The New York Clipper (March 1903)

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MARCH 14. THE NEW YOEK OLIPPm ■65 ,' v ,„,,ni, Salto, the Mexican cnulll- , SIC i',1 nuid balancer, closed on tile rielth fr<* ilt at Providence. She lias the I'roclor circuit to follow! , N , ut oa Broadway Co. ,,A n n l,lc"uccesii Tit the Star Theatre, *»* find last week. The local papers re- lieve and, a« «g ,£ 5 Mr £ m l- work™ legitimate comedy. JI mmIvbUm HAnniH .produced.their f 2,.r- 'Almost an Uncle," by Geo. Totten S^.S at the New Odeon Tlieatre. Bnltl- KSTlMft week, and It wns 11 pronounced "CJ tl.fcy Inform us. They play a re- KJ?V«•" roB,or ' 8 ' lhlB y ' A|, iiv Fro 13 Harry and Carrie Lakola, "the ,..»Vmrrlcon Japs." closed a season uf at- ll„ neoki in Du uth, Minn. They left Feb. 1?for s"knne. Wash., to open fob 23 at .» 1" ncoitranli Theatre for two weeks, with StSnSSia, Vancouver, Victoria and Portland to follow-, Their net, tlieywrite, .« iorelty from start to frnlsli, with new 'i..,. costumes and stage settings. Mr. n,K has completed his new finish for the net consisting of a Japanese transformation ^J&£8£«*«Sf* »f the National Amusement Co., in Bnltlmore, Md„ writes: 4nn cwn i» certainly a great ndvertls- iiKT'inedlum. From nur last ndvcrtiBoment »■? received upward of one thousand answers. nn<l have engaged some of the best vaude- ville acts In the business, and have also ■H*nMd offers from some of the best Sum- ."narks In the United States and Canada." jivrr lUimixaTOX -vsn Minus Maktell, In their travesty, "A Parlor Rehearsal" niiii the pen of Ken Shields, are on the Keith circuit, with a return engagement at Pastor's to follow. and Fki.oman write that they will play all the leading vaudeville parks npjt .Summer, opening In Chicago on May 25. They are booked In the high class vaudeville houses In the East next season, opening In Wiv York City In September. • IIowauv and Alton are playing dubs nnil smokers id St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Alton Ims been under the doctor's care for two months, hut Is able to work. II It, LonHBTT, the dancing Juggler, In- forms us that he has lost but three weeks In the past year. He has in preparation monv original and novel ideas. Next season he will he seen In a new act, consisting of Juggling, dancing, magic and comedy. ("has. and Jknxib Weisii have closed their season with Chas. E. Schilling's "Two Married Men" Co. (Western). They open ilirlr park season in May, at Nashville, Tenn. I'uuiKNo: YVilbuk, rag time piano player, Is playing the leading clubs of Connecticut. She Is having a new act written for her by ('has. Baker. r.Kt: Wi:n. has closed a successful engage- ment as a vaudeville feature with the Star Dramatic Co. Tin: ItonKRTS Four arc winning new frli'iids In the West. Their net, (hey report, Is meeting with siicceRB. They have recent- ly ilddeil Little Miss Pearl to their act, and are also using 11 'cello In the act. Annus SovritAnD opened at the Howard, ilnsdoh, Feb. 2, and has played Boston Ave weeks In succession, doing; her. parody sing- ing. She played week of Feb. 20 at the lliiwdnln Square Theatre, und was re-engaged fur the week of March 2. She Is booked solid until July. Mack and have closed with the Ciinle Square Stock Co., and are laying off nt their home In Hoboken, N. J. They have signed with Cnrlyle's Dog, l'ony und Vaudeville Co. for the coming season. Mauri. I)i:iiiiin(ieu has recovered from her recent Illness sufficiently to ill! her engage- ment*. She opened nt the Standard The- atre, cutlirlc, Okla., on March 2, for four WWKJI The Timer F.xGMsii Rosebuds (Elsie, Polly' and Vic) have been re-engaged for Ideas "Show Girl" for tho season, at the close of whirl) they return to Europe to fulfill engagements in the principal conti- nental music ballB. I'iiii., and Carrik Russell were well re- ceived nt Bradenburgh's, l'hiladclphla. This Week they..are at. Ui9..EnjpJrc 1 Washington, Jot: Bowers and Lillian Curtiss have rinsed with the Sam T. Jack Co., and will play dates tho rcBt of the season with their new uct, ".Uncle Pat's Birthday." , l-JnpiH J. Milled has just closed a suc- cessful engagement at the Scotia Lodge Fair, Glens Falls, N. y. On the closing ulglit ho was presented with a gold heart. set with three diamonds. He Is booked until April 20. MoNjton and St. Claiii (Walter and Hlolla) played the Tlvoll Theatre, Buffalo, weak of March 2. They report line success, presenting "The Chameleon Lady," with the 1 rnnsffir-ming robe, and the serpentine dance, with