The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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34 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. fc MIRTHFULNESS o * # * ORIGINALITY * * * * COMPREHENSIVENESS * * February 28. * INTEGRITY g modem Gymnast«UpfoDatc m INVENTIVENESS * * * EMPIRE, Hoboken, March 2; HYDE & BEHMAN'S, Brooklyn, March 9. Permanent address, 165 East 54th Street, New York. REFINEMENT * * * FRIVOLITY * * * PATIENCE • * * VALOR THE GUS SUN AMERICAN MINSTRELS, CU8 SUN, Sole Owner and Manager. NOW THE LEADING MINSTREL COMPANY OF THE WORLD. BINBER8] nilir^A FW\ BOKNERY OOMEOIANB I- I f\\ |« W I COSTUMES DANCERS t Ill|.vJ I OARB OLIO. * ■* l*rfK^ A printing. NOW BOOKINB SEASON 1900-4. Always Room for First Class Minstrel People In All Departments. BEST SUN and FOWLER'S h—*.- Circumstantial Evidence. CU8 8UN and FRED D. FOWLER, Equal Owners. SUPERB PRINTING, SCENERY and CAST. Strongest Melodrama in the English Language. Playing Nightly to Enormous Business. NOW BOOKIKQ SEASON 1903-4. GRAND REVIVAL OF UNCLE TDM'S CABIN. SAM HORNER, Manager. During Summer and Winter Seaion 1003-4, 50 Actors, Musicians and Vaudeville STARS. 2 OAR LOAOB OP SCENERY AND EFFECTS. riBBT CLASE "TOM PEOrr.H," MUSICIANS, VAUDEVILLE ARTIST8 AND NOVELTY ACT8 WANTED TO OPEN IN MAY FOR ONB YEAR'S ENGAGEMENT. =IN PREPARATION, =- F*OFR SEASON 1903-4, Undkb Manaoimint GUS SUN f FRED D. FOWLER. WILL PAY CASH FOR FIRST CLAS8 COMEDY DRAMA. FARCE COMEDY, OR MELO- DRAMA WITH A BBPUTATtON. Address all communications for above attractions to GFTTS BT7XT, as E'er Eloute. Cracker Jack dcUclciim Pop Corn Confection, parked In moist proof packages, that kcop It fresh ror a long tint QUiUK SELLER for tlicmlrow, I'mkn, Picnics, Carnivals, do. Retails for 1c. A MONEY MAKE >r tlio oonceisloulst. ABK FOR PRICKS AND SAMPLES. RUECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. WE HAVE FOR LEASE, BA66A6E, STOCK and BOX CARS, Mtt. LONG. Desirable ror show companies. Raatonable terms. Write for ptrtlonlara. ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY, W. A. TAOBft, Oen'l kauagar. No. 1230 MONADNOOK BUM). OBIOAOO. ILL. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, Ol Strand, London, ^hf. O. FOREIGN HUnNCItll'TIMV, . '. . I'KOFKHHIONAI. ADVBH.T18BMEHT8, ■ 8i. 8d. PER YKAlt »*■ Od., 8tng)e Calwaan Inch Feinberg's Studio. THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THIS WELL KNOWN PR0FB8BIOKAL STUDIO AHI NOTED FOB ARTHTIO PO8IN0, PRACTIOAL FINISH ADD TBS EXTREMELY LOW PRICES FOR WHIOB THEY OAK BE OBTAINED. . .«•••• • . • lium vi Pmftttionali in CorM InrHsd to Gil ind Bit Dw Saactal Rttas tartU Dm ■ ORDBBSt nNIBHED AT BH0RTE8T POB&IBLE NOTIOB. ftlepboat, 1SU-1SU2 OL U W. Mth Bt, bet. Ita ana Ota Are*., Haw Tort. SPECIAL SCB'Hil AND EFFECTS. WHO \A/A A THOROUGHLY ORGANIZED STOOK OO. Solo Band and Select Orchestra. Nov np In OTer thirty, standard and hlgb cloaa pla/a. Summer The- atre or Park engagement In the Beat or New Eng- land States. Interested parties address J. P. C. Care ot NEW YORK CLIPPER. DP TO DATE AND high mm SPECIALTIES. NOW BOOKING FOR SEASON 19O3--1904. Fay ton Sisters Company IN A REPERTORY OI" HEW PLAYS. It press and public are anything to go by we are right. Tills ATTRACTION THAT ALWAYS PLEASES. Managers send open time with lowest terms as per route, or permanent address. FRANK ROBERTSON, Manager. 1T01 Kaa, Ave.. Topeka, Eaa. S ^ THE TINGED THE8PIAN8, DESDUNES and HARRIS Dealers in Effervescent Comedy. Per. ad.. N. T. CL.IPPHH. Kb Howl* with Old Mat's Mlastrals, I. MILLER' 204 W. 23d St., N. Y. BOOTS AND SLIPPERS LIQUOT THE ORIGINAL AIMI ARE MADE ON 'PREMISES. Work satisfactory by rerorence or tho biggest managers In United States. Ballet bIioch alwuyn carried In stock. TOR VOCALISTS AND PUBLIC SPEAEBRB in. AND ALL THROAT APPK0T10N8. IUC. TWC THROATLKTS (TO.. IB Cliff Street. NT Sllkollne Tight*. $<*.BOi Worsted Tights, 8a.ttO ( Cotton Tlghti, •1.00; Silk Tights, from Sa.UOapi Shirts to match all same price as tight*! Pumps, 45 cmli; Gait- ers, $1.00; Elastic Supporters, tl.tJO) Cloth Supporters, )45 cents. Mind for catalogue and samples