywood, Rufua Hickman Bros., 8 Hobba, 2 Hanson, J. T. Harris ft Marvin Hall ft Long Herbert. Oeo W. Heritage, a. it. IDckey, Will Hagerty. Thus. K. Hartwell ft Potter Herrlngton, Jot. Hearn, Tom Harford.Henry Heath, Geo. \V Holloway, Geo Haan. Chat. F Hank*. J.H.O Haagliind, Bd. Irwin, Fred Henderson ft Ros* Horton, Frank Helton, C P. Howley ft Leslie Hamlin, Paul Howell, Mr. Hume, Row ft Lewi* Hearn, Tom Healy. Edg. Hanson, JnoT Horner. Joe Hall, Don C. Herri mm. M. H. Hyde, Cha«. a Hayues, I. R, Howard. Bert Harris, Ilert Harris, John Harrlaon, Har Jarrette. Har. Montgomery, Moll, Budolpu Malin, C. FT Miller, Wm.W Myers, Henry McDowell, VV M Matthowa.'j.C. Murphy, Mark Mathcwa, C, Murphy, Mark Madcap*, 8 McGrath, Chaa. a. McEnroe, Joe e, WB.H Bel*, Lottla Reed, Pratt Rio, Otto Randall. Ow. Bobbins, J. B. Itltsells. Wax. Rossi, Max Bamsa, Geo. ReldTCh**. Reed, F. Rice, Ernest Bice, M. B. Royer, Archie Russell, M „ Fred P. Bmlth ft Yorker Btenson, C. M Beybolt, Geo.L Shelby, Har. SanUll, — Son, Gut 8e " n0Br, Simmons, Lew Baca. Cbas. J, Starkweather, H. A Smith, Will Swift. Herb. Stewart, Bert Shaw, Prlns. SeMta, Mack Student, Edw. Swart*. WmA. Bbrelner.rran. Button, Jack Shaw. Larry Hteveason.J.W Bonta. Geo. J, Streblg, I. V. Stetson, Walt Btgglna, H. B, Sitter, Fred Sweety, Jack Salisbury, Oeo Sunderland ft Fooda Sullivan, J. K. Bt.Jullan Bros Sawtalte, J. A. Sherwood, Wm. F. Street, J. B. Summers, Geo. H. Shank, Har. Seymour ft Hill WJIllsms, Tom Hpann, Hyron Sutton, Jack Stanley, Oeo Sswtefle, J. A Sbennan, W. Silver, I. It. V Seymoar, Bay Steele, Am V. Seaman, Bert Sldoola, — Btockwsll. Walt. Swlckard, Mr. ft Mr* Slmonds, T. Stalford, L. Smiths Imp. Client Thompson ft Berld* Tanner, W. F. Thomas, Vera Toledo, Ban Top*. Dave Trssfc ft Rogers Trlgann*. J.K. Thompson. W. L. Tatimtlnea, 8 Totten, Jo*. Toledo, Ren Turner, Robt Turpln, Ben Tenner, Cbas. Toy*. The Thelas, M. M. Thompson, Jerry Toton, Herb. Vail. Oeo. M. Vernon, t'srl Vale, iravcrs White. B. B. Weston ft Bsymond Warm ft Blanchard Waltjea, Har. Wilson, FredU Woodthorpe, Whitfield, Jnii Wolf, F. M. Wormwood, Prof. Waddell. Mgr. Watson. Chaa P. Whalen, Mike Wilton Fred Wlnateln, William*. Gu* Washington, Bennl* Wtlllama, F. ft I. Wood. A. J. Wlnchermann, W. F. Washburn. L W. White, Tom Welsh. J. J. Well*. Lew Frank Wentwortb. Walt. Wallace, T. H. T. Willi*, Frank Wright, J. B. Wilson. H. C. Wilson, F. H. Webb, Eugene William*. J.A. Wnrde, A. E. Vetter. J. K, Vail. F. W Wood, Will Wheeler, AI son Wilson, II. C. Wllllsms. Frank ft I. Walker, H. D. Wayne, Al. Wadklna, Jack WlnBeld, Wm. Warren, Fred • EH NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST <«» MISSOURI. Wright, Har. Williams, Gu* Wlllard, Cbas. Wynett. T. Young, Ollle Yeager, HarW Young, Fidwln Yorkey, Henry Zobedle. F. Zarell. Ron Zaranoa, Elltaml RING DOWN THE CURTAIN. ■ I CAN'T 5INO TO NIGHT. Ini RuiliAiuu'lliroi 1901 Pulili-,11.,1 h: WB H. AN5TEAI) si wesi /*«'" si r<tv yoni\ Jacobs, Joe M Jordan, Fred Jordan, Julius Jackson, Alex Jtnnet*, The Johnson, A. J Jennings ft Jewel Johnaon. Car. Jalto. Karl Jacobs ft McCue Johnston, G. A. R. Jones * Sutton Johnston, Geo. X Jenvous. Tbos Jones, J. J. Kelley, Wm. J Kelley, Mard Kennedy, Tony Kennedy, J. 8 Kennedy, Memphis Kltlerldge Med. Co. Kleluo. Har. Kelly ft As). Klngdon (cyclist) Kelcey, Alf. Knight. Herb, King. Burt I. Krcako. Ed. Koene, Itlcbd Kelly. Wm. J Knappert, Gus Kellogg, W. R Klngdon, — (cyclist) Kimball, Bert Kohier, Ant King. Burt Keane. J. W. Kellam. I, P. Ka-ta-ro, A. Konpe, S. icolil ftAleila Kllman, J, Koater, ChaaH Klein ftCllltOh Lamont, Bert Lee, Har. ft B Lynns, The Leonard, J. F. Lane, F. D. !.