The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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60 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. MABOH 7. I M ORTANT ANNOUNCEMEN THE ROOVERS MANUFUTURINfi COMPANY begs to announce that the price of the !!! $70 Seventy Dollars $70 INCLUDING ALUMINUM ROLL, CAPABLE OF TURNING OUT 1200 TO 1400 PLATES, That these Machines can be operated tor FIVE CSNTS or OZVXS CENT, at the OPTION of the PURCHASER immediate deliveries. THE rqOVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ,0 Z^ZZWb!?"' riLtfi NEW IMPROVED PATENT CANNOT SCRATCH AND NEVER BREAKS. UNEQUALED FOB LUBIN'S REINFORCED AND HARDENED IN THE PERFORATION. STRENGTH AND DURABILITY. PASSION PLAY F-IL.IVIS COMPLETE SET, SI SUBJECTS, 8,750 FEET LONG. Will Hell In Lengths of 50 Feet If Desired. 8PECIAL PRICE, is.80 par SO F«et. Bias Beard, 700ft.; All Baba and tbe Forty Thieve* 600ft.; Jack and the Beanstalk, 400ft; Cinderella, 480ft; Little Red Billing Hood, BSOft.; A Voyage to the Moon, 1,200ft,; Tie Story of Christina*, 650ft. ; English Farmyard Scene, BOft.; What Hap- pened to the Milkman, 60ft., and THE SOLDIER'S RETURN, 200ft. This la a pathetic scene that will appeal to the masses, very touching. An entire story In Moving Pictures. Bend for Supplement No. 0. THE ROYAL LEVEE IN INDIA (THE DELHI "DURBAR"), ISO Feet. Hundreds of huge Elephants decked In draperies of Oriental beauty, and on which Indian Princes procession. A magnificent spectacle. art mounted, torsi the PRICE, 5. 60 PER 50 FEET. WE SELL SO OR 70 PERT OF ANT SUBJECT, NO MATTER WHAT ITS ENTIRE LENGTH HAT BB. SPECIAL NOTICE.—We have enlarged our spacious gallery, and now manufacture Slides of Illustrated Bongs, Immediately after the song Is published. Plain Slides, 25c. each; Colored Slides, 50c. each. The coloring Is perfect, tbe best obtainable. Bend for A Little Boy In Blue, I'll Be There, Mar; Dear, A Miner's Home, Sweet Home, A Castle of Wasted Hopes, and a hun- dred others. STEREOPTICONS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE FROM TEN DOLLARS DP. Tlie fM II Eil Attn till WITH 8TER10OPTICON COMBINED, 1903 EXHIBITION Model, Including Calcium Lamp, Blec- IIIlL WIritUUnlJrn trie Lamp and Adjustable Rheostat, Twenty-flvo Slides and Films, «T6.0O. THE ONLY NOISELESS LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE MADE. LARGEST HAITOFACTURKR III TUB WORLD, PHILADELPHIA, PA* V, 8. A Onr Plant Covers Over Three Acres of Floor Space—We are Always Prepared to Snow 100 Pictures In Life Motion In Our Show Room. AFTER 4 YEARS OF UNBOUNDED ARTISTIC AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS IN EUROPEAN CAPITALS, HADJI LESSIK THE MARVELOUS ARAB WHIRLWIND GUN SPINNER AND SEN- SATIONAL EXPERT MANIPULATOR OF FIREARMS, BACKED WITH SPECIAL ORIENTAL SCENERY SETTINGS, COSTUMES, AND MOORISH MUSIC, Will be at Liberty to aooept ftrst class engagements In America, for a period of one year only, commencing about Sept. 15, 1003. On March 2, 1903,1 start on Mega A Thornton tonr of Empires (4th time over) in following order: Leeds, Hull, New- castle, South Shields, Edinburgh, Glaegnw, Belfaet, Lublin, Liverpool, Sheffield, Bradford, Grimsby I Hippodrome), Birmingham. July and August, Syndicate Halls. London. CONTINENTAL ENGAGEMENTS. During four years spent abroad I have enormously strengthened this act by adding a number of European Novelty ^. Feature Tricks, elevating it to the position of STRICTLY FIRST CLASS DRAWING ATTRACTION. Correspondence