The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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58 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. Makch 7. II ALL PERSONS ENCAGED FOR TOE ENSUING SEASON WITII THE !FOREPAUGH %A/IL_E> 'WEST, INCORPORATED, BIG NEW RAILROAD SHOWS, Ate licrouy olllclally notified to report in person at the hours and upon th» clsyn mentioned below, TO IIEADB OF* DEPARTMENTS NOW AT OUR SPACIOUS WINTER QUARTERS. I'RAIKIE AVE , and SECOND ST., ST . LOUIS, MO. WEDNESDAY, APRIL I, 7 A. M. All Agents and Bill Posters, Coolts, W alters and Porters. MONDAY, APRIL 6, 9 A. M. All Performers, Cow Boys, Cow Girls, Cossacks, Arabs, Artillery Hen, Soldiers, Mexicans, Scouts, Indians, AND A I.I. OT HERS WHO WORK IN THE ARENA. MONDAY, APRIL 6, 9 A. M. Frank B. Bcrst and His Cow Boy Band. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 7 A. M. Assistant Bosses and Workingmen in all Departments, Canvas Hen, Seat Hen, Property Hen, Scenery Hen, Wardrobe Hen, Animal Hen, Ele- phant Heo, Train Hen, Race Horse Hen, Ring Stock Hen, Blacksmiths. SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 9 A.M. ALL SIDE S HOW AND CONCE RT PEOPLE. a» tills will lie I lie only "Cull" published, everybody acknowledge name to HARRY IV. «EM«.v. Oen'l Agent, Luella-KORKI'AUUIIKIsli, Incorporated Wild Went Shows, SI. Jamea Hotel, SI. Louis, Mo. LAGOON ISLAND, The Great Family Resort of the North Hudson. Opening Hcimon of <07 a brilliant success. Improvement!* fast progressing for season of 1903. Pop- ulation over, In close proximity. The weekly salary paid out In the cities of Troy and Allwny alone amounts to hundreds or thousands. Applications from cxcurslonlsta coming In dally from all fiolnta. Pictorial paper aud advertisements liberally distributed for 60 miles around. The most seusa- lonal outdoor attractions will be given free lo the public. The picnic grounds are beautifully shaded and fitted up. The privilege sites are unvqiialcd by any Summer resort In the country. The following privileges will be lei this season: Ice Cream and Soda, Fruit and Nuts, Canes and Knives, liall Games, Striking Machines, Shooting Gallery, Pop Corn and Catuly. No gambling on the grounds. Brass and string bands will give concerts dally. Transportation facilities 74,ooo a day. Located on the American Rhine, mid way between Albany and Troy, three miles from either city. Uniformed police force, under command of capialn and Sergeant; Tower of Justice, Court Itooin and Police station, Quest in the State, and (he entire Island under Hie sole control and management of JOHN' P. WEBKR, to whom all applications should be addressed, lo Avenue F and Twenty-sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., until May 1, then to Lagoon Island, Albany, N. Y. All desiring prompt reply enclose stamp. ELDRIDGE PARK, Elmira, N,Y, FINEST OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. WASTED, FOR Til K COMING SKASON, Several more A No. 1 Attractions, such as Mlliiat lire It. It., Black Top, Crystal Maze. Will also lease Hunting Privilege on lake, ground space for Shooting Gallery, Pho- tograph' Gallery and other good attractions. I have a small theatre building which I will lease fur the coming season. Will offer liberal terms to the right concessions. Write for particulars. I have been here H years, and pay a large rem each year In advance. Enough said. K. M. LITTLE, Manager, Elmira, N. Y, This park Id visited uimuully by upwards of 100,O0oe.