The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 31 TWO LETTERS SHOWING WHO ARE THE Exclusive Representatives FOR THE PRODUCTIONS I 1> F.LMA R GARDENS, ST. LOUIS, Ml)., Fob. IT, 1903. WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, 8 West20th Street, New York Clty.-OENTLENEN: Since writing; you last, we have received letters and telegrams from other parties In your city, claiming that they ate the exclusive agents ol Weber and Fields. Is that correct! Don't fall to give its full Information on tola subject, and also on qiiestlona asked yon In our last letter. As soon as wo hear about Hie artists and receive other information that we want, we will enter Into a contract with you, providing, how- ever, you will be able to protect same. Your prompt reply will greatly oblige, you ra very truly, J. 0. JANNAPULO. WEBER A FIELDS' MUSIC HALL, Broadway and 30th Street, Not. 33, 36 and 87 W. 38th St., New York City, N. Y. NEW YORK, Feb. 20,1003. MR. JANNAPULO, Delmar Gardens, St. Louis, Mo.—DEAR SIR: Our attention has been called hy Messrs. M. Wltmark A Sons, to your letter dated Feb. V, In which you state that you had loners and telegrams from other parlies In New York, claiming that they are the exclusive agents for Weber & Fields. In reply to this we beg to say that THE SAME ARE BASE FABRICATIONS. OUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES for the Weber ft Fields' production* have been and are M. WIT- MARK ft SONS, proprietors of the Wltmark Music Library. WE ADVISE THAT YOU RECOGNIZE NO OTHER applicants In this matter, for THEY CERTAINLY • WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE OOOD ANY AGREEMENTS for our pieces. Yours very truly, (Signed) WEBER ft FIELDS. AH inquiries for particulars regarding the Weber & Fields pro- ductions will receive prompt attention if addressed to The Wltmark Music Library, Wltmark Building, New York. THE WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY AND AGENCY has the honor of announcing the following remark. ablerecordsforTHE WEBER ft FIELDS' PRODUCTIONS: TWO SEASONS of "Fltldledeedee" with the 'shea Garden Co.; another contract pcudlng. FIFTY-TWO WEEKS' contract with tho Fisher Theatre Co., San Francisco; another season just arranged for. THIRTY WEEKS with Fisher's Theatre for "Fid. dledeedee" road tour; a SPECIAL SEASON at the Boston Music Hall, n SPECIAL SUMMER SEA80N at Detroit and Cleveland, with another contract pending; THIRTY WEEKS at the Trousdero, Chicago; SEA- SON'S CONTRACT Just signed with J. E. English and Utile Mack for production of "Holty Tolly;" CON- TRACT for a term of years signed with Harry James for oxclttslve Australian rights to Weber A Fields' productions; ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED with Sol and Nat Fields for a tour of tho present production, "Twlrly Whlrly;" NEGOTIATIONS for other cllles and towusof "I'oiihko Cafe" and "The Geezer" pending. Respectfully submitted, M. WITMARK & SONS, PROPRIETORS OF THE WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, TO WHOM KINDLY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS REOARDINO THE WEBER & FIELDS PRODUCTIONS. Now Ready for the Profession at Large. THE POPULAR WALTZ SONG NOVELTY, WHILE THE MOON SHINES BRIGHT. By HOWARD, EMERSON and STONEHILI. Their Biggest Hit, as Sung In the Chicago Production, THE PARADER8, and Now Being Introduced In "The Little Host" In Boston. An