The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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u THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. March 14 — NotM from the Mabel Paige Co.: The 6remit KMon :» the crowning triumph of [Im Paige's career. Week atter week, night after nlgbt, the theatre* bar* been crowded to tbe doom to see this charming little atar. Thle season Mlae Paige baa broken many noaae recorda. Tbe ladtee of tbe South have entertained ber more thli eeaaon than ever before, end her ladle*' matlneea— "Mabel'* matinees." a* they are termed—are tbe event of eacb week, and are filled at each performance. Mlae Paige will open on March 28 at Newport New*. Va„ for a ten week*' stock engagement Tht* will be the flrat repertory company to play tbe Lealb circuit of theatre*. Messrs. Willard * Co. will glTe to tbe public two magnificent road production*, fully equipped with • car load of scenery and electrical and mechanical effect*, In 1908-4. Mabel Paige open* ber aeason Aug. IT, at Wllkeabarre, Pa., wltu the faecvlest production and the beat caet erer carried by a road company, carrying two white Shetland ponies for tbe elaborate production of "Cinderella," for ladlee and children. Tbe Paige Comedy Co., beaded by Taos. B. De Pew, will open In Cumber- land, Md., Aug. 10. also carrying a special car for scenery, electrical effects ana two white ponies for a special comedy, written for Mr. De Pew, but which lias not been named. This company will number eighteen people, with three special vaudeville acta. — Joseph W. Frankel waa a Clippbh caller March 4. He stated tbat tbe Howard Kyle Co., with which be bad been connected for tbe past two seasons, closed Feb. 28. at Kenosha, Wis. The company returned to New York. Mr. Frankel contemplates open- ing a theatrical press bureau, and bas al- ready secured a number of prominent at* traction*. — Frederick Brening bas signed for neat •eason with the National Stock Co., under the management of Joe Llspky. Mr. Bren- ing will apend the Summer at Springfield, O., and West Baden Springs. — Helen Carral, leading woman of "The Two Little Waifs" Co, waa compelled to close With tbat company Feb. 28, at Akron, O. She received a telegram at the matinee ■fating tbat ber sister was very HI in Chi- cago, and not expected to live, and abe left Immediately after tbe show Saturday nlgbt. Her sister passed away Tuesday nlgbt. Francl* Flerlot, ber husband, and comedian of tbe same company, closed with her. — Frank Harcourt, of Harcourt and May, wbo baa been confined In tbe St. Loula Bap- tl*t Hoipltal, and bad to leave the cast of "A Millionaire Tramp" Co., waa recently discharged from tbe hospital. His wife, Fannie May, will remain with tbe company for tbe remainder of tbe season, Tbey will play vaudeville datea next Summer. — Geo. A. Chenet wilt A Hot Old Time' Is keeping up It* record as one of tbe banner business attractions on the road. Dullness in Boston waa one of the beat week* ever In the Grand Opera House, not- withstanding tbe fact that It was tbe first wock Id I/€nt " — Henrietta Croaman's ■ production of "Tbe Sword of the King," which was de- stroyed by fire In Cincinnati, was Insured for ten thousand dollars. Miss Crosman'f Jiersonel loss was about five thousand do!- arks. She reopens ber aeason at the Orand Opera House, Chicago, Monday night, March U, In "The Sword of the King." Miss Cros- man'a company lost only three night* be- cause of the fire. She reopened ber tour on Monday, Marcb 2, at Plqua, 0., presenting another of ber plays, "Madeline," the pro- duction of which was luckily not In tbe theatre. While the new production of "The aword of tbe Kin*" waa completed In ten days, Mr, Campbell says It will be even finer tban tbat destroyed. — Notes from tbe Demorest Comedy Co.: Owing to tbe satisfaction our company gave In Cartersvllle last week tbe prominent cltl- sens, the Bed Men and other lodges prevailed upon us to remain three nlgbt* longer, re- peating our elaborate productions of ''Damon and Pythias," "Ingomar" and "Under Two Flags.'' We did not play our Savannah date In consequence. Our scenic effects for the sand sioixa in "Under Two Flag*" arrived last week. Leo Williams, our electrician, will operate tbe same. We wl*h The Old Uiliabli many happy returns of the "me- morial day." — The New York Theatrical Stock Ex- change was incorporated at Albany, N. Y., last week, with a capital stock of lioo.OOO. Tbe Incorporators are William H. Haworth, Nicholas Blshoprlck, John Hayes. Edward Okel Jr. and David Balllngal. The