electrical effects. They arc nt the Star T|ieatro, Hamilton. Can., this week, with KitKtern dates to follow. NAT-8. JunojiE has closed with the "Uwts Adrift" Co.. and is playing clubs In mid around New York City. Mil. Ahustrong, of Armstrong and Holly, writes: "My new act, "The Expressman," Is n lilg hit, and the character, which Is new, is my own crention." D«' Vfii.DE and Zelda, novelty equilibrists, played tho Orphcon. ut Daveniiort. la., last week: und have Grand Rapids. Mich., and Marlon and Terro Haute. Ind., to follow. They have signed with Will S. Heck's Car- nival Co. for the season of lOOfi. Mabtin, - "king of the slack wire." Is bunked In the leading vaudeville houses. He Is at Atlantic City. N. J., after filling a four weeks' • engagement on Voting's Pier. Ti|t: Five St. J.eo.ns liave played vaude- ville dates for eleven weeks over the leading vnwlevll|e circuits of tho West, and are now In Cjlumlms. 0„ practicing mid preparing for the coming season with the Great Adam 1'iiivpnugli & Sells Bros.' Circus, making their second season with that aggregation. LaiikX Aiimond has joined hands with Jim and Elsie Bonliam. They have formed n trla. and will be known In the future as 'lif Carnival Trio. They are now book'ng for the Summer parks, and have the entire Southern circuit booked. The trio will pui. op an act lasting thirty-five minutes, milt led "A Convulsion of Mistakes." The Sharpi.iks and the How- Ann* played for the Knights of Honor en- iHi'talDment and ball, near West Wood, N. •'.. nt .Lnchraond's Hall, recently. After the "tttertalnment Clifford and Hall Invited them to Clifford Heights, their villa. In the conn- M?i Wllero they were pleasantly entertained for .several days. The Sharpllcs report a successful Winter season, having played flf- '.v-fnur social and club engagements, nnd nip hooked up until May, when they com- mence I heir park work. Mu.Lun and Knr.siio. "the rag time "wells." played the Grand Opera Mouse, In- ilinnnnolls. Ind., week of March 2, the home or Mr. Miller, when he was the recipient "f marlv bouquets frota his friends In that ■my-. The act. we are Informed. Is proving ", m F%?» lu the West, as it did In the prln- '''iwj Eastern houses. They play fhe Kohl « ensile circuit shortly, with other good Hmp tp follow. 1 |IB K8TATH OF THIS LATH WILLIAM n. »' Kt, T. the minstrel, was settled last week, according to reports from attorneys at Sy- IT.vJtft. »■ Js- H amounted to more than *i(i<)Mn, The brothers and sisters deeded "lelr share In the real property to tho ♦vidow. and received MOO.OOO In cash. (Jit.iiA Cannon, of the Two Cannons, writes: "While attending rny brother's fil- ters!, nt Philadelphia, on March 7. a mes- 38H Jofo'mlng me that mv sister had Just "Ml In i lie Pennsylvania Hospital, this lie- NKI.I.IH BUM has been eUKsiseil lu du Ut single net with the llrigaalew Uo nl 8 ., using her ten Society Bellfs In opening and closing the show Miss Burt will return to vaudeville next sensou with a. new tSnglS little C nlklng n!: 0t mslDg - *«flr««nl The Biiai;.\eck Sisters and CittiLvr\ have just closed a Biiccessful t» weeks' eiigngeinent at the Howard, lu Boston with ?• ftSfw 8 at the Mualc " a "' ""SB Fiiev and Fiki.ds report a very successful eiwgenient at Poll's Tlieat re 7wit C r bu ry Conn., and were engaged after their first low Water e bury Dd ,,rld «^ rt - ««^ to fol- Malcolm and White, jugglers mm unin. ners ami Hoop rollers, state they are mee° Ing with success in their new act? They are at Jcffers Theatre. Saginaw, Mich., this time y ° re bool "* i llp "° II(1 r °'' 8 """« ■J&S* 4 Hi *1 A . CIC '. com «dlan and baujolst. Y'\ tm , t tt( i m St / Augostlne, Fla.: "Mvaelj fi„li wl ^,„ ,mTC 4»»t arrived here from i'alm Beach. Fla., and will remain for two weeks, enjoying the beautiful Summer weather." U Cab won TEL la, who came East last hummer from Utah and the I'aclttc coast, will, after her three weeks' engagement In Uilcago, commencing March 2U, at the Olympic Theatre, come to New York, and will be seen all Summer nt the Tllyoti Steeplecliase Grotto Theatre, Coney Island, in a little fairyland play, as the fairy god- mother, and will also do her dancing and singing acts and her nosings. um "- ,os " na VEnx Thomas, formerly of the Thomas Irlo, will return to the vaudeville stage In a single refined German act. Ida McIntyiib Is slowly recuperating from a broken ankle, and Is able to lie m-ound on crutches. Miss Mclntyre Is of the team of Mclntyre and Sears. She was formerly known as Princess Ida. * Mitchell and