\cursloiilalH In addition to (he regular patronage. DOG WADDELL OPEN EOR ENGAGEMENT AS MANAGER, ADVANCE OR PRESS. ALB or HTRK™ XRIE, Pa. KB"lf' eiinliiihle terms be offered would contract or promote CARNIVALS or STRKKT FA IKS. Address I America's Great Wooden Shoe Buck Dancers, Have tendered their resignation to the Byrne Bros.' "Eight Bells" Co., and closed with that combination Feb. 28. Open at Shea's Theatre, Buffalo, March 0; open at Sheas Theatre, Toronto, March 10. INV1TH OFFERS. Permanent address, Care ot NEW YORK CLIITEIt. CLARA MATHES. "Clara Mnthes and her company gave a very good performance. Clara Mathes was vivacious and. full of life. She demonstrated that she la a good comedienne, and bandied woll the scenes thnt called for finesse. Ucr Imitations were clever, and sb<t received a curtain call after the third act. Won the hearts of her audience. Clara Mathes' plays are all wholesome, prettily staged and well costumed."—SEATTLE P. I. WANTED, SINGING COMEDIAN. Continuous jngngement: fore advanced. East- ern address; CLAIIA MATHES. care F. Sehaub, 224 Clinton Ave., Newark, New Jer- Bcy. WcBtorn address: THE DRAMATIC REVIEW, San Francisco, Ca). Waldron Bros., A IIIG HIT ON TIIK CASTLE CIRCUIT. Also cnwiKCd for the ORPllEI'M CIRCUIT nflertlie flrst'show at the Olympic In Chicago. One of the laughing hits nt the ORPHEUM TIIKAT1IK, KANSAS CITY, week of Fob. U>; booked a return dale. Not so bnd for the laugh makers, WALDRON BROS. 1*. a.—We are not Willi the Fred li'wlns Dig Show any longer. BENNETT-MOULTON CO., FOR THIS AND BUMMUR SEASON. LEADING LADY, HEAVY AND CHARACTER. MAN; also HOOD REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES; those doing specialties preferred. MAN WITH MOVING riCTURK MACHINE. Address FRANK C.TWITCHELL, Mgr. Uennott-Moulton Co., Naugntuck. Conn., Feb. 23 to 28; Ansonla, Conn., Mar. 2 aud week. CTTBBT tWP ci.cns, batons, gins, rolling hoops, UUrrLlillU GLOBES, ROMAN AXES. Anything In the ww ""™"™ w " Juggling Line. Best Goods. Lowest Prices. A stump for a 1003 CATALOG AND NEW JUGGLERS' BOOK. Address EUW. VAN WYCK, ltk)M7 Ptillan Ave., Cincinnati, O., V. S. A. NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. "On the Grand and Square." Long Distance Phone. Main 403(1. Incorporated. Capital Stock, $10,000.00. No. 510 Chicago Opera Houso Building, Chicago, III. General Theatrical Business. Booking Fairs, Parks, Opera Houses. Theatres, Routing Companies, Placing Actors, Reading Plays, etc. Send for catalogue. NATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Clms. J. C arter, Prcst. and Trvas.. Chicago Opera House Bldg., Chicago ALHAMBRA THEATRE, Savannah, On. ... Noal Gilday,Prop.t Geo. W.Milton, Stage Mgr* W ANTH2D—Vaudeville IVrroriuers of nil kinds at once. Sketch Teams, Sister Acls, Serlo Comics, Comedy Acts of all kinds. Also Bmiesuue and Dramatic People capable of doing specialties. Two to four weeks' work lo right people. This house Is the key to llio Southern circuit. Address XEAL GILDAY, Alhainhra Theatre, Savannah, lis. Season opens April 0, under canvas; can place White Tlckel Seller and Spell- . er. Music Pupllshcnt send In lute sluir for Band. Orchestra and Voice. Colored usloluus write. Add. PAT OHAI'ELLE, Tampa, Fl«. Show Paraphernalia Wanted, Anything Suitable for Playing Small Towns. State Lowest Cash Price for Quick Sale. T. JOSEPH. 180 37th St., Chicago, III. Send 4c. In Stamps to CHAS. D. HESS, ^43 8. Fltihugh St. for The Art of Malting Pp. Win All in Sllkollne Tights, $3.50; Worsted Tlghti, $a.00; Cotton •rights, •LOO; Silk Tights, from la.BSnp; Shirts to match all same price as tights; Pampi, 35 cents; Gait- ers,; Elastic Supporter!, $1.00; Cloth Supporters, »5 cents. Send for catalogue and samples of tights free. Jposltlvely » de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPICER BROS., 80 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. )01d aland address.) WINDOW CARDS LETTERHEADS CONTRACTS. 