object of the concern I* stated to be the operating of amusement places and theatrical perform- ances. — Forbes Robertson and Gertrude Elliott and their entire London company are coming to America to present "The Light that Failed," They will open In New York City In November, under Kiaw A Erlanger's man- agement. — "The Young Ml** Pettlfer," a roman- tic comedy, by w. Gayer Mackay and Rob- ert Ord, was given Its first production on any stage at tbe Colonial Theatre, Peeks kill, N. Y., on Monday, March 2. by the Earl of Itoslyn (professionally known as James Braklne) and his company. The cast: Hon. Richard Derlng. Jame* Braklne; Lord Annealey, J. B. Robertson; Major Cov- entry, Btlenne Glrardot: Richard Pettlfer, C. J. Bell; Michael, Wlllam Owen; Rev. Walter Brosley, Charles Dllke; Clement, Wlllam Thome ; Josephine. Pauline Knight; Mevanwe. William Norma Hood; Ruth Spen- der. Doris Dlgby; Prlscllla Pettlfer, Miss Felix Morris: Penelope Pettlfer. Janet Bar rlngton; Rechenda Pettlfer. Beatrice Irwin. — Stuart Robson waa taken 111 last week with acute asthma, and la at his borne In Ne'.v York City, Ills manager, Daniel V. Att.aur, has canceled hla tour for two weeks, t* Jnnlng March 2. — Shakespeare's "Othello" has been trani- lated and localised for Japanese presentation, and noted Japanese actors are arranging for tbe production. Tbe Moor becomes a Japanese general, Florence become* Toklo, ana Cyprus 1* Formosa. Deedemona la Lo- mone, a Japanese maiden. — "Happy Hooligan" Notes: The route sheet of Gus mil's "Happy Hooligan" Co. ■how* tbat It has covered a distance of over nineteen thousand miles *o far tht* •eason. A greater part of this haa been made In special trains. During the three weeks' trip from Denver to New Orleans, which carried the company through tbe Im- portant Colorado ana Texas towns, the ■peelal can were objects of great Interest In all places visited. The entire equipment waa furnlahed by the Pullman Company, and waa composed of their latest Improved sleepers and combination coaches, The cars were aeventy-two feet In length, painted a royal blue, with aluminum trimmings, and finished Inside with maple and Italian cedar. The entire train waa outlined with Incan- dearest lights, the power being supplied by a dynamo in the baggage car. Traveling at night, the effect was something to cause wonderment to tbe native observers. In spite of the steady downpour of rain In Texas the company did capacity business In every city. —Tom Marks, manager ot Mark* Bros.' Co., who has been playing Michigan and Wis- coniln thli season, goes Into Canada for ■ix weeks, returning again to Michigan to flnlah the remainder of the season, playing return date*, Tbe company, we are In- formed, have been playing to capacity every- where. Mr. Mark* haa hla company booked solid for next season; be also naa secured five royalty play* with apeclal paper and scenery, which he will feature In hi* reper- tory. — Ben. S. Hlggln* and Anpa Stoddard i Mr*. U. 8. Illgglsi) have been engaged for Hurtig A Seamon's "A Woman's Sacrifice" Co. — Notes from the Click Stock Co.: We commenced our career on Canadian soil at Chatham. We opened to 8. it. O., and the first four nlgbt* were tbe largest in tbe his- tory of the bouse. Tbe best ot satisfac- tion bas been given, end tbe company was warmly received In their effort* to please. The house for "East Lynne" was sold out, and Manager Bretco I* anxious for a re- turn date. Harry T. Ollck I* elated over the succesa and tremendous hit his company baa made. Few changes have been made In tbe company. Ja*. C. and Oeraldln* Godley. M. J Kennedy, Robt. Turner, A. C. Davl* and Leila Ollck are of tbe old com- pany, and their really fine work I* greatly admired. Virginia Bannister Is a recent addition to the company. She ha* a fine stage presence, and Is capable of doing clever work. Mr. and Mrs. Lope* Joined us re- cently. Wm. Pattle, a sweet tenor singer, late of HI Henry's Minstrel*, score* heavily In his singing specialty. We have occasion, now and then, to use the veteran Harry Glick In character parts, and the old man hasn't forgot how. TBI Old Billable Is still a welcome visitor, and we appreciate It as much as we do "the man In wblte," who baa not failed to come around eacb Wednesday. We are booked for quite a stay, and If Chatham Is any criterion of bow business la Harry T. ollck will close with a good profit. We wish Tin Old Heliabli another fifty years of success. — Chas. H. Callahan Notes: I. V. Stre- blg baa resigned from tbe management of "A Romance of Coon