The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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30 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 28. CHARLES NELLIE The only act of Its kind in vaudeville. Opened on the Keith Circuit Oct. 6, after leaving King High Ball Company, and waa ,l " mo ^ ,ate l , 2[^^5j e k d solid until June I. After playing for M. Shea, of Buffalo, were engaged to strengthen 'Fiddle-Dee-Dee," at the CrandOpera House, new Tore, this week. Return dates everywhere. Booked as one of the features with the Orphoum Show for the season of 1903-1904. M. S. BENTHAM, Ewlislw *|t«nt. ST. MMES BUIIDIM, H. Y. Uaudeoilk and minstrel. World of Players. Ltdia, Yeahans Titus and Frederick J. —Charles V. Tlngay, who bai been at Titus produced tbelr new skit, entitled "The the Grand Opera Houae, Philadelphia, for Wrong Organ," by Charles liorwltz, at Hjde & Behman'i Theatre, Brooklyn, last week. It affords an excellent opportunity for this clever duo to properly present their enter- tainment, A delightful vein of comedy, due to mistaken Identity, provides (be open- ing of the act. In tbe course of the aklt Miss Tltua la seen and beard in a number of Imitations and songs, which are embel- lished by accompaniments from Mr. Tltua. John J. Subppabd appeared at tbe Sic several weeks, baa been taken to tbe St. Joseph's Hospital, (hat city. — Joseph Callahan la quite ill, and has been compelled to cancel his engagements. — Frederic Seward, leading man of tbe Ollle Balford Stock Co., la ill with t; h typhoid fever at tbe Haurot Hospital, Brie, l'a. — Fred Wyckoff, who la playing tbe role of Gee Whiz, in K. D. Stair's "liusy I»y" Co., waa called borne last week by the ie vers Illness of his father, and was forced to tropolls and Olympic theatres Sunday night, miss Saturday's matinee and evening per- Feb. IB, In Ren Shields' new act, "The Oer- formance at the BIJou, Pltteburg, Pa. Ed. Gllmour, of the company, understudied his part at abort notice, and gave a creditable performance. — Tbe Fountain Square Theatre, Spring- field, Ohio, burned to tbe ground Feb. 10. — The Columbia Theatre, Frankfort, Ind., burned to tbe ground Feb. 0. Tbe loss was twenty-five thousand dollars, Jesse Bllnn waa the owner. — The Independent Booking Agency an- nounced last week an Important alliance wltb Weber * Fields, by which tbe attrac- tions and houses of the actor-managers will hereafter he booked through that organize. tloo. At the same time ft was announced that the agency bad formed an enlarged cir- cuit of Independent tbeatrea, and that, be- ginning with the next theatrical season. man Senator. Paul Cikqi'IVALT.i made his reappearance In Australia recently, after an abaence of nltnott three years, and received a welcome that amounted to an ovation. He performed Home new feats, following his policy of keeping his entertainment up to the highest possible point of Interest, and the local press comments on his work rang wltb praise, At tbe Tlvoll. Sydney, the bouse was crowded to Its capacity during his engagement, prov- ing that bis drawing powers are as potent as ever. B. R. Burton, of Burton and Brookes, who bat been suffering from inflammatory rheumatism for the past six weeks. Is now able to travel. The team resumed work last