Innovation. EXTRA COMEDY CHORUSES. A Positive Encore Bringei. No End of Possibilities. M. WITMARK & SONS, Publishers. ALL MAIL REQUESTS TO NEW YORK OFFICES, B WEST 20TH STREET. After May I, New Wltmark Building, 37th St., West of Broadway. (THE BEE HIVE CLOCK TOWER.) The Celebrated "Alviene Stage Dancing and Dramatic School," GRAND OPKKA HOUSE, 23d St., N. Y. Hundreds of successful pupils now appearing In America, London, Paris, Germany. We complete you for the stage In one, "three or six months' course." An undeniable fact, the stage Itself meaning practical experience, Is the only possible school In the world. To finish up a dramatic education, and to Hive our pupils the Anal finishing touch, we have established oar own Dramttlo Stock Co. Engage- ments guaranteed when competent. Pupil* now with tile following cos,: "Wliard of Oz," "Arc ion a Hasonr" Richard Mansfield, Roger Bros,. "Chaperon," "Chinese Iloneyntoou," "Barling of the Clods," Weber and Fields. Viola Allen, "Foxy Grandpa," American Stock. Pike Stock Co., Corse Fayton Co., "Bluebeard," "Silver Slipper," "Nancy Brown," "Florodora," Bolle of York. Look, Magicians and Punch and Judy Men. JlBgio Books, 40c. per 100; 13.60 pet Punch and Judy Whistles, 00c. per 100; f 5 per Mew style Dlnilshtng Cards, made up, f ft. Poker Cards; Sic. per 100; is per New Disappearing Spot Cards, I8.BO per 1,000. Changing Spot Cards, II per 1,000. I will send samples of all the above mentioned for loc In stamps, none free. Address BURRIIART'B TRICK SUPPLY CO., WSumptcr Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. P. 8.—WANTED, Two Illusions and good All VANCE MAN that can book and Route MAGICIAN for next season. NOTICE. We were to open at a certain theatre Monday morning, Just as the early day was dawning. The manager said, You open the allow; But we said, No—no—no—no— Wo do not need your little dough, We will hid thee good-bye and go. Immediate time open. Address Mil. and MIIS. LARKY SHAW, glEast lOthHtrcot, New York City. THE FAMOUS STROLLERS CLUB OP N. Y. CITY AWARDED THE WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION CUP TO RUSSELL LOCKE 3 AMERICA'S LEADING DANGERS, SATURDAY EVENING. FEB. 21. 1903. KEITH'S UNION SQUARE THEATRE This Week. Circuit to Follow. WANTED, A Young Lady Gymnast TO WORK IN ONK OK TUB BEST KNOWN AKIUAI, ACTS IN AMKKICA. ROOKED 801,111. TO WORK IN ONK OK TUB REST Bend pliiitn, and It will lie returned. Anrlress all niiill It. ('. J., on re CLIPPER. ho A In Their Comedy, Ellsworths. 'THE SILK STOCKING." MARK ONK OK TUB HITH OK TUB 1111,1,, M AVK. THEATRE, SUNDAY CONUKIIT, !Bd. KORTIMK address WILLIAM MO II KIM, or aid Kast 14th HI., Now York. Copyright (,'luss 11XKO, No. Till. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. FULL LINE. SUITABLE FOR ALL BUBJECT8. WRITE FOR CATALOG UK. 1IKNNKM AN A CO., 127 East Blunt St., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED, UDY MUSICIANS ON ALL INSTRUMENTS. Address PROF. R088, Robinson Hotel, liuiritlo. N'.Y. FOR SALE, 50 R. Top Complete, 6eod Cm- dltlon, |35. 