safer sent cars the powerful and Influential agente, ANGER & BAUER, 60 Rupert St., Coventry St., London West. J WIRE ARTISTS rMRLM»MMJ»TB8. c^ROOHRslnil W Deisn, «... BOo. Wholesale Supply ■*» «•«••». .... $5.80 Chicago, 111., C. 8. Large catalogue with illustrations of new qnlck sollors, showing now to make. them. Largest line or wire made h jioulallv tnr wire men. Don't bay Wire, Beads, Cat Ryes, Shells or Bangles, till you see our new Catalogue, ready April. Send permanent address lor free cony, R0OHR8 THURMAN oi CO., Wire Artists' Wholesale Supply House, MS Dearborn St. Chicago, 111., V. s. A, AL. W. MARTIN'S ENTERPRISES, W. C. CUNNINGHAM, General Manager, Al. W. Martin, Solo Owner. It was olabonttoly set, and the cast of characters was more tflfcn nntlsfactory.-HOMK, N. V., DAILl" 8ENT1NKL, Pel). 24,1003. AL W. MARTINS SM,0OO REVIVAL OF "TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM" OKI), al. K0RKPAU11I, Ac! Ing Ugr. Mr. Martin, without doubt, gives the most perfect production of the old play ever seen here.—CO HOES, N. Y., REPUBLICAN, Fob. 21, 1003. AL W. MARTIN'S •30,000 PRODUCTION OF ••UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." ED. 8. MARTIN, Traveling Mgr. WEWILL DEED 200 FINELY LOCATED LOTS In a charming New York suburb (on a beautiful lake near the salt water), having SO stores, 8 stomas*, 3 banks, lino schools, otc, to the IIM tOO NEW YORK CLIPPER readers answering tills advertisement, for simple cost of making deeds. Now here Is a ehnnco lor a homo on Long Island, wliero your leisure hours can bo passed In happiness and profit. The best of fishing and flno crabbing. For full particulars, with bird's-eye view, call at ll's ofllco or write at once, to 1UVEKIIEAI) LAUD CO., 1133 Broadway, New York. S HBitTTT dancing sLV/lnrf tL I I , JUGGLER. Siepan & Weil, 110 AND 112 GREENE ST. (near Prince), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,... Tints, Wigs,... THEATRICALJEWELRYj 6oH § Sllrer Trimmlnjs, Spangles, Ete. SEND tot*. FOR CATALOGUE No. 4. Send lots, for Catalogue No. 5. Bend tots. for Catalogue No. 6. We sens' ejataS C, 0. 0., subject to Inspection, but require ■ Deposit en sll Orders. LAWYER GEORGE ROBINSON, St NASSAU ST., N. T. may Tims.) MM BROADWAY, gtt ST~7fcv»nln«V> LOOP DE LOOP, Latest legitimate Cigar Slot Michine, $6.00. Alt other kinds, new land second handed.*! Write for bargain list. NOVELTY CO,, tie N. 4lh/Pblla„ Pa. Send S cents for l on Catalogue and Price List of onr latest designs of theatrical lamps. We also carry In stock Moving Clouds, Lightning and Fire photographed from nature, which gives per- spective that can not be accomplished by the de- sign being painted on iasB. Also have Haiti- oir, Water Ripple, Sand Storm, Rain and Snows. New and novel effects made to order. Estimates cheerfully given on every- thing In the ELECTRICAL theatrical line. Follow- ing is a partial list of NEW YORK CITY PRO- DUCTIONS that I put on fastBeason: "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" at'the Broadway Theatre ;5"Soldlere of Fortune" at the Savoy; "A Gentleman of France," at Wallack's; Henrietta Croaman, at the Republic; Amelia Bing- ham, at the Bijou; "A Chinese Honeymoon," at the Casino, "Foxy Grandpa," at the Fourteenth Street; "Arizona," at the Academy; E. H. Sothern, "III Were King," at the Garden. DON'T FOTMET THE NUMBER, NEW YORK 1237-1239 BROADWAY, Self-playing BRASS BANDINSTRUMENTS n can play them on slghtl Noleamtngl For Med. Shows, Vandevffle_Artj8la, Burlesone