The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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36 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 28. THE BONNER SHOW. Educated Horses, Ponies, Megs, Dogs and Monkeys. 8 AOTS: 4 STRAIGHT, B OOMEDY. 14 Beautiful Animals 14 IPaid. A.d.inissienj3 to See "BOITXTEIR:" $69,872.30 AT PAN AMERICAN. Notlca the Proof that "BONNER" It the Most Wonderful Horse In the World: TO WHO IT MAY CONCERN: Mr. C. L Edward, performed bl« dutlea and obliga- tion, fall term of aeaeon, for which he was engaged, with entire satisfaction to all con- cerned. "BONNER" can be truthfully called a phenomenal horse. lie takes a piece of chalk between bl. teeth and write, like a human being—letter., figures and name*.— FOREPACQIi A BELLS BROTHERS, per :*wi. Bella, Longrlew, Texaa, Dec. 2, 1807. THIS 18 TO CERTIFY that C. L. Edwaide, wltb his trick hone, "BONNER," has "oeen in our employ during entire aeason of 1808, and performed bl. several duties while wltb ua la a satisfactory manner. "BONNER" I. the original writing hone.—RINOL1NO BROTHERS, per A. B., Percell, I. T., Oct. 30. 1808. We state with pleasure "BONNER" has just finished season of 16 weeks over our circuit of Street Railway Park, with entire satisfaction to us, and the great pleasure of our patrons. "BONNER" Is without the possibility of a .Ingle doubt the most In- telligent horse ever seen.—LOWELL, LAW- RENCE A HAVERHILL ST. B. R CO., Per a. a., Lowell.Mnas.. Aog. 28, 1804. Mr. C. L. EdHirda. the owner of "BONNER," gave an exhibition of tbls wonderful horse's work ind intelligence under tbe auspices of the Pall River Humane Society. I am glad to bear my testimony to tbe ability of tbls remarkable horse. He surpasses anything of tbe kind I bare ever seen, doing tricks that excite the utmost wonder of the audi- ence. His work In arithmetic la fairly start- ling. He will add up figures and put down tbe result with the confidence of a math- ematician. No one who can see this great horse ehould miss tbe opportunity. Mr. Edwards, himself, I have found to be a gen- tleman whom It la a pleasure to meet, and whose theories In regard to tbe training of the horse an the most humane.—REV. KRANCIS H. ROWLEY, Secretary Americas Humane Association, Fall River, Mass., June 1, 1800. "BONNER" la the only bone or single educated animal attraction In the world ever engaged to appear as a feature at Madison Square Garden, New York City.—Managers Christmas Novelty Show, per T., New York City, Dec. 27, 1002. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED FROM RESPONSIBLE "EUROPEAN MANAGERS" FOR "BONNER." MANAGERS PARKS AND AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES, wishing to engage a cleats, moral, np to date Horse, Pony and Comedy Dog and Monkey Circus, full and Interesting program for stage or arena, for 1008, Than lea to Mgre. and Agta.for all past fa-vors. ri>. S.—Wanted, Assistant Mgr. with small amount of capital. Address C. L. EDWARDS. Mgrr. "BONNER SHOW," 23 Lewis Are.. Jersey City. H. J„ or Anoti LUBIN'S NEW IMPROVED PATENT FILM REINI.'OltCED AND HARDENED IN THE PERFORATION. CANNOT 8CRATCU AND NEVER BREAKS. TJNEQUALED FOB STRENGTH AND DURABILITY. I COMPLETE SET, 81 8BBJECT8, 3,750 FEET LONG. Will Sell la Length, of SO Feet If Desired. SPECIAL PRICE, 15.SO per BO Feet. Blue Beard, 700ft.: All Baba and tbe Forty Thieves, 600ft: Jack and tbe Beanstalk, 400ft; Cinderella, 430ft; Little Red Riding Hood, 650ft; A Voyage to the Moon, 1.200ft.: The Story of Chrlatmas, 650ft.; English Farmyard 8cene,60ft.; What Hap- pened to the Milkman, 60ft., and THE SOLDIERS RETURN, 200ft. This Is a pathetic scene that will sppeal to the masses, very touching. An entire story In Moving Pictures. Bend for Supplement No. 9. THE ROYAL LEVEE IN INDIA (TUB DELHI "DURBAR"), ISO Feet. Hundreds of huge Elephanta decked In draperies of Oriental beauty, and on which Indian Princes sn mounted, form tbe procession. A magnificent spectacle. PRICE, 5. 60 PER 50 FEET. WE SELL 60 OR 76 FEET OF ANY SUBJECT, NO MATTER WHAT ITS ENTIRE LENGTH MAY BE. ■FECIAL NOTICE!.—We have enlarged our spacious gallery, and now manufacture Slides of Illustrated Songs, Immediately after the song Is published. I'lnlrj Slides, 25c. each; Colored Slides, 60c. eacb. Tbe coloring Is perfect, tbe beat obtainable. Send for A Little Boy In Blue, I'll Be Tbere, Mary Dear, A Miner's Home, Sweet Home, A Castle of Wasted Hopes, and a hun- dred othen. 