Hollow," to resume a position with Forepangb A Sell*' Circus, and has been replaced by Archibald Allen for the reat of this season. The "Coon Hollow" Co. I* now playing return dates In many towns, giving a new version of "Fogg's Fer- ry." Frank Merrltt Joined the ''Pennsyl- vania" company In De* Moines last week, to play the Irish comedy part. H. Scott Slddone has made a strong Impression In the leading role of the same play. A new version of "Oliver Twist" was given last week at the American Theatre, In New York. The play, which I* built upon mod- ern line*. Is by Charles E. Callahan. It will be Improved, provided with complete scenery and sew printing, and will be put upon the road next season. It will be called "Nancy Bykes," and a well known actress has been secured for tbe name part. Tbe "Coos Hollow" company bas been se- cured to give a performance of "New Fogg's Ferry" during Easter week In Morrlstown, N. J„ for the benefit of St. Columbanus Council, C. Zl. r,. Scenic Artist Jame* Fox Is about to construct an entire new outfit of scenery for "A Romance of Coon Hol- low" for next season. He will also add to tbe "Pennsylvania" equipment, Arnold Beeves baa made a decided bit with the "Coon Hol- low" company aa leading man and stage manager. — Notes from the Maud Henderson Co.: We closed a successful week at Concord, Mich., Feb. 28. During our stay we made many friends. On Saturday evening, after tbe performance, a banquet was given the company by Wm. and Frank Houghton, at their club rooms. The efforts put forth by tbe hosts to entertain were more than ap- preciated by every member of tbe company. On Sunday evening a dinner was prepared at the home of Mrs. Frank Bough ton, and It was enjoyed by us all. Our roster re- mains the same. Tbe Old Reliable ap- pears every Sunday morning. •—Gus. Koblke, the general stage manager end producer of all of Que Hill's attractions, writes to icy that he Is very busy arranging all new musical number* for the companies that ore to play tho Fourteenth Street Theatre. Mr. Bohlke haa been very suc- cessful this season, having produced four- teen (how* with success. He will have his own production next season, opening on Broadway In September. —Tbe "Jesse James" Co., under the man- agement of Fred Godding, closed a aeason of thirty weeks at Parkersburg, W. Va. t March 8. Mr. Godding writes tbat he will head hi* own comedy company next tea- ion, In a repertory of comedy drama*. . —.Violet Barney, owing, to her- .severe- lllne**, ha* been forced to cancel all engage- ment*. — McDougall-La Vaunt Co. Notes: Co- rlnne La Vaunt has recovered from ber Ill- ness, and we ore once more on the road. ThlB I* the third week since MIis La Vaunt's recovery, and buslnesa has been from good to packed. We have dispensed with our band, and sow carry a piano player only, and find we do lust as much business. We are In our third year, and have no cause to complain, a* we have established a reputation for tbe company, and Miss La Vaunt la an establlahed favorite everywhere the company bas played during tbe past three years. Several offer* of Summer park* In Michigan and the South have been received, but have not decided on any one yet. We received alx copies of the me- morial number of The Clipfib, having ordered them from Chicago for fear the local dealer would be abort It 1* a beauti- ful Issue, and the cover alone is worth tbe price. — Arthur E. Herbat writes: "On March 0 I close with the Orleotal Burlesque Co. a pleasant and prosperous engagement, asd will Immediately Join Chas. Edwards' Stock Co., a* advance agent." — Oille Halford Stock Note*: Arthur De Voy ha* Joined a* leading man. Frederic Seward haa recovered from bis Illness, and has rejoined. Barrow Le Paige mourns the loss of his infant boy. Mr. Brents bas placed aa order for an entire new Use of paper for next season for hi* Eastern and Southern companies, all tbe paper to be In four colors. Tbe Southern company will be under the management of Harry E), Anderson, and will star Baby Wava. A feature will be made of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" for Saturday mati- nee, and a car load of scenery will be carried with this company, to make it one ot the best companies In tbe South. — Notes from tbe Alma Chester Co.: Last week found the company at Elisabeth. N. J., where we played to an excellent week'* busi- ness. On Tuesday of this week the Elisabeth Lodge of Elks attended In a body, and after tbe performance gave the company a recep- tion. During tbe week our star and the com- pany were