The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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Febkuary 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 29 HE CrRE/^T AIVD THE WORLD'S OREATEST AND MOST FAMOUS HAND BALANCER and AGRODAT. A Bit Sensation and Re-engaged Everywhere. AT LIBERTY END OF JULY) 1903. The Wnr,d ' 8 Oreatett Novelty for a First Class Co For terns, Manager* kindly write to sty Bole Agent, MR. rich Ann PITBOT, S18 Bast 14th Street. New York. S~ M TWO RUNNY DUTCHMEN, RAYMOND i C A VERL Y After • aaeeessful season of at weeks with TBI EMPIRE SHOW, haw* severed eosswoettewa wcltb saute, and haws been engaged to STA.H under the Mar.aeorr.ori* of 1MLAJEVJDTX* jE Row on the KEITH CIRCUIT, svnd OPEBJ IN GRAND OPBRA HOUSE, BAIT FRANCISCO, PAL, JUNE 1, FOR TWENTY WRICKS. OF ORPHECK CIRCUIT CO. Words by JEFFREY T. BRANEN CHORUS: Can't live on love, dear; Can't live on lovei To bill and coo iitke a turtle devo (What a/tinny proposition;, Yoa know your coo, dear. it's op to rout Cause a lady with an appetite Can't 1.1 ve on Love. THE OR EAT STAGE HIT, CANT LIVE ON LOVE Music by LEO FREIOMAN We wish to Introduce ourselves to YOU, and the best way Is to send YOU this song. Save your stamps; we have plenty. Just send us a late program, and we'll send you "Can't Live On Love," and copies of all our stuff, including "Blue, Blew, Blew," that already famous oomlc marohsong. NEWTON PUBLISHING CO,, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. SUNG BY Elisabeth Murray, Stella Mayhe w, Arthur Denting, George Thatcher, fsnon and Willard, Oajr Brrol, Carroll Johnson and Flora Hughes. Maddoa and Wayne are singing "Blue, Blew, Blew" on the Kohl & Castle Circuit with great success. Ini \OU can dobI lively HAKK a HIT with elttiur » S , or the following Brand New ProduoUooa: "MY LITTLE COCOANUT MAID," Bj i. 11. FERDON and W. A. PRATT. "OH! BABE, WONT YOU TAKE HE BACK?" Ortbe Wonderfully Strong' Emotional Ballad, "MY HEART GROWS FONDER DAY BY DAY." By W. A. PRATT, author of "If I But Knew," "With Yon," Etc. Professionals addreBi with stamps ondnrograms. I.A ORAltPB MUSIC CO., Grand Opera House, Chleago, U. B. A. The TrlallUei, New York Day by Day The Moon- shiners, who's Yonr Wife, and other* now booking. PLATS For Stock Theatres, Road and special pro. auctions, Repertoire Co.'s and (or silo. II ADIIHKSN THE WWNETT EMERGENCY BUREAU, 1402 Broadway, W. Y. City. WANTED QUICK, FOB WALLACK'S THEATRE CO., For S night repertoire, Al Loading Man, Al Loading Women. Must be emotional. Heavy^an. Women for Heavlcu. and other uwsf ut people. Those doing specialties preferred, mate lowe" } n ,f 1 J™ t '•"*'• M uat be low, as salary la sure, we pay board. 11. M. PDBINBKY, Rock Island, 1U Dye-S I Hi K O-TDye THE CLIPPER last week gave ns an elegant "ice on onr "Sllxo" scenes In "Tom Tom." Robt. Pul- toiUIanagcr ot the Trnradero Theatre and U. .iss Widows, flays: "I advlno all who want good scenery to get Sllko." Sol Lowenthal, or Old Orpheum, says: "Daniels certainly basthem all going." "Hiiko" wffl not fsde. crack or rab off. You can pack In trunks. Tlio colors are grand. Boventy-elx shows In elgW months. DANIELS* SCENIC STUDIO, 8828 Wabssh Ave., Chicago, U. B. A, LONDALE THEATRE COMPANY REPERTOIRE PEOPLE With Specialties, lo Pianist Reference, F }J A ? ftt !2^ S n^ a I 5^ B Hi n fc 1 5lSJi Iow •• A - <,a ^•"- Inson, North Dakota. TOBY LYONS KgMreM^^ H ° THE BIGGEST HIT EVER MADE IN THE HOUSE WITH ONE SONG. Also playing principal corned, parte In tbe Burle^oc.