*♦. Ij. 0. Lucky, Chaa.J lA>wer. W. Q, Luby, K. Uewelljn. 0*0 Ignore ft Bt. Clair Lester, Dan McCue, Mullaney, BLF MyMe, John Mosher. X B. Miller ft May Miller, Hough- ton ft\L Melros*,Wm,F. McDadt, Dav. Marsh, A. L. Michael, Car. McAllister. Tom A. Matthews, Bob Meera, Alf. Martlne, Jo* Matthews, J.C Metcal^ Jr., Geo. Mantell West Murph.T, Mark ft J. Millard, W.C. Melville, Oeo. D. MUlette, Alb. Hackle, J. B. Mackay, And. Madcaps, 4 McHenry, A. Melrose, WmF Morrison Har Maxon, D. A. Morris ft LtWatts Miller, Geo McKlnnleltros. Mysrs, W. H. Marsh, Bdw. McQueen. Frank Miller. Robt Norman, Den Morton. Merle Norton, Steve Nixon, W. J. Norton, Lew J. Nalon, John Nessen ft Neaten Nero, Prof. Nelson, ChaaB Nicolas, Oeo. .Norman, — Nelson. J, B. Nalt, F. A. Ntvel. C. nit, y k. Old Jed Proutj" Co. Otis, C. V. Oatmaa, r. J. Oppenbelmer, Jo*. at. Louis.—The attraction* offered u* last week war* rather above the average. and with few exception* received big pa- tronage, CtntTUBT (P. Short, manager),—The Castle Square Co. doted its engagement Feb. 21. It baa been In every way successful, and the O'Rourke, Bug Oldfleld, M. M Peasloy, Bob Patcbln. Ja*. Pressor, Jo*. Powart, J. H. I'yne. Dick I'urcell, Frank Petti, Fr'nkM Parker, Bert Patton. B. B. Potts, Walt Powers, J. T. Pierce, Frank Parenteau. Z.J. Pollock, Percy Polo. Oabrlal BattlBon.Cban. Powers, J. T, Pearl. C. C. Price. Leslie Powell, Paul Paynter, J. V. Paul, 0. M. Poat. W. H. Quintan, Dan llanda'l, Geo. Hobcrts, C. 0. Beto, Frtnk Uoee, J. W. Rowland*, I.D Roee, Hnx, Root. A. W. Rhodes. J. H. Rantome, Mr. Redner, Frank Reedt, Mua Rhodes. J. M. Ruge, Wm. M Russell. Fred P. Rosell, W. 0. Rudolph, W.H Raymond,Fred Robinson, H.I Ralraund, Jaa B. Roderick, Chart. Roberts, H. F. Rick*, Joe Reed, Franda Record Stock Co- Rockwell, J. C IlohlDson. aaaMa, Vo. who ban just closed a season In vaudeville on the Keltb circuit A new member of the company 1* Helen Wilton. The affaire of the house will be In personal charge of Manager W. L. Bell. Last week, "Alabama waa efficiently produced, to fair business. This week, "Michael Btrogoff," and next week, "A Celebrated Case." CoNvaxTioic Hill (Louie W. Sbouse,man- aser).—The second annual Winter clicus waa held at the hall last week, and business waa satisfactory. The performance waa In charge of Edward 8blpp, and the programme waa at follows: Equine Ballet, "Krelg and Hartiell, revolving ladder act; B. C. Car- Hale, laaao expert j Flamandau and Amondo, ladder act; Art and Dot Adair, balance perch; Alex. O. Lowande. tight rope; Ed- ward Muallner and hit educated sheep and pigs, Bddle De V*u, leaning act; the Lo- wande*, ©queetrlan act; Nettle Carroll, wire act; L. F. Sunlln and hla trained bull. King and Moore, stilt walking; the Hobaonn, equestrian act; Mon*. Ouerln. comic mule riding; Alvo, Delvo and Garnell. borliontal bar; Madame Marie, In menage act: the De Bexon Bitten, ring and trapeze, and the Da Coma Family, acrobatic and trapeze return act. Tbc hall will be dork until March 2, when Creator© and bis band, under the auspices of tbe Manufacturers' Association, come* for a