week, opening at tbe Temple Theatre, Louis- week, opening at the Temple Theatre, i,ouis- ginning wltb tbe next theatrical season, vllle, with Memphis and Nashville to follow, companies detlrlng to play independently of They have signed with tbe Behman Show tbe syndicate will be able to visit nearly for next season. Fsank I,. Pbrut, "the terpalchorean vio- linist." who has been III for the past eight months, Is convalescent. Rosin OtniiAN (late of Ilurran and Mack) sailed for America Feb. 18. She waa ac- companied by ber youngest sister, Grace, wltb whom she has Joined banda. B. F. Forbea has closed with the French Beauties Burlesque Co., and Joined his part- ner, Grace Carroll. The team In the past was known ns Forbes and Carroll, but In the future will be known as Forbes and Forbes. We have plenty of good work over tbe New England circuits until May 30, then go to the Western parks. Mllrj. Boss Rnviit, premiere danteuil, arrived In New York Feb. 10, from Havana, Cuba, where she played a two months' en- gagement with the Clrco Teatro, Tito Rn- ones, Teatro Marti and Clrco I'ublllones She has been especially engaged for "Ret- nrrectlon," opening at Payton'a Theatre, Brooklyn, Feb. 28. _ W. B. Watsom writes: "The excavating for the new theatre In Jersey City will be- gin about April 4. There will be a hotel and cafe and two ttores connected with the HUM ▼AJrrrUi of Jacobs nnd Vantyle, has been very III nt her home, lint la on the road to recovery, and the team will reaume their dates. „ , . CnAS. AnNoi.nA was suddenly called to his home In Detroit, Mich., to the bedside of bis mother, who died Feb. 10. lie was en route with the Rentfrow's Jolly Path- finders Co. 4 I » ALABAMA. Mobile.—At the Mobile Theatre (J Taa ncubanm. manager).—Al. II Wilton. In A „ , „ lp posod to have originated I'rlnce of TatW came I'eb. IS. 14, n J lr ft' r nec*. Manager Westo Iwo nights and inntliiep, to large and an- ■ precistlvo audiences. Gertrude Coghlan, In ''Alice of Old Vlncenni'H." came 10, matinee and night, to fair business. Kathryn Kidder, in "An Kye for an Bye," 18, won many favorable criticisms. Coming: "McCarthy a Mishaps" 23. 24, "Arizona" 27. Mahcotth TiiMATiin (Ducournau Brothers, inn lingers),—Good business continues. Week nl 10: liarnoy nnd liny nee, Artie Fillmore. Bcrtlm Shr-rwood. Thelmn Klngsley. Mamie [Hack. Violet Keith, Madge Blielton, Bailie Woods. Uska Spencer, llughey George, Du- cournau and Thomas, nnd Arthur Wheeler. Hooked for week of 2B: Weldon and Claire, 'Grace Knowlton, Belle Hopkins, and the Noras.—John McNnmnrn, Irish comedian, Is laying off this week, suffering with a se- vere cold and slight attack of In prtope Wlson and De Menvllle have «"»«'«•.°[j nnd i wish for "It ns prosperous a voyage account of lllneia..... .OM,J, ?5« M JE during the next fifty years as It hsa hart next Sanson take his. three act drama, The ,,„.._" , h „ nnii , h-i/centnry." every city of theatrical Importance In the United States. The Independent Agency has also made arrangements to play Its attrac- tions In Pittsburg, at the Duquesne Thea- tre; In Baltimore, at the Music Hall; In Washington, at a new theatre; In Chicago, at the Grand Opera Route; In Buffalo, at the T«ck Theatre; la Milwaukee, at the l'abst Theatre; In Louisville, at the