Browning report that their new act, entitled "A Foolish Man," Is a big success. Downey and Vanetta closed with Fred Irwin's Big Show In Buffalo, N. Y., Feb 28 to fill the time that they have booked In the »A est. Leona Raymond and Edna Wayne have been reengaged with the W. B. Watson Americans Co. for 1003-4. John and Beiitiia Gleason closed a suc- cessful engagement over the Keith circuit. and this week are nt the Chicago Opera House, Chicago. Tub Misses Raymond and Sortonia played Schenectady, R. Y., last week, and were held over another week, after which they open at Bradenburgh's, Philadelphia, for two weeks. They have signed with Herbert. Gunnings & Murray's Combined Shows for the season, which opens early in May. Rilf.t and Hughes have Just finished a four weeks' engagement over the Kohl & Castle circuit. They opened nt the Main Street Theatre. Pcorln, 111., March 2, and were re-engaged for this week. Threlkklii and Wickio write: "We have been compelled to lay off on account of the Illness of Miss Wlcke, being ill with the grip. We have worked steadily since Christmas of 1901. We have a new act In preparation for next season, and it Is quite different from the usual 'musical' acts. We are booked over the Wells circuit of Summer parka." Zimsier, the juggler, closes with the Great Lafayette Show March 14. He writes that he Is booked up until September. Raymond and Haiit have joined the "Looping the l.oop" Co., and their act, they write. Is meeting with success. The Finnioans played two successful weeks at the Orpbeiim Tlieatre, Terre Haute, lad., with Anderson, Marion and other work to follow. Wii.kv Hamilton and Ruth Wiley, of tho BIJou Stock Co., Washington, D. C„ weii! tailed home on March 7 to Houston, Tex., owing to the dangerous Illness of Mr. Hamilton's mother. Blair and McNiii.ty have closed twenty- live weeks with French's "Xew Sensation," ..nnd will play a few Southern dates previous to opening on the Kohl & Castle circuit. MumomU, who is working alone, re- cently filled successful engagements In Pitts- burg. Wilmington und Bnltlmore. His wife, Luetic Mnzzlottn. will spend the Summer -at Iter home In Columbus, 0. Wiavr.n and I.ambeiit have received five new costumes, which are said to he marvels of the costumer's art, to be worn in their electrical change net, taken from "Tho Kmer- nld Isle." 4* » ALABAMA. ILLINOIS. It Ml ■y|U r , , n»"»cond death in my family within jnd rejoin Mobile.—At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tnn- neubaum, manager).—"Arizona" came Feb. 27, mntlncc mid night, to good business. The Four Cohans came March 2, to a large audience. Coming: "Mr. Jolly of, Joliet," 13; Richard MansAcld 14, Kltery's Itoyul Italian Band 1G, 17, two matinee aud two night performances. IIascottb TniiATRH (T)ucoiirnmi Bros., managers).—Good business prevailed woek of 2, and the following well known per- formers held the boards: Artlo Fillmore, Llska Spencer. Hewey George, Joe Ducour- nnn. George Thomas, Violet It. Keith, and l'nklo La zaru, female Impersonator; licrtlm Sherwood, Thelma King and Mary Cox. Booked for week of 0: The Multbys, and Grace Knowlton. Notes. —Frank Zarn, the necromancer. and Buck Taylor are playing tho snia'l towns along the Mobile, Jackson aud Kan- sas City Railroad, aud are meeting with great success....Ducournau's Klectrie Caln- nnut closed a most successful engagement Kelt. 28, nnd will open In Covington. Tenn.. March 23. The company leaves here 18 for Covington, with tlie following people: Sndle Woods. Mabel Wells. Stella Ducour : nau, Leon Ducournnu, managing owner; Julius (Skip) Ducournnu and Luke Murray, electricians; L. J. Clark, treasurer; Adolnh Bauer, advertising ogent, nnd A. J. Dickin- son, stage carpenter Luck Wnlnwrlght, a well known minstrel end man and banjo soloist, who retired from the Btnge'u number of years ago, Is living in this city, and en- gaged in piano tuning. Air, Wnlnwrlght him been connected with the beat minstrel companies in days gone by. ..'•,' ■ ■ Woiitgoiiiery. — At the Montgomery Theatre (Hlrscher Bros., managers).—The Four Cohans, presenting "The Governor s Son," convulsed nn S. It. O. house March 3. .In. Smith Marks, Ktbel Levey and lillxnbeth Woodson, who takes Josephine Cobnn's rote during the lntter's Illness, divided, honors with the stars. Rice and Wise, w tli good support, pleased a small audience with "Aro You a Mason?" 4. Coming: The Bostonians 10. "Mr. Jolly of Joliet" It. : McDonald's TnnATBti (G. F. McDonald, mnnnger.