week. Notes. —The monthly concert of the K. C. Symphony Orchestra will be held at the Willi* Wood Theatre on next Friday after- noon. Bnaanne Adtmt bat been engaged at the soloist. John Bebr will coi Pattl Boat, of the "ton Tooton' retired from tbe ittge on Feb. M, having Left'if. Heart been married the week previous, to Fairfax Crosby, alto a member Mln Roaa la tbe dau Rota A benefit son Enoa Managers' Auditorium ♦*"•> HBW JERSEY music and Song. M. Wltmnrk ft Sous announce at good seller* the following aongt published by (hem: "I'm a Jonah Man/' "Bomebodyt Waiting 'Neath Southern Bktet," "Moon, Moonr 'Date de Way to Spell Chicken,' "Place a Light to Onlde Me Home," "Ju*t for Tonight?' "I Wont to Plav flamlet,' "L*at Three Beat* for 8mokers.' r "Just Idle Dream*," "flood Night, Beloved, Good Night," "Just a Line from Jennie," •*! Never Knew Till Now How Much I Loved You,' "In Loveland. "Only to Call Her Baby. "Johnny In the Army." "Soldier*," "The Pisslob Flower," "I've Got to Go Now, 'Ciuse Ift Coin' to Rain." "Molllt Shan- non," "Juat Because You Were an Old Bweet- heart of Mine." ''Trouble,' "OhI JoyI" "Marching On," "Johnny In the .Army, "Show Your Invitation or You Con t Com* In," "Your Own," "Down on the Mletl*- alppl Shore," "While Old Glow Waye*," "Tb* Angel with the Bag Time Harp," "1 Wonder If She Ever Doet Remember^' "In the Springtime," "If I Thought You Loved Anotber,""You Said Good Night but Meant flood Bye," "When I Recall the Long Ago,' "Jutt Ma Little Yaller Boy and Me," "fu»t to be Near You," "Laughing Ben," "WtUt Alligator Bait," ''Charmer Waltte*," "Floral ■ »«.. Japan," "You'll Be Happy If I 0?>" "Per- l LSS ntp* Lore'* Dream VVlii La*t .Forever," engaged ..g^. ta y onr 0wn Back Yard," "The Lass co ?. <, ?. ct ' I Love," "My Starlight 8ne." "Florence WjSSz Rellly." "We'll Defend the Starry Fltg," "1 . having r.«»'W. n~*mi in •> "All Iho Tlmp. ' "Mlaa Jotle,' In Dixie." "All tbe Wild Irish Bote,' It. Time, Some- Well I Pre- I '^. r ot . IS! iS? m %°.Ii ta'«>8 MS Me So," "The Sentry.'' "V 5 h i*«S f . th S uSw 1 Oueaa I Know," "Nobody Brer Brlnn ... —— Jor Mr. and Mr*. WM- == t0 Me -( .-Little Bailie Brown, i I; being arranged by the local Want You Ba ' ck jj, Hun ," "Terrible Lot to Association, to be held at the Do Toda3r " "Absence Make* the Heart Grow m Theatre, afternoon of March I. j-onder," "Polllt Pry," "Sadie, Sty You Won't Bay Nay," "You Are My All In All," "The Voice of Jehovah," "Star of My Life, soloists of Mr. Savtge't company have In creased their popularity with the St. Louis nubile. This week the Savage attraction 'hat played to *ucb enormous business here about a month ago returned for another en- gagement "Tbe Prince of Pllaen." Olympic (P. Short, manager).—"The Mummy and the Humming Bird*' was well patronized last week, and deterred ltt suc- cess. Thla week a play Is offered that ap- peal* equally well to society people, viz., r 'Tbe Taming of Helen." Henry Miller, who w** well received here two year* ago, In "The Only Way," has tbe leading part, and I* assisted by Jessie Mlllward. 8TANDAXD (Jaa. J. Butler, manager).— Hush'* Bou Ton Burlesque™ 1* this week'* offering. OtUNO (John G. Hheedy. manager).