^ ATHBNJ50Mi g^ ^^ ot „„,, VICTOR i m WANTED, TO BUY, Railroad Ticket and Band Wagons, 80ft. Round Top Tent, 2-40*, 10ft. Side Walls and Poles, 10 Lengths Blue Seats, 11 tiers high; 10 Lengths Reserved, o tiers blah, In Good Order. Wanted, Man that Understand* Training Horses and Dog*. J. U. Pino, 4208 Emerald Ave., Chicago, III. HARRY LAURENCE COMEDY CO., LEADING MAN, 8. and D. SOOBRHTTB. and LEADER (Planlrt). Other Useful Re- pertoire People write. Address - Care Part Theatre, Manchester, N. H. DRUM MAJORS, Send lOcta. for Lateat Catalogue and Elegant Jo,-Book.^^ ^jg gfa Slid Mi 25c, and I'll Tell You HOW to Go Oi the Slue. PRIVATE, 1M W ; Wh jt-.M.J-jOIgN, Mull V* UIICUFC Something that will JUiM tit rlUDni.01 sjtaod then all up, com- tlnlng Comedy, Music and Muscular Feats on Rings. Mars, and AgtS.. writ*. 186 TBBMdW BT., Central Falls, & I. PREMIER WHISTLER, HIGH CLASS SPECIALTY FOR DRAMA, KAItCK. care of N. Y. OLIPPEB. WANTED, SINGER. Male or Female, Female preferred, with good, strong voice, for concert saloon work. I furnish board and room. No per cent. SUte LOWEST, as engagement Is steady and salary BUBO. WOULD BE and HAS BEEN vocalists, save stamp*. Also Female, near 5ft 7, to work In act, for Parks and Street Fairs. Good appearance necessary. Could use amateur. State all first letter. ARTHUR Da ABMOND. No. 716 8. Central Street, Knoxvllle. Tenn. Al SLIDE TROMBONE, B.&0. Will be At Liberty for Bummer's engage- ment. Sober, Reliable and Experienced. Park or Hotel preferred. Address, L. C. PHILLIPni, Sub-Station No. 2, Poughfceepsle. New York. COMBINED SliKEPIIIO. DINING AMD BAGUAOB CABS. ttMolailyarranWror traveling ossspanles. aiw i*r«.sjv7i*«» won*:*. f A n vW. w.i. NEW OPERA HOUSE. JuBt completod. Largo Stage, Btoam Host, Elootrlo Lights, in town of 3.M0. Seals TW. FIRST GLASS '' WINFIBLD B. SCOTT, Montpeller, Ohio. A LADY PARTNER for Sketches. Must sing or dance. One willing to work In the West. PARTNER, 110 Huron St., Toledo, 0. I'M Just the SKETCH for YOU. If not, I'll write one. J. W. SCHWARTZ, Hoi. land Court, Wd snd Park Ave., N.Y. Enclose stamp. TheHerbpfy^MAneConipaiij 1 " —■'— — " ■' ■ — s jaul ■ ^aw« — ■■■■■■ swsn Incorporated Company, under the laws of Illinois, with a paid up Capital Stock ot $25,000, and quoted by R. Q. DUN & COMPANY Our reference le any Bank In Springfield, III., or DUN or BFMD8TREET. Wfi WANT i FEW MB GOOD, LIU, BNEH&BTIC, HOKSST MSN, Those who are capable of handling their own butlneis ind can appreciate MARKET, as there Is a National Bank Draft In each cartoon. OUR MOTTO Ii :oou treatment, to handle our modlclno. IT IS THE BEST SELLER ON TUB tt NO CURE, SMO PAY, 99 WANT 10 GOOD BLACK FACE BANJO OR GUITAR PLAYERS, WITH GOOD LOUD VOICES, FOR 8TEET WORK, TO OPEN MIDDLE OP APRIL. Htalo all In first letter. DR. J. F. WILLIAMS President and General Manager, Hsrbs of lilfJs Medicine Co., Bprlngfiatd, III. Slot Machines WANTED, TO BUY IRON MUTOSCOPES For territory not restricted. Also Edison Phonographs Blot Attachment, type M. or 8. preferred. Must be In perfect condition. Bta,te number of machine* and price wanted. QEOROH BALBDON. 10 Master'* Way. Pittsburg. Pa. WANTED, Al REP. and ONE NIGHT SHOWS For Haste Hall, Superior, wis. House and stage remodeled and enlarged. Pop. 86.000. Limited number of attractions a month. Would like to hear from good burlesque Co. AL.VOBD A KBAOUQH, Superior, wis. P. B.—J. O. Btnta please write. Returns Casting Nets MADE TO ORDER. 6IVE USA TRIAL. New Casting Net, r> ttjDOli., for sals. Writ* for price*. ED. brown IB, No. 18 Tearl St.. Bath. Maine. 