tho recipients of many social af- fairs. Derby, Conn., la the laat stand tbls attraction makes In the East, thence to New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, where the company has twelve more weeks to play. — "The Knickerbocker Girl," a musical comedy, by Alfred B. Aaron* and George Totten Smith, waa presented for the first time on any stage at the Columbia Theatre, Boston, Mass., Tuesday evening, March 8. The company I* headed by Josephine Hall, and in the support are: William Armstrong, Felix Haoey, Grace Belmont, Nellie Beau- mont, Lillian Bond, Nina Randall, W. H. Sloan, Richard Lee, John J. Raffael, Edgar Halatead, J. Allen. Prelich, Sadie Long, Gwendolln Coate, Alice Clifford and others. — Lord-Holloway Comedy Co., Notes: O. C. Stone Joined us at Hlckson, Minn., and his act, "I've Been There Too,' 1 aatlated by Frank Holloway. Is one of the talking bits of tbe ahow. Tom Lyle was compelled to close at tbe lame place on account of a severe attack ot Illness. Clever Conkey Is still with us, doing principal Dutch comedy end specialties between acts. He will take n trip to the South shortly for his heslth, but expect* to return In time for camp sea- son. Our roster: Kd. M. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway, H. C. Stone. Gus. Helemrath, Babe Helemrath, Fred Wadelle, Vella Terry, Lucy Franklin, and Clever Conkey. —Maude Adams ssiled Isst week for Liverpool, Intending, It Is said, to confer with Charles Frohman In London about her appearance In a new play next season. She appeared to be In good health. — Bhe Lorraine Co, Notes: Despite the fact tbat this is Lent, we continue "pack- ing them In," and both press and public In every city visited proclaim this to be one of the strongest organlsstlons of Its kind tbey bave ever witnessed. Manager Elwyn bas selected a repertory of playa tbat seem* to fit his people, and as a result he has people who tit hi* plays. This i* no "general business" concern, but performer* In their especial line* are engaged for tbe part* corresponding, and therein lies the secret of tbe success of tbe Lorraine Co. Tbe roster Includes: Lome Elwyo, manager; Rhe Lor- raine, sole owner and proprietor; Theo. W. Cameron, Frederick J. Harvey,- William Mack, Nell Hlckey, Jack Mathews, Sam Archer, Tom Smith, Billy Daley, W. H. Henry. Alexander I. Ligari, Geo. Murphy, Katberlne Jamison, Carrie Garlow, Dorothy Morris, Maud Robinson and Master Willie Barbour, the boy baritone, whose voice and rendition of the latest Illustrated songs are a sensation In every city visited. Without exception and exaggeration, thla little lad possesses tbe sweetest and most powerful voice of any boy singer we have ever en- countered, and both press and public are en- thusiastic in their praise of his most artistic work. His manager and uncle. Theo. W. Cameron, bas received several flattering offers for htm next season, but ha* promised Manager Elwyn to make no contract at this time. In addition, the head liners. Archer and Garlow, comedy musical act, continue to please the masses In their or- iginal wit and humor, while Neil Hlckey, In bis parodies, and Billy Mack, In his mono- logue specialties, make them forget they ever knew a "blue" day. — Arthur Savidge closed with tbe Lyceum Comedy Co., after a season of thirty week*, and Joined the Empire Stock Co., at Le Boy, HI., for tbe Spring and Bummer season, to do part* and his singing end dancing spe- cialties. — Notes from Wlnnlnger Bros.' Own Co.: Through a recent "ad" la The Clip- per, we negotiated and closed contracts with the beat people obtainable In tbelr re- spective lines of business for a number one repertory attraction. We open our sixth season May 4, at Wausau, Wis., with a com- pany of eighteen people, including a band and orchestra and play over our establlahed territory at tbe head of the Great Lakes during the Summer, — Notes from Sweet's "Messenger Boy" Co.: Our company has been laying off at Eldon, la., for tbe past two weeks to re- organize. We opened here last night to good business. Our roster Is as follows: Geo. D. Sweet, manager; Chas. L. Douglass, stage manager: Prof. Clayton C. Pratt musi- cal director; Ed. O'Donnell, band master; Cal. P. Coast, mister of props; Beatrice Terry, Dott Ray. Eugenie Dougal, Flo. Hun- ger, Marjorle Sweet, L. D. Sweet, W. J. Mead, C. L Myers. Peter J. McNamara, and Pratt Doollttle. We are booked solid until June 14. *■» FOREIGN SHOW NEWS. "Deb Fechteb von Ravenna," a tragedy, In five acts, by Frledrich Halm, was pro- duced at tbe Lulsen Theatre, Berlin, Jan. 