— "Lover** Lane" was offered here, at popu- lar prices, and proved an excellent attrac- tion. In point of merit and drawing ca- pacity It ranked with the attractions at the high priced bouse. Thla week, "Alpbonte and Gaston." Colombia (Mlddleton ft Tate, managers). —The leading feature* of this week's bill are: Franceses Bedding and company. Har- mony Four, Katunora Jape, and Arthur Doming. Last week's bill waa above the average. Among those featured were: Em- mett Corrlgan and company. Phyllis Allen, James J. Morton, and Charles A. Loder. Impxiial, (D. B. Ruttell, manager).— Nelte Erlckson, In "Yon Yonaon," gave goad satisfaction last week. Tbla week, "Tracy, tbe Outlaw." Havlin'b (Wm. Oaren, manager).—"The Suburban" did a big business laat week, and Sive good satisfaction. This week, "A entueky Feud," _ Music Hall. —Ellery's Roysl Italian Band opens hero thll week, and should receive excellent patronage. Taa Zoo continues to draw well, especi- ally with the little folks. Odxon. —About the only attraction for tbe week It the Bunday concert of Well'a Band. Nortt.—The Coliseum Amusement Co. hat been Incorporated here, and baa leased the music hill and coliseum In the Exposition Building. The Exposition Building- will not be torn down until after the World'* Fair, when It* *lte will be used for a park, which will also contain the Public Library Build- ing. Until that time thla company will control theae two largest places of enter- tainment In tbe city. In their announcement tbe following officers are given : George Mld- dleton, president ; Frank It. Tate, vice presi- dent ; Fred B. Crow, general representative. Rumor of a new theatrical deal fills the air. It la eteted that the Flake-Hackett- Crouman combination, wboae purpose I* to light the trust, h*a made arrangements with John Htvlln by which the St. Loult Hav- lln'* Theatre will be used for their local production*. Thla rumor It denied, but from all tbe appearances It would teem that such arrangement has been entered Into. ., s Kanaaa City.—At the Wlllla Wood The- atre (Woodward ft Burgess Amusement Co., managers).—Lilt week waa divided between Wm. Gillette, In "Sherlock Holmes," and "San Toy." Mr. Gillette came tbe first three nights, to big business, and was enthusias- tically appreciated. The latter part of the week we hnd our first hearing of 'Son Toy." The houses wore big. Tblt week will be shared between Enfe Blltler, In "When Knighthood Wtt In Flower," tnd Walker Whiteside. Next week, Mrs. Brune, In "Unorna." Omand Opkoa Hoi'Hi (Hudson ft Judah, managers).—Laat. week Mason and Maton, In "Rudolph and Adolph," had a fair week't business. Thll week we will have our first walk down "Lover*' Lane." On March 1 Rom Coghian comet for Sunday matinee and night performancen. In "Forget Me Not," and en Monday the Caatle Square Opera Co. eoniee for a two weeks' season of grand opera. Tub Obpiibuk (Martin Lehman, manager). —Last week't bill drew good houses, This week: Frank Keenan and company, the Gilnnerettle. the Balamboa, Field* and Ward, Irfa Fnlettli, Bather Fee, Zatell tnd Vernon, and the klnodrona. Tin Auditobium (Woodward ft Burgess Amusement Co., managers).—Laat week "Barbara Frletchle" came, to fair business. Very good performance* were given. Thla week, ll Are Yon a Mason 1" and next week. James Nelil, In "The Red Knight" and "A Bachelor'* Romance." Tuc Oillih (B. 8. Brlgham. manager).— Last week "A Ragged Hero" pleased tb* clientele of the house. This week, "The Bandit King." Tuc Cimti'ht (W. L. Bell, manager).