1903 OPEN TIME 1904 M1NSTBEL-VAUDEVHLE, And all First Clas* Attractions—business good, NEW THEATRE, STRICTLY UP TO ATB: seats 650; 5,000 to draw from. THE GRANDE, Brocswayllle, Pa. WANTED, FOB SILVER BROTHERS'tCIRCUS, NOVElTr ACT TO FEATURE. Performers for Ring acd Stage, Musicians. Bide Show Privilege to let. Writs In now. O. LOTH SILVER, Acme, Mich. Piano Plijirsiid DiocirtSiM 10c. tor 50c. Edition of "Rosebud Skirt Dance." Tbe best dance yon ever board. They aU whistle It after the show. ARTHUR BBLblNOBB Battle Oreek, Mlon. CIITIIDC HUSBAND OK WIPE PHOTOS, tH.OO flJ I UtlL per 1,000. FORTUNES, M0.; Stmp. IOC. Cabinet Photos or yourself for soiling, 415 per 1,000. CI (IT UI (tillIIEC '' nr >'• Letters andFuture*. OtUI mAlinlllLORl>KNAHTUD10,riilla.,Pa. TS£LIEUH\fflIU AUOUK»S, LuSDOSl '■BraTlaslmo, London." Paris: ' Uptodato, Paris;" " 1SS, Long Acre, London, W.O.;», Roe Taltbont. yi'an' engsgemesia goaraa- tsed to Ma attraettons. "oraTuniiau. uinuuu." rsru; -vp\ H. B. MARINELLI, 'w M « Farli. Two to three yean' engage: JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTflATtD UAS1C CATALOOUB. 2Bc.: SUP. CATAU, Se. None free. Only N. B. Agent for Mafaatma, 10c tflOT. K™ W O LKll MANUSCRIPT IAS Court St.. Boston. Mass. Plays, low roy- alty. W. 6. Browne, It! H. Clark, Chicago. VAN FLEET, 4T WHIST aatk STREET, «IW FORK. A WT TV OTJ JXT O XS 2ME b 1VT. THE GREAT COLE YOUNGER and FRANK JAMES HISTORICAL WILD WEST. In accordance with contracts recently entered Into between COLK YOUNdKR. PRANK jamkh and II. B. ALLOTT, the exhibition formerly known ss llUUKHKIN HILL'S WILD wkst, will liu oporated nndortlie aliovetltlo. All personi holdingoonlruolH wllli tlio lliiokHkln Illll Wild <V«»t will mill con- sider themnelves engaged, and contracts will lio eliungod ul the llmo of thiilr roportlng for work. WANTBD, a few more Cowboys, and Doss Hostler capsule of handling 2u0 Mono of horses. HBNHV K. ALI.OTT, Manager, -Jos und 2(18 W. Adams St., Ullloago, III. AT LIBERTY, THE GREAT RAYMOND, MAGICIAN, HIND READER, FANTASIEST, Preientlng. In a mlrthfnl manner, now Ideas In "Dp to Date Magic," "Comedy Spirit Ouhlnef'A laugh from start lo finish. "Pamous Challenge llanilouir Act," Sensational "Jull llruuklng TosIm," and the most daring and startling "Blindfold Street Hrlvo" over attomptod. Klcgant outnt. Appearance on snd off the nest. Columns of the most nattering nross comments. Eight years' exporlenco, United Htules, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America. Carry one .uniformed assistant. Change act nightly If desired. Open or close In ono. Responsible vaudeville, roportolro or burlusqtio mauageri desiring a feature act address HAUIUtlB F. IlAYHOaD, caru Theutro, Aurora, III., weok Fob. 38: after that care J0RD0N SHOW PRINT, Chicago. Can Join on wire. A SOLID SUMMER ENGAGEMENT. BARLOW & WILSON'S MINSTRELS, Now In their twenty-eight woek of their Season. Turning people away five nights of the week. WAHTBIS— Two Trombones who double on Violins, two good Touor 8lngorn, Trap Drummer. Also other Useful Peopie write, Address HAHI.OW a WILSON, Per route In OLU'I'KR. COMEDY JUGGLEKS. HANDS OFF! t My Original Comedy Effects are Fully Protected Under the Mew Copyright Law. A R S H A L L, V. n.-My Celebrated Eight Egg Trtek still "Make* Them Talk." The MYSTIC. COMPLETE WITH ELECTRIC, CALCIUM Oil ACETYLENE UtJUNEIt. STEREOPTICON, $12.50, ILLUSTRATED SONS SHIES, BEAUTIFULLY COLORED, 251. EACH. We manufacture everything In the Stercopilcon and Moving Picture Machlno line, and will save yon money. Write for confidential oiice list. BOBWELL ELECTRICAL AMD OPTICAL CO., HM Wabash Ave., Chicago. AT LIBERTY-JiekJENNlNC8 and JEWELL Bob BING1NO, TALKING AND DAKCIN0 COMEDIANS, for Farce Comedy. Burlesque, Vaudeville or Hep. Co. or anjr Ant class company. Just closed with Oagnon Pollock Slock Oo, A laughing hit on any bill, Add.^iOfNiNas AND IT. well, care of Diok Rlohards' Agenoy, ltoi Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.