Audi- torium, and In Cincinnati, nt the Pike Opera House. — Cecelia Loftut was compelled to retire last week from K. H. Bothcrn'i company be- cause of illness. She has undergone a sur- gical operation, and will not be able to re- turn to tbe cast of "If I Were King" for at least a month. Margaret tlllngton Is now playing the leading female role In that play, and will probably continue to do ao during Mr. Sotbern's New York engagement. — Notes from the Jas. B. Mackle "(.rimes' Cellar Door" Co.: Our season opened at the Lcwlston, Pa., Opera Houae, Feb. 14, to the houae breaking record of tbn season. Mr. Mackle has surrounded himself this season with tbe largest and strongest company that he has ever ventured out with. Hit paper Is all new and original. Roster: Jos. B. Mackle, Ix>ulse Bantord. Jot. Welch, Harry Wright. Qua. Campbell, Kd. Stevenson, Ben. Harrison, James Allison, Percy Hill, J. Jor- dan. Flora Burdock, Ethel Bruce, Elolse Mortimer, Jennie Koscoe, Tennle Burdock. Marie Bartlett, Thoa. Knorr, the team of Stevenson and Alllssnn, and the Burdock Hlsteri. This show Is making the blggcxt kind of a bit, and It sending the audiences home smiling. — Cloyd Moncysmlth aends the following: "I wish to state that Ashland. 0., has been visited by one of the moat disastrous fires. The entire block on which the Opera House waa located waa consumed on Feb. IB. The n led near a '(•stover nnd his many patrons regret" the occurence, as his bookings constated of the best traveling companies for the remainder of the season. It Is not yet known that a new house will be built on the old site, but It Is not prolinhle l bat a town like Ashland will have to go without an opera house." — Bobb Watt writes: "On this, the (lf- tlelh anniversary of (he good old RMPHm, let me sny these few words. I started ad- vertising in Tits Cmi-pkii In 1870, and kept It up until 1804, when I became so busy with work I received from that ad- vertising that I was compelled to with- draw from It. Since then I have only oc- casionally published a card to let my friends know my address I trace all my success to Titr Cmpps*. There never has been n paper published In America that came any- where near filling the bill like Tun Ci.ii-i'kii. during the past half century. — Mrs. Amelia Medley, mother-in-law of the maglelnn, Harry (Cellar, was found dead In her home In Yonkers, N. Y., on Feb. 21 — At Albany. N. Y., on Feb. 10, the ,,. "Estate Henry C. Miner, Incorporated, of . n Mr JL^ri!? " Bn New York." was Incorporated, with a capital annual. vteltor to Mobile's .carnivals. ... ' nf . 50OOOO , to carry on the theatrical enter- World aa We Find It Today," on the road, for a tour through the South. Owing to unavoidable delaya and severe, weather for the pant two weeks, Ducournau'a Electric Calanaut did "«t open untl IB.. ....Mur- ray, "the Flying norse Man," It in the city for the carnival aeaaon Mr. Murray It an WS& fS SuSSjSmMSi prl»e^nrUslne.a^mde7tl.krn« tbe carnival, and will throw pictures and j he )ate KJE K Miner. The directors are: advertisements upon the large canvas for the entertainment of the Immense crowds of visitors The following Is a roster )f Bueournau'a Electric Calanaut. which will remain here for two weeks: Mabel Vol In, Badle Woods, Stella Ducournau, Leon Du- cournau, managing owner; Julius ("Skip i Ducournau and Luke Murray, electricians: L J. Clark, treasurer; Levlne Bauer, pro gremmer. Montgomery—At the Montgomery The- atre (Hlracher Bros., manngora).