The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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March 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 59 SONG HITS IN TIE WARD«YOKES SHOW Grand Opera House, New York, This Week. SWEET MORNING GLORY. The Big Coon Song Hit, Sung by LUCY DALY. MARY JANE, I RROM MAINE MARGARET DALY YOKES' Croat Rube Song. LENORE P IN/IY OXA/IM LENORE This Beautiful Ballad is Taking 5 Encores Nightly. Sung by f FRED WHITFIELD. 'TIS YOU I LOVE, An Extremely Catchy Waltz Song. Big Hit for LOUIS POWERS, DAN COLEMAN'S Hug. Kufcmi, THAT HARD SHELL BAPTIST CHOIR. It* HUG II IE CANNON. This I* One of the Most Original Coon Songi Evtr Written. By the kind permission of the Management, E. D. STAIR, and WARD and VOKES, we are advertise the above songs. Prof, copies FREE. FREE to those sending programmes (no cards) and postage. Orc hestrations to songs 10c. each. Don't wait, send now. They are encore getters—Salary Raisers. If they were NOT **Z^X7 9 *' the largest farce comedy on the road would not be featuring them. This sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Well, send to THE WHITNEY-WARNER PUB. CO., T,g B Detroit, Mich. "A WORLD WIDE CIECULATIOF (i Cracker Jack A delicious Pop Corn Confection, packed In moist proof packages, that keep It fresh for a long time. k QUICK SELLER for theatres, Parks, Picnics, Carnivals, etc. Retails for 60. A MONEY MAKER A8K FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. tor the concesslonlst. RUECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, CHICAGO. WE HAVE FOR LEASE, 8A66A6E, STOCK and BOX CARS, sort, long. Desirable for anom companies. Reasonable terms Write for particulars. ARMS PALACE HORSE CAD COMPANY, w. A. yager, Gen'i Manager. HO. 1220 MONADNOUK BUM. OaiOAOO.ILL. CIRCUS CANVA8ES, > Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flae-t, Etc wt~ m an's patent ciims libhtsl SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. FRONTS AND BAN- NERS FOR STREET FAIRS AND CARNIVALS. BLACK TENTS FOR MOVING PICTURE WORK. OUR NEW OFFICE »>d SALESROOM, 273 Madison St„ near Market, CHICAGO, ILL. MANAGERS. JULIET AGENTS. PERFORMERS. FRED In a funny bunch of nonsense. Authors of the son* "IN VAUDEVILLE," SCNO UV STUART I1ARNES: "ON A MOONLIGHT NIGHT." "IT'S AN A\VF(JL SENSATION," "A LONO TIME AGO," e «. ALSO THE ORIGINATORS OF THE SPONGE GAG. Do you want to see something swell? Sole "Knls to use this gag gold by us to Lamar and Gabriel. All others lining this gag are pirates. Open time, May 4 and later. All agents. See route. Tor. address 205 W. 25th ST., N. V. BEFORE CONSULTING DO NT BUT SONGS ilu£T' mti SLIDES AND SUPPI IF*; OfALi. KINDS,:.. -"-"TLIIlJ , ■—-•.'. CATALOGUE FRtf STEREOPTICON AND FILM: EXCHANGE !0 6 FR\NKUKSr:-;ch\'CKGOr- W.B.MC S^CHIl CENTRAL TRUNKS. WB-, Iloo; jgjn.. I8.00; win., $».Oo; tan., »M.oo; «oin., $1100. cirons Trunks, Steiuu, two. ail ^ni", Miasms Inside, lii.od Litho Trunks, 4S*i»Ji*is Inside, $14.00. Shipped on receipt of $8.00, 'JiiP' ».,eicepi over 800 mile., then remit whole amount. BWOIIS * CO., ilKNTBAL THOSE FAOTOBY. EsUb. KM. «W« HortH 1th Bt, niUOelpoU. «• T. ASENCV. Cor. 30tt It t Brotrmy. M*M ^Bcri. Mrt tfcu it Pklhv. Fteler, Special Values in Fine Violins AnyonettfaMnof pur- chasing a fine Tlolin ■boold tfiod three two ennt itampB for our Fine Violin Catalonia, It eoaUIni fao-aloiilei of Label* printed In colon. "HtnU on the Proper Adju-tDieiit of » Violin,'* Photo*En,'ru»LnBiof noted violin* artda complete D&»critit ifo Lint of the Fine Viollne offered for pale tij ue. la our preeent collection ere euperb InrtrumenU ftftvtn low rangaof prloee, Hmi the cele- braled Hawle* collection of 8tridl*arlue. giuarnerlai,Amatl and other mutorplece*. If wired, eereral flno viollne will be eent direct toroeponilbleperitoDifor Inspection, or the* mar be ordereddlrect tbroogh the local mtulo dealer. JEaar month!y p&rment. mar be arranged. LYON & HEALY, "^M" The Warld'n Lara»t Hnii llouu. Bells ••EjrrrlbltiM Keo#n la Muitc." Patents and Trade-Marks, ana lES. Copyright your acts, plays, sketches and songs, ltwlll PAY you. Many Copyrights are worthless, because invalid. You can- not afford to take such chances. We Suarantee a valid copyright at small cost. pinions and legal advice. Patents and Tra'le-Marks. Send stamp for particulars. Columbia Copyright and Patent Co., Inc. SMgejSj SLDO. WAeWIROTOW. D. c. SHOWIER, ATTENTION! Side Snow Paintings ■tract Fair Frames by Ike Olelest Skew Palates-la the V. ■. josicpu t. oaamiu, 116 Walnut Street; St. Loan, Mo. THE OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOU11NAL. Tnlv EnAi ESTABLISHED 1837. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. FOREIGN 8UI1MCRIPTI01V8, M*. per annum. PROFESSIONAL. ADVERTISEMENTS, Oil. per line. AMERICAN ARTISTES VISITING THE MKTItOI'OLIS I'SE THE ERA OFFICES AS THEIR PERMANENT LONDON ADHRKSS. 2,600 ARTI8TE8 ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY ORQANS AND ORCHESTRIONS, also BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, 3UITAR8, MANDOLINS, ETC. SSeVfc e * M '"' w * WI,,i " 70-72 Franklin St., New York City. General Sales Agent for FRATI & CO., I1HSTIHIUI. THE GREAT ENCLI8H VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE MUSIC HALL AND THEATRE REVIEW, 401 Strand, London, W. ©. .... 8s. 84. PER YEAR »«. Od,, Single Column Inch FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION, • '- PROFESSIONAL ADVERTIHEME.-VTM, •fie Feinberg's Studio. TBI FHOTOORAPUS FROM THIS WELL ELN0W5 PROFESSIONAL STUDIO ARM NOTED Muirvi u. Prefitwaili 1/1 (Mah IsriW it Cil vi Bit' tin' SueU'Riin tarda 1 'Dam OHDftU mUHZD AT SHORTEST POSSIBLE KOT10E. raleelioBMgs-lstligt ]B »-, lttn BU( bjt »tb and eth Aves., Hew Tort. D 5 BARKk M: 9iT v f )>\ THI8 LIVERPOOL THROAT HOSPITAL REMEDY 18 INDOR8EO BY THE PROMI- NENT VOCALISTS AND ACTORS FOR ALL THROAT AFFECTIONS, COLDS, Eto. DRUGGISTS, 25o.