The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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February 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 33 HENRY LEE. amm MT ATTHACTIOH. STOVE L. CrVIttl'K. ARTISTIC. "GREAT MEN-PAST AND PRESENT nr KVEHY' WAY GRBATEH THAN EVBH. SPECIAL SCRNBRY AND EFFECTS ENTIRELY NEW. HElnl LEE AT SHEA'S. Henry Lee, who Is perhaps the greatest Impersonator Id the theatrical world. U the leading attraction at Shea's this week. Lee hu been absent from the American stage for nearly two years. He returni with a new act, more fascinating and realistic than anj he ever before attempted. Hit success at both of yesterday's performances was evidenced by the enthusiasm of the audi ence. Mr. Lee Is one of the most remark- able men who have entered the vaudeville Held, and every move he makes Is finished and artistic—BUFFALO EXPRESS. SHHA>8, BUFFALO, WEBK FEB OTH. AVE!*UE,PITTSBURG), WEEK FEB. 10. ORPIIKUM, BROOKLYN, week Mar. *. ORPHEUS!, BOOOKLYlf, week M«r. 0. I^^0im0*j^n^0i0*0*0*0*0i0i0i^^0ui0*0u*j^ j ^0*0i0i0m0i0i0^0l0t 0* 0*f*0*^^l*^^^0 * Alt INCOMPARABLE NOVELTY. ENHANCED INTEREST FROM •TART TO finish. CURTAIN DOBS NOT FALL FROM HKGINMNO TO END. SPECIAL ORBAT ATTRACTION. iHARBAChI: FILMS \ J! ;! SONGS ILLUSTRATED. ] J flFRPENTINe AND CLOAK SLIDES „ (rlih coloring) nPn, I ' BU.NQ 8kll)£S, 40c BUNG KLIU18, A«Jo. ( I !* NEW AND SECOND HAND. •'! UIW LAHTERHS!! ■ SljltFILHS&SLIDES ; j^ BOUGHT & SOLD |i CIRCUS CANVASES* • Poles and 8 takes, SEATS, Flags, Eto. Jii-jiaiDD'S PATENT CIBCUS LIGHT! SIDE HUDW PAINTINGS. FKONTS ANL> BAN- NERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS, BLACK TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE ^d SALESROOM, 273 Madison St., near Market, CHICAGO, ILL. Special Values In Fine Violins Anions thlnlilntof por- ch tains a fins viol la should Mnd three two cent lUDHwfor our Fine Violin Oauloa-Qa, It contains fao-almllm of Labels printed In color., "Hlnte on the Proper Arljailruent of .Violin,'* Photo-Km: ravings of aotoa viol Id. and s complete Descriptive Xlit of u* Fine Vlollnaoffwac tor salens ua. In oar present oolleotlon are .upsrb Instrument. atsverrlow rsagsofprless. DsslfM the cele- brated Ilawler collection of Ktrr-dlvirlui, Qnemerloa, Antatl ana other masterpieces. It desired, eeveral One viol iue will be sent direct to responsible per.orjn for Inspection, or they Jiar be ordered direct thrraith Die local rnuilo •eler. Xaar monthly parmente may be arranesa, LYON ft HEALY, a %m&§!" The Werld'a I,»r«r.t Meetc Ileoee. Belle •'BvcrrCklns Known ta" Patents and Trade-Marks. Copyright your acts, plays, sketches and songs. ItwiUFAYyou. Many Copyrights are worthless, because Invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We guarantee a valid copyright at small cost. Opinions and legal advice. Patents and Trade-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. gajSjjj SLBO. WASHINGTON. D. C. SIDE SHOW PEOPLE In all Lines Wanted for Season 1903. FItlsiiKE BROS.' RAILROAD SHOWS. An Adjuster of abil- ity, Privilege Men. Oriental Dancing Girls, one who can change, dunco (Turkish musicians), Snake Charmer, with or without snakes; Orator who Is "experienced" ticket seller, and makes strong open- ings; Lecturer who does acts, Magician who doubles Fire Aot and Punch and Judy, Novelty Acts, Boss Canvas Man. No fancy salaries. Ado, J. B, LEON, 128 County Line, Fostorla, Ohio, SUMUtR RESOftT, Most Be Sold it Once TO 0L08I AN ESTATU Finest resort in Central ■«w York, located ou a beautiful lake and Ave miles from a city of one, hundred and fifty thousand In- habitants, with which It Is