The New York Clipper (February 1903)

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'#*-' &% « «Tv5S i: i» &m mi> ■ • : r^-." T-:-rr !f^3*?#t THE MEW YORK CLIPPER «-. ; r-'^S'^=A5S2: i il *^ ^S*?*! \<L Tl T ss WSS ■ fffi HARRY HOUDINI ^ Tfr* original Jiandcuff King, and Jail Breaker, who is , /ww /W A/i «3 W i/«/- //> Europe}^ and the highest salaried act • i'/T #* Myster/lthe has g created the greatest- sen- % sat ion in the m nets of I Show Business in Europe* Jfis last three -Jail escapes* in England again stamped \ him as a performer with- VBlife& cut a rival. He escaped out of the triple loth cells in Bradford, in Halifax and • Jtianchester, stripped nude and searched. Time to open the Cells were all un der two mnnifej. s _.3»» W JAMES BARD .The renowned alackwire 1 performer isat present "".creating <3 sensation in t-Europe by his expert \ • performance. He was U born in (Reading,Pa., •30 years a.go and51'nce •1883 has appeared j'n |; South America, V\fesr • )ndie>.Central America • and the United States. .' He will remain in Europe f two years longer to f i II contacts. He is a brofner or the four Brothers Band. JAMES J.JVtORTONT -jii*'l has rightfully become Anown as that Fellow of Infinite Srjvf I Jest .* Jits rambling talks sparkle with wit; his style is strictly £ original and his monologue is everywhere hailed with delight: nis — J fertile bnain is ever busy with new topics *nd his services are constantly in demand because of his enterprise and growing popularity with vaudeville devotees. When momentary surround- ings Suggest a point, Morten is quick to take advantage otit, sometimes giving almost an entire monologue impromptu- «5 net ailways to the point. Morton hes stepped out of the monologue grihd,"endis inaclass by himself; a single enhr- <J tainer, individual in style ,unfiailtng in effectiveness. y-^Ar ■■SV V CHUNG LING LOO deceived and mystified the entire European public, Jte is known all ever America as Will. E. tQobihson, tor yeans with the late J/«r-man, but is Anown as'Chung ling loo'theOreat,"a/f over Europe, fie has been in Europe three yeers. and hes not lestovertwo weeks in that lime and is booked until /SOS. Jim was brought to Europe/by Ike Rose., who. ttes certainly done much for Americans in Europe. Chung ljnc> (go is e highly salariedortis/ end is consider- ed a drawing card. fie is assisted by bis wife, Dot Robinson whose serviceshavebnughthisactupto the high standard. Jte also carries two Chinese assist-, mnts. tr< % delMore a- LEE I This duo of gymnasts \ave~ established a brilliant repu- tation tor their clever WorK on Che breakaway tnmpeie ladder. 7/wr attractively devised apparatus endeUceifent- Work, coupled with their pergonal appearance has atall hmes made their act one of /ho showiest before the public . They novo been seen end appreciated by audiences of£nglend and the European continent ■,•».! well'as'in all the leadinghoofu of the United ■Stores. They wilt shortly resume a series eh _£uropce.i engagements. CHARLES D6CAMO for many years favorably known in this , country as a comedy Juggler, is now reaping his reward tor the many patient hours spent in the tuition of the handsome fox-terrier Cora Jfr. DeCamo recently sailed for England on .■ the strength of a two weeks engagement at the- London Jtippodrome, the grandest establishment of its kind in the world.. Jo instantaneous washes . success that in a few hours efter openingperfior^ mence he was in receipt otcontrmcts tor.the entwfm Moss empire's Tbun The wonderful mental work displayed by 'Core is meeting with special approval of the press and public; the general verdict being thatshe is a 'giftedanimal"and that her exhibition is astounding and marvat/ous. ■;!•.:■ •SAHARETT,, Wr <■%(■ ■ |THe'2'H«WIT15 Emma AMO j ,Ffeeo. ;■:'-;>■' '.'■" f#p&£H$ ^Jt^i, wee bom in Melbourne,Austnalia in the year 1879, and there made her debut with \Minnie Palmer at W/tliemson), MusgrevesTneatre ' as on* of the children. «SAe cueme to America at the age of 13 and at IS opened at the Alcajar Theatre under her own name. Clarice Cavnpbelf. She came with. Rosenfe/di i'flliputimns Co Chicago then to f\lew York City and openedat Casino Root Garden. «S/»« accepted an engagement /rom Bob Manchester for the /tight Owls, and met Ike Rose Me well known theatri'cel manager, whom she married. She made her reeppdermnce at/Coster X Bieis for- •ne ntonth,and remained sip; was one season with ''ices 'French /deid'andhes been in Europe ever-since /69T. She arrived in America test August for .a 22 weeks tour,as • feature andjecoed Star with Anna fields Co. 7htnshe witlplay 8 weeks in the vaudeville houses and return to Europe in/fay. "" ■ ""• ' "1 I JMH I ft J L ^i n ( . •. i. ■'m i ,jy*p , *^ent.*eev*. MkSSSSi *ne~ ttifrr rifiyli irtnsBNZi " %$■?$ ,. f ,.- v: «.^«(p '«?«'" ?**f»*»"*MRw aeif season I i : ■[';'. -. ;« jM&yiiAMai^ '.::.'^i.^iJ-£^:iiilx.'^MJ -•-> :j—ii-j| m "■K-'i , t • -.^ .■■■ ■ ■■■■" "'■::■ -■::•*. .. .•■■a.-V.Vr.^-;- ■■'■ *■ 'm& ^dK m te'~$$2a &4 tl '&cy& Ti ! Mfc? im w ^ ^ ^ NNii ti &*? ^J *ffc N^ ^ ^ '±t/A XIV