—Dark week of 2. Notk —The artistic memorial number of Tire CLiri-Bii has drawn much favorable comment, not only from the profosslou nnd malingers, but from the people at large In this community. t Scimn At the Academy of Music (Long k Rees, managers.—"Arizona" pleased a fair houso Feb. 20. The Four Cohans played, to a full house, March 4, and a bet- ter pleased audience would lie hnrd to find. Coming: "Atc You n Mason?" B," the Boston- Inns 11, "Foxy Qnlller" 14. ♦*♦ — Cecelia LoftuB has recovered from th» effects of her recent siirglenl operation, nnd rejoins B. H. Sot hern's to, on Tuesday, if arch 10. ' - ' • ' •- Chlcnwo.—The sudden death, from diph- theria. «r Do Witt Clinton, leading man of the l'laycm' Slock Co., nt the Bush Temple, early morning of .March it, cast n gloom over locnl theatrical circles last week. Sympathy for his bereaved wife, Kdua Kllsmere, who had been playing with him In the Bush Tem- ple Co., found expression In a benefit per- formance of "The Mtrnngo Adventures of Miss Brown," on Friday evening, at which time the houso was packed to its capacity, and Manager T. C. Glenson donated the en- tire receipts. Mr. Clinton hnd become a popular favorite with Xorth aiders who frequent tho Bush Temple, and his personal popularity in the neighborhood of the then- ire was pronounced. His widow was con- soled by many expressions of svmpnthy, and the proceeds of tho substantial testimonial will enable her to go to her home In Cali- fornia for a change of scene nnd climate, as her health has not been good lu Chicago. Interest In current theatrical developments cenlres in Henrietta Crosman's appearance In "The Sword of the King," nt the Grand. The destruction of her entire production of the piav in the Pike Opera House tire hns been followed by an entirely new equipment, built, within 11 fortnight, and announced ns complete and perfect la all details. Sym- pathy for this unfortunate, yet plucky and enterprising, lady will doubtless tend to add materially to the receipts during her en- gagement, although she Is an established favorite liercnbouts, and under ordinary cir- cumstances would attract capacity business upon her personal merits and the ex- cellent repute which has preceded "The Sword of the King." Illinois Theatre (Will J. Davis, mana- ger).—Francis YVllsou opened to capacity business, la "The Toreador," and this spa- cious theatre has been oiled completely at every performance since then. Two weeks still remain of what gives every Indica- tion of being Mr. Wilson's most profitable Chicago engagement. The tuneful music ami lively fun of the piece affords In Itself excellent entertainment, but the sprightly antics of the clever star add a host of fun to the plethora of merriment which other- wise abounds. "The Toreador" Is generally conceded to be the best amusement of the season. Grand Opkha House (Harry L. Hamlin, manager).—Henrietta Crosman opens her two weeks' engagement, In "The Sword of the King," on Monday evening. Jefferson De Angells holds over for n Sunday night performance of "The Kmerald Isle," con- cluding a week of gratifying prosperity. Star, company nnd opera came In for much commendation, nnd the large audiences at- tested their appreciation In enthusiastic ap- plause. McVickeii's 'J'jiE.iTHt: (Sol Lltt, business manager).—James O'Neill's production of "The Manxman," which opens Sunday night, will Introduce that popular star In a role new to Chlcngonns. Some of his associate players will be May Buckley, Annie Wood, Joseph Kllgour, Chas. Kent and Frank Con- nors. Kyrlc Bellow's fortnight In "A Gen- tleman of France," which ended Saturday night, wns one round of capacity business. Powers' Tiieatrf. (Harry J. Powers, manager).—Wm. Fnversham opens in "Im- prudence" 0. John Drew's fortnight la "The Mummy nnd the Humming Bird" cud- cd 7. SlUDEBAKEIl TltKATRB (Charles . C. CUT- tlss, director).—The new edition of "Peggy from I'orls," which went on 2, Is voted a vast Improvement over the original presen- tation. The costuming Is exceedingly lav- ish and often beautiful, the music Is gen- erally tuneful, and much of George Ado's comedy Is comically fetching In results. Josle Sadler Is ono of the artistic hits of the show. Great Northern Thkatrij (Edward Smith, manager).—"Are Yon a Mnson?" opens for one week Sunday mntlnee, 8, following nan- Ions' "Superbn," which was accorded tho succession of packed houses which invariably reward meritorious attractions ut tills popu- lar theatre. Oharuobn Theatre (W. W. Tlllotson, manager).