334 DtARBORN StiCHICAGO. <i UHER DAZZLER »» It. G. CHER uoic B- n <*u. Laay or Gent's Ring, like cnt, by mall, 30c. Send ror Catalogue of MKDI- uihk and gist Show Oooda, WotcheB, Jewelry, Spectacles, Silverware, Song Books, Grease Paints, Burnt Cork, Gold Cream, Etc Cheapest In the land. THE OLD HEM ABLE. 125 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. STEREOPTICON, 917 With Electric Arc, Calcium or Acetylene Light. Illustrated Song Slides, 25c, col- ored. FILMS BOUGHT AND SOLD . L. HETZ, 802 E. 23d Street, New York City. FOR VOCALISTS AKD PUBLIC SPEAKERS |f|n AND ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS. lUCi THE THROATLETS 00., 18 Oltff Street, N. T. MEDICINE TALKERS WANTED. WILLIAMSON'S HERB TADLKT8 and POWDIRID HKHB8 "Mate good." No "comeback," A good story of RESULTS that sells goods. Send for sample and terms. THE WILLIAMSON CO., Washington, D. 0. SANS SOUCI PARK. Concessions Wanted. Have good space for new features on percentage. Write full particulars. ALFRED RUSSELL, Manager, Room 114, 8T Washington St., Chicago, m. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVT SUITS. TKNT8, GUNS and EO.UIPM ENT8 OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want in that line I can supply It. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 329 Sonth St., Philadelphia, Fa, A. M. BUCtl & CO. Wig- Makers 119. .N.-9TH S'Tv-'PHH--ADtUPHIA,,.. JjRfiA.SE PAINT, POWDEHS, ROUGt SEND STAMM FOR CATALOGUE wmE», For utirs mens Musicians and Performers, also Boss Hostler. Show opens April 4, at Petersburg. Virginia. State salary. Wngon Show. Address A. Q. REED, Prince George, Va. EDWARD SHAYNE'S SUMMER PARK CIRCUIT BIG COMEDY ACTS, HEADUNERS and ACTS OP ALL DESCRIPTION Can Secure Continuous Engagements Throughout the Entire Summer. Address EDWARD SHATNB, No. 87 Washington Street, Chicago, 111. ivotk. —Owing to the great number of letters received la response to previous ail vertlsement8 It has been Impossible to make favorable replies to all applications for time. Those who have not been booked should write again. JAMES H. WALLICK'S BANDIT KING LINIMENT. Almost Immediately FOB HORSES AND OTHER ANIMALS. Is the best in the world. SPAVIN, R1KGB0M-:, CURB, SPLINTS, BUNCHES. HARDENED LIGAMENTS, KNEE SPRUNG, LAMB SHOULDEIt. WEAK BACK OR LOINS, CONTRACTED MUSCLES, SPRAINS, BRUISES, SORE THROAT, PNEUMONIA. CERTAIN CURE FOR THRUSH. AS A LEG AND BODY WASH IT HAS NO EQUAL. SAVES YOU SUFFERING AND MONEY. Painful accidents robbed of their horror by a quick application of this ready relief STOPS PAIN Aching Bones Relieved Forever, Dry Joints Lubricated, Strained Tendons Related, Swellings Reduced. A MAGICAL CURE. 125 YEAH8 O 1L, r> . for the first time, PERMANENT CURE. Acrobats, Athletes, Circus Performers. Horsemen, If you want free use of your muscles, instant and permanent relief from pain, write to- day for free circulars and advice. SPECIAL NOTICE. If the BANDIT KING LINIMENT, THE O OILS, Is not as I represent it and dues not afford you relief, I will refund your money. JAMES II. wALLICK, Middletown, N. Y. The endorsement of this well known theatrical manager and horseman, who has been lu possession of this receipt for over fifty years, Is a guarantee of Its worth. None genuine without his signature. THE i) OILS BANDIT KING LINAMENT A PAIN KILLER, CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. WRITE TODAY. JAB. H. wallick, Mlddletowu,N. >. CUBES: RHEUHATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS, P.RUI8ES, LAME BA.0K, STIFF JOINTS, SOBE THEOAT INFLUENZA., PNEUMONIA, CROUP, HEADACHE. Now placed upon the market Gentlest external remedy And home liniment on eartb 1903 CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS WILSON-BROOKS 1904 PRK8KNT The Metropolitans IN THE (lit RAT SFfTflRSB. ■ it. IN THE GREAT SUCCESS, MAN'S ENEMY;" THE BEST DETECTIVE PLAY, "CAUGHT IN THE WEB," AND THEODORE KREMEU'S THRILLER, "THE ROAD TO RUIN." THE BEST PRINTING MONEY CAN BUT. MANAGERS—Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Ky., W. Vs., I bold exclusive rights for this territory: send Open Time, (3) night stands, with best terms. OLEVKR PEOPLE FOR CLEVER PARTS. Address B. W. WILSON, Alton, 111. THE FAMOUS TROUBADOURS Colored Comedy Co., under the management E. W. DALE, has proven to be the real hit or itKtt-3. The company presents a New Musical Comedy, bright, sparkling, refined, amusing anil up to date, entitled the "Ex-President of Liberia." singers, 36 ARTISTS, rillPAT comedians MUSICIANS, . ' klMllV If SPECIALTIES, dancers. ALL STARS. ■ IllkW I costumes. FIFTEEN STYLES SPECIAL PAPER. Our Motto NOT QUANTITY, BUT QUALITY. The hIidiv has been greatly Improved and augmented. —- NOW BOOKING FOR SEASONS OF 1903 and 1904. *»- Want to hear nt once from High Class Colored Porforincra with clean, up to date Specialties ami Novelties, also Cliorns GlrlH. Full particulars first letter. Kickers Rare stamps. Address communications to E. W. DALE, M'gr,, Cape May, N. J. BEST! OPPOSITE PALMER HOUSE, CHICAGO. OPENS ABOUT MAY 15, TO RUN CONTINUOUSLY TEN YEARS. 300,000 PEOPLE PASS THE DOOR EYERY BAY. ADMISSION FREE Want People for booths with legitimate novelties, especially Tin Type Gallery, Burnt Leather Worker, Card \\ rllcr, Glass Blowers, Etc. No Fakirs need apply. All on percentage. Address MIDLAND MACHINE CO., No. 85 Madison St., Chicago, III. ATTENTION, FAIR PILOMOTORS!! Our Indoor Carnival Company is organized and roady for business with the strongest aggregation of shows in the country. Wo can make big money with Al Organizations who lire popular, und ciin f mulsh largo halls. Wo wilt take entire charge of your fair, running It on commission. Geneva, week March 9; Wutertowu, week March 16. Other cities pending;. WANTEB. So <»™ nlr S eBl «"' **»■?••' J«P», Mexican*, Indian*, Glnw Blower., •■ ■*■*» etc. Alio Two More Show* that are Shown, on percentage. „ ^'8 Paytransportatlon after joining. Write quick If you want any Geneva money. Remember, N<> Gambling Tolerated. . ■ THE PERCY F. MEQAROEL MIDWAY AND CARNIVAL COMPANY, Rochester, N. Y. Auditorium, Re _ TO MANAGKRS-Best opening in iho Stato for High Class !.^A l !° n i 1 ?. 2 iWA n ° OT . 6r '. , ! r,,nIo ? alB ! tra 9' lol ' 9 i w e have THE place, new, modern, ground noor, dine sYu uudevllle. House drawing ..........1,1. ..™,i„ravici, mill iuiiii»i>«;uui». He nave tilk place, new, m Qrcproof building, central, largest In the city, Great opportunity for right party. ■ Address ^M. H. gCHNADER, Reading, Pa. ^SKfflfHiLLBY and WHALLEY! Now Instruments, Extensive Hep- - FOR- also. Address BOX 602, FlTCHliUnO, MASS. iiSi^'Fnn'iSSfvi' n LflS n ^g P , T0 . D f rE . N0 S EI;rV MUSICAL ACT. ■ ^ r vl!,°'"^ Gft i^ 1), ' INA ^ E ' feat i"' la «^ or RAFID EXECUTIONSousa's STARS ANliSTRIPES 1 i. li HP* mii B60, Can you beat that for a record breaker? Invito offers for next season, "irk. circuit. Arfiirf>»« rtnY urn viTnuiurnn irat NOW BOOKING SKASON 1003-04. .^^______ nvn uuwauu SKiUtUH 1UO3-04. ORIENTAL BTJRLESQTJERS. W. B. WATSON, 80 PEOPLE. SPECIAL SCENERY. - - • Offlce, Boom 69 Garfield Building, Brooklyn, N. I-