— Tbe name of tbla theatre baa been changed from tbe Berkeley Play Hon** to the orig- in*! name—The Century. Gertrude Berke- ley hat retired from the company, and her place will be filled by Kate Blaacka. The leading man. M. L. Alsop, also retires, and hla pile* will be filled by Jiuaea Durfclo, Newark.—Business averaged fair propor- tions here last week. Nbwabk TatUTU (Lee Ottolengul, mana- ger).—Tbe exceptional quality of the attrac- tion! appearing at thlt house make tbe pres- ent Beaton particularly brilliant Virginia Horned, In "Iris," promises good reault*. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" proved a bright, stirring entertainment last week, and pleated large audiences. Ezra Kendall, In "The Vinegar Buyer," March 2-7. Columbia Tiibatbb (M. J. Jacobs, mana- ger).—Go-Won-Go Mohawk, In "The Flam- ing Arrow," tbonld awell tbe receipts this week. "The Little Outcast" waa delayed by the heavy storm last week, and did not open until Tuesday. Busluess waa good, however, during the remainder of the week. "On tbe River" next week. Km pise Tiieatbb (H. M. Hyams. mana- ger).—Tbe return of an old favorite, in "Th, "While the Moon Sblnea Bright," "Liza Tan- tallter," "Ift for Her. Ber, Her," "Junk, Junk, Junk," "Nigger Alley." "Lnn'brln 1 Luke," "Sweet Maggie May,'* "My Moon- light Lou," "Ma Halnbow Coon," "I. C. D.," "Hotel Clerk," 'Flirty Little Gertie," "Unleee Yoa Love Me," "Where tbe 8un Sets," "I'te Got Nuffln' On Mah Mind," "I Want a Little Yum, Yum" "CoDne,M£ Sweet Queen^'"Say You 'Love Me, Sue, "The Liberty Belles," will be welcomed with eua. we suways pray me satisfaction this week. "Spotless Town" pro- auditoriums and theatres at high prices, and ■ "The Bridge of Sighs,'' "Tbe Girl That Leads the Band," "What Crogan Said to Hogan," "The Last I Love," "I Want* a Ping Pong Man." Notet from the Kilties Band.—We are now In our twenty-lrtt week, and are head- ing for the Pacific coast. Our engagements In Boston, Washington, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago outdid all previous successes made by the bind, and, judging from tbe great reception* tendered tbe organisation In the Western cities, our elxth tour will be marked with tuccess from beginning to end. We always play the largest coliseums. voked mont hearty laughs last week, and received fair attention. Rose Melville will present "Bit Hopkins" the coming week. Blaniy's Tiixutri (Chaa B. Bltney, man- ager).—"Nevada" will give the stock corn- have displayed the S. B. O. sign In many cities where tbe capacity It In the thousands. T. P. J. Power, who hat ao successfully di- rected all tbe tours of the famous organi- zation, 1* very proud of the success of their alxth transcontinental tour, ending at Buf- falo, on Junt 2. W. H. Anstead reports that he It over- whelmed with congratulation* upon the suc- cess of tbe ballad published by hit music publishing house, entitled "Ring Down tbe Curtain, I Can't Sing Tonight?' which la being featured by many performers. Ben- good entertainment tblt week. Among the nett ft Rlcb't walti ballad, "Every Day It specialists are: Tbe Prentice Troupe, Tom Sunday Down at Coney Itle," It alio going fiany an opportunity to exploit clever dla ogue and snappy - Edna Hall will plc llcklng role. "The Penitent .jgue and snappy comedy this week, and Edna Hall wlll_pTeate her admlren In a rol- "' wee well done results. "Retur- last week, with moderate rectlon" March 2-7. _..