—The stock company, headed by Minnie Ryu 11 nnd Howard uould, this week present "Sweet Lavender," which succeeds presentations of "At the While Horse Tav- ern," which Inst week nltrncted the custom- nry large audiences. Criterion Tiii-:atiim (Lincoln J. Carter, manager).—"Search Lights of a Great City" moves over to the North side to begin a week's engagement with the Suuday mntlnee, being succeeded, l.">, by "The Little Mother." Last week large audiences were attracted by tlie twice dally presentations of Mr. Carter's melodrama, "The Heart of Chicago," nnd evidences of satisfaction were expressed lu appreciative applause. A1.1t ambha Tukatbb (James n. Browne, resident niunnger).—Lincoln J. Carter"! "Alaska" Is the current offering, starting with the usual Sunday mntluec. Last week business was excellent with "A Kentucky Feud." which proved to lie n pluy of many stirring scenes and situations, quite to tlie liking of patrons of fills resort. Bijou Theatrh (Wm. Newklrk. resident manager).—It. L. Crescy this week presents Elsie Crescy, in "A Ruined Life." The en- gagement opens with the customary Sunday matinee. Last week Hnrtlg & Seamon's production of "Old Sleuth" attracted limit- ed turnouts, nn unusual condition of n (fairs at this popular theatre. Cecil Owen and Edith Miller had lending roles, with n fair supporting company. Academy ok 1 Mchic (Wm. Roche, resident manager).—Wm. T. Keogb's "A Kentucky Feud" moves over to begin a week on tho West side Sunday afternoon, 8. Monroe & Armstrong's "Search Lights of a Great City" drew .large audiences, und gnve ex- cellent satisfaction last week. The present- ing company was capable and tliu production well mnde. ' _ Columbus Theatrh (TIios. P. Hanks, manager).—Margnret May. In "Winchester." opens for a week nn Sunday afternoon, nnd will be followed 15 by Jules Walters' "Just Struck Town." Last week that liandsouio and gifted actress. Lnvlnla Shannon. In "Be- yond Pardon." opened the Stair & Hnvlln scries of bookings most auspiciously, largo turnouts being In evidence throughout her engagement. TitMTV-riHftT Street Theatre (Charles P. Elliott, manager).—"Held by Hie Enemy" Is the offering of tlie Columbus Stock Co.. entering upon tts second week 8. Anna Sutherland and Richard Buhler, of course, have the leading roles. Last week "Tho Resurrection" attracted large turnouts. It was tho first week of the stock company In Its new location nnd Indications point to a successful outcome of the move from the Columbus Theatre. There Is ample room for the exorcise of Mnnnger Elliott's hustling proclivities, and It will require strenuous efforts to win and maintain success. The bouse Is III suited to dramatic presentations, but early nnd needed nlterntloiis and Im- provements nre promised. New American Tiikatiie (John Connors, manager).—This week's hill Is "Captain Swift." with Lawrence Grattan and Laura Alberta leading the house stock company. Lnst week "The Lund of the Cajuns" wns presented, with Miss Alberta out of the hill. Large audiences nre continually In evidence at the two dally performances given here. Bubii Temple TilHATnB (T, C. Oleason, manager).—Unfamiliar to Cblcogonns In "Napoleon's Son." which the stock company this week presents. The play was written by George noey a couple of years ago, when tho demand for "L'Alglon"' was at' Us lielghtb. The death of De Witt Clin- ton did not Interfere wltb last week's pre- sentations of "The Strange Adventures' of Miss Brown," n* John Daly Murphy and Alcen May assumed, without rehearsal, the lules assigned to Mr. Clinton and' his wife, Edna Ellsmerc. tli.icKMAN'M Theatre (Edwin A. Relkln, business manager).—"Queen Esther." nfoiir net opera. Is the offering of the Gllckinau Jewish Stock Co. at this house for the last half of the current week. "Uncle. Tom's Cabin" was given lu Yiddish the last half of lust' week, for the first time In Chicago, attracting tho usual "Ton!" business— packed houses, La Ball*: Tukatrh (Mark (1. Lewis, man- ager).—"Tom Tom" enters Its last week 8. being scheduled to give way to Raymond Peck s new musical comedy, "Hubes and Hoses," next Sunday evening. Good business continues, the managerial reward. Ciiicaoo Opera IIovse (Kohl A Castle, managers).—For week of 0: Hattle Kenton, Wlllams and Weston, the Little Prince Sis- ters. Rossi re, Waldron Brothers, Les Frasettles, Gertie Lo> Claire, Orth nnd Fern, John and Bertha Oleason, ticorgo W. Day, Juggling Drawee, Yorkc.and Adams, 1'iuil Barnes and Co., Stavordnlo Quintette, l'revost and Prevost, anil the klnodrome. Lnst week's bill had Frnnccsca Redding nnd Co., In "The Duchess of Devonshire," as au nt tractive feature, with Blnns, Blnns nnd Blnus, Alcldo Cnpitnlue, and Arthur Deinlug In strong favor. Business Is simply Im- mense. Olympic Tiikatiie (Kohl & Castle, man- agers).