of tight* free. Positively a de- poslt required. Sulisfacllon guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIOER llltos., 86 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. )0ld"stand.buu;now address.) .WINDOW CARDS■ LETTERHEADS-CONTRACTS 33 4 DtARBORS ST, CHICAGO. "UHER DAZZLER" ao:a pnnn. i*ay or Gent's Ring, like cut, by null, 80o. Send ror Catalogue or bieui- OINB AND OIPT Show 0oo4s, Watches, Jewelry, Speotaoles, Sltvorwaio, Song Book,,, Grease Paints. Burnt Cork, Cold Cream, Eto. Cheapest lu the land. THBOLDRBMABLB. R. 0. UHER A CO., 12.1 Dearborn St., CIIICAQO. x. JWGORMANS PARK CIRCUIT l8o T-RKMO NT -y,- '-BOSTON NOW BOOKING SUMMER SEAS°N K'"'I5 CONTINUOUS-WEEKS Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRIORS, RtO. Grand End of Century, mil* Illustrated, BOOK CATA- LOGUE), ito., tree by malL Catalogue ot ParloiTrtcka free, MART1NKA A OO. Mtnv, 4BJ 8th Ave., N. Y. EZRA KENOALL'S 2D BOOK-ALL NEW I—Of Wit and Bttflor. J5 Kendall's lit book-loo.OM told. By Hall, Me. each. Addreaa EZRA KKNDAL&» ' H8onttraAv»^s1LT«BOB,sVrT* • • • » Clever, mystifying, Intonat- ing "Cllquot" had the laugh en the big audience who witnessed bis performance last night at the California. A full grown figure, with shiny, waxen face, dressed Id faultless evening attire, was brought upon tbe stage, and after being properly wound nnd adjusted, was put Into operation by tbe charming attendant. The figure moved around tbe stage with a slow, awkward, jerky movement, and after going through soveral different mechanical movements, waa walked off the stage. In response to applause was brought out again, and tht operator made tbe announcement that the doll would speak, wblcb It did, thanking the audience, and bowing off the stage, re- vealing tbe fact that tbe supposed doll was a clever actor, who bad puttied them all.—SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER. Ban Fbancisco, Jaa 27, 1003. Mn. G. K. Hiuoi.nbotiiam —Oeor Sir: I wlsb to congratulate you for tbe perfect manner In which you carried out "Cllquot," you doll act. I conalder It one ot the most perfect representations of Its kind, and should you continue In this act, and In the same manner as It was presented at the "California Theatre," you no doubt will receive tbe applause and approbation of other public aa you did, and well deserved at my bouse. Wishing you a continued success of this specialty, l am Very Sincerely, Bd. Ackbbuah, Prop. California and Republic Theatres. Mv Imitators, "PBROSO" and "MOTOR GIRL," regards, OFFERS RECEIVED FOR OPEN TIME AFTER APRIL 6, either Foreign, Ameri- can or Combinations. Permanent address, O. K. BTGGINBOTHAM, 421 New York Life Bldg., Kaunas City, Mo SAMUEL and MAXWELL, BROOKS BROTHERS, A BLACK AND WHITE) PACE TALKING AND SINGING ACT. » MINUTES OP (ORIGINAL) COMEDY. OFFERS INVITED FOR THIS AND NEXT SEASON Permanent address, 62 MAUJER STREET, Brooklyn, N. Y. . NKW ACT IN VAUDEVILLE. HEADLINE FOR ANY BILL. GUS KIRALFO, MARVELOUS HAT DANCER, AND MUSICAL JUGGLING COMIQUE. Permanent Addreaa, f. v anbvi lle. IN I). IP. S.-F0R SALE, ROSEWOOD CHIMES, DELLS AND OTHER MUSICAL NOVELTIES. t*mm ROT PASTILLES THIS LIVERPOOL THROAT HOSPITAL REMEDY IS INDORSED BY THE PROMI- NENT VOCALI8T8 AND ACTOR8 FOR ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS, COLDS, Eto. DRUGGISTS, 26o. pat CIIAPPELLB'S "A Rabbit's Foot" Oo. Fourth season under canvas. The only show In ilic world owned and managed exclusively by Negroes. Can use just a few more Musicians that *ouWe. Good clarionet and Piccolo Player, write. Opens in April for season of seven months, Will »«y M(t. Round Ton, with toft. Middle Piece. Music Houses, send In Muslo for Band and Orchestra. Novelty Teams, write. PAT OIIAPPELLE, Owner and Manager, Buckingham Theatre, Tampa, Fla. ALEXANDER and MANLEY. WE SING, DO A LITTLE ACTOR BUSINESS and A LITTLE GERMAN. Fmnay Knongh to Laugh At, Good Enough to Applaud. Would Uke to hear from Burlesque and Farce Comedy managers tor next season. Managers of Bummer Parks are also at liberty to use in t and vaner. Andreas Car* G. W. 8ETOHBLL, Music Publisher. 88S Washington St. Boston, MaatV