connected by the Del., hack. A west R. R, Trolley and Steamboat Line. Eighty tores of ground, Hotel, Dancing Pavilion, Bowling Alley, Carousal, and other buildings In first class repair. The property has always paid good returns. Photographs and full particulars by addressing "LAKE." oare N. T. CLIPPER, JUGGLERS, Bend lOcts. for the Latest Catalogue and Jugglers' Book. Something fine, lust out. BDW. VAN WYCK. Cincinnati, 0. Latest Novelties. Write for Illustrated Cats logos. WH. WURFFLBIN, Mgr., 208 N. Second Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. Send 4c. In Stamps to CHAB. D. HBS8, *»3 S. Fltzhagh St., for The Art of Mnklng Up. For the Tour of 1903, The Master Monopoly of All That is Worth Seeing In the Popular Priced Tented Field. STUPENDOUSLY NEW IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. l«th SBABON OPENS EARLY IN APRIL, AT LANCASTER, PA. HAVE k FEW VACANCIES TO FILL. Up-to-date Clowns, Muslclrna for Big Show Band, Concert "drawing card," Animal Men, Two Scotch Uugplpo Players, 4, n, 8 Horse Drivers, and Work. logmen of All Kinds. All communications to MAIN OFFICE, LANCASTER, PA, SANS SOUCI PARK. Concessions Wanted. Have good space (or new leatures on percentage. Write full particulars. ALFRED RUSSELL, Manager, Room S14. 81 Washington St., ObJoago, m. FOR SALS, One of the Handsomest Spotted Arabian Stallions living. So pronounced by professional horsemen. Snow white, with dark chocolate spots along his back. Evenly marked with black and while, striped mane and tall. This horse Is very Intelli- gent and especially adapted for educating, being the right size and age, lias to be seen to bo ap- preciated. Call or addrcBs E. W. LOWMAN, 827 Main St., Peoria, III. WANTtD, REUABLE PROFESSIONALS n f , 8 ^ i t n « tA ^a to carry our line of Advertising Fans, which are sold to Druggists, Shoe Dealers, Hardware Men, General Merchandise Dealer, etc. Outfit consists of an assortment of 80 designs, put up In conven- ient shape to carry, ta per day can easily be mado by giving the business a few hours of your time each day. Geo. II. Jung A Co., 1007 walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. AT LIBERTY, Eminent Trombonist. ERNST WAGNER, M K. .Hi St., l'lllliidul|ilil*i Fa. MUSICAL 6LASSES, A ft successfully, will be sen ton "•■nnsnnnn» rccclptof 10c. A.Braunelss, Olnasophonn Mfr.,462 Lenox Ave., New York City. Substantial, loud, pure In tone, easy to tune and play. Photos, references, cata- logue, with full Information How to play glasses iiir SHOWUtr., ATTENTION! Side Show Paintings Street Fair Fronts by the Oldest Show Pniater la tho U. B. JOSKPH T. (JlttMBBUS, 8lt Walnut Street. Bt bonis, Mo. 1 AWYER GEORGE ROBINSON. W NASSAU ST., N. Y. (Day Time.) W0 BROADWAY. 87th ST. fgysnlnsa.) TELEORAMS: "lluinorlstlc." GEO. ASVEY * CO., Theatrical, Variety and Clreua Agent*, 14 Lisle St., Leicester Sq., London, W. Correspondence In all laugusges. London, Paris, Berlin. Novelties al- ways wanted. Send Photos, Llthos. psuijiANscnT Aiiutucaa VICTOR D. SO BUST HOtb »I, LEVITT, CITY ■. Y. 1908 TOUR OF 1904 THE BEHMAW SHOW Hussell Bros. 45 « 0' Chaa. Roaaow \. fe\ Barton * Brooks ^C&> « Llv Inyilun, S Sullivan aft Paaqnolena Ryan A Odell / . ^ & •James Thornton TIME BOOKED SOLID II AsatasrHlTfl W.r.Alliall! Lowande, Wilson & Burto BIJOU CIRCUS BIJOU CIRCUS SUMMER SEASON OPEN. Address This week, Now Bedford. Mass. Next week, Pastor's, N. Y. City. JOE BURTO, Property Men. Our 08 Page Illustrated Catalogue o o n t a I a a every tiling you may need for FLORAL STA6E DECORATIONS; Plants, Trees it wall as Loots Flowers, Leivw and vines In •ny color and ilzt. We supply all promi- nent theatres. FRANK NET8CHERT, 34 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. 