—This week's bill names Mnrtln nnd Kldgewny, Juggling Jordnns, Itosa Lee Tyler. Aruln nnd Wagner, Mnrtln and Qulgg, the Cole De 1.08 Duo, Fred Kteuber, Flsko nud Mclktnougb, Jules nnd Kiln Garrison, La Mnr nud Gabriel, Irving Hnwley, the Three Mor- tons, Fisher and Carroll, the Three Osnatos and the klnodrome. Members of tho Or- pheum Show led In favor Inst week. Mclntyre nnd Heath, Nat M. Wills, and Long and Cot- ton making pronounced bits. Business Is on the capacity order always. IIavmakket Tiieai'iik (W, W. Freeman, mnnnger for Kohl * Castle).—Week of 0: Koam-c and Chaplain, Mr. nud Mrs. Heed, Novelty Trio, George Austin. O'llelllv nnd MnnnluK. Rawson nnd June. Mignonette Ko- kin. Oallettl's monkeys, Nat M. Wills, Long and Cotton, the Mclani Trio, and the klno- drome. The list Includes the Orplieuui Show. C. II. ITntban's unique specialty was n much appreciated novelty In Inst week's, bill, and Cressey nnd Dnyne made a hit lu "Bill Blffln'n Baby." Capacity attendance rules continually, Sam T. Jack's Opera Houkb (Sidney .1. Fuson, mnnnger).—Illce & Burton's Big Gulety nnd Kxtrnvnganuv Co. plays this s|>oke lu "The Wheel." starting Sundnv mntlnee, 8, Lawrence Weber's Parisian Widows wns rewarded for last week's en- tertaining efforts by packed houses, and there was a pervading sentiment of satis- faction which was complimentary to tho management. Hopkins' Theatre (Empire Circuit Co., directors).—Iloliert Pultons Jolly Grnss Widows make this resort their hcadqiiiirters for the current days. Last week Tom Miner's Bohemian Ilurlesquers fared very woll In- deed, attracting u little better than aver- ago attendance. The show gave universal sntlsfnction to those who were In attend- ance upon tho two dally performances. Miaco'a Tn uc a hero (Robert Fulton, man- ager).—"Stolen Sweets" Is the burlesque of- fering this week, with clever Alex, Cnrr nud handsome May Howard in tlie leading roles. Last week's entertainment won mer- ited approval and largo patronage. Aside from tho burlesque, "In Gay Paris," there was an entertaining olio, to which Du Rao and Watson, the Hawaiian Glee Club, Handy and Wilson, and the living picture models contributed. Garrick Theatre (Matt Kusell, mnnn- f;er).—The slock company, headed by Wll- nrd Bolimnu and Karherlne Stnndlsfi,* pre- sents this week "Tho Two Orphans." Jeanette Lincoln Is a speclnl engagement for singing specialties between acta. Last week "T'no Police Alarm" was liberally pul- ronlzed, and gnve excellent satisfaction. Omsk Street Museum (Geo. MIddlcton, manager).— mi Isabel, a fortune teller. Is one curio hall, feature, and "Baby Jo" another. Other' attractions will bo Prof. Wood's opium den, the Be Roches' seven days of hypnotic sleep, nnd Wallin aad Tekln, strong team. In the theatre tho Hue up will Include the Rice Brothers, Dutch comedians: Nellie Brandon, song and dance, und J. R. Flerson, ballad singer. London- Dime Mufwuit 1 Win. J. Sweeney, manager).—Good shows nr« always found here, and business Is accordingly excellent. For week of 11: Curio hull—The Sponccrs, Madam Da Vere, bearded lody; Dotly Junes nnd Jessie Frank, bag punchers, aud Prof. Biggins nnd his talking figures. In the thentre—Cora, Rosa, nudsevornl spcclnltlcs. Aftermath, —"Green Week" will bo cole- braled by the locnl stock organizations with appropriate presentations. "Robert ICmmct," "Sliamiis O'Brleu" and "ICnthlcen Mavour- neen" being among tho Irish notables who will entertain us miring tho week which em- braces St. Padrick's Day George Bnrry Is tho new director at 'the American The- ntre II. C. Campbell returned Satur- day from the meeting of the Anoclatcd Bill Posters' lmard of directors, nt New Orleans. ......William Sells, of the Sells & Downs Show, came In from Topeka for a couple of days last week. D. Phillip Phillips succeeded In negotiating for the services of Frank James and Colo Younger to head the James & Younger Wild West Shows, which will take the rond from here this Spring..., Alex Carr Is to receive a Imnellt at l'rocii- doro 12 Fred Wlldmann has returned from « three weeks* pleasure trip to Hot Springs Oils Skinner, In "Lasuirre," opened a new opera house at Hammond. Ind.. March 4 John J, Welch anil ihiuiin Cluus were married by Justice Wolf, In thin city, March L*. Miss Clnus Is a mem- ber