8TEREOPTICON8 FOR PROFESSIONAL USE FROM TEN DOLLARS UP. mPIVCnADADIi WITH STERE01»TICON COMBINED, 1003 EXHIBITION Model. Including Calcium Lamp, Elec- UlllEUUnflrli trie Lnmp and Adjustable Rheostat, Twenty-five Slides and Films, B7B.OO. THE ONLY NOISELESS LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE MADE. LARGEST RAHVFACTURKR IN THE WORLD, PHILADELPHIA, PA„ V. S. A. Our Plant Covers Over Three Acres of Floor Space—We an Always Prepared to Show 600 Pictures In Lite Motion In Our Snow Room. Send « cento for postage on Catalogue and Price List of our latest design* of theatrical Tamps. We also carry In stock Moving Clouds, Lightning and Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spective that can not be accomplished by tbe de- sign being painted on glass. Also have Rain- bow, Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates cheerfully given on every- thing In the ELECTRICAL theatrical line. Follow- ing is a partial list of NEW YORK CITY PRO- DUCTIONS that I put on !»it season: "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" at fine Broadway Theatre;V'Soldlers of Fortune" at the Savoy; 'A Gentleman of France," at Wallace's; Henrietta croaman, at the Republic; Amelia Ding- ham, at the BIJou; "A Chinese Honeymoon," at tbe Casino, "Foxy Grandpa,"" "Arizona," at tbe Academy; E. II, Sothern, "If I Were King," at tbe Garden DON'T roTO.IT THI NUMOIR, 1287-1239 BROADWAY, - - • - ■at the Fourteenth Street; NEW YORK "A WORLD WIDE CmCULATIOlT THE OLDEST AND HOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL THE ERA. ESTABLISHED 1837. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, 3««, per aim PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, Od num. per line. AMERICAN ARTISTES VISITING TUB METROPOLIS USE THE ERA OFFICES AS THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADDRESS. 2,500 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY Rheumatic, Neuralgia and .Headache Tablets. Relief ln r 2o;rmlnulcs. A certain rnre for InflsmniatoryJMnscular, Aonto ami tChronlo{Rheumatism, Gout,;Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headache, Colds, La' Urlppo, l'alns In tho Shoulders, Arm-, Legs, Back, StilT Joints, Neck, etc. tOcts. a Iwx. Sent by mail. For further proof a Trial Package will bo mailed von upon receipt of a loct. coin. Address \VM. 11. GRIFFITH, Hi. Q. Pharmacist, M Third Ave., cor. 11th St., Now Tork City. THE NATURAL PREPARED PLANT CO., 7 WEST THIRD ST., NEW YORK, THSaATRIOAL SPECIALTIES GRASS HATS, LEAVES, FLOWERS, TALKS, RUSTIC FURNITURE, and complete OARDRN 8CKNKS. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. J. AUSTIN.FYNE'S, General Manager. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor's Bth Ave. Theatre, Proctor*. 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's 5Sth St. Theatre, Proctor's 1215th St. Theatre, Proctor's Xenark Theatre, Proctor'* Albany Tlieatre, Proctor's Hontrenl Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WANTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. It you do not receive a reply. It may be because the time la filled; you are therefore advised to write again In four weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: *£ plot, of acts; If can open and close In one; EXACT time of acts, and of "dose In; billing for newspapers and programmes: and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO tVEKKfl In ADVANCE OP OPENING DATE AT EACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL 8DBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OF CANCELATION VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, 0 to 11 o'clock A M„ SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, ad- drees J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. Vaudeville Artists and Players, address P. P. PROCTOR JR., Booking Department, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, N. Y . CITY. tW- 1 ' tl w aforpafca. ectertalimenu, Illustrat- ing poptuar •own, ete. HothtBg affonJsbetter onwncnltit. for *mb wStk imill cpluU t. MAKE MONEY ... ir »i •!*.