—hathryn Kidder, presenting "An Eye for an Bye, had splendid audiences, both matinee and night. Feb. 17. Gertrude Coghlan made a decided hit with H. II. 0. house, n "Alice of Old Vlncennes," 18. hoclnn. violin vir- tuoso, did not appear, as advertised, 10. pti account of Illness. Coming,: "Florodora J4. "Arizona" 2B. "McCarthj ?* M ■*<«}»' 20- McDosALn'a Tihatbb (G. F. McDonald, manager).—Plckert'a Comedians had fair re- turns 1610. Coming: Hoyft Comedy Co. W< Notb.— "Jiiroslav Koclnn. Bohemian violin virtuoso, la III at the Exchange Hotel. In this cltv, and has been forced to cancel Ills Mobile engagement. * ■ » LAST FLORIDA TOWK. II. Clay Miner, Washington, and H. Blxler. Charles W. Partridge. George W. naeken- herger nnd Mortimer W. Meyers, of New York. >i » WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.—Old Boreaa blustered Into town Sunday, Feb. IB, and nanaged to atny with ua all week. There was little wonder st the light houses during the week, as the thermometer averaged 20 degrees below aero. At the Academy Edwin Thanhouser offered a production of considerable worth week of 10, when hlB company appeared In "Richard 111." Edgar llnume carried tbe honors In the title role. Albert Brown, Lee linker and Kate Woods Fleke also scored hits. "The Little Minister" 23-28. Ai.iiAunnA TiiKATBt (O. F. Miller, mona S cr).—"Alphonae and Gaaton." week of 15, drew satisfactory attendance. "Superbn. 22, for week, and Higenbeck'e Trained Anl- mala follow. Pab«t TiiturnB.—Manager I^on Wucha- tier offers James K. Hackett 28-?8, In "Don Cieiuir's Return" and "The Crisis." Tbe WnchBiier Stock Co, appeared In "A Drop of Poison" thlt week. Sunday, 22, "Der I'auaer TangenlchtB." DAVtDBOM TilEATBB (Sherman Brown. manager).—"Tho Gay Lord Quex" waa well received 15-18. Sylvia Lynden and Brandon The mat Pennsylvania Railroad tour of Hurst won favor. Orace George, In "Prett: at Mrs. Jack Eden Manager Leon Wachsner will tender Jenny Onrneila a ben- efit at the Pabst Sunday. 22 Edward Temple, stage manager for Rogers Bros., was Id tbe city on a few days visit last week Tbe Milwaukee Musical Society will give Itt forty-first concert at the l'abst Saturday, 21. ♦ »» INDIANA. Vln 1'eniisylTouln llallronit. the aeaaon to Jacksonville, allowing almost three months in Florida, will leave New Vork, Philadelphia. Baltlmoro mid Uastalng- ' 0 Excuraion tickets, Includlug riillwny Irani- imrtatlon. Pullman accommodations (one berth), and meale en route while going on the special train, will be sold at the to - lowing rates: New York. * n 0.00: Phlldcl- phla. Harrlaburg. Baltimore and Vnshlng- (on 148.00: Pltlaburg, *B3.00, and at pro- portionate rates from other points. Return- ing, passengers will use regular trains until *For tickets! Itlnerarlet, and other Infor- Peggr," week of 23. .. _ _ Bwou OrxBA Houaa (J. R. Pierce, mana- KCI .),_"At tbe Old t:ross Reads" drew good sited audiences week of IS, and scored heavily. "A Fight for Millions' week of 23, and "Foxy Grandpa" week of March 1. Staii Tiieatbb (Frank R. Trottman, man- iigerK—That Rice & Barton have a reputa- tion In this city it clearly shown by the packed bouses tbtt rule throughout their engagement. Week of 16 waa In line with their past records. The Rentt-Santley Co. week of 23. Notes.