30X40 PUUlI POLE, NOT A IIOI.K IN IT, $30. ONE RIDING MONKEY, fa. PROF. CI1AB. E. BICE, New Albany, Ind. FOR SALE CHEAP, 90ft. TENT, with two Don. middle pieces, sort. Tent, wllli two :wfi. middle ploim only used three iiKinlliH. i Hand V.agous, .1 AiIviiihv wsgniis, swell Ticket Wagon, Ciigna, M baggage Wagons, Harness, Wardrnlin, etc., cheap for cash. A cniu- iilelo wagon show, Can also a few morn (1000 Illll Fosters and Worltliuiiiini. CIOLLMAR BROS., Ilarnbnn, Wis. WANTED, CLEVER LEADING MAN. Capable of playltiK some leading ticavles. Answor anlok, stating lowoxi salary and full nartlnulara, lilt. ItHK LORRAINE CO,Homerswartk, N. II., week Fob. 23; Exeter, N. II., week March 3. WANTED, FOR Te eta Bros.* Railroad Shows CIR0D8 AND CONCERT PEOPLE IN ALL IIKANCHEH. Clarionet and Hlldo Trombone Player, Contracting Akoiii and Illll Poster*. Htalo your very lowest, salary In first letter. We never close. Dan Lester and III Holt Harris, wrlle. Ail dress TEETH IIKOH.' BIIOWB, Savannah, da. Stock Burlesque Managers. NOTICE. Wishing fur u clinngi , I would lake a position wllli some stoek I'Diniiitiiy to wrlle up lo rtato bur- lesi|iies, put on sketi'hes and manage siage. Have Hie folio wIiik plays for sale: "Tho Tronic Love 0.110011. or Whii Is Nintr" a four net sensational nlny lltat will create u sonsellon. "Tito Flash of lUiiinomts," a four act molndrainai "Tho Trust Men," a lliroo aot faroo comedy; "A Heart Full of Lnvc," a four act rural comedy ilriuim of the '"Way Hotvn East" kind: "Tho Cave of Paradlao." a four act melodrama; ''Lured Krotn Heine," a three ant tiieloilrninn. Author of "Tho lllaok Diamond Ex- press," Easy Money, Hot Htiiff, The Other Fellow, Jlloky Finn, Trinity Chimes, HuiiKet Limited and others. Ad'ress BERNARD KUNfl, Playwright, 1M West imili Hlreol, N. Y. City. Wanted at Once. LAHY OR HOY JUiifiLK ll (lady preferred) to work In a Novelty Juggling Act. Musi lie able to Juggle throe objects with esse. AIMEK IIANLEY, 207 Kast Foiirteonth Ht, Now York Oily. HENRY W. HUTTMAN, Theatrical Attorney. 112 Washington Ht, CHICAGO. OLiYMPIO, Chicago, Feb. II*, 1WJ I. WE imported c xx. uwrx: THE AMU— WONDER. Ills Debat Hera, on the 93d last.. Has Been av Complete Barer... KOHL * CABTLE. Addrcjs, week Maroh a, 0. H,jraTHAN, Haymarket Theatre, Oaloago, IU. At Liberty, Sketch Team, Singles and Duties (best of wardrobe), for Vaudeville, Burlesque or Rep. Snows, for specialties and small parts. Illus- (rated 8ong», the BeBt Machine. Good Med. Shows, write. Can Join on wire. Tickets from people 1 do not know. JOE OSUORN.Stsnton.Neb. LOOP DE LOOP, Latest legitimate Cigar Slot. Machine, $5.oo. All other kinds, now and second handed. . Write for bargain list. NOVELTY CO.,, Pblla., 1'a. , ;/ aamrm 0. 4X***vfO«- BK*f**** TOt 44Jf «tg. ■JA*JCf Jtthif AOX« 8 UKOCR SOlfTHFrlrV SKlFS llWCgBSl&oTMltticco. #Ht/-*.*& H.Y. lor tack of W*l. «io» turn ""*•'*' " L1 * p ,rfc ™" jasjS lh» ft iii lm , *oy m a fsSmk 1 1t, Mm. .haw sack iTUhi It tmft tSM Man). WANTED, SUMMER ATTRACTIONS, With good fronts; Performera, all tinea. Conces- ■lona for sale or lease. Address KANAOER BELLE ISLE SCENIC RAILWAY CO., Detroit, Mich. AT LIBEKTY, VIOUK. Al Lesder, Doable cornet. Experienced In nil (.ranches. Locate or travel. FOR SALE CHEAl', Moving Picture Ontflt, Lubln Combination, 1> FUnia, Slides, etc. Can furnish Family Orchestra Combination for Summer with special feature.. Address AL. R. PRATUER, Dunkirk, N. Y. Wanted, AI Plane Player, Sight Ruder and Fakir, If yon are s good Dutch Comedian or good Dancer, so much the better. Booters and chasers closed without notice. Regards to "Ouni- traobacauth." DR. W. p. CABLER, Carllnvlllo, Illinois. EDITH DARWIN MAXWELL Has on this date, Jan. a, l«03, In the New York supremo