■*.immU»d6m UlutriuauadtMrfM »„ . eu; HJlm Mta •»» lo opmn Uhb, *f7CJ #>_ udfcntoeuxioeteaurUIUMM. Boiiisna, ar>. oviitka SSIttuaiuwi, STEREOPTICONS,$ 14 Braes body, nickel plated, French Lonsea, Arc Lamp or Calcium Jot, Rapid Slide Changer, all complete, tit. Song Slides—St. Louis Exposition, 1004, Slide.; Second Band Films at Jc. per foot. Lubln 0*. staking Ontflt, $10. Spot Lights, $10. Rainbow Prism Outfit, $38. Water Ripple Stereop- ttcon, Its, Lightning Bolts, $3. Trap Reflector Lights, ST. Geyser and X Ray Tubes, Induction Apparatus, Florosoopes, Etc. OH AS. I. NEWTON, 28S Sth Ave., Sew York. Advice on Unhung plays cheerfully siren. CLUB JUGGLERS, Bend lOcts. for the Latest Catalogue Ind Elegant Jugglers' Book. Just published. IDW. VAN WYCK. Cincinnati. 0 FOR 8PRIN0 AND SUMMER SEASON, 6ood Open Tins Id Wis., III., Ind,, Mica. FLORA DEVOSS COS. IN STANDARD REPERTOIRE. A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION. World also like to hear from good people. The best la not too good for these Cos. MUST nave wardrobe and ability, and be STRICTLY LADIES and GENTLEMEN. Pay own telegrams. FLORA DE VOSS CO., Tama, Iowa. ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS, list BAND INSTRUMENTS, VI0UN8, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ETC. SLVS CiMogne ot - " to General Sites Agent for FRATI & CO., AI* W. MARTINS ENTERPRISES, IV. C. CUNNINGHAM, General Manager. The public is Just as much inter- ested In the good old play ss In days gone by—the Martin produc- tion Is easily tho best ever seen here.-SPY, Worcester, Mass., Feb. 10. AL. AV. MARTIN'S •30,000 Production of .W.Martin, Sole Owner. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," ED. 8. MARTIX, Traveling JIgr. A convincing manifestation of the popularity ot "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" was demonstrated last night when the Majestic was packed with people who came to witness Mar- tin's big revlval—DAILY PRESS, Ctica, N. Y., Feb. 11. AL. YV. MARTIN'S 190,000 Production of •Ten Night. In m B*r Room" GEO. M. FOREPAVGH, Acting Mgr. Sipao & Wei 110 AND 112 GREENE ST. (near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,.,. Tights, Wigs,... THEATRlGALJEWELRYj GoldiSilier Trimmings Spangles, Etc, M.R. KELY aft* SEND Jets. FOB CATALOGUE No. 1. Send 4c la. for Catalogue No. ». Send 4c ta for Catalogue No. 6. We send goods C 0. £>., subject te Impaction, but require a Deposit on all Orders. TAYLOR CIRCUS TRUNKS The Standard Trnsk ot America. More need than all other malts combined. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS m w. ssth st. Hew York. ISO w. Madison St., 88 E. Randolph St., Chicago. Send for description ot the new Circus Special TruDt. MEDICINE TALKERS WANTED. WILLIAMSON'S HERB TABLETS and POWDBBKD HF.IIH8 "Mate good." No "oomi bank." A good sf>ry of RESULTS that sell, goods. Send for gtmple and terns. TBE WILLIAMSON CO.. Waahlngtos, D. a DoYou WANT MILITARY 600DS? BAND UN1FOBN3, ARMT or NAVY SUITS. TENTS. GUNS and SQU1FJIRNT3 OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that line I can supply It. New or second hand. Send tor ■ grift. B. R. ABRAHAMS, m South SL, Pslladelphla, Pa. FOR SALE Combination Dining and S'eeptngCer, , em. long. equippedforpass enterservice, willar-eonodste to people. Now In use by wledmtnn'a Big Show. tew cash gets it P. 0. WIBDBMAHN, Boulder, Oolo., Fab, I; Leadrtlle s, Canon City Is, Salld. B, Pneblo. Maroh 1 waMlirarrnoeo-o.-^wrfr rv^'i/ASSHS FOR SALE, Big Bargain, A Complete Dog and Pony Show. Everything op to date and ready for the road. Tea Trained Shetland Ponies, Three Riding Dogs (none better), 8 Tents, so Lengths Seats, lights. Preps.. Ring Bar ness, etc. This show oniy on the road < weekt. Everything good aa new. Reason, for selling. old age and poor health. Write for particular., W. I. CONNER, M. P., U BeHe. Kansas. SCENERY Ot All Kinds Built to Order. New Spectacular Stair and rwo.comp'.et* Faust Sets on hand. THE TIFFIN SCENIC CO., TTfTTJ, OHIO. Thomson & Vandiveor's CIRCUS MENAGERIE AND HIPPODROMETENTt Have a record or over forty years as being superior in Material, Finish, Workmanship, Style, Durabil- ity and Economy to all others manataoroied. Es- timate, given on application. No. B0-B8 W. THIRD ST.. Olnolnnatl. O. Plays For Stock Companies. Plays For Repertoire Companies. Plays For Amateurs. Books For Home Amusement CATALOGUE OF PLATS SENT FREE. aswimi. FRBWOR as Wwrt Una at.. Hw Tiwt SHOW CANVAS S3 BY THE J. C. GOMs CO., DETROIT, MICH. ALSO FOR SALE 100 SPRUCE POLES IN THE BARE OB DRESSED. MISCELLANEOUS. I. STRA8SMAN, ATTOENET, SW Broadway, H. Y. Olty. For KIDNEY TROUBL£•■»«; CATARRH ol ta* BLADDER Cures All UMttaraw* la | , ski r :i ■: i,p. --v Bach OsparaUbears \ Vi'/I I UaVmW mac ^CAPSULES, M I D\ spniebsan i