— Kate. Woods Flake was warmly welcomed back to the Academy Co. last week. maMon 'apply' to ticket agents, "or'to Geo. ".'."".". .Harriet Sawyer, of. tfilt city, plajed W. Hnyd, assistant general paasonger agent, a apeelal engagement .with ."The Qaj I Broad Street Station, Pblltdelphla. a apeelal engagement with Qtiei" Co. af tbe Davidson 16-18. appearing Indianapolis.—At English's Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager).—"Sky Fanm'' Feb. 18, waa well received by a fair sized audience. John Drew. 14, In "The Mummy and the Humming Bird," filled every part of the theatre. "Everyman," 18-18, drew small audiences. "York State Folks" 20. 21. Castle Square Opera Co. 28-25, James O'Neill 28, Dave Warfletd 28. I'auk Theatre! (Dickson A Talbott, man- agers).—HI Henry's Minstrels, 12-14, fur. nlabed the first minstrel thow of the sea* son for tblt bouts, and It proved a pleasant diversion. Business tested tbe capacity, Tbe Smart Set, 10-18, gave a rollicking perform- ance, to crowded bouses. "A Kentucky Feud" 10-21, "The Kattenjammer Kids" 23- 25. "Bollvar't Busy Day" 20-28, the Royal Llilputlans March 2-4, "On the Stroke of Twelve" 5-7. C.hand Opera Housb (Sbafer Zlegler, man- ager).—Johnny and Emma Ray, In "Casey, the Fireman," week of 10, proved to be the strongest top liner the house has bad this season. Pete Baker canceled. For week of 28 the bookings are: Mllly Capell, Five I* Belle Carmen Troupe, Billy Clifford, Fltber and Carroll. Jules and Ella Garrison. A. O. Duncan, Flake and McDonough. Scott and Wilson, and the bioscope. EMi'inr TunATBH (Cbaa. Zimmerman, man- ager).—The Bohemian Ilurlesquers. week of 10, bad moderate business. j'olly Grass Widows week of 28. Phil Sheridan's City Sports week of March 2. Notes.— Anderson and Zeigler. owners of the lease of the Grand Opera House, deny the story telegraphed from Toledo, 18, that tbe Stair and Havlln circuit had secured tbe lease to the Grand, and would run It In connection with their circuit. Arrange- ments are already being made by Manager Zeigler for tbe entire renovation of tbe Ornnd next season. 4»» IOWA. Dei Moines.—At Foster't Opera House (Wm. Fotter, manager).—David Warfleld presented "Tbe Auctioneer" Feb. 10, and wiih well received by a packed bouse. "The Christian," 18, came to good business, "Foxy Grandpa," 14, bad good buslenss at the matinee and evening performances. "Tbe Suburban" drew a Inrge audience 12. "The Power Behind tbe Throne" comes 23, Rose Coghlan 25, "The Tyranny of Tears" 20, "Are You a Mason?" March 2, "King Dodo" 3, "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines" 7. At tub Gband Opkba Houhfi (Win. Fos- ter, manager).—Sullivan and Mack, In "The Irish Pawnbrokers," came, to good business, 12-14. The Hickmnn Ressey Co., In reper- tory. Oiled the houso at ever; performance, 10-18. "A Railroad Jack" played, to big Audiences, 10-21. "The Little Mother" comes 2.1-2B, "A Ragged Hero" 20-28. "Dice of Death" March 8-7, "The White Slave" 12-14. Dnbnque.—At the Grand Opera House (Wm. T. Roehl. manager).