«■'_•. Wai.duann'h Tiisatrb (W. B. Clark, manager).—Tbe World Beater* present* a irtalnnw. . . Tbe Prentice Water*. Major Nowak, Murphy and Gray, Bohannon and Carey, Roger! and Hllpret, Sam k luuinoil. Marie Wtrfleld, May Geb- hardt, and May Wallace. The utoplana was flven substantial support last week, and oe Morrlt was particularly favored. Bom Devere't Co. It billed for next weak. Pboctob'b Tuiatbb (J. AuBtln Fynes. general manager).—A well balanced bill of general excellence thla week Include*: Wil- liams and Tucker, In "Driftwood;" tho Mltact Delmore and Co., In "Tbe Bride- groom'* Reverie'/' Rams*, Arno and Co., Treloar, Bettlna Gerard, Sam D. Drane, Reta Curtis, Ten Icbl Troupe, tnd tbe kalatcchno- scope. Good attendance prevailed laat week. NoiBS.—The aad death It recorded ot Maud Baker, daughter of tb* late Fred Waldmann. She waa one of the victims of tbe terrible trolley accident which baa cast the city in gloom It la announced that J. Henry Kolker will return to stock In tblt city soon. a Jersey City.—"Lost River," with a good caat and tbe original atage settings, did a One business at the Academy week of Feb. 10. The Transatlantic Comedy Quartette, with the company, are clever, "Janice Meredith" brought a large attendance to the Bijou. The presentation was creditable In ever/ respect. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy beaded an excellent bill at tbe Bou Ton, to good financial results. Academy (Frank H. Henderson, malin- ger).—Chauncev Olcott, In "Old Limerick Town," opens tbla week with a apeclal mati- nee 23. Prices btve been advanced tnd the tale ahead la large. Next, "Tbe Modern Magdalen." Bijou (John W. Holmes, manager).—"The Village Postmaster," with the original stage embellishments and a strong exit, 23-28, with special matinee 23. To follow, "Spot- less Town." BON Ton (T, W. Dlnktnt, manager).— well. Leo Feist's catalogue of song successes Included: "Somebody s Waiting for Me," "Dear Old Start and Stripes, Good Bye," "Until Then." "There'i No Place Like Home," "In Sunny Africa," "Valley of Ken- tucky," "In Starlight," ^vy." H. Drexel Caatleton writes: "My star, Claudia Caatleton, was never In better voice. A* a high dramatic aoprano Ml** Caatleton ha* few equala Recent additions to my company are: D. W. Pitts, violinist and flutist; Mrs. Pitts, pianist and altber; Marie St. TJrbaln. harpist, and George Rich, for advance, assisted by W. B. Otis Jr. My Pullman car will trrlve soon. I have tbe finest of advertising material, ranging from a twenty sheet down to a 6x9 toolghter on enameled paper, with a big line of window work and framed lobby photos. Henry Helf 8r. (father ot J. Fred IIelf. writer of many popular aong tuccesses) died at bit borne In Newport, Ky., Jan. 81, aged tlxty-tevon years. Willie Moon, lyric tenor, last season with HI Henry's Minstrels, report! success In concert and oratorio. He la first tenor of tbe famous Canadian MacDonata Male Quar- tet. 4)1 * MINNESOTA. nllnneapclla. — At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager).—Elis- abeth Kennedy ctioe Feb. 22, In "Capt. Jlnkt of tho Horse Marines." Frank Daniels followed 26, In "Miss Simplicity." Harry Berotford will be teen March 1, In "The Wrong Mr. Wright." Tbe Roosevelt March- ing Club, a local political club, will bavt the house for a benefit 2-4. "Our New Min- ister' 5-7. "Bally In Onr Alley" and Hor- ace Lewis. In "A Poor Relation," divided week of 10, to fair builneae. Buou Opxxa Huusb (Tbeo. L. Uays. man- ager).