of the Trocudcro Burlesque forces, nnd Mr. Welch Is 11 variety performer Mnrtln Beck nnd C. I-:. Kohl mode a trip to Cincinnati to attend a meeting of tho Anderson Thentre Co., of which they nre directors. .. .Nat Fields, who lias been com- edian nt the Trocndero during the season, closed Saturday night Inst, and took a late train for New York. ' Ills lirother, Sol. who has also been In the company as com- edian, also closed. Both aro brothers of Lew Fields, and their services were contracted for by Manager Robert Kulloii at the time ho secured the rights to produce the Weber & Fields' burlesques at Trocndero The Three Connolly Sisters closed their engage- ment at Trocndero Feb. 28 The Gar- rick Tlieatre Stork Co. gave Ha two hun- dredth performance March T. the event be- ing marked by n souvenir distribution Hdward siinvne has closed a contract with Stnlr tc Hnvlln for a season of high class vaudeville at the Grand Opera House. Grand Ituplds. Mich., to begin early In April Vers Hart, Nellie l'hllllpl and Gertrude Dun- lap ore new members of tho Trocadero's burlesque forces Tho Marquotfo. Thea- tre, In the southwestern part of Hie city, reports prosiierlly with stock company pre- sentations. Marlon St. t'lulr and Georgn A. Henderson hnve the lends, and this week's bill Is "Kirk o' tlie Woods." .Bookings nt tho Culuinet Theatre, South Chicago, for the month Include: Pnnl Ollmore, In "Tho Tyranny of Tears." 8; Swedish Lndlen' Quintette III. Annie Oakley, In "A Western Girt" 14; "KntMnJnrarner'ii Kids" IB, "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" 21, "Tbo White Slave" 2'.'. Manager J. T. Conners reports splendid business. » Peoria,—At the Grand (Chamherlln. Har- rington & Co., managers).—"Through Hie Centre of the Kurth," March 1, had the usual good Sunday houso. "The Christian," i, and "The Sliver Dagger," :t, drew onfv fair houses. Puul Ollmore, In "The Tvrannv of Tears," 4, bad a poor bouse, and "The Chaperons" fi. Coming: Mason and Mason l.'l. "Tho Lighthouse Robbery" 15. "Captain Jinks" 17, "Tho Resurrection': 18, "King Dodo" 20. Main Street Tiikatiir (Will Nnsh. man- ager).—Good business was the rule Hip past week, tho Metropolitan Minstrels being a drawing feature. Rooked week of li: Lyline mid Kennedy, Two Francellns, Burke's musical dogs, Beranrd Dyllyn, Florence Bench, Frunk Rcnard. Weast's Tiieatiik (P. A. Wcast, pro- urlrtot-l.—Very good business rales, and It bids fair to continue. Week of 8 : tlardnoi-, West nml Sunshine, Beverly nnd Dinner-., Delphlno and Delinore, Innls and Ilyan, Wheeler and Wilson, Jacobs' Tiibatuh (A. F, Jacobs, pro- prietor).—"East Lyuuc," week of March 1, by the stock, proved n good card. Tho stock will continue indefinitely, changing the bill weekly. Noti:b.— Frank L. Terley Joined his "Chnp- erous' Co. here, to bo with them a few days Mnnagcr Jacobs lias secured Ter- minal l'nrk, n resort below tbo city, nnd will make things hum thero this Summer. 1 Decntnr.—At Powers' Qrand Opera Mouse (Fred J. Given, manager).—Seats for "II Trovntore," by tho Castle Hqiiaro Opera Co., Feb. 27, were all Hold, nnd at n premium, within two hours of the opening of Hut sale. To accommodate tho disappointed. 11 special matlueo was arranged, 11ml "Car- men" was presented, to a very good house. HI Henry's Minstrels. 28, had good busi- ness, mntlnee nud evening. There was 11 little disappointment because Mnrguer'tii Sylva did not npnenr in "Tho Si rollers." MnrcU 2, but otherwise) tho entertainment was n success, nud wns well pntroulxeil. Coming: "York Slate Folks" B. Mabani's Minstrels (1, "Florodnrn" 14, "Tho Chris- tian" 1", "Cnptnln Jinks" 20, "The Mid- night Express" 21. tk«lno>-.—At tlto Kmnlre Thentre (W. L. J'nssintire. ninnngcn.—"Han Toy" hnd n goml house Feb. 211. "Rudolph mid Adoiph" did 11 fair business 27. "Hunting for Hawkins" played, to small business, March 2. Coin- ing- ''The Chrlstlnn'* (I, III Henry's Min- strels n, "A Woman's Bncrlllce" 11. Walker Whiteside HI. "King Undo" 14, "C1111I11I11 Jinks" HI, "Tho (initio Keeper" 17. ■ ♦*-» LOUISIANA, New OrleniiM.—At the Tulnne Theatre (W. II. Bowles, mnnnger).—'Clin Host milium lilnyed their nniinol engagement week uf March 1. presenting "Robin Hood" nnd "Maid Marian," lo largo and ii|i|trpchillv« nudlences. (Irnco Van Studdlford proved an Idenl prima donnn, and will alwnys lie wel- comed back to the Crescent City. W. II. McDonald was Indisposed during their <>n- cngeniBiit here, but his placo was ably Illicit by McDonald Dorrlngton. "Arc You n Mn- son*" 814. Richard Mansfield 1(1-21. CRK8CKNT TllKATMH (W. II. ItowleH, moil- ngcr).