Cos. ...ding Towns, etc. BIG SPECIAL OFFER, 1 SOLID BRASS CORNETTO 290. POSTPAID. ■»,«■ 4*a ^a* B SfetJaV,*?! S**.a Says: "My Zobo Band tsahowUng socoesa!" IV1 A^ w ^ ■ sTC W B ff^a stop wandering in tbe dark, write us today and get wise. BTBATJB8 MFO. 00., Pepi. 87, 142-lif w. 14th Bt„ New York City. I An Organized Brass Band of 12 Pieces, to Double in Orchestra, Wanted, for Spring Season, COMMENCING MAT 1, INDIVIDUAL MUSICIANS, who Double inOrchestra: MD8I0ALTEAM, to Double Brass and Play two Strong Juvenile Parts (send photographB): TALL HEAVY MAN who Plays Brass; COMEDIAN (LOW), who Plays Brass. GOOD ENGAGEMENT FOR GOOD PEOPLE. Patrons of the Whiskey Trust, Dls organizers and Amateurs, remain quiescent. I pay board. Lowest salary first letter. Address ROBERT J. WARD, Manager Lotbrop'a Opera House, Worcester, Mass, PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Blnterthlnment. Proctor's 5th Are. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proetor'a 58th St. Theatre, Proctor's 125th St. Theatre, Proetor'a Newark Theatre, Proetor'a Albany Theatre, Proetor'a Montreal Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WANTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. It you do not receive a reply, It may be because tbe time Is filled; you are therefore advised to write again In fonr weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp lor reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: * ne Slots of acts; If can open and close In one: IXACT time of acta, and of "close In;" billing; for newspapers and programmes: and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ABTI8TS to tbe RISK OF CANCELATION, VAUDEVILLE BEHBAR8ALS MONDAYS, 8 to 11 o'clock A. M., SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Flay Agents, ad- dress J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. Vaudeville Artists and Players, address P. F. PR OCTO R JR. , Booking Department, I'HTM AVE. THEATRE, N.T. CITY. Wanted, for Frank Adams' Siothern Show, TWO GOOD PERF0RMER8 FOR BIG SHOW. Man and wife preferred. Must do at least two acts each. Also good, sober Boss Canvas Man; top is aoxoo. I want a good Cook. I will pay cash for Troupe of e Small, Young, Well Trained Ponies, and want S Oood Dogs. I want to Buy a Small Elephant; it must be gentle. One that is broke to do a nloo little act preferred. Address FRANK ADAMS' SOUTHERN S110W, Trinity, Ala. EZRA. KENDALL'S 2D BOOK—ALL NEW 3GGD QRAVY-^ , o r r e .'°;tt 0 o D I ltand SPOTS Ezra —Of Wit and Humor. ra Kendall's 1st sold. Hy Hall, 24c. esch. Addles) EZRA KENDALL, M South 7th Ave., Mt. Vemon, N. Y. j HARBACH'S MAGIC LANTERNS, THE ACME S0N6 ILLUSTRATOR. Flex Professional Stereoptbn, f]C 00. With Short or Long Focus .Lenses, if 111 ■ Serpentine and Cloak Effects. SONG SHOES 40 AND 50cts, EACH. Dissolving Stereoptieons, {Ell BEST 2 STORY—NICKEL FINISH. if UU UNIVERSAL EDISON BXHIBIT0RS ' KINETOSCOPES. SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGUES OF FILMS, FILMS, Fill. Everything in Projecting Machines and Slides. For Sale, also Wanted. HIM ICOSSSSe? Fer Sale, Very Powerful, Wide Rang Searcl LIGHT, with Rheostat; 6,000 Candle Power; h« vertical and horizontal movement. Forparllc'ila" address BR1GGS REAL ESTATE CO., Peoria, IU. MISCELLANEOUS. -=Te i M. 8TRA8SMAN ATTORNEY, US BnMdWt*. V- T. Olty. *»^e*er^^at»^*^»4**>« a t«V*^*^V^^^»^sw*at%***itV «*WV»«^ Fer KIDNEY TROUBLES"' CATARRH of tfte BLADDER Curst AH DlsoharflH I" ,psulej>e»»« me %IMAL Audi SWUM •""> counterfeit* 2j