—Tho Orpheum Vaudeville Snow be- For "week of 23: J. K. Emmet" and company, gon a week'* engiigement Feb. 22. "At the Milton Old Cross Render la announced for March Charles Kenna, Weaton and Allan, and Maude Woods, Bowman and Ardell. tho Pearce Brothers, Dick aad Alice McAvoy. Charles Alexander, and tbe vltagrapb. Nora.—Arthur Hochman, the pianist, la at Haabrouck Hall 26, Ramsey Morris hot completed a new play for Mary Manner- lng, to be tried on her trip to the Pacific coast. If suitable the will star In It next season. No Wednesday matinee at the Acad- emy thin week. . s Hoboken.—Lyric (H. P. Soulier, mana- ger).—"The Little Church Around the Cor- ner" la the attraction for Feb. 22-26, with a special matinee 28. "Tbe Little Outcast," featuring little Annie Blancke at Bob, the newsboy, 20-28. Business ha* been satis- factory. Enpim (J. F. Qulnn, mans "th special iger).—Open- matinee: Webb's lng week of 23, with specli aeals and lions, Panteer Trio, Three Mll- lettes, 0. K. Sato, Loney Haskell, O'Rourke, Burnett Co.. Tanner tnd Gilbert, aad Mil- ton and Dolly Noble. Business continues good. o«» SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston.—At Owens Academy of Mu- sic (Will T. Keogh, manager).—Tbe Hunt- ley-Moor* Stock Co. closed a very successful engagement of five nights and matinee*, Feb. 10-20. "Are You a Mason J" 21, had a fair house." "Hello, Bill" cornea 28, Gertrude Coghian 2G, PaytOD Sisters 26-28. Stab Thbutib (Hy. Lebujn, manager), house. "Hello, Bill/' comet 28, Gertrude 16. ' i »»<■ "The BOth Ceatary Limited" la. of course, tbe New York Centrals 20 hour train between New York and Chicago. It saves a day. • • • 1 and week. Joseph Murphy drew well 15-21. Ltcxuai Tbbatbi (Dick Ferris, manager) —The stock company continues In popularity. and will give "A. Young Wife" Feb. 22 and week. Thlt will be followed hy "The Belle of Richmond," March 1. "David Crockett" had big houies Feb. 1B-21. Loretta Allen Is a new member of the company. Daring Lent Ben Johnson will give readings from Shakespeare every Friday afternoon. Diwbx Tbbatbi (W. W. Wlttlg, mana- ger).—Rice ft Barton's Big Gaiety Co. holds the boards 22 and week, to be followed, March 1, by tbe Rentt-Santley Extravaganza Co. The Parisian Widows drew splendid houses Feb. 15 and week. as » GEORGIA. Atlanta.—Grand (H. L. 4. J. L. DeGlve. manageri).—Primrose ft Dockitaders Min- strels comes Feb. 20, 21. "Arlxona" en- gaged liberal patronage 18, 14. "Are You a Mason?" 18, II), pleated audiences of good proportions. Bookedi "Flo.odora" 25, Buou (Jake Wells, manager).—The BIJou Musical Comedy Co. presented "A Tex** Steer" week of 18. to 8. R. 0. at each performance. Week of 28. vaudeville will be tbe atractlon, with Lottie Brandon as a headllner. Other numbers on the bill are: Hallen and Fuller, Crawford and Stanley, Hall and Francis, Earl and Wilson, Lillian and Shorty De Witt. Nona,—Tbe work of transforming Ponce de Leon Bprlngs Into an amusement resort hat begun. William Sharp, who was man- ager of the Lyceum Theatre, thlt city, until It was destroyed by Are, hat been engaged by Mr. Roatman to manage th* resort Sir. ' sharp Is deservedly popular here. He know* what the public wish, and he exerts himself to gratify their desires.