—"Captain Jinks" delighted a good bouse Feb. 13. "The Power Heiilnd Mie Throne" was presented, to a nleased audience, 16. One of the most de- lightful performances of tho season was that of David Warfleld, In "The Auctioneer," 17. 'flic audience was largo. "King Dodo" de- lighted a fill, house 20. Mr. Myers, as the king, nnd M*ss Williams, na I'miiii. were de- lightful. Coming: 'Shore Acres," two per- formances, 21 : "8ally In Our Alley" 28, "linvkl Hnrum" 24, "Yon Yonson" 2(1. Xotkk. —On Feb. 17 Captain Hobson lec- tured to a small audience... .The Modern Woodman." presented by amateurs, IB, packed the Opera House... ."Julius Cnsar," l.v amateurs, crowded rhe houae 18. ♦ .» — Jameson Lee Finney, lending man of "The Two 8cboolB" company, baa left that ni'gnnl;.ntlon. nnd returned to New York for a rest. WANTBD-FIKST CLASS DRAMATIC PKOrLR (Full caat) TOR 8 NIGHT RKP. CO. Leading Mull or Woman, or olhcm with own plays, write. Al AtlKNT, PiunlHl, Musical Director. Open In March. Long season. Sure money. .HuiiiricM must be low. Send photon; wunc returned. Pay own hotelH. Address C. P. FRANCIS, Pen. Del,, Amlcrson, Ind. PARTNER WANTKD. - HXPERIENCED nnii SUCCESSFUL MANAGER, with prestige and some capital, wants Purtuor QUICK, with $500. to loin in munching a First Class Three Night Itep. Co. on lines (trlod) that will get Dig money. Ad. C, F. FRANCIS, caro of Goil. Del., Anderson. Ind. "WANTED. Mft. R. T. TKNT WITH A 30 M1DDLK OrTA 88X70 PUSH POLK TKNT, 10ft. WALL, ALSO 10 LENGTHS SEATS; must 1(0 In good condition. DR. TOM Kl.l.lsoN, 1018 Second Ave., Hook Island, 111. GETWHJE—Scik! 60 cents fora swell Vaude- ville Aci, Miislo and Orchestration complete. Manuscript. N. and F. or two mules. Got xotne- ttilug new. G. M. LEE, Mo. 13S N. Tennessee Ave., Atlantic, City, M. J. SHOW MEN-TAKE NOTICE! Excel- lent niill ror good small shows, llnsy manufactur- ing lown on branch of 1.0. Railway. Ketmoniitile renter showing lorins. Write, J. II.HTR1CKI.AN1>, Mgr., Trenton, l'lclon County, Nova Scotia. FOR SALE CIIBAP, or will trade, a com- filete Moving Picture Show, or fiopcrate, HO or ess; new Films and Machine to run thorn. One No. 3 Optlgraph, 8 Films; eleolrlo otiltlt, Ar- nold Gas outfit. Gas Hag outfit, Song Slides, clc. C. Lewis, 1440 Slovens Ave,. Louisville, Ky. WANTED, GOOD 11LACK FACE, IRISH AND Dutoh Dancing Comedians. No learns. Piano and Organ Reader and Fakir who can do bits In aols, Write. MANAGER GERMAN MEDICINE CO., 8012 Princoton Ave, Chicago, 111. FOR 8ALS, Animated Drawing Illu»lou, $4; Spirit Cabinet Act, 111; set Psa Am. Slides, *A; Comic Magic Aot, $2; Magician's Tin Ovor Box, $3. (10 lakes the lot. Particulars for stamp. GEO. A. RIOB, 4 Underwood 8I„ Auburn, X. Y. AT LIBERTY, Harold Vane, All 'Round ComcdUii, VocallKt. Al Piano Fakir. Mac Vane, Ballads, Soubrette and Old Maid. Doublet and slugles, change for week stands. Sober. Ward- robe the best. Both ploy bits. Must have ticket. Managers of Farce Comedy or Med. Cos., address Vanes, Bluo Island, Cook Co., III. For Sale, Thei Genuine English (Laohonal) Concertina, «20. WArlTKD, AOERTS TO M*KB LOTH OF MONBT SBLLINO HIGH ART POCKET tDR SORB. Twelve reprodnctlons tram FrellOb paint- ings. Novel and attractive, rut tellers. Assorc- ment of IS, ooo.. expresapaid. Obaaper la aasnO,- ttet. ST. LOOTS B^DTTON CO., 8L toolt, Mo. JUST