187 8. Clark Street, CHICAGO. The Stars Never Fail. SEE WHAT THE FUTURE HAS IN STORE FOB T0U. For 9»e, I wlU send jrou a Horoscope and your Fortune by Astrology. Scientific and Correct. Address 110X 2140, lloston, Mass. CAR TO LEASE, Sleeper and Diner, newly equipped with atee. wheels, brakes, couplers, air signals, etc.; newly sleeps have 1 complete. Guarantee equipment for any Oar now at Detroit, men., ready for delivery, CAMERON BtUlWN a CO.. Belleville, ~ PICTURE DANCER, BRUNS-NI1VA. PAPER TEARERS, AT LIBERTY. Write or wire. Baolna.O., Pen* 18-23; Jetfcnt' Theatre, Baglnaw, Mich., March 2. THE ATKI0AL M ANAGEHS NOTICE. I have Juit opened a NEW OPERA HOUSE. wonid like to hear from Managers with sroodbsnd and orchestra. Write quick, flood show town. Address 1. R. ABBOTT, Opera Manager, Gordon. Art •BlOWrt BUSINESS BOOMING. We arc now comfortably located In our commodious now quarters, and the Spring trade In FILMS, PROJECTING MACHINES, and MUTOSCOPEs tins started In wllh a rush. Our latest Importation Is a ito-foot tllinof the nutfnlllccnt l rtnPRAR PADiaNT n "ccno of barbaric splendor; Indian Princes clothed LrUfllJAIi rAUfirllil) in gold and precious Jowels on masslvo elephants, decked from head to foot In draperies of oriental bounty. One of (he most spectacu- lar films ever made. 1M feet; loo. per foot. Bond for our now and complete cata- logue. WFW MITTnCrnPCQ 4S<K% Now Is tho time to secure Bummer con- nCiVI ifl U 1 UOsjUrJCO JJ>tO. cessions. Tho slot machine. buslnosa was never more promising than tt present. A great storo ot new pictures coming from our new eleotrlc studio. TO PARK MANAGERS! We havo a now and very attractive proposition—a moving plcturo show as good as the best at a price as low as tho lowest. Write now. AMERICAN MUTOSGOPE and BIOQRAPH CO., Chlengo Branch, 1)18 Clark St. No. 11 B. lath St., Now York. SIMPLEX. Two weeks ago we announced that our new and Improved new PKNNY NAME PLATE MACHINES wero ready for delivery. Wo liavo already received tunny orders, but tho most gratifying fnut Is that many of our customer* who received machines from the first shipment havo ro-ordcrcd. Reports In- dicate that machines lu locations which hud been averaging from two to Ave dollars a week at a nlckol are n«w yielding from lie to *-jh a wcok at a pennv. In New York City nickel naino nlato machines have lieen praetlcally abnniloned. WK ARE HKI.f.INU THE NEW MACI1INK.H AT EXPORT PRICE. We tire building them with all purls Interchangeable by the thousands on tho biggest foreign contract ever secured by a slot machlno concern In this country. Tliey am haiidsnnicr nnd slronger than last season's model, and embody many Improvements, chief of which Is tho new penny mechanism, which dollvors a plate of any length at the rato of a cent u plate. Tho length of tape given for a cent can easily lie regulated by tbe owner of the machine, but wo recommend 12 characters, THE PINT DOES ONE NICKLE MM PUTE THE BUSINESS. C E K T MIHES ARE DEAD. SEND THREE TWO CENT STAMPS FOR PICTURE AND SAMPLE PLATE. SIMPLEX MFG^CO.. 11 E. 14th St, New York. EMMETT'S MERRY COMEDIANS, Three Night Repertoire. ATTRACTIVE PRINTING. UP TO DATE PLAY8. SPECIAL SCENERY. MANAOBHS New York, Now Jersey and East, send Open Time for April and later. , WILL C. k.mmktt, Permanent adilioss, It Atlantic 8t-, ionoy Olty,». J. PARK MANAGERS IN NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY AND PENNA. TAKE NOTICE I Conklin's All Star Vaudevilles. COMPOSED OK TUB IIKHT ARTISTS IN VAUDEVILLE. SIX lllfl ACTS IN TDK 