80. "The Adoption or Archibald," a comedy. Id three acts, by Edgar Selwya. was acted at the Theatre Royal, Worthing, EDg., Feb. 2. "A Snog Little Kingdom, a comedy. In three acts, by Mark Ambient, was presented at the Royalty Theatre, London, Jan. 81. "A Queen of Society," a new and original drama. In three acta, by Cecil Raleigh, was seen at the Adelpbl Theatre, London, Feb. 5. "Jack's Sweetheart," a musical comedy. In three acts, by Fletcher Saneome, composed by Adolphe Leopold, was produced at the Theatre Royal, Workington, Eng., Feb. 2. "TBI Gbeatest Scoundbel Living," a sensational drama. In four acta, by McLeod Loader, waa produced, for playrlght pur- Soses, at the New Theatre, St. Helens, Bug., an. 20. "Tbe Devil Wobbhipfbbb," a new drama. In four acts, by Arthur Shirley and Eric .. Hudson, .was acted, for stage right purposes, at the Royal Theatre, Leigh, Eng., Jan. 28:" "A Hkion or Tobbob," a play, In five act*, by Clarke Claypole, was presented, for play- rlght purposes, at the Queen's Theatre, Longton. Eng., Jan, 22. "Deb Raub deb Sabinebinnin," a farcical comedy, In four acts, by Franz and Paul von Schonthan, was seen at the German Theatre, London, Jan, 81. "Sanatorium Siebenbebo," a volks play, In five nets, by Adolf L'Arrasge, waa pro- duced at the Berllser Theatre, Berlin, Feb. 7. "The Misfit Mantle," a farcical comedy, In a prologue and three acta, by Charles Glelg, was presented at tbe Opera House, Cork. Ireland, Feb. 9, "The Father or Heb Child," a domestic drama, In four act*, by Arthur Shirley and Forbes Dawson, was produced at the Royal West London Theatre. London, Feb. 8. "Shadowed Lives," a drama. In four acts, by Herbert Cotteamore and Arthur Harris- son, was seen at the Bennington Theatre, London, Feb. 8. "A Clean Slate," a comedy, In three acts, by B. C. Carton, was produced at the Cri- terion Theatre, London, Feb. 10. "The Lioht that Failed," a play. In a prologue and three acts, adapted by "George Fleming" from Rodyard Kipling's novel, was {•resented at the Lyric Theatre, London, !"eb. 7. "A Maker or Comedies," a one act comedy, by Clotllde Graves, was acted at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, Feb. 0. "Lbs Qaietes du Vbtvaob," a farcical comedy. In three acts, bv M. Grenet-Dancourt, was presented at the Theatre Ctuny, Pari*, Feb. 10. "Laughter Land," a musical, mystical pantomlmlcal comedy, In three acts, by W. T. nnd W. McClellan. was acted et the Artillery Theatre, Woolwich, Eng., Feb. 0. "A itoofE'B runniiTicB," a drama. In four acts, by M. Hall-Page, was produced, for playrlght purposes, at tbe Theatre Royal, Macclesfield, Eng., Feb. 4. "A Prr* nr Sin," a drama, In four acts, by Arthur Shirley and W. Muskerry Tllson, was acted at the Surrey Theatre, London, Feb. 0. "A Lira's Stout," a drama, In four acts. hv Fred Burton, was presented at the Theatre Royal, Stratford, Ene.. Feb. 8. "Dab Cluck in Winkel," a three act dramn. bv Herrmann Suderman, was per- formed at the German Theatre, London, Feb. 10. "Lb Tabs*." an opera. In three acta and six scenes, libretto by M. Juice and Pierre Barbler, music by Eugene d'Harcourt, was produced at the Monte Carlo Theatre, Feb. "Der Reiki: Mann," a farce, to four acts, hv Felix Doermsnn, was acted at the Neues Theatre, Berlin, Feb. 18. "Resubbxction," a drama, In four acts, adapted from Tolstoi's novel, by Henry Ba- tnllle nnd Michael Morton, was presented at Hla Majesty's Theatre, London. Feb. 17. "La FAMti.ift Bolero." a vaudeville. In three acts, by Maurice Hennequln snd Paul Rllhaud, was produced at the Nouveautes Theatre. Tarls, Feb. 14. "Britannia," a naval sketch, written by Arthur Shirley, music by Deorge Le Bniri, was ee*n at the Paragon Theatre, London, Feb. IB, "Francbhca," a play, by Alarlc Burton, was produced at the Athenaeum, Glasgow, Scot.. Feb. 18. "Din Vebrbnkene Clocks," a fairy play, In five arts, by Herbert Hauptmann. was produced at the German Theatre, London, Feb. 11. ■»»» Why Not See Nlasrara Fallst You can do so with no extra expense If you travel by tbe New Tork Central Hues—Arte. Uaudetille and minstrel, Nona VBOK the Lucieb Famous Min- strels. —We closed a season of forty weeks Feb. 21, and are mora tban pleased with our success, both artistically and finan- cially. Never In tbe history of this organi- sation has business been so good, the S. R. O. sign being displayed live- nights out of alx. The Lucler Minstrels waa organised In 181)0, and toured tbe New England States until 1898, at which time we were engaged with vaudeville and other attrac- tion*, touring the