Court, obtained an absolute and final de- cree of divorce from Jamea Edward Maxwell, pro- fessionally known as James E. Rome (of Jams E. Ilcmo and Marguerite Ferguson, Sketch Artists). — IRISH, DUTCH AM) BLACK FAUe - COHEDIAN Who can Dance and play Onraa. Two weeks' stands. Slate your lowest salary. Answer at once. Address R. ANTELOI'K, Dellsfow, Monongaheia Co.,W.Va. MILITARY CARNIVAL AND BUSINESS MEN'S BAZAAR, CAT8K1LL, N. Y., MARCH 28 to IS, AUSI'IOES 18th SEP. CO., N. 0., N. Y. Owing to Brigade Inspection we aro compelled to change dates from week of loth to week of 23d. All write who wrote before. TO LET—Privileges for Japanese Village, Ulass Blowers, everything to make good Midway Attrac- tions. Circus aud vaudeville Attractions, write. Address ; DIRECTOR OF CONCESSIONS. i Armory, Catsklll, N. Y. A! LEADING AND HEAVY MAN, One Capable of Directing Stage. Al PIANO PLAYER, Sight Reader. People In all lines, write. Musi have wardrobe and deliver the goods, or be closed without notice. THE BTEEL8H1TIIS, Memphis. Mo. Wanted OnUk, PIANO PLAYEB, OORMAN and FORD, Cherry Valley, V. Y. JUAN DEZAMORA. Or Mexican family, write me. CHAR. BARTINg.Connersvllle, Ind. WANTED, FOR BALANCE OF SEAS3N AND NEXT BUHNER, Leading Woman, who can do some characters. MusldoMpcdnlty. Ilallads pre- ferred. Ocnoral llutlncKs Woimiii, with specially, Soubretle capable of playing somo cltnracter, Must do specialty. Also Juvenile Woman callable of playing a general line of parts. Mustdnspcclalty, Can use mother with clever child. This Is not a new show; over five years, never closing or miss. Inga salary day. We pay a small, sure salary. Address RICHARD IIKNDKIIXON, Case of Henderson Stock Co., Lo Roy, Minn. DAVID SCHWARTZ'S Professional Trunks, Ahead of all In price and make. A guarantee with every professional trunk. MAKE UP BOXES, 76o. Send for catalogue. THIRD AVK., Cor. Ith St., New York City. 3 Vfovr Plays Beet one night pieces available. High class; on new llnest no wom out plot*; Just the plays for good acton. Will sell, lease, or form partner- ship. Abu hare a good drama for matinee, In repertoire, Will sell right cheap. c. c. niKivvN. Columbus, Ind. WANTED QUICK, First OlAsa Vaudeville Arts, "kctoh Teams. Sing- ing and imni'iiig f.'niuedlaiiH, silent Acts, Musical Tenuis, Ete., that can oliangn for six nights ami make good, All inual be Al. Htalo If yon play any liisiriiiiieiii. No bus been, or uhalr warmers. Must have OOOD wardrobe umi Indies and gents. State all In llrst Inner. Those Unit wrote before, klmlly wrlle agnlii. lowest salary, lln ready to Join on receipt of wire. CAHAU'K MUSIC CO., Warrem^Ill. Medicine Performersr he Ai.or will cancel first night.' i.nng engngi i. pleiiKe write. Oil. KKAUH, 0001) ALL AROUND COME week and transportation. Must ~'^lil. Lang r esse write. incut. John P. Cunningham, Address Oklahoma City, Okla WANTED, The IBest lOOIbs. Ttp Mounter AND GROUND TUMBLER In tho business. Salary no object If you are the goods. Will sign for bal- ance of this and next season, or longer. Address II. 0. PRENTICE, "Prentice Trot Beatera Co., This week, Waldiiinn ark, N. J. Next week, llllnu Theatre, I'aterson, N. J. Next after, Unli|iio Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y- roupe," Care World Waldiunn'M Theatre, New. Wanted, Advance Agent. >mpnnr. Stale lowest salary. .IK, l«i W. I Will HI.. Now York. For small concert com Call or wrlle. MVSI "