01,10. Grand Opening First Part, Introducing the Entire Company, uml finishing with an Up-to-dato Farce. Two and n quarter hours of solid fun and amusement. No ono act conflicting with another, Ottering loludy audiences. Park Managers Wauling this Attraction In June, July ituil August, will do well to book It at once. Address, stating lime ami terms, to JAMKH W. CONKLIN, Manager Huh Theatre, Woonsockot, R. I. S. W. Pettiuone's Pyrotechnics and Railway Novelty Exhibition LOCOMOTIVES DRIVBN TOQHTHBR AT FULL SPEED IN HBAU-BND COLLISIONS. THIS 18 OUR SPECIALTY FOR FAIRS AMD CARNIVALS. HEAD END COLLISIONS AND ALL OTHER ACTS COPYRIGHTED. A terrlfllc battle of nature's forces. No cruelty, No Pain, Moral, Entertaining and Instructive. Tbe only show on earth that everybody gooa to see. .Tor particulars or Derma] Interview, Address, J. W. FLOWERS, 170T " Address, J. W. FLOWERS, 1707 Coral Ave., Louisville, Ky. IIIIUMK. MAC, E. BERNS IIM RUTH. Rag Time Specialties, buck and Wing and Artistic Dancing, Military Songs and Psrsdo. Open for engagements Hu tinner Season, Also for nuxl season with company or vaudeville, Managers, write. A. I'EitNH'l'KIN, Manager, 033 Woodland Avo., Cleveland,0. BUSTER AND THE OTHER TWO KEATON8 Have a choice lino of Humps for sale about Juno S. Tho not that hasn't lost tho least lately. At Temple, Detroit, Mlulb, this wook; the Park, YouugHtowii.O., next week. Address JO, MYHA and UUHTEll KEATON. NOW BOOKING SEASON 1UO3-04. ORIENTAL BURLBSQT7BRS. W. D. WATSON, 80 PEOPLB. SPECIAL BCBNBRY. • • • Office, Koom 09 Unrlleld Building, Brooklyn, N. Y, MIKE AND THE PIO (n an Acrobatic Comedy Act, entitled "Have A Peanut," A good lively act for Beper" tory Co. Both Play Parts. Address, 125 B. 15th Bt., N. V. GEO. TAYLOR, AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS. 07 chit Street, New York. OPENTIMK POKOLUHH AND BUI IIEPINBO AND CIsMEDY INMTRUMBNTALIBT. BUNDAY CONCEKT8. a UNION BO.UAHK, N. Y. FOR SALE CHEAP, Highly Educated Mara Mule, u ' VIVE YEARS OLD. SHE IB A 111(111 HTKITKIl, CAKE WALKER AND IIIOII JUMPER. ALSO LAYB DOWN, KNEKI.H, AND PERFORMS MANY DTIIEIl TRIC'KB. NONE HETTER IN CAKE WALK. Address JOHN It. MARTIN, liox we, Pulaski, Vs. DO YOU WANT THESE? Two Street I'lauos, some Organs. 2 llluck Tents, 21x63 and 21x00; Canvas Heat flenches, lot flno Folding Chairs, lot new all wood opera Chairs, mammoth (Jtsolcne Toreticx, Uasolcno Mouth Pres- sure Lamps. Coal Oil Healer, Canvas Cots and lllankets. want to buy Show Harness. B. II. ABHimUBTKU, Springfield, Illinois. Catalogue of Plays and Make up, suitable for pro- fesslonsls and amateurs, sent . en application by i FITZQBBALP. 20 Ann Bt.. New York. DlCsTe? FITZC For Silt, Naif Interest Complete Dog ant Pony Bbow and Cars ready tor the road. Address DOO AND PONY BIIOW, SB Ot Rosey Street, Blngbamton, N. Y. Radical Cut •« Block Work We bare made sweeping reductions In all prices on Special Engraved mock Work. 100 19-Sbeel Stands, yonr own special design, two colon, til Subsequent orders from tame block, Its. Other prices In proportion. Additional discount for early orders, write qulok. This may not last. MASS1L10N SHOW PRINT, M4S8ILLON, 0. Mian CL.A88 MAGICAL APPABATUS At N'Xierate Prices, Large Stock, Immense Variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. A ftnrTV.R.BERO, 14» llllnnla St.. tlhlsarn. III. CIRCUS CANVAS AMDTBJITS OFBVIBT OBSOaUPTIOH. Uaiw Tents in stock. Write for esUrns'es, TBS T. W. NOBLI CO.. I to 13 Woodwsrd Ave, Detroit, Mlob. BWim FlUlEXiJIlAAGE Second Band Films, Boat Slides and Machines Bought, Sold and Exchanged, tot WABHINOTOB •T^BooBi 43, Boston, Maas., opp. Adams Bona*.