South and West also Mexico and Cuba. Last season we returned to our minstrel company, and It la very gratifying to have manager* receive us with open arms, and tbe public with over- flowing house*. The company Is now re- organising for its Spring and Bummer tour. and next season, with everything new, and being booked solid, promise* a most profita- ble trip. The company la still headed by J. R. Lucler, the noted blind cornet so- loist, and the Four Lucler*, "Monarch* of the Musical World." waxli and Lottie Hblbton dosed In New Orleans, with French'* Sensation, after a luccesful season, asd returned East to Philadelphia to Miss Heliton'a home, to rest for s week or so. In the meantime they will get new costume* tor their act, also new songs. Tub Three Mascots are playing concert*. They appeared at the benefit of Thomas Hay- den, tbe blind actor, at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, and were entnuilaatlcally received. Their singing and dancing Is said to be exceptionally clever. Frank Millard reports meeting with suc- cess in his rube talking and singing act, with tbe "Brown'* In Town" Co. Geo. W. Little, business manager of Hutchison Bros.' Minstrels, write*: "Tbe Hutchison Brother* are as busy a* beavers getting everything In order for next aeason. They will bave a minstrel company second to none, and tbe equipment for the parade and first part will be the swelleet ever. The band and orchestra will be composed of the best musicians to be had. Sam K Hutchison will leave for New York next week, and ex- pects to close contracts with the greatest novelty ever put on by a minstrel company. Time is filling rapidly, and we will be ready for tbe curtain on Aug. 10." John F. Webber, who played the Northern general In "Tactics," with tbe Barrows- Lancaater Co., bas acquired tbe sole right from them to produce tbelr farclal one act comedy, entitled "A Thoroughbred," Mr. Webber will present this dramatic offering for a Spring asd Summer tour In tbe vaude- ville houses. It will be Interspersed with specialties by a clever cast of people. Mr. Webber will play tbe part of Major Wil- liam*, which was so successfully created by Jas. 0. Barrow*. D. E. Hollis and Valoba, comic jugglers, are In their eleventh week at the Gran Clrco Teatro Orrln, City of Mexico, where, they Inform us, their act Is meeting with success. Latot Bbos., comedy acrobats, bave closed ten week* with Kslght A Decker's Min- strels, asd are now with HI Henry's Min- strels for the remainder of thla season. Tbelr recent Clipper "ad.," they write, brought them tempting offers for next season. Geo. B. Gardner, of Gardner and Gardner, la In bis fifty-second week as manager of the Crystal Roof Garden, Jacksonville, Fla. Tbe bill for tbe week of March 2 Included: Frank K. Gardner, Prof. Parker and Flor- ence, Weaver and Lambert Lottie Nelson, Ada Lawrence, Etta Barnes, Katie Mayno, Tom Greer, Minnie Dupree, and the farce, "A Spring Chicken." Tbe middle man of tbe Bartelll Bros., ac- robats, was badly hurt Feb. 22, at Shomer Park. Montreal, Can. Tbey had to cancel Hamilton, Can.; Jeffer's Theatre, Saginaw, Mich., and also Grand Rapids. At. Lawrence la entirely booked for the remainder of this season and during tbe Summer. He and his wife, Joule Lawrence, iaiejslgned with "Looping tbe Loop'.' Co, for next season, to assume principal roles. Mr. Lawrence will Introduce his specialty. Vbbnon's Vaui'evilles, under the man- agement of Ben. B. Vernon, opens May 18 the third Summer season at tbe Long Island resorta E. Wot Bensley, the equilibrist, re- ports meeting with succesa doing his nov- elty foot juggling and floating wire acts with the Helena Pelletier Dramatic Co., touring Canada. Notes from Baker A Fonda's Burlesque Co.—We opened at the Cmur d'Alene Theatre, Spokane, Wash., Feb. 28, and made as emphatic hit. We ploy Spo- kane for a number of week*, with Portland, Seattle and Denver to follow, all re-en- gagements, proving the drawing power of our burlesque productions. Next season we will put out a company of twenty-two people, with an entirely new line of burlesque novelties. Bessie Keye* Tyler, our sou- bretto, is making a very nice hit with her coon melodies. Little Robbbt Nelson and company re- port meeting with success In the one act play. "HIb Best Friend." They bave juat finished the CaBto circuit. Wills and Hassan report meeting with great success with the Gran Clrco Orrln, In the City of Mexico, and will return to the States on April 18. Prince Abbas Bbn Omab, tbe Oriental dancer, of "A Scene In the Orient at