ONE TRIAL OF MEDICAL LAKE SOAP Will convince yon of its superiority and give you an idea why thousands are using it for general home use to the exclusion of all other soaps. You can get more comfort, more absolute luxury out of one cake of fflediCHl Lake Soap than you can get out of any soup ever made. Of the purest and simplest of bases, com- bining a large amount of Medical Lake Salts, this soap produces a thick, rich, creamy lather which bPHiitlfles and purifies 1h« skin, miking a most enviable complexion. Mo other smp in the world i« so beneficial for chapped face and hands, rough and pimply skin, chafing and all shin blpmicihes and irritations. As a shampoo nothing equals it. It is a dainty and elegant tjilet accessory — scented with delicate natural flower odors —try it; you'Jl use no other. 25c a cake; ail drug e>toreB. INDIAN UBSAO BRAND, Only Oennlne. Take No Other. MBDIOAL I.AKK SALTS HFO. CO.. 160 Nassau St,Mew York, and Spokane, Wash AT I.IIIHUTV AaTTBtt MAY 1, TWO First Class Orchestras, large or small, with Piano or without; doable in brant; concerts aod theatre a ipsolalty. Large repertoire of standard and op to date mu«lo. strictly temperate and reliable Would lite Urst olaes park or Rummer resort. Terms reasonable. Hatlafaotlon guaranteed. First olsss reference tornlt c d PROF. LEVIN. Hoslosl Dlreotor of academy u( Mualo, Raleigh, N. 0. P. 0. Box M7. THEATRE, H'way A 29th St. , , ,, _ ^ _ Ev'gs, 8^0. "An uudouliicd ancccsn."—TIMKS._ "A bright, Rattling comedy."—SON. A.MKMA BINGHAM COMPANY In Clyde Fltoh'a Brightest THE FRISKY MRS. JOHNMN. H\TINE E8 THCR8DAY and aATDRDAY. MATINEE TO-DAY. THE DEWEY K. 14TII ST. Bowery Burlesquers. Slumming—Qrand Vaudovlllc. EYENINO MUHRAY HILL. TIIEA.. LeStAve. *t2rt St Matinees 2. One block cast ot Grand CentralJDenol. STH YBAR ^Tf Henry V. Donnelly Stork Co. ***«*^ aS-35-50 IIOYT'8 A BUNCH OF KEYS. HKMtV V. DONNELLY as gnuggs. Week of Murch % MK. CKKST0N CLATtKE. EVERY EVENING I KVERY MATINEE "FOOL'S UKVENOE." "DAVIU OARRICK." '.<E>, CASINO MOVING PIOTVHM MACHINES, KUmi, Slides and Accessories; New and Second Hand, Manufactured, Bought, Sold, Remodeled and Be paired. EnterUlnment* famished. Oerman-Amsrl "»n ninsmaMsranh A Film On., lit R Mth Br...N.T Ring Down the Curtain, I Can't Sing Tonight. ••THE SPIRIT OP '70" and many other late hlta; lot of sec. hand song slides. 25c. each slide; our Kioito OIL ARC LIGHT tbe beet yet, 500 CANDLB POWER, STEREOP- TIC'ONS from (12 up. Cloak and Effect Slides, new Hat ready. LIST FOR STAMPS. ACME EXCHANGE ■HO K. 14th ht.. W. Y. LITHOGRAPHS, lc. each, Vaudeville, Dra- niatlo, Opera, Illnstrcl, llurlcsque, Itojncrtolre. Send *i for wo asa ricd s mplcs. AlJJIE LIT1I0 CO., l»3 W. Vanburcn St., Chicago, 111. WANTED, FOR THE WILSON THEATRE CO., Full Acting Company. State lowest Spring and Summer salary In first letter, giving ex- perience, age, size and weight. Must be ready to Join on receipt of wire and ticket. B. C. WILSON, Zaneivllle, Ohio. UCDII II Cfl Broadway and 35th St. I Telephone ntnALU Oy., SAMS.SilUBERT,Mgr| 7<B-88th BE WOLF HOPPER la "MB. PICKWICK." "Wholesome and clean."