—S. R. 0. greeted "Happy Hooligan" March 1, and pneked houses prcdonilunlcil throughout Hie week. The splendid work of Ross Snow, ns "Hnppy," won him rounds of applause, while Win. Ilallldny, I'nni tjulnti, Frank otto, Ed. Hegley, Hullo hail- ing, and the I'lin-Amerlrau Four were de- serving of special mention, The show car- ries a large chorus of pretty girls, who proved themselves apt lu clever drills. innrchcs, etc. "Lost Iflvnr" 8-14, with "Thn Heart of Mnrylmd" to follow. Giiani) Ol'Kii.t IIoiinb (II. Ciroonwnll, num. ngcr).—Clou. Ober, the well known com.-- illnii, began a four weeks' engagement nt this house 1, to packed houses, matlnon and night, nud good business, considering Lorn, followed all week, "A Temperance Town was tbo hill offered, and tho popular comedy was received with much favor. Carrie Lu- mont wns especially secured for this en- gagement, and, with- tbo Grand's houso stork emu puny, gnvo Mr, Ober oxcolleut snppori. Tho work of Frank Sheridan, Tom J. Ke- iiugh, Wilson Deal, J. J. Flynne, Biro Vun Duscr. Llzzio Montgomery, nnd chnrmliig Esllier Lyou, ns Ruth, was deserving nt spoclnl mention. For week of 8. "Wlint Hap- pened to Jones," to be followed IB Willi "A Midnight. Boll." FiiKNcit Oi'Kit.i Hotisn (P. Chnrlny, mnn- agnr).—Several benefit parforuinnctw worn given by tho remaining moinlxm of the Fi-oneli Opera Co. during week of 1, so as to eunlilo the different members to secure transporta- tion back to France. The unfortunate nail- ing of tho season Is being regretted by thn lovers of French opera. Ht. CtiAiti.KH Ont'iinuM (Chas. I<). Brny. manager).—Tho usiinl big week's business was done week of 2, nnd each and every net scored big. Among those on the new bill f<u- week of II nre: Mllly Cniwll. French Him, Fields nnd Hanson, Groen nnd Wer- ner, Funny Rice, Dcrrniln and Brciiu, Si-otl Bros., nud new moving pictures. Nim:».—After nil arrangements had been completed, and remodeling Tulnne Hall for tlie linldivlu-Melvllli! Stock Co. lind com- menced, some differences arose between lessee nnd lessor, and tho deal wns railed off. Manager Wulter H. Baldwin, being 1111 uble to secure nuy olhor suitable theatre, concluded to take ids company to lliiffnlo, where they aro to open 1). The entire com- pany, with Mm exception of Amelia Gnnlni-i' nnd Ida Adair, who left for Now York, find lister Lonergnn, who went to 'Frisco, left for Buffalo, accompanied !>v Mnnnger B11I1I- wln nnd his interesting family. Muniigeis Baldwin anil Fonrfon announce, that tluiv will have a now house here next sensou, und' the Bnldwln-Melvlllo Stock Co.. wllb all Its favorites, will be warmly welcomed back to tho Crescent City Manager (.'has. II. Bray, of the Orplicum, was pre- sented with a handsome Mnsonlc Jivweleil emblem for his watch chain by Ills friends last week.... Jake Wells, thn popular theal- rlciil iniiiiiiger, wns In this clfy 1, for a few days. He hns 11 ileal on to secure two of the locnl theatres (luring thn latter pari of the season (Ins Wonnr, the papulae Orplmum Theatre treasurer, will assume his now position ah secretary und treasurer of tho New Orleans 11. II. Club I). Ills id ace in Hie box office will be filled by 10. Wliislim, n popular iiuwspapcr man William II. Pickens, late manager of Hnst I'nil Park, llrlmlnglinin, Aim. hut now representing tho Jake Wells Hummer Park circuit, wns n illy visitor r> Major Tom Campbell, of (he Tulnne nnd Crescent theatres, was- n HtirTcrcr from an attack of grip, ilia many friends will h«< pleased to inarn he Is up und about again Conductor Arninud Venstle. a local solo cornnttist of well known ability, has secured tho contract for his concert bnud for West Fnd this Summer Mrs. Jo etc I'.verliiinlt, formerly known ns Llsizlo riuiv. the dancer, hut now retired from the singe. Is ft drat nighfer each week nt tho Orpbuiim Thentre, nccoinpnnlcd by her husband, uow retired from tho prize ring, < «♦ SOUTH CAROLINA. Charlotte.—At the Academy of Music (Jno. H. Elburg. manager).—Mabel Paige, week of Feb. 2,1, played to good business. "Hello, Bill," hnd a small bouse March 2. "Mr. Jolly of Joliet" played, to fnlr busi- ness,'8. Primrose k Dockstader's Minstrels lind 0 good advance sale 4. "Bweet Clover" fi, "Tho Prisoner of Zcndn" 7, Mellaril Mnnslleld arrives 11, tho Four Column 12, ♦ » » — Mrs. Ed, Byer desires Information con- cerning the whereabouts of Iter husband, who Is known professlonnlly ns Chicago Ed, Mrs, Dyers' address Is Mcuecn, Mich.