Even- ing" Co., Is seriously 111 with congestion of the lungs. He has canceled all Immediate dates, and leaves for Hot Springs, In Vir- ginia, as soon aa he la able to travel. HI* mother, Princes* Hayba Bl-Ghur. and Prin- cess; Lai I a Torqula, will also be of the party. THE ABTHDB J. McWATTEBS AND GRACE Tyson Co. bos been making excellent Impres- sions everywhere It bas played In tbe latest act which Includes a Herrmann Illusion. Joan Db Gibanoies, ventriloquist, has been engaged by tbe Greenville, Pa., fire department for tbelr home talent minstrels, on April 14. ' Liella, "the American model," Judging from criticisms In the Syracuse papers, made a hit week of Feb. 28, at the Baatable The- atre, where she produced her act under the management of Robert Grau. While the act Is not a new one In vaudeville, Mme. Luella, It seems, ha* her own conception of tbe way In wbtch It should be produced In order to make It a pleasing act William Bakeb and Florence Bbock- way played Proctor'* One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street Theatre, this city, Sun- day, March 1, and were at Proctor'* Albany house week of March 2. They have a return date at Tony Pastor's early In June. Qua W. Hooan, manager for Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows Co., who has been con- fined to his bed for the past three weeks, has recovered, and Is once more attending to business. Herman Bosh, of Bush and Gordon, an- nounces bla marriage to Clara Koenlgsberg, In New York City, on March 8. W. A. and Lottie Bohhe have finished engagements at Tony Pastor'*, the Empire, Baltimore, and are this week at Jeffer's Theatre, Saginaw. Mich,, Tith the Kobl A Caatle circuit to follow. Habrt Blocksom has been obliged to cancel some bookings, owing to the death ot his father, who died in Georgetown, Del., and was burled there In the Union Cemetery, on Feb. 27, He was sixty-one year* of age. Owino to the serious Illness ot their mother the Clausen Sisters had to cancel the Howard, Boston, last week; also other good work. Eddie Lauont. musical performer. Is In hi* fifth week with De Rue Bros.' Merry Maker*, B> had previously been with "Rob- inson Crusoe" Co. among Tin "Gold Fish."— Boston Aquarium, No. 6, held a pleasant reun.oa at Bowdoln Square Hotel Feb. 27, initial ing seventeen new candidate*, tbe ceremon le* being conducted by King Whale ipii. Hart. "A special feature was the attend- ance of two of Boston's leading politicly n« Hon. John J. Cantwell and Hon. Peter no ban. both of whom made speeches which made great hits with the members, and i,th were unanimously elected honorary mom bera. A reception for all tbe "minnows" (tbe ladles) who will be playing la Uu*. ton will be held tbls week. ^ ^ u * BUOINB EliSWOBTH AMP MADOB Blrt presented their new sketch, "Catching a Train." at Saginaw, Mich., and It was a re- ported success. The manager* of Jelcr'a Theatre booked It for a return early in May. Ellsworth and Burt are booked ud until June 7 in tbe leading bouses of the West and will then go to Miss Buna Summer home at West port, Me. They in- tend laying aside their sketch, "Domestic Pets," their present vehicle, and will pre- sent "Catching a Train" exclusively next season. Jobn J. Welch, "the man in wblte," and Ella Clan*, ot tbe Clan* Bisters, were mar- ried In Chicago on March 2. Maude Flower AMD MmY C. Hxxbs have joined hand*, and are making a success with the Graham Specialty Co. Jobn B. Waller and Alice Maoill will shortly close with Roble's Knickerbockers and after a abort rest at their home In Brooklyn, N, x*., will resume thdr vaudeville work. Bobani and Navabbe have a novelty open- ing for their act In singing, dancing and contortion. Tbe Tbbib Richabdb played Asdersoa Park Theatre, Anderson, Ind., last week with Welleton, O., to follow. ' Arthur and Stock are in tbelr twenty- ninth week with the Wbo, What, Wheu Minstrels. Tbey have sdded a new novelty to tbelr singing and dancing, which, tbey state, la a big success. iMb. and Mbb. Bbnist Lewis will be known hereafter as Ernest and Madge Lewis Instead of the Lewis'. Jobn F. Sibabt, "the Irish Senator," has closed with the New York Vaudeville Co. Aib Wayne, of Wayne and Lamar, was made a member of tbe Lynn. Mass, Aerie of Eagle*, No. 278, on Sunday, March 1. The team Is well booked up until August. Abmbtbong, Baker and Abubtbono are In tbelr thirteenth week featuring the bill with the Wine, Woman and Sosg Co. Mr. Armstrong's wife (Annie) was seriously hurt last week while riding the 'cycle whirl, and had to go to ber home In