—SUN. A Ocnulnc Novelty and a Distinct Treat for Men and Women of Discriminating Taste. MATINEES SATUHPAY ONLY. Broadway and 39th Street. Telephone 6728—38th. Bam 3. k Lee Bhubert.. Mgrn. Sam S. Sbnbert, Nixon A Zimmerman's Production, EL-KVHNTII BIO MONTH, A CHINESE HONEYMOON. The Merriest and Prettiest and Most Tuneful Production on Earth. Mats. WED. A SAT. P A QTflP' Q Continuous riilMUH 0Performance. LB ROY St CLAYTON, HOMME THORNTON, HILVERNE & EMERIE, AMARU a HARTLBY, KIHLU A WOLI.KY, Johnny Kocfo, Albertim A Millar, Jennings & Itenrew, The Laskeys, Al Coleman, Hakor t Brockwa,\, Claflln Sinters American Vltagraph. Kxlra Attraction BERT HOWARD A LEOWA BLAND. IT F. KEITH'S international Olroult. Theatrical Enterprise*. K. P. ALBKE, General Kanager. HIGH CLASS VAOOEYILLV. 8. K. HODODON, Booking Manager. Association of vaudeville Managers, fit. James Bllg., Broad- way and aatb St. S. T. Huber's ?£ Museum GEO. II. I1UUKK, Propr. WANTKD AT ALL TIMES. Living Ourtotltler, Fr iski ot Nature, alto First Olan Vaudeville Ac k or 'HiMtve Address J. B ANDBRBON Vsnar'r WARNING TO MaNAOEM. THE FREEZE BROS. A ' e Originators of Spinning and Juggling Tam- il • .eaon Bands, Knees, Bead and Peettlmal- i.i > * Ant (lonvrtihted and v«tented. 8C0RNALLAS.GROBATS I BOYLAN CHILDREN, Sketch Artist.. J Next »., LINCOLN .1.0 ARTBR'S CO. Cornalla'a PoiileH, Cornnlln.'* Dogt. PETH CORNALLA, |Kil. ad., 1IHLL\V001),1II, The Blckett IUmil OltRATEHT OP ALL AERIAL flYHNAHTH ACKHUATH, HAVE A FKW OPEN DATES Address HRA«JI) RAPIDS. ¥lo» PKOP. ANTtmO, . COLIBRIS MIDGETS. PIVR OL8IVRK IILIPOTIANR . SIIKA'S THEATRE, W0HCK8TER, MASS. FULL CAST FOB "Ton IMIef-its." Men linist. Double Brasa; PIANIST who can Lead Orchestra and Double ilraas. No fares advanced to parties unknown to na. FRANK BTOWELL, Seneca Falls, N. Y. OPEN MARCH 9 AND LATXR. AMERICA'S LEADING JDOOLER, EMMA COTBELT, PHOOTOR'S FIFTH AVE., THEATRE, New York. THE OREGON INDIAN MEDICINE CO. Offers rare Inducements tbls Spring to Independent Lecturers and Managers. CORBY, PA. AT LIBERTY, CLARIOIMETTIST 0 Locale or travel.' Address 8. R. TURNER, 33i West nth Street, New York City. Coning East, the King of Hoboes, John Tarpoy, THE R. ROAD SANDWICH. AT LIBERTY, A. C. WEST, Agent. 414 SandUBky Street, Allegheny, Pa. AT LIBERTY, Experfencad Repertoire Afrinct JOHN F. VERNON, Hj Calder St., Harrisbnrg, Pa. Electric BELT COTS roK BALE CHEAP Proof Sheet sent free. M. RICHARDS, Lawrence, Mass. A NOVELTY'. Newton B MIXTURE. Kn runic (lorlon'w Minstrels. Johnny ITalon, TRICK VIOLINIST. Address NEW LONDON, (IQKN. CLEVER CONKEY, Al A I.I. • I tot) Mi HAN. Alwava busy, except on lilrtlidavs and March 17. Per. td„ 1484 W. POLK ST., Chicago. Harry Thomson, HI* Honor the Hayor of the Bowery. THE MAN WITH THE 600DS. Plcnscil to hear from all managers. 1289 PUTNAM AVK,, Brooklyn, N. Y. t'l.EV kiikht Ciinjuring Crcnllon Conceived. FREDERIC LA OELLE. ILLUSIONIST. P ermanent address, DECATUR, Ind. JENNIE DE WEESE, MUSICAL ARTIST, Doing nicely, thank ran, Pcrmnncnl niirtrcnn, PELVIS, Ohio. AT LIBERTY, HARRY WINSLOW, AI AGENT, For Balanctof This Season and Next. Address Caro ot 490 SCHUYLER AVE,, Kniikakec. III. „ PROFESSIONAL SINGERS! If you can use your cyea to advantage YOU CAN MAKK A RIG HIT with "True Eyes." The Latent and Greatest of All "Eye" Songs. 20th CENTURY MUSIC GO- NEW YORK: CHICAGO: ST W. 28th St. Grand Opera House. PROFESSIONALS—Stamps and programmes arc necessary. Write today.