Philadel- phia. The brother of Gllda Cannon, of tbe Two Cannons, died In Philadelphia on Tues- day, March 8. He was a non-professional. Wbalbn and McDonall report success In their new comedy dramatic sketch, and write tbat they win star in a new farce comedy next aeason. Lowe and Edwabds write; "We were at the Arcade, Toledo, 0., last week. Our work was well appreciated there, and our In- struments were considered the finest In tbe business." Violet Mabcottx ha* been again en- gaged to produce burlesque at the Howard, Boston, Mass., her second season there, and opened March 0. Alfred Gbbis, monologue comedian, of Brooklyn, reports success this season among clubs, lodges, etc. Habiell and Reynolds have dissolved partnership. Ab. Reynold* will hereafter work atone, singing parodies only, and haa signed with Clark's New BoyalB for next season. Frank and Sadie Habbioan did not play the Bowdoln Square Museum. Boston, laat week, but appeared at the Jettersonlan Club and for the Harrison Wheelmen, In this city. Koppb wrltea: "While playing Philadel- phia. March 2, the following people were highly entertained by the Twentieth Century Quaker Society: Cross and Holden. Alice Cheslyn, Koppe, Phil and Carrie Russell, Luna, Cooper, McDevltt and Kelly, Wm. Block and Chas. Riley."" Cbas. Heclow, singing asd eccentric ac- robatic comedian, Ja filling a special two weeks' engagement with the La Lol Fuller Co. He writes that he Is booked nearly solid In Western parks for the coming Sum- mer, and will begin an engagement of twelve weeks In England on Sept 28, 1908. Collins and Hast write of their success in Omaha. They have Kausae. City and New Orleans to follow and are booked solid to April 27. They state tbat they have played steadily eight months without losing a week. Mast Williams, late of Netter and Wil- liam*, bas assumed tbe management of the Garden Gate Theatre, Virginia, Minn. The Three Renos closed Feb. 28 with the Dot Karroll Co., at West Chester, Pa. They report a success at the Empire The- atre. Baltimore, last week, and are this week at the Manhattan Theatre, Norfolk, Va., pro- ducing a new act. Musical Thob I* In his second week over the Keith circuit, and report* meeting with marked favor. Antrim and Petbbs have been very auc- cessful, they write. In their new sketch, "A Meal Under Difficulties." They then go on the Sheedy circuit, with tbe Casto cir- cuit to follow. Snider and Buckley write: "We were fj>8*ged by H. Shea to play Weber & Field*' parts In the 'Fiddle-Dee-Dee' Co., but as Mr. Shea adjusted tbe difficulties with Rice and Cauy we close with the company this week, as Mr. Shea does not wish to keep our act aa a special attraction. We bave rebooted all our time that we had canceled and our time 1b filled up to tbe end of May." The BcornLM closed their "Two Fid- dlln' Rubes" Co. In Wynee, Ark., on Feb, Zl, and are at their home, Is Antlgo, where they remain until May 1, when they open In Chanute, Kan,, In camp, tor tbe Summer season. Maooie Meyers announces her marriage at Niagara Falls. N. Y., on March 4, to Arthur Graser, a non-professional. Mrs. WWW will retire from the stage. McCune and Grant (Frank and May) report meeting with succesa In their comedy acrobatic and horizontal bar act. Tbey Joined the Bennett-Moulton Co. last week, for the rest of this aeason, and then start on their park datea. The Gbbat Inman, contortionist has Joined hand* with the European contortion- ist, Warner Alberts, and tbe team will here- after be known as the Ismans, doing an original double contortion act, on aerial flying rings, and will sail on March 28 for Liverpool, Eng., Mr. Albert's native home. Abthdb C. Woi* (Dlavolo) writes from Berlin, Get, under date of Feb, 23: "I was presented with a gold medal, containing a large diamond, from Director Albert Scbu- man. of Schnman's Circus, after an engage- ment of three months of looping the loop, which created a sensation here." John Cannon, of the Two Cannons, writes: "After a three month*' Illness with astbmn and paralysis ot tbe tongue I am able to resume working wltb my wife. At present we are playing clubs In Philadelphia. We have several week* booked on the New England circuit" . Bibon and Lanodow nave signed with Harry William* for next aeason. Humes and Lrwis, acrobatic clown and eireni queen, will be one of the apeclal attractions at the Military Carnival, Cat- skill, N. T„ week of March 28. Their time, they state, Is rapidly ailing at the leadlrg